Gaviscon is it possible for pregnant women in the early stages. Instructions for the use of gaviscon in early and late pregnancy, indications and contraindications, analogues

The drug "Gaviscon" during pregnancy is the best drug for getting rid of heartburn. Such a sensation appears as a result of the acidic contents of the stomach being thrown into the esophagus and a chemical burn of the latter. Contribute to the development of heartburn, some predisposing factors, which include pregnancy. This is due to the relaxation of the esophageal-gastric sphincter, as well as an increase in the growing fetus and uterus, which put pressure on the stomach.

What causes heartburn

In addition, there are other factors that contribute to the appearance of a burning sensation: the use of fried and fatty foods, coffee, alcohol and smoking. More than half of pregnant women suffer from this problem. It has a damaging effect not only hydrochloric acid, but bile enzymes and pepsin, which are the constituent contents of gastric juice. That is why, in order to eliminate heartburn, the drug must have an impact on all parts of its development. The complex remedy "Gaviscon" during pregnancy satisfies these requirements. Lack of adequate and timely treatment can lead to serious complications, such as:

Bleeding from vessels;

Narrowing of the esophagus.

General characteristics of the drug

The main active ingredients are calcium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, sodium alginate. Auxiliary components: potassium acesulfame, copovidone, aspartame, magnesium stearate, macrogol, mannitol. Available in the form of tablets and suspensions for oral administration. The drug "Gaviscon" during pregnancy forms a neutral gel, reacting to acidic gastric contents, while not damaging the mucous membranes of the stomach and esophagus. And subsequently prevents the occurrence of heartburn.

Indications for admission

"Gaviscon" suspension is prescribed to pregnant women for only one indication - this is heartburn associated with high acidity of gastric juice or with its pronounced reflux into the esophagus. The unique composition of the drug allows you to achieve a therapeutic, most pronounced effect in a short time and keep it for a long time.

The drug "Gaviscon" during pregnancy: application

This drug has a local effect, so it does not enter the general circulation and is not delivered to the fetus. "Gaviscon" tablets are therefore approved for use during pregnancy. This has been confirmed by numerous studies of the drug. Cases of negative effects on the course of pregnancy and the fetus have not been registered, at the same time, the medicine effectively and safely eliminates heartburn when carrying a child. It is recommended to take one tablespoon of the suspension or one tablet at bedtime and after meals.

Side effects

The drug "Gaviscon" is a tool with excellent tolerance, including during pregnancy. Of the side effects, only allergic minimal reactions, manifested by itching, skin rash, have been registered.


The appointment of the drug "Gaviscon" should be avoided in case of individual hypersensitivity to the substances that make up its composition.

Frequent snacking on the run and unbalanced nutrition become one of the causes of impaired performance in the digestive system, which leads to an increase in the level of acidity of gastric juice and the development of unpleasant symptoms, in the form of heartburn, a feeling of heaviness and belching. To stop such violations, most often Gaviscon is prescribed which has several varieties that differ from each other in the form of release, the presence of active substances and the level of dosage.

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The unique composition of Gaviscon

Gaviscon is considered one of the most popular antacid drugs, effective in throwing stomach acid into the esophageal cavity and developing severe heartburn. The preparation contains three main ingredients:

  1. Sodium alginate, which has an enveloping effect.
  2. Calcium carbonate, or chalk, which restores the acid-base balance in the digestive system.
  3. Sodium bicarbonate, which is known to everyone in everyday life as baking soda, which neutralizes the acidity of the juice in the stomach.

The main therapeutic effect is sodium alginate, and the remaining two components contribute to the enhancement of its medicinal properties, by relieving heartburn attacks, pain and belching with a sour taste.

Gaviscon release forms

Manufacturers of Gaviscon offer this medication in the form of tablets, which should not be washed down, but must be thoroughly chewed in the mouth, as well as in the form of a liquid suspension. But besides this, there are two more varieties - this is the liquid and tablet form of Gaviscon Double Action and the suspension of Gaviscon Forte:

  • Gaviscon tablets- Available in mint and lemon flavors. In one package there can be 16 or 32 tablets containing, in addition to the main three active ingredients, components that provide an auxiliary effect in the form of carbomer, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, purified water and other substances for the absorption of the drug by the human body.
  • Gaviscon suspension- has a pleasant mint flavor, is available in bottles with volumes of 600, 300 and 150 ml. It contains the same main components and excipients as its tablet form.
  • Gaviscon Dual Action in suspension. The composition of one package may include 4, 12 and 24 multi-layer bags of an elongated shape. Also available in bottles of 150, 300 and 600 ml. The composition of the drug includes the same components as in the previous forms of Gaviscon, only the concentration of sodium alginate is doubled.
  • Gaviscon Dual Action in tablets is available in packs containing 1 or 2 blisters with 16 tablets with a mint flavor. The composition is similar to the liquid form of the drug. It is not necessary to drink tablets, they are used by carefully chewing.
  • Suspended form of Gaviscon Forte– is available in packs containing 20 multilayer sachets filled with 10 ml. suspensions, and in vials of 150 and 300 ml. The composition of this drug is represented by two active ingredients: a double concentration of sodium alginate and a standard rate of sodium bicarbonate, and calcium carbonate is excluded.

What is Gaviscon used for?

Appointed by Gaviscon from dyspeptic disorders of the digestive system that occur against the background of increased acidity in the composition of gastric juice and gastroesophageal reflux in the form of heartburn and belching with a sour taste, as well as a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the abdominal cavity that appears after eating and during pregnancy.

The action of the drug begins from the moment of its penetration into the cavity of the stomach, where, when interacting with the acidic environment of gastric juice, it turns into a gel-like mass.

The resulting gel envelops all surfaces of the organ, creating a protective film that prevents the contents of the stomach from being thrown into the esophageal cavity.

Gaviscon has a neutral level of acidity, so it does not affect the digestive processes in any way, it only has a protective effect on the walls of the stomach.

A burning feeling of heartburn occurs when the esophageal sphincter is weakened, against which there is an intense reflux of gastric juice and its contents into the esophageal cavity. When taking an antacid, reflux does not occur. In extreme cases, when the contents are thrown into the esophagus, the gel-like component of Gaviscon is the first to penetrate into its cavity, which envelops its walls and protects them from damage by an acidic environment and the occurrence of pain.

Important! Gaviscon is a drug for local symptomatic treatment, which does not have any effect on the very cause of the development of a pathological disorder in the functionality of the digestive system.

It begins to act already at the 4th minute after administration and retains its effect from 3 to 4 hours.

Contraindications to the use of Gaviscon

This antacid medication has practically no contraindications.
, in addition to individual intolerance to the presence of the main active ingredients that make up the dosage form and the age limit up to 12 years.

Although children over 6 years old, this remedy can also be prescribed, but only in a hospital setting.

With the utmost care the drug should be taken with the development of the following pathologies:

  • hypocalcemia;
  • renal failure;
  • hyperphosphatemia;
  • phenylketonuria;
  • nephrocalcinosis.

How to drink Gaviscon

Before you start using the medicine, you should carefully study the attached instructions for use, since the single-dose dose and the course treatment regimen completely depend on its form of release.

Taking Gaviscon Suspension

This type of drug can be taken children over 12 years of age and adults. 10-20 ml, depending on the manifestation of pathological symptoms, it is recommended to drink after each meal, as well as before going to bed in the evening. The maximum level of daily intake should not exceed 80 ml.

Children over the age of 6 years are allowed to use Gaviscon no more than 40 ml. per day.

Important! The liquid form of Gaviscon contributes to a prolonged effect on the digestive system, therefore, it is allowed for children from the age of 6, but under the supervision of the attending physician.

Children should take the drug in the same sequence as adults, observing the norm of a single dose of not more than 10 ml.

Taking Gaviscon tablets

The dosage level for children under 12 years of age should be prescribed only by the attending physician.

Taking Gaviscon Dual Action Suspension

This form of the drug should be taken according to the same regimen as Gaviscon suspensions. The only thing is that young children under the age of 12, but older than 6 years, should be given medicine under the supervision of a doctor.

Taking Gaviscon Dual Action Pills

Gaviscon dual action tablets are contraindicated in children under 12 years of age.

For the rest of the age group, the tablet form of this drug should be taken after the end of each meal and before going to bed in the evening, in the amount of 1-2 tablets.

You can drink about 15 minutes after taking the drug.

Taking Gaviscon during pregnancy and breastfeeding

During pregnancy, as well as after successful delivery, and during breastfeeding medication is allowed since it does not affect the growth and development of the baby either in the womb or through breast milk.

What is the difference between Gaviscon and Gaviscon Dual Action

The medicinal drug Gaviscon differs from Gaviscon Double Action in the concentration of active ingredients and the prescribed dosage. Consider this difference using the following table as an example:

Gaviscon's analogs

Gaviscon, unlike drugs of similar action, has a wide range of benefits, such as:

  • the possibility of use during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • it is well combined with other drugs, without any effect on their action;
  • there are practically no contraindications;
  • approved for use in young children.

Consider Gaviscon analogues, similar in their mechanism of pharmacological action:

Gaviscon Tablets Gastal Powder for suspension preparation Tableted drug Rennie
Active ingredient sodium alginate Hydroxide of Al and Mg Hydroxide of Al and Mg Calcium carbonate, magnesium hydroxycarbonate
How it works Provides a wrapping effect by creating a gel protective film Has a direct effect on hydrochloric acid Has a direct effect on hydrochloric acid
Reception during pregnancy Allowed With caution and under the supervision of honey. personnel Allowed
Childhood From 6 years old From 6 years old No information From 12 years old
Cost, rub. 80 to 260 65 to 300 95 to 650 85 to 350

Gaviscon, principle of operation


There are actually quite a lot of dosage forms of the antacid spectrum of action, but before choosing one or another drug for the treatment of heartburn, you should consult a gastroenterologist. It is he who will be able not only to prescribe the most suitable remedy, but also explain how to take it, and also develop a treatment regimen to eliminate the main cause of the pathological dysfunction of the digestive system.

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Can Gaviscon be used for heartburn during pregnancy?

Heartburn during pregnancy occurs in many women. Some cope with it by changing the diet, others resort to medication. In this case, the question of the safety of drugs becomes relevant: it is important that they not only eliminate the burning sensation behind the sternum, but also be safe for the unborn child. Gaviscon during pregnancy helps to quickly get rid of heartburn, while not adversely affecting the fetus.

However, self-treatment during this crucial period is not worth doing. Gaviscon has a list of contraindications and side effects.

Gaviscon contains: baking soda, potassium and sodium. Once in the stomach, the drug interacts with its juices and forms a film on the walls. Due to this, acids do not come into contact with the mucous membrane, and a burning sensation does not develop. The action of the drug lasts for 4 hours.

Gaviscon is indicated as a symptomatic remedy for heartburn, acid belching, discomfort or heaviness in the epigastric region. Often it is prescribed to patients in the recovery period after surgery.

The main contraindication to the use of Gaviscon is hypersensitivity to the components. Also, it is not prescribed for phenylketonuria and in childhood (under 12 years old - for tablets, under 6 years old - for suspension). With caution, this drug can be used for hypercalcemia, nephrocalcinosis, urolithiasis with calcium oxalate stones, congestive heart failure, impaired renal function.

The main active ingredients of Gaviscon are sodium alginate (a polysaccharide of natural origin that retains water), sodium bicarbonate and calcium carbonate (salts of carbonic acid that neutralize gastric juice). Additional substances of the drug, after interaction with hydrochloric acid and pepsin, contribute to the formation of a gel-like protective film on the surface of the stomach.

Thus, one part of the components neutralizes the gastric juice, the other prevents its effect on the mucous membrane. At the same time, Gaviscon does not change the acidity of gastric juice, in other words, the process of digestion of food is not disturbed.

Is Gaviscon safe during pregnancy? The instructions indicate that this period is not a contraindication. According to preliminary scientific and clinical studies in which about 280 women were involved, the drug does not affect the fetus, since its components are not absorbed into the blood.

And yet, you should not start taking Gaviscon on your own during pregnancy. When prescribing this drug, the doctor takes into account the nuances of the gestation process in each case, the diseases that a woman has, and the features of the digestive tract.

If the acidity of the stomach is not increased, Gaviscon should not be taken regularly, but only when heartburn occurs. For pregnant women with gastritis, this medicine is prescribed by a gastroenterologist as part of complex therapy. Read more about the treatment of gastritis during pregnancy→

Due to the presence of sodium bicarbonate in Gaviscon, it is prescribed with extreme caution to expectant mothers with congestive heart failure or impaired kidney function - diseases in which a diet with a low salt content (sodium chloride) is recommended. It is worth remembering that even in healthy pregnant women, the drug can cause adverse reactions.

Gaviscon is available as an oral suspension and chewable tablets. The choice of the release form of the drug depends on the individual preferences of the pregnant woman, but if sodium intake into the body is taken into account (for heart failure, kidney disease), then it is preferable to use tablets, since the suspension contains more salts with this element.

The suspension is available in dark glass bottles of 100, 150 and 300 ml. In pharmacies, you can find Gaviscon in sachets of 10 ml. A single dose - from 10 to 20 ml, depending on the severity of heartburn. Before using the drug, you need to shake the contents of the vial or knead the sachet with your fingers.

Gaviscon should be taken 10-15 minutes after a meal and, if necessary, at bedtime. The dosage should be selected individually and adhere to the minimum volume that gives the desired effect. The maximum daily dose of the drug is 40 ml.

Mint flavored tablets are available in packs of 8 or more. During pregnancy, heartburn should be taken from 2 to 4 pieces, depending on the severity of the symptoms. Chew the tablets after meals and at bedtime.

Gaviscon can cause side effects from the immune system: anaphylactic, anphylactoid reactions and manifestations of hypersensitivity (urticaria). On the part of the respiratory system, the development of bronchospasm is possible.

For safety reasons, Gaviscon during pregnancy should be started in small amounts - half or a quarter of the recommended dosage. If no adverse reactions appear within 24-48 hours, you can proceed to the normal regimen.

Overdose and interaction with other drugs

Gaviscon is safe during pregnancy because its components are not absorbed into the bloodstream. But, due to the presence of calcium carbonate in the composition, it exhibits antacid activity, so it should be taken 2 hours before or after other drugs. This rule should be especially strictly observed in the treatment of antibiotics, antihistamines, beta-blockers.

Exceeding the maximum allowable dosage may cause flatulence. Abdominal bloating is eliminated with the help of symptomatic agents or goes away on its own.

Gaviscon during pregnancy can be replaced with its analogues - antacids. The safest combined drugs of this group. They contain magnesium, sodium, aluminum and are partially absorbed through the stomach.

With the abuse of such drugs, swelling, constipation, and diarrhea may occur. But if you use them according to the instructions and only when the heartburn is really strong, the risk of harming yourself or your child will be minimized.

Two-component (combined) antacids neutralize hydrochloric acid, and the calcium contained in them is involved in the formation of the child's bones. With their regular intake, the doctor adjusts the dosage of vitamin and mineral supplements. The most popular combined antacid is Rennie.

This group also includes:

  1. Gastal. Available in the form of lozenges. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the drug is taken only as directed by a doctor.
  2. Almagel. Produced in the form of a suspension for oral administration and in the form of lozenges. It is used for heartburn and flatulence in pregnant women, treatment should be carried out under medical supervision.
  3. Phosphalugel. Produced in the form of a gel for oral administration, packaged in sachets, each of which corresponds to 1 dose of the drug. It is used for heartburn, stomach pain, food poisoning (it has absorbent properties). The drug is allowed during pregnancy, but in the early stages it is used only as directed by a doctor.

Gaviscon refers to alginates - heartburn remedies that neutralize hydrochloric acid and create a protective gel-like film on the surface of the stomach. This drug is not absorbed into the blood, therefore it is safe for the fetus, it can be used at any stage of pregnancy.

Useful video: causes of heartburn and how to eliminate it


Instructions for use of Gaviscon in early and late pregnancy, indications and contraindications, analogues

Gastrointestinal disorders are not uncommon during pregnancy. In addition to toxicosis, women often suffer from heartburn. Many pregnant women shy away from drugs, because. they theoretically can harm the fetus.

Experts recommend not to endure discomfort. Doctors prescribe safe drugs that make you feel better. One of them is Gaviscon. How does the medicine work and when is it used? What analogues can be used during pregnancy?

Gaviscon has established itself as an effective remedy during pregnancy. The drug belongs to the group of antacids, it affects the pH of gastric juice, reducing its acidity. When acidity returns to normal, heartburn and feelings of heaviness in the stomach disappear.

  1. Calcium carbonate - ordinary chalk. It normalizes the functions of the digestive tract, affects both acidic and alkaline environments.
  2. sodium bicarbonate. This is baking soda, a well-known home remedy for heartburn. The substance starts a simple chemical reaction and "neutralizes" the acid.
  3. sodium alginate. The natural component is obtained from brown algae. It performs a protective function. Upon contact with acidic gastric juice, alginate turns into a liquid gel and covers the mucosa with a kind of film. It protects the esophagus from acid.

The mechanism of action of the drug is simple. In the stomach, alginate binds with hydrochloric acid, resulting in a chemical reaction. A dense gel is formed, which prevents the backflow of gastric juice into the upper part of the digestive tract (esophagus). This process is controlled by a valve, but during pregnancy it often fails. This is due to excessive pressure on the digestive system.

Other components of Gaviscon enhance its effect. The acidity of gastric juice decreases, which prevents discomfort. Potassium bicarbonate, which is contained in the product marked "Forte", makes the gel more resistant, which explains the lasting effect.

Forms of release and dosage:

  1. Chewable pastilles. The tablet contains 250 mg of active substances. Pleasant in taste, available in mint and lemon flavors. There are 8 lozenges in a blister, and 4 blisters (32 tablets) in a package.
  2. Suspension. Produced in a dark glass bottle of 100, 150 and 300 ml. 5 ml contains 250 mg of active ingredients. The syrup tastes good thanks to mint oil.
  3. Suspension in disposable plastic sticks (sachets). In one sachet - 10 ml of the product, the dosage is the same as in glass bottles. Sachets are convenient for use, especially outside the home.
  4. Gaviscon Forte. 5 ml of syrup contains a double dosage - 500 mg of active substances. It is sold both in bottles with a volume of 80 to 300 ml, and in single sachets (8, 12, 20 sachets per pack).
  5. "Double Action" The updated formula of the drug is mint lozenges or syrup. The syrup is available in sachets of 10 ml or large bottles of 200, 300, 600 ml. Pastilles are produced in a blister of 8 pieces.

The main reason for prescribing medication during pregnancy is heartburn. The instructions for use indicate that the drug is allowed for women at different periods of gestation. The main effect of the drug is provided by alginate, therefore Gaviscon is also called an alginate agent.

Other indications for use:

  1. hernia in the opening of the esophagus or diaphragm;
  2. peptic ulcer;
  3. gastroesophageal reflux (reflux of stomach contents back into the esophagus);
  4. consequences of taking certain medications (Aspirin, etc.);
  5. overeating habit;
  6. constant heaviness in the stomach after eating;
  7. the presence of symptoms of many pathologies of the digestive system.

On pregnancy forums, they often write that Gaviscon helps with toxicosis. There is no medical evidence for this; It won't help the nausea directly.

However, the drug eliminates high acidity and soothes the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, therefore, improves overall well-being. It should not be taken specifically for toxicosis.

Instructions for using Gaviscon at different stages of pregnancy

The most commonly used simple Gaviscon syrup during pregnancy. You can choose single sticks or a large bottle. "Double Action" or Forte are used only as directed by a doctor, or the allowable amount is reduced by half.

The maximum allowable one-time amount of syrup is 10-20 ml. It is taken after a meal, after about 15 minutes, or before going to bed to sleep peacefully. It is allowed to drink no more than 40 ml of the product per day (8 tsp).

Tablets should be chewed 10-15 minutes before meals. One-time you can take from 2 to 4 lozenges. Tablets can be used no more than 4 times a day.

Gaviscon is a fairly safe drug. Unlike other drugs, it goes well with other drugs. Despite this, the medication is prescribed exclusively by a doctor, and you should not take it yourself. Like any medicine, it has its own characteristics.

With cardiovascular pathologies and kidney diseases, a salt-free diet is indicated. In this case, you need to use the drug with caution. 10 ml of syrup contains 130 mg of sodium. It is better to stop the choice on chewable tablets - they contain much less salts.

Pregnant women who are prone to stone formation or suffer from hypercalcemia should be very careful when using the drug. Gaviscon contains a lot of calcium.

The drug can be drunk both in early and late pregnancy. In the later stages, heartburn manifests itself more intensely. As the fetus grows, the pressure on the digestive tract increases. The rules of treatment do not change.

Contraindications and possible side effects

The medicine has a minimum of contraindications and rarely leads to adverse reactions. In some cases, Gaviscon therapy is carried out with caution only when absolutely necessary.

  1. chronic diseases of the urinary system;
  2. congestive heart failure;
  3. tendency to urolithiasis (especially in the formation of stones of the oscalate type);
  4. the presence of calcium salts in the kidneys;
  5. increased plasma calcium concentration;
  6. kidney failure;
  7. individual intolerance or allergy to the components of the drug.

The drug is well tolerated by women during pregnancy. Infrequently, adverse reactions may occur, in which it is necessary to stop treatment. Unpleasant phenomena often occur when the drug is abused.

Most often, there are violations of the gastrointestinal tract. A woman develops flatulence (increased flatulence and bloating), diarrhea, or, conversely, constipation, which are characteristic of pregnancy.

Allergy sufferers sometimes experience an allergic reaction. It includes bronchospasm, rash, swelling of the mucous membranes, anaphylactic shock or angioedema.

With a predisposition to urolithic pathology, the formation of stones in the urinary system is possible. This phenomenon is explained by the high content of calcium in the preparation.

International organizations have assigned category B to antacids. This means that they can be used during pregnancy at any time. However, it is still not necessary to abuse antacids.

Sodium bicarbonate, which is contained in the drug, can adversely affect the body of the expectant mother. Sodium overload and reacidification are possible. Calcium carbonate sometimes leads to Burnett's syndrome (milk-alkali syndrome), i.e. hypercalcemia. Pregnant women develop anemia, nausea or vomiting, and frequent constipation.

What can replace the drug, which is better - Gaviscon or Rennie?

There are many antacids on the pharmacological market, which differ in composition, manufacturer and cost. The choice of medicine is individual - the same drug is perceived by people in different ways.

Gaviscon has many analogues that have a similar effect. The most common analogue is Rennie. Which is better - Gaviscon or Rennie?

  1. Rennie. Contains calcium carbonate and magnesium hydroxycarbonate. Available in the form of chewable tablets. Well tolerated by pregnant women, effective, rarely causes complications. It has a number of contraindications, which are taken into account by the attending physician.
  2. Rutacid. Produced in Slovenia. The active agent is hydrotalcite. Normalizes acidity, does not affect the condition of the fetus.
  3. Gastal. Contains magnesium hydroxide. Available in the form of lozenges with mint or cherry flavor. Relatively safe, prescribed exclusively by a doctor.
  4. Almagel. Lozenges or oral suspension. Used for heartburn or flatulence.
  5. Phosphalugel. Packaged in single sachets, has the form of a creamy suspension. Applicable for heartburn, pain in the stomach. It has a pronounced absorbent effect.
  6. Laminal. A bio-product that contains a special gel derived from kelp. The natural composition has a mild effect on the body.

Drugs affect the body in different ways. You can not change the medicine yourself, especially during pregnancy. It is impossible to determine exactly which drug is the best, since each of them is tolerated by women individually.


Gaviscon forte - official instructions for use

Registration number: JIC-002447-29121

Tradename: Gaviscon ® forte

INN or grouping name: does not have

Dosage form: oral suspension [anise], [mint]

10 ml suspension contains:
active substances: sodium alginate 1000 mg, potassium bicarbonate 200 MG, I
oral suspension [anise]: calcium carbonate 200 mg, carbomer 40 mg, methyl parahydroxybenzoate 40 mg, propyl parahydroxybenzoate 6 mg, sodium hydroxide 14.44 mg, sodium saccharinate 10 mg, fennel flavor 7 mg, purified water up to 10 ml;
oral suspension [mint]: calcium carbonate 200 mg, carbomer 40 mg, methyl parahydroxybenzoate 40 mg, propyl parahydroxybenzoate 6 mg, sodium hydroxide 14.44 mg, sodium saccharinate 10 mg, mint flavor 6 mg, purified water up to 10 ml;

Oral suspension [aniseed]: Viscous suspension, almost white to light brown in color, with an aniseed odour.
Oral suspension [mint]: Viscous suspension, almost white to light brown in color, with a minty odor.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: treatment for reflux esophagitis.

ATC Code: A02BX.

Pharmacological properties

When taken orally Gaviscon ® forte quickly reacts with the acidic contents of the stomach. This forms an alginate gel that prevents the occurrence of gastroesophageal reflux. In case of regurgitation, the gel enters the esophagus, where it reduces irritation of the mucous membrane.

The mechanism of action of the drug Gaviscon ® forte is a physical process and does not depend on absorption into the systemic circulation.

Indications for use
Symptomatic treatment of dyspepsia associated with increased acidity of gastric juice and gastroesophageal reflux (heartburn, sour belching), a feeling of heaviness in the stomach after eating, including during pregnancy.

Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, children's age (up to 12 years).

Use during pregnancy and during breastfeeding
Gaviscon ® Forte can be used during pregnancy and lactation.

Dosage and administration
Adults and children over 12 years: 5-10 ml after meals and at bedtime.
The maximum daily dose is 40 ml.
For elderly patients, dose changes are not required.
Use of sachets: before opening the sachet, crush it with your fingers, stirring the contents.

Side effect
Allergic reactions (urticaria, bronchospasm, anaphylactic reactions) are possible.

Symptoms: There may be bloating.
Treatment: symptomatic.

Interaction with other drugs
Since calcium carbonate, which is part of the drug, exhibits antacid activity, between taking the drug Gaviscon ® forte and other drugs, at least 2 hours should pass (especially when taken simultaneously with H2-histamine receptor blockers, antibiotics from the tetracycline group, ditoxin, fluoroquinolone, iron salts, ketoconazole, neuroleptics, thyroxine, penicillamine, beta-blockers, glucocorticosteroids, chloroquine and diphosphates).

special instructions
In 10 ml of suspension, the content of sodium is 106 mg (4.6 mmol) and potassium 78 mg (2.0 mmol). This should be taken into account if a very salt-restricted diet is required, such as in some cases of congestive heart failure and impaired renal function, or when taking medications that may increase plasma potassium levels.
In 10 ml of suspension, the content of calcium carbonate is 200 mg (2.0 mmol). The drug should be taken with caution in patients with hypercalcemia, neurocalcinosis and recurrent formation of kidney stones containing calcium.
If there is no improvement in symptoms within 7 days, a doctor should be consulted.

Effect on the ability to drive machinery and a car
The drug does not affect the ability to drive vehicles and mechanisms, as well as other potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Release form
Oral suspension [anise], oral suspension [mint].
80 ml, 150 ml or 250 ml in dark glass bottles with a polypropylene cap that provides control of the first opening. Instructions for use are under the label.
Oral suspension [mint]: 10 ml suspension in multi-layer bags (polyester, aluminum, polyethylene). 20 sachets along with instructions for use in a cardboard box.

Storage conditions
Store at a temperature of 15-30 °C.
Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date
2 years.
Do not use after the expiration date.

Vacation from pharmacies
Without recipe.

Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare (UK) Limited, Dancesom Lane, Hull, East Yorkshire, HY8 7DC, UK.

Representation in Russia / address for filing claims
OOO Rekitt Benckiser Healthcare Russia, 115114, Moscow, Kozhevnicheskaya st., 14.

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Gaviscon. Reviews of site visitors - consumers of this medicine, as well as opinions of doctors of specialists on the use of Gaviscon in their practice are presented. A big request to actively add your reviews about the drug: did the medicine help or not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Gaviscon analogues in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment of heartburn and hyperacidity of gastric juice in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. The composition of the drug.

Gaviscon- An antacid. After oral administration, the drug quickly interacts with the acidic contents of the stomach. This forms an alginate gel that prevents the occurrence of gastroesophageal reflux. With regurgitation, the gel is more likely than the contents of the stomach to enter the esophagus, where it reduces irritation of the mucous membrane.


Sodium alginate + Sodium bicarbonate + Calcium carbonate + excipients (tablets and suspension).

Sodium alginate + Potassium bicarbonate + excipients (Forte suspension, which is sometimes mistakenly called a gel or syrup).


The mechanism of action of the drug Gaviscon does not depend on absorption into the systemic circulation.


  • symptomatic treatment of dyspepsia associated with increased acidity of gastric juice and gastroesophageal reflux (heartburn, sour belching, feeling of heaviness in the stomach after eating, including during pregnancy).

Release form

Suspension for oral administration.

Chewable tablets 250 mg.

Suspension for oral administration (Gaviscon Forte).

Chewable tablets (Gaviscon Double action).

Instructions for use and regimen


The drug is prescribed orally for adults and children over 12 years of age, 10-20 ml after meals and at bedtime. The maximum daily dose is 80 ml.

For elderly patients, dose changes are not required.

Chewable tablets

The drug is prescribed orally (thoroughly chewing) for adults and children over 12 years old, 2-4 tablets after each meal and at bedtime.

For children under the age of 12, the dosage regimen is determined by the doctor.

Suspension Forte

The drug is administered orally to adults and children over 12 years of age, 5-10 ml after meals and at bedtime. The maximum daily dose is 40 ml.

When using sachets before opening, they should be kneaded by mixing the contents.

Side effect

  • allergic reactions.


  • children's age up to 6 years (suspension), up to 12 years (forte suspension);
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Perhaps the use of Gaviscon during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding).

Use in children

Children 6-12 years old are prescribed 5-10 ml after meals and at bedtime. The maximum daily dose is 40 ml.

Contraindicated in children under 6 years of age.

special instructions

10 ml of suspension contains 141 mg (6.2 mmol) of sodium. This should be taken into account if it is necessary to follow a diet with a limited salt content (for congestive heart failure, for impaired renal function).

If there is no improvement within 7 days, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms

There is no effect on the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms.

drug interaction

The drug interaction of the drug Gaviscon has not been established.

Analogues of the drug Gaviscon

Structural analogues and analogues for the pharmacological group of antacid preparations:

  • Additive calcium;
  • Agiflux;
  • Aktal;
  • Almagel Neo;
  • Almagel;
  • Almol;
  • Alfogel;
  • Alugastrin;
  • Alumag;
  • Anacid forte;
  • Antarite;
  • Becarbon;
  • Gastal;
  • Gasterin;
  • gastracid;
  • gastric;
  • Gastroromazole;
  • Gaviscon Dual Action;
  • Gaviscon forte;
  • Gelusil;
  • Gelusil varnish;
  • Gelusil;
  • Gestid;
  • Daigin;
  • calcium carbonate;
  • Flax seeds;
  • Maalox;
  • Maalox mini;
  • Magalfil 800;
  • Magnatol;
  • Magnistad;
  • Magnesium carbonate basic;
  • magnesium oxide;
  • Milk of magnesium;
  • sodium bicarbonate;
  • sodium bicarbonate;
  • PeeHoo;
  • Relzer;
  • Rennie;
  • Revoloks;
  • RioFast;
  • Rokzhel;
  • Rutacid;
  • Simalgel VM;
  • Scoralite;
  • Talcid;
  • Tams;
  • Tannacomp;
  • Tisacid;
  • Topalkan;
  • Phosphalugel;
  • Andrews antacid;
  • Andrews Liver Salt.

In the absence of analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases that the corresponding drug helps with and see the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.

Many pregnant women know firsthand what heartburn is, and about 75% of all pregnant women experience heartburn problems on a daily basis. This ailment is especially expressed towards the end of pregnancy, that is, in. If appropriate measures are not taken, then heartburn after childbirth can flow into the formation of gastroesophageal reflux disease. But the period of pregnancy is not an easy time for a woman and many medicines remain banned. Doctors very often prescribe for heartburn to expectant mothers drug Gaviscon . But, women immediately have a question: "Is it possible to Gaviscon during pregnancy?".

The drug is unique in that a special series is made specifically for pregnant women in the manufacturer's line.

Gaviscon during pregnancy has established itself as an excellent antacid, helping to cope with the difficulties of acidity and the reverse flow of juices through the esophagus. Gaviscon is based on three components:

  1. Calcium carbonate (chalk). Helps to bring the digestive system to the normalization of the acidic and alkaline environment.
  2. Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). Neutralizes and normalizes acid in the stomach.
  3. sodium alginate. Natural ingredient derived from brown algae. Upon contact with gastric juice, sodium alginate turns into a gel-like substance, which helps to prevent unwanted entry into the esophagus. The gel, forming a film, covers the walls of the stomach. If acidic gastric juice nevertheless made its way into the esophagus, then the film will protect it from the actions of an acidic environment. Thus, the walls of the esophagus will not be damaged, and thus pain will be absent. Sodium alginate is the basis of the drug Gaviscon, it is he who is the main component in the fight against heartburn. And sodium bicarbonate and calcium carbonate only increase its positive effect in preventing belching of the characteristic sour taste and pain.

Gaviscon for heartburn during pregnancy

Pregnant women appreciated the English drug Gaviscon and identified many of its advantages. The effect of its action is confirmed by research not only abroad, but also by Russian scientists. According to research data and surveys, 90% of all pregnant women in the UK who take Gaviscon during pregnancy rated it as "excellent" or "well above average" medicine for heartburn.

Benefits of Gaviscon during pregnancy

Gaviscon will absolutely not bring any harm to pregnant women. In addition, the tool is distinguishable among its counterparts.

Firstly, the substances that make up Gaviscon are not absorbed by the blood.

Secondly has a long lasting effect. The action lasts up to 4-5 hours. This is due to the fact that a protective film barrier is formed in the stomach.

Thirdly, the effect of action does not depend on the values ​​of the level of gastric acid. It can be low or high, but in any case, the drug will help to avoid further deterioration of the condition and lead to the normalization of the acid-base environment.

Fourth, the resulting gel-like film copes well with the healing of damaged walls of the esophagus.

Fifth, absolutely does not affect the production of hydrochloric acid, which is part of the gastric juice.

Gaviscon pregnant. Why is he appointed

Gaviscon is prescribed for pregnant women primarily to get rid of heartburn. But besides this, there are other moments when the doctor will recommend this remedy. Namely:

  • gastroesophageal reflux;
  • any digestive disorders that are associated with problems with the acidity of gastric juice;
  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach after eating.

According to some women, it turns out that Gaviscon during pregnancy helps fight early toxicosis. But Gaviscon does not affect the very reasons for which nausea appeared. Therefore, in the fight against these ailments for a long period, the drug is unlikely to help.

Gaviscon is contraindicated for pregnant women or has restrictions in use if:

  1. A woman is sensitive to allergic reactions, since this remedy can quickly develop allergies, an anaphylactic reaction and bronchospasm.
  2. Gaviscon tablets, as well as suspension, are prohibited with increased sensitivity to the components of the drug.
  3. If a woman is sick with phenylketonuria, then taking pills is prohibited.
  4. Sometimes a pregnant woman is prescribed a certain diet. If this diet has anything to do with limiting salt intake, then you need to remember that Gaviscon and Gaviscon Dual Action contain sodium bicarbonate (soda).

Gaviscon during pregnancy is prescribed with caution if:

  1. The body of a woman is oversaturated with calcium.
  2. The kidneys have at least a small part of salt deposits (nephrocalcinosis).
  3. A woman was diagnosed with urolithiasis with the formation of oxalate stones.
  4. Heart failure.
  5. The functioning of the kidneys is impaired.

Preparations of this type are allowed during pregnancy, and studies conducted by the FDA classified Gaviscon as category B drugs. It confirms that the drug does not cause absolutely any negative effect on the health and integrity of the fetus. But, incoming sodium bicarbonate is not particularly well received by some expectant mothers. This is due to the fact that it easily causes sodium oversaturation and an increase in the acidity of the juice in the stomach. And calcium carbonate can provoke the development of Barnett's syndrome, nausea and difficulty defecation in pregnant women.

Gaviscon during pregnancy is especially dangerous for those women who additionally take calcium supplements.

Release form and types


  • Gaviscon;
  • Gaviscon Double action;
  • Gaviscon Forte;
  • Gaviscon Forte for pregnant women.

All these types of the drug differ in the dosage of the components and the active components contained in them.

Gaviscon and Gaviscon Dual Action may be marketed as:

  • tablets (mint or lemon flavor);
  • vial suspension (nominal 150 ml or 300 ml);
  • suspension in a sachet of 10 mg.

Gaviscon Forte is produced only in the form of a suspension. There are no other forms of production.

Some women may confuse the drug Gaviscon with another consonant name Hexicon (drug for the treatment of thrush). You should not confuse the names, these are completely different drugs.

Regardless of the form of release of the drug (liquid in the form of a suspension or solid in the form of tablets), the effectiveness is equally high. But according to the reviews of women taking Gaviscon during pregnancy, the medicine in suspension is easier and more pleasant to take, it does not need to be chewed and it is devoid of a certain specific taste of tablets.

Heartburn during pregnancy can affect a woman once in a while or daily. In cases where Gaviscon is not often taken, a woman can choose any type from the line of this medicine. But, when heartburn during pregnancy becomes permanent, then it is better for a woman to turn her attention to Gaviscon Forte for pregnant women. This is not just a marketing ploy, because there are a lot of differences between simple Gaviscon and Gaviscon Forte for pregnant women. So, for example, in Gaviscon Forte, sodium alginate is included in a larger amount (more than double) than is present in Gaviscon, while sodium bicarbonate is completely absent. All this increases the safety of pregnant women when taking Gaviscon Forte.

Comparison of Gaviscon products:

  1. As for Sodium Alginate, Gaviscon or Gaviscon Double Action may contain both 250 mg and 500 mg of this component. Whereas Gaviscon Forte contains 1000 mg of sodium alginate (double dosage).
  2. Sodium bicarbonate in Gaviscon ranges from 106.5 mg to 267 mg, but this component is completely absent in Gaviscon Fort.
  3. Gaviscon Forte contains a distinctive component - potassium bicarbonate (200 mg).

Gaviscon during pregnancy is taken individually, and the doctor selects the dosage in each case. But general rules are not excluded, such as:

  1. The drug can only be taken on a full stomach (that is, after eating).
  2. You do not need to drink any tablets or suspension. The tablets should be chewed well and the suspension mixed before use.
  3. In order for the drug to be taken in vain, as well as for its action to work as long as possible, a woman should reconsider her daily diet and rules of conduct.

Firstly all fatty foods must be eliminated.

Secondly, after each meal, it is necessary to wait at least two hours before the woman can lie down or perform any inclinations. This will stop the backflow of gastric juice into the esophagus.

If heartburn during pregnancy does not stop despite taking Gaviscon for more than a week, then you should stop taking it and consult your doctor.

Gaviscon's analogs

Many manufacturers produce products that affect the acidity in the stomach. Nevertheless, there is no complete analogue of Gaviscon.

  1. Rennie. Available in chewable tablets. The main active ingredients are: calcium carbonate and magnesium hydroxycarbonate. It was found that when taken by pregnant women, the drug has no effect on the fetus. Rennie is in demand among pregnant women. Contraindications include:
  • kidney failure;
  • fructose intolerance;
  • increased sensitivity to constituents.

A proper study has not been carried out on the drug, therefore it is highly undesirable to use it for patients in position and only in a rare case.