The year of what will be in Chinese. What will the next year bring us? Meet the Yellow Earth Dog! The Three Main Qualities of the Yellow Earth Dog

According to the eastern calendar for 2018, the good-natured Yellow Earth Dog will replace the active and sometimes caustic Red Fire Rooster. The upcoming symbol is distinguished by a calm and reasonable character, adherence to principles, honesty and devotion. She is restless, monitors well-being without closing her eyes, and at the same time infinitely friendly. What interesting events is the horoscope preparing for us?

Eastern horoscope for 2018 of the Yellow Dog

The Yellow Dog favors bold, decisive and creative natures. She encourages the implementation of even the most unusual ideas. At the same time, it helps to bring everything to the end for those who make efforts, and are not lazy, hoping for a chance. Fortune will turn to face even pathological losers, because yellow symbolizes success. The main thing is not to be afraid to take risks and go steadily towards the intended goal. In addition to hard work, you need to show restraint. Impulsive actions and decisions will not bring any result. The earth sign requires deliberation and balance.

Despite his benevolence, the Dog is an ardent defender of justice, rules and truth. She is opposed to greedy businessmen, cunning and liars. She is also extremely unsympathetic to individuals who are ready to go over their heads, to neglect the desires of their loved ones. They are waiting for obstacles that have piled up from all sides, and real consequences.

The dog respects not only perseverance and honesty, but also humanity. She will definitely help those who are friendly to others. For the cordiality shown to people, she will repay with good luck in business. This symbol is especially serious about family values. Take time for your parents, spouses and children, take care of their needs, support in problems. Avoid quarrels and never deceive loved ones. This is especially true of marital fidelity - the Dog is ready to punish traitors in the most severe way. All good changes within the family will be received with joy by the tailed symbol.

In the coming year, focus on family relationships, and do not try to scatter everything at once. Particular care must be taken when making new close acquaintances. People from the outside, whom you do not know at all, can greatly harm the harmony that reigns in your relationship with your family. But old and trusted friends cannot be ignored. Spend time with him, find out about their affairs and build relationships, even if they have cooled off a bit.

The year is great for a wedding, but the choice of a partner must be careful

The earthen sign also has its drawbacks, which include excessive diligence. Try to overcome laziness, then you will feel that you actually have a large supply of energy. Also, the Dog loves to experience virtue and truthfulness, confronting unusual, not always pleasant people. If you pass the test and be extremely tactful with such personalities, and not rude, then the symbol of the year will be satisfied. It is impossible to behave inappropriately, and even more so to deceive even your enemies, otherwise you will harm yourself, and not them.

If you do not anger the Yellow Dog with dishonor and aggression towards others, then the whole of 2018 will be calm and even. The stability inherent in the Earth will come in all spheres of life: from love to health. The problems that arise will be minor, and you can deal with them easily and naturally. Take advantage of this peaceful time: develop, improve your skills, renew relationships with distant relatives and friends. Perhaps this year you will have new hobbies and interests, especially those related to the environment and a healthy lifestyle.

Although the Dog is an earth sign, it will be favorable to representatives of each element. She will help her direct wards to achieve success in all areas. Maximum luck should be expected by Capricorn, Aries and Aquarius.

Love predictions, family relationships

The dog is considered a devoted creature that values ​​loyalty the most. This determines the course to be taken in the love and family spheres. It is they who should become a priority, relegating all the others to the background. Spend more time with your loved ones and enjoy the newfound harmony.

Family people will feel a surge of feelings and emotions, relationships will get a second wind. They will be embraced by romance and endless faith in their spouse. Thanks to this, many couples will finally take the plunge - buy their own nest, go on a trip or plan to replenish the family. Children born during this period will have such positive qualities as a sense of humor and high intelligence.

Singles don't have to worry about not having partners in their lives. The dog will be supportive of you and will help you in every way to find a soul mate. It is not necessary to do this if you are not ready for a serious relationship. For many, it is better to limit yourself to flirting and short romances that allow you to raise self-esteem and feel needed. However, as honestly as possible, inform new acquaintances about your intentions to just have a good time. As soon as you start playing with other people's feelings and neglect them, the earth sign will immediately snap and interfere.

If you decide to get a four-legged family member this year, make sure that care for him is regular!

Relationships built in 2018 have every chance of becoming serious and long. They will be stormy and filled with vivid emotions, as well as tenderness and understanding. Get to know people better and do not make hasty conclusions about them and, most importantly, listen to your own heart, and not the opinions of others. It is very likely that you will meet the right person with whom you want to start a family. Therefore, many weddings will take place in the year of the earth sign.

The dog is extremely negative about cheaters, deceivers and those who use other people's feelings for their own mercenary interests. Such people should not wait for luck, most likely, they will be left alone.

Career, finance

The dog does not have a craving for material things, but with pleasure contributes to the fulfillment of the desire to surround himself with expensive and beautiful. It is not for nothing that yellow is associated with prosperity, because this year can be successful. Do not be afraid to please yourself with new clothes, but do not spend the last money on them, saving and accumulating savings. At the same time, it is necessary to abandon the purchase of completely unnecessary things, combining business with pleasure.

Despite the fact that the symbol of the year is maximally focused on family values, it also contributes to career success. In order for everything to work out successfully, several conditions must be met, for example, to abandon the ugly struggle with competitors. Do not use dishonest methods, do not be hypocritical, do not deceive. In addition, the Dog is a sensible symbol, so you should not commit rash acts. It is better to spend time and a little more energy on thinking through everything inside and out.

If the whole family is prudent about money, by the end of the year it will be possible to raise significant capital!

Careers will also go well for those who do not face competitors directly. This year is a good time to build relationships with colleagues, make friends among them. In conflict situations, be restrained and tactful, do not try to offend others.

The main guarantee of financial success in the year of the Yellow Dog is hard work. Do not sit back, do not be lazy and do not think that wealth will come to you by itself. Make an effort, move up, implement your ideas. Try to get creative with your workflow, even if it doesn't initially involve it. This approach will help you find new strength in yourself even in the daily routine.

It is better to avoid debts and loans, trying to get out of difficult situations on your own. If there are already debts, then you should pay them off on time, otherwise there is a risk of angering the mistress of the year.

What will health be like: Chinese calendar forecast

The Yellow Dog cares about well-being, so he tries to avoid major health problems. The main thing is not to neglect yourself, to rest and not to ignore chronic illnesses and complaints. Control the situation, then all problems will be solved quickly and without complications.

The main change in lifestyle should relate to diet. Get rid of bad habits - alcohol, smoking, eating fast food, and do not lean on sweet and too fatty. This will strengthen the body, contribute to the fight against viruses and colds. The main problems that may arise in the year of the Dog are poisoning and problems with the stomach and intestines. That is why it is so important to adjust the diet, make it more balanced and healthy.

Avoid stress and conflict, this year they are absolutely useless

You also need to rest physically and mentally. The dog respects the hardworking, but overexertion will not benefit anyone: neither you nor your family. If you take care of yourself and keep the balance of energy, then you will be able to easily cope with all matters, while the malaise will bypass.

The New Year 2018 will bring you success, luck and love, if you do not provoke his mistress, the Yellow Dog, with your wrong behavior. Show patience during conflicts, diplomacy at work and do not spare kind words and emotions for your family and friends. If you can do all this, then prepare for a happy and stable time.

On February 16, 2018, we will celebrate the Chinese New Year in the Eastern calendar and it will be held under the auspices of the Yellow Earth Dog. This is a peaceful animal, so no natural disasters and man-made disasters, fortunately, are not expected. We are waiting for joy, light and a lot of things. But there will be no loneliness, melancholy and other elements of dog life this year!

Two fiery years are being replaced by the year of the Dog, because the world will become more restrained and calm. This will affect everything: politics, economics, finances, personal life and even nature.

For you, the period will be positive in everything related to personal and spiritual growth, there will be a feeling of the correctness of your path. Creativity will be high, you can do whatever you like and not look back at anyone.

Love and relationships

A dog is a family creature that loves coziness and comfort. However, she cannot sit at home: she is already very active, loves to communicate. Therefore, it will not be difficult for sociable people to find new acquaintances in 2018, establish connections and make friends. More shy natures should cast aside all doubts and finally learn to interact with the world. Those who are going to live 2018 in captivity in their own apartment without friends and acquaintances will be disappointed: the Dog will violate your dull plans. It will be easy and simple to find friends, and smart people will definitely take advantage of this. In addition to expanding the circle of business and professional communication, you can increase your chances for personal happiness. Yes! For many, there is a huge chance in 2018 to meet your soul mate. Even if it does not come to a wedding, the relationship that arose during this period will be strong and durable for many, many years.

This year, couples are advised to carefully choose those who will enter their home. It is possible that new friends, workers, service personnel can encroach on the world near the family hearth. The Yellow Earth Dog is not as simple as it seems: it will repeatedly test your strength and endurance, push you against unusual characters. Its task is to teach you to distinguish good from evil in a mask. Your task is to pass the test with honor.


All those who are thirsty and waiting in 2018 will be given children. Rejoice! A long-awaited pregnancy and a successful birth is just around the corner. Healthy, beautiful children, one might say, are already in a hurry to you! Babies born this year will be extraordinarily talented, thoughtful, diligent, persistent and kind. Among them are engineers, doctors, scientists, teachers, real creators.

Adult children will not upset their parents. Reciprocate them: devote all your free time to your children, even if they have already acquired their own offspring.

Help, support them in all their ideas and undertakings!


The dog is in good health. And all because he leads an active lifestyle and often happens in the fresh air. The same lifestyle should be followed by those who want to radically improve their well-being in 2018. Get out on the weekends in nature, communicate more with friends outside the home. For those who are young and strong, the Dog strongly advises to try their hand at long-distance running - up to marathons.

In addition to traditional, use non-traditional and oriental medicine. They will help you get the best results in disease prevention, healing, and maintain your health at the proper level.

Lastly, about food. Or rather, about safety at the table. The dog does not tolerate sweet, alcohol, oddly enough - fatty. These products can cause serious problems. You should not be afraid of the huge number of rules and requirements of the totem of 2018. The main feature of the Earth Dog is tolerance.

Business, work, career

This year you have a rare situation when you have a chance to conquer any career heights, and at the same time raise your status in society, become more influential, weighty, authoritative for others. In no case be afraid to take on more responsibility, because now your professional destiny is being decided in the truest sense of the word. You can discover your true calling and confidently follow your heart. Moreover, you don’t even need to be especially active, the main thing is not to interfere with circumstances, to catch the wave that will come right to your doorstep, and boldly surrender to the flow of events.

From January to April, you will understand what you want to change in your work, and you will be ready for it. Further, it is useful to expand the area of ​​​​professional (and other!) Knowledge. The best period for self-realization in your career will begin in August, you are simply doomed to success, it is only important to see your chance in time. It can be an interview, which you will get completely by accident. And the opportunity to suddenly start your own business, to become the one and only expert in your field. Moreover, you are not very inclined to obey now, which means that you should be prepared for a new position as a leader. Financial affairs will go well throughout the year, and in November and December you will feel the result of your professional actions.

Out of habit, we will be waving to last year's patron on the night of December 31st. But according to the Chinese horoscope, the Fire Rooster in 2018 will proudly sit on its throne until February 16th. After all, he does not want to leave his place. Yes, and for you and me, he did a lot of good, so I don’t want to say goodbye to a cute bird. But, the owner of the Yellow Earth Dog of 2018 is already knocking on the door, wagging her tail and barking loudly.

Naturally, all twelve signs of the zodiac - from the Rat to the Pig - are in a state of excitement: what surprises has the Yellow Dog in store and how can it be appeased? Will she be able to help in the implementation of her plans, will she not bite and quit halfway to success? The eastern horoscope for 2018 advises to calm down and not panic. After all, the Dog is a peaceful, good-natured, honest and reliable animal. Well, if you don't piss her off, of course.

About the devotion of the Dog in general, legends can be composed. So, in family life, well-being and mutual understanding awaits everyone. Those spouses who have lived with each other for more than a decade can safely count on another "honeymoon" with all the ensuing consequences. Yes, yes, there will be passion, and even the birth of another child. If you have long dreamed of such a blessing from heaven, then take care of the expansion of living space, a baby carriage and toys in advance.

The Chinese horoscope by year of birth for 2018 predicts excellent relations with close relatives, resolution of domestic and financial problems, as well as protection from the patroness of the year - the Yellow Dog. Have you dreamed of idyll and harmony in the family? Then get it, but do not forget to appreciate and cherish what you have.

Lonely representatives of the signs will not be bored either. . After all, Cupid not only prepared arrows and a bow for them, but also indicated the places where they should aim. In general, there will be many fans, just choose the most worthy and handsome. When it comes to marriage, it's a very personal thing. If you are not yet ready to join hearts with someone, then just go on dates, accept confessions and surprises. For those who already have a loved one, the Dog does not advise delaying the marriage. The Chinese horoscope for 2018 recommends applying to the registry office in advance. After all, the queue is scheduled six months ahead.

The financial situation in 2018 will be quite stable to worry about her a lot and, moreover, to take a large loan from a bank. Losses are not excluded, but they are minimal. Keep in mind that if you work for the future, you will not be left without high earnings and bonuses. Bring ideas to life, work with pleasure and create a base for the future. The dog will help bring Luck closer, but if you yourself do not climb onto the stove, like the lazy Emelya. The eastern horoscope for 2018 advises you to be honest and not look for "easy" money. By the way, many will find a treasure or a bag of money absolutely by accident.

The dog is generous and fair by nature, so try to find these qualities in yourself to please her. Then she will make any sacrifices, if only to become a successful and wealthy person. Engage in charitable activities, buy a lottery ticket more often and exclude gambling. Then you will definitely not be left without money.

Hypocritical and self-serving people may not even count on concessions and career growth in the year of the Dog. On the contrary, they can easily lose what they have if they do not change internally. Only those who work honestly, set achievable goals and do not quarrel with colleagues will be lucky in the work area. Naturally, do not forget to obey and praise the boss. True, serious conflicts in the team are not expected, as predicted by the Chinese horoscope for 2018. It is necessary to take part in corporate parties, go on business trips and introduce original plans into production. By the way, do not be afraid to ask your boss to raise your salary. After all, good work should be paid according to merit.

So, there will be enough happiness and success for everyone in 2018, but you still need to remember which element controls this period? Earth is the element of the Dog, which is quite sociable, stubborn and patient. If you also have an earth element in your eastern horoscope, then you can count on well-being in all areas of life.

The Chinese horoscope for 2018 predicts success and joy for those born under the Metal element. . After all, such individuals are also distinguished by their persistent and firm character. This is what the dog likes. People of the element of Water, too, will not remain without the support of the hostess of the year. Well, is it really possible to do without that which “feeds and waters” the Earth? As for the Wood element, the Dog likes such personalities for justice and an open disposition. Even people of the Fire element can count on the favor of a peace-loving animal. For her, it makes no difference who you are according to the elements, the main thing is that the person be sincere, good and purposeful.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Pig (Boar)

The Chinese horoscope predicts a good and fruitful period for Pigs, when even competitors will ask for your companions. Don't be afraid to sign contracts, make deals and plan for the future. Everything will be fine, or even better! Moreover, the Pig is smart and sensible, which is welcomed by the Yellow Dog. As for the risk, it should be used with small doses. Otherwise, invest money and bye-bye ... Then look for the wind in the field. The Pig has a commercial "vein", so you need to develop it and implement brilliant ideas into business.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Rooster

The eastern horoscope for 2018 promises the Rooster a wonderful period if he does not attack someone for no reason, peck and stick out his chest in orders. Everything should be in moderation in order to get what you dream about. The Rooster in the year of the Dog will have to work hard, but the family will be fed, and the relatives will be happy, and he himself will show off in fashionable clothes in front of the mirror. Responsibility and perseverance will be needed to achieve goals, but the Rooster knows all the moves that lead to recognition and prosperity. Just do not forget to share secrets with the hostess of the year - she will help in any way she can.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Monkey

In the year of the Dog, cheerful and perky Monkeys can easily count on good luck and happiness. Most importantly, do not hide your talents from the people around you. They can open up with renewed vigor and lead to overwhelming success. The eastern horoscope does not promise the Monkeys fierce competition, but you still can’t get away from envious people. To those who dream of starting their own business, best wishes. The dog will develop a plan that will definitely lead to a result. Just do not miss the chance to transform outwardly. No, no, you are naturally beautiful, but it does not interfere with emphasizing all this.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Horse

The Chinese horoscope for 2018 predicts almost unearthly happiness and financial success for the Horse. Of course, not a single competitor will risk even raising your votes against you, all the more, deceiving or stealing interesting ideas. Find time to update the image - cut the mane, dye it and buy a stylish harness. By the way, do you like long trips? Then get - business trips, field trips and travel. The Dog advises the Horse to meet friends more often, who will always come to the rescue at a difficult moment.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Goat (Sheep)

The Yellow Dog will patronize and take care of the cute Goats all year round. After all, they are so diligent, cute and calm by nature. For them, the hostess has in store a whole package of pleasant surprises in all areas of life. In your work, you are prepared for both an official position and the mission of an assistant secretary. Well, you all like it very much. The horoscope by year of birth for 2018 advises Goat to realize his plan. Do you want to become a businessman? Urgently collect documents and purchase goods. Are you afraid of competition? Well, doesn't the support of an influential Dog inspire you?

Horoscope for 2018 for the Cat (Rabbit)

The eastern horoscope promises a great time for Cats, whom even a paw does not rise to offend. Only stroke, and only on the fur. Cats will not be left without warm milk, comfort and homeliness, even if they sometimes release their claws towards the patroness of the year. After all, the Dog loves them for their appeasement, gentleness and peace of mind. Well, how can such creatures not be helped? So, Kotov expects success and personal happiness. The main thing is that you yourself do not miss all this from under your nose.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Snake

The eastern horoscope according to the year of birth predicts the habitual reincarnation of the Snake - from a cobra to a lizard. But keep in mind that the Dog does not tolerate hypocrisy and lies, so try to still choose for yourself a “face” that is more polite and nicer. Otherwise, competitors will instantly "devour" you and will not choke. Not even the dog can help. The snake needs to “turn on” intuition more often so as not to make mistakes and stumble. In creativity, success and recognition await you, so don’t hesitate to introduce talents and ideas into your workflow. Preferably work in a team.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Dragon

In the year of the Dog, Dragons have the opportunity to show their magical abilities in order to get what they want in career, finances and love. Do you want to be a big boss? Then study, improve your skills and do not give chances to competitors. The Chinese horoscope does not advise the Dragon to dream about what a priori will not come true. Only real goals and plans are doomed to success. You will “fly” everywhere, since the road is open and the path is cleared by the Dog. Creative Dragons need to prove themselves in different directions - art, music and literature.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Tiger

Horoscope for 2018 for the Ox

The eastern horoscope does not promise serious problems, because there will always be a faithful patroness - the Yellow Dog. If you show stubbornness and healthy ambitions, then you will not be left without career growth and profit. All scammers and swindlers will scatter to the sides when they see a proud, confident and smart Ox. As for novelty and creativity, it should be used not only in work, but also in the external image. Ox likes creativity, which means that you can introduce talents in everything you undertake. Mistakes are not expected if everything is thought out to the smallest detail.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Rat

Rats throughout 2018 will be under the reliable protection of the Dog. The main thing is to be selfless and cheerful, and everything else will definitely come at the right time. The Rat does not hold charm, so the Dog will immediately settle down to this cute creature. The Chinese horoscope for 2018 advises to show talents in the work team. Then the boss will appreciate you, and colleagues will respect you even more. The Rat has a lot of chances to succeed in various fields of activity - economic, legal and literary. The main thing is to take everything wisely and deliberately, and not rush to conclusions.

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Time is fleeting ... Nature has not yet completely cleared itself of bright autumn dresses of trees, as soon as it will be decorated with white snowdrifts with red accents in the form of clusters of mountain ash. This means that soon our houses will be decorated with elegant Christmas trees, and New Year's Eve should be met fully armed, and it's time to think about what color to wear for the New Year 2020 and how to celebrate this beloved holiday.

We will tell you what colors of dresses to choose, what to celebrate the New Year 2020 according to the signs of the zodiac, and we have also collected all the popular New Year's bows for girls with photos, a lot of ideas for any figure. We hope you enjoy. By the way, you might be interested to see, and.

Year of the Rat 2020 - what color should the dress be

The symbol of 2020 is the White Metal Rat. White color symbolizes purity, freshness, impeccability and perfection. But, on the other hand, white is a blank sheet on which a person can draw whatever he wants with the help of his desires and actions.

Metal enhances the desire for the best, provides powerful support. Therefore, when choosing a New Year's outfit, it is advisable to provide for the radiance of white metal in its image. It can be silvery fabrics of various textures, sequins, sequins, embroidery using gold and silver threads. Also, the animal will be pleased with the fur in clothes, similar to its white soft fur. But categorically it is impossible to use products from natural fur.

In addition to white, dresses of gray, silver, milky, cream color are perfect. But do not get hung up on the colors of the hostess of the year. This smart and understanding little animal is waiting for clues - what do you want to receive in the coming year. You can help her understand this with the help of the color of the outfit.

Also, astrologers have made adjustments to the range of colors and shades. They have identified the colors of dresses for the new year 2020 of the rat, which are suitable for New Year's outfits for girls of different zodiac signs.

Fashionable bows for the New Year 2020 for a girl

What models of dresses will help in creating the perfect New Year's looks? This question cannot be answered unambiguously. First of all, you need to pay attention to the features of your figure and your taste preferences. A variety of styles and styles will help you choose an outfit for the New Year for any type of figure. Fashionable bows for the New Year 2020 for girls:


This style is characterized by a high waist, the presence of drapery. You can choose a model in the floor, short, midi. There are styles with an open back and shoulders, with an armhole on one shoulder. The originality of the dresses of this style is given by decor elements and decorative fittings - sequins, beads, rhinestones, buttons, lace, embroidery. Dresses in the Empire style always look great at any party, whether it's going to the theater, a pompous event or a gala dinner.

Sheath dress

The style is characterized by a fitted cut, medium length. There are many varieties with different types of necklines, sleeves. The dress itself is strict, rather simple in appearance, so you can decorate it with accessories, massive jewelry and jewelry. For a festive option, it is better to choose a dress made of satin, velvet, velor, sewn with lace.

Mermaid dress

Effective style. Tightly fits the figure and greatly expands from the level of the knees, resembling the tail of a mermaid, often done with a train. Models made of shiny fabrics with scale-like sequins further enhance this look.

baby dollar

The playful style will suit young girls with slender legs. It is characterized by a tight bodice, high waist, fluffy short skirt. Bows, ruffles, lace, mesh add decorativeness and playfulness to them.

Deep neckline, open back

Will decorate any evening and festive dress, will give it sophistication. A deep neckline will help to show a new necklace, pendant in a favorable light. The open back symbolizes hidden sexuality - the front of the dress can be tightly closed, and turning your back you can demonstrate beautiful curves. Both the neckline and the back can be draped with sheer mesh fabric.

Outfit colors

2020 will be marked by the White Metal Rat. What do you want to get this year? What are the priorities? By choosing the right New Year's outfit, you can tell the Rat what will make you happy in her year.


This color will attract wealth to your home. If the priority is material well-being, then a white dress will attract finances. It is better if silver elements and sequins are present in the outfit. Appease the Metal Rat with silver jewelry, large jewelry, pearls.

nude shades

They symbolize tenderness. Attract love, romantic relationships. The dress must be decorated with metallic chic with sequins, silver prints, massive jewelry. Make-up should be natural, not bright vulgar. Romance and vulgarity are not compatible, do not confuse the Rat.


The most relevant for the celebration of the New Year 2020. It will please the Metal Rat, attract its attention and it will give good luck and luck in everything - in love, financial matters, business, study, and give health. There is never too much silver this year, so massive earrings and large bracelets would be quite appropriate. A deep neckline will be decorated with a necklace, and a diadem will adorn a high hairstyle.

Silver graphite

It will tell the Rat that in addition to good luck and luck, you crave peace of mind, balance. If the previous year was difficult and stressful, you need to tell the symbol of the coming year that you need a break. With your dress, show that after hard work and emotional stress, you want lightness in your personal life, and in work, and in your studies.


It's not a dark color at all. It absorbs the entire color spectrum without letting it out. Wearing a black dress on New Year's Eve, you will tell the Rat that you are asking to give a favorable atmosphere in the house, to help save the family, to create sincerity. Large silver jewelry will not be superfluous at all. In makeup, the emphasis should be on the eyes - deep makeup, long eyelashes.

Outfit according to the sign of the zodiac

Let's combine the eastern and zodiac horoscopes. What outfit is better to choose for ladies of different zodiac signs, see below.

How to celebrate the New Year of Aries

This sign corresponds to a bright red color. Aggressive shades are inherent in the rat, so Aries should get the positive effect of red on their fate. Clothing made of shiny fabric - satin, silk, embroidered with sequins will look perfect. A straight or flared outfit with a deep neckline will attract the attention of the opposite sex. A silver accessory will look harmonious - a handbag, a large bracelet, a diadem, a necklace, a scarf or a stole, shoes.

How to celebrate the new year Taurus

Astrologers recommend that Taurus celebrate the New Year in a turquoise dress. All shades will be good, except for the color of the sea wave - Rats are not very fond of water. A combination of sky blue and silver would be ideal. The bodice of the dress can be decorated with silver inserts, embroidered with beads, sequins. Large jewelry will complement the outfit. If the dress is bright, then make-up in nude shades will help smooth it out. Delicate light outfit will enhance bright makeup.

What to celebrate the new year Gemini

Astrologers recommend using cold shades of all colors and silver accessories in outfits. Twins are advised to wear paired massive silver jewelry on this night. The choice of colors is very extensive, but you should not use bright outfits. Each color has muted shades. To add metal to the outfits will help silver-colored shoes, decorated with sequins, stones or a light scarf, stole, cape. Bright rich makeup will be appropriate for a soft dress.

What to celebrate the new year of Cancer

Representatives of these signs are waiting for spectacular silver dresses. The Rat will approve of both tight and loose flying silhouettes. Fabrics are light, shiny, decorated with sequins, pearls, shiny accessories. Big earrings, rings, muted eye makeup and bright lips will help complete the look.

Cancers are also encouraged to use shades of mustard in New Year's clothes - from modest pastel shades to rich mustard-gold combinations. If the outfit is in muted tones, not decorated with rich accessories, then properly selected accessories will help to give it a festive look - large jewelry, a silver handbag, shoes, a neckerchief, a scarf. A dress decorated with sequins, shiny inserts usually does not require bright decorations, but the Rat loves brightness and a lot of sparkle this New Year's Eve will not hurt anyone.

How to celebrate the new year Leo

This fire sign will attract the favor of the Rat with a combination of bright red with gold and silver. Dresses of a fitted silhouette of various lengths should look rich and bright. Accessories should be the same - a handbag, shoes, jewelry. This is one of the signs who don’t particularly suit jewelry. Preference should be given to jewelry.

How to celebrate the New Year Virgo

All shades of silvery color will emphasize the aristocracy of the representatives of this sign. Large curls scattered over the shoulders, moderate eye makeup and bright lips will attract the attention of the Rat. In this case, you should not get carried away with the amount of jewelry and accessories, large earrings and a ring on your finger will make the image complete, but not satiated.

All shades of chocolate - from delicate milk to dark bitter, will look great in the evening dress of the Virgins. The rat will be pleased with the inserts of silvery fabrics, brilliant embroidery, appliqués, lace. In this option, a large amount of jewelry, bright accessories will look quite appropriate.

Turquoise color is wonderful and harmoniously combined with silver shades. A deep neckline or an open back, a silvery bodice and a loose floor-length skirt, an abundance of embroidery, a scattering of stones - all these features of the models will suit feminine maidens.

The peach color of the dresses will emphasize the tenderness of the Virgin. A light, airy, flowing silhouette combined with bright makeup, a wavy waterfall of hair will make the New Year's outfit unforgettable.

How to celebrate the New Year Libra

A black chic dress made of noble fabric - satin, silk, velor or velvet, combined with massive jewelry will emphasize the aristocracy of Libra. The silhouettes are very different - from simple minimalist to luxurious complex textures. Makeup also differs in variety - both natural, almost invisible, and bright, maybe even somewhat aggressive - lady vamp will be appropriate.

A silver outfit will emphasize the freshness, tenderness of Libra. Massive earrings reaching the shoulders and small other jewelry will be appropriate in the image. Color accents can be added with bright colors in makeup.

How to celebrate the new year Scorpio

The sexiest sign of the zodiac. Red color for beautiful Scorpios is a symbol of love, flirting, coquetry, sensuality. By decorating the outfit with silver accessories, jewelry, you can attract the attention of the Rat and attract positive and good luck. In addition, Scorpio ladies in a bright outfit are more likely to become the center of attention at any party.

Orange outfit - symbolizes the sun, which everyone misses in the middle of winter. You will attract the attention of the Rat and she will come to bask in your light, bringing with her joy, good luck, prosperity. And silver jewelry and accessories will be able to please her.

A little black dress with silver or gold accessories will emphasize the sexuality and seductiveness of Scorpio. You can add bright highlights with makeup, a thin belt that emphasizes a wasp waist, and stilettos.

How to celebrate the new year Sagittarius

Turquoise with a green undertone, sky blue colors will decorate Sagittarius this New Year's Eve. These colors pair perfectly with silver, which will please the Metal Rat. Beautiful jewelry will complement the outfit - brooches, necklaces, tiaras, massive earrings, rings.

How to celebrate the new year Capricorn

Representatives of the sign are characterized by a strict, even a little harsh character. Bright colors of floral print outfits will help smooth it out on New Year's Eve. This outfit will bring a piece of warm summer and exotic islands to the New Year's party. Open shoulders, deep neckline will help you feel sexier and more desirable. You should correctly select silver accessories to please the hostess of the coming year - the Rat.

If you think floral design is inappropriate for this night, then, as an alternative, you can wear a dress of golden-sand, powdery shade. Bright, shiny outfits will shimmer beautifully in the light of New Year's garlands, and properly selected accessories will add gloss and completeness to the image.

How to celebrate the new year Aquarius

At the change of year, Aquarius should radically change their image. Lovers of delicate pastel colors, on New Year's Eve, should wear bright outfits made of shiny fabrics - satin, crepe satin, silk, apply bright makeup and pick up bright large accessories. Tonight you must shine.

If bright images are closer to you in everyday life, then surprise your family and friends by presenting yourself in a soft, gentle image of pastel colors. Accessories should be selected refined, not massive. The rat will like a scattering of stones, sequins, openwork inserts with a silver thread that adorned the New Year's outfit.

How to celebrate the New Year Pisces

Representatives of this sign will be decorated with a delicate white outfit. Lace will emphasize fragility, and silver jewelry and accessories will emphasize natural beauty. You should not add bright contrasting notes to the image, shoes, a belt, a handbag - everything should be in delicate nude shades, including makeup and manicure.

If you consider white to be the prerogative of wedding dresses, then in this case, pay attention to the sky blue dress. Embroidery, lace, sequins of a silvery shade are ideally combined with this color. If the texture of the fabric is replete with sparkles, then you should not add jewelry and accessories to the image, such dresses are already self-sufficient in themselves. But non-shiny textures must be refreshed and gloss added.

Shoes and accessories for the New Year's look

The Metallic White Rat loves brilliance, chic, and this affects the selection of accessories. She will like massive silver jewelry and jewelry - necklaces, tiaras, bracelets, earrings, rings. She will also be pleased with shiny accessories - scarves, stoles, shoes, bags.

Fashionable jewelry of the season 2019-2020

On this New Year's Eve, preference should be given to jewelry made of silver, platinum, white gold. Stones are bright and shiny. The mistress of the year will also have pearls to her liking. Jewelry - expensive, author's. You can decorate yourself with handmade products, the main thing is that they meet all the requirements and fit the complete image.

About yellow gold, semi-precious matte stones, cheap jewelry must be forgotten on this holiday.

Earrings should attract attention. When choosing a conservative, classic outfit, they should be graceful, but not small.

For evening dresses with bare shoulders, you can pick up more massive earrings.

Rings. As already mentioned, the Rat loves massive jewelry, but too bulky rings on the thin long fingers of a young girl may not look quite appropriate. Just like cheap jewelry does not suit ladies of respectable age. It is necessary to select jewelry so that they create a single set, are to your taste and suit a particular person.

Bracelets. They should also be selected not only to the taste of the girl, but also based on the principle of complementarity. Although the Rat is not against the abundance of silver shades, sometimes it is better to show restraint and critically evaluate the finished image. And if there is a clear competition with the Christmas tree in terms of the number of decorations, then it is better not to pick up too bulky ones.

Shoes and handbag

A clutch will be appropriate if the celebration is to be held in a restaurant, banquet hall. You can put powder and lipstick in it to fix your makeup. If a home party is planned, then it is quite possible to do without it, it is enough to throw a cosmetic bag into a regular bag.

This year you can allow yourself to shine in the truest sense. If the outfit lacks radiance, then you can pick up shoes and a handbag in silver color, or any shade, decorated with stones and decorative buckles.

To any outfit, shoes of flesh, cream color or black will be appropriate. Heel height is a moot point. On the one hand, I want to emphasize my sexuality with a high hairpin. On the other hand, usually the celebration lasts all night and there is a choice between beauty and comfort. If you are not confident in your own abilities, you can take with you a change of shoes with flat soles or more comfortable stable heels.

Very soon, the hostess of 2020, the White Metal Rat, will come into her own. When celebrating the New Year, the outfit undoubtedly plays a great role, but a good mood, sincere company and faith in a miracle are much more important. To appease the Rat, the whole holiday can be decorated in her style - silver garlands, balls on the Christmas tree, serpentine, a white tablecloth on the table, silver appliances.

It is necessary to meet 2018 correctly, choose an outfit and set the festive table in such a way as to please the patron animal of the coming period. Knowing the features of the Eastern calendar, you can succeed in the new year.

Soon the Fire Rooster will finally say goodbye to us, and he will be replaced by a new patron - Yellow Earth Dog. In order to properly plan your year and predict the future, you should pay attention to the characteristics of this animal.

What will be the Year of the Dog

As you know, a dog is a kind, intelligent and very loyal animal. But do not forget about the bright disposition, periodic laziness and unstable character - today she can be kind and obedient, and tomorrow something will affect her mood, and her attitude towards people will change significantly.

Despite some difficulties, in general, the coming year will be calm, this will especially affect the situation in the world and relations between countries. The number of international conflicts should be significantly reduced. In addition, one can hope for a truce between the conflicting parties.

We can conclude that next year may be the beginning of a new era for us. If someone finds it difficult to accept drastic changes, do not despair. Do not forget that the dog is a kind animal, therefore, under the influence of such a patroness, serious difficulties are unlikely to arise.

Who will be lucky in the year of the Dog?

  • Horse
  • Rooster
  • Dog
  • Pig
  • People born under these Signs of the eastern horoscope will be prosperous and successful in the coming year. For them, 2018 will be a successful year in many areas: in work, finances and love. There may be small troubles in life and difficulties in relationships with people, but you can overcome this and provide yourself with comfort for the whole year.

    Who will face difficulties

    • Rat
    • Rabbit
    • The Dragon
    • A monkey
    • For representatives of these Signs of the eastern calendar, the coming year will bring little difficulties. There may be problems in interacting with people, misunderstanding with superiors, financial difficulties may arise during the year. Especially this year will not be successful for starting a business. However, do not get upset and give up: if you are overtaken by minor setbacks, try to overcome them, and then 2018 will bring you only good luck.

      Color and Energy 2018

      Despite the fact that for many, the main tradition of the holiday is holding it with the family, do not forget that your appearance should please the new patroness, so it is advisable to consider what colors she prefers.

      We are celebrating the year of the Yellow Earth Dog - keep this in mind when choosing your clothes that you will wear on New Year's Eve. Don't forget that yellow symbolizes joy and positive energy.

      Give preference to bright colors. The most successful colors for the 2018 meeting are yellow, green, orange and red.

      The energy of the Year of the Dog will be calm and down to earth. There will be minor changes in life, but in general, the year will not bring major changes. Do not jump on the rampage and draw hasty conclusions. Try to suppress laziness and analyze what is happening around you, and then 2018 will give you harmony.

      So that the year of the Yellow Earth Dog passes for you without significant troubles, try to meet it with dignity. A bad start to the new year can significantly affect everything that happens in the coming year. May your wishes come true and don't forget to press the buttons and

      19.09.2017 01:15

      The age horoscope is a sequence of signs of the eastern horoscope, which represent each period of time in a person's life. ...