What is the year of the dog. People born in the year of the Dog: horoscope, characteristics, compatibility

Beautiful, graceful, naturally attractive - in front of you is a woman whose year of birth is Dog. She has a delicate taste and a special style that is not subject to fashion trends. This woman is much more active and ambitious than a man of the same sign. She clearly knows what she wants from life, and wit and exactingness in every possible way accompany advancement along the path of life.

She is modest in society, and noisy companies and parties are far from her role. The Dog Woman has a rather pessimistic outlook on things and, pricking up her ears, expects the worst from life. To others, she may seem detached and indifferent, but in reality this is not the case. It’s just that the Dog Woman does not consider it necessary to dedicate strangers to her experiences and will open her soul only to a truly close friend. As a rule, she spends energy on several things at once and, as a result, is in constant

The Dog Woman combines the best human qualities, but, of course, she also has flaws. She really knows how to make friends, moreover, the Dog is the most faithful and devoted sign of all. She never loses friends, moreover, over the years she acquires new, at the same time no less valuable contacts and true friends. A dog knows how to keep secrets better than anyone else.

One of the important qualities of such a woman is the ability to introspection. Undoubtedly, this is its significant advantage. Also, the Dog Woman can analyze her actions and deeds for long evenings, while the main events seem to flow past her.

Quite often, a Dog woman can be dependent on people who are important to her, whether they are friends or lovers. In friendship, such a woman has an emotional connection in the foreground.

The Dog Woman will be ideal as a wife for almost any man. She is an ideal mother who knows how to find an approach to children, but loves to create her own rules in everything and expects everyone around to follow them.

For this woman, it is very important to do something for the benefit of society and improve this world. Fighting injustice becomes an important part of her life.

Such women in love have modesty, developed intelligence, insight and wisdom. But in the presence of all these advantages, the Dog Woman is not very confident in herself and is full of complexes. It takes a long time to get closer, but if this happens, you can be sure that you have forever taken a place in the fragile heart of the Dog.

Since the Dog Woman is imperious, she needs a man much stronger in spirit, older and wiser, then she will feel complete comfort next to him and will be satisfied with the role of a fragile beloved woman.

The Dog Woman draws inspiration from outside, she is devoted to her husband and children, but she needs an uninterrupted source of inspiration, which is most often travel, various hobbies or business. Therefore, the leash in the hands of her husband should not be too short, because there is no need for this, she is incredibly faithful to the only man in her life. Anyone who understands her desire for an active lifestyle and a change of impressions will be appreciated by her at times.

The Dog Woman loves romance and a subtle mental device, she will be pleased with a date in the open air, scenic spots and spectacular events.

Such a lady can hardly be called a careerist. She will be quite satisfied with the role of the right hand of the leader. The Dog Woman will become indispensable in this role, since the leadership appreciates her wise advice, because she is able to grasp the essence of the situation and make the right decision in time. Material wealth is far from being the main position in life; relationships with the close environment are much more important for her.

In the work process, she is pedantic, knows what she wants. Does the job quickly and efficiently, always bringing things to the end.

As a leader, the Dog Woman is fair and authoritative, the opinion of such a boss is listened to, and the point of view is respected. She herself is used to taking on most of the responsibilities for herself, and from others to demand high-quality performance, while remaining sensitive and attentive to her subordinates.

It is vital for a Dog Woman to feel needed by this world and find a use for herself, because if this does not happen, she falls into melancholy, and under such circumstances, her loved ones have a hard time.

Years: 1910, 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030

In ancient China, dogs were valued primarily for their ability to exorcise demons. They were credited with the ability to find and transfer means of subsistence (rice or millet). There is a mention of both the progenitor dog and people with dog heads. The dog is a symbol of fidelity and devotion, the arrival of this animal in the house promises future prosperity. The Chinese Red Heavenly Dog Tien-ku is associated with the masculine principle (Yang) during the day and helps to drive away evil spirits, and at night it goes over to the side of Yin (feminine principle) and symbolizes destruction and catastrophe, is associated with meteor showers and eclipses. At this time, the dog becomes rabid and bites the Sun or the Moon. In Japan, the animal plays the role of a devoted guardian.

Born under the signs of fidelity and care, the Dog never rests, she is always on the alert. She is disgusted by injustice, she is able to give the last penny to help the needy. She always plays fair and never hides her true intentions. Although the Dog is very straightforward and sometimes quite stubborn, she is always ready to listen to the opinion of the interlocutor and strives for objectivity in her judgments. The dog will gladly help with advice, but only when asked for it, although it will be the first to lend a helping hand in difficult times.

Despite the friendly nature, the Dog is not very sociable and prefers a calm, intimate environment to large noisy gatherings. At the same time, she is an excellent conversationalist and can be a real storehouse of funny stories and anecdotes. The dog has an exceptional instinct and is able to instantly form an opinion about who he is talking to. She does not lack friends, but living with her is not easy. Her mood often changes, she is cynical and makes too high demands on others, but despite this, she is truly devoted to her friends.

A dog will never betray, better than anyone else, it will keep the secrets entrusted to it, although it does not like confessions (and it is unlikely that it will repent of sins before anyone). People born under this sign are very stubborn, but they always know what they want. As a rule, they specialize in some narrow area. They do not strive for material well-being and therefore are not at all prone to hoarding.

In general, Dogs are loyal and caring, while always tense and restless: they can’t rest, afraid to miss another injustice. When one is discovered, they will not rest until they do everything to rectify the situation. They are modest, endowed with a deep mind and the ability to listen. At the same time, they are often pessimistic and do not expect anything good from life.
Writers and philosophers (Victor Hugo, Voltaire), film actors and singers (Sophie Loren, Bridget Bardot, Charles Bronson, Elvis Presley, Madonna, Michael Jackson), fashion designers (Pierre Cardin) and politicians (Carl Gustav, Winston Churchill) were born under this sign. , Herbert Hoover).

There are the following varieties of Dog.

  • From 02/10/1910 to 01/29/1911 - Year of the Metal (White) Dog;
  • From 01/28/1922 to 02/15/1923 - Year of the Water (Black) Dog;
  • From 02/14/1934 to 02/03/1935 - Year of the Wooden (Blue) Dog;
  • From 02/02/1946 to 01/21/1947 - the Year of the Fire (Red) Dog;
  • From 02/18/1958 to 02/07/1959 - Year of the Earth (Yellow) Dog;
  • From 02/06/1970 to 01/26/1971 - Year of the Metal (White) Dog;
  • From 01/25/1982 to 02/12/1983 - Year of the Water (Black) Dog;
  • From 02/10/1994 to 01/30/1995 - Year of the Wood (Blue) Dog;
  • From 01/29/2006 to 02/17/2007 - Year of the Fiery (Red) Dog;
  • From 02/16/2018 to 02/04/2019 - Year of the Earth (Yellow) Dog;
  • From 03.02. 2030 to 01/22/2031 is the Year of the Metallic (White) Dog.

The corresponding zodiac sign is Aquarius.

Strengths of character

A person born in the year of the Dog is self-critical and strives for perfection. If he takes on something, he will not quit what he started halfway and will pay attention to every detail. The dog is one of the most responsible signs of the eastern horoscope, which never gives false promises and knows how to calculate its capabilities in advance so as not to let other people down. In addition, she has a heightened sense of justice, so the Dog tries to behave decently in any situation and knows how to defend its own rightness.

You can rely on this person, because he will never leave loved ones without support in difficult times, and will find a way to help them, even to the detriment of his own interests. For the sake of someone who is dear to her, the Dog is capable of any sacrifice. However, we are talking only about the closest people, and not about recently appeared friends or charming romantics. This person knows how to clearly distinguish between those who will always be there and “temporary passengers”.

Weaknesses of character

The main weakness of the Dog is a tendency to endless doubts, no matter what it is. If everything that was possible was done to achieve the goal, but this did not bring any result, this person will analyze every little thing in detail in order to find his mistake, even if there is none. Searching for non-existent problems is a favorite pastime for men and women born in the Year of the Dog. They are overly vigilant, but trying to foresee absolutely everything, they very often lose sight of something more important. Most often this concerns relationships with the closest environment: if the mother Dog tries, for example, to raise a child with an excellent student, it is likely that she will not pay attention to his problems in relationships with peers, etc.

A person born in the year of the Dog gives the impression of having an iron character, but in fact this is not so. The dog is one of the most insecure signs of the eastern horoscope. This person is so concerned about the impression he makes on other people that he often misses opportunities or hesitates to make an acquaintance because of this.

In love

From his personal life, the Dog expects stability - she needs a permanent partner, and not a bright, but short-term romance. It would seem that such an attitude to life in itself is a guarantee of the fidelity of this person, but in reality everything can be different. Anyone born in the year of the Dog is prone to betrayal, but not because of the search for adventure, but because of constant doubts.

Living relationships cannot be smooth all the time, and in moments of difficulty, the Dog regrets the missed opportunities for happiness with other people, or begins to consider representatives of the opposite sex from his environment as potential partners. After betrayal, as a rule, he does not torment himself with remorse, and if he falls into a love triangle, he sincerely suffers from the inability to make a decision and make a choice.

Despite the free attitude to sex, the representative of this sign is very caring and literally takes care of a loved one. During the period of falling in love, the Dog is ready to give everything she has to the one she loves, even if the reciprocity of feelings is in doubt. A distinctive feature of the characteristics of this person lies in the extraordinary generosity and sacrifice of nature. The dog will never regret that he did a good deed for someone who did not deserve it, and even more so he will not lament about material values ​​\u200b\u200band gifts.


The representative of the sign of the Dog according to the eastern horoscope is distinguished by high working capacity and the zeal to do everything with high quality. Such an employee will never do anything at speed - not a single detail will go unnoticed. The dog knows how to focus on business in any situation and it is almost impossible to distract it. This person is extremely disciplined, therefore he does not solve personal problems during working hours and does not look for an excuse to leave work early, but on the contrary, he may stay late of his own free will if the success of the business depends on it.

The Dog's diligence inspires respect from management, and envy from less hardworking and attentive employees, but behind the efforts of this person there is no intention to climb the career ladder or "sit out" someone else. The representative of this sign may refuse the proposed promotion, because he feels quite comfortable in his workplace. There is also no particular interest in raising salaries or finding a more profitable job for the Dog.

Man Dog

A man born in the year of the Dog has a high level of intelligence and is very interesting as an interlocutor. He is always open for communication, but at the same time he does not need the general public and noisy companies, preferring secluded places to communicate with his closest friends.

The Dog man has no craving for luxury - material values ​​\u200b\u200bfor him are almost in last place. All his acquisitions are practical, and as for the wardrobe and home interior, he prefers minimalism. He gets rid of everything superfluous immediately, so there are no unnecessary things in his house.

For family life, this man needs a woman without high demands, who will have a husband and children in the first place, and not a beautiful life and expensive trinkets. At the same time, the Dog man is not greedy, and if he has money, he does not save it for a rainy day, but spends it with pleasure on gifts for loved ones.

In general, the characteristic of the male Dog is positive. He takes care of his family, and even if he decides to divorce his wife, he will never leave his children to their fate. First of all, he thinks not about how to get the most out of life, but about his continuation and what remains after him.

Dog Woman

The Dog woman is a pleasant and conducive person, but she herself is in no hurry to get close to people. She has many acquaintances who trust her, but she can count her truly close people on the fingers of one hand. She treats people with sympathy and never thinks badly of those with whom she spends time.

In her youth, a Dog woman may seem overly emotional. She is tolerant of the shortcomings of other people, but if she notices someone's love for gossip or a tendency to lie, she will not only stop communicating, but will also express everything she thinks in person. Thus, in a matter of seconds, she can end a long-term established relationship in a matter of seconds, and not regret it a bit later.

Woman Dog is very sensitive and receptive to the opinions of others. It is important for her how she looks, how she speaks and behaves, what random passers-by or those who, as a person, are not interesting to her, think about her. She is prone to introspection, and if one of her loved ones is in a bad mood, she will certainly begin to look for the cause of his behavior in herself.

In family life, she is practical and responsible. The marriage union of the Dog woman promises to be long-lasting, even if she is not completely satisfied with her husband. She can compensate for the lack of emotions by flirting on the side, but she decides to cheat if she believes that she has nothing to lose. In any case, she takes care of her husband as a kindred person, and of course, she tries with all her might to ensure a worthy future for her children.

People born in the year of the Dog, according to the eastern calendar, can be described as responsible, brave and fair individuals. Despite these qualities, Dogs never let anyone into their soul, preferring to hide. The personality of the people of the Dog sign can be divided into all halves: The first - they are kind, friendly and noble souls, the second - self-contained, pessimistic and anxious.

It's not even that the dog wants to hide his true soul, but that he believes that he should look decent in society.

A distinctive feature of dogs is the loyalty that is inherent in them. From the outside, her character may look playful, but in fact she is faithful to those who are of great importance to her. As mentioned earlier, the main negative trait of a dog is pessimism. She believes that she is simply not created for happiness, seeing a catch and disappointment in everything.

Dog Man

A man born in the year of the Dog is a good husband and a loving father who is ready for anything for the sake of his family. In appearance, such a man seems melancholic and gloomy. Due to problems with low self-esteem, such men rarely put in the effort for a good career. Also, for this reason, men of this sign do not fully reveal their life potential.

In marriage, male dogs are prone to betrayal, and it will not be possible to re-educate him in this.

Dog Woman

Due to her extravagant appearance, the representative of this sign can give the impression of a strong and independent woman, which may not always be true. Women of this sign are distinguished by a masculine mindset, logical thinking, a strong character, but they also have a share of self-doubt.


In love with the Dog, everything relies on trust and mutual partnership. People of this sign give great preference to family values, and therefore they try to achieve balance. An interesting fact is that if the Dog is disappointed in his partner, then nothing prevents her from quickly finding a replacement for him. They move away from separation quite quickly.

Probably the largest number of creative people were born in the year of the Dog. Let us mention only some of them: A. Dumas, V. Hugo, J. Moliere, M. Lermontov, N. Karamzin, N. Saltykov-Shchedrin, V. Lebedev-Kumach - and this is not a complete list of those who were born in year of the Dog and worked for the benefit of future generations.

The dog is often very cynical - and many avoid it because of harsh and unpleasant remarks, this is the reason for the large number of enemies. The dog rarely shows his feelings, except in case of emergency. In addition, he is a born philosopher and moralist.

The dog is very petty and is distinguished by scrupulousness and meticulousness, sometimes infuriating those around him. She has a tendency to drown in details, to criticize with or without reason, to systematically look for the object of her sarcastic attacks. But in reality, she is an ordinary pessimist who does not expect anything from life and does not look for a way out of a difficult situation, but goes with the flow.

The dog is very generous and generous with others. No matter what world she lives in, the intellectual principle prevails in her - and she cares little about material comfort. And if she uses it, then without any hint of chic and luxury. However, if the Dog urgently needs funds, it will easily find a financial source and provide itself better than others.

In the field of feelings, the Dog sometimes seems very cold and arrogant, but this first impression is deceptive. And at the same time, the Dog combined in itself all the most noble traits of character. She is very loyal, faithful, honest, has a great sense of duty and dignity, modest. You can always count on her, she will never betray. If the Dog is in love, he is ready to sacrifice his own tail to prove his love and devotion to his partner.

The dog’s speech is simple, like “bow-wow”, and although it expresses its thoughts with great difficulty, it has a deep mind and, like no one else, knows how to listen.

All life phases of the Dog will pass under the sign of impermanence. A restless childhood, a troubled youth, skepticism from failures in adulthood, and regret for the unfulfilled in old age.

A dog born during the day is less restless than a dog born at night.

Dog Man

Very devoted, restless, always on guard, guarding, especially when in love, and very jealously guarding the object of his desires. Very stubborn, sometimes even going to extremes, but he knows exactly what he wants. The devotion of the Dog man knows no bounds and extends all the way to self-denial. You can trust him with anything, because this trust is fully justified. He will do everything for you, but, of course, within the limits of what is possible. The people around him deservedly respect him.

Dog Woman

Always boldly speaks out at the slightest hint of injustice. She is a skeptic, but her critical mind, sense of humor and undeniable greatness of spirit save her from the danger of getting bogged down in trifles. She does not like noisy gatherings, noisy and drunken companies, since she herself does not abuse alcohol, and if she drinks, she prefers noble wines and champagne.

She always stands on the side of justice - and will defend her own interests and the interests of her children at the cost of her life. Any injustice towards them causes a protest in the Mother Dog, and she will not calm down until she achieves a rectification of the situation.

Relationships with other people

In love, the Dog is honest and reasonable. Throughout her life, she will experience difficulties caused by her constancy. For the Dog, the Horse is most suitable, which will provide her with the opportunity to do great things in exchange for some of her independence. Big adventures await her with the Tiger. They will fight side by side in the name of justice. Despite the fact that small skirmishes will occur in the relationship of this couple, the Dog will actively help the Tiger, while remaining in the shadows.

The Dog will be calm with the Cat, who will be lucky enough to lull her vigilance. This is a strong union that can be very happy, despite the fact that in nature these animals rarely get along with each other. The Dragon is not able to understand the cynicism and criticality of the Dog, and they are not destined to be together. The capricious Goat periodically brings the Dog to the point that she runs away from her, however, she always comes back because of her blind loyalty and devotion.


The dog suffers the most if unemployment, famine, misfortune and war reign around.

As for labor activity, the Dog can become a good and knowledgeable leader in industry, as well as an educator or teacher, and can be an active public figure. The Dog has excellent ability to manage people. Any society is interested in nominating and promoting people like the Dog. She has such ability to work and directness, like none of the signs.


The dog loves to rest, but he is still always on duty, because he cannot completely disconnect from problems, and this prevents him from relaxing. But she is still ready to take risks and throw off her shackles, then nothing will stop her, the Dog will have fun and spin like a top.

Dog - compatibility characteristics

Rat and Dog Compatibility

The Rat knows how to understand the nature of the Dog's anxiety. After all, the Dog is vigilantly accustomed to guarding its territory, which is why the mysterious Rat is somewhat afraid. In general, they endure each other, these are two modest accomplices who go out only at night and do not like to engage in conversation with the first person they meet.

This union exists due to its secrecy and confidence in the future. After some acquaintance, they trust each other - after all, the Dog is very faithful, and for the Rat this is the most important thing. In case of trouble, both know how to stand up for themselves. This union is good for both love and business.

Dog Compatibility with Ox

It is better if in this union the Dog is a man, and the Ox is a woman. The dog will find the desired balance, which will be given to it by a calm and respectable woman - the Ox. Only in this case the Dog will sleep peacefully at night and not run around the fence in search of the enemy. In business, they also suit each other, because the Dog is an excellent administrator, and the Ox is a wonderful financier.

In this duet, they will never fail. If a woman is born in the year of the Dog, everything is different. Dogs are very vain and cannot live without entertainment, and the Ox is not able to wait forever. But in any case, these partners appreciate each other. The Ox likes the deep mind of the Dog, and the Dog is fascinated by the poise of the Ox. Their union is happy and not without prospects.

Dog Compatibility with Tiger

Both are incorrigible idealists. Therefore, there are many misunderstandings in their union. The dog always tries to get ahead, and the Tiger seeks to maintain a dominant position. But in their need to fight, they will find a common language. This requires a target, which they quickly find.

Together they will fight to the end, despite the obstacles, with endless enthusiasm. The Dog is smiling at the eternal activity of the Tiger. But the Dog can find arguments in time to save him from a wrong step. This union can be very happy. His only enemy is everyday life.

There are difficulties here, because the Dog needs constant assurances of his affection for her, and the Tiger is not too accustomed to showing signs of attention. For a long-term union, they need to think about their own behavior, find common goals, only in this case it is possible to achieve harmony.

Dog and Rabbit Compatibility

This union can become happy and permanent. Only these people should be helped by chance. According to classical traditions, such a union is considered impossible. But from the point of view of astrology and psychology, they have a lot in common. They love security, are both deeply decent, jealously protect their property, and are endowed with many virtues. They understand each other and can support each other in difficult times.

Their life flows monotonously, without much upheaval. In the event of a misunderstanding, the Dog can overcome fear in itself and sacrifice its own ambition, because it is reasonable, it knows how to see in a partner what it lacks itself. In turn, the Rabbit hates trouble and will prefer to follow this determined partner.

Dragon Dog Compatibility

This is an unfavorable union. These signs do not have common goals, they do not understand each other. The dog is the only sign that is not delighted with the brilliance of the Dragon. The dog looks at life realistically and does not tolerate artificial brilliance. Of course, the Dog will fall in love with the Dragon, but it will only suffer from this, as it will not be able to be gentle.

Deep down, the Dog will laugh at his partner, and the Dragon, in turn, will suffer from the lack of her attention. Such a person must be loved with all his shortcomings, admire him. For the Dog, this is very difficult. Involuntarily, she may underestimate him. All this leads to the emergence of new complexes, and there are already enough of them.

Snake Dog Compatibility

Dogs become attached to Serpents very quickly because they are fascinated by the Serpent's wisdom and depth of mind. They do not even want to notice the shortcomings and patiently endure their careerism. Dogs idealize Snakes and try to protect them from all troubles.

The snake, in turn, also admires the honesty of the Dog. Everything is going well in their union, because the Snake loves to be adored. Of course, it is not without difficulties. One partner is not enough for the snake, and she will wish to find someone on the side.

True, there is one "but" - she can do this only if she completely paralyzes the will of the Dog. The dog will not be very upset because he likes to work quietly alone. The snake will regularly return home and keep it in its power. In this case, they can live a long life together. And even happily.

Horse and Dog Compatibility

At first glance, two completely different people find in their partner those traits that they would like to see in themselves. The Dog is very skeptical, generous, and the Horse is a little selfish, trusting and adventurous. But this does not create mistrust between them.

Their friendship gradually turns into a strong alliance in which they do not question the feelings of a partner. They do not try to dominate and do not criticize each other, unless the Horse first makes a mistake.

In this union, everyone lives their own life, and no one interferes with each other. An idealistic Dog pays a lot of attention to his friends, so he does not have enough time to follow the actions of the Horse, and the Horse is quite happy with this. And both are happy. Horses should not suspect the Dog of infidelity. If something touches her, you should not bring the matter to a tragedy.

Sheep Dog Compatibility

Often the Sheep is worried about her current life, and the Dog is overcome by doubts about the upcoming future. Both are very suspicious. Everyone really needs fidelity and the truth of the feelings of a partner. Both are endowed with incredible pessimism, but only in different aspects. Quite frankly, we can say that these people are not suitable for each other. They will only kindle doubts in themselves and ruin all the nerves.

The dog is too big a realist to understand the fantasies of the Sheep, she is serious and responsible. These people don't get jokes. The light irony of the Sheep offends the Dog. This union can only be preserved if the partners are connected by the power of some mystical and spiritual teachings.

Dog Compatibility with Monkey

Both signs are too critical and cynical. They have no illusions about each other. Both try to prick their partner as thinly as possible. The dog is too idealistic and cannot connect his life with the Monkey because of moral differences. And the Monkey, in turn, is too cunning and cannot understand how it is possible to be so disinterested and divorced from the real world.

Of course, the union can be preserved if, for example, the Dog and the Monkey were brought up together for a long time, but there will be no love in this union - the Dog, as a rule, will remain disappointed, but will not admit it to anyone. Gradually, she will accumulate many grievances against the Monkey and sooner or later will throw out what she has accumulated.

The Monkey, because of its unscrupulousness and frivolity, will miss everything and simply will not notice an angry Dog near him. It will begin to get bored, and nothing will keep its disturbing soul near the boring and angry Dog.

Rooster Dog Compatibility

This union can survive without even realizing it. As a rule, the Rooster is critical at those moments when the Dog starts to get nervous, but at the same time tries not to offend his toothy partner. The dog, in turn, cannot stand the bragging and carelessness of the Rooster - she spends a lot of time raising him.

But no matter how hard the Dog tries, she still will not be able to remake her original partner. Their relationship can turn into a "Battle of Borodino". In this case, both will suffer, because they are too sensitive. If they behave more restrainedly, then their union can last a very long time.

Dog to Dog Compatibility

These types are similar in many ways, they love children, the family hearth and always defend it; They need love. Even if they try to be casual and cheeky, you don't have to believe it - that's their way of protecting themselves. In fact, they value each other very much and always miss a partner. Quarrels and misunderstandings upset such people, but, as a rule, this does not happen between them.

They have a solid financial position, beautiful children, understanding and peace reign in the family. True, their iridescent coexistence can be overshadowed by an invasion from the outside, then they become nervous and lose sleep. Fortunately, they are able to destroy all doubts and establish a pleasant microclimate in the house. Intuition will help them with this. They will make a qualitative leap forward, which will destroy all obstacles.

Pig Dog Compatibility

Between these people immediately there is a complete mutual understanding. Both benefit from this union. The Pig will be able to teach the Dog his carelessness and reward him with the optimism that he so lacks. Both are generous and honest, able to sympathize and respect each other.

They know how to maintain a good microclimate in the family and constantly strengthen their union. They know what true love and a good life is, the rest is unimportant. A peaceful Dog will be happy and calm. She is interested in listening to the Pig and listening to her useful advice.

She is absolutely not embarrassed by the awkwardness and slowness of the Pig, although sometimes the Dog shows excessive suspicion. But at the right moments, she boldly rushes to the defense of her beloved. True, sometimes the Pig is annoyed by the excessive care of a restless girlfriend. But with the Pig Dog, he will not be lonely, and he will finally be able to relax.