And the development of a healthy lifestyle. Healthy lifestyle: basic principles and recommendations of doctors

Basic concepts of health and a healthy lifestyle

Basic concepts about health and healthy lifestyle

Health- a state of complete physical, spiritual (mental) and social well-being, and not just the absence of diseases and physical effects.

physical health - the natural state of a person, due to the normal functioning of all his organs and systems; it depends on the propulsion system, on proper nutrition, from the optimal combination of oral and physical work. In order to have normal physical health, you need to rest a lot (for example, 8 - 9 hours of sleep). Spiritual health depends on:

    relationship to the environment;

    orientation in this world;

    from the ability to determine one's position in society;

    from one's attitude to people and things;

    muscle systems.

Mental health concept

It is achieved by the ability to live in harmony with oneself, with friends and relatives; forecasting various situations; development of models of their behavior in accordance with the possibilities and desires.

How to determine whether a person is healthy or unhealthy?

This is determined by personal feelings and indicators.

Individual health is determined by:

Preservation and development of biological (reproduction), physiological (respiration, nutrition, excretion, blood circulation), psychophysiological (perception, memory, thinking), social (working capacity) functions with the longest active life.

Factors affecting health

Approximate specific gravity in %

Groups of risk factors

1. Lifestyle

alcohol, malnutrition, harmful working conditions, anxiety,

stress, habits, hypodynamia, material and living conditions,

drugs, drug abuse, family fragility, loneliness,

low educational and cultural level, high level

urbanization (population)

2. Genetics, biology

Predisposition to hereditary diseases

3. External environment

Pollution of air, water, soil, a sharp change in natural atmospheric pressure, magnets and other radiation

4. Healthcare

Ineffective preventive measures, poor quality of medical care and untimely provision of it

Public health is made up of the health of individuals. Indicators:

    overall mortality;

    average life expectancy;

    infant mortality.

Public health is affected by:

Natural factors (environmental pollution, housing environment) and social factors (wages, working hours, working conditions, health care, nutritional level).

Healthy lifestyle.

Z.O.Zh. It is an individual maintenance and strengthening of health.

Components of Z.O.Zh.:

1) moderate and balanced nutrition;

2) daily routine, taking into account the dynamics of individual biorhythms;

3) sufficient physical activity;

4) hardening of the body;

5) personal hygiene;

6) competent environmental behavior;

7) mental hygiene and the ability to manage their emotions;

8) sexual education;

9) giving up bad habits;

10) safe behavior at home, on the street, at school, ensuring the prevention of injuries and poisoning.

Today, unfortunately, in our country, 2/3 of the population do not go in for sports, 70 million people. smoke.

The relationship between the concept of a healthy lifestyle and the prevention of diseases.

The importance of observing the rules of personal and public hygiene.

Hygiene- this is an area that studies the influence of living conditions, work on a person and develops the prevention of various diseases; providing optimal conditions for existence; preserving health and prolonging life.

Personal hygiene- a set of hygiene rules, the implementation of which contributes to the preservation and promotion of health.

For personal hygiene you need:

Reasonable combination of mental and physical health;

Physical education;


Balanced diet;

Alternation of work and outdoor activities;

Complete sleep.

Health, as defined by WHO, is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. The health of a person and society as a whole depends on many social, natural and biological factors. Scientists argue that the health of the people is determined by 50-55% by lifestyle (OL), by 20-25% by environmental factors, by 20% by biological (hereditary) factors and by 10% by medicine.

Lifestyle is a set of typical types of life activity of a person, a social group, society as a whole, which is taken in unity with the conditions of life. This concept is quite broad. Recently, in the OL, more and more often, such two of its components are distinguished - healthy lifestyle and non-healthy lifestyle. Although the concept of “healthy lifestyle” has been established in our society relatively recently (in the 80s of the 20th century), however, the people have always used the norms and rules of a healthy lifestyle, throughout the history of mankind.

Scientific and technological progress has dramatically changed (and continues to change) human labor activity. In modern conditions, the role of mental labor is constantly increasing, while the share of physical labor is decreasing. All this leads to the fact that knowledge workers in the course of their professional activities, as a rule, do not receive physical activity in the required (sufficient) volume and quality. But the human body still needs these loads. Consequently, only physical culture, sports, tourism become practically the most effective and economical way of providing physical activity for a modern person.

At each stage of its development, humanity has always had in its arsenal such norms of life that ultimately were aimed at the creation and creation of material and spiritual values, at the transformation and prosperity of society, at the development of man, at the disclosure of his moral traits, mental and physical abilities. and opportunities. The progressiveness of humanity, in the final analysis, has always been predetermined by its ability for self-improvement, for the most complete development of the person himself, for him (humanity) to maintain a normal and only reasonable healthy lifestyle.

It seems that we need to more clearly understand the very concept of a healthy lifestyle.

Below we present some of the definitions of healthy lifestyle that take place in the literature:

    “A healthy lifestyle is a rational lifestyle, an integral feature of which is vigorous activity aimed at maintaining and improving health.”

    “A healthy lifestyle… can be described as an active activity of people, aimed primarily at maintaining and improving health.”

    “A healthy lifestyle is such a purposeful form of behavior that ensures the preservation and long-term maintenance of mental and physical health, as well as increasing the adaptive capabilities of the body.”

    “A healthy way of life is, first of all, a cultural way of life, civilized, humanistic.”

    "A healthy lifestyle ... is understood as one in which the body's reserves are preserved or expanded."

    “A healthy lifestyle is a typical set of forms and methods of everyday cultural life of a person, based on cultural norms, values, meanings of activity and strengthening the adaptive capabilities of the body.”

    “A healthy lifestyle is a mobile combination of forms, methods of daily life that comply with hygienic principles, strengthen the adaptive and resistant capabilities of the body, contribute to the effective restoration, maintenance and development of reserve capabilities, the optimal performance of socio-professional functions by a person.”

From our point of view, the nature and target orientation of the concept of healthy lifestyle is predetermined by the word "healthy". The adjective "healthy", being derived from the noun "health", thus, carries all the main qualitative characteristics of the latter. In this regard, we note once again that health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being.

It seems to us that the concept of a healthy lifestyle should reflect such provisions that have historically developed in our society, which will help to clearly define and separate a healthy lifestyle from its antipode - non-healthy lifestyle.

And, therefore, we should talk about life:

    aspiring to the future. A healthy lifestyle has always been aimed at solving global problems related to ensuring the infinity of human existence;

    creative Therefore, we are talking about life activities aimed at creating material and spiritual values, at ensuring peace and prosperity, at educating the younger generation, more prepared for life;

    restorative and health-improving. After hard work, a person must be able to fully restore his vitality, constantly carry out a certain minimum of rehabilitation and recreational activities, use the natural forces of nature for this - the sun, air, water, the beauty of nature, and so on;

    developing. Each person must learn to develop and improve, strengthen and maintain their physical qualities and abilities, their health by means of physical culture and sports.

Based on the foregoing, we propose the following definition of healthy lifestyle.

A healthy lifestyle is a set of norms and rules of life that have been historically tested by time and practice, aimed at ensuring that a person:

    knew how to work highly efficiently and economically, rationally expend strength, knowledge and energy in the course of his professional, socially useful activity;

    possessed the skills and abilities to restore and improve the body after hard work;

    constantly deepened his moral convictions, enriched himself spiritually, developed and improved his physical qualities and abilities;

    independently maintained and strengthened their health and completely rejected the harmful habits of self-destructive behavior.

In this way, health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being.

Our body is our temple, and we must take care of it in order to be healthy and feel good. The majority of people rarely care about a healthy diet and lifestyle, but at the same time they are very concerned about how to recover from various diseases, lose weight, restore the natural color of the skin and feel lightness in the body. Think of your body as your physical shell that you need to live. If you constantly overindulge in unhealthy foods, your shell will wear out faster. While you may look fine on the street, things aren't quite as good on the inside of the shell.

Today, vital organs (kidneys, heart, lungs, gallbladder, liver, stomach, intestines, etc.) can function well, but this does not mean that this will always be the case. Therefore, in order to be healthy tomorrow, you need to take care of your health today.

Good health does not only depend on proper nutrition and exercise, it is also necessary to have good mental health, healthy self-esteem and lead a healthy lifestyle. This article presents 45 tips that will help you be healthy not only today, but also in the future.

1. Drink more water.

Most of us don't actually drink enough water every day. Water is essential for our body to function properly. Did you know that over 60% of our body is water? That is why it is so important to drink good water regularly so that the body works properly, toxins are removed from the body and proper metabolism occurs. You need to drink water regularly, as it constantly leaves our body through urine, feces, sweat and breath. The amount of water we need depends on various factors such as humidity, your physical activity, your weight, but in general we should drink at least a couple of liters of pure water a day.

2. Enough sleep.

If you do not get enough sleep, it means that you were not able to restore strength and during the day you will be lethargic and, in order to somehow replenish energy, you will be drawn to small snacks, which are often classified as unhealthy foods. Get plenty of rest and you won't need to snack to cheer up. In addition, lack of sleep causes premature aging.

3. Meditate.

Meditation balances the mind and develops the soul. This is probably the best, simplest and most effective way to bring peace and balance into your life.

4. Active lifestyle.

Physical activity should be supported not only 2 times a week for an hour, I do fitness. You should be physically active every day. Movement is life. Research has shown that regular physical activity has many health benefits, including longer lifespan, reduced risk of disease, improved body function, and weight loss. If possible, replace the transport with walking, the elevator with the stairs. Do gymnastics at home.

5. Exercise.

Choose the exercises that you like and do them for health and pleasure. Try to work with different parts of your body. Try to play sports that develop your whole body, it can be basketball, football, swimming, tennis, running, badminton and more.

6. Eat more fruits.

7. Eat more vegetables.

Like fruits, vegetables are essential for improving our health. If possible, you need to consume vegetables daily, and even better if they are the basis of your diet.

8. Choose foods that are bright in color.

Fruits and vegetables with bright colors tend to be high in antioxidants. Antioxidants are good stuff for health as they remove free radicals in our body which are damaging to our cells.

9. Reduce the amount of processed foods in your diet.

The more additives foods contain and the more processed foods are when they are cooked, the less benefit they bring to the human body. Processed foods are bad because they lose most of their nutritional value when processed and contain preservatives that are bad for our health.

10. Love yourself.

How much do you love yourself on a scale of 1-10? If you scored less than five points, then think about why this happened. If you do not love yourself and think badly about yourself, then those around you will not love you all the more. Be positive in your direction and find in yourself those qualities for which you can be loved and appreciated.

11. Walk and run barefoot.

There are many positive results from the contact of your bare feet with the ground. Try it and you will see for yourself.

12. Remove negative people from your life.

Positive mental health is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. You should not keep constantly negative people around you, as they can negatively affect your well-being and life.

13. Remove negativity from yourself.

Listen to your thoughts and moods. If you notice that you regularly have negative thoughts or bad moods, then try to correct it in the opposite direction. Often people eat a lot of extra food just because they are in a bad mood and want to drown it out with food. But they only make things worse for themselves.

14. Avoid junk food.

In the modern world, a huge number of harmful products have been created that we encounter every day. These products include alcohol, sweets, flour products. Which of these foods are in your diet? Find them and try to at least reduce the amount of their consumption.

15. Breathe properly.

Oxygen is a vital source of life. You know how to breathe, but are you breathing right? It would seem that this is difficult, but the fact is that there are a large number of people who take shallow breaths and exhalations, from which the lungs are filled with oxygen in a small part.

16. Emotional eating.

Often people want to fill their emotional hunger with food. That is, they eat when they feel longing, resentment, depression, and the like. However, emotional eating will never make you feel happy because you are trying to fill a void that has nothing to do with food.

17. Eat small meals.

Try not to overeat in order to get enough food and at the same time not overload your body with excess food.

18. Eat slowly and calmly.

When we eat, we should not rush, we need to chew food well before swallowing it. This is how you help your body digest food. It is also good if you consume food in a relaxed environment.

19. Live with purpose.

An aimless existence can hardly be called life. Ask yourself questions for what or whom you live, what is the meaning of your life, what trace will you leave behind? These are very deep and philosophical questions, but sooner or later every person asks himself. Find the purpose of your life and try to make your life more harmonious and healthy.

20. Say no to fried foods.

Reduce your intake of fast food and any other fried foods. Not only do they contain a lot of calories, but they are also rich in substances that are harmful to your body. If you feel lethargic, then there is a high probability that this is due to malnutrition.

21. Say no to sugary foods.

These are sweets, cakes, chocolate, cookies, cakes and much more. They not only do not bring benefits, but also harm the body.

22. Improve your posture.

Good posture improves breathing and makes you healthier and more attractive. Even your mood depends on the correct posture. Try walking with a straight back and pay attention to how you feel.

23. Avoid caffeine and sugary drinks.

24. Don't drink alcohol.

Like caffeine, alcohol is a diuretic. Moreover, it has been repeatedly proven that alcohol causes immeasurable harm to your body as a whole and to many organs separately.

25. Learn to cook your favorite meals.

With self-cooking meals, you control what is added to them and how the food is processed. Also, the key point is that you see what quality products are contained in the dish you cook.

26. Learn to say no.

If you don't feel like eating when offered, then politely refuse. This is better than agreeing and then suffering from too much eaten.

27. Carry a small container of water with you.

Thus, you can always replenish your water balance if necessary. It also saves you money and you don't have to buy water or sugary drinks from the nearest store.

28. Stop smoking.

All people know about the dangers of cigarettes, it remains only to overcome this craving and rid yourself of a bad habit.

29. Avoid passive smoking.

When you stand next to a smoking person, you also receive your portion of harmful smoke. Try to stay away from people who smoke.

30. Healthy snacks.

If you get hungry while you work, it's good to have some fruit or nuts on hand to snack on. It will be a tasty, healthy and light snack.

31. Drink fruit and vegetable smoothies.

These shakes are a quick way to get vitamins and nutrients. Just throw your favorite fruits into the blender, wait 30 seconds and you're done.

32. Transition to a vegetarian diet.

There is already a huge amount of evidence for the benefits of a vegetarian lifestyle, so there is no point in delving into it. The only thing we can offer is advice to try a couple of months to live without eating meat and look at the changes in well-being and health.

33. Try a raw food diet.

The next step to ease and health after vegetarianism is a raw food diet, which provides even more benefits to the human body. A raw food diet not only improves health, but also gives energy, lightness, cheerfulness and calmness.

34. Be outdoors more often.

If you are an office worker and sit in the office from morning to evening, then try to go outside if possible to get distracted from work, get some fresh air, stretch your legs, give your eyes a rest, and more. On weekends, you should also go out if possible for a walk by yourself or with friends.

35. Switch the closest environment to proper nutrition

This will help you to be less in a society where it is customary to consume unhealthy foods and you will be less tempted to try them. And also you will make healthy your friends and relatives.

We assume that it is unlikely that someone will meet who would not dream of always being beautiful, full of strength and happy. Sometimes many try different sports, gyms, diets, walks in the parks. However, what do we know about a healthy lifestyle? It is rare to find someone who fully observes it. Why is this happening? What prevents people from monitoring their health? What do you need to do to look and feel great? And how to live long and successfully? We will try to answer all these questions below.

Healthy lifestyle (HLS) - what kind of "miracle beast"?

Today everyone's life is full of events, technologies and temptations. In our developed time, people are used to running somewhere and in a hurry, to make the most of it. Work fast, learn new things, eat fast food, be treated with drugs with an immediate effect. There is no extra minute for relaxation and elementary attention to yourself. However, sooner or later health will fail. It does not happen on time and always brings bad results.

It is easy to avoid this outcome. Just know and follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle. What kind of "beast" is this? A healthy lifestyle is a set of healthy habits that only positively affect a person’s life. With it, you can improve health, increase life expectancy and be happy. Healthy lifestyle is especially relevant in recent times. Technological progress, poor ecology and inactivity have a detrimental effect on people. Various kinds of loads appear, leading to diseases, often chronic. In this regard, healthy lifestyle is extremely important for our society.

It is promoted by many celebrities. For example, Jessica Alba, Richard Gere, Jennifer Aniston, Heidi Klum, Madonna and others.

What does the HOS consist of?

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle helps everyone to take care and care for their body. It contributes to its strengthening, stability and strength. This is true only on one condition. You need to use all of its components. There are many classifications of them. We chose simple and meaningful. So, the HOS consists of:

  • proper nutrition;
  • sports;
  • personal hygiene;
  • different types of hardening;
  • giving up or minimizing bad habits.

Proper nutrition

Eating right, first of all, means using only. They provide replenishment of the body with various substances that help it grow and function. Proper nutrition should be exceptionally balanced.

A person, especially with the problem of excess weight, should adhere to several principles of proper nutrition:

  1. Food should be varied. This means that the diet must include products of both animal and vegetable origin;
  2. The calorie content of the diet should not exceed the daily allowance. Everyone has her own. When calculating the calorie intake, many aspects of lifestyle are taken into account. For example, the presence of physical activity, excess weight, illness, etc.
  3. At least 5 meals per day. They include three main and two snacks. You can't starve - it's an axiom. To always feel good, learn to eat 5 times a day at the same time;
  4. Eat slowly. Thus, you will feel a sense of fullness in time, do not overeat and enjoy the taste;
  5. Chew food well. This is a salvation for the stomach and the entire digestive system. Experts recommend chewing food at least twenty times;
  6. Eat liquid. Be sure to eat soups daily. They promote the secretion of gastric juice. This soups simplify the process of digestion of other dishes;
  7. We eat vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins. This is a great snack option. Fresh vegetables and fruits will not only satisfy hunger, but also replenish the lack of nutrients;
  8. Drink, drink and drink again. The norm of water per day is 1.5-2 liters. Tea, coffee and soups do not count. Drink a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach. For taste, you can add lemon;
  9. We use dairy products. Best low fat, but not fat free. They contain healthy protein and contribute to speedy digestion;
  10. Don't be lazy, eat only freshly prepared meals. Over time, food loses its beneficial properties.

The rules of healthy eating are quite simple and do not require special skills. Today, a lot of services are available, where everyone will find recipes to their liking, will be able to control the calorie content of dishes and the amount of water consumed.

Sports and physical activity

Our body is our main tool. With it, we can perform all our functions. Therefore, it is very important that the body is always in order. First of all, they need to be used. Movement is life. Better not to say. Let's take a car as an example. If it sits idle for many years, it will rust and become unusable. So is our body. The less we move, the greater the risk of disease. Well, if you have a lot of free time. You can attend group classes, work out in the gym or dance. There are a lot of options. But what to do if you are a busy person and have almost no free time? The ideal option for you is morning exercises. Dedicate 10-15 minutes a day to it, and your body will always be in excellent condition.

On the Internet you can find a huge amount of information about exercises and techniques for morning exercises. For example, we have selected several options.

Charging in 10 minutes

Exercise in Pilates style

morning yoga

In addition to the above, running has a great effect on the human body. Morning or evening jogging is uplifting. By choosing picturesque places for running, you can clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts and relax. It doesn't matter what type of exercise you choose. It is important that they give you pleasure.

Personal hygiene and healthy sleep


To reduce the risk of disease to a minimum, it is worth hardening. It helps the body fight against adverse external factors. There are many ways to increase resistance and immunity:

  1. Taking air baths. This is the most affordable and easy way. Try to often arrange walks in the fresh air, ventilate the premises. Get out of town in the summer. Clean forest air is the best disease prevention;
  2. Sunbathing. No less effective for a person is being in the sun. However, you should be careful with it and avoid direct rays at noon. Also, burns and heat strokes should not be allowed;
  3. Walking barefoot. Our feet have many sensitive points. Their massage leads to the normalization of the work of important organs;
  4. rubdowns- soft and gentle way of hardening. It is suitable even for small children. The process involves rubbing the body with a massage mitt, washcloth or wet towel;
  5. Pouring cold water- the most famous way. Can be covered completely or partially. It is important to wipe yourself with a dry towel after the procedure;
  6. Cold and hot shower. The alternation of cold and hot water gives the skin tone, rejuvenates and hardens the body.
  7. Winter swimming. This type of hardening requires a responsible and careful attitude. Before starting the procedure, you should consult with your doctor.

Rejection of bad habits

We will not go deep and talk for a long time about the dangers of smoking, alcohol and drugs. This is a well known fact. We very much hope that each of you, our readers, values ​​your health and has long abandoned these destructive habits or is now on the way to it.

Modern technologies as an aid in a healthy lifestyle

In our time, it cannot be ignored. There are a huge number of useful services for mobile phones, tablets and personal computers. Their goal is to help on the path to a healthy and fulfilling life. We have divided these applications into several types. Depending on the purpose, they are:

For physical activity

These services can be divided into:

  • distance counters. They will be useful for runners and lovers of long walks;
  • training programs. They contain exercises of different styles and purposes;
  • personal coach. Such services contain all the information about your workouts, motivate and monitor the safety of loads.
  • pulse measurement is a very important application. With it, you will be sure that you do not overload the body.

Calorie counters

With them, you can determine your daily calorie intake and write down the foods that you have consumed. Typically, such services contain lists of products with calorie content;

  • counting the amount of water drunk;
  • smart alarm clock calculates the time you need to sleep;
  • helping to get rid of bad habits.

A healthy lifestyle helps us fulfill our goals and objectives, successfully implement our plans, cope with difficulties, and, if necessary, with colossal overloads. Good health, maintained and strengthened by the person himself, will allow him to live a long and full of joys life. In this article, you will learn how to properly treat your body and keep it in good shape. To a certain extent, these tips will suit every conscious person who decides to take the path of recovery and put his life in order. If you have useful experience in this area, feel free to share your tips in the comments, take part in the discussion. The article contains links to other useful materials that talk about proper nutrition, the benefits of vegetables and fruits, as well as about sports and their importance.

Health is an invaluable wealth of each person individually, and of the whole society as a whole. When meeting and parting with people close to us, we always wish them good health, because this is the main condition for a full and happy life. In our country, more than 30 million people annually suffer from ARVI and the seasonal virus. The reason for this is that more than 80% of the population has a weak immune system. In order for the immune system to work like clockwork, it must be maintained daily, and not just during flu epidemics! How to recharge your immunity? The answer is simple - lead

A person's immunity is the ability of his body to defend itself against various "enemies", i.e. foreign genetic information. On the one hand, the immune system protects the body, and on the other hand, its condition depends on the general health of a person. If the individual is active, strong, mobile, and cheerful, then his immunity will be in order, and if he is weak and passive, then the immune system will be appropriate

The immune system protects us from the influence of external negative factors, it is a kind of line of defense against the negative effects of bacteria, fungi, viruses and the like. Without a healthy and effective immune system, the body becomes weak and more likely to suffer from various infections.

The immune system also protects the body from its own cells with a disturbed organization that have lost their normal properties. It detects and destroys such cells, which are possible sources of cancer. It is well known that vitamins are necessary for the formation of immune cells, antibodies and signaling substances involved in the immune response. One of the main aspects of a healthy lifestyle is

In addition to proper nutrition, here are fifteen more great ways to charge your immunity, live healthy and live healthy!

1. Go in for sports.

Physical activity improves the general condition of the body and the functioning of the lymphatic system, which removes toxins from the body. According to studies, people who exercise regularly are 25% less likely to get a cold than those who do not lead a healthy lifestyle. However, don't be too zealous. Just 30-60 minutes of exercise a day allows you to become healthier, while more strenuous exercise will make you weaker. Be sure to include push-ups in your program - they contribute to better lung and heart function. Be sure to do exercises on the press - this will improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the genitourinary system.

Daily - a mandatory minimum of physical activity per day. It is necessary to make it the same habit as washing your face in the morning.

Jennifer Cassetta, a martial arts instructor from New York, says she never gets sick. “I believe that a global approach to exercise calms the mind and helps to release stress,” says Jeniffer. “And cardio, strength training in general helps boost the immune system.” According to Cassette, her health has changed dramatically since she started practicing martial arts eight years ago. Before that, she was a smoking girl who ate late in the evenings and drank a lot of coffee in the mornings. In my 20s...

2. More vitamins

We all need vitamin D, which is found in salmon, eggs and milk. Studies have shown that many people don't get enough vitamin C, says Elizabeth Polity, director of nutrition at the Duke Diet & Fitness Center. Citrus fruits are a great source of vitamin C. “It's a myth that vitamin C prevents colds,” she says. “But getting the right amount of vitamin C from fruits and vegetables energizes the immune system.”

Zinc is also very important for strengthening the immune system - it has an antiviral and antitoxic effect. You can get it from seafood, from unrefined grains and brewer's yeast. In addition, drink tomato juice - it contains a large amount of vitamin A.

3. Temper yourself!

Hardening of the body can become your assistant in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It is best to start from childhood. The easiest way to harden - air baths. Water procedures also play a huge role in the process of hardening - strengthening the nervous system, favorably affecting the heart and blood vessels, normalizing blood pressure and metabolism. First of all, it is recommended to rub the body with a dry towel for several days, and later move on to wet rubdowns. You need to start wiping yourself with warm water (35-36 C), gradually moving to cool water, and then to dousing. In summer, it is better to take water procedures in the fresh air after charging.

4. Eat protein

Protective factors of immunity - antibodies (immunoglobulins) - are built from protein. If you eat little meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, nuts, then they simply cannot be formed.

5. Drink tea.

Just 5 cups of hot tea a day will significantly strengthen your body. From ordinary black tea, L-theanine is released, which is broken down by the liver to ethylamine, a substance that increases the activity of blood cells responsible for the body's immunity. It should be noted that all this applies only to high-quality varieties of tea.

6. Have fun!

According to research, people who have a positive emotional style are happy, equanimous and enthusiastic, and are also less prone to colds. Fun and a healthy lifestyle are inseparable from each other

Cohen and researchers at Carnegie Mellon University interviewed 193 healthy people for two weeks daily and recorded information about the positive and negative emotions they experienced. After that, they exposed the “guinea pigs” to cold and flu viruses. Those who experienced positive emotions had few cold symptoms and greater resistance to developing diseases.

7. Meditate

Santa Monica, a yoga therapist, believes in her meditation to improve her physical and emotional health. “Meditation helps calm my nervous system and allows my immune system to function with less interference,” she says. "A calm mind, a calm body." “The greatest change is peace of mind and a sense of relief,” says Santa. “I got sick a lot when I was young. My sleep has improved, and it has become easier for me to cope with constant stress.” In a study published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine in 2003, researchers found that volunteers who participated in meditation training for eight weeks had significantly higher flu antibodies than those who did not meditate.

8. Do not be nervous!

Prolonged stress causes a powerful blow to the immune system. By increasing the level of negative hormones, it suppresses the release of hormones that help maintain health. By learning how to deal with stress, you will stop the flow of excess hormones that just make you fat, irritable and forgetful.

9. Move away from depression

Apathy and indifference are one of the main enemies of strong immunity. American scientists have found that women suffering from depression experience changes in the functioning of the immune system, and they are more susceptible to viral diseases than those who enjoy life.

10. Minimum alcohol

According to numerous studies, alcohol stops the work of white blood cells that identify and destroy infectious cells and viruses themselves. Remember that alcohol and a healthy lifestyle are incompatible

11. Sleep

A good night's sleep strengthens the immune system. The fact is that during a night's sleep, the level of melatonin increases, which improves the functioning of the immune system.

12. Wash your hands!

When you wash your hands, do it twice. When scientists at Columbia University studied this problem in volunteers, they found that washing their hands once had little to no effect, even if people used antibacterial soap. So wash your hands twice in a row if you want to ward off a cold.

13. Go to the sauna

Go to the sauna once a week. What for? Because, according to a 1990 Austrian study, volunteers who went to the sauna often had half as much cold as those who didn't go to the sauna at all. Most likely, the hot air inhaled by a person destroys the cold virus. Most gyms already have their own saunas.

14. Gifts of nature

Natural remedies that strengthen the immune system are: echinacea, ginseng and lemongrass. Taking herbal decoctions is worth both for therapeutic purposes and for prevention.

15. Probiotics

It is useful to eat foods that increase the number of beneficial bacteria in the body. They are called probiotics and include onions and leeks, garlic, artichokes and bananas.

If you want to be healthy, lead a healthy lifestyle. Your new motto: no more lying on the couch, more exercise and fresh air! Stress is the main enemy of immunity, drive away all sorts of experiences and be less nervous. Try to get as many positive emotions as possible and take care of proper nutrition. Go ahead and good luck!!!