Igor Koltunov is the head doctor of the Morozov hospital. Igor Koltunov

One of the oldest children's hospitals in Russia - Moscow's Morozovskaya - claims to be the best in Europe. What are the prerequisites for this? The RG columnist talks about this with the head physician of the hospital, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Igor Koltunov.

Igor Efimovich, Morozovskaya nursery in the center of old Moscow. She has traditionally a decent reputation. Literally the other day, having met with children undergoing rehabilitation after oncological diseases in Kolontaevo near Moscow, I was once again convinced of this. The children told in detail where, how they were treated. And the majority called the same address: Morozov Children's City Clinical Hospital. The impression is that most of the children, including those with oncology, are treated in the Morozov hospital. Although, if my memory serves me, it was not considered the largest children's hospital in Moscow?

Igor Koltunov: Didn't count. But... In total, 260,000 children need inpatient medical care in Moscow. Of these, more than 100,000 children are hospitalized with us. In the last five years, we began to treat 3 times more children. Although we are inferior to other children's hospitals in terms of the number of beds. The total area of ​​Morozovskaya is 53,000 square meters with 1,000 beds. Now the construction of a new 500-bed building is being completed. Without exaggeration, it is being built thanks to the daily control and daily support of Moscow Mayor Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin.

There will be completely different conditions of stay in the building. Comfortable conditions. Single and double rooms, designed for the stay of a child with his mother. The building will present all areas of surgery: cardiac surgery, abdominal surgery, neurosurgery, otolaryngology, ophthalmology, maxillofacial surgery. There will be departments of traumatology and orthopedics, urology-andrology, pediatric gynecology, a department of orphan and other rare diseases.

For the first time in Moscow, a department of bone marrow transplantation is opening here, without which it is impossible to imagine the current oncology and hematology.

Is there already a "stuffing" for these departments? And most importantly, are there personnel to work in them?

Igor Koltunov: The Moscow Health Department has already purchased modern high-tech equipment for us. And you are right: the main thing is personnel. So, on the basis of our hospital, there are now two university clinics: one of the Pirogov Russian National Medical University, the second of the RUDN University Medical University. The Morozov Hospital has ten city centers for specialized medical care for children. These are centers for pediatric oncology and hematology, rheumatology, gastroenterology, endocrinology, pediatric stroke, centers for reproductive health of children and adolescents, orphan and other rare diseases, neonatal screening, a center for children with von Willebrand disease, a regional center for congenital hereditary diseases, genetic abnormalities ...

Have specialists, say, for bone marrow transplantation, already been trained?

Igor Koltunov: We traditionally cooperate with the Center of Academician Alexander Grigoryevich Rumyantsev, with its specialists in the field of bone marrow transplantation. We cooperate correctly: we do not lure their excellent specialists to us. We get out of the situation in a different way: with their help, we train our personnel for this current area of ​​medicine. In addition, consultations are especially important in medicine.

And specialists in the field of bone marrow transplantation for children will both consult and hold consultations. Also, in accordance with the obtained license for education, we revived our own residency and postgraduate studies. We are reviving the Morozov school and training our specialists.

Parents from different parts of the country turn to the editorial office with a request to help in the treatment. When it comes to oncological diseases, they often ask to be sent to Morozovskaya. By the way, in the mentioned Kolontaev rehabilitation center, not all children are Muscovites. Meanwhile, cancer patients in Moscow are treated by the Blokhin Oncology Center, the Republican Children's Clinical Hospital, and the Dmitry Rogachev Center for Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology. How to navigate the parents of a sick child? Where to apply? Where are the best opportunities? Do you accept not only children with a Moscow residence permit?

Igor Koltunov: It is very important that people have a choice. Especially when it comes to severe oncological diseases. There are no children of strangers and their own. They are all ours. Children with a Moscow residence permit can be treated in federal centers. And children with a different residence permit in a Moscow hospital. Another thing is that this requires the solution of some organizational issues. But this is our business, not the parents of sick children. The main thing in providing medical care is its availability. Availability, regardless of the thickness of the pocket, and even more so from registration. Unlike federal institutions, in order to get to us for treatment under compulsory medical insurance, you do not need any referrals (not only Moscow, but also federal ones). And again, unlike federal institutions, Morozovskaya works around the clock, including providing an ambulance, that is, emergency assistance.

Our hospital owes its appearance 113 years ago on the map of Moscow to Vikula Morozov, the nephew of Savva Morozov. Vikula Morozov gave money to the city to buy land (a section of the former Horse Square) for the construction of hospital buildings intended for the treatment of children. Before starting construction, he sent the famous Russian pediatric surgeon Timofey Petrovich Krasnobaev to the best clinics in Europe for experience. And we are trying to preserve the tradition of access to medical care, using the best world experience. Here is your photojournalist took some shots in the department of pathology of newborns and premature babies. In the department, as usual, there are 50 such crumbs. Of these, 2/3 are Muscovites, the rest are from different regions of Russia. Everyone is with their mothers.

Are they free?

Igor Koltunov: The Mandatory Medical Insurance Fund pays for them.

How do such crumbs from other regions get to Morozovskaya?

Igor Koltunov: You forget that we live in an age that can be called informational. About the birth of a baby with a minimum weight in any region of Russia, if there is suddenly no perinatal center there, information is received without delay. And the newborn child, together with his mother, is sent to the nearest similar department. We have neonatal resuscitation for such children.

Since we are talking about the age of information technology, explain the purpose of video monitoring, which occupies one of the walls of your office. Pictures keep changing...

Igor Koltunov: Of course they do. Yes, I see who came to the hospital, as parents with a child are sitting in the corridor, waiting for an appointment. If I see that they are waiting for a long time, I call the manager. The consequences of such a call require no explanation.

I have never heard you raise your voice.

Igor Koltunov: What for? Raise your voice in a children's hospital? This is nonsense. We need to understand each other perfectly. I hope there is such an understanding. Using video monitoring, I monitor the work of operating rooms and the work of laboratories. I will not hide it, and everyone knows this, I listen to the conversations of our employees with patients, with children.

At one time there was almost a fashion: "A maternity hospital, benevolent to the child." To be honest, I could not understand whether a maternity hospital is really possible, which is unfriendly to a child ...

Igor Koltunov: Any children's institution, and by and large not only children's, should be benevolent to a person. Perhaps you are not aware that Moscow health service institutions have clear criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of their activities. It is enough to go to the website of the Moscow Health Department, and any resident of the capital, and not only the capital, can find out the rating of this or that institution, express their wishes.

You have been at the helm of this hospital for five and a half years. Your arrival here was marked by the demolition of 4 old buildings. This caused, to put it mildly, misunderstanding: people are left without work, the possibilities of treatment are reduced. But when the construction of a new building began, when the hospital began to treat children 3 times more, passions subsided. And yet... Are the same wishes that appear on the website of the Morozov hospital important for you today? You, I know, still do not have hours for the reception of the population, employees. So the mother came with the child and decided that she definitely needed to talk to the head doctor. Will you accept her? Or does it have to go through some kind of filter before it gets into your office?

Igor Koltunov: Why a filter? You just need to take the place of this mother, her child and understand that at the moment when the trouble happened, communication with the head doctor is the most important thing for her. I'm a pediatrician. I am even the chief pediatrician of Moscow. And he is simply obliged not only to listen, but also to understand those who ask to help the child.

But there are 24 hours in a day...

Igor Koltunov: Believe me, there is enough time. There would be a desire.

Russian medicine has always been distinguished by humanity and compassion. But high technology, the ability to communicate on mobile phones, skype did not push all this into the background? After all, even doctors' consultations are often carried out using Internet technologies. It is believed that they can compensate for the absence of at least a paramedic's station in a certain outback, to which you can neither drive nor go.

Igor Koltunov: I am a supporter of the highest, most advanced technologies. Without them, we would not be able to approach personalized medicine. And, of course, they could not claim the title of the best hospital. But... No one will ever replace personal communication between a doctor and a patient.

So will Morozovskaya be the best children's hospital in the country, Europe?

Igor Koltunov: There are no limits to perfection. I just want to give people medical care that meets modern technologies. And that it be accessible and free for patients. Especially when it comes to children.

Today, at the weekly planning meeting, the Head of the Odintsovo city district Andrey IVANOV announced that on November 6, the regional Ministry of Health appointed Igor KOLTUNOV as the chief physician of the Odintsovo regional hospital. Previously, he worked in the status of acting.

Koltunov himself confirmed this information in an interview with an Odintsovo-INFO correspondent.

Koltunov's big farm

Under the guidance of Doctor of Sciences Igor Koltunov now 4 medical institutions of the Odintsovo district, which were merged into a single structure. Odintsovo Central District Hospital, District Hospital No. 2 (Perkhushkovo), District Hospital No. 3 (Nikolskoye) and Zvenigorod Central City Hospital. All of them now form the united Odintsovo regional hospital. Thanks to the restructuring, all residents of the municipality will be able to receive outpatient and inpatient medical care in a single medical facility.

Governor's Decision

The initiator of the merger of medical institutions is the Governor of the Moscow Region Andrey VOROBYOV. He signed the corresponding order on July 8, 2019.

The base institution will be the Odintsovo Central District Hospital.

The first stage of the transformation is the merger of the four largest medical institutions:

  • GBUZ MO "Odintsovo Central District Hospital"
  • GBUZ MO "Odintsovo RB No. 2" (Perkhushkovo)
  • GBUZ MO "Odintsovo RB No. 3" (Nikolskoye)
  • GBUZ MO "Zvenigorod Central District Hospital"

At the second stage, four more institutions will undergo the procedure:

  • GBUZ MO "Odintsovo City Polyclinic No. 3"
  • GBUZ MO "Golitsyn Polyclinic"
  • GBUZ MO "Ershov outpatient clinic"
  • GAUZ MO "Clinical Center for Restorative Medicine and Rehabilitation".

As a result, a single "Odintsovo Regional Hospital" will serve more than 350 thousand patients.

Who is Igor Koltunov?

Igor Efimovich Koltunov - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation.

Higher education, graduated with honors from the Central Asian Pediatric Institute with a degree in Pediatrics. He has the highest qualification category in the specialties "Pediatrics" and "Public Health and Health Organization", as well as valid certificates in the specialties "Cardiology", "Pediatrics", GCP, "Public Health and Health Organization".

Igor Koltunov has been working at the State Research Center for Preventive Medicine of the Ministry of Health since 1994. In 2011, he headed the Morozov Children's City Clinical Hospital (DGKB). He stepped down from his position as head physician in September 2018. At the end of November, he became director of the Scientific and Methodological Gerontological Center "Peredelkino" of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of Moscow.

According to the declaration of income published in 2015, Igor Koltunov earned for 1 year more RUB 8 mln. Then he headed the Morozov children's hospital. Today, when asked by an Odintsovo-INFO correspondent on what conditions he signed the employment contract, the head physician refused to name the salary:

I will fill out a new declaration of income - look at my salary. Now I am not ready to name this figure. Understand, this is not a secret, I just don’t know what my salary will be. But this amount will definitely not be less than now.

Paid services are provided in it, but the main function - ensuring the right to free treatment - is preserved.

Recently, some media reported that the well-known Morozov Children's Hospital in the capital began to gradually turn into a commercial institution. Doctors are forced to promote patients to additional paid services, and expensive medicines recommended by doctors are replaced with cheap analogues. Rumors volunteered to refute the head physician of the institution Igor Koltunov.

Doctors who retired from Morozovskaya told the media in vivid colors what is happening in the hospital with the advent of the new leadership. According to them, now you have to pay for any medical care that is not included in the standards for treating a particular disease. For example, a child was brought to the surgical department to remove the appendix, and he needed an ECG of the heart - parents will be asked to shell out money for a study in a non-core department. A blood test for hemosyndrome should also be done according to a separate registry, since these procedures do not apply to acute appendicitis. And also paid. There was such a case - the mother of an infant being treated for pneumonia reported that his stomach hurts and asked for an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. But the head of the department, in accordance with the instructions of the head physician, offered her to pay for the service. “I’m tired of looking at crying mothers who don’t have the money to pay,” said one ex-physician Morozovka. “It is unprofitable for insurance companies to pay for expensive treatment, and they do everything not to pay.”

Mr. Koltunov does not see any crime in what is happening. Yesterday he confirmed that indeed all the additional examinations that are not included in the standard of care are performed at the Morozov hospital not for beautiful eyes. “The pediatric department will not provide assistance to a patient with a hernia for free - this is a non-core department. And they won't do an ultrasound of his heart there. We are constantly checked by insurance companies, and if it turns out that we violate the standards, we will be fined. Paid services are provided that are not included in the standard, but which the patient wants to pay. In addition, people can pay extra for some super TVs or comfort in the room, or for meals from a restaurant. But our doctors provide paid services only during non-working hours, on weekends and holidays. All over the world there is paid medicine,” says Koltunov.

Today, the Morozov Hospital began to accept money from patients quite officially, but the main function of the state medical institution has remained the same - to ensure people the right to free treatment. He notes that doctors have no incentive to promote patients for paid additional studies they do not need.

According to Koltunov, today the Morozov hospital is financed from several sources - the federal and territorial compulsory medical insurance funds, the city budget, donations, etc. And there are no more situations when a patient is asked to buy medicines, bandages, medicines, etc. - everything is provided free of charge. “It is profitable for us to treat patients with high quality, otherwise insurance companies will deprive us of money,” Koltunov emphasizes. And he cites facts that testify to the improvement in the situation in the hospital with his arrival. Thus, the average salary increased by 10-15% (up to 62 thousand rubles for doctors and 45 thousand for nurses). The average length of stay in bed decreased to 7 days. And on May 1, a new modern department for 98 beds was opened, which meets all European standards, with double rooms and conditions for mothers with children. But the main achievement is that in six months the number of operations at the Morozov hospital has increased 10 times. Moreover, if earlier endoscopic surgical interventions were almost not performed here, now they are mainly performed only. Koltunov explains the attacks in the media precisely by the dissatisfaction of the dismissed surgeons, whose average age in the hospital before his arrival was 70 years. Patients now complain less, and most of the complaints relate to the rudeness of the medical staff, and not the quality of treatment. Koltunov considers this an achievement and promises to re-educate the medical staff.

V. KARPOV: 20 hours 6 minutes. The program "Release" is on the air.

About what's important now. At the microphone - Vladimir Karpov. Good evening everyone again. Now Igor Koltunov, chief physician of the Morozov Children's City Clinical Hospital, is joining us.

Hello, Igor Efimovich!

I. KOLTUNOV: Good evening!

V. KARPOV: Well, as you probably already guess, today we will talk about optimization, about the reform of the health care system in Moscow, if you can call it that. Well, of course, we will receive your phone calls, I will read your SMS, site messages ..

To begin with, let's dot the E. Igor Efimovich, are you a supporter of optimization, an opponent of optimization? Who you are?

I. KOLTUNOV: Of course, I am a supporter of optimization.

V. KARPOV: Why “of course”?

I. KOLTUNOV: Because I am its participant, therefore, of course, I am its supporter.

V. KARPOV: As far as I understand, chief doctors can also fall under the same optimization, especially after we learned this week about 49% of supposedly unsuitable chief doctors in Moscow.

I. KOLTUNOV: You know, no one gets anywhere. I don’t know where you got the data about 49% of suitable or unsuitable.

V. KARPOV: The Moscow authorities...

I. KOLTUNOV: It's hard to say about the chief doctors in Moscow... We have slightly different data, I know. Yes, indeed, we were tested, regardless. We went through training, passed various tests, both psychological and general education tests, a test for professional suitability, and, of course, a number of specialists were identified who today do not meet modern requirements.

V.KARPOV: But 49% is, as I understand it, overstated in your understanding. You have some other data.

I. KOLTUNOV: I don't know what data and where you get it from. I do not think that every second doctor is unsuitable.

V. KARPOV: Chief Physician

I. KOLTUNOV: Yes, the chief doctor. But in general, you know, in recent years the specifics of work have changed a lot, federal legislation, primarily at the level, has changed a lot. And, unfortunately, Moscow has been lagging behind for many years in terms of the compliance of its legislation with that of the federal level. There were very big differences, very big contradictions. If you remember, about 5-6 years ago there was a whole story about the instructions of our president - to bring the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation into line with the legislation of our Federation. And Moscow was in the lead in the discrepancies in the legislative framework.

V. KARPOV: Yes, but Yuri immediately retorts: “Unfortunately, was it behind? Yes, it was fortunately behind! Because, thanks to this discrepancy, Moscow received a little more, for example, than other regions. painful."

I. KOLTUNOV: What does “more” or “less” mean? These categories are not applicable in medicine. There is an understanding of quality, there is misunderstanding, lack of quality. Everything that has taken root in a person's life, again, I repeat, more or less - does not happen. We must do everything to the maximum. As much as possible exactly as much as is necessary for the patient to save his life, cure him or alleviate his condition.

V. KARPOV: Again, here it turns out - as much as possible, but only within clearly defined limits that limit that very maximum. Here are the restrictions that will be introduced, how much they can affect your capabilities?

I. KOLTUNOV: You know, I don't understand what restrictions are. I understand what medical standards are.

V.KARPOV: Single-channel financing is a limitation, in my understanding.

I. KOLTUNOV: Single-channel financing is not a limitation. Single-channel financing is, first of all, bringing it into line with the standard of providing medical services. Without an appropriate standard, you will not be able to control the quality of medical services in any way. Medicine is an exact science. And it is impossible to constantly interpret certain events and interpret them individually. In this way, we will not have medicine, we will have fortune-telling on coffee grounds. In order to guarantee the quality of the service to the patient and not just to guarantee, but to guarantee the quality in any medical institution is approximately the same, with a minimum degree of error, for this it is just necessary to switch to single-channel financing, and to the introduction of medical standards and to bring everything in line .

V.KARPOV: This optimization, which is talked about so much, has a lot of opponents. What do you associate it with? If this is so long overdue?

I. KOLTUNOV: You know, it is natural for a person to love a certain constancy, it is natural for a person to oppose any changes, especially if these changes are not clear and not known to a person. There are such areas as sports, like medicine, like politics, in which absolutely everyone understands. You know, if optimization were carried out in the nuclear power industry or in heavy engineering, I think there would be fewer opponents of such optimization.

V. KARPOV: It is enough, for example, to say that some scientists or some enterprises will be laid off; this will always excite society. Therefore, even if this concerns nuclear energy, one way or another, the words that they will be fired, will be reduced, will be engaged in incomprehensible re-profiling, they will in any case raise questions.

I. KOLTUNOV: You know, I would compare the modernization of healthcare today with the reform that we had in our time in the army. In the army in the 90s, a large number of people were dismissed, and there was a whole program that you mentioned - about retraining, retraining officers and so on. I would probably compare the same thing that is happening now in medicine. Dismiss a huge army of medical workers who are not very qualified, not qualified at the time they started working, but who do not meet modern requirements. Not meeting the requirements for modern medical equipment, which Moscow received as part of the modernization - modernization, which was not. Those polyclinics that were equipped and are equipped today with equipment that has never been there before. And, of course, there are people who need to be taught, on the one hand, and there are people who, unfortunately, need to be retrained or prepared for something else. Maybe to lighter activities, maybe to slightly different stories. The same thing was carried out in the army at one time - reform and modernization. As you can see, we have moved away from a large, unwieldy, huge machine and have come to rather mobile, multidisciplinary, absolutely qualified such medical institutions.

V. KARPOV: We have yet to come to medical institutions.

I. KOLTUNOV: Yes, we must come to high-tech medical institutions, which must provide standard high-quality medical services to everyone, to all patients.

V. KARPOV: As for the army, for a very long time its reform was called "the collapse of the Russian army." As far as I understand, such characteristics will also apply to Moscow medicine. Do you think patients will feel better?

I. KOLTUNOV: Of course, they will.

V. KARPOV: Why all of a sudden?

I. KOLTUNOV: Absolutely. You know, there was a very quiet revolution in the city, when vascular centers, vascular surgery centers were created. It was very quiet in the city when we reduced the time of delivery of patients with acute coronary syndrome from the disaster site to the medical institution. Quite quietly now it happened, when we have dramatically increased life expectancy in Moscow. It is due to the provision of qualified timely medical care. Nobody shouts about it?

V. KARPOV: Maybe it's bad just that they don't shout? As a result, we only hear about the deterioration?

I. KOLTUNOV: But this is a fact, but it exists. And today, the life expectancy of a Muscovite is growing, today the quality of medical services is growing. And the number of deaths from acute coronary syndrome in our country is much less, at times, than it was literally 4-5 years ago. This is also a fact. Today, medical examinations are being carried out in Moscow, preventive examinations are being carried out in Moscow today. Today we are moving towards preventive medicine, preventive medicine, we are moving towards what we have not had for decades, in our city healthcare today.

V. KARPOV: And, finally, it should appear. Due to the fact that the wrong ones will be removed? But before that, it was impossible to do this?

I. KOLTUNOV: You know, I don't know what is right, what is wrong, what is possible, what is impossible.

V. KARPOV: You yourself say that it is necessary to get rid of specialists who are non-specialists.

I. KOLTUNOV: There is no need to get rid of anything, there is no goal to get rid of someone, there is no goal to fire someone. The goal is to create high-quality, qualified medical care. Accordingly, it consists, as we ourselves understand, of three components: the first is the need for modern technological equipment, the second is the need for trained, competent, skilled professionals, the third is adapted buildings, structures and the logic of the treatment process, competently built from the point of view of organization healthcare. Thanks to these three components, we get a quality, guaranteed, standardized medical service.

V. KARPOV: From my point of view, as an average person, the more of these three components, the better it will be for us, patients. But we are told that in order to become better, you need to become less.

I. KOLTUNOV: You know, more is not always better.

V. KARPOV: I agree.

I. KOLTUNOV: There should be as many as necessary. And therefore, if we are talking about the number of medical institutions, we perfectly understand that we have such things as the population of the city of Moscow, we understand that we have the prevalence of certain most common diseases, such as infectious, and non-infectious. Based on this, there is an understanding of how many medical institutions should be, what profile, what their bed capacity should be, what equipment and throughput should be, the number of services they provide.

V. KARPOV: Is this understanding clear? Again, the news of today is that the plans for the reduction of Moscow physicians should be prepared by the chief doctors and sent to the Department of Health by the New Year. That is, it seems that today there are no such clear data.

I. KOLTUNOV: Of course, there is an understanding, absolutely. And of course, we clearly know what we want and what we want to achieve. I will tell you that in childhood, in pediatrics, it is probably easier than for adult doctors, since we have about 1 million 800 thousand small patients in the whole city. Of course, there are many more adults than children. And the range of diseases in adults is much wider than in children. It is probably easier for us in children's healthcare in this regard. If you pay attention, fortunately, there are not so many complaints about pediatric care today, if we take it in relation to adult patients. And to date, not a single small patient has been denied medical care. Moreover, we have an absolute breakthrough in pediatrics - we now nurse children from 500 grams and above. What today corresponds to the European standards of the World Health Organization. And this again became possible thanks to the modernization and equipment of medical institutions.

V. KARPOV: This has already been done.

I. KOLTUNOV: Made just now. This was done 2 years ago. These children are now nursed, they move on to the second stage. They then move on to the third stage, to rehabilitation. This is all, understand, not one-day stories. The healing process has its own logic, its own sequence of events. And, of course, there are a number of diseases when it is very good, very beautiful, as they say, cut off and sewn on, and everything is in order. Often this does not happen, often the diseases are cyclical, often we begin to provide treatment for diseases for many years. And this is a phasing, phasing, phasing of treatment in order for the patient to be healthy.

V. KARPOV: I am still trying to understand: right now, as part of this optimization, as part of this reform, you are required to do more as a doctor or as a manager. Do you have to achieve efficiency in financial terms or something else, or meet the needs of citizens?

I. KOLTUNOV: You know, there is a whole specialty in healthcare, it is called “Health Organizer”. This is its own specialty, it is taught, it is given a diploma of this specialty. This specialty combines the skills of management management and the medical part and everything related to the medical process.

V.KARPOV: But what is your priority right now? What is required of you specifically?

I. KOLTUNOV: The priority for us now is the organization of specialized, highly specialized medical care. The hospital should get away from providing a simple medical service, something that should be provided in the clinic. Not to engage in small, let's say, not life-threatening, often reproducible medical service that can be provided in an institution that is simpler, less equipped.

V. KARPOV: In other words, efficiency, financial indicators?

I. KOLTUNOV: Financial performance is a consequence. This is not the goal. There is no task to earn some money, to get this money. We are a government agency. And, of course, no one will let destroy or bankrupt any large medical institution, in particular, the Morozov hospital. It is clear that if the management in the hospital is ineffective, the administrative apparatus, accordingly, will be changed, the state will help financial holes, and put another more competent specialist. But no one will ever let the hospital collapse, it is out of the question.

V. KARPOV: Let's receive phone calls. You will be more comfortable wearing headphones 73 73 948. Now we are listening to you carefully. Hello, hello!

RADIO LISTENER: Hello, hello! You know, I am afraid of various reorganizations in the country, I will explain, for example, they recently reorganized the police into the police - zero sense. Now we are going to reorganize medicine. I'm sorry, I didn't listen to your program from the very beginning. But I want to know what kind of your interlocutor tells fairy tales, that everything will be fine. In my understanding, it will only be terrible, getting worse and worse and worse. If our medicine becomes commercial, then this is generally a disaster.

V. KARPOV: Here it is important to understand why, in your understanding, medicine should become worse?

I. KOLTUNOV: At the moment she is, in my understanding, in a critical condition. My father was in the hospital, in Botkinskaya, there are good buildings where people do not lie, excuse me, like cattle.

V. KARPOV: Yes, thank you, accepted.

Why should we get better if we have examples of other reforms that do not show themselves so brilliantly.

V. KARPOV: Let me remind you that Igor Koltunov, chief physician of the Morozov Children's City Clinical Hospital, is with us.

I. KOLTUNOV: Of course, there are good buildings, of course, there are bad buildings somewhere. It is precisely this interlocutor who very correctly says that it is necessary to undergo a health care reform, namely that it is necessary to create institutions that will provide only specialized clinical care, such as, for example, the Botkin Hospital, as the Morozov Hospital. To do this, these services need to be concentrated there, both human resources and equipment, and, as a result, state, OMS, and our funds will go there, which will enable this institution to develop further.

V. KARPOV: When people talk about medical institutions for adults, they most often remember grandmothers, who should not come, just lie in the hospital, because they are provided there, including some kind of social services. And when they talk about a children's hospital, is it also about reducing the number of beds, about the fact that children should not just lie in the Morozov Children's Hospital? Just explain.

I. KOLTUNOV: Let's talk in numbers.

V. KARPOV: Come on.

I. KOLTUNOV: Three years ago, when we started the reorganization of the Morozov Hospital, the number of treated patients in the institution was about 32-34 thousand people. Today, in the same medical institution, this year we reach 72,000 treated patients.

V. KARPOV: Twice as many.

I. KOLTUNOV: Absolutely exactly. Twice as much, only due to a change in the logic of the treatment process, the routing of patients who are directly tied, again, I repeat, to modern equipment, which makes it possible to provide medical care at a completely different speed. When we say that we are changing the speed of providing medical care, this is not a desire to earn more and faster, it is a desire to help the patient faster, therefore, the patient's time is often calculated in minutes and a maximum, maybe hours. The doctor does not think about money, he thinks about how to quickly provide the patient with qualified medical care. Of course, remembering the stories with you, when patients went to receive treatment, to be examined, some time passed, in order for the patient to be diagnosed, it took 7-10-12 days. Why? Because there was only one tomograph, it worked twice a week, the record was huge, because the analyzes were done only on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and the results were issued only on Monday and Friday, and so on, and so on, and so on. I remember all these stories very well, today there are no such stories. Today, at the level of the emergency room, from 300 to 360 people apply to our institution for emergency reasons, 120 people bring ambulances from the substation, about 200 people themselves seek medical assistance in some kind of emergency. For the first time, we have discovered such a concept as "beds for overnight hospitalization", when today a child with his mother comes to the emergency room and within 2-3 hours the patient receives modern equipment that works around the clock, which has never been in our institution: this is computed tomography, this ultrasound examination, if necessary, X-ray and complete laboratory diagnostics: biochemical tests, clinical tests, etc. Thus, in 2-3 hours the child leaves us, the so-called "beds for overnight hospitalization", while still being fed. The mother is with the child.

V. KARPOV: Let me clarify: will there be a reduction in the number of beds in the Morozov Children's City Clinical Hospital or not?

I. KOLTUNOV: In the Morozov Children's City Clinical Hospital, the number of beds has long been reduced

V. KARPOV: That's it, that is, you will not cut anything additionally?

I. KOLTUNOV: No. By the time the mass discussion began, all these conversations, reforms, in the Morozov hospital, all this had long been completed.

V. KARPOV: Then what will happen? What changes do you have in particular?

I. KOLTUNOV: When will it happen? What do you mean?

V. KARPOV: Well, now, in the course of this optimization, when they talk about reducing the medical staff, the number of beds? How will it affect you?

I. KOLTUNOV: We have already gone through a reduction in the number of beds, we have already gone through a reduction in medical personnel, and, unlike many other medical institutions that are now only involved in this process, we can already talk about the results of this process. Summing up the result of this process.

V. KARPOV: That is, you, as an experimental site, have already worked out your own.

I. KOLTUNOV: Yes, we are like a pilot project. There were 4 hospitals in the pilot project, the children's hospital was Morozovskaya, and by this period we had completed all our optimization

V. KARPOV: I would like to ask those people who have come across the Morozov Children's Hospital in the last, probably, year, to call now. Please, let me remind you the phone number of the live broadcast is 73 73 948. And you can say: Yes, there are noticeable tangible changes, and you like it or don't like it. Therefore, you are welcome to our broadcast. We are listening to you carefully now.

Hello, hello!

RADIO INTERVIEWER: Hello, good afternoon! In a nutshell: I didn’t run into Morozovskaya, I ran into Filatovskaya lately. But I want to tell you about the children's clinic. The situation is such that a reduction is coming, doctors are all nervous. Making an appointment, coupons that they give, it does not work. The time that is calculated, but still you sit in line, you sit still. Tellingly, a moment has appeared recently: if earlier, six months ago, all the tests that were prescribed were all done. Now - no, we’ll do everything for you, but this one, sorry, is paid. The doctor explains this by optimizing this process.

V. KARPOV: Well, thank you! A slightly different example, but still close to you, please.

I. KOLTUNOV: You know, not quite close to us. We don’t have a polyclinic in our hospital, we don’t have an attached contingent, so I can’t tell you now what a comrade is talking about. I don't work at the Filatov Hospital, so I can't say anything either, I can't comment on this. Yes, indeed today there are a number of services that are not included in the system of compulsory health insurance, as in all countries of the world: acupuncture is not allowed ...

V. KARPOV: Let's clarify: before it was free - now it's paid, for example. Are you talking about these services?

I. KOLTUNOV: You know what happened before, I'll tell you now. Previously, a patient came to the doctor, the doctor didn’t care how he treats him, the doctor didn’t care how many tests he would prescribe, what he would do with him in general. There were no criteria for evaluating the work of a doctor, nor was there any understanding of what the patient is doing and whether he needs to do it all or not to do it all. Today, now they are trying to get away from such situations. Moreover, we have an electronic record in polyclinics, an ambulance has appeared. In theory, I think that this is all a temporary story, that doctors go around nervous. In our country, everyone goes nervous for various reasons, and not only doctors in the hospital. But over time, all this will pass, we are still only moving towards such civilized things as psychological support for doctors.

V.KARPOV: You will also have it, and if you have already completed the modernization, you already have it.

I. KOLTUNOV: We also come to the conclusion that doctors need to take a psychological exam. You understand very well that people who are constantly confronted with the suffering of people, with seriously incurable patients, people who see death every day, of course, this psychologically affects them. Of course they can be irritable, of course they can be rude. To prevent this from happening, we are now engaged in psychological support for doctors, psychological relief for doctors. We are also starting to do this.

V.KARPOV: In other words, you don't have it yet, but you are in the process now.

I. KOLTUNOV: In the process, we are now testing this system. In the next 2-3 months, this will be constantly functioning with us.

V. KARPOV: A question I had yesterday about the compensation that Sergey Semyonovich Sobyanin promised to the doctors who will be fired during this optimization. Doctors - half a million rubles, nurses - 300 thousand rubles, lower medical staff - 200 thousand rubles. Who is this for? What is this for?

I. KOLTUNOV: It's hard for me to say, I listened to the speech of our mayor just like you. So far, we do not have a regulatory document that would spell out the procedure for paying this compensation, how it will be, to whom, we do not yet have it on hand. Therefore, I cannot say for sure, I do not have any documents.

V. KARPOV: Why is this being done? You probably know, you just don't want to talk about it on the air.

I. KOLTUNOV: No, I don't want anything. But we are well aware that there are terms for training and advanced training, change of specialty. We are well aware that there are a number of highly demanded specialties for which we cannot find a person. Today the problem is to find a very competent ultrasound specialist, the problem is with specialists who can do echocardiography. Unfortunately, unlike foreign specialists, our cardiologists cannot do an ultrasound of the heart themselves, they cannot interpret it themselves. Our general practitioners cannot interpret the cardiogram themselves, and for this we need technological assistants - other doctors, narrow specialists in diagnostics.

V. KARPOV: Will they be retrained somewhere, pay 300,000 rubles?

I. KOLTUNOV: And the person who studies does not receive a salary.

V. KARPOV: And those who will receive half a million, it looks like an attempt to appease the doctors so that they do not become very indignant.

I. KOLTUNOV: No, I do not agree with you. Today, to become a specialist of a different profile, you need to study for more than six months, this is more than 540 hours according to the standard. In fact, a person does not receive a salary for a year. You and I are well aware of our average monthly salary in the industry. This is actually the money that is given to a doctor so that he retrains for the specialty that is in demand.

V. KARPOV: Let me remind you that Igor Koltunov, chief physician of the Morozov Children's City Clinical Hospital, is with us today. Now an information release. We'll come back and continue.

V. KARPOV: 20 hours 36 minutes. Rebound program. At the microphone Vladimir Karpov. Igor Koltunov, chief physician of the Morozov Children's City Clinical Hospital, is with us today. Naturally, we are talking about reform, we are talking about optimization. Your questions are accepted: live phone 73 73 948, SMS +7 925 8888 948.

V. KARPOV: Yuri writes: "Yes, so that the doctors keep silent. Your guest does not want to tell how a document has already been sent to all the chief doctors so that all doctors who come to the rally will be handed over."

So is it or not? They sent you a document stating that you must, firstly, warn everyone not to go to the rally, and secondly, lay everyone down after that.

I. KOLTUNOV: You know, so far I have only seen a document that came to our trade union organization with a call to go to a rally, but I did not receive a document with a call "not to go" to a rally from our department.

V. KARPOV: Will you go to the rally?

I. KOLTUNOV: I will not go to the rally, of course.

V. KARPOV: Why? Your doctors will go.

I. KOLTUNOV: I don't know, maybe they will, maybe not. I can't speak for every specialist.

V. KARPOV: But you asked them not to go out?

I. KOLTUNOV: No, of course not. Absolutely.

V. KARPOV: Why don't you go? Do you support this rally? Do not support the fears of doctors and patients?

I. KOLTUNOV: I do not support the fear that everything will be bad, because we cannot say that we do not know that we do not see. In order to judge something, it is necessary, firstly, to understand it at least. If we want to get some kind of constructive approach to this whole story, please, there are special public organizations, including medical ones and non-medical ones. You can create any working groups, and discuss and watch all this at a qualified level. There are indicators, there are methods that have been proven all over the world, and you understand that the health care reform that we have today was one of the first, at one time, made by Margaret Thatcher in England. Then Obama spent it in America, Schwarzenegger in California was one of the first to propose health care reform in his state. Now we are in Russia. This is a fairly normal, natural process that follows the growth of new technologies. New technologies are emerging, a new approach to providing medical care is emerging, completely new medical techniques are emerging. Of course, this requires some very different logical approach to the healing process.

V. KARPOV: Correct me. But I have the following feeling: now they are trying to turn medical institutions into some kind of factories to provide medical care for patients. In other words - at a strictly fixed time, the patient must come, in a strictly allotted few minutes, he must be consulted, made a primary diagnosis. After that, he must go to the hospital, where he will undergo the prescribed operation at the strictly allotted time, after which, even for 2 days, he must be carried out. I understand correctly?

I. KOLTUNOV: Partly.

V. KARPOV: What am I doing wrong?

I. KOLTUNOV: With the transition, in accordance with the healthcare reform, to per capita financing, today there is no understanding of the time of admission, in particular, in the outpatient department, as such. Since a certain amount of the population is attached to the polyclinic, and it, this population, may or may not apply for medical help. The capacities of the polyclinic are calculated in such a way that the entire population living, and the frequency of calls is clear to us, these capacities must meet all the needs of the population. And therefore, the time allotted for the reception of the patient, in principle, no longer plays any role. The doctor works calmly, he knows that he will serve all patients, if not today, then tomorrow he will definitely serve them, give them all the qualified assistance.

V.KARPOV: Is there any plan for the shaft?

I. KOLTUNOV: There is no plan for the shaft.

V. KARPOV: To see 20 patients a day - does his salary depend on it?

I. KOLTUNOV: There is no such thing.

V. KARPOV: And what is there? As it will be?

I. KOLTUNOV: I'll tell you again: there is per capita financing. For each person, certain money is allocated for a year in this medical institution. We ourselves understand that we will assume 100 people out of the population, well, I am exaggerating, 50-60 people will ask for help, nothing more.

V. KARPOV: In a year?

I. KOLTUNOV: In a year, yes. That money, which is allocated in aggregate per capita financing, should be enough to serve all those in need. Accordingly, as you and I understand, the more the population is attached to some highly specialized, highly equipped, outpatient diversified institution, the more likely it is to receive qualified medical care there as quickly as possible. There are no regulatory documents on the time of admission of patients.

V. KARPOV: I have a feeling that they did exist before that, because the doctors complained all the time: I don’t have time for you, I have 15 minutes per patient there according to the schedule. That's it, I can't do it anymore.

I. KOLTUNOV: Yes, indeed, it was before the healthcare reform. We did not have a unified computer system in polyclinics, which the Department of Information Technologies of the Moscow City Hall developed and implemented. You and I did not have an electronic record, we did not have the opportunity to sign up via the Internet, we did not have many, many things. You and I did not have equipment that was not just a tomograph, not just an ultrasound, not just an x-ray, but it was all directly connected to a single local computer network. This is an exchange of information, this is a completely different qualitative approach.

V. KARPOV: And now these 15 minutes per patient are being taken away?

I. KOLTUNOV: Yes, there are no 15 minutes per patient, there is no such thing.

V. KARPOV: Well, there were, I didn’t invent it.

I. KOLTUNOV: All that was, it was. Well, you know, a lot that happened.

V. KARPOV: Good. 73 73 948 - live phone. Especially welcome on our air are those people who have recently come across the Morozov Children's City Clinical Hospital.

V. KARPOV: Please, 73 73 948, we are listening to you. Hello!


V. KARPOV: Yes, you are on the air. You are welcome.

RADIO INTERVIEWER: I would like to say that the person you have in the studio literally deviates from all questions, to be honest.

V. KARPOV: Ask the question like this. so that Igor Efimovich does not evade, please.

RADIO LISTENER: Is he for or against the reform?

V. KARPOV: He answered yes at the very beginning. Yes, next.

RADIO INTERVIEWER: But I don't know how to express it, that is, he is for leaving as few polyclinics as possible, as few doctors as possible. What does he stand for?

V. KARPOV: Thank you. Accepted. That is, look: the time of the broadcast goes on, but the questions remain, but the questions remain the same. So what are you specifically?

I. KOLTUNOV: I am for high-quality, timely medical care.

V. KARPOV: If they reduce the number of polyclinics, will you welcome this or will you rather not like it?

I. KOLTUNOV: You see, I repeat once again: there is no task to reduce something and fire someone. The task is to bring medical care into line with the one that exists today in the modern world, in modern technology.

V. KARPOV: I accept. Here, in order not to go far from the clinics, you need to come to re-register before December 1st in order to clarify for all our listeners. Is it necessary for clinics or for patients, in the end?

I. KOLTUNOV: You need to come to re-register in order to understand how many people we have living in this territory. Unfortunately, in our country, in our city it is not clear: how many are registered, how many are not registered, how many of those registered live, how many of those registered do not live. We have an example of the Central Administrative District of Moscow, where, in fact, the population lives 2 times, probably less than prescribed. Because people rent, offices, etc., etc. Today we have the Central District - the most sparsely populated district. And literally 10-15 years ago it was the most populated. Could you please tell us about polyclinics in the Central District, are they needed there when this population is not there?

V. KARPOV: Probably, for those people who still live there, they are needed one way or another.

I. KOLTUNOV: But in a different amount, probably. And in South Butovo or North Butovo, or, in general, in the south, where new districts have appeared, polyclinics are needed there, they must be opened. Do you think it would be right to reduce the number of polyclinics in the Central District, bringing them to the population that actually exists today, and in that district, southern, southeastern, where there are big problems today, deploy additional polyclinics, create new jobs for the same doctors.

V. KARPOV: Okay, let me clarify. You and I are well aware that not everyone is re-registered, but potential patients of these very clinics. So in the end, how can you trust these data?

I. KOLTUNOV: You know, I'll tell you, they re-register, they don't re-register, how we once solved one problem in the Morozov hospital with compulsory medical insurance policies. A few years ago, when patients were brought in, they often did not have a policy on hand. And what happened: if we go into a single database and see that patients do not have a policy, we cannot provide assistance to them within the framework of compulsory medical insurance, because they are without a policy, they are not insured. But we cannot refuse a patient. What to do? And it is done very simply: we hired a registrar, put him on round the clock, and today in our hospital any patient who comes to us without a policy is issued a temporary policy during the course of treatment, which is then changed to a permanent one. And there are no problems. Directly without leaving the walls of the institution.

V. KARPOV: The problem is being solved this way so far only in Morozovskaya.

I. KOLTUNOV: I speak only for the Morozov hospital, I can't tell you anything about others.

V. KARPOV: And why such a difference between different hospitals, respectively, different attitudes, different treatment programs and everything else?

I. KOLTUNOV: Treatment programs are the same everywhere. The attitude should be the same everywhere, this is what we started today's conversation with. And we started with the qualifications of chief doctors, we started with the standard of medical services and with an assessment of the quality of the treatment process. Now, if we fulfill all this with you, these commandments, these postulates, then everything will be the same with you.

V. KARPOV: So, there is a feeling that these commandments do not yet exist. The same 49% of chief doctors, who were recognized, as if, inappropriate competence. But there is a feeling that there are no standards yet to be met, and if there are those standards, then it is very difficult to meet them.

I. KOLTUNOV: You know, there are standards, it is probably difficult or not difficult to meet them, it all depends on the professional skills of a single person. But really, the process of retraining, including the chief doctors, the process of bringing them into line with qualification skills - this takes time.

V. KARPOV: 73 73 948 - live phone number. We listen to you.

Hello, hello!


V. KARPOV: Good evening! What is your name?


V. KARPOV: We can hear you very well, and Igor Efimovich is already listening to you.

RADIO LISTENER: I want to directly ask Igor Yefimovich a question. Recently, I had a question about the Morozov Children's Hospital.

V. KARPOV: Excellent! We were waiting for you.

RADIO LISTENER: My child is 3.5 years old, he has adenoiditis of the third degree. Decent degree. A planned operation is required. We were given a referral to the Morozov City Children's Hospital. I called there, the nearest help, which can be provided to us free of charge under the MHI policy, is around June-July, not earlier. If I want to do it for a fee - the price is about 80 thousand. Question to Igor Efimovich: He considers this type of assistance timely in this situation, please tell me.

V. KARPOV: Good question. Again, when did you apply?

RADIO LISTENER: The appeal was literally the other day - either yesterday or the day before yesterday. We were diagnosed yesterday.

V. KARPOV: Excellent. Thanks for the question. Igor Efimovich!

I. KOLTUNOV: But as for the cost - open the hospital's website, you will see that the cost is at least three times less, and not the amount that our listener voices.

V. KARPOV: But she did not take it from the ceiling, our listener.

I. KOLTUNOV: There is an official website. You can now open and see.

V. KARPOV: Good.

I. KOLTUNOV: I'm not interfering with the site, you see. The second question, regarding the queue - we have a queue today for the month of January. Indeed, there is a queue, adenoiditis is not an emergency surgical intervention. Removal of adenoids - calmly for a month, two, there is a queue.

V.KARPOV: But, this is not summer. And here we were told that June-July, that's just the listener. If she called the Morozov hospital, someone consulted her, probably by phone, they named the amount of 80 thousand, they also named the term, if free of charge, June-July. And you say that this does not happen.

I. KOLTUNOV: I'm not saying that it doesn't happen. There is such a service, but it costs at least 2-3 times cheaper than the patient announced the amount, you will see on the website. There really is a queue, but for today it is no more than 2 months.

V. KARPOV: No more than 2 months.


V. KARPOV: And then who to believe, who to turn to, how to avoid such consultations if they do not correspond to reality. How is this problem solved?

I. KOLTUNOV: I think that in this case it is necessary to understand where, what number the patient called. It would be better if the patient contacted me directly. I would gladly accept it and solve this problem.

V. KARPOV: In general, I do not argue. It is always convenient to contact the head doctor directly if you can contact the head doctor.

I. KOLTUNOV: I consider all complaints every day. Every day. Every day I receive an overview of complaints on the Internet from the site, complaints in general from the Internet and written appeals too.

V. KARPOV: That is, if a patient complains about a specific appeal through your website on the Internet, will you consider this complaint?

I. KOLTUNOV: In four days she will receive an answer.

V. KARPOV: All right, accepted. In general, this story with the money that is taken from the patient, how will it be resolved?

I. KOLTUNOV: We pay for the service when the patient starts choosing a doctor. There are cases where people want to see a particular specialist. We pay for the service when it is performed on a convenient day and time for the patient. As you know, every specialist has an 8-hour working day. But the doctor can go to work on Sunday and Saturday, weekends and holidays. As you and I know, there are New Year holidays from the 1st to the 10th, but we don’t have these holidays in our hospital, people go to work, and who wants to earn money, the patient can quickly receive this service. It happens that the patient pays for some additional conditions of stay, this also happens. But today the volume of paid services in our hospital is about 6-7% of the total income of funds.

V. KARPOV: The main thing is transparency. This transparency, in general, is somehow controlled so that it is clear - for what you should, or rather, you can pay extra, and for what - in no case should you, even if someone asks you something?

I. KOLTUNOV: Absolutely exactly. There is a clear understanding, everywhere there are stands with explanations, with laws about what is paid, what is free. Everywhere there are lists of services included in the CHI, not included in the CHI. A consent is signed with each patient, an agreement on the provision of paid medical services. Today in the institution we do not have such an understanding about the service as a doctor's home visit. It's only paid. This does not exist in our country and never has. If a person wants - he can go after his working hours, a doctor - I mean, he calmly takes a paid order and goes to the patient's house.

V. KARPOV: No. 686 or 6 writes the following. Our daughter was rescued in the ophthalmology of the Morozov hospital this summer flawlessly and professionally. I don’t know thanks to the reforms or in spite of it, but a deep bow and sincere thanks.

73 73 948 - live phone. We listen to you. Hello!

RADIO INTERVIEWER: Hello, my name is Vladimir. I'm calling about the Morozov hospital. I applied there too. I also have a child with adenoids, they were in the Morozov hospital. We were told that we needed to do an operation, they called the amount. The amount, of course, is not the one that your guest tells you. She was much more. As a result, we were afraid, or rather, we did not have such an amount and decided to apply to another institute. We did not have any surgery, cured and no problems. If they got to Morozovskaya, we would definitely have had an operation, and they would have given us good money.

I. KOLTUNOV: Tell me, you can ask the name of the doctor.

RADIO INTERVIEWER: I can't tell you the name of the doctor, because it was 1.5 years ago, and this is absolutely exactly what the previous person called you.

V. KARPOV: Thank you!

I. KOLTUNOV: First of all, I did not name any amount, if you paid attention, I did not name figures at all.

V. KARPOV: But you said that it is several times less than 80,000.

I. KOLTUNOV: This is the first thing you can see on the site. Second - I don't know which doctor the friend went to, so...

V. KARPOV: Good. For 1.5 years something could change.

I. KOLTUNOV: Yes, of course. We have been reforming for only 3 years, and 1.5 years ago there could have been one of the specialists who would like to make money not quite honestly.

V. KARPOV: Did you carry out any cleansing?

I. KOLTUNOV: No cleansing, this is too harsh a word. But in the Morozov hospital, cash registers appeared already 2 years ago.

V. KARPOV: You said at the very beginning that you had already carried out the reform that the Moscow authorities are now carrying out. How many doctors have you laid off, fired or sent for retraining? How did it happen?

I. KOLTUNOV: The process is quite flexible - layoffs, dismissals, hiring, retraining. I think it's in total. We started with a thousand beds, then we got two thousand beds, then we went back to a hundred thousand beds. We started somewhere with 2600 employees, now we have come to the point that we have 2000-2100 employees. Someone left, someone came. It was a soft, latent process. Roughly, harshly, we did not lay off anyone. Some were not happy with the working conditions. As an example, we have a big problem in Moscow with middle and junior medical staff. Unfortunately, residents of Moscow do not want to work in the hospital as nurses and nurses, especially nurses. And we had to attract residents of other cities: these are Tula, Ryazan, Voskresensk, etc. And they all wanted to work day and night. But you can imagine when a nurse comes to work for you, works for a day, and after three days she reappears. How to control it, what to do with it? It is not even possible to assemble the team of the department. Because they can't come.

V. KARPOV: People from another city, I understand

I. KOLTUNOV: Yes. With the transition to a multi-shift 8-hour working day, newcomers refused such working conditions.

V. KARPOV: That is, Muscovites are working for you now, or are you again accepting some of those who constantly arrive here?

I. KOLTUNOV: There is no understanding - Muscovites or not Muscovites. There is a task for a permanent team to work in the hospital. And to be able to ask this person. And if the nurse worked the night today, I can come and ask in the morning what she did at night. And not so that she already passed the 8th shift and went to her place, and will appear only after 2-3 days again in the hospital.

V. KARPOV: And here is the last clarification. You say that the reform that is being carried out now in your Morozov hospital was carried out for 2-3 years, and now they are trying to put before the fact that everything will be different from 2015. There are fears that such sudden movements lead to a sharp reaction and unpredictable consequences. There's no such thing?

I. KOLTUNOV: You know, you are probably right that it was necessary to carry out explanatory work with the population. Or maybe this reform coincided with some general tension: the events in Ukraine, now we have refugees in the country. More than 80 people, refugees, received treatment from us this year. And of course, for us this long-forgotten story would be, fortunately, but again we recall the Patriotic War. Of course, there is tension among the people, some economic situations, and everything coincided. It seems to me that now there will be more and more explanations, explanations. And little by little it will all come together.

V. KARPOV: Igor Koltunov, chief physician of the Morozov Children's City Clinical Hospital, was with us. Thank you! Come again!

I. KOLTUNOV: Thank you!