Induced delusional disorder is a couple psychosis on a friendly basis. What is psychological induction? Induced psychosis in psychology

2) Psychological induction. One of the most common mechanisms for the formation of a negative attitude in children towards a separately living parent is psychological induction, which can be carried out in various forms from the child's reflection of the opinions and assessments of significant adults to the active setting of the child by the adults with whom he lives. Mental induction is facilitated, on the one hand, by the natural age immaturity of children, their suggestibility; and on the other hand, increased emotional closeness with the cohabiting parent. A necessary prerequisite for psychological induction is the involvement of the parent living with the child in hostility towards the former spouse and the unwillingness to protect the child from involvement in family conflict.

In the presence of psychological induction, the child's presentation of information about a separately living parent and relations with him is emotionally saturated. The accusations that a child makes against a parent are often not supported by the materials of a civil case and the results of an expert examination of the parent, but they fully correspond to the accusations that the former spouse makes against the parent rejected by the child.

In some cases, hostility to a rejected parent in children is of an overvalued nature and may be accompanied by induced sensitive ideas of attitude that determine the behavior of the subjects (Sukhareva, 1955; Kovalev, 1985; Makushkin, 1996). So, subject 3. refused the gifts brought by his mother, fearing that she could add sleeping pills to them in order to “steal” him. Very characteristic is the change in personal-semantic memory with a violation of its selectivity or distortions, reaching in some cases the level of cryptomnesia. Many children could not remember a single pleasant episode associated with a rejected parent. Others, with affective preoccupation, spoke about unpleasant events associated with the rejected parent, the memories of which, with a high probability, could not be completely independent due to the child’s small age and the long duration of the event, or due to the level of understanding of the situation that exceeded the capabilities of this child. Thus, expert K. recalled with conviction that his mother had been constantly in a state of alcoholic intoxication for several years. He explained that there were bottles of wine in the house, my mother had a “drunk” look. When questioned, he said that he personally did not see the bottles, but knew about their existence from his father, that his mother was “drunk”, he learned from him.

The negative attitude of a child towards a parent living separately due to uncritical acceptance of the opinions and assessments of significant adults when identifying with them can be illustrated by the following example.

The examination was carried out on a minor, 5 years old, and both of his parents. During the period of cohabitation, the father paid a lot of attention to the child, the boy was very attached to him. The subject's parents had been living separately for a year and a half. A month after the parents left, the father agreed with the mother that the child would stay with him for several days, but subsequently did not return his son, believing that he provides him with better conditions for living and development. During the period of residence with the father, the communication of the minor with the mother was limited: the father did not allow her to see the child alone, limited the frequency and duration of meetings. When once she arrived without prior agreement, her father did not let her into the apartment, he asked his son if he wanted to meet his mother. The child nodded his head: “yes,” but replied that he did not want to meet. The next day, the father told the mother that he and his son did not want her to come and that he would not allow her to communicate with her son anymore. At the time of the examination, the child lived with his father for more than a year, he saw his mother extremely rarely and irregularly.

During the conversation, the boy said that he "wants to live with his dad, because he loves him more." When asked why he loves dad more, he replies that "dad loves him, but mom doesn't." He did not name other reasons why he prefers to live with his father during directed questioning. He thinks so because "she does not come to us." He said that his mother came to him only twice, bought him toys "to pick him up." In an experimental psychological study, it was found that the relationship of the child to the mother is of an internal conflict nature with elements of negativism. It was concluded that this attitude towards the mother is associated with the peculiarities of the current family situation (lack of regular contacts with the mother), as well as his involvement in a chronic emotional conflict between parents. It was pointed out that the persistence of intra-family conflict can have a negative impact on the further emotional and personal development of a minor. It was noted that, despite the unwillingness expressed by the child to meet his mother, as well as a feeling of resentment towards her, the boy showed a need for close positively colored relationships with his mother, in connection with which it was recommended to carry out psycho-correctional work aimed at restoring the relationship of the minor with his mother, as well as a change in the totality of parent-child relationships.

Any social community has a collective psyche, within which some individuals infect (induce) their meanings, emotions and mental states of others. This is how people interact with each other in society, finding themselves in a state of psychosomatic resonance. In times of socio-political crises and upheavals, accompanied by the so-called. "mental epidemics", the masses can become infected with mental disorders. Most often - induced psychosis.

Induced psychosis (from Latin inducere - to introduce and Greek psyche - soul) is a form of psychosis in which an initially healthy individual involuntarily adopts and then reproduces as his overvalued ideas (nonsense) and the behavior of a mentally unhealthy individual with whom he is closely and contact for a long time.

After induction by psychosis, a person's mental reactions begin to grossly contradict the actual reality, which is reflected in the disorder of the individual's perception of the real world and the disorganization of his behavior. The very behavior induced by psychosis is accompanied by delirium, deep and sharp mood swings, a state of uncontrolled excitement or, conversely, deep depression, as well as serious disturbances in the thought process and a complete lack of a critical attitude towards one's mental state.

The main feature of induced psychosis is the acceptance by a mentally healthy person of delusional ideas and experiences of a mentally ill individual (most often a paranoid or querulant) for the truth without any doubt, hesitation and reflection. Once delusional ideas have completely captured the consciousness of the induced psychosis, it is impossible to dissuade him from them or explain to him their absurdity and absurdity. From a certain moment, the delusional content of the ideas of the inducer and the induced develop in parallel, often complementing each other. There is a psychopathic resonance.

A person in a state of psychosis changes in his behavior, emotional manifestations and thinking. Such metamorphoses testify to the loss of his ability to really perceive the world around him, which is affected by the lack of adequate awareness of what is happening and the inability to objectively evaluate his altered psyche.

In fact, induced psychosis is a form of collective insanity that can take on the scale of mass mental epidemics, which are based on imitation and suggestibility, paralyzing the individual's ability to independently adequate judgment and logical thinking, which makes him obsessed.

Moreover, it is interesting that in certain situations, those induced by psychosis unite in groups, carrying out joint actions - from ritualized events to massacres.

Induced psychosis accompanied by delusions is a very common phenomenon. They most often suffer families, friends and loved ones of the paranoid. However, periodically induced psychosis also acquires a mass character.

The fact is that the cause of a mass outbreak of induced psychosis is most often assertive, strong-willed, energetic, paranoid, absolutely convinced of their rightness. This happens if, due to circumstances, they get access to the authorities or the media. By the power of their authority and conviction, such individuals can overshadow reality and common sense for very many people, infecting them with their delirium. In fact, socially and politically active paranoids are able, with the help of power, social activities and the media, to create with hundreds of thousands and even millions of people what they did to them. mental illness . In this sense, paranoids act like a virus of a mass mental epidemic.

Active paranoids, capable of inducing psychosis in large masses of people, have a powerful destructive potential. Therefore, it is no coincidence that in recent years, pronounced paranoids have been brought to Ukrainian television for continuous broadcasting. Without their impact on the mass consciousness, neither the Maidan, nor the Odessa murders, nor the bloody massacre in the Donbass would have been possible. Purposeful paranoidization of television in Ukraine was a necessary condition for plunging Ukraine into chaos, war and devastation.

At the same time, one should not exaggerate the ability of an average person with a limited set of knowledge, not burdened with the skills of independent thinking and not possessing a stable psyche, to critically evaluate the information he receives and adequately perceive the actual reality. Especially in the absence of informational alternatives to the psychopathizing media. The vast majority of individuals, regardless of their gender, age, education, culture, social/ethnic origin and place of residence, are able to believe literally anything. The degree of their suggestibility will depend on the strength of the mental influence of the paranoid person under whose influence they find themselves, and the intensity / totality of his informational and psychological pressure.

In any society, there are very few people with a stable psyche, independent thinking and immunity to mass psychosis. They are a tiny minority. That is why the ecstatic crowds shout "Heil Hitler!" or “Glory to Ukraine!”, energetically marching in columns, fiercely hating someone and enthusiastically killing “enemies”, even if only yesterday they were their close friends or closest relatives.

The ability to think logically, to think independently, operating not with emotions, not with stereotypes and media misinformation prevailing in society, but with objective facts and detached logic, is an extremely rare human quality. As rare as rare is such a property of the psyche as resistance to suggestion or the ability of a person to go through life in his own way, and not in close columns of a crowd marching somewhere.

There is a lot of monkey in man. It has a lot of reflexes of the monkey herd, when what the herd considers right, and what the herd does, becomes the main and determining one for its individual. The laws of the biological world are simple - be in a herd, act like a herd, and the herd guarantees you safety and food. These are ancient, fundamental instincts built into us from birth. And in the face of their power, very often everything personal, individual, and most importantly, everything human disappears in people. Therefore, society often becomes a crowd that has been seized by mass psychosis, and its constituent people become a herd of frightened, mentally ill monkeys deprived of freedom and reason.

By and large, the entire history of mankind to a large extent is the history of the devout belief of the masses in another nonsense. People get sick with induced psychoses in much the same way as with the flu - in droves, for many years and without remissions. Infection of the psyche of a healthy person with the delusional idea of ​​a paranoid or schizophrenic is as common as infection with acute respiratory infections. The only difference is that in the case of acute respiratory infections, a person understands that he is sick, but in the case of induced psychosis, he does not.

Life with some kind of crazy idea in the head, as with some kind of infection in the blood, is, in general, an absolutely normal state for most individuals. The only problem is that sometimes this or that nonsense is dangerous both for its carrier and for the people around him.

Mass psychosis turns into a threat on a national scale, when one kind of crazy idea covers and subjugates a significant part of society. If in the wild, where biological laws clearly work, the unity of the herd is a guarantee of survival, then in the human world, mass psychosis (which is a violation of the biological program of the psyche), which has engulfed millions of people with its paranoid delirium, can not only cause them serious damage, but also bring until death.

Induced delusional disorder is quite rare in life, since one of the indispensable conditions is the sharing of delusions by two or more persons who are closely connected emotionally. Induced psychosis was described in 1877 by the French psychiatrists Ernest Charles Lasegue and Jean-Pierre Falre. It was called by them "folie à deux" - insanity together. This was due to the fact that similar descriptions of delusional experiences are characteristic of two or more people in fairly close contact with each other.

The main symptoms of induced psychosis

The main determining factor indicating a violation may be a delusional state. It is determined first at the inductor. Most often it is delusions of persecution or delusions of grandeur, but there may also be a hypochondriacal brand, which is determined by the recipient, whose behavior also changes. It is described as disturbing. Suspiciousness grows, and a once healthy person begins to sincerely believe in all the crazy ideas of the patient. This behavior is characteristic of paranoid personality disorder. It is not classified as a severe mental illness, but is considered a borderline state between pathology and the norm.

There are several symptoms due to which one can assume the presence of induced psychosis in the recipient and not confuse it with the true delirium of the patient:

  • a clear and logical presentation of delusional ideas;
  • there is no clouding of consciousness, all arguments are argued;
  • a person gives correct answers to all questions of a specialist;
  • intelligence is not reduced;
  • orientation in space and time.

An induced mental disorder cannot be determined using laboratory or instrumental methods. Conduct a thorough survey of the patient and his close relatives. It is necessary to find confirmation of constant contact and emotional closeness between the inductor and the recipient.

How is induced psychosis treated?

Induced delusional disorder does not require mandatory medical treatment. Sometimes positive results are obtained by the separate residence of the delirium inducer and the recipient. However, people with paranoid disorder find it very difficult to cope with separation and therefore they need psychological support.

A person with induced psychosis must definitely correct his behavior, learn how to communicate with the patient, preventing the perception of his crazy ideas. To do this, he should attend sessions of a psychotherapist.

Medical treatment of induced disorder is rare. Only in cases of severe anxiety or persistent delirium.

Use drugs that have an anti-anxiety effect on the psyche:

  • antidepressants;
  • small antipsychotics;
  • tranquilizers.

Induced psychosis in psychology

Ideas of greatness may be common in the donor. For example, he may represent himself as the savior of mankind, a contactee with extraterrestrial civilizations, or begin to heal other people using inappropriate objects or substances for this purpose. If his actions are in any way connected with reality, there will be recipients with whom the patient's worldview and life experience will coincide. This explains the fact that the occurrence of induced psychosis is very often recorded in one family.

The high suggestibility of recipients is an important factor for transferring the delusional state of the inducer to a healthy person.

Such people are prone to uncritical consideration of the information received, they are very gullible. Especially if the authority of the donor is unshakable for them.

Psychotherapist about induced psychosis - video

Induced psychosis A predominantly delusional psychosis, usually chronic and often subtle, that develops as a result of a close or dependent relationship with another person who already suffers from a similar psychosis. The mental illness of the dominant subject is most often paranoid. Painful ideas are induced in the other person and disappear when the couple is separated. The delusions, at least in part, are common to both. Sometimes induced delusions develop in more than one person. Synonyms: ; (Not recommended); .

Brief explanatory psychological and psychiatric dictionary. Ed. igisheva. 2008 .

induced psychosis Etymology.

Comes from lat. inducere - to introduce and Greek. psyche - soul.


form of psychosis.


Initially, the involuntary and imposed reproduction by an individual of those super-valuable ideas that belong to another person with whom this individual closely communicates. The delusional content of these ideas then develops in parallel. In most cases, we are talking about more or less limited deviations from the norm in induced individuals. They adopt without criticism the beliefs of the patient, most often paranoid or querulant. Most often - ideas of persecution, control from the outside, beliefs in a higher origin. Sometimes the induced unite in groups, carrying out appropriate joint activities (nutrition control in case of fear of poisoning, strengthening the home in case of delusions of persecution, religious vigils, etc.). At a break with the source of induction, psychotic manifestations disappear. The reason is suggestion and the desire to imitate.

In 40% of cases, it occurs in parents and children, among brothers and sisters, in old married couples, especially in social isolation. Mass inductions in social groups are also possible. The first detailed report on this subject was made in French literature in 1883 (E.Ch. Laseque) under the title of insanity together. The very term of induced insanity was proposed by G. Lehmann in 1883. This problem was widely discussed in Russian psychiatric circles at the end of the last century. The impetus for these discussions was the articles of G. Tarde and N.K. Mikhailovsky ("Hero and", 1896). This problem was dealt with by V.I. Yakovenko, V.Kh. Kandinsky, A.A. Tokarsky, S.S. Korsakov, V.M. Bekhterev. Literature.

VI Yakovenko, Induced insanity (folie a deux) as one of the types of pathological imitation. St. Petersburg, 1887;

Rokhlin L.L. On the history of relations between domestic psychiatry and social psychology // Psychological journal. 1981, no. 3, p. 150-156

Psychological Dictionary. THEM. Kondakov. 2000 .

See what "Induced Psychosis" is in other dictionaries:

    Induced Psychosis- (from Latin inducere to enter and Greek psyche soul) a form of psychosis. Initially, the involuntary and imposed reproduction by the individual of those overvalued ideas that own another person, with to ... Psychological Dictionary

    Psychosis induced- (lat. inductio - excitation, induction) - a psychotic state caused by the influence of a psychiatric patient (inductor) on a person who does not suffer from a mental disorder, but is characterized by an increased susceptibility to this kind of influence ...

    Psychosis symbiotic- (Greek sym - together, at the same time; biosis - life) - the term Ch. Scharfetter 1970) denotes an induced psychosis in which the inducer is a psychiatric patient (often suffering from schizophrenia) and the recipient(s) is a healthy individual... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

    psychosis symbiotic- (obsolete; symbiosis) see Psychosis induced ... Big Medical Dictionary

    collective psychosis- (syn. mental epidemic) induced P., usually of a hysterical nature, almost simultaneously occurring in many people; observed during the performance of some cult rituals ... Big Medical Dictionary

    psychosis induced- (p. inducta; lat. induce to induce; synonym: induced insanity is obsolete, P. symbiotic obsolete.) P., which arose in a person (healthy or sick), who had been in contact with a mentally ill person for a long time, and similar in manifestations to P. this patient... Big Medical Dictionary Wikipedia

    Induced insanity- I Induced insanity (Latin inducere to induce; synonym: induced psychosis, induced delirium, insanity together) is a kind of psychogenic illness in which the delusional ideas of a mentally ill person (inductor) ... ... Medical Encyclopedia

Rave- this is a disorder of thinking, which is characterized by false conclusions, persistent beliefs that do not reflect the surrounding reality. Moreover, unlike delusions, delusional ideas are unshakable, they are completely uncorrectable by reasonable arguments, evidence, facts. Attempts to dissuade the patient, to prove to him the incorrectness of his delusional constructions, as a rule, only lead to an increase in delirium. Characterized by subjective conviction, the patient's confidence in the full reality, the reliability of delusional experiences. V. Ivanov (1981) also notes the impossibility of correcting delusions in a suggestive way.

induced delirium - the kind of delirium that is imposed is suggested to a mentally healthy person. The question is, how can a healthy person be imposed with nonsense, i.e. make him believe in a non-existent reality, and make him believe so firmly that no reasonable arguments debunking his ridiculous conclusions can shake his faith in the imposed nonsense? As a rule, induced delusions suffer passive personalities, which are in close and constant contact with the delirium inducer. Usually, a close relative or other significant person who has the traits of a leader, such as the secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU or the president, or the leader of the party, a popular artist, academician, writer, is ideally suited for the role of an inductor. With prolonged contact with such an inducer of delirium, a mentally healthy person begins to believe in the false conclusions of his leader, and soon he himself is ready to defend them with foam at the mouth.

Usually, when the pair "delusional inductor - passive recipient" is separated, the induced delirium quickly passes. There is something similar to a hangover that occurs the next morning after a stormy party.

Or maybe a group of people suffer from induced delirium? Historical experience shows that it can. After all, we all know that in Nazi Germany, the majority of the population believed in Hitler's delusional concepts about the special role of the "German race" in world history and about the existence of "inferior races" to be destroyed. Or in the USSR about the leading role of the CPSU. Or religions and their perversions. How did it happen?

The scheme of having a delusional inductor-leader and passive masses of people who are in close contact with him worked, which provided by all the mass media available at that time. After the disappearance of the leader, most of the population got rid of delirium, experiencing a sense of moral "hangover". What the party took advantage of, while the hangover was going on, they stole the country under the guise.

Approximately 45% of the world's population believe in God. They believe in the creation of a woman from the rib of a man, the arks of the covenant and Noah, resurrection, heaven, hell. The planet Nibiru, numerology, tarot cards, astrology, hollow earth, aliens. The rest of humanity believes in the String Theory and the Big Bang. Even here, however, there is no more evidence. They believe in the dollar, in the uniqueness of the commodity-money economy. They believe academics, Nobel Prize winners, the government, politicians, economists, lawyers, historians, publicists, fortune-tellers, all sorts of gurus, journalists, the media, TV, liar.

It turns out that inducing belief in another nonsense is one of the tools for managing humanity by world organized crime groups. Mankind suffers from induced psychoses like the flu - en masse, millions, billions of people and for long decades, centuries, millennia without remission. Moreover, one nonsense can be replaced by another, just as an artist uses different colors, so the world organized criminal groups use different crazy ideas. For example, religious nonsense was changed to Marxist nonsense. Is it any wonder that some schizophrenic infected his healthy wife with a schizophrenic idea? This is completely normal for most people.

Is it really so easy to make a person believe in obvious nonsense? Alas, it's easier than ever. Moreover, it is possible to induce delirium not of one person, but of several. History knows cases when the ruler of a state, suffering from paranoia or mania, induced entire nations with his delirium: the Germans fled to enslave the world, believing Hitler in the superiority of their nation. The Russians fled from the USSR to the Russian Federation, Ukraine, and other false states, believing the CPSU party. Induced delirium, distributed to a large crowd, has a special name - mass psychosis.

And today, sometimes a huge number of mentally healthy people, contrary to common sense, suddenly begin to repeat nonsense after their not very normal leaders. A striking example is Ukraine. Similar phenomena occur in the USA, in Russia, and in other countries.

A person in his mass is always a product of education, society. Most citizens of any country are able to believe in anything. In the superiority of one's race or religion, beliefs over the rest. The need to burn young women suspected of witchcraft at the stake. The fact that the DPRK is the happiest country in the world, and all the people of the globe envy us. In the healing water, charged with a psychic. In the icon of Matryonushka, healing from infertility and prostatitis. The fact that the USSR collapsed, fell apart, that the Russian Federation is the heiress and successor of the USSR. The fact that Putin is the leader of the nation and almost a tsar, that Taraskin is the acting president of the USSR. Against logic. No evidence. Despite the contrary! And if there is a need for logic, a person will find one suitable “fact” for himself, which will irrefutably prove that Hitler gave sweets to children, the icon actually healed an employee, water can remember music (the scientist checked it!), And UFOs were shot down by the military, showed in a TV show. Since there is a president and government of the Russian Federation, and they write laws, then the Russian Federation is legal. If I have a Russian passport, then I am no longer a citizen of the USSR.

As a rule, in cases of induced delusions, the induced person either has hysteria, increased suggestibility, or low intelligence- is not able to critically comprehend the ideas suggested to him, and repeats other people's delusional plots as the truth in the final instance. Curiously, induced delusions are often just as persistent, just as intensely affective, and just as defying logical reasoning or critical explanation as true primary delusions. “Who does not jump, that Muscovite! The USSR collapsed! USSR in the past! The power is in the Kremlin, in Kyiv, in Washington, etc. Marx is our everything! The king is our everything! Allah and his prophet Muhammad, Christ, the Beatles, Hitler, Krishna, etc., etc. are our everything! Putin is a national leader! Historical multiple situations in which the inducer of delirium is a mentally healthy person or group, organization, party introducing into the psyche of the recipients, the people a crazy plot, taken for truth with subsequent appropriation and development. This is especially true of mass delirium.

Inducing moments are extremely important in the event of mass psychosis. So, for example, a leader who, in a state of hysterical ecstasy, shouts out various fanatical, illogical, unreasonable ideas, can induce a crowd, which then jumps with screams. Today, similar situations are repeated are found everywhere in the world, especially in Ukraine, the East - Maidans, rallies, processions, "revolutions". In such cases, mass psychoses begin with the induction of the crowd by one person from the podium. In any case, the basis of such a psychosis is hysteria, suggestibility, combined with an insufficient level of intelligence of the participants in the incident. Typical examples are Hitler, Kurginyan, Tyagnibok and their fans. The delusional plot in such situations, as a rule, is primitive, of the same type and has no development.

It is on such artificially and purposefully induced psychoses, anti-logic and delirium that regimes of lies and deceit have been kept for thousands of years. Firstly, with the help of religion, a person is deprived of his will, his judgment, then independent rational thinking is suppressed by divine, scientific authorities, and after that all sorts of dogmas, alogisms, delusional plots, theories begin to be pressed in. And he can no longer resist viral programs, crazy ideas: the mind is turned off, critical perception is blocked, the worldview is turned upside down with alogisms. Man and society are degrading, turning into a sheep and a herd - food for the criminal, gangster, party, banking "elite".

Each of us lives among patients with a variety of induced delusions (it is more dangerous if they are the same, for example, that the power is in the Kremlin, Washington, Israel, the State Duma), and he himself is also sick. However, there is a place where sober-minded, adequate people gather who are surprised how one can believe in crazy, illogical ideas contrary to facts, logic, common sense and all available statistics - this is the VOINR of the USSR. But logic and common sense still exist on the planet in some places, and some ideas are adequate. How to figure out which ones? How and by what signs can this be distinguished from delirium and mass psychosis?

It is clear that the main criterion is the internal logic of the theory and its consistency. If suspicions arise of the presence of mass psychosis, it makes sense to abandon TV and other means of mass induction, and instead use fundamentally different sources, constantly comparing and evaluating the reliability of information, for example, VOINR websites, Viktor Katyushchik's videos, Atsyukovsky's lectures on the etherodynamic picture of the world. Independently learn logic from textbooks, courses, lectures. Useful skills: constant comparison of theory with facts given by various statistics, and not with a single case that happened to an employee, the ability to use methods, tools of logic.

In more detail, who induces delirium and why, what delirium leads to, how to help yourself and loved ones, how to stop being food, a slave and become a person - see the means and methods of treatment on the VOINR website.

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Video examples of how to induce delirium:

but the induced delirium is treated or changed to another -