Instructions for use of skin-cap cream and cheap analogues. Russian analogue "Skin cap" (cream) Indications and contraindications

Any skin diseases are a systemic problem, and therefore they are difficult to treat. The pharmaceutical industry is constantly releasing more and more new means to combat ailments, but victory is still only a dream. One of the very popular medicines is "Skin-cap". This is a whole series that includes unique anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal drugs designed for external use. All of them are released with one purpose, namely for the treatment of the skin.

Cream action

Our goal today is to find the optimal analogue of "Skin Cap". This cream, of course, is effective, but its price is not the most affordable. However, before moving on to the search for analogues, it would be good to find out what effect can be obtained using the original drug. The active substance is Due to its activation at the molecular level, the antibacterial effect increases, that is, the drug eliminates streptococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, staphylococcus aureus. In parallel with this, anti-inflammatory, as well as antifungal action is activated, the remedy easily eliminates lichen.

That is, the drug ensures the safety of the cells of our body, as well as the death of bacteria and pathogenic fungi. All symptoms are removed very quickly: itching, redness. The drug is used for neurodermatitis and eczema, psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis. The cost of one bottle of cream is 1200 rubles, but the manufacturer promises that it will be enough for a monthly course of treatment. With the exception of a severe form of psoriasis (in this case, it takes a month and a half), the disease can be defeated during this period. Now it is clear what we want when we are looking for an analogue of "Skin-cap": a cream that would have a more affordable price and the same efficiency.

Non-hormonal analogues

They are much safer than hormonal drugs, although they cannot help in the most severe cases, but nevertheless it is with them that you should begin your course of treatment. Not everyone can afford such a drug as "Skin-cap" (cream). Analogues are cheaper in price, and their choice is wide enough to satisfy the needs of each person. Ointment "Kartalin" is recognized as one of the best and safest medicines for solving such a problem as psoriasis. The composition includes bee honey and extracts of string, chamomile, salicylic acid, lavender and eucalyptus oil act as assistants. The cost of this tool is 740 rubles, its natural composition and good reviews are very attractive, indicating high efficiency.

We will not talk about the rest of the drugs in this group in detail, you probably already know about them if you bought Skin-cap (cream). The instruction gives analogues as an introduction: these are Daivonex, Akrustal, Antipsor, salicylic and zinc ointment.

Hormonal drugs

A very serious group of medicines that should not be purchased and used without a doctor's prescription - by the way, it is also required when prescribing "Skin-cap" (cream, instructions, photos of which are widely presented in specialized printed publications). We confine ourselves to distinguishing them according to the degree of intensity of the impact. The weakest are hydrocortisone and can be used for the mildest symptoms of dermatitis and seborrhea. Medium activity drugs are the well-known Lorinden, Latikort, Lokoid, Fluorocort, Triakort. All of them have anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, anti-allergic effects, that is, they can help no worse than "Skin Capa" (cream). The composition of the analogues of this group is the same, it is flumethasone, but the dosage may vary, so do not forget to consult your doctor.

There is another group of similar drugs, which has an intense effect. They are united by the active substance mometasone. These are Elokom, Avekort, Flutsinar and some others. The most powerful is the drug "Dermovate", in its composition - clobetasol.

Ointment "Psyricap"

The manufacturer of this drug is the Kievmedpreparat company. This is a great analogue of "Skin cap". The cream is produced in tubes of 30 g, and the cost of one today is around 300 rubles. The difference compared to the original is very significant. The drug is used for external use and has an antifungal and antibacterial effect. It is indicated for diseases such as psoriasis and atopic dermatitis, seborrheic eczema. The course of treatment is usually 3-4 weeks.

Ointment "Kamagel"

This time we'll talk about the Polish equivalent of "Skin Cap". Cream "Kamagel" is a combination drug that has a pronounced dermatoprotective effect. It is prescribed for various dermatitis, including sunburn, insect bites. The active substance is aluminum acetotartrate, which has a local anti-inflammatory effect, helps to form a film on the affected area, which will protect the skin from external influences. In addition, the composition contains chamomile extract, which provides anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial, wound healing and analgesic effects. The cost of the drug is 220 rubles.

Cream "Psoriderm"

Another wonderful tool, an analogue of "Skin-cap". Cream "Psoriderm" is produced by a Belarusian company in Minsk and received a large number of positive reviews. The main active ingredient is clobetasol propionate. It, like zinc in the composition of the original drug, has antipruritic and anti-inflammatory, as well as vasoconstrictive effects. When applied to the surface of the skin, the active ingredients quickly penetrate into the foci of inflammation, removing redness, swelling, swelling and eliminating itching. This drug is prescribed for psoriasis, eczema and lichen erythematosus, lupus erythematosus. If in the anamnesis of the treatment of a skin disease there was already experience with the use of less active corticosteroids, and they did not give a visible effect, then you can switch to this or (at the doctor's choice) any other Russian analogue of Skin-cap cream. The cost of this drug is about 190 rubles, however, unlike the original drug, reviews about it are not at all so rosy. Apparently, it is necessary to take into account that they are individual, and each case requires a painstaking selection of medicines.

Cream "Zinocap"

So far, we have considered drugs that differ in active ingredients, but are similar in their action to the Skin-cap (cream). However, there are analogues that are completely identical in composition, and Zinocap can be considered one of these. In its composition - all the same which has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal effects. It covers a range of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The drug is available in tubes of 30 g worth 335 rubles. It is well absorbed through the skin and is well tolerated; its use is possible in children from one year old and adults. It often happens that doctors prescribe "Skin-cap" cream. They do not always take into account analogues. In this case, you can ask yourself if there are similar products that you can buy a little cheaper.

Summing up

As you can see, there are a huge number of similar drugs for the treatment of autoimmune skin diseases. Trying to figure them out on your own is very difficult, so be sure to choose a competent doctor for yourself who will oversee your treatment. However, they are considered a remedy, although effective, but too dangerous for your health, so they are used only as a last resort. Do not forget to ask your doctor about inexpensive analogues, they are, and you can save on this.

Total analogues: 47. Price and availability of Skin-cap analogues in pharmacies. Before using any medication, you should definitely consult your doctor.

This page provides a list Skin-cap analogues- these are interchangeable drugs that have similar indications for use and belong to the same pharmacological group. Before you buy analogue of Skin-cap, it is necessary to consult with a specialist regarding the replacement of the drug, study in detail, read and a similar drug.

  • Befungin

    For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract Befungin It is used as a symptomatic remedy for chronic hyperacid gastritis, dyskinesia of the gastrointestinal tract with symptoms of atony, gastric ulcer.
    In oncological diseases (advanced malignant tumors of various localization, stage IV of the disease), Befungin is prescribed to eliminate the effects of intoxication as a symptomatic remedy that improves the well-being and general condition of cancer patients.
    In the treatment of psoriasis, Befungin is used as a fairly effective prophylactic and anti-relapse agent.
  • Propolis Geliant

    A drug Propolis Geliant has antipruritic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antifungal, antiviral, antioxidant, analgesic effects. It is often used for cellulite, acne, oily skin, aging and withering skin, with the appearance of wrinkles, after epilation (as a skin soothing agent), for the healing of trophic ulcers, for hyperhidrosis, psoriasis, etc.
  • Belosalik

    Belosalik ointment indicated for the treatment of the following pathologies:
    - urticaria;
    - limited neurodermatitis;
    - diffuse neurodermatitis;
    - psoriasis;
    - ichthyosis;
    - skin dyshidrosis;
    - chronic, acute eczema;
    - lichenization processes with limited pruritus;
    - atopic dermatitis;
    - dermatitis of allergic and allergic nature;
    - erythema multiforme exudative;
    - red warty lichen;
    - lichen planus;
    - papulosquamous rashes with unspecified etiology;
    - palmoplantar keratosis;
    - pathological dryness of the skin;
    - acquired ichthyosis.
    - dermatoses with hyperkeratosis, peeling.

    Lotion Belosalik used in the treatment of patients with oily skin, as well as with pathological changes in skin areas with hairiness. Lotion instructions:
    - psoriasis (including the scalp);
    - seborrheic dermatitis (including the scalp);
    - neurodermatitis;
    - lichen planus, localized on the scalp;
    - ichthyotic, eczematous lesions of the skin under the hair.

  • Zinocap

    A drug Zinocap usually prescribed for:
    - psoriasis;
    - atopic dermatitis (eczema, neurodermatitis);
    - seborrheic dermatitis;
    - dry skin.
  • Pyridoxine

    Pyridoxine indicated for hypo- and avitaminosis B6 (treatment and prevention).
    In complex therapy: diseases of the nervous system (neuralgia, Meniere's syndrome);
    In dermatology: seborrhoeic and non-seborrheic dermatitis, herpes zoster, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, exudative diathesis and other diseases;
    Toxicosis of pregnant women: anemia (hypochromic, microcytic, sideroblastic);
    Acute and chronic hepatitis.
    The drug increases diuresis and enhances the action of diuretics. Pyridoxine hydrochloride prevents or reduces toxic manifestations, including liver damage, observed with the use of isoniazid and other anti-tuberculosis drugs.
  • Kartalin

    Kartalin are: psoriasis, some types of neurodermatitis, allergic dermatitis, eczema.
  • Cynovit

    Cynovit actively used in the treatment of pruritus, dermatitis, dandruff.
    Shampoo Cynovit prescribed for atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp, with skin itching, dry and oily seborrhea, with dandruff.
    Shower gel is prescribed for eczema, neurodermatitis, microsporia, pityriasis versicolor, dermatophytosis of smooth skin, dermatophytosis of the inguinal region. With redness, irritation of the skin, with allergic responses to the skin, acne and after insect bites, Cinovit cream is prescribed. Instructions for use recommends medication for superficial burns (solar, thermal).
  • Hydrocortisone ointment

    Hydrocortisone ointment used for inflammatory and allergic skin diseases of non-microbial etiology: eczema, allergic and contact dermatitis, neurodermatitis, psoriasis.
  • Sulfodecortem

    Sulfodecortem used in adults for the treatment of seborrhea, rosacea, psoriasis of the scalp.
  • Akriderm Genta

    Indications for the use of the drug Akriderm Genta are: dermatitis (simple and allergic), especially secondarily infected, eczema (atopic, childhood, numb), atopic dermatitis (diffuse neurodermatitis), lichen simplex chronicus (limited neurodermatitis), solar dermatitis, exfoliative dermatitis, radiation dermatitis, diaper rash, psoriasis, itching.
  • Sulfuric ointment

    Sulfuric ointment used to treat parasitic, bacterial and fungal infections of the skin: scabies, acne, seborrhea, dandruff, mycosis, psoriasis, etc.
  • Berestyn

    Berestyn it is used for many, mostly chronic, dermatosis - psoriasis (including the scalp), subacute and chronic eczema, microbial eczema, neurodermatitis, pruritus, atonic dermatitis, ichthyosis, scabies, seborrhea and seborrheic eczema, Dühring's herpetiform dermatitis, fungal skin diseases , pyoderma, alopecia, skin itching. Such a wide range of skin diseases, in which tar is effective, is due to the variety of its pharmacological activity, including its unique property - to ensure the resorption of chronic foci, that is, to influence the productive phase of inflammation, restoring the skin to its healthy state.
  • Uroderm

    Ointment Uroderm used in the complex therapy of skin diseases accompanied by excessive keratinization: ichthyosis and ichthyosiform dermatoses, keratoderma, psoriasis, chronic eczema, Devergie's disease, follicular keratosis, hyperkeratotic forms of fungal diseases; calluses, dry skin.
    It is used to soften the skin and remove horny layers in warts (before removal) and to soften the nail plates in order to facilitate their cutting and processing with ingrown nails, onychomycosis, onychogryphosis, onychodystrophy, hard nails.
  • Naftaderm

    Ointment Naftaderm is intended for the treatment of skin diseases such as: psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, seborrhea, pink lichen, boils, sycosis, pyoderma, pruritus, wounds, bedsores, poorly healing ulcers, erysipelas.
  • Delors

    Indications for the use of the cream Delors are: psoriasis (with the exception of widespread plaque psoriasis), persistent eczema, lichen planus, discoid lupus erythematosus and other skin diseases that cannot be treated with less active corticosteroids.
  • Celestoderm B

    Indications for the use of the drug Celestoderm-V are:
    - inflammatory manifestations in dermatoses sensitive to corticosteroid therapy
    - eczema (atopic, childhood, nummular)
    - contact dermatitis
    - seborrheic dermatitis
    - neurodermatitis
    - solar dermatitis
    - exfoliative dermatitis
    - stasis dermatitis
    - radiation dermatitis
    - intertriginous dermatitis
    - psoriasis
    - anogenital and senile itching
  • powercourt

    Indications for the use of the drug powercourt are: psoriasis; eczema (various forms); lichen planus; discoid lupus erythematosus; skin diseases resistant to therapy with less active glucocorticosteroids for topical use.


  • prednisone

















  • Psorilen

    Psorilen recommended for use in the following cases:
    - for any skin problems;
    - for connective tissue pathologies;
    - to prevent psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis;
    - with metabolic disorders;
    - with failures of the immune system;
    - in inflammatory processes of various etiologies;
    - to normalize the psycho-emotional state;
    - to neutralize the side effects of drug therapy.
  • Enbrel

    Enbrel shown at:
    - Rheumatoid arthritis. Enbrel is combined with methotrexate, and also used separately if the latter was not effective or the patient has an individual intolerance to it. Enbrel is indicated for the treatment of severe progressive forms of rheumatoid arthritis in adults who have not previously used methotrexate.
    - Juvenile idiopathic polyarthritis. Use the drug for children from 4 to 17 years old with intolerance to methotrexate or its insufficient effectiveness.
    - Psoriatic arthritis in adults in a severe progressive form in the absence of the effect of DMARD therapy.
    - Ankylosing spondylitis in the severe active phase, if traditional treatment has not worked.
    - Moderate to severe psoriasis if there is intolerance to or contraindications to ciclosporin, mettrexate, or PUVA therapy. And also in chronic severe psoriasis in children from 8 years old, if there is intolerance or ineffectiveness of other therapy.

Skin diseases can hardly be considered a rarity, since every year tens of thousands of patients visit dermatologists' offices complaining of various inflammations and allergic ailments. Of course, the modern drug market offers a huge selection of drugs that can cope with certain diseases. And today, many people are interested in additional information about the drug "Skin-Cap". Analogue of the drug - does it exist? What properties does this medicine have? Are there any side effects, contraindications, complications? Is it really that effective? This information will be interesting and useful to many readers.

Description of the composition and form of release of the drug

To date, this product is available in several forms at once: cream (small tubes containing 15 g of the drug), aerosol (the bottle has a convenient spray nozzle), as well as shampoo and shower gel.

The main active ingredient is activated zinc pyrithione. But the list of auxiliary components already depends on the form of release. For example, the cream contains ethanol, glycerol, stearyl alcohol, coconut oil fatty acid ester, butylhydroxytoluene, purified water, cyclometics. But the composition of the aerosol contains polysorbate 80, isobutane, propane, butane, ethanol, water, isopropyl myristate and trogamine.

What effect does this drug have on the body?

Zinc pyrithionate has pronounced bacteriostatic and antifungal properties, so the drug quickly suppresses the activity of microorganisms, which are most often the cause of the inflammatory process. For example, the most active drug is in relation to the bacteria of the Pity-rosporum group, which in most cases contribute to the development of inflammation and cell hyperproliferation in seborrhea, psoriasis and other skin ailments.

This tool also blocks the activity of fungal microorganisms, including representatives such as candida and aspergillus.

Moreover, zinc pyrithionate also has cytostatic properties. The substance acts on cells that are at the stage of hyperproliferation and inhibits the process of their division. At the same time, this component does not affect healthy cells.

By the way, the cream has hydrating activity and provides the skin with the necessary amount of water molecules. The composition of the drug contains methyl ethyl sulfate, which increases the permeability of tissues, thereby ensuring rapid and maximum absorption of the drug.

Main indications for use

In what cases are patients recommended to use the drug "Skin-Cap"? Spray and cream in modern medicine are widely used to treat atopic dermatitis, eczema, neurodermatitis and other inflammatory skin diseases. Also, the drug is effective in psoriasis, as it helps to quickly eliminate inflammation and psoriatic plaques. The medicine can be used to treat seborrheic dermatitis in children under one year old. The cream additionally helps to cope with excessive dryness of the skin.

Shampoo "Skin-Cap" can also solve a lot of problems. It is prescribed to patients in the presence of severe dandruff, itching of the scalp. Also, the drug helps with oily and dry seborrhea, atopic dermatitis (when the scalp is affected).

The drug "Skin - Cap": instructions for use

Immediately it should be said that only a dermatologist can prescribe this drug, as well as determine the dosage and duration of treatment. So how to use the drug "Skin-Cap"? Instructions for use depend on the form of the medicine you have chosen.

For example, a thin layer of cream should be applied to the affected areas of the skin, but only after a thorough cleansing of its surface. Shake the cream tube thoroughly before use. The procedure is repeated twice a day. The course usually lasts 3-4 weeks. If we are talking about the treatment of psoriasis, then the duration of therapy can be increased to 1-1.5 months.

But "Skin-Cap" aerosol should be sprayed on the affected skin 2-3 times a day from a distance of about 15 cm. Treatment should be continued for another week after the symptoms of the disease have completely disappeared.

Shampoo is applied to wet hair, thoroughly massaged into the scalp, left for 5 minutes, then washed off. You can apply it 2-3 times a week.

Are there contraindications?

Many buyers are interested in questions about whether all categories of patients are allowed to use this medicine. Like any other medication, "Skin-Cap" has some contraindications, although in fact there are not many of them.

Of course, patients with hypersensitivity to any of the constituent substances of the drug are prohibited from using it, in order to avoid an allergic reaction and other, more dangerous complications.

In addition, the drug is not recommended for women in the first trimester of pregnancy, as well as nursing mothers. On the other hand, no trials have been conducted on these groups of patients, and to date there is no evidence of the negative effects of this drug.

What side effects can the drug cause?

There is another important question: how safe is this drug? In fact, complications associated with therapy are extremely rare in medical practice. However, it is not worth excluding the possibility of their occurrence.

So what side effects can the Skin-Cap drug cause? Aerosol and cream in the initial stages of treatment can lead to a feeling of tightness of the skin and a slight burning sensation. These reactions are considered completely normal and disappear on their own after a few days, although sometimes it is necessary to reduce the dose of the drug.

Less common complications include allergic reactions, which are accompanied by the appearance of redness, itching, urticaria, and slight swelling of the soft tissues. In the presence of such symptoms, stop treatment and consult a doctor as soon as possible. Perhaps the specialist will decide to cancel the Skin-Cap medicine - it is not difficult to find an analogue of the drug. In any case, allergies are extremely rare.

The drug "Skin-Cap": analogue and approximate cost

The issue of cost is also an interesting one. How much will "Skin-Cap" (cream) cost? The price of one tube is about 800 rubles. The cost of an aerosol is higher: about 1600 - 2000 rubles. Shampoo can be purchased for 1300 rubles, and the price of shower gel ranges from 600 to 800 rubles.

Not all patients are suitable for this medicine, either because of the presence of adverse reactions, or because of the lack of effect or too high cost. So what can replace the drug "Skin-Cap"? The Russian analogue is Zinocap, which, by the way, is considered no less effective. It also comes in the form of a cream or oily spray. By the way, the composition of these drugs is almost the same.

What other drugs have the same properties as Skin-Cap? Analogues are cheaper, by the way, also exist. The same "Zinokap" will cost you about 200 rubles. In addition, Lokoid, Kremgen, Cortomycetin, Carizon and many others are considered good substitutes.

Psoriasis is a serious disease, the number of patients with which is constantly growing. To treat this inflammation, a variety of methods are used - from massage to medications. It is also necessary to use external means, which is Shampoo Skin-Cap.


Skin cap It provides assistance in three different ways: spray, cream and shampoo. We'll just talk about the last one.

The shampoo is white in color, liquid and soft in consistency. Its active component, among others, is the active form of zinc pyrithione. Besides, In the composition you can find substances such as: Tego Pearly C-96, fatty acids of coconut oil, which are a natural component and perfectly smooth hair, and also give them rich care. In addition, among the ingredients there is Tero sulfonate and sodium lauryl sulfate - a component designed to rid hair of oiliness. The remaining ingredients are macrogol, dimethicone, propylene glycol copolymers and a few flavors for a better flavor.

The volume of the shampoo bottle is 150 milliliters.


This remedy should be used against psoriasis and other dermatological problems. Zinc, which is an active ingredient, prevents unpleasant diseases such as fungus, or reduces its effect and protects against microbes. The tool works in such a way as to reduce the activity of bacteria and, ultimately, to nullify their presence.

A huge advantage of the action of zinc is the fact that it destroys the infection inside the cell, while not harming the cellular system itself. In addition, zinc not only has an effect on the symptoms of the disease, but also eliminates its causes.

If you use shampoo regularly, its effect is enhanced, as it is absorbed and remains inside, continuing to work even when you do not use it.


Shampoo should be used for the following problems:

  • If your scalp itches and itches with enviable regularity;
  • In the presence of dandruff;
  • If you have seborrhea, regardless of whether it is dry or oily;
  • In the event that you are sick with atopic dermatitis, which affects precisely the hair and scalp.

The remedy should be applied to wet hair and massage the head for a while, allowing blood to flow to the roots of the hair. After that, you need to thoroughly rinse the shampoo and immediately apply it again, also with massaging movements, but now wait for about five minutes, allowing the product to be thoroughly absorbed and penetrate, and then rinse thoroughly. It is recommended to shake the jar before use, making a small "chatter".

The manufacturer promises that if you are trying to cure psoriasis, then after two weeks of using this remedy, a visible effect will appear.

Since this shampoo is therapeutic, it should be used in a course. In this case, it is recommended to do this for 5 weeks, 2-3 times every seven days. There is also the prevention of using shampoo after the disease has been cured, in case the psoriasis suddenly returns. During this period, it is worth using this product less often - once or twice a week.

The tool does not have any effect on the condition of the hair, as well as on their shape and color.

Contraindications and side effects

According to the manufacturers, the product should not be used only in case of individual intolerance to the listed components. But the fact is that among the ingredients there is a hormonal component, which somewhat expands the list of contraindications. Shampoo should not be used:

  • In the presence of pink or acne vulgaris;
  • If the skin is infected with any infection- this includes infection with herpes and chicken pox;
  • If you are sick with perioral dermatitis;
  • A disease such as skin tuberculosis is also contraindicated for use;
  • In the presence of skin cancer;
  • Children under eighteen years.

There are no contraindications against the use of shampoo during pregnancy and the risks are rather weak, but they should be taken into account. So, when carrying a child, you should refrain from using the remedy if you experience itching or rashes that were not there before. When breastfeeding, it is better not to use shampoo at all, or to stop this method of feeding for a while, in order to avoid risks.

As already mentioned, when using shampoo, you may experience allergic reactions. In this case, you should stop using this tool at least for a while. The presence of a component that controls hormones can cause the following reactions:

  • The appearance of constant itching;
  • Excessive dryness of the scalp;
  • The presence of irritation;
  • Excessive skin pigmentation;
  • The occurrence of hypertrichosis;
  • Active rash of acne and blackheads;
  • Development of one or more infections;
  • The occurrence of allergic dematitis;
  • As well as perioral dermatitis;
  • The development of other varieties of psoriasis, including pustular.

If you do not follow the instructions and use shampoo more often or do not take breaks, then your skin may well begin to crack, folliculitis and erythema may form. In some cases, there may be such unpleasant consequences as skin atrophy or numbness of the fingers.

The effects also depend on what you are taking and what kind of dressings you put on while using the remedy for psoriasis. You should be careful with this and, in case of any negative reaction, immediately stop using not only shampoo, but also other medicines, if possible. This should be done at least until you have cured the negative effects.

In very rare cases, the use of the drug causes serious side effects in which you should immediately stop using the shampoo and never use it again, but instead consult a doctor. Among these consequences are:

  • Causing damage to the mucous system;
  • The occurrence of gastritis;
  • Severe allergic reactions;
  • A sharp increase in intraocular pressure.

To make sure that the allergic reaction has passed, it is necessary to conduct special tests in the clinic or hospital. Do not do the verification yourself, it can not only turn out to be unreliable, but also harm you.

Precautionary measures

Dermatologists strongly advise to use the shampoo in a course and not to abuse this drug. This is because it contains such an element as clobetasol, which is quite harmful to the body, especially in large doses.

With the constant use of products with this ingredient, atrophic changes in the skin of the face and head may develop. You also need to be careful when using shampoo and avoid contact with eyes, otherwise the presence of hormonal elements will increase intraocular pressure. In addition to pressure, eye contact may in some cases cause cataracts or glaucoma.

Do not apply shampoo to areas of the skin that are not intended for this. For example, on the skin of the face or armpits. Otherwise, it can cause serious health problems like atrophy or dermatitis.

The instructions clearly state that children can be treated for psoriasis from the age of one year. As a rule, children easily tolerate medications and rarely experience any side effects. However, given the part of clobetasol, it is quite capable of leading to undesirable consequences. That's why it is recommended to use shampoo for children over 18 years old, when the body is stronger and more fortified.

Skin-Cap cream is a pharmaceutical agent for the treatment of dermatological pathologies. It has antifungal, antifungal activity. Kills pathogens, prevents the spread of infection, blocks inflammation. Suitable for problematic skin of any type. Used on different parts of the body. It is allowed to apply to children from 1 year. The drug is produced in France, Spain. There is a representative office in Russia.

The active components of the drug are concentrated in the epidermis, the upper layers of the dermis. The accumulative ability of the Skin-cap cream allows the active ingredients to be localized as much as possible in problem areas. Absorbed quickly, excreted slowly. Virtually does not enter the bloodstream. In laboratory studies, only residual products were found in plasma. In this regard, the cream does not have a systemic effect, does not affect the functioning of internal organs, and does not cause side effects.

Residual metabolism occurs in the liver, excreted by the kidneys, through the intestines. With prolonged use, it is not addictive, there is no withdrawal syndrome. Without the recommendation of a doctor, it is allowed to use no more than 14 days.


Zinc pyrithione is the active ingredient in Skincap cream. It has a pronounced antifungal, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory activity. Zinc pyrithione destroys cell membranes of pathological microorganisms, leading to death. Due to the neutralization of the source of infection, peeling, redness, irritation are eliminated. The high penetrating power of the active ingredient provides a quick effect, a positive result.

Auxiliary components:

Additional substances provide the cream with easy application, quick absorption, deep penetration, moisturizing, and the creation of a protective barrier. A film is formed on the surface of the skin that protects the skin from dehydration, the negative effects of external stimuli. Water balance is restored, local immunity increases. Conditions are created for the rapid restoration of the skin.


Skin-Cap cream is used for dermatological pathologies of various origins associated with the reproduction of pathogens.

  1. seborrhea;
  2. Atopic dermatitis;
  3. Psoriasis;
  4. Eczema;
  5. Neurodermatitis;
  6. Peeling, pathological dryness.

The drug can be used by adults, children from 1 year.

In addition to dermatological diseases, the drug eliminates cosmetic defects:

Can be used in a number of cases:

  • frostbite;
  • weathering;
  • Sunburn;
  • Eczema after contact with household chemicals;
  • Thermal burn of mild degree;
  • Hematoma, bruise.

Cannot be used on open wounds. Before use, it is recommended to consult a specialist.


Do not use Skin-Cap cream in the presence of individual intolerance to the components. It manifests itself in an allergic reaction on the skin - a rash, redness, burning, itching, peeling. Before starting therapy, it is recommended to conduct a sensitivity test.

A small amount of cream is applied to the elbow bend, observe the state of the epidermis, one's own sensations for an hour. Children are tested for 12 hours. The presence of unpleasant symptoms, various manifestations on the skin is the basis for refusal.

Not recommended for use during pregnancy, breastfeeding. It is forbidden to use in infancy under 1 year for the treatment of diaper dermatitis, diathesis.

Application instructions

The external agent is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas twice a day. Distribute with light massaging movements. The cream is absorbed quickly enough, instantly moisturizes, creates a protective shell.

The duration of therapy depends on the degree of damage to the epidermis, the type of disease.

  1. Psoriasis, seborrhea are treated for 1.5 - 2 months.
  2. 4 weeks is enough for the treatment of atopic dermatitis.
  3. The duration of therapy for eczema depends on its size, the causes of the appearance. On average, 2 weeks.
  4. Neurodermatitis, dryness, peeling - 14-20 days.

It is forbidden to use Skin-Cap cream for more than 2 months. In such situations, an overdose is possible. There are side effects characteristic of individual intolerance. The situation does not require special treatment, unpleasant symptoms disappear after discontinuation of the drug.

Skin-Cap cream can be used as part of complex therapy. But it is not recommended to use several external agents with a similar effect. Possible overdose, weakening the effect of active ingredients.

Main advantages

Pharmaceutical drug approved by dermatologists in different countries. Products are sold in Europe, for the manufacture of high-quality components are used. The composition is hypoallergenic, carefully thought out. Individual intolerance is extremely rare.

The therapeutic effect comes quickly. At first, a slight tingling, burning sensation is possible, which is a normal reaction, does not require discontinuation of the drug. Allergic itching disappears within 20 minutes, the skin calms down, and the active ingredients continue to kill pathogens.

Cream price

The pharmaceutical preparation is produced in tubes of 15 g, 50 g, laminated foil sachets of 5 g. The drug is an expensive drug. The price differs depending on the manufacturer. French products: cream in the amount of 15 g - about 1000 rubles, 50 g - within 2000 rubles. Spanish products: 15 g of cream - 4500 rubles, 50 g - more than 10,000 rubles.

Skin-Cap cream is available without a prescription. You can buy at a pharmacy, order online. Shelf life - 3 years from the date of manufacture. Consumed sparingly.

Skin-cap cream analogues

The high price of Skin-Cap cream makes buyers look for analogues. Almost every pharmacy has a whole arsenal of dermatological products with a similar effect. Available preparations with the same active ingredient - zinc pyrithione.

  • Zinocap. Domestic production. The average price of a tube with a capacity of 25 ml is 300 rubles, 50 ml - 570 rubles. has similar indications, identical contraindications.
  • Cynovit. A tube with a capacity of 40 ml costs about 300 rubles. In addition to zinc pyrithione, the composition includes natural oils, vitamins, panthenol, urea. Dermatologist-tested for all skin types. Eliminates peeling, irritation, helps to cope with inflamed pimples, acne, traces of rashes, blackheads.
  • Psorikap. Domestic product. A tube of cream costs 150 rubles. Has identical readings. Recommended for adults, children from 3 years old. The active ingredient is zinc pyrithione. The auxiliary composition is not much different from Skin-Cap cream.

The issue of replacing one drug with another should be discussed with the attending physician. In pharmacies, there are many drugs that combine antibacterial, antifungal, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effects.