Disabled parking permit. How to get a reduced parking permit

Special parking spaces for the disabled in the parking areas of vehicles in the Russian Federation should be equipped everywhere. Moreover, such a requirement is enshrined in regulations, special parking rules for the disabled, benefits for this category of citizens, etc. have been established.

What are the rules for paid disabled parking? What benefits do disabled people enjoy in paid parking lots? Are there special places in paid parking lots for the disabled and how many of them should there be according to the law? How can a disabled person apply for and obtain a parking permit? We will answer these questions in this article.

Rules for paid parking for the disabled

Parking lots with parking spaces intended for the transport of persons with disabilities have a special designation: a sign "disabled" under the sign "parking place" and road markings on the parking lot itself.

According to Federal Law No. 181-FZ of November 24, 1995, a limit is set on the number of parking spaces for the disabled. The maximum number of disabled parking spaces in the parking lot can reach 10% of the total number of parking spaces.

For non-compliance with the rules of paid parking in terms of violation of the rules regarding parking spaces for the disabled, penalties are provided under administrative law. Their size is differentiated and depends on the category of the violator. So, fines in the amount of 30-50 thousand rubles can be applied to business entities, a fine in the amount not exceeding 5 thousand rubles is applied to an individual (if a specific official of a business entity is involved).

Citizens who do not belong to the category of disabled people who neglect the parking rules and occupy a specially designated place can be punished under Article 12.19 Part 2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and fined up to 5 thousand rubles.

Benefits for the disabled when using paid parking

For ease of identification of the transport of a disabled person of groups I or II, it is required to place an appropriate identification mark on such transport. These parking spaces are available 24 hours a day. At the same time, parking of vehicles in a place not intended for parking persons with disabilities is paid on a general basis.

Handicapped parking permit

The rules that fix the procedure for controlling parking spaces for persons with disabilities are established by Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 289-PP dated 05/17/2013. As part of the implementation of the rules established by the government, the Moscow state bodies are required to maintain a special register of disabled parking permits. In particular, the register is formed in the "Administrator of the Moscow Parking Space" or GKU "AMPP" for short. The register specifies:

  • registration number and period during which the permit is valid;
  • personal data of a person with a disability who has been issued a permit (full name);
  • information about the place of residence of the owner of the transport;
  • contacts of either a person with a disability or his legal representative;
  • identification information about the transport (brand, model, registration number);
  • SNILS;
  • name of the preferential category;
  • date of establishment of disability and the duration of its establishment.

The right of a person with a disability to obtain a parking permit applies to:

  • transport in the property;
  • own transport of a legal representative of a disabled child;
  • transport, which was issued to a person with a disability by social protection authorities for medical reasons;
  • own transport of persons who transport disabled people. This rule does not apply to the transport of carriers providing their services on a paid basis, for example, taxis;
  • transport on which there is a special sign "disabled person".

The procedure for issuing a permit

An application for the issuance of an appropriate permit is submitted through the MFC by the person with a disability himself or his legal representative. You can download the application form from the link. The application is supplemented by certain documents, including:

  • passport of the person submitting the application, and if the applicant is a legal representative, then the passport of the person with a disability whose interests are represented;
  • document confirming disability;
  • a document for the representative of a disabled child, which would confirm his authority as a representative.

Consideration of the submitted package of documents takes up to 10 days.

An alternative way to personally visit the MFC can be an electronic application for a permit. You can leave it by filling out an electronic form on the portal of the State Services of Moscow. Documents that must be attached to the application must first be digitized (scanned) and attached to the application.

If a person with a disability does not have an appropriate permit, it does not give the right to use free parking services, even though formally there are all grounds for this.


Thus, the right of citizens with disabilities to a free parking space is enshrined in law, and, accordingly, an administrative fine is provided for its violation. Parking spaces are marked with special markings, however, in order to use the parking space freely, you must obtain a special permit by submitting a request through the MFC or State Services.

Starting from 2012, car parking in the center of Moscow is a paid service. But there are some categories of citizens who have the right to do it for free. These include the disabled. What are for the disabled - find out more.

Parking spaces for the disabled

After the introduction in accordance with the Federal Law "On the Social Protection of the Disabled in the Russian Federation", their owners must allocate a certain number of free parking spaces. They are intended for owners of vehicles who have. In addition, they can be used by drivers transporting persons with disabilities. The parking rules in Moscow for the disabled state that the owners of parking lots, including those located near trade enterprises, medical, sports and other institutions, must allocate at least 10% of parking spaces for vehicles of citizens with disabilities. At the same time, they can use these places for free.

How are these places labeled?

As a rule, parking lots for the disabled have a clearly visible marking 1.24.3, which differs from the marking 1.1 used to indicate parking spaces. In addition, a sign (sign of additional information) informs that this parking space is intended for the disabled.

What you need to get a free parking space

The rules in state that citizens with disabilities have the right to use free parking in allocated places. These include disabled people I, II groups. The basis for this is an officially issued permit. At the same time, you can use the parking space around the clock. But the same parking rules in Moscow for the disabled say that, taking a place that is not intended for citizens of this category, that is, that does not have special markings, he must pay for it on a general basis.

When parking in a place intended for parking vehicles belonging to disabled people, the driver must have documents confirming this fact. This can be either standard help or an identity. A special sign pasted on glass is not proof of disability. On the other hand, its presence or absence is left to the discretion of the owner of the car. By law, the presence of this sign on the vehicle is optional.

Who else can use free parking

There is another category of citizens who can take advantage of such benefits as parking for the disabled in Moscow. The rules allow the use of these places by those who transport persons belonging to this group. It does not matter whether this is done by a specialized, equipped for the transportation of persons with disabilities, or a simple car. Drivers who are not disabled, but regularly transport them or accompany disabled children, can install a sign on their car and occupy a parking space for vehicles belonging to citizens with disabilities. This is possible only for the period of transportation of a disabled person who has supporting documents with him. In all other cases, the parking rules in Moscow for the disabled consider the presence of a sign on a car illegal.

Who issues a parking permit

According to Appendix No. 4 of the Decree of the Moscow Government, since 2013 a special register has been maintained, which takes into account parking permits for citizens with disabilities. Its formation is carried out by GKU "AMPP". The registry contains the following information:

  • Full name of the disabled person;
  • his contact details or the contact details of his representative;
  • information about the place of residence;
  • vehicle data (make, registration number);
  • the term and date of establishment of disability;
  • indication of the preferential category;
  • the validity period and registration number of the parking permit.

Which vehicle can be licensed

The parking rules for the disabled in paid parking also stipulate the requirements for a car for which a permit can be issued. To do this, it must meet several conditions.

  1. The vehicle is owned by a citizen with a disability.
  2. The car belongs to a person who is the legal representative of a disabled child.
  3. The car was provided to a disabled person for medical reasons by the social authorities. protection.
  4. The vehicle is the property of the person carrying the person with a disability, unless a fee is charged.

Registration procedure

To apply for a permit, a citizen with a disability group, or his representative, must contact the multifunctional center, where an appropriate application is drawn up and submitted. Within ten days, it and copies of the attached documents will be considered and a decision will be made.

In addition, it is possible to apply electronically. To do this, you need to go to the Moscow website of public services. If you are not registered on it, then register or log in. Then in the "transport" tab, select the "issue a parking permit" item. After that, upload scanned copies of the required documents and send a request. The result will also be known in ten days.

Required documents

The following documents must be attached to the application for a parking permit.

  1. Passport of a person with a disability.
  2. Passport of his legal representative.
  3. If the appeal comes from a representative of a disabled child who is not his parent, a document confirming his authority.
  4. Certificate of disability or an extract from the certificate of examination.

Note! If there is no information about the disabled person in the Department of Social. defense of Moscow, the consideration of the case will be suspended.

Penalties for car park owners

Despite the fact that they lose part of their profits, the owners of paid parking lots are required to allocate the number of parking spaces that provide for the parking rules for disabled people of the 2nd group in Moscow. However, disabled people of group I have the same rights. Compliance with this is monitored by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. In case of non-compliance with these rules, article 5.43 comes into effect, which provides for penalties for the lack of places in the parking lot intended for citizens with disabilities. For individuals, this can cost from 3 to 5 thousand rubles. Organizations will pay a fine in the amount of 30 to 50 thousand. Faced with such a choice, the owners prefer to allocate and equip the necessary places than to pay such amounts.

Penalty for illegal use of parking

Despite the fact that the parking rules for Moscow clearly describe those categories of citizens who can use free places, sometimes they are occupied by cars of those who are not included in the defined circle of people. Even if you do not consider the ethical side of this issue - you must admit, it is not very nice to take the place of those for whom overcoming extra meters often causes great difficulty - such an action can bring quite tangible troubles for the violator. The same provides for a fine in the amount of 5 thousand rubles in the event of illegal occupation of a parking space, which is intended for a vehicle of a disabled person. By the way, this is the largest amount for illegal parking. Fans of occupying other people's places are also at risk because traffic police officers usually watch such parking lots very closely. After all, in order to issue a fine, you need so little: wait for an inattentive or impatient driver to stop at a place with markings showing that this parking space is intended for a disabled vehicle, take a picture of the violation? gjckt xtuj you can issue a receipt.

And finally, I would like to note ^ gentlemen drivers, let's remain human! Yes, it often happens that the only free space left is parking for the disabled in Moscow, the rules of which can either be violated, or you will have to park at a considerable distance from the purpose of your trip. But for a healthy person it is not very difficult to overcome the extra 100, 200, 300 meters. When occupying a parking space intended for a car of a person with disabilities, remember that it is much more difficult for him to overcome this distance.

Since 2012, parking for the disabled in Moscow has become paid. But there is a certain category of citizens who have the right to park for free. This includes the disabled as well. So what are the parking rules for the disabled in Moscow for the disabled - we will now find out in more detail.

After paid parking lots were introduced in Moscow, according to the Federal Law concerning the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation, their owners are obliged allocate a certain number of free parking spaces, which are intended for drivers with a disability group, and are indicated by a special sign. They can also be used by persons transporting people with disabilities.

According to the law, parking spaces for the disabled, including those located near shops, medical, sports and other institutions, must occupy at least 10% of the total number of parking spaces. However, they can use them for free.

How is the parking sign for the disabled indicated, and what do you need to have with you to take such a place? The handicapped parking sign is indicated by marking 1.24.3.

The law on parking in Moscow for persons with disabilities states that persons with disabilities are entitled to use free parking marked with a special sign. These include disabled people with groups I and II. And the basis for this can serve as an officially issued permit. Parking spaces are available 24 hours a day. But according to the same parking rules for the disabled in the city of Moscow, occupying places that are not intended for citizens of this category, that is, without a sign with special markings, he must pay for it on a general basis.

When parking in places marked with a disabled parking sign, the driver must have documents confirming this fact with him. These include a certificate or a regular certificate. Disabled sign, pasted on car glass is not disability proof. On the other hand, the presence or absence of this sign is entirely at the discretion of the owner of the car. By law, this sign is not required to be affixed to the windshield of a vehicle.

Who else can use the free parking spaces

There is also another category of persons who are entitled to take advantage of this benefit. These include drivers who transport persons belonging to such a group. Drivers who are not disabled but are engaged in the transportation of such people or accompany children with disabilities, have the right to install an appropriate sign on their car and occupy this place. But this is possible only for the period of transportation of a disabled person who has supporting documents with him. In all other cases, according to the parking rules in Moscow for the disabled, the presence of a sign on a car is illegal.

Who is responsible for issuing parking permits?

According to the decree of the government of the city of Moscow, since 2013, a special register has been created, which contains all permits for parking spaces for people with disabilities. Its formation is carried out by GKU "AMPP".

The register contains the following data:

  • Surname, name and patronymic of the person with a disability;
  • His contact details or his representative;
  • Residence address;
  • Vehicle data (make and registration number);
  • Term and date from the date of establishment of disability;
  • Information about the preferential category;
  • the validity period with the registration number of the parking permit.

Which car can be licensed

According to the parking rules for the disabled, on a paid basis, requirements for a car are also specified, for which the permit is issued. To do this, it must meet a certain number of conditions:

  • The vehicle is owned by an owner with a disability.
  • The vehicle is owned by a person who is legally the representative of a child with a disability.
  • A car provided to a disabled person by social authorities. protection, according to medical indications.
  • The car is owned by the person who carries out the carriage of the passenger with a disability, except when a fee is charged for the carriage.

How to apply for a disabled parking permit

Before applying for a permit, a driver with a disability group, or his representative, must contact the multifunctional center to draw up and submit an appropriate application. AT within ten days, an application with a copy of the attached documents will be considered and a decision will be made on their basis. You can also apply online on the site.

  • To do this, you must go to the website of public services of the city of Moscow, go through the registration process or log in.
  • Then go to the "transport" tab and select the "issue a parking permit" item.
  • Then we upload scanned copies of the specified documents and send a request. The result will also be known ten days later.

Required package of documents:

  • The following list of documents must be attached to the application for a parking permit.
  • Passport of a person with a disability.
  • Passport of the legal representative.
  • If the application is submitted on behalf of a representative of a child with a disability who is not his parent, then you will need to provide a document confirming this authority.
  • A certificate confirming disability or an extract from the examination certificate.

Note! In the absence of information about the disabled person in the Department of Social. protection of the city of Moscow, the process of consideration of the case will be suspended.

What are the penalties for parking lot owners?

Despite the fact that the owners of parking lots lose part of the profits, they are obliged to allocate as many parking spaces marked with the “disabled” sign as provided by the parking rules for such people who have the first and second groups. In case of violation of these rules, article 5.43 comes into effect., which provides for a fine for the absence of parking places with such a sign. For an individual, this can cost from three to a thousand rubles.

Organizations can pay a fine in the amount of 30 to 50 thousand. Of course, faced with such a choice, the owners prefer to equip the required number of seats with a special sign than to pay such amounts.

Penalty for illegal use of parking

Despite the fact that the rules regarding parking for the disabled of the first group in Moscow quite clearly describe the category of persons who have the right to use free places with this sign. It often happens that they are occupied by cars whose owners are not included in this circle of people.

Even if you do not take into account the ethical side of this issue, you must admit that it is not entirely correct to take the places of those for whom overcoming excess footage causes great difficulty. This kind of violation can bring violators a lot of unpleasant moments.. According to the same Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (Article 12.19), in the event of illegal actions, the violator faces a fine of five thousand rubles.

By the way, this is the largest fine for illegal parking. Persons occupying other people's places are still at risk because traffic police officers are closely monitoring such places. Indeed, to issue a fine, you need quite a bit: wait until a driver who does not belong to this category stops at a place with markings for the disabled and photograph the fact of the violation, and after that you can write out a receipt.

On the windshield of a luxury Hyundai Equus (price: from 3 to 4.5 million rubles), parked in Krivokolenny Lane, not far from Chistye Prudy, there is a yellow sticker with a wheelchair. To my question: “And who is your disabled person?” - The man behind the wheel, apparently a personal driver, spreads his arms: "All questions to the owner."

Bumper to bumper parked in wheelchair spaces: Nissan Qashqai (1.5 million rubles in a car dealership), Mercedes B‑180, Audi‑103 (each — about 2 million), a little further — snow-white handsome Mercedes S500 (this one generally “weighs » 14 million — for that kind of money you can buy a good two-room apartment on the outskirts of Moscow). All as one - with designations: a disabled person at the wheel.

Despite the fact that most of the cars we found in paid parking lots cannot be pulled by an ordinary wheelchair user (and not only him), all these “cars” feel comfortable in wheelchairs. All - with the prescribed disabled "insignia". And a Lexus in Potapovsky, and a Mini Cooper in front of an elite jewelry boutique 200 meters from the Petrovsky Monastery, and a silver sports Mercedes C-180 near the Glazunov Gallery.

Petr Sarukhanov / Novaya Gazeta

A commercial subscription that allows you to leave the car within the Garden Ring costs 120 thousand rubles, Boulevard - 250 thousand. A parking permit for the disabled allows you to leave the car anywhere in the city for free. Including in the most "prestigious" areas of "non-rubber" Moscow.

- ​According to my information, disability of the 2nd group can be bought for 200 thousand rubles. In 2013, they asked for about 60 thousand for it, but recently the prices have skyrocketed, says Sergey Sokolov, a municipal deputy of the Konkovo ​​district and chairman of the Vse Ravny fund for helping the disabled. “However, if there was enough money for an expensive car, it will be enough for a certificate of disability.

In a year, the “investment” will pay off. Obtaining the coveted document in a legal way is not easy: in order for you to be recognized as a disabled person, you need to take a referral for examination from the attending physician at the clinic. Then, with all the collected analyzes and conclusions, go to the regional center of medical and social expertise, where these papers will be studied in detail. If the doctors have doubts, they can send it to a higher authority for additional examination.

“When applying for a fake certificate, you will have to follow the same path, but for money, that is, you will have to give it at every stage,” concludes Sokolov. And he adds: "There is no other option." But I managed to find another option. And not alone.


On the site of free ads Avito, a certain Mikhail undertakes to make a document for 10,000 rubles and in the shortest possible time. A cheerful male voice answers the indicated phone:

— Yes, we do process disability forms. The procedure will take two to three days.

- Is it legal?

“We guarantee only a form, exactly the same as in the hospital, signed and stamped. You will not receive a pension using this certificate, it is not included in the database, but a parking permit is easy. MFC ( Multifunctional Center.Ed.) does not check them, only the police and the Pension Fund can check.

- What is required of me?

- You send me an SMS message with your data, we draw up a form. As soon as your certificate is ready, we will send you a scan of it by e-mail. If there are no spelling errors, pay money and get the original. To receive a piece of paper, you need to transfer the specified amount in advance (in your case, 10 thousand) to a Sberbank card, they promise to leave the document itself in a “bookmark”, that is, in an agreed place. Don’t be afraid, you don’t have to look for it under a lamppost, the courier will leave the envelope in the agreed cafe, you just come up, give your name and pick it up, ”the voice on the phone assures that it has been in this business for more than a year, and tries to reassure me:“ We don't need to cheat."

Granny on call

If there is no desire to get involved with “bookmarks” – ​especially since forging a certificate is punishable under Article 327 of the Criminal Code with imprisonment for up to 2 years, there is a simpler way: to negotiate with a real disabled person that he issue his parking permit to you as a friend.

“A lot of people do just that: they draw up a certificate, as if they are carrying someone. The cost of such a service is from 10 to 20 thousand per month. This is a significant increase in the disability pension, so some disabled people who do not have their own cars agree,” says Victor Schastlivy, spokesman for the SAMI Regional Public Organization of the Disabled. — ​They call us at the fund with such proposals several times a month. We refuse."

If you don’t have a disabled friend, the Internet comes to the rescue again. I call the next number in Avito. Nikolai (in the announcement it is indicated in capital letters that the permit will be issued “ABSOLUTELY LEGAL”) answers immediately:

- Yes, a retired grandmother, she asked me ...

- And what do you need from me?

- You just need to go to the MFC, I'll take my grandmother there myself, and fill out the paper. Payment for the service - 8 thousand monthly. If after a month you do not want to renew the agreement, she will cancel the permit. Transfer money either to a card or give it to your grandmother in cash. It's like an agreement.

impenetrable deceivers

It is difficult to catch an attacker by the hand with the forces of "public control". As part of an impromptu raid on the capital's parking lots, we go around alley after alley in search of violators. But most of the cars are empty. Carcasses of foreign cars in fresh slush are not much different from each other. But the details can tell enough about the driver: here is the pennant of the Airborne Forces, tied with a St. George ribbon, here is a child seat. On the back seat of another executive class Mercedes is a police cap.

The salon is empty. You can wait for the owner until the evening. However, we still manage to catch a few car owners. Not far from Milyutinsky Lane, one of them shows us paper: a black-and-white copy of the registration notice neatly packaged in a plastic file. The date, outgoing data and the heading of the transport department are all in place. The other nods at the body: on the rear window of the car, the document is glued with tape from the inside. Many people do this in order not to get at each meeting with the traffic police inspector. The owner of a foreign car confidently says: "Everything is legal."

Photo: Vlad Dokshin / Novaya Gazeta

Closer to noon, our attention is attracted by a respectable car in front of the Belarusian embassy. On the "torpedo", next to the badge of a disabled person, there is an announcement: "If my car bothers you, call" and a number. The car does not interfere with us, but we still call. The owner picks up the phone, refuses to give a name, but assures that he rightfully wears the yellow badge: he has problems with his leg, he has a document, he himself suffers from “fake” invalids.

It is easy to attract an intruder who has stuck a yellow sticker on the windshield or simply put the car in a wheelchair. It is enough to “break through” the car number in the database to find out: the simulator does not appear on the lists of disabled people. But if the scammer bought a disability certificate and has already received permission on it, it is almost impossible to detect fraud.

No way out

“When you see an empty parking space for the disabled, thank God that it is not meant for you, and drive past” — this was the video message to the capital’s drivers on her Facebook in early November, Daria Kuznetsova, a wheelchair user and head of the Integration Club for the Disabled "Overcoming". Together with several like-minded people, she runs the Right to Park Internet blog, where she publishes photos of violators whose cars are not marked with a wheelchair badge. Along with numbers.

Her video message in two weeks has collected more than 67 thousand views. State channels released several reports in the wake of the video; some drivers, whose numbers were “lit up” on the Web, even managed to be punished.

In an interview with Novaya Gazeta, Daria draws attention to the unobvious consequences of parking fraud: “If a specialized place is occupied, it is extremely inconvenient for an ordinary person with disabilities to park. The fact is that ordinary places are marked without a margin, for example, under a wheelchair, a disabled person simply cannot get out of the car. As a rule, disabled places, if cars are parked along the street, are equipped at the very edge of the parking lot - ​to make it easier for a disabled driver to leave the car. Parking pockets that are perpendicular to the pavement should be much wider than usual so that the wheelchair user can open the door wide open. A healthy person is able to squeeze into the gap between cars, but with a wheelchair this is impossible. Such are the nuances ... Healthy people either do not take them into account, or simply do not understand.

A matter of money

“In my personal experience, finding a free preferential seat, even outside the Garden Ring, is almost impossible on a weekday,” says municipal deputy Sokolov.

His observations are confirmed by the majority of disabled motorists. “My father does not walk, that is, I am a relative of a disabled person,” says a middle-aged man who did not want to introduce himself. - And because someone wanted to put their jeep in this particular disabled place, I have to park 500 meters from the entrance to the clinic, and even in a paid place, which means I have to pay for the comfort of fake beneficiaries from your pocket. Recently, specialists from the Moscow Road Institute (MADI) proposed to the city hall to raise the cost of parking a car in the city center from 80 to 230 rubles per hour. In the summer, the mayor of the city, Sergei Sobyanin, convinced journalists: this is the only way to unload the capital's streets, because they cannot cope with the influx of cars. This means that the demand for preferential places will only grow in the future.

It is already cheaper to negotiate with a grandmother than to buy an annual parking pass: 96,000 for a fictitious disability versus 120,000 for parking. Will grandmothers raise the tax, and scammers will raise the cost of "bookmarks"? The probability of this is high, given that offices and shopping malls are unlikely to disappear from the center of Moscow, and the owners of Mercedes 5 Series are unlikely to switch to municipal transport.


According to the law, either disabled people of groups I and II who drive the vehicle on their own, or drivers who transport people with disabilities have the right to place a sticker on a car. The cost of the sticker itself does not exceed 50 rubles (the Moscow authorities intend to ban the free sale of these stickers). But in order to legally hang a disabled badge on a car, the car must be registered in the electronic registry, and the driver must have a permit for preferential parking. “Any traffic police inspector can check the car using the electronic register or demand to present a document right on the spot. If there is none, you will have to pay 5,000 rubles for the illegal installation of an identification mark and another 5,000 rubles for parking in a wheelchair,” the Moscow Parking Space Administrator reported.

Total: 10 thousand rubles.

To obtain official permission and get into the register of disabled people, you need to submit a certificate of disability and a passport to the MFC. In the event that a disabled person or parents of a disabled child do not have their own car, they can indicate in the application the car of a relative or friend in which they move around the city. If the place of residence of the disabled person is outside Moscow, the permit is also issued through the MFC and the State Services portal. Temporary registration in the capital is not required for this. Disabled people of groups I and II have the right to free parking.

So, groups 2 and 3 are usually diagnosed for a calendar year. Then, the citizen is obliged to re-pass the medical and social examination. Until the status is confirmed, this person is not provided with benefits. If a citizen with disabilities is transported by two or more vehicles, then the documents should be reissued. Parking preferences are provided only for one car. Re-registration takes one day. You can contact the MFC via the Internet. To do this, you need to register on the official website and follow the instructions. Register of parking privileges It will not be possible to bypass the legislation or take advantage of preferences without reason. Every permission counts. Moscow authorities are compiling a database of citizens who have received a parking certificate for a disabled person.

The consent must be certified by a notary, in the absence of a personal appearance of other owners of the residential premises at the MFC) and through the “Services and Services” section on mos.ru. - temporary registration of the person to whom the vehicle is registered in accordance with the established procedure must be no less than the validity period of the parking permit Payment of the residence fee for 1, 2 or 3 years .ru or through the Services section on mos.ru. When paying electronically, the service is activated automatically and begins to operate immediately after the funds are credited.

Free disabled parking in 2018

Not allocating parking spaces in the parking lot for the disabled Legal entity (organization) 30,000 - 50,000 rubles. 5.43 Violation of parking rules Traffic participant 5 000 rub. Part 2 Art. 12.19 Download for viewing and printing of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2001 N 195-FZ Features of the use of parking benefits As in any other area, the issue under consideration has its own nuances. Let's clarify the most common mistakes that lead to problems.

  1. The parking space for beneficiaries is marked with a special sign. That is, if there are benefits, it is necessary to put a car only on a dedicated site.
  2. If a disabled car enthusiast (the person carrying him) occupies a place that is not equipped with a special sign, then you will have to pay for parking on a general basis.
  3. Families with a child with disabilities can apply for a parking allowance for only one car.

Disabled parking features

For parking in a place where there is no special sign or marking, the beneficiary or his representative will have to pay on a general basis. Can a disabled person use paid parking for free? People with disabilities can use paid parking lots for free, but this requires a special permit. For example, in Moscow or St. Petersburg, permission will be issued at any multifunctional center (MFC).


To apply, you will need: a passport; certificate of disability; insurance certificate of the applicant's compulsory pension insurance (SNILS). For a legal representative of a disabled person, you must: passport of the representative; document confirming the authority. For a guardian of a disabled child, you need: a birth certificate of the child; guardian's passport; The application at the MFC is considered within 10 days.

Remember that the permit is issued for a year.

Paid parking rules and benefits for the disabled in 2018

Debt - non-payment of a fine within 60 days after the entry into force of the decision in the case of an administrative violation (Article 32.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). How to renew a resident parking permit? A resident can apply for a new resident parking permit in advance - no earlier than 2 months before the expiration of the previous one. In this case, the new permission will take effect after the expiration of the previous one.

Draw your attention to! The validity of a parking permit may be suspended if the person, to whom the vehicle specified in the request is registered in the prescribed manner, has 3 or more arrears in paying fines in the field of traffic and parking fees. In case of notification of a possible suspension, the resident must notify the GKU AMPP in writing of the liquidation of all debts within 10 days.

Parking for the disabled in Moscow: rules in 2017-2018


As it was before Until recently, the use of a parking lot for the disabled was not clearly enshrined in legislation, the text of the decree did not mention the need to have a certificate of disability, there was no information that the right to install the “Disabled” sign does not apply to cars transporting healthy citizens. The sign could be installed on any vehicle in which disabled people are systematically or periodically transported. At the same time, the traffic police inspector had the right to punish anyone who stopped in a parking space intended for disabled people, regardless of the presence or absence of a disability certificate. Although, according to the law, such a certificate was not included in the list of documents that the driver must present to the inspector.

The fine for illegal parking was only 200 rubles.

Accessible parking for the disabled

A vehicle claiming a free parking space must necessarily have an identification mark "Disabled" issued for personal use by authorized executors of the federal level. For the practical implementation of the benefits, it is necessary to issue a parking permit for the car. The grant rule looks like this:

  • one disabled = one car.

How the benefit is issued Let's consider the algorithm for obtaining a parking permit on the capital's example.
For Moscow drivers, the problem of parking is perhaps more relevant than for residents of other cities. To obtain the coveted document, you must contact any multifunctional center (MFC). A parking permit for a disabled person is provided to all citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of registration.

Paid parking in the center of Moscow: benefits for the disabled

Disabled parking spaces are marked with special signs. Usually the sign "Disabled" is located under the sign "Parking place". Disabled parking employees also use special road markings.
The norms of the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 N 181-FZ indicate that parking for the disabled should occupy at least 10% of the total number of parking spaces for vehicles. The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation contains punitive norms for persons who have violated the rules for placing cars in parking lots for persons with disabilities. Administrative Penalties for Violations Related to Parking for the Disabled For violation of the rules on the allocation of parking spaces and stops for cars with disabilities, officials face a fine of up to 5 thousand rubles.
Legal entities that have not placed on their territory a sufficient number of places for disabled cars will be required to pay a fine in the amount of 30,000 to 50,000 rubles.
Who else can use free parking There is another category of citizens who can take advantage of such benefits as parking for the disabled in Moscow. The rules allow the use of these places by those who transport persons belonging to this group. It does not matter whether this is done by a specialized, equipped for the transportation of persons with disabilities, or a simple car.

Drivers who are not disabled, but regularly transport them or accompany disabled children, can install a sign on their car and occupy a parking space for vehicles belonging to citizens with disabilities. This is possible only for the period of transportation of a disabled person who has supporting documents with him.

Resident parking permit From November 1, residents can apply for a resident parking permit for three years. At the same time, at the request of the car owner, it will be possible to get it for a shorter period - for one or two years. Upon receipt of a resident permit with a three-year validity period, the motorist, at his discretion, can pay in full, immediately for the entire period of its validity, or separately for each year.

If suddenly the owner pays in installments, and has not paid the fee for the last year of the permit, the permit will be extended for no more than 14 calendar days. Rules for issuing residence permits.