Why dreamed that they cut it. I dreamed of a short haircut - what does this mean from dream books

In the beliefs of all peoples, hair was endowed with special magical powers. In ancient times, it was believed that hair gives us physical strength, health, sexual attractiveness to women, and is also a powerful tool for magical rites. To this day, there are rituals in which hair is used. Therefore, the dream in which you dreamed that you were cutting your hair should be remembered in every detail in order to give it a correct interpretation.

Be sure to remember what and how is happening, how the hair itself looks, and what you are experiencing at this moment.

For example, if you dream that you are in a hairdressing salon and the master cuts your hair, then in reality you have problems that you cannot cope with on your own. No need to refuse the help of friends or relatives, try to listen to someone else's opinion and advice.

If you dreamed that you were cutting your own hair, then most likely you would face large financial losses, debts and a period of lack of money. And sometimes such a dream occurs before someone tells you very bad news.

If in a dream you dreamed that you yourself cut your wonderful long thick hair, then you will soon lose something that you really need on your own.

Since ancient times, hair has been considered a source of strength, health, beauty and attractiveness. Therefore, losing them is a sign of fear, insecurity, concern for one's health and well-being.

If in a dream a woman's long hair was cut off, then this symbolizes her frivolous actions, which will have an unpleasant continuation.

Miller's dream book

  • Cutting hair in a dream is a failure.
  • Cut your hair in front of a mirror on your own - to a long illness, financial collapse, loss of one's face, i.e. respect in society.
  • A stranger cuts your hair - to the appearance of an opponent, a major quarrel.
  • Hair falls out on its own - to trouble, the loss of a loved one, major troubles.

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

  • Cutting your own hair is an important life-changing change.
  • The hairdresser cuts your hair - there will be changes, but it is not known whether they are good or bad.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

  • Cut a long thick braid - to a big loss perhaps even the death of a loved one.
  • Seeing short hair in the mirror is a warning of impending troubles.. In general, any hair procedures warn of changes in fate.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

  • If your hair is cut by a well-known and pleasant person, then this is a pleasant event. an unexpected twist of fate.
  • You cut your long hair - to financial losses.
  • They cut off your braid - soon you will have a pleasant journey with heartfelt interest.

Idiomatic dream book

  • You were cut in a dream - to success and promotion.
  • You yourself cut off your hair - to pleasant acquisitions.
  • You were cut by a hairdresser in the salon - to an amazing surprise.

Women's dream book

  • Cutting your own hair is a nuisance. A stranger cuts your hair - someone will rudely intervene in your fate. Beware of a dangerous acquaintance.
  • You are being cut, and friends or relatives are standing nearby - this is an indicator that you will cope with all the difficulties with the help of your loved ones. You should not refuse someone else's help!
  • Cutting someone's hair - to the sad news, bad news.

Slavic dream book

  • You cut your hair - to success in business to enhance their prestige in society.
  • A close person cuts your hair - you have a white streak in your life, all hardships and sorrows recede.
  • You cut hair to a stranger - you will soon receive an inheritance, promotion or unexpected profit.

If you see yourself sick in bed, and your hair is cut, the disease will become protracted.

Italian dream book

  • Cut hair - get sick, weaken, lose activity and strength.
  • Cut beautiful long hair at the root - to debt and poverty.

Erotic dream book

  • Cut your hair - lose beauty and attractiveness, lose all fans.
  • If a married woman has such a dream, she may be thinking about cheating.
  • Cut long hair - to the loss of a close friend or lover.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

  • Lose hair in any way - to losses, financial or psychological.
  • Sitting with loose hair in front of a mirror is good news. Braid them in a braid - solve problems. To cut - to act decisively and abruptly, in addition, important changes will occur in life.

Dreams are one of the usual and at the same time mysterious manifestations of the human subconscious. The ability to see dreams is given to everyone, however, the fast pace of life and stress over time can deprive the ability to remember what you saw in a dream. However, learning to remember dreams again and thus receive clues from the subconscious is not at all difficult.

How do external stimuli find their reflection in our dreams?

The human brain is a unique link in the human subconscious. Scientists still say that the brain is an unsolved mystery. The secret of the relationship between the subconscious and the conscious link is revealed in the reflections of dreams, which clearly demonstrate the connection between external stimuli and a person who has entered the stage of sleep. This is an amazing mechanism that attracted, attracts and will always attract the attention of an inquisitive person.

Dream or reality?

Did you know that the human brain does not distinguish between dream and reality? It sounds incredible, but when we dream, the brain perceives our dreams as reality.

Why dream about cutting

Cut in a modern dream book

Cutting your own hair in a dream is a sad sign that your already staggering situation will temporarily worsen even more. Trim your nails - you will incur losses. Your authority will be lost if you dream that you are trimming your mustache and beard. If in a dream someone cuts your hair, it means that a real energy vampire has appeared next to you, which regularly takes away your strength, nerves and energy. If in a dream you cut someone's hair, you will soon want to cheat someone in reality. Any haircut will bring disappointment to the trimmed. To cut a small child in a dream is to cut off his memory.

Cut in Miller's dream book

Cutting something in a dream symbolizes the struggle in life for one's principles. To mow lawns in a garden or in a park - pleasant leisure awaits you, combined with useful pastime in the company of a pleasant and trusted company. If you fail to successfully cut the bushes, this portends your failure. Getting a haircut in a dream at a barbershop - the danger will be revealed by unfamiliar people. To shave and cut your hair for yourself - to poverty and shortcomings.

Cut in Wangi's dream book

Cut your hair in a dream - your life will change dramatically in the shortest possible time. If you like your new hairstyle or haircut in a dream, your social position will change for the better, but if it doesn’t suit you, you will experience strong disappointments in your personal life, in relations with neighbors, at the workplace, discord in the family, omissions with relatives . If in a dream you visit a salon, resort to the professional actions of a hairdresser and ask you to cut your hair - in reality a grand event awaits you, fame will come to you, or outrage will break out against you. In some cases, cutting your hair in a dream means shortening your life.

Indeed, in this case, a person changes his own life for the worse. Interestingly, is this also considered a bad sign, or is there still some bright prospects?

Haircut in a dream. General interpretation

Today, all famous dream books around the world tell us that any hair that we see in a dream symbolizes strength of mind and willpower. That is why you need to try to remember everything to the smallest detail: their appearance, length, color, etc.

Usually, all interpretations are explained in two ways: a dream is a projection of real events or a harbinger of certain future events. The first option happens by itself if you are going to visit a hairdresser in the near future or have already visited him. This is not discussed. It is the mystical aspect of this problem that is of interest to us, that is, when we did not even think about hair, but for some reason we dreamed about it. We'll talk about this.

Miller's dream book

Family dream book. Haircut in a dream

If you dream about how you are forcibly cut against your own will, then think about your soft character and yours. In addition, this dream affects the sexual aspect of your life: in reality you do not attract the opposite sex. Look at your appearance and change something in it.

Why dream of cutting your hair? Dream Interpretation Hosse

Why dream of cutting your hair? Wangi's Dream Interpretation

  1. Dreaming about how you yourself want to cut someone's hair? This means that in reality your mind and resourcefulness will help you realize some ideas, and prudence and insight will make it easy to find contact with any person.
  2. If a man cuts his hair in a dream, then serious conflicts with a devoted friend are coming. Your long-term relationship may be on the verge of breaking up. You will disagree in everything: in ideology, in views on life, etc.
  3. If in life you have long hair, and in a dream you cut it short, moral and financial losses are coming. At the same time, the dreamer himself will act as a provocateur of his own losses!
  4. In a dream, did you cut your own enemies? Congratulations! You fooled them! Expect incredible happiness, profit and getting rid of the burdensome burden that has been on your shoulders for a certain amount of time.

Most people are sure that dreams are the tricks of our subconscious mind, which continues to be awake even when we are resting. If you correctly interpret night vision, you can find out what awaits us in the near future, as well as get information that will help you avoid serious troubles. Let's look at what dreams of cutting hair.

Loff's dream book

According to an authoritative psychologist, who, no doubt, was David Loff, hair contains a huge mystical energy. As a rule, dreams in which attention is focused on hair are warning. If you cut your hair in a dream, then huge losses await you. You may have to spend a lot of money on things that were not at all included in your plans, such as car repairs or buying expensive medicines.

This dream book contains information about what dreams of cutting hair under a bob. A girl who sees such a dream is in reality a windy, even frivolous person. She wasn't used to thinking before doing anything. It is because of this that a lot of difficulties and unpleasant situations arise in her life. The sooner you realize that it's time to get serious, the better.

Miller's dream book

Why dream of cutting your hair, the psychologist Miller probably knows, in whose writings there are several options for deciphering such dreams. Most often, such night dreams are negative and warn of danger. You run the risk of being betrayed or deceived, because people who want to annoy you are always on the alert, waiting for the right moment. They spread dirty rumors and turn those around you against you, trying to take your place by all available means.

If in the morning you are looking for an answer to the question of why you dream of cutting your hair short, then Miller's dream book is ready to help you. In most cases, this is a warning about impending troubles. You may begin to have serious disagreements with work colleagues or business partners, which will negatively affect your material well-being. Try to avoid unnecessary conflicts, remember that this will not lead to anything good.

If a woman had a dream in which strangers cut her hair, then she needs to be extremely careful. In the near future, all envious women will be activated, who will make every effort to ruin your personal life. Perhaps it is gossip that will cause parting with her lover. If you were cut by a friend or just an acquaintance, then this person cannot be trusted in real life. Your subconscious mind warns that it is from this person that the greatest danger comes. Perhaps you are infinitely envious.

A well-known psychologist knows exactly why she dreams of cutting her hair at a hairdresser. As a rule, such a dream warns that ill-wishers are ready to bring down all the anger, trample on you as a person, ruin your reputation.

Freud's dream book

Despite the fact that many reputable dream interpreters, answering the question of why they dream of cutting their hair, warn the dreamer about possible troubles, Dr. Freud's dream book has a completely opposite opinion. Most often, such dreams are a harbinger of cardinal life changes of a positive kind.

If you had a dream in which you were cut, then in the near future you will open up to others from a completely different side. Know that you have hidden potential that you may not even have known about. Try yourself in something new, and you will definitely succeed.

Why dream of cutting your own hair, Dr. Freud also knows. In most cases, such a dream is a symbol of great success. Perhaps the business on which you bet everything to the last penny will become incredibly profitable. But if during the process the dreamer's scissors broke, then such a dream is considered extremely negative. Soon you will find yourself in a difficult situation and will be left without the support of friends, communication with which will stop on your initiative. Therefore, you should control your every word so as not to offend loved ones.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Why dream of cutting your hair, the famous seer Vanga knows better than anyone. If in a dream you had to make a too short haircut, then in the near future you should pay more attention to your health. It also cannot be ruled out that the dreamer will be disappointed in a loved one who will act meanly, perhaps betray. You need to be prepared for absolutely any situation.

To dream about how a long luxurious braid is cut off - to significant losses. Try not to enter into important contracts, and also not to take on any responsibility, as everything will not go the way you would like it to.

Russian dream book

Why dream of cutting people's hair? It is the Russian folk dream book that is able to give a detailed answer to this question. As a rule, such a dream indicates that the problems present in your life will soon end. You can not only successfully complete all the existing cases, but also significantly raise your own self-esteem.

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

This source, which is quite authoritative, claims that any actions with hair are an unfavorable sign, indicating impending problems, both in health and in material terms.

Dream interpretation of the 21st century

Why dream of cutting someone else's hair, the dream interpreter of the 21st century is ready to answer. The more hair you cut, the greater your material losses will be. However, if you shave someone bald, then in the near future you will be able to start life from scratch.

Cut long curls

The dreamer, who in a dream dared to cut off long and chic curls, needs to become a more serious person. There is a high probability that, due to your own frivolity, you will find yourself in an extremely difficult situation, from which it will be difficult to get out with dignity.

cut your head

If in a dream you decided to completely get rid of the hair on your head, then a difficult life period lies ahead of you. You will face financial problems and even, perhaps, become a real bankrupt. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to avoid entering into serious contracts, as well as to abandon unnecessary spending.

Why dream of cutting hair under a caret

To dream of yourself with a bob haircut - disappointment awaits you ahead, but it will not be so strong as to somehow affect your life. Remember that all troubles pass as quickly as hair grows back.

messy hairstyle

If you saw yourself uncombed or sloppy cut - expect bad news or situations that will bring tears into your life. Perhaps your dreams, which yesterday seemed so real, will remain alive in your imagination. Everything that you undertake will not bring the proper result. Significant material problems cannot be ruled out.

Pretty haircut

Seeing yourself in a dream with a perfect hairstyle - in real life, you overestimate your own strengths. If someone offers you help, do not rush to refuse. Take advantage of the support of loved ones, and also listen to their advice, since not every person is dumber than you. Once you learn to follow smart advice, your life will change dramatically for the better.

Cut your own hair

When interpreting a dream, it is extremely important to pay attention to any little thing, for example, who acted as a hairdresser. If you yourself did a new hairstyle for yourself, then you should prepare for the troubles that will fall on your head in succession. Most likely, you will experience financial difficulties, as well as misunderstandings from colleagues. Such a dream may indicate that your love relationship has long outlived itself, it's time to radically change your personal life.

If you trimmed your bangs, expect trouble soon. You may develop serious health problems or have to look for a new job.

Get a haircut from a friend

Seeing your friend cutting your hair is a good sign. Soon you will have positive changes, for example, a long-awaited wedding, a cure for a serious illness, or the birth of a child.

If your girlfriend cuts off your beautiful and long curls - in real life, this person has negative feelings for you. Most likely just jealous. Be extremely vigilant in dealing with this person. Do not succumb to provocations, and do not subscribe to any adventures.

Get a haircut from a stranger

Why dream of cutting the hair of a stranger in a dream? Most dream books answer this question in almost the same way, namely, they indicate the dreamer's moral fatigue, as well as his dissatisfaction with everything that happens in life.

Cut the other half

If you dreamed that your loved one put your hair in order, then in reality he is not satisfied with his intimate life. He urgently needs new vivid emotions, otherwise the idyll between you may completely disappear.

Everyone knows that cutting oneself in reality is considered a bad omen. Indeed, in this case, a person changes his own life for the worse. I wonder why dream of cutting hair? Is this also considered a bad sign, or is there still some bright prospects?

Haircut in a dream. General interpretation

Today, all famous dream books around the world tell us that any hair that we see in a dream symbolizes strength of mind and willpower. That is why you need to try to remember everything to the smallest detail: their appearance, length, color, etc.

Usually, all interpretations are explained in two ways: a dream is a projection of real events or a harbinger of certain future events. The first option happens by itself if you are going to visit a hairdresser in the near future or have already visited him. This is not discussed. It is the mystical aspect of this problem that is of interest to us, that is, when we did not even think about hair, but for some reason we dreamed about it. We'll talk about this.

Why dream of cutting your hair? Miller's dream book

Family dream book. Haircut in a dream

If you dream about how you are forcibly cut against your own will, then think about your soft character and your low self-esteem. In addition, this dream affects the sexual aspect of your life: in reality you do not attract the opposite sex. Look at your appearance and change something in it.

Why dream of cutting your hair? Dream Interpretation Hosse

Why dream of cutting your hair? Wangi's Dream Interpretation

  1. Dreaming about how you yourself want to cut someone's hair? This means that in reality your mind and resourcefulness will help you realize some ideas, and prudence and insight will make it easy to find contact with any person.
  2. If a man cuts his hair in a dream, then serious conflicts with a devoted friend are coming. Your long-term relationship may be on the verge of breaking up. You will disagree in everything: in ideology, in views on life, etc.
  3. If in life you have long hair, and in a dream you cut it short, moral and financial losses are coming. At the same time, the dreamer himself will act as a provocateur of his own losses!
  4. In a dream, did you cut your own enemies? Congratulations! You fooled them! Expect incredible happiness, profit and getting rid of the burdensome burden that has been on your shoulders for a certain amount of time.


The best pages of the dream book: cutting hair short in a dream - what is it for? Why did I dream that they cut my hair short?

Dreams that are connected in some way with hair are very symbolic. "If I dreamed that they cut my hair, does this mean that I will get sick?" - are often interested in concerned people. After all, losing hair is not a good sign.

"I was cut in a dream, how dangerous is such a dream? Does it portend separation from a loved one or illness?" - such questions specialists in the interpretation of visions have to hear quite often.

To be trimmed in a dream is to experience a breakdown in reality. The dreamer is likely to face a number of serious problems. It will be difficult to overcome them. After all, hair symbolizes protection. Depriving them in his vision, a person loses it, as a result of which it becomes much more difficult for him to cope with all the troubles.

If the sleeper was cut very short, in reality he will face failure and deprivation. To be trimmed by one of your relatives or acquaintances - in real life, expect betrayal from them. You have to be extremely careful. Do not trust your secrets to everyone. This is especially true for other people's secrets. Having involuntarily issued them, the sleeper risks falling into disfavor. It will be very difficult to make amends.

Cutting hair in a dream for a man is a good sign for a woman. Such a vision portends an acquaintance with your soulmate. New relationships will be quite serious and may even lead to the creation of a family and the birth of children.

In a dream, cut the ends of your hair at a hairdresser - in reality, improve your financial situation. But the vision acquires a positive meaning only when it was joyful and the sleeper experienced only positive emotions from him.

Some dream interpreters believe that cutting hair in a dream is a change. It is not known whether the changes in personal life or financial situation will affect.

Sleep can be considered favorable if only the ends of the hair are cut. If their length changes dramatically in night vision, in reality the changes will not be very successful. A person will have to get used to his new position for a long time.

To see yourself almost bald in a dream - in real life, face adversity or even illness. If in a night vision one of the relatives or acquaintances appeared without hair, changes and troubles will affect this particular person. Dreams are considered especially unfavorable, in which people are cut unevenly and experience some embarrassment about this.

In a dream, to be dissatisfied with your own haircut or styling - in real life, be afraid to look not very attractive.

If in a night vision a person was forcibly cut, in reality some pressure will be exerted on him. Most likely, one of the acquaintances will want to impose their own opinion. It will be very difficult to resist such an onslaught.

To refuse a haircut in a dream, to run away from a hairdresser - in reality to fight back troubles and get rid of enemies.

In a dream, cut yourself - to poverty and loss. If at the same time the dreamer observes a suitcase, such a vision portends a long journey. This may be due to a change of residence, a business trip or a family trip.

To cut your hair in a dream and wear a wig - in reality try to hide some information from others. The sleeper will really want his friends and relatives to speak only positively about him. To achieve this goal, he will make every possible effort. To dream of an interlocutor without hair, but in a wig - to deal with insincere people.

Getting a haircut in a dream is not a very good sign. Vision acquires a positive meaning only when the hairdresser performs the haircut and at the same time trims only the ends of the hair. For a single woman, cutting a man's hair is a new acquaintance, which, most likely, will develop into something very serious.


Dream Interpretation: trimmed hair in a dream

Cut hair in a dream can be both a good and a bad omen. Each source interprets this dream in its own way. However, for a correct interpretation, all the details of sleep must be taken into account.

Eastern dream book

If a young lady dreams that she came to the hairdresser, then in reality she will achieve her goals. However, this may be accompanied by some kind of scandal that will negatively affect her reputation. When a hairdresser makes a beautiful haircut to a sleeping person, in real life one should expect the appearance of a frivolous, windy relationship, and if he cuts his hair, the trip will fail. A lush hairstyle dreams of the frivolous behavior of the dreamer, which will cause many problems.

Indian dream book: trimmed hair in a dream

When a person dreams that he is cutting someone's beard or hair, in reality this person will make a profit. However, the dreamer himself will have a small loss.

Jewish dream book

When a person dreams of cropped hair, some kind of loss awaits him in reality.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z: trimmed hair in a dream

If the dreamer goes to the hairdresser and ends up with his permanent master, success will await a person in the professional field if he follows his principles and habits. When the sleeper finds himself in a completely unfamiliar salon, and an inexperienced young student serves him, in reality he will be reproached by his spouse or adult children. If a person was cut very well at the hairdresser's, the time will soon come when he will achieve what he was striving for, which will bring happiness. When a terrible haircut was given to a sleeper at a hairdresser and he was upset, in reality they will write about him in the media, and they will characterize him from a bad side. If a person cuts hair in a salon in a dream, and customers are satisfied with the work, joyful events await him in reality. However, if the dreamer makes terrible haircuts, in real life he will be disappointed in his work and change his occupation.

Slavic dream book

Go to the hairdresser in a dream - to a love date, a casual sexual relationship.

Small dream book: cut hair in a dream

If a person dreams that he is being deprived of curls or strands, he needs to beware of deception. When the dreamer himself cuts someone's hair, in reality he will reach the very heights of honor and glory thanks to his insight and intelligence. To see how sheep's wool is sheared - to well-being and prosperity.

Lunar dream book

To cut someone's hair - to troubles and misfortunes.

Dream Interpretation of Winter: trimmed hair in a dream

If a person was beautifully cut at a hairdresser, this means that in reality ideal order and harmony reign in his thoughts. The sleeper is able to make meaningful and correct decisions. When he is dissatisfied with the hairstyle that the master did, or being in a hairdresser for some reason is a burden to him, such a dream is a warning against making any important decisions. Looks like it's not time for them yet. Being dissatisfied with an excessively short haircut in a dream is a warning against excessive haste and fussiness. They can greatly harm the dreamer in business.

Muslim dream book: cut off hair in a dream

When someone sees in a dream that his hair is cut off or cut off, in reality this person will lose the property that was given to him for temporary use. If the sleeper is poor, then in reality he will cease to need. Cut your own hair - secrets will be revealed, because of which the dreamer will be expelled by his superiors.


If you cut your hair in a dream - what would it mean?

Is a dream a reality or a deception, does it warn of future events, is it a memory of past lives, or is it just a game of our imagination? You can think this way and that - life itself will help you figure out where is the truth and where is fiction.

What does it mean if...

In the symbolism of sleep, hair can have a variety of meanings.


But remember Pushkin, Tatyana's letter to Onegin and such lines in it: "Perhaps this is all empty, / a deception of an inexperienced soul, / and something completely different lies ahead ..."? And so it is here. You want to change your image, change your appearance radically, so you think about haircuts, choose a style and even a new hair color. Your thoughts are broadcasting your own subconscious to you. It plays different situations of development of events. That's why you dream of haircuts, strands, scissors. Agree, it happens!


Short haircut in a dream

Here you can read dreams in which symbols occur I cut my hair short. By clicking on the link Interpretation of a dream under the text of a particular dream, you can read online interpretations written for free by the interpreters of dreams on our site. If you are interested in the interpretation of sleep according to the dream book, follow the link Dream Interpretation, and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, in the form in which they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream in the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what the dreams of having a short haircut mean, or what it means in a dream to see a short haircut.

Short haircut in a dream

Today I dreamed that I cut my hair short. In fact, I have very long hair. I woke up terrified!

Cut bangs in a dream

Good afternoon! They cut my bangs ... They lifted the bangs up and cut them with scissors, straightened them, made them straight (in real life they are oblique) ... At first, I was embarrassed, it seemed like it was better before, and then I took a closer look, and it’s also good ...

Short haircut in a dream

Today I had a dream, as if my common-law husband and I came to a stylist (a young girl with dark short hair) and she picked up a strand of my hair, lifted it up and cut it very short (there was confidence in her actions). I was very upset and cried a lot, turned to my husband, he seemed to shrug his shoulders, nothing can be done. I woke up and narrated the dream briefly to my husband. In a dream, I knew that the girl was cutting off split ends, but I was surprised that it was very short. I have medium length and thick hair.

This dream worries me very much in the morning and I am very afraid. Please help me interpret it correctly.

From gr. My husband has been together not so long ago, only 3 years, but I know that he loves me very much and I love him too. I consider these relationships pure.

A week and a half ago, a girl (a drug addict) stole my computer from my workplace, there is a video recording. And it is my gr. The husband found it in an ad and bought it for 12 tr. The police were inactive. I got a strong shock from this, because our whole life was in the laptop. Could this dream represent a week's past? Experiences?

Short hair in a dream

Hello, I have a dream in which the hairdresser does my styling (hairstyle) and in order for the hairstyle to turn out as she intended, she cuts off a tuft (bundle) of hair on the back of my head, I dissolve it and I have long hair on one side, and on the other hair length. Naturally, I didn’t like it, how am I going to walk like that and they cut them short, making a model haircut (a little longer than a boy’s), although I was not happy that I had to cut my hair, I looked at myself and, as it were, I say: - “Well, they will grow back, only now everyone will say what have you done to yourself?" And then suddenly I see myself already with shoulder-length hair but dark in color.

Short wedding dress in a dream

Holiday. Wedding. From below I see how my daughter is walking along the "catwalk" in a short white wedding dress and white opaque tights. It's breathtaking, how beautiful.

A male guest cuts a hot pepper with a large knife on his grandson's bedspread, about to eat it.

I release white balloons into the sky from the balcony.

The late grandmother cut my hair in a dream

I had a dream that while I was sleeping, my late grandmother cut off my hair and when I woke up I cried a lot and was very angry with her, but I don’t remember what she said to me, but it looked like it should be and behaved calmly, what could it be to mean?

Dream about a girl with short hair

What could a dream about a girl with short hair mean?!

I dream of my girlfriend, with whom a rather serious quarrel took place the day before. I dream she is a little bigger than she really is, her skin is paler, and her hair .....

At first it seemed to me that she was bald, but then I saw that her hair was just very short .....

Help if you can explain this dream :)

A male guest a short way and an incomprehensible bouquet in a dream

Everything seems to be happening in a wooden house. Large room, light but not bright. I and many other people sit at the laid tables, eat. The tables are in rows, I sit in the front row. The furniture is very simple, it seems, tables and benches. The atmosphere is friendly, the people are in a good mood. In front of us is a young dark-haired man, he walks. I came from somewhere with the aim of holding meetings here either for training or for the exchange of experience. The feeling that everything is organized to meet with him, he is the main one at this gathering. Then I turn around, I see how the door opened and a young fair-haired woman in a long white skirt and a white sleeveless blouse entered the room. (There is such a woman in life, a few years ago we often talked). Summer outfit. The girl is joyful, sits down to my left. She is interested in how to get to some place she needs (I don’t remember if she said it or I just knew it). This man told her that here is a shortcut. And then I see this path. Part of a small field or just a piece of land with sparse low shrubs, which (both the ground and the bushes) are covered with a small layer of snow. Winter. Through the snow, you can still see a wide path-road and you can see where you need to move. I thought that the girl would be cold, how could she go in such clothes.

Then we are already on the street with the same man. (I perceive him as a guest on a business trip, with a mission, something like that.) Sun, warm. We came to a large ravine, we stand at the cliff. I looked down and backed away from the edge. Then he opens his case, took it out, straightened it and handed me a bouquet in a green paper package. But there were not flowers there, but a structure tightly woven from straw, shaped like a cone or a Christmas tree with pressed branches. When he straightened, two dry heads of blue flowers came out, I see a weaving pattern, pigtails or an ear. This design was located upside down. I smiled, politely thanked him, said what an original gift, and in my head flashed "ordered specially? ... Japan?" I went into the house, he carried something behind me and in his hands. I looked back and saw that his case was left on the street, so I let him go ahead, he went into the house, and I stood on the threshold in the door (keeping the door open, one foot inside, the other out) to guard the case. And woke up.

Then I fell asleep and I see a bouquet in front of me in a beautiful shiny bright crimson package, which are in flower stalls. And there again, not flowers, but folded in a certain way, composed (I don’t know how to say) the design of their shiny same wrapping paper, inserted inside. I want to correct her, I just touched her with my hands, as a female voice says "do not touch, I will correct it myself." I agreed, apparently, he knows what and how to correct.

Thank you if you help me figure it out.

Several short dreams within a dream

1) I dreamed of a classmate with whom I was in love at school. They declared their love to each other. In fact, he never had a relationship with her.

2) I dreamed of my dismissal from work, which was 3 years ago. Everything was as it was 3 years ago, except for the fact that my boss had claims against me (apparently material ones) and even a superior was present to intimidate me. In a dream, I collected all my things at work, loaded them into the car and left as soon as possible before the bosses took some bad measures.

3) I dreamed that I was calling my wife, and a man answers the call and says that today he is meeting with my wife somewhere far from our place of residence and she will be at home only tomorrow.

What can all this mean? It just doesn't give me peace, I can't even sleep.

Three short dreams two elements in one in a dream

On the 17th lunar day, I had dreams that left strange sensations. The first dream said that ... I was standing on the sea-ocean behind the concrete, as it seemed to me, breakwaters. So tall .... Often stand in relation to each other. And I stand watching the storm. And I'm wearing a helmet! A strong storm at sea, huge waves, wind .... And suddenly, on the crest of a wave, parallel to the shore, in my direction, a flock of dolphins swims. I stood with a feeling of genuine delight and amazement! With the question: where did the dolphins come from in such a storm, and despite the storm they swam! Didn't they throw themselves ashore? And how is it that, with such a wind, I can stand and watch everything that happens?

Then I see myself on the track... It seemed to me that I was in Moscow. Huge, SMOOTH, wide, free and clean road with new markings. Without cars, only ours - on the whole road on such a sunny day!

Next I see a fire at my parents' neighbors. I watch the flames flying out of the window of a neighboring house. I see how furniture, people, neighbors are thrown away ... I hear the crackling of fire! And then I wake up with my boyfriend from a knock on the door. I open my eyes, I understand that we live two floors below the fire that happened. Our windows melted a little, the whole room was covered in soot ... And I hear the question: “Let's see what is damaged from the fire?” 4 men come in, and I am naked under the sheet. Naturally, unexpectedly for me, I say with shame that I am not dressed, to which my young man answers the incoming, they say, come in, look, of course!

The shortest dream

Remember! Page 92

Haircut in a dream

Please help me understand the dream! I dreamed today that I cut my own hair in front, and left it behind and dyed it white in front on the floor of my head. I sprayed it with varnish and thus went to the hairdresser to do my hair, and he tells me, well, who sprays varnish before the hair. Well, I started doing my hair.

Birds in a dream

Please help interpret the dream. Had a dream on Sunday, during daytime sleep.

I am walking in some exotic park, where there are many colorful birds, the maximum size is about the size of a dove, different colors are blue, pink, orange, pale green. Each bird in a pair sits on the ground, and their eggs are next to them, no less than 5-7 pieces, of the same color as the birds.

I walk between them, carefully, trying not to hurt the birds or their eggs. The birds begin to take off, get nervous, and one of them took off, sat on my head, grabbed my hair tightly (by the way, I have a very short haircut, and in a dream my hair is also short), I feel that she is holding on to her head, but there is no pain. And the bird pecks, it hits me right in the head, but I don’t feel pain, I just feel everything.

I still somehow fought her off, and left the park. I was surprised in a dream that there were a lot of birds and their eggs, all colored, unrealistic, and that I didn’t do anything bad to anyone, but she attacked me.

Sleeping man with baby hands

Hello, I twice dreamed of a familiar man with strange hands. In the first dream, he wanted to come to me, but his legs did not go. Then he stretched out his arms to me, but he could not reach, because they were very short.

In the second dream, he was next to me and hugged me, but when I lowered my eyes, I saw that he had the hands and palms of a small child .. Tell me what this could mean. Thanks

Former loved one in a dream

I dreamed that my ex-lover came to my university. In a black suit, in a tie sits in the corridor. I am very glad to see him, I go up and sit next to him.

He takes out from a large black briefcase a pair of rectangular glasses with a black frame and a fairly wide black rope. He puts them on, although in real life he does not wear glasses, and shows off them to me (they seem to be with a sensor or a built-in camera), lets me try them on. When I put them on, they changed their shape to a square one, became larger and seemed to become a little darkened by half.

Then he gives me a summer, short beautiful dress. We are going to walk. We walk around the courtyard of the school where I used to study, but the fence that fences the school in reality is missing, I see my teachers, but they do not notice us. The ex walks me home.

He says that he decided to ride a bike, but he is bored alone. I go home and my mom admires his gift and makes me call him and take him for a ride. I call, we make a deal. He constantly says the number 28300 or 28 and 30, something like that. Then he rents bikes.

Then I remember that at this time I have some kind of graduation, either at school, or already at the university. I call him and cancel everything, and suddenly it began to rain heavily outside.


cut your hair

Dream Interpretation Get a haircut dreamed of why in a dream to cut your hair? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to have your hair cut in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Get a haircut

See get a haircut.

Dream Interpretation - Cut

Dream Interpretation - Cut the dead

Bad sleep; portends death

Dream Interpretation - I cut my hair

Hair is thoughts. Get a haircut - get rid of the burdensome, let go. Make a hairstyle - put thoughts in such a way as to remain satisfied, come to an agreement (beautiful hairstyle) or not very satisfied (did not like the hairstyle).

Dream Interpretation - Cut hair


Want to get a haircut

Dream Interpretation - They want to steal me

Hello Olga! This is just one of the tricks of inorganic entities (demons or their demon bosses). Take it easy. This means only one thing - in real life you are fulfilling your destiny, and they are trying to interfere with you. I would tell you that this should be treated calmly, like the presence of one cockroach in the kitchen. In the next such dream, pick up a sword, like a Jedi, and chop this man ... But for this, in wakefulness, imagine such a sword in your hand during the day. In a dream it is impossible to see what you cannot do in real life. Realize yourself as a person with free will. A creature that decides for itself how to live. You even took a pseudonym for yourself (or maybe it's a surname). Light and Eve. You are a woman to the core (Eve), and you are a Warrior of Light! You are just being tested. Although for you it does not have any dangerous consequences. You yourself are a teacher of the physical plane, and you can become a spiritual teacher very soon, in five years. Think better about it. No one will steal you if you don't let your soul be stolen, and you can lose it only in real life, but not in a dream))) And those around you will not hear your screams. The warrior himself, and only himself, is responsible for his actions. He cannot shift the blame on others and circumstances. You are the master of your destiny, what do people and circumstances of life have to do with it?

Dream Interpretation - Two men want to kill me

Good afternoon Hope! The yard of the late grandfather is the support of the ancestors, the family. Well, the husband, of course, is not your husband, but only his image. Good adviser. The fuss around - there is a rumor about you among the environment, maybe someone is jealous or angry. Attackers are their negative thoughts and emotions materializing against you. You deal with it. Why did you want to grab the nose? Soon you will discover which of your acquaintances is only pretending to be your friend... Save Christ!

Dream Interpretation - In captivity, they want to cut off the ring for me

Your dream may signal, warn you that you will be somehow drawn into someone else's life (the image that you describe "... I am in a strange house, in a small room ..." - means someone else's life, someone else's family. Perhaps your subconscious - warns you about a connection with a married person (everyone came to this man ... who influences people ...) Rings can symbolize an agreement or the assumption of certain obligations, such as in marriage.Sometimes rings indicate our desire to make commitments to ourselves or to obtain assurances of commitments by others towards us or a certain enterprise. Magic rings can indicate the acquisition of supernatural powers. Rings or "wheat circles" drawn on the ground are related to protection, because the ring is a boundary which evil is not allowed to cross.In dreams of this kind, you may worry about the inexorably advancing circumstances and feel the need for an intercessor. Such a dream with a confusing plot can warn of a real threat of captivity, someone else's influence, if the sensations of sleep are disturbing and vividly memorable.

Dream Interpretation - They are chasing me and want to steal !!

Dreamer with a Girlfriend - symbolizes the sphere of emotional (unconscious) attachments and actions of the Dreamer; they enter an unknown Shopping Center - this is an external unconscious manifestation of human needs and desires; in which there are no Shops, but there is one descent to the Basement - means the unconscious and repressed part of the Dreamer (soul); where the Dreamer and her girlfriend are doing something - it is not clear what is happening in the Soul in reality (the Dreamer is quite young and is influenced by the attitudes of society). The Man-owner of the shop appears, who begins to pursue the Dreamer with impunity and wants to Steal her - in reality this symbolizes the Dreamer's persistent attachment to Material attributes (craving for mat / comfort and Shopaholism), which is considered the main and normal manifestation of Society (the Dreamer understands that she still do not hide from the owner of the store). This will be the interpretation of the first Dream. Sincerely, Livia.

Dream Interpretation - Murder

Such dreams indicate to you an unstable state of the nervous system! It can be caused by two factors: - the first is a constant overstrain before the start of a new stage in life (dismissal from work, graduation, divorce or parting with a loved one, etc.). - the second is the constant or periodic impact of a human organism alien to you on your protective biological field, which, constantly resisting, draws similar pictures in dreams. In both cases, you need a rest from overexertion! And this is far from being a vacation... This is work on oneself - it's more like introspection! Put everything that bothers you on a sheet of clean paper and separate the bad and the good with a red line! Associate each of the written sections (paragraphs) with something (good - with a fluffy kitten, bad - with a mad dog, etc.). Subsequent dreams, thanks to your subconscious associations, will clearly indicate to you what and whom to beware of! Take it seriously - the subconscious itself will give you answers to your questions!

Dream Interpretation - Cut hair

An ambiguous dream, where feelings argue with reason, and this concerns personal life. The hairdresser is an "internal adviser" under the influence of the external environment, who wants the dreamer to decide everything for herself, briefly and clearly (the hairdresser insists on cutting her hair shorter), and like everyone else. But the dreamer does not want to follow the mind (often it is the mind of her parents), but stands her ground, trusting her feelings (the dreamer argues with the hairdresser). It is only unclear (not indicated in the dream) how this will end, perhaps complications in relations with relatives, friends and loved ones. Sincerely, LIVIA.


You are being cut in your sleep

Dream Interpretation They cut you in a dream dreamed of why in a dream you are being cut in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream You are being cut in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Shear sheep in a dream

This dream promises wealth and honor

Dream Interpretation - Cut

Cutting hair in front is a misfortune in the family associated with household members.

Dream Interpretation - Get a haircut

See get a haircut.

Dream Interpretation - Cut the dead

Bad sleep; portends death

Dream Interpretation - They tell you

Everything that angels, priests, dead parents tell you in a dream is true.

Dream Interpretation - The deceased gives you something in a dream

The deceased gives you something in a dream - fortunately, wealth and health.

Dream Interpretation - Attitude towards you

Flattering attitude towards you - do not listen to other people's advice.

Grateful - good friendship, joy.

They give you honor and respect in a dream - to feel dishonor, humiliation, disrespect.

Dream Interpretation - A relative living far from you

A relative living far from you - you will receive a parcel with shoe polish (a letter of greetings) from your uncle from America (or Uryupinsk).

Dream Interpretation - Push (yourself or you) yourself

Support someone, help. They push the sleeping person to attract, interest, help or show aggression.

Dream Interpretation - Someone cuts your hair for you

Everything bad: misfortune or mourning, sadness, revenge, decline, loss.


Get your hair cut in front of a mirror

Dream Interpretation Get a haircut in front of a mirror dreamed of why in a dream to cut your hair in front of a mirror? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to have a haircut in front of a mirror in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Cut

Cutting hair in front is a misfortune in the family associated with household members.

Dream Interpretation - Get a haircut

See get a haircut.

Dream Interpretation - Shear sheep in a dream

This dream promises wealth and honor

Dream Interpretation - Cut the dead

Bad sleep; portends death

Dream Interpretation - See yourself in the mirror

Seeing yourself in the mirror - it's time to think about whether you love yourself too much to the detriment of everyone else?

Dream Interpretation - Sex in front of a mirror

A dream of sexual intercourse in front of a mirror is an expression of the dreamer's desire to receive approval in connection with one or another act he has committed (for example, a new achievement at work, promotion, receiving a title or scientific degree) or a desire to hear at least simple praise from others in his address, which would flatter his vanity. Especially such an interpretation is valid if the dreamer has sexual arousal and orgasm in a dream.

In the same case, if in a dream you cannot achieve orgasm, this indicates that your claims are not justified, and self-esteem is overstated. You are sure that you are not dependent on the outside world and those around you, that you are a self-sufficient, independent person, which means that you are not obliged to do what you do not like, even if your help is needed.

But if you condescend to the people who need you, then present them with an incredible bill for your services. Therefore, knowing this peculiarity of yours, others try to seek help elsewhere, move away from you, prefer not to have a relationship with you.

Most likely, now you are in a position where the gradual removal from you of people to whom you were dear some time ago began to hurt you. You urgently need to think about your behavior and change your attitude towards others, otherwise you risk being left without friends and good acquaintances.