Why dream of flying high in the sky. Summer dream book Why dream of Flying in a dream book

Flying in a dream is always a positive sign, however, if you happened to fly not down, falling, but up, or if you happened to soar above the ground. Those women who have the opportunity to fly with a man in a night dream can be envied. Indeed, most dream books, explaining why something like this is dreamed of, assure that this is a symbol of happiness in marriage and relationships.

Miller's dream book

If you dreamed about how you fly with a man, then this means that the relationship will move to a new level. Remember, if in a dream it was pleasant for you to soar among the clouds in a man's arms, then in reality you will be pleased with the development of your “love story” with this person.

But feeling uncomfortable or, worse, experiencing fear and discomfort is a sign of a wrong choice. Relationships do not develop from an excess of feelings, but because, it seems, the time has come to change something - they go “on the knurled path”.

Happiness is next to you

It is good to see in a dream how you fly with a man in a balloon. This dream means that love and respect go hand in hand in your life. Both you and your partner understand that you cannot go far on love alone, there must also be mutual respect, and in some matters even equality.

The interpretation of a dream in which you fly with a man with wings behind your back indicates that you are mutually happy. But if you dreamed that only one had wings, then, most likely, the “wingless character” was not fully happy, the interpreter Miss Hasse explains why this is a dream.

Mutually beneficial partnership

According to the interpretation of the Modern Dream Book, flying with a man in a dream on an airplane or in a helicopter, sitting in neighboring chairs, is a sign that you are more like partners than a couple. If in reality you consider your relationship to be a love affair, and on your part it is, then be sure to find out how the chosen one treats you.

But if you flew in a helicopter, sitting in an embrace, or, perched on your beloved’s knees, you hid in his arms, then this vision personifies a strong connection between two loving hearts with minds unclouded by a love fog. You know exactly what you expect from each other, sincerely trusting at the same time.

From tender romance to blind passion

If you dreamed that you were flying with a man, taking off from the ground during a kiss, then this means that you only need tenderness and care from this person, the Gypsy dream book assures.

It's a different matter if you see yourself flying on a man. Explaining why such a flight is dreamed of, the Eastern Dream Book recommends clarifying exactly what you were sitting on.

So, for example, sitting on your back is a sign that you prefer to shift your affairs and responsibilities to your lover, regardless of his desires. And if you climbed onto your neck or head, then in reality such a vision symbolizes not a happy relationship, but blind passion.

From love to hate

There are a couple more situations when you can dream that you are flying with a man. But have you touched the boy, and if so, how? Remember these moments and find out how dream books explain why this is a dream. So, take off with the guy.

  • Flying on straw is a misfortune for oneself.
  • On the grass - get joy from a friend.
  • On the street - separation from his wife.
  • Flight in a dream - can portend happiness (your future exaltation), a thirst for power, born of an inferiority complex, the oppression of unfulfilled desires, including sexual ones.
  • Self-knowledge in flight is evidence of a deep immersion in one's unconscious, a symbol of a person's deceptive ideas about the freedom of his will and the ability to control himself.
  • To fly in the air in the middle of the day - to harm someone in your frivolity.
  • Flying up and down alternately is a lot of work, a symbol of your good intentions.
  • To fly from one object with a joyful feeling to another - you should be more self-confident and less afraid of people.
  • To fly up - there is work to be done.
  • Fly down - repentance is ahead, consciousness of the danger generated by your activity.
  • Feel the ability to fly and successfully try - to overestimate your physical capabilities; the awakening in you of new physical forces that may be dangerous to your health.
  • Flying through the air with a feeling of fear is a severe career failure / discord between your will and your mind.
  • In the form of an angel or in some transformed form, flying is languor, a danger to life or thoughts of death; close age limit of your life.
  • Fly high and barely see the earth - wealth, happiness, attraction to a purely spiritual life.
  • Flying over the mountains is an obstacle to overcome.
  • Flying over a calm sea is a danger to life; dangers threaten you in your spiritual development.
  • Flying over a gloomy and stormy sea is a great harm.
  • Flying over the valley is worldly happiness.
  • Flying over a wild forest is impatience, danger from too much, unreasonably directed energy.
  • Fly over the city - live, immersed in dreams; poetic vocation, dreams of glory.
  • Flying across the river is the awakening of self-consciousness, the ability to control oneself or an ardent desire for this.
  • Daytime flights - most often symbolize everyday circumstances or your willingness to fight them.
  • Night flights, flights at dusk or at dawn are strange phenomena in the spiritual life.
  • Flying in the moonlight is a hope for happiness, a powerful awakening of supernatural forces in you.
  • Soaring among the stars, having no idea where the earth is, is a dream that arose in the midst of hard work, when the spirit draws strength from unconsciousness.
  • Among the clouds - the thirst for glory.
  • Flying on the bed - strange and unexpected twists of fate, something extravagant and supernatural will burst into your life.
  • To fly on an object that you specifically conjure for this is to draw strength from your own hopes.
  • Flying, lying or sitting on the back of an animal - it is beneficial to use the possibilities and features of your character, knowledge of your self.
  • Flying through the air together with children, girls, teenagers is a thirst for mutual understanding, a feeling of loneliness.
  • Soar modestly through the air with your beloved person - yearn for her.
  • To see a naked woman flying or naked men and women flying - the smoke of lust surrounds you.
  • Flying somewhere with many people is your thirst for freedom and independence / public disaster.
  • To gather in flocks with flying people - to yearn for like-minded people, not to have them.
  • A relative flies in the sky - a danger to his life or freedom.

Probably every person has ever dreamed of flying. We are used to the fact that children and adolescents often fly in their sleep, explaining this by their physiological growth or hormonal changes during puberty. However, it is not uncommon for an adult to dream that he is floating in the air like a bird. Let us turn to the dream books for a detailed decoding of the "winged" dream.

According to one fairly common theory, flights in a dream are performed by people who are free from illusions. They know exactly what they want from life, and their brain is not overloaded with unnecessary information generated by daily problems, doubts and various difficulties. Therefore, in dreams, they gain wings and soar upwards, enjoying weightlessness. But what popular dream books say about this:

  • In Miller's dream book gaining the ability to soar above the ground is considered a harbinger of trouble. In order to find out how serious they will be, you should pay attention to the details of night vision.
  • If you flew over a raging sea or a pond with muddy water, in real life beware of the intrigues of enemies: keep all your intentions a secret even from those whom you consider your friends. A dream in which you look from above at the ruins of buildings or structures promises major losses. Not necessarily they will be material in nature: perhaps a strong old friendship or passionate love will collapse. If your air voyage passed over a forest, a wheat field, physalis thickets or other “islands” of nature, in reality you will easily get out of a difficult situation.
  • Wangi's Dream Interpretation interprets flights in a dream more "favorably". According to the Bulgarian clairvoyant, such dreams predict a quick trip or move. And also dreams with soaring above the ground are veiled answers to a question that worries you for a long time. For example, if in a dream you fly an airplane, then in real life your desire to take responsibility for yourself is fully justified. And the feeling of fear during a nightly adventure may indicate that you need to involve relatives or close friends in order to solve a serious problem.
  • According to the Universal Dream Book flying in a dream without wings or additional devices is a kind of symbol of your spiritual growth. According to this theory, your life should soon be transformed under the influence of a new "enlightened" worldview. But there may be difficulties that will become a kind of test for the strength of the spirit. If in a dream you have grown wings, with the help of which you fly up higher and higher, in real life you will be able to solve a long-standing serious problem on your own. Flying into an abyss or an abyss in a dream means your infantilism, a tendency to be led by your weaknesses and desires.
  • In the Wanderer's dream book night air travel alone promises significant achievements in the professional field or personal life. Flying too high reflects your pretentiousness and ambition - it may be worth a little "slow down" to build relationships with others. Flying on a broom or any animal - such a dream "speaks" of your passion for demonic theories and occult teachings, and this may mean the beginning of a spiritual fall. Air travel in bed is a dream of amazing, incredible events that will soon fill your life; on a chair - to the loss of a position or, conversely, to a promotion.
  • According to the Esoteric dream book fly in the air with wings or a propeller - to buy an expensive technical tool: a car, yacht, boat, and so on. A night voyage on a flying carpet promises an amazing journey to distant lands. If you fly without additional devices, in reality you should rely only on your own strength, but your efforts will be rewarded a hundredfold.

An interesting Eastern theory of the origin of flights in a dream. The ancient sages believed that before the age of 20, a person flying in a dream grows physically, and after 20 - spiritually.

The meanings of the details and the plot of sleep

There can be a lot of options for air travel in dreams.

Dream interpretation take off

Why dream of taking off in a dream if in real life you are far from such fantasies? From early childhood, we were told that night flights would accelerate growth and development, and therefore such dreams were perceived with enthusiasm.

unusual phenomenon

As the dream book thinks, taking off above the ground is an unusual symbol that tells about the most ordinary things.

Most likely, the person began to fall asleep, and his ethereal part began to leave the material substance. In simple terms, the soul went to travel through the astral world, and now you will have the opportunity to enjoy interesting, and sometimes incredible images.

What will the professionals say?

Dreamed of taking off

Various interpreters will help to understand the true reason for such an unusual dream, and therefore you will have to be patient. Remembering all the adventures is not so easy, but getting a transcript is real. The main thing is to remember the accompanying details that allow you to reveal the true essence of what is happening.

Collection of dream books

Taking off in a dream is an interesting symbol that tells about the immense will of a sleeping person for development and freedom. Perhaps the dreamer often has to avoid solving life's problems by retreating into imaginary worlds. He does not want to accept the situation, and therefore leads himself into a dead end, from which it is not so easy to get out.

If such visions are rare, then they reflect actions aimed at getting out of a predicament. Such an image indicates that the dreamer is able to independently solve the impending problem.

The interpreters of dreams believe that in this case the perfect action is more important, and not the fact of flight.

The interpretation of dreams can be expanded if you can remember the flight altitude:

If a person taking off feels good, then nothing threatens his life. One can only envy his fullness of strength and a large number of positive emotions, but one should not rejoice ahead of time, since such an idyll is temporary. The sleeper begins to fall in a dream - to receive a serious injury, and therefore you will have to become more vigilant and careful. If seriously ill patients try to fly in a night dream - to a possible death, and therefore it is necessary to increase control over the current state.

I dreamed about how you fly easily, but not too high - to achieve your intended goal, but you have to overcome a difficult path. Trying to take off in a balloon - to the quick fulfillment of innermost desires.

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

A woman dreams about how she soars in the sky

If you had dreams with flights, then try to pay attention to the dreamer's gender. As practice shows, this part of the dream has a great influence on further decoding.

The fair sex, soaring above the ground, reflects the achievement of inner harmony. She finally managed to get rid of the excessive power of the earth and enjoy the ease. The dream interpretation believes that a temporary suspension from everyday affairs helps to find a solution to a problem that has been haunting for a long time.

If a beautiful man soared into the sky - to the loss of his own strength and separation from reality. The loss of earthly energy will aggravate the current situation, and therefore it cannot be brought to such a state.

As a rule, attempts at night flights do not bode well, and therefore you can prepare for losses and possible illnesses. The dreamer strives to shift responsibility for his actions to other people, and therefore it is better to get rid of such a model of behavior.

Fly in a dream and suddenly fall from a height

As the dream book suggests, flying up in a night dream before the onset of puberty - to achieve a harmonious state in real life. Such a state often hides another subtext associated with gaining spiritual youth. However, there is another side of the interpretation that tells about the fear of adult worries, but this applies more to the fair sex.

Miller's dream book

Why dream of flying high and falling? Gustav Miller writes that one's own initiative or uncontrollable circumstances will lead to a serious loss. Perhaps the dreamer will cease to possess everything, but do not panic ahead of time. The subconscious is trying to suggest that the current model of behavior has exhausted itself, changes must come.

Gustav draws attention to a small but important detail: in order to achieve something worthwhile, one must rise high into the sky and break to the ground. Night vision is a symbol of a changeable life, full of ups and painful falls. However, with age, attitudes to everything, even to difficulties, change. Seeing a ball hovering above the ground is a possible difficulty.

How did everything go?

To determine the exact reason for the appearance of the night image, try to remember exactly how you managed to take off.

It's easy to get off the ground in a dream


If you were able to get off the ground due to a small push - to success in all endeavors. Dream Interpretations believe that any business can be easily completed, but do not try to rely only on a favorable set of circumstances.

With effort

If you were able to climb into the sky, but you had to expend a lot of effort - to long and hard work. If all efforts were in vain, then it is better not to count on the successful completion of the work begun.

We could not rise above the ceiling - to reach the peak of our own development, but we cannot stop there, because the path of improvement turns out to be endless.

Decryption of some objects

Seeing a hot air balloon in a dream

Why dream of other objects taking off in a dream? Some options are considered in the dream books:

  • star - to overcome your own fears and gain success;
  • aircraft - to the construction of dubious plans;
  • balloon - to vain expectations;
  • owl - to gain wisdom and experience;
  • elevator - to the beginning of dynamic career advancement or the conclusion of a successful contract.

Some dream interpreters believe that flying chicks symbolize a certain immaturity. If you have witnessed such a dream, then do not immediately try to take on a new business, as it will bring a lot of unnecessary trouble and expense.

Other wording

To witness the takeoff of a large rocket - a sleeping person has a lot of positive energy hidden in it, which one must not forget to share with others. A falling spacecraft is a reminder that life is fleeting, and even minor events affect it.

If you do not take into account the above interpretations, then take-off can be characterized as a harbinger of hidden dreams and aspirations. Conquer the heavens in a dream - to receive an impetus for spiritual development.

Soar among the clouds - your life is guarded by higher powers, but even in this case, you must not forget about common sense.

Some obstacles began to appear on the way to heaven, and they could not be overcome - to the appearance of a large number of difficulties.

In a dream, you can get into the most incredible places, become a participant in the most incredible events. What is the dream of flying in a dream? How to interpret such a dream? Worth sorting out.

Flying in a dream what is dreaming of - the main interpretation

Flight in a dream can be interpreted in completely different ways. It can mean both a sharp rise up, and an attempt to escape, elude reality. It is important to listen to your feelings and emotions while you sleep. What will your subconscious mind tell you? Pay attention to the following details of the dream:

· Why do you fly in a dream;

Where exactly are you flying?

How long are you flying?

Are you flying yourself?

· Do you fall.

If the mere sight of height causes panic in you, you should not force yourself to do some new business. You may feel that it will be risky, may not bring you joy. This feeling will be understood by you and accepted at a subconscious level. You will not be able to explain to yourself why you are afraid to take a step towards a new idea.

The dream interpretation interprets a dream in which you joyfully strive to the heights - as your subconscious desire to reach new heights, gain benefits, achieve the desired result. You want to rise to a new level of life and get a lot of benefits, you want to find yourself in a completely new occupation.

What is the dream of flying in a dream? If you dream about how you are consciously preparing to fly over the earth, you will consciously choose new and easy ways. You will not complicate the situation, you will try to find an easy compromise solution to all issues. Try to think ahead of everything you want. Try to think through your steps to achieve the goal.

Flying in a dream on an airplane means setting huge and unattainable goals and actively achieving them. If in a dream you are flying on an airplane somewhere to rest - in reality you will also want to take a break from routine and ordinary affairs. You will have an urgent need to diversify your life and bring something unusual into it.

The dream in which you are returning home from a long trip on an airplane indicates that it is high time for you to reconsider your attitude towards household members. You often lose sight of their needs and increasingly desire vague benefits from them. A dream in which you cannot land on a plane for a long time indicates that you will be more and more in the clouds and will not be able to finally decide what you want from life.

You will never accept your reality and draw conclusions about it. You are bored and sad about what is happening in your life, but you do not want to change anything in this situation. The dream book advises you to reconsider all the opportunities that life will send you. Accept them with gratitude and stop complaining about fate. You yourself have the power to change the situation.

A dream in which you take off and land several times means that you will find yourself in a rather difficult situation. You will increasingly solve the same questions and face the same problems. Do not rush, try to understand and realize the current situation more and more. You need this experience in order not to make similar mistakes in the future. In order to decide.

If in a dream you constantly circle over your house and don’t land in any way, in reality you cannot decide whether you feel good in your family or not. Perhaps you recently quarreled with one of your household members and now you don’t want to continue troubles, you want to live anew and not feel pressure from relatives.

A dream in which you fly for several days and cannot understand where you are flying, and why you need it, suggests that you also cannot decide in reality what you really want. You can come up with various excuses for yourself, come up with a lot of new possibilities and options for yourself, but none of them will satisfy you completely.

The dream in which you fly around your room in a dream indicates that it is very difficult for you to accept the reality that you really have. Perhaps you tried to get away from it for a long time, but in the end you accepted the rules of the game of another person. The dream in which you fly around your room and fall sharply on the bed indicates that it is time for you to think about the safety of your own reputation.

Until recently, you behaved carelessly and did not even think about what could happen in your life. They didn’t think that you could get into a residually unpleasant situation due to gossip and intrigue. Now life seems to have lowered you to the ground, and you no longer soar in unknown dreams, do not build sand castles for yourself, do not look for excuses for yourself. You are ready to accept reality as it is. No extra words or excuses.

The dream in which you fly over the lake in a dream and see yourself in its reflection says that you look at yourself from the side. You can evaluate all your actions, thoughts, words. Such a dream also means that soon you will have a lot of trouble and trouble due to your frivolity. You should look at the situation from the outside. What are you hoping for? What do you insist on and can not decide in any way in your actions? Having understood your needs, you can make the right decision on how to implement them so as not to harm others.

Flying in a dream, what is dreaming of according to Freud's dream book

For a girl, a dream in which she flies in a dream means that she soars more and more in dreams and plunges into illusions, does not face the truth. Does not accept his partner for who he is. If a lonely girl has such a dream, it means that the image of an ideal man does not allow building relationships. It is important to reconsider your requirements for a partner and rejoice in all the gifts that life presents.

What is the dream of flying in a dream if you are flying over an unknown land? Such a dream means that you will be able to start a new relationship soon. They will seem rather strange and not suitable for you, but you will soon realize that this is the ideal relationship option for you. You will be pleased to communicate with a partner and you will have a lot in common.

If a pregnant woman dreams that she is flying in a dream, in reality she will dream of pleasant events. She will want more and more some kind of holiday, rest and enjoyment. Life will provide her with such an opportunity, but do not forget that opportunities can be quickly lost. The main thing is to get the support of loved ones.

Fly in a dream, why dream according to the Esoteric dream book

The Esoteric dream book says that flying in a dream takes a person away from reality. They do not give him the opportunity to properly manage his own life. He is more and more a hostage of the invented, far-fetched. If such dreams are repeated, then the person does not have the courage to accept the situation as it is.

A dream in which, after a long flight, you are rapidly falling means that your ascent was accompanied by envy and anger on the part of colleagues. Now you should think about how not to be too disappointed in people. Not only will you face injustice, you will also face people's reluctance to accept you as a person. This will be a strong blow to your self-esteem.

The dream in which you fly to the stars speaks of the prospects that open before you, which can be your ticket to a new life. It's worth pursuing these options. Try to work more and more on yourself and not miss the opportunity to develop.

Why dream of flying in a dream according to other dream books

Grishina's dream book says that for a woman, flying in a dream means dreaming of new relationships and contacts. On the one hand, this is good that she wants development and changes. On the other hand, this means that she is not working on the relationships that she already has. It's time for her to think about how to develop everything that she has, and not constantly envy what others have.

Aesop's dream book says that flying in a dream means getting new opportunities to build a successful career. You can rely on the support of colleagues and loved ones. But you lack perseverance. Life has given you all the opportunities, you just have to realize them. Try not to be nervous over trifles and be confident in yourself. Try to devote more and more time to your dreams and gradually realize them. Otherwise, you will no longer have such a wonderful opportunity to realize yourself in the future, the opportunities will be lost.