Kagocel or ingavirin what. Ingavirin capsules: instructions, features of use in children and adults, analogues

Ingavirin is a fairly new and effective drug that is used in the treatment of viral infections, as well as for their prevention. The cost of this medication is quite high, due to which many are thinking about how to replace Ingavirin. A similar principle of action has a lot of drugs sold at a lower price.

Ingavirin: analogues are cheaper

There is far from one medication that has an effect similar to Ingavirin. However, there are no complete analogues with the same composition today.

The following drugs have a similar therapeutic effect:

  • Anaferon. Its cost is about 220 rubles;
  • Amizon. The price is within 250 rubles;
  • . The drug can also be purchased for 250 rubles;
  • Arbidol. It costs only 220 rubles. Which is better - Ingavirin or Kagocel?;
  • Ribavirin. One of the most inexpensive drugs that drop in pharmacies for 160 rubles;
  • Cycloferon. The cost of the medication does not exceed 160 rubles.

At the same time, it costs about 500 rubles, but it is recommended to select its analogue together with the attending physician.

Drugs that have a similar action with the original are able to perform the following tasks:

  • suppress the activity of the virus;
  • increase the concentration of T-cells necessary for the complete destruction of the infection;
  • stimulate the body's production of interferon;
  • reduce the risk of complications;
  • to reduce to a minimum the manifestations of pathology.

In addition, analogues turn out to be less toxic than Ingavirin, and, accordingly, are considered much safer.

Due to the fact that viral pathologies in their symptoms are in many ways similar to a cold, but break down over a longer period, therapy should be started when the first signs of the disease appear.

The signal to start using antiviral agents are such changes in the body:

  • the sensitivity of the organs of vision is significantly increased;
  • there is pain in the muscle tissue;
  • hyperthermia;
  • the appearance of hoarseness and perspiration;
  • nasal discharge;
  • cough.

Which is better: Kagocel or Ingavirin

Both medications are intended for antiviral therapy. At the same time, the action of Kagocel is much more gentle, due to the fact that it is based on a plant substance.

Ingavirin is a chemical agent. It is more active and effective with a pronounced clinical picture of ARVI.

The action of Kagocel is based on forcing the body to independently cope with the activity of pathogenic microflora. This remedy, like Ingavirin, can be taken for prevention purposes, only the course is longer.

Kagocel has a more impressive list of indications for its use. It turns out to be much more effective in the fight against herpes infection, chlamydia and many other viral diseases. It can also be used in the treatment of children from the age of three. Ingaverin is intended exclusively for the treatment of adults.

When using Kagocel, the consumption of tablets is 18 pieces, and in total their cost will be 480 rubles. Accordingly, the cheapness of this drug in comparison with Ingavirin is doubtful, given the duration of the therapeutic course.

Amiksin or Ingavirin: which is better

The active component of Amiksin is the thylotron, which has a fairly wide spectrum of action. Due to this, it is used in the treatment of a much larger number of diseases than Ingavirin, despite the significantly lower price.

Amiksin is used in the following cases:

  • cytomegalovirus infections;
  • simple herpesvirus;
  • allergic and viral encephalomyelitis;
  • respiratory and urogenital chlamydia;
  • tuberculosis.

Unlike Ingavirin, an inexpensive analogue can cause side effects such as short-term chills and dispersion.

Arbidol or Ingavirin

Both of these drugs have a pronounced antiviral effect, although they are radically different in their composition.

Arbidol is prescribed for secondary immunodeficiency, rotavirus infection, herpesvirus and for the restoration of the immune system after surgery.

These medicines can be used both for prevention and in the process of therapy. Arbidol is allowed to be used even in the treatment of children over the age of three years. Ingavirin is contraindicated in children and adolescents. All other contraindications for these drugs are the same.

During clinical trials, it has been proven that Arbidol is more effective than the original. Its action is noticeably much faster, and complications in the case of its use are extremely rare.

The cost of Arbidol is not much lower than Ingavirin (430 rubles). Considering the duration of the intake, 860 rubles will be spent for a course of therapy using an analogue. Treatment with the original will cost only 500. In addition, Ingavirin should be taken once a day, and Arbidol should be drunk at intervals of six hours. Accordingly, from the point of view of convenience and economy, where Ingavirin is better suited.

Ergoferon or Ingavirin: which is better

Ingavirin and Ergoferon have both immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties. With their help, it is enough to destroy the pathogens of viral diseases.

Ergoferon, in addition, also has an antihistamine effect, due to which it can be used to reduce the symptoms of rhinorrhea, eliminate swelling of the mucous membranes and get rid of spasms of the respiratory system.

The composition of these drugs is different. Ergoferon refers to homeopathic medicines. Its price is less than the original, and the range of action is much wider. In addition to viral diseases, it can be used to overcome pathologies of a bacterial nature and intestinal infections.

Another advantage of Ergoferon is that it is allowed to be given to children from six months of age. It is for this reason that the drug is often used in pediatrics. Both drugs have a minimum of contraindications, but Ergoferon is still considered safer.

Cycloferon or Ingavirin: which is better

These drugs are not considered structural analogues, since their composition is completely different.

In addition, they belong to completely different pharmacological groups. Cycloferon is designed to activate the process of producing its own interferon, due to which the immune system itself corrects and stimulates the production of antiviral elements.

The use of Cycloferon is resorted to much more often than Ingavirin. This medication is able to overcome not only viral pathologies, but also hepatitis, rheumatoid arthritis. It is also used in case of detection of HIV.

Both drugs can be used for preventive and therapeutic purposes. It is also worth noting that Ingavirin is allowed to be used only after reaching the age of eighteen, and Cycloferon is not contraindicated from the age of four.

Viferon or Ingavirin: what to choose

Viferon is available in several forms:

  • gel;
  • ointment;
  • suppositories that are used rectally.

The action of the drug begins from the very first day after the start of its use. With its help, the prognosis is significantly improved in the treatment of influenza, SARS, pneumonia, meningitis, intrauterine infections and enterovirus.

The drug helps to normalize the level of immunoglobulin E and restore the proper amount of interferon. Its active ingredients are antioxidants that have regenerative and anti-inflammatory properties.

The main difference between Viferon and Ingavirin is that the analogue is allowed to be used even during pregnancy and lactation.

Tamiflu or Ingavirin

Tamiflu is often prescribed for the treatment of influenza groups A and B. Unlike Ingavirin, this medication is much more effective in combating this virus.

It contains a neuraminidase inhibitor that can block the process of removing affected particles from cells. Due to this, it is possible to prevent the penetration of infection into the bronchi and lungs.

Tamiflu is used in the treatment of even one-year-old children. With its help, all clinical manifestations of the disease are eliminated as soon as possible, the risks of developing various complications are minimized.

Grippferon or Ingavirin

One of the inexpensive analogues of Ingavirin is Grippferon. This drug has antiviral properties and is considered a fairly effective immunostimulant.

Its use is allowed both for the purpose of preventing acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, in case of contact with people affected by the virus, and in the process of therapy. This medication is quite effective in a period of worsening epidemiological situation.

This drug is available in the form of a spray and nasal drops. It is allowed to be used even in the process of treating infants born prematurely and during the period of bearing a child. When the first symptoms of the disease appear, this drug is used for five days. If necessary, after a short time, the therapeutic course is repeated.

Ingavirin is a very effective, but expensive antiviral agent. The cost of one package of this medication is about 500 rubles. If necessary, instead of it, you can choose an equally effective, but affordable drug. There are many analogues, which, although they differ in composition, but have a similar effect.


The video talks about how to quickly cure a cold, flu or SARS. The opinion of an experienced doctor.

When early signs of influenza appear, experts advise taking antiviral drugs for the first 48 hours. Ingavirin is one such remedy that allows you to speed up recovery and reduce the severity of the symptoms of the disease. The medicine provides a decrease in temperature, relief of catarrhal phenomena and intoxication.

Ingavirin - composition of the drug

The described medication is available in the form of capsules containing one active ingredient - vitaglutam or imidazolylethanamide pentanedioic acid, which has an antiviral effect. The auxiliary part of the Ingavirin agent has the following composition:

  • aerosil;
  • potato starch;
  • lactose;
  • magnesium stearate.

The capsule shell contains:

  • dyes (brilliant black, Ponceau 4R, patent blue);
  • titanium dioxide;
  • gelatin;
  • azorubine.

What can replace Ingavirin?

This medicine is an innovative and unique development of Russian scientists. The main feature of the drug Ingavirin: the active substance - analogues with the same active ingredient are represented by only one medicine called Dicarbamine, but it is not prescribed for viral pathologies. This agent is used to protect the composition and properties of blood in people undergoing chemotherapy in the treatment of malignant tumors.

There are a number of drugs similar to Ingavirin - analogues of the indirect type or generics. They are based on other active ingredients, but produce an identical antiviral effect. Most popular synonyms:

  • Amiksin;
  • Arbidol;
  • Ergoferon;
  • Cycloferon;
  • Remantadine;
  • Lavomax;
  • Anaferon;
  • Ibuklin;
  • Oscillococcinum;
  • Tsitovir.

The presented generic is based on the active ingredient of the same name. Kagocel is synthesized from the yellow pigment of cotton grass (gossypol) and has an antiviral and immunomodulatory effect. It increases the production of interferon molecules, stimulating a powerful response of the body's defense system. Due to this property, Kagocel can be prescribed for prophylactic purposes.

Even taking into account the proven effectiveness of the drug in question, doctors prefer Ingavirin 90 - analogues based on gossypol are considered good immunomodulators, but weak antiviral drugs. Medicines with Vitaglutam in the composition are embedded in pathogenic cells and contribute to their death, destroying the internal structure and membrane. Kagocel and its synonyms do not have such an effect.

Amiksin or Ingavirin - which is better?

This generic is included in the group of interferon inducers, its active ingredient is tilaksin (tiloron). The described analogue of the drug Ingavirin is effective against DNA-containing viruses. Amixin prevents the production of nucleic acid in pathogenic cells, which prevents them from multiplying. Additionally, the tablets have anti-inflammatory and antitumor effects.

It is incorrect to compare Amiksin and Ingavirin - analogues based on tilaxin are intended for the treatment of viruses with DNA (hepatitis, herpetic diseases), and vitaglutam is detrimental when infected with pathogenic cells with RNA (different types of influenza). When choosing one of these medicines, it is important to take into account the diagnosis and listen to the recommendations of a specialist.

Ingavirin or Arbidol - which is better?

The main ingredient of the presented synonym is umifenovir. Its clinical effectiveness has not yet been proven, so Arbidol is not considered the best option than replacing Ingavirin when infected with influenza or herpes. Compared to vitaglutam, umifenovir has weak antiviral activity and low immunomodulatory abilities.

Ergoferon or Ingavirin - which is better?

The described drug consists of purified antibodies to histamines, CD4 and gamma-interferon. Ergoferon cannot be considered as an analogue of Ingavirin tablets, because this medication produces not only an antiviral effect, but also has other properties:

  • antihistamine;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • immunomodulatory.

This tool is even included in the complex treatment regimens for bacterial infections, including tuberculosis and pneumonia. The clinical efficacy of the drug has been repeatedly proven by Russian and foreign medical studies. They showed that Ergoferon acts faster and more pronounced than Ingavirin - analogues based on purified antibodies have a wide spectrum of activity against most types of viruses, prevent the development of superinfections, increase the effectiveness of vaccination and prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions.

The main substance in the composition of this generic is meglumine acridone acetate. It is an inducer of human interferon. The analogue of the drug Ingavirin under consideration has an evidence-based medical basis. In the course of the research, Interferon was found to be highly effective against any influenza and herpes viruses, acute respiratory pathologies, if the medication is taken in the first 2-3 days from the moment of infection.

Ingavirin destroys pathogenic cells at any stage of disease progression. It is considered more effective, but only in the treatment of influenza types A and B and other respiratory viral infections. For the treatment of other pathologies, Interferon is preferable, which increases specific immunity and is active against cells that are resistant to identical drugs.

Remantadin or Ingavirin - which is better?

The described synonym is produced on the basis of rimantadine hydrochloride. This ingredient has a pronounced antiviral effect on influenza A2 and B cells, especially in early therapy (first 48 hours). This drug is more popular than Ingavirin - the analogue of Remantadin is cheaper, but it is highly effective and quickly helps, prevents infection with viruses during epidemics.

Clinical studies have shown that rimantadine hydrochloride is better than other expensive generics (Tamiflu, all interferon inducers). Therapists advise replacing Ingavirin with identical medications - analogues based on the present active ingredient shorten the duration of catarrhal symptoms, reduce their severity, and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

The considered foreign drug produces the following effects (according to the manufacturer):

  • antiviral (for influenza types A and B);
  • prophylactic;
  • anti-inflammatory.

The main thing that distinguishes Tamiflu and Ingavirin is the composition: oseltamivir-based analogues do not have an evidence-based medical basis. Clinical trials conducted by the manufacturer have not been made public, only the final results have been shown. Independent studies in 2014 and 2015 showed that the promised actions after taking Tamiflu are not confirmed.

Based on their own tests and long-term observations, European and Russian doctors prefer Ingavirin - analogues with oseltamivir in the composition do not speed up recovery and do not help protect against influenza. Such drugs can provoke many negative side effects, because they have a toxic effect on the body.

Lavomax or Ingavirin - which is better?

The described medication is a direct analogue of Amiksin, it is based on an identical active ingredient (tilorone). A specialist should choose Lavomax or Ingavirin, because the mechanism of work and the spectrum of activity for these agents are very different. Tiloron is more effective in relation to:

  • herpes;
  • cytomegalovirus;
  • hepatitis;
  • viral encephalomyelitis.

Lavomax can be used as part of complex treatment:

  • chlamydia;
  • urethritis;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • infectious-allergic pathologies.

Preparations with tilorone are effective in the treatment of DNA viruses, and Ingavirin helps in case of infection with pathogenic cells with an RNA structure, especially influenza types A and B. It is impossible to fully compare these pharmacological agents, they are both highly effective, but in different situations, so the final appointment of one Of the drugs, only the doctor carries out.

Ingavirin or Anaferon - which is better?

This generic is identical to Ergoferon, it is based on purified antibodies to interferon gamma. In some sources, Anaferon is mistakenly considered as an inexpensive analogue of Ingavirin, but this medication has a fundamentally different mechanism of action. It activates specific antiviral immunity, stimulating the body to fight infection on its own. Ingavirin penetrates into pathogenic cells and integrates into their structure, provoking destruction from the inside.

Like Ergoferon, Anaferon is more preferred by doctors due to its wide spectrum of activity and pronounced immunomodulatory effects. Synonymous analogues of Ingavirin produce a therapeutic effect faster and are as safe as possible. They do not contain toxic ingredients and do not damage liver cells, rarely cause unwanted side reactions or allergies.

The presented remedy is not an antiviral drug. Ibuklin contains ibuprofen and paracetamol, it has a good anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-febrile effect. This drug is used for the symptomatic treatment of acute respiratory infections, including viral pathologies, but does not affect the cause of their occurrence.

In most therapeutic approaches, Ingavirin and Ibuklin are combined - whether it is possible to drink these medicines together is decided by the doctor, although there are no contraindications to their simultaneous use. An antiviral agent will help the body cope with the infection itself, and an anti-inflammatory drug will reduce the severity of signs of intoxication, relieve muscle, joint and headache, and normalize body temperature.

Oscillococcinum or Ingavirin - which is better?

The considered generic belongs to the group of homeopathic medicines. The active ingredient in Oscillococcinum is an extract of the heart and liver of the Barbary duck. The choice of this component is based on the main principle of homeopathy - to treat like with like. Waterfowl are considered the main host of influenza virus cells in nature, which is why Oscillococcinum manufacturers use their organs to synthesize the drug.

The described homeopathic preparation has not passed a single clinical trial. Evidence-based medicine does not confirm its effectiveness, and even the content of the claimed ingredient in the granules. Manufacturers of the drug also do not report anything about its pharmacokinetics and mechanism of work, so the effectiveness of the drug is comparable to placebo. When choosing Ingavirin or Oscillococcinum, it is important to take into account the above facts, giving preference to an officially registered antiviral drug. It is dangerous to treat influenza and acute respiratory diseases with homeopathy.

Photo of the drug

The description is up to date 09.04.2019

  • Latin name: Ingavirin
  • ATX code: J05AX
  • Active substance: Imidazolyl ethanamide pentandioic acid (Imidazolyl ethanamide pentandioic acid)
  • Manufacturer: PJSC Valenta Pharmaceuticals (Russia)

Composition of Ingavirin

The composition of the drug:

  • imidazolylethanamide pentanedioic acid;
  • colloidal silicon dioxide, lactose, magnesium stearate, potato starch;
  • shell - titanium dioxide, dyes, gelatin, azorubine.

Release form

The antiviral agent Ingavirin is available in the form of blue or red capsules, which contain white powder and granules.

Tablets 30 mg (blue) and 90 mg (red) are available in 7 pieces in a blister, 1 blister in a carton.

pharmachologic effect

It has anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

First of all, the drug has an antiviral effect. It works against the virus type A, B , parainfluenza , adenovirus and respiratory sentience infection .

The anti-inflammatory effect is manifested by suppressing the production of inflammatory cytokines and decrease in activity myeloperoxidase .

Can it be taken with antibiotics ? Scientists have not studied the interaction of the drug with antibiotics, so taking them together is not recommended.

Terms of sale

The drug is sold without a prescription.

Storage conditions

Store in a dark, dry place at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.

Best before date

special instructions

Since the drug does not have a sedative effect, its use does not affect the ability to drive a car and perform work that requires concentration and quick reaction.

Analogues of Ingavirin 90 mg

Coincidence in the ATX code of the 4th level:

Which is better: Ingavirin or Arbidol?

Scientists conducted a study whose purpose was to compare the safety and effectiveness of Ingavirin compared with. In patients taking Ingavirin, body temperature decreased faster, a decrease in symptoms was noticed. intoxication also, no cases with complications were observed. Neither in patients taking Ingavirin, nor in patients who took Arbidol, side effects were noticed.

Which is better: Ingavirin or Amiksin?

These funds have a number of significant differences. For example, it is allowed to take from the age of 7, while Ingavirin is only from 18. Ingavirin is not compatible with any antiviral agents, while Amiksin can be taken with antibiotics and other drugs. Ingavirin is prescribed for influenza and other types of acute respiratory viral infections, while Amiksin has a broader focus of action. Both drugs have very low toxicity. Thus, Ingavirin as a medicine for influenza for adults is more effective, and in case of herpes, hepatitis, etc., Amiksin is recommended.

Which is better: Ingavirin or Kagocel?

- including a children's drug, it can be taken by children from 3 years old, in addition to influenza, this remedy is also used against herpes. It can also be used simultaneously with other drugs and antibiotics. This drug is non-toxic, has no property to accumulate in the body.

Which is better: Lavomax or Ingaverin?

Lavomax, like Ingaverin, has been used since the age of 18, but it has a wider spectrum of action. This remedy is also compatible with antibiotics. has a wider range of contraindications, since it contains lactose.

The price of analogues on average ranges from 20 to 50 UAH, however, one should look for a substitute for a drug not only in terms of price, but also in terms of therapeutic effect. All of the above analogues are cheaper than Ingavirin, however, before replacing Ingavirin with a cheaper analogue, look at reviews of analogues and be sure to consult a doctor.

Instructions for the use of medicines by children

Ingavirin for children and adolescents under 18 years of age is contraindicated, so there are no instructions for children on this drug.

Ingavirin and alcohol

Separately, compatibility with alcohol Ingavirin 90 mg has not been studied. However, in relation to the simultaneous use of the drug with alcohol, the usual rules apply - this is strictly prohibited.

During pregnancy and lactation

The medicine is forbidden to prescribe to pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding. If it is necessary to use during lactation, it is necessary to stop breastfeeding.

Reviews for Ingavirin

At various medical forums, the average rating given to this drug is 3.86 points out of 5. Many patients note the effectiveness and rapid action of the drug, but you can often find negative reviews, which say that the drug not only does not help with the disease, but also exacerbates it. There are also reviews during pregnancy for this remedy, however, it is worth paying attention that it is not recommended to drink this medicine during this period.

Reviews of doctors about Ingavirin 90 mg and other reviews of specialists come down to about the same thing: each drug is prescribed individually, depending on the characteristics of the patient. When used correctly, Ingavirin quickly eliminates the symptoms of the disease and effectively fights the virus.

Often on the Internet you can find questions like this: Is Ingavirin an antibiotic or not?», « Is it an antibiotic?". The unequivocal answer to these questions is that this remedy is by no means an antibiotic. Wikipedia does not have an article about this drug.

The price of Ingavirin, where to buy

In Moscow and Russia, the price of Ingavirin 90 mg varies from 430 to 580 rubles per pack. You can find out how much Ingavirin costs at any pharmacy in the city.

The average cost of Ingaverin in Ukraine is approximately 130-160 UAH. The price of antiviral drugs averages 20-50 UAH.

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Education: She graduated from the Rivne State Basic Medical College with a degree in Pharmacy. Graduated from the Vinnitsa State Medical University. M.I. Pirogov and an internship based on it.

Work experience: From 2003 to 2013 she worked as a pharmacist and head of a pharmacy kiosk. Awarded with certificates and distinctions for long-term and conscientious work. Articles on medical topics were published in local publications (newspapers) and on various Internet portals.


Information about medicines on the site is a general reference, collected from publicly available sources and cannot serve as a basis for making a decision on the use of medicines in the course of treatment. Before medicine use Ingavirin surely consult with the attending physician.


If you missed the moment - the drug is useless. It helps only when you start taking it right away, and this is not always possible. Because of him, she got a complication, the infection went to the lungs, the situation was corrected with antibiotics and injections of Polyoxidonium in the complex. So I do not recommend ingaverin for obvious reasons.

Ingavirin has such a moment that it must be taken immediately, and this is not always possible. Until you realize that you are sick, until you get to the doctor, a lot of time will pass. And so the drug is normal, they treated the older one before. Now they switched to Polyoxidonium. He has a better effect, and the result of treatment does not depend on when they started taking it. I gave it to my son twice already, we are now 6 years old. The second time was recently treated in May. I buy in tablets, at a price slightly more expensive than Ingavirin, but I repeat once again, it is better in effect. Quickly improves well-being, the temperature itself passes, the symptoms are less pronounced

Natalia, why did you drink it? Like a virus and immediately started taking it? Just antiviral or drink immediately at the first symptoms. I do this all the time and don't get sick. At all. A day or two doesn't count.

Alex, I disagree. Without it, I was sick for a week, or even a week and a half. And I’ve been recovering with Ingavirn for 4 days already.

The effect of Ingavirin is zero. Bullshit, not a cure for viruses. On the third day, it only got worse, the temperature rose, there were no signs of a bacterial infection (no green snot, no purulent discharge from the lungs). I wonder what pharmacists themselves drink? Or they will never tell the truth...

The gastronerologist strongly recommended me to drink ingaverin instead of antibiotics. The first time helped literally in one day. The second time I drank for five days - to no avail! I still had to drink a course of antibiotics, I decided to take a chance for the third time, I drink for five days, the cough does not go away, my joints ache, in the evening I have a temperature of 38! I will not buy the drug for such money again and I do not advise others!

It turns out that we pay a lot of money for those components that treat substances that we do not need to recover from SARS. But how then do they affect our body if we treat the flu with cancer drugs???!!!

I never give Ingavirin to children. The common cold is such a disease that can be defeated by one's own immunity, even without taking useless pacifiers that have no proven effectiveness. Ingavirin is just that. There is no information about overdose or accumulation in the body. What will end, the treatment with such a drug is not known.

Ingavirin did not help me. I started taking it with the first symptoms, I didn’t miss a single day, but I didn’t get any benefit. I think that its effectiveness is greatly exaggerated. Or someone really needs it to sell.

Influenza and colds are not treated with antibiotics, they are treated with their own immunity, with the support of antipyretics, and no ingavirin is needed here. Because it does not act on the disease, but on the immune system, which is difficult even without Ingavirin. Such exposure can be dangerous to health, and manifest itself in autoimmune diseases.

Ingavirin did not help me, but on the contrary, my condition worsened, I had to call an ambulance. The doctor said that you are only starting the disease by taking this drug, and it is better not to buy it for treatment.

The cold and flu virus mutates every year, and ingavirin is designed only for a certain flu strain, so it's not surprising that it does not help.

It's strange that there are so many negative reviews. Seems like a good tool to me. Brings down the temperature, heals. If you compare how I used to get sick and the last time with Ingavirin - heaven and earth. You don’t struggle with the temperature for a week, everything is in vain, but for two, three days in total. On the fifth day already a healthy person.

Despite the fact that experts from the Russian Academy of Sciences are sounding the alarm, speaking on Channel One, ingavirin continues to hold a leading position in the list of best-selling drugs in the winter months. The reviews of the Cochrane Library of Medical Research, respected by physicians from all over the world, do not contain any articles confirming its effectiveness. There is no Ingavirin in the lists of medicines recommended by the World Health Organization. No wonder it is not sold in Western countries. And only with us it is still in the list of bestsellers.

It has long been known that Ingavirin is included in the list of the most useless drugs, is it really that someone else is still trying to be treated with it. I don’t even risk it, I have one health, and I’m not going to conduct experiments on it.

They prescribed it to a child with ARVI, they started treatment immediately, but there is no help from him. The child spent five days with a fever, had to adjust the treatment, and take completely different medications. I won't buy it again, absolutely useless.

Ingavirin was prescribed to me by a therapist when I had a cold, but I didn’t even take it. Why drink a medicine that contains the same active substance as dicarbomine, which is used to treat cancer !! I don't think this is safe.

Ingavirin only relieves symptoms, but does not cure, I was convinced by myself when I came down with the flu and started taking Ingavirin. I removed the symptoms, but the disease did not become a bit easier from this, on the contrary, it turned into bronchitis, which had to be treated with antibiotics.

Our local therapist constantly prescribes Ingavirin, but the fact that he does not help, and he does not have an evidence base, is not important. I don't buy it anymore. Waste of money.

I had high hopes for Ingavirin, when at work everyone began to get sick indiscriminately, I decided to take it as a preventive measure. I drank the package, but after a week I still came down with a cold. So I'm not sure about its effectiveness.

If antivirals were still treated, they don’t cure, and if you just block the symptoms and alleviate the condition, then it won’t take long to earn a complication. You still need to be treated.

I think that anyone can distinguish a bacterial infection from a cold, a bacterial infection is much more complicated, we are no longer talking about antivirals, it’s so bad that most often you have to call an ambulance. You were lucky that Ingavirin helped, but I didn’t, even a common cold I couldn’t overcome it, I’m afraid to imagine what would happen if I got sick with the flu. I don't use it anymore.

With the onset of autumn, not only atmospheric cyclones are approaching us, but also influenza epidemics. Influenza carries a risk of developing complications, especially in people with reduced immunity. Since the “flu season” is coming soon, we need to consider whether we are ready for it and study the information about antivirals available in the pharmacy network. Among them, special attention is drawn to domestically produced drugs ingavirin (JSC Valenta Pharmaceuticals) and cycloferon (LLC STFF POLYSAN).

Immunomodulators are used only on prescription!

Ingavirin or Cycloferon?

Preparations: Cycloferon and Ingavirin

Ingavirin is a new generation drug with antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects. Cycloferon, which has been successfully used in medical practice for a long time, belongs to the class of drugs with an immunomodulatory effect.

The drugs belong to different pharmacological groups and differ in the mechanism of action. Cycloferon is a synthetic interferon inducer, that is, it stimulates the body's immune system to produce its own antiviral substances, namely interferon of three different types (alpha, beta and gamma). In addition, it activates the functions of the cellular link of immunity (cytotoxic T-lymphocytes and natural killers).

The difference between Ingavirin and Cycloferon is that it acts directly on the virus, inhibiting its development and reproduction in the body. The drug is active against various types of influenza, including the sensational swine flu, as well as adeno- and respiratory syncytial viruses, parainfluenza.

Indications and contraindications:

In medical practice, ingavirin or cycloferon is often prescribed for the prevention and treatment of influenza and viral respiratory infections. However, cycloferon has a wider list of indications. This medicine can be recommended as an additional remedy in the complex therapy of herpes, viral hepatitis, encephalitis, intestinal infections, as well as immunodeficiencies of various origins.

Contraindications for the use of both drugs is pregnancy and intolerance to their components. With regard to the use of these drugs in pediatric practice, the difference between ingavirin and cycloferon is that the latter can be prescribed from the age of 4. Ingavirin is prescribed only from the age of 18. However, cycloferon should be used with caution if the patient has a history of diseases of the digestive system, especially in the acute phase.

Release form and dosage:

Ingavirin is available in the form of capsules of 30 and 90 mg, and cycloferon in the form of tablets of 150 mg. In the acute period of the disease, Ingavirin is taken 90 mg once a day for a week. For a course of treatment, 7 pieces are required. Cycloferon is also used once a day, but the frequency of administration is as follows: at the beginning of the disease every day, then with a break. Its dosage is calculated depending on age: adults - 3-4 tablets once, and children under 12 years old - 2-3 tablets. Thus, for a course of treatment for influenza or SARS, an adult needs 20 tablets of cycloferon.

What is more profitable: Ingavirin or Cycloferon?

If compared, then Ingavirin differs little from Cycloferon in terms of the cost of a course of treatment for influenza. 7 capsules of ingavirin in pharmacies cost from 415 to 450 rubles, and 20 tablets of cycloferon - from 400 to 415 rubles.

It is believed that the most favorable time for the development of colds is the off-season, when vitamin deficiency and overwork weaken the immune system and it becomes easy to get sick with a cold or flu. As a prevention and treatment of viral diseases, it is often suggested to use Arbidol or Ingavirin. These drugs belong to the same pharmacological group, but have significant differences in the mechanism of action, and in this article we will compare the two most commonly used antiviral agents: Arbidol and Ingavirin.

What is the difference between Arbidol and Ingavirin?

To begin with, let's compare the active ingredients of drugs and their effect on the human body. The active substance Arbidol (umifenovir) prevents the fusion of human cell membranes and the lipid membrane of the virus, in other words, prevents the virus from gaining a foothold in the body. Doctors recommend taking medicine for ARVI, influenza, SARS, viral pneumonia, bronchitis, and rotavirus infection. In diseases such as influenza, various acute respiratory viral infections, the therapeutic effect of the drug is manifested in the form of a decrease in intoxication, a reduction in the period of fever and catarrhal phenomena. When taking Arbidol, there is a decrease in the number of complications, the disease passes faster. Arbidol is also effective in prevention, both post-contact and seasonal. The drug is well tolerated, it has few contraindications, and the dosage is selected based on the purpose of use (for prevention or treatment). Recommended for children from 2 years old.

Ingavirin is classified as an antiviral drug that acts through the human immune system. The active substance of this medication, pentanedioic acid imidazolylethanamide (vitaglutam), increases the sensitivity of cells to interferon, helping the body to cope with the disease in this way. The drug does not act directly on viruses. Also, the drug has an anti-inflammatory effect, which is achieved by suppressing inflammatory cytokines and reducing the activity of myeloperoxidase, like paracetamol. Currently, the drug is contraindicated in pregnancy.

Reviews of patients about preparations.

If you read the reviews about Ingavirin and Arbidol on the Internet, you can get an idea of ​​what effect these drugs have and how effectively they help with certain diseases.

Patient reviews about Arbidol

About the drug mostly positive reviews. Patients say that Arbidol reduces the duration of the disease, reduces the manifestations of fever, and minimizes possible complications. Some note that they use exclusively Arbidol as a proven, effective remedy.

Patient reviews about Ingavirin

Patients note that the greatest positive effect of the drug is achieved if you start using it at the first signs of the disease. Ingavirin has few identified side effects and contraindications. Patients report an antipyretic effect, similar to that of paracetamol. Among the shortcomings is the high price.

What is better Arbidol or Ingavirin?

Both drugs are antiviral agents. Arbidol is a drug that has passed numerous clinical trials, which reduces the severity and duration of the disease, as well as reduces the risk of complications, and reduces the risk of the disease in prevention. Ingavirin is a new drug that is used to treat acute respiratory viral infections, influenza type A and B. Ingavirin is also contraindicated in pregnant women and people under 7 years of age.

What is more effective Arbidol or Ingavirin?

First of all, you should consult with your doctor to find out which of the antiviral drugs will be more effective for you. Arbidol has a wider spectrum of action, a high therapeutic effect, prevents the development of complications after a viral infection, and can also be taken by children from 2 years of age. (there are children's forms - suspension) Ingavirin stimulates the immune system to fight influenza viruses and SARS, for the treatment of influenza can only be used from 7 years. Long-term effects of the influence of Ingavirin on the body of adults and children have not been studied.

Conclusions about the comparison of drugs.

Both drugs belong to the same clinical and pharmacological group, but differ in the mechanism of action: Arbidol acts directly on viruses, Ingavirin - on human immunity. Arbidol is a drug whose effectiveness has been proven by the example of many years of clinical trials; it is widely used in therapeutic practice for the prevention and treatment of all types of influenza and SARS. Shown to children from 2 years. Ingavirin is a fairly new drug, in fact, an immunomodulator. For the treatment of influenza can be used by people from 7 years of age. It is worth remembering that before purchasing this or that drug, it is best to go for a consultation with a general practitioner who will prescribe the correct treatment in accordance with the clinical picture, and also carefully study the instructions for use of the prescribed drug. It is worth remembering that the disease is easier to prevent than to cure. Therefore, in the off-season and during the increase in the epidemic threshold, try to ventilate the room where you work or live more often, take walks in nature, play sports and eat well.