How to give a cat suprastin for allergies. Veterinary first aid kit for cats, without unnecessary medicines

Many pets experience diseases in one way or another, but it is not recommended to use medicines intended for people for their treatment. But there are exceptions to this rule: for example, sometimes you may encounter the appointment of Suprastin for cats. And in such a situation it is very important to understand in what cases it is advisable to use this medication, in its dosage and possible side effects.

Characteristics of Suprastin

Suprastin is an antihistamine, in which the active substance is chloropyramine hydrochloride. It is produced in the form of tablets and ampoules, has an antipruritic, soothing and mild antiemetic effect.

Indications for use

Many owners are very concerned about the question of whether Suprastin can be given to a cat for allergies, because many medicines intended for people are contraindicated for animals. There are several indications for which this drug is used:

  • Allergic reactions. Usually Suprastin is used if the cat is experiencing severe itching, she has redness and peeling of the skin: after eating new foods or other medicines.
  • Sexual hunting. There is another non-standard use of Suprastin: as a sedative for estrus in cats. Usually the drug is given if the animal experiences pain during this period or becomes too aggressive. Suprastin cannot be used on an ongoing basis, since it only has a calming effect, without affecting the hormonal state of the animal.

Possible dosage

It is necessary to strictly observe the dosage of Suprastin for cats, otherwise many unpleasant effects may occur, up to poisoning. The exact amount of the drug is calculated by the veterinarian according to the weight of the pet, but, as a rule, in most cases it means a quarter of a tablet for every 5 kg. The course of admission is usually no more than three days.

It is important to closely monitor the condition of the animal during treatment to ensure that it tolerates the drug well and monitor for overdose. It manifests itself as a refusal of the legs of a cat, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms of poisoning.

In case of an overdose, it is necessary to give the pet plenty of fluids to drink and consult a doctor immediately. At the same time, it is absolutely impossible to feed a cat, as this will complicate the process of removing toxins.

Why can't a domestic cat go to the toilet?

Side effects and contraindications

Although in some cases and it is possible to give Suprastin to a cat with allergies, you need to remember that this medicine is not harmless and has a list of side effects. Among the most frequent, the following can be distinguished: lethargy and apathy in an animal, often accompanied by drowsiness and inhibition of reactions.

There is also a list of diseases in which the use of this medicine for a cat is strictly not recommended.

This list includes:

  • Acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: for example, a stomach ulcer or gastritis.
  • Heart disease.
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Drug dispensing scheme

Often, for the owner, the main problem is not whether it is possible to give the cat Suprastin for allergies, but how exactly to carry out the procedure. As with most other drugs, There are several ways to give an animal a pill:

  • Disguise medicine with food. For example, wrap the tablet in a piece of bread crumb, cottage cheese or meat. Before using this method, you need to find out which product the cat is allergic to.
  • Put the tablet on the root of the tongue. For an inexperienced owner, this may seem rather complicated, but this method is very effective. You need to gently open the cat's mouth, put the pill on the root of the tongue and, closing the cat's mouth, hold it until he swallows the medicine. To facilitate the process, you can squirt some water into the animal's throat from a syringe without a needle.
  • Dissolve the medicine in water and pour into the cat's mouth using a syringe without a needle.

Hello Skirdonchik.

To be honest, until the moment I saw your question, I had not heard from any cat owner that it was necessary to use suprastin in order for the cat to stop wanting a cat. On the contrary, most people are inclined to believe that it is still not worth giving this drug to a cat, since this drug is intended for human consumption and has nothing to do with the sexual sphere. Suprastin is not even a sedative, but an antihistamine. Of course, in the initial stages of treatment, this drug can cause drowsiness, but this effect refers to the side effects of the drug, and the development of side effects is individual for everyone. A side effect of the drug suprastin is also increased nervous excitement, so I don’t think that suprastin is the best option.

Some forums have information that to reduce the desire of a cat, suprastin can be given to a cat in the following dosage: ¼ suprastin tablets for every five kilograms of a cat's weight, once a day at night, for three days in a row. However, the drug should be used with caution, since if the specified dose is exceeded, the drug can cause poisoning in a cat, which can lead to the fact that the animal's legs fail, that is, the cat cannot stand up and falls. In addition, the drug, frequent use of the drug leads to disturbances in the work of the cat's body, since suprastin does not affect the hormonal process, but only for a while can slow down the work of the cat's nervous system. In the end, suprastin leads to the development of severe complications in the cat, and even the development of pyometra in cats. Therefore, suprastin should be used only in cases where the owner cannot currently give the cat a drug that really reduces sexual tension in a cat.

It is best to contact your veterinarian with your problem. If the cat's estrus has not yet begun, then you can make a special injection and use special tablets. However, both injections and tablets have their disadvantages, since when they are used there is a high risk of complications even in completely healthy cats, for example, endometritis, pyometra, and so on can develop. Even doctors are inclined to believe that such drugs have a negative impact on the health of cats, so they should not be taken if you are not 100% sure about the pet's health. Doctors believe that if the owner is in full confidence that he does not need offspring from a cat, then it is better to sterilize the cat.


Suprastin is an antihistamine medicine intended for the treatment of humans. But there are cases when the drug can help the cat cope with pain and other unpleasant sensations. Pain caused by estrus affects the mood of the pet, causing inappropriate and even aggressive behavior that can harm not only the owner, but also the animal itself. In this case, it is allowed to give the cat Suprastin.

Suprastin for cats

In addition to pain during estrus, Suprastin can be given to a cat in case of allergic reactions. Skin itching gives the pet a lot of inconvenience, which affects his mental state, affects sleep and appetite. Suprastin helps a cat with allergies caused by:

  • the use of components of a new brand of ready-made dry or wet food;
  • the use of prohibited foods;
  • the use of other medicines (Suprastin in this case is prescribed as an additional drug).

As a result of the action of the drug, the animal becomes calmer, sleeps better

According to the instructions for use, the course of treatment usually lasts 3 days. One dose is 0.25 tablets per 5 kg of animal weight. Give once a day at bedtime with plenty of liquid for better absorption of the drug.

Directions for use

When using medications in the treatment of a pet, a prerequisite is the observance of the correct dosage. Her p Exceeding will not affect the effectiveness in any way, but will only lead to intoxication. Owners should be especially careful when treating with tablets, as animals often choke on them. There are two universal ways to feed a cat with medicine in tablet form:

  • You need to crush and add the tablet to your favorite treat.
  • Wrap in a piece of meat or hide inside the bread crumb.
  • Put on the root of the tongue.

In this case, the cat will reflexively swallow the pill, especially if you drink it from a syringe with water. But this method is less preferable, as it involves a physical impact on the animal. Such an experience may stick in her memory and cause negative associations with the treatment process.

To independently make an intravenous or intramuscular injection, you must first consult with a specialist. But it is safer and more reliable to use the services of a veterinarian.

How an overdose manifests itself and what to do

A sign of a serious overdose of the drug is leg failure - the cat cannot stand on its paws. Some lethargy and a long sleep should not alert the owner. Unusually calm behavior is a side effect of the drug.

If for some reason the required dose was exceeded, and the animal has symptoms of poisoning, then:

  • In no case should you feed a cat, so as not to complicate the process of removing toxins.
  • Be sure to give the animal plenty of fluids to activate the excretory system and flush the body.
  • Seek immediate medical attention to reduce the risk of complications.

They also need treatment. One of the most effective drugs is Suprastin.

Short description

The drug Suprastin is a grayish-white tablet in the form of a disk with a chamfer and with a characteristic engraving "SUPRASTIN" on one side and with a risk on the other. The tablets are odorless or have a barely noticeable aroma to the nose. One tablet contains 25 mg. chloropyramine hydrochloride.


Auxiliary substances in the composition of Suprastin are stearic acid, gelatin, sodium carboxymethyl starch (type A), talc, potato starch, lactose monohydrate - 116 mg.

Can it be given for allergies?

Suprastin is given to cats in case of allergic reactions caused by the following factors:

  • When changing food. An allergy may appear to new components contained in food to which the animal has not adapted.
  • When a cat eats foods with a high content of allergens. Each pet has its own list of foods that it can consume without adverse reactions of the body. Such products are detected after a certain lifetime.
  • When the animal is forced to take medication. Certain components of drugs can cause allergic attacks in a cat.

Suprastin has an antihistamine effect, which allows its components to block histamine receptors, which cause itching, provoke hair loss and fluid from the eyes and nose. The medicine eliminates the inflammatory process in the body caused by the allergen. Efficiency is manifested immediately, but under the condition of isolating the animal from the substance that caused allergic reactions.

Is it worth it during estrus and why?

During the animal is recommended to give Suprastin. The drug perfectly copes with pain and calms the nervous system of an excited pet. Estrus often causes stress in a cat, her mood changes, aggression appears.

Behavior becomes inappropriate and out of control. The medicine effectively copes with this unpleasant symptomatology. The animal will be more calm, balanced and playful.

But you need to take into account the fact that the drug is only able to cope with external manifestations in the character of a cat, calm her nervous system, but in no way be a cure for stopping estrus. Also, Suprastin cannot replace drugs to prevent unwanted pregnancy in a cat.

Dosage and how much?

It is necessary to observe the dosage of the drug, since excessive consumption of tablets by animals can cause a lot of side effects in it, up to serious poisoning.

The dose should always be respected according to the body weight of the pet. The most accurate calculations will be made by a veterinarian. As a rule, at the first manifestations of an allergy, a fourth part of a 5 kg tablet is given. the weight of the animal. The course of admission is up to 3 days. For the drug to work, you need to give the cat plenty of fluids to drink.


The best time to drink the medicine is in the evening. Just before going to bed, the cat will calm down and give the owner a good night's sleep. The sedative effect will last for about a day.

In case of excessive weight of the animal and its specific qualities, a longer period of medication may be recommended by the veterinarian. It is impossible to increase the course of admission on your own, as you can cause serious harm to the health of the cat.

Overdose and side effects

In the event of an overdose of Suprastin, the cat's hind legs may fail and serious food poisoning may occur. If these symptoms appear, the pet should be taken to the veterinarian immediately. Before visiting a veterinarian, you need to meet certain conditions:

Side effects when taking Suprastin include:

  • lethargic state of the animal, apathy and not playfulness;
  • drowsiness and long sleep;
  • inhibition of reactions.


The drug should not be given to the animal regularly for a long time, otherwise it may experience serious disorders in the genitourinary system. In addition, Suprastin is not a remedy against a cat, therefore, it cannot be used for these purposes.

Can medication cause dandruff?

The appearance of dandruff while taking Suprastin by cats is a rather rare phenomenon. As a rule, the drug does not cause dry skin even with an overdose. Dandruff may occur not during treatment with this drug, but due to a number of other factors. For example, when trying to cure an allergic rash of an animal with special shampoos. These agents can increase peeling and exfoliation of the skin epithelium.

Dandruff can also be the cause of indoor air that is too dry or a lack of nutrients in a pet's diet. The combination of these factors with the use of Suprastin can provoke an organism reaction in the form of dandruff on the animal's skin.

How to properly feed an animal with medicine?

As a rule, the use of Suprastin by a cat is as follows: a tablet is placed on the root of the tongue, and the cat automatically swallows it. Many pets cannot swallow a quarter of a tablet because they choke on it. Therefore, it is best to grind the required portion of the medicine and stir it in the feed or wrap the tablet in a piece of meat.


In the event that the animal does not want to swallow the pill in any way, or vomits after taking it, you can use Suprastin in the form of a solution. In this form, the drug is purchased in a regular pharmacy for people. The agent according to the instructions is injected into the muscle tissue or vein. It is best to contact a veterinarian for help in setting up an injection.

Useful video

You can watch a video on how to give a cat a pill:


Suprastin is a wonderful tool for dealing with allergic reactions in cats. This medicine also helps the pet's nervous system during estrus and estrus. But it should be given to an animal with extreme caution, since an overdose of the drug can cause a lot of side effects. In addition, it is important to properly feed your pet with this remedy in order to be sure of its effectiveness.

Antihistamines for dogs

Allergic reactions are not unique to humans. Animals also suffer from food and drug allergies, dermatitis, skin irritations from insect bites.

Do not forget that no decisions can be made to eliminate existing health problems in pets without consulting a veterinarian, as they can lead to really serious consequences, and there is a high probability of death.

What are antihistamines for dogs, names, for small breeds, reviews, where to buy and price

Allervet is a specially developed medicine for the treatment of allergies in animals. Sold as a solution for injection in glass bottles of 10, 50, 100 cm 3.

Allervet relieves smooth muscle contraction caused by an allergic reaction, reduces capillary permeability, prevents tissue edema from developing, and prevents the development of anaphylaxis. In addition, the drug has a sedative, antiemetic and analgesic effect. Begins to act half an hour after the injection, and acts for 4-6 hours.

According to pet owners, Allervet is an effective and safe medicine.

It is sold on the websites of veterinary shops in Russia at a price of 80 to 145 rubles.

Antihistamines for dogs and cats dosage, how to apply

Allervet injections are given intramuscularly to dogs and cats. The dose is 0.2-0.4 cm³ per kilogram of body weight. Injections are made no more than four times during the day.

In addition to Allervet, human antihistamines can be given to dogs and cats. It is advisable to discuss this issue with your veterinarian first.

For dogs: Diphenhydramine tablets and ampoules, Tavegil tablets, Suprastin tablets.

If the breed is small, it is better to use drugs of the 2nd or 3rd generation, Diazolin. The dose is calculated from the manufacturer's recommendations per kilogram of body weight, as for a child, and corresponds to the weight of the animal.

For cats, a children's antihistamine, such as Zodak, is suitable. Dosage of the drug - corresponds to half the children's dose indicated in the instructions.

Antihistamines for dogs list for allergies, before vaccination, broad spectrum

In addition to Allervet for animals, any human antihistamine is suitable for dogs. It is important to correctly calculate the dose.

Suprastin is given no more than 2 mg per 1 kg of dog weight. This is the daily dose to be divided into 2 or 3 doses. Bravegil and Tavegil are given in an amount of 0.02 mg per 1 kg of body weight twice a day.

There are dog breeds that are genetically prone to allergies. Before vaccination, they need to take antihistamines to prevent anaphylaxis. An injection of allergy medicine to a dog can be done at the clinic before vaccination, or you need to take the medicine at home yourself.

The easiest way is to inject Allervet, which is similar in its action to Diazolin.

The injection is done subcutaneously, intramuscularly.

Before carrying out drug therapy for any reason, it is also advisable to buy an antihistamine and give prophylactic injections to prevent the development of allergies.

Is it possible to give Suprastin to a dog with allergies?

An allergy in a dog is a pronounced reaction of the animal's body to pathogens that may be harmless for some breeds, and deadly for others.

Regardless of the cause that caused it, allergies are expressed by the following symptoms:

- severe itching, the animal constantly itches, as a result, scratching appears on the skin;

- redness of the skin (on the back, abdomen, armpits, on the ears and between the fingers);

- lacrimation, redness of the eyes;

- secretion of mucus from the nose.

- the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the skin and woolen cover;

- dry skin, hair loss.

Allergies in dogs are much more severe than in humans. For example, if a person who has inhaled pollen that is dangerous for him will experience only swelling of the mucous membrane, rhinitis, sneezing, then in a dog the same phenomenon will also be accompanied by swelling of the limbs. The animal constantly scratches and licks its paws, which leads to severe irritation and weeping ulcers. During this period, the dog develops otitis media and conjunctivitis.

First aid for a dog with allergies "Suprastin"

At the first symptoms of an allergic reaction, the most correct decision would be to take your pet to a veterinarian, who, after an examination, based on the individual characteristics of the dog's body, will prescribe treatment. However, this possibility is not always available. When asked whether it is possible to give Suprastin to a sick dog with allergies, experts answer in the affirmative.

To relieve severe itching, give the pet any antihistamine, Suprastin is the most common. The daily dose is 2 mg per 1 kilogram of animal weight, divided into three doses.

Tablets can be replaced with injections. Most often, Suprastin injections are made at the withers or hind limb. Before administering the drug, you should carefully read the instructions so that the dog cannot be poisoned.

An allergy dog ​​can also be given diazolin, diphenhydramine, calcium chloride. Since the last medicine is very bitter, it is diluted with milk and a little sugar is added. A bath with a string will help relieve itching, rubbing itchy places with a swab dipped in a decoction. Hydrocortisone spray is very effective for itching. You can also make it at home. To do this, add 4 ampoules of hydrocortisone, 2 tablespoons of glycerin, and 3 tablespoons of medical alcohol to boiled cold water (350 ml).

The use of "Suprastin" from allergies in dogs

The antihistamine drug "Suprastin" greatly facilitates the life of the animal during a severe attack of allergies. The medicine blocks the production of histamine, quickly eliminates itching, relieves spasms, and has a calming effect.

The active ingredient of the drug is chloropyramine hydrochloride. The drug is absorbed into the blood very quickly, and after two hours its concentration in the blood of the animal reaches its maximum level. The effect of the drug is observed after a very short time - 15-20 minutes.

Each drug has contraindications and side effects, in "Suprastin" they are observed in rare cases. Side effects are expressed mainly in fatigue, weakness or irritability, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea or constipation.

In case of poisoning with "Suprastin" and an overdose in dogs that occurs after a certain time, the dog's stomach should be immediately washed out and dehydration prevented. For this purpose, veterinarians use a glucose solution and an isotenic sodium chloride solution. After that, the dog should have increased urination.

Allergy Prevention

Every owner of a four-legged friend knows that if his pet had an allergy, then his task is to eliminate all possible irritants so that the dog does not have to experience all these troubles again. For example, if the cause of the allergy was low-quality cheap food, it should be replaced with a hypoallergenic super-premium class. From time to time, the pet should be given absorbents - activated charcoal, enterosgel; lactobifide to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract; anthelmintic. Everything possible must be done to exclude the dog from contact with insects.

How and when to use Suprastin for cats

Suprastin is an antihistamine medicine intended for the treatment of humans. But there are cases when the drug can help the cat cope with pain and other unpleasant sensations. Pain caused by estrus affects the mood of the pet, causing inappropriate and even aggressive behavior that can harm not only the owner, but also the animal itself. In this case, it is allowed to give the cat Suprastin.

Suprastin for cats

In addition to pain during estrus, Suprastin can be given to a cat in case of allergic reactions. Skin itching gives the pet a lot of inconvenience, which affects his mental state, affects sleep and appetite. Suprastin helps a cat with allergies caused by:

  • the use of components of a new brand of ready-made dry or wet food;
  • the use of prohibited foods;
  • the use of other medicines (Suprastin in this case is prescribed as an additional drug).

As a result of the action of the drug, the animal becomes calmer, sleeps better

According to the instructions for use, the course of treatment usually lasts 3 days. One dose is 0.25 tablets per 5 kg of animal weight. Give once a day at bedtime with plenty of liquid for better absorption of the drug.

Directions for use

When using medications in the treatment of a pet, a prerequisite is the observance of the correct dosage. Her p Exceeding will not affect the effectiveness in any way, but will only lead to intoxication. Owners should be especially careful when treating with tablets, as animals often choke on them. There are two universal ways to feed a cat with medicine in tablet form:

  • You need to crush and add the tablet to your favorite treat.
  • Wrap in a piece of meat or hide inside the bread crumb.
  • Put on the root of the tongue.

In this case, the cat will reflexively swallow the pill, especially if you drink it from a syringe with water. But this method is less preferable, as it involves a physical impact on the animal. Such an experience may stick in her memory and cause negative associations with the treatment process.

To independently make an intravenous or intramuscular injection, you must first consult with a specialist. But it is safer and more reliable to use the services of a veterinarian.

How an overdose manifests itself and what to do

A sign of a serious overdose of the drug is leg failure - the cat cannot stand on its paws. Some lethargy and a long sleep should not alert the owner. Unusually calm behavior is a side effect of the drug.

If for some reason the required dose was exceeded, and the animal has symptoms of poisoning, then:

  • In no case should you feed a cat, so as not to complicate the process of removing toxins.
  • Be sure to give the animal plenty of fluids to activate the excretory system and flush the body.
  • Seek immediate medical attention to reduce the risk of complications.

Side effects

Do not give your pet Suprastin too often. This is especially true for owners who, with the help of medication, smooth out the symptoms of estrus in an animal. The psyche inhibited as a result of the use of Suprastin does not affect the hormonal background characteristic of a cat during this period. As a result, the animal may experience violations in the genital area and pyometra - inflammation of the uterus with purulent manifestations.

  • frequent colds
  • weight loss
  • flatulence
  • fatigue and hunger
  • headaches, as well as various pains and spasms in the internal organs especially!

If you have a pet, then you are definitely at risk!

If you have these symptoms, you just need cleanse the body. How to do it read here >>

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