How to do therapeutic foot massage at home. Therapeutic foot massage procedure - reflexology, massage for flat feet for children and adults

If you sometimes feel heaviness and fatigue in your legs, you definitely need a foot massage.

What is a foot massage for?

Doing your own foot massage

In general, foot massage includes procedures for influencing the muscles of the hip, knee and ankle joint, and also involves massage of the toes and feet.

In order to do a foot massage, you can contact the salon, or you can master massage technique yourself.

Foot massage involves stroking, massaging, patting and kneading movements, which are performed with different intensity (depending on the zone).

So, for example, foot massage in the direction from the lower leg to the thigh carried out first by stroking, and then by rubbing in a circular motion. As you move towards the hip, the movements are carried out with great impact. In this zone, the massage should be intense, with the exception of the popliteal dimple and lower leg, which are sensitive to touch. A deep massage is performed on the outer side of the thighs, which, in addition to benefiting the health of the legs, is a prevention and method of combating cellulite.

Calf massage irreplaceable for those people who are strenuously engaged in physical exercises. It relieves spasms and pulling pains in the legs. In addition, calf massage is a must for those who are often in a sitting position.

Foot massage has a healing effect not only because it relieves muscle tension and relieves joint pain, but also because it allows you to achieve maximum relaxation and helps to cope with stress. At the end of a busy day, pamper yourself with a foot massage. This excellent means of relaxation increases the overall tone of the whole organism. It's easy to explain. The fact is that foot massage in the foot area contributes to the transfer of energy to the entire body, due to the effect on reflex points. Interestingly, foot massage has a beneficial effect on the intimate sphere of life, and also helps with functional disorders.

Massage of the toes has a beneficial effect on well-being. In addition, this procedure will relieve you of pain in the eyes, help to ease breathing, because it is not for nothing that many doctors recommend a warming massage of the foot and toes for colds. The massage of this zone stood out as an independent direction in foot massage, for the reason that on the feet and on the fingers it is located a large number of energy and reflex points that are associated with internal organs. The impact on points with the necessary pressure has a positive effect on overall well-being.

Foot massage - instruction

So, how to perform a foot massage? We offer you detailed instructions!

It is these movements that it is desirable to perform over the entire surface of the skin of the legs, but before that, first cover your legs with a terry towel. So you remove excess oil from the skin from the skin, and even improve blood circulation.

After a foot massage, it is best to rest for a while. Pamper each other with a pleasant and healthy foot massage!

Foot massage is a procedure that allows not only to restore strength, but also to relax after a hard day. If you properly “knead” certain parts of the foot, then you can relieve nervous tension and have an effect on many organs and muscles, because they are directly related to the points located on the feet.

By the way, you can also notice the feedback: if violations are found in the work of any organ, then redness or peeling in certain areas of the foot can “tell” about this.

What are the benefits of foot massage?

  • The blood supply to the legs improves significantly with foot massage. That it is bad is indicated by sensations of coldness in the extremities, even in warm weather;
  • The procedure allows you to keep all the muscles in good shape. It also has a beneficial effect on the body with flat feet and with long walking;
  • Allows you to remove the nervous tension accumulated throughout the day and prevent nervous breakdowns. Therefore, people involved in sports and leading an active lifestyle should not neglect this relaxing procedure. It will help restore strength.

What are the types of foot massage?

Today, there are many methods of massage. Let's talk about the most popular of them.


It is considered one of the most ancient methods of treatment, and its homeland is the East. There, people were sure that a “map” of the entire human body is located on the human foot, that is, the nerve endings of all organs and muscles are located on the soles. This means that by acting on the points, you can get rid of almost all diseases and strengthen the immune system.

Acupressure is especially effective for headaches, nervous tension, insomnia, arthritis and stomach diseases. It will help relieve fatigue and swelling from the legs. Therefore, such a massage will be equally useful for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle and those who are “on their feet” all day.


The technique of this massage has been known in Thailand for a long time, and it arrived there from India along with Buddhism. The essence of this massage is the impact on energy flows, which, like invisible threads, connect the points located on the soles and organs. Treatment consists in stimulating problem areas that are energetically depleted and need to be restored.

Video lesson on Thai technique

In this video lesson, Yuri Ulyanov reveals the secrets of holding Thai. He talks about the basic rules that a person who owns Thai technology must follow, and clearly shows how it should be done.


The technique of this type of massage includes techniques such as pressure, rubbing, stroking and vibration. During Chinese massage, the specialist works on 62 points, according to ancient Chinese medicine. It stimulates the work internal organs and energy channels.

Therapeutic massage for flat feet

As a rule, this procedure lasts about 7-10 minutes. And the course consists of 12 procedures. Attention is paid not only to the feet, but also to the lower back. Then the massage begins to be done in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fingertips, gradually moving to the shins. The masseur easily presses, rubs and “chops” the feet. This procedure ends with stroking and kneading the feet.


It allows you to strengthen the immune system, put in order the nervous system and improve the body as a whole. Massaging certain areas on the feet, which are reflexively connected with the internal organs, you can get rid of many diseases. For this to happen, you need to change the pressure force - from a weak impact to a strong one, and vice versa.

Video lesson: Reflex zone of the spine

In this video, the massage therapist shows where the reflex zone of the spine is located, which part of the foot corresponds to one or another part of the spine, and how to influence the zones.

Massage for valgus foot

This type of foot deformity is the most common in children. Regular massage with this disorder gives good results. It should start from the lumbar, moving to the hips, shins and moving to the feet. With a slight deformation, the massage can be lighter. The course consists of 10 procedures. They need to be repeated every 3 months.

See also the article about hallux valgus.

How to do a relaxing foot massage?

It can be made independently at home. After all, for this procedure you do not need to be a professional massage therapist. It can be a great addition to a pedicure.

First you need to warm up your feet. To do this, you need to make stroking movements from the fingertips to the heel. Then, clasping the heel with both hands, you need to rotate the ankle. After that, we move on to the fingers. They need to be stroked, squeezed and kneaded. The same movements can be applied to the entire sole. The average duration is 15-20 minutes.

Foot massage socks

On the Internet today you can find one very interesting and useful tool for foot massage - socks. A diagram is applied to their sole, thanks to which you can clearly see the bioactive points associated with important organs.

Legs, legs, you intoxicating, or shoes easier? So, or something like that, I want to turn in the evening to my legs, which receive a solid portion of loads both during our work and during rest.

Regardless of whether we sit at work all day at the office desk, and in the evening in an armchair in front of a TV or computer, whether we stand at the counter, rush about with reports or teach light-kind things at the school board, our legs are tight.

Because of this, in the evenings they seem to be chained in iron shackles, swell and flatly "refuse" to perform their duties with the necessary speed.

Moreover, over time, they “please” with an extensive network of swollen veins, which not only worsen the attractiveness of the legs, but also threaten great health troubles in general.

Home or salon foot massage will help to avoid such a finale. How to do a foot massage at home? Taking into account such nuances as: weight, age, state of health and personal attitude to all these patting, pinching and stroking.

How to do a foot massage?

To do acupressure of the legs, it is important to master the technique and the basics of this procedure. It is highly desirable that during the procedure, the person receiving it does not sit, but sits comfortably on a couch, sofa or bed.

The impact on the leg muscles activates the blood and lymph flow, so you need to ensure their free movement throughout the body.

This is very well facilitated by the procedure. They are not badly combined and can be carried out in parallel. The effect will definitely be higher.

Tight accessories, as well as very tight clothing and socks, should also be removed. We are not talking about the cleanliness of the feet - everyone should know and observe this.

Preparatory techniques

Are your hands cold? You need to warm them up by intensively rubbing your palms together. Touching the "icicles" to the body will not only cause discomfort, but also stimulate the compression of blood vessels in the skin, which is highly undesirable.

The next stage is the gradual warming up of the surface of each leg with the help of strokes performed with light pressure.

The movements should be smooth, directed from the ankle to the knee, from the knee to the pelvis. Warming up the muscles of the thighs from the inside, the pressure and intensity of movements are reduced, from the outside they are activated, but in moderation.

At the same time, the rule of oncoming movement is observed: the hands on the leg must slide in the opposite direction.

Heading down, the effect on the skin is weakened, gently working only with your fingers. Moving up, connect to the work and the entire surface of the palms.

Finger massage

Especially appreciated by women who prefer to wear high-heeled shoes. Over time, this leads to deformation of the joint at the base of the thumb and the formation of the so-called "bone".

Several sessions of finger massage, if they do not completely get rid of such an "acquisition", will significantly reduce its size.

In the course of one procedure, each toe is first kneaded from the pad to the base, then each phalanx is carefully scrolled separately, moving clockwise and counterclockwise.

Flexion-extension of the fingers can be used as an additional load.

Foot massage

How to do foot massage? It is best to do this when the person is lying on their stomach. In this position, the muscles on the legs are most relaxed, so it is much easier to exert the desired effect on the dense skin of the inside of the foot.

  1. To warm up and relax the muscles of the foot, they first stroke it, then, clasping it with their hands, stretch it between the palms 5 times, moving from the fingers to the heel - if the person is lying on his back, and vice versa - if on his stomach.
  2. Then knead the outer edge of the foot with your fingers., perform pressing movements with the edge of a bent fist or with an elbow in the area of ​​​​lift, tap their fingers in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heel, and then crush its edge.
  3. After that, fixing the leg with one hand, gently twist the heel with the other. Holding on to the lower joints of the fingers, knead the muscles around them, make a movement to “separate” the bases of the fingers from each other.
  4. Along the line of their placement in the foot, they pass the edge of the fist several times. The impact on the outer side of the foot (tapping, pinching, pressing) should be much more delicate, since the skin here is sensitive and delicate. The direction of movement is from the fingers to the lower leg.

When massaging the foot, do not forget about the points mentioned above. You can walk through them several times, the effect will only be positive.

Calf massage

The movement of the hands (neat kneading, rectilinear rubbing, rotation with the palms) is performed from the ankle to the hollow under the knee.

Moderately energetic, smooth manipulations are performed with the middle part of tightly closed fingers, fists, and the lower part of the palms. The number of repetitions for one leg is up to 7 times.

The gastrocnemius muscle - if not enslaved after excessive loads, is intensively pinched with an extensive grip, without making movements for an anguish.

Then they perform a series of chopping gestures, moving from the bottom up. The final stage is a squeeze towards the knee, followed by a series of light pats and strokes.

When the muscle is enslaved, the warm-up should be performed longer.

Foot bone massage

A protruding bone in the foot is a problem for many. To minimise pain inside the inflamed joint and try to return it to its previous state, it is recommended to complete a full course, including the following procedures:

  • A relaxing general foot massage will increase blood circulation inside it, and therefore stimulate metabolic processes in each joint.
  • Then the thumb is carefully taken a little to the side and numerous circular movements are made. First in one direction, then in the other. After that, the finger is pulled towards and away from itself several times, twitching.

Achilles tendon and ankle massage

We work with this area with the foot placed on the support. Method of work: pinching and stroking, alternating with rubbing movements.

Direction from joint to knee. Working on the joint, perform gentle rubbing and tapping with your fingertips.

After warming up, fixing the leg in one hand, they grab the foot with the other and perform 7 rotational movements in both directions.

thigh massage

The procedure is two-stage, consists of working out the back and upper thighs. Start is optional. The complex of movements includes stroking, kneading, rubbing, vibrating actions directed from the knee to the hip joint.

After seven repetitions of each of the elements, squeeze out with the palms, performing it towards the pelvis.

The final stage is vibrating movements with the whole palm pressed to the surface of the thigh, light tapping.

The complex of exercises includes: delicate, and then intensifying stroking, pressure, light chopping movements in the muscle area, pinching and spiral fingering.

Performing these movements correctly, foot massage can give a strong effect for weight loss. Since the upper fat layer is intensively kneaded. In addition, you get an additional anti-cellulite effect.

This procedure is carried out both on the whole body and locally, so you can focus directly on the legs.

Movements are performed with fingers, palms, the side of a clenched fist. Direction: from the sacrum to the lower back, from the sacrum to the side of the inguinal lymph nodes.

Foot massage at home

With the right approach, a foot massage at home differs from a professional one only in the coherence of movements - if the procedure is performed independently or by one of the household members.

If there is no one to help, but you can’t do self-massage of the legs, or you want to completely relax during the procedure, then you can invite a specialist to your home.

Want to stretch your muscles, but there is no way to pay for the services of a specialist? A video on how to do a foot massage correctly will help you quickly master all the basic steps of the procedure.

Foot massage for flat feet

The procedure performed on babies in infancy will prevent flat feet from developing. For adults, the complex will relieve discomfort in the feet.

First, the lumbar spine is warmed up, which causes stimulation of the nerve endings in the legs.

If you are faced with a similar ailment in young children, then you must immediately, without delay, deal with this problem.

The effectiveness of treatment depends very much on the stage of the disease at which it was treated. Execution gives a strong effect in combination with massage procedures.

Then they knead the muscles in the legs and feet, increasing the time for working out the fingers, their lower phalanges and the Achilles tendon. Useful light tickling of the inner surface of the foot.

Foot massage after fracture

Until the moment of complete fusion of the damaged bone, in the absence of tissue ruptures over the damaged area and violations of the integrity of the main elements of the circulatory system, the skin near the gypsum is lightly stroked, pinched and tapped with fingertips.

Even such light movements lead to the activation of blood and lymph flow, which will provide both support for the muscle tissue in the diseased area and its speedy fusion.

After removing the cast and receiving confirmation of a successfully fused fracture, muscle tone is restored with the help of gentle rubbing, spiral fingering.

The impact is performed both over the injury site and in the areas adjacent to it, using light kneading techniques with muscle capture with fingers, vibrating actions (if they do not cause discomfort).

Indications and contraindications

Despite the fact that foot massage is a useful and pleasant procedure, it should be resorted to with an eye to the state of health.

Active warm-up of the feet and lower extremities should not be done by pregnant women, people with serious disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system, patients with thrombophlebitis complicated by dermatitis.

You can not perform active manipulations with a person who has an elevated body temperature or diseased joints in the acute stage.

For everyone else, a foot massage, especially taking into account the location of vital points, will allow you not only to pamper your body with a pleasant procedure and relax, but also significantly improve your health.

- a well-known therapeutic and relaxing method that helps to establish blood circulation processes in the lower extremities, using certain techniques. There are a lot of reflex points on the legs, acting on which, it is possible to improve the condition of the body.

Relaxing foot massage helps to cope with pain, muscle tension, improve lymph and blood circulation. The advantage lies in the ability of each person to learn simple tricks. There are different types of massage: classical, sports, Egyptian, Japanese. We recommend that you remember certain nuances, learn the correct execution technique.

In this part of the leg there is a minimum amount of muscle. A light massage is applied here, claps and pressure are made in the upper part of the thigh. During the hip massage, pressure is applied from the bottom up, providing lymphatic drainage and restoring blood circulation. At the same time, it is shown to massage the inner part of the thigh, a person is able to experience unpleasant and tickling sensations.

Attention will have to be paid to the quadriceps muscle, which is overly tense after training - the muscle will need to be deeply massaged. Massage of the inner thigh, on the contrary, is done with caution, the muscles there are extremely soft and are located next to the genitals. They are massaged using light massage techniques.

Other rules for working with the specified area are known:

  1. The kneecap area is massaged gently and gently. If the knee is injured, it is better to skip the zone.
  2. The fleshy muscles of the calves are massaged in the direction of the bone.
  3. The muscles located on the tibia are supposed to be massaged gently, they are sensitive to sloppy and abrupt movements.
  4. It is required to avoid blows to the knee and lower leg.
  5. Bare parts of the body are covered with a towel or sheet.

You need to start massaging from the muscles of the calves and up towards the knee, moving to the upper part of the thigh, smoothing the tissues with light movements, moving on to soft squeezes. The area of ​​the patella is massaged around the joint with fingers. Then pressure and massaging with pads are carried out in a circular motion, while the sides are worked out with a gradual movement towards the thigh.

The pre-femoral part of the leg is massaged with the edge of the palm, making techniques from the bottom up, circular pressure “from the center”. Then it is supposed to slowly return down to the lower leg, dropping to the foot. After that, massaging techniques are performed, gentle tapping with clenched hands on the inside of the thigh and lower legs. Next, chopping techniques are made with the edges of the palms on the thigh.

Then, with hands clasped in a lock, it is shown with patting movements to process the inner parts of the lower leg and thigh. Next, techniques are made in the form of gentle pats on the thigh. The massage of the specified part of the legs ends with stroking the legs along the length, starting from the bottom. During the massage, a roller is used that provides blood outflow. The roller additionally has relaxing properties.

Back leg massage

This type of massage ensures the processes of normal lymph and blood circulation, eliminates swelling and the occurrence of varicose veins.

Massage techniques for the muscles of the back of the legs involve a gradual increase in pressure on the tissues as you move up, relieving tension from the muscles. Remember, massaging upwards can normalize blood circulation processes.

If signs of varicose veins are found on the back of the legs, it is allowed to touch such places easily, however, pressure should not be exerted on the area, and the areas cannot be massaged. When either the groin is prescribed to work gently and carefully, avoiding sudden movements.

The area of ​​the popliteal fossa is sensitive and vulnerable, it is necessary to massage the mentioned place carefully, without the use of shaking, chopping movements.

The muscles of the calves and lower legs are often tense. Massaged upwards, with separating pressure between the soleus and gastrocnemius muscles. The muscles of the calves of the legs are warmed up with soft, smooth strokes, later intensifying. Simultaneously with vigorous rubbing of the calves, it is required to do pressure with the fingers, then the calf area should be squeezed with the bases of the palms.

In the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bones and the popliteal fossa, shocks and sudden movements should not be allowed. Massage actions of the back part begin from the ankles upwards, along the course of blood circulation, to the hips and back to the ankles. You need to rub your leg with oval movements. The muscles of the calves need to be massaged with the thumbs, making circular techniques, gradually increasing the applied efforts.

The popliteal fossa should be ironed in a circular motion with the thumbs, avoiding pressure. It will be very useful to take the leg, bend it at an angle and gently twist it in different directions. With clenched fists, chopping movements of the ribs of the palm, it is worth working out the soft areas of the calves and thighs. After execution, pats are made. The massage of the back of the leg ends using circular techniques by stroking the muscles of the thigh, calves and lower leg.

It is permissible to massage the specified part of the legs on your own, using a special roller that allows you to work out the muscles. The device is perfect for people with hypertonicity of the tibial and calf muscles. The roller is made of any strong, plastic material. Rolling should not be painful. It is used during exercise by light weight athletes, simplifying the procedure.

Features of foot massage

Classical foot massage helps to relax the muscles of the legs, improve blood circulation, nutrition of muscle and joint tissues.

A single person has the right to purchase the massage slippers described above. Slippers are made of rubber, with natural stones, with buttons.

Foot massage is best done during or after a pedicure. Exfoliating creams are used. If the massage is done during the pedicure process, after exfoliation and soft massaging actions, other cosmetic procedures continue.

Massage is usually done while sitting, in the direction from the ankle to the fingertips. Massages are carried out during a SPA pedicure, which is distinguished by the care and naturalness of the products used. The bath is most often done with the addition of oils and decoctions. After the pedicure procedure, a foot massage is done for about five minutes. Then special nourishing creams are applied, after the pedicure procedure is completed. It is allowed to use a roller.

Features of sports massage

Athletes, due to excessive physical overload, need different types of massage more than others. Sports training is very difficult for the body. Before and after training, a massage is always done, a special “sports” one.

Sports massage is divided into types:

  • Training sports massage prepares the athlete for training, increasing the endurance of the body. An individual sports massage is selected for the athlete, depending on the sport. Massage for runners is aimed primarily at working out the muscles of the legs and back.
  • Preliminary sports massage - helps to relax as much as possible after a workout.
  • Restorative sports massage is prescribed after a hard exhausting workout to restore muscle fibers, restore tone, and prevent chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Preventive sports muscle massage is aimed at preventing possible injuries during and after training.

Almost always the beginning and end of the workout is accompanied by a massage. If the goal of an athlete is to build muscle mass, sports massage should be done before training, if classes are aimed at weight loss - after.

Sports massage is often done to warm up and stretch the muscles, for example, before doing the splits. For twine, various types of stretch marks are used, which, despite the correct technique, can lead to injury. After the twine massage will relax the muscles.

Massage is a good way to eliminate the negative effects of twine - injury to the ligaments and muscles.

Injuries after twine are not quickly eliminated. The massage course to eliminate the consequences of incorrectly made twine will be rather big.

Features of Japanese and Egyptian massage

Japanese muscle massage is aimed at complete relaxation of the patient. Performing a Japanese massage, a professional uses knowledge of energy flows and the benefits of aromatic oils (amma). The procedure is based on the use of pinches, with the help of which the reflex zones on the legs (shiatsu) are affected. In addition to stroking, kneading and tapping, Japanese massage allows the use of vibration.

The masseur, performing a Japanese massage, directs energy along established energy paths - meridians.

Egyptian massage is considered a relaxing type of massage. In addition to the classic execution with the hands, it is often done with the feet. Thanks to the procedures, the pleasure center of the brain is activated, and fatigue that has been accumulating for a long time is removed. Egyptian foot massage involves the use of a large amount of aromatic oils. The technique is performed using soft sliding techniques with a gradual transition to the thigh and above.

Every second woman experiences problems with her legs - they swell, get very tired in the evening, buzz and require help. If you want your legs to look beautiful, and fatigue to be removed quickly and effectively, you need a massage.

Of course, a massage from a professional will restore strength and health to your legs, but it is not always possible to visit him due to employment or financial problems. Then you need to learn how to do a simple massage for the legs and feet yourself. This procedure is pleasant and very healthy, it strengthens muscles, tones blood vessels and increases skin elasticity.

What is a foot massage?

With help proper massage it is possible to achieve quite pronounced effects on the skin, subcutaneous layer and muscles.

First of all, dead skin particles are exfoliated, along with which impurities and microparticles of dust, microorganisms are removed. The work of the skin glands is activated, blood circulation in the legs improves, and in parallel with it, the outflow of lymph from the tissues. This allows you to actively remove metabolic products from them.

As a result, the appearance of the skin improves, muscle elasticity increases, and fat deposits become less noticeable, slightly decreasing in volume. After the massage legs rest, relax, relieve tension and pain in them, which gives you a feeling of comfort.

What is the effectiveness of massage?

You can massage the legs in separate zones, or you can fully work out all the departments, from the buttocks and thighs to the toes - everything will depend on your desire and the availability of free time. In this case, not only the muscles and skin will be affected, but also indirectly on the entire body, since there are many reflex points on the legs, especially in the foot area.

When massaging the arch of the foot, a beneficial effect on the spine will be exerted, back pain . When exposed to fingers, the condition of the eyes and ears, the work of the sinuses can improve. If you vigorously rub your feet with a cold that begins at night, in the morning you will feel much better.

There are two options for foot massage at home - either your partner massages you, or you do self-massage of the feet.

Foot massage from a loved one

This, of course, is not only useful, but also very pleasant and exciting. First of all, you need to properly position yourself to help in the massage. To do this, you need to lie on a flat surface and place a roller or a towel rolled into a roll in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe popliteal fossa.

As a result of the actions of your massage therapist, you should not experience pain, so adjust the strength of the impact, indicating where to massage more actively and where less. The room should be cool, and if while you are being massaged on one leg, the second feels cool, you can throw a blanket over it.

To maximize the effect of the massage, it is necessary to use oils with delicate aromas. This will help you relax and unwind, especially after a hard day. If the massage is aimed at relieving heaviness or pain in the legs, warming creams or massage gels can also be used.

Instructions for your massage therapist

It is necessary that the partner take the foot by its arch with one hand, actively rub the foot with the palm of the other hand. As the foot warms up, you can alternate the impact of the palms and knuckles. When the foot begins to warm up, it is necessary to massage each toe separately, in the direction from the nail to the base of the finger, rubbing and rolling the skin with the fingertips.

Then, taking the foot in the hand and fixing it, it is necessary that the partner runs along the foot in a circular motion of the thumb. Where the skin is rougher, you can make bolder, where the skin is very thin - a little easier, so that there is no pain. Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the heel: the skin on it is usually the densest, so the efforts should be maximum.

Then the partner needs to go to the Achilles tendon zone, it must be massaged with the thumb up and down, without causing pain. Then, with similar movements, it is necessary to massage in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bones of the foot in the ankle area. And at the end - slightly rotate the foot in different directions in the ankle area. It is useful to stretch the foot, as ballerinas do, and then bend it in the opposite direction.

How to do a foot massage

Then let the partner move on to massage the lower leg, where it is necessary to start with warming movements in the form of rubbing, and then massage all the muscles of the lower leg with the knuckles in a circular motion. Further, bypassing the area of ​​​​the popliteal fossa, let him rise to the thigh area and with the same movements that were used during the massage of the lower leg, massage all the muscles of the thigh in front and behind.

It is worth finishing the massage by kneading the buttocks area, starting with rubbing and ending with active pinching and kneading over the entire surface. At the end, light stroking of the surface of the legs follows. After the massage, you should lie down for 15 minutes, prolonging the pleasure.