How long can the uterus contract after cesarean and how can this process be stimulated. How long does it take for the cervix to recover after childbirth? How does the uterus shrink after 2 births

The female body does not return to normal after childbirth immediately: gradually over several months. The uterus “goes” the most, which “grows” with the baby (this organ can increase more than 500 times), so it is injured the most. To restore the uterus after childbirth, proper care, time, and also the control of a gynecologist are necessary.

Gradually, the uterus begins to shrink after the birth of a child, and this process is purely individual for each woman, since each organism needs “its own” time to recover.

What is the uterus after childbirth?

From the inside, the uterus after childbirth looks like a huge wound, which is most damaged at the placenta attachment. In addition, blood clots and remnants of the fetal membrane remain on its inner surface. The uterine cavity should normally be cleared during the first 3 days after childbirth.

The uterus after childbirth stretches and increases in volume. Lochia (postpartum discharge) is released from it, bloody in the first days, lighter by the 4th day, by the end of the 3rd postpartum week they become more and more liquid and light and disappear completely on the 6th week.

It is possible to speak about the restoration of the inner lining of the uterus after childbirth not earlier than the 3rd week, and about the placenta attachment - at the end of the postpartum period.

The bottom of the uterus after childbirth is located below the navel by 4-5 cm and, like its upper part, has the greatest thickness.

How long does it take for the uterus to contract after childbirth?

Usually, this process takes 1.5-2.5 months, while it is most active during the first postpartum days. For example, the diameter of the uterine os immediately after childbirth is approximately 12 cm, as a result of which the gynecologist can insert a hand into the uterus in order to remove the remnants of the placenta. But by the end of the first two days, this “entrance” gradually narrows, due to which only 2 fingers can be inserted into the uterus and 1 on the third day.

Complete closure of the external uterine os occurs by about the 3rd week.

The weight of the uterus after childbirth is 1 kg. On the 7th day, it already weighs about 500 grams, on the 21st - 350 grams, and closer to the end of the postpartum period, the uterus returns to its prenatal size (approximate weight 50 grams).

In the process of uterine contraction after childbirth, women feel small cramping pains in the lower abdomen, which are more intense and pronounced after repeated births. If these contractions are accompanied by severe pain, first of all, you need to consult a doctor, after which he will be able to prescribe the necessary antispasmodic or analgesic to reduce pain. But if possible, it is better to endure everything and do without drugs.

Atony and hypotension of the uterus after childbirth

Unfortunately, not all women in labor have a uterus that shrinks after childbirth. This condition is called atony of the uterus (in other words, it is a direct consequence of the fatigue of its muscles), as a result of which it does not contract and uterine bleeding occurs. Atony is most often found in multiparous women, also at the birth of a large fetus, with or with multiple pregnancies.

In the case when the uterus contracts after childbirth, but very slowly, the woman in labor is diagnosed with hypotension. This is a condition in which the contractility and contractility are sharply reduced.

Both of these conditions of the uterus after childbirth are equally dangerous for the health of the woman in labor, as they can provoke massive bleeding or cause a number of other complications.

Reasons for not contracting the uterus after childbirth

There are a number of factors that can prevent or contribute to a more rapid contraction of the uterus after childbirth.

The most common among them are:

  • multiple pregnancy;
  • location of the placenta;
  • the general condition of the woman;
  • difficulties that arose during pregnancy or after childbirth;
  • large fetal weight.

There is no independent contraction of the uterus after childbirth in cases of its underdevelopment or inflection; at ; with injuries of the birth canal; with inflammatory processes in the uterus itself or its appendages; in the presence of a benign tumor (fibroma); with blood clotting disorders, etc.

What to do in case of poor contraction of the uterus after childbirth?

Immediately after the birth of the baby, a cold heating pad should be applied to the stomach of the woman in labor, which will help accelerate uterine contraction and stop bleeding.

During the first days after childbirth, the young mother is in the maternity hospital under the constant supervision of doctors who must regularly check the condition of the uterus, as well as the level of its contraction. The low ability of the uterus to contract can be diagnosed by a gynecologist by the condition of its bottom, which in this case should be soft, during a routine examination. The doctor until that time cannot discharge a woman from the hospital until he is completely sure of the normal contraction of the uterus.

If the uterus cannot contract on its own, the gynecologist should prescribe special medications (oxytocin or prostaglandins) that enhance the contractile activity of its muscles. Massage of the bottom of the uterus (externally) can also be prescribed.

But the most important impulse that stimulates the contraction of the uterus after childbirth is breastfeeding, so start breastfeeding your baby as soon as possible.

Do not neglect the rules of personal hygiene: regularly wash and treat wounds.

Empty your bladder on time, which also has a great influence on the degree of uterine contraction. Even if you have had internal stitches and urination has become painful, try to go to the toilet as often as possible.

The uterus contracts better and faster after childbirth in those women who have not avoided small physical exertion throughout their pregnancy, so outdoor walks are useful for pregnant women. Avoid easy homework. Simple gymnastic exercises will not be superfluous.

If lochia remains in the uterus, part of the placenta, or there is a blockage of the uterine pharynx with blood clots, it is worth resorting to cleaning, without which the inflammatory process can begin.

Specially for Anna Zhirko

After the birth of a child, recovery processes take place in the female body. All organs of the reproductive system undergo changes. The uterus after childbirth is very much injured.

The uterus is like an inverted pear. It is a hollow organ made up of smooth muscles. It stretches due to the interweaving of muscle fibers and the action of hormones during pregnancy.

The hollow organ consists of the body, which in the prenatal state is about 5 cm, and the cervix is ​​2.5 cm in size. At the birth of a child, the tissues stretch and grow with the fetus.

Recovery (involution) of female organs after childbirth is a natural process. If the delivery was natural, then the uterus is restored and reduced within 2 months.

The postpartum period is:

  1. early - 2 hours after the birth of the placenta;
  2. late - up to 8 weeks after delivery.

Scars on the uterus after childbirth are normal. Severe damage is located in the placenta attachment zone. In this zone, there are most of the vessels that are thrombosed.

Blood clots in the uterus after childbirth and the remains of the placenta will leave the body within three days. These selections are called.

Epithelialization (restoration of endometrial tissues) occurs by 10-12 days after birth. And the scar at the site of attachment of the placenta heals by the end of the first month.

The uterus after childbirth is a sterile organ. For 3–4 days, processes such as phagocytosis and proteolysis take place in the hollow organ. During them, the bacteria in the uterine cavity are dissolved with the help of phagocytes and proteolytic enzymes.

The first days after the birth of a child, the hollow organ is too mobile due to sprains and insufficient tone of the ligamentous apparatus. This is noticeable with a full bladder or rectum. The tone is acquired in a month.

How long does the uterus shrink after childbirth?

The contractions of the uterine cavity feel like contractions. On the first day after delivery, they do not have a aching character.

The release of the hormone oxytocin during breastfeeding causes muscle spasms. During the contraction of muscle tissue, blood and lymph vessels are compressed, and some dry up - obliterate.

Tissue cells that appeared during pregnancy die and dissolve, while the rest decrease in volume. This contributes to the recovery of the uterus after childbirth.

Change in organ mass:

  • after childbirth - 1 kg;
  • after 7 days - 500 - 525 grams;
  • after 14 days - 325 - 330 grams;
  • at the end of the postpartum period - 50 - 65 grams.

To speed up contractions, immediately in the delivery room, after the birth of the placenta, ice or a cold heating pad is placed on the stomach.

Postpartum parameters of the uterus:

  • the organ is 15–20 cm long;
  • its transverse size is 12–13 cm;

The bottom of the hollow organ after the process of childbirth drops sharply, not reaching the navel by 2.5 cm, and the body tightly touches the abdominal wall. The uterus has a dense structure and often shifts to the right.

Due to contractions, it drops by 1 cm daily. At the end of the first week, the bottom reaches the distance between the navel and the pubic area. Already on the 10th day, the uterus is below the pubis.

The cervix recovers more slowly: 12 hours after birth, its diameter will be 5-6 cm. By the middle of the second week, the internal pharynx closes, and the external one forms at the end of the second month after birth.

The pharynx is not restored to its original form, since the tissue fibers are too stretched. On this basis, the gynecologist can determine whether a woman gave birth or not.

Initially, the pharynx has a round hole. After childbirth, a transverse gap remains on it. The shape of the cervix changes: if earlier it had the form of a cone, now it is a cylinder. Gradually, all organs return to normal.

Recovery after caesarean section

Since operative delivery involves a violation of the integrity of the uterus, it is restored more slowly. Infections and complications can slow the contraction. Recovery of the uterus after childbirth can be slow due to large blood loss.

Atony and hypotension

The hollow organ needs to be restored after childbirth, the uterus cannot always contract on its own. Some women have this situation.

In these cases, medical intervention is indispensable. This condition is called uterine atony. If the contractions are very weak - hypotension.

Common causes for atony:

  • second birth;
  • first pregnancy;
  • multiple pregnancy; More about multiple pregnancies→
  • large weight and size of the child;
  • various complications;
  • trauma to channels or appendages.

The bend of the uterus after childbirth or the pathology of its development can contribute to the absence of contractions.

How to accelerate uterine contraction after childbirth?

Recovery speed depends on the following factors:

  • hormonal background;
  • woman's age;
  • child parameters;
  • number of past pregnancies;
  • type of labor activity;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • inflammation of the genitals.

Nature has thought out the female body to the smallest detail. Restoration of a hollow organ occurs according to the standard dimensions of 1-2 cm daily. But if minor deviations from the norm begin to be noticed, you can resort to accelerating the reduction process.

Recovery of the uterus after childbirth involves the following actions:

  • If the uterine fundus is soft, then the uterus will contract more slowly. An effective method is to massage the surface of the abdominal wall from the outside.
  • To reduce the organ after childbirth, a cold heating pad or ice is applied to the stomach. Spasm-stimulating drugs may be used.
  • Observe the hygiene of the genitals. The penetration of infections and various complications affect the ability to contract.
  • Active walks.
  • Do not allow the bladder and rectum to fill.
  • Lactation. Breastfeeding releases oxytocin, which causes uterine contractions. Nursing mothers restore the uterus faster.
  • Postpartum gymnastics, stimulating the contraction of the muscles of the uterus.

Restoration of the uterus should take place under the strict supervision of a physician. Any deviation from the norm is a pathology and requires surgical intervention.

postpartum discharge

Blood in the uterus after childbirth is formed due to wounds on the surface. The secretions are called lochia. The secret of 3-4 days is red. At this time, lochia have a sweet smell of blood.

For 20% they consist of the fluid of the uterine glands, and the rest is unchanged blood. Restoration of the mucous tissues of the uterus begins immediately after delivery.

If the discharge lasts longer than the specified period or has an unpleasant odor, be sure to consult a doctor.

This may happen for the following reasons:

  • bending of the cervix;
  • weak contractions in the uterus;
  • blockage of the pharynx with blood clots.

This condition is dangerous, as it may indicate an inflammatory process. If the lochia ended in the fifth week or go longer than the ninth, you need to contact a gynecologist.

Process flow without deviations:

  1. Vessels burst in the cavity, as a result of which bloody discharge has a bright red color for 2-3 days.
  2. During the first 7 days, the remnants of the placenta and atrophied endometrium come out - discharge with clots.
  3. After 7 days, liquid lochia has a pinkish tint.
  4. Mucus gradually comes out - the result of the activity of the fetus inside the womb. They stop within a week.
  5. After a month and a half, lochia disappears, spotting appears.

What complications may arise

After the birth process, various complications can occur.

postpartum hemorrhage

It can begin immediately after delivery. Bleeding is not accompanied by pain, and is very strong. A woman's life without surgery can be in jeopardy.

Causes of bleeding:

  • violations occurred during the separation of the placenta and membranes;
  • trauma during childbirth;
  • impaired uterine contraction.

Medicines and donated blood are used for treatment. Because of the risks of bleeding, the woman is always left in the delivery room for several hours.

Subinvolution of the uterus

As a result of the delay in postpartum secretions, the organ is poorly reduced. Often this disease appears on the 6-7th day: clots in the uterus after childbirth or part of the fetal membrane block the cervical canal.


Inflammation of the uterus is called endometritis. It appears due to infection of the cavity.

ATThe occurrence may be due to the following factors:

  • severe birth process;
  • the placenta did not separate properly during childbirth;
  • diseases of the genital organs during pregnancy;
  • decrease in immunity.

Symptoms of endometritis:

  • heat;
  • after childbirth, the uterus hurts;
  • rotten smell of postpartum discharge.

To make an accurate diagnosis, an ultrasound of the uterus is performed after childbirth. With endometritis, the cavity is removed, washed or scraped from the contents. After surgery, antibiotics are prescribed.


It may happen that after childbirth the uterus sank. This occurs as a result of injury to the muscle tissue of the pelvic floor. This complication often affects women who are carrying a second child.

Normally, the uterus after childbirth at the exit of the placenta is located in the navel. The bottom sinks 1–2 cm daily.

Any deviation from the norm is considered a pathology. In severe forms, there may be a prolapse of the uterus after childbirth into the vagina and go outside.

It is necessary to treat prolapse in a timely manner so as not to be at risk of infection, prolapse of the internal organs of the urinary system. When the uterus is prolapsed, sexual activity is prohibited.

To identify possible pathologies at 6–9 weeks after childbirth, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist. Even if you feel good, there are no pain and discomfort.

Recovery of the uterus after childbirth

All women are interested in how the uterus looks after childbirth. Its cavity decreases from 40 to 20 cm, and is restored daily by 1–2 cm. In order for the contractions to be normal, it is necessary to periodically examine the gynecologist. There are many methods for restoring the uterus.

Traditional medicine

Nettle has a good effect on uterine contraction. Three tablespoons of the plant insist in 0.5 liters. boiling water. Let stand and cool. Drink 1/2 cup 3 times a day.

In the pharmacy you can buy a tincture of water pepper. It also promotes uterine contractions.

The flowers and grass of the white lamb are used in the decoction and help to restore the hollow organ. The decoction does not cause an increase in pressure. It can be drunk with hypertension.

With bleeding, the shepherd's purse plant helps well. In a day, you can use tea leaves 3-4 tbsp. tablespoons of herbs per 400 ml of boiling water.

Also, with abundant bloody lochia, red geranium helps. Drink cold tea from 2 teaspoons of a dry plant in 2 cups of boiling water. The liquid must stand overnight. Drink small portions throughout the day.

Postpartum cleansing helps to speed up May birch leaves. Three tablespoons of leaves are brewed in 600 ml of boiling water. Add a pinch of soda and drink 200 ml 3 times every day. The remedy is effective from 12 days after the birth process.

Physical recovery methods

Feeding a baby releases oxytocin, which affects uterine contractions.

From the first day, you can do light physical exercises - postpartum recovery exercises. Charging should be carried out in a well-ventilated area at an optimum temperature of 18 to 20 degrees.

If pain is felt, physical exercises should be stopped or another set of exercises should be chosen for oneself.

All complex measures aimed at restoring the female body must be carried out within 10-12 weeks. Before training, it is recommended to go to the toilet. Gynecologists do not advise exercising with a full bladder. Also, exercise should be done after breastfeeding.

If there were complications, surgery or childbirth after uterine rupture, physical exercises must be agreed with the gynecologist.

To avoid complications during childbirth, during pregnancy, you need to regularly visit a gynecologist. The recovery period for each woman is different, but if there are deviations from the norm, you need to see a doctor.

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SPA procedures are a set of recreational activities that use sea water, mud baths, medicinal plants and other components. They are aimed at achieving harmony of body and soul. Such procedures are useful during pregnancy, as they contribute to mental and physical relaxation, improve mood and strengthen the body as a whole.

Spa benefits during pregnancy

In order for the procedures to be only beneficial, you must first consult with a therapist. The doctor will tell you which procedures can be performed during pregnancy and which cannot. In addition, it is important to find a qualified instructor or performer for each procedure.

One of the spa treatments for pregnant women is body massage

Usually a whole range of procedures is compiled individually for each woman. They have a positive effect on the body:

  • improve mood and prevent stress;
  • promote moral and physical unloading;
  • affect the general state of health - normalize metabolism, lower blood pressure, remove toxins;
  • nourish the skin and prevent the formation of stretch marks.

What can pregnant women do?

It includes a special set of procedures in which only natural products that do not cause allergies are used. Here is a list of recommended procedures during pregnancy:

  • Massage and face masks. During pregnancy, fluid is retained in the woman's body, so swelling on the face may appear. With the help of massage, you can get rid of them, and masks will return a healthy look to the skin - they will help eliminate acne, pimples, age spots.
  • Enhanced care for hands and feet. Paraffin therapy is carried out, which intensively nourishes the skin, moisturizes it and prevents the appearance of stretch marks.
  • Speleotherapy. This is a visit to salt caves with a special microclimate. Temperature and humidity regimes are maintained at a constant level: compared with the climate outside the caves, these figures are lower here. The air contains particles of salt, the concentration of carbon dioxide is slightly increased, there are no allergens. It is very useful for pregnant women to be in such places, since then they feel better, immunity increases, and it becomes easier to breathe.
  • Yoga. With an increase in the size of the abdomen, the load on the lumbar spine increases, which causes pain in it. Yoga can help you deal with them. Exercises are selected that involve the muscles of the lower back and the muscles that will be involved in childbirth. So they will stretch enough and will be as prepared as possible for labor. It is imperative to find a qualified yoga instructor, it is forbidden to perform certain asanas yourself.
  • Foot massage. Helps eliminate swelling of the feet, relieves pain and discomfort in the legs and lower back, relaxes. During the procedure, oils are used that effectively soften the skin and moisturize it.
  • Swimming. The load on the spine is removed, the muscles are strengthened, which will subsequently facilitate labor activity.
  • Foot wrap using hypoallergenic products. Helps prevent stretch marks and varicose veins. After a few procedures, the skin will become soft and silky.

But first you need to choose a good salon for spa treatments for pregnant women. Specialists must have a license, diplomas. Also, before visiting any complexes, it is necessary to consult with a gynecologist and a therapist.

Spa treatments are beneficial for mothers and children

What can not be pregnant?

Please note that SPA for pregnant women is prohibited in the first trimester and after the 35th week. The rest of the time, visiting the salon is allowed. But you need to carefully select any procedure, take into account contraindications. Therefore, if in doubt, it is better to consult a gynecologist.

  • sauna, Russian bath and other procedures that involve exposure to very high temperatures;
  • shugaring and waxing are prohibited, as they are accompanied by pain, and this can increase the tone of the uterus and lead to miscarriage;
  • hot wraps;
  • cryotherapy;
  • massage against cellulite;
  • aromatherapy;
  • dyeing hair and nails using harmful chemical components;
  • tattoo, which can lead to blood poisoning.

All of the above procedures can be dangerous for the fetus, so it is better to refuse them.

SPA has a positive effect on mother and child. Such procedures give a boost of energy, provide positive emotions, help to avoid stressful situations. With their help, a woman can stay in shape during pregnancy. SPA procedures prepare the mother's body for labor. But their choice must be approached thoroughly, taking into account possible contraindications.

The next 6 or 8 weeks after the birth of a child, or the postpartum period, is often referred to as the "tenth month", because, as in the previous 9 months, important changes take place in a woman's body. First of all, there is a process of involution, that is, the return of all systems and organs to their normal state. The main female organ "responsible" for the growth and development of the fetus is the uterus. How much does the uterus contract after childbirth, what sensations does this process accompany and what to do if it does not proceed as it should?

How does the uterus shrink after childbirth?

The uterus should shrink completely around 6 weeks postpartum.

Throughout the postpartum period, the size of the organ decreases. So, if after the birth of a child, her weight is about a kilogram, then after 4 weeks - about 50 grams. Why is the uterus contracting with such rapid dynamics? The process is provided by several mechanisms:

  1. Muscle contractions are tonic, in which the muscles shorten, as well as in postpartum contractions, in which muscle fibers are removed and the blood supply to the organ is reduced. Postpartum contractions begin around the second day after the baby is born and are usually painless and unnoticeable.
  2. When the muscles contract, the walls of the vessels are compressed, as a result of which muscle hypertrophy disappears.
  3. Contractions also occur during breastfeeding, in which case they are due to the action of hormones.

The doctor can determine the degree of contraction by measuring the height of the uterine fundus. A day after childbirth, it is located approximately at the level of the navel, after which it lowers - daily by a centimeter. By the 11th day, the bottom of the uterus should be behind the womb, and after 6-8 weeks the organ reaches its usual size.

The external uterine os is also gradually reduced: after childbirth, its size is on average 10 cm, and its complete closure in time takes about three weeks. By the fourth week, the uterus acquires a tone, loses mobility, swelling of the tubes disappears.

Feelings of a woman

The absolute norm is the appearance of postpartum discharge, which is called lochia. They are formed as a result of healing of the inner surface of the uterus and restoration of the epithelium. The nature of these secretions during the postpartum period changes:

  • in the first days, lochia is bloody;
  • from 3 to 10 days have a red-brown tint;
  • after 10 days, blood impurities disappear, the discharge becomes transparent;
  • discharge stops after 5-6 weeks.

Involution is usually painful. Most often it is quite tolerable pain of a aching nature, but sometimes it can be very painful. In this case, injections with antispasmodics are given. How long does it take for the uterus to fully contract? Normally, this process should take no more than 1.5-2 months. You can understand that the uterus has shrunk by the following signs:

  1. The stomach has decreased (in the first days after the birth of the child, the woman still looks like a pregnant woman).
  2. Allotments are over.
  3. If a woman does not breastfeed, then after the involution of the uterus, she begins menstruation. For nursing, this criterion is not significant.
  4. Ultrasound and - the most accurate methods for diagnosing the dynamics of involution.

After the second birth and caesarean section

After caesarean section, involution is slower. This is due, first of all, to the fact that the integrity of the muscles and blood vessels is violated during the operation. In addition, the first day the woman in labor is in intensive care, in a mode of limited physical activity, which also does not contribute to the process.

After 2 births, involution usually occurs not only more intensively, but also more painfully; some women in labor even compare this time with prenatal contractions. The pain is especially aggravated by feeding, but it does not last long, about 2-3 days. At this time, the woman is usually in the hospital, so if necessary, she can be given pain medication.

What to do to accelerate the reduction

If the uterus does not contract well, this can be determined by the nature of the discharge. For example, they are very scarce, last only a few days and end quickly, blood impurities remain in them for a long time and the total duration of lochia increases. The doctor should control the process in order to take measures to stimulate it, if necessary. We list the most common reasons that slow down involution:

  1. Multiple pregnancy.
  2. Big fruit.
  3. Inflammatory diseases of the uterus.
  4. Weakness of labor activity.
  5. benign tumors.
  6. Inactivity.
  7. Bends and some other structural anomalies.
  8. The location of the placenta (the uterus does not contract for a long time with a low attachment).

In order for the uterus to contract better, the following measures are taken:

  1. Applying cold, usually a cold heating pad, to the abdomen.
  2. Injections of oxytocin, which accelerates involution.
  3. Special exercises can help the uterus contract.
  4. It is recommended to lie on your stomach more often in the first few days.
  5. It is worth making every effort to establish breastfeeding.

Postpartum gymnastics

In addition, the doctor is faced with the task of preventing inflammation in the absence of normal secretions. If the lochia lingers in the cavity, a diagnosis of a lochiometer can be made - a complication in which the postpartum secret is not removed naturally. In order to get rid of it, the gynecologist may resort to diffuse washing of the cavity with antiseptics or antibiotics, or to vacuum suction of the remaining membranes of the fetus.

You should immediately consult a doctor if the discharge lasts longer than 6 weeks or if the blood in them is observed for more than 12 days.

Slow involution can lead to a delay in the uterine cavity of postpartum secretions, which will cause inflammation. If this process is delayed, doctors will have to resort not only to cleaning, but also to surgery.

Postpartum involution of the uterus causes a lot of anxiety in young mothers: is everything going right? Especially if the child was born as a result of a surgical operation. It is important to know how the uterine contraction should go after a cesarean section. After all, in this case there are differences from what happens after ordinary childbirth. And there are more opportunities to get complications.

The main female organ is in no hurry to acquire its former size. This is natural, because in his smooth muscles there are many cells that have now become superfluous, which gradually atrophy. The muscles of the uterus are stretched and weakened. The inner surface is a wound, she also has to.

The uterus after caesarean section has even greater features. It has a seam, longitudinal or transverse, it depends on the type of intervention performed. That is, the tissues are interconnected by surgical threads, usually self-absorbable. But in any case, the body also expends energy on healing the suture, and not just the surface of the mucous wound. Nerve and muscle fibers, vessels must grow together, which makes the involution of the uterus more complex and lengthy.

The pain that accompanies the process, due to forced trauma to the organ, is stronger than after normal childbirth.

Restoration of the organ after caesarean section

Recovery of the uterus after caesarean section has 3 interrelated aspects:

  1. Reduction of an organ in size, accompanied by contractions of its smooth muscles.
  2. Seam healing.
  3. Purification of the internal space from unnecessary tissues and regeneration of the mucous membrane, occurring with the removal of bloody discharge.

All processes take place simultaneously. But the operation performed makes them slower. It can also cause complications, so the woman then stays longer in the hospital. But then an extract home follows, then the opportunity to ask the doctor about something incomprehensible is moving away. Most of all, women are interested in how long the uterus contracts after a cesarean section. On average, the process takes up to 60 days.


The uterus, with any method of delivery, is cleaned at the end of it. A woman discovers in herself, at first plentiful, then decreasing in quantity and changing color. In the first days, and are noticed in them.

With the inhibited behavior of the muscles of the organ, the excretions linger inside for a longer period. Therefore, they will also go longer, while maintaining a considerable volume. But their decrease in the norm is still noticeable.

The seam

The seam on the uterus, of course, is not visible, but prevents its contractions. A scar should form at the site of the incision on the organ. That is, a section of connective tissue is formed in this area. It is more rigid than smooth muscle, stretches worse, and the movements of the uterus during contraction and relaxation cause pain. The seam should turn into a scar by the 6th month after birth. That is, in the place of the incision, an independent process also takes place.

The condition of the external seam on the skin of the abdomen, on the abdominal wall is also important. The damage caused during the operation makes these muscles weaker, which also does not contribute to the rapid reduction of the uterus.

Return of the normal size of the uterus

It is also important how the uterus contracts after a caesarean section. The same thing happens to her as at the end of a normal birth. But since the organ is injured, the sensations during contractions will be stronger. To remove them, women are given painkillers. But in the future, discomfort will still be felt, especially when feeding.

The movements of the muscles of the uterus lead to the disappearance of excess fibers, pinching of the blood vessels. And on the 10-11th birthday of the baby, the organ, despite the cesarean section, is done a little more than before pregnancy.

Possible complications due to surgery

How long the uterus contracts after a cesarean section depends on the presence or absence of which does not occur during natural childbirth, or they happen less often:

  • a significant loss of blood, making a woman weaker and more passive, and the uterus prone to hypotonia;
  • the introduction of infection into the cavity of the organ, which interferes with the restoration of its inner surface and muscle movements;
  • that violate the location of the organ, preventing contractions;
  • arising from exorbitant physical activity for this stage.

How to help the body return to normal

The movements of the smooth muscles of the uterus are controlled by a hormone. It is produced by the body on its own, but only if you make an effort. It consists in the desire to feed the child. It is necessary to establish the process from the first days.

The more often you put the baby to the breast, the more actively the restoration of the mother's reproductive organs takes place.

There are other methods that promote uterine contractions:

  • need to move despite discomfort and weakness;
  • several times a day you need so 20 minutes;
  • apply briefly to the area between the navel and pubis a vessel with ice wrapped in a towel;
  • prevent overfilling of the bladder and constipation.

Problems of the postoperative period

Difficulties are associated mainly with movements. Getting out of bed, coughing, walking are more difficult than after normal childbirth. And this can cause the passivity of the newly-made mother, which means that it will slow down the contractions of the uterus. The same happens for additional reasons:

  • accumulation of gases in the intestines due to a slowdown in motility as a result of the operation;
  • difficulties with lactation, because the child is brought only on the 3rd day;
  • external seam preventing lying on the stomach.

In addition, lochia may linger in the cavity of the organ, which will cause.

But despite all the difficulties, how much the uterus contracts after a cesarean section depends on its owner. Most problems with this are solvable. To help a woman -, careful care of the seam, the correct regimen.

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