How to get rid of an allergy to cats: methods of treatment and useful recommendations. Is it possible to get rid of cat allergies forever: folk remedies and drugs Cure cat allergies forever

Allergy to pets is observed in 4% of the adult population and 11% of children. More often, hypersensitivity manifests itself in the form of rhinitis and bronchial asthma, less often as a skin reaction. The prevalence of the disease is constantly increasing. It is believed that in 57% of patients with bronchial asthma, sensitization is associated with hypersensitivity to pet hair.

Patients are trying to get rid of allergies to cats with folk remedies and medicines. Modern medicine suggests using more effective methods: allergen-specific immunotherapy and autolymphocytotherapy. Each method has advantages and disadvantages, but the main evaluation criterion is the duration of the remission period and complete recovery.

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    Accurate diagnosis

    Family doctors are the first to see adults and children with characteristic symptoms:

    • sneezing
    • cough;
    • swelling and inflammation of the eyes;
    • watery discharge from the nose;
    • difficulty breathing;
    • wheezing;
    • skin rashes;

    These manifestations may occur due to hypersensitivity to epidermal allergens. The task of the therapist: to differentiate an allergic reaction to wool from other types of atopy, infectious diseases of the respiratory system, eyes and skin. For this purpose, the patient is examined, a prick test or a blood test is performed for the presence of specific IgE antibodies to Fel d 1 and 2 proteins.

    Basic treatment tactics

    The allergist has two goals:

    1. 1. Urgently relieve the patient of the symptoms of hypersensitivity.
    2. 2. Cure allergies forever.

    Both tasks are solved in parallel. The standard approach is:

    • patient education;
    • elimination of the allergen;
    • drug treatment;
    • immunity setting (ASIT or ALT).

    The first step in successful treatment is isolate the stimulus. To avoid contact with the animal, it, along with all accessories, is removed from the living quarters. Thorough washing of the cat with shampoos will not be able to rid the house of allergens, but it will negatively affect the health of the pet. The concentration of Fel d 1 in the air is restored already a day after bathing the animals.

    Carpets, bedspreads, pillows, curtains and textile tablecloths actively collect dust. In the interior where the allergic person lives, there should not be such decorative elements. After parting with pets and dangerous decor, a total wet cleaning and laundry is carried out. Fighting dust will now become a daily ritual. One way to reduce the risk is to control all channels of wool entering the house, including with guests. They must come in clothing that does not come into contact with animals.

    All measures to eliminate the allergen will not give immediate results. Even a minimal concentration of Fel d 1 in the midst of a crisis provokes a reaction. You can reduce the indicator to a safe level after 5-6 months of daily cleaning after parting with the pet.

    The role of pills in treatment

    Medical treatment of patients with hypersensitivity to cats is aimed at relieving symptoms. Pharmacy offers two ways:

    1. 1. Minimization of manifestations after the allergen enters the bloodstream.
    2. 2. Barrier preventive methods.

    Description of drugs in tablets, capsules and powder:

    Substance group


    Symptomatic treatment



    Side effects

    1st generation antihistamines


    Allergic reactions: swelling, urticaria, itching

    Histamine H1 receptor blocker

    Inhibition of reactions, inhibition of reflexes


    • epilepsy;
    • stomach ulcer;
    • children under 15;
    • pregnancy, lactation
    • inhibition of reactions;
    • inhibition of reflexes;
    • multiple negative reactions of the nervous, genitourinary, digestive systems


    • glaucoma;
    • children under 13;
    • pregnancy, lactation
    • dizziness;
    • drowsiness;
    • lethargy;
    • dry mouth


    • glaucoma;
    • stomach ulcer;
    • epilepsy;
    • children under 3 years old;
    • pregnancy, lactation
    • heartburn;
    • dry mouth;
    • nausea;
    • dizziness;
    • fainting;
    • drowsiness


    • acute asthma attacks;
    • arrhythmia;
    • glaucoma;
    • children under 3 years old;
    • pregnancy, lactation
    • inhibition of reactions;
    • inhibition of reflexes;
    • dizziness;
    • drowsiness, lethargy;
    • cramps, dry mouth

    2nd generation antihistamines



    Selective blocker of peripheral histamine H1 receptors

    Children under 2 years old

    Drowsiness, headache, nervousness


    • hives;
    • allergic dermatosis

    Children under 12, lactation, pregnancy

    • attention disorder;
    • drowsiness;
    • headache;
    • dizziness;
    • nervousness
    • hives;
    • allergic rhinitis;
    • allergic conjunctivitis

    Children under 6 months, pregnancy, lactation

    • fatigue;
    • dry mouth;
    • headache

    Urticaria, allergic rhinitis

    • children under 12;
    • pregnancy, lactation


    • edema;
    • hives;
    • allergic conjunctivitis
    • Renal and liver failure;
    • children under 6 years old;
    • pregnancy, lactation
    • fatigue;
    • dry mouth;
    • headache


    • edema;
    • hives;
    • eczema;
    • dermatitis
    • Renal and liver failure;
    • children under 12;
    • pregnancy, lactation


    3rd generation antihistamines

    • hives;
    • allergic rhinitis;
    • allergic conjunctivitis
    • Renal and liver failure;
    • children under 2 years old;
    • pregnancy, lactation
    • headache;
    • fainting;
    • convulsions;
    • tachycardia;
    • fatigue;
    • dysuria

    allergic rhinitis

    Children under 12, pregnancy, lactation

    • headache;
    • fainting;
    • convulsions;
    • nausea;
    • tachycardia;
    • diarrhea

    Trexil Neo

    • fatigue;
    • dry mouth;
    • headache


    Allergic rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis

    Allergic rhinitis, urticaria


    Allergic rhinitis, urticaria

    Children under 12, pregnancy, lactation
    • fatigue;
    • drowsiness;
    • dry mouth;
    • headache;
    • nausea, diarrhea


    • hives;
    • allergic rhinitis;
    • conjunctivitis;
    • angioedema;
    • dermatitis

    Children under 2 years of age, pregnancy, lactation

    Vomiting, dry mouth


    • hives;
    • allergic rhinitis;
    • conjunctivitis;
    • dermatitis;
    • fatigue;
    • drowsiness;
    • dry mouth

    Mast cell membrane stabilizers

    Sodium cromoglycate

    Breathing difficulties, wheezing

    Reduced excitability of mast cells

    Children under 2 years of age, pregnancy, lactation

    Dizziness, insomnia, nausea

    Cromolyn sodium

    Children under 5, pregnancy, lactation


    Non-bronchodilatory anti-asthma agent. Reduced excitability of mast cells

    • thrombocytopenia;
    • children under 3 years old;
    • pregnancy, lactation
    • increased appetite;
    • sedative effect;
    • dry mouth;
    • dysuria

    Hormonal drugs

    Kestin (syrup)

    • hives;
    • allergic rhinitis;
    • dermatitis

    Inhibitor of the effects of histamine release

    • children under 2 years old;
    • pregnancy, lactation;
    • kidney failure

    Drowsiness, dry mouth


    Calcium gluconate

    Urticaria, dermatitis

    Replenishment of calcium deficiency

    Dehydration (diarrhea, nephrourolithiasis),

    children under one year old

    Constipation, nausea, vomiting

    Barrier preparations are designed to protect against exposure to allergens. Medicines are made from microfine cellulose powder. At the point of spraying, they form a gel-like barrier film. The isolated nasal mucosa is not attacked. Nazaval helps to effectively fight the penetration of the allergen into the blood.

    Folk remedies for hypersensitivity

    1. 1. The use of folk remedies is based on observations, but has no scientific justification.
    2. 2. The mechanisms of action of herbs, bee products and other substances have not been elucidated.
    3. 3. There is no list of contraindications and side effects for each treatment method.
    4. 4. Some recipes use strong allergens as raw materials.
    5. 5. There is no reliable confirmation of effectiveness.

    However, folk recipes are popular with people who do not use chemicals. In some cases, herbs are resorted to when they do not want to see a doctor. This approach exacerbates the course of the disease.

    Before trying any of the traditional medicine at home, you should consult an allergist.

    Popular folk remedies:

    Means Application
    bee zabrusAcquired in apiaries in finished form. The bee product contains a mixture of wax, pollen, honey, propolis, secretion of the wax and salivary glands of bees. For healing, zabrus are chewed 1 teaspoon per day.
    Mummy1 g of mummy is dissolved in 1 liter of water. Adults should take 100 ml of solution per day, children 50 ml per day. You can divide the portion into two doses - in the morning and before bedtime. Course - 2 times a year for 20 days
    Dandelion juice
    1. 1. The leaves are passed through a meat grinder, squeezed.
    2. 2. Juice is diluted with water 1:1, brought to a boil.
    3. 3. Take 2 times a day, 3 tablespoons 20 minutes before meals. Course - 45 days
    Dandelion and burdock roots
    1. 1. Pure roots are taken in equal proportions. Pass through a meat grinder.
    2. 2. To 2 tablespoons of the mixture add 3 cups of water.
    3. 3. Insist night.
    4. 4. In the morning, the infusion is boiled for 10 minutes.
    5. 5. Drink 100 ml 4 times a day before meals. Course 45 days
    Birch buds
    1. 1. A tablespoon of raw materials is poured into 500 ml of water.
    2. 2. Boil for 20 minutes.
    3. 3. Take a decoction of room temperature, 100 ml 4 times a day. Course of treatment - 30 days
    CeleryPrepare freshly squeezed juice from the roots and stalks of celery. Drink immediately after preparation, 100 ml 4 times a day. Course - 30 days

    ASIT method

    The problem of allergy to animal hair is radically solved by allergen-specific immunotherapy. ASIT has been widely introduced into medical practice since the 1960s after the discovery of IgE antibodies. Its essence is the use of a weak allergen solution to form an adequate immune response and increase the adaptive level of the body.

    It was found that the introduction of microdoses of a cause-dependent allergen contributes to the production of blocking IgG antibodies. This reduces the likelihood of starting a reaction with IgE antibodies. ASIT regulates the number of mast cells and the balance of Th1 and Th2 peptides.

    ASIT makes it possible:

    • narrow down the list of allergens;
    • achieve long-term remission;
    • transfer the disease to a milder form;
    • reduce the consumption of pharmacological drugs.

    The research results show that the complex treatment with ASIT and medications is 1.86 times more effective than pharmacotherapy. The number of cases of suffocation when exposed to microdoses of cat epithelium allergens is reduced by 1.5 times compared with conventional treatment. The effectiveness of ASIT in the international community according to the criteria of evidence-based medicine is assessed as level 1a.

    Treatment regimen

    After the stage of diagnosis and identification of the allergen, allergen-specific tolerance is developed. To do this, an ever-growing dose of the allergen is injected subcutaneously or drip under the tongue.

    The schedule of administration is developed by the doctor individually. For 3-6 months, the allergen is taken every other day. It is important not to use antihistamines during this period.

    At the stage of fixing the effect, the stimulus is taken up to 1 time in 2 weeks. The duration of this period is individual, the maximum period does not exceed 5 years.


    This method of treatment is practiced in children older than 5 years. Not earlier than 30 days after the last exacerbation. Start in the fall, when the chances of irritation from other sources are minimal.

    ASIT is not carried out in cases:

    • pregnancy;
    • immunodeficiency;
    • oncological diseases;
    • inability to use epinephrine as a safety net;
    • in severe forms of bronchial asthma.

    ALT method

    Autolymphocyte therapy is a way to treat allergies by introducing the patient's own blood lymphocytes. As a result, sensitivity to irritating factors decreases.

    Lymphocytes are immune cells. They are obtained after physical purification of 8 ml of venous blood. The concentrate is diluted with saline. In cases of hypersensitivity to cats, the drug is administered subcutaneously. Adults are prescribed 8 injections per month, children - 6. The duration of a stable remission is about 5 years.

    The method is effective in 98% of cases. Does not cause side effects, safe.

    Contraindications for ALT are:

    • pregnancy;
    • lactation;
    • oncological diseases;
    • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
    • immunodeficiency.


    Along with drug treatment of allergy to cats, folk remedies and immunotherapy methods are widely used. So far, doctors do not have the opportunity to permanently rid a person of the disease, but long-term remission and a decrease in the immune response to the allergen can be achieved.

Cats are domestic animals that have been a companion of man since ancient times. It would seem that what problems can arise in their content if you dream of a purring, and, for the most part, unpretentious friend. However, often in the way of a great friendship between a person and a cat, an unpleasant ailment arises that brings a large amount of discomfort - an allergy to cats. In this article, we will talk about whether this diagnosis will be a verdict, whether it is possible to cure an allergy to cats, and how to minimize the damage from contact with the allergen.

As you know, an allergy to animals is a disease that occurs quite often. Unfortunately, among all the lovers of our smaller brothers, it was the “cat lovers” who were completely unlucky, because, according to statistics:

  • Allergy to a cat is the second most common cause that provokes the release of antibodies in humans;
  • people who react to cats are as much as twice as many as those who sneeze, cough and blow their nose when in contact with dogs.

According to statistics, dogs are much less likely to cause an allergic reaction in humans than cats.

However, it must be said that these disappointing statistics are not a verdict. Allergy to cats can and should be dealt with. After carefully studying our article, you will learn how to do it.

Symptoms and signs of cat allergy

Unfortunately, a person who is allergic to cats may react to the irritant regularly, even if there are no mustachioed pets in his house. The thing is that allergy symptoms can also appear due to contact with an irritant that has come to you:

  • from the clothes of people who have previously come into contact with the animal;
  • upon contact with the dishes of the beast;
  • in contact with cat hair in a room where there is no longer a cat, etc.

The mechanism of manifestation of an allergic reaction to cats is such that it makes itself felt quite quickly, almost immediately after contact with an irritant. By the way, contrary to popular belief, the desired irritant is not wool itself, but:

  • secret from the skin glands;
  • animal urine;
  • skin particles;
  • saliva.

Of all the items listed in the list below, the most powerful allergen is saliva. Unfortunately, a person can come into contact with her even when stroking an animal, since cats are known for their cleanliness, which implies constant licking of contaminated areas:

  • wool;
  • skin cover.

Provided that your reaction to cats can be described as mild, symptoms after contact with an animal may not manifest themselves until a few days later.

Note: the intensity of the reaction may also depend not only on your predisposition, but also on the sex of the animal:

  • cats are considered less allergenic;
  • the most serious reaction occurs after contact with a cat.

Let's now move on to look at the symptoms and consequences of allergic reactions to cats. So, the most common reactions are the following.

  1. Swelling of the nasopharynx.
  2. Swelling of the nasal mucosa and congestion.
  3. Pain when swallowing.
  4. Itching and burning of mucous eyes.
  5. Profuse lachrymation.
  6. Sneezing.
  7. Itching in the region of the nose.
  8. Redness of the skin of the face and other parts of the body.
  9. Itching and painful eruption when scratched.
  10. Cough.

Such familiar and familiar manifestations for all allergy sufferers, such as coughing, sneezing, sore throat, in this case will be due to the so-called post-nasal syndrome, in which secreted mucous fluids drain into the lower levels of the respiratory system due to the occurrence of inflammatory etiology processes in:

  • nasopharynx;
  • sinuses;
  • the very nose.

In other words, it is very easy to confuse an allergy with a common cold or an acute respiratory viral infection.

Understand how to distinguish an allergic reaction from a cold

However, it should be understood that if you have the following signs, you can be absolutely sure that you are sick, and have not reacted to the animal:

  • with an increase in body temperature;
  • when chills occur;
  • provided that you feel sick and even vomit.

Allergy is essentially manifested when an irritant enters the human body. There, special antibodies begin to fight back the allergens. It is their struggle that causes the onset of symptoms.

So, for example, when an allergen enters the lungs, passing through the respiratory tract, antibody binding begins, causing:

  • cough;
  • guttural whistling and wheezing;
  • heavy breathing, etc.

Note: the ailment we are interested in can seriously complicate the life of people suffering from asthma. The fact is that cat skin, wool, hair and other parts of their body easily provoke an acute attack of suffocation, which even in a not very sick person can transfer the disease into a chronic form. So, almost a third of asthmatics who come into contact with animals of interest to us most often get a serious attack.

It should also be noted that it is actually difficult for a person who constantly lives with cats to identify the cause of the sudden onset of an allergy. However, in fairness, dust mites, for example, can also cause manifestations similar to the reactions described above, so do not rush to blame your pet for your illness.

Only an allergist can give an accurate verdict on your compatibility with a mustachioed friend, who, using special tests, can determine substances that are irritating to you.

However, the cause of a health disorder will be quite understandable if, having taken your pet in your arms, you begin:

  • sneeze;
  • feel itchy in the throat and cough;
  • feel burning and itching of the skin of the face;
  • shed tears and feel the eyes burn;
  • suffer from nasal congestion, etc.

In addition, a clear indicator that you have an allergy will be a skin reaction in the place where the animal has you:

  • lick;
  • scratch;
  • bite.

Urticaria - a reaction to contact with cat saliva

As a rule, redness and slight swelling immediately occur at the site of contact of the allergen with the skin.

Cat Allergy Diagnosis

In order to be sure that you are on the list of those unfortunate people who are allergic to cats, you should conduct a medical diagnosis. Thus, you have several options for implementing your plans. Which ones, we will consider in the table below.

Table 1. Methods for diagnosing an allergic reaction to cats

Blood analysisSkin test
Taking blood for analysis to determine allergies is most often performed in those patients who, for various reasons, cannot be skin tested. Most often prevent this:
  • age category of a potential allergic person;
  • the health status of the person being tested.

    In the desired situation, the main biological fluid of a person, his blood, is taken for laboratory research.

    How, in this case, will the identification of a person's affiliation with allergies be carried out? And here's how: the blood taken for analysis is examined for the presence of specific antibodies that are released subsequently by a negative reaction of the body to an irritant - cat saliva

  • This test is carried out much more often, at least because it costs much less than the analysis of red biological fluid. In addition, another plus is that it takes several times less time to process the results of skin testing.

    In total, there are two types of the test in question:

  • applying an irritant to the surface of the epidermis;
  • the introduction of an irritant in the form of an injection into the inner layers of the skin.

    The required testing is carried out by a doctor who is professional in dealing with allergic reactions. His specialty has the same name - allergist.

    The test should be carried out exclusively within the premises specially designated for this purpose, the conditions inside of which are selected in such a way as to minimize the development of various kinds of complications.

    Provided that you have chosen to test the allergen on the surface of the skin, the doctor will do the following:

  • will pierce or slightly scratch your skin several times with a special medical instrument called a scarifier (this is necessary so that the allergen comes into contact with the body faster and more clearly);
  • will apply to the damaged surface of the skin either a potentially allergic substance or a non-allergenic composition required for control testing.

    How then to understand that you still have an allergy? Very simple: with a positive verdict, the following will appear at the injection site:

  • redness;
  • swelling;
  • irritation;
  • feeling of severe itching;
  • little soreness.

    All unpleasant sensations arising from contact with the allergen disappear within half an hour after they are applied to the damaged surface of the skin or injected into it.

  • When visiting an allergist, it is much more beneficial to run several irritant tests at a time. The surcharge will be small, and will certainly be less than what you have to pay when you re-apply to the specialist we are interested in. However, the allergist himself will probably suggest that you do just that.

    Pay attention to a very important fact: provided that you are constantly taking any medications or have recently taken medication, you must inform the allergist about this without fail. The fact is that in some cases, taking medications of various categories is an obstacle to testing, since the results obtained will be unreliable.

    How to get rid of allergies to cats forever?

    Although it is impossible to get rid of an allergy to mustachioed pets, you have the opportunity to alleviate it yourself by about 90% out of 100%.

    To do this, you will have to work hard, and study the following questions:

    • what measures to prevent an allergic reaction should be observed;
    • what medicines will help prevent an allergy attack;
    • a list of home remedies to help against the violent reaction of the immune system to cats;
    • implementation of independent allergen-specific immunotherapy.

    As you can see, the list is extensive. From which side to approach it, read in this section below.

    Allergy medications

    Let's look at a list of tools that will help you eliminate not only the reaction to the animal itself, but also its clinical manifestations.

    Table 2. Medications for cat allergy and its symptoms

    Effective remediesNames
    AntihistaminesThese medications are designed to block histamine receptors in the human body.

    Histamine is a biologically active chemical that is activated when allergen irritants enter the body, and has a negative effect on:

  • skin;
  • respiratory system;
  • digestive system;
  • heart and blood vessels, etc.

    Among the most effective blocking of this neurotransmitter are:

  • "Claritin";
  • "Tavegil";
  • "Suprastin";
  • "Dimedrol", etc.

    By taking these remedies, you prevent the potential occurrence of allergy attacks.

  • Drops and sprays for the noseTo eliminate swelling of the nose, itching, flow of snot and other unpleasant manifestations of allergies, it is recommended to use various sprays and nasal drops, which contain the so-called corticosteroids - hormones that help to cope with the symptoms that torment you.
  • "Nasonex";
  • "Nazarel";
  • "Momentazon", etc.

    The drugs sought are also being used to prevent allergic rhinitis or asthma.

  • inhalersAnother tool that helps to successfully eliminate the symptoms of cat allergies is inhalers, sold in the form of sprays. Provided that you feel the approaching spasms in the bronchi, you will need to use the following medicines:
  • "Kromospir";
  • "Ifiral";
  • "Krom-allerg";
  • "Intal"
  • BronchodilatorsExpanding the bronchi with a strong allergy to cats is necessary to avoid rhinitis, and subsequently, an attack. In this case, drugs such as:
  • "Singlon";
  • "Singular";
  • "Montelar";
  • "Montelukast", etc.
  • Now that we have dealt with the essential components of the first aid kit for an allergy sufferer who is forced to come into contact with cats, let's move on to the next way to overcome the reaction to a beloved pet.

    Allergen-Specific Immunotherapy

    Carrying out desensitization, that is, as if turning off your sensitivity to an irritant, can help you get rid of not only a mild allergy to an animal, but also an attack of bronchial asthma that follows contact with it. An interesting fact: the only category of reactions in which this method has not shown any effectiveness at all is food allergy.

    Another effective way to overcome reactions to cats is to undergo desensitization.

    So how does this method work? Very simple: a person who wants to say goodbye once and for all to sneezing, snot, tooth and discomfort must be in contact with the irritant for a specific time, each time increasing its dose. Thus, you simply force the immune system to rebuild in a new way.

    The human body is an amazing phenomenon. We are not aware of most of the processes that are happening in him, but he, in the meantime, understands exactly how you need to rebuild in order to get used to:

    • to constant cold;
    • intense heat;
    • exotic food;
    • new time;
    • high altitude;
    • allergen, etc.

    However, in the case of cats and the reaction to them, desensitization can be equally successful or unsuccessful. If you are determined to get results, be prepared for the fact that immunotherapy can last several years.

    Pay attention to an important fact: this specific treatment should be carried out exclusively under the supervision of physicians and in specially designed conditions, for example, on the basis of a medical institution. The fact is that even with the correct selection of the dose at one time, the patient may develop anaphylactic shock, which must be stopped immediately in order to save the patient's life.

    It is absolutely forbidden to subject children under the age of five completed years from the date of birth to this treatment. The fact is that the resistance of their body to stress at this age is extremely small.

    Non-traditional ways to eliminate allergies to a cat

    Allergy can be cured not only with the help of medicines and technologies. Folk tricks also store a considerable amount of knowledge regarding the fight against this unpleasant disease. Let's look at the most popular of them.

    Method 1. Washing the nose with salt water. One of the most popular and effective ways to eliminate the effects of an allergic reaction. So, passing through the nasal passages, the saline solution removes mucus from them, dries and stops the potential development of inflammation of the lower respiratory tract.

    You can prepare such a penny and effective solution at home, using for this:

    • simple salt (1 teaspoon);
    • boiled water (250 milliliters or a glass).

    Provided that when washing your nose you feel discomfort, reduce the amount of salt to ¾ spoon.

    Method 2. A decoction of a herb called butterbur. However, unfortunately, in its raw form, this plant releases poisons that adversely affect the liver tissue. You will not be able to process it yourself, provided that you do not have the appropriate skills, therefore, it is best to purchase this herb or products based on it at a pharmacy.

    Method 3. Acupuncture. A popular procedure aimed at alleviating allergic reactions. However, in reality, its effectiveness has not been confirmed by medical research, despite the fact that the reviews of people resorting to it can be described as positive. Provided that you are a fan of experiments, you can refer to this exotic method.

    Acupuncture helps relieve allergy symptoms

    Cat Allergy Prevention

    If you're giving up early and aren't going to fight for your love of cats, there are certain steps you should take to help prevent an allergic reaction. Let's consider them.

    Rule 1 Do not come into close contact with cats, i.e. do not:

    • kiss them;
    • don't hug them, etc.

    This simple rule will help you avoid irritants such as saliva, sebum, bits of cat skin, etc.

    Rule 2 Stop interacting with cat people or meet them in ventilated areas. No matter how radical this rule sounds, think for yourself: cat owners will bring all the same parts of animals to which you react so violently on clothes to your house. To avoid getting them inside your body, keep contact with friends who keep cats only in parks, on the streets, coffee terraces, etc.

    Rule 3 Before a forced visit to friends or relatives who have animals, start taking antihistamines ahead of time and stock up on medicines. Provided that you want to stay overnight at a party, you need to ask the host a few months in advance not to let the cat into the room in which you plan to sleep.

    And now let's look at a list of recommendations for those responsible and worthy people who cannot imagine life without their pets or who are ready to bear responsibility for the creature they have tamed. With the help of these measures, you can minimize the reaction to stimuli.

    Tip 1. Try not to let your pet into the bedroom. Yes, for some owners this measure seems incredibly cruel, but it is forced and it is better to use it. This will help reduce the amount of allergens in the air.

    Tip 2. Provided that you live in a country house surrounded by a fence, let your pet walk on the street as often as he wants. Then your house will have a minimum amount of hairs, pieces of skin and other irritants.

    Tip 3. After you've stroked your cat, it's best to wash your hands immediately. Provided that you touch cat dishes and toys, this procedure should also be carried out.

    Tip 4. Bathe your pet often. This measure will remove sebum and saliva from his coat and skin - the strongest irritants.

    Tip 5 Remove carpets, napkins, and other dust collectors from the apartment, which will only worsen your condition. The less textile coverings in the house, the better you will feel.

    Tip 6 Wash thick carpets in hot water to remove dirt. The same should be done with the floor, wash it with a mop dipped in warm water, with a product that does not cause allergies.

    Tip 7. Install an air purifier in your home, keep the filters inside the air conditioner and heater updated.

    Tip 8 Also buy a humidifier and keep the humidity level in the rooms at 40%.

    Tip 9. When cleaning, wear a thick cloth mask.

    Allergic reaction to a pet in a child

    Is there a way to prevent allergies in a young child? Researchers of this issue say different things, however, there is an opinion that this is still possible. Provided that the cat lived in an apartment or house before the child was born, the baby is almost 100% protected from the occurrence of a negative reaction to it.

    If your child started contact with a cat at an early age, he may be susceptible to allergies, but much less than his peers, who have no predisposition to this.

    However, you should be careful if your child is an obvious allergic person and his age reaches several years, the appearance of a cat may not alleviate his situation, but, on the contrary, lead to the development of various side, extremely severe effects.

    hypoallergenic cats

    If you know for sure that you are allergic to cats, but dream of becoming the owner of a furry miracle, pay attention to the following information.

    Sphinxes are animals with no or almost no hair.

    According to studies conducted by allergists, absolutely hypoallergenic cat breeds do not exist in nature. However, some of the members of this family produce an allergen, which is a specific protein in a smaller amount than others.

    Note: a smaller amount still implies its production, but less intensive. However, you still need to be careful, as even animals without hair continue to wash themselves with saliva.

    So, here is a list of breeds that are suitable for living with allergies:

    • Siberian cat;
    • cornish rex;
    • bengal;
    • colorpoint;
    • Siamese;
    • devon rex;
    • oriental;
    • Balinese;
    • Russian blue.

    All of the breeds listed above look spectacular, their representatives have an extraordinary mind and philanthropy, so you can get along with them without any problems.

    Summing up

    Allergy to cats is a disease that causes a lot of discomfort. However, we want to assure you that its presence is not a sentence. There are many different ways to deal with allergies. The most effective are described in our article.

    A cat is a great animal that can become your companion, friend and family member. Such a pet is worth it to fight back allergies

    Before you get a cat, think about whether you can overcome all the obstacles on the way to unity with her and overcome allergies? If you already have an animal, there's nothing you can do. You have taken responsibility and now follow this path to the end. Perseverance and faith in the fight against allergies is the key to success.

    Video - How to get rid of allergies to cats?

    You really want to get a cat or a dog, but you deny yourself this, because. Do you or your loved ones have animal allergies? Or have you picked up someone on the street and are now suffering from allergy symptoms - and are torn between love for a furry friend who has already become a member of your family, and your own well-being?

    Do not rush to give up animals forever! There are many ways you can try before giving your pet away to other people.

    First, a few interesting facts that everyone should know.

    · Most people believe that wool causes allergies, but this is far from the case. Allergies can be caused by proteins found in cat saliva and urine. And in the event that your pet sometimes goes out for a walk, then she can bring other allergy pathogens on her coat: mold, fluff, dust, pollen.

    · Animal allergies are associated with several allergens. This explains why a person reacts to one animal, but tolerates contact with another quite normally.

    · Cats are twice as likely to cause allergies than dogs.

    · It has been proven that cats spread significantly less allergens than cats, and the younger the kitten, the less allergens from him. Studies have shown that, regardless of the breed or sex of a cat, many more people have allergic reactions to dark-colored or patterned cats than to light-colored cats.

    · It has been proven that neutered cats and cats are less allergenic than non-neutered ones.

    · All cats have flaky skin, even if they don't have fur, so there are no truly "hypoallergenic" breeds. While some breeds have earned this reputation (for example, "bald" or short-haired), it is most likely due to the fact that these breeds are brushed and bathed more often, which reduces the amount of dandruff that gets into the air. However, those cats that produce a lot of dandruff can cause more trouble for their allergic owners, simply because their long coat - which contains a lot of dander and dried saliva - is much larger and then it ends up everywhere. Reasoning on the Internet and among friends about the hypoallergenic properties of a particular breed of cat is, to put it mildly, a publicity stunt of distributors of a particular breed. "Victims" often become clients of allergists. Be vigilant, do not fall for the bait!
    · It happens very often: women are allergic to cats, but cats are tolerated calmly, in men - on the contrary.
    · Now there are special medications based on cat allergens in the form of drops for oral administration or injections, which, after a course of treatment, can significantly reduce the susceptibility of an allergic person to cat allergens.

    What exactly is an allergy?

    Allergy is not a disease, but a reaction of the body. Strengthen your immunity! Some scientists believe that if a child is exposed to allergens from infancy, then in the future he will have a lower risk of allergies. Because no one has come across an allergy to cats in newborns. And, besides, to fight the disease, fencing off the pathogen, is absurd. Someday the paths will cross, and the body may give out an unpredictable reaction. So we share the point of view of scientists that it is necessary to "explain" the body how to react correctly. It is necessary to treat the disease itself, which is in a person, and not in a cat.

    Allergy can be recognized by the following signs: runny nose, tearfulness, cough, wheezing, sneezing, shortness of breath. Symptoms may appear immediately after contact with a furry pet, or may appear after a few hours.

    Cats and dogs are everywhere, in all entrances, in many apartments. If you do not take up immunotherapy in time, without delay, then you or your child have a considerable chance of expanding the spectrum of allergens. We need to start fighting right away.

    Drug treatment of allergies

    There are many types of allergies, yours may not be related to pets. But if it turns out that you are allergic to cats/dogs, your allergist will be able to develop a treatment regimen consisting of drugs and alternative methods, or recommend allergen-specific immunotherapy, which will at least partially relieve your suffering.

    There are several treatments for allergies.

    Symptomatic treatment (nonspecific hyposensitization) is the most common and in most cases is the initial stage. The method consists in prescribing antihistamines to the patient (Suprastin, Zodak, Zirtek, Erius, etc.), which prevent the production of antibodies to the allergen. With severe skin manifestations of allergies, local or systemic anti-inflammatory drugs, up to hormonal ones, can also be prescribed (glucocorticosteroids - Hydrocortisone ointment, Elidel, Elocom, Advantan, etc.). Symptomatic treatment is justified in case of a single allergic reaction, in the case of constant contact with the allergen, treatment is required, aimed not at eliminating the symptoms, but at elimination of causes allergies.

    Isolate yourself from the allergen and suppress reactions - you can only for emergency help. But as a treatment .... Imagine the reaction when you meet with an allergen after a long "separation". But this can happen. And besides, as a rule, phobias develop. Doctors talk about people who have had an allergic reaction even ... a photo of a cat. And sedative drugs to reduce the reaction and reduce immunity in general. There is also treatment with hormonal drugs, but we believe that hormones should be prescribed like a surgical intervention - only for vital reasons. So what's the way out?

    When there is no way to avoid contact with the allergen, the only (but very effective!) Solution is Specific Immunotherapy (SIT) / specific hyposensitization- treatment, which consists in the introduction to the patient of the allergen in small doses for a long time, causing a gradual addiction to it. The most common at the moment are subcutaneous and oral methods of allergen administration. Preparations containing an allergen are administered according to special schemes, which can be year-round or seasonal. The success rate in the treatment of allergies with SIT methods reaches 90%.

    So, go to an allergist, ask him if they make vaccinations with allergens against allergies to cats. This is considered the only reliable method accepted by the WHO as a way to deal with allergies. Once a week you will go yourself / take the child to an allergist for vaccination during the year, then once every two weeks, for 4-6 months, then once a month, then once every three to four months. You will reach the full dose of the allergen in a year if you are vaccinated in the usual way. The protective effect will be in 2-3 months. If these vaccinations are given to you by the fast method, then you will reach the full dose in a couple of weeks, i.e. you will have almost complete protection against cats.

    How to eliminate an allergy to animals without the use of medicines?

    The advice "throw the cat out of the house and dust the furniture in the trash can" is unacceptable and categorically impossible and excluded? Because a cat is a kindred spirit, a member of the family, the only and beloved friend? Thank you for this solution!

    If for some reason you cannot or do not want to give your pet to other people, then you need to follow a few immutable rules.

    • Clean air is one of the main means of dealing with allergies, but not the only one.Purchase an air conditioning system, an air filter for the ventilation system, and an air purifier. Canbuy a 5-stage air purifier that removes dust and all germs and bacteria attached to it.Use an air cleaner with a HEPA filter. This will reduce the amount of animal dander in the air. Open windows and doors as often as possible and use exhaust fans to keep your home well ventilated.

    · It is necessary as often as possible (optimally - every day) to do wet cleaning throughout the house. Dust and vacuum regularly.Do a thorough cleaning often, which must be done very carefully to destroy all the hair left by the pet.

    • Get rid of carpets, carpeting, heavy curtainsthey trap allergens. Wash walls and floors regularlyAlso get rid of dust and allergensa vacuum cleaner for allergy sufferers can help, especially if it is of good quality. Take Dyson, for example. These vacuum cleaners have very good filtration and therefore everything (wool, pieces of skin, etc., which are allergens) is sucked in and not released.Also use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter. This will help collect more dandruff and prevent it from spreading.

    · The cat should always be clean, so your pets will need to bathe it frequently. It is known that weekly bathing a cat with plain water significantly reduces the level of allergies in the house. Scientific research by the Center for the Study of Asthma and Allergic Diseases of the University of Virginia, USA, revealed a very interesting and useful fact: it turns out that ordinary water removes 79% of the allergen, and soap - only 44%. It is necessary to ensure that the cat does not develop any skin diseases due to excessive bathing, damage by ticks, fleas, as this can cause increased peeling of the skin and lead to an increased spread of allergens. It is helpful to brush your cat with a special brush, this will help reduce the amount of hair that can fall out and stay lying down, causing you allergies. Brush your cat regularly, ideally every day. This can be done by a family member who is not allergic to cats (not in your room, of course). Don't forget to also wash your cat's litter box and toys every week.

    • Make it so that the pet cannot enter the rooms where you visit most often. His presence in the bedroom is especially undesirable.Always keep your cat away from your bedroom and bed. Buy pillows and mattresses filled with hypoallergenic polyester.

    · Wash your hands immediately after petting a cat. Try not to touch your face, especially your eyes, until you wash your hands.

    · Have a non-allergic family member take care of changing the cat's litter box, as cat urine also contains allergens. Try not to use deodorized litter, it can cause no less harm than cat allergens.

    · Feed your cat a balanced diet containing natural fats

    • Keep dust to a minimum. Wipe surfaces with a damp cloth or vacuum. Store books in cabinets behind glass. Wear a dust mask while cleaning.
    • Do not smoke. Smoking reduces your resistance to allergens and worsens your already sensitive lungs.

    There are cases when an allergist's examination did not reveal sensitization to a cat allergen, and the patient complains of allergy symptoms upon contact with a cat. What is the reason? It appears that this may be due to either allergies to cat food ingredients or some other reason so-called dusty cat effect

    In the first case, when a cat regularly consumes food that contains allergens (seafood, fish, etc.) - they can be excreted with sweat, saliva, feces into the environment and cause allergies in people susceptible to it. It is enough to change the diet of the cat to cope with the problem.

    Owners of a neglected animal, sensitive to dust allergens, risk getting a “false allergy to a cat”. Especially harmful are fluffy Persian cats or other long-haired breeds, which are more difficult to keep clean. The “dusty cat” effect also explains why light-coated and hairless animals are considered less allergenic: dirt is more visible on them and they are washed more often. The main allergens of the "dusty cat" are: house dust, which accumulates on it, and dust mites, mold fungi that have settled on the cat's skin and fur, excretions of insects hiding in the hairline. In this case, the patient is additionally recommended to be tested for allergies to house dust and molds and to take better care of their pet.

    There are also folk ways successfully cope with allergies.

    succession helps with all types of allergies. Tea from the series can be drunk for several years to change the sensitivity of the body, but be sure to take breaks. Let's say you drink a series of 3-4 months and refrain from taking it for 3-6 months, otherwise the body will get used to it and stop responding to the medicine. It is brewed like ordinary tea, only in a slightly larger proportion: one teaspoon per glass of water. Before use, it must be allowed to brew for 20 minutes. Try to drink the infusion several times a day. The color of the finished infusion should be golden, and if for some reason it is cloudy or green, then you can’t drink it. The succession in briquettes is ineffective. The same infusion can be used to lubricate skin rashes without wiping the skin after wetting, but allowing the infusion to dry on it.

    Preparations based on a string are able to resist inflammation and allergies, which is facilitated by the presence of ascorbic acid in the plant, which stimulates the adrenal glands and has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body. The combination of flavonoids and water-soluble polysaccharides in a series improves the body's perception of the plant's plant complex and increases its activity.

    Cat Allergies Can Be Helped by Cats

    Spanish scientists have proposed an effective way to combat cat allergies. Treatment with increasing doses of cat dander extract sublingually reduces adverse immune responses, the researchers show.

    Usually, doctors recommend that people who are allergic to cat hair get rid of their pets. However, experts at the Ramón y Cajal Hospital in Madrid believe that this measure is no longer necessary when treated with the new method.

    The experiment, led by scientists led by Emilio Alvarez-Cuesta (Emilio Alvarez-Cuesta), involved 50 teenagers who are allergic to cats. All participants underwent sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) - daily introduction under the tongue of drops containing increasing doses of cat allergen (dander) or placebo.

    It was assumed that the introduction of a gradually increasing dose of the allergen would lead to the "addiction" of the immune system of patients to the allergen and the gradual extinction of allergic reactions. Currently, a similar method - specific desensitization - is used in medicine to treat allergies to dust and pollen.

    After the end of the year's course of treatment, the participants had to spend an hour and a half in the room where the cat lived. It turned out that 62% of patients treated by the SLIT method had a significant reduction in allergy symptoms compared to baseline. In addition, they had improved breathing performance and decreased skin reaction to cat dander extract. No side effects of the treatment were recorded, which indicates the safety of the new technique, the scientists reported.

    Also remember that in any of the shelters of the "Friend's Paw" network, you can "rent" an animal if, for example, you suspect yourself of an allergy. Then, if it suddenly turns out that you cannot keep the animal at home, the pet does not lose anything - it will not end up on the street, but will just return to the shelter, but in case of a successful outcome, having managed to defeat the allergy, you will gain a true friend and member family, and at the same time save someone's life! ..

    Allergies to pets/birds can manifest in many ways: itchy and red skin, watery eyes, nasal congestion and sneezing, difficulty breathing, coughing, and even headaches. What to do if you are incompatible with your favorite animal? Any therapist will immediately refer you to a consultation with an allergist.

    How to get rid of cat allergies

    But I want to warn you that as soon as you get to an allergist, in 100% of cases you will hear an unambiguous and categorical: “Get rid of the animal”! Everything! No allergist will ever, in his right mind and memory, take the responsibility to suggest anything else, especially when it comes to allergies in children. Anyone you know who is allergic to a pet will confirm this.

    In 99% of cases, the allergist will not offer specific hyposensitization, a method of accustoming the body to an allergen, which at the moment works more or less steadily only in case of an allergy to plants (more often pollen), and not to animals at all. But with all this, if you have experienced an allergy to an animal for the first time or its manifestations have changed, you should go to the doctor. It is possible that the allergy will not be an allergy, but something else. There are a lot of diseases with symptoms similar to allergies. Moreover, it is possible that the diagnosis will be confirmed, but the cause will not be an animal, but your new washing powder. And that would be great news, right?

    Then, an indispensable advice-threat will follow from the allergist: refuse to keep the animal (naturally, do not drive it out into the street, but give it to good hands).


    Sorry, but no! In this matter, I represent three interested parties: an allergist-immunologist (MD in allergology and immunology, if anyone is interested in rattles), an allergy sufferer (yes, a strong one, yes, with an allergy to animals) and an animal lover with not the tiniest experience of their content. And here's what I'll tell you about it:


    There is such a thing as spontaneous specific hyposensitization on an animal. But this is far from exotic, although, of course, it does not work in 100% of cases. Its essence is this: when the animal first came into your house, the first days of the reaction is extremely strong. Conjunctivitis, rashes, allergic rhinitis, some even have an exacerbation of asthma or its debut. But after 3-4 days, the allergy symptoms subside, and after 2-3 weeks they disappear almost completely. And what with antihistamines (these are allergy drugs), as well as without them! There are two simple mechanisms at work here.


    It is especially effective in the case of rats and cats. Rats slightly and almost imperceptibly, and cats and especially kittens sometimes very noticeably when playing, inflict wounds on the skin with their claws. Thus, an allergen gets under the skin - the very particles that cause your allergy to an animal, and the subcutaneous injection of a natural, specific allergen is the essence of the specific desensitization method!

    Moreover, unlike vegetable allergens, animal allergens are much more “individual” and less resistant to different types of conservation, which is why the same treatment by a doctor in the form of subcutaneous injections from a pure allergen gives a much lower success rate. And here - natural allergens, fresh, without any conservation, and it is your animal.


    This mechanism is based on another possible way, although so far exotic, of treating allergies. The fact is that an allergy develops most often according to the principle of "a little bit of a harmless substance - and not with food, but on the skin and mucous membranes." I'm oversimplifying, oversimplifying, please don't use this as a description of the pathogenesis of allergies, okay? But the bottom line is that when a pet appears, its allergens become not a little, but quite a lot, and they get not only on the skin, even if you do not have the habit of licking your cat or dog. At a certain moment, a “click” occurs and the immune system understands that it seems that there are too many of these particles and they enter the body in all ways, which means they are already drawn to the signs of the allergen. And the allergic response fades away.


    So, if you really got an animal and want to live with it, but you or your relatives have an allergy to it, do not rush to part with it. I’m not talking about those who first got a “toy” for themselves or their child, then discovered that the puppy pees on the carpet and gnaws on shoes, and the kitten tears up the furniture, and decided to get rid of the source of problems under a plausible pretext.

    I'm talking about those who really want to be together with their animal. Do not hurry. Go to an allergist, if this is your first time, nod off, then stock up on antihistamines and just wait 2-3 weeks - a little, but not completely limiting contact with the animal. Unless, of course, the symptoms are dangerous, that is, there are no asthma attacks (asthma or allergic edema).

    Allergies can, really can greatly decrease or even disappear on their own. True, after returning home after a vacation or business trip, you may have to suffer a little again, but the secondary reaction will be calmer and quieter. You may be completely allergic to your cat, but remain a reaction to other people's cats. Sometimes, however, it is reduced to strangers, it happens in different ways. The wounded second cat, by the way, will give a much weaker reaction, and the third, you yourself will be surprised, it is quite possible that it will appear in your house already as if you had never been allergic to cats.


    The only thing that overshadows the idyll I have described is that even if dust and animal hair lie on all surfaces in tufts at home, and your allergy does not even think of reminding yourself, you still have to live with some restrictions. The main thing is the bed. The second is the face. If the allergy was, and strong, it is better to never let the animal on bed linen, on your clothes (I mean the one that comes into direct contact with the body, that is, the wrong side, not the front side of things and mostly intimate wardrobe).

    Also, do not bury your face in the warm fluffy side of the animal and do not touch your face immediately after contact with him. However, it is not necessary to wash your hands a hundred times a day after each contact. Firstly, you are tormented, and, secondly, there is no point in this - you have exactly the same number of allergens on your hands as on all items in an apartment with an animal. Therefore, it is only after washing your hands to touch something with your palm, for example, to the door handle, and your efforts will be in vain.


    It sounds paradoxical, but it is a fact: the more animals in the house, the less allergies children have and the calmer it flows.

    This observation is described within the hygienic theory. The theory is relatively fresh, somewhere in the mid-90s. And this means that 99% of allergists in Russia either know nothing about it, or know almost nothing about it. I hope that I won’t break anyone’s heart if I modestly remind you that we are taught from Russian textbooks that are outdated by an average of 5–10 years, or from translated textbooks (less often) that are at least 3–5 years outdated as a result of translation and editing? With the best arrangement. Well, add to this the age of the doctor, that is, how long ago he listened to lectures. Well, add to this the almost universal ignorance of English, which is necessary to read articles on your topic in the original. Well, add to this the absence of an urgent need for a doctor to constantly read strictly scientific articles that are weakly related to his direct practice. No, even a very, very, very good allergist-clinician, most likely, has never heard of any such hygienic theory, alas. So I warned.


    However, facts are stubborn things. The incidence of allergies and autoimmune diseases is growing all over the world (this is also the result of an immune system error, but different). But for some reason they grow exclusively in developed countries. And for some reason, it is much stronger in cities than in rural areas, both in the conditions of one and the same country and in the world. This fact has long been interested in and trying to unearth the patterns and causes of growth. There were many ideas, for example, all kinds of chemistry in the air and especially in food.

    This also matters, who argues, but it does not fit with the fact that the poorest peasants, tinkering in the fields with terribly harmful fertilizers every day, and the urban poor, consuming a full set of chemical filth for food, for some reason suffer from allergies much less often. And the richest "citizens", even if they raise their children in country cottages in the freshest air and on the purest, most expensive products, that is, in excellent conditions, get this allergy in children all the time. How did it happen?


    The cause was found simultaneously in several countries at once, then checked and rechecked, conducted retrospective (digging into history) and prospective (observing several years) studies, on small groups and on huge populations. The fact is that the technical revolution overtook the natural one very strongly and sharply. We have long been able, without straining, to keep a child in almost sterile conditions, and the immune system is still sure that after birth he will be wrapped in a dirty flea skin and placed on the ground teeming with worms and worm eggs, which the child, as soon as he learns to crawl, definitely put in your mouth. And immediately eat up earth, and worms, and fleas, and the remains of poop of an unimaginable number of various creatures, and then drink water, in which not only fish are tra$$$. Well, in general, the picture, I think, has drawn quite clear?

    After birth, the immune system of a newborn is, yes, weak, yes, immature, but it is ready to meet enemies. Many, many dangerous enemies that must penetrate from everywhere, and especially through the skin and mucous membranes. And somehow there are no enemies, because the mother is usually good: she irons the diapers on both sides with an iron and disinfects everything the baby touches. And this is where the “failure” occurs. We need to find the enemy, he definitely exists, he cannot but be!

    And the immune system takes for enemies harmless and by default usually harmless substances: certain components of food, as well as something that is impossible to get rid of even in a modern apartment - dust, house dust mites and their remains, various microscopic fungi, plant pollen, all sorts of tiny residues household chemicals, dust particles of fluff and feathers from pillows and so on. Only now, given that these particles actually do not harm anyone and somehow do not think to multiply in the body, a modified response is triggered - not like an infection, but an allergic one. Again, I have grossly simplified the description and should not be used instead of a scientific article on hygiene theory, okay? And then one of the scientists will shoot me.


    In general, the picture is as follows: the higher the level of hygiene in the population, the higher the incidence of allergies and autoimmunity, the more severe allergies are. But we can't put our children in the dirt and feed them earth for better health, right? And this is where pets suddenly come to the rescue. In families where there were pets in the first five years of life, the number of allergic children turned out to be sharply reduced. And the more animals there were (or the larger they were in size), the less allergies there were!

    Moreover, the animal in the house in the first year of the child's life turned out to be the most effective "cure" for allergies in these children in the future, from the second to the fifth year of life - less effective, and after the fifth year of life it practically did not matter whether there was an animal in the family or not . The coincidence of statistics with the timing of the "learning" of the immune system prompted scientists to study this mechanism further.

    In general, to put it simply, the presence of an animal in the house leads to the fact that its hair, skin particles, saliva and even feces residues accumulate in the air and on all objects, sorry. All this grace goes to the baby, and his immune system has something to do! She trains the correct mechanisms of response to infection and to harmless substances, hones the necessary reactions on the incoming material, and does not look for enemies where there are none.


    In fact, in these observations, it was noted that helminthic invasion in early childhood also dramatically reduces all allergic manifestations later, because in fact the main enemy of allergy sufferers - IgE was historically formed as a way to fight worms. But the worms are still not at all as harmless as wool and dog-cat drool, so let's do without fanaticism.

    In general, speaking seriously, do you want a child without allergies? Then keep a cat, five cats, a big drooling furry dog ​​at home, and let them lick the baby's hands, and let them sprinkle hair on his bed and clothes, especially in the first year of life. True, I warn you that for another 10-15 years, pediatricians and allergists will tell you that you are disgusting parents, that you must urgently remove the animal from the house, and so on. Well, if you can’t withstand the pressure of doctors who, of course, want good, then move with your child out of town for at least the first three years. There, in any case, he will crack the earth, and grass, on which no one crawled, and flies will also run on him, and the wind will bring all the nasty things his immune system needs into the window, which a clean person does not even want to think about.

    Cat Allergy: A Revolutionary View

    Most believe that the cause of the painful condition lies in the coat. The length of the coat and its presence in general do not provoke a deterioration in the well-being of the owner of the pet. Before getting rid of allergies from cats, it is important to understand where allergens come from and how they affect the human body.

    Why does an allergy appear?

    The main factor is the proteins that are not contained in the wool, but in the saliva of the animal. Such allergens are also present on wool, but buying a bald cat will not save: the particles are so small that the habitat does not really matter to them.

    Allergic exposure is not a one-time process. Proteins weaken the immune system, making the body vulnerable to a host of other diseases.

    In order not to confuse an allergy from a cat with a cold or other ailment, you should familiarize yourself with the symptoms.:

    • Rashes appear on the skin. There are signs of dermatitis.
    • A common symptom is swelling of the eyelids. Infection is accompanied by itching, shortness of breath and asthma attacks.
    • The most dangerous symptom is Quincke's edema. This is a critical stage when the patient needs urgent hospitalization because his life is in danger.

    How to be treated?

    Getting rid of allergies at home is real. The main thing is to limit the contact of the patient with a cat carrying dangerous proteins and follow a number of recommendations.:

    • Buying antihistamines. These are compounds that stop the effect of the allergen on a person. For such purposes, Loratidin and Suprastin are suitable.
    • Acquisition of ointments. Suitable hydrocortisone and prednisolone formulations. The ointment is applied to the area of ​​the skin affected by the rash.
    • Buying Diuretics. Such drugs are useful if the allergy is accompanied by edema. Andrenomimetics and hypertonic solutions will quickly relieve swelling.
    • Anti-lacrimation agents. The most unpleasant effect of allergies is profuse lacrimation. Simple eye drops will help get rid of the symptom. The choice in favor of branded ones will prolong the effect of the drug.

    How to overcome the disease forever?

    Causes of allergic reactions are associated with cats, but this does not mean that you should give up pets. There are methods of prevention and folk remedies that act gradually.

    As statistics show, cat allergies begin to appear in those who did not have contact with a cat in childhood. The child's body initially begins to perceive the protein as a dangerous element, which forms a response.

    Experimental treatment does not involve avoiding contact with the cat. On the contrary, it is important to be close to the pet, but at the same time do not forget about immunotherapy with the help of appropriate drugs. Over time, the problem will subside or disappear altogether.

    To completely get rid of allergies from cats, you can use folk methods:

    • The first decoction consists of birch buds and water. For 1 glass of kidneys, you will need 3 glasses of water, the consistency boils for about 30 minutes. After that, the infusion is taken about 4 times a day.
    • The second decoction is built on the celery root. The vegetable is crushed, turns into juice. If the mixture is taken 3 times a day, the patient will not suffer from the primary symptoms.
    • The third option is motherwort leaves mixed in 2 glasses of water. The decoction is intended to cure the nose, which will also relieve lacrimation.

    Taking antihistamines for allergies involves consulting a doctor. These medications are not for everyone. An alternative immunotherapy option is injections, which can be done on your own or on an outpatient basis.