How is prostatitis treated in india. Indian drugs for the treatment of prostatitis

Older men often suffer from an enlarged prostate. This leads to the development of a number of unpleasant symptoms, to frequent nighttime urination, difficulty during the act of urination, to false urges. They are helped by the methods of Indian medicine, based on the relationship of man with nature.

Indian philosophers believe that a person who lives harmoniously with the world, an open soul, bypasses diseases. A huge role is given not to physical symptoms, but to spiritual purity. Indian medicines for prostatitis are made from living energy substances, metals, minerals.

The principles of Indian philosophy are based on the unity and indivisibility of the spirit, soul, body. They are reflected in the concept of "close connection", according to which the harmony of each person is achieved by the close social connection of society.

Indian philosophers argue about the five components of the body of the individual: space, earth, air, fire, water. Each element is responsible for a certain work of the body systems. For example, the skeletal system is given to the earth, because it gives firmness to the body. The fluid component is associated with water: lymph, blood.

For your information, if any property does not begin to function in full, then there is a violation of the close connection, and the person falls ill.

Philosophy of Ayurveda

A special role is given to the Indian philosophy of Ayurveda, which is based on the relationship of the mental, physical, spiritual principles. According to her theory, the individual is responsible independently for the state of health. The doctor is given only the role of relieving symptoms.

The cause of all pathologies, including prostatitis, lies in the person himself, perhaps he has experienced a loss of faith, a deviation from the intended path. Maybe he succumbed to feelings of anger or envy. A patient with prostatitis needs to conduct introspection, find a goal, put things in order in the inner world, and motivation for recovery will appear.

It is interesting! Ayurveda, translated from the ancient Indian language, means "the science of longevity."

This is a philosophical trend, the device of medicine, a way of life. With the help of this philosophy, one can find the causes of the disease, diagnose, cure the disease, and carry out prevention.

Useful video: where does Ayurveda begin - 5 principles

Ayurvedic approach for prostatitis

Ayurveda for prostatitis is based on the following set of measures:

  1. Taking medications that are made from natural ingredients.
  2. Carrying out cleansing procedures based on oil enemas, steam room.
  3. Eating a healing diet that allows you to cleanse the body, restore spiritual strength.
  4. The use of perineal massage with the help of medicinal plants, previously ground into a powdery state, oils.
  5. Regular practice of yoga, which is widely used for therapy
  6. The use of hirudotherapy, acupuncture.
  7. Applying the practice of meditation, which helps to restore the spiritual principle.

Ayurvedic preparations

Ayurveda treats prostate pathologies with the help of the following Indian preparations:

  • Varunadi Kashaya Ganabati, which is taken three times a day. This remedy should be taken with warm milk.
  • Chandraprabha Bati is drunk 2 times a day. The drug should be taken with warm water.
  • Gokshuradi Gugguly, taken 1 tab. in a day. Should be taken with warm water.
  • Kanchnar Guggul is drunk 2 pcs. everyday.
  • Siddh Makardwaj is taken 1 tab. 2 times a day, eaten with honey.
  • Siddh Makardwaj, 1 tab. 2 times a day, eaten with honey, Chandraprabha Bati, 2 tab. 2 times a day, washed down with warm water, Gokshura Churna, 3 gr. per day, washed down with warm water. This scheme allows you to treat a complex stage of prostatitis.

The listed means seem rather complicated due to incomprehensibility and exoticism, but they have proven their effectiveness. To cure prostatitis, Ayurveda must be taken for half a year.

Useful video: Ayurvedic treatment of prostatitis - Varunadi preparation

Indian drugs for prostatitis

The following from India have found application in the Russian market.


Speman - Indian medicine for prostatitis in men, allows you to remove the chronic and acute stages, is known for its prostatotropic, anti-inflammatory effect. Thanks to its use, tissue microcirculation improves, spermatogenesis is stimulated.

If the drug for prostatitis is taken regularly, then there is a decrease in congestion, dysuria. Speman consists of:

  • creeping anchors;
  • beautiful argyrea;
  • male orchis;
  • compass lettuce;
  • leptadenia mesh;
  • velvet beans;
  • pearl parmelia;
  • suvarnavangi;
  • astercanthus longifolia.

To obtain the effect of the drug for prostatitis, you should take 2 pcs. twice a day. The average price in Russia is about 290 rubles.


Treatment of prostatitis with Indian Fortege allows you to increase the quality and quantity of sperm, improve sperm activity, and normalize the functioning of the male genitourinary system.

The drug allows you to fight fatigue, infertility due to the following components:

  • mucuna;
  • sage;
  • lepatdeniya mesh;
  • brainia;
  • Indian ginseng;
  • black pepper;
  • Roman chamomile;
  • cubeb pepper.

Fortezh with prostatitis is taken whole tablets of 2 pcs. before meals 2 times a day for a 30-day course. The average cost of the drug is about 550 rubles.


For treatment, the Indian drug Prostavon is often used, which belongs to an Ayurvedic remedy, and is a combination of minerals and

medicinal plants that enhance libido, have an anti-inflammatory effect, successfully fight bacteria. It consists of:

  • black tar mined near the Himalayan mountains;
  • pyrite;
  • cleaned coral;
  • mummy;
  • thuja western;
  • vetiver;
  • white sandal.

Indian remedy for prostatitis is taken in 2 tab. twice, with a minimum treatment course of 2 months. The average price of a package is 400 rubles.


The Indian remedy Bangshil is used as a bacteriostatic, bactericidal substance that improves the functioning of the genitourinary system, normalizes the process of urination, stimulates the protective function of the body, and increases its overall resistance.

The drug for prostatitis is taken 2 tab. 2 times a day for half an hour before meals, treatment course - 30 days. Bangshila includes:

  • bamboo;
  • mummy;
  • cinnamon;
  • long pepper;
  • cardamom;
  • ginger;
  • embelia sour;
  • Indian gooseberry;
  • barberry;
  • chaba pepper;
  • deodar;
  • calamus ordinary;
  • cucumber;
  • licorice.

Bangshil successfully fights prostatitis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis.

Other approaches

The Indian approach to prostate therapy is based not only on the use of drugs, but also on a set of exercises that combine the spiritual, psychological aspect.


Therapy of prostatitis in India gives a special place to yoga, which allows you to eliminate congestion, eliminates unpleasant symptoms, discomfort. At the initial stage of the disease, it is possible to feel relief after a month of daily exercise.

During the performance of certain exercises, the urogenital organs are involved as a result of a change in intra-abdominal pressure. A special role is given to inverted asanas, which lead to the outflow of blood.

Important! Eliminate stagnant processes of exercise performed in the supine position, with legs raised up.

Specialists help to choose a position that implements muscle contraction of the anus. They allow you to massage the prostate gland. Yoga has the following positive features:

  • Exercises can be carried out for prevention and with an existing disease. If the prostatitis has an acute stage, then it is necessary to remove it. Next, connect sparing asanas that will not harm the body.
  • Yoga allows you to normalize the condition, relieve fatigue.
  • The most effective exercises are aimed at training the pelvic muscles.
  • The greatest benefit can be obtained in the morning hours.

Yoga guarantees getting rid of prostatitis in the case when workouts are not missed, they are performed with high quality, slowly.


Indian treatment of prostatitis recommends the use of drugs in conjunction with yoga and meditation. This is the only way to achieve spiritual balance, which is the basis of Indian philosophy.

Meditation is based on mental contemplation, reflection, reflection, focus on achieving the goal. It ultimately involves the disclosure of potential and further spiritual growth.

Thanks to meditation exercises, integrity and harmony are acquired. Some techniques can strengthen the general condition of the body, improve health, normalize blood pressure, relieve mental stress, the effects of stress, and eliminate pain.

Features of treatment

There are many reasons that cause prostatitis. Based on this, Indian treatment methods are selected by specialists individually, based on the severity of the disease, the condition of the man, and the presence of concomitant diseases.

It is impossible to understand the canons of Indian wisdom on your own, to get acquainted with its special techniques, to understand a special sequence.

To be engaged in the preparation of Indian preparations is necessary for a person who is fluent in the necessary skills. Indian philosophy states that medicines should not cause side effects, harm the human body.

Useful video: yoga for men's health


Treatment with Indian preparations should be under the supervision of a practitioner who, if necessary, will make a correction. Their reception should be combined with yoga and meditation, which does not stop after the onset of recovery.

It will not work to choose the best medicines for prostatitis without special training - their range on the shelves of pharmacies is too large. We offer to help a detailed review of drugs for the treatment of prostatitis, which really help.

What should be a good cure for prostatitis

Good medicines must meet a number of requirements:

    Efficacy against the maximum number of symptoms (soreness, urodynamic disorders, tissue swelling, decreased libido and potency);

    Prostatotropic (restoration and protection of prostate cells from risk factors - inflammation, hypothermia, infections, age-related changes);

    Compatibility with other drugs;

    Safety and absence of serious side effects;

    Minimum restrictions on use.

Preparations for prostatitis will be really effective if used in complex therapy and strictly as directed.

Overview of the most effective drugs for prostatitis with a description and price


Homeopathic lozenges based on antibodies to endothelial NO synthase and prostate specific antigen (PSA).

It has a pronounced effect against:

    urinary disorders (dysuria);

    Painful sensations;

    Deterioration of potency;

    Inflammatory reaction;

    Pathological growth of tissues.

Due to the natural composition, it has one contraindication - hypersensitivity to the components of the drug and is well tolerated.

It is possible to use tablets for the purpose of prevention in chronic diseases of the urogenital area.

Requires a long course of treatment (minimum 16 weeks).

To buy medicine no prescription required .

A pack of 100 tablets costs about 550 rubles.


Homeopathic preparation in lozenges containing anti-PSA antibodies.

Treatment with the drug helps to get rid of:

    Dysuric disorders;

    Pain sensations;

    Inflammation and hypertrophy of prostate tissues.

Disadvantage - the therapeutic effect develops gradually.

The price for 100 tablets is 400 rubles.


The best immunomodulator for the treatment of prostatitis in suppositories and tablets.

Stimulates the immune response to the inflammatory response in tissues, eliminates pain and swelling of tissues.

Effective for all infections of the urogenital tract.

Well tolerated, has no contraindications, except for hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

The cost of 20 tablets - 480 rubles, 10 candles - 900 rubles.


A line of rectal suppositories and tablets based on prostate extract, the effectiveness of which is confirmed long-term practice of urologists .

It has anti-inflammatory and prostatropic action.

Vitaprost plus suppositories are reinforced with the antibiotic lomefloxacin.

The medicine normalizes the size of the prostate, eliminates the narrowing of the lumen of the urethra, improves sexual function. Prevents the development of complications.

The drug is approved for most patients, including the elderly.

Candles are stored in the refrigerator.

The price of suppositories is about 1000 rubles. for 10 pieces, tablets - 1200-1300 rubles.


Herbal remedy containing pollen of medicinal plants, rich in flavonoids, amino acids, vitamins, minerals and enzymes.

Useful not only for the prostate, but for the whole body:

    Eliminates inflammation and swelling of the prostate;

    Eliminates dysuric disorders;

    Improves trophism and metabolism in tissues.

Produced in packaging of 100 and 200 tablets.

The average price is from 1600 to 2700 rubles.

Additionally, Cernilton Forte is produced, which is more convenient to use.

The cost of 50 tablets is 1900 rubles.

Speman and Speman Forte

Indian medicine based on extracts and powders of Ayurvedic medicinal plants.

Stimulates microcirculation in tissues, treats dysuria, normalizes rheological properties and composition of seminal fluid, sperm motility.

Estimated cost - 479 rubles.

Effect Red Root

A new drug from the popular manufacturer Evalar.

Produced in the form of a solution, due to this it is highly bioavailable. Designed for the treatment of chronic prostatitis.

Eliminates typical symptoms:

    swelling of the prostate;

    Pain syndrome;

    Urinary retention.

Improves blood supply and microcirculation in the prostate gland.

Increases potency.

It has a restriction on the use associated with the content of alcohol - pathologies of the liver and brain, age up to 18 years, thrombophlebitis, individual intolerance to the components of the drug, alcoholism.

For those who are uncomfortable or contraindicated in drinking alcohol tincture, you can purchase red root tablets, which are dietary supplements.

The cost of the solution is 209 rubles.

Prostamol Uno

The best capsules for prostatitis,according to patients.

Creeping palm extract is used as an active substance.

Increases potency, relieves pain, normalizes urination.

May be taken as a preventive measure.

Difference from competitors - it is applied once a day.

The medicine is available in packaging of 30, 60 and 90 capsules.

Price from 869 to 2139 rubles.


Homeopathic remedy from the well-known company Bittner. Produced in drops and tablets.

Improves blood circulation and metabolism in the tissues of the prostate, reduces the symptoms of inflammation - swelling, soreness. Stimulates reduced potency.

Effective in acute and chronic conditions.

The cost is from 380 to 760 rubles.


Medication for the treatment of prostatitis in the form of an injection solution and suppositories for rectal use based on prostate extract.

Normalizes the functions of the prostate gland, eliminates inflammation, dysuric manifestations of prostatitis. Increases male power.

The medicine has no contraindications (with the exception of hypersensitivity to the components of suppositories).

Available in packs of 5 and 10 candles.

The cost of candles varies from 350 rubles. up to 650 rub.

The price of 5 ampoules is 350 rubles.

Ichthyol candles

Good budget fund for the treatment of acute and chronic prostatitis - suppositories with ichthyol. They eliminate inflammation, have an analgesic effect. Activates the blood supply to the organs of the genitourinary system. They prevent infiltration and the formation of stagnation.

Treatment with ichthyol is limited in patients with intolerance to the components of suppositories.

The cost of 10 candles is 80 rubles.


Prescription drug for the treatment of diseases of the prostate.

The active substance - tamsulosin - selectively blocks alpha1-adrenergic receptors localized in the organs of the genitourinary tract, thereby reducing their tone and normalizing urodynamics.

Due to the selective action, the drug is well tolerated and does not cause an increase in blood pressure.

Better than others copes with impaired urination.

Differs in the convenient scheme of application - 1 time a day, in the morning.

The disadvantage of the drug is drug interaction with some drugs (Diclofenac, Warfarin, other alpha1-blockers).

Available in packs of 10, 30 and 100 capsules.

The cost, depending on the packaging, ranges from 380 to 2500 rubles.


It has pharmacological characteristics similar to Omnic.

Available in packs of 30, 90 and 100 pieces.

The average price is from 450 to 1100.


Tablets for oral administration based on finasteride, a specific drug that regulates testosterone metabolism.

Efficiency is confirmed by many years of clinical practice.

With prostatitis, it is prescribed to normalize urodynamics, to normalize pathologically altered prostate sizes and prevent complications.

Refers to prescription drugs.

It is taken once a day. With prostatitis, a short therapeutic course is indicated - 10 days.

The disadvantage is a decrease in sexual function and a deterioration in the quality of seminal fluid.

The price of 30 tablets is 330 rubles.


The price for 30 tablets is 500 rubles, 90 pcs. - 1290 rubles.

Prostagute forte

Capsules for oral administration contain a concentrate of Sabal palm fruits.

The effect of taking capsules for prostatitis:

    Stimulates the immune response to the inflammatory response;

    Suppresses inflammation, pain and swelling;

    Normalizes the hormonal background;

    Eliminates discomfort during urination;

    Regulates diuresis.

The drug is well tolerated, compatible with other drugs and approved for drivers.

Take 2 times a day for one month.

A pack of 60 capsules costs 900 rubles.


Medicinal product with active substance from creeping palm.

The principle of action is similar to Prostagut forte.

Applied once a day.

The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor personally for each patient.

The cost of 30 capsules is 510 rubles.


Extracts of medicinal plant materials - licorice, St. John's wort, echinacea and goldenrod in tablets and solution for internal use.

The drug inhibits the growth of microflora, which stimulates the pathological process. Normalizes diuresis, eliminates inflammation and pain.

It has a slight corrective effect on male sex hormones.

The drug is contraindicated in acute glomerulonephritis.

The price varies from 130 to 300 rubles, depending on the volume of the bottle.


With prostatitis, it is used in the form of rectal suppositories.

The anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect is due to the content of Diclofenac, which belongs to the category of NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).

Helps to get rid of the pain syndrome, especially expressed in the initial stage of the disease.

Enhances therapy with antibiotics, simple-totropic and herbal remedies.

The disadvantage is that it irritates the mucous membranes of the digestive organs, can provoke gastritis and ulcers of the digestive organs.

The cost of a package of 5 candles is 339 rubles.


Representative of the NSAID group.

For the treatment of urological inflammation, a rectal release form is used.

Eliminates pain, inhibits the synthesis of inflammatory mediators, inhibits the development of the inflammatory process.

The downside of the medication is the likelihood of gastropathy.

The cost of 10 suppositories of indomethacin is 298-400 rubles.


Ampoule for the treatment of prostatitis based on proteins obtained from the prostate of cattle.

Reduces tissue swelling, infiltration, congestion. Activates local blood circulation. Normalizes the rheological characteristics of seminal fluid, the work of the genitourinary tract.

Effective for the treatment of chronic form.

10 ampoules cost 400 rubles.


Injectable medicine based on bovine prostate extract used in the treatment of chronic prostatitis.

Improves microcirculation in the tissues of the genitourinary organs, increases the muscle tone of the urinary system. Prevents thrombosis, the appearance of infiltrates and congestion in the prostate.

10 ampoules cost 490 rubles.


Combined remedy for the treatment of inflammation of the prostate with impaired urodynamics.

The active components tamsulosin and solifenacin enhance the pharmacological effects of each other, due to which it is possible to improve urodynamics and completely get rid of the corresponding symptoms - urinary retention, false and painful urges, urinary incontinence.

It is taken 1 time per day.

The price for 1 package is about 1700 rubles.


Medicinal product containing creeping palm concentrate.

Starts the anti-inflammatory mechanism:

    Inhibits the synthesis of biological mediators of leukotrienes and prostaglandins that stimulate inflammation;

    Activates microcirculation in the organs of the peritoneum;

    Normalizes urination;

    Reduces vascular permeability.

Does not affect potency and hormone levels.

For a pack of 30 capsules you will have to pay 800 rubles.


Suppositories for rectal use.

Contains active substance from prostate extract.

It has anti-inflammatory activity, normalizes the tone of the organs of the genitourinary tract, activates the blood supply to the organs of the genitourinary system, prevents the formation of blood clots, infiltrates, congestion.

Stimulates the immune response to the pathological process.

Effective for the prevention of adenoma and prostatic hyperplasia.

The disadvantage is that it is rarely found in pharmacies.

10 candles cost 700 rubles.


Immunomodulator in the form of rectal suppositories with analgesic effect.

The composition of the drug includes a combination of substances with different pharmacological properties:

    Anesthetic benzocaine;

    Vitamin-like compound taurine;

    Human interferon, immunocorrector.

By activating local immunity, it reduces inflammation and congestion. Reduces the production of biological substances that stimulate the inflammatory response. Improves metabolism in the tissues of the urinary tract.

Increases the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy.

The price of the package is about 800 rubles.


The preparation of human interferon, vitamin E and C. Activates the immune response, blocks the reproduction of viruses and bacteria.

Stimulates regeneration processes in the tissues of the urogenital organs.

Available in candles of different dosages. The doctor selects the required dose.

The average cost of one pack for an adult is from 500 rubles.


With specific prostatitis associated with bacterial pathogens, antibiotics are required.

Which antimicrobial agents to treat the patient in a particular case, the doctor decides based on the results of the examination.

Note! Before you start taking antibiotics, you should read the instructions for use, because. Most antibiotics have drug interactions with other drugs.

Unidox Solutab

Most of the microorganisms associated with the development of pathological processes in the prostate are sensitive to Doxycycline, the active substance.

Contraindicated in severe pathologies of the kidneys, liver, porphyria.

Tablets are drunk whole or dissolved in 1 tbsp. l. water.

The dosage regimen is determined by the doctor individually.

For the treatment of prostatitis, two packs are required, each of which costs 416 rubles.


Czech fluoroquinolone antibiotic.

Eliminates the cause of specific prostatitis - pathogenic bacteria.

The duration of the therapeutic course and the dosage regimen is selected by the doctor personally.

The price of 10 tablets is 200 rubles.


French antimicrobial agent. Contains the levorotatory isomer of ofloxacin, due to which the antimicrobial activity is enhanced.

Available in 5 and 10 tablets. Price 560 and 1000 rubles.

In severe forms of the disease, it is possible to introduce Tavanik in the form of a dropper. 1 bottle costs 1100 rubles.


Indian analogue of Tavanik.

It has extensive antimicrobial activity.

The difference from the original product is a variety of dosages and a more affordable price (250-670 rubles).


One of the strongest antibiotics. Contains the macrolide Josamycin.

Effective against all pathogens that may be associated with prostatitis.

Eliminates the source of inflammation, helps to quickly cope with the disease.

Has a minimum of contraindications.

The price is 800 rubles for 10 tablets.

Summing up

Therapy of prostatitis is carried out with medicines with different pharmacological properties. Combinations of drugs are best for the disease. Which drugs are suitable in a particular case depends on the cause of the inflammation and the accompanying symptoms. It is not necessary to try to prescribe medications on your own, it is better to consult a urologist who is more knowledgeable on the subject.

Medicines for the treatment of prostatitis in men form the basis of recovery. They are included in the complex therapy of all forms and origins of prostatitis. Thanks to the use of tablets, it is possible to speed up recovery and improve the patient's well-being. A variety of drugs against prostatitis allows you to recover from various forms, stages of development and parallel ailments. Individual selection of pills for prostatitis is the key to successful treatment and minimal risk of complications.

What is prostatitis?

Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland. The condition can occur in acute and chronic form. In the first case, the symptoms are pronounced, but may have a low intensity in the initial stages. Chronic prostatitis has mild signs of the disease, and sometimes it is characterized by an asymptomatic course.

You can determine the presence of pathologies on the basis of symptoms. Prostatitis is characterized by:

  • the presence of pain, often of a cutting nature, in the groin, perineum or lower back;
  • increased pain occurs during urination, has a cramping type of flow;
  • violation of the quality of urination: the stream becomes small, sometimes it is interrupted in the process of eliminating the need, there is an incomplete bowel movement, discomfort;
  • increased urge to urinate.

Treatment should be selected based on the individual characteristics of the body, among the important parameters:

  • age indicators;
  • degree of development;
  • the presence of concomitant ailments;
  • presence of contraindications.

The disease can lead to physiological discomfort, but this is only part of the problem. The psychological side is no less important, a person develops fear, irritability and aggressiveness. Properly selected pills for prostatitis will help eliminate all of the listed symptoms, prevent the onset of allergies, ensuring the restoration of the male's sexual function.

Types of drugs used

It is impossible to unequivocally determine which pills are the most effective for prostatitis, since a universal remedy for the disease has not been developed. No urologist can single out a single method of treatment, but everyone can describe what prostate pills are, dividing them according to the methods of influencing the body. All treatment requires the use of an integrated approach, consisting of several types of drugs.

In the early stages of the development of the disease, dosage forms such as tablets can help the patient.

Prostatitis pills are:

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  • antibacterial drugs are present in every course of treatment. Be sure to prescribe antibiotics in the event of acute prostatitis. Their main goal is to eliminate bacteria and viruses that are causative agents of inflammation. To determine the medicine, it is necessary to diagnose the prostate juice, this will identify the type of pathogenic microorganisms. Antibacterial therapy reaches its maximum efficiency with the accumulation of a high concentration of substances, respectively, the reception is carried out in courses of 1 month or more. With intense pain, intravenous administration is prescribed;
  • A-blockers are designed to normalize the process of urination and reduce the intensity of symptoms. The drugs of the group have a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the urinary system, relieve spasmodic conditions of the sphincters, and stimulate the normal flow of urine and sperm. Their use leads to a decrease in the frequency of urges and normalization of pressure inside the bladder;
  • muscle relaxers are another pill for prostatitis in men that have a similar effect as A-blockers, only they are directed to the perineum. This area with prostatitis has excessive muscle tone. Due to the relaxation of muscle fibers, pressure in the pelvis decreases and pain relief occurs;

Which pills for prostatitis will help in a particular case, only a doctor can decide

  • pain pills for the prostate have an exclusively symptomatic effect, they relieve pain in the lower abdomen. The well-known drugs "Ibuprofen", "Diclofenac", "Aspirin" are mainly used;
  • phytotherapy. The direction involves the treatment of prostatitis with pills based on medicinal herbs. The method eliminates swelling of the gland, relieves inflammation, prevents the onset of congestion and improves the outflow of physiological fluid. Among the well-known folk remedies, pumpkin seeds, fruits of sabal and creeping palm are distinguished;
  • hormonal drugs block the synthesis of testosterone to a greater extent, since the hormone accelerates tissue growth. They also aim to normalize hormonal levels;
  • sedatives are prescribed for depression or frequent stressful situations. For a man, the weakness of sexual capabilities can be a real blow, respectively, soothing drugs are included in the course of treatment;
  • vitamin complexes aimed at strengthening the immune system. It weakens the long course of the disease.

It is the pills for the treatment of prostatitis in men that are the basis for further treatment.

Expert opinion

Infertility is often diagnosed between the ages of 25 and 40. One of the most common causes of infertility is prostatitis - inflammation of the prostate gland. The basis of therapy is drug therapy. Mostly antibiotics are prescribed. With a non-bacterial nature of the disease, A-blockers are highly effective. They make it easier to urinate, improve the patient's condition. Prostatitis affects the psycho-emotional state of the patient. Therefore, it is sometimes advisable to prescribe sedatives. The vitamin complex allows you to restore immunity and speed up recovery.

Alla Vozur

Most Effective

Antibacterial therapy

Before determining the method of treatment, bakposev is necessary. Then the appropriate antibiotic is selected. With severe symptoms, antibacterial drugs are administered intravenously. Antibiotics are prescribed only after consulting a doctor.

Therapy with antibacterial drugs is an essential component of successful treatment. Mostly urologists prescribe drugs from the group of fluoroquinols. Chlamydia more often than other pathogens provoke prostatitis and disorders of the reproductive and urinary systems. When the disease becomes chronic, the effectiveness of antibiotics decreases due to the inability to penetrate the parenchyma into the inflamed organ. Other pathogens are mycoplasmas and ureaplasmas.

For therapy appoint:

  • "Doxycycline";
  • "Minocycline";
  • "Erythromycin".

The course of treatment is from 1 to 2 months.

After taking antibacterial drugs, there is a decrease in pain and a decrease in the severity of other symptoms. Antibiotics are not prescribed for the treatment of non-bacterial prostatitis.

Some forms of prostatitis show high resistance to antibiotics, which leads to the need to use alpha-blockers.

Antibacterial therapy is a leader in the treatment of inflammation of the prostate

Alpha blockers

Prostatitis in 85% of all clinical cases leads to violations of the quality of urination. Alpha-blockers can reduce the severity of the disease. Their main drawback is the need for long-term use for six months.

The doctor prefers:

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  • Tamsulosin is a drug based on tamsulosin hydrochloride. The effect of the drug occurs due to the relaxation of the smooth muscles of the prostatic muscles and the neck of the bladder. The onset of a positive effect requires waiting 4 hours after consumption. In the form of tablets has a dosage of 400 mg. Pack of 30 costs from 430 rubles;
  • Omniku is a urodynamic corrector that provides symptomatic relief due to its antispasmodic effect. The tool reduces the pressure created on the urethra and promotes the outflow of urine. One tablet contains 400 mg of the active substance. It is recommended to use 1 piece / day. Available in packages with different capacities: 10 and 30 pcs. The cost starts from 430 rubles.

Urologists often also prescribe "Gitrin", "Kardura" and "Flomax".

Medicines for prostatitis in men of this group help to relax the muscles of the urethra and bladder neck


When psychological complications occur, the doctor is inclined to prescribe inexpensive and effective pills for prostatitis complications in the form of Valerian Forte, Persena, Barboval, Antistress.


Elimination of the inflammatory response is an important component of successful therapy. The best drugs will help relieve inflammation:

  • "Prostanorm", "Prostamol UNO", "Prostalamine" are drugs for stopping the inflammatory course, which help eliminate swelling and restore the normal functioning of the prostate gland;
  • "Diclofenac" is a non-steroidal group of tablets that additionally have an analgesic effect and ensure the restoration of a healthy body temperature. The drug reduces the production of prostaglandins that provoke and participate in the inflammatory process. The price ranges from 25 to 50 rubles, depending on the dosage;
  • Meloxicam is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug with antipyretic effects. The drug is produced by prescription. According to the recommendations of the doctor, the dosage and duration of treatment are selected. The price starts from 45 rubles per pack;
  • "Nimesulide" provides elimination of inflammatory reactions in the prostate gland, lowers the temperature and reduces the severity of pain. Among the additional effects is blood thinning, respectively, the risk of thrombosis is reduced. The classic method of use is 15 days, more precisely determined on the spot. Price from 65 rubles for 20 pcs.

These medicines are good for severe pain in the perineum.


With the appearance or recurrence of prostatitis, a man is tormented by pain in the abdomen. Antispasmodics help to relax muscle muscles, stimulate blood circulation.

Mostly doctors prescribe well-known and common drugs:

  • "No-shpa" is a high-quality antispasmodic with a rapid onset of a positive reaction. Their action begins in just 15 minutes. The advantages of the drug are: safety (contraindications and negative effects at least), high efficiency and availability. The use of the drug implies individual cases, course treatment is not practiced. Maximum drink 2 tablets. For 6 tablets you will have to pay from 66 rubles;
  • "Baralgin" provides muscle relaxation from excessive tone that has arisen due to the inflammatory reaction. This provides pain relief, but only temporarily. The drug affects the symptoms, but does not eliminate the root cause. 20 tablets cost from 220 rubles;
  • "Papaverine" improves blood conduction through the vessels in the affected area. A distinctive feature of the drug is the lack of an instant effect. The use is carried out in a course, this will achieve a stable therapeutic effect. The drug can be used to maintain the condition. The course should be completed gradually, using a low dose (60 mg) for another 3 days. Price for 20 pcs. from 40 rubles.

These drugs can alleviate the patient's condition at times of acute attacks of pain.

Phytotherapy and vitamins

Some of the most useful and high-quality tablets:

  • "Cyston" is a medicine made on the basis of natural substances. The drug cleanses the body of toxins accumulated after the use of antibiotics. "Cyston" accelerates the release of stones from the urinary tract. It is mainly prescribed for calculous prostatitis;
  • "Furzhunbao" - these are tablets from China that produce a general tonic effect, they improve potency, enhance the influence of the secretory function of the prostate gland. The basis contains ordinary and Chinese ginseng, goryanka, lingzhi, alpaniya and dereza;
  • "Red Root" is a dietary supplement containing numerous useful components of natural origin. The active ingredient is a tea kopek, which affects the increase in blood and lymph flow. The tool prevents the formation of stagnant processes;
  • "Bull's genital" is a drug originally from China, its creators assure the ability of the drug to improve potency. The composition is completely natural: dodder, ginseng, lemongrass, bovine testicles.

Inflammation of the prostate gland brings a lot of discomfort to men suffering from this disease. Even more dangerous are the consequences of prostatitis - impotence, loss of the ability to conceive a child, oncological pathologies, the spread of the inflammatory process to the entire genitourinary system. Depending on the etiology of the disease in each case, the urologist prescribes the most effective drugs.

The acute form of prostatitis occurs due to exposure to bacteria, pathogenic microorganisms.

It occurs, according to medical statistics, in 15% of all inflammations of the prostate, is characterized by the following symptoms:

    Pain in the groin, radiating to the lower back;

    Frequent painful urination with purulent discharge from the urethra;


  • Symptoms of intoxication of the body.

This condition requires immediate medical attention and antibiotic therapy that can penetrate into the gland tissue in the shortest possible time, effective against specific pathogens.

Chronic prostatitis can be a complication of the acute form of the disease, not sufficiently treated or transferred without treatment.

Symptoms of protracted inflammation of the prostate:

    Drawing pains in the perineum, radiating to the rectum and pelvic organs;

    Difficulty urinating, accompanied by burning;

    sleep disorders;


The treatment of this form of the disease takes much longer than in the acute stage, and the choice of drugs depends on the previous treatment, the presence of complications, and the individual characteristics of the organism. The range of medicines, in addition to antibiotics, is replenished with immunomodulators, analgesics, physiotherapy, therapeutic massage sessions, and the use of suppositories.

Sulfa-P - an expensive Israeli drug for prostatitis

This sulfonamide drug for prostatitis acts on gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, as well as on some types of protozoa. Sulfa-P is so effective that the symptoms of the disease disappear after 10-12 days after the start of treatment. However, the use of this drug in combination with other drugs should be used until complete recovery.

Approximate schemes for taking Sulfa-P:

    Half a tablet at night once;

    1 tablet at night once;

    2 tablets divided into 2 doses: morning and evening.

The course of treatment takes at least 3 weeks, the urologist selects the most effective regimen for taking the drug. To stimulate the metabolism in the tissues of the prostate gland, it is recommended to have a regular sexual life during this course.

Side effects:

  • Nausea and vomiting,

  • Headache and dizziness,


    Rarely - violations of the cardiovascular system, hepatitis.

Contraindications to taking Sulfa-P are renal and hepatic insufficiency, diseases of the hematopoietic system, thyroid pathology, individual intolerance.

The price of this medicine starts from $180

Popular drugs for prostatitis

In the group of drugs for the treatment of prostate diseases, there are many effective agents that improve the condition of prostate tissues and the general condition of the patient's body.

The homeopathic preparation is available in the form of lozenges, used as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. Removes swelling and returns to normal the functioning of the prostate, has a positive effect on urodynamics, reduces dysuria.

The tool has contraindications:

    individual intolerance,

    Necrosis of gland tissues

    Oncological diseases of the prostate.

The course of treatment takes about 4 months. It is recommended to take 2 tablets at the same time, dividing the medication from food intake in time. They dissolve in the mouth, take 2 times a day, before and after sleep. With severe symptoms, you can take pills up to 4 times a day. The course of treatment, if necessary, is repeated after 1-4 months of break.


The drug from the group of penicillin antibiotics is available in the form of tablets and powder for the preparation of a solution for injection. It is used to treat infections caused by gram-positive bacteria. The daily dose in the treatment of tablets is 2-4 g or 4-8 pieces per day, every 4-6 hours, 1-2 tablets. The course of treatment cannot exceed 7-10 days. The dosage regimen is prescribed exclusively by the attending physician.

When treating with Oxacillin, the following contraindications are taken into account:

    Allergic reactions and their complications in the form of bronchial asthma,

    Enterocolitis on the background of antibiotics.

During the use of this drug, side effects may occur in the form of dyspepsia, allergic reactions, pathologies of the genitourinary system.

Prostamol Uno

This phytopreparation is used to stop dysuric phenomena in chronic prostatitis. Its main active ingredient is an alcoholic extract of the fruits of the sabal palm. Prostamol Uno is available in the form of capsules containing a liquid with a characteristic odor. Corrects urination disorders and dysuric phenomena caused by prostatitis.

This drug is taken 1 capsule per day after meals. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the attending physician. Contraindications to the use of Prostamol Uno - individual intolerance, very rarely side effects can occur in the form of allergies, stomach pain.


The drug, which is based on a substance of animal origin (prostate extract), is available in the form of tablets and rectal suppositories. Vitaprost is used to relieve pain symptoms in chronic prostatitis and its exacerbations. The drug reduces swelling, improves microcirculation in the tissues of the prostate, reduces dysuric manifestations, increases the ability to conceive.

The effectiveness of this drug for the prevention of exacerbations of the disease, according to studies, is more than 97%. Tablets are used in 1 pc. 2 times a day, at least 10 days. Prevention of exacerbations is carried out in courses at the same dose for a month 1-2 times a year.


Prostatilen is a medicine for prostatitis, which is available in the form of suppositories and lyophilisate for injection. This animal-derived preparation is used as an anti-inflammatory agent to reduce swelling of the prostate and its infiltration by leukocytes. In addition, metabolic processes in the tissues of the gland are improved, local immunity is strengthened. At the same time, potency increases, neoplasms are prevented, spermatogenesis improves.


    injections - 5 ml once intramuscularly, diluted with water, novocaine solution or isotonic solution;

    suppositories - 1 suppository once for both treatment and prevention of exacerbations.

The course of treatment with Prostatilen is 10 days, if necessary, it is repeated after a month break. Contraindications for use - cardiovascular diseases, the risk of thromboembolism. Side effects such as mild, weakness, allergic reactions in the rectal area in the form of itching and irritation may appear.


The drug is available in the form of tablets, its main active ingredient (finasteride) promotes the conversion of the hormone testosterone into dihydrotestosterone. As a result, the prostate ceases to increase, the intensity of dysuric phenomena decreases.

Prostan take one tablet for a sufficiently long time (for 6 months or more). It is easily tolerated by patients with renal insufficiency, the elderly. Contraindications - prostate cancer, uropathy.

Herbal remedies for prostatitis

In the complex treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland, herbal remedies are often used, which have a mild effect with a persistent and lasting effect.


Food supplement "LIKOPROFIT®" - a complex of natural ingredients. Components of "LIKOPROFIT®" selectively accumulate in the tissues of the prostate, reduce the manifestations of inflammation, help strengthen protective functions, protect cells from damage by free radicals and control the process of excessive growth of prostate tissues.* Due to the complex and balanced composition, difficulties associated with urination are eliminated , pain relief. 1 Components of "LIKOPROFIT®" against the background of standard therapy effectively affect the main symptoms of chronic prostatitis, improve urination: reduce the frequency of urination and increase the flow of urine, improve well-being and have a restorative effect in patients with chronic prostatitis *

1 Spivak L.G. Efficacy and safety of Likoprofit® in patients with chronic prostatitis and prostate adenoma. Urology. 2013, No. 2, pp. 118-122.;

The drug produced by the Indian company Himalaya Drug is used to treat acute and chronic prostatitis. Speman has anti-inflammatory and prostatotropic effect, improves microcirculation in its tissues, stimulates spermatogenesis. With its regular use in the prostate gland, congestion and manifestations of dysuria decrease.

The composition of the drug Speman includes extracts of the following plants:

    Argyrea is beautiful;

    Tribulus creeping;

    Orchis male;

    Leptadenia net;

    compass lettuce;

    Parmelia pearl;

    Asterkant long-leaved;


    Velvet beans.

Produced in the form of tablets, packed in 100 pcs. into a plastic bottle. It is recommended to take 2 tablets 2-3 times a day at the onset of the disease, followed by a transition to a maintenance dose. Contraindications are minimal - individual intolerance to the components of the drug.


The Ayurvedic medicine Fortege is produced by the Indian company Alarsin. In the treatment of prostatitis, it is used as a tonic drug that improves the metabolism of the genitourinary system. Available in the form of tablets, which are taken 2 pieces twice a day before meals. The manufacturer recommends during the course of treatment to adjust the patient's diet, reducing the proportion of sugar, animal fats and alcohol.

The composition of the drug includes the following components: leptadeniya mesh, Indian ginseng, calamus, black pepper, long, Cubeba, white sandalwood, fragrant nutmeg, sage, cloves, Roman chamomile, braynia, ginger. Fortezh is combined with all medicines.


This Ayurvedic preparation produced by Alarsin from India belongs to the category of biologically active additives. It contains more than 40 components, most of which are of plant origin. Bangshil is used to increase the body's defenses and restore the function of the genitourinary system in the treatment of prostatitis.

The average duration of the course of treatment is 30 days. During this time, it is recommended to adhere to limit alcohol, animal fats, and sugar in the diet. Tablets are taken 2 times a day, 2 pieces before meals. Contraindications are minimal - individual intolerance to the components.


This remedy for the treatment and prevention of prostatitis is produced by the Canadian company Flora M & D, belongs to the category of dietary supplements. Pro-Essence is used as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic and immunomodulator.

The composition of this drug includes only herbal ingredients:

    Burdock root;

    Bearberry leaf;

    juniper berries;

    Ash bark;

    Elm bark.

Pro-Essence is available in the form of capsules, which are taken in the morning and evening, 1-2 pieces on an empty stomach. The attending physician can adjust this dose, if desired, reducing or increasing it.

Contraindications for use:

    kidney failure;

    Allergy to herbal ingredients of the drug.

This Russian-made drug (Ecomir company) is positioned by the manufacturer as a biologically active supplement for men.

Likoprofit contains in its composition a complex of vitamins, minerals and extracts of plant origin:

    nettle root;

    African plum bark;

    Ginseng root;

    Ginkgo biloba leaves;

    The fruits of the dwarf palm.

This balanced composition improves the general condition of the body as a whole and the genitourinary system in particular, prevents excessive enlargement of prostate tissues, reduces swelling, and reduces the effects of dysuria. Likoprofit is available in the form of capsules, which are taken in a monthly course of 1 piece per day with meals. If necessary, the course is repeated after 3 months. The drug is well tolerated, it is not recommended to use it for hyperthyroidism, tachycardia, high blood pressure, insomnia.


The over-the-counter medicine for prostatitis, produced by Teva Pharmaceutical from Israel, belongs to the category of dietary supplements. Most of its composition is occupied by pumpkin seed oil. Peponen is used as an analgesic, corrects dysuric phenomena, activates the immune system. Produced in the form of capsules, which are taken three times a day, 1-2 pieces.

The tool does not have pronounced side effects, diarrhea is extremely rare with prolonged use.

What are the most effective herbal remedies used in the treatment of chronic prostatitis?

Immunomodulators for prostatitis

To increase the body's defenses, to regulate the immune system, drugs from the clinical and pharmacological group of immunomodulatory drugs are used. In the treatment of acute and chronic prostatitis, Galavit is used - rectal suppositories of a wide spectrum of action.


This drug is used as an immunomodulator with anti-inflammatory action. Galavit increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases, stimulates the activity of macrophages, neutrophilic granulocytes, which leads to the normalization of the state of tissues and organs. The drug can be combined with a course of antibiotic therapy.

Suppositories in the treatment of prostatitis are used 2 times a day, 1 piece during the first day of treatment, and then 1 piece every other day. The duration of the course depends on the intensity of the inflammatory process, an average of 10-15 suppositories. Galavit is compatible with other drugs, no cases of overdose of this drug have been recorded. Contraindications for use - individual intolerance, very rarely such a side effect of the drug as an allergic reaction is manifested.

For the successful treatment of acute and chronic prostatitis, the pharmacy chain offers a wide range of drugs for complex treatment. Their selection, dosage and correction of the course of treatment is carried out by the doctor, taking into account the duration and intensity of the inflammatory process.

Bad to food. It is not a medicinal product.

Education: A diploma in the specialty "Andrology" was obtained after completing a residency at the Department of Endoscopic Urology of the RMAPE in the Urological Center of the Central Clinical Hospital No. 1 of Russian Railways (2007). Postgraduate studies were completed here in 2010.

Modern men know how to improve their sexual performance. To date, many pharmaceutical companies offer drugs that increase libido, improve erections and prolong the time of sexual intercourse. Developments and tests in this direction make it possible to produce ever newer and more effective means. Undoubtedly, there are recognized leaders in this industry - Viagra, Cialis, Levitra. They have been tested under special programs and approved for use by the general public. But since a lot of money was spent on development, testing and patents, the cost of these drugs is quite high. Entrepreneurial Indian manufacturers are closely following the new patented drugs in this series. The thing is that the term of the patent is limited, after which it is quite possible to produce their analogues (generics). There is no need to spend money on development, since the original is already there, you just need to add a few neutral components and re-register the name and type of packaging (this is considered the intellectual property of the discoverer).

It was in this way that Kamagra was born - a wonderful analogue of Viagra, but costing several times cheaper. Note that this does not affect the quality of the product at all. So, what kind of drug is it, is it really so effective, and where can it be purchased - we will find answers to these questions right now.

Active ingredient

Sildenafil - synthesized artificially, in the search for drugs to treat coronary heart disease. The side effect affected the test subjects in a pleasant way - an increase in blood flow to the cavernous bodies of the penis. From 1992-94, research took a different path, and the first version of Viagra was created and tested. Further, having patented the invention, the company gained worldwide fame and for some time remained a monopoly manufacturer. However, the expired patent made it possible for other companies to copy the working formula. Subsequently, Tadalafil, Vardenafil and Avanafil were synthesized, which provided healthy competition for the Viagra brand.

Men respond differently to the diversity of this particular market. Someone prefers more expensive, but proven drugs. Others, with their hard-earned savings, prefer generics. Naturally, the presence of the same effect is implied, but at lower financial costs.

Generic Kamagra contains the maximum allowable dose of sildenafil (100 mg). This helps him attract many new users, because, for example, an average man, without obvious painful abnormalities in the genitourinary and reproductive system, needs only 50 mg of the active substance. So, having bought a blister with 4 tablets, he actually gets 8 full-fledged “nights of love”.

Basic information about the drug

The active component of Kamagra is sildenafil (that is, the same as that of Viagra). It has three dosage forms:

  1. kamagra tablets;
  2. Gel oral jelly which means "oral use" (the gel must be dissolved in the mouth);
  3. Kamagra, soluble in water (effervescent tablets).

The action of the drug is quite fast, the desired effect is achieved 20 minutes after use, if it is a gel and a soluble form, and after an hour if it is a tablet. The duration of action is from 5 to 8 hours.

A tangible plus is that you can take it even if you have consumed alcohol (which cannot be done with Viagra).

Packages can be in two colors - red and green. The effect of the drug is stronger than that of dietary supplements, since sildenafil is an artificially synthesized component that does not occur in nature. It is this moment that determines the rapid action, while the plant complexes act after a long time. In fact, the drug will improve the blood supply to the penis, dilating blood vessels and accelerating blood circulation in principle. However, the manufacturers of Kamagra managed to achieve such a layout that eliminated the side effects inherent in the original drugs (overstrain of the heart muscle, dizziness, and others). Let's move on to a detailed review of each dosage form.

Kamagra Gold

The tablet form is represented by gray-green or dull blue tablets, imprinted with the logo of an Indian company. In a blister, the number of tablets is always the same - 4 pieces each. Kamagra Gold can be ordered without carton packaging, which automatically reduces the price (almost 2 times). With this form of order, the blisters must contain information about the batch number and release series. The drug helps with:

  • erectile dysfunction;
  • Weak erection;
  • Sexual weakness due to age.

Kamagra Gold is suitable for most men aged 18 to 60, is not addictive, in some cases you can even take half the dose.

By the way, an allergic reaction is also excluded, except for the one that occurs on the active substance itself.

A dosage of 100 mg is also optimal, so one tablet is enough for a day. Excitation comes only after stimulation of the penis, that is, do not worry if you need to take the drug before morning sex. But still, try to use Kamagra Gold in the evening, just before sexual intercourse.

Kamagra gel reviews

This form very quickly won the preferences of buyers. Unlike Kamagra Gold, the effect of using the gel comes much faster, which is good for spontaneous sex. You need to take the gel orally, that is, the contents of the sachet are simply swallowed after a short stay in the mouth. Through the salivary glands and receptors, the active substance enters the blood faster. The manufacturer made the gel with several flavors - banana, multivitamin, pineapple, etc. for those who do not like to swallow tablets, it is the gel form that provides all the necessary benefits. Kamagra gel reviews left only positive reviews, however, there are some nuances here:

  • Firstly, it is necessary that his admission is allowed by a specialist urologist;
  • Secondly, you need to know for sure that there is no allergy to sildenafil;
  • Thirdly, it cannot be combined with the intake of substances belonging to the nitrate group;
  • Fourth, erectile dysfunction should not be accompanied by serious systemic diseases. This can negatively affect the condition when taking Kamagra Gold or Kamagra Gel.

The gel is sold in individual sachets, the quantity is at least 5 pieces at a time. One dose is used at one time. Kamagra gel has reviews, and basically all men are satisfied. Women are not recommended to take this drug, since there have been no studies on the effects on the female body. True, some ladies order Viagra for personal use, but there are no statistics on the effect on the female body and orgasm. The gel does not need to be washed down with water, which is an additional convenience. Increasing the natural potency, Kamagra gel works to eliminate inconvenience and bed fiasco.


Kamagra gold or Kamagra gel, reviews of which are already available among Russian-speaking users, are convenient and affordable substitutes for certified Viagra. The tablet form is more familiar, and the gel acts faster. The instructions show how to take both forms of the drug:

  1. The tablet is washed down with water, and the action occurs within an hour;
  2. The gel is simply consumed orally, without water, or it can be diluted in any drink.

Pleasant flavors are an additional bonus from the manufacturer. You should not get involved in taking Kamagra if you have such diseases as:

  • duodenal ulcer;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • Curvature of the penis (congenital or after trauma);
  • Heart and kidney failure;
  • problems with the brain;
  • Diabetes mellitus and oncological tumors;
  • heart attacks and strokes;
  • Too low (or high) blood pressure.

Side effects are very mild. Only a few men (out of a thousand interviewed) complain about minor:

  1. Transient dizziness;
  2. Violations of color perception (short-term);
  3. Rush of blood to the skin of the face;
  4. Sometimes on nasal congestion.

Here is such a unique drug you can buy in pharmacies or order through online stores. Its quality and reliability justify the wildest expectations, and the ease of use and the speed of the onset of a positive effect are impressive.

Starting timely treatment for prostatitis is the main rule that will help men recover quickly. A neglected disease is treated promptly. But in the initial stages, therapeutic treatment is quite acceptable. Pharmacists offer effective pills for prostatitis. But there are many of them, and each drug has its own characteristics. What pills to choose for treatment or prevention? This article will help answer this question - in it we will compile a list of the best remedies (in terms of cost and quality) and make a short review of each drug.

How to choose?

First of all, it is worth noting that it is not necessary to select pills for the treatment or prevention of prostatitis on your own, focusing only on lists and reviews on the Internet - this can be dangerous, since the wrong medicine can only do harm. Pills against prostatitis are better to let the doctor pick up.

The doctor will conduct a series of tests, confirm the diagnosis, determine the exact form and stage of prostatitis, and also find out the individual characteristics of the man. Based on the information received, the specialist will draw up a treatment program and a list of pills that need to be taken by a particular patient.

Treatment of acute and chronic prostatitis involves taking different types of pills for different symptoms. It can be:

  1. Antibiotics.
  2. Painkillers.
  3. Remedies for inflammation.
  4. Adrenoblockers.
  5. Drugs that improve blood flow and eliminate stagnant formations.

We will compile a list of pills for the treatment and prevention of prostatitis, and also learn about their purpose, indications, features of administration, prices, etc.

Means against pathogenic flora

Prostatitis is often accompanied by infection with bacterial flora, which cause serious complications. To eliminate harmful pathogens, antibiotics must be taken. In addition to eliminating bacteria, antibiotic tablets help reduce toxicity and stop inflammation.

Alas, it is often impossible to cure prostatitis without antibiotics. In the reviews, you can find many stories that men refused to take these drugs, fearing side effects, and as a result they started their disease.

Often, for the treatment of acute and chronic prostatitis, doctors prescribe pills to their patients from the following list: Amoxiclav, Ciprofloxacin, Ofloxacin or Azithromycin.

  • Amoxiclav.

Amoxiclav with prostatitis is prescribed to men most often. This is due to the high quality at a relatively affordable price of the drug. Another plus is that the drug has a wide spectrum of action, and it can be prescribed for any pathogens of prostatitis.

The medicine is included in the list of penicillin drugs (be careful - many people are allergic to penicillins). Amoxiclav tablets are film-coated, easily soluble in white. Packed either in bottles or in blisters.

The cost of tablets: from 190 rubles (375 mg).

  • Ciprofloxacin.

The antibiotic Ciprofloxacin fights all groups of harmful microorganisms that provoke the development of infectious prostatitis: gram-positive and aerobic, gram-negative and anaerobic. The main active ingredient is ciprofloxacin hydrochloride.

With uncomplicated prostatitis of the initial stage, Ciprofloxacin is prescribed 250 milligrams per day. In difficult cases, you will need to drink 500 milligrams twice a day. Duration of admission is approximately 10 days.

The drug costs from 32 rubles (tablets 500 mg, 10 pcs in a package)

  • Azithromycin.

This medicine from the list of effective pills for prostatitis has antifungal, antiprotozoal and antibacterial action. Belongs to the category of broad-spectrum antibiotics. It is taken once a day for 1 g. The course lasts three days, but if necessary, the doctor can either extend the course or prescribe another antibiotic to enhance the effect.

Price - from 120 rubles. (500 mg, 3 tablets per pack).

  • Ofloxacin.

Strong tablets capable of killing gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms that cause prostatitis in men in a minimum time. Treatment begins with a single dose of 200 mg. With complicated prostatitis, the daily dose may be increased to 800 mg. The course, depending on the degree of the disease, can be from 3 to 10 days.

There is a box with 10 tablets (400 mg) from 30 rubles.


Prostatitis is always inflammation in the prostate. Moreover, if left untreated, the inflammation in the tissues will progress rapidly, causing very unpleasant symptoms (pain, urinary retention due to compression of the urinary ducts, problems with erection). Often, by reducing inflammation, it is possible to remove the symptoms of prostatitis. For this, the doctor prescribes to men drugs from the list of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Meloxicam, Nimesulide, etc.).

  • Diclofenac.

Tablets are a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug with a pronounced analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect. The action of Diclofenac against inflammation is based on the fact that the components reduce the formation of so-called prostaglandins. They are the cause of the development of inflammatory processes in prostatitis.

The drug costs from 25 rubles. (pack of 1 tablet 50 mg) up to 50 rubles. (box of 20 tablets of 100 mg).

  • Meloxicam (Meloxicam-Teva).

Meloxicam is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug with anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects. Taking tablets is possible only as prescribed and under the direct supervision of a doctor. It is he who should determine the dosage and duration of the course of treatment.

The cost of the drug in pharmacies - from 45 rubles. per box of 20 pcs.

  • Nimesulide.

Nimesulide tablets relieve inflammation in the prostate gland, and also help bring down the heat and reduce pain. An additional effect is blood thinning, that is, the medicine helps to eliminate blood clots in the vessels. The standard course of taking this NSAID is 15 days, but the duration of treatment can be adjusted by the doctor depending on the patient's condition.

There is a box of 20 pieces. (100 mg) from 65 rubles.

Group of alpha-blockers

Prostatitis in 85% of cases is accompanied by difficulties with urination - a man experiences constant urge, but at the same time he cannot go to the toilet normally. To normalize the process, you can take special drugs - alpha-blockers. The reviews speak well of Tamsulosin and Omnik.

  • Tamsulosin.

The main active ingredient in the composition is tamsulosin hydrochloride. The action of the drug is aimed at relaxing the postsynaptic α1A-adrenergic receptors of the smooth muscles of the prostate and bladder neck. The therapeutic effect is achieved within 4 hours after ingestion.

The dosage of tablets is 400 milligrams. Packed in boxes of 30 pieces, the cost is from 430 rubles.

  • Omnic.

Omnic is a corrector of urodynamics: it helps to relieve symptoms by eliminating spasms in the prostate and bladder neck; reduces pressure in the urethra and increases urine flow. The dosage of tablets is 400 milligrams. 1 piece is accepted per day. In pharmacies, this drug can be found in packs of 10 and 30 capsules. Price - from 430 rubles.

Against pain

In case of exacerbation of prostatitis, when a man is tormented by severe pain, antispasmodics should be taken. These pills relax the smooth muscles of the prostate, improve blood circulation and thereby relieve pain. Most often, doctors recommend taking the following pills: No-shpu, Papaverine, Baralgin.

  • No-shpa.

No-shpa is a common high-quality antispasmodic that quickly removes pain during exacerbation of prostatitis. The tablets work almost instantly. The advantage of the drug is the minimum number of contraindications and side effects - that is why No-shpa is very often prescribed by doctors.

Reception of No-shpa is symptomatic, that is, it is not necessary to take a whole course. Taken as needed when in pain. But, judging by the reviews of doctors, it is still not worth drinking more than 2 tablets of this antispasmodic. If even a couple of pills did not help to remove severe pain, then it means that the cause of their occurrence is very serious and cannot be eliminated with simple painkillers.

The cost of No-shpa - from 66 rubles. per box of 6 tablets.

  • Baralgin.

The next drug from the list of pills that can be taken with prostatitis is Baralgin. When taken, it weakens the compressed urethra, which is inflamed and enlarged by the prostate gland, and thereby relieves pain. However, it is worth remembering that Baralgin, like any other remedy, has a temporary effect, but does not remove pain forever. That is why men should not take only antispasmodic tablets alone - they must be used together with antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs.

It costs Baralgin from 220 rubles. per box of 20 tablets.

  • Papaverine.

This drug helps to relax the tissues of the prostate and increase the conductivity of blood through the vessels. Unlike No-shpa and Baralgin, it does not provide instant help, it must be taken in courses. But after the end of the course, the effect will last long enough. The duration of admission is determined by the doctor (it can range from a couple of weeks to a month). After completion of treatment, in order to avoid remission, it is allowed to take Papaverine in the minimum dose (60 mg every 3 days) for prevention.

The drug costs from 40 rubles. for 20 pcs.


Often, doctors advise their patients to drink vitamin supplements and natural complexes containing substances that are beneficial for the prostate in addition to medicines. Here is a small list of quality pills suitable for the treatment of prostatitis:

  1. Cystone is a natural drug that helps to remove toxins (they accumulate when taking strong antibiotics), and also helps to remove stones from the prostate ducts. Most often prescribed for calculous form of prostatitis.
  2. Bull's genital is a Chinese remedy that will help strengthen potency (it often suffers from prostatitis). The composition contains an extract from bovine testicles, ginseng, dodder, lemongrass.
  3. Fuzhunbao - Chinese pills for general strengthening of the body, strengthening potency, improving the secretory activity of the prostate. The composition of the drug contains Chinese ginseng root, ginseng, Goryanka, lingzhi mushroom, dereza, medicinal alpania.
  4. Red root - this dietary supplement contains vitamins, trace elements and other useful chemicals of only natural origin. The main component is kopek tea, which affects blood circulation and lymph flow, thereby reducing or preventing possible stagnant processes.

So, we have compiled a list of the most popular pills used to treat prostatitis. Please note that this information is provided for informational purposes only.

Do not choose your own medicines. The fact is that in one case a particular drug can be effective, and in another - contraindicated. That is why the pills against prostatitis should be selected by a doctor - based on the data on the form and stage of prostatitis, the specialist will be able to determine which pills will be most effective for a particular patient. Do not take risks and self-medicate - it can be dangerous!

Review and comparison of pills to increase potency

How to restore potency after an illness, how to improve an erection for middle-aged and older men, or how to simply increase libido - these are the burning questions that concern a large number of men around the world.

According to statistics, almost every 2nd representative of the strong half suffers from sexual disorders. According to unofficial data, these figures will be an order of magnitude higher.

Many have already tried pills to increase potency, and some are still in search of safe and effective remedies. In our article we will consider some drugs.

Comparison of fast-acting agents

famous viagra

The action of these tablets leads to the expansion of the lumen of the arteries located at the entrance to the penis. After taking the drug, an increase in erection and an improvement in blood flow in the penis occurs only with normal stimulation. Potency will not increase if there is no sexual desire.

Long lasting cialis

Improves potency in the same way as Viagra. A big plus of this drug is a longer effect. The action of the tablets lasts for 36 hours, i.e., at any time of the day, if arousal occurs, an erection will appear.


Levitra is considered an improved analogue of Viagra and is 10 times more effective than Cialis, as much as 13 times more effective. The drug is guaranteed to increase potency even when eating fatty foods or a small amount of alcohol.

It is strictly forbidden to use all of the above medicines to increase male potency for persons under the age of 18 and older men suffering from chronic diseases. Levitra, Viagra and Cialis have a number of side effects. After using them, you may experience:

  • headache and dizziness;
  • pain in the joints;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • decrease in visual acuity.

Pills that increase potency should be taken with great caution by men with diseases of the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, liver, stomach ulcers, leukemia and hemophilia.

Not just for erections

Unlike most modern drugs to enhance potency, a highly effective drug like impaz will not only improve erection during intercourse, but will also give excellent results in the treatment of sexual dysfunction. It will also positively affect the entire sex life of a man.

Studies have confirmed that regular intake of Impaza will restore potency and eliminate sexual breakdowns after 12 weeks. According to statistics, after the course of treatment, increased potency was observed in 75% of patients.

Operating principle

In men taking the drug, the potency is significantly increased due to the improved functioning of the vessels in the penis and the function of the endothelium is restored. Regular intake of Impaza significantly increases the level of testosterone in the blood.

Benefits of using

The remedy for improving potency is available in the form of lozenges that do not require drinking. Thus, a man can take the drug in any conditions. Convenient release form. If you strictly follow the instructions for use, the medicine does not give side effects, which is confirmed by numerous tests. Even with a 6-month course of treatment, pills to improve potency will not have a negative effect on the body.

Excellent compatibility

Even the use of other drugs does not affect the improvement of potency with the help of impaz: for example, those taken by men with coronary heart disease, arterial hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. Combined use with drugs for the treatment of prostate adenoma and prostatitis is acceptable. There is an additional effect - increased libido.

This tool will help not only restore weakened potency, but also eliminate psycho-emotional disorders in intimate life. In the course of treatment, there is an increase in sexual desire and the level of satisfaction with sexual intercourse.

Long lasting effect

All men who take pills to increase potency hope for a lasting result from these drugs. The increase in sexual strength persists for six months after the completion of the course of treatment. Representatives of the strong half of humanity will forget for a long time previously used by them, one-time potency stimulants.

Trust proven quality

We do not recommend buying Chinese pills, as a drug of dubious quality can be hidden under a beautiful name, which can cause serious health problems. Having spent your money, at best, you will acquire a useless product, and at worst, a health hazard.

All men should know that a decrease in potency is not a sentence at all. Reduced potency can and should be treated. Just before choosing a remedy and method of treatment, be sure to consult with a specialist.