How to treat bursitis with medication and folk remedies, physiotherapy, diet and surgery. Bursitis: what is it and how to treat it? Bursitis what kind of disease and how

- this is an acute, subacute or chronic inflammation of the synovial bag, which is accompanied by abundant formation and accumulation of exudate (inflammatory fluid) in its cavity. It is clinically manifested by a rise in body temperature, malaise, pain, swelling and redness in the area of ​​the affected synovial bag, moderate limitation of movement in the joint. The basis of the diagnosis is an examination of the affected area, puncture and bacteriological examination of the punctate, MRI and radiography of the joint. Treatment includes rest of the affected limb, ice compresses, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. Chronic bursitis is often an indication for surgical treatment.


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General information

Bursitis is an acute, subacute, or chronic inflammation of the synovial sac (bursa). The disease is accompanied by an increase in the bursa due to the accumulation of exudate in it. The cause of development can be an acute injury, constant mechanical irritation or salt deposition in some rheumatoid diseases. About 85% of all cases of bursitis occur in men. The first place in prevalence is ulnar bursitis.

Causes of bursitis

Acute infected bursitis usually develops as a result of a minor injury (small wound, hematoma, abrasion) or purulent inflammation (bedsore, osteomyelitis, carbuncle, boil, erysipelas). In the area of ​​damage, pyogenic microbes multiply, which are then transferred through the lymphatic pathways to the area of ​​the bag, infecting its contents.

It is also possible to transfer the infection through the blood or direct entry of microbes into the cavity of the bag when the soft tissues are damaged. Most often, direct infection occurs with cuts and abrasions in the elbow area (for example, as a result of a fall from a bicycle). The cause of the development of infected bursitis in this case is usually epidermal or Staphylococcus aureus.

The likelihood of bursitis with a direct hit of microorganisms increases with a decrease in immunity, alcoholism, diabetes, taking steroids, and some kidney diseases. In addition, some diseases (scleroderma, gout, rheumatoid arthritis) can be the cause of bursitis. In this case, bursitis occurs due to the deposition of salts in the synovial bag.

Chronic bursitis occurs as a result of constant, long-term mechanical irritation of the corresponding area. Usually its occurrence is due to the peculiarities of professional or sports activities. For example, miners are more likely to experience bursitis of the elbow joint, housewives and housekeepers - bursitis of the knee joint, etc.


A synovial bursa is a slit-like cavity lined with a membrane and containing a small amount of synovial fluid. Bags are located near the protruding areas of the bones and perform a shock-absorbing function, protecting soft tissues (muscles, tendons, skin and fascia) from excessive friction or pressure.

The following types of synovial bags are distinguished: axillary (located under the muscles), subfascial (located under the fascia), subtendonous (lying under the tendons) and subcutaneous (located on the convex surface of the joints, right in the subcutaneous tissue).


Types of bursitis

Bursitis of the elbow joint

As mentioned above, the most common type of bursitis is bursitis of the elbow joint, more precisely, the ulnar subcutaneous bursa located in the region of the olecranon. Acute elbow bursitis develops as a result of trauma, infection or metabolic disorders. The reason for the development of acute and chronic bursitis may be the peculiarities of labor or sports load (except for miners, people who are forced to constantly lean their elbows on the table during work, as well as wrestlers, sometimes suffer from this disease due to pressure and friction of the elbows on the carpet).

Initially, a slight swelling occurs in the region of the olecranon, which often goes unnoticed. In acute bursitis, the swelling increases, the skin over it turns red, movements in the joint become painful. Possible local increase in temperature. On palpation, an elastic fluctuating formation is determined. With the further development of the infection, weakness, symptoms of general intoxication appear.

Surgeons are involved in the treatment of acute bursitis. Therapy includes standard methods used for all types of bursitis: rest, compresses, anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs, sometimes punctures and the introduction of corticosteroids. With purulent bursitis, antibiotics are prescribed, fluid is removed through a small incision, followed by washing and draining the cavity. In advanced cases, surgical intervention is performed - an autopsy followed by drainage.

In chronic bursitis, the swelling also continues to increase, however, in this case, neither redness nor fever is observed. The only unpleasant symptoms may be a feeling of awkwardness in the elbow and pain when bending, due to the tension of the bursa.

If left untreated, the bursa can reach a significant size and significantly limit joint mobility. When performing any work, the patient is forced to take breaks due to pain during movements. The swelling can be both elastic and tense, and flabby, soft. Sometimes on palpation, cartilage density seals and cicatricial bands are determined.

Chronic aseptic bursitis is managed by orthopedic traumatologists. Bag punctures are not shown in this case, because after removal, the fluid usually accumulates again. Surgery is recommended. Surgical intervention is carried out in a hospital. The bag is peeled off from the skin and bone, and then removed, the wound is drained, a tight bandage is applied to the joint area. The graduate is removed on the 2nd or 3rd day, the sutures are usually removed 10 days after the operation.

It should be remembered that with ulnar bursitis there is a fairly high risk of secondary infection. In addition, with long-standing chronic bursitis, cicatricial changes occur in the bag and around it, which makes it difficult to carry out surgical intervention. Therefore, you need to consult a doctor at an early date, without waiting for complications.

Bursitis of the knee

Most often, the subcutaneous bursa located on the anterior surface of the joint (the first place in prevalence) and the infrapatellar bursa, located under the patella and large tendon, are affected. Prepatellar bursitis is an inflammation of the subcutaneous bursa located on the anterior surface of the knee. It ranks first in prevalence among bursitis of the knee joint.

The disease usually occurs after an injury (fall on the kneecap, bruise or blow) or after prolonged kneeling, usually due to professional activities (roofer's knee, housewife's knee). In addition, the cause of the development of bursitis can be the deposition of salts in pseudogout, gouty arthritis or rheumatoid arthritis.

There is swelling, redness of the skin, discomfort in the knee area. Pain is usually less pronounced than with arthritis, movements are slightly limited or fully preserved. There may be some stiffness when walking. When the fluid in the cavity of the bursa becomes infected, the pain intensifies, the range of motion decreases, there is an increase in regional lymph nodes and an increase in body temperature. Treatment is the same as for other types of bursitis.

Infrapatellar bursitis develops as a result of inflammation of the infrapatellar bursa located under the large tendon, which, in turn, lies under the patella. The most common cause of bursitis is a jump injury (jumper's knee). Treatment includes resting the affected limb, ice compresses, and taking painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Goose bursitis is an inflammation of the goose bursa located on the posterior inner surface of the knee joint. It develops more often in overweight women. Accompanied by pain, aggravated by climbing and descending the stairs.

Conservative treatment is standard, performed by surgeons. In chronic aseptic goose bursitis, which is also called Becker's cyst, surgical intervention is recommended - excision of the bursa. The operation is performed by traumatologists or orthopedists in a hospital setting. As in the case of ulnar bursitis, a rubber graduate is placed in the postoperative wound for 1-2 days. The sutures are removed on the tenth day.

Shoulder bursitis

Most often, there is inflammation of bags that are not associated with the cavity of the shoulder joint - subacromial, subdeltoid and subcutaneous acromial. There is pain, aggravated by the rotation of the abduction of the limb. The pain syndrome is especially pronounced with bursitis of the subdeltoid bag. The area of ​​the shoulder joint is slightly increased in volume, the contours of the muscles are smoothed out. With the defeat of the subdeltoid bag, the deltoid muscle looks enlarged, in some cases swelling appears on the outer surface of the joint.

Bursitis of the hip joint

The most commonly affected are the iliac sac, the deep and superficial sacs of the greater trochanter. These types of bursitis are characterized by a severe course. Acute bursitis is accompanied by a significant increase in temperature and severe pain, which increases sharply with rotation, extension and abduction of the hip. There is a forced position of the limb: the thigh is abducted, bent and slightly turned outward. Above the inguinal ligament along the anterior-inner surface of the thigh, a painful swelling is determined.

In some cases, bursitis of the hip joint must be differentiated from purulent arthritis. Unlike arthritis, bursitis is characterized by the presence of local swelling, the absence of pain during axial load on the limb, adduction and flexion of the hip.

Ankle bursitis

Most often in this area there is bursitis of the subcutaneous heel bag, located between the Achilles tendon and the calcaneal tuber. The cause of the appearance is an injury (for example, rubbing shoes) or the transfer of infection through the lymphatic or blood vessels. Sometimes, in cases of Achilles bursitis, it is necessary to carry out a differential diagnosis with an inflammatory process caused by trauma to the tissues of the heel spur.

Forecast and prevention

The prognosis of bursitis is favorable. Miners and people in other professions associated with an increased risk of developing bursitis should, if possible, protect synovial bags from permanent injury (for example, using protective bandages). To prevent the development of acute bursitis, it is necessary to carefully treat wounds in the joints, to treat pustular diseases correctly and in a timely manner.

Bursitis is an inflammatory disease of the synovial bursa, characterized by excessive formation and accumulation of fluid (exudate) in its cavity. The danger of the disease is to limit the motor function of the joints, as well as their destruction.

The synovial bursa (lat. bursae synoviales), or as it is also called, the bursa, is a soft pocket filled with synovial fluid, located between the bones, muscles and tendons, in places of their greatest friction and pressure to each other.

The function of the bursa is to soften the mechanical impact on the articular elements, due to which there is better mobility, as well as the protection of the joints from adverse factors.

Bursa can be articular and periarticular.

The main causes of bursitis are injuries, bruises, infection of the body, excessive stress on the musculoskeletal system, especially if the body is often exposed to these factors, although sometimes it is quite difficult to find an obvious cause.

Most often, the inflammatory process develops in the shoulder, elbow and knee joints, less often in the hip joints and the bursa between the calcaneus and the Achilles tendon.

To better understand the mechanism of bursitis disease, let's consider the following paragraph.

Development of bursitis

Before considering the mechanism of development of bursitis, let's delve a little into human anatomy.

A joint is a junction of bones, tendons, muscle tissues and other smaller elements. To achieve the greatest efficiency in work - motor function, the joint is enclosed in a joint capsule.

The articular capsule, in turn, has an inner layer - the synovial membrane, which, with the exception of cartilaginous areas, lines the entire surface of the articular cavity and ligaments located in the joint.

In the synovial membrane, its inner part, there are nerve fibers and blood vessels that provide nutrition to the articular cartilage, as well as metabolism in the joint cavity.

The functions of the synovial membrane are to protect the joint cavity from external inflammatory processes, additional depreciation and mobility of the joints, and the synthesis of synovial fluid.

In addition, in the synovial membrane and outside it, there are special cavities (synovial bags), called burses or sacs, filled with synovial fluid, which has ductility and a yellowish tint.

The purpose of the bursa and synovial fluid is to soften the friction between bones, cartilage, ligaments and tendons relative to each other. Bursae are, as it were, mucous, “hydraulic” cushions and lubricants that provide better sliding of the joint elements, improve their performance and prevent their rapid wear.

In total, there are about 100 bursas in the body of a healthy person.

The development of bursae comes from the connective tissue, as a person grows up, from his very birth. At the beginning, the connective tissue connects the muscle or its tendon with the bone, after which, as it moves constantly, it becomes thinner, and gaps appear between the bone and muscle tissue, tendon and other elements in this area, in which over time pockets are formed - burses.

Bursae can be congenital (permanent) or acquired (non-permanent).

With a bruise, abrasion, wound, increased physical activity, infection in the body, wearing uncomfortable shoes and other circumstances unfavorable to human health, especially frequently repeated, contribute to inflammation of the synovial (articular and periarticular bags - burs) bags, which disrupts the normal functioning - the motor function of the joints.

Bursitis also includes inflammation of the synovial sheath, which to some extent also acts as a bursa.

The onset of bursitis is accompanied by an accumulation in the synovial sac, at the site of the bruise, of synovial fluid, which can be filled with blood, while the bursa begins to grow excessively in size.

Blood decomposes over time, the liquid turns yellowish-reddish. If the bursa is closer to the surface of the body, the resulting sac bulges outward, while the person visually observes swelling, swelling, sometimes up to 10 cm in diameter.

Due to inflammation and an increase in size, the walls of the bursa begin to compress the surrounding tissues, including nerve fibers, and a transudate is squeezed into the intercellular spaces, the patient feels pain, and the swelling begins to turn red.

If the bursa becomes inflamed, located too deep, for example, under the knee, then the patient may feel only pain and slight swelling, and the diagnosis of bursitis without radiography is impossible.

If due attention is not paid to bursitis, then in the case of hemorrhage, in the fight against the inflammatory process, leukocytes die, and together with dead erythrocytes, they can form purulent formations, while the hemorrhagic exudate will be colored in a reddish hue.

Another feature of bursitis is the deposition of salts in the walls of the articular sac. If they are in an undissolved form, or they are not removed, calcium salts can lead to disruption of the functioning of synovial pockets.

Bursitis disease statistics

Due to its peculiarity, that is, localization, bursitis disease is most common in men, especially those under 35-40 years old, which is associated with their physical activity, as well as athletes, loaders and people who are often prone to infectious diseases.

When this disease affects the joints, it is very important to know and understand the full responsibility for its treatment, since a belated visit to the doctor can adversely affect the state of health.

Disease Definition

Bursitis is a joint disease caused by an inflammatory process of the synovial bursa, which is formed as a result of a violation of the natural position of the bones, as well as the muscles and tendons of the joint.

Which joints are most susceptible to the development of the disease in the first place?

Most often, bursitis manifests itself on the limbs, lower and upper, depending on which of them are subject to injury and constant stress.

What are the types of bursitis?

Causes of bursitis

This disease is most common in football players, jumpers, cyclists, basketball players and other athletes because they are often exposed to various blows, fractures and any other injury that affects the legs or arms.

In the development of the disease, infectious activity is of great importance. It is pathogenic microorganisms that most often cause a disease called bursitis (treatment of bursitis for this reason includes taking antibacterial agents).

However, bacteria can enter the synovium in a variety of ways. For example, risk factors include purulent inflammation, the foci of which are located near the joints.

Bursitis often develops against the background of erysipelas, the formation of bedsores, furunculosis, carbunculosis, osteomyelitis, since pathogenic microorganisms enter the synovial gap along with lymph or blood.

On the other hand, the infection can enter directly into the synovial sac during trauma, in particular, strong blows, cuts, etc. The state of the immune system matters.

Some kidney diseases, as well as diabetes, alcoholism affect the work of the body's defenses, which increases the chance of activation of the infection.

Some other diseases can also be attributed to risk factors, in particular, rheumatoid arthritis, gout scleroderma (with gout, salt crystals accumulate in the joint cavity, which can cause inflammation).

As for the chronic forms of the disease, they are usually associated with constant mechanical irritation of the joints. Most often, such bursitis is associated with the characteristics of professions.

For example, miners are often diagnosed with inflammation of the synovial bags of the elbow joint, but athletes are diagnosed with knee bursitis.

The causes of bursitis are very diverse, but the most common among them are:

  • Injuries, severe bruises, abrasions of the joints, especially recurring;
  • Excessive prolonged stress on the joints - when playing sports, hard physical work, lifting weights, wearing high heels, flat feet;
  • Excessive weight - extra pounds increase the load on the joints of the lower body, especially the knees;
  • Infection in the joint, which is most often facilitated by frequent infectious diseases - tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, otitis, drives, sinusitis, influenza, SARS and others;
  • Getting into the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe joints through open wounds of infection, most often bacterial nature- staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococci and others;
  • Getting into the joint of pus caused by diseases and conditions such as osteomyelitis, erysipelas, boils (boils), carbuncles, abscess, bedsores;
  • Violation of metabolic processes, metabolism;
  • Increased amount of salt in the joints, gout;
  • Allergy, autoimmune diseases;
  • Poisoning the body with various toxins - food poisoning, alcohol poisoning, as well as poisoning with toxins produced by a pathological infection, as a result of its vital activity in the body.

Sometimes the cause of bursitis cannot be identified.

A minor injury such as a small wound, hematoma, or abrasion can give rise to an acute infected bursitis. The same disease can cause purulent inflammation and bedsores, osteomyelitis, carbuncles, boils, as well as erysipelas.

Damaged areas must be treated properly, as pyogenic microbes can develop there, which spread through the lymph nodes and reach the joint bag.

These are what lead to inflammation and infection.

Bursitis classification

There are several classification systems that are used in modern surgery and traumatology. These diagrams help the doctor understand which joints the disease affects and how exactly the bursitis proceeds. The treatment of bursitis directly depends on its form.

The classification of bursitis is as follows:

With the flow:

Acute bursitis - development occurs rapidly, in a couple of days, while all the symptoms of this pathological process are present.

Chronic bursitis is characterized by unexpressed symptoms, minimal or no pain, lack of motor stiffness of the inflamed joint, as well as periodic exacerbations.

According to the localization of the joint involved in the pathological process:

  • Bursitis of the shoulder joint (shoulder);
  • Bursitis of the elbow joint (elbow);
  • Bursitis of the hip joint (hip);
  • Bursitis of the knee joint (knee), which can be:
    - Infrapatellar (popliteal);
    - Prepatellar (patellar);
  • Suprapatellar (upper region of the knee joint);
  • Calcaneal bursitis (Achilles bursitis);
  • Ankle bursitis (ankle);
  • Bursitis of the wrist joint (radiocarpal).

According to the localization of the synovial pocket (bursa):

  • Subcutaneous - located on the convex surface of the joint, in the subcutaneous tissue;
  • Subfascial;
  • Axillary;
  • Dry.

Bursitis symptoms

In order to recognize bursitis and consult a doctor for treatment, you need to know the symptoms of bursitis:

  • swelling and redness of the injured area of ​​the body;
  • the content of a huge amount of fluid in the bursa;
  • pain when touching the neoplasm (may be different and intensify at night);
  • the roundness of the sore spot has a diameter of not more than 10 cm;
  • mobility decreases;
  • human body temperature can reach 40 degrees;
  • weakness;
  • nausea;
  • enlarged lymph nodes.

Since an inflammatory process occurs in the body and the immune system fights for human life, then, accordingly, the human temperature will be as high as possible.

Chronic bursitis has characteristic signs, such as swelling, but it is soft and mobile, the function of the limb is not impaired. If this chronic disease is not treated, it can develop into a hygroma.

If you have acute bursitis, you must follow all the doctor's recommendations.

The most important thing is to stay in bed and not move the part of the body that was injured.

Symptoms of the disease directly depend on its form. As a rule, it begins with pain in the area of ​​the affected joint. In the future, exudate begins to accumulate in the synovial bag, which leads to the formation of a slight edema and swelling.

If left untreated, the swelling increases and the skin over the affected joint becomes red and hot to the touch. Acute bursitis is also accompanied by an increase in body temperature and the appearance of symptoms of general malaise - patients complain of weakness, drowsiness, constant fatigue and chills.

The mobility of the joint is preserved, but every movement is accompanied by severe pain.

If the patient was not provided with timely assistance, then the acute form of the disease can turn into subacute, and then into chronic. With such bursitis, swelling and swelling may be absent, the pain is less intense, but is present almost constantly.

These types of inflammation can lead to serious consequences.

The main symptom of bursitis is a round and elastic swelling of the injured area on the surface of the body, up to 10 cm in diameter. The cause of the swelling is excessive accumulation of excess fluid in the synovial pocket (bursa).

When the patient is immobile for a long time, swelling and pain increase.

Other symptoms of bursitis:

  • Pain that is aching, shooting, sometimes strong and pulsating, aggravated at night, with irradiation (recoil) to the arm or leg, depending on the localization of the pathological process;
  • Edema, the development of which is due to the accumulation of fluid in the intercellular space;
  • Redness of the inflamed and swollen area (hyperemia);
  • Limited movement of the inflamed place, joint, which occurs as a result of the deposition of salts in the inflamed bursa;
  • Elevated or high body temperature, up to 40 °С;
  • General malaise, feeling of weakness and impotence;
  • An increase in regional lymph nodes located at the site of bursitis;
  • Nausea .

Chronic bursitis is characterized by less severe symptoms, including milder swelling, less limited joint mobility, and normal body temperature.

Bursitis has several distinguishing features that will help you self-diagnose. The main symptom of this disease is: the appearance of a painful round swelling at the site of the joint lesion.

The course of the disease and the severity of symptoms directly depends on the causes and the degree of neglect of inflammatory processes.

Purulent bursitis, like any infectious diseases, give a signal to the body by an increase in body temperature, sometimes even up to 40 degrees. Also, a noticeable swelling of the tissue fibers of the joint, and hyperemia of the skin are symptoms of this disease.

With purulent bursitis, doctors fix the following patient conditions: general malaise, pain at the site of swelling, deterioration of cartilage.

Chronic bursitis may not bother you as much as acute bursitis. There is a small round swelling in the area of ​​the disease, but the pain is mild, there are no acute discomfort and the functionality of the cartilage is not disturbed.

But this form of the disease is dangerous by the appearance and development of a cystic cavity on the joint.

Shoulder bursitis most often affects joints that do not communicate with the joint cavity. The most frequent complaints that were recorded by physicians in this disease are painful sensations when the arm is rotated and taken to the side.

Violations, while the disease is clearly visible during visual inspection, since the deltoid muscle is enlarged, and a slight swelling is visible on the outer surface of the shoulder.

Palpation usually determines soreness with pressure on the inner edge of the large tubercle of the humerus. Bursitis affecting the supraclavicular zone is easily confused with diseases such as purulent arthritis and scapulohumeral periarthritis, which is currently very often diagnosed by physicians.

Foot bursitis is the most frequently detected type of this disease in medical practice. It is located between the tubercle and tendon of the heel. It is called Achilles bursitis, the cause of which is traumatization of the joint, as well as infection.

Bursitis of the heel affects the subcutaneous heel bag and is a swelling in the area of ​​the heel tubercle, which brings pain. This disease must be treated, because, in addition to discomfort, it can develop into an abscess.

It should be noted that the complexity of the course of the disease depends on the place of its development and on the form of the course. It is known that the most difficult cases of bursitis are cases of damage to the hip joint.

Bursitis has two forms of flow, a chronic form and an acute form. In the acute form of bursitis, the first symptom is a sharp pain that intensifies during the movement of the diseased joint.

In the area of ​​​​inflammation, an elastic and rounded swelling appears, the size of which can reach eight centimeters. The skin in the area of ​​swelling turns red.

Also, pain can be given to neighboring areas around the diseased joint and intensify at night. The patient's temperature rises, in some cases quite strongly up to 40 degrees.

It should be noted that the acute form of bursitis can become chronic. The chronic form does not have the same pain symptoms as the acute form.

But overtime, it may be difficult to move the joint and swelling in its area, due to the formation of calcium deposits. During times of exacerbation of the chronic form, the fluid in the synovial sac increases.

During the disease, bursitis - symptoms at different places of its localization may differ from the general ones that were discussed above.

To make an accurate diagnosis and determine the causes of bursitis, you should be examined by a doctor, only he can prescribe you an effective and correct treatment.

Diagnosis of bursitis

As a rule, the doctor can make the primary diagnosis already during the examination. However, more tests will need to be done.

For example, a laboratory study of blood samples will help determine the presence of infection and inflammation. In the future, as a rule, a puncture of the affected synovial bag is performed.

The collected samples are then analyzed in the laboratory. Such a procedure, although not very pleasant, makes it possible to determine the nature of the pathogen, as well as its sensitivity to certain types of antibiotics.

In addition, sometimes it is necessary to exclude some specific infections, such as gonorrhea or syphilis - in such cases, additional studies are needed.

If superficial bursitis can be detected during a medical examination, then some auxiliary methods are used to diagnose deep lesions, in particular, MRI and x-ray studies.

Diagnosis of bursitis includes the following examination methods:

Sometimes, to diagnose bursitis, your doctor will tell you to do some simple exercises, such as:

  • Walk a few steps on your haunches;
  • Put your hand behind your head several times, as if for combing.

If during these exercises the patient experiences pain, this may indicate inflamed burs in the body.

The doctor will always be able to correctly diagnose and prescribe the right treatment. After all, bursitis is very similar in its symptoms to arthritis, so if you experience pain in the joint, you should consult a specialist.

Diagnosis of the disease does not present difficulties. The doctor examines the diseased joint, checks its mobility.

If infectious bursitis is suspected, a joint puncture is prescribed. During this procedure, a special needle is inserted into the joint, with which the doctor will take the contents of the synovial sac for analysis.

The contents can be serous, purulent, purulent-hemorrhagic, i.e. mixed with blood. Also, this fluid can accurately determine the causative agent of the disease and its sensitivity to antibiotics.

Bursitis treatment

Methods of therapy primarily depend on the nature and characteristics of the disease. For example, the treatment of shoulder bursitis caused by an injury is to take painkillers.

In addition, the patient is recommended to apply ice compresses to the affected joint. What other drugs are used in the fight against a disease called bursitis? Treatment - an ointment with anti-inflammatory properties that eliminates soreness, swelling and redness.

In more severe cases, the joint is punctured, pumping out excess fluid from it. Severe inflammation requires steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Sometimes corticosteroids are injected directly into the synovium to achieve a quick and maximum effect.

If the tests confirm the presence of infection, then antibiotic therapy is needed. Quite often, the synovial cavity is drained, purulent contents are pumped out of it, after which they are washed with antiseptic solutions and antibiotics are administered.

It is immediately worth noting that alternative treatment of bursitis is possible only after a preliminary consultation with a specialist. Baths with a decoction of pine needles and cones are considered useful.

Apply to the skin near the affected joint, wrap with a handkerchief or towel and hold for 1-2 hours. Hay dust is also considered useful - for a start it should be brewed, after which moisten gauze bandages in a still warm (even hot) broth and apply to sore joints.

In any case, do not forget that such procedures can only be used as an auxiliary method along with more traditional treatment. And, of course, for the duration of therapy, it is worth limiting physical activity and stress on the joints.

How to treat bursitis? Treatment of bursitis is carried out on the basis of a thorough diagnosis, and includes the following items:

1. Peace and immobility of the patient.

2. Drug therapy: 2.

1. Anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs; 2.

2. Antibacterial therapy; 2.

3. Detoxification therapy; 2.

4. Strengthening the immune system.

3. Physiotherapy treatment and massage.

5. Therapeutic exercise (exercise therapy).

6. Surgical treatment (optional).

Important! Before using drugs, be sure to consult your doctor!

1. Peace and immobility of the patient

The rest and immobility of the patient, especially the inflamed area, is of paramount importance in the treatment of bursitis, since additional loads will provoke unnecessary friction at the site of inflammation, irritation of the inflamed joint, and, accordingly, an increase in pathology.

As an additional measure to limit motor activity, the joint is wrapped with an elastic bandage, bandage, splint, plaster cast (longuet) and other “fixators”.

2. Drug therapy (drugs for bursitis)

2.1. Anti-inflammatory and pain medications

To relieve swelling, a compress can be applied to this place, based on Vishnevsky ointment.

To stop the pain syndrome, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and analgesics are used - Indomethacin, Naproxen, Chlotazol.

For local anesthesia, ointments, gels, creams - Diclofenac, as well as anesthetic injections are used.

If the pain with bursitis does not go away, despite the use of drugs from the NSAID group, hormonal drugs are prescribed - glucocorticoids, of which Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone can be distinguished.

Important! Prolonged use of glucocorticoids leads to the destruction of the articular surfaces.

Muscle relaxants (Baclofen, Sirdalud, Mydocalm) are used to relieve muscle spasms that can occur with severe joint pain.

To relieve body temperature, you can apply: "Ibuprofen", "Nurofen", "Paracetamol".

To remove the salts deposited in the bursae, anti-gout drugs are used: Allopurinol, Allomaron, Milurit.

2.2. Antibacterial therapy

The choice of an antibacterial drug is based on the specific type of causative agent of the inflammatory process, if one is present, since there is an antibiotic against each type of bacterium.

The most popular antibacterial drugs are Tetracycline, Penicillin, Ampicillin, Erythromycin, Ceftriaxone and others.

Important! Before using folk remedies for the treatment of bursitis, be sure to consult your doctor!

Burdock or cabbage. Rinse a leaf of cabbage or burdock, cover it a little, for example, with a rolling pin, grease the inflamed area with sunflower oil and attach a leaf of cabbage or burdock to it, tying it with a warm scarf on top.

Before going to bed at night, and also in the morning, change the sheet to a fresh one. Do these bandages until complete recovery.

Acute bursitis is treated in a hospital. The diseased joint should be at rest, sometimes a plaster splint is applied to it.

But prolonged immobilization of the joint is also harmful. After 10 days, it is necessary to bend and unbend the joint several times a day, regardless of the presence of pain.

If the joint is not developed, life-long limitation of mobility is possible.

Drug therapy

Bursitis is treated depending on the type. With aseptic bursitis, cold compresses, anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs are prescribed, as well as complete rest for the affected joint. In some cases, fluid is removed from the synovial sac.

With infectious bursitis, antibiotic therapy is mandatory. To prescribe the correct treatment for bursitis, the doctor examines the fluid from the bursa for sensitivity to antibiotics. If such an analysis has not been carried out, then broad-spectrum antibiotics are used:

  • ciprofloxacin;
  • amoxicillin;
  • cephalexin;
  • erythromycin;
  • tetracycline;
  • gentamicin.

The use of antibiotics should only be prescribed by a doctor. These drugs have many contraindications and side effects, so you should not self-medicate - this can worsen the course of the disease.

In addition to antibiotics, the appointment of sulfanilamide and nitrofuran preparations is indicated. Sulfonamides include:

  • biseptol;
  • sulfadimethoxine;
  • sulfazine;
  • phthalazol.

Nitrofuran drugs include:

These drugs are prescribed for specific bursitis and have a good effect on trichomoniasis and giardiasis.

In addition to removing fluid from the synovial sac, the doctor may prescribe drainage, i.e. washing through a small incision with antibacterial or antiseptic solutions.


In chronic bursitis, surgical treatment is best. The operation is carried out in a hospital. During surgery, surgeons peel off the bursa from the bone and skin and remove it. After the operation is completed, a tight bandage is applied to the joint. Stitches can be removed after 10 days.

Immunostimulating treatment

If you are also at risk and feel the symptoms of this disease, you also ask yourself the question: “How to treat bursitis?”. In fact, there is nothing difficult, since all you need is to provide the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body with peace, cold and pain relief.

But this is not always enough, so doctors recommend fixing the affected joint, treating the infection with antibiotics, exercise therapy for the affected area, injections to relieve inflammation, and surgical drainage in advanced cases.

Physical therapy and radiation therapy may also be recommended by your healthcare provider.

Folk healers also dealt with the problem of treating bursitis. These methods will help relieve inflammation and pain. To do this, use compresses from fresh beets, potatoes, cabbage at night, alternating them each time.

Sugar, or rather warming it up at night, is also useful for this disease. Simply heat sugar in a pan without melting, pour into a cloth bag and apply to the sore joint, secure with plastic wrap and tie a scarf over the top to maximize the effect.

Information about similar diseases:

Let's figure out how to cure bursitis and what drugs and methods are used to treat it. With a disease of bursitis - treatment of an acute form, in most cases does not require surgical intervention.

Various bandages and dressings are used to keep the joint in an elevated position and immobilize it, since with bursitis the joints need rest.

Ice compresses are used, which should be applied to the sore joint for no more than 20 minutes. In some cases, an ointment for bursitis is effective, which, on the contrary, warms the joint or a heating pad. These methods are most often enough to relieve attacks of an acute form of bursitis.

It is also possible to use anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve sharp pain in the joint. For example, drugs such as hydrocortisone and novocaine. And in cases where an infection develops in the synovial bag, antibiotics are used for bursitis.

When joint pain goes away, UHF therapy and dry heat are used to relieve swelling and redness. In cases where there are no complications in the form of other diseases, the treatment of the acute form of bursitis is quite effective.

In chronic bursitis, quite often it is necessary to resort to a puncture of inflammation to remove fluid from the synovial bag, and washing it with a special solution.

This procedure has to be performed up to five times, and before the procedure, the patient is given anesthesia. If this method does not help or some complications appear, an operation is required, in which bursitis in most cases disappears.

This operation is an opening of the synovial bag and removal of pus from it, but this method is rarely used in treatment.

In addition to all of the above, physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises, compresses, massages and spa treatment are used in the treatment of bursitis. In case of bursitis disease - treatment with folk remedies, is used as an auxiliary treatment, in addition to the main one.

At the first signs of the disease and in the early stages of its diagnosis, a conservative treatment option is possible, which consists in the use of medications, as well as physiotherapeutic methods.

Complications of the disease

Of course, bursitis is a disease that requires appropriate treatment. In the absence of medical care, the disease quickly turns into a chronic form, which is much more difficult to get rid of.

In addition, in acute infectious inflammation, neighboring soft tissues may be affected with the formation of phlegmon.

In turn, chronic bursitis leads to the formation of adhesions that limit joint mobility. Damage to the articular tissues in the foot often leads to the formation of heel spurs.

Complications of bursitis can be:

  • Strong pain;
  • Hygroma;
  • The formation of cicatricial adhesions, which contribute to the limitation of joint mobility;
  • calcification;
  • Necrosis of the walls of the synovial bag (bursa), fistula, sepsis, abscess, phlegmon;
  • synovitis;
  • Arthritis;
  • Osteomyelitis;
  • tendon rupture;
  • Infertility in women, in case of development of hip bursitis;
  • Infection of other organs;
  • Lymphadenitis;
  • Disability;
  • Lethal outcome (with rapid sepsis).
  • purulent bursitis;
  • arthritis;
  • sepsis;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • fistulas.

Prevention of bursitis

In order to avoid such a disease, you need:

  • immediately disinfect all wounds, abrasions with an antiseptic;
  • suppress inflammation in time;
  • do not load yourself with heavy bags;
  • if there is a deformity of the joint, then it needs to be corrected;
  • eat properly;
  • exercise regularly.

If a person has received a wound, then he should try to immediately apply an antiseptic to it so that the infection does not get into the wound and does not become a cause for the development of bursitis. If inflammation is suppressed, it will not spread quickly through the bloodstream and will not affect other areas of the body.

For people who often wear high heels, doctors recommend buying special orthopedic insoles. These insoles perfectly reduce the load on the feet. Then the legs will not get tired and overstrain so quickly.

There are the following types of orthopedic products:

  1. Orthoses. They regulate the hip and knee joints.
  2. Special brace for the knee joint and cup.
  3. Hip bandage.
  4. Bandage for fixing tendons on the lower extremities.
  5. Arch support.
  6. Interdigital inserts and separators.
  7. Protection against corns.
  8. Special heel pad.
  9. Protective socks.
  10. Orthosis for the thumb.

This is not a complete list of products that will help not only professional athletes, but also ordinary people. Orthopedic treatment is very complex and lengthy. Sometimes, if it does not help, it will still be necessary to carry out surgical intervention.

Often people confuse two almost similar diseases: bursitis and synovitis. They are both responsible for the movement of a person, and only a doctor can distinguish between these two diseases.

If a person goes in for sports, then he should not forget that any workout begins with a warm-up. Do not give the body immediately heavy loads.

People will not get instant results, but will only harm their health even more. After all, the recovery process itself can be delayed for 3-5 months.

Don't expect the swelling to go away on its own. If a person, suspecting the symptoms characteristic of bursitis, does not go to the doctor, then an inflammatory process occurs as a result. If you consult a doctor after the first symptoms appear, the disease will disappear in a couple of weeks.

Prevention of bursitis includes the following recommendations.

What causes such a disease as bursitis and how to cure it? This question is asked by many patients who had to deal with this disease. Bursitis is a purulent inflammation that affects the bursa (periarticular synovial bag).

The disease causes the formation and accumulation of synovial fluid, in a word, exudate. The synovial bag or capsule is located between the bones and tendons, which are subjected to powerful pressure.

Bursitis most often affects the elbow, shoulder, knee and hip joints. Usually the disease lasts 1-2 weeks and does not pose a danger to the life of the patient. But secondary trauma can cause the development of chronic bursitis, the treatment of which is very difficult.

In addition to the fact that the patient experiences persistent pain, he is also limited in movement, since the mobility of the joint is impaired. The risk group for bursitis includes athletes (skiers, golfers, tennis players), and people whose profession involves hard physical labor (builders, miners, loaders).

Typically, manifestations of bursitis occur after a sprain or other injury, sometimes the cause of the disease can be an infection or intoxication, metabolic disorders, an allergic reaction, autoimmune processes. The disease can appear as a complication of the flu, but often its manifestations occur for no apparent reason.

Various types of pyogenic microbes can serve as an impetus for the development of inflammation of the periarticular capsule or bag. Repetitive trauma for their development creates very favorable conditions. For this reason, some forms of bursitis are classified as occupational diseases.

From the purulent focus (carbuncle, furuncle, osteomyelitis) that appeared next to the synovial sac, pyogenic microbes penetrate the synovial sac through the lymphatic tract or through minor damage to the skin. Regular mechanical damage causes accumulations of serous or purulent exudate.

As a result of this, the bag is significantly stretched and turns into a huge tumor. Often, the defeat of diarthrosis is the result of a large overload that has affected the joint for a long time. Such repetitive physical exertion can be golf swings.

Signs of bursitis can also occur due to injury to the synovial sac or adjacent tendons.

The disease is ironically called "maid's knee" because it is often provoked by prolonged kneeling while mopping or cleaning. In addition, bursitis can be caused by arthritis or gout.

Symptoms of the disease

The symptoms of this disease are primarily:

  • puffiness;
  • pain syndrome;
  • inflammation in the joint area, which is especially noticeable during physical training (stretching or warm-up).
  • redness of the skin in the area of ​​​​inflammation;
  • increase in local temperature.

The range of motion of the patient becomes sharply limited. Even minor physical activity, involving the employment of the affected joint, causes excruciating pain.

Bursitis, depending on the course, is acute (occurs suddenly and progresses quickly) and chronic (remains with the patient for a long time).

The symptoms of acute bursitis are, of course, severe pain, which becomes unbearable when moving. Pain always occurs at the site of the localization of the inflammatory process. For example, with shoulder bursitis, it is very difficult for the patient to take his hand behind his head at the time of combing or dressing.

Often, pain in an inflamed joint radiates to the neck or lower arm. The pains are worse at night. Because of what the patient may not close his eyes.

Chronic bursitis is characterized by less intensity of pain, but their duration is longer. The tissue that grows around the diseased joint, over time, binds the bones and deprives the joint of mobility.

How to treat bursitis

Only a doctor can know how to treat bursitis. First of all, the treatment of bursitis depends on:

  1. forms of pathology;
  2. the spread of the infection;
  3. changes in inflamed tissues;
  4. symptoms.

If a patient is diagnosed with acute bursitis, treatment should be conservative. This condition requires immobility of the joint and complete rest. To do this, immobilization (immobilization) of the joint with a special splint is performed.

Note! Symptoms of acute pain often go away on their own. But if the pain becomes too excruciating, it can be reduced with aspirin. If this drug does not bring relief to the patient, more effective anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs can be used.

Sometimes injections of hydrocortisone or novocaine are made into the affected joint bag. To ensure the resorption of exudate, dry heat, physiotherapy methods, compresses using Vishnevsky ointment are used.

Bursitis caused by trauma is treated surgically. This development of the disease often involves the removal of deposits of calcium salts, since the growths can be large and cause inconvenience when moving.

Calcium salts are removed by needle suction or by surgery.

Treatment of non-infectious bursitis requires temporary immobilization of the joint. The affected limb should be in a slightly raised position. Ice should be applied to the affected diarthrosis. For internal use, large doses of indomethacin, naproxen, ibuprofen are prescribed.

If the bursitis proceeds for a long time, the exudate is suctioned out of the synovial bag, followed by the introduction of 0.5–2 ml of triamcinolone or 5–40 mg of methylprednisolone. But this is possible only if the infectious cause of the disease is absolutely excluded.

Physiotherapeutic treatment of bursitis consists of phonophoresis with hydrocortisone and paraffin applications.

With infectious acute bursitis, multiple punctures are used (drainage of the synovial bag). In addition, antimicrobial treatment is prescribed, which consists in taking cephalothin, clindamycin, oxacillin.

It is necessary to treat acute bursitis of the elbow or knee joint in a complex. Here is what needs to be done:

  • joint immobilizing pressure bandages;
  • ointments with anti-inflammatory effect;
  • warm compresses;
  • biological supplements with glucosamine.

Chronic bursitis is treated with indomethacin, naproxen, or ibuprofen. The complex of therapeutic measures must necessarily include gymnastics. Also, it's allowed.

With calcifying chronic bursitis, calcifications (areas in which calcium salts accumulate) are removed by the surgical method. If relapses occur too often, the joint bag is removed.

Treatment with folk methods

Traditional medicine also does not stand aside when it comes to bursitis. The most popular way to combat the disease is compresses. For example, a salt compress, for the preparation of which a highly concentrated solution of salt and water is prepared. Ratio: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt per 500 ml of boiling water.

After such a compress, pathological fluid accumulates under the skin, which then comes out. To carry out this procedure, you need to take a piece of flannel or woolen fabric and soak it with the prepared salt solution.

The tissue must be applied to the diseased area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body and tightly wrapped with cling film. Next, the limb should be wrapped.

Cabbage leaves, or rather, compresses from them, have an excellent anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Preparing such an application is very simple: you need to take a clean cabbage leaf, remove all coarse veins from it with a knife and lightly beat it with a wooden mallet until the juice appears.

The inflamed area is smeared with honey and a cabbage leaf is applied to it. Then wrapped with cling film and carefully insulated.

Honey is considered to be a skilled natural healer. This product has excellent antiseptic properties and is endowed with a penetrating effect.

For the speedy resorption of exudate, relieving inflammation and eliminating discomfort with bursitis, physiotherapeutic methods of treatment are used:

  • ultrasound - exposure to mechanical elastic vibrations of waves at a high frequency;
  • diathermy - treatment with high-frequency currents using their thermal effect. This method relaxes spasmodic tendons, nerves and muscles;
  • cryotherapy is cold treatment. This technique is considered innovative.

With purulent bursitis, surgical intervention is required - the abscess of the articular bag is opened and pus is removed from it. After this, wound sanitation is necessary, which consists in removing dead tissue. This operation is followed by a long rehabilitation period.

Joints are complex joints of the skeleton, consisting of a cavity, bone epiphyses, articular cartilage, capsules, synovial membranes, and fluid. Sometimes there is inflammation in the synovial, other mucous bags - bursitis. The disease appears in the upper, lower extremities. More often, patients are concerned about the legs in the area of ​​​​the knees, hip joints, synovial bags at the ankle. Treatment of bursitis depends on the specific type of disease, location.

Inflammatory disease of the mucous bags does not go unnoticed, brings discomfort, dissatisfaction to the patient. More often there is bursitis of the joint (knee, hip, toes). According to the International Classification of Diseases, bursitis has an ICD code 10: M70-M71. It describes the possible varieties of disorders of soft tissues, other parts.

Often the body makes it clear by the symptoms that you should see a doctor. Patients are rarely aware of the signals, believing that it is just fatigue. will allow you to see a doctor as soon as possible, a medical worker - put the correct ICD code 10. Symptoms should make you see a specialist:

  • Swelling at the joint about 10 cm in diameter (soft, elastic);
  • Soreness at the site of swelling during movement, palpation;
  • High body temperature (39 degrees);
  • Limitation of joint mobility;
  • Additional edema, hyperemia of the skin;
  • General malaise.

Depending on the problem, the type of appearance, the symptoms are combined, appear partially. In any case, soreness, swelling, swelling should suggest inflammation of the synovial bags. The doctor will prescribe an X-ray, ultrasound, ask for complaints, clarify disturbing symptoms, and make a diagnosis based on the results of the examination.

The best remedy for the disease is the prevention of bursitis. Doctors identify rules to help avoid inflammation of the primary, recurrent:

  1. Exercise regularly, do daily exercises in the morning. This will keep the body in good shape, will allow you to load the body with physical exercises in a balanced way;
  2. When playing sports, spend time warming up your joints. This is important for legs, arms, neck, whole body;
  3. During active physical exertion at work, in the gym, protect your joints. For this, elastic bandages, knee pads were invented;
  4. If you get an injury in the joint area, apply a compress to the painful area. If a wound has formed, it should be disinfected with an antiseptic, closed with an aseptic bandage, bactericidal plaster;
  5. If pus forms, do not start treatment, consult a doctor.

Elementary prevention of bursitis will protect the joints of the legs. The doctor's mission is to help, not to cut out what brings discomfort. Surgical excision is prescribed in emergency cases when other methods cannot help. By force, no one will send “under the knife” to the surgeon. You decide which treatment to use.

type of inflammation

The disease is divided according to the type of development:

  1. Chronic bursitis;
  2. Acute bursitis.

The first type appears due to repeated injury to the joint, it is formed even on the leg of a child. Chronic bursitis is a consequence of a relapse of the acute type. The causative agent is considered to be a chronic infection, traumatization of the joint is considered last. In the period of exacerbation, the disease lasts up to several weeks, repeats. Treatment involves the fight against the cause of the disease, in extreme cases, the removal of the bag may be prescribed.

Acute bursitis appears due to an acute infection. The disease can develop due to excessive overexertion, traumatic movements. First you will feel the pain that the infected joint transmits to the brain, there will be problems in the movement of the sore spot, up to restriction of movement. Often, treatment involves the appointment of anti-inflammatory drugs, rest, immobilization of the leg. This applies to cases where the cause was not an infection with pyogenic microbes, for example, Staphylococcus aureus.

Types of bursitis

It is possible to describe the varieties of leg bursitis for a long time. It can occur in an adult, a child. The inflammatory process may, as there are reasons, so not at all. Sometimes, then doctors try to cure the inflammation with medication. The most well-known types of inflammatory disease are:

  • traumatic bursitis - often occurs in athletes in the patella. Soon after a knee injury, swelling appears in its circumference, the movement of the joint is painful, sometimes unbearable. More often it is chronic. The treatment requires suction of the serous-bloody exudate accumulated inside the bag.
  • subcranial bursitis - inflammation of the shoulder joint. Occurs during dislocation. The head of the bone begins to move unnaturally, compresses, stretches the articular bag. Symptoms as in a knee injury.
  • infectious bursitis - often occurs in youth, middle age. The most common cause is Staphylococcus aureus. In the treatment, the puncture of the accumulated purulent fluid is important, sometimes an opening of the bag is prescribed to remove the pus. More often prescribed simple treatment, bed rest, warm compresses. Infectious bursitis involves temporary immobilization of the leg, which should begin to develop after 10 days of treatment.
  • subacromial bursitis - inflammation of the shoulder, resulting from injuries, overload, gout, arthritis, poor metabolism. Often accompanied by ligament injuries, it is considered a disease of athletes. The doctor prescribes medication, gymnastics, massage.
  • subdeltoid - inflammation in the shoulder area. It is characterized by severe pain, difficulty in abducting the hands. Everyday movements of the hands (back and forth) do not cause concern, the abduction of the ligament is felt by pain.
  • metatarsophalangeal joint - inflammation of the bag of the toe on the foot. Most metatarsophalangeal bursitis occurs on the thumb. The cause is flat feet, high mobility of the toe, uncomfortable shoes. The peculiarity of bursitis of the metatarsophalangeal joint is that it is bent, fluid accumulates inside, and an ossified bump forms over time.
  • wrist joint - a subspecies of upper bursitis. The wrist type of the disease is expressed in swelling of the soft tissues in front. The most common cause is a severe hand injury. Wrist inflammation looks like the formation of a round ball from the outside of the hand. Fluid accumulates in fibrous capsules, leading to hygroma.
  • rheumatoid - chronic inflammation of the bag of an autoimmune nature. Occurs at any age, in a child, including. Often the factors in the development of rheumatoid bursitis are the rubella virus, parvovirus, heredity, retrovirus. Rheumatoid type of disease is formed in any joints.
  • collateral ligament (knee joint). Often diagnosed in people whose professional activities are associated with precise coordination, active movement of the knees (dancers, ballet dancers).

The latter is more commonly referred to as crow's foot bursitis. Swelling, soreness extends to the connection of the collateral ligament with three different muscles. The patient develops hyperthermia, a symptom of the balloon. An effusion is formed due to the inflammatory process. The causes are damage to the lateral ligament, detachment of the menisco-capsular junction.


It is important to adjust the diet for bursitis. The right diet is important, which improves well-being, allowing you to saturate the body with useful vitamins. The diet should contain vitamins, trace elements:

  1. Zinc;
  2. Calcium;
  3. Magnesium;
  4. Vitamins A, C, E.

Each of the substances affects the body. As a result, you will get the restoration of connective tissue, a balanced diet, and the prevention of inflammatory processes. The vitamin complex is important in autumn and spring. Don't forget about healthy diet foods:

  • fresh juice;
  • honey, bee venom;
  • dairy products - sour cream, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, yogurt.

The diet is often combined with compresses. Useful compresses can be made from fresh juice. Be sure to go to the sanatorium if possible. During the treatment, a special diet is thought out, which will remain to be remembered and observed in everyday life. The nutrition system is thought out based on the diagnosis made by the doctor. In the sanatorium, a doctor will examine you to confirm the diagnosis, give recommendations for procedures. Often prescribed procedures with leeches.

Treatment involves the use of compresses. You can make them for yourself, for a child - they are harmless. The most famous, popular, useful:

  • Honey compress. 2 tbsp are mixed. honey, 1 tbsp. aloe juice, pour 2-3 tbsp. vodka. Spread the mixture gently, cover with cling film on top;
  • cabbage compress. The sore spot on the leg is lubricated with vegetable oil. A whole cabbage leaf (fresh) is superimposed on top. The compress is fixed;
  • Burdock compress. It is done similarly to the previous one. Fix with a bandage.

Surgical intervention

Not always, in extreme cases, the doctor will prescribe the removal of bursitis - opening the abscess to remove pus. Surgery is often prescribed for knee bursitis, when nothing helps, antibiotics do not work. Surgery on the hip joint is called a bursectomy. The synovium is removed. Do not be afraid of surgical intervention, the operation has no complications, often performed on an outpatient basis.

Surgical intervention is also prescribed for the chronic course of the disease. The type of operation is chosen by the doctor. Questions do not arise when removing bursitis of the big toe, which does not go away with classical treatment. The operation takes place in the following mode:

  • Patient preparation
  1. examination of the patient's leg;
  2. doctor's prescription. There may be home procedures, compliance with hygiene requirements, taking medications;
  3. x-ray examination;
  4. checking the blood flow of the lower extremities;
  • Anesthesia
  1. general anesthesia in which the patient is asleep. It is prescribed in difficult situations, during an operation on a child;
  2. local anesthesia - local anesthesia (operated place);
  • Operation.
  1. The doctor does everything necessary so that the bone does not bulge to the side;
  2. In some cases, the surgeon uses bone-supporting elements - rods, pins, screws;
  3. Suturing;
  4. The imposition of an aseptic bandage.

Many are interested in whether a sick leave will be given after the operation, whether it is needed, how long the procedure takes. The process of removing bursitis takes a different time depending on the complexity of the situation, it can take half an hour, stretch for 1.5-2 hours. After that, a sick leave certificate will be issued for 1-2 days, depending on how long you will be in the hospital. After you recover from anesthesia, you can go home. The main thing is to carry out postoperative care of the leg.

Medical treatment

The removal of the inflammatory process begins with medical intervention. Thanks to him, in most cases, bursitis goes away. Often, experts give recommendations regarding compresses, diets. The best medicines are:

  1. Dimexide. Used as applications. Dimethyl sufoxide is diluted in a ratio of 1 to 1, impregnated with a gauze bandage. The compress is applied to the sore spot, covered with a film, covered with a warm cloth. Applications with dimexide are done for 20 minutes daily.
  2. Diprospan. Available in the form of suspensions for injection. It is injected into the area near the joints, tendons. Useful for tendinitis, tendovaginitis. Use with caution, it is better to entrust the injections to a health worker. Diprospan relieves the symptoms of a heel spur with bursitis in this area.

Treatment of tendonitis, bursitis involves the use of painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs. Not without extra help. For example, it is important to do gymnastics, follow the doctor's recommendations. Try to go for rehabilitation in a sanatorium-resort organization. Combine treatment and rest.


Many people know about the treatment with leeches. It is valuable in diseases of the joints. Bursitis was no exception - hirudotherapy with leeches has a place to be in modern medicine. The cost for the event is high, but the result will please, it's worth a try.

Hirudotherapy involves the use of medical leeches. The consequences of suction are significant, noticeable. Among them are:

  • Fermented effects after leech injection of multiple compounds. You get anesthesia, blood purification, impact on nerve endings;
  • Anti-inflammatory effects on the body with leeches without consequences;
  • Strengthening immunity. It occurs due to the injection of certain compounds by leeches that form an immune “response” in the body.

There are many benefits to hirudotherapy. This medical approach has no contraindications, affects the overall well-being. No matter how disgusting the treatment with leeches, it can play into the hands. Bursitis resolves gradually, which makes it possible to refuse surgery.


Important exercises for bursitis. They can be done in a group, at home. Gymnastics is selected individually. The doctor looks at the specific form, the complexity of the disease. Exercise therapy is aimed at restoring the functions of the joints, stretching the muscles around the inflamed synovial bag.

Gymnastics for the lower extremities includes exercises:

  1. Scissors. It is done lying on the back. The form is light and complex. These are small swings with raised legs with a small amplitude, alternate turn of the limbs in the opposite direction through the other leg;
  2. Raising the legs up in turn from a prone position. It can be lifted 30-45 degrees up, as high as possible - 90 or more degrees;
  3. Pulling up the knees. Lying on your back, bend your sore leg at the knee, then gently pull it to your chest with your hands. Repeat with the second leg, then lower the limbs to their original position, raise the body, leaning on the hands;
  4. Pulling up the knees on the chair. Sit on the edge of a stool with your legs extended. Pull one leg to your chest, bending it at the knee, hold a little, return it back. Repeat with the other leg;
  5. Squats. Done slowly and carefully. Can be used as a support for the back of a chair. Squat depth - from 90 degrees.

Bursitis - what is it?

Fibrinous bursitis

Bursitis classification

. You feel pain only after a workout or at the very beginning of it, but during a workout the pain goes away. In other words, the pain may start when you first start walking or tennis, or you notice it later in the evening or the next day. In this case, you should reduce the frequency, duration and intensity of physical activity by about 25%. After limiting this type of activity for symptoms of bursitis, switch to another one that does not cause tension on the injured part of the body. For example, if you are a runner and run 30 km a week, then if you have a leg or foot injury of the first degree, reduce your weekly mileage to 22 km, and make up for the missing load with training cycling or swimming.​

  • In the chronic course of joint bursitis in a compacted bag, symptoms occur that cause pain calcifications (deposits) with the formation of bands and accretions.
  • With symptoms of chronic joint bursitis, tea from the rhizomes of ginger and sarsaparilla helps, which has an anti-inflammatory systemic effect. Phytotherapist David Winston of Washington, New Jersey, USA, gives such a recipe. Pour a glass of boiling water 1 teaspoon of ground dry collection (2/3 sarsaparilla, 1/3 ginger), leave for 45 minutes, strain. Take 1 cup three times a day for several weeks to treat joint bursitis. Attention! With gallstone disease, ginger can only be taken under the supervision of a doctor for the treatment of bursitis at home.
  • ​ © 2008-2012​
  • You can see what the affected knee joint looks like on ultrasound in the video. (video 1).​

The main causes of the disease

If there are no visible signs (with inflammation of deeply located bursae, Fig. 2.), then a diagnosis can only be made with x-ray or ultrasound and on the basis of clinical tests. Therefore, it is important not to try to identify and treat bursitis on your own, but to consult a doctor when signs of illness appear.

Inflammatory processes occurring in other organs and organ systems are also capable of provoking inflammation of the articular bag.

​If superficial bursitis can be detected during a physical examination, then some auxiliary methods are used to diagnose deep lesions, in particular, MRI and x-ray studies.​

Quite often, people who go to the doctor with joint pain are diagnosed with bursitis. The treatment of bursitis can be conservative, but in the later stages, surgical intervention can hardly be dispensed with. That is why many are interested in questions about what this disease is and what are its symptoms. After all, the sooner the patient sees a doctor, the more chances he has for a quick recovery.

Which joints are most susceptible to disease?

Abscess (abscess) in the area of ​​the shoulder joint;

. In the synovial sac, deposits of fibrin are formed - a protein that takes part in the process of blood clotting. It is typical, for example, for the tuberculosis process. ​

2 degree joint bursitis - symptoms

Bursitis disease and its main symptoms

Causes of joint bursitis ​4.​

Bursitis - inflammation of the joint capsule - usually occurs when the joint is overstressed or if the joint is under tension or pressure for a long time.

Joint bursitis is an irritation or inflammation of the joint capsule, which is filled with interarticular synovial (lubricating) fluid that prevents friction between the joints and allows them to move freely. Inflammation of the bursa causes pain and discomfort in the joint area. The pain may develop gradually or be sudden, especially if there are calcium deposits in the joint bag.

Diagnostic methods

Based on the identified symptoms and test results, the doctor concludes that the disease is present and prescribes adequate treatment methods. Most often, uncomplicated forms of bursitis are treated on an outpatient basis, so the patient must apply the ointment and take the medicine on their own and visit the clinic for procedures.​

There are known cases of bursitis in tonsillitis, sinusitis, otitis, SARS, etc. In these cases, as above, there is a transfer of pathogens of the underlying disease by the bloodstream. Sometimes bursitis can also occur as a consequence of an excess of antibodies in the immune response to an invading infection.

Methods of therapy primarily depend on the nature and characteristics of the disease. For example, the treatment of shoulder bursitis caused by an injury is to take painkillers. In addition, the patient is recommended to apply ice compresses to the affected joint. What other drugs are used in the fight against a disease called bursitis? Treatment - an ointment with anti-inflammatory properties that eliminates soreness, swelling and redness.

Is bursitis dangerous? Treatment of bursitis with conservative methods

Bursitis is an inflammation of the tissues of the synovial bursa. Such a bag is a small cavity between the articular surfaces of the bones, which contains a small amount of synovial fluid.

the transition of the infectious process to the joint and the development of shoulder arthritis;

calcareous bursitis

When is surgery necessary?

. Pain occurs in the second half of sports activities, but does not prevent them from continuing. You feel pain, but you can do what you have planned. Reduce the frequency, duration and intensity of your workouts by 25 - 50%. Complement them with other types of physical activity in the treatment of bursitis at home.​

Any joint has an articular (synovial) bag. It can also be called a bursa. Hence the name "bursitis", which means inflammation of the articular bag. The main duties of the synovial bag, or bursa, are to provide better sliding of the joint surfaces, to prevent the penetration of pathogenic bacteria to the cavities and surfaces of the joint, and to protect the joint from mechanical damage. As a rule, bursitis, which is accompanied by severe pain syndromes, occurs in the knee, hip and shoulder joints. Since it is these three joints that experience the greatest load, which is the main cause of the symptoms of joint bursitis.

Treatment with folk methods

Curcumin is a home remedy for bursitis. This component of the Indian spice turmeric has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, comparable to the effect of conventional anti-inflammatory analgesics in relieving the symptoms of bursitis. To relieve chronic pain, take 400-500 mg of the extract three times a day for 6-12 months, but no longer.

Any movement of bones, ligaments and tendons relative to each other in the area of ​​​​the joints is accompanied by friction. However, this friction is softened by the fluid that fills the periarticular sac (bursa). Bursitis is an inflammation of the bursa that usually occurs when there is excessive stress on the joint or when the joint is under tension or pressure for a long time.​

The causes of bursitis are divided into primary and secondary. Primary arise as a result of a bruise of the joint or a strong load on it, such as repetitive monotonous movements (for example, in skiing, golf, and so on). Secondary causes are pus-like microbes that enter the joint bag and provoke inflammation. Bursitis can be a concomitant disease with erysipelas, furunculosis, bedsores, osteomyelitis, carbuncles. Infection occurs due to cuts or abrasions in the bursa.

Possible Complications

To speed up the resorption of exudate, the doctor may prescribe the use of Vishnevsky ointment or warming compresses. To ensure the immobility of the joint, splints and bandages are used that limit movement. During the acute phase of the disease, a person needs rest, and bed rest may be recommended.

Figure 2. Bursitis of the hip joint.

Symptoms, treatment, folk remedies for joint bursitis

In more severe cases, the joint is punctured, pumping out excess fluid from it. Severe inflammation requires steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Sometimes corticosteroids are injected directly into the synovium to achieve a quick and maximum effect.

What is bursitis?

As a rule, with inflammation in the cavity of the bag, exudate begins to accumulate, and in the absence of treatment, purulent masses. Such accumulation of fluid leads to stretching of the tissues of the synovial bag, which is accompanied by discomfort and pain.

The transition of the infectious process to the humerus and the bone marrow in it, the development of osteomyelitis.

. In chronic bursitis, calcium is gradually deposited in the wall of the synovial sac, which then turns into lime. ​

3 degree joint bursitis - symptoms

​Stay flexible to prevent bursitis at home​

Causes and signs of the disease

​1. Usually inflammation of the joint is associated with its incorrect or excessive "use". Also, bursitis can occur due to injuries of the periarticular bag or nearby tendons. Bursitis can be caused by repetitive physical exertion, such as swinging golf. Known as 'maid's knee' or 'water in the knee', the disease is an inflammation of the bursa as a result of kneeling while cleaning. Other possible causes - arthritis and gout - cause inflammation of the joints and tendons throughout the body, respectively, can affect the bursae. Such damage may be accompanied by a decrease in joint mobility, redness, swelling, and occasionally an increase in temperature in the joint area. There are 150 articular bags in the human body, but most often the disease occurs in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe joints that are most subject to pressure caused by repeated monotonous repetitive movements. These are the elbows, knees, and shoulders. Rarely observed bursitis of the hip joints.

A doctor treats inflammation by prescribing certain antibiotics. You should not change them on your own and neglect taking medications, since an untreated inflammatory process can take the form of a chronic illness, which is much more difficult to get rid of. It is because of this that treatment with folk remedies should be discussed with the treating specialist and used only as an adjuvant.

The main sign of inflammation in the joint capsule is a change in the shape of the joint and pain when moving in it. On the projection of the anatomical position of the bursa, a rounded swelling appears, which, when pressed, is elastic and fluctuating, that is, causing a sensation of fluid movement inside. Pain with bursitis is of a different nature:

If the tests confirm the presence of an infection, then antibiotic therapy is needed. Quite often, the synovial cavity is drained, purulent contents are pumped out of it, after which they are washed with antiseptic solutions and antibiotics are administered.

There are several classification systems that are used in modern surgery and traumatology. These diagrams help the doctor understand which joints the disease affects and how exactly the bursitis proceeds. The treatment of bursitis directly depends on its form.

Manifestations of acute elbow bursitis are typical: swelling (especially pronounced on the posterior surface of the joint), redness, pain, impaired flexion and extension. Under the skin, you can feel a soft formation - an enlarged synovial bag, inside which fluid has accumulated. The acute form can turn into a chronic one, which occurs with periods of improvement and exacerbation. With purulent elbow bursitis, all symptoms are more pronounced, there is an increase in body temperature, a violation of the general condition. The lymph nodes located under the skin in the area of ​​the elbow joint increase.

  • Calculous bursitis
  • . Pain occurs at the very beginning of sports activities, but does not prevent them from continuing. It is necessary to reduce the frequency, duration and intensity of exercise by 50 - 75%, filling the gap with other sports in the treatment of symptoms of bursitis.​
  • Elastic and flexible muscles help prevent the symptoms of joint bursitis and tendonitis, says Dr. Difiori. He advises doing stretching exercises for the limbs and body once or twice a day. The load on certain parts of the musculoskeletal system depends on the type of activity, so it is useful to discuss the optimal course of flexibility development for you with a therapist or trainer. When doing exercises, it is important to avoid excessive effort and do them at a certain time.​
  • In the area of ​​the patient with bursitis of the tendon joint, it is desirable to apply an elastic bandage. Its pressure will slow down the development of swelling and possibly relieve pain, although it will not cure joint bursitis. At the same time, the bandage will oblige you to be careful in your movements.

Most often, bursitis occurs in the shoulder joint, because. it has the greatest range of motion of all the major joints of the human body. Pain is felt on the outside of the shoulder. Slightly less commonly affected are the elbow, hip, knee, ankle, and wrist. The main complication of bursitis is infection. Since the bursa is often located just under the skin, infection can be caused by a variety of bacteria entering through broken or diseased skin over the joint. Such cases require antibiotic therapy.

Damage in the shoulder joint. Most often, bursae that do not communicate with the articular cavity become inflamed: subdeltoid, subacromial and acromial.

When the acute phase of the disease has passed, the doctor may prescribe physiotherapeutic methods of treatment:


In some cases, surgical intervention is indispensable. For example, in medical practice, severe, purulent bursitis of the hip joint is often encountered. Treatment in this case is to remove the bursa and take a full course of antibiotics.

Diagnosis and treatment of pathology

The inflammatory process is classified depending on where exactly it is localized. For example, there are knee and elbow bursitis.

  • ​Possible Complications​
  • Accompanied by the deposition of calcium and the formation of stones inside the synovial bag. They are clearly visible on x-rays.
  • 4th degree joint bursitis - symptoms
  • ​Dr. Difiori suggests this exercise routine to prevent and treat the initial symptoms of bursitis. First, warm up - walk around or jump a little. Then stretch slightly. And only after that start active training. Perform sipping immediately after each exercise, each time with increasing effort. This helps a lot in developing flexibility. While stretching, stay in this position for up to 30 seconds. Perform stretching without jerking. Repeat three to four times for healing.​
  • - pain, inflammation, swelling in the joint area, especially when stretching or kneading during training exercises, - limited range of motion, accompanied by sharp pain, or without it, - reddening of the skin and a local increase in temperature over the joint area.

A lesion in the collarbone region often occurs as a result of purulent arthritis or scapulohumeral periarthritis.

ultraviolet irradiation;

How to treat inflammation of the articular bag?


Another indication for surgery is a chronic form of inflammation. In such cases, excision of the affected synovial bag is performed. As a rule, recovery after such an operation lasts 10-14 days.​

In addition, take into account the type of infection. There are specific forms of the disease that are characterized by the activity of a specific pathogen, which is observed with syphilis, gonorrhea, etc. Nonspecific bursitis occurs against the background of the activity of staphylococci or streptococci.

  • Bursitis can occur in acute, subacute and chronic forms. Signs of bursitis are characteristic of the inflammatory process.
  • . If you have symptoms that limit the amount or quality of your physical activity, then your injury is more serious. Reduce your activity by at least 75% and take up other sports that do not involve the affected body part.​
  • Prevention of joint bursitis at home - develop muscle strength
  • Usually, a joint becomes inflamed as a result of chronic tension in the associated muscle. And if you relax it, it should become easier, according to massage therapist James Vaslasky from the Center for Therapeutic Sports Massage in Tampa, Florida, USA. For example, if the Achilles tendon is inflamed, you should regularly stretch the calf muscles.

Use the diseased joint as little as possible when moving, let the inflammation subside. If the elbow joint is affected, make an elastic bandage on the arm to prevent movement and allow the joint to rest.​

Acute bursitis, as a rule, occurs in the elbow or shoulder joints and is the result of infection of the joint bag in cases of trauma or mechanical damage.

shock wave therapy;

Preventive actions


  • Immediately it should be noted that alternative treatment of bursitis is possible only after a preliminary consultation with a specialist. Baths with a decoction of pine needles and cones are considered useful.
  • Depending on the clinical picture, it is customary to distinguish an acute, subacute and chronic form of the disease.
  • Osteomyelitis (purulent inflammation) of the shoulder, ulna or radius;
  • Common symptoms of acute bursitis

Grade 5 symptoms of joint bursitis

The development of muscle strength helps to prevent the symptoms of joint bursitis and tendonitis. Dr. Difiori recommends strength training at least twice a week. Focus on large muscle groups in the prevention and treatment of the initial symptoms of bursitis: abdominal and lower back muscles, biceps (biceps) and triceps (triceps) muscles of the arms, muscles of the chest and upper back, quadriceps femoris and hamstrings, calf muscles. Use weights that you can lift 8-12 times without feeling uncomfortable. Perform these two sets of exercises with the initial symptoms of joint bursitis, repeating each 8-12 times. A therapist or trainer can choose special exercises according to your main activity.​

  • Alternating cold and hot compresses can relieve pain.

Inflammation of the bursa in the area of ​​the knee joint usually develops in the area of ​​the pre-patellar bags: subcutaneous, subfascial and subtendonal. Often, inflammation is accompanied by edema, body temperature may rise, lymph nodes increase, and fluctuations occur. The infrapatellar bursa usually becomes inflamed as a complication of acute gonitis.

Bursitis disease - symptoms, causes, how to treat bursitis

applications of ozokerite or paraffin;

Causes of bursitis

radiating, i.e. "Giving" to neighboring areas.​

In addition, some folk healers recommend that patients prepare a special ointment for the joints. Mix one part aloe juice, two parts honey and three parts vodka. Apply to the skin near the affected joint, wrap with a scarf or towel and hold for 1-2 hours. Hay dust is also considered useful - for starters, it should be brewed, after which moisten gauze bandages in a still warm (even hot) broth and apply to sore joints.

Types of bursitis

Pay attention to the nature of the exudate. With serous bursitis, plasma with a small amount of blood cells accumulates inside the bursa. With purulent inflammation, an accumulation of destroyed cells, dead leukocytes and pathogenic microorganisms is observed. Hemorrhagic bursitis is accompanied by accumulation of blood, and in the fibrinous form of the disease, fluid with a high content of fibrin accumulates inside the synovial cavity.

Abscess (abscess) in the area of ​​the elbow joint;

. If you are unable to play your usual sport due to severe pain, stop exercising and switch to other types of physical activity. As your injury heals at home, you can gradually return to your original activities. However, working out the injured part of the body and restoring mobility should be under the supervision of a doctor or a physiotherapist.​

​Attention! Do not overdo it when doing strength exercises. You can actually develop bursitis or tendonitis if you pick up dumbbells that are too heavy, lift them too many times, or use the wrong techniques.​

Bursitis treatment

With symptoms of joint bursitis, inflammation can become chronic and lead to the accumulation of harmful oxidizing substances in the body. Therefore, it makes sense to stimulate antioxidant mechanisms in the body by taking manganese preparations to treat the symptoms of joint bursitis. Dr. Lee recommends starting with 50-100 mg of manganese/day in divided doses, after 1-2 weeks, reduce the dose to 15-30 mg/day, and if the pain does not stop, take this dosage for up to a month for treatment. Then it is enough to maintain doses of 2.5-5 mg / day.

Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs can be used to reduce soreness and inflammation.

In the area of ​​​​the ankle joint, the articular bag, located between the calcaneal tendon and the calcaneal tuber, is most often inflamed - Achilles bursitis. The cause is trauma to the joint with shoes, lymphogenous or hematogenous initiation.


Characterized by increased pain at night, due to increased swelling of the surrounding tissues and increased pressure on the nerve endings in them.

In any case, do not forget that such procedures can only be used as an auxiliary method along with more traditional treatment. And, of course, for the duration of therapy, it is worth limiting physical activity and stress on the joints.

Infectious activity is of great importance in the development of the disease. It is pathogenic microorganisms that most often cause a disease called bursitis (treatment of bursitis for this reason includes taking antibacterial agents).

When should you seek medical help?

The formation of a fistula - a tunnel that connects the abscess cavity with the surface of the skin.

  • Puffiness.
  • ​Before you start the workouts that caused you an injury, find out what exactly caused it. Whether it was the result of trying to do too much too fast, or not letting yourself rest, or using the wrong equipment: the wrong size racket, or the wrong bike. If you do not change them, then you risk getting the same injury again; this can happen even if you train your flexibility and mobility, apply ice, use relative rest and alternative types of physical activity.​
  • Warm-up joints at home for the prevention of joint bursitis

Prevention of joint bursitis

When the acute pain subsides, begin to make light movements in the joint, gradually increasing their volume.

Bursitis - symptoms, treatment, prevention, causes, first signs - diseases and conditions on Health Mail.Ru

Bursitis is treated to reduce inflammation and pain, restore full joint mobility, and prevent recurrence and disability.

General information

Massage of the affected joints also gives good results. These methods are aimed at activating the metabolism in tissues, eliminating puffiness and relieving muscle tension. This contributes to the rapid cessation of inflammation and the beginning of the restoration of affected tissues.

Causes of the development of bursitis of the joints

An obvious sign is limited movement in the affected joint. This happens due to pain, and due to swelling, and due to a decrease in the elasticity of the tissues of the bag as a result of its calcification.

Of course, bursitis is a disease that requires appropriate treatment. In the absence of medical care, the disease quickly turns into a chronic form, which is much more difficult to get rid of. In addition, with acute infectious inflammation, neighboring soft tissues may be affected with the formation of phlegmon.

Symptoms of bursitis

However, bacteria can enter the synovium in a variety of ways. For example, risk factors include purulent inflammation, the foci of which are located near the joints. Bursitis often develops against the background of erysipelas, the formation of bedsores, furunculosis, carbunculosis, osteomyelitis, since pathogenic microorganisms enter the synovial gap along with lymph or blood.

What can you do

There are three types of knee bursitis:

In the area of ​​the affected joint, swelling is determined. It is caused by an increase in the synovial bag, the accumulation of fluid in it, stagnation of blood in the vessels as a result of the inflammatory process.


"A five-minute rest is necessary at the end of each hour," says Dr. David Jones, sports medicine specialist. He advises doing stretching exercises for the wrist and forearm during the break to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome. This is done as follows:​

What can a doctor do

For symptoms of joint bursitis, keep the following mixture on hand in a dark glass vial: 1 tablespoon of St. rosemary, 6 drops of juniper, 5 drops of eucalyptus and 4 drops of chamomile. On a patient with symptoms of joint bursitis, first hold a warm or cold compress, then rub this mixture into the skin (shake it well before use). The procedure is repeated three times a day until the pain and swelling subside.

Your doctor will ask you a series of questions about recent physical activity and perform an examination. If there is a danger that the joint cavity is infected, he can take the joint fluid for analysis. Also, an x-ray of the diseased joint may be needed to make a diagnosis. Splinting will fix the joint, reducing its range of motion. The tire is applied only by a specialist.​

In the treatment of bursitis, they first of all try to identify the presence of an infection that could provoke the disease: spirochetes, gonococci and brucella. For these purposes, a bacteriological study of the fluid of the articular bag is performed.

Joint bursitis treatment and symptoms | How to treat bursitis at home

Due to skin tension as a result of edema and accumulation of exudate, and increased blood flow to the inflamed area, there are also symptoms of bursitis, such as hyperemia and local fever. The skin near the diseased joint looks reddened and feels much warmer to the touch than the surrounding areas. Often the lymph nodes located near the affected area are also enlarged.

Treatment of joint bursitis

In turn, chronic bursitis leads to the formation of adhesions that limit joint mobility. Damage to the articular tissues on the foot often leads to the formation of heel spurs.

On the other hand, the infection can enter directly into the synovial sac during trauma, in particular, strong blows, cuts, etc. The state of the immune system matters. Some kidney diseases, as well as diabetes, alcoholism affect the work of the body's defenses, which increases the chance of activation of the infection. Some other diseases can also be attributed to risk factors, in particular, rheumatoid arthritis, gout scleroderma (with gout, salt crystals accumulate in the joint cavity, which can cause inflammation).

Inflammation of the synovial sac located in the popliteal fossa, that is, on the back of the joint.

Skin redness

In this case, the occurrence of bursitis is due to the deposition of salts in the wall of the synovial bag and the development of chronic inflammation in it.

Stretch your right arm out in front of you, elbow straight, fingers pointing down. With your left hand, gently pull your fingers toward you until you feel a stretch in your wrist and forearm. Hold this position for 30 seconds, then relax, this will help in the prevention and treatment of the initial symptoms of bursitis at home.​

If symptoms of joint bursitis are suspected, experts recommend the following:

Pain medications (analgesics) and anti-inflammatories may be prescribed to relieve inflammation and reduce pain.

The symptoms of bursitis are similar to the symptoms of arthritis, but with inflammation of the joint capsule caused by bursitis, joint mobility is preserved.

How to treat bursitis at home?

In cases of complication of the disease and its transition to a purulent form, the occurrence of inflammation of the tissues surrounding the bursa, the formation of adhesions, etc. treatment of bursitis in a hospital, intravenous administration of drugs, washing the cavity of the bursa with antibiotics, or surgery may be prescribed. Only a timely visit to the doctor helps to avoid complications. The question of how to treat bursitis can only be decided by an orthopedic doctor. No folk methods of treatment and media-recommended methods for removing exudates can completely eliminate this ailment on their own, but they are quite capable of delaying the visit to the clinic, removing a number of symptoms and creating the illusion of help.

General signs of the inflammatory process (fever, weakness, nausea and malaise) usually appear only in the acute form of the disease. Acute bursitis arises and develops in 2-3 days and is manifested by a sudden painful swelling and hyperemia of the skin. With the formation of pus in the exudate, the patient develops symptoms of intoxication: fever, nausea and headaches. Most often, the course of the underlying disease is exacerbated if bursitis was provoked by it.

When a person develops a disease such as bursitis, it is better not to postpone treatment for a long time. Affecting the areas of the joints (periarticular bag), it can permanently deprive the patient of motor activity. This is especially true for athletes: they are more often prone to bursitis, and failures in the usual training regimen can significantly affect the result, and playing sports with a sharp pain in the affected joints becomes almost impossible.

As for the chronic forms of the disease, they are usually associated with constant mechanical irritation of the joints. Most often, such bursitis is associated with the characteristics of professions. For example, miners are often diagnosed with inflammation of the synovial bags of the elbow joint, but athletes are diagnosed with knee bursitis.

Inflammation of the synovial sac located in the patella, that is, on the front surface of the joint.

. The skin in the joint area becomes hot to the touch due to stagnation of blood.

Diathesis is a condition that occurs in children and is characterized by the body's readiness for the occurrence of certain diseases. But diathesis itself is not a disease. Most often, it is accompanied by a violation of the immune system, allergic reactions. This facilitates the occurrence of inflammatory processes, including in synovial bags.

Now extend your right arm in the same position, but only raise your palm so that the fingers point upwards. Pull the fingers of your left hand away from you and stay in this position for 30 seconds. Then do these two exercises for the left hand. Do one of the exercises for both hands every time you take a break from work.​

First aid for joint bursitis

Massage with ice to treat bursitis at home. The pain in both cases is usually localized, so a large volume of ice is not required. Coach John Kluge, who heads the Sports Injury Center in Waterloo, Iowa, USA, advises doing so. Pour water into a paper cup, freeze it in the refrigerator, and tear off the top rim to expose the ice. Massage the sore spot with this ice column for 8-10 minutes until it turns red and slightly numb to treat joint bursitis.​

  1. Warming up and other physiotherapy procedures can reduce discomfort and inflammation, in addition, it will allow you to slightly relieve tension in muscles, nerve fibers and tendons.
  2. Treatment methods for bursitis are chosen depending on its location, condition, causes. In the treatment of bursitis, magnetotherapy, laser therapy, electropuncture therapy can be used.
  3. Knowing what causes bursitis, it is possible to outline preventive measures to avoid inflammation of the articular bag. They are pretty simple:

Symptoms of joint bursitis

Chronic bursitis is a consequence of the acute form as a result of inadequate treatment. Most often, acute symptoms subside with time, and the patient neglects the doctor's instructions, thereby facilitating this transition. An untreated focus of inflammation continues to exist, and with provoking influences, the disease exacerbates.

This is the name of the inflammatory process in the tissues surrounding the joint - synovial bags. At the same time, a liquid called exudate is intensively formed and accumulates in the cavity of the articular sac. Usually, the disease affects large joints (shoulder, elbow, knee, hip), but doctors know cases of Achilles bursitis (in the heel area), bursitis of the big toe, wrist and other joints. Bursitis have an ICD 10 code - M70-M79. In these paragraphs, all possible localizations of the disease are considered.

In fact, the inflammatory process can develop in almost any joint of the human body. However, the most common forms of the disease can be distinguished. For example, inflammation most often affects those joints that are most exposed to intense stress or injury.

Inflammation of the synovial sac located inside the joint.

The risk of developing bursitis increases with age. As the body ages, salts are deposited in the wall of the synovial sac, it becomes denser, less elastic, and the body's defenses decrease.

Keep your back straight to prevent the symptoms of joint bursitis. Incorrect posture can contribute to the development of bursitis or tendinitis in the shoulder joint. Watch your posture and include exercises to develop flexibility and strengthen muscles in the abdomen and upper back. A physiotherapist and a sports trainer can be of great help in compiling a special set of exercises for correct posture.​

Fight inflammation for symptoms of bursitis. It is sufficient to take over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, such as Ketonal or Nurofen, as directed on the package to treat bursitis at home.​

In severe or recurrent bursitis, the question of performing a puncture of the articular bag (removal of pathological excess fluid from the cavity of a swollen and enlarged joint) or bursectomy (removal of a damaged bursa) may be discussed.

Prevention of joint bursitis

In the event of acute forms of bursitis, rest, the application of a pressure bandage, and warm compresses are recommended. Fixing bandages are applied to prevent purulent bursitis. Chronic bursitis is often treated with a puncture and removal of exudate, the bursa is washed with antibiotics and antiseptics. In the case of traumatic bursitis, a solution of hydrocartisone with antibiotics is injected into the area of ​​​​the articular bag.

Absence of overloads that injure the bursa, getting rid of excess weight;

A person with bursitis consults a doctor when signs of the disease appear and develop. Pain and limited movement are common causes. Diagnostic methods in the clinic make it possible to differentiate bursitis from other joint lesions. The initial diagnosis is made on the basis of a survey and examination of the patient. For differential diagnosis can be applied:

The externally affected joint acquires a pronounced swelling up to 10 cm in diameter. A noticeable “bag” may form on the joint of the limb, distorting its contours. The accumulated fluid penetrates into the intercellular space of the tissues surrounding the focus of inflammation and leads to swelling. Rice. 1.​

As already mentioned, quite often bursitis is a kind of “side effect” of some professions. So, some athletes (in particular, baseball players), as well as miners, are often diagnosed with inflammation of the bags of the shoulder joint. The disease often affects the knee and hip joints. And if you like to wear beautiful, but very uncomfortable shoes with high heels and a narrow toe, then do not be surprised if the doctor diagnoses you with foot bursitis (treatment of this form of the disease, by the way, includes giving up uncomfortable shoes).​

During the disease, swelling, pain, impaired flexion and extension in the knee occur. Swelling and redness may be more pronounced on the anterior or posterior surface of the joint, depending on which bursa is inflamed. Infectious knee bursitis may be complicated by purulent arthritis. This is fraught with damage to the knee meniscus or cruciate ligaments located inside the joint. Osteomyelitis of the femur, tibia, and fibula may also develop.

. As a result of the development of the inflammatory process and the increase in the size of the synovial bag, irritation of the nerve endings in the joint area occurs. There are pain sensations that intensify during movements, palpations.

In some cases, the cause of bursitis cannot be determined. It appears as if by itself. This form of the disease is called idiopathic.

  • How to avoid re-injury and symptoms of joint bursitis?
  • Treat bursitis with boswellia. The extract from the resin of this tree (frankincense) without unpleasant side effects relieves the pain of chronic inflammation, including joint bursitis and tendonitis. It has been established that certain substances contained in Boswellia suppress the production of chemical mediators of the pain reaction in the human body. In addition, boswellic acids prevent tissue breakdown and the formation of compounds characteristic of the inflammatory process. According to Lee Broadhurst, nutritionist and herbalist in Clovery, Maryland, USA, Boswellia extract is taken at 400-500mg, initially three times a day when the pain subsides, twice, and finally once.​
  • Joint bursitis is difficult to distinguish from other joint diseases due to the lack of unique symptoms characteristic only of joint bursitis. Treatment of joint bursitis after diagnosis should be carried out with medication, but those who have the disease in the initial stage need to know how to treat bursitis at home.

With properly selected therapy, pain in the joint capsule decreases within three weeks, but in some cases it can last up to six weeks, since pain is associated with the formation of scar tissue, the duration of this process is individual in each case.

timely disinfection of small wounds in the joints;

  • radiography;
  • In some cases, when the synovial bag is located deep in the soft tissues, there may be no external signs of the disease. The patient can guess about the presence of a problem only by the constant pain that accompanies every movement. In such cases, bursitis can be diagnosed only with the help of radiography or bursography with the introduction of special substances that help to see the contours of the affected bag in the picture.
  • In any case, the inflammatory process brings the patient a lot of inconvenience and discomfort. And the lack of treatment is fraught with deformation of the joint and damage to the periarticular tissues.

In the area of ​​the hip joint there are three large synovial bags:

Joint dysfunction

Bursitis is classified depending on what pathological processes occur in the synovial bag: Symptoms of joint bursitis or tendonitis most often occur in the area that has already been injured. How can you prevent re-injury? The surest way is to achieve a complete and timely cure of the symptoms of joint bursitis or tendonitis that have arisen; only then the initial trauma will no longer remind of itself. This is done as follows.​

Symptoms of acute joint bursitis​1.​

​After scar tissue repair, special procedures are required to restore the muscles, tendons, and bursa to full range of motion and flexibility. At this stage, massage, magnetotherapy, impulsive currents or phonophreses are prescribed. It is good to use ultrasound to restore the functions of the articular bag. This procedure increases tissue circulation and softens scar tissue.​ treatment of chronic inflammation of other organs;

MRI; With inflammatory phenomena in the connective tissue of the articular capsule, calcium salts begin to crystallize, causing calcification of cells ("salt deposition"). The tissue dysfunction caused by the process increases pain on movement.

Symptoms of the disease directly depend on its form. As a rule, it begins with pain in the area of ​​the affected joint. Later in the synovial bag Above the trochanter of the femur - a protrusion to which muscles are attached.

. Due to pain and swelling, movement in certain directions becomes limited.

Serous bursitis

Ice massage can help treat the symptoms of joint bursitis. Immediately after an injury or in the first few days, Dr. Difiori advises applying ice. "We use a technique called ice massage."​


In acute bursitis of the joint, symptoms are noted: moderate soreness, reddening of the skin in the joint area and painful swelling. Signs of the inflammatory process can spread to the joint with the development of arthritis - the symptoms of pain increase during movements in the joint, its configuration changes. If the symptoms of bursitis: pain, swelling, weakness or instability of the joint increase, and bursitis develops, you should seek professional medical help for treatment.​


Ointments and creams with an extract of this plant have an anti-inflammatory effect and are suitable for treating the symptoms of joint bursitis. Naturopath and herbalist Jill Stansbury from Portland (Oregon, USA) advises to rub them into the skin in the area of ​​​​the sore spot two to three times a day. If there is a symptom of joint bursitis, then apply heat, such as a heating pad; warm up as long as possible - until discomfort is felt.​

unknown reasons

It happens that bursitis goes away without therapeutic intervention in a few weeks. But in case of the following symptoms, urgent medical attention is needed:​

Bursitis classification

Correction of articular deformities.
  • ultrasound; Figure 1. Bursitis of the knee joint.
  • Exudate begins to accumulate, which leads to the formation of a slight edema and swelling. From the inside of the femur.
  • Violation of the general condition- accumulation of clear fluid in the synovial sac. More typical for bursitis not associated with infection. ​
  • "Buy paper cups, fill them with water and put them in the freezer. When the water freezes, the surface of the ice will protrude above the rim of the cup. Take one cup and massage the area where the bursitis or tendonitis has occurred with ice. Massage is performed in a circular motion, three -four times a day for 10 - 20 minutes (If irritation or burning occurs during the massage, place a light cloth between the ice and the surface of the body so as not to damage the skin.) As the ice melts, you can gradually break the cup using the remaining ice.This method reduces pain and inflammation in the damaged area and accelerates healing,” explains Dr. Difiori. symptoms. And there are two types of joint bursitis: serous and purulent. And according to the nature of their course and signs, they are usually divided into acute joint bursitis and chronic joint bursitis.
  • ​2.​ The presence of pain that does not decrease for a long time, interfering with normal daily activity;
  • Some types of bursitis (bursitis of the heel, foot, big toe) are caused by wearing uncomfortable shoes that injure the joints. Most often, this sacrifice of beauty is made by women. If many people are overweight, bursitis in the joints of the foot and knee joint becomes their retribution for the desire to look better. When going to work or shopping, you need to remember that stilettos are designed for rare outings and special occasions. For permanent wear, it is better to choose shoes with a stable low heel (about 5 cm) and a comfortable shoe. Endoscopy of the joint, arthrography;

Bursitis symptoms

Among the most common causes of inflammation of the tissues of the joint sac is trauma. If left untreated, the swelling increases, and the skin over the affected joint turns red and becomes hot to the touch. Acute bursitis is also accompanied by an increase in body temperature and the appearance of symptoms of general malaise - patients complain of weakness, drowsiness, constant fatigue and chills. Joint mobility is preserved, but every movement is accompanied by severe pain. In the thickness of the gluteal muscle.
  • . There is lethargy, increased fatigue, and sometimes an increase in body temperature. Purulent bursitis
  • Do not deny yourself rest. It is clear that with joint bursitis or tendinitis, it is necessary to give the injured part of the body a rest. But how long should this rest last: a day, a week, a month? Symptoms of purulent joint bursitis
  • Bromelain. This pineapple-derived enzyme speeds up the healing of inflammation, the symptoms of joint bursitis, according to naturopath Jacqueline Jacque of Portland, Oregon, USA. In principle, bromelain helps to digest proteins. If you take it on an empty stomach, then blood circulation improves and the production of inflammation-stimulating prostaglandins and thromboxanes is suppressed. Recurrence of bursitis;
  • ​Further reading