How to treat gonorrhea - modern methods of treatment. What injections help with gonorrhea (from gonorrhea)? Treatment of gonorrhea in women with one injection


At the same time, sexual partners and the source of the disease are treated. With fresh, acute, uncomplicated gonorrhea, antibiotics are limited only; with fresh, prolonged, complicated and chronic forms, complex treatment is necessary.

Fresh, acute, uncomplicated gonorrhea is treated on an outpatient basis. Hospitalization is carried out only on special indications. In the absence of contraindications, the main antibiotics are drugs of the penicillin group. As a result of the use of these drugs, inflammation decreases sharply within 5-7 days, the discharge becomes scarce, gonococci are not found in them. In case of successful treatment, after 7-10 days after the end of the antibiotic administration, they begin to establish the cure.

If, after 10-12 days after treatment and exclusion of gonococci after provocation, inflammatory phenomena persist, then these phenomena are diagnosed as post-gonorrheal. Patients are examined additionally and treated in accordance with the etiological and topical diagnosis. In case of early recurrence of the disease, after 3-5 days, and sometimes even a month after the end of antibiotic treatment, discharge and dysuric phenomena reappear, and gonococci are found during examination, in these cases an acute uncomplicated relapse is possible. For treatment, another antibiotic from the group of tetracyclines, macrolides, aminoglycosides, etc. is used. In patients with a sluggish, asymptomatic course of relapse, before antibiotic therapy, it is recommended to carry out immunotherapy and local treatment in combination, preferably in a hospital.

With sluggish (torpid) and chronic forms of gonorrhea, a method of complex application of therapy factors is especially necessary, and preferably in a hospital. The appointment of antibiotics is preceded by an immunotherapeutic complex and local treatment. Under the condition of outpatient treatment, in order to prevent the spread of infection, the antibiotic is prescribed simultaneously with immunotherapy and local drugs.

With regard to sources of infection and sexual partners, even if gonococci are not detected, it is necessary to carry out treatment according to the treatment regimens for chronic gonorrhea.

etiological treatment. More often antibiotics of the penicillin group are used: benzylpenicillin (sodium and potassium salts), bicillin, bicillin-3, bicillin-5, ampicillin, methicillin, oxacillin, ampioks (active against penicillinase-producing strains); carfecillin, augmentin, amoxicillin, sulcillin. Antibiotics of the tetracycline series: tetracycline, chlortetracycline, oxytetracycline, metacycline (rondomycin), doxycycline - are used when it is impossible to use penicillin derivatives.

Levomycetin and macrolides - erythromycin, macropen, erycycline, oletethrin - are convenient and can be administered orally. In addition to these drugs, azalides are widely used - azithramycin (Sumamed), roxithromycin (medecamycin), aminoglycosides: monompedin, gentamicin, kanatitsin, neuthromycin (as well as ampioks, it is active against penicillinase-producing strains). Currently, for the treatment of gonorrhea, foreign broad-spectrum antibiotics of the cephalosporin and quinolone series, which have a high degree of antigonococcal activity, are actively used. To cure fresh acute uncomplicated gonorrhea, 1-2 doses of these drugs are sufficient.

These include: cephalosporin antibiotics: cefapyrazone, cefatriaxone, cefatoxime, ceclor, cefobid, cefuroxime. Of these, ceftriaxone and cefatoxime are active against penicillin-producing strains of gonococci. The same active new series of antibiotics includes fluorinated quinolones, which are contraindicated in pregnant women and children under 14 years of age. Cyprobay (ciprofloxacin, enoxacin) parivid (ofloxacin), norfloxacin, abactal (peflocin), maxaquin. Active against penicillin-nasoproducing gonococci - a new antibiotic of the aminocyclitol group - spectinomycin (trobicin) and a semi-synthetic broad-spectrum antibiotic from the group of rifampicins - rifampicin, but contraindicated in pregnant women.

In case of group intolerance to antibiotics or their inefficiency, long-acting sulfanilamide preparations are prescribed, combined with trimetaprim - biseptol, bactrim, septrin, sulfaten or long-acting sulfanilamide drugs - sulfamonometoxin or sulfa-dimethoxin. Currently, for the treatment of fresh gonorrhea, single-dose preparations are especially effective, which are enough for a complete recovery. These properties are rocefin (ceftriaxone, administered intramuscularly, once 250 mg), peflocin (abactal) at a dose of 80 mg, once, orally, enoxacin (gyramide) 400 mg 1 time per day, ciprofloxaiin (cyprobay), aminoglycoside - neuthromycin at a dose of 300 mg, once, intramuscularly, spectinoticin (trobicin) - once intramuscularly 2 g in men and 4 g in women.

Combined sulfanilamide preparations (biseptol, bactrim, septrim) contain sulfamethaxazole 0.4 g and trimethoprim 0.008 g. Due to the synergistic action of the components, these agents have an intense bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect on gonococci, including those resistant to antibiotics. Patients with fresh, acute and subacute forms of gonorrhea are prescribed these drugs orally, 4 tablets, every 6 hours, for a course of 16 tablets (7.68 g), with other forms - 20 tablets (9.6 g).

Treatment regimens for gonorrhea.

Antibiotics of the penicillin series - benzylpenicillin sodium and potassium salts. The initial dose is 60,000 IU / m, followed by 300,000 IU every 3 hours, for a course of treatment of fresh, acute and subacute 3,400,000 IU, and fresh complicated, torpid and chronic - from 4,200,000 IU to 6,800,000 IU, depending on the severity of the process. Bicillin-1, bicillin-3 and bicillin-5 6,000,000 IU after 24 hours (two-stage, intramuscularly), per course with a fresh form of 3,600,000 IU with torpid, chronic - 4,200,000 IU - 6,000,000 IU. Ampicillin - 0.5 g every 4 hours inside, for a course of 3 g to 8 g, taking into account the stage of treatment of gonorrhea - Ampiox - 0.6 g every 4 hours inside - 4-5 days or 5-7 days. Oxacillin 0.5 g orally 5 times a day - 10-14 g per course. Carfecillin - 0.5 g 3 times a day - 5-8 g. Augmentin - 0.375 g orally every 8 hours 5 days, with a fresh form, and with other forms - 0.750 mg every 8 hours 3 days. and the next 2 days 0.375 after 8 hours - for a course of 5.625 to 9 g. Sulcillin - 1.5 g every 8 hours from 6 to 9 g. Amoxicillin (ampinicillin trihydrate) - with fresh gonorrhea 3 g once with simultaneous ingestion of 1 g of probenecid, once, to inhibit renal excretion of penicillin and maintain its therapeutic concentration in the blood tetracycline antibiotics - tetracycline (chlortetracycline, oxytetracycline) - 0.3 g orally 5 times a day - 3 days, and then 0.2 g 5 times a day for 2 days. For a course of 5 to 10 g. Metacycline (rondomycin) - orally at 0.6 - 1st dose, then 0.3-4 times a day for another 2 days, for a course of 2 ^ 4 to 4.8 g. Doxycycline 0.2 orally - 1st dose, then but 0.1 g after 12 hours 4 days - for a course of 1.1 g to 1.5 g. Levomycitin is prescribed 0.5 g 6 times a day, up to food, with an 8-hour night break for 2-3 days, from 6 g to 10 g per course.

Macrolide antibiotics. Erythromycin - 0.05 g 6 times a day - 2 days and 0.4 g - 5 times a day - 3 days, from 8.8 to 12 g per course. Macropen - 0.4 g orally 6 times a day, 2 days and subsequent 0.4 g 5 times a day up to a course dose of 8.8 g and up to 12.8 g. Erycycline - 0.250 orally 5 times a day up to 3 -6 g per course. Oletetrin 0.5 g - 1st dose and subsequent doses on this day, 0.250 g 3 times, but on the next 4 days - 0.250 g every 6 hours, for a course of 4 g to 7.5 g.

Azalide antibiotics - azithromycin (Sumamed) once inside - 2 g, roxithromycin (medecamycin or josamycin) once inside - 1 g in all forms.

Antibiotics-aminoglycosides - kanamycin - 1,000,000 IU intramuscularly every 12 hours or once - 2-3 days, for a course of 2 to 6 million IU. Neuthromycin - intramuscularly 200 mg 2 times a day - 3 days, and then 200 mg 1 time per day for 4 days, per course - 2 g.

Antibiotics-cephalosporins - ceclor orally 0.5 g 4 times a day - 2 days, and then 0.25 g 4 times a day for 1 day, in total for a course of 5 to 7 g. Cefobid 1 g intramuscularly once 1 g per day, for a course of 3-5 g. Ceftriaxone intramuscularly, a single dose of 250 mg, cefatoxime klaforan - intramuscularly, a single dose of 2 g, cefuroxime - intramuscularly, a single dose of 1.5 g. Course doses for this group of antibiotics have not yet been determined.

Fluorinated quinolones - ciprobay (ciproflexacin) - inside 500 mg (1st dose), then 250 mg every 12 hours - 3 days, for a course of 1.25 g with fresh gonorrhea. Tarivid (ofloxacin) inside 400 mg (1st dose), then 200 mg 2 times a day to a course dose of 1.6 g in fresh form. Abaktal (peflocin) once, orally 600 mg once a day for 4 days, per course of 2.4 g for all forms of gonorrhea. Maksakvin - orally 600 mg 1 time per day for 4 days - per course 2.4 g for all forms of gonorrhea.

Spectinomycin (trobicin) - once intramuscularly for men - 2 g, for women - 4 g (2 g in each buttock), for children according to age, 40 mg / kg (maximum dose - 2 g).

Rifampicin (contraindicated in pregnant women) - orally 0.3 g 30 minutes before meals, after 6 hours - from 1.5 to 6 g per course.

Immunotherapy. Some patients, especially those with fresh complicated acute and subacute torpid, chronic gonorrhea, require the appointment of primarily immune drugs in complex therapy. In the foreground is specific immunotherapy with gonovaccine. Gonovaccine is administered intramuscularly. Children under 3 years of age are not given vaccines. In older children, the initial dose of gonovaccine should not exceed 50-100 million microbial bodies, the highest single dose for adolescents up to 15-16 years of age - 500 million microbial bodies. Gonovaccine is administered to adults with 300-400 million microbial bodies, for a course of 6-8-10 injections. The maximum dose is 2 billion microbial bodies. The following are used as nonspecific immunotherapy: autohemotherapy, lactotherapy, pyrogenal, prodigiosan, methyluracil, mislopid, glyceram, T-activin, thymalin, thymaktin. Proteolytic enzymes (trypsin, chymotrypsin, avelizin, streptokinase, lidase, ribonuclease) have an anti-inflammatory effect and enhance the activity of antibacterial agents. They are used in standard doses.

Topical treatment in men. With fresh, torpid and chronic urethritis - washing the urethra with a solution of potassium permanganate (1:6000 - 1:1000), oxycyanic mercury (1:8000), chlorhexidine (1:5000) daily for 2-4 weeks. With mild infiltration - instillation of 0.25-0.5% silver nitrate solution or 2% protargol solution in 50% dimexide solution (DMSO) or 1% collargol solution every other day, for a course of 6-8-10 procedures. With a solid infiltrate, tamponade according to Bashkevich with a 2% solution of protargol in glycerin or Kalanchoe juice in a 0.5% solution of novocaine (in half) or the introduction of metal bougie after 1-2 days, for a course of 6-8 procedures. With granulation urethritis, instillations with 0.5% silver solution or 2-5% protargol solution in glycerin, every other day, for a course of 6-8 procedures. With persistent granulations, they are lubricated with a 10-20% solution of silver nitrate 1-2 times a week. With desquamative urethritis - instillations of 1% zinc sulfate or a mixture of 0.5% solution of zinc sulfate and lead acetate daily - 10-12 instillations. For skin lesions, warm baths with potassium permanganate (1:10000), rivanol (1:1000), furatsilin (1:5000), powders with dermatol, streptocid, streptocid liniment, ointment - gioksizon, oxycort, celestoderm, etc. are used. Catarrhal colliculitis treated with urethral bougienage every other day, 5-7 procedures per course. Additionally, lubrication of the seminal mound with a 10-20% solution of silver nitrate 1-2 times a week (5-7 procedures), physiotherapy appointments (diathermy, inductothermy, etc.) are used. With atrophic colliculitis, bougienage, diathermotherapy, instillations into the posterior urethra of a mixture of colanchoe juice in half with a 0.5% solution of novocaine are used. Urethral strictures are an indication for bougienage, instillation of lidase, hydrocortisone, or 30-40% DMSO. Treatment of prostatitis, vesiculitis, acute or chronic epididymitis - see the literature on these issues.

Establishment of cure is carried out 7-10 days after the end of treatment. On the 1st day, an examination is performed, bacterioscopic examination of the discharge of the urethra, examination of urine in two portions, palpation of the prostate gland, seminal vesicles with microscopic and bacteriological analysis of their secret, anterior ureteroscopy. The difficulty of detecting gonococci in bacterioscopic and bacteriological examination of secretions led to the use of various methods of provocation, which are based on tissue irritation in order to detect infection in encapsulated or hidden foci. The following methods of provocation are used: chemical (in men, instillation into the urethra of 0.25-0.5% silver nitrate solution, in women - lubrication of the urethra with 1-2%, cervical canal with 2-5% silver nitrate solution or Lugol's solution on glycerin. Mechanical method - in men it includes direct bougienage of the urethra for 10 minutes or anterior urethroscopy Biological method of provocation, alimentary, thermal - the same for men and women Biological includes intramuscular administration of gonovaccine or pyrogenal Alimentary - eating salty, spicy food, thermal - warming up genital organs by inductothermic current.For women, there is a physiological method - taking smears during menstruation.Combined methods of provocation are the most effective.In men, 24, 48 and 72 hours after provocation, discharge from the urethra is taken for bacterioscopic examination, and in the absence of it, threads from urine or scraping from the mucous membrane of the urethra.

A bacteriological study should be used when gram-negative diplococci suspicious of gonococci are detected in smears, if there is a history suspicious of gonorrhea with unclear clinical symptoms of the disease and negative results of a bacterioscopic analysis for gonorrhea. But bacteriological examination is especially necessary when establishing the cure of gonorrhea in adults, when, despite the absence of gonococci, inflammation remains, in children and in pregnant women due to the impossibility of carrying out a full-fledged provocation. Sowing is carried out with a combined provocation using chemical exposure after 48, 72 hours, as well as during menstruation.

An important circumstance in the treatment of gonorrhea with antibiotics is the fact that they have a greater or lesser treponemicidal effect in case of a double infection - gonorrhea and syphilis. The timing of the manifestation of syphilis is lengthened with a change in clinical symptoms. In order to timely diagnose syphilis in patients treated for gonorrhea, but who do not have sources of infection for which dispensary observation could be established, at least 6 months should be carried out and during this period they should be subjected to repeated serological tests for syphilis.

Establishment of cure in men after combined provocation, with favorable bacterioscopic and bacteriological tests, with repeated clinical examination, including ureteroscopy and serological control for syphilis, occurs 1-1.5 months after treatment.

If, despite the persistent absence of gonococci, inflammatory phenomena persist, a detailed clinical and laboratory examination should be carried out to detect post-gonorrheal inflammatory changes. The post-gonorrheal inflammatory process is most often supported by trichomonas vaginalis, chlamydia, ureaplasmas, gardnerelosis, fungi of the genus Candida, L-forms of bacteria, sometimes herpes simplex virus serotype 2 and other microorganisms. According to WHO, up to 90% of post-gonorrheal urethritis is due to chlamydia, since most antibiotics used to treat gonorrhea are completely ineffective against chlamydia. Therefore, it is mandatory to examine each patient with gonorrhea for vaginal or urethral Trichomonas, fungi of the genus Candida, chlamydia and ureaplasma. The principles and methods of treatment of patients with post-gonorrheal diseases do not differ from the methods of treatment of inflammatory diseases of gonorrheal etiology. When prescribing antibiotics and other chemotherapeutic agents, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the infectious agent, its sensitivity to the drugs used. With post-gonorrheal inflammatory processes caused by chlamydia. mycoplasmas, the most effective drugs are tetracycline, quinolone series, as well as the antibiotic azithromycin (Sumamed).

Treatment of gonorrhea in women. Etiotropic agents, immunotherapy and enzyme therapy are the same as in the treatment of men with the corresponding forms of gonorrhea. In outpatient treatment, taking into account epidemiological alertness, antibiotics, immunotherapy and local treatment are prescribed simultaneously. Women with torpid and chronic gonorrhea, in order to correct violations in the links of hormonal regulation, leading to disruption of the menstrual cycle, and consequently, reproductive function, require a consultation with a gynecologist both for general treatment and for rational local therapy.

Treatment of women who wish to maintain pregnancy should be carried out in a hospital. Benzylpenicillin is indicated at any stage of pregnancy, but in case of individual intolerance, erythromycin, chloramphenicol or sulfonamides are used. In the second half of pregnancy, the course doses of benzylpenicillin increase by 1.5-2 times. Of the immunotherapeutic agents, gonovaccine is prescribed (starting from the second trimester of pregnancy) at a dose of 100-150 million microbial bodies in chronic gonorrhea and relapses. Local treatment of the cervical canal, rectum, urethra can be carried out at all stages of pregnancy. Medicines are not injected into the cervical canal, only vaginal baths are allowed. The cure of gonorrhea in women is established 7-10 days after the end of treatment. A clinical examination is carried out with a bacterioscopic examination of discharge from the urethra, cervix, lower rectum. After that, a combined provocation is carried out (injection of gonovaccine 150-200 million microbial bodies, lubrication of the vagina and vulva with Lugol's solution in glycerin, instillation of 2-3 drops of 0.5-1% silver nitrate solution into the urethra, lubrication of the lower rectum with Lugol's solution ), then bacterioscopic examination from the indicated foci after 24, 48 and 72 hours and bacteriological examination after 2 or 3 days. The second control examination is necessarily carried out during the next menstruation: three times with an interval of 24 hours, the discharge is again examined bacterioscopically from the already named foci. The third control examination - at the end of menstruation. The combined provocation is repeated, followed by bacterioscopy after 1-3 days and bacteriological tests 2 or 3 days after the provocation. With favorable results of the control clinical and laboratory examination, patients are removed from the register.

Treatment of pregnant women is carried out in a hospital at any gestational age with antibacterial drugs that do not affect the fetus.

The drugs of choice during pregnancy are some cephalosporins, macrolides, spectinomycin, benzylpenicillin. Tetracyclines, fluoroquinolones, aminoglycosides are contraindicated.

The use of immunomodulating and biostimulating drugs for gonococcal infections should be strictly justified.

To establish the criterion for the cure of gonorrhea, they begin 7-20 days after the completion of the course of treatment. The criteria for cure are: the absence of subjective and objective symptoms of the disease, negative results of microscopic and cultural studies. In the presence of clinical and laboratory data indicating the persistence of the inflammatory process, a re-examination is recommended with a mandatory cultural study and the exclusion of concomitant infections.

Gonococci found after treatment are most often the result of reinfection. When establishing a recurrence of gonorrhea, it is necessary to carry out a cultural study to determine the sensitivity of gonococcus to antibiotics.

In recent years, there have been data indicating the possibility of reducing the terms of clinical and laboratory observation of women after a full treatment of gonococcal infection.

Serologic testing for syphilis should be performed before antibiotics are prescribed for gonorrhea. Taking into account the epidemiological situation in the country with the incidence of syphilis, if it is impossible to conduct a serological examination of sexual partners for syphilis, a repeated serological examination of a patient with gonorrhea is carried out after 3 months.

In the treatment of gonorrhea with an unknown source of infection, it is preferable to use drugs that have activity against T. pallidum, i.e., have a preventive anti-syphilitic effect (ceftriaxone, azithromycin).

Sexual partners of patients with gonorrhea are subject to examination and treatment if sexual contact took place 30 days before the onset of symptoms of the disease in the patient. In the case of a subjectively asymptomatic course of gonorrhea, sexual partners who have had sexual contact within 60 days before the diagnosis of gonorrhea are subject to examination and treatment.

Children should be tested if their mothers or carers have gonorrhea.

Treatment for urethritis is the same as for vulvaginitis. In the subacute stage, instillation with an eye dropper of 3-4 drops of a 0.5-1% solution of protargol or 1-2% solution of collargol (it is recommended to alternate). In the presence of proctitis in the acute stage, 10-20 ml of a 1-3% solution of protargol is injected into the rectum, and in the chronic stage - enemas with 30 ml of a 2-3% solution of protargol. In the chronic stage of vulvovaginitis, it is necessary to wash the vagina through a thin rubber catheter with a solution of potassium permanganate (1: 8000), followed by instillation of a solution of protargol (1-2%) or silver nitrate (0.25%) through this catheter in an amount of 3-5 ml every other day . In stubborn cases, lubrication of the vagina through the urethroscopic tube with Lugol's solution in glycerin or 10% protargol solution in glycerin after 2-3 days. In the case of the chronic stage of gonorrhea with the presence of urethritis, it is recommended to instill 3-4 drops of a 2% solution of protargol or a 0.25-0.5% solution of silver nitrate into the urethra every other day.

After the end of treatment for gonorrhea, all girls of preschool age attending preschool institutions remain in the hospital for 1 month to establish cure. During this time, 3 provocations and 3 sowings are done (1 time in 10 days), after which the children are admitted to children's institutions. The criterion for cure is the absence of clinical symptoms and favorable results of bacterioscopic and bacteriological laboratory tests after combined provocation. In doubtful cases, with a torpid and chronic course of the process or with repeated relapses, the observation period is extended to 1.5 months, with a 4-fold provocation to confirm recovery.

After treatment, control observation continues for at least 3 months. In the 1st month, girls are examined twice, and in the next 2 months - once. In case of obtaining fuzzy results of the control examination, the observation period is extended to 6 months.

Treatment of gonorrhea of ​​the eye is carried out by a dermatovenereologist together with an ophthalmologist. Intramuscular administration of the antibiotic is mandatory, without taking into account the dose of the antibiotic administered locally (in the eye). Removed from the register after consulting an ophthalmologist. In order to prevent gonorrhea, the eyes of all children are wiped with sterile cotton wool immediately after birth, a 30% solution of sodium sulfacyl is instilled, and the procedure is repeated after 2 hours. Girls are simultaneously treated with the same solution genitals.

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DiagnosisPrevention of gonorrhea

For the treatment of gonorrhea, the sodium or potassium salt of benzylpenicillin is usually used.

Patients with acute and subacute gonorrheal urethritis are recommended a course dose of benzylpenicillin 3,400,000 units.

With fresh torpid cases of uncomplicated gonorrhea, acute complications, ascending and chronic gonorrhea, the course dose of benzylpenicillin should be 4.2-6.8 million units (depending on the severity of the disease).

Treatment of gonorrhea should begin with a loading dose to create a higher concentration of the antibiotic in the lesion: at the first infection, 600,000 IU are administered, and during subsequent infections, 400,000 IU in isotonic sodium chloride solution with an interval of 3 hours without a night break.

In exceptional cases (the impossibility of inpatient treatment and repeated visits), in patients with acute and subacute urethritis, you can use the simultaneous administration of the entire course dose (3,000,000 IU) of benzylpenicillin with 5 ml of your own blood or durant penicillin preparations.

Penicillin in a course dose of 4,000,000 IU can also be injected intramuscularly at a time of 2,000,000 IU in each buttock; at the same time, 0.7 g of etamide is administered orally 30 minutes before the injection and every 6 hours, the total dose of etamide is 2.8 g.

Bicillin for the treatment of gonorrhea

Bicillin-1, bicillin-3, bicillin-5 patients with acute and subacute urethritis are administered as 6 injections of 600,000 IU with an interval of 24 hours or 1,200,000 IU every 48 hours at a course dose of 3,600,000 IU; patients with other forms of gonorrhea are prescribed 7-10 injections of 600,000 IU with an interval of 24 hours at a course dose of 4.2-6 million IU.

Bitsillin injections are carried out in two stages: first, a needle is inserted into the outer upper quadrant of the buttock, and then, in the absence of blood, an antibiotic is injected from the needle.

As an exception, only with fresh acute and subacute gonorrheal urethritis, a single administration of bicillin-3 at a dose of 2,400,000 units (1,200,000 units of the drug in each buttock) is possible.

At the same time, 30 minutes before the antibiotic injection, patients receive 1.05 g of ethamide (3 tablets). Then the same dose of ethamide is prescribed after 3, 6 and 9 hours (total 4.2 g of the drug per course).

Ampicillin for the treatment of gonorrhea

Ampicillin is a semi-synthetic antibiotic. Patients with acute and subacute purulent urethritis are prescribed in a course dose of 3 g (but 0.5 g every 4 hours 6 times a day). For patients with other forms of gonorrhea, the course dose is increased to 8 g.

Ampiox for the treatment of gonorrhea

Ampiox is a mixture of two semi-synthetic penicillins (ampicillin and oxacillin). In patients with acute and subacute gonorrheal urethritis, 0.5 g of the drug is administered orally every 4 hours for 4-5 days; with other clinical forms of gonorrhea - 5-7 days.

Oxacillin for the treatment of gonorrhea

Oxacillin is a semi-synthetic penicillin. With fresh and subacute forms of the disease, 0.5 g is administered orally 5 times a day, for a course of 10 g; with other forms of gonorrhea - 14 g. Ampiox and oxacillin are also active against penicillinase-forming strains of microorganisms.

carfecillin for gonorrhea

Carfecillin is available in capsules of 0.25 g. Assign 0.5 g 3 times a day; with fresh uncomplicated gonorrhea for a course of 5 g; with chronic and complicated - 8 g.

Augmentin for the treatment of gonorrhea

Augmentin is prescribed for fresh uncomplicated gonorrhea, 375 mg every 8 hours. The course is 1.875 g. For complicated and chronic gonorrhea, 750 mg every 8 hours is administered for the first 3 days, the remaining 2 days - 375 mg every 8 hours.

Sulacillin for the treatment of gonorrhea

Sulacillin is administered intramuscularly at a dose of 1.5 g with an interval of 8 hours, the course dose for fresh forms of 6 g, for chronic and complicated forms - 9 g.

A contraindication to the use of penicillin preparations is a history of intolerance to this antibiotic and novocaine (when penicillin is dissolved in novocaine).

Levomycetin for the treatment of gonorrhea

Levomycetin For patients with acute and subacute gonorrheal urethritis, chloramphenicol is prescribed orally in a course dose of 6 g (3 g / day), with other forms of gonorrhea - 10 g (in the first 2 days, 3 g, in the rest - 2 g / day). Single doses of 0.5 g are given at regular intervals with a night break of 7-8 hours 30 minutes before meals.

Depending on the state of health of the patient, the doctor may prescribe additional drugs to eliminate concomitant infections and complications:

  • Diclofenac 50 mg. The drug is used in candles 3-4 times a day to relieve inflammation and eliminate the pain of a woman. Candles are administered rectally. The drug can be used only in the absence of infection with gonococci of the rectum.
  • diarrhea;
  • Rocephin - in / m, 1-2 g 1 time per day (dissolve with 1% lidocaine solution) 3.5 ml.

  • decrease in the number of leukocytes in the blood;
  • allergic diseases.
  • Oletetrin on the first day is prescribed for the first dose at a dose of 500,000 IU, and 3 subsequent and on the remaining days - 250,000 IU each. The heading dose of the drug for acute and subacute uncomplicated gonorrhea is 4,000,000 units. For other forms of gonorrhea, the course requires 750,000 IU of oletethrin.

    Politrex - once 3 g together with 1 g of probenecid (men) or 2 g and 0.5 g of probenecid (women), duration - 2 weeks.

    Lendacin - in / m (250 mg of the drug is dissolved in 2 ml, and 1000 mg - in 3.5 ml of a 1% lidocaine solution), deep into the gluteal muscle.

    Sulfadimethonic - inside 1 time per day, on the 1st day - 1-2 g, then 0.5-1 g / day, 5-7 days.

  • Bicillin 5. The duration of treatment is determined individually from 3 to 12 months.
  • Tsiprosan - inside, without chewing, with a sufficient amount of liquid - 250 mg 1 time per day, once.

    Netromycin - in men and women - once, 300 mg, intramuscularly, deeply, 1/2 dose in each buttock.

    Zinacef - 1.5 g once, IM (or 2 injections of 750 mg in both buttocks).

    After the start of taking the drug, it is recommended to adhere to the treatment regimen prescribed by the specialist. In case of violation of the dosage and intervals between administration, there is a risk of development of treponema resistance to penicillin antibiotics, which complicates further treatment. The instructions for use indicate that the drug must be administered at 1.5 units, repeated administration is repeated after 4 weeks.

  • From the side of the heart - tachycardia, fluctuations in blood pressure.
  • rashes on the skin and mucous membranes;
  • Due to the fact that the drug is excreted with the kidneys, it should also be used with extreme caution in people with severe diseases of this organ.

    Cefotaxime - in / in, in / m - 1-2 g 2 times a day.

    Norilet - for acute uncomplicated gonorrhea - 800 mg once, or 600 mg 2 times a day. The course of treatment is set individually.

    Digestive organs:

    Bassado - inside 100-200 mg / day (1 capsule every 12 hours) after meals.

    The treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor must be strictly followed. Improper treatment or its unauthorized termination can cause the transition of the disease to a stage when it will be more difficult to cure.

    Preparations of the chloramphenicol group

    Features and effectiveness of Bicilinn 5

  • Diuretics. Increasing the concentration of the drug.
  • Bactericidal antibiotics. When used together, a synergistic effect can be observed.
  • Pipracil - intramuscularly (diluted 1 g in 2 ml of solution), 2 g (no more) is administered at one injection site, 3-10 days.

  • hay fever and other allergic diseases.
  • Ethinylestradiol. Interaction may cause bleeding.
  • The drug Bicillin 5 is able to maintain the required concentration of the antibiotic in the blood, which lasts for a long time, which is necessary for the effective treatment of gonorrhea.

    Bicillin suspension should be prepared immediately before injection. Bicillin can not be administered intravenously or subcutaneously - injections are carried out only intramuscularly. To avoid accidentally injecting the drug into a vein, after inserting the needle into the buttock, first pull the syringe plunger towards you. If an admixture of blood appears in the medicine, remove the needle from the muscle and re-inject, changing the injection site.

    Ciprofloxacin - in acute gonorrhea, inside, on an empty stomach, without chewing, with a small amount of liquid - 250 mg once.

    Ketocef - especially with contraindications to penicillin. In / in or / m 0.75-1.5 g 3 times a day.

    Other side effects:

    The use of Bicillin 5 in the treatment of gonorrhea

    Treatment during pregnancy should be carried out under the close supervision of specialists, with the slightest change in well-being after the administration of Bicillin 5 to a pregnant woman, you should stop taking the drug and seek medical advice.

    In case of severe allergic reactions, Bicillin therapy is stopped. You need to see a doctor for an alternative drug.

    Preparations of the penicillin group. For the treatment of patients with gonorrhea, the sodium and potassium salts of benzylpenicillin are most widely used. Adults with acute and subacute gonorrhea are prescribed 3,000,000 units of penicillin, with other forms of gonorrhea - from 4,200,000 to 6,000,000 units or more per course, depending on the severity of the disease. Treatment of patients begins with the introduction of 600,000 IU at the first injection and 300,000 IU at subsequent injections. The highest concentration of penicillin in the blood after intramuscular injection is observed after 30-60 minutes.

    The disease is acute, and without proper treatment, its chronicity is possible. Chronic gonorrhea is often asymptomatic and can last for years. This phenomenon is often observed in women who may be carriers of pathogens without knowing it.

    Modevid - in / m or / in. For uncomplicated infections of the lower urinary tract - 1-2 g / day, once.

    Penicillin-ji-sodium salt - in / m or / in 1,000,000 - 5,000,000 units per day.

    Gonorrhea during pregnancy can cause early fetal death or abortion. There is a risk of intrauterine infection of the child.

    Antibacterial, antimicrobial drugs for the treatment of gonorrhea

  • Bacteriostatic antibiotics. There is a sharp antagonistic effect.
  • deterioration of blood clotting, which can be manifested by nosebleeds, profuse menstrual flow and prolonged stopping of bleeding during injuries.
  • The drug Bicillin 5 cannot be indicated for use in such cases:

    Levomycetin disrupts protein synthesis in microbial cells. Inside 20-30 minutes before meals, 0.25-0.75 g 3-4 times a day, the highest daily dose is 3 g. The course of treatment is 8-10 days.

    Treatment is prescribed by a specialist, when calculating the dosage, the individual characteristics of the patient are taken into account: height, weight, age, and the course of the disease. The drug is prescribed mainly in the chronic course of the disease.

    Trimosul - inside, daily dose of 800 mg, 2 tablets in 2 doses, course - 5 days.

  • Long-term use of high doses of the drug should be accompanied by blood tests for violations of its uniform composition.
  • Gonovaccine. The use of the drug is necessary to stimulate the development of specific immunity to gonococci. It is carried out a week before the start of antibiotics. Within 6-8 days, gonovaccine injections are prescribed at a concentration of 300-4000 million microbial units.
  • The course of treatment should be prescribed by a specialist based on the individual characteristics of the body and health, the regimen for the use of Bicillin 5 may differ from the use of the same group of drugs.

    Bicillin (-1, -3 and -5) refers to long-acting penicillin preparations. In acute and subacute forms of gonorrhea without complications, bicillin is administered intramuscularly at 600,000 IU after 24 hours or at 1,200,000 IU after 48 hours (a course dose of 3,000,000 IU). In other forms of gonorrhea, the drug is administered at 600,000 IU every 24 hours (for a course of up to 67,000,000 IU), bicillin is administered in the same way as ecmonovocillin.

    Tsiprobay - inside and in / in. Inside, 125-500 mg 2 times a day, in / in - 100-200 mg (up to 400 mg) 2 times a day.

    Precautionary measures

  • In no case should you skip injections, otherwise the microorganism may become resistant to the antibiotic.
  • Cefopride - in / m (dissolved in 2-2.5 ml of water for injection or 0.25-0.5% procaine solution), 1 g 2-4 times a day, 7-10 days.

    Aminoglycoside antibiotics

    These include tetracycline, chlortetracycline hydrochloride, and oxytetracycline hydrochloride, which are broad-spectrum antibiotics. Assign inside 0.3 g for the first 2 days and 0.2 g 5 times in the following days with a night break for 7-8 hours. Heading dose for acute uncomplicated and subacute gonorrhea - 5 g, for other forms - 10 g. The drug is used during or immediately after meals. These drugs can cause side effects: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. Simultaneously with taking this antibiotic, vitamins (vitacycline) are prescribed. Taking dragees containing tetracycline and nystatin prevents the development of candidiasis (damage to the skin and mucous membranes by a yeast-like fungus). Contraindicated in pregnant women.

  • redness of certain areas of the skin;
    • Lactobacilli. In the form of suppositories, they are inserted into the vagina.
    • To understand how to get rid of this unpleasant disease with the help of Bicillin, it is worth studying the nature of the onset of the disease.

      These include erythromycin and oletethrin, broad-spectrum drugs. Erythromycin in acute and subacute gonorrhea is prescribed 400,000 IU in the first 2 days 6 times, and in the next - 5 times a day, the course dose of the drug is 8,800,000 IU. For patients with other forms of gonorrhea, the course dose is 12,800,000 units.

    • dermatitis;
    • The results of the studies have shown that the causative agent of gonorrhea has a high degree of sensitivity to Bicillin. You can cure gonorrhea with both Bicillin 5 and Bicillin 3. Only a specialist can determine which drug is best used in a particular case.

      Source: Encyclopedia of Traditional and Alternative Medicine

      The next injections of the drug must be made after 4 hours. At night, you can enter a solution of benzylpenicillin with the patient's blood. To do this, 600,000 units of benzyl-penicillin salt are dissolved in 3 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution, after which they are drawn into a syringe and mixed with 5 ml of freshly obtained patient blood. The mixture is administered intramuscularly. After 8-10 hours, injections of benzylpenicillin are continued according to the scheme. Treatment of women with chronic gonorrhea, it is advisable to start with the simultaneous administration of a single dose of benzylpenicillin intramuscularly in the gluteal region and injection of 200,000 IU into the thickness of the muscular layer of the cervix.

    • nausea and vomiting;
    • Ampicillin- semi-synthetic antibiotic, well absorbed when taken orally. In acute and subacute forms of gonorrhea, 0.5 g of ampicillin is prescribed every 4 hours (for a course of 3 g). For patients with other forms of gonorrhea, the course dose is increased to 4.5 g.

      Hikoncil - inside, on an empty stomach or after meals, every 8 hours, 1-2 capsules. (250 mg each), or 1 capsule (500 mg), or 2-4 scoops (125 mg/5 ml suspension), or 1-2 scoops (250 mg/5 ml suspension).

      Such properties of the drug allow the use of the drug in cases where, in order to achieve a therapeutic result in the fight against gonorrhea, a long and constant content of it in the blood is required. Most of the drug is excreted from the body through urine, to a lesser extent, excretion occurs through sweat, sputum and saliva. When breastfeeding, the drug may pass into milk.

      Pefeacin - with gonorrheal prostatitis, orally with meals - 400 mg 2 times a day. Perhaps the appointment of a loading dose - 800 mg.

      The use of this form of Bicillin is due to high concentrations of the active drug in the dosage form. The prolongation of the action of the agent implies the presence of a therapeutic effect after a single injection for one month.


      Renor - for gonococcal urethritis, cervicitis, 800 mg, once, orally.

    • Respiratory system: possible development of spasms of the bronchi and larynx.
    • congestion in the gallbladder.
    • Doxilan - for men - 200-300 mg / day orally for 2-4 days or within one day 2 times 300 mg with an interval of 1 hour; women - 200 mg per day for 5 days.

      Tetracycline antibiotics

      These include monomycin and kanamycin, broad-spectrum antibiotics that are extremely active against gonococci. In acute and subacute gonorrhea, one of the drugs is prescribed at 500,000 IU after 10 hours, for a course of 3,000,000 IU; in other forms of gonorrhea, the course dose is 6,000,000 units.

      Miramistin increases the permeability of the cell membrane of microorganisms and leads to cytolysis. Complex treatment of urethritis and urethroprostatitis is carried out by injecting 2-5 ml of the solution into the urethra 2-3 times a day for 5-7 days. For the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (the drug is effective if applied no later than 2 hours after sexual contact), wash, wash hands and genitals and treat the skin of the pubis, thighs, external genital organs with a stream of solution and use the nozzle from the bottle to inject the drug into urethra for men - 1.5-3 ml, for women - 1-1.5 ml and in the vagina - 5-10 ml for 2-3 minutes, after the procedure it is not recommended to urinate for 2 hours.

      Procainpenicillin-ji-3-meta - for acute uncomplicated gonorrhea (men and women) - in a single dose of 4.5 million IU, in a daily dose - 3 million IU for 5-7 days.

      Ceclor - with gonococcal urethritis, inside 3 g, once.

      Information about negative phenomena during pregnancy and breastfeeding has not been identified, but the drug is able to be excreted from the body through breast milk. The use of such milk can cause the antibiotic to enter the child's body.

      The scheme of treatment with this drug looks like this:

    • anemia, outwardly it can be manifested by pallor and weakness;
    • If treatment with penicillin preparations was unsuccessful, then the patient should be re-treated with another medicinal substance.

      Cardiovascular system and hematopoietic organs:

    • bronchial asthma;
    • Ecmonovocillin- a mixture of novocaine salt of benzylpenicillin (600,000 IU) with 5 ml of a 0.25% solution of ecmolin. After mixing the constituent parts, a milky-white mixture is formed. It is prepared before use by introducing a solution of ecmolin into a vial with benzylpenicillin novocaine salt. The drug has a longer effect than the sodium or potassium salt of benzylpenicillin, dissolved in isotonic sodium chloride solution. Therefore, ecmonovocillin is re-introduced after 12 hours. In acute and subacute gonorrhea in men and acute and subacute gonorrhea of ​​the lower urogenital organs in women, the course dose is 3,000,000 IU, in other forms - up to 6,000,000 IU of ecmonovocillin.

      Sumetrolim - with gonococcal urethritis, prostatitis. Inside, after meals, 2 times a day, the initial dose is 2 tablets supporting 1 tablet.

      Treatment of gonorrhea in women more often passes into the chronic stage due to the peculiarities of the structure of the organs of the genitourinary system. For the treatment of advanced stages of the disease, it is recommended to use high doses of antibacterial agents, while their concentration in the blood during the entire period of treatment should be at a high level.

    Plivacef - for men - a single dose of 3 g in combination with 1 g of probenecid, epenecinal - 2 g and 0.5 g, respectively.

  • development of urticaria;
  • Side effects, contraindications and interactions with other drugs

    Gonorrhea is an infectious disease that is transmitted sexually and sometimes through the household. Treatment of gonorrhea with Bicillin is one of the most effective and common methods.

    Sifloks - orally 250 mg 2 times a day, with severe infections - 500 mg 2 times a day. The course is 1 day.

    Doxal - for gonococcal urethritis in men, 300 mg is prescribed in one dose or 100 mg 2 times a day for 2-4 days, in women - 100 mg 2 times a day.

  • arthralgia.
  • The advantage of the drug is the preservation of plasma concentrations of 0.3 U / ml, necessary for therapeutic purposes, with a single injection of 1.2-1.5 million U, which lasts for 1 month or more.

  • Oral contraceptives. Joint use reduces the effectiveness of contraceptives.
  • Treatment of gonorrhea with Bicillin can cause the development of a number of side effects. They are observed from several groups of organs:

    Cefobid - for uncomplicated gonococcal urethritis, intramuscularly, once, 500 mg.

    The appointment of treatment for gonorrhea involves the patient taking antibacterial drugs. To combat the causative agent of gonorrhea, antibacterial agents of the penicillin series are used, which include the antibiotic Bicillin.

  • Bicillin 5 with gonorrhea shows itself best in the treatment of the chronic form.
  • Gonorrheal infections that last for years can be treated, but their main danger to a woman is the spread of the disease to the pelvic organs and the development of female infertility. The consequences of advanced gonorrhea, most often, cannot be eliminated.

    Tarivid - inside, regardless of food intake, 2 tablets. once.

    Sumamed - with gonorrheal urethritis, 1 g (2 tablets of 500 mg) once.

    Therapy regimen

  • inflammation of the oral mucosa;
  • Superinfection. It can occur during long-term treatment with Bicillin and is associated with the formation of generations of bacteria and fungi that are resistant to it.
  • On the part of the genitourinary system - a violation in the form of interstitial nephritis.
  • The drug is effective in the treatment of diseases caused by both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria (Neisseria, actinomycetes).

  • Allopurinol. The interaction contributes to the occurrence of an allergic rash.
  • Can the drug be used by pregnant and lactating women? There is no clear answer to this question, since the necessary studies have not been conducted. In women suffering from gonorrhea and bearing a child, taking the remedy is possible only after consulting a specialist. In children, it is possible to use the product from the age of 3, however, in this case, it is forbidden to use procaine when preparing the suspension.

    A feature of the drug is a higher content of benzathine benzylpenicillin and benzylpenicillin novocaine salt, at concentrations of 1.2 and 0.3 million units, respectively. Such a number of active active ingredients allows you to achieve the necessary effectiveness at the first injection of the drug into the body, which greatly distinguishes it from Bicillin 1 and 3.

    Unazine - inside, with uncomplicated gonorrhea - once 2.25 g (6 tablets).

  • Immune system stimulants.
  • joint pain;
  • fever;
  • recurrent headaches;
  • The drug can only be administered intramuscularly. If the solution enters the blood vessel, side effects may occur.
  • Side effects of Bicillin are as follows:

  • inflammatory processes in the liver;
  • macrolide antibiotics

    The antibiotic is contraindicated in people with:

    Medicines for the treatment of gonorrhea

  • sensitivity to beta-lactam antibiotics;
  • The drug goes on sale in the form of a yellowish powder, which is placed in 10 ml vials. The powder is used to prepare an injection solution. The size of the vial allows mixing the dry part with solvents under sterile conditions.

    How does Bicillin work?

    Piprax - for acute gonorrhea, once 2 g / m.

  • On the part of the immune system, fever, edema, anaphylactic reactions, etc. may occur.
  • Tsiprinol - for acute gonorrhea, once orally 250 or 500 mg, or intravenously - 100 mg.

  • pain at the injection site;
  • Unidox Solutab - for women - 200 mg daily (on average for 5 days), for men - 200-300 mg once daily for 2-4 days, or for one day, 300 mg 2 times a day (second dose one hour after the first).

    Gonorrhea is best treated with antibiotics. To achieve the maximum effect in the treatment, it is first necessary to determine the sensitivity of bacteria to different drugs.

  • anaphylactic shock.
  • Levomycetin refers to broad-spectrum antibiotics. Assign 0.5 g at regular intervals. In acute and subacute forms of gonorrhea, the course dose of the drug will be 6 g. It is prescribed after 4 hours, and at night - after 7-8 hours. Other forms of gonorrhea per course require 10 g of chloramphenicol, with the first 2 days taking 3 g of the drug, and the rest - 2 g per day. Taken 30 minutes before meals, it can cause disorders of the stomach and intestines, irritation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, throat, rash and irritation on the skin.

    Treatment of gonorrhea with Bicillin

  • The acute and subacute form requires an injection of an antibiotic. The full course consists of 6 injections, which are given 1 time in 4 weeks. The drug must be administered intramuscularly. Due to the long-term effect of the drug, treatment can be carried out at home.
  • decrease in the number of platelets;
  • Terrodekase and Ligenten. The drug is used for irrigation of the vagina.
  • Longacef - in / m, 1-2 g 1 time per day (dissolve 250 mg in 2 ml or 1 g in 3.5 ml of 1% lidocaine solution).

    Sinersul - with gonococcal urethritis, inside 2 tablets of 480 mg every 12 hours.

    Excretion of the drug occurs with the help of the kidneys. A small amount is excreted with saliva and other fluids.

  • black tongue;
  • Zinpat - for acute gonococcal urethritis and cervicitis. Inside, after eating, 1 g once.

  • sensitivity to procaine;
  • Fimoxin Solutab - for acute gonorrhea. 3 g, once, in combination with 1 g of probenecid.

    Novosef - for uncomplicated gonorrhea, i.m. once.

    Perti - inside, after meals - 400 mg 2 times a day.

  • Genitourinary system: development of interstitial inflammation of the kidneys.
  • hives;
  • Recommended sulfonamides. long-acting - sulfamonomethoxine and sulfadimethoxine. In the first 2 days, the drug is prescribed 1.5 g 3 times a day, and in the following days - 1 g with the same frequency. In acute and subacute gonorrhea, the course dose is 15 g, in other forms - 18 g. These drugs are not used in pregnant women.

  • In order to avoid the occurrence of allergic reactions, it is recommended to test for sensitivity to the drug before starting the use of the drug. People who are prone to developing allergies should be careful when using it. At the first signs of sensitivity to the components, treatment should be stopped.
  • Taking Bicillin in parallel with other drugs can have a different effect. For example:

    Rovamycin - a daily dose of 6-9 million IU, orally, in 2-3 doses.

    The immune system:

  • angioedema;
  • Rifogol - IM 500-750 mg every 8-12 hours.

  • The introduction of large doses of Bicillin in renal failure can cause brain dysfunction and coma.
  • Bicillin for gonorrhea can not be used by everyone. Like any antibiotic, it has a strong effect on the body. Before starting therapy, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications and side effects of the drug.

    Urotractin - with the ineffectiveness of other therapy. Inside, after eating - 1 capsule. 2 times a day - every 12 hours for 10 days.

  • From the digestive system - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, glossitis, etc.
  • Gonorrhea belongs to the group of sexually transmitted infections. Infection occurs through unprotected sexual contact with a sick partner. The gonorrheal causative agent is the gram-negative gonococcus Treponema spp.

    Co-trimoxazole - for gonorrheal prostatitis, orally after meals. 2 tablets 2 times a day (morning and evening). In chronic infections - 1 tablet 2 times a day.

    Rifamor - for acute gonorrhea, a single dose of 900 mg can be repeated every other day and after 2 days. Inside, on an empty stomach.

    When prescribing a course of antibiotic treatment, the doctor is based on the course of the disease. Subacute and acute condition is stopped by Bicillin preparations with lower concentrations of the active substance. Therapy of chronic forms involves the use of Bicillin 5 for gonorrhea.

    Contraindications and side effects

  • tongue inflammation;
  • Feedback from our reader - Victoria Mirnova

    To prepare an injection, it is necessary to pour 5 ml of saline, Novocaine or water into the vial. After mixing all the components, an even milky suspension is formed. The finished mixture should be used immediately after preparation, long-term storage of the suspension leads to sedimentation of the dry matter in the liquid fraction, the solution becomes uneven and does not pass well through the syringe needle.

      Raxar - for uncomplicated gonorrhea, 400 mg, once orally.

      Tsiprolet - inside 500-750 mg 2 times a day.

      The effectiveness of the agent lies in the long-term inhibition of the synthesis of mucopeptides that are part of the cell wall of microorganisms. With intramuscular injection, a depot of the active substance is formed at the injection site, from which the drug gradually enters the bloodstream over 28 days. The slow distribution of the agent in the body ensures the duration of the therapeutic effect. Often this method of treating gonorrhea is referred to as a one-shot treatment.

      The drug belongs to the prolonged antibacterial agents with bactericidal properties. The active ingredients of the drug act on the cell membrane of the microorganism, disrupting the synthesis of a mucopeptide in the wall, which is called peptidoglycan. Blocking the synthesis of the mucopeptide leads to the death of the microbe.

    1. hypersensitivity;
    • Preparations of the penicillin series, due to their widespread use earlier, as well as tetracyclines, now have low antigonococcal activity, and therefore are almost never used. Sinersul - with gonococcal urethritis, inside 2 tablets of 480 mg every 12 hours. Sulfonamides are recommended. long-term […]
    • Longacef - in / m, 1-2 g 1 time per day (dissolve 250 mg in 2 ml or 1 g in 3.5 ml of 1% lidocaine solution). Politrex - once 3 g together with 1 g of probenecid (men) or 2 g and 0.5 g of probenecid (women), duration - 2 weeks. Ceftriaxone - once intramuscularly at 250 mg. The drug is pre-dissolved […]
    • Penicillin-ji-sodium salt - in / m or / in 1,000,000 - 5,000,000 units per day. Rifamor - in acute gonorrhea, a single dose of 900 mg can be Siflox - orally 250 mg 2 times a day, for severe infections - 500 mg 2 times a day. The course is 1 day. Preparations of the levomycetin group Ampicillin is a semi-synthetic […]
    • Differential diagnosis is carried out with other urogenital STIs, and with ascending gonorrhea - with diseases accompanied by a clinical picture of an acute abdomen. ¦ erythromycin - 500 mg 4 times / day before meals inside, for 10-14 days; If the doctor has diagnosed gonorrhea, it is necessary to undergo treatment with antibacterial […]
    • With the simultaneous use of the drug with cyclosporine A, an increase in the concentration of the latter is possible (therefore, when prescribing this combination, it is necessary to control the concentration of cyclosporine A in the blood plasma). The period of breastfeeding; Prevention of candidiasis: the daily dose is determined by the risk of developing a fungal […]
    • Cervical erosion - folk treatment with tampons with mummy: ???????????? ??????? ?????????, ????????? ?? ?????? ????? ?????: ??? ????????????? ? ??????????? ????????? ?????? ?? ???? 2??. ????? ??????? ????????? ?? 2 ??????? ???????. ????????? ??? ????????????. With menstruation, cancel everything for 3-4 days before, as well as during and after them. Well […]
    • Good day, dear visitors of the project “Good IS! ", Section "Medicine"! VIEW MEDICINES FOR THE TREATMENT OF HERPES Prolonged exposure to the sun Myth 4. If the rash is gone, herpes is cured. It would be very cool, but, unfortunately, it is impossible to remove the virus from the body. It stays with a person for life, and one can only […]
    • cerebral hypoplasia; disorders of the visual apparatus; hearing aid defects congenital pneumonia, lesions of the gastrointestinal tract; skin-inflammatory foci on the body. the processes of complete regeneration generally take two to three weeks. classical angiosarcoma of Kaposi. found in males [...]

    Gonorrhea is considered one of the most common diseases that is transmitted through sexual contact. Men and women face this problem equally, but due to the structural features of the reproductive and reproductive systems, the disease in different sexes proceeds with some peculiarities. In this case, the treatment is absolutely similar. Differences may lie in the use of other antiseptic drugs for male patients. Before starting therapy to eliminate the causative agent of gonorrhea, it is important to understand its symptoms so as not to make a mistake with the prescribed drugs.

    You can recognize the disease by the presence of a number of characteristic symptoms, which include:

    • constant discomfort in the urethra, which begins to be accompanied by itching;
    • purulent discharge from the penis gradually appears, while at first they come out only with pressure, but gradually their number increases and the pus flows out on its own;
    • the infection gradually penetrates higher up the urethra and begins to affect the bladder, which leads to signs of cystitis;
    • there is pain and pain when urinating;
    • as soon as the bacteria get to the prostate, gonorrheal prostatitis can develop, which is characterized by constant urge to go to the toilet, especially often at night.

    Attention! In many cases, the disease is characterized by a sluggish character, which creates difficulties in diagnosing it. Only a smear for the presence of pathogenic pathogens can make an accurate diagnosis.

    Injections for gonorrhea in men

    The drug is taken only intramuscularly, and the dosage of the drug for each patient should be carefully selected. The classical dose, taking into account the severity of the damage to the body, can be 1-2 g of Longacef daily for 3-7 days. The drug will need to be dissolved in a solution of lidocaine, as the drug is very painful. Because of this combination, the risk of anaphylactic shock increases, so injections can only be carried out in medical institutions.

    With gonococcal infection, the drug can be administered intravenously or intramuscularly. In this case, the dosage can be from 1 to 2 g of Cefotaxime in the morning and evening. The antibiotic is quite painful, but at the same time it allows you to achieve good results. Be sure to dissolve the drug in a solution of sodium chloride. The duration of therapy is selected individually for each patient, usually treatment lasts 3-5 days.

    The drug is most often prescribed for intolerance or resistance to the penicillin series of antibiotics. Take the drug intramuscularly or intravenously. The dosage of Ketocef, taking into account the severity of the patient's condition, can be 750-1500 mg. In this dose, injections are required to be done three times a day, be sure to observe the same intervals between procedures.

    Attention! Injections allow you to cure the disease as soon as possible. However, they increase the risk of developing allergic reactions and kidney problems.

    gonorrhea pills for men

    The drug is produced in the form of tablets, which are coated with a special coating. It prevents the early release of the active substance due to the action of gastric juice and saliva. This allows you to achieve a quick result when using minimal therapeutic doses. Patients are prescribed 500 mg of the active substance in the morning and evening, in some cases an increased dose of Tsiprolet is prescribed in 0.75 g. Take the drug before meals or an hour after it.

    This drug is most often prescribed in situations where gonorrhea has already provoked complications in the prostate gland. In such a situation, the patient is prescribed 2 tablets of Co-Trimoxazole after breakfast and dinner. If a patient has been diagnosed with chronic gonococcal prostatitis, the treatment consists of one tablet in the morning and evening. The therapy continues at an individually selected time for each man.

    In an uncomplicated form of the disease, 100 mg of the drug is taken in the morning and evening, the recommended interval between doses is 12 hours. Treatment for mild gonorrhea lasts one week. In complicated cases of the course of the disease, Unidox is taken according to a special scheme. It involves the use of first 300 mg of the antibiotic at a time, after which the remaining dose is divided into 6 doses. Each subsequent dose consists of 100 mg of the main substance until a course dosage of 900 mg is reached.

    A traditional antibiotic that is well tolerated by patients. But due to the frequent use for the treatment of other diseases, some patients may be diagnosed with resistance to Levomycetin. Due to the destruction of the protein synthesis chain in gonococcal cells, it is possible to eliminate the infection in 10 days. Taking into account the severity of the lesion, a man can be prescribed an antibiotic dosage of 250-750 mg. Take the tablets three times a day. In severe cases of gonorrhea, especially complicated, a dosage of 3 g for three uses may be prescribed. Levomycetin should be taken half an hour before the main meal.

    A modern antibiotic, which is most often prescribed for the ineffectiveness of the penicillin series. Taking into account the severity of the patient's condition, he can be prescribed either 0.8 g of Norilet once, if the disease is at an early stage, or 600 mg of Norilet in the morning and evening. In the second case, therapy can last from 7 to 14 days.

    The drug is taken for only a few days, most often it is used with a mild degree of gonorrhea or with its minor complication. To achieve the desired therapeutic result, it is recommended to take 0.3 g of Doxilan for 2-4 days. In some cases, a simplified treatment regimen can be used, which involves taking 300 mg tablets of the main substance twice with an interval of one hour.

    Attention! In most cases, treatment with the described antibiotics lasts at least 10-14 days. This is the only way to achieve the complete destruction of pathogenic pathogens and prevent a recurrence of the problem.

    Single use preparations

    A very powerful antibacterial drug that kills most types of pathogenic pathogens. An antibiotic is usually taken at the acute stage of gonorrhea, when it is characterized by its classic symptoms. Patients may be prescribed an oral or intravenous form. In the first treatment option, 250 mg is taken, sometimes a double dosage of the active ingredient is required, chewing is not required, it is better to drink one hour before meals. With intravenous infusions, 100 mg of the active ingredient is prescribed.

    It is a solution for intramuscular injections. The dosage of the drug is large enough, so it should be injected only if there is qualified medical assistance, so that if necessary, quick first aid is provided. The dose of Spectinomycin is 2 g of the active ingredient, you can do it at any time of the day.

    The drug is administered only intramuscularly, it can be injected into the gluteal region or into the thigh. The treatment regimen provides for the introduction of 1.5 g of the active ingredient at once. In case of poor tolerance of such dosages or a high risk of complications, a single dosage can be divided into two injections. They are injected with a minute interval, but strictly in different areas, you can enter into the left and right buttocks.

    The medication is available in tablet form for oral use. To suppress the gonococcal pathogen, 800 mg of the active substance is taken, while it is required to drink the drug well with clean water in order to ensure maximum absorption. Take Renor without food intake. In some cases, Renor caused severe vomiting and diarrhea, exceeding the dosage is strictly prohibited.

    Produced in the form of a solution intended for intramuscular injection. Treatment can include the introduction of 1.5 g of Zinacef at a time. The injection is carried out strictly under medical supervision. At the moment, a second regimen for the treatment of gonococcal infection with this antibacterial drug has also been developed. It involves the introduction of Zinacef into both buttocks at a time, while the dosage is divided into two times and is 750 mg per injection.

    Attention! Such treatment is possible only in cases where the disease is at the very initial stage and is not complicated by other pathologies.

    Video - Treatment of gonorrhea

    Antiseptic solutions for gonorrhea in men

    Chlorhexidine and potassium permanganate

    Both solutions are used once a day. For this, an individual amount of solution is selected for each patient, which is injected into the urethra using a special device. These substances allow you to disinfect the mucous membrane and reduce the intensity of the manifestation of the disease. Such treatment can continue for 3-7 days, taking into account the severity of the lesion.

    Silver solution and protargol

    Medications are used in a complicated form of the disease. For this, a 0.5% solution of silver or a 2% solution of protargol is used. They are also infused into the urethra using a small tube. Repeat the procedure once a day, in exceptional cases, a second wash during the day may be required. Typically, such solutions are prescribed in the presence of a mild infiltrate.

    Attention! Such treatment can be carried out only under the supervision of the attending physician in the presence of significant complications. An exception may be antiseptic solutions for external use, which are washed on the penis for external disinfection.

    The cost of drugs against gonorrhea in men

    A drugImagePrice in Russia in rublesPrice in Belarus in rublesPrice in Ukraine in UAH
    150 5 62
    200 7 82
    100 3,3 41
    100 3,3 41
    100 3,3 41
    200 7 82
    300 10 123
    300 10 123
    500 16 205
    200 7 82
    300 10 123
    50 1,6 21
    100 3,3 41
    300 10 123
    200 7 82
    300 10 123
    1300 43 523
    100 3,3 41

    Attention! All of the drugs described have a significant effect on the gastrointestinal tract. When taking them, it is advisable to take supportive agents for the microflora of the stomach and intestines in order to prevent vomiting, nausea and diarrhea.