How to treat thrush caused by a strain of candida glabrata. Candida fungus - what is it and how to treat

Intestinal candidiasis is a disease caused by opportunistic fungi of the genus Candida. They are called conditionally pathogenic because micromycetes, unicellular microorganisms, are found in the intestines of more than 50% (meaning people who have not gone to doctors with symptoms of candidiasis) of healthy people.

Causes of development and clinical manifestations

The causative agents of intestinal candidiasis are Candida fungi. They may belong to different species (Candida glabrata, Candida albicans, Candida parapsilosis, Candida tropicalis, Candida lusitaniae, Candida dubliniensis, Candida krusei), but normally they are negligible in the human body. The growth of colonies is prevented by bifidobacteria, Escherichia coli, lactobacilli, enterococci, as well as mucin glycoprotein of the cell wall of the epithelium, which covers the mucous membrane. The latter prevents the microbe from attaching to epithelial cells.

Candida does not have a significant effect on the host organism, and only when the body's defenses are suppressed, the immunity of the fungus decreases, they begin to actively multiply and capture various parts of the intestine. Both normal intestinal microflora and barrier compounds contribute to antifungal resistance (resistance), and if one of these factors is suppressed or reduced, the body's defenses weaken and yeast fungi penetrate the internal environment.

What leads to a decrease in antifungal resistance? Various conditions and diseases:

  • oncological diseases (antitumor therapy suppresses the immune system and inhibits the defenses of the intestinal epithelial cover);
  • physiological immunodeficiencies (age and conditions: early childhood and old age, stressful conditions and pregnancy, immunodeficiency);
  • endocrinological disorders (decompensated diabetes mellitus);
  • acquired immunodeficiency syndrome;
  • allergic and autoimmune diseases;
  • any diseases that cause or against the background of which there is a violation of absorption and digestion of food (these processes are accompanied by the active growth of colonies of microorganisms);
  • organ transplant

The most common causes are antibiotic therapy and an unbalanced diet. The balance of intestinal microbial biocenosis is easily disturbed by long-term use of antibacterial drugs. Similarly, the activity of phagocytes and bacteria is affected by an insufficient amount of protein entering the body.

Deterioration of appetite, increased fatigue, bloating and heaviness in the abdomen, white, curd-like blotches in the stool, pain in the stomach, unformed stools and a disturbing feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestine - this is not a complete list of clinical manifestations of intestinal candidiasis. As you can see, they do not have absolute specificity, so you should visit the doctor and undergo a complete clinical and laboratory examination, and then begin treatment of this rather unpleasant and dangerous disease.


Diagnosis is complicated by the fact that the causative agent of candidiasis can both passively exist in the intestine and participate in the pathological process.

Often clinical and laboratory research includes:

  • Endoscopy. It allows you to assess the condition of the mucosa, confirms the presence or absence of ulcerative defects and white plaque.
  • X-ray of the intestine.
  • Microbiological research. Allows you to determine the species of the pathogen and select the appropriate antimycotic for treatment. Stool culture also has diagnostic value. Thus, the diagnosis is considered confirmed. If the number of detected colonies is more than 105-106 CFU per gram.
  • Histological and cytological examination. Scraping from the intestinal mucosa, forceps biopsy, brush biopsy can reveal Candida pseudomycelium by staining the biomaterial or treating it with chromic acid.
  • Invasive, focal and non-invasive intestinal candidiasis

Clinical manifestations of intestinal candidiasis depend on the mechanism of introduction of the Candida fungus into the tissue. So, if the filamentous form of the fungus has not invaded the tissue, and Candida actively multiplies in the intestinal lumen, then candidiasis is considered non-invasive. Violated in this form of candidiasis only abdominal and parietal digestion.

Patient feelings:

  • Itching in the anus
  • unformed chair
  • Feeling of fullness in the intestines
  • Flatulence
  • Spasmodic abdominal pain
  • Signs of moderate intoxication

Neither adherence to the diet nor discontinuation of antibiotic treatment brings relief. Positive dynamics can be traced only in the treatment of antimycotic drugs.

Invasive intestinal candidiasis is diagnosed when the fungus invades the epithelial layer and basement membrane. It is characterized by a severe course and is accompanied by symptoms of peptic ulcer. 12 duodenal ulcer.

Patient feelings:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea with blood and mucus
  • Flatulence
  • Subfebrile fever
  • The phenomena of perianal candidodermatitis

If treatment of invasive intestinal candidiasis is not started in time, then it is likely to transform into systemic candidiasis with damage to the mucous membranes of other organs.

Directions for medical treatment of intestinal candidiasis

There are several therapeutic directions according to which a treatment plan for intestinal candidiasis is made.

  1. Selective intestinal decontamination, i.e. taking drugs that will eliminate the causative agent of the disease - Candida fungi.
  2. Treatment of underlying and concomitant diseases.
  3. Appointment of a course of prebiotics and probiotics to restore the natural antimicrobial microflora of the intestinal mucosa.
  4. Diet therapy.

All antifungal (antifungal) drugs inhibit the biosynthesis of ergosterol in the cell wall of fungi. However, some antifungal agents are absorbed in the upper intestines, and in the lumen of the colon and ileum they are not reached in sufficient concentration, and it is there that the main colonies of fungi are concentrated in intestinal candidiasis. In this regard, taking such antifungal drugs as ketoconazole, amphotericin B, fluconazole, itraconazole will not give an effect. On the contrary, the development of toxic hepatitis and multiple side effects is possible.

Thus, non-absorbable antifungal drugs should be used for treatment.

A drug Dosing
  • not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
  • does not inhibit normal intestinal microflora
  • fungal resistance to the drug does not develop
  • allowed for children and pregnant women

4 times a day on a tablet (100 mg) for 7-10 days - adults.

2 times a day, 1 tablet (100 mg.) for 5-10 days.

Contraindication: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Levorin Adults: 2-4 times a day for 10-12 days, 500,000 IU each. Children (based on kg. weight): up to 2 years, 25-30,000 IU, 2-6 years, 20-25,000 IU, more than 6 years - 200-250,000 units. 2-4 times a day. Contraindications: peptic ulcer, pancreatitis, pregnancy, age up to 2 years, renal failure.
Nystatin Duration of treatment - 10-14 days. Adults: at a dose of 500,000 units. 3-4 times a day. Children: up to a year - three times a day, ¼ tablet at a dosage of 250,000 units, up to 3 years - in the same dosage 3-4 times a day, over 3 years old - 4 times a day, over 13 years the maximum dose of 1,000,000 IU. per day. Contraindication: individual intolerance. During pregnancy, the drug is allowed.

Treatment with antifungal drugs is considered effective if the symptoms of the disease have disappeared and the data of mycological examination indicate the normalization of the number of fungi. A positive culture result may indicate a Candida carrier, which, in fact, is not a disease.

Concomitant diseases are treated in parallel. For example, peptic ulcer and gastroesophageal reflux disease are treated with antisecretory drugs (lanzap, nexium) and histamine H2 receptor blockers. Antihelicobacter therapy is carried out with amoxicillin, omeprozole. Prebiotics (the so-called stimulants of intestinal growth of normal microflora) must also be included in the diet. An excellent start will be pectin, lactulose, Eubicor - a drug rich in dietary fiber, amino acids and vitamins. Dietary fiber, without undergoing changes, enters the large intestine and is metabolized by the microbiota. The latter stimulate the formation of mucus and cells, where bifidobacteria and lactobacilli feel comfortable.

During the treatment of intestinal candidiasis, experts recommend stopping the use of foods rich in simple carbohydrates: milk, berries, sugar, confectionery, kvass, beer, honey.

For those who, for any reason, do not accept medical treatment, we offer several recipes for traditional medicine. As always, we remind you: self-medication is not safe, consult your doctor.

We boil oats (for 5 tablespoons of cereals 15 tablespoons of water) for three hours, filter the resulting broth and take it orally 3 times a day, 100 gr. in a warm state. The duration of treatment is up to 4 months.

In ¾ cup of cognac, add 3 tbsp. salt, stir until the salt crystals dissolve. After half an hour, dilute the tincture with boiling water from a ratio of 1: 3. The resulting drug is drunk once a day, adding to 2 tbsp. tinctures 6 tbsp. water, 1 hour before meals. The duration of treatment is 25 days.

If neither the treatment with folk remedies nor the treatment with medicines gives a result, then it makes sense to clarify the diagnosis and undergo an examination in a specialized mycological clinic. Lack of treatment is fraught with damage to parenchymal organs and the development of intestinal perforation and fungal sepsis.


    I have been suffering from candidiasis in the gastrointestinal tract since childhood ... I’m tired (What I didn’t drink, what kind of drugs and diets the last amphotericin was in, I couldn’t withstand the system, I decided to drink it as a suspension of 10-12 bottles daily for two doses, and because I can get it it was hard, only 100 pieces were enough for 9 days (candida returned (... So I decided to try again, I ordered 250 pieces 14 pieces / day ... I hope to overcome this ailment ... If suddenly someone knows something from personal experience, write to me by mail [email protected]… Thanks

      • Of course, both nystatin and pimafucin were also tired of drinking ... and amphotericin did not help personally ... what should I do ??? Please contact me… 89********* if you can help in any way.

Marina Pozdeeva about the selection of treatment for vaginal candidiasis

Vaginal candidiasis (VC) is a common disease that develops in 70-75% of women at least once during the reproductive period (according to research led by Jérôme Sobel, published in 1998, USA). In 40-50% of patients, recurrent cases of the disease are observed, and approximately 5% suffer from recurrent infection (data from a 2004 study based on the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, USA).

Etiology of VC

Candida spp., the causative agents of vaginal candidiasis, are opportunistic fungi that are the most common cause of fungal infections in humans. The genus Candida contains about twenty species. As a rule, VC is associated with one species of Candida, but there is a possibility (2-5%) of simultaneous infection with two or more species.

In Russia, the USA, Australia and Europe, Candida albicans (76-89%) is most often detected in women with VC. It is followed by C. glabrata (7-16%). The percentage of non-albicans Candida ranges from 11 to 24%. Some studies have shown a trend towards an increase in the incidence of non-albicans candidiasis, but a recent study by US scientists involving ninety thousand samples disproved this statement: the ratio of Candida species that cause VC from 2003 to 2007 did not change much.

Etiologically, various candidiasis are clinically very similar, but atypical pathogens are characterized by resistance to azole antimycotics. More than others, C. glabrata and C. krusei are resistant to azole antifungal drugs.

Marina Pozdeeva

These data highlight the importance of identifying Candida spp. in women with a high risk of developing non-Candida albicans-associated VC in order to select an effective therapy for the disease.

Risk factors

Many healthy women develop VC sporadically. However, there are risk factors for candidiasis. Among the behavioral factors are frequent sexual intercourse and oral sex, as well as the use of spermicides.

Tight clothing and underwear usually do not cause disease. However, among women with recurrent VC (RVC), wearing tight pantyhose and panty liners is positively associated with relapse.

Biological risk factors for VC include:

  • the use of antibiotics;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • high levels of sex hormones;
  • taking oral contraceptives containing high doses of estrogen;
  • pregnancy.

Antibacterial drugs help reduce the number of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, shift the pH in the vagina and the growth of Candida spp.

Tetracyclines, cephalosporins and ampicillin are more likely than other broad-spectrum antibiotics to provoke the development of candidiasis.

Pregnancy is one of the most common predisposing factors. According to studies, a third of pregnant women develop VC. High levels of sex hormones increase the amount of glycogen in the vagina, which in turn provides a constant source of carbon needed for fungal growth.

In addition, the increased acidity of the vaginal flora of pregnant women can inhibit the growth of other microorganisms that naturally inhibit Candida. Although the initial attachment of fungal cells occurs at higher pH values ​​(6–7), an acidic environment favors the development of mycelium.

In the pathogenesis of vaginal candidiasis (VC), two main phases are distinguished: the phase of adhesion, that is, the attachment of fungal cells to epithelial cells, and the mycelial phase. The mycelial phase begins with the penetration of Candida spp. into epithelial cells. The growing pseudomycelium of fungi penetrates into the deep layers of the cervical and vaginal epithelium.

Candida are able to penetrate cells without violating the integrity of their mannoprotein shell (this is the fibrillar coating of the cell wall of the fungus involved in adhesion processes). As a result, Candida resists the protective factors and survives in the macroorganism.

Risk groups for infection with non-albicans Candida species include:

  • women with recurrent VC;
  • HIV-infected women;
  • women over the age of 50;
  • women with uncontrolled diabetes.

In all of the above groups, the most common species is C. glabrata.

The percentage of cases of non-albicans Candida-associated infection increases with the age of women.

Features of RVC

Most women with VC respond quickly to therapy, but in some cases a recurrent form may develop, characterized by four or more episodes of infection per year. Predisposing factors:

  • uncontrolled diabetes mellitus;
  • taking immunosuppressants;
  • deviations in the local vaginal immunity of the mucous membranes;
  • genetic predisposition.

Studies have shown that patients with RVC have a higher frequency of specific gene polymorphisms compared to the control group. In addition, certain Lewis system antigens are found in the blood of these patients.

Periodic VC may also be associated with a decrease in natural concentrations of mannose-binding lectin. The latter, by binding to sugars on the surface of the Candida cell, triggers the activation pathway of the complement system and leads to the death of the fungus using complement-mediated phagocytosis.

In this disease, an increased concentration of interleukin-4 is also recorded, which inhibits local defense mechanisms.

The Lewis antigen system depends on a group of genes that are expressed in the glandular epithelium. Lewis antigens, unlike erythrocyte antigens, are components of exocrine epithelial secretions, including vaginal secretions.

The role of sexual transmission remains unproven. However, most research suggests the need to treat sexual partners. Thus, the experiment of Dr. Horowitz, UK, demonstrated the presence of Candida species in the ejaculate of men whose partners suffered from RVC.

However, the same Horowitz conducted another study, which studied the results of therapy in 54 women, divided into two groups. Partners from the first group were subjected to antifungal therapy, while those from the second were not. There were no significant differences in the rate of recurrence among women in these groups.

Relapses can also be caused by other types of Candida that are not equally sensitive to first-line therapy.

VK Clinic

The clinical symptoms of VK are nonspecific and may be associated with other vaginal diseases, including bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea. The hallmark symptoms are itching and burning. In some cases, dyspareunia (pain during intercourse) and dysuria may develop.

In vivo studies have shown that the imidazole antifungals (miconazole and clotrimazole) are less effective in the treatment of non-albicans Candida species. Thus, C. tropicalis and C. glabrata are 10 times less sensitive to miconazole than C. albicans.

Treatment of uncomplicated VC

Uncomplicated VC is caused by strains of C. albicans, most of which show sensitivity to azole antifungals. Treatment of uncomplicated disease leads to a positive result in 90% of cases, even with the appointment of a single dose of oral or short course of topical antimycotics. Several topical azole preparations can be used to choose from, with approximately the same efficacy.

The empirical prescription of antimycotics in this form of the disease is completely justified. Moreover, often the choice of treatment is based on the individual preferences of the patient.

The Candida cell wall is a complex glycoprotein that depends on continuous synthesis of ergosterol. Azole compounds, which are the active ingredients of azole antifungals, block the production of ergosterol, allowing topical antimycotics to be effective in 80-90% of cases.

Azole preparations, which are subdivided into imidazole and triazole derivatives, are the most numerous and effective group of antifungal agents. Azole antimycotics include both systemic drugs (ketoconazole, fluconazole, itraconazole) and local drugs (bifonazole, clotrimazole, isoconazole, econazole, and others).

In comparative trials of 10-14-day courses of azole and nystatin therapy, the former was found to be predominantly effective (80-95% mycological cure compared with 70-80% in the nystatin group). In addition, azoles have proven effective even in short courses.

Therapy for VC in pregnant women involves the use of topical antifungal drugs. Safe topical antimycotics include miconazole and clotrimazole, the recommended course of treatment is seven days. In addition, during pregnancy, the polyene antibiotic natamycin is prescribed. The standard scheme of antifungal therapy with topical forms of natamycin is designed for use within three days. If necessary, the course can be doubled.

Treatment of complicated RVC

The optimal course of treatment for complicated VC has not yet been clearly defined. Some studies have shown the effectiveness of antifungal suppressive therapy for several months.

The drug of choice for RVC is oral fluconazole. In severe recurrent VC, fluconazole is used on a schedule of 150 mg (three doses) every 72 hours for nine days, after which treatment is continued at 150 mg per week for a long time. This regimen of antifungal therapy significantly reduces the likelihood of recurrence compared with three doses of fluconazole without maintenance treatment.

Long-term suppressive therapy with oral fluconazole is convenient and well tolerated compared to other antimycotics. Studies have shown that the effectiveness of the suppressive regimen for the treatment of RVC reaches 90%. Contrary to expectations, in patients taking fluconazole for a long time, the development of resistance to C. albicans or superinfection with non-albicans species was not confirmed. However, in patients with stubborn infection, identification of the pathogen is recommended.

Other oral agents that have proven effective in the treatment of RVC can be used as drugs for suppressive therapy. Alternative treatment regimens include:

  • ketoconazole 100 mg per day (due to the hepatotoxicity of oral ketoconazole, other drugs are usually preferred);
  • itraconazole 200 mg twice a day for one day of each month;
  • clotrimazole vaginal suppositories.

For women who prefer topical treatment, clotrimazole is recommended at a dosage of 500 mg per week or 200 mg twice a week. It is also acceptable to use other local antifungal drugs, while it practically does not matter which active substance is used.

Patients with RVC who are not on maintenance therapy have a 70% chance of recurrence within six months of successful treatment of the next episode of the disease. The risk of recurrence in women taking antimycotics as a suppressive treatment is 40-50% within one year after stopping the drugs.

Treatment of RVC caused by non-albicans Candida species

Non-albicans species respond very moderately to azole antimycotic therapy. Therefore, the treatment regimen in such cases is selected individually, based on the severity of the disease and the response to drugs.

For decades, boric acid has been used topically to treat RVC. However, boric acid preparations can be absorbed through the vaginal mucosa into the blood and have a toxic effect. To avoid absorption, vaginal products based on boric acid are released in gelatin capsules. The recommended treatment regimen is one 600 mg capsule per day for two weeks.

There is no finished dosage form in Russia, but capsules can be prepared in pharmacies ex tempore. According to studies, treatment with vaginal boric acid capsules is effective in 70% of cases of RVC associated with C. glabrata.

An alternative to toxic boric acid are amphotericin B suppositories. The antibiotic penetrates the cell membrane of the fungus and, by binding to ergosterol, destroys the cell wall. The course of treatment is 50 mg at night per os for two weeks. This regimen is successful in 70% of patients suffering from disease caused by non-albicans species that are not amenable to azole therapy, especially C. glabrata.

Activity against non-albicans Candida species has also been demonstrated by topical preparations for vaginal use containing 17% flucytosine. The cells of the fungus absorb flucytosine, after which it is deaminated and converted into 5-fluorouracil, which is inserted into Candida DNA instead of uracil. As a result, protein synthesis is disrupted and the cell dies. A combination of 17% flucytosine cream and 3% amphotericin B cream is also possible. The average duration of flucytosine treatment should be at least two weeks. The peculiarity of the drug is its high cost.

Alternative Treatments for RVC

In some cases, patients resort to the use of probiotics, most of which contain lactobacilli. It is assumed that lactobacilli are able to inhibit or reduce the growth of Candida in the vagina. However, there is no consensus among experts on this issue. Indeed, some clinical studies confirm the effectiveness of probiotics in VC. At the same time, other experiments completely refute these data.

For example, a randomized trial was recently published involving two groups of women with RVC. The patients of the first group included vaginal probiotics in the treatment regimen, and the participants of the second group underwent monotherapy with itraconazole. The study showed that the outcome of therapy during the month was equally positive in the two groups.

Given the safety of the use of probiotics, both the doctor and the patient have the right to include these drugs in the RVC treatment regimen.

Nowadays, more and more women are suffering from thrush. In order to permanently get rid of this disease, it is necessary to find an effective remedy.

Among the wide variety of pharmaceutical preparations, it is important to choose a high-quality ointment from thrush, which will help to cope with candidiasis in a short period of time.

Recently, medicines in the form of ointments, gels and creams are increasingly in demand. In our article, we will tell you what advantages these forms of medicines have, consider the most effective drugs and their features of action.

Treatment of thrush with ointments, creams and gels has significant advantages:

  • The most effective medicines in the form of an ointment
  • clotrimazole
  • Pimafucin
  • Miconazole
  • The most effective gels against candidiasis
  • Lactagel
  • Antifungol
  • Flucorem
  • Comparison of the cost of the above drugs in Moscow and St. Petersburg

The most effective medicines in the form of an ointment

Gynecologists often prescribe ointments against candidiasis in women. The most effective remedies are listed below:


Clotrimazole is a fairly effective remedy for thrush, despite the fact that it has long been used in patients and some bacteria have developed resistance to it. Available in the form of ointment and cream.

A small amount of ointment stops the spread of the fungus, improvement occurs on the 3rd day of use, and if it is taken as prescribed, it will 100% destroy pathogens. The drug is recommended to be administered in the morning and at night.

In the chronic course of the disease, the remedy should be used with other complex remedies. However, when taken simultaneously with Nystatin, the effect of both drugs is reduced.

During the treatment of thrush, the ointment must be applied to the area affected by the fungus, using a special measuring syringe, it is also recommended to rub into the perineum. For effectiveness during treatment, it is worth refraining from intimacy.

Clotrimazole has a number of contraindications, among them:

  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • the period of breastfeeding;
  • severe liver damage;
  • individual intolerance to the drug.

If a month after therapy with Clotrimazole ointment there is no recovery, you should contact your gynecologist to prescribe another treatment regimen. When treating thrush in women with Clotrimazole cream, the therapeutic period is reduced to 2 weeks.


Cream for thrush Pimafucin is indicated for the treatment of women and girls with candidiasis. During use by girls, it is recommended to apply it to the area of ​​​​the external genitalia. After the introduction of the drug, you need to lie down for at least 15 minutes. The agent is applied to the area affected by the fungus twice, the course of treatment is from 7 to 9 days.

Long-term use of Pimafucin does not adversely affect the mucous membrane.

This drug is completely non-toxic, since it is not absorbed by the blood, it can be used in any trimester of pregnancy, as well as during lactation.

Pimafucin has no contraindications, however, when it is used, there are a number of side effects, among them:

  • diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • burning sensation;
  • tingling at the site of application.

Gynecologists say that side effects, in addition to allergic manifestations, are not a reason to stop treatment with Pimafucin. Japanese and Dutch pharmaceutical companies produce Pimafucin in the form of an ointment, which is on the market in 30 gr. plastic tube.


Miconazole is an antifungal drug that is widely used against thrush and has a wide spectrum of action. Against candidiasis in women, Miconazole is applied twice, in the morning and in the evening. The therapeutic course is 2 weeks, but it requires constant medical supervision. According to the instructions, the drug can cause the following side effects and diseases:

It is contraindicated to use the medication for:

  • 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy;
  • during lactation;
  • intolerance to the components;
  • with severe liver damage.

The most effective gels against candidiasis

The gel is an effective remedy for candidiasis in women. Below is a list of the most commonly prescribed soft drugs.


Lactagel is a new generation probiotic that restores the natural environment, eliminates discomfort, burning sensation, unpleasant odor, and abundant curd discharge. It contains lactic acid, which reduces the increased level of acidity, as well as glycogen, which creates an excellent environment for the reproduction of lactobacilli.

The drug is easy to use: it has an anatomically shaped disposable tube, which does not require independent dosage calculation.

Lactagel is administered at night for 1 week, has no side effects, is well compatible with any antibacterial drugs, and minimizes the recurrence of candidiasis.

After consultation with a gynecologist, it is possible to use while expecting a child, however, the use of the gel when planning a pregnancy is prohibited, since the drug reduces the normal activity of spermatozoa.


Unfortunately, Antifungol is rare in pharmacies, but it is quite effective against candidiasis, as it is a broad-spectrum drug. It contains clotrimazole, which, when combined with Nystatin, reduces its effect.

The vaginal gel is applied twice: preferably in the morning and evening, it is administered in an amount of 5 mm for 4 weeks. If after a month there is no recovery, then an additional consultation with a gynecologist is required to prescribe another drug.

Antifungol can cause the following side effects:

  • allergic reactions in the form of itching, redness, swelling;
  • frequent urination;
  • pain during intercourse;
  • headache.


Gel Flukorem is an effective remedy against candidiasis. This is the only topical agent from the Fluconazole group.

The gel is applied once a day for 1 week, it can be used in the form of vaginal tampons. If necessary, under the supervision of a gynecologist, it is possible to increase the therapeutic course.

Flucorem is allowed to be used in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy. It is impossible to stop treatment immediately after feeling better, as the fungus will become addictive, and in the future it will be more difficult to cope with it. The instruction does not recommend using the remedy with other local preparations, because the effect of both medicines decreases.

Longer use can destroy bacteria that have a beneficial effect on the vaginal environment in women. This vaginal preparation has the following contraindications:

  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • liver failure;
  • use of terfenadine.

Comparison of the cost of the above drugs in Moscow and St. Petersburg

Means in the form of ointments, creams and gels have different prices, so you can choose a drug for any wallet. Below is a table of the cost of drugs in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Ointments and gels are the best mild remedies for candidiasis, which instantly eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. However, this does not mean that the treatment is over.

Therapy must be continued for a certain time, using topical agents, for the appointment of which it is better to consult a doctor.

Thrush is a disease that occurs quite often among both women and young teenage girls. It is possible to suspect developing candidiasis if uncharacteristic vaginal discharge is observed, which is accompanied by itching that does not go away even after regular washing with soft gels.

You can also diagnose candidiasis or thrush after a thorough gynecological examination and after analyzing a smear for bacterial culture. Usually, local treatment is done, but if this is ineffective, the doctor may prescribe antibiotic treatment. What antibiotics are effective for thrush and how should they be taken?

Possible antibiotic treatment options

Any drugs, and even more so antibiotics, should be used only after a thorough examination by a doctor and passing the necessary tests. So, what antibiotics can be taken against candidiasis?

It is possible to carry out effective treatment with levorin for candidiasis. This antibiotic helps in the fight against yeast-like fungi such as Candida and Trichomonas vaginalis.

It is important to note that this antibiotic does not have an accumulative property, that is, it does not accumulate in the body. It can be used as a treatment for skin candidiasis, and against thrush of the gastrointestinal tract, against thrush of the mucous membranes, against candidiasis of the female genital organs.

As for the dosage, it should be prescribed by a doctor, depending on the sensitivity of the microflora to the components of the drug and on the degree of development and localization of the thrush. Also, such drugs in the form of tablets and ointments can be used to treat male candidiasis and adolescents. As a rule, the course lasts from 12 to 15 days.

You can also use antibiotics such as "levorina sodium acid". This antibiotic is used in the form of solutions for rinsing, douching, enemas and wetting tampons. It should be noted that it is possible to eliminate candidiasis of the mucous membrane in the mouth if inhalations are carried out based on levorin sodium acid, which is diluted in the required proportion with distilled water.

Inhalation treatment for candidiasis takes 15 to 20 minutes 2-3 times a day.

Candidiasis can be treated with mycoheptin. For the treatment of thrush, a special ointment is prescribed, which contains 15 grams of mycoheptin per 1 g. It must be applied twice a day to the affected areas for 10-15 days. As a rule, such treatment with an ointment for candidiasis cannot be performed simultaneously with the intake of microheptin capsules or tablets. It should also be noted that such an ointment can be used to quickly eliminate signs of the disease on the glans penis in men.

Treatment with nystatin for candidiasis is carried out according to indications, namely, with the development of thrush of the mucous membranes (in the mouth, in the vagina), internal organs (lungs, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract) and the surface of the skin. It is also possible to prevent candidiasis with nystatin with long-term use of tetracycline antibiotics, neomycin, chloramphenicol, etc.

Also, this drug is prescribed to emaciated and debilitated patients as a prophylactic. It should be noted that taking nystatin inside - it is poorly absorbed, due to which its active components are excreted from the body with feces. Effective elimination of thrush is possible only with the correct dosage of this drug.

In addition, you can purchase drugs such as pimafucin, an antifungal agent whose active ingredient is natamycin. Nitamycin is a polyene antibiotic. Effective treatment with pimafucin for candidiasis is due to its ability to block the sterols of the cell membranes of fungi (including those that provoke candidiasis), as a result of which they die.

Dosage and method of application for adolescents, men and women depends on the localization of candidiasis. It should be noted that pimafucin is produced in the form of tablets, suppositories (candles) and in the form of a cream.

It is possible to carry out treatment with terbizil for candidiasis, the active substance of which is terbinafine. Depending on the type of fungi that provoked candidiasis, it has a fungicidal and fungistatic effect. Preparations of this group are taken orally in the amount of one tablet once a day. How long is the course?

The duration of the course is from two weeks to a month, or depending on the severity of the disease.

For women, the antibiotic dalacin will help eliminate candidiasis and its manifestations. It is produced in the form of vaginal suppositories (that is, these are vaginal suppositories). The active substance "dalacin" of the drug is clindamycin, 100 mg of which is contained in each suppository.

It is not recommended to use these drugs intravaginally to eliminate candidiasis, since using clindamycin in this way can enhance the growth of microorganisms insensitive to it, including candida fungi.

Candles allow you to absorb the active ingredients (clindamycin) in the focus of the development of fungi (in women in the vagina). But, it should also be taken into account that using systemically clindamycin (dalacin) can provoke diarrhea, colitis. If any adverse reactions occur, discontinue these drugs (dalacin, clindamycin). It should be borne in mind that suppositories or ointments dalacin (clindamycin) reduce the strength of latex contraceptives and the effectiveness of other contraceptives.

Dalacin suppositories are inserted into the vagina of women (not recommended for adolescents) daily at night. How long does dalacin treatment last for candidiasis? The course takes three days. For convenience, you can use a special applicator, which must be washed thoroughly with soap and warm water each time.

Before using certain drugs, carefully read the instructions. If any side effects occur, stop taking the drug.

Comprehensive treatment of thrush

You can make a complex treatment of thrush, only you must first consult a doctor.

You can use such medicines and preparations as:

  • Fluconazole (suitable for men, women and adolescents). How long should these tablets be taken? As a rule, one tablet at a dosage of 150 mg is enough;
  • Intraconazole (analogue - mycotrox). How much should be taken? The duration depends on the dosage. If it is necessary to eliminate the manifestations of the disease in one day, you need to drink 200 mg of the drug twice a day. If the course takes 3 days - take 200 mg once a day;
  • Against Candida fungi, the use of ketaconazole is effective, which will destroy the fungi in just 5 days. It is necessary to take 200 mg of the drug twice a day.

What can be the treatment of urogenital candidiasis, that is, thrush in men? Against male candidiasis, you can use drugs such as triderm, pimafucin (antibiotic), flucosta (also possible for children by prescription), medoflucon, etc.

In addition to the active action of antibiotics, men can use topical preparations in the form of gels, ointments, creams. These can be: clotrimazole (and others based on it), anmarin, batrafen, dermazol, zalain cream, candide, candinorm complex, etc.

If characteristic signs of the disease occur in one of the sexual partners, both are treated. This is necessary in order to eliminate the disease completely. Since there are cases that, for example, a woman could not get rid of the disease for a long time precisely because her husband was a “carrier” of the disease, while he did not have any characteristic symptoms.

Candida glabrata (glabrata), symptoms, treatment

Everyone knows that thrush is caused by fungi that belong to the Candida family. This group of microorganisms is quite extensive, but 80% of candidiasis is due to the rapid reproduction of Candida albicans. Following her, in second place is the yeast-like fungus Candida glabrata. This microorganism is isolated in approximately 15% of cases of thrush. For some time, fungi were considered completely safe, since they could be found in the urine or on the mucous membranes of a perfectly healthy person. However, as many people become weaker immunity, Candida glabrata is recognized as a dangerous pathogen. It is she who in some cases becomes the culprit of oral candidiasis or causes damage to the esophagus. This fungus is more often found in the elderly, diabetics, patients with cancer or leukemia.

Symptoms of candidiasis caused by the fungus Candida glabrata

Symptoms of candida glabrata are not always easy to detect during the initial examination. Most often, urogenital candidiasis is asymptomatic. With a complicated form of candidiasis, edema is observed, extensive erythema, there may be slight discharge. They have a crumbly, rather thick consistency. Due to the absence of symptoms among patients with candodemic deaths are often observed, especially if patients have oncology.

Treatment for the fungus Candida glabrata

Not all antifungal medications are effective for treating candida glabrata. This microorganism is resistant to most drugs. Such drugs active in the fight against the fungus as fluconazole and itraconazole do not affect it, so the treatment of candida glabrata begins only after diagnosis, which determines the sensitivity of microorganisms to drugs. Preference for therapy against candida glabrata is given to drugs from the group of polyenes and echinocandins. Patients are often prescribed voriconazole, amphotericin B, or caspofungin. The doctor must very accurately determine the dosage of the drug, since the immunity of patients is usually very weakened.

Everyone knows that thrush is caused by fungi that belong to the Candida family. This group of microorganisms is quite extensive, but 80% of candidiasis is due to the rapid reproduction of Candida albicans. Following her, in second place is the yeast-like fungus Candida glabrata. This microorganism is isolated in approximately 15% of cases of thrush. For some time, fungi were considered completely safe, since they could be found in the urine or on the mucous membranes of a perfectly healthy person. However, as many people become weaker immunity, Candida glabrata is recognized as a dangerous pathogen. It is she who in some cases becomes the culprit of oral candidiasis or causes damage to the esophagus. This fungus is more often found in the elderly, diabetics, patients with cancer or leukemia.

Symptoms of candidiasis caused by the fungus Candida glabrata

Symptoms of candida glabrata are not always easy to detect during the initial examination. Most often, urogenital candidiasis is asymptomatic. With a complicated form of candidiasis, edema is observed, extensive erythema, there may be slight discharge. They have a crumbly, rather thick consistency. Due to the absence of symptoms among patients with candodemic deaths are often observed, especially if patients have oncology.

Treatment for the fungus Candida glabrata

Not all antifungal medications are effective for treating candida glabrata. This microorganism is resistant to most drugs. Such drugs active in the fight against the fungus as fluconazole and itraconazole do not affect it, so the treatment of candida glabrata begins only after diagnosis, which determines the sensitivity of microorganisms to drugs. Preference for therapy against candida glabrata is given to drugs from the group of polyenes and echinocandins. Patients are often prescribed voriconazole, amphotericin B, or caspofungin. The doctor must very accurately determine the dosage of the drug, since the immunity of patients is usually very weakened.

In the treatment of Candida glabrata, the drug lactoferrin in combination with fluconazole is effective. Lactoferrin belongs to the group of probiotics. It contributes to the rapid restoration of normal microflora in the body, which leads to a decrease in the number of Candida glabrata.

In women with diabetes, vaginal suppositories with boric acid are considered effective in the treatment of candida glabrata. An experiment to test the effectiveness of treatment using candles was conducted by Indian scientists. Virtually all women who have vulvovaginal candidiasis caused by C. glabrata are cured.

One of the most common fungal diseases is candidiasis or thrush. Mushrooms Candida glabrata can cause superficial and deep mycoses. Fungi of this genus affect the mucous membranes of the vagina, intestines, mouth and esophagus. Candida of this species penetrate into the internal organs, breaking the protective covers of the organs and multiplying, and then enter the bloodstream. To avoid serious complications, you should consult a doctor at the first signs of ill health and follow his recommendations exactly.

Pathogen and causes

The causative agent of one of the types of candidiasis is the yeast fungus Candida glabrata. These are unicellular microorganisms of plant origin. The shape resembles a cylinder with round edges. Most often, the internal genital organs are affected, causing urogenital candidiasis, and the oral mucosa. K. glabrata is able to live on the skin, but grows and develops only under favorable conditions for it. These factors include:

  • weakened immunity;
  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • allergy;
  • chronic dermatitis;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • diabetes;
  • pregnancy (when there is a decrease in immunity and an unstable hormonal background is observed);
  • microcracks and wounds on the skin.

Symptoms of candidiasis glabrata

The excretion of urine is accompanied by burning and pain.

Candidiasis caused by K. glabrata has symptoms inherent in thrush caused by other types of Candida. Depending on the location of the fungus, the symptoms may vary. Sometimes the disease is asymptomatic, not pronounced or disguised as other diseases. The main signs of the disease are shown in the table.

Gastrointestinal tract
  • general weakness, feeling of impotence;
  • bad sleep;
  • disorders of the nervous system (anxiety, unstable mood);
  • muscle and joint pain;
  • intolerance to alcohol.
Sex organsFor men:
  • the appearance of a white coating on the head of the penis;
  • redness of the head and foreskin;
  • itching and burning;
  • the appearance of small bubbles on the head of the penis;
  • pain when urinating;
  • discomfort during intercourse.

Among women:

  • cheesy vaginal discharge with a characteristic sour smell;
  • pain during intercourse;
  • itching and burning;
  • difficult urination.
Oral cavity (gums, tongue, palate, tonsils)
  • redness and swelling of the mucous membranes;
  • pain and hypersensitivity in the oral cavity;
  • the appearance of a curd-like plaque;
  • itching and burning (especially during the absorption of spicy or hot food);
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • temperature increase.

Risk of complications

A fungal infection, when it enters the bloodstream, affects the entire body.

Candidiasis caused by K. glabrata fungi are considered complicated. Mushrooms can penetrate deep into tissues, multiplying rapidly and affecting organs that are nearby. This species is dangerous because it can multiply on the mucous membranes of internal organs (intestines, esophagus, lungs), causing their dysfunction and poisoning with toxins. K. glabrata also penetrates the bloodstream, spreads throughout the body, affecting it and causing fungal sepsis. On the affected organs, perforations, ulcers and bleeding may occur.