How can ceramic-metal teeth be whitened? Do I need to take care of crowns at home? How to care for teeth made of metal-ceramic Cleaning of dental crowns.

Metal-ceramic crowns and bridges (fixed structures) are the most popular type of prosthetics. Patients choose metal-ceramic prostheses because of their strength, durability and reliability. Products withstand high loads, have good aesthetic indicators, and plaque practically does not accumulate on their surface. To extend the life of products and protect yourself from inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, you need to understand the question of how to care for teeth made of metal-ceramic.

Hygiene features

Ceramic-metal products do not require any special care, as they are durable, their surface is so smooth that it does not accumulate plaque. Caring for metal-ceramic teeth should be organized in the same way as for natural teeth, the main thing is to do it regularly and efficiently.

Metal-ceramic teeth can be cleaned with a regular brush.

Ceramic-metal does not require a special diet, but you should not test it for strength (open bottles with your teeth, gnaw bones, etc.). Due to such experiments, the ceramic layer may chip, after which it will be necessary to repair or replace the prosthesis.

It is also necessary to remember that there is a living tooth under the crown. It is important to prevent food from getting under the crown. Yes, this is possible even with modern technologies that allow the manufacture of prostheses that fit perfectly to the turned tooth and gum.

Expert opinion. Dentist Ovchinnikov P.Yu.: “The gum is very pliable, so when chewing food, its pieces can easily move the mucous membrane and get stuck between the gum and the prosthesis. Over time, there will be inflammation, swelling, soreness. For this reason, a small distance is specially left between the gum and the crown - the flushing space. Such a gap allows ordinary rinsing to clean out food that is stuck there.

Despite the fact that porcelain-fused-to-metal teeth do not require special care, they must be cleaned daily and efficiently, this is the only way to be sure of a long service life of the prosthesis without unpleasant surprises. Simple but effective recommendations prosthesis care:

  1. it is necessary to clean the crowns with sweeping vertical movements from the gum to the cutting edge,
  2. choose a brush with soft bristles so as not to injure the mucous membrane,

If possible, buy an irrigator. This is a special device that, under high pressure, creates a thin stream of water that washes away plaque and food debris from the most inaccessible areas. The irrigator also provides an effective massage of the gums, cleanses the tongue and mucous membranes.

How to care for crowns?

Even the most expensive prosthesis operation cannot guarantee the health, beauty and whiteness of your teeth for life without proper care.

Everyone who has already become the owner of brand new “teeth” or who has yet to do so needs to know how to care for crowns.

In general, the procedure is not much different from what you perform when caring for real teeth. At least twice a day - after breakfast in the morning and after dinner or the last meal - you need to brush them with toothpaste. Interdental gaps also need to be carefully freed from microscopic pieces of food - using floss, or dental floss. As you can see, no expensive tools or special devices are needed. You can even say that in general, caring for dental crowns is somewhat easier than caring for your own teeth. The fact is that the surface of the crowns is so carefully polished that the pieces of food seem to bounce off it themselves, leaving no traces. The only thing you need to pay increased attention to is hard and solid food. It is absolutely unacceptable to chew nuts and seeds with your front teeth, or try to open a bottle or something like that with your teeth. Strictly speaking, this cannot be done with your own teeth either, since the damage may be irreparable.

How to care for dentures

Artificial teeth require no less maintenance than natural teeth, especially if they are on removable dentures. Although modern technologies make it possible to make the prosthesis as close as possible to the gum, nevertheless, a certain gap still remains. As a result, food debris accumulates in this space, which, if not removed in time and carefully, can lead to inflammation. Therefore, every night before going to bed, the specialists of our clinic recommend oral hygiene. To do this, you need to figure out how to clean dentures. Running water and special products will return them to their original freshness and purity. If the love of tea, coffee, brightly pigmented foods and drinks, such as beets or red wine, has led to the fact that the dentures are stained, they can and should be refreshed. How to whiten dentures, our experts will definitely tell you at a personal appointment. Before starting prosthetics, we always conduct a consultation, during which we answer all your questions and concerns. Come to us and we will select the best prosthesis option for you, explain how to wear dentures and teach you how to care for them so that they serve for a long time and properly.

How to care for crowns

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Dental prosthetics is a very responsible and serious step, and you should prepare well for it.

When preparing teeth for the installation of prostheses, they are subjected to grinding, and in some cases, pulping. If the teeth are treated with high quality and professionally before prosthetics, and the prostheses themselves are carefully selected and correctly installed, then there should be no pain under the crowns.

If you feel severe pain under the installed prosthesis, swelling of the gums, discharge of pus from under the crown, you should contact the dental clinic as soon as possible. A tooth under a crown can become inflamed for several reasons. For example, insufficiently qualified pulping, breakage of the instrument in the dental canal, poor-quality fit of the prosthesis, and some other reasons. In order to alleviate your condition and reduce pain before visiting the dentist, you can rinse your mouth with warm soda solution or infusion of medicinal plants: chamomile, sage, oak bark.

It will take a lot of time, effort and new expenses to find out the occurrence of pain and eliminate the causes of tooth inflammation. Therefore, it is so important for such a serious step as prosthetics to turn only to highly qualified and proven specialists.

In any case, after the installation of prostheses, there may be unpleasant sensations in the mouth: salivation may increase, a feeling of the presence of a foreign body in the mouth may appear, diction may be disturbed. The first time you brush your teeth, your gums may bleed. In this case, you should not stop daily hygiene procedures, but simply change your toothbrush for another one with more delicate bristles. After some time, with proper oral care, all discomfort disappears.

The average life of dentures, depending on their design and manufacturing materials, varies from 5 to 20 years. The main condition for the long-term preservation of dentures, as well as ordinary teeth, is thorough oral hygiene. Teeth should be brushed 2 times a day and rinsed with bactericidal solutions or at least clean water so that food particles do not accumulate in the mouth, and bacteria have as little opportunity as possible to get under the dentures. It is most important to monitor the condition of the teeth in the area of ​​​​their contact with the gums, because it is in these places that food debris accumulates and it is here that the maximum growth of pathogenic bacteria is observed. You can also use dental floss for daily dental care.

In order for dentures to serve you as long as possible, you should not subject them to strong mechanical stress. For example, bite off solid food, gnaw nuts, ice, open bottles with your teeth, use chewing gum.

During the year, patients with dentures are recommended to visit the dentist to monitor the condition of the gums, teeth and dentures. And then the crowns will not cause you any problems.

Ceramic crowns are installed to protect a damaged tooth, or as a supporting element in the construction of a bridge, or as the completion of prosthetics on an implant. Unlike removable dentures, crowns are permanent and cannot be removed for cleaning. This circumstance makes the care of crowns very important, since under the crown there is a tooth that can become sick due to the development of a carious process or periodontitis, gum recession. Proper and meticulous care of the crown can extend the life of the crown without limitation. The lifetime of a crown is largely determined by how well hygiene is maintained. Protect your investment in a ceramic crown and tooth, take proper care of hygiene.

Here's what you'll need:

  • Toothbrush. Toothpaste. Dental floss. Irrigator. Mouthwash.
  • Brush your teeth twice a day with a toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Pay special attention to cleaning the border of the crown and tooth, massage the marginal gums.
  • Brush your teeth once a day with dental floss. Floss gently around the crown where the gum line is
  • Crowns on implants should be cleaned very thoroughly with a brush and dental floss, use an irrigator in the interdental spaces.
  • Remove plaque as needed at the dentist. Avoid the formation of tartar.
  • Avoid chewing on hard candies, ice or other hard foods (such as hard chocolate or dry fish), and do not chew on hard objects (such as a pen, pencil, jacket zipper, etc.) as they may damage the ceramic layer of the crown.
  • Refrain from foods such as caramel or toffee as these can stick to the crown and cause it to decement.
  • Do not open bottles with your teeth and do not brush nuts with your teeth.
  • Use protective sports mouthguards while participating in sports and avoid direct blows to the face.
  • Refrain from grinding your teeth. If the squeaking occurs unintentionally or during sleep (bruxism), notify the dentist and he will make you a thin night guard.
  • Visit the dentist regularly for check-ups, tests and professional hygiene. Early identification of problems will help increase the life of the crown.

Metal-ceramic crown - all about the advantages and disadvantages

To restore the appearance and function of the affected teeth, prostheses from different materials are used. A metal-ceramic crown for a tooth is a durable two-layer construction that repeats the shape of the units of the dentition. The installation of a fixed orthopedic product removes the discomfort that occurs in the absence of fangs and molars in the chewing area.

Metal ceramics: what is it

An artificial tooth consists of two layers:

  • The base (inner part) is metal. For the manufacture of durable products, platinum, gold, palladium, and titanium are used. Metals are not subject to corrosion, biologically inert: there is no negative effect on the mucous membranes, soft tissues in the mouth. Often doctors combine materials, use alloys: gold + platinum, nickel + chromium and others.
  • The outer layer is an aesthetic, durable ceramic. The dental technician matches the shade of the artificial enamel to the color of the neighboring units.

Metal ceramics is a modern method of prosthetics with restoration of the appearance of a damaged unit. A fixed orthopedic product after installation allows you to chew food with the same quality as with your own teeth. It is no coincidence that in most cases a two-layer structure is installed on canines and molars, which bear the main load during meals.

Two-layer structures are installed not only on prepared “native” teeth, but also on implants: artificial units are attached to strong titanium abutments.

Advantages and disadvantages

Metal-ceramic dental crowns, like other orthopedic products, have positive and negative characteristics. The advantages of two-layer structures for restoring the shape of problematic units are much greater than the disadvantages.

  • cost reduction due to the use of metals and alloys as a basis;
  • high strength, the ability to install on molars and canines experiencing maximum chewing load;
  • good aesthetic properties;
  • service life - 10 years or more;
  • high quality, good functionality of non-removable structures at an affordable price;
  • the period of getting used to the crowns is quite short;
  • the possibility of fixation on prepared units and dental implants.
  • with increased sensitization of the body, a negative reaction to the metal is likely: redness, itching, swelling of soft tissues;
  • a less suitable option for installation on the front row of teeth: a slight difference in shade from healthy units is noticeable. On the “smile zone”, prosthetists recommend installing highly aesthetic, strong, durable products with a base of zirconium dioxide and an upper ceramic layer.

Everyone knows that dental prosthetics is a costly procedure. The price of a metal-ceramic crown can reach up to 40 thousand rubles. How much does a quality crown cost?

Do all your teeth hurt at the same time? In what diseases such a symptom is observed, we will describe further.

The quality of prosthetics directly depends on the qualifications of the specialist. Why a tooth hurts under a crown and what to do about it, read this material.

Types of metal-ceramic crowns

Orthopedic products are classified according to different indicators. The low-temperature appearance of ceramics based on alloys of "noble" metals increases the aesthetic value of orthopedic structures. The high-temperature appearance of metal-ceramic crowns is slightly different from the natural shade of enamel in "native" units.

The frame is made of various alloys:

  • gold-palladium (platinum);
  • chrome-nickel;
  • cobalt-chromium;
  • titanium (rarely).

Indications and contraindications

Fixed prostheses are needed when there is noticeable damage to the crown part of the canines, molars or incisors. The destruction index is 0.6.

Other indications for the manufacture and fixation of a metal-ceramic crown:

  • wedge-shaped defect of teeth;
  • increased abrasion of units;
  • enamel hypoplasia, other non-carious lesions of dental tissue;
  • splinting of teeth with mild and moderate degree of dental disease - periodontitis;
  • loss of gloss, color, change in the shape of the coronal part of the "native" units;
  • replacement of crowns from a cheaper, lower quality material.
  • grinding of teeth (bruxism);
  • mental disorders;
  • allergic reactions to metal;
  • severe malocclusion.
  • inflammation in the oral cavity;
  • pregnancy.

Preparing for installation

The initial stage of prosthetics:

  • examination of the oral cavity, determination of the degree of destruction of units;
  • scoring the estimated cost of the ceramic-metal structure;
  • treatment of pulpitis, filling of carious cavities, elimination of inflammation on the mucous membranes, tongue, lips;
  • turning teeth for crowns;
  • mold making.

After preparing the dentition or individual units, the doctor installs temporary products from a fairly durable, but inexpensive material. The best option is plastic. In one to two weeks, the permanent structure will be ready.

Fabrication and fixation

The process continues in the dental laboratory:

  • The specialist makes the base (frame) of metal or alloy. The doctor discusses the material with the visitor of the dental clinic during the first appointment.
  • This is followed by fitting, fitting the orthopedic structure, elimination of defects. It is important to choose the color of the ceramic coating so that the unit with the crown does not stand out from the surrounding teeth.
  • The prepared framework is again received by the dental technician. In the laboratory, a specialist applies layers of ceramics. Firing at high temperature firmly connects the ceramic to the metal base.
  • The finished product is received by the orthopedic dentist. The doctor performs fitting and final fixation of the product using a strong cement mortar.

Is cermet put on the front teeth

For the “smile zone”, prosthetists recommend crowns made of aesthetic material - ceramics. In contrast to the two-layer construction, ceramic products do not contain a metal base, which slightly changes the shade of the surface of the artificial unit to a darker one.

Metal-ceramic products on the anterior teeth look like “fake”, ceramics perfectly repeat the color of the incisors.

With limited financial resources, it is possible to install a two-layer structure made of a metal frame and a ceramic coating: the “new” units perform the chewing function with the same quality as more expensive products.

For comparison: the total cost of a metal-ceramic (combined) crown with installation is up to 10 thousand rubles, crowns for ceramic front teeth - from 15 thousand rubles.

Photo: before and after

Ceramic-metal crowns radically change the appearance of the oral cavity: instead of problematic units with uneven edges, grayed enamel, smooth, beautiful teeth with a shiny, pleasant color surface appear. From the photo it is easy to compare how the condition of the dentition and individual units improved after prosthetics using metal-ceramics. With a reasonable cost of prostheses, the result is impressive.

Life time

With proper care of ceramic-metal products, the oral cavity, fixed orthodontic structures retain their chewing function and pleasant appearance for 10, in some cases - 12 years. The service life of prostheses made of metal and ceramics depends on the quality of the manufactured products, the accuracy of fastening.

How to care for porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns

After the installation of prostheses, you will have to devote more time to hygiene procedures. You will have to come to terms with this nuance in order to maintain a beautiful smile and the good condition of the restored teeth.

After fixing metal-ceramic crowns, the orthopedist explains the rules for removing plaque from the dentition and gums.

Less soft and hard deposits from bacteria and food debris accumulate on the artificial surface, but it is important to thoroughly clean neighboring units to prevent the destruction of “native teeth”.

  • irrigator - a device that cleans the dentition and soft tissues with a strong jet of water, if indicated, you can pour a treatment solution into the container;
  • brush for cleaning hard-to-reach areas;
  • dental floss, a device made of natural silk or synthetic fibers allows you to remove plaque from the interdental spaces.

On a note:

  • The zone from the transition of the tooth to the ceramic-metal product is the most dangerous: it is easier for food particles to accumulate here, in which decay bacteria actively multiply.
  • Experts recommend buying high-quality toothpaste with herbal extracts, calcium, mineral complexes. It is important to preserve the health of "native" teeth, reduce the risk of microbial penetration with a loose crown.
  • Cleaning compositions with abrasive components should not be used: over time, scratches appear on the top layer.
  • Twice a year, doctors recommend brushing your teeth in a dental clinic. During the procedure, using professional compositions, the surface of ceramic-metal products is polished, the quality of fastening, the presence of cracks or chips are checked. If defects are found, the crown will need to be repaired.

It is important for a patient of a dental office not only to have healthy teeth, but also that they look beautiful. Zirconium crowns for teeth are an expensive, but aesthetic option for prosthetics.

How long ceramic-metal crowns on teeth will last, you will find out by reading this information.

What to do if the ceramic layer is damaged

All questions must be resolved with a specialist who installed metal-ceramic prostheses.

The doctor will examine the problem area, advise how to get rid of the defect.

The metal base based on high-quality alloys is not subject to corrosion, but cracks and chips sometimes appear on the top layer due to mechanical damage.

In rare cases, the orthopedic dentist detects damage to the framework.

There are two repair options:

  1. Only the upper part of the prosthesis is affected, the base remains intact. The specialist restores the ceramic layer using composite materials or grinds the surface.
  2. The frame made of precious metal or alloy is damaged, the chip on the crown is quite large. Wearing a structure leads to injury to surrounding tissues, the penetration of food debris and bacteria to enamel and dentin. The specialist removes the damaged product, the process of selecting, manufacturing and fixing the prosthesis begins anew.

Metal ceramics for teeth is a fairly acceptable option for prosthetics. The average cost of an orthopedic structure is 7-8 thousand rubles.

The doctor is obliged to announce additional costs: radiography, treatment of affected units at the preparatory stage, the manufacture of a prosthesis, and other operations.

The total cost of the finished product reaches 10 thousand. Crowns made of other, more aesthetic and durable materials are more expensive: metal-free ceramics - from 20 thousand rubles, products made from zirconium dioxide - from 15 thousand rubles.

The popularity of cermets is easy to understand: a good ratio of quality, service life and cost. The metal base is a strong frame that is difficult to damage, the ceramic coating also creates a strong protective layer: chips are a rare occurrence. Aesthetics is also at a fairly high level. With an average budget for chewing teeth, prosthetics using two-layer orthopedic structures are the best option. Reviews of metal-ceramic crowns are mostly positive.

Some people are dissatisfied with the quality of the fit of the prosthesis: the artificial tooth does not fit snugly against the “native” unit, rubs the gums, blood is noticeable, decay bacteria multiply in the oral cavity, and an unpleasant odor appears. Doctors advise to carefully check the crown and the tightness of the connection with the gums during the fitting before the final fixation in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Sometimes, after prosthetics, an allergic reaction to the metal develops. If a person is aware of the body's negative response to food, house dust, medicines, plant pollen, and other types of irritants, then it is important to inform the orthopedic doctor about this feature of the body at the first appointment. You will have to choose another material, for example, ceramics, in order to exclude allergies after the installation of prostheses.

In case of damage to the crown part of the tooth, the absence of a noticeable effect from filling and restoration of units using composite materials, strong and durable prostheses are needed. A metal-ceramic crown is a good option for restoring the shape of canines and molars, sometimes this type of orthopedic structures is also installed on the “smile zone”. Subject to the rules, "new" teeth last 10-12 years.

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well deserved. They are durable, reliable and comfortable to use. The smooth surface of the products copes well with plaque. A beautiful snow-white smile that does not lose tonal freshness over time is a huge plus.

But everything needs care, even such wearable technological designs. To the delight of metal-ceramic wearers, cleaning of this type of dental crowns is not difficult. It is different from caring for real teeth and also requires regularity. However, there are no difficulties, and no specific manipulations are required.

Cleaning of cermets

Metal-ceramic crowns should be cleaned based on the following recommendations:

  • cleaning is performed with a regular toothbrush from the gums to the edges with vertical movements, trying to treat the space between the teeth as carefully as possible; it is recommended to choose a paste, taking into account the needs of the gums rather than the teeth, since dental chemistry does not have a noticeable effect on metal ceramics; it is best to use herbal paste;
  • the use of paste is complemented by cleaning the teeth with a thread - it is necessary to make movements in all possible directions;
  • after cleaning the dental crowns, the mouth is rinsed with water and a special agent recommended by a specialist.

If there is a bridge prosthesis, you need to wash the washing channel very carefully - the space between the gum and the artificial tooth. Food gets under the ceramic-metal crown only in case of poor-quality work of the dentist. And it can easily get into the gap between the gum and the tooth.

As a result of gum compliance and the penetration of pieces of food under it, the tissues become inflamed. It will no longer be possible to get a foreign fragment without the intervention of a doctor. Symptoms will be discomfort and even pain plus bad breath.

In order to prevent such incidents, when installing crowns, a flushing channel is necessarily made. It makes it easier to remove food. To clean the gap, miniature brushes, brushes, all the same dental floss, toothpicks are used.

Despite the smooth surface of the crowns, over time, plaque forms on them. Special tools help to fight it. If the case is started, it is necessary to contact a dentist who will perform professional whitening of products.

In addition to regular proper cleaning of metal-ceramic structures, it is necessary to follow the rules for the operation of crowns. Otherwise, despite the mastery of a toothbrush and mouthwash, the products will quickly become worthless.

Cleaning of metal-ceramic crowns should be supplemented by:

  • ignoring the desire to gnaw hard objects with your teeth, such as nuts in a shell or a bottle cap; this does not benefit real teeth either, and such actions bring frank harm to cermets;
  • compliance with the temperature regime during meals - you can not eat and drink either too hot foods or too cold; Moreover, it is forbidden to test crowns with thermal contrast - for example, eat ice cream and drink hot tea;
  • compliance with oral hygiene - using metal ceramics, it is not recommended to abuse coffee and tea, and even more so, smoke; otherwise, an unaesthetic plaque quickly appears on the products, which has to be removed in the dentist's office;
  • regular - at least twice a year - examination by a specialist; only a doctor can determine that the structures are being used properly.

Removable structures must be removed according to the instructions of the dentist - for example, put in a container with a special liquid at night.

If the patient is interested in the price and quality of future teeth, then he should certainly consider cermet dentures. Teeth will not only look natural and beautiful, but will also last a long time.

They are made on the basis of an alloy of nickel, cobalt and chromium. If you explain it in another way, then this is a metal structure, on top of which a special coating (ceramics) is applied. It can be a special layer in the form of platinum or gold. Such materials allow you to achieve a very similar result with natural teeth.

Metal-ceramic dentures are made according to the following scheme:

  • The first step: the doctor, with the help of the patient, creates a cast of the future structure.
  • Second step: the doctor passes this impression to the dental technician.
  • Third step: the dental technician creates a model of future crowns.
  • Fourth step: the doctor tries on the model on the patient's teeth.
  • Fifth step: if there are flaws, then the model is sent back to the technician for revision. If everything went well, but a ceramic layer is applied over the frame.
  • Sixth step: at the final stage, the crown is covered with a layer of glaze.


Metal-ceramic dentures are installed on real teeth or, in their absence, on implants. In any case, there are the following indications:

  • Defect of existing crowns. For example, the crown is deformed, the luster is lost, the color has changed a lot.
  • Crown destruction. That is, there was a complete destruction of the outer shell of the tooth and it is simply impossible to restore it with the help of dental inlays or fillings. Features of the disease do not allow.
  • Defects of the entire dentition.
  • The patient has pathological abrasion of the coating of the teeth on his face.
  • The need to restore chewing function and natural teeth.
  • Non-compliance of existing dental structures with aesthetic requirements. This can be said about bridges, plastic crowns, metal crowns and combined devices.
  • There is a need to restore two or more teeth at the dental bridge.
  • Anomaly of tooth growth, when other methods of eliminating this defect are unacceptable.

Benefits of using

Metal-ceramic dentures have an impressive list of advantages:

  1. Great aesthetics. Many people are often referred for prosthetics not because of health issues, but because of aesthetic dissatisfaction. Metal-ceramic prostheses cope with this perfectly well. An experienced technician will make artificial teeth very professionally, so it will be quite difficult to distinguish them from your own. In addition, the shape and color of the prosthesis will be in harmony with the neighbors as much as possible. The best effect is achieved if you have to treat several teeth at the same time.
  2. Complete hygiene. Such artificial teeth are able to completely repel the penetration of microbes and 100% refrain from their impact. This is the most important benefit for people with painful gums.
  3. Protection of the tooth itself. The metal frame of the crown is very tightly in contact with the tooth. Therefore, the tooth will not be further destroyed. In addition, the tooth will be completely protected from the aggressive action of the environment surrounding the tooth.
  4. Full functionality. Artificial teeth will, just like real ones, perform their functions. A person will not experience a sense of difference when eating.
  5. Full biological compatibility. If the procedure for installing ceramic-metal was performed with high quality, then new crowns will not be able to cause changes and unpleasant irritations in the gums. Oral and gum health will not be affected.
  6. Price acceptability. If we compare prices for non-metallic implants and prostheses, then the price here is very pleasing. But metal-ceramics exceed the prices of standard metal prostheses.
  7. Color fastness. The installation of cermets does not impose restrictions on the use of coloring products. Artificial dyes will not damage the enamel. Time will also not impose a dark shade on artificial teeth.
  8. High strength. Such teeth are able to withstand fairly large power loads, from which they cannot collapse. The load during chewing is distributed correctly and evenly. As a result of this process, there is no risk of cracks and small chips appearing on the surface.
  9. Durability. If you follow the correct recommendations for hygiene and care in handling, then such prostheses will serve a person for more than 15 years.

Disadvantages of cermets

Metal ceramics has several disadvantages. Let's move on to the enumeration:

  1. The need for sharpening. It is a pity, but for the installation of metal ceramics, you will have to sacrifice healthy teeth that surround the installation site.
  2. The need for depulpation. To install metal ceramics, sometimes it is necessary to remove the nerves.
  3. material hardness. It greatly exceeds the hardness of a natural tooth. On the one hand, this can be characterized as a virtue. But increased strength over time leads to abrasion of the teeth on the opposite side.
  4. The possibility of violation of aesthetics. A black line from the metal frame may appear along the edge of the crown. This happens as a result of receding gums. Such a manifestation greatly spoils the external attractiveness.
  5. Possibility of cracking. If the impact force exceeded the allowable load, then unwanted chips may well appear.

Possible Complications

May cause side effects. This happens both from the applied material and from medical actions. Basically, the factors are human and technical. Complications can manifest as gingivitis and inflammation of the gums. Soft tissue pathology can be caused by the crown itself. Basically, the focus of infection occurs in the place where the prosthesis comes into contact with the tissues. Most likely, the technology was violated during the installation process, plus the patient did not observe hygiene. Together, these factors of the procedure gave an undesirable result. In this case, the doctor will be forced to completely remove the tooth.

It happens that a person feels pain under the crown itself. It's not the extracted tooth that hurts. Most likely periodontitis. This often happens if the crown was worn on a living tooth.

There is also blueness of the gums. Here, a metal prosthesis causes a reaction. In addition to the unnatural color, the patient does not feel any discomfort. This complication is only an aesthetic problem.

Sometimes a metal base is visible under the ceramic layer of the prosthesis. This can often be observed in patients who carry out prosthetics of one tooth. If several teeth were restored, then this unaesthetic moment becomes invisible.

Pain in the oral cavity quite often strains patients. But it passes quickly. If discomfort persists for a long time, then you should go to the dentist and carry out appropriate treatment with him.

Stages of prosthetics

As always, prosthetics takes place in several stages.

Preparation for prosthetics

Definitely do. With its help, the dentist sees foci of inflammation that are invisible to the normal eye. He can also see other negative processes that have already been and were previously treated. Found pathologies must be cured. After them there should be no consequences. Here you should know that ceramic-metal structures are mounted on absolutely healthy teeth.

If there is a need, then non-viable teeth are pulled out. Next, the gums and other teeth are treated. The examination of the patient and the planned budget finally leads to the process of prosthetics.

If the tooth left behind roots, then the missing structure is restored using the or tab. allows you to restore teeth even with significant destruction. The dentist is determined about its establishment at the stage. In almost fifty percent of cases, a pin is installed before building up the tooth.

Before the installation of crowns, depulpation is carried out. This procedure is quite controversial. The experience, qualifications, professionalism of the doctor and the modern equipment of the clinic itself are paramount here.

Preparation or grinding of teeth

It is necessary. The turning process is carried out in such a way that the tooth has a conical shape. The time that the patient with the crown will continue to walk depends on the quality of this stage.

While the impression and the final crown are being made, the patient walks with a temporary one. It protects the tooth from penetration of infection, food and protects against force load. Basically, such a crown is made of plastic. A temporary crown is also good because it allows you to maintain the aesthetics of an open mouth when talking.

The finished prosthesis is fixed with a special adhesive material, which not only perfectly adheres the surfaces, but guarantees their strength.

It is possible to install a metal-ceramic crown without resorting to the depulpation process. This is necessary for the following points. A live tooth with nerves is much better, more durable and of higher quality than the one in which the nerves were removed. Depulpated becomes very fragile over time. After a short time, the tooth may break under the action of the ceramic-metal structure. That is why doctors and specialists tend to install pins. The only exception is the molars. The molars contain a sufficient amount of bone tissue, which makes it possible to securely fix the third-party structure.

A tooth with nerves is much easier to tolerate negative influences. It is these teeth that are least susceptible to caries.

By refusing depulpation, you can significantly reduce the price of prosthetics. That is, beautiful teeth can be obtained for less money. This method is said to cause much less harm to the patient than other procedures.

You should not worry about the loss of a healthy tooth with nerves. After all, the removed nerves cannot be returned.

Life time

WHO claims that ceramic implants can last up to 8 years. However, many factors affect the actual service life. So, once, having installed metal-ceramic prostheses, you will have to:

  • Treat them with the same respect as real ones.
  • There is no need to restrict food intake.
  • There is no need to conduct dangerous experiments. For example, cracking nuts, opening bottles and chewing on bones.

If a person strictly adhered to the above recommendations, but the surface of the tooth cracked or chipped, then most likely the denture was made in violation of the technology. A doctor will help here.


Metal ceramics should not be used if:

  • The patient has a pronounced or may experience an allergic reaction to the implanted structure.
  • The patient's crown part of the tooth is shortened.
  • There is convergence of teeth.
  • You can not put metal ceramics on a sick tooth. It must first be completely cured.
  • If the patient is at night (bruxism).
  • Periodontium is visible on the teeth.
  • In the dentition, obvious defects are expressed over a long distance.


Metal ceramics can be purchased at various prices. A cheap analogue can be found for about 3 thousand rubles. It will be a regular stamped design. A Japanese and German manufacturer produces a product for 6 thousand rubles apiece. Russian and Belarusian companies sell metal ceramics for 4.5 thousand rubles. If the cermet is coated with gold and platinum or palladium and gold, then it will cost around 9 thousand rubles. If the design is covered with pure gold, then 17 thousand rubles.

The cost of treatment can be reduced by using some tricks. For example, install metal-ceramic crowns on the side and back teeth, and metal-ceramic crowns on the front teeth.

How to care for metal-ceramic dentures

Everyone knows that well-groomed and clean teeth will retain their health for many years. The same can be said about artificial teeth made of metal ceramics. The same measures should be taken with them as with natural teeth. We remember all these events from childhood:

  • Dentures with natural teeth must be cleaned in the morning and in the evening.
  • In the intervals between the main cleanings, they should be rinsed with a pharmacy solution or plain water. This should be done after snacks or other meals.
  • You need to clean dentures and teeth with a paste or powder. In special cases (when food remains are stuck), a thread should be used.

If suddenly, when wearing metal-ceramic crowns, complications began to be felt in the form of swelling of the gums, then it is necessary to visit the dentist's office. The doctor will determine the cause of the phenomenon and conduct appropriate treatment. Particular attention should be paid to severe swelling, the slightest bleeding and serious foci of inflammation. These signs of infection are the most dangerous.

It is possible to take preventive actions in advance. For this, the funds bought at the pharmacy are quite suitable.

Ceramics vs. cermets

When installing ceramic or metal-ceramic dentures, people often ask themselves. Each material has its ideal advantages and disadvantages.

So the ceramic-metal design is optimal in terms of cost and quality. The strength, aesthetics, and durability of these prostheses are at their best. Moreover, if the cermets were made according to the technology, the patient will never regret the time and money spent. However, in case of an allergy to metal products, such prostheses should not be used. The process of installing cermet itself requires undesirable turning.

Ceramic implants or metal-free prostheses have the best aesthetics. They are indistinguishable from natural teeth. Such prostheses have practically no contraindications for use. It is good if such prostheses are installed on ceramic implants. Here, depulpation is required in rare cases. Turning takes place to a lesser extent than for metal-ceramic products. However, this method of prosthetics requires a lot of money.

If you need to restore one or two teeth in the foreground, then it is better to use a ceramic design made by pressing. The anterior part of the jaw endures chewing loads the least. Therefore, ceramic prostheses installed here can serve a person for a long time.

Very often, two types of prostheses are combined. This is the most rational when restoring the entire dentition. So the front teeth are made of ceramics. And distant and not so noticeable teeth are restored from metal ceramics. The result is effective treatment, aesthetic recovery and return to working capacity.

The right choice will be prompted by the specialists of the clinic. They will competently and correctly assess the situation, suggest ways-outputs and carry out the necessary treatment.

Metal-ceramic dentures are a fairly common and reliable restoration of lost teeth. At a cost, they are affordable, they delight with quality, and attract with aesthetics. Therefore, there is no doubt about the perfect choice and the correctness of the decision.

Metal-ceramic dental crowns are one of the most common types of prosthetics around the world today. Ceramic-metal has gained immense popularity due to its high strength, reliability, and aesthetics. Metal-ceramic dentures do not darken over time, do not change their color, do not wear off, and dental plaque cannot practically form on crowns of this type.

Caring for cermets

And yet, in order to ensure a longer service life of metal-ceramic crowns, it is recommended to carry out appropriate daily care of teeth made of metal-ceramic. Only if you take proper care of ceramic-metal teeth, they can last fifteen years or more.

This phenomenon is associated with the fact that ceramic-metal crowns have high strength, as well as an absolutely smooth surface, to which absolutely no plaque, as well as food remains, can stick. It is recommended, however, to treat such teeth in the same way as any other. In principle, there are no restrictions on food due to the presence of metal-ceramic crowns - any food is allowed (as usual). That is, it is not recommended to arrange a diet because of them.

Remember your teeth

Metal-ceramic crowns are very durable and can withstand any kind of food, in terms of hardness, such as meat, sujuk, and so on. But, to get carried away, experiment, for example, open bottles, gnaw through bones and the like - you should not. The recommendations of many physicians state, although high, but not at all the infinite strength of metal-ceramic crowns.

It is also necessary to remember that there are teeth under your crowns, and in the event that porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns can withstand the barbaric attitude towards them, then your teeth, not always. Based on this, you can not do food restrictions, but you should treat metal-ceramic prostheses as if they were your own molars. Consume food in the usual, normal mode, do not make any experiments, brush your teeth like your own.

It is necessary to provide care for cermet dentures in the same way as for all other teeth. Additional care, cermet does not require. After eating, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with ordinary clean water in order to wash out any food debris, as well as other foreign bodies, from under the prosthetic teeth. In the event that a foreign body gets stuck between a ceramic-metal crown and an adjacent tooth, it must be cleaned with a floss (that is, dental floss). To prevent such a phenomenon from happening again, in modern, reputable dental clinics, all contact surfaces of metal-ceramic crowns are made very tightly to neighboring teeth.

Rules for the care of teeth from metal-ceramic

Despite the fact that caring for ceramic-metal teeth is quite simple and does not require any special efforts, it should be done daily, regularly and carefully - only in this case the patient can be sure that the structures will last a long time and will not cause problems. The basic rules for care are:

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day, with vertical sweeping movements in the direction from the gum to the cutting edge of the tooth.
  • It is better to use a brush with soft bristles that will not injure the gums. The most common toothpaste can be used, but in the case when most of the dentition in the mouth is replaced by dentures, it is better to choose toothpastes that care for the gums (containing herbal extracts or propolis).

  • You can’t limit yourself to cleaning only, since metal-ceramic crowns need to be taken care of just as carefully as for “native” teeth, therefore, after each cleaning, the interdental spaces are cleaned with dental floss.
  • After cleaning, the mouth must be thoroughly rinsed - first with water, and then with an antiseptic solution that the dentist will recommend.
  • If a person smokes, often uses coffee or other drinks and products that color and create plaque, it is necessary to regularly carry out hygienic cleaning at the dentist, since caring for metal ceramics only at home will obviously not be enough here. Whitening pastes do not affect artificial teeth and therefore will not give an effect.

Dentists recommend that patients who have ceramic-metal bridges installed do not forget to clean well the flushing channel located between the crown and the gum during hygiene procedures - if this is not done, food debris will accumulate and gradually decompose in the channel, bad breath will appear .

How to care for porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns besides cleaning?

The main misconception of patients who do not know exactly how to properly care for porcelain-fused-to-metal teeth is that they consider artificial teeth to be more durable than natural ones. As a result, a person may try to gnaw nuts, eat too cold or very hot food. In fact, this cannot be done, since the ceramic coating of the prosthetic structure can be damaged in the same way as natural enamel - chips and scratches form on it from solid food, and cracks from contrasting temperatures.

In addition, many people believe that plaque cannot form on ceramic-metal crowns in principle, and therefore it is not necessary to clean them too thoroughly. This is not so - when using certain foods and drinks, as well as smoking, plaque still forms, and it is better to remove it in the dentist's office during regular hygiene measures (about once every six months or a year). Also, one should not forget about regular medical examinations every six months in order to identify and eliminate possible problems with prosthetics in time.

Metal ceramics From 5000 rub. Teeth cleaning From 2900 rub. Treatment of caries From 2400 rub.

If a person is to have prosthetics and of all the possible options, removable dentures are recognized as more suitable, the question immediately arises: which removable dentures are the best, which ones should be installed? To answer it, you need to study the parameters of the structures offered by dentistry and compare them.

In dentistry, zirconium and metal-ceramic crowns for prosthetics are the most used and popular today. Which option is better and what should the patient choose if he needs to restore his teeth? To make an informed decision, you need to know what is the difference between zirconium.

Despite a wide range of fixed prosthetic options, removable dentures are still very popular with patients - both because of their low cost and because they can be installed even when other methods are contraindicated. But all patients need to remember.

More information on the topic:

Ceramic-metal requires no less care than real teeth. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene of dental crowns prolongs their life and preserves the attractiveness of the smile. In order for metal-ceramic crowns to serve you as long as possible, you need to take care of following simple rules.

Features of care for metal ceramics:

  • Metal-ceramic crowns must be cleaned after every meal. To do this, it is recommended to use rinses or high-quality toothbrushes. Pay special attention to the area at the junction of the prosthesis and gums, as food debris can accumulate there and rot. To clean dentures, there are special brushes that easily remove food debris from hard-to-reach places.

  • Removable metal-ceramic prostheses for the night must be removed, cleaned and stored in a dried form. It is allowed to leave them in a special solution, but not in water or other liquid not intended for this.
  • Negatively affects the aesthetics of crowns and smoking. Metal ceramics may darken due to frequent contact with resins.
  • In the presence of ceramic-metal teeth, it is forbidden to crack any hard objects (nuts, bottle caps).

If ceramic-metal crowns are made in accordance with all the rules and are not subjected to excessive physical or chemical stress, then their service life is estimated for decades. FDC patients can see for themselves the professionalism of our dentists. Strict quality control is carried out throughout the prosthetics. All our specialists correspond to the high status of the French Dental Clinic and perform their work at a consistently decent level.

Artificial teeth, thanks to modern dentistry, can practically not differ from natural teeth. So that the “new” teeth do not cause any problems and last as long as possible, they also need care. In addition to hygienic cleaning, metal-ceramic prostheses, over time, must be corrected.

Ceramic-metal prostheses differ from natural teeth, which means that their care should be different. Like natural teeth, dentures should be cleaned in the morning and evening, and after eating, brushing your teeth should be a mandatory ritual.

It is necessary to clean the cermet prosthesis with vertical movements to sweep away all plaque; movements from the gum to the edge of the tooth - debris is removed from the interdental spaces. Sweeping movements in all directions will help clean the chewing surfaces. Shouldn't be overlooked floss (dental floss) and special mouthwashes.

To care for teeth made of metal-ceramic was thorough, you need to choose the right toothbrush and paste. The stiffness of the bristles is selected individually depending on the condition of the gums, if there is bleeding, inflammation of the gums, while brushing your teeth, give preference to toothbrushes with soft bristles.

The choice of toothpaste depends on personal preference. Many choose expensive imported pastes, referring to their quality. There are a lot of domestic-made toothpastes that are not much inferior to foreign brands, but poor-quality cleaning even with the most expensive toothpaste will not meet your expectations.

Metal-ceramic bridges do not require special care, the only thing is from the side of the gum, the washing channel should be cleaned. If this procedure is neglected, then the remnants of food that have fallen under the prosthesis will begin to rot, and you will immediately notice bad breath. For such prostheses, it is necessary to use special tools: flosses, toothpicks, miniature brushes.

To clean metal-ceramic prostheses, they must be pulled out of the mouth and additionally cleaned under running water. Such a procedure, if possible, should be carried out after each meal, and always before bedtime. If this hygienic measure is neglected, then inflammation of the gums is inevitable, and the appearance of the prosthesis itself will become sloppy.

Metal ceramics can acquire an ugly shade if you abuse strong tea, coffee or smoking. A dentist will help get rid of pigmentation by polishing the surface of the prosthesis, or do it yourself using special tools.

Doctors recommend that the first time after the installation of prostheses, leave them overnight, after cleaning them. After the adaptation period has passed, the doctor will decide whether to remove the prosthesis at night, depending on the condition of the oral cavity. If the prosthesis is removed at night, it should be stored in a special dry box, or placed in a disinfectant solution. Storage in plain water can destroy the cermet.

Hygiene features

Ceramic-metal products do not require any special care, as they are durable, their surface is so smooth that it does not accumulate plaque. Caring for metal-ceramic teeth should be organized in the same way as for natural teeth, the main thing is to do it regularly and efficiently.

Ceramic-metal does not require a special diet, but you should not test it for strength (open bottles with your teeth, gnaw bones, etc.). Due to such experiments, the ceramic layer may chip, after which it will be necessary to repair or replace the prosthesis.

It is also necessary to remember that there is a living tooth under the crown. It is important to prevent food from getting under the crown. Yes, this is possible even with modern technologies that allow the manufacture of prostheses that fit perfectly to the turned tooth and gum.

Expert opinion. Dentist Ovchinnikov P.Yu.: “The gum is very pliable, so when chewing food, its pieces can easily move the mucous membrane and get stuck between the gum and the prosthesis. Over time, there will be inflammation, swelling, soreness. For this reason, a small distance is specially left between the gum and the crown - the flushing space. Such a gap allows ordinary rinsing to clean out food that is stuck there.

Despite the fact that porcelain-fused-to-metal teeth do not require special care, they must be cleaned daily and efficiently, this is the only way to be sure of a long service life of the prosthesis without unpleasant surprises. Simple but effective recommendations prosthesis care:

  1. it is necessary to clean the crowns with sweeping vertical movements from the gum to the cutting edge,
  2. choose a brush with soft bristles so as not to injure the mucous membrane,
  3. if most of the row is made up of dentures, give preference to toothpastes with plant extracts that care for the gums,
  4. be sure to use dental floss to clean the interdental spaces, in which a lot of plaque accumulates,
  5. it is advisable to use disinfectant rinses,
  6. Smokers and coffee lovers should definitely have their teeth professionally cleaned by a dentist, as nicotine and caffeine leave persistent plaque on teeth and crowns. Whitening pastes will not affect the crowns in any way, you should not buy them.

If possible, buy an irrigator. This is a special device that, under high pressure, creates a thin stream of water that washes away plaque and food debris from the most inaccessible areas. The irrigator also provides an effective massage of the gums, cleanses the tongue and mucous membranes.

At some point, we face the problem of restoring destroyed or lost teeth. Therefore, one should seriously approach the issue of choosing the material for the prosthesis (metal, ceramics, plastic), and the prosthetic technique.

Of course, metal-ceramic dental crowns are one of the most common types of prosthetics all over the world.

Advantages of metal-ceramic teeth:

  • strength;
  • unreliability;
  • aesthetics;
  • do not darken over time;
  • do not change colors;
  • are not erased;
  • the formation of plaque is excluded;
  • hypoallergenic.

What is cermet

Metal ceramics - orthopedic structures, which are presented in the form of crowns and bridges. They are made by spraying, as well as casting on the metal frame of the ceramics themselves. The metal base, which repeats the natural shapes of the teeth, is wrapped in a thin layer of ceramics.

Metal ceramics are often used for prosthetics of chewing teeth, where function is more important than aesthetics. However, often the entire bridge is made of cermet.

Strength of cermet

Today, single and bridge-like cermet dentures are mainly used on teeth that are subject to significant masticatory stress.

Porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns are strong and can withstand any hard food. However, it is not worth experimenting. The recommendations of many dentists state the high, but still not infinite strength of such crowns,

Service life of sintered metal

The biggest misconception of patients is that a metal-ceramic crown will last a person’s entire life and does not require replacement. But even its time of use is organic.

A ceramic-metal denture made of ordinary metal, on average, will last 10 to 12 years. A frame made using a gold-platinum alloy can stand for 15 years, and possibly more.

Taking into account the fact that a tooth or bridge is made clearly according to individual casts, the patient must, during operation, follow the recommendations for caring for the structure.

How to care for metal-ceramic teeth

Compliance with daily hygiene after one tooth, several, or a whole bridge has been installed is absolutely identical to the standard procedure. Caring for such teeth involves brushing them in the morning and evening, and preferably after regular meals.

Rules for brushing teeth from metal-ceramic:

  • soft brush that does not harm the gums;
  • sweep away the remnants of food with a brush, directing from the gums to the cutting edge;
  • complete the care with dental floss (flos);
  • treat with an irrigator - such a procedure should not be avoided. The irrigator replaces the use of a thread when breakage or loss of the prosthesis (bridge) is possible. By the pressure of the jet coming out of the irrigator, plaque and all, even invisible, food remains are washed away. In addition, such cleaning has a beneficial effect on the gums - it activates their blood circulation;
  • gum massage - carried out within seven minutes after a complete cleaning of the teeth. But with inflammation of the gums, this cannot be done.

In the event that unpleasant pain sensations of your teeth under metal ceramics occur during cleaning, you must definitely inform your attending dentist about this. This may indicate the appearance of signs of secondary caries. Or perhaps the carious cavity was not carefully treated.

You also need to remember that the timely replacement of teeth and metal-ceramic structures will help to avoid unplanned and unforeseen problems (splitting and falling crowns).