How can I get a medical examination in the clinic. How to pass medical examination as an adult

The catastrophic deterioration in the living standards of people, high mortality, the demographic crisis prompted the state to pay close attention to the health of citizens. A medical examination plan was introduced, which provides for a comprehensive examination of the body of the applied patient for detectable diseases. The system works recently, few people know about the procedure. The free medical examination required for adults and children in 2018 - what is included in the survey, many citizens who care about their health would like to clarify.

What is dispensary

Many citizens seek medical help when the disease is at an incurable stage, and it is almost impossible to do anything to help the patient. If, however, an ailment is detected in the early stages of development, when it quietly smolders in the body, then a person can be effectively cured, improving the quality of life. A comprehensive examination of the body with devices, consultations of specialists of various profiles, sampling of tests includes medical examination. You can get tested free of charge once every three years. Some categories of citizens can be tested annually.

Russians do not like to visit a polyclinic for no reason - no one likes to push in queues, to be among patients with a risk of catching an infection, so many people want to know what is included in an adult's medical examination, which doctors should be visited, what tests to pass. Dispensary examination is a voluntary matter, no one will force a person to undergo screening, the state simply encourages people to take care of their health by providing free medical services.


Comprehensive diagnostics is aimed at identifying chronic diseases by various examination methods. Statistics say that Russians of different age groups die from cardiovascular, cancerous, endocrine and pulmonary ailments in descending order. The primary examination is aimed at detecting diseases of this type. Early diagnosis allows you to successfully treat ailments, take preventive measures against the development of diseases, form the right attitude towards the health of adult and minor members of society.


Medical institutions that have the right to engage in medical examinations are guided by the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 03.02.2015 No. No. 36an, adopted on the basis of Articles 6724, 6175 of the Federal Law No. 323 dated November 21, 2011, establishing the right to conduct diagnostic examinations once every three years for the following categories of adult Russians:

  • working;
  • unemployed;
  • full-time students in secondary special and higher educational institutions.

Some citizens may undergo a medical examination annually. These include:

  • invalids of the Great Patriotic War, military operations;
  • residents of besieged Leningrad who have an appropriate certificate;
  • prisoners of Nazi concentration camps.

The procedure for passing the examination of the body includes two stages of clinical examination. At the first stage, patients with a tendency to develop chronic non-infectious diseases are identified. If a patient has a disease or a tendency to it due to an unhealthy lifestyle, alcohol consumption, genetic predisposition, or other factors, then a second, in-depth, stage of the study is carried out to clarify the diagnosis. Based on the results of examinations that are part of the general medical examination system, a person is issued a Health Passport.


As part of the mandatory system of medical insurance of the population, medical examinations take place in a polyclinic, a hospital, an ambulance station involved in the provision of free medical services to the population. A citizen can come for screening to identify chronic ailments at the outpatient department at the place of registration. Responsible for the provision of services are the head of the medical organization, doctors, paramedics participating in the program.

What is included in the dispensary

Children aged 1-17 undergo a mandatory medical examination in 3-year increments. For adult Russians, the approach is different. Doctors check the probability of entering the risk category at the medical examination, so you will have to undergo a comprehensive examination, including various screening procedures, at the first stage of the medical examination. The second stage includes an in-depth study of the body, carried out according to medical recommendations with specific procedures and consultations of narrow specialists.


The method of passing a preventive examination includes a systematic study of the work of human vital systems. Doctors are looking for a "weak link" that can lead to serious illness. At the first stage, the medical examination includes the following studies:

  • establishment of anthropometric data (height, weight, mass index);
  • checking the levels of upper and lower pressure;
  • blood sampling for clinical, biochemical analysis, as well as for glucose and cholesterol;
  • ECG for men over 35 years old, women over 45 years old;
  • a smear for cytology from the surface of the cervix in women under 69 years of age;
  • fluorogram;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • mammogram of the breast of women aged 39-75;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity of persons over 39 years of age, of the abdominal aorta for people who worked in hazardous conditions, smoked, inhaled vapors of toxic substances;
  • taking feces for blood;
  • measurement of intraocular pressure;
  • therapist consultation.


If a person has deviations from normal indicators, then an additional medical examination is carried out. The second stage includes the following procedures, according to the testimony of the therapist who made the conclusions at the first stage of the medical examination:

  • gastroduodenoscopy;
  • diagnostics of the arteries supplying the brain with oxygen;
  • colonoscopy;
  • spirometry;
  • specific blood tests.

Which doctors are undergoing medical examination

The initial stage of medical examination includes a consultation with a general practitioner, a district doctor, who decides on the need for further examination based on the analyzes of the person who applied. You may need to contact the following professionals:

  • urologist, men 42-69 years old with suspected prostate cancer;
  • cardiologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • neurologist
  • pulmonologist, citizens working in hazardous industries;
  • surgeon and (or) coloproctologist for persons over 45 years of age;
  • gynecologist, women with pathological changes in the tissues of the cervix;
  • ophthalmologist, persons over 39 years of age with low intraocular pressure, citizens over 75 years of age with increased intraocular pressure.


People engaged in work in hazardous and hazardous industries may require an examination by an oncologist, pulmonologist, gastroenterologist during medical examination. If a woman 35-75 years old has unfavorable breast examination data, then an examination by a mammologist is indicated. Examination of the surgeon is included in the procedure of the second stage of medical examination, if a person has abnormalities in the functioning of the body that require urgent surgical intervention.


Children undergo clinical examination, which includes visits to a pediatrician, neurologist, cardiologist, orthopedist, otorhinolaryngologist, ophthalmologist every quarter until the kids reach 1 year old. After three years, you will have to go through the above specialists, an andrologist for boys, a gynecologist for girls, a psychologist, a speech therapist when entering preschool institutions. Further, every 3 years the child undergoes a mandatory medical examination organized by the school institution.

What tests are taken during the medical examination

The planned procedure includes standard, biochemical blood tests, glucose and cholesterol tests, urine sampling for clinical analysis. Women take a smear from the vagina for a histological examination of tissue cells. The secondary check includes tests according to the doctor's indications. These may include the following types of blood tests:

  • lipid spectrum diagnostics;
  • the degree of concentration of glycohemoglobin;
  • level of prostate-specific antigen.


Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Clinical examination 2018 - what is included in the examination, doctors and tests

Why go for medical examination if you feel healthy?

Going to the doctor periodically when nothing is bothering you is the normal behavior of a person who cares about staying healthy as long as possible.

The diseases from which people are now dying are the diseases of civilization. Firstly, these are the risk factors associated with civilization - urbanization, stress, overnutrition, low physical activity, they give rise to all these major diseases. It is these mechanisms that are behind the development of various diseases. In Russia, four types of diseases have been identified from which people most often die: cardiovascular, oncological, bronchopulmonary, and diabetes mellitus. As a result, the question arose of the need to call on citizens to take care of their health, because a healthy population is the national wealth of any country. Recently, the concept of clinical examination has returned to us - this is a system of measures aimed at maintaining the health of the population, preventing the development of diseases, reducing the frequency of exacerbations of chronic diseases, the development of complications, disability, mortality and improving the quality of life.

Medical examination takes place indefinitely and in all regions of the country and is carried out with the informed voluntary consent of a citizen or his legal representative. A citizen has the right to refuse to conduct medical examinations in general, or from certain types of medical interventions included in the scope of medical examinations. But why?

Regular medical examinations are necessary, regardless of how you feel. Even if a person considers himself healthy, during the medical examination, chronic non-communicable diseases are often found in him, the treatment of which is most effective at an early stage.

Medical examination will allow you to maintain and strengthen your health, and if necessary, conduct additional examination and treatment in a timely manner. Doctors' consultations and test results will help you not only learn about your health, but also get the necessary recommendations on the basics of a healthy lifestyle or on identified risk factors.

How often is screening done?

According to the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 124n dated March 13, 2019 "On approval of the procedure for conducting a preventive medical examination and medical examination of certain groups of the adult population", medical examination of the adult population is carried out in two stages starting from 18 to 39 years old inclusive every three years and annually at the age of 40 years and older. In those age periods that do not fall under the medical examination, you can undergo a preventive examination annually.

Where can you get a medical examination?

Citizens undergo a medical examination in a medical organization at the place of residence (attachment), in which they receive primary health care (in a polyclinic, in a center (department) of general medical practice (family medicine), in a medical outpatient clinic, medical unit, etc.). If you decide to undergo a medical examination, remember that during the medical examination, employees have the right to be released from work for 1 working day once every 3 years, while maintaining their workplace and average earnings.

Employees of pre-retirement age (within 5 years before retirement age) and pensioners receiving an old-age or superannuation pension have the right to be released from work for 2 working days once a year while maintaining their place of work and average earnings. To do this, you need to coordinate with the management the days of medical examination and write an application for release from work.

Each person who would like to undergo a medical examination must contact the medical organization at the place of attachment.

At the first visit, your height, weight, waist circumference, blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels (by express method) are measured, and the total cardiovascular risk is assessed. Here are two documents:

1. Informed voluntary consent to medical intervention.
2. Questionnaire for the identification of chronic non-communicable diseases.

A prerequisite for a preventive medical examination and medical examination is the giving of an informed voluntary consent of a citizen (his legal representative) to medical intervention in compliance with the requirements established by Article 20 of Federal Law No. 323-FZ.

A citizen has the right to refuse to conduct a preventive medical examination and (or) medical examination in general or from certain types of medical interventions included in the scope of a preventive medical examination and (or) medical examination.

What documents are required for medical examination?

Every citizen heading for medical examination or medical examination must have a passport and a compulsory medical insurance policy.

When conducting a preventive medical examination and medical examination, the results of previously conducted (no later than one year) medical examinations, medical examinations, confirmed by the citizen’s medical documents, may be taken into account, except for cases of identifying symptoms and syndromes of diseases that indicate the presence of medical indications for repeated research and other medical measures. as part of a preventive medical examination and medical examination.

What are the stages of dispensary?

The list of doctors and examinations will be individual: it all depends on your state of health, age, the presence of already diagnosed chronic diseases, etc.

The dispensary is carried out in two stages.

The first stage of clinical examination (screening) is carried out in order to identify in citizens signs of chronic non-communicable diseases, risk factors for their development, consumption of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances without a doctor's prescription, as well as determining medical indications for additional examinations and examinations by specialist doctors to clarify the diagnosis of the disease (state) at the second stage of clinical examination. Cancer screening, personified by gender and age, has been introduced into the program. They are carried out in those groups where they confirm the greatest efficiency.

Based on the results of the first stage, the therapist determines the health group and decides whether a more detailed examination is necessary (referral to the second stage of medical examination).

The second stage of medical examination is carried out for the purpose of additional examination and clarification of the diagnosis of the disease (condition), in-depth preventive counseling and includes conducting according to the indications determined at the first stage.

What happens if during the medical examination a patient is diagnosed with deviations in health?

After all the studies and consultations of specialists, the patient goes to see a therapist. Based on the results of the medical examination, for planning the tactics of his medical supervision, the health group is determined:

    I health group - citizens who have not been diagnosed with chronic non-communicable diseases, there are no risk factors for the development of such diseases or there are indicated risk factors with low or medium absolute cardiovascular risk and who do not need dispensary observation for other diseases (conditions).

    Health group II - citizens who do not have chronic non-communicable diseases, but have risk factors for developing such diseases at high or very high absolute cardiovascular risk, as well as citizens who have obesity and (or) hypercholesterolemia with a total cholesterol level of 8 mmol/l or more, and (or) persons who smoke more than 20 cigarettes per day, and (or) persons with an identified risk of harmful alcohol consumption and (or) the risk of using narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances without a doctor's prescription, and who do not need a dispensary monitoring for other diseases (conditions).

    IIIa health group - citizens with chronic non-communicable diseases requiring the establishment of dispensary observation or the provision of specialized, including high-tech, medical care, as well as citizens suspected of having these diseases (conditions) who need additional examination;

    IIIb health group - citizens who do not have chronic non-communicable diseases, but require the establishment of dispensary observation or the provision of specialized, including high-tech, medical care for other diseases, as well as citizens suspected of having these diseases who need additional examination.

    If during the prophylactic medical examination indications are found for additional examinations that are not included in its program, they are prescribed in accordance with the procedures for providing medical care according to the profile of the identified or suspected pathology. And with the modern three-level organization of medical care, the continuity between polyclinics, hospitals and centers for the provision of high-tech medical care allows you to diagnose the patient as soon as possible and provide all the necessary assistance, including high-tech.

Citizens with IIIa and IIIb health groups are subject to dispensary observation by a general practitioner, medical specialists with medical, rehabilitation and preventive measures.

What is dispensary observation

Dispensary observation is a dynamic observation, including the necessary examination, of the health of persons suffering from chronic diseases, functional disorders, other conditions, in order to timely identify, prevent complications, exacerbations of diseases, other pathological conditions, their prevention and medical rehabilitation of these persons carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the authorized federal executive body

Dispensary supervision includes:

    1) assessment of the state of a citizen, collection of complaints and anamnesis, examination;

    2) appointment and evaluation of laboratory and instrumental studies;

    3) establishing or clarifying the diagnosis of the disease (condition);

    4) conducting brief preventive counseling;

    5) the appointment of preventive, therapeutic and rehabilitation measures for medical reasons, including the referral of a citizen to a medical organization providing specialized (high-tech) medical care, to sanatorium treatment, to a department (office) of medical prevention or a health center for in-depth individual preventive counseling and/or group preventive counseling (patient school);

    6) explaining to a citizen with a high risk of developing a life-threatening disease (condition) or its complication, as well as to persons living with him, the rules of action in case of their development and the need to timely call an ambulance.

The grounds for termination of dispensary observation are:

  • recovery or achievement of stable compensation of physiological functions after an acute illness (condition, including trauma, poisoning);
  • achieving stable compensation of physiological functions or stable remission of a chronic disease (condition);
  • elimination (correction) of risk factors and reduction of the risk of developing chronic non-communicable diseases and their complications to a moderate or low level.

What document confirms the medical examination?

On the basis of information about the passage of a preventive medical examination and (or) clinical examination by a citizen, a medical examination registration card is filled out.

The results of appointments (examinations, consultations) by medical workers, studies and other medical interventions included in the scope of a preventive medical examination and medical examination are entered in the medical record of a patient receiving medical care on an outpatient basis, marked "Preventive medical examination" or "Prophylactic medical examination".

Clinical examination allows you to improve health, identify the disease as early as possible, treat the disease with the greatest success.

Take care of your health and it will thank you!

Should free medical examinations be paid for by the employer, what medical services are provided as part of the examinations, and is it necessary to undergo examinations this year? The answers to these and many other questions in our review.

What the law says

To the question of what free medical examination means, the legislation gives a clear answer, namely Article 46 of the Federal Law-323, which states that we are talking about a complex of preventive examinations, the task of which is to identify:

  • pathology of any etymology;
  • possible risks of developing diseases;
  • facts of the use of psychotropic-narcotic substances.

IMPORTANT! The procedure for conducting medical examinations was approved by orders of the Ministry of Health No. 869-n, 514-n and 124-n.

In accordance with Article 24 of the mentioned law, the heads of enterprises and commercial structures are obliged to create comfortable conditions for preventive examinations and not to interfere with employees who must visit a medical facility.

The employees retain both the position and the average salary, and there can be no talk of any absenteeism (Article 212 of the Labor Code). You won’t have to take a day off or use a day from vacation, and even if there are no symptoms of the disease, doctors strongly recommend not to give up the opportunity to take care of your health for free.

IMPORTANT! Both employed and unemployed citizens can pass the examination free of charge.

What do you need?

Usually, citizens seek medical help when they experience malaise, pain, and other symptoms of the disease. Clinical examination is a preventive trip to a medical institution, for which symptoms are not needed as a reason. On the contrary, the main task of a preventive physical examination is to identify pathologies that the patient may not be aware of.

We offer a small step-by-step instruction, How to get a free medical examination:

  1. come to the clinic at the place of residence (have a passport and a medical policy with you);
  2. consult the registry;
  3. visit the medical clinic;
  4. undergo examinations;
  5. take the opinion of the therapist.

Pass or not?

Determining whether you need to undergo an examination in the current year or not is simple: just divide your total age by three. If you get a figure without a trace, then plan when it is more convenient to visit the clinic in the near future and go through the necessary doctors. You can sign up for diagnostics from the age of 21 (there is no upper age limit).

Free medical examination by years looks like this.

  • In 2018, those who were born in the last century in the following years can be examined: at 19, 22, 25, 28, 31, 34, 37, 40, 43, 46, 49, 52, 55, 58, 61, 64, 67, 70, 73, 76, 79, 82, 85, 88, 91, 94, 97.
  • In 2019 - at 20, 23, 26, 29, 32, 35, 38, 41, 44, 47, 50, 53, 56, 59, 62, 65, 68, 71, 74, 77, 80, 83, 86, 89, 92, 95, 98.

Finding out what a free medical examination under the CHI program is, it should be understood that you will not have to pay in cash for examinations and visits to doctors, since the procedures from the list are included in the cost of the compulsory medical insurance policy.

Interesting! The first universal free medical examination in Russia was carried out in 2013, and at the moment almost 88 million Russians have undergone it - many adults and almost all children.

Voluntary or mandatory?

Prophylactic examinations are a voluntary procedure, and free medical examination in 2018 is no exception to this rule. Moreover, a citizen (or his official representative) must give a mandatory written consent (Article 20 of the Federal Law-323). The employee has the right to refuse medical examination in general or certain procedures already during the visit to the doctors, and no fines will follow for this.

But there is a list of specialists who are required to undergo a free medical examination at the legally established periods (every three years) and know what the medical examination includes. Slaves include:

  • civil servants and employees of municipal organizations;
  • military;
  • orphans and minors left without parental care;
  • working in difficult conditions in coal mining.

What's included?

In order to effectively plan the time for visiting doctors and all examinations, it is important to know what is included in the 2018 free medical examination. Chronologically, it is divided into two stages - general screening and additional examinations to clarify the preliminary diagnosis. There are both mandatory procedures for everyone, and those that are prescribed depending on age.

Type of medical service Age (women/men)
Questioning and consulting
Measurements of height, weight, waist, calculation of body mass index
Pressure measurements
Glucose level (fasting blood test)
Cholesterol level From 85
Relative risk of heart attack (other pathology of the heart or vascular system) 21-39
Absolute risk of heart attack (other pathology of the heart or vascular system) 42-63
Electrocardiography From 45 / from 35 (for younger people - only at the first medical examination)
Cervical smear (for women) 30-60
Mammography For women
Analysis of feces for blood 49-74
Examination for prostatitis For men at 45 and 51
Intraocular pressure From 60

Most preventive medical procedures are aimed at detecting oncological pathologies. So, now women aged 51-69 are recommended to do mammography in a year, and not once every 3, as it was before. The reason is that after 50, the risk of developing breast cancer increases many times over. Women aged 39-49 can visit a mammologist once every 3 years.

In order to detect bowel cancer in a timely manner, doctors advise after 49 years of age to take a fecal occult blood test once a year. According to the Ministry of Health, the use of a more efficient and accurate immunochemical method makes it possible to detect oncology at an early stage and successfully prolong the patient's life.

But it was decided to abandon the ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, and not because the state saves, but because this examination detects cancer in the later stages, when prevention is already ineffective. The Ministry of Health also considered two main blood tests - general and biochemical - to be ineffective. Their results reflect many changes in the human body, which are often not associated with serious pathologies.

Important! Since 2018, doctors have been offering blood tests for HIV.

After passing all the procedures and passing the tests, the consultation of the therapist completes the first stage, which, taking into account the data obtained after the diagnosis, has the right to send the patient to an additional circle. It involves additional examinations to clarify the diagnosis and includes consultations with doctors of narrow specialties.

At the discretion of the therapist and trained specialists, additional procedures are prescribed:

  • scanning of the BCA (large arteries supplying blood to the brain) is an expensive examination prescribed for men from 45 and women from 55 while simultaneously identifying three risk factors - high blood pressure (from 140 to 90), high cholesterol (from 5 mmol / l) and overweight;
  • sigmoidoscopy (visual examination of the rectal mucosa);
  • colonoscopy (examination of the rectum with an endoscope to detect colorectal cancer);
  • spirometry (examination of lung volume, respiratory function and identification of the risk of bronchial constriction).

Many are interested: does the medical examination of 2018 include free dental prosthetics? As mentioned above, clinical examination is a set of preventive (!) measures, therefore, neither in the current nor in previous years, the installation of dentures was included in the list. But do not forget that in state clinics certain categories of citizens have the opportunity once every 5 years to install dentures for free under the policy.

When reducing the required examinations or offering to pay extra for the procedures or analyzes included in the list Complain to the insurance company. So, the website of Sogaz Med Ru, one of the largest insurers of Russians, not only provides explanations about free medical examination, but also provides an opportunity to complain online in case of violation of rights. Examine your policy, find out the servicing insurance company, and in case of infringement of legitimate interests, be sure to call the insurers for help.

Purpose of dispensary: early detection of chronic non-communicable diseases, which are the main cause of disability and premature death of the population of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as chronic non-communicable diseases), which include:

    diseases of the circulatory system and, first of all, ischemic heart disease and cerebrovascular diseases

    malignant neoplasms


    chronic lung diseases and others

These diseases are about 70% in the structure of the causes of all mortality in our country. In addition, clinical examination is aimed at identifying and correcting the main risk factors for the development of these diseases:

    Elevated blood pressure

    Elevated blood cholesterol

    Elevated blood glucose

    Tobacco smoking

    Harmful consumption of alcohol

    Irrational nutrition

    Low physical activity

    Overweight or obesity

    Consumption of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances without a doctor's prescription

An important feature of clinical examination is not only the early detection of chronic non-communicable diseases and risk factors for their development, but also brief preventive counseling for citizens with these risk factors, as well as for citizens with identified risk factors for developing chronic non-communicable diseases, individual in-depth preventive counseling or group preventive counseling (school of the patient) in the department (office) of medical prevention or health center.

Such active preventive interventions will quickly and significantly reduce the likelihood of developing dangerous chronic non-communicable diseases in each individual person, and in people already suffering from such diseases, significantly reduce the severity of treatment of the disease and the incidence of complications.

Where and when can I get a medical examination?

Citizens undergo a medical examination in a medical organization in which they receive primary health care: in a polyclinic, in a center (department) of general medical practice (family medicine), in a medical outpatient clinic, and in a medical unit.

Your district doctor (paramedic) or district nurse or an employee of the department (office) of prevention of a medical organization will tell you in detail where, when and how you can undergo a medical examination, agree with you on the approximate date and period of medical examination.

Most of the activities within the framework of the medical examination are carried out once every 3 years, after 40 years the medical examination is carried out annually.

How long does a medical examination take?

As a rule, two visits are required to pass the examination of the first stage of clinical examination (screening). The first visit takes approximately 3 to 6 hours, while the scope of the examination varies significantly depending on your age.

The second visit is carried out to the local doctor for the final examination and summarizing the clinical examination. Usually the interval between visits is from 1 to 6 days and depends on the length of time required to obtain the results of the studies.

If, based on the results of the first stage of the medical examination, you need an additional examination, individual in-depth preventive counseling or group preventive counseling (patient school), the district doctor (therapist) informs you about this and sends you to the second stage of the medical examination, the duration of which depends on the amount of additional examination you need .

How to pass a dispensary?

The list of examinations by specialist doctors (medical assistant or midwife), research and other medical activities carried out as part of the medical examination, depending on the age and gender of the citizen (the volume of the medical examination) is determined by the Procedure for conducting medical examinations for certain groups of the adult population, approved by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 124n dated March 13. 2019. It should be noted that during the medical examination, the year of birth of citizens is taken into account, and not the day and month!

For example: a citizen whose date of birth is 07/04/1989 applied to the clinic to undergo a medical examination. He can undergo a medical examination in the period from 01/01/2019 to 12/31/2019. This means that it is possible to undergo medical examination at any convenient date according to the working hours of the medical organization throughout the calendar year, including until the moment when he reaches the age specified by order.

According to the Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated March 13, 2019 N 124n "On approval of the procedure for conducting preventive medical examinations and medical examinations for certain groups of the adult population," the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of health protection ensure that citizens undergo preventive medical examinations, clinical examinations, including in the evening hours and Saturday, and also provide citizens with the opportunity to remotely record appointments (examinations, consultations) with medical workers, research and other medical interventions carried out as part of preventive medical examinations and medical examinations.

Since May 6, 2019, the rules for clinical examination have changed: it is carried out more often, and there are more examinations. This article is partially outdated. About how to check your health for free from 2019,

Since this year, the Ministry of Health has approved a new procedure for medical examination of the population. It was carried out before, but now something has changed: uninformative tests have been removed, the list and frequency of examinations have been adjusted, and new diagnostic methods have been added. But the main thing has not changed: it is still free, including consultations of doctors, tests and examinations.

The old dispensary order no longer works. Here are the conditions currently in place.

What is screening and why is it needed?

Ekaterina Miroshkina


Clinical examination is a preventive examination. You may not complain about anything and are not sick with anything, but you go to the doctor for prevention. They examine you, do tests, conduct examinations. As a result, it may turn out that you are healthy - and that's good.

But there may be some deviations that so far do not manifest themselves. For example, this happens with diabetes.

During the examination, these deviations will be detected, and it will be possible to correct the lifestyle or diet in time. Or start taking medication to prevent the development of the disease. If you go to the doctor when you can no longer endure, the treatment can take longer and be much more expensive.

In order to motivate people to undergo examinations and maintain their health, the state came up with a free medical examination. This helps to save not only your money, but also budget money: prevention is cheaper for the state than treatment. As long as you are healthy, you can work longer, pay more taxes, and take care of your family yourself.

How much does it cost

For people, all consultations, analyzes and examinations are free - at the expense of the state. As part of the medical examination, you can even undergo examinations that do not do without a doctor's appointment or complaints. And in a paid medical center, they cost a lot of money.

Who can get a free medical examination

Specifically, this order of the Ministry of Health applies to adults - those who are over 18 years old. For children, medical examinations are organized by kindergartens and schools.

All adults can be screened, whether they work or not. Provided that there is a policy.

A free medical examination is carried out every three years. But not when the person himself wants, but in the year when he turns 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60, 63, 66, 69, 72 , 75, 78, 81, 84, 87, 90, 93, 96, 99 years old. If you are as old as this list in 2018, you are in business. Even if the birthday is in six months, you can already undergo a medical examination now. That's how it works.

What examinations can be done for free

It depends on age and gender. A specific list is in Appendix No. 1 and paragraphs 13 and 14 of the order of the Ministry of Health. You can see what examinations will be done for you or your parents.

For example, fluorography is done for everyone at any age, and ECG for men only from the age of 36. Women will be able to get mammograms from the age of 39, and their intraocular pressure will be measured only from 60. The analysis for cholesterol and glucose will be done by everyone.

The dispensary consists of two stages. At the first stage, questionnaires, general examinations and examinations are carried out. The doctor will find out what risks a particular person has, taking into account his gender, weight, diet, lifestyle and heredity.

Based on the results of the survey and primary examinations, the doctor will determine the health group, risks and preliminary diagnoses. If necessary, additional consultations with specialized doctors and procedures will be scheduled at the second stage. Their list is also in the table.

How long will it take? Need to queue up?

The check-in may take less time than you think. But for one visit to the doctor, it will definitely not work to pass all the examinations.

The first visit may take 3-6 hours. This will include questionnaires, consultations and surveys of the first stage. They can be distributed over several visits, taking into account your wishes and the working hours of doctors.

The second stage takes up to 6 days. There are more doctors and examinations. But this does not mean that you need to go to the clinic for a week. Simply visits to doctors can appoint or nominate for different days.

An electronic record can be used for medical examination. On your first visit, you will be given referrals to doctors and examinations. If you sign up for a specific time, it will be easier.

It is best to start the medical examination in the morning and come immediately on an empty stomach and with tests, so as not to transfer the visit to the next day. If everything is in order with your health, the second stage may not be. And if you still need the second stage, then you didn’t come in vain.

I want to get screened. What should I do?

If you are scheduled for medical examination this year, call the clinic or go to its website. Usually the referral to the medical examination is given by the local doctor. Sign up with him online.

There is no specific order on how to get a referral in the law. Maybe in your clinic, for convenience, medical examinations are carried out on specific days. Or the referral is given by a special doctor who is busy only with this. Find out - it will take a couple of minutes, but clarity will appear.

Fill out the questionnaire in advance so as not to waste time with the doctor. Do not hide diagnoses and complaints, write as it is.

Prepare for your visit to the clinic. Pages 76-78 of the recommendations from the MOH have helpful information about the process and preparation.

It needs to be taken from work. Who will let me go?

You must be released. In health law

Is it really useful and makes sense?

This is definitely useful and makes sense for health and prevention. But you yourself calculate how much money you can save and whether it is more profitable for you to undergo the same examinations for a fee at a convenient time. Maybe you earn much more per day than the tests, examinations and consultations of all narrow specialists cost.

Even if you have no time or it is unprofitable to undergo medical examination, tell your loved ones about it. Suddenly, parents or grandmother do not even know about this possibility, and they have plenty of time.

Some examinations in paid medical centers, even in the regions, cost thousands of rubles. The state offers you to pass them for free. The budget allocates money for your health. And if you do not use them, they will still be spent somewhere. So decide.

Don't fall for the screening divorce scheme

There is such a scheme. You may be called from some clinic and invited to a free medical examination. They promise diagnostics on ultra-modern devices, consultations of doctors and tests. And all this is allegedly free, because you are supposed to have a medical examination.

This is a divorce - it has nothing to do with free medical examination from the state. The clinic will try to get money from you in any way, and even can hang a loan on you or sell bioadditives for tens of thousands of rubles. You can't even prove anything in court.

They can really call you about a medical examination, but only from an insurance company or a clinic. And they will invite you not to some medical center, but to an ordinary state medical institution at the place of residence: with an appointment, coupons and queues.