How to pierce your ears at home. How to pierce ears at home without help

Hearing is one of the most important human senses. With it, we perceive the sounds that surround us. The auditory sensory system, in other words, the ears, is responsible for this feeling in our body.

Sounds enter the outer ear, and then to the middle part, where they are converted into nerve impulses with the help of the auditory ossicles. The information is then transmitted to the inner ear and to the brain. If there is a violation of one of the listed functions in the ears, congestion occurs. There can be a whole variety of reasons for this problem - from congenital pathologies to sulfur deposits in the form of traffic jams. What to do if the ear is blocked and does not hear at home, we will find out in this material.

We will not delve into the clarification of the signs and factors of the appearance of a feeling of congestion, but we will consider the main signs of the appearance of this unpleasant sensation and what to do at home if the ear is blocked.

It is important to note that the methods discussed in this article are only suitable for non-inflammatory cases of congestion.

If inflammation is still present, you should immediately contact the medical center for further examination and treatment.

Do not forget that self-treatment of the disease can lead to dangerous complications.

The feeling of fullness in the ears is a very unpleasant sensation. which is often found in medicine. It is accompanied by a change in the sound of sounds and dissonance of one's own voice. Other symptoms include:

  • feeling of hearing unnatural sounds;
  • feeling of squeak and cod;
  • severe pain in the ears and head, as well as in the temples and frontal part;
  • loss of sensitivity to sounds or complete deafness.

As we have already found out, the causes of the formation of a symptom can be many signs and factors. Most often, all this is accompanied by some kind of malaise, whether runny nose or cold.

Often, ear congestion occurs with significant changes in pressure, when blood has a strong effect on the walls of blood vessels. An increase in internal pressure occurs when atmospheric pressure changes. Most often, these situations occur during takeoff and landing of an aircraft or climbing a mountain.

And some people are particularly sensitive, and feel stuffy in their ears when descending into the subway.

What to do at home if your ears are blocked

A common cause of stuffy ears is sulfur plug.

In this case, you should immediately eliminate the plug yourself. or contact a medical facility for assistance.

If the cork has a non-solid structure and a light yellow color, you can clean the excess at home. To do this, purchase a cleanser in advance or.

  1. Lay the patient on one side, with the affected ear up.
  2. Drip 5-10 drops into the ears, depending on the consistency of the excess.
  3. Further, it is necessary to enter into the external ear canal for thirty minutes.

Repeat this operation three more times. This is necessary in order to make sure that there is no plug and that it is completely removed.

With a dark sulfuric plug that has already stagnated, and it is for this reason that the ear is blocked, what should I do at home? Hydrogen peroxide will prove to be indispensable helpers in this case.

It is necessary to drip five drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide into the ear canal for 5-10 minutes. The tool will soften the cork and prepare the ear for further procedure.

After the prescribed time, rinse your ears with warm water, and then insert a syringe without a needle filled with irrigation solution into the ear canal. It can be a saline solution or a special flushing agent.

Remember that your movements should be smooth so as not to injure delicate skin and not aggravate the situation.

Usually, washing takes about fifteen minutes. After the procedure, the patient may experience dizziness or nausea, but these symptoms quickly disappear.

If the cause of congestion lies in other signs, it is necessary to undergo procedures. In any case, this sensation is unpleasant, and how to pierce a blocked ear and prevent this problem from occurring in the future, read on.

Consider ways to pierce your ear if it's blocked.

If congestion appeared due to a runny nose, and while blowing the patient's ears, then in such a situation you need to rinse the nose with solutions of salt or soda.

To do this, stir half a tablespoon of soda or salt in one glass of not hot water. Rinse the nose should be at least five times a day, but do not abuse it, as this can lead to irritation of the mucous membrane. After a few days of this procedure, the internal swelling will pass and the congestion will stop.

In case of congestion due to a cold, then the following actions will be the most simple and appropriate way to get rid of discomfort.

Try blowing through a narrow straw or inflating a tight balloon.

If you don’t have any of these at hand, then you can just try exhale strongly through the nose, after closing the nostrils with your fingers.

It is worth noting that if these methods have helped you, you should not forget about the treatment of the cold itself, since in the future these symptoms may resume.

If you began to hear worse, and a sulfur plug, then, most likely, you should contact the medical staff. This problem is eliminated by washing the ear canal with specialized medicines and tools.

To prevent the re-formation of sulfur deposits in the ears, it is necessary to instill 3% hydrogen peroxide immediately after cleaning the external passage. Two to three drops per procedure will be enough to prevent further cork formation.

For frequent flyers, it will not be a secret that during the flight, due to a change in altitude, lays the ears. To avoid this unpleasant feeling, at the time of takeoff or landing, try opening your mouth. If this does not help, swallow your saliva or yawn deeply and continuously.

The use of chewing gum or lollipops also helps without fail.

Any of these methods will help prevent pressure changes inside the Eustachian tube and restore hearing acuity.

Often the cause of congestion lies in liquid getting into the ears.

This usually happens in the summer, when the swimming season opens.

It causes the development of microbes and viruses, which are quickly localized throughout the body.

Getting rid of this discomfort is quite simple. You just need to tilt your head and gently shake it. The water will flow out by itself. If necessary, repeat the procedure until the unpleasant feeling completely stops.

If this method was ineffective, insert a gauze flagellum into the ear canal dipped in olive oil for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse the outer part of the ear with warm water and gently wipe with a cotton swab.

If congestion in the ears is not uncommon for you, and you do not experience pain, you should perform a set of special exercises that will help eliminate these inconveniences.

To begin with, slightly open your mouth and, pushing the lower jaw, make rotational movements. Movements should be smooth and accurate, as in the case of strong and abrupt movements there is a risk of jaw dislocation. After that, pinching your nose with your fingers, take a strong breath. A muffled pop inside the ear will symbolize that the pressure has returned to normal.

If ear congestion is still accompanied by pain, and going to the doctor for some reason is not possible at the moment, the following procedures will suit you.

If pain has taken you by surprise, for emergency pain relief you need to make an instillation of an alcohol solution consisting of boric acid into the ear canal.

After instillation, close the ear with a turunda. An alcohol tincture of calendula and propolis also helps to cope with pain.

Put a cotton swab moistened with tincture into the ear canal, and wrap your head with a woolen scarf or a non-synthetic warm scarf. This will help reduce inflammation and eliminate infection.


Even if the above procedures will help eliminate ear pain, in no case should you put off going to the doctor.

As you know, self-medication can lead to very deplorable consequences. And taking medications without the advice of a qualified specialist can cause serious damage to your health.

Running inflammation in the ear canal can lead to severe forms of diseases, such as, which, in turn, will lead to rupture of the eardrum or complete hearing loss.

At the first symptoms of congestion, without delay, try to eliminate them yourself, using one of the methods listed above, but it is better to immediately contact medical professionals. Do not forget that the ears are a vital organ that definitely requires careful care and prevention of all kinds of diseases.

Piercing is the piercing of the skin and cartilage on the outer parts of the body. This is one of the popular ways of body modification. Within this culture, the puncture of the auricle and earlobe occupies a leading position. Even girls of infancy can become owners of earrings. Due to the high prevalence of the procedure, many people are not afraid to carry it out on their own. How to pierce an ear at home correctly and without pain?

Features of a puncture at home

In order for ear piercing to pass without complications and excruciating pain, you need to listen to the advice and valuable recommendations of professionals. Simple rules will help to increase the comfort of the procedure, the rapid healing of wounds.

There are many reflex zones in the auricle. Each point is responsible for the work of a certain internal organ, and if it is damaged, health problems and the development of the nervous system are possible. The best place for a puncture is considered to be the middle of the lobe or the area located half a millimeter above it. This area does not contain cartilage and biologically active points, which contributes to the rapid and painless formation of a canal for jewelry.

The best time for the procedure is the end of spring. In winter, there is a high risk of damage to the holes with warm hats and scarves. In summer, due to heat and dust, infection can begin. In autumn, cold and winds contribute to the cold of the wound and its inflammation.

Ear piercing is contraindicated:

  • if the child has not reached the age of 3;
  • in the presence of skin diseases;
  • during viral, infectious diseases;
  • with a tendency to diseases of the auditory organ;
  • with high sensitivity to metals, various alloys and additives;
  • at elevated body temperature.

It is advisable to pierce the cartilage of the ear in a cosmetology room. A professional knows the location of the reflex points and will quickly carry out all the manipulations.

Required Tools

To pierce the ears at home for yourself or your child, a friend, you need to have a set of tools and medications in your arsenal.

  1. Disinfectant. Purchase rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, or a chlorhexidine-based solution at the pharmacy.
  2. Sterile cotton. Stock up on enough to last the entire procedure for the treatment of the wound, hands and tools.
  3. Decoration. The earring must be made of hypoallergenic materials - titanium, precious metals of the highest standard, medical steel. Never use silver to heal a fresh hole.
  4. Ammonium chloride. With high sensitivity to pain, it is better to have on hand a remedy that can quickly bring to life.
  5. Catheter. Sold in pharmacies. Experts recommend purchasing a catheter with a diameter of 1 mm for piercing. Home appliances in the form of a sewing needle are not suitable for the procedure due to the presence of an extension at the end, which contributes to tissue rupture and their long-term recovery.
  6. Anesthetics. Get painkillers to pierce your ear at home comfortably and without pain.

Rules of procedure

In order for the holes in the ears to look beautiful, even and heal quickly, sterility must be observed during the procedure and during the healing period. It is difficult to pierce the ear on your own, professional specialists in the salon pierce the ears with a gun, but it will be too expensive to purchase it for your own use. Therefore, the main tool is a needle.

  • First step. Sterilization of instruments.
  1. Place the needle in a tongs or other grasping object and hold it over an open flame for 10-15 seconds. Next, with a cotton pad soaked in medical alcohol, peroxide or chlorhexidine, wipe the surface of the needle.
  2. On a table or other flat surface, lay out a paper towel, place a needle and leave to dry.
  3. To sterilize the earring, hydrogen (peroxide) or alcohol is used. Release the fastener from the lock first. Send the jewelry into the solution for 3-5 minutes. Then remove and place on paper towel.

These measures will help protect against bacteria, but do not give a 100% guarantee. The best option is to purchase a special piercing kit, which contains all the necessary tools and accessories that have been processed in a disinfectant.

  • Second step. How to prepare your ears for a piercing at home.
  1. Soak a cotton pad in a peroxide solution, vodka, chlorhexidine, or rubbing alcohol.
  2. Wipe the lobe or cartilage with it 2-3 times, regularly changing the cotton.
  3. Before inserting the needle, the skin should dry well.
  4. After processing, marking is carried out. The points are marked with a felt-tip pen or a ballpoint pen.
  5. To make the piercing of the earlobe or shell painless, apply ice for a couple of minutes or lubricate with an anesthetic.
  • Third step. Ear piercing with a catheter.
  1. Wash your hands under running water with antibacterial soap, dry with a paper towel.
  2. Clean your hands with alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Wipe not only the skin, but also sterile medical gloves in which you will inject.
  3. Cut a small rectangle from your antibacterial soap and place it behind your ear. It will help prevent the tip of the needle from entering the neck.
  4. Position the needle with the catheter strictly perpendicular to the lobe, otherwise the hole will be asymmetric and ugly.
  5. The needle is inserted quickly, with a confident movement of the hand. To painlessly pierce the skin, take a deep breath.
  6. Hold the instruments inside the hole for 1 minute, turn it clockwise, and then insert the earring into the catheter and pull it into the channel, fix it. Insert slowly, being careful not to tear the tissue.
  7. Treat the wound with a cotton pad dipped in an antiseptic.

The second hole pricks similarly.

How to make the process less painful

Can you pierce your own ear without pain? Thanks to modern medical preparations, it became possible to significantly reduce discomfort and carry out the procedure quickly and without complications.

Lidocaine. This tool allows you to make the lobe completely insensitive to any impact. It is distributed in the form of a gel or spray. The gel formula is more convenient, it does not flow and acts pointwise. Apply immediately before piercing the skin with a needle, as it is characterized by a short action. It is important to have time not only to make a hole, but also to insert an earring into it.

How can you anesthetize the ear with improvised means? Freeze with ice. Just 2 minutes of exposure to cold significantly reduces sensitivity. Insert the needle immediately after removing the ice, until the lobe begins to warm up.

Puncture Care

It is dangerous to carry out the procedure on your own. You need to know how to pierce your ears at home, and how to care for wounds to reduce the risk of infection.

  1. Do not remove jewelry for 1-1.5 months.
  2. Treat with an antiseptic daily.
  3. Do not touch the earring, do not pull until healing. This is an important condition for rapid healing.
  4. Periodically make a compress in saline or disinfectant solution.

If a little boy or girl is asked to have their ears pierced, remember that doing it yourself is dangerous. Symptoms of an incorrect puncture are malfunctions of the internal organs, headache and infection. Similar consequences arise when technology and sanitary standards are violated. Experts recommend getting pierced by a professional who has knowledge in reflexology.

A sudden feeling of congestion, a noticeable hearing loss and other unpleasant symptoms of sulfur plug formation cause a lot of inconvenience. How to help if there is no way to see a doctor?

The wax plug itself is a mass of earwax in the ear canal. This happens due to the increased production of special glands of natural lubrication, that is, earwax. During normal operation, the formation of sulfur occurs constantly, but a malfunction violates the principle of a natural purification system, which leads to the appearance of a compacted accumulation of sulfur masses.

The main task of sulfur is to protect against the accumulation and contact with the eardrum of foreign particles, such as dust. Sulfur, produced by the glands, also serves as a kind of barrier that prevents microbes and viruses from entering the eardrum. Thus, sulfur, to which particles of sebum, dust and dying cells adhere, forms a clot, the so-called plug, which eventually grows and blocks the ear canal, thereby causing, to put it mildly, inconvenience and discomfort to its owner.

ear plug

To understand how to provide assistance, it is necessary to find out what served as an impetus for the formation of a traffic jam, as well as to exclude an incorrect diagnosis. After all, by mistakenly starting the process of another, possibly more serious disease, there is a high risk of losing the ability to hear. Therefore, in order to prevent an accidental mistake, you should contact specialists who can confirm or deny the presence of an ear plug. But, if for some reason it is not possible to use the services of a doctor, it is important to familiarize yourself with all the accompanying characteristics inherent in the ear plug. This will help to understand the principles and methods of diagnosis as clearly as possible, and to choose a treatment.

Signs by which you can recognize the presence of sulfuric plug in the ear:

  • significantly worsened the ability to hear;
  • an unpleasant resonance of one's own voice is created during communication;
  • persistent or intermittent ringing or tinnitus;
  • there is a feeling that there is a foreign object in the ear that brings discomfort;
  • dizziness.

Acute, unbearable pain should be the reason for an immediate appeal to an otolaryngologist, who will make an unambiguous diagnosis and advise the patient, if desired, on how to properly punch a cork in the ear on his own at home, without resorting to outside services. In any case, consultation with a specialist will provide an opportunity to find an effective method, the most effective in the current situation.

Causes of an ear plug

The most common causes of traffic jams are:

  • increased viscosity of earwax;
  • narrow ear canal;
  • particles of dust or other small particles that have fallen into the ear canal;
  • an excessively high number of growing hairs in the auricle;
  • constant use of headphones;
  • improper hygiene procedures for cleaning the auricle;
  • inflammatory diseases;
  • water flowing into the auditory canal, which contributes to the swelling of the cork;
  • susceptibility to jumps in atmospheric pressure;
  • instability of cholesterol levels;
  • failure of the sulfur glands due to old age.

Until the moment when the auditory canal is not completely clogged with a sulfuric clot, you can be completely unaware of the ongoing process of seal formation. The most noticeable appearance of sulfur clots becomes at the time of its increase in size. When it occupies at least 70% of the volume of the ear canal, the symptoms become more pronounced and the cause of discomfort becomes more obvious.

Violation of the natural process of removing accumulated sulfur affects the general well-being, which is a serious cause for concern and worsens the quality of life.

In addition, regular water procedures, for example, going to the pool, can provoke pain that appears due to the fact that when water enters the ear canal, the cork gets wet, increases in size and comes into contact with the eardrum. This causes not only pain, but also contributes to the development of pathogenic microflora, increasing the risk of other diseases against the background of an ear plug.

Symptoms that may indicate a blockage:

  • a feeling of congestion is created;
  • sudden pain reaction
  • autophony;
  • cough;
  • nausea.

Prevention of wax accumulation in the ears

Minimizing the risk of the appearance of sulfur masses, preventing their occurrence in the future is quite a feasible task. In order to prevent the appearance of traffic jams, you should familiarize yourself with all the factors that can provoke a violation, and follow the recommendations regarding hygiene.

It is worth remembering that regular hygiene procedures of the auricle with cotton swabs can disrupt the normal functioning of the sulfur glands, as well as a variety of hard objects that are often used when cleaning the ears. Therefore, it is recommended to use cotton swabs for the outer part of the ear canal. This will prevent the wax from clumping together and also prevent it from being pushed into the ear. The more often earwax is removed, the more intensively it is produced by the glands. For this reason, doctors advise washing the auricle with soap at least twice a week.

Complications in the absence of therapy to remove the cork

An untimely visit to the otolaryngologist, as well as the lack of necessary procedures to eliminate the sulfuric plug, can lead to inflammation of the middle ear. Constant contact with the eardrum irritates it, which creates the preconditions for the onset of the inflammatory process. This, in turn, will require more serious therapy, compared to a simple procedure for punching a cork. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows about the most common complications that can occur with improper treatment of an ear plug.

These include such pathological processes as:

  • deafness;
  • inflammatory processes near the cartilaginous tissues of the middle ear;
  • otitis, any form;
  • perforation of the eardrum;
  • tachycardia.

In children who suffer from cork, it is not recommended to independently carry out procedures to eliminate and treat the disease. There is a risk of aggravating the situation and starting the process of inflammation of the ear canal. In order not to endanger the child, you should involve a doctor who can remove the cork without possible complications. If we talk about adults, then they are able to help themselves on their own, if, of course, they know how to do it.

Types of ear plugs. Diagnostics

Depending on the structure of the cork, it is possible to determine how intensive the treatment should be and which drugs should be used in a particular case. The color and consistency of the cork are of decisive importance, and the principle of its removal depends on what structure the clot has.

There are the following types of ear plugs:

  • yellow pasty accumulations of earwax are easier than other types to soften and remove;
  • more viscous in consistency, similar to plasticine, the sulfur mass has a pronounced brown tint and will require more effort to soften;
  • stony plugs, hardened or dry, are extremely difficult to remove. They differ from the above plugs in a denser structure.

The diagnosis is made by an otolaryngologist using otoscopy. Taking into account the patient's complaints, the specialist, using a funnel, examines the ear canal, in which, in advanced cases, sulfuric masses are clearly visible that close the ear canal.

After studying all the collected data on the course of the disease, the doctor chooses a treatment method. The choice of therapy depends on the type of plug formation.

For example, the simplest method, which is used everywhere, if a cork is found to be soft in consistency, is rinsing. With the help of a special tool, a jet of warm water washes the external auditory canal, as a result of which the cork is washed out.

A thicker, compacted cork, before proceeding with the extraction, is pre-softened. To do this, most often use hydrogen peroxide or another effective drug.

The most serious intervention will be required when washing and softening do not bring the desired result. What can be done in such a case? For this, there is a special tool - an electric suction pump, or it is taken out manually with a hook-probe. This therapy is prescribed only in emergency cases, when the stony clot has to be practically scraped off the walls of the ear canal. Such complexity of manipulation is performed only by a professional who is able to perform all the necessary actions without risk to the patient's health.

home methods

Despite the fact that there are many cases where self-intervention in the hearing organs has unpleasant consequences, most people who experience discomfort resort to self-treatment. The lack of free time, the lack of quality care in remote corners, makes people think about getting rid of ear plugs on their own.

The first method, which is used in a mild degree of clot formation, is quite simple to implement without outside help. To do this, you need to take, for example, a solution of furacilin or another type of ear drops that are injected into the ear canal.

After that, you need to pull the lobe down a little. This will allow the solution to penetrate to the place of accumulation of sulfur and soften the mass. After the consistency becomes homogeneous, excess sulfur will flow out of the ear, which must be laid with a cotton swab.

Thus, it is enough to have simple and ubiquitous drugs on hand, and you can easily cope with this ailment.


The presence of a sulfur plug is dangerous because it acts as a damper, which accompanies the growth of pathogenic microflora around the eardrum. To stop the spread of the inflammatory process is possible only by the use of special drugs. Means can be based on water or oil. Each group of medicines has a sufficient number of drugs that can quickly and effectively help eliminate the problem. Therefore, choosing the right tool will not be difficult.

To assist in breaking through, you should pay attention to such a drug as phytocandles. They help soften clots, reduce pain symptoms and relieve inflammation caused by ear plugs. In addition, they can be made independently, in the presence of all the necessary components: the waste products of bees (propolis and beeswax), several medicinal herbs, and essential oils. Such a composition helps to soften the cork, warming up the auditory canal, in which a vacuum is artificially created due to the burning of the phyto-candle.

But there are some contraindications for their use, which should be considered before giving preference to phytocandles:

  • allergy,
  • presence of pus
  • eardrum injury,
  • damage to the external auditory canal.

Making your own phyto-candles is not as easy as you might think. And, besides, it does not guarantee a positive result, on the contrary, it can provoke a more serious inflammation of the inside of the ear canal. Thus, if after warming up the pain worsens, it is necessary to urgently seek medical help.

Traditional medicine

In addition to medicines, there is an effective and affordable treatment with folk remedies. The ease of their application allows everyone who is faced with this problem to take advantage.

Natural oils, onions, birch tar, when used correctly, will bring maximum benefit, gently and painlessly eliminate the cause of the discomfort caused by the ear plug.

The simplest methods include recipes that use a soda solution or vegetable oil. In any case, the use of folk remedies should be a conscious decision, because independent therapy does not guarantee the desired result. In addition, such treatment can cause the formation of more complex forms of diseases of the auditory organs, provoked by traditional medicine. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is worth weighing all the pros and cons.

Contraindications for use with ear plug

When self-medicating, it should be borne in mind that any technique may have contraindications. To use a remedy that can become a catalyst for the development of a more complex form of disease is dangerous to health and fraught with disastrous consequences. In addition, it is unacceptable to use drugs without thinking about side effects.

Many people use medications or traditional medicine recipes but are prone to allergic reactions. Without paying due attention to contraindications, and not taking into account the possible manifestation of an allergy to the components of a folk or medicinal product, it is possible to cause significant harm not only to the hearing organs, but also to general health. Therefore, the safest and most effective prescription can only be the appointment of the attending physician, who, based on general clinical indicators, can choose the most effective method of treatment without the risk of complications.

Ear piercing at home without pain is real. To do this, you do not need any complex devices or special skills. If you do everything according to the instructions and carefully care for the wounds, then there will be no problems.

How to pierce an ear at home: step by step instructions

A huge number of reflex zones have been collected on our auricle, so if you choose the wrong puncture site, you can disrupt the functioning of internal organs. The prick is strictly in the middle of the lobe or 0.5 mm higher from its middle. There are no reflex zones or cartilage, so the puncture will be painless.

How to pierce an ear at home, so as not to earn suppuration

To carry out the procedure at home, you will need a sharp needle of medium thickness, iodine, a toothpick, cotton wool, hydrogen peroxide and alcohol. The following step-by-step instructions will help you do everything right.

  • Pull your hair into a high ponytail.
  • Clean your ears thoroughly with alcohol.
  • Dip a toothpick in iodine and mark the puncture sites on each side of the ears.
  • Wash the earrings with hot soapy water, treat them with peroxide and alcohol. Place the earrings between two pieces of soaked cotton wool.
  • Dip the needle in alcohol, prick it over the fire and dip it in alcohol again.
  • With one hand, take your earlobe, and with the other, press the needle to the intended point.
  • Make a puncture as sharp as possible to avoid pain. Pull out the needle immediately.
  • Insert the earring immediately after you remove the needle from the puncture.
  • Wipe the ear with the earring with alcohol.

The first earrings should be made of gold or medical alloy. Choose jewelry with smooth temples without unnecessary decoration. Do not immediately put on carnations, it will be difficult to process the ears with them.

Puncture Care

Spray your ears with alcohol several times a day. Do not take out the earrings. To prevent them from ingrown into the skin, rotate them regularly.

Alcohol tincture of calendula will accelerate healing!