How to properly glue the ears of a dog. How to Glue Chinese Crested Ears How to Glue Jack Russell Terrier Ears

The Jack Russell Terrier is the owner of incredibly mobile and expressive ears. By their position, you can always determine the mood of the animal: whether it is sad or happy, wary or scared.

However terrier ears should always return to the standard: Slightly raised on the cartilages, the tips are directed towards the eyes and firmly pressed to the skull. Their fold seems to continue the line of the head. The ears of the animal can rotate 180 degrees and return back to their original state.

This standard has its rationale: were bred as a breed of dogs intended for burrow hunting. Their ear canals must be tightly closed so that no earth gets into them. In our time, Jack Russells are no longer hunted, but the breed standard has remained the same.

Why Do Dogs' Ears Puff Up?

The reasons are different:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • excess calcium in the blood;
  • change of teeth;
  • vaccinations;
  • many other factors.

Important: it should be noted that the raised ears of the Russell Terrier are considered a big drawback. Such a dog is disqualified at exhibitions and is not allowed to be bred. Therefore, it is necessary to notice this flaw in time and take measures to correct it.


Usually, the ear cartilages in puppies begin to rise after the change of teeth, at three to four months of age. Once you've discovered this, it's time to sound the alarm. Don't expect raised ears to drop on their own - do your best to fix them right away.

There are two ways to fix the deficiency: surgically and with a patch. The first method is used in especially severe and advanced cases. Such an operation is carried out in veterinary clinics by experienced specialists, and we will not write about it.

The second way is to seal the ear cartilage with a plaster. It is completely safe, accessible to everyone and does not injure the animal. The bandage will smooth out unwanted creases in the ears and lower them down.

And don't forget to check with your breeder first.- he knows the genetic characteristics of your dog, and his advice will be valuable to you.


Before you begin to glue the ears of the Jack Russell, try to soften them with a massage. For several days, knead the cartilage along the fold line.

Massage thoroughly until you feel that they have become elastic. After that, you can start the procedure. And ask someone from home to help - hold the puppy while you seal.

So get ready necessary materials:

  • plaster - it is best to use a regular adhesive plaster 2–3 cm wide;
  • scissors, preferably medical, with rounded ends so as not to injure the animal;
  • a five-ruble coin or a small weight.

First determine the desired fold line. To do this, take the ear by the tip and lower it to the outer corner of the eye so that it is directed down and forward. Don't pull too hard, just point it.

How to glue the ears of a Jack Russell Terrier

It depends how are the ear cartilages of an animal located:

Ears stand up like a sheepdog. We carefully straighten the animal's ear and stick the patch on its outer side a little below the fold line. We cut the ends so that 1–2 cm of stock remains on the sides. In the same way, glue the ears on the inside.

To make the bandage strong, we glue a few more layers of the patch inside and out. Between the layers we put a coin so that it pulls the ear down.

We also pre-glue the coin so that it stays stronger in the bandage. We glue the outer and inner ends of the patch together and cut it to make it neat. For reliability, you can make small “fixers” - glue pieces of the same patch from the sides.

There are creases on the ears. In this case, you need to start sealing the ear from the inside. We glue the patch along the entire length, from the base to the tip. We glue two or three more layers so that the ear cartilage takes a standing position. Carefully cut the patch along the contour. Then we bend the ear and give it the desired position.

We hold it with our fingers, fixing them on the fold line, for 10-15 minutes. The patch will help to form the desired fold, correcting the wrong creases and folds. If the released ear lifts up, you have applied too much patch. Remove excess layers - this will help achieve the desired position.

Too small ears. This method is also suitable for the most restless puppies who are too vigorously trying to throw off the bandages. Here you can not do without an assistant.

We take a piece of plaster and glue it on the tip of the ear from the inside. We do it not along, but across. Trim the ends, leaving 1-2 cm at the edges.

We ask the assistant to form the correct folds and hold them. At this time, we glue a large piece of the patch over one ear, then stretch it through the forehead to the other ear, attach it to the left edges of the patch, then pull it across the entire head to the junction of the jaw and neck.

Glue under the chin, stretch to the first ear and fix it there. The bandage is held firmly by the remaining pieces of the additional plaster.

How to care for a bandage

With taped ears, the dog should walk for at least a week. Then, to prevent the appearance of diaper rash, the bandages are removed and the puppy is allowed to rest for 3-4 days. After the bandage is applied again. These actions are repeated until the ear cartilages acquire the correct shape.

Important: to avoid diaper rash, put a piece of bandage or gauze under the patch on the inside of the ears. If they do appear, treat these places with salicylic alcohol.

If you are patient and persistent, your efforts will be rewarded - Russell Terrier ears are going to be great. The main thing is not to miss the time, otherwise the raised ear cartilages cannot be corrected.

Jack Russell Terriers are cheerful, energetic dogs, lovers of walks and active pastime. Caring for them is easy. However, like all terriers, these dogs have a determined and independent nature and can sometimes be difficult to handle. But, having shown perseverance and patience in training, you will acquire a devoted and reliable friend.

Useful video

Video on how to glue the ears of a Jack Russell Terrier:

During the period when he begins to grow actively, and his teeth change, changes occur with his ear cartilage: it “breaks”. This process can take a long time, and there are times when the cartilage does not fall into place. Therefore, the owner of the dog has questions: what to do with it, why glue the ears and how to glue them? Let's try to answer them together.

Pugs have three types of ears:

  • "Button" - the ear has a triangular shape, hangs on the cartilage and closes the ear canal;
  • "rose" - the ear is broken in the cartilage and the ear canal is slightly ajar;
  • "false rose" - an ear broken in the cartilage sits high and almost completely opens the ear canal.

The most preferred shape of the ear "button". A “rose” is also allowed by the standard, but a “false rose” and a different ear for pugs are completely undesirable. Therefore, the shape of the ears of pugs is corrected so as to give them the same position and the appearance of a “button”. In addition to a cosmetic flaw, the “rose” shape, and especially the “false rose”, does not protect the pug's ear from dirt, water and strong winds. This can even make the dog sick.

How to glue the ears of a pug?

Most often, this procedure does not cause any inconvenience to puppies. However, you must watch his ears for any irritation or redness from the patch. If this happens, the patch should be removed and the ear should be allowed to rest for a while, and then the procedure should be repeated.

In this way, it is necessary to glue the ears of a pug for one and a half to two weeks, or until the patch itself falls off. As long as the ears remain in the correct shape, the patch is not needed, but as soon as the puppy's ear "breaks", adjustment is needed again. Usually, upon reaching the age of one year, the ears of a pug acquire the correct shape, but sometimes it happens that the patch needs to be glued up to two years.

The ears of a dog are one of the important elements of appearance. Each breed has its own standard, or as it is also called the exterior, a harmonious combination of characteristic external features. And a frequent discrepancy with the officially established standards of the breed is the wrong shape of the ears. Therefore, you should pay attention to their shape and do this at an early age of a pet.

Which ones should be perfect?

Nature endowed this breed with small triangular semi-erect ears. There are three types of pug ears:

  1. Ears "button" or as it is also called "button". The dog's triangular ear hangs well in the area of ​​the cartilage fold, as if on an arc, and completely covers the auditory opening.
  2. Rose shape. Unlike the first option, there is a small fracture in the cartilage, from which the ear is slightly raised and slightly opens the ear canal.
  3. Ear "false rose". The auditory opening is completely open: due to a fracture of the ear cartilage, the ear hangs high.

Sometimes puppies have a variety of ears: The ears have different shapes and differ from each other. According to the standards, the first two options are considered correct. At the same time, preference is given to "ears - buttons": at exhibitions, such ears will score a lot of points.

The third option and heterogeneity is undesirable to allow, it is recommended to carry out a correction in a timely manner, otherwise the pet will forever remain with the wrong ears.

What is it for?

  1. Firstly to participate in exhibitions. If you plan to participate in exhibitions and breed elite and thoroughbred puppies pet owners should consider this. Exterior appearance is very important for show dogs: harmonious appearance and observance of all proportions. The “button” shape favorably sets off the beauty of the pug’s muzzle and makes it aesthetically beautiful: the ears emphasize the outlines of the head and give it visual volume.
  2. Secondly, "ear" cosmetic surgery has a practical side. "Button ears" fit snugly to the ear canal, closing it completely, do not scatter when running and vigorous games. This is especially important in rainy and cold weather: water, dirt and cold wind will not get into the ear. Your dog will be smaller and catch a cold, the risk of catching otitis media is reduced to zero.

Suitable age

In very young puppies, it is difficult to tell what shape the ears will be. This is due to the fact that an important characteristic of the breed is the “breaking” of the ear cartilage. This is different for every dog.

Usually, adjustments should be done in two to three months. At this moment, there is a change of teeth and the rapid growth of the baby. If the "breaking" of the ear cartilage does not begin, then the procedure can be postponed. The formation of the ear cartilage stops completely by 1 - 1.5 years of the dog's life, until this moment it is desirable to have time to give the desired shape.

Some dogs do not need such corrective surgery at all, for others of this breed, ear gluing may not bring results at all.

Doing it right

Many owners worry that this procedure will bring pain to the pet. But these are false fears and fears. The dogs are quite comfortable. Sometimes irritation may occur or the main thing is to correctly and consistently perform all the points of a simple cosmetic surgery for a pet.

The procedure for correcting the shape of the ears is as follows:

  1. First, it is necessary to align the ear, paying special attention to the place where the cartilage breaks incorrectly.
  2. Next, fold the side edges of the ear so that they touch and point upwards.
  3. Tape it across close to the cartilage, high enough for accurate fixation of the cartilage. A patch 10 centimeters long should hold the ear cloth tightly. The main rule is not to overdo it with the strength of the attachment: you can disrupt blood circulation and cause pain and discomfort to the dog.

At first, you need to look after the puppy and his reaction to the new ear “accessory”. With obvious attempts to tear it off or remove it, the owner is obliged to switch the attention of the baby, distracting him with games or other fun.

Necessary materials

What you will need for an “ear surgery” at home:

  1. Thin medical tissue plaster with a width of 10 mm to 1 cm. Adhesive plaster with bactericidal impregnation is not recommended, since the skin near the ears is very sensitive, and pugs often experience irritation and redness from them. It is advisable to opt for a “breathable” and hypoallergenic option: they are easily tolerated by dogs and do not irritate the skin;
  2. Caring for your pet accuracy in performing actions and patience. It may take longer than originally planned.

Duration over time

You will have to fix the ear cartilage properly for two weeks, until the patch stops holding. Re-adjustment is carried out as soon as the ears no longer hold the desired shape, and the “breaking” of the eye occurs.

Usually the correct form of the ear cartilage becomes completely by the year. But there are also exceptions. The process for some dogs is delayed up to two years, or already after 6 months, the owners stop gluing their ears.

In order for the ears to quickly take the correct shape, in the process of becoming, you should pay attention to the nutrition of the baby.

If a dog is receiving protein and calcium, then wringing of the ear cartilage will occur quickly. But if there is a deficiency with them, all the necessary microelements will go to the growth of the skeleton and a set of muscle mass. It must be remembered that the puppy is growing. In this case, vitamins for joints and cartilage are used. For example, Polidex Gelabon Plus, etc.

Unplanned removal of the patch occurs in two cases:

  1. There was an allergy redness or other irritation. The owner temporarily removes the patch, rests the ears and eliminates redness. Then, choosing an adhesive plaster of another company, repeats the procedure from the beginning.
  2. If you plan to participate in the exhibition. It is recommended not to remove the patch on the road, but to do it 10-15 minutes before entering the ring. This will avoid losing the ideal shape of the ears along the way and the occurrence of unnecessary creases.

Often, pet owners will use a rich cream to soften the patch when removed. Having smeared its edges with cream, you should wait half an hour and carefully remove it. Remove the rest of the cream.


Whether or not to correct the ears of a pet depends on the decision of the owner. a. External beauty is important even for a dog that will not participate in competitions. But the most important thing is the health of the family pet. Reducing the risk of catching colds and ear infections with one cosmetic solution is worth a patient attitude and a couple of hours spent over several months.

  • The copyright for the text and photos of this site belongs to the site administrator site.
  • When I got a Bead - a friend for my Chinese Crested Lyalechka, the owners of the puppy recommended that I continue to put ears on her. They say, they say, nothing complicated, put the matches and glue them with a band-aid, and that's it. Of course, I didn’t like this method and I plunged into the endless expanses of the Internet to look for the answer to the question - how to glue ears little puppy.
  • Little Gina

    Little Gina
  • I remembered how once my friend and I tried to put ears on her German Shepherd Gina. Gina grew up, gradually matured, and one ear dangled and did not want to get up. We resorted to the most artisanal method - we sculpted a patch to an already standing ear, we even tried to fasten it with a clothespin. We did everything in vain and wrong. A friend worried and worried in vain, the time has come and the ears got up without any additional funds and clothespins.
  • Gina

  • On the Internet, I found a complete master class, how to glue ears dog and applied to her baby - Bead.
  • What if someone comes to my site and such useful advice will come in handy for you. This simple matter is done very easily and simply, but first you need to run to the pharmacy and purchase a hypoallergenic patch and a disinfecting antiseptic - chlorhexidine. All. The rest can be found at hand, in the house. So, we need the following:
  • 1. A piece of plastic (I cut out such a piece from a plastic water bottle),
  • 2. Scissors,
  • 3.Patch,
  • 4. Chlorhexidine,
  • 5. Your favorite dog.
  • Let's start our lesson:
  • You can offhand (if the "eye is a diamond"), but rather measure your pet's ears with a tape measure or centimeter and cut off two pieces of the patch a little smaller than the ears themselves.
  • 2 pieces of plaster

    2 pieces of plaster
  • Cut a piece of plastic in half and make two frames.
  • 2 pieces of plastic

    2 pieces of plastic
  • We round the corners.
  • We round the corners

    We round the corners
  • For example, I cut out and constantly tried on my bead. Ready? We work further.
  • We glue our frames on each piece of plaster. Got two blanks.
  • We glue the frames to the patch

    We glue the frames to the patch
  • We glue another piece of plaster to our blanks, not with a sticky side. As a result, we got two frames with one sticky side.
  • We close the frames with a second patch

    We close the frames with a second patch
  • Agree, if you put our creation on the ears, it turns out not very beautiful, therefore, for aesthetics and for the convenience of your dog, we cut our blanks in the shape of an ear.
  • We cut the blanks in the shape of an ear

    We cut the blanks in the shape of an ear
  • Now, it’s a completely different matter, it’s not a shame to show yourself for a walk and go out to people.
  • The next step would be the following procedure:
  • We take a cotton pad, carefully moisten it with an antiseptic and wipe the dog's ears. Chlorhexidine acts as a degreaser and does not dry out the skin of the ear. Then you need to dry the ears with a paper towel, after which we glue our frames.
  • We paste the workpiece

    We paste the workpiece
  • Be sure to carefully smooth the patch. Our frames are in place, but in order to fix and give the correct position of the ear, it is necessary to return to our patch.
  • We unwind the tape, 10 cm long and cut in half.
  • 10 cm plaster

    10 cm plaster
  • There are two narrow strips.
  • 2 strips

    2 strips
  • You need to start gluing the tape from the middle of the eyelet, where the frame is located.
  • Starting from the center of the frame and eye

    Starting from the center of the frame and eye
  • Carefully wrap the tape around the ear (in no case, without pulling it. The ribbed side of the patch should not be at the base of the ear, so as not to irritate the dog's skin. We complete our work and leave a space of about 1 cm.
  • We bend around the ear with a plaster

    We bend around the ear with a plaster
  • Through this space, the ears will breathe and you can easily clean them if necessary.
  • The space through which the ear breathes

    The space through which the ear breathes
  • At the end of this procedure, we smooth the patch so that it does not peel off and completely adheres to the ear.
  • As a result, we got such a good picture, and you took note of useful advice - how to glue ears to your pet.
  • Bead

  • Depending on the breed and heredity, your pet will wear this design, but usually a week is enough for someone, two for someone, and sometimes up to a month.
  • The main rule - you can not take breaks, give your ears a rest, otherwise all efforts will go to waste.
  • My Bead feels great and does not notice any inconvenience!
  • Bead feels great

    Bead feels great
  • See for yourself!

This article will discuss how to properly glue the ears of a pug.

The shape of the pug's ears can be of three types:
1. "button (button)" - the ear is a triangle, hangs well on the cartilage and completely closes the ear canal;
2. "rose" - the ear is "broken" in the cartilage, slightly opens the ear canal;
3. "false rose" - an ear "broken in the cartilage" and sitting high, so that almost the entire auditory meatus opens.

The first two types of ear are allowed by the standard, with the first of them ("button") being more preferable, the second ("rose") being acceptable, and the third being not desirable; also undesirable, "diversity" - when the shape of the ears is different.

Why edit the form?
The shape of the ears is corrected so that the pug has both ears lying the same and having the desired "button" shape. In puppies, at the moment of the beginning of rapid growth and change of teeth (usually from 3-4 months), the ear cartilage begins to “break”, this breakdown lasts up to 1-1.5 years, and in the end, the cartilage may not fall into place. To maintain its shape and prevent the adult dog from having an undesirable ear shape or "difference", the ear cloth is fixed with adhesive tape until the ears finally take the desired shape. There are some exceptions - some dogs do not need to glue their ears at all, and some, no matter how glue, they will not get up after breaking. But still, for most pugs, the correction brings positive results.

Who needs it?
Firstly, of course, a dog that will participate in shows, since the shape of the ears "button" is the most preferred and most aesthetic of all. Ears "buttons" favorably emphasize the pug's head and visually make it more voluminous.

Secondly button ears can be called more practical - they completely cover the ear canal and better protect the pug's ear from water, dirt, and also flutter less in the wind during active games, and in cold weather protect the ear from chilling, which reduces the risk of otitis media.

Even if you have a "sofa" pug and will never participate in exhibitions and breeding work, I strongly recommend not to be too lazy and take care of the correct adjustment of the ears. The reasons are listed above. Omitting the practical side of the issue, I would like to remind you that we, people, are not artists, movie stars, etc. in life. - we comb our hair in the morning, try to hide some of our minor flaws, choose beautiful clothes and jewelry, etc. Let's also give our pets the right to a more beautiful "face", which favorably emphasizes the ears of "buttons" and somewhat spoils the ears of "roses" and "false roses". Moreover, for most pugs, the procedure for gluing the ears does not bring any suffering. Of course, if your pug has delicate skin on the ears and the patch causes irritation and severe itching, then you don’t need to glue the ears - let it be as it is.

See how the same pug head looks with different ear shapes (from left to right: "button" is a desirable option; "rose" is an acceptable option; "false rose" is an undesirable option):

How to properly glue the ears?

Picture 1.

The diagram shows the correct shape of the ear "button" and the ear with broken cartilage "rose". The schematic images show what the cartilage looks like. With the correct setting, the ear hangs on the cartilage, as if on an arc. When the ear is wrinkled, the cartilage at the back looks like it has been folded in half (see dotted lines in diagram).

Figure 2.

Figure 3

The folded ear is fixed with a piece of adhesive tape across, as high as possible, closer to the cartilage. Fix firmly, but not too tight, so as not to disrupt blood circulation.

The patch is left on the ear until the adhesive layer begins to disintegrate and the patch itself falls off the ear (up to 2 weeks without interruption). The ears are then allowed to "rest" until the cartilage breaks again (usually 1-2 days) and sealed again.

If the dog has irritation or the ear bothers her (this happens the first time when the ear is sealed or if the skin is tender), then the patch must be removed, the irritation healed and sealed again, less tightly or by picking up another patch (for example, with hypoallergenic glue).

If you are going to an exhibition with your dog, then the patch can be removed 10-15 minutes before the start of the ring so that the ears do not break on the road.

In order not to tear out the hairs that stick to the patch, before removing it, the patch can be smeared in a circle with baby cream or any greasy cream, and after 30 minutes (when it gets wet), remove it. Wipe the ear from the cream. This method is not suitable at the exhibition - the cream will remain on the ear with a greasy layer.

What is needed to correct the shape of the ears?

1. A thin medical adhesive plaster (1 cm wide), better than a regular one, and NOT a bactericidal one (you can use a plaster with a hypoallergenic adhesive base if the skin on the ear is sensitive).

2. If the ears do not take the desired shape for a long time, then you can use supplements for cartilage and joints (which will help the ear cartilage become stronger), for example: Canina Artro Tabletten + Canina GAG, or Polidex Gelabon Plus, or Canipur "Calcigel", etc. .

3. Patience and time

How long to glue the ear?

Until the ear cartilage takes the desired shape completely. On average, this happens when the dog is 1-1.5 years old. There are also exceptions - for someone, already at 6 months, the ears take on the correct shape, someone has to glue them up to 2 years.