How to properly formalize the creation of a commission? Form of the order on the creation of certification commissions for testing knowledge. Order for the creation of a verification commission.

At each enterprise, for the correct operation of electrical equipment, specially trained personnel are required, who are familiar with the current legislation and all regulations relating to this issue. Failure to comply with the requirements is considered a violation and is punishable not only by administrative, but also by criminal penalties. Therefore, any organization conducts special training and regular tests of staff knowledge.

Organization of the commission

PTEEP clause 1.4.30 states that to carry out such an event as the inspection of employees of the electrical and technological departments for compliance with their qualifications, by order of the head or director of the Consumer, an authorized group of five people is appointed.

Its chairman is appointed a person who has category V for work in electrical installations and similar equipment with voltages above 1000 V and category I V for the Consumer up to 1000 V. Clause 1.4.31 stipulates that all its members must undergo testing of relevant knowledge at Rostechnadzor.

More often, in the order to create a commission to test knowledge on electrical safety, a person responsible for all electrical equipment of the Consumer is appointed to the position of chairman.

Sometimes it is permissible to conduct an employee exam directly at the enterprise. In this case, the condition must be met that three members of the commission (the chairman and two others) have a certificate obtained from Rostechnadzor.

Exam parameters include the following:

  1. The commission includes only employees with the appropriate category for electrical safety. If there is a shortage of such specialists, an examination is organized. This is possible if there are 3 people with a category assigned by the supervisory service;
  2. If the enterprise is small, then the state commission assigns the inspection of such an organization to the exclusive competence;
  3. Examinations are carried out on an individual basis in accordance with the position, responsibilities and position of the employee, while taking into account the current standards;
  4. After the exam, the employee is assigned an electrical safety group and given a special certificate or a mark is made in the old one. This gives the right to work in installations. Everything is recorded and entered into a journal. In this case, all members of the verification authority group sign;
  5. If it is not profitable for an enterprise to train personnel, then their knowledge is checked by the commission of the training plant or at the local branch of Rostekhnadzor.

Types of checks

The knowledge gained during training can be monitored using two main schemes. Primary testing is applied to newcomers immediately before starting work or when interrupting their work experience of 3 years or more.

An extraordinary type is needed if:

  • the employee is transferred to another position (other responsibilities);
  • introduce new technologies, standards or equipment;
  • the employee grossly violated the rules, or Rostechnadzor demands that the employee be dismissed or transferred to another position;
  • it became necessary to obtain a high electrical safety group;
  • when scheduling a re-examination;
  • with a short break from 6 months to 3 years.

Checks have the following frequency:

  • once every 3 years - inspectors and administrative and technical workers;
  • annually - employees servicing and repairing electrical installations and documenting the work.

Main requirements

The order appointing a commission to test knowledge of electrical safety of electrical installations and equipment indicates all members of the authorized group, their positions, category and qualifications. It is signed by the head of the enterprise.

To correctly understand the requirements, the characteristics of all personnel are taken into account. It is divided into the following groups:

  1. Administrative and technical. Includes employees in management and supervisory positions. A verification authority group is formed from them;
  2. Operational. Employees who operate electrical equipment and, if problems (minor) occur, fix them;
  3. Repair. Workers who ensure the operation of installations and perform the necessary routine work or maintenance.

The specifics of an employee’s training, the frequency and order of his briefings, classes and checks are carried out depending on his belonging to a particular category.

Basic Rules

When installing complex equipment at an enterprise, personnel must be trained in everything that will ensure the safety of performing the necessary operations. Also, people in leadership positions must have a higher electrical safety category than their subordinates.

Workers who may be affected by electric shock are certified in group I. The training program is approved by the person responsible for a specific part of the economy of a given enterprise.

Any organization must carry out such events, since they also test other skills, for example, first aid. This means that everyone on the commission is responsible for the safety of other workers, and the enterprise meets all the standards and requirements of Rostechnadzor.


In the work safety system in the organization, some type of participation of all employees in terms of occupational safety management at the enterprise has been introduced. This is one of the few cases when not only managers, but also ordinary working organizations are involved in solving production issues. We are talking about creating commissions and committees aimed at working in the field of security. In order for such a group to be created with the participation of the head of the organization and his subordinates, an order is issued to create a commission on labor protection. But this is only the beginning, giving the right to the emergence of a special group. And for its functioning, the nuances are stipulated in a local act - the Regulations on the labor protection committee (commission). We will provide a sample order for the creation of a commission and explain some of the features of its preparation.

Committees (commissions) on occupational safety

There are several purposes for the appearance of such a commission:

In the process of work, the labor protection committee relies on the Model Regulations approved by Order No. 412 of the Ministry of Labor dated June 24, 2014. Based on it, each specific organization develops local Regulations on the committee or commission on labor protection

In order to comply with labor protection requirements and monitor their implementation, every organization engaged in production activities with more than 50 employees must create a labor protection service (Part 1 of Article 217 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

If the number of personnel does not exceed the specified limit, the decision to create a service is made by the head of the organization (entrepreneur) at his own discretion.

How to create a committee (commission) on labor protection

If initiative is shown, the enterprise begins to create this commission.

For these purposes, the employer not only issues an order on the labor protection commission, but also proposes to include its representatives in its composition (he has the right to such a decision). And from the collective, representatives are selected either as a result of voting at a general meeting of workers, or they are proposed by the primary trade union organization, if the union includes at least 50% of the total number of workers at a given enterprise.

The number of persons included in the commission depends on several factors, in particular:

  • total number of employees in the organization;
  • specifics of production;
  • number of structural divisions.

The commission consists of a chairman, each party nominates deputy chairmen. A secretary is also elected. The work of the commission is carried out according to a pre-developed plan and regulations approved by the chairman.

Both the creation of the occupational safety commission and its subsequent work are stipulated in accordance with GOST R 12.0.007-2009 “Occupational Safety and Health System” (approved on April 21, 2009 by the publication of the Rostekhregulirovaniya Order No. 138-st). It explains what they look like:

  • enterprise OT management system;
  • labor safety standards;
  • general requirements specifying the development of an OT system, its application and improvement.

The labor protection service in an organization can be represented (Article 217 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

  • a separate structural unit;
  • full-time occupational safety specialist;
  • the head of the organization (entrepreneur personally) or other authorized employee;
  • a third-party specialized organization that has appropriate accreditation, or a specialist with whom a civil law contract has been concluded.

Order on the creation of a commission on occupational safety

The employer issues an order to create a commission to test knowledge of labor protection requirements.

The order is the main administrative document. If the enterprise does not have a manager, then it can be issued by one of his deputies or a person temporarily performing management functions. All these organizational issues are carried out based on the legislation of the Russian Federation:

  • paragraph 4 article 217 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • clause 14 of the Recommendations for organizing the work of the occupational safety service at an enterprise, approved. Resolution No. 14 of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated February 8, 2000.

On their basis, administrative actions are carried out, which in the proposed order model should be recorded something like this:

Here is a sample order for the creation of a labor safety commission:

Limited Liability Company "Karo"
(Karo LLC)

09/08/2017 No. 44-t Moscow

On the creation of a commission for
labor protection of workers

In order to comply with the provisions of Articles 218 and 225 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations (approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 13, 2003 No. 1/29)


1. Create a commission on labor protection for workers.
2. Determine the following composition of the labor protection commission:

Chairman of the commission – General Director V.V. Krasnov;
members of the commission:
– occupational safety specialist V.Yu. Pavlov;
– Head of the HR Department I.Yu. Pirogov.
3. Entrust control over the implementation of this order to Deputy General Director E.A. Shirokov.

General Director____________Krasnov____________/V.V. Krasnov/

The following have been familiarized with the order:

Deputy General Director____________Shirokova____________/E.A. Shirokova/
Head of HR Department____________Pirogov____________/I.Yu. Pirogova/
Occupational safety specialist____________Pavlov____________/V.Yu. Pavlov/


All issued and stored occupational safety orders, including the order appointing a labor safety commission, are regulated by general rules developed for procedures of this kind. Orders are classified by area: by personnel and by main activity.

As for storage periods, labor protection orders are related to the main activities of the organization and are stored permanently.



On approval of the Procedure for the formation and work of commissions for testing the knowledge of organizations

In order to improve the labor protection training system in the Moscow region and in accordance with Article 216 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Regulations on the Committee on Labor and Employment of the Moscow Region, approved (as amended):

1. Approve the attached Procedure for the formation and work of commissions to test knowledge of labor protection requirements of training organizations.

2. Recognize as invalid the order of the Main Directorate for Labor and Social Affairs of the Moscow Region dated March 18, 2003 N 22 “On approval of the Procedure for testing knowledge of labor protection requirements in the commissions of training organizations.”

3. Entrust control over the implementation of this order to the first deputy chairman of the Committee on Labor and Employment of the Moscow Region, V.M. Strelkov.

Chairman of the Committee

The procedure for the formation and work of commissions to test knowledge of labor protection requirements of training organizations

by order
Committee on Labor and Employment
population of the Moscow region
dated May 24, 2010 N 14-r

I. General provisions

1. The procedure for forming and organizing the work of commissions for testing knowledge of labor protection requirements of training organizations (hereinafter - the Procedure) was developed in accordance with the resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated January 13, 2003 N 1 and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated January 13, 2003 N 29 "On approval of the Procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations", by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated June 30, 2003 N 378/23 "On approval of the Regulations on the training system in labor protection in the Moscow Region" (as amended by the resolution Government of the Moscow Region dated 20.05.2005 N 328/19), by Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated 17.03.2009 N 207/10 “On the Regulations, structure and staffing of the Committee on Labor and Employment of the Moscow Region” (as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region region dated January 25, 2010 N 27/2) and establishes requirements for the formation and work of commissions to test knowledge of labor protection requirements of training organizations included in the labor protection training system in the Moscow region (hereinafter referred to as the Commissions).

2. Commissions check knowledge of labor protection requirements:

heads of organizations and heads of separate structural divisions of organizations, their deputies, who are entrusted with responsibilities for ensuring safe conditions and labor protection in the organization and production units;

managers and specialists of labor protection services of organizations, workers who are entrusted by the employer with responsibilities for organizing work on labor protection;

managers and specialists who organize, manage and carry out work at workplaces and in production departments, as well as control and technical supervision of work in the organization;

members of commissions of organizations to test knowledge of labor protection requirements;

teaching staff of educational institutions of vocational education - teachers of the disciplines "Occupational Safety", "Life Safety", "Safety of Technological Processes and Production", as well as organizers and managers of students' practical training;

employers - individual entrepreneurs using hired labor;

members of committees (commissions) on labor protection of organizations;

authorized (trusted) persons for labor protection of trade unions and other representative bodies authorized by employees (hereinafter referred to as managers and specialists).

3. Managers and specialists are tested on their knowledge of occupational safety requirements by the Commission of the training organization where they received training in occupational safety.

4. Before starting their activities, members of the Commissions undergo training and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements according to the Labor Safety Training Program for members of commissions to test knowledge of labor protection requirements of training organizations, in the amount of 40 training hours.

5. The training organization in which members of the Commissions are trained, the composition of the commission for testing knowledge of labor protection requirements of members of Commissions and the form of testing knowledge of labor protection requirements of members of Commissions are established by the Committee on Labor and Employment of the Moscow Region.

II. Procedure for forming a commission

4. The commission is formed by order (instruction) of the head of the training organization (Appendix 1).

5. The Commission consists of a chairman, deputy chairman(s), secretary and members of the Commission.

6. The personal composition of the Commission, including the chairman, deputy (deputy) chairman and secretary of the Commission is determined by the head of the training organization.

7. The Commission includes:

managers, full-time teachers of a training organization;

representatives of local government bodies of municipalities of the Moscow region;

state labor inspectors in the Moscow region;

representatives of trade unions of the Moscow region.

8. The composition of the Commission may include:

heads and specialists of federal executive authorities;

representatives of executive bodies of state power of the Moscow region;

representatives of state supervision and control bodies, as well as employees of labor protection services of organizations with appropriate qualifications and experience in the field of labor protection.

Officials who are not employees of a training organization are included in the Commission by written agreement with the relevant organization, government body and local government body, including:

representatives of local government bodies of municipalities of the Moscow region - by written agreement with the head (deputy head) of the municipal district or urban district;

state labor inspectors in the Moscow region - by written agreement with the head of the State Labor Inspectorate - chief state labor inspector in the Moscow region (deputy head of the State Labor Inspectorate - deputy chief state labor inspector in the Moscow region (for labor protection);

representatives of the central executive bodies of state power of the Moscow region - by written agreement with the head (deputy head) of the corresponding central executive body of state power of the Moscow region;

representatives of trade union organizations - by written agreement with the chairman (deputy chairman) of the Moscow regional association of trade union organizations.

9. The composition of the Commission is agreed upon by the Committee on Labor and Employment of the Moscow Region (hereinafter referred to as the Committee).

10. To agree on the composition of the Commission, the Committee is provided with:

application addressed to the Chairman of the Committee on approval of the composition of the Commission (Appendix 2);

copies of letters from organizations, management, supervision and control bodies regarding approval (refusal of approval) for the inclusion of their officials in the Commission;

copies of certificates confirming knowledge of labor protection requirements of officials included in the Commission.

Providing copies of certificates of testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for managers and specialists of the Committee, state labor inspectors in the Moscow region, and other state supervision and control bodies is not required.

11. The activities of a Commission formed without the consent of the Committee are unauthorized.

III. Commission work procedure

12. Organizational and technical support for the activities of the Commission is provided by the training organization. All its members, including the chairman of the Commission and the deputy (deputies) chairman of the Commission, are notified of the place and time of work of the Commission.

13. Testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements is carried out by the Commission upon completion of training in the scope of training programs on labor protection.

14. Along with the traditional form of testing knowledge (taking exams on tickets), testing knowledge of labor protection requirements is carried out in the form of an interview or testing, using technical means, computer programs, elements of a modular training system and other forms of knowledge control.

15. The results of testing knowledge of labor protection requirements are documented in the minutes of the Commission meeting (hereinafter referred to as the Protocol), separately for each study group (Appendix 3).

16. The protocol is drawn up in one copy, signed by the chairman of the Commission, in his absence - by the deputy chairman of the Commission, the secretary and members of the Commission who took part in its work.

The Protocol is not certified by the seal of the training organization.

17. In case of disagreement among the members of the Commission in assessing the knowledge of individual students, the final decision on whether they pass the knowledge test (“passed” or “failed”) is made by the Chairman of the Commission, in his absence - by the Deputy Chairman of the Commission. The protocol is signed by the chairman (deputy chairman) of the Commission and members of the Commission who took part in its work.

Any disagreement of any member of the Commission with the decision taken shall be documented in writing and attached to the Protocol.

18. A meeting of the Commission is considered competent if at least three members of the Commission, including the chairman (deputy chairman) of the Commission, participate in testing knowledge of labor protection requirements.

19. The minutes of a meeting of the Commission are considered invalid if it was signed by less than three members of the Commission, including the chairman (deputy chairman) of the Commission, or there is no signature of the chairman (deputy chairman) of the Commission, as well as if the signatures of the members of the Commission are located on a sheet separate from the Protocol .

20. Minutes of the Commission meeting are stored in the training organization that provided training on labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements. The storage period for Protocols is 5 years.

21. A trainee who has passed the knowledge test of labor protection requirements is issued a certificate of testing knowledge of labor protection requirements (Appendix 4) signed by the chairman (deputy chairman) of the Commission, certified by the seal of the training organization.

It is allowed to issue certificates on a double-sided form without the section “Information on repeated tests of knowledge of labor protection requirements.”

If the student does not have a permanent place of work, or holds several positions in different organizations, it is allowed not to indicate the place of work and position in the certificate.

Certificates are drawn up and issued on the basis of the Protocol.

22. At the request of students who have passed the knowledge test, they are given an extract from the Protocol, certified by the signature of the head of the training organization (an authorized official of the training organization) and the seal of the training organization.

IV. Final provisions

23. Persons who are not members of the Commission may be invited to participate in the knowledge test: heads and specialists of executive bodies of state power, local government bodies, management bodies of regional associations of organizations, inspectors of state supervision and control bodies and other officials.

In this case, a record is made in the Protocol of their participation in the work of the Commission.

24. When conducting a knowledge test of labor protection requirements for managers and specialists of organizations operating in the territory of a municipality, representatives of the local government body of which are not members of the Commission, training organizations inform in writing the relevant local government bodies about the knowledge test with the invitation of their representatives to participate in the work of the Commission.

Appendix 1. Approximate form of an order (instruction) from the head of a training organization on the creation of a commission to test knowledge of labor protection requirements

Annex 1

knowledge testing commissions
labor safety requirements for teachers
organizations approved

and employment
Moscow region
dated May 24, 2010 N 14-r

order (instruction) of the head of the training organization on the creation of a commission to test knowledge of labor protection requirements

(name of training organization)

ORDER N_______


In order to test the knowledge of labor protection requirements of managers and specialists who have completed training in labor protection, in accordance with the resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated January 13, 2003 N 1/29 “On approval of the Procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations", the Procedure for the formation and work of commissions for testing knowledge of labor protection requirements of training organizations, approved by order of the Committee on Labor and Employment of the Moscow Region dated _________ N _______, I ORDER:

Form a commission to test knowledge of labor protection requirements consisting of:

Chairman of the commission -

Deputy Chairman of the Commission -

(Full name, position held, place of work)

Secretary of the commission -

(Full name, position held, place of work)

Members of the commission -

(Full name, position held, place of work)

___________________________________________________________ (by agreement).

(Full name, position held, place of work)


- letters of approval for the inclusion of third-party representatives in the commission
organizations and governing bodies;

- copies of certificates of testing knowledge of labor protection requirements of commission members;

- letter from the Committee on Labor and Employment of the Moscow Region on approval
composition of the commission.

Signature of the head of the organization

Appendix 2. Application form for approval of the composition of the commission

Appendix 2
to the Procedure for Formation and Operation
knowledge testing commissions
labor safety requirements for teachers
organizations approved
by order of the Labor Committee
and employment
Moscow region
dated May 24, 2010 N 14-r

applications for approval of the composition of the commission

(To be completed on the letterhead of the organization)

Committee on Labor and Employment of the Moscow Region

(date of)

Please agree on the commission

(full and abbreviated name of the organization)

to test the knowledge of labor protection requirements of managers and specialists of organizations,
operating in the Moscow region, consisting of:

1. Chairman of the commission:

(Full name, position held, place of work)

2. Deputy Chairman of the Commission:

(Full name, position held, place of work)

3. Secretary of the commission:

(Full name, position held, place of work)

Members of the commission:

(Full name, position held, place of work)


(Full name, position held, place of work)


- copies of letters from organizations, management, supervision and control bodies on approval
inclusion of their representatives in the commission;

- copies of certificates of testing knowledge of labor protection requirements of officials,
included in the commission.
______________________________________ _________________ ___________________

Head of the training organization (signature) (signature transcript)

Appendix 3. Form of minutes of the meeting of the commission to test knowledge of labor protection requirements

Appendix 3
to the Procedure for Formation and Operation
knowledge testing commissions
labor safety requirements for teachers
organizations approved
by order of the Labor Committee
and employment
Moscow region
dated May 24, 2010 N 14-r

minutes of the meeting of the commission to test knowledge of labor protection requirements


from _________________ 20______

meeting of the commission to test knowledge of labor protection requirements

formed by order (instruction) of the head (director, rector)

from "___" ____________ 20___ N _______

Commission consisting of*:

chairman -

(Full name, position held, place of work)

deputy chairman -

(Full name, position held, place of work)

secretary -

(Full name, position held, place of work)

members -

(Full name, position held, place of work)

with the participation of representatives**:

(Full name of the representative, position held, name of the organization,
management, supervision and control body)

tested knowledge of labor protection requirements within a 40-hour program
occupational safety training

(name of training program

Full Name

Position, place of work

Knowledge test result (passed / failed),
N of the issued certificate

Reason for testing knowledge (regular, extraordinary)

Signature of the person being checked

Chairman of the commission: ________________________________________________________________

(Full name, signature)

Deputy Chairman of the Commission: _____________________________________________________

Secretary of the commission: __________________________________________________________

Members of the commission: ______________________________________________________________

(Full name, signature)

(Full name, signature)
Representatives: ______________________________________________________________

(Full name, signature)


(Full name, signature)


* Members of the commission directly involved in testing knowledge are indicated
** Indicated if they participate in the work of the commission

Appendix 4. Form of certificate of testing knowledge of labor protection requirements

Appendix 4
to the Procedure for Formation and Operation
knowledge testing commissions
labor safety requirements for teachers
organizations approved
by order of the Labor Committee
and employment
Moscow region
dated May 24, 2010 N 14-r

Certificate form for testing knowledge of labor protection requirements

(Front side)


(Left-hand side)

(full name of the training organization)


Issued by ________________________________________________________________________________

(Full Name)

(name of company)


in the amount of 40 hours.

Chairman of the commission ________________ ____________________

(signature) (full name)

(Right side)


FULL NAME. _______________________________________________________________________________

Place of work __________________________________________________________________________

(name of company)

Job title ____________________________________________________________________________

Knowledge of labor protection requirements was tested according to the labor protection training program _____________________________________________________________________________________

(name of occupational safety training program)

in the amount of 40 hours.

Minutes of the meeting of the commission to test knowledge of labor protection requirements

dated "___"____________ 20___ N ________

Chairman of the Commission __________________ ____________________
(signature) (full name)

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official website of the Government

Electrical installations must be staffed by qualified personnel who have been trained in the rules of working in electrical installations. From the article you will learn how to correctly draw up an order to appoint a commission to test knowledge of electrical safety.

From the article you will learn:

How to prepare an order to appoint a commission to test knowledge of electrical safety

A commission is created in each organization where electrical installations are operated on the basis of an order. The draft of this document is prepared by the person responsible for the electrical facilities, and signed by the head of the enterprise. The order makes reference to regulatory legal acts. They are Rules No. 328n and PTEEP.

Sample order for appointment of PDEK

How many people should be on the organization’s knowledge testing committee?

The PDEK must have at least five participants, including the chairman and his deputy. The number of members must always be odd because the decision on whether an employee takes the exam must be made by a secret majority vote. The employee being examined cannot participate in the work of the commission, much less in discussing the results of the exam. If the employee does not confirm, he must be removed from work.

Electrical safety training: who and how to conduct it

Training centers were prohibited from conducting knowledge tests on electrical safety to avoid corruption. In what order are employers now required to send employees for training and knowledge testing? The editors of the magazine “Handbook of Occupational Safety and Health Specialist” have prepared detailed explanations for you.

It is advisable to include in the PDEK:

  • responsible for the economy, chief power engineer;
  • deputy chief power engineer;
  • chief mechanic;
  • electromechanics.

In order to take exams, commission members themselves must undergo training and knowledge testing. The chairman, his deputy and an occupational safety specialist undergo training at Rostechnadzor. The remaining two PDEK participants can also take the exam at RTN, or in their own organization. in a training center or as self-study.

In the commission, organizations can be assigned, but only if the chairman and his deputy have already been certified for this group by RTN. In this case, it is necessary that the employer has a trained commission, and the employees have the necessary experience. If the enterprise does not have its own PDEK, the staff takes an exam at Rostechnadzor.

During the knowledge test, at least three members of the PDEK must be present, including the chairman or his deputy. It is prohibited to conduct an examination in the absence of both the chairman and the deputy. In the absence of the chairman, the signature in the journal and certificate, as well as in the protocol (for electric power enterprises), is entered by the deputy.

In the commission, organizations do not assign electrical safety groups to chief power engineers responsible for electrical facilities, their deputies, members of the PDEK and occupational safety specialists. They are certified exclusively by RTN. At the same time, those responsible for electrical equipment pass the exam annually, since they directly organize the work and carry out supervision. The remaining members are certified at least once every 3 years.

To be admitted to the exam, a labor protection specialist or engineer must have three years of production experience. In this case, he will immediately be assigned to non-electrical personnel with the right to inspect the power plant. If the organization does not have electrical installations, the safety specialist is not required to be certified in electrical safety.

If the organization has various remote divisions, then it is advisable to create separate PDEK for each of them. In this case, members of the commissions of structural divisions only need to pass a knowledge test in the PDEK of the parent organization. If the distances between departments are small, there is no need to create commissions in each department. This will improve the quality of personnel training and eliminate various concessions.

What kind of electrical safety group should the chairman of the commission and other members have?

The head of the PDEK is usually the person responsible for the electrical facilities, for example, the chief power engineer. If the organization operates, then the chairman must have an IV group on ES. If the organization operates power plants above 1 kV, then the chairman also needs to have V gr. The deputy head of the commission must have the same group as the chairman. This is done so that in the absence of the head, it would be possible to test knowledge of electronic books and sign certificates. In this case, the PDEK should always consist of an odd number of employees. Therefore, if the chairman is not present at the exam, one more employee must be temporarily removed from the team for a quorum. In this case, the knowledge test is carried out by the PDEK, consisting of three people; this does not need to be formalized by a separate order.

  • Hear messages from the employer and his representatives at meetings regarding the fulfillment of their duties to ensure safety at the enterprise and compliance with guarantees of the rights of employees to occupational safety.
  • Participate in activities to formulate measures provided for in a collective agreement or relevant agreement on issues within the competence of the committee.
  • Make proposals to the head of the enterprise to impose disciplinary sanctions on employees who violate the requirements of norms, instructions and rules on labor protection.
  • Send appeals to the relevant supervisory structures to hold authorized officials accountable for failure to comply with legislative and other regulations in the field of occupational safety, concealment of information about accidents and occupational diseases that occurred at work.


The members of the commission in question must be:

  • the head of the employing company, heads of departments in which knowledge testing is carried out;
  • hired employees responsible for labor protection.

Representatives of trade unions can also be involved in the work of the structure under consideration. The positions of chairman, deputy chairman, secretary, as well as ordinary members are distributed among the commission members. Where can I download a sample order for the creation of a commission to test knowledge in the field of labor protection? A sample order for the creation of a labor safety commission that tests employees’ knowledge of labor safety rules was prepared for you by the experts of our portal.
You can download it here. Download a sample order for the creation of a labor safety commission. Results Creation of a labor safety commission, the functions of which are established by the provisions of Art.

Online magazine for accountants

In addition, the order approves the composition of the special commission on labor protection in accordance with the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Why do we need an order to create a labor safety commission? The creation of any commission in the organization is approved by order. Article 218 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that the enterprise itself, the trade union committee or workers can make a proposal to form this commission.

Labor Code of the Russian Federation There must always be two interested parties:

  • the employer and his representatives represented by employees responsible for safety, personnel or department heads;
  • a trade union representing the interests of workers.

At large enterprises, such commissions are needed for the joint participation of administration and workers in matters of labor protection and compliance with safety regulations. What issues does the commission regulate? The Occupational Safety and Health Commission is an advisory body.

Order on the creation of a commission for testing knowledge on labor protection

What are the requirements for the composition of the commission for testing knowledge of labor protection requirements? This representative body should include representatives of the employer and employees, and the principle of formation is parity. An example of the composition of the commission: usually its head is the employer himself or an employee appointed by him. To comply with the requirements of the legislation, a representative of the team is appointed as a deputy.
If there are two deputies, then one person should represent the employer, the second the employees. The committee secretary is usually a security specialist. The composition must be approved by the order of the head. Composition of the labor safety commission The legislation does not establish the number of committee members; it depends on the number of available employees, the specialization of the organization, and its structure.
Also, the composition of the committee can be discussed by mutual agreement of the interested parties.

Order on the creation of a labor protection commission

Add to FavoritesSend by email The order on the creation of an occupational safety commission that tests knowledge of occupational safety is a document that must be issued by all employers. What are the practical nuances of drawing up an order to create a labor safety commission? Why do you need an order on the labor safety commission? What issues are regulated by the labor protection commission (knowledge testing)? Where can I download a sample order for the creation of a commission to test knowledge in the field of labor protection? Results Why do we need an order on the labor safety commission? This order is issued by the head of the company in order to establish a commission that is responsible for testing the knowledge of labor protection requirements among the company’s employees.

Commission on labor protection in the organization

Based on the results of these events, the commission makes its proposals to improve working conditions.

  • Preventing injuries at work, preventing occupational diseases and notifying workers about improving working conditions.
  • Organization of free supplies of therapeutic and prophylactic products to workers employed in hazardous industries.
  • Incentivizing employees to strictly comply with safety requirements by holding competitions with prizes or applications for bonuses.
  • Assistance in resolving disputes arising as a result of safety violations on the part of workers or due to the lack of personal protective equipment on the part of the employer.

Along with this, the committee's responsibilities include annual reports on the work done.

Order on the creation of a labor safety commission - sample

Labor Code. It is useful to mention the main purposes for which the commission meets: to carry out joint actions to avoid accidents, injuries and accidents, reduce diseases, etc. The labor safety committee must include:

  • the head of the organization, as the employer and the person responsible for organizing safe workplaces of the enterprise as a whole;
  • heads of structural units who are responsible, within their competence, for the area of ​​work assigned to them;
  • an occupational safety specialist who has been trained in this field and has a certificate of the established form;
  • representatives of the workers' trade union as defenders of the interests of ordinary employees.

The draft order is prepared and agreed with the lawyer, who makes his comments regarding the legal aspects mentioned in the document.

The chairman of the commission must report at union meetings or at work conferences. In what cases is it created? The initiative to create a commission can come from both workers, represented by their trade union committee, and from the management of the enterprise itself. The conditions for its creation, powers, rights and validity period are prescribed in the collective agreement of the organization.


The commission itself has the authority to make proposals for changes and additions to the collective agreement. In every large enterprise with a large number of workers united in a trade union, such a commission should be created. This is especially true for organizations whose activities are associated with an increased danger to human life or harm to human health.

In accordance with Art. 218 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the labor protection commission is a collegial body.
The activities of the committee are carried out according to plan. It is also adopted at the meeting and approved by the chairman. Current meetings are convened as needed, but at least once a quarter. Specifics of the committee's activities It includes interaction with government bodies that provide oversight of how labor protection is observed at the enterprise. The Occupational Safety and Health Commission operates jointly with the occupational safety service of the company itself, as well as with specialists who are involved on a contractual basis. Moreover, in the latter case, the industry specifics and specifics of production are taken into account, and the specific interests of the team are taken into account.

The work and payment for the activities of attracted specialists is established by a collective agreement or other joint decision of authorized employees and the employer.

Order on the creation of a commission to verify the state of labor protection

  • 1 Occupational Safety and Health Committee
  • 1.1 What are the requirements for the composition of the commission for testing knowledge of labor protection requirements?
  • 1.2 Composition of the labor protection commission
  • 1.3 How is the composition of the labor protection commission approved?
  • 1.4 Training of members of the labor protection commission
  • 1.5 Work plan of the labor protection commission
  • 2 Sample order for the creation of a commission to test knowledge of labor protection
  • 2.1 Read more

Labor Safety Committee The main task of such a committee is to organize joint events for all interested parties to ensure safety in the workplace. On whose initiative is a labor safety committee created in an organization? Art.