How to remove contact lenses for the first time How to remove contact lenses from your eyes How to remove contact lenses for the first time

How to remove lenses from the eyes: detailed instructions |

Removing contact lenses is no more difficult than putting them on, but for many novice owners of these optical accessories, this procedure causes quivering anxiety. Do not worry if it was not possible to remove the lenses from the eyes the first time (a finger slipped off, the lens does not separate from the surface of the eyeball, the eye waters, etc.) - this is absolutely normal at the initial stages of their operation. Over time, you will learn how to remove lenses in a matter of seconds, and at the beginning of your acquaintance with them, follow the instructions, and there will be no problems with removal.

How to remove lenses from your eyes: the complete guide

Remember a few simple rules:

If you use a solution that says No Rub, immediately put the removed lens into the container, if there is no such inscription on the solution, then after removing it from the eye, the lens should be rinsed with the solution, rubbed lightly between your fingers and only then put into the container.

Method 1: Pull the lower eyelid with the fingers of the left hand, then with the fingers of the right hand, hold the lens between the index and thumb. This is the so-called pinching method, which does not bring discomfort and helps to avoid corneal injuries.

Removing disposable (disposable) lenses does not require the same extreme care as extended wear lenses, but it does not hurt to be careful. Read: How to choose the right contact lenses? Also remember to remove makeup after removing lenses. Before proceeding with the removal of the lenses, find their location. As a rule - opposite the cornea. If the lens is not observed in that place, carefully look at the eye in the mirror and determine the position of the lens by pulling back both eyelids.

Video instruction: How to remove contact lenses

How to put on contact lenses with one hand - step by step instructions

  • The lens is not placed in the center of the cornea. In this case, follow the instructions above.

  • If the lens is in the correct position, remove it and check if any of the following occur: the lens is soiled (e.g. with cosmetics), the lens is in the wrong eye, the lens is turned outward.

  • Removing contact lenses

    Always remove the lens with which you started installation first.

    1. Wash your hands well. Do not forget that you have to touch the mucous membrane, which is extremely sensitive and can be irritated even from contact with sweat. Your hands should be without a single trace of foam or soap.
    2. The preparation of the container consists in the fact that both of its cells for storing lenses are filled with a solution. Be sure to fill in a new solution each time you pour out the used one.
    3. In case cosmetics are applied to your face, first remove the lenses and then wash off the cosmetics. This way you can prevent mascara remover from getting into your eyes, especially if it is waterproof and can react with the lens material. In this case, you can ruin the lenses, get irritated and cause injury to your eyes.
    4. Place the container on a flat surface of the table, and sit in front of the table with your elbows resting on it. Look to the top right corner. Hold the eyelids of the left eye with the index finger and thumb of the left hand. At the same time, using the index finger of your right hand, touch the edge of the temple and grab the lens, being careful not to blink. Do not grab the lens with your fingernails. You can scratch your eye with them, and damage the lens. In the future, this scratch will become a hindrance, irritating the eye.
    5. Pull the lens in the direction from the pupil to the eyelid. Carefully remove and lower it into the container with the poured solution, then immediately close it. The cover for the lens of the right eye is marked with the letter R, from the English right, the left is not marked. This must be done especially in cases where the optical power of your eyes is different.
    6. A similar operation is performed with the right eye. The eyelids are held with the left hand, the lens is pulled with the right. Be sure to immediately place the second lick in the container, tightly closing it.

    To put the lens on with one hand, you must first pull the lower right eyelid with your middle finger, then look up, and then gently attach the lens to the white part of the eyeball, just below the pupil. Removing the index finger from the lens, you should slowly lower your gaze down - the lens should itself fall into place, that is, in the center of the eye. You will immediately feel it. After that, you need to carefully release the eyelid and slowly blink a couple of times so that the lens fits snugly against the cornea. If there was no discomfort and the eye began to see well, then the lens was installed correctly, and you can move on to the left eye.

    The frequency and duration of execution is selected in accordance with individual feelings. As a result, the eye should completely get used to the touch and stop blinking in response to them. After that, similar actions should be done with the second eye. This exercise is very useful for those who wish to wear contact lenses for the first time - it is absolutely painless and harmless, provided that the hands are perfectly clean.

    Having coped with frequent blinking, it will be possible to proceed directly to the procedure for putting on lenses. They should be worn before applying makeup. To do this, you need to perform several sequential steps (we will give an example for right-handed people):

  • take the lens with tweezers and put it on the pad of the index finger of the right hand
  • with the middle finger of the right hand, slightly rest against the lower edge of the periosteum and with a slight movement pull the lower eyelid down
  • with the index finger of the left hand, gently lift the upper eyelid
  • looking in the mirror, put on a lens
  • lower your eyelid and blink.
  • Since lenses are used not only by adults, but also by children, we advise you to watch a video on how to put on and take off orthokeratological CLs:

    Well, now you know how the procedure for removing / installing CL. We hope our tips have helped you. We are waiting for your comments!

    How to remove and put on contact lenses for the first time: video tutorial

    Every person who is going to use contact lenses for the first time has many questions about how to properly put on and take off these products. Whether the goals are vision correction or just a change of image, it is necessary to follow the rules that will help to avoid various problems associated with the use of lenses for the eyes.

    Hand hygiene is the most important factor

    Some people have a negative impression of the use of lenses. Experience shows that the reason for this attitude towards them is improper use and storage. Compliance with the general rules will help change the opinion about this new product and avoid many mistakes. There are several ways to remove contact lenses from your eyes. Photos of this process can be easily found on the Internet.

    Preparatory phase: hygiene first

    Put on and take off contact lenses correctly over a flat surface (table). In this case, even if they fall, it will be much easier to find them. If the action is performed over the sink, the fallen optics may disappear into the sewer.

    In order not to get confused in the lenses, the procedure must always be started with the same eye. This rule is especially useful for people with different optical power of the eyes. You can not remove the CL with your nails - you need to do this only with your fingertips so as not to get hurt. For this, the pinch method is used.

    The procedure looks like this:

    How to remove lenses correctly

    1. We sit at the table in front of the mirror.
    2. Gently pull the lower eyelid with your fingers.
    3. We shift the lens with the index finger, while looking up.
    4. Gently use the pads of your thumb and forefinger to pinch and carefully remove the lens.
    5. Carefully straighten it and put it in a container.
    6. A stuck lens should be put into the solution, where it will straighten itself.

    Video how to remove lenses:

    You are all done! See, it's very easy!

    Cleaning contact lenses

    Improper handling and cleaning of contact lenses is a major source of infections and other complications. If you do not wear disposable contact lenses, the best way to protect your eyes and vision is to clean your contact lenses daily.

    How to remove lenses for the first time? This question interests all inexperienced beginners. In fact, it is not so difficult as it seems at first glance. There are several ways to remove lenses. The first is the use of only one hand, the second - two. How to remove the lens from the eye with one hand? To do this, first of all, you need to wash and dry your hand, after which you need to pull the lower eyelid down with the middle finger, and place the index finger on the bottom of the lens and move it down or to the side. After that, pinch it with your index and thumb and remove it from your eye.

    How to remove lenses from eyes with two hands? To do this, place the index finger of the right hand over the eyelashes, and the index finger of the left hand on the upper part of the lower eyelid and at the same time move both fingers towards each other. At this point, the lens should pop out. If she remained in place or shifted to the eyeball, then you need to try again.

    Do not use tap water to rinse the container

    Do not use tap water to rinse the container - instead of disinfecting, you will fill it with new bacteria. It should also be remembered that the container for storing lenses, like a toothbrush, should be changed periodically, because even with regular cleaning it is impossible to completely remove all bacteria.

    What threatens the improper use of contact lenses?

    Look up, with the fingertip of your right hand, move the lens down onto the protein, then do the same as in Method 1. Do not remove the lens by squeezing it with your nails!

    If you do not forget about how to remove contact lenses correctly, and about the basics of simple care for them, then they will serve you faithfully for a long time.

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    How to remove contact lenses for the first time?

    Today, more and more visually impaired people prefer contact lenses. They are a convenient device for vision correction and are invisible to other people, unlike traditional glasses. However, when using lenses, you must be guided by certain rules for putting on, storing, caring for and removing. After successfully mastering the donning procedure, the question naturally arises of how to properly remove contact lenses.

    Removing lenses is a responsible procedure, especially if reusable contact lenses are used. If they are damaged during removal from the eye, they may not be reusable. As for disposable lenses, they are discarded after the removal procedure is completed. The main rule for performing the procedure is keeping the hands clean. They must be washed under warm water with soap, it is advisable to use a liquid antibacterial that does not contain fragrances. Hands should then be thoroughly rinsed and dried with a soft, lint-free towel.

    Before removing contact lenses for the first time, it is necessary to determine where they are currently located in the eye. Normally, they should be opposite the cornea, if you don’t see it there, then pull back the upper and lower eyelids, carefully examine the eye in the mirror and determine where the lens has shifted. After determining the localization, you can begin to remove them. In order not to confuse the lenses with each other, you need to develop the habit of always starting the removal procedure from the same eye.

    With the help of the index finger of the inactive hand, it is necessary to pull the upper eyelid up. After that, using the middle finger of the dominant hand, that is, the one with which you write, pull down the lower eyelid. Then look up, gently slide the lens below the pupil onto the white part of the eyeball, gently pinch it using the index thumb, and remove it from the eye. Do the same procedure for the other eye.

    Contact lenses may be slightly sticky after wearing. In the process of removing from the eye, it is necessary to ensure that the edges do not wrap around them, and the lenses do not stick together. If, after removal, the lens is stuck together, then you should not try to straighten it by stretching the edges, as this can damage it. It is recommended to place the contact lens in a container of disinfectant solution where it is likely to straighten back into its original shape on its own. If this does not happen, then it should be well moistened with a solution and rubbed gently between the thumb and forefinger.

    When removing contact lenses, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with some rules and tips for a safer and more convenient procedure. Before removing contact lenses for the first time, it is forbidden to remove makeup from the face, as friction during the process of removing makeup can only damage the lens. Another factor that can harm contact lenses is long nails. In this case, with the fingers of one hand, it is necessary to pull the lower eyelid, pull out the lens and straighten the finger so that the nail does not come into contact with the eyeball. When performing the removal procedure, you can look in the mirror, but do not focus on your fingers. If the lenses seem dry to you, then to facilitate the removal process, it is better to put a couple of drops of the solution into each eye and make circular movements.

    If a solution labeled No Rub is used, then after removing the contact lens, it must be placed in a container. If there is no such inscription on the solution, after the procedure, the lens must be washed with a solution and, gently rubbing between the fingers, put in a container.

    Contact lenses are a convenient and quick way to improve your vision, requiring timely care and following certain rules for putting on and taking off your eyes. Today they are a reliable and comfortable device for people who need vision correction. At first, it will take some skill to quickly remove contact lenses, but with time and experience, this process will not cause difficulties.

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    How to remove lenses?

    Lenses have long relieved people with poor eyesight from the title of “four-eyed”. They are comfortable, unpretentious, and you quickly get used to them. Thanks to our tips, you will learn not only how to care for them, but also learn how to put on and remove lenses from your eyes. Usually you get used to the lenses within two to three weeks.

    During this time, you will learn how to properly handle them, and it will be easy for you to take them off and put them on. Doctors recommend not wearing contact lenses when you haven't had enough sleep. They can aggravate eye fatigue and lead to redness. Before putting on the lenses, make sure they are not turned inside out. Your lens should look like a bowl, its edges should be even without any damage.

    And don't confuse left and right lenses. In order for you not to confuse them, the letters L (left) and R (right) are written on the containers. Always start with the right lens. Wash your hands thoroughly before putting on lenses. After all, these are your eyes, and they love sterility. Stand in front of the mirror, lean forward a little and start inserting the lens. For this you need:

    1. Put the lens on the tip of your index finger.

    2. Then, with your other, free hand, pull back the lower eyelid. The gaze should be directed upwards.

    3.Gently place the lens on your eye. If she did not immediately lie down on the iris, it's okay: just blink a few times, and the lens will move to the desired area of ​​​​the eye.

    Moisturize your eyes with eye drops throughout the day. The solution in the containers must be changed every time you put lenses in there. If suddenly the lens has gone to the side, has shifted from the center, close your eye and correct it with massage movements, returning it to its place, through the eyelid. You need to put on lenses before you are going to apply makeup. And when you want to remove them, then first remove the lens, and then wash off the makeup, but in no case vice versa.

    What is the correct way to remove lenses? The lenses can be easily removed. Over time, you will learn to do it quickly and deftly. First, put moisturizing drops in the eye - this will make it easier for you. Look up and swipe the lens with your index finger over the white part of your eye. Then squeeze it with your thumb and forefinger and pull it out.

    Just do not use your nails and do not pinch it too hard - it can be damaged. If the lens sticks together, dip it into the solution container. There it will straighten and return to its rounded shape. Usually, after removing the lens, you need to clean it: put it in the palm of your hand, pour the solution and rub it lightly with the pad of your finger. After this, lower the lens into a container with fresh solution. If your lens solution is labeled “No Rub”, it means that your solution will clean your lenses.

    How to remove lenses - video

    Gray eyes are unique in their own way, but not too expressive. That is why it is so important for owners of gray eyes to learn how to do natural daytime makeup. In this article, we will reveal a few secrets for creating beautiful everyday makeup.

    Today, lenses are gaining more and more popularity - they are used for vision correction much more often than glasses. Contact lenses have many advantages - they do not get dirty, do not fall like glasses, they cannot be broken. And most importantly, the lenses correct vision as accurately as possible, leaving no distance between the eye and the lens itself, as happens when wearing glasses. Due to this, the width of the view increases, the person actively uses peripheral vision, which is simply impossible when wearing glasses.

    For many women, a significant advantage is their invisibility. No one except you knows that you have poor eyesight - you can wear sunglasses without any problems, do beautiful makeup and not be afraid that your eyes will be hidden by glasses or massive frames. In addition, you will finally be able to get rid of the owner of the title "bespectacled". Colored contact lenses can completely change your appearance, and even image. But many wearers of lenses do not immediately learn how to put them on and take them off. And if you still manage to put on the cherished lenses, then it is much more difficult to remove the means for vision correction. What to do in this case?

    If you have already been exhausted by unsuccessful attempts to remove contact lenses, your eyes have become red, and your nerves have played out to the limit, you need to calm down. Calmness and measuredness are the main conditions for a successful outcome of the case. So, how to remove the lenses correctly?

    1. First you need to wash your hands - this is very important. After all, the fingers will come into contact with the mucous membrane of the eye and a thin lens. Hands should be washed both before putting on and before removing the lens, using soap. In field conditions, you can use antibacterial wipes or gel.
    2. Sit at a table with your elbows resting on its surface. Before you should be a mirror, an open container for lenses, tweezers. Arrange good lighting that should not shine directly into your eyes.
    3. With the index and middle fingers of the left hand, pinch the upper and lower eyelids, respectively. This is done so that you do not involuntarily start blinking and closing your eyes.
    4. With the pad of the index finger of the right hand, you need to carefully touch the lens and move it from the pupil towards the white of the sclera. Do not look at the pads with your eyes, look straight ahead.
    5. After wearing the lens for a long time (especially on hot days), the cornea dries up and there is a feeling that the lens has literally grown into the pupil and cannot be moved. In this case, to facilitate the task, you can use special moisturizing drops, which are also sold in optics, often complete with lenses.
    6. Drop similar drops on the eye and make a circle with the pupil in one direction and the other so that the liquid is evenly distributed over the mucous membrane. Removing the lens from a moistened eye is much easier.
    7. As soon as you manage to move the lens away from the pupil with the pad of your finger, carefully grab it with two fingers of your right hand.
    8. Dip the lens into the liquid container so that it is completely immersed in the special compound. Use tweezers if necessary. Do not use tweezers without rubber tips - you can damage and scratch the fragile structure of the lens. Do not confuse the right and left lenses in places, even if you have the same diopter.
    9. Remove and put on lenses before applying or removing makeup. Otherwise, friction can cause particles of decorative cosmetics to get on the lens or in the gap between the lens and the pupil. By the way, if you wear lenses, decorative cosmetics should be soft and hypoallergenic.
    10. In some cases, contact lens wearers may be offered a special device to remove them. It is a small suction cup along the diameter of the lens itself, the suction cup is located on a stick. The unit, as it were, sticks to the outer side of the lens, after which it is detached from the eye and remains on the suction cup. However, many admit that it is not very convenient to remove lenses in this way, it is much better to use your own fingers. Such a device is indispensable for ladies with long nails, especially sharp ones. Removing lenses on your own with such a manicure is very difficult, almost impossible. Therefore, if you remove the lenses with your fingers, long nails should be discarded, at least at first.

    After a few days, it will be much easier for you to remove and put on lenses, and after you finally get used to it, the actions will reach automaticity, and you will spend no more than 10 seconds on it.

    How to care for lenses properly

    One of the disadvantages of wearing lenses is the need for careful care of them. Every day or every other day you need to change the liquid in the container, after washing it with clean and warm water. The fact is that while wearing the porous structure of the lens is impregnated with the smallest particles of dust and dirt, protein deposits of the mucosa. To clean the lens and prepare it for tomorrow's wear, the material must be in a special cleaning liquid.

    In addition, it is very important to change lenses on time. If the lens has a shelf life of 3 months, do not wear it longer. Microcracks form on its surface from prolonged use, which bring discomfort to the eye. In some cases, old lenses can cause unexplained headaches, pain in the eyes. If the lens is damaged before the due date, a crack appears on its surface - it is also absolutely impossible to wear it.

    Once a week, mechanical cleaning of the lenses should be carried out, since sometimes the protein coating is not removed with the help of a liquid. On sale, along with lenses, special tablets can be sold that need to be dissolved in water. Soak the lens in the prepared composition for a few minutes. Then put the lens on your finger, fold it in half and gently rub the two halves together. This will gently but effectively clean the inner surface of the lens from various deposits.

    When buying lenses, pay attention to their quality. A good lens should be breathable - this is a must. Do not buy cheap products - if air does not pass through the material, oxygen starvation of the lens mucosa may develop.

    The wrong choice, neglectful removal and putting on of lenses can lead to other unpleasant consequences. If you put on or take off the lens with dirty hands, you can infect the mucous membrane with an infection, resulting in blepharitis, keratitis, etc. In some cases (rarely enough), a person may have an individual intolerance to the material from which the lenses are made. Therefore, if you are wearing lenses for the first time, or changing manufacturers, start with small periods of wearing. This will allow you to quickly respond to a problem should it arise. Keep an eye on the health of your eyes, properly care for the lenses, and they will bring you only joy.

    Video: how to remove lenses quickly and easily

    What to do in such a situation? There are simple rules, under which the use of lenses will bring only pleasure.

    Why is this happening?

    Despite all the benefits, people often forego wearing lenses by buying glasses because they are easier to handle. Indeed, for many, the process of removing lenses is a significant problem, which can take from several minutes to an hour. In some cases, you have to consult a doctor, because a person cannot remove the lens on his own.

    Difficulties arise due to neglect of the rules of care, violation of the technique of use. All of the above factors are easily fixable. Therefore, if problems arise with the removal of the lens, it is necessary to identify the root cause and eliminate it. This will be done by a qualified specialist.

    Main reasons:

    • Adaptation period . Using lenses requires some skill. On average, the process of getting used to takes from several days to two weeks. During this period, it may feel like the lens is stuck to the eye and cannot be removed. To avoid such a problem, before buying, you need to undergo a detailed briefing from an ophthalmologist. It is not enough just to tell how to remove and put on lenses, it is necessary to teach a person to do it right in the office. It may be necessary to repeat the procedure several times until the patient masters the skill.
    • Excessive dryness of the eye . Prolonged sitting at the computer, the use of air conditioning, tobacco smoke affect the production of natural eye secretion. Drying of the cornea occurs. The lens is very tight to the eye, it becomes difficult to move it. In this case, the use of artificial tears is indicated.
    • Wrong position . The lens should normally be located in the center of the cornea, but sometimes it shifts to the side, up. In such cases, it becomes more difficult to remove it. The main task is to return the lens to its original position or try to move it to the corner of the eye.
    • wet hands . Before the procedure, you must wash and then dry your hands. It is problematic to grab the lens with wet fingers, hands will simply slide over its surface.
    • Late withdrawal . If there is a feeling that the lens seems to be stuck in the eye, it may not have been removed for a long time. It is necessary to adhere to the recommendations of the ophthalmologist, to give the eyes a rest at night, to change the solution in time.

    Before removing the lens, you need to make sure that it is in the eye. It is recommended to stand in front of a mirror in a well-lit room, look up, to the sides, trying to detect its edges.

    What to do if the lens is not removed?

    How to remove lenses if they are not removed? Should I immediately go to the doctor or can I try to cope with the situation on my own? There are a few simple rules that will help make the task easier. But if the recommendations are ineffective, there will be a sharp pain, redness of the eye, you need to seek help from a specialist.

    There are some features when using soft and hard lenses. It should be borne in mind that they have a different structure, density, size. Despite the differences, there is a golden rule that should be followed in any situation.

    What to do if you can't remove the lens? The answer is simple - do not worry and calm down. At first glance, the advice is simple, but it is quite effective. When it is not possible to remove the lens the first time, most people begin to rub the eye, touching the cornea again and again. Such actions lead to irritation. There is redness of the mucous membrane, there are unpleasant sensations, pain in the eyes. The most effective way is to calm down, close your eyelids, then repeat the procedure after a few minutes.

    If the lenses are soft

    Soft lenses are more common than hard lenses. They are comfortable, not felt on the eye, the risk of damage to the cornea when worn is minimal. What to do in a situation if a hydrogel-based lens stuck to the eye?

    • Observing hygiene is a must . Before the procedure, wash and dry your hands. Wet fingers slide over the surface of the lens, making it much harder to grab or move. It is forbidden to touch the eye with dirty hands, especially in the case of a stuck lens. Contact with the mucosa is much longer, bacteria can easily get on the cornea.
    • It is recommended to remove the lens over a flat, hard surface. . During manipulation, it can slip out of the eye. If a person did not notice this, he will try to remove it further. It is necessary to check if the lens has fallen to the floor after unsuccessful attempts to remove it for a long time.
    • First you need to find the lens, determine its position in the eye . Sometimes it shifts to the side, up. Touching in the center of the cornea will not work because the lens is in a different place. In this case, there are two options: you can close the eyelid, try to return the lens to its place or pull it up to the outer or inner corner of the eye, then remove it.
    • Moisturize the cornea . If the lens does not want to be removed, it is recommended to put a few drops of "artificial tears" into the eye. The liquid moisturizes the cornea, which greatly simplifies the procedure. This method is effective in 80% of cases. Also, experts recommend closing the eyelid, massaging the eyeball area with your fingertips, blinking often, looking in different directions.
    • If you can’t cope with the problem on your own, ask relatives, friends for help. . Often the lens is displaced under the upper eyelid. It's hard to find it on your own. It is necessary to throw your head back, lift the upper eyelid, look down. In this position, the assistant will be able to see the lens, with smooth movements he will try to get it or move it into the corner of the eye.

    If the eye turns red, vascular hemorrhages are observed, there are sharp pains that do not go away for several minutes, it is necessary to call a doctor. During the above manipulations, there is a risk of damage to the cornea.

    The help of a specialist is indicated when the patient cannot remove the lens on his own for a long time, and various techniques and moisturizing drops do not help.

    If the lenses are hard

    Rigid lenses have some features. They are denser, therefore they can injure the mucous membrane if used improperly. But at the same time, they pass oxygen well and are less prone to pollution.

    What to do if a hard lens is stuck in the eye:

    • The first few points are the same as for soft lenses. Hands must be washed and dried thoroughly.
    • If it did not work out the first time, it is recommended to calm down, close your eyelids, take a break for a few minutes.
    • You need to determine where the lens is located in the eye: look to the right, then to the left, up and down. If necessary, you can ask friends or relatives for help.
    • In optics stores or pharmacies, special devices are sold - suction cups. Before buying, the doctor must teach how to use them. At home, you must adhere to a strict sequence of actions. First, rinse the suction cup with a solution, then spread the eyelids with your thumb and forefinger. The lens should be located in the center of the cornea, it is forbidden to apply the device to the mucosa. Next, install the suction cup on the lens, pull it towards you.
    • If the above methods do not help, or there is pain, redness of the eye, you should consult a doctor.

    It is forbidden to rub the eyes, massage the eyelids. Rigid lenses have a rough structure, it is possible to injure the mucous membrane due to such manipulations.

    What can not be done?

    Some manipulations can lead to corneal injury, vascular hemorrhage, and irritation of the mucosa. It is forbidden to use improvised means to remove the lens. Tweezers, cotton swabs, matches damage the eye. All actions must be carried out with the help of fingertips. You can not move the lens, trying to grab it with your nails.

    Preventive measures

    In order to avoid questions about what to do if the lens is firmly stuck to the eye, you must follow a few rules.

    • Wash your hands with soap before the procedure. Wet wipes, plain water do not clean fingers well enough. It is recommended to use a liquid agent.
    • Alcoholic antiseptic solutions can cause irritation, burns of the mucosa.
    • Hands must be dry. The best option is to use hand dryers. Paper napkins are also suitable. It is better to refuse terry towels. Villi often remain on the fingers, getting into the eyes, they cause irritation.
    • must be changed every day, it is unacceptable to reuse it.
    • It is better to start putting on and taking off lenses from one eye. This will help not to mix up the containers.
    • Before buying lenses, you should consult an ophthalmologist. The doctor must teach them how to use them, talk about the features of care.
    • It is necessary to adhere to the mode of wearing lenses - remove at night, carry out a planned replacement.
    • If the work is associated with a long stay at computers, the mucous membrane of the eye may dry out. In this case, the doctor prescribes means for additional hydration - artificial tears.
    • It is recommended to stop smoking - tobacco smoke negatively affects the mucous membrane of the eye.
    • Regular visits to the ophthalmologist will help to identify and prevent vision problems in time. A preventive examination is carried out at least once a year.
    • If vision began to deteriorate, there was redness, pain in the eye area, a feeling of a foreign body, a visit to the doctor should not be postponed.

    So that the process of removing lenses does not drag on for several tens of minutes, you need to follow simple recommendations. The use of moisturizing drops, quitting smoking, observing the rules of hygiene allow you to forget about this problem. It is equally important to find a good ophthalmologist who will examine you, select lenses, and teach you how to use them.

    Useful video on how to put on and take off contact lenses

    Contact lenses (CL) are an extremely useful and convenient optical device for people with poor eyesight. With the help of CL, you can easily correct visual acuity for nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. But, unlike glasses, lenses require more careful care, and their use has its own characteristics. Patients who have appreciated all the benefits of wearing CLs say that over time, putting on contact lenses correctly and then removing them is no more of a concern than washing your face or brushing your teeth.

    Very often, the problem of how to remove lenses from the eyes is faced by people who put on CL for the first time. As a rule, an ophthalmologist, an optometrist or a sales assistant in an optics salon helps to carry out the first fitting of contact lenses for the eyes, and, having come home, full of delight from new impressions due to the clarity of vision, a person tries in vain to pull the optical device out of the eye several dozen times. The main reason for this phenomenon is the lack of knowledge and skill. After only 5-7 times, the problematic process of putting on and taking off the CL turns into an ordinary five-second simple task.

    In this article, we will tell you how to properly remove CL without unnecessary hassle and spent nerves.

    What you need to prepare in advance

    Before proceeding with the process of removing CL from the eye, you need to prepare the following:

    • soap, towel and running water for washing hands;
    • multifunctional solution that you use to wash, store and disinfect your contact lenses;
    • tweezers with silicone tips (if you have it in a case, then remove it from there at the stage of preparation for removing the CL);
    • a clean (washed and disinfected) container;
    • disposable clean napkin;
    • a mirror (for the pros, a mirror is no longer needed).

    Attention! If you use one-day MKL (soft contact lenses) - you do not need tweezers, solution and a container, since such lenses are thrown away immediately after removal, they do not need to be cleaned, disinfected and stored.

    A travel kit for contact lens users will be indispensable in emergency situations, allowing you to put on or take off the product, wherever you are.

    Important rules for beginners

    CLs require special care, cleanliness and caution in use, since they are in contact with the surface of the eyeball for a long time and can cause infection or damage if used improperly. Therefore, before you start taking off or putting on, remember a few simple rules:

    1. Compliance with hand hygiene.
    Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before placing or removing contact lenses from your eye. Then dry them well with a clean towel (the towel should be individual and designed only for this task). Ideally, it is better to use disposable paper towels, which are considered more hygienic.

    Important! It is better not to use terry cloth towels or products from other types of fabrics with a large pile, as individual fibers can remain on the fingers and then get on the lens or in the eye. This will cause discomfort in the eyeball, and may also cause injury to the cornea or infection of the eye.

    2. Remember to wear the CL.
    The wearing mode is the maximum period of using the contact lenses without removing them. This indicator differs depending on the material from which the lens is made and must be indicated by the manufacturer. In no case should you exceed the recommended time of continuous wearing of contact lenses, as this is dangerous for your eyesight.

    Today there are 4 main wearing modes:

    1. Continuous - the optical device is worn continuously (not removed at night) for the time specified by the manufacturer or recommended by the ophthalmologist. As a rule, this is 2 weeks, some optical devices have a maximum wearing period of 30 days.
    2. Prolonged - CL can be inserted into the eyes for a whole week without removing them at night.
    3. Daytime - KL is put on immediately after waking up in the morning, worn all day (12-14 hours), and must be removed at night.
    4. Flexible - this mode means that sometimes the user may not remove the CL at night, for example, on tours.

    Every contact lens wearer should know their wearing routine and never violate it.

    3. Comfortable posture.
    You need to insert and remove lenses in a sitting position, tilting your torso and head slightly forward over the table, since in the process of manipulating the CL, the optical device may slip off your finger or fall out of their tweezers and fall. It is better to immediately put a clean napkin on the surface. This way, you won't lose the lens or make it significantly dirty, like dropping it on a carpet or sink.

    4. Good room lighting.
    In order to get or insert the CL without any problems, you need good lighting, but in no case blinding. Ideal for this purpose is a small table lamp, the light of which can be directed to the angle you need.

    5. Correct eye focus.
    To easily get the lenses, you need to focus your gaze in the mirror not on your fingers, but look straight ahead.

    6. Good hydration.
    If the lens is worn for a long time or the patient has dry eye syndrome, the lens may dry out and “stick” to the eyeball, which will significantly complicate the process of its removal. Correcting the situation is very simple. It is enough to blink several times for a new portion of tears to flow to the eye or to drip special moisturizing drops into the eye.

    Bio True Hyaluronic Acid Hydrating Drops are a great choice for contact lens wearers

    7. What about makeup?
    Here you need to remember an important rule: the lenses are inserted before applying makeup and removed before removing it. In this case, the risk of contact with various chemical and coloring substances from the composition of decorative cosmetics on the lens is minimal, this will protect you from damage to the optical device and additional waste for its replacement.

    Learn how to put on contact lenses

    So, you can correctly insert lenses into your eyes using the following algorithm:

    1. We take out the lens with special tweezers from the container with the solution, carefully place it on the pad of the index finger of the leading hand, then carefully examine its edges, make sure that the position is correct (to see if the CL is turned out) and integrity.
    2. With the middle finger of the same hand, pull the lower eyelid down, and with the index finger of the other hand, pull the upper eyelid slightly up and fix it.
    3. We look up and gently press the finger with the lens to the eyeball.
    4. Then we pick up the index finger, release the eyelids, look down and blink several times until the CL falls into place.
    5. With the second eye, we repeat everything in the same order.

    Interesting! Some users at their first attempts to manipulate lenses claim that putting them on is much easier than taking them off. But this is absolutely not true. The process of removing the CL is much easier than putting it on.

    How to remove contact lenses

    Consider step by step the main methods for removing soft CL (hydrogel and silicone hydrogel).

    Pinch method

    With two fingers (index and middle) of one hand, we part the eyelids a little. With two fingers of the other hand (forefinger and thumb), we form a kind of tweezers and pinch the lens from the eyeball. The soft product is easily folded in half and removed from the eye with fingertips.

    Removing a soft lens by pinching

    Scrolling method (shift down)

    Some people find it difficult to pinch the lens from the center of the eye. They may have another way. In this case, the eyelids are fixed, as in the previous version, with the same fingers. The lens is then pushed down with the index finger of the other hand. Already at this stage, it becomes easy to get it out of the eye, since the lower edge of the CL is folded over the lower eyelid. If this does not happen, then the lens must be pinched in the manner described above. In the lower part of the eye, this is much easier to do.

    With tweezers

    We pull the lower eyelid down with the middle finger of one hand so that the lower edge of the CL is accessible, while fixing the upper eyelid with the index finger of the same hand. With the leading hand, we take special tweezers with silicone tips and pry the lens at the bottom edge. Then carefully remove it with tweezers parallel to the longitudinal axis of the face. This method is suitable for women with long nails that make it difficult to remove lenses using the two methods described above. Also, this technique will protect the CL and the eye from damage by nails.

    Tweezers for manipulating lenses should have special soft (silicone) tips

    Eyelid closing method

    We fix the upper and lower eyelids with the thumb and forefinger of one hand, pressing them to the eyeball. Then slowly bring the eyelids together with your fingers, while not easing the pressure. In most cases, this action results in the lens folding in half and falling out of the eye. Therefore, it is important to lay a clean napkin in front of you so as not to contaminate or lose the lens.

    Video instruction "How to remove contact lenses":

    Useful accessory

    For some users, it is most convenient to remove the CL using a special suction cup (puller), especially for beginners.

    Benefits of using a puller:

    • the lens is conveniently and accurately fixed, it stops “rolling” over the eye;
    • there is no need to put your fingers in the eye, which reduces the risk of injury and infection;
    • the puller handles the product carefully - it does not deform or fold in half, which reduces the risk of lens breakage.

    Algorithm for removing the lens with a suction cup:

    1. The puller must first be disinfected by any method convenient for you.
    2. If the lens has been in the eye for more than 8-10 hours or you suffer from dry eyes, you need to apply moisturizing drops.
    3. We fix the eyelids with the thumb and forefinger of one hand, hold the suction cup with the other hand with fingers that are comfortable for you.
    4. We press the pear of the suction cup and apply the end of the device with the suction cup to the center of the lens perpendicularly, then release the pear.
    5. Next, gently pull the lens from the eye, pulling the puller away from you, the product will be on the top of the suction cup.

    A special puller for CL can be purchased at any optics store

    What if the lens sticks to the eye?

    This situation can happen if:

    • CL has taken an incorrect position, for example, has shifted to the inner corner of the eye;
    • have dry eye syndrome and do not use special moisturizing drops on a regular basis;
    • the wearing mode is violated and the maximum number of hours of continuous use of the CL is exceeded - in this case, in addition to reducing the amount of moisture, proteins and fats from tears are deposited on the lens, which act like cement and fix the device in one place.

    What is the way out of this situation?

    First, determine the position of the lens, if it is centered, then a special suction cup will help to remove it from the eye.

    Second, moisturize your eyes. To do this, you need to blink several times in a row for the flow of tears, or place 1-2 drops of a moisturizer in the conjunctival sac.

    Thirdly, you can do a light massage through closed eyelids to move the lens from its place.

    Important! If the described manipulations did not help to remove the CL, seek help from an ophthalmologist. You need to run to the doctor urgently if sticking is accompanied by redness, itching, pain, discharge and other pathological signs.

    Immediately after removing the lens from the eye, if you are using non-disposable SCLs, it should be rinsed and rinsed with a multifunctional solution, placed in the appropriate compartments of a clean container and filled with a fresh portion of the storage solution. Before the next dressing should take at least 4-6 hours.

    So, removing contact lenses is actually very simple. This takes a few workouts. It is important to try different ways of this manipulation and choose the most convenient for yourself.

    Currently, the number of people with vision problems that require constant optical correction, or, more simply, wearing glasses, is steadily growing. For some, these are age-related changes in the optical media of the eye, someone has had poor eyesight since childhood, and for some people this was the result of illness or injury, professional activity.

    Whatever the cause of visual impairment, it requires correction, since it is thanks to the visual analyzer that we receive up to 80% of the information about the world around us. A fuzzy, muddy image will significantly limit you in work and life. But not everyone is ready to wear glasses, and some of them are completely uncomfortable or just tired of them for many years. Then an excellent option would be to wear contact lenses - a means of correcting vision that fits directly on the eye.

    Types of contact lenses

    Today, contact lenses are divided into two large groups - they are soft and hard, and hard ones are divided into gas-permeable, allowing oxygen access to the tissues of the eye, as well as gas-tight (today they are almost never used, they have many disadvantages in wearing). Soft contact lenses are silicone hydrogel and simple hydrogel. They can be with low and high moisture content, which is important when wearing and caring for products.

    Lenses are divided into three classes according to the size:

    • , they cover the entire eye, except for the pupil and iris, also part of the sclera;
    • corneoscleral (cover the cornea and a small part of the white of the eye)
    • corneal (cover only the cornea).

    The lenses required for your type of visual impairment should be selected by an ophthalmologist at the appointment. If these are corneal lenses, they are usually rigid, are not very common today and are applicable for special visual impairments. The most common lenses today are corneoscleral lenses - these are traditional soft contact lenses.

    In addition to these lenses, there are also carnival, cosmetic lenses, and therapeutic lenses that are necessary in the treatment of certain pathologies and injuries and eye burns.

    What do you need when choosing lenses?

    First of all, in addition to selecting the lenses themselves according to all the main characteristics, it is also important from the very first day to make sure that you always have the means to care for them at hand. For comfortable and safe wearing of lenses, you need to learn how to quickly put them on and take them off, as well as properly handle and store them. Even with minor violations of the technique of their storage and use, the products can be damaged, which will lead to infections, injuries and damage to the eyes, which can significantly impair vision and cause purulent-inflammatory complications.

    Naturally, the lenses themselves, as well as all the accessories and care products necessary for them, will help you choose them in optics stores. To do this, each of them has a special consultant - an ophthalmologist. In the salon, they will be able to help you put on and remove lenses for the first time, which will be a significant help in further wearing. But be that as it may, in the future already at home, it will be necessary to master the technique of self-setting and removing contact lenses, and you need to know how to do it correctly.

    The problem of reflexes

    One of the biggest problems new contact lens wearers have is our own unconditioned reflexes. In order to protect the eyes from damage, there is a special corneal reflex. When any foreign body touches it, the eyelids automatically close, helping to remove foreign bodies from the surface.

    This reflex will be similar when you try to touch the cornea with a fingertip or the lens itself. To help you further put on the products, you can train your eyes a few days before you start using the lenses.

    With previously thoroughly washed hands, you can hold your eyelids open with your fingers, with the other hand, with your fingers, gently touch the sclera (white membrane of the eye), thereby forming an addiction to touch. Only a few days are enough to perform such exercises - the eyes will get used to the touch, and there will be no serious problems during the first setting of lenses.

    How to prepare for the first putting on lenses?

    1. When wearing lenses, absolute cleanliness must be observed, therefore, before the procedure itself, no matter what it is, you must thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water.

    2. It is worth choosing a soap with a neutral pH and without fragrances, as they can settle on the surface of the lens. Clean hands will guarantee the absence of an infection, with the subsequent formation of inflammation and suppuration of the eyes.
    3. If it is not possible to wash your hands, you should treat them with antibacterial, alcohol solutions or special hypoallergenic hand wipes.
    4. Carefully opening the container for storing lenses, you need to start putting the lens on the eye that will be more comfortable. It is important not to confuse the lenses for the right and left eyes, especially if the degree of visual impairment in them is different, there is a special marking for this: the right lens should be stored in a container marked “R”, and the left one marked “L”. For convenience, it is necessary from the very beginning to develop an algorithm for setting and removing lenses, and remember their location in the container.

    5. To evacuate the lens from the container, use only special tweezers. They can be silicone, completely soft and not damaging the lens, or plastic with special silicone paws.
    6. It is strictly forbidden to remove the lens using hands, especially nails, because. its surface may be damaged, and the soft and delicate tissues of the eye will be injured.
    7. After removing the lens from the container, you need to place it on the pad of the index finger of the hand that is more convenient for you to manipulate, depending on whether you are left-handed or right-handed.

    8. And only after a visual inspection of the lens - its integrity, the lens is located on the correct front side, it can be worn. A properly positioned lens looks like a bowl, its base is convex, and the edges are directed upwards. The lens turned inside out resembles a saucer, the edges of which are strongly flattened. But if you mistakenly put on an inverted lens, there will be no serious trouble, it just will not stick to the cornea, and with every blink it will be felt and slip, but it will not hurt the eye, although it will need to be changed.

    It is important to examine the lenses for damage before using them - the slightest defects on them (wrinkling of the edge, tearing, scratches) will interfere with wearing and can cause injury to the eyes. Such lenses need to be replaced with new ones. It is also important that the lens does not get the slightest particles from the outside, for example, lint from the towel with which you wiped your hands - they will really be felt in the eye and injure the mucous membrane.

    How to properly position the lenses in the eye?

    Only a correctly positioned lens, without defects, can be worn, and the main rule is to be careful. If you are doing this for the first time, you should sit in front of the mirror at the table, in case you accidentally drop the lens from your hands. Having placed the lens on the index finger of the hand, the thumb or middle finger of the same hand needs to move the lower eyelid, and the fingers of the other hand need to move the upper eyelid.

    Looking straight ahead, or lifting your eyes up (as you prefer), set the lens just below the pupil line, after which you can slowly release the eyelids. Reflexively, when closing the eyelids, the gaze falls down. In order for the lens to finally take its correct position, you can massage your eyes through a closed eyelid or blink your eyes. By the same principle, the lens is put on the other eye with a cross change of hands.

    If the attempt fails, or if you drop the lens, you need to rinse it in and try again.

    How to remove lenses for the first time

    1. Each type of lens has its own period of wearing and at the end of the wearing period they must be removed. The procedure for placing and removing lenses is similar in one thing - hands must be clean and dry.
    2. It is important to position yourself in front of the mirror again, and remove the lenses in the same order in which you put them on.
    3. By spreading the eyelid wide, with two fingers of one hand, you can see the edge of the lens. You can pick up the lens using the pinch method - with the tip of the index finger and thumb.
    4. Ladies with long nails should be extremely careful and use special tweezers. When removing lenses, make sure that the lenses from the eye are placed in their container.
    5. Removed lenses are placed in a container filled with a special solution. Handle contact lenses as directed by your doctor. If these are daily lenses, they should simply be thrown away after removal.

    How to put on scleral lenses for the first time?

    Scleral lenses are much larger, and putting them on has its own characteristics - the lens must also be carefully removed from the container and placed immediately on three fingers of the hand. Due to its large size, even two fingers of the hand will not be enough, the risk of the lens falling and damaging it is too high.

    1. In the future, the setting of the lens is not much different from the installation of the usual one: with the index and middle fingers of the hand, the eyelids are moved apart as much as possible, the gaze is fixed directly in front of you.
    2. When setting the lens, you need to monitor the full compliance of the lens with the eye, and then gently release the eyelids, closing the eye.
    3. To correct the location of the lens, you can pull the lower eyelid and move it with your finger from side to side or up and down.

    Similarly, you need to put on the second scleral lens.

    Removing scleral lenses for the first time

    To remove scleral lenses worn for the first time, it is necessary to pull the lower eyelid as far as possible so that the lower edge of the lens itself is exposed.

    1. To completely remove the lens, you need to pinch its bare edge with your fingers or tweezers, and gently pull it down, parallel to the plane of the face. This protects the mucous membranes and eyelids from damage.
    2. The removed lens must be placed in a special fresh solution for storage in a container corresponding to the marking.
    3. The second lens is removed in the same way.

    Scleral lenses need the same care as any other lenses. The consultant in optics will tell you about the features of care.

    Video - detailed instructions on how to put on contact lenses for the first time