How does a thrombus detach? What does "clot break off" mean? What is it, meaning from the point of view of medicine

A thrombus is a blood clot, a block in the path of blood flow. If a blood clot blocks the blood vessels of the heart, a person will have a heart attack, if it blocks the blood vessels of the brain - a stroke.

How is a thrombus formed?

In the human body there are special blood cells - platelets, which are responsible for blood clotting. In some cases, platelets can stick together right inside the vessel, and then a blood clot forms.

To understand why blood clots come off and how to avoid it, consider the mechanisms of blood clot formation.

If the smooth walls of the vessel are damaged or if blood flow is obstructed, the speed of blood flow increases and turbulence occurs. The blood in this part of the circulatory system flows along a complex trajectory, forming eddies. In a chaotic flow, blood cells come into oscillatory motion and stick together with each other. Clumped blood cells settle on threads of insoluble fibrin - a special protein, a blood coagulation factor. And here's a clot.

Arterial thrombosis

Blockage of the arteries can result in severe circulatory disorders, heart attack, stroke, gangrene. Blood in our body is a transport medium. Blood carries substances necessary for the life of cells, removes decay products. If the blood supply to an organ is disrupted, its work also becomes inefficient.

Thromboembolism affects not only the older generation, but also young healthy people. At risk are office workers, drivers and other representatives of professions that favor a sedentary lifestyle. For every person, after 45 years, the risk of blood clots increases exponentially every year.

Venous thrombosis

There are several valves in the deep veins of the legs that help lift blood from the lower extremities back to the heart muscle. As a rule, when the first signs of acute thrombosis appear, patients consult a doctor in a timely manner.

After intensive vascular treatment, relief comes - pain disappears, swelling subsides.

But, the problem is that valvular insufficiency develops in the deep veins.

And then in a vertical position, in patients who have undergone acute thrombosis, there is a pathological reflux of venous blood into the distal lower limbs. Venous and lymphatic stagnation is formed.

Varicose veins are a major risk factor for blood clots.

The formation of blood clots in the veins is provoked by:

  • damage to the walls of blood vessels;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • Elevated sugar levels;
  • atherosclerotic plaques;
  • Varicose disease.

If the valves are broken, then the blood is not pumped at a linear speed. Blood turbulences are formed and, as a result, blood clots. Tragedy occurs when the clot breaks off and begins to travel through the bloodstream.

If a thrombus breaks off

The blockage of a vessel by a thrombus that has detached from the place of formation and circulates through the bloodstream is called thromboembolism.

The blood clot is firmly attached to the wall of the vessel. However, any of these causes can lead to the separation of a blood clot:

The route of a detached thrombus through the bloodstream will depend on the place of formation and the size of the clot. A thrombus always moves along the bloodstream - it rises. It can get into the vessels of the lungs, heart, brain.

Thromboembolism can lead to disability and, in some cases, death.

Violation of blood flow causes congestion. At the site of blockage, microorganisms multiply intensively. Surrounding tissues become inflamed and, if not treated in time, blood poisoning occurs. Sometimes a large blood clot breaks into several parts and then can clog several vessels.

myocardial infarction

Myocardial infarction occurs when part of the contractile muscles of the heart necrosis. The formation of necrotic areas is associated with insufficient blood supply.

Signs of myocardial infarction:

Timely medical care will help to avoid serious complications. If help is not provided within 1.5 hours of the onset of symptoms, the changes may become irreversible.


A stroke is a violation of cerebral circulation caused by blockage of a blood clot or a complete rupture of a cerebral vessel. Mortality from stroke exceeds 60%.

Signs of a stroke:

The time for stroke therapy is 3 hours. If medical care is provided later, brain cells begin to die.

Thrombosis of the lung is a very dangerous condition, as it does not have clearly visible symptoms. With PE, the body experiences an acute lack of oxygen, blood pressure drops, the heart works with overload.

Signs of PE:

  • dyspnea;
  • suffocation;
  • cyanosis of the skin;
  • cough with hemoptysis.
It is possible to prevent death in PE only if medical care is provided within the first minutes after thromboembolism.

The suddenness and unpredictability make PE so dangerous. The man was healthy, cheerful, did not complain about anything and died suddenly.

Treatment and prevention

The only way to avoid a serious threat is the timely detection of a blood clot. It is advisable to know in advance about the predisposition to thrombosis. The question of how to prevent a blood clot in the body will be answered by a cardiologist or phlebologist. These specialists must be contacted for diagnosis.

The method of preventing thrombosis includes drugs that prevent blood cells from sticking together (antiplatelet agents) and drugs that affect blood proteins that form fibrin networks (anticoagulants). In the treatment of arterial blockage, drugs are used that promote the dissolution of a blood clot (thrombolytics).

Preparations for the prevention and treatment of thrombosis

Of the antiplatelet agents, cardiac aspirin is most commonly used. Contraindications to taking aspirin are peptic ulcer, severe disorders of the kidneys, liver, heart, pregnancy, bronchial asthma.

Anticoagulants reduce the reproduction of blood protein in the liver. The most popular representative of indirect anticoagulants is Warfarin. The drug should not be drunk during pregnancy, with certain diseases of the liver and kidneys. Taking anticoagulants increases the risk of bleeding.

Treatment will not be effective without a review of the diet. The menu should exclude foods that contribute to the development of cholesterol plaques and increase blood clotting.

Death from a blood clot can occur instantly if you do not provide first aid to the victim. Only a few minutes are given to avoid this dangerous incident. If a blood clot breaks off, death is inevitable.

What is a blood clot in humans and how does it form?

Due to increased blood clotting in any part of the human body, there is a high probability of the formation of a blood clot - a blood clot. According to scientific medicine, the appearance of clots is called hypercoagulability. As a result, thrombophlebitis and thrombosis develop. These diseases are closely related. First, thrombosis appears due to the regular formation of a blood clot in the vessel, since the anticoagulant system (maintains blood in a liquid state) cannot cope with the regular appearance of blood clots. Thrombophlebitis is a consequence of thrombosis - inflammation of the vessel walls at the site of blockage.

The early stages of these diseases are not dangerous if you see a doctor in a timely manner, but if you start the disease every day, new blood elements will be added to the resulting plug, increasing it. The separation of a thrombus occurs when a critical mass is reached, a detached clot in 80% of cases will lead to instant death.

Types of blood clots in relation to the lumen of the vessels:

  • White - consists of leukocytes, platelets, fibrin - are found in the arteries
  • Red - consists of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and fibrins - located in the veins.
  • Hyaline - consist of plasma proteins, fibrin, platelets - appear in small vessels
  • Layered - contain fibrin, erythrocytes, leukocytes - localized in the aorta, heart, arteries


We have already considered how it is formed. Now we will find out the reasons why there is a blockage of blood vessels.

Prolonged stay in a stationary position provokes thickening of the blood and subsequently its blockage. Mechanical damage to blood vessels is most often found in inflammatory processes caused by viruses and toxins. The variant of the congenital nature of poor blood clotting is not excluded - it is inherited. When taking estrogen-containing drugs, prolonged exposure to a viral infection.

Important! The main reason is the low mobility because of this, varicose veins occur, which later flows into thrombosis. Why do tumor diseases, diabetes mellitus and heart pathology affect blood clotting? Because they are directly related to the thickening of the blood in the body.

The risk groups for the occurrence of blood clots are headed by men over 40 years of age. Why are there no women here, but because they have monthly blood renewal to menopause. The second group most prone to blockage of blood vessels is obese. As you know, cholesterol remains on the walls of blood vessels, thereby narrowing them. As for alcohol, the following can be noted: with regular excessive use, it leads to sticking of the masses, but with small amounts of alcohol-containing drinks, on the contrary, it thins the blood a little.

Smokers, people with low mobility and pregnant women are also prone to the appearance of a blood clot. Provoking diseases also include atrial fibrillation, an acute form of rheumatic fever and obliterating endarteritis.

Why did a blood clot come off what is it and what will happen

There are two main reasons for the detachment of a blood clot:

  1. Rapid blood flow
  2. There is a gap in the vessel and the blood clot does not completely cover it

All thromboses of conservative therapy are subject only to the first 3 days. Because only at this time the thrombus is fixed to the vein wall while it is loose. Starting from 4-5 days, it thickens, and when it contracts, the liquid that was contained in it begins to stand out and, like a lubricant, can be torn off from the vein. Then the thrombus can become free floating. It can be carried with the blood stream to any area of ​​the human body. If it gets into the brain, there will be an ischemic stroke; if it gets into the heart, there will be a myocardial infarction. And as you know, these consequences will be fatal. Death from a blood clot is instant!

How to understand that a blood clot has come off

Depending on the location, the symptoms of a detached blood clot will be different. Let's briefly consider them:

  • In the head - impaired speech, swallowing, facial asymmetry;
  • Heart (in the coronary artery) - pressing and sharp pain in the chest. Sometimes pain can be given to the lower jaw, abdomen, neck, arms and interscapular region.
  • Intestine - is the cause of peritonitis severe pain in the abdomen
  • Legs - blue extremities, decreased temperature in the injured leg, redness, swelling and severe pain.
  • Lungs - oxygen starvation, blue skin, prolonged shortness of breath, cardiac and respiratory arrest


Timely detection of a thrombus is an opportunity to avoid surgery and even save your life. If you are at risk of thrombosis, it is better to periodically diagnose the condition of the blood coagulation function:

  • thromboelastography;
  • thrombin generation test;
  • active partial thromboplastin time;
  • thrombodynamics;
  • prothrombin time test.


In order to avoid the formation of blood clots and their separation, it is necessary to observe preventive measures. This is especially necessary if the person is at risk. Preventive measures include:

To prevent a blood clot from appearing, just follow these simple rules:

  1. Follow your diet and diet. Limit your intake of foods high in cholesterol. Reduce all fatty foods in your diet. Eat - citrus fruits, broccoli, cherries, drink green tea.
  2. Take anticoagulants such as aspirin. It lowers blood clotting. However, it can only be taken with a doctor's prescription.
  3. Increase physical activity on the body - running will be the best solution. It is this sport that strengthens the heart and blood circulation.
  4. Wear compression stockings on long trips.

first aid

Having identified suspected symptoms immediately:

  • Put the patient to bed.
  • Call an ambulance (cardiology team).
  • Apply a cold bandage or compress to the affected area.

In no case do not heat the sore spot. Give the patient analgesics and antispasmodics to relieve pain.

Many have probably come across at least once in their lives with the concepts of "thrombus", "thrombosis", but not everyone has the right idea about this phenomenon.

Thrombus is pathological blood clot in a living organism, which is located in the cavity of the heart or the lumen of a blood vessel.

It occurs due to a violation of the function of blood coagulation. For the appearance of a thrombus, it is necessary that the wall of the vessel be damaged from the inside or that there is an atherosclerotic plaque.

In the initial stages, the thrombus "does not give" any physiological signs, but its untimely detection can lead to death.

Primary thrombus is a fibrin thread that is deposited on the altered vessel wall. Then thrombotic masses are superimposed on it, the clot grows. Upon reaching a critical size, the thrombus breaks off and blood flow stops.

Causes of blood clots

There are three main reasons why a blood clot forms and in many cases comes off:

  1. Damage to the vessel wall(mechanical trauma, inflammatory processes, damage to the inner wall by bacteria, toxins, viruses);
  2. Improper functioning of the blood coagulation function(activation of coagulants and provoking platelet aggregation - attachment to each other). Basically, this process is associated with congenital abnormalities in the development of platelets, although sometimes changes occur at the chemical level (after exposure to bacterial, viral cells, taking certain medications);
  3. Deceleration of blood circulation(associated with squeezing of arteries and veins, varicose veins, increased blood density).

Blood clots can form in any part of the circulatory system - in the veins, arteries, and even in the heart. The above reasons are applicable in each case.

However, there are still specific factors that affect only a certain part of the circulatory system.

Causes of blood clots in the arteries

The main factor in the formation of a blood clot in the arteries is obliterating atherosclerosis.

Cholesterol and lipids (fats) are deposited in the inner lining of the artery.

Around these accumulations, the lining vessel begins to be replaced (gradually) by connective tissue, which then forms an atherosclerotic plaque. The plaque is perceived by the body as a kind of defect that needs to be “removed”.

Fibrin clots and platelets are deposited on its surface, gradually forming a thrombus - at first fragile and soft, with time it thickens.

This process occurs in most people, but at different rates.

Blood clot in veins

Cholesterol cannot be found on the walls of the veins, since this substance enters the arterial blood. Venous thrombi are formed due to specific damage to the vessel wall: and .

Thrombophlebitis - the occurrence of a blood clot in the inflamed area of ​​the vessel (inflammation can be caused by infection, chemical agents, defects in venous valves, varicose veins ...).

Phlebothrombosis - a blood clot forms without symptoms of inflammation.

If the heart is damaged

The main factor is slowdown in blood flow. This is possible, for example, after a myocardial infarction (part of the heart tissue dies, is replaced by connective tissue). Often, blood clots form after heart surgery (such as valve insertion).

If a blood clot breaks off in the heart, it almost always means death.

Who is most educated

At risk includes:

Also at risk are people with certain diseases:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • varicose, heart diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • thrombophilia ("supercoagulability" of blood);
  • obliterating endarteritis (chronic inflammation of the artery wall);
  • acute rheumatic fever (which affects the heart valve);
  • flickering arrhythmia.

Classification of formations

Depending on location in vessel:

  • parietal (one end is attached to the wall, blood flow is maintained);
  • extended (kind of parietal, but rather long);
  • lining (lining almost the entire wall of the vessel, a small lumen is sufficient for blood flow);
  • central (located, respectively, in the center, attached to the walls with cords, blood flow is limited);
  • clogging (clogs the lumen in the vessel completely).

Depending on the formation mechanism:

  • agglutinative, white: formed from leukocytes, agglutinated platelets, fibrin strands. Forms slowly, in arteries with fast blood flow;
  • coagulation, red: formed during hyperfunction of blood coagulation (fibrin mesh captures red blood cells), localized in the veins;
  • mixed type (mucous structure, formed by alternating processes of adhesion (sticking) and agglutination (falling into sediment) of platelets);
    hyaline (consists of plasma proteins, platelets, hemolyzed red blood cells).

Also, thrombi can be divided into groups, depending on their locations:

  • venous (in deep and superficial veins);
  • arterial (in deep and superficial arteries);
  • wandering (a clot that has broken away from the vessel wall and moves through the bloodstream).
  • thrombi in the vessels of the microcirculatory system.

If in time to identify and properly organize the separation of a blood clot, it can be avoided. How to do this clarifies our article.

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Symptoms to watch out for

Visible signs will depend on the location of the blood clot.

50% of people who had deep vein thrombosis experienced no symptoms.

However, the other half of the victims experienced certain feelings:

  1. If a blood clot located in a deep vein: fever, chills, local pain and blueness, heat in the area of ​​the blood clot.
  2. If a blood clot formed in a superficial vein: it can be felt, the vein will be compacted to the touch, painful touch to the affected area. Part of the body will be swollen, hot, red.
  3. Thrombus in the leg: cramps in the calf muscle, pain, swelling of the ankle, swelling that disappears in the morning. One of the late symptoms is brown skin.
  4. If the vein is inflamed and it contains a blood clot: high fever, pain in the affected area, redness, swelling. The next stage - the skin is covered with bluish spots, flaky.
  5. Thrombus in my head: impaired speech, coordination, paralysis of the limbs, facial asymmetry, difficulty swallowing food. If a blood clot breaks off in the head - a stroke.
  6. Thrombus in the vessels of the intestine: manifested, after a certain time, by the disease "peritonitis" (abdominal pain, radiating to the shoulder or collarbone, vomiting, stool retention).
  7. If a thrombus breaks off in the heart myocardial infarction occurs.
  8. Vein that carries blood from the brain: neck, headache, vision problems.
  9. Thrombus in the lungs: an extremely dangerous disease. If a blood clot breaks off in the lungs, a person suffocates, turns blue. Then he stops breathing. And usually no symptoms, until the dying state, does not appear.

Why is the separation happening?

The photo shows the process if a blood clot in the heart comes off

To give an unambiguous answer to the question of why a blood clot comes off, it is necessary to study a considerable amount of not always unambiguous medical literature.

But in general, the process can be described quite simply.

A blood clot forms in the body, waiting in the wings.

Why does a blood clot break off person:

  • it does not completely block the lumen of the vessel;
  • the blood flow is fast enough (to tear the clot away from the wall).

Therefore, in most cases, the clot breaks away from the artery wall.

At a certain point, a blood clot can break away from the vessel wall and move throughout the body. If it enters certain organs, it can be fatal.

Symptoms that appear when a blood clot breaks off determined by the affected area.

If a damaged artery, there is a lack of oxygen and nutrients (the organ that is supplied from this artery). First comes ischemia, after - necrosis of the corresponding organ.

Less commonly, thrombus comes off in a vein. Symptoms are also determined by the site of the lesion (congestion, reproduction of microorganisms, tissue inflammation, sepsis occur in that area).

Thromboembolism of the lungs - a deadly vagus thrombus

One of the most “unfortunate” places for a blood clot is, perhaps, the lungs.

Pulmonary embolism - is an immediate cessation of blood flow in the pulmonary arteries due to blockage by a blood clot.

PE is often the result of a complication of the postpartum and postoperative period.

If a blood clot breaks off in the lungs, it is in a third of cases certain death in the first minutes.

More than half of patients die within 2 hours after the appearance of a blood clot in the arteries of the lung.

Most often, PE is provoked by blood clots that have come from the deep veins of the lower extremities.

PE manifests itself through rapid breathing, shortness of breath, improvement in the supine position, chest pain, palpitations, cold sweat, cough, dizziness, cramps in the limbs, pallor, "cyanosis".


Timely detection of a thrombus is an opportunity to avoid surgery and even save your life.

Do not wait for the signs described above (under "Symptoms")! This is already an advanced stage of the disease.

If you are at risk for thrombosis, it is better to periodically diagnose the condition of the clotting blood functions:

  • thromboelastography;
  • thrombin generation test;
  • active partial thromboplastin time;
  • thrombodynamics;
  • prothrombin time test.

Treatment of various forms of thrombosis

The first step towards a cure is early identification of the problem.

thrombosis is treated exclusively under the supervision of a doctor, in a stationary regime.

For diagnosis, you need to contact a phlebologist or cardiologist.

He will evaluate the thrombus, the possibility of its detachment, formulate a diagnosis, and select a method of treatment.

There are such ways to heal:

  • medication (anticoagulants that reduce blood clotting, nicotinic acid, statins);
  • introduction into the vessel of a substance that dissolves a blood clot;
  • surgically (with severe forms of thrombosis);
  • installation of cava filters in a vein (applicable for unilateral thrombi, which often come off);
  • related procedures (exercise therapy, massage);
  • low cholesterol diet.

The type of treatment will primarily depend on the type of blood clot and its size.

Also, the method of treatment is selected depending on the affected area.

In more inaccessible areas (deep veins, heart, lungs), a drug that dissolves a blood clot is injected.

Surgical intervention is used in extremely serious condition of the patient.

Prevention of clot formation

  1. Compliance proper diet- a minimum of cholesterol (margarine, fatty, "rich" soups), more foods that reduce blood clotting (green tea, cherries, tuna, broccoli, spinach, citrus fruits, lingonberries).
  2. Taking aspirin reduces blood clotting (usually, cardiologists prescribe it after 40 years). However, do not prescribe it to yourself!
  3. Minimum 30 minutes per day physical activity(cardio training). Thus, you accelerate blood circulation, strengthen the heart muscle, reduce blood clotting.
  4. Apply special during travel and flights.

If a blood clot breaks off in the heart, lungs or leg, the consequences can be the saddest and following simple recommendations and regular visits to the doctor can save a life!

“A blood clot broke off” - such a terrible diagnosis is often heard by relatives and friends of suddenly dead people. It is so strange and creepy when a seemingly healthy person, who just yesterday enjoyed life and made plans for the coming years, is already dead today. And then the pain of loss is mixed with fear. How to be confident in the future? Are you insured against such an outcome? Of course, no one is able to prevent death from a blood clot. But you can at least minimize this possibility.

How to do it?

Of course, the best thing a person can do to ensure that one day a blood clot does not come off is to try to avoid such a disease as thrombosis. At increased risk are older people who are obese or lead a sedentary lifestyle, as well as smokers. The danger is also increased by such factors as the presence of regular blood loss, the abuse of sugar, coffee, fats and salt, severe infectious and oncological diseases, varicose veins, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis and hypertension. Thus, in order to prevent such a sad outcome, it is necessary to lead the most healthy and active lifestyle.

What is the cause of death?

It is often difficult for a person who is not passionate about medicine to understand why a small blood clot can cause a big tragedy. The pathological blood clot formed in the vessel will sooner or later move from its place and begin to move along its own route. As soon as a blood clot breaks off from the vessel wall, the blood flow begins to carry it towards the heart or brain. When he reaches his goal and clogs the most important vessel (the carotid artery, one of the branches of the circle of Willis, the coronary artery), the fate of the patient is a foregone conclusion - a stroke or a heart attack.

The first symptoms of thrombosis

If this disease is not “detected” at the very last moment, the chances of recovery are not so small. That is why it is so important to monitor your well-being (especially for those people who have a predisposition to increased blood clotting) and consult a doctor in a timely manner. In medical practice, venous thrombosis and thrombosis of the arteries of the lungs, brain and abdomen are distinguished. The symptoms of each of them are different, so you should sound the alarm for any of the following ailments:

1. Heaviness, swelling and pain in the legs.

2. Abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea.

3. Unpleasant sensations in the chest, shortness of breath, shortness of breath, palpitations.

4. Insufficient blood supply to the brain, manifested by a decrease in attention, memory impairment, dizziness, migraines.


Immediately after detecting symptoms of thrombosis, you should go to the doctor. In no case should you self-medicate: only a specialist can pick up drugs!

What to do if a blood clot breaks off in one of the relatives?

Such an event may be a signal of your genetic predisposition to this disease. Therefore, if this happens, it is better to play it safe and take all precautions. You will have to control your own diet: the risk of developing thrombosis increases if you consume a large number of foods that increase blood clotting: fruits, vegetables and berries of a bright red-violet color (including blackberries, beets, mountain ash, cherries and others), as well as green vegetables ( cabbage, lettuce, peas). You should not take risks by eating a lot of buckwheat, pork, bananas, liver, beans and many medicinal herbs, which are better not to experiment at all. On the contrary, bay leaves, lemon, red grape wine, onions, figs, raspberries, garlic and plums are useful in this disease. These foods thin the blood and reduce the risk of blood clots.

What is a wandering thrombus?

This is the name of a blood clot that has already come off the wall of the vessel and set off to travel through the veins or arteries.

Causes of blood clots

A thrombus is a pathological blood clot that, during a person's life, forms in the lumen of a vein or artery and attaches to its wall. Depending on the structure, there are several types:

  • white - are formed very slowly in the arteries, consist of platelets, leukocytes, fibrin;
  • red - include, in addition to everything described above, erythrocytes and are formed in the veins with a slow blood flow;
  • layered - they include elements of a white and red blood clot, such blood clots appear in the heart, aorta, arteries;
  • hyaline - include destroyed platelets, fibrin, plasma proteins, more often appear in small vessels.

Thrombi can be parietal or obstructive, which clog the lumen of the vessel. Also, a thrombus can be floating - weakly fixed, which is held only by a small area and can come off at any time. Most often, these blood clots are in the veins of the legs or arms. After a blood clot breaks off, it is called an embolus.

The reasons for the appearance of blood clots are varied. First of all, this process is a protective reaction of the body, which is needed to stop bleeding. Therefore, in case of inflammation of the vessel, its injury or injection, a dropper may appear a blood clot - a blood clot. In a healthy person, it quickly resolves without the use of any drugs. But in the presence of some pathological changes, the resorption of the clot does not occur, on the contrary, it becomes overgrown with thrombotic masses and may eventually come off. Conditions for the formation of blood clots are:

  • violation of the integrity of the vascular wall;
  • increased blood viscosity;
  • slowing down blood flow.

Also, blood clotting disorders and its thickening often occur with heart pathologies, autoimmune and tumor diseases, genetic defects, diabetes mellitus, etc. Often provoke a thickening of the blood taking oral contraceptives, smoking, dehydration and other factors.

First symptoms and complete clinical picture

Signs of blood clots will depend on which area of ​​the body it happened. Up to half of people with deep vein thrombosis have no symptoms at all. But in the rest, when a large blood clot appeared, the following initial signs of the disease appeared:

  • redness of the skin around the affected vessel (with superficial vein thrombosis)
  • pallor, marbling, cyanosis of the skin (with thrombosis of a deep large vessel); More about the causes of marbled skin
  • local pain;
  • hyperthermia;
  • sometimes - the possibility of detecting a bump on the leg or arm with the help of palpation;
  • pain when touching the skin;
  • leg cramps;
  • edema and severe swelling of the limb.

These symptoms are early in thrombosis, and in the future, the development of events may follow different scenarios. If there is a complete obstruction of the vessel by a blood clot, the skin becomes brown, the pain is unbearable, the skin is covered with blue spots. Thrombus rupture is a more severe variant of thrombosis progression. The signs of a detached blood clot will depend on where it happened and where it stops. These pathologies are accompanied by their own specific symptoms:

  • a blood clot burst in the brain: the development of a stroke - headaches, neck pain, visual impairment;
  • a blood clot broke off in the heart: the occurrence of myocardial infarction - pain behind the sternum, strong squeezing, pressure in the chest, radiating pain to the abdomen, arms, neck, shoulder blades;
  • separation of a blood clot in the lungs: shortness of breath and asphyxia, or falling into a coma, pleurisy, heart attack pneumonia, hemoptysis;
  • thrombus in the extremities: rapid cessation of blood flow, cooling of the extremity, its cyanosis, development of tissue necrosis, gangrene of the extremity;
  • pulmonary embolism: pressure drop, palpitations, retrosternal pain, urinary retention, loss of consciousness, brain ischemia, collapse, respiratory failure.

If an embolus enters the lungs, large arteries or heart, in many cases it threatens the death of a person, so the task of him and the attending physician is to prevent such consequences and prevent the thrombus from breaking off.

How to prevent separation

In order for a thrombus to move inside the body, such conditions must be met. Firstly, the thrombus should not be obstructive, that is, it is freely placed in the vessel. Secondly, the rate of blood flow must be high enough so that the clot can flow from one vessel to another. Migrating clots can fragment and clog several vital vessels, and it is almost impossible to predict exactly where this will happen. Sudden death can result. Therefore, it is very important to do everything to prevent thrombus separation, that is, to ensure timely prevention and effective treatment of thrombosis at its early stage.

Often with deep vein thrombosis, surgical intervention is performed - thrombectomy, or removal of a blood clot. Modern clinics most often perform such operations in a minimally invasive way, using vascular dilator catheters or other special devices that are inserted into the vessel and removed from it by a blood clot. Thus, they “clean” the vessels in which there are clots in order to completely rid the body of them.

Treatment of thrombosis is also carried out by medication (according to indications). It may include the following methods:

  • Reception or administration of anticoagulants - Heparin, Warfarin, Fragmin, Fraxiparine, etc. These drugs thin the blood and prevent new blood clots from forming.
  • Taking antiplatelet agents - Aspirin, Caridomagnyl to prevent blood clotting.
  • The use of thrombolytic drugs - Urokinase, Streptokinase to dissolve existing blood clots. These drugs are administered to the patient only in a hospital under the strict supervision of a doctor. In the presence of large clots, such drugs should not be used because of the risk of pulmonary embolism.

Of the non-drug methods of therapy, wearing compression underwear and elastic bandaging of the legs will help prevent the separation of a blood clot. It is also necessary to monitor nutrition so that it also reduces blood viscosity. The diet should contain as many vegetables, herbs, fruits as possible, as well as products that prevent the appearance of blood clots - beets, cherries, green tea.

What to do if a break occurs

First aid for embolism at home is almost impossible. Only emergency hospitalization and subsequent treatment in a hospital, or a surgical operation can save a person. It is difficult to answer unambiguously how the thrombus will behave and what the doctor will do in this situation, because the localization of the thrombus will be of great importance. Often, when a blood clot breaks off, death occurs in a matter of minutes, so the ambulance comes to the dead person.

If it was still possible to deliver the patient to the hospital, then the treatment may include completely different methods:

  • installation of cava filters to "intercept" a blood clot;
  • an operation to remove an embolus that has stopped in a vessel - an embolectomy;
  • intravenous administration of a large dose of heparin.

Any vascular surgery in itself threatens the risk of new blood clots in the future. Therefore, it is important to carry out high-quality prevention of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis, as well as to treat them in a timely manner so that there is no danger of thromboembolism.

How to recognize

How to understand that a blood clot has come off? Symptoms depend on which vessel is affected. When an artery is blocked, there is an acute shortage of oxygen and nutrients for the organ that is supplied by this artery. First there is ischemia, and then necrosis.

The most common options are:

  • So, when an artery of the brain is affected, a stroke occurs. Signs become a violation of sensitivity or motor activity of the limbs, paralysis occurs. It can distort the face (it becomes asymmetrical), speech changes, it is difficult to pronounce words, swallow food.
  • Coronary arteries are affected - myocardial infarction develops. Characteristic symptoms are chest pain. It can be oppressive, baking, squeezing. It can be only in the region of the heart, but it can be given to either or both hands, the interscapular region, neck, lower jaw or abdomen.
  • Mesenteric thrombosis develops when the intestinal vessels are blocked. There is pain in the abdomen, intestinal necrosis with the development of peritonitis.
  • The artery of the arm or leg is thrombosed - gangrene of the limb develops. At first, the affected limb becomes paler and colder than the healthy one. And then tissue necrosis occurs.
  • Thrombosis of the pulmonary artery is a very dangerous disease. When such a lesion develops, the person begins to suffocate. Then he turns blue, stops breathing. It begins, as a rule, suddenly, against the background of complete well-being. If such signs suddenly appeared, then the help of doctors is urgently needed. When breathing and palpitations stop, heart massage and artificial ventilation of the lungs should be done.

It happens that a blood clot breaks off and blocks the vein. Symptoms also differ depending on which vein is affected. The peculiarity of a clot in a vein compared to an artery is that a violation of the outflow of blood leads to congestion and the multiplication of microorganisms. Therefore, the surrounding tissues become inflamed first, and then blood poisoning (sepsis) may occur.

So, most often such defeats:

  • There was a blockage of the veins of the leg - the limb turns red, swells, hurts.
  • When the portal vein is damaged, cirrhosis of the liver, abdominal pain occurs.
  • Clogged veins that carry blood from the brain - there is pain in the neck, headache, blurred vision.


To prevent a blood clot from forming in the body, it is necessary to monitor the viscosity of the blood. If you are at risk, your doctor may want to prescribe antiplatelet drugs (such as aspirin). They should be taken regularly. If the patient neglects the doctor's advice, thrombosis may occur.

Damage to the arteries of the lungs is especially dangerous - this can lead to lightning death. You should not start taking these medications on your own, as they are not suitable for everyone. Be sure to check with your doctor.

An important role in the formation of a clot is played by an immobile lifestyle and a forced position of the body. For example, after surgery, it is necessary to observe bed rest; for many people, work is associated with prolonged standing and sitting. Therefore, you should move periodically. If necessary, elastic bandaging of the lower extremities is recommended. It is useful to engage in physical exercises (everyone chooses at their own discretion). Hiking and swimming are especially good.

The diet should consist of the food that lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood. You should eat a lot of vegetables, fruits, herbs. Also in the diet should be foods that help reduce blood clotting (beets, green tea, cherries). Subject to all the rules (maintaining blood viscosity, nutrition and active lifestyle), they prevent the appearance of blood clots and their consequences. And at the first symptoms of a detached clot, you should seek medical help!

How to fight

Treatment tactics depend on where the thrombus is located. If arterial thrombosis has occurred, then it is necessary to do urgent lysis (dissolution) of the embolus. So, for example, with blockage of cerebral vessels, a stroke occurs, heart vessels - myocardial infarction, intestinal vessels - mesenteric thrombosis. To restore blood flow, the optimal time is no more than two hours from the moment of the disaster. Apply therapeutic and surgical methods of treatment.

Drug treatment for arterial blockage involves taking drugs that help dissolve the clot (thrombolytics) and relieve symptoms. With the process in the veins, the treatment tactics may be different. It all depends on the degree of danger. It happens that the thrombus moves freely and unhindered through the vein (the so-called floating type), then a special filter is installed on the vein above the thrombus. When a blood clot breaks off, it will not go further.

Anticoagulants (heparin, etc.) are also used to stabilize the thrombus. As a result, blood flow is restored. When drugs do not help or the separation of a blood clot is life threatening, then surgical methods of treatment are used. All of them are aimed at restoring blood flow. The main task is the mechanical removal of the thrombus. Stenting is also carried out - a stent is installed inside the vessel, thus expanding its lumen. Shunting is the creation of an additional vessel, bypassing the clogged one.

With existing blood clots in the vessels or in the cavity of the heart, then this fact should not be left to chance. You should take medication strictly in the dosage and frequency as prescribed by the doctor. Try not to lie too long and not stay up for a long time, walk more. If necessary, apply tight bandaging. Self-medication is also not worth it. Maybe you are an adherent of the treatment of folk methods or leeches, then consult a doctor before starting any treatment.

Reasons for the development of the disease

How does a blood clot appear in the veins

The main causes of thrombosis of arteries or veins are mechanical damage to the vessel, the presence of an infectious disease, vascular inflammation, a high degree of coagulation (blood clotting), as well as circulatory disorders. The presence of various tumors also causes the development of blood clots due to the possibility of clamping the vessel, its swelling and edema. There are frequent cases of blood clots in women during pregnancy due to squeezing by the enlarged uterus of veins and arteries.

In addition, it has been proven that the presence of such concomitant diseases as atherosclerosis, leukemia, diabetes mellitus, varicose veins, myocardial infarction are factors that directly affect the development of thrombosis.

Why does tearing off the vessel wall occur?

How does a thrombus detach?

Earlier we mentioned that in most cases the formed clot resolves, especially if timely therapy with anticoagulants has been carried out. However, many are interested in the question of what causes its separation, and is it always a sign of a person’s imminent death?

The main reasons for the separation of a blood clot are:

  • cases when it does not completely block the blood vessel;
  • when the blood outflow is very rapid and strong.

This suggests the conclusion that most often blood clots come off precisely from the walls of the arteries, and not from the veins, because the speed of blood flow in the arteries is twice as high as in the veins. If the detached clot breaks into several parts, simultaneous blockage of several vessels may develop. Signs of occlusion of vessels by a detached thrombus may differ depending on the location of the blockage.

Thus, if vein thrombosis occurs, edema, blood stasis, inflammation, sepsis are observed. And if in an artery, the vessel experiences a lack of oxygen (ischemia), after which necrosis of the tissues of a certain organ, to which this artery belongs, gradually develops.

When is the most likely death from a disease

Thrombus surgery could save the patient

Since a detached blood clot can "float" throughout the body's circulatory system, there is a risk of it stopping in the most unfavorable place: in the pulmonary artery. PE (pulmonary embolism) means a complete sudden stop of blood flow in the artery of the lung. As a result of this condition, the death of a person is inevitable. True signs of blockage of the pulmonary artery by a detached thrombus are:

  • dyspnea;
  • lack of oxygen;
  • accelerated breathing;
  • frequent pulse;
  • dizziness;
  • convulsions;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • dry cough.

With timely diagnosis and treatment of thrombosis, such terrible consequences can be avoided. At the first symptoms of the disease, you should immediately contact a phlebologist who will conduct a thorough examination of the patient using instrumental diagnostics. To confirm or refute the diagnosis, it is sufficient to perform dopplerography, duplex angioscanning of veins and arteries, and computed tomography. To prevent the formation of thrombosis, you need to donate blood to determine specific markers in it, indicating a predisposition to high blood coagulation.

Treatment of venous thrombosis

How is thrombosis of veins and arteries treated?

If the doctor has diagnosed this disease, depending on the degree of its development, complex treatment will be prescribed, including:

  • compulsory hospitalization in a hospital;
  • taking local and systemic anticoagulants;
  • injections of drugs that help dissolve a blood clot;
  • in especially difficult cases, surgical intervention may be prescribed;
  • adding after the improvement of the state of the complex of therapeutic physical exercises;

You should also follow a special type of diet that uses low-cholesterol foods.

To prevent the unexpected development of thrombosis, we advise you to periodically visit a phlebologist, especially if you are at risk. Regularly take an analysis to determine the D-dimer markers that increase the hemostatic potential of the blood. Follow a low-cholesterol diet and a healthy lifestyle, often be outdoors, and exercise. During flights, trips and forced standing for a long time, use compression stockings and tights. All these activities will help prevent the development of thrombosis, as well as protect you from unwanted health problems.

Thrombus separation is a dangerous condition, fraught with numerous complications from the cardiovascular, central nervous system, and even human death.

Normally, the rheological properties of blood and its coagulation to stop bleeding is regulated by a number of factors.

These are the formed elements of platelets, proteins, biologically active substances that are produced in the liver.

It is in its cells, hepatocytes, that the main blood coagulation factor, prothrombin, is synthesized.

In a healthy person, the coagulation system is activated with any, even minor damage to the vessel.

Stopping bleeding and thrombus formation occurs in several stages. At the beginning of the adhesion of platelets, in other words, their adhesion to the vessel wall.

This mechanism is provided by substances that are released during injury. Then platelet aggregation, that is, the formation of a clot from the accumulation of a large number of these formed elements.

During the first phase, some of the cells are destroyed, releasing certain substances. Under their influence, the blood coagulation system is activated, that is, thin fibrin threads are attached to the clot.

Normally, with the restoration of the integrity of the vascular wall, the thrombus also dissolves. However, in the presence of certain predisposing factors, formed elements (erythrocytes and leukocytes) and other proteins settle on the resulting accumulation of platelets and fibrin.

Violation of the hemostasis system, which leads to increased blood clotting, is called thrombophilia.

A disease accompanied by the formation of blood clots of various localizations is called thrombosis by specialists, and the separation of a blood clot with subsequent complete or partial blockage of the lumen of a blood vessel is called thromboembolism.

Thrombogenic risk factors can be permanent, genetically determined abnormalities or temporary causes, such as:

  • age, the risk of formation and detachment of a blood clot is high in men older than 45-50 years and in women after the onset of menopause;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • mutation of genes that determine the synthesis of blood coagulation factors, recently such disorders and the possibility of their correction are being actively studied;
  • pregnancy;
  • forced physical inactivity associated with the consequences of severe trauma, stroke or other pathologies;
  • liver disease;
  • diabetes;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • slowdown in blood flow due to arrhythmia and other pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • violation of the structure of the vessel wall due to varicose veins, aneurysms, inflammation (thrombophlebitis);
  • atherosclerosis;
  • smoking, alcoholism;
  • obesity;
  • taking certain drugs that increase blood clotting (oral contraceptives, coagulants);
  • abdominal operations, surgical interventions on the heart, coronary vessels.

What does it mean that a blood clot broke off? Blood clots of this nature are tightly attached to the wall of the veins or arteries. Symptoms specific to thrombosis appear due to partial overlap of the lumen of the vessels.

However, the high speed of blood flow, fever in infectious diseases, increased blood pressure, physical overstrain become the reasons why a blood clot comes off in a person.

This happens suddenly, and often the outcome of such a condition largely depends on the speed of providing medical care to a person.

The most dangerous situation is complete blockage of the vessel by a clot. With such a pathology, a barrier is created for normal blood circulation, which often leads to irreversible changes.

A detached wandering thrombus (it is also called a floating thrombus due to the fact that it moves freely along the bloodstream) can clog the artery, then an obstacle is created to supply the cells with oxygen, which causes their rapid death.

Venous thrombosis is accompanied by congestion.

The consequences of the condition that causes a blood clot to break off are:

  • Stroke. It occurs when a clot clogs the arteries that supply the brain. The consequences of such an attack depend on the localization zone and the affected area.
  • heart attack. It develops against the background of circulatory arrest in the coronary vessels. Cardiac muscle cells quickly die as a result of acute oxygen starvation.
  • lower extremity injury. Thrombosis of the veins of the legs is a frequent occurrence in varicose veins. Without appropriate treatment, such a pathology can result in disability.
  • Pulmonary embolism. This condition is very dangerous. Violation of blood flow due to the stopping of a wandering thrombus in the lung can lead to the death of a person, despite prompt resuscitation.

In addition, every organ can suffer from acute hypoxia as a result of complications of thrombosis, for example, the stomach, intestines, and kidneys. However, in any case, without appropriate medical care, the patient is at risk of death.

A blood clot came off: symptoms, emergency care, types of thrombosis

Drug therapy for thrombosis and the symptoms of a condition when a blood clot has broken off depend on the specific type and location of the blood clot.

Distinguish them:

  • according to the location of the thrombus inside the blood vessel: parietal (continuous elongated and lining), central and obstructive;
  • according to the pathogenesis of education: white, coagulation, mixed;
  • by localization: arterial, venous, vagus, formed in small vessels.

If a blood clot breaks off, the symptoms of a cerebral stroke can manifest themselves in different ways, this is a very severe headache, and loss of consciousness, paralysis of one or both sides of the body, speech disorders, dementia.

The formation of a thrombus in the coronary arteries without complete blockage of the vessel causes coronary heart disease. Its symptoms are shortness of breath, chest pain, arrhythmia, fatigue.

If the thrombus completely blocks the lumen of the coronary vessels, myocardial infarction develops.

Often its signs are acute pain behind the sternum, which is not stopped by Nitroglycerin, respiratory failure, and a sharp pallor of the skin.

Thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery is usually accompanied by a lack of blood circulation in an entire lobe of the lung.

It is possible to prevent the death of a person only if first aid is provided within a few minutes, after a blood clot has come off, the symptoms have been noticed and diagnosed.

If the patient is at a distance from the medical institution, such an attack leads to inevitable death.

When a blood clot broke off in the vessels of the legs, the symptoms of such a condition can be intense pain in the affected leg and blue extremity, hyperthermia of the skin area in the area of ​​the clogged vessel.

Thrombosis of intestinal vessels is usually a frequent complication of atherosclerosis. The separation of a blood clot is indicated by pain in the abdominal cavity, nausea, and then vomiting.

The formation of foci of necrosis is accompanied by clinical signs of intoxication. The result of this condition is peritonitis, which is dangerous with sepsis and death.

What to do if a blood clot breaks off? It must be said that at home it is impossible to provide adequate assistance to a person with such a clinical picture.

Therefore, it is necessary to call an ambulance. Emergency medical treatment is the use of anticoagulants.

Heparin or its more effective analogues Enoxaparin, Nadroparin, Dalteparin are usually administered.

However, the use of these drugs should be carried out only in a hospital with an individual selection of dosage due to the risk of internal bleeding.

To dissolve the formed clots, fibrinolytics (Streptokinase, Thromboflux, Fibrinolysin) are administered to the patient.

When emergency care is needed, the clot is removed with a catheter.

Currently, drugs have been developed that can act on the reason why a blood clot breaks off and a person dies.

With deep vein thrombosis and for the prevention of circulatory disorders after heart surgery, with arrhythmias, Xarelto (Rivaroxaban), Eliquis (Apixaban), Pradaxa (Dabigatran) are prescribed.

To strengthen the vascular wall, doctors recommend medications such as Askorutin, Venoruton, Detralex.

To prevent blockage by a wandering thrombus, and in order not to wonder why a blood clot breaks off in a person, a special cava filter is installed in the lumen of the artery, which is capable of retaining blood clots.

If there are predisposing factors why a blood clot breaks off, after which a person may die, it is necessary to make adjustments to the diet.

Foods high in vitamin K should be avoided, as this substance is one of the blood clotting factors. It is found in large quantities in cabbage, spinach, greens, organ meats.

Introduce fruits, vegetables, cereal cereals into the diet, dress salads with a mixture of vegetable oils.

Exclude salty, pickled, fried, smoked foods, coffee and alcohol, that is, everything that can increase blood pressure.

To strengthen the walls of blood vessels, cherries, currants, cranberries, garlic, nuts are useful.

The daily regimen must necessarily include moderate physical activity, simple exercises. Regular foot massage is essential. After the operations, the earliest possible rise of patients from the bed and the beginning of exercise therapy are of great importance.

Wearing special compression stockings is also shown. A doctor can recommend a specific model and its density.

The listed preventive measures are very important, because if a blood clot breaks off, whether it is possible to save a person depends only on the rapid resuscitation.


What to do if a blood clot comes off: causes, diagnosis and treatment

One of the causes of sudden death is occlusion of the coronary artery by a clot that has formed in the venous system of the legs and has come off under the influence of external or internal factors.

A blood clot in an artery blocks the blood flow, oxygen does not enter the vital organs, and the person dies.

It is instant death that indicates the presence of blockage of blood vessels, so the most important questions will be whether it is possible to save a person when a blood clot breaks off, and what to do at the first sign of a deadly pathology.

Varieties of a blood clot

Thrombus death, either instantaneous or delayed, occurs when there is a complete blockage of a vessel that supplies the heart or brain in its entirety. The appearance of a clot is a complex process in the vascular system, in which the following factors will be mandatory:

  • damage to the cellular apparatus of the vascular wall;
  • progressive decrease in blood flow velocity;
  • congenital or acquired pathology of the blood coagulation system.

Thrombus formation is a slow and complex biochemical process that can occur in any vessel - in the aorta, in a large main artery, inside the cardiac chambers, in the venous sinuses or in the veins of the leg.

Depending on where the thrombus is located, how quickly the clot reaches the vital organs and how completely it blocks the blood flow, the manifestations of acute pathology and the amount of time before death depend.

Important prognostic factors include the type of clot found during the examination:

  • parietal (initial form of thrombus formation, partial occlusion);
  • central (attached to the vessel wall with fibrin strands, interferes with normal blood flow, high risk of separation)
  • floating (mobile, high probability of separation from the vessel wall with the risk of thrombosis);
  • occlusive (complete blockage of the lumen of the vessel);
  • wandering thrombus (a clot or embolus that moves with the bloodstream).

With complete blockage, much depends on the location of the occlusive lesion.

It is much worse if a blood clot in the leg comes off, and the wandering clot reaches the pulmonary artery: against the background of the cessation of blood flow to the cardiac chambers with a violation of the pumping function, cardiac arrest and death occur.

Causes of a blood clot

The formation of a clot in the lumen of a vessel is a huge risk: a person lives and does not realize that at any moment a blood clot can break off.

It is unpredictability and suddenness that are the main frightening factors when, in the absence of complaints, when performing the usual work or against the background of sports, there is a sharp pain in the chest and loss of consciousness.

You need to know what provoking and contributing causes of a blood clot can be:

  • heavy physical labor;
  • jump in blood pressure;
  • mechanical injury;
  • active sports;
  • temperature difference;
  • sharp fluctuations in atmospheric pressure;
  • pronounced physical activity after prolonged immobility.

To understand why blood clots break off in a person, one should consider a typical case of fatal thromboembolism after air travel.

In a person with congenital disorders of blood coagulation or in the presence of varicose veins during a long flight, if measures to prevent thrombosis are not observed, conditions arise for the formation of a clot (prolonged immobility, increased blood viscosity, dehydration, pressure drops). Immediately upon arrival in the baggage claim hall, when lifting a heavy bag, the detached parietal thrombus becomes wandering and the countdown to the fatal blockage of the coronary arteries begins.

Symptoms of acute pathology

Less dangerous is the blockage of the superficial veins in the leg, the symptoms of which impair motor activity, but rarely lead to deadly conditions. The main signs of a detached blood clot in the heart (myocardial infarction) and lungs (thromboembolism):

  • severe and sudden chest pain;
  • disturbed heart rhythm (tachycardia);
  • shortness of breath with shortness of breath;
  • cough with hemoptysis;
  • loss of consciousness.

If a blood clot breaks off in the heart or a blockage of the pulmonary artery occurs, then there is very little time for emergency assistance - from several minutes to half an hour.

But even with the provision of qualified medical care in a hospital, the chances of survival are low (50% of people die within 30 minutes of the onset of the first symptoms).

Pulmonary embolism Mesenteric occlusion of intestinal vessels Occlusive lesions of cerebral arteries

The variant of occlusive lesions of the arteries of the brain, the outcome of which will be a stroke, is extremely dangerous. Typical signs of separation of a blood clot in the cerebral vessels:

  • unbearable headache;
  • dizziness;
  • hearing and speech problems;
  • paralysis or paresis (inability to move limbs) on one or both sides.

If blood clots break off in the region of the arteries of the internal organs, then the most common option will be mesenteric blockage of the intestinal vessels, manifested by the following symptoms:

  • severe pain in the abdomen without a clear localization;
  • diarrhea and vomiting;
  • increased heart rate and increased blood pressure;
  • great pallor and fear.

Against the background of a detached blood clot in the leg, the following manifestations occur:

  • pain sensations of varying severity;
  • trouble walking (intermittent claudication);
  • swelling of the foot and lower leg;
  • change in skin color (cyanosis, redness along the dilated vein);
  • an increase in local temperature.

In each case, the presence of vivid manifestations of an acute life-threatening condition indicates that a blood clot has come off and there is a real risk to health and life. All urgent medical and diagnostic measures must be performed as quickly as possible (it is impossible to know exactly how much time is left to save a person).

Effective diagnostics

The best and most favorable option for diagnosis and treatment is the detection of blockage in the venous system of the lower extremities in the early stages of the disease, when a person feels pain and seeks help.

It is worse if a blood clot breaks off when the patient is being treated in a hospital: the chances for timely detection of pathology are much higher, but the risk to life is extremely high.

A person has a minimum chance of survival if a blood clot bursts far from a medical facility.

In addition to assessing typical symptoms, it is necessary to perform the following studies in a short time:

  • duplex ultrasound scanning;
  • angiographic study;
  • x-ray or computed tomography.

Laboratory studies against the background of primary care are ineffective: you do not have to wait for the result of the analysis of the coagulogram, so as not to waste time.

The optimal type of diagnostics is endovascular methods, with which you can perform 2 main tasks - to make an accurate diagnosis and eliminate the obstruction to blood flow.

Treatment tactics

First aid outside the hospital is simple - you need to call an ambulance, help the person take a horizontal position and provide fresh air.

The doctor who arrived at the call knows perfectly well what a blood clot is, why it comes off and what is the risk to life, so from the first minutes he will begin to apply measures to restore cardiac and cerebral blood flow.

However, the most important task of an ambulance doctor is to get the patient to the hospital as quickly as possible.

In a hospital setting, all medications used are intended to temporarily maintain blood circulation and vital functions of organs and systems of the human body.

The basis of successful therapy is surgical treatment: only by removing the thrombus, you can ensure recovery.

The technique of the operation depends on the location of the blockage of the vessel, the type of occlusion and the severity of the general condition of the sick person.

The best results of surgical treatment are in young people who have a blood clot in the leg.

The consequences of occlusion of the great vessels are much worse, even with the provision of timely qualified assistance: myocardial infarction, stroke or pulmonary embolism caused by a vagus thrombus is often the cause of death or profound disability of a person. Tearing off the clot and thrombosis of the intestinal vessels is treated only surgically - without surgery, peritonitis and inevitable death occur.

Any variant of thromboembolism threatens human life, so you need to know what blood clots are and how to avoid the sad consequences of acute blockage of blood vessels.


What is a blood clot, why did it come off and how to recognize blood clots

Doctors regularly remind that a disease such as thrombosis must be detected in a timely manner, because a blood clot can block the vascular bed, respectively, blood circulation is disturbed.

Moreover, a clot can break off at one moment and move to any place along with the bloodstream. The location of the thrombus is directly related to the symptoms. True, sometimes there are no signs.

The worst complication is the death of the patient.

Why do blood clots appear?

You can often hear that a person is dying because a blood clot has come off. This phenomenon should not be ignored, since no one is immune from it. What is a thrombus and why does it come off?

In the vessels, due to various factors, the formation of blood clots, that is, blood clots containing protein, occurs.

Such clots are parietal and obturating (the vascular bed is completely blocked).

The first types of blood clots are often found in small vessels, the second - in the veins of the legs and in the heart cavity.

What is thrombosis? A condition in which hard blood clots form that interfere with normal blood flow is called thrombosis.

As a result of blockage of the vascular lumens, a person may feel discomfort in the upper or lower extremities. Thrombosis, like other diseases, has causes.

Dangerous clots are formed as a result of:

  1. Increasing the level of coagulation of liquid tissue.
  2. Structural changes in the vascular walls.
  3. Deceleration of blood flow and its stagnation in a vein.

Blood viscosity increases in people with:

  • oncology;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • genetic abnormalities of the coagulation system;
  • body dehydration.

Due to these factors, the blood thickens, so vein thrombosis appears.

In addition, the causes of thrombosis lie in the use of certain drugs, which often cause thrombophilia.

This pathology is characterized by the presence of disorders leading to an increase in the coefficient of blood viscosity.

Structural transformations are often caused by atherosclerosis. If the diet is incorrect, excess cholesterol accumulates in the arteries.

A variety of factors contribute to the deposition of calcium in cholesterol growths. Accordingly, the vessels, which should be soft and elastic, become fragile, ulcerated.

And since a blood clot forms where wounds occur, vascular thrombosis is not excluded.

Doctors constantly urge to avoid hypodynamia, which provokes the appearance of the cause of blood clots in the vessels. That is, due to lack of movement, the blood circulates not fast enough.

In general, the formation of a blood clot is possible for many reasons. What causes blood clots in blood vessels?

Such a dangerous condition is associated with:

  • Gender identity. In men, the symptoms of thrombosis are much more common, and almost always relapses occur after the treatment course. Women are more attentive to their health, so they are better able to cope with pathological manifestations.
  • Age. The older the person, the more the vessels lose their elasticity, and the blood flow slows down, so a clot often forms.
  • CNS. The influence of the nervous system on metabolic processes is known. When balance is lost, circulatory problems occur, which can be temporary or permanent.
  • Oncological diseases. This is explained by the fact that due to the cancer process, the balance between the coagulation and anticoagulation systems is disturbed, therefore thrombosis occurs, and along with it, signs of a detached blood clot may appear.
  • Characteristics of blood. If the properties and composition of the liquid tissue change, dangerous clots may form.
  • Infections. The formed thrombus is often found in patients when they are at the stage of recovery or rehabilitation.
  • Heart disorders. Patients with blocked veins may suffer from heart defects, atherosclerosis, hypertension, mitral stenosis. Blood clots in veins often form at sites of varicose veins.
  • Carrying a child. During the gestational period, there is more protein in the body of the expectant mother, which causes blood clotting to increase. In addition, rupture of blood vessels is not excluded during childbirth.
  • weather conditions. If changes are planned in the weather, the nervous system begins to react negatively. Climate change especially affects the condition of people who have a pathology of a cardiovascular nature and suffer from slow blood flow.
  • Nutritious diet. In particular, people who eat a lot of food are at risk of getting thrombosis.
  • Lifestyle. Passivity is displayed on the state of all organs and systems. When a person stays in one position for too long, blood circulation slows down and venous congestion appears.
  • Hormonal agents. Some components of the drugs can provoke thrombosis.
  • Low temperatures. The worse a person tolerates cold, the higher the risk of thrombosis.
  • Medicines. Often, doctors prescribe drugs whose components increase viscosity.
  • Nicotine and alcohol addiction.
  • Operational intervention. Blood clots may occur due to the use of general anesthesia. Patients who are immobile for a long time after surgery are also at risk.
  • Severe injury to any organ.
  • certain types of activities. Blood clots found during the examination often occur in those who deal with excessive physical activity or are forced to spend almost the whole day in a sitting position.

Depending on where the thrombus is formed, you can observe the corresponding symptoms. A clot can appear both in deep veins and in superficial ones.

In the first case, vein thrombosis is recognized by:

  • chills
  • fever
  • blue area;
  • severe pain discomfort.

True, sometimes venous thrombosis is not accompanied by any signs.

If the pathology affects the superficial vein, it is well palpable. On palpation, there is a strong induration and pain. The place of thrombus formation is characterized by the presence of swelling with redness. The area becomes hot.

When a clot forms in the leg, the patient suffers from:

  • pain in the calves;
  • convulsive events.

An inflamed vein with a thrombus formed in it is a condition that occurs with thrombophlebitis.

Characterized by the appearance of signs in the form of:

  • edema;
  • redness;
  • bruising;
  • growth of temperature indicators;
  • pain in the affected area.

When the pathology passes to the next stage, the skin begins to peel off, the diseased area becomes cyanotic.

Similar signs of thrombosis often occur as a complication of varicose veins, and a detached blood clot carries a serious danger. In some, a clot clogs the pulmonary artery, causing death. If the pathology is localized in the head, a stroke is possible.

The first signs of a stroke due to thrombus formation are speech problems, loss of stability, deprivation of motor abilities in the limbs.

When arterial thrombosis develops, the condition turns around:

  • Myocardial infarction.
  • Stroke.
  • Gangrene.
  • Bowel necrosis.

Arterial thrombosis is accompanied by:

  1. Pain in the heart.
  2. Neurological disorders.
  3. Numbness, pain discomfort, decrease in temperature, discoloration of the skin surface.
  4. Intestinal obstruction with pain in the abdomen.

Venous thrombosis is dangerous due to the rapid multiplication of microorganisms. Thus, the surrounding tissues first become inflamed, and then sepsis spreads to the entire body.

Methods for determining clots

How are clots formed? The process takes place in several stages:

  • First, due to damage to the vascular wall, so-called turbulences occur, provoking the accumulation of blood cells.
  • Where the site is damaged, liquid drops appear, to which various blood elements, in particular platelets, begin to adhere.
  • The fixation of platelets on the wall occurs due to the fact that the charge of the affected area is lost. In a normal state, the charge of the vascular wall and blood cells is the same.
  • As a result of the release of tissue thromboplastin from the damaged vessel, thrombus formation begins.
  • As the blood flows around the formed clot, more and more layers of platelets appear.

It would be useful to know what the appearance of thrombosis means and how to prevent a blood clot from breaking off, because such a phenomenon causes the death of many people. When a blood clot breaks off, it can move anywhere with the blood flow.

This requires certain conditions:

  • the clot should not be obstructive (occlusive), that is, it should be placed absolutely freely in the artery or in the vein. Such clots are usually present in the lower extremities and in the cardiac artery;
  • blood must move at such a speed that the clot breaks off.

Migrating clots can travel quite long distances, divide into fragments and block the gaps of many tubular formations.

Signs of a thrombus that has come off are observed in PE (pulmonary embolism). At first glance, varicose veins and thrombophlebitis are not serious enough diseases to worry too much.

But if the clots formed as a result of the development of these diseases come off, death occurs instantly.

It is difficult to say why a blood clot breaks off in a person who, for example, has undergone a course of treatment and is about to be discharged from the hospital.

This only says that it is important to recognize the symptoms of thrombosis in a timely manner and not delay treatment.

To prevent disastrous consequences, you need to know how to determine the presence of clots:

  1. Often the pathology affects the lower extremities. How to detect a thrombus? It can be recognized by thickening of the veins, redness, or pain on palpation. The temperature in this place may increase.
  2. How to recognize a thrombus that forms in deep veins? Such thrombosis often occurs without pain. However, you can notice a swollen or cyanotic area. The condition can be supplemented by weakness, malaise and fever.
  3. If you suspect a thrombosis of the arteries or veins, you should be examined by a doctor, so that the diagnosis will be made accurately.

Features of treatment

How to get rid of blood clots? The treatment regimen will be drawn up depending on the location of the clot.

If the thrombosis is arterial, then you will need to restore blood flow as soon as possible. With damage to the vessels of the brain, the doctor has a maximum of 2-3 hours to save the patient. A little more time is allotted for the treatment of blood clots in the heart, but after 6 hours the patient may die because a blood clot has come off.

Thrombosis treatment involves the use of:

  1. surgical method.
  2. Medical therapy.

Thrombosis, against which surgical treatment is used, is eliminated with the help of:

  • Shunting. During the procedure, the specialist creates a new path for blood flow to bypass the vessel affected by the disease.
  • Stenting. In the place where the artery narrows, a puncture is made and a special device is placed - a stent.
  • mechanical removal.

Drug treatment of thrombosis involves the appointment of drugs, due to which the dissolution of clots is possible, that is, thrombolytics (fibrinolytics). Thrombolytic agents that dissolve blood clots are not recommended for the treatment of pathology that has been found in the lower extremities.

If there is a sudden occlusion of the vessel, then, so that the blood clot does not come off, therapy with thrombolytics should be carried out immediately for a maximum of two hours. So a fresh clot can be easily dissolved.

Thrombolytics are contraindicated in:

  • high blood pressure;
  • bleeding, especially significant;
  • hemorrhagic stroke;
  • severe liver disease;
  • ulcerative hemorrhages.

How to dissolve blood clots using fibrinolytics? The prescribed drugs (Urokinase, Alteplase, Prourokinase) are administered through a catheter.

How to treat thrombosis with other medicines?

  • To eliminate inflammation, purulent processes and high temperature, antibiotics are prescribed.
  • What thins the blood and removes thrombosis? Anticoagulants can help reduce the risk of clot formation. At the same time, the level of blood coagulation is monitored.
  • Some anti-inflammatory drugs will also help prevent pathology.
  • The patient is shown to apply creams and ointments based on heparin.

To correct the blood flow, there is a need for elastic compression. Often the bandage is applied for the whole night.

You can get rid of the disease in physiotherapeutic ways:

  • UV irradiation;
  • infrared rays.

Under the supervision of the attending physician, the patient can undergo hirudotherapy. However, with purulent thrombophlebitis, the procedure is prohibited.

Treatment will not be effective without a review of the nutritious diet. First of all, the menu includes products that have a positive effect on blood vessels in the human body.

Everyone can independently determine the presence of clots, but self-medication is extremely dangerous. The slightest suspicion of a pathology should be a signal to seek medical help.

Also, do not forget about preventive measures, thanks to which the risk of thrombosis is reduced to a minimum. But if nothing is done, the disease can provoke sudden death.