How to bring pets on the train. Traveling with pets

Going on the road, many pet owners do not want to leave their pet in the care of strangers, preferring to take it with them on a trip. In this case, you need to pay attention to the fact that the transportation of animals in trains and trains requires compliance with certain regulations. If a citizen ignores the instructions, then the conductor has every right to refuse him the opportunity to get into the car.

General procedure for transporting animals

Until recently, the regulations regarding travel with pets, both in long-distance and short-range trains, were distinguished by strictness and a considerable number of restrictions. In January of this year, amendments came into force that allow animals to be transported without a preliminary veterinary certificate.

A pet health certificate is still required if the pet has changed owners or if the transportation is related to any type of business. In other cases, paperwork for the animal is not required.

The rules of carriage, which apply to all animals without exception, are as follows:

  1. Transportation is allowed only in designated areas. When trying to get into a car that is not intended for transportation, the conductor has the right not to let the violator pass.
  2. Small animals - cats, birds, fish, rodents, lizards, small dogs should be placed in containers or carriers, boxes, baskets, cages. The total size of the portable container should not exceed 180 cm. The container should be placed strictly on the places for hand luggage.
  3. Transport containers should not accommodate more than two small pets. The rule applies to train cars of all categories.
  4. Payment, if any, is made immediately before the departure of the train, at the station.
  5. It is up to the owners to feed the animals and maintain cleanliness by cleaning the carrier in a timely manner.

Guide dogs are allowed on trains and carriages of any category absolutely free of charge. The animal must be in close proximity to the citizen it accompanies. The presence of a leash and a muzzle is mandatory.

Types of wagons for transporting pets

The transportation regulations state that transportation can be carried out not in all wagons - the selection of a place depends on the size of the animal. The carriages of most Russian trains belong to JSC FPC, the seats of which are divided by class. On high-speed trains, the following conditions of carriage apply:

  1. "Allegro" - transportation on a paid basis at the places provided for this.
  2. "Sapsan" - transportation on a paid basis in an economy wagon, business and first class in the places designated for this. At the same time, only one animal, bird can be issued per ticket. It is also excluded the placement of pets in the amount of more than two in one place. In the negotiation compartment, it is allowed to carry no more than one pet per place and no more than four animals in the compartment.
  3. "Strizh" - transportation is paid in a carriage of the "2B" type.
  4. "Swallow" - travel is paid in special places. No more than one pet per ticket and no more than two per seat.

Not all JSC FPC carriages allow pets, therefore, before buying a ticket, you should make sure that such a service is provided in the carriage. If the train belongs to another carrier, you should clarify in advance how the process is carried out.

If, in the opinion of Russian Railways employees, a large animal poses a potential threat and may be dangerous for passengers, their owners may be denied transportation.

Conditions for transporting animals

Placement of living creatures in long-distance trains can be both paid and free. It all depends on the category of the car and the size of the pet itself.

Small animals, such as cats, birds, tame dogs, can be transported in wagons:

  • 1A, 1M, 1I, 1E, 1B (luxury and SV) - free of charge;
  • 2B, 2E, as well as 1U, 1E (SV) - free of charge if the condition of full redemption of the coupe is met;
  • 2U, 2K, 2L - involves payment, but without buying all the compartment seats;
  • 1B - does not require payment;
  • 3U, 3D (reserved seat) and 3O (general car) are provided for payment, without redemption of all other seats;
  • 3G, 2B - for an additional amount without redemption of all seats.

The container with transported animals must be located in places intended for hand luggage in such a way that the possibility of causing any harm to passengers or train employees is completely excluded.

Animals of a larger size - service, hunting and just large dogs, are allowed to be placed in the following types of cars:

  • 1B - no more than one pet free of charge;
  • 2B, 2E - free of charge only one pet with a redemption of a compartment;
  • 1L, 1U, 1V (SV) - does not require a fee, but it is allowed to carry no more than one pet of large dimensions, taking into account the redemption of the compartment in full;
  • 2U, 2K, 2L - transportation of several dogs does not require payment when buying out the entire compartment space.

Transportation of large pets is allowed only if a muzzle and a leash are worn. The presence of an escort is required. At the same time, the number of people and animals in a compartment should not exceed the sum of the seats in such a compartment.

Shipping cost

Payment for the transportation of pets depends on the distance that the train must cover.

On average, the fare for dogs, cats and other pets will vary from 150 to 750 rubles.

Transportation of pets in electric trains

On short-range trains, it is not forbidden to transport small dogs without specialized packaging, but with a leash with a muzzle. But cats in this case, you can just hold on your hands.

As for dogs of larger dimensions, they should be transported in the vestibule, keeping them on a leash and in a muzzle. At the same time, the presence of more than two large dogs in one carriage is not allowed. You will also need to pay extra for shipping.

Transportation of dogs on Russian Railways trains is allowed in the baggage car, as well as in other types, except for luxury and SV cars.

Transportation of dogs in the baggage car

Animals are transported in the baggage car without reloading along the route of the train. Planting animals in the car is carried out after the provision of relevant veterinary documents.
Dogs can be transported in special containers or other containers (boxes, baskets and cages), which have a pallet that prevents contamination or damage to the luggage in the car.

Animals are accepted into the baggage car no earlier than one hour before the train departs. In this case, the passenger is issued a baggage receipt. Upon arrival at the destination station, the animals must be collected immediately, in extreme cases - no later than twelve hours after the arrival of the train. If the recipient is not, the animal is sold in due course.

If the baggage receipt is lost, the passenger can receive the animal on the basis of identification documents and after presenting evidence of the right to baggage. A dog or other animal is issued against a receipt, which indicates the last name, first name, patronymic and address of the recipient.

During the train journey, Russian Railways does not take on the responsibility of feeding the animals. Animals are not accepted towards the free baggage allowance.

Transportation of dogs in passenger cars

Large breed dogs transported in muzzles and on leashes under the supervision of the owner or other accompanying person. The passenger can carry at the same time no more than two dogs. Animals are placed:

  • in the non-working vestibule of the car following the locomotive;
  • in a separate compartment, subject to payment of the full cost of all seats in this compartment;
  • in a suburban train - in the vestibule.

Puppies and dogs of small breeds can be carried with you in all rigid wagons, provided that the animals are in a shipping container (container, bag, basket, etc.).

Guide dogs accompanying blind passengers are transported free of charge in carriages of any category.

Read also: Rules for transporting dogs on the Belarusian Railway (BZD)

Transportation of animals on international trains

Transportation of animals to Mongolia, China, Vietnam, North Korea

Transportation of dogs and other pets is allowed in separate compartments of a rigid wagon. No more than two animals can be placed in one compartment. In this case, the passenger accompanying the animals must pay the cost of tickets for the entire compartment. In addition, the passenger is charged for the carriage of a dog, which is half the cost of a ticket in a second-class carriage.

If the railway is not able to provide a passenger with a dog with a separate compartment, transportation is prohibited.

The passenger is fully responsible for the life and health of the animals with him, as well as for ensuring all sanitary and hygienic requirements. If the dog causes any damage, the passenger is obliged to compensate for all losses.

Transportation of dogs and other pets can also be carried out in the luggage compartment (if this does not contradict the veterinary rules). During the flight, the passenger must feed and water their pets.

Transportation of animals to European countries

Animals that do not pose a threat may be transported as hand luggage in a container suitable for transportation.

Containers or other containers for the transportation of an animal must have such a device that the animal does not have the opportunity to cause any harm to passengers.

If the dog is muzzled and on a leash, it can be transported without a container, placed on the passenger's lap or at his feet. Guide dogs may have special transport conditions.
The passenger takes full responsibility for the behavior of the animal. Dangerous and sick dogs are not allowed. Dogs are not allowed in the restaurant car and in those cars where food is brought to passengers at their seats. An exception may be made for guide dogs.

Special conditions have been developed for the carriage of dogs and other pets for night trains.
In sleeping and couchette cars, as well as in seating cars of night trains, it is allowed to transport dogs, provided that the accompanying person has bought all the seats in the compartment. In addition, the passenger must additionally pay for the transportation of the animal.

The fare for a dog is half the normal fare for a second-class carriage. Some trains may have special rules. Pets are not allowed in the UK and Norway.

Transportation of animals to Finland

If the carriage of a dog is not prohibited by veterinary or customs regulations, the passenger is allowed to carry:

  • two dogs on leashes;
  • two cages with animals;
  • one animal on a leash and one cage with animals.

The size of the cage must not exceed 60 x 45 x 25 cm. It is allowed to transport several animals in one cage. Dogs and other animals must be transported in a separate compartment, and no more than two dogs can be in one compartment. The passenger accompanying the animals must buy all the seats in the compartment. Pets are not allowed in business class sleeping cars.

The cost of transporting an animal on the Allegro train is 20 €. On other trains with Finland, pets are free of charge.

Source: Prof Pet Corporation. Transportation of dogs on the train. 2017 rules. 05/17/2017

This question has recently been increasingly found in social networking groups and forums of dog breeders. This is absolutely understandable - it's time for vacations, trips and related problems. ProfPet tried to understand the intricacies of the changes and explain in an understandable way all the new rules for transporting a dog on a train

Transportation of small animals in Russia
Transportation on long-distance trains of small dogs is allowed in separate compartments of a rigid carriage(except for SV carriages and luxury carriages). At the same time, two small animals are allowed per passenger in one container. No more than 1 container with animals per 1 passenger ticket, unless otherwise specified for your type of carriage in the table below.

Small dogs are charged separately on long-distance trains.. You can pay for the transportation of an animal on the train at the station before the train departs.
Conditions for the carriage of small animals in trains formed by JSC FPC in accordance with the class of service indicated on the ticket.

1A, 1I, 1M, 1B, 1E (SV and deluxe) - free of charge;
1E, 1U (SV) - free of charge when buying the entire compartment;
2E, 2B (coupe) - free of charge when buying the entire compartment;
2K, 2U, 2L (coupe) - for a fee without redemption of the entire compartment;
3D, 3U (reserved seat) - for a fee without redemption of additional seats;
1В (a car with improved seating layout with individual accommodation (with mandatory redemption of all seats) - free of charge;
2B, 3G (car with seats for standard seating arrangement and train number 800) - for a fee without redemption of additional seats;
3O (shared carriage) - for a fee without redemption of additional seats.

On high speed trains:

"Sapsan" - for a fee in the first, economy and business class in special places in the cars, no more than one animal or bird per issued ticket and no more than two per seat. No more than 1 animal (birds) per 1 seat can be carried free of charge in the negotiation compartment, but no more than 4 animals (birds) in the compartment.
"Strizh" - for a fee in the carriage of category 2B, no more than one seat per ticket and no more than two pets or two birds.
"Allegro" - for a fee at special places in the wagon.
"Lastochka" and "Lastochka-Premium" - for a fee at specialized places. No more than one seat per ticket and no more than two animals or two birds

Small dogs are transported in boxes, baskets, cages, containers, which must be placed in the places intended for accommodating hand luggage, and which must be arranged in such a way that the possibility of animals causing harm to passengers and the carrier is excluded, and placed in places intended for accommodating hand luggage . The size of such piece of hand luggage in the sum of three dimensions should not exceed 180 cm in the sum of three dimensions (length + width + height).

When transporting small dogs, owners or accompanying persons must ensure that the sanitary and hygienic regime in the carriage is observed.

ATTENTION! Transportation in long-distance trains on the territory of the Russian Federation of small dogs is carried out without presenting veterinary documents. Refer to the Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2016 No. 589 "On approval of the veterinary rules for organizing work on the preparation of veterinary accompanying documents, the procedure for issuing veterinary accompanying documents in electronic form and the procedure for issuing veterinary accompanying documents on paper".
Item 16. Many railway workers still do not know about it.

Transportation of large animals in Russia
There are separate regulations for owners of large dogs.
In trains, transportation of large dogs is carried out in muzzles and with a leash: in a separate compartment of a compartment car, except for increased comfort cars, under the supervision of their owners or accompanying persons with payment of the full cost of all seats in the compartment without additional payment for their carriage, while the number of passengers in the compartment of dogs and their owners or accompanying persons must not exceed the number of seats in the compartment.

Conditions for the carriage of large animals in trains formed by JSC FPC.
It is allowed to transport large dogs only in the carriages of the following categories:

1B - only one large dog free of charge;
1U, 1L, 1E (SV) - only one large dog free of charge when buying the entire compartment;
2E, 2B (coupe) - free of charge only one large dog when buying the entire compartment;
2K, 2U, 2L (coupe) - free of charge when buying all seats in the compartment. You can bring several large dogs.

ATTENTION! We repeat! Transportation in long-distance trains on the territory of the Russian Federation of small dogs is carried out without presenting veterinary documents. Refer to the Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2016 No. 589 "On approval of the veterinary rules for organizing work on the preparation of veterinary accompanying documents, the procedure for issuing veterinary accompanying documents in electronic form and the procedure for issuing veterinary accompanying documents on paper". Item 16. Many railway workers still do not know about it.

Transportation of dogs in Europe
When transporting dogs abroad, the main condition is possession of the required International Veterinary Passport and information on all required vaccinations. Small dogs can be transported free of charge, a container for transportation (cage, basket, etc.) is not required if the pet is on a leash and in a muzzle.
You can take your pet to Norway and the UK. It is allowed to transport your pet in compartment cars there, if the owners of the animal bought out the entire compartment. It is important to pay for a separate seat for your dog. Your pet will be given a separate ticket that costs half the price of a second class ticket.

Suburban service
In commuter trains, it is allowed to transport small dogs without containers in muzzles, on a leash, and cats under the supervision of their owners or accompanying persons.
In trains, transportation of large dogs is carried out in a muzzle and with a leash in the vestibule of a commuter train (no more than two dogs per carriage) - under the supervision of their owners or accompanying persons with payment for the cost of their transportation.
Fees apply for small dogs on suburban trains.

ATTENTION! Transportation in suburban trains across the territory of the Russian Federation of dogs is carried out without presenting veterinary documents.

Sometimes life forces us to go on a journey with all the children and household members, as well as with pets. The rules for transporting animals by rail are strictly regulated. The owner who decides to take his pet with him must strictly follow them in order to avoid trouble.

At the beginning of 2017, the requirement for a mandatory certificate from a veterinarian on the animal's health status was abolished. Only pets are allowed to be transported in a passenger car, and their wild counterparts can travel in a baggage car. Beekeepers are also required to hand over their wards to the baggage car. You have to pay for the travel of four-legged friends on the train.

It is understood that the owner is obliged to feed and ensure the cleanliness of the animal and the surrounding area on his own.

Generally accepted norms do not apply only to guide dogs accompanying people with disabilities. Such a dog replaces a person's senses, and therefore travels free of charge in a carriage of any class. This procedure is valid on the territory of Russia, when buying abroad, it is worth clarifying the rules for transporting pets that exist in a particular state.

How does RJ allow pets to be transported?

The allowance for the transport of animals is also based on the class of the seat, the type of carriage is always indicated on the ticket.

In a deluxe carriage, regardless of the type of service and the number of passengers, there can only be a small cage with small pets. Additional payment for the carriage of the container is not required.

Owners with their pets can be in the SV compartment car, random fellow travelers will not get an extra seat. There will be no problems in a single compartment, but in a double compartment you will have to buy the second seat too. It is allowed to bring a dog or an aviary with small pets, you do not need to pay a fee for animals.

A passenger wishing to travel in a compartment with a dog must pay the cost for all four seats; there is no need to purchase a separate ticket for the dog. You need to pay for the transportation of a cage with small animals or birds, but the animals will not need a separate “human” place. If the compartment accommodates a family of four with a dog, then the fare for the four-legged friend must be paid separately.

Small animals are allowed in the reserved seat and seated carriages; a passenger with a large dog will not be allowed here.

How to carry small pets on the train

Before you go on a journey, you need to responsibly approach the fees. Most often, a small animal does not pose a danger to people around, but for the convenience of other passengers, it is necessary to provide:

  • the presence of a carrying house - the animal travels in a basket or a special travel cage, the size of the container must be large enough for the animal to comfortably stay in it, but fit in the compartment for hand luggage;
  • quantity - the number of cages should not exceed the number allowed in a carriage of this category;
  • the number of pets - in one cage there can not be more than two birds or animals.

How to carry a large breed dog on a train

A large dog is allowed to be transported only in cars of a certain category. The passenger must take this fact into account. The animal must be kept muzzled and on a leash. The owner is obliged to monitor the observance of cleanliness in the compartment. The dog must not pose a danger to the conductors and other passengers.

Animals in modern high-speed trains

Trains such as "Lastochka", "Sapsan" or "Strizh" save passengers' time and allow them to travel more comfortably. In them, the allowances for transporting pets are slightly different, and this must be remembered. There is a charge for animals, but in some cases it may initially be included in the cost of the travel document.

It is forbidden to place cages with animals on the aisles in the cabin, it is forbidden to carry very large pets in high-speed trains.

In the economy class of Sapsan trains, it is allowed to carry pets, and the cost of their travel is automatically included in railway tickets, but animals are not allowed in the business class carriage. A passenger who has purchased business class tickets will have to leave their pets in a specially designated place, which the conductor will indicate. Such accommodation is considered an additional service and must be ordered in advance, at least three days before departure, and paid according to the current tariffs.

Pets are allowed in the negotiation compartment if it is bought out in its entirety.

Guide dogs traveling with a visually impaired owner are not subject to these rules, they travel free of charge.

Before embarking on a journey in Lastochka, a passenger who intends to take a pet with him/her must carefully study the rules applicable to the selected route. The fact is that "Swallows" are different. In the vast majority of trains, it is allowed to carry small pets, the transportation rules do not differ from generally accepted ones. But on the train that runs between Veliky Novgorod and St. Petersburg, the transportation of our smaller brothers is allowed only in specially designated places, the price of train tickets in this case will be increased.

Four-legged pets on foreign trips

The rules for transporting pets in each country are different, and therefore, when going abroad, you need to find out everything about the rules adopted in a particular state.

It is important to collect information about factors such as:

  • type of animal - it is important to find out whether it is possible to import an animal into this state at all;
  • papers to be presented by the owner of the animal;
  • certificate of vaccinations;
  • chip - it is forbidden to import non-chip animals into some states;
  • other conditions of import and maintenance.

It is allowed to import animals into the countries of the near abroad and the CIS states in a compartment, all the seats of which were bought by the owner. Small animals travel in cages. One person can take only one large dog with him, having bought a separate compartment for the trip.

When planning a trip to Europe, it is worth considering that it is generally forbidden to import animals into the UK and Norway, and in other countries the rules are in many ways reminiscent of Russian ones. Small pets travel in a container, while large breed dogs travel on a leash and muzzle. Before you buy tickets online from a foreign carrier, you need to find out what specific rules apply on the train.

In Asian countries, such as the DPRK, Mongolia or Vietnam, pets are allowed to be transported in separate compartments.

We are responsible for those whom we have tamed and it is in our power to make a joint trip with representatives of the animal world comfortable and enjoyable for ourselves and those around us. It is enough to carefully study the existing regulations, prepare the pet according to them, buy tickets and you can safely hit the road.

In 2014, Russian Railways introduced new rules for transporting pets, which caused their owners to face great difficulties and costs. But at the end of 2015, new regulations were adopted, which are still valid. Transportation of dogs on the train has become more comfortable, although with its drawbacks.

General rules for long distance trains

If the owner of the dog has not changed, and the transportation is not for the purpose of making a profit (the person is just traveling with a pet, and is not going to sell it in another city), veterinary certificates are not required. Although for your own peace of mind and peace of mind of other passengers, it is worth taking a pet passport with you. Usually it is issued by all dog owners.

Not every carriage on a long-distance train is allowed to carry animals. This is indicated by the mark on the ticket. If you are going to take a pet with you on a trip, inform the cashier about this intention - he will select an available seat.

The conditions for the carriage of small dogs (up to 20 kg) differ according to the class of the carriage written on the ticket:

  • 1A, 1I, 1M, 1B, 1E (SV and deluxe) - free of charge;
  • 1E, 1U (SV) - free of charge when buying neighboring seats;
  • 2E, 2B (compartment) - free of charge when buying neighboring seats;
  • 2K, 2U, 2L (coupe) - for a fee without redemption of neighboring seats;
  • 3D, 3U (reserved seat) - for a fee without redemption of additional seats;
  • 1В (a car with seats for improved layout of seats) - free of charge with the obligatory redemption of neighboring seats;
  • 2B, 3G (car with seats for standard seating arrangement and train number 800) - for a fee without redemption of additional seats;
  • 3O (shared car) - for a fee without redemption of additional seats.

For transportation of large dogs (weighing more than 20 kg), there are not many suitable places on long-distance trains. Russian Railways rules establish the following conditions depending on the class of the wagon:

  • 1B (SV) - only one dog free of charge;
  • 1U, 1L, 1E (SV) - only one dog free of charge when buying neighboring places;
  • 2E, 2B (coupe) - only one dog free of charge when buying neighboring places;
  • 2K, 2U, 2L (coupe) - free of charge when buying neighboring seats in a compartment. You can bring several large dogs.

Dogs are not allowed in other carriages. If, according to the rules, you need to pay for a separate ticket for a pet, this can be done immediately after purchasing your own pass. This must be done before boarding the train - it will not work to pay the conductor "on the spot". Do not try to smuggle a pet unnoticed - nothing good will come of it.

The exception is guide dogs. They are transported free of charge, veterinary certificates are not required. Only the animal is kept on a leash and muzzled; the guide must not leave his master.

Carrying a dog on the train

The simplest rules apply to commuter trains. You can carry any pets in them with the only difference that the owner can keep small ones with him, and leave large ones in the vestibule (but no more than 2 animals per 1 car).

A separate ticket is purchased for each dog (the cost is calculated taking into account the distance of the trip). Veterinary certificates are not required, but pets of any size must be muzzled and on a leash.

Special rules for fast trains (Sapsan, Lastochka)

There are special rules for transporting pets on high-speed trains. On a trip, you can only take a small dog - no heavier than 20 kg.

The following rules apply on Sapsan trains:

  1. In economy class carriages (No. 3) in places 1-4, animals can be transported in a carrying bag with a volume of no more than 180 cubic centimeters. The ticket price already includes the amount of the dog's travel (150 rubles).
  2. Passengers of the "first" and "business" class place their dogs in carriage No. 3 in specially designated places. The guide looks after the animals, and 900 rubles are added to the ticket price. Carrying volume should not exceed 120 cubic centimeters.
  3. In the negotiation compartment, the passenger will have to buy all the neighboring seats in order to bring the dog with him. For moving with an animal, carriage No. 1 is provided (seats 27-30). The size of the carrier is no more than 120 cm cubed.

On Lastochka trains, dogs can be transported to passengers of Standard and Premium carriages (No. 5 and No. 10). The animal must be in a carrier with a volume of no more than 180 cubic centimeters, a fixed amount of 150 rubles is added to the ticket price. In Lastochki, plying between St. Petersburg and Veliky Novgorod, you can transport dogs only in specially designated places. The ticket price will be increased.

The nuances of transporting animals of different sizes

A dog on a train is a potential danger to passengers. Even if your animal does not show aggressiveness, others will treat it with distrust. Therefore, it is necessary to make sure that everyone is comfortable, that conflict situations are not created.

Small dogs and puppies must be carried in a carrier or small cage. So that the animal does not get nervous and does not bark for no reason, accustom it to its temporary home in advance. The dog must understand that nothing bad will happen to him in the carrier. The container must be in your seat or in the hand luggage compartment. There must not be more than 2 animals in one carrier.

Large dogs are transported only in specially designated wagons. The animal must be on a leash and muzzled. It must not pose a danger to other passengers and conductors.

The passenger himself is responsible for the cleanliness in the carriage, so it is recommended to take care of walking the pet in advance so that he goes to the toilet on the street, and not on the train. Dogs of large breeds cannot be transported in a reserved seat car.

Overseas trips

Each country has its own regulations. It is better to know the rules for transporting animals in advance so that conflict situations are not created.

In most countries, the same rules apply as in Russia - small dogs are transported in a carrier or container, and large ones on a leash and in a muzzle. In some European countries, it is generally impossible to import animals, in others - after arrival, the dog will have to be left in quarantine.

Before traveling, you should find out the following rules in force in a particular country:

  • whether it is allowed to import a dog of a particular breed into the state;
  • what documents are required;
  • what vaccinations should be given and when;
  • Does the animal need a chip?

When traveling abroad, the owner usually buys all the seats in the compartment and freely transports a dog of any size. Trains to Asian countries have separate compartments for animals.

Required documents

On January 10, 2017, new rules for transporting animals on a train across Russia came into force. Now you do not need to take certificates and a veterinary passport with you. But in practice, not all Russian Railways employees still follow this rule. It still seems vague, and it is interpreted differently in different cities.

To avoid conflict situations and not to miss your train, because they refuse to let you on it with a dog, it is recommended to take all the necessary documents with you on the trip. They will also be needed when traveling abroad.

The first document is a certificate in form No. 1, confirming that you have given your pet a preventive vaccination against rabies. It must be carried out at least one month before the trip and no more than six months before it.

It is necessary to visit a veterinarian 2-3 months in advance. He will examine the pet, assess its condition, and vaccinate. After 30 days, you need to re-visit the clinic. The doctor will examine the dog again, if there are no signs of illness, he will issue a certificate in form No. 1.

The document is only valid for 5 days, so schedule visits to the veterinarian so as not to disrupt your plans. Consider the time spent in another city.

If you vaccinated your dog 5 months ago and plan to be away for more than a month, you will have to vaccinate again. Before the return trip, you must visit a veterinarian in the host city, show the old certificate in order to get a new one.

The second document is a veterinary passport. If the dog is purebred, you will receive it from the breeder after purchase. If you picked up an animal from the street, you need to contact the clinic and buy a document in which vaccinations, matings and other nuances will be noted in the future.

A veterinary passport is required when traveling to ensure that the dog does not pose a danger to others. The date of deworming and preventive vaccinations is entered in the document.

Which ticket to take

The most convenient option for everyone is to take the dog in a compartment. If you buy all the seats, you save yourself from the dissatisfaction of other passengers, and the animal from unnecessary stress. There will not be a large crowd of people in the environment, they will not constantly walk along the corridor, alerting the pet.

In some reserved seat cars (3D, 3U) you can carry small breed dogs in a carrier. The rule must be observed: do not let the animal out, even if it behaves calmly. A different contingent gathers on the trains, and any passenger can scare a pet with something, because of which he will show aggression.

What to take on the road

To comfortably travel accompanied by a pet, he needs to create the necessary conditions. On the train, any dog ​​will worry - some more, some less. The cars do not provide amenities for tailed passengers, and walking them when they feel like it will not work either. In order not to create an unsanitary environment, take disposable diapers with you. Place them at the bottom of the carrier and change them when they get dirty.

Large dogs do better with the toilet - they don't worry as much. And yet it is better to take diapers with you and lay them on the place where the animal will sit. It is advisable to walk your pet at each stop, which lasts long enough.

To make the dog feel more comfortable, take 1-2 favorite toys. It is advisable to plan a trip during the daytime, as it is more difficult to control a pet at night.

It is necessary to collect a travel first-aid kit in advance. It should contain remedies for motion sickness, medications that the dog takes constantly, a hemostatic pencil or powder. In the first aid kit you need to put bandages, sterile gauze wipes, tourniquets, hydrogen peroxide. It is advisable to take Vaseline and Activated charcoal with you.

A week before the start of the trip, it is recommended to give your pet a sedative in tablets or drops. Medicines are made on the basis of herbal ingredients, so they do not harm health. Sedatives for dogs have a cumulative effect, so you need to start the course in advance.

Be sure to take a container of water and food. Just do not need to cook too much - half of your dog's usual norm is enough. She still won’t eat much because of excitement, and it won’t work to organize walking too often. When traveling, feed the animal only proven food, which will definitely not cause digestive problems.

Transporting a puppy on a train will be the most problematic. A small pet is still afraid of everything and is difficult to train. To make the trip more comfortable for everyone, you need to constantly talk to the dog, keep it busy with toys.

How to organize a walk

Entering the train with a dog, you automatically undertake to maintain cleanliness in the carriage. Before the trip, you need to take your pet for a long walk. The animal goes to the toilet and throws out all the energy, so it will behave calmer on the train.

If the dog is an adult, and you will have to go no longer than a day, the pet may well be patient and not go to the toilet. Nothing will depend on the owner - a healthy animal will never change its principles and will not relieve itself “for itself”.

Many dogs are accustomed to grass and bushes, and they may not be available at stops. Although if the animal can no longer endure, this will not be a hindrance for him. Most importantly, get off the train at every stop that lasts longer than 10 minutes. If the dog does not go to the toilet, then at least warm up.

In a hopeless situation, you can try to "persuade" the pet to relieve himself on a newspaper. If you notice that the animal is behaving restlessly, spinning in one place, go to the vestibule or toilet. Spread newspapers on the floor, put the dog on them, try to create comfortable conditions.

Unseen circumstances

While traveling, the dog may get hurt, for example, while walking. Minor damage can be repaired without the help of a doctor, only a veterinary first aid kit is needed. In case of serious injuries, you will have to get off the train and get to the nearest clinic.

If the animal runs away while walking, try to find it quickly so as not to interrupt the trip. Think about what place in the area the dog would consider safe, look for it there. If you still can't find your pet, take your things off the train and organize a thorough search - you will have to continue the trip later. To prevent this from happening, take a strong leash on the road and do not go out without it.