How to make an order for a combination of positions. How to draw up an order for combining positions

During holidays, the employer may issue an order to combine positions (professions). Which, by the way, is the same thing. In addition to vacation, an order to combine positions (professions) may be issued for other reasons. Organizational, in order to save resources, etc.

We are talking about a situation where an employer entrusts one employee with the functions of another employee. Permanently or on a temporary basis. In the same profession, or in a different one.

An example of an order on combining positions (professions)

Limited Liability Company "Sphere"

Order No. 125

on combining positions (professions)

Due to the fact that Margarita Sergeevna Kazantseva, Assistant Manager, was on annual leave from August 15, 2021 to September 10, 2021 and on the basis of Art. 60.2, Art. 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation,


  1. To entrust the specialist of the records management department, Voronova Elena Anatolyevna, along with the work determined by the employment contract No. 21-l dated 03/01/2019, to perform additional work during the established working day in the order of combining positions (professions) by position: assistant manager, for a period of 15 August 2021 to September 10, 2021
  2. Establish an additional payment for the performance of additional work as an assistant to the manager for the period specified in paragraph 1 of the order in the amount of 15,000 (fifteen thousand) rubles to the specialist of the records management department Voronova Elena Anatolyevna. 00 kop.
  3. Chief Accountant Igor Sergeevich Subbotin to ensure timely payment of the additional payment established by clause 2 of this order.
  4. To the head of the personnel department Samin Viktor Andreevich to acquaint the specialist of the production department Voronova Elena Anatolyevna with this order against signature.

Reason: consent of the employee to combine positions (professions), No. 21-ld of 08/10/2021

Director Sviridov Sviridov V.S.

Chief Accountant Subbotin Subbotin I.S.

Head of HR Sameen Samin V.A.

Business department specialist Voronova Voronova E.A.

The form of the order on the combination of positions (professions)

In Soviet times, personnel workers used many unified forms. And at present, personnel officers of the "old school" insist on the use of special forms. Including for combining positions (professions) - form KP-152. But unlike, etc., the form KP-152 “order on combining positions (professions)” was not approved by the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee No. of 01/05/2004. That is, she was born in the vastness of the USSR.

If the head of the organization insists on using the KP-152 form, it must be approved. The form of the document contains the appropriate stamp - "I approve". And the form itself does not differ much in content from the example we posted.

Grounds for issuing an order to combine positions (professions)

Briefly about combining: article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation allows you to combine professions or positions, subject to the written consent of the employee. But even before the employer talks to the employee, he must determine. And whether this employee has the right to perform a new labor function. Maybe the legislator imposes special requirements on representatives of such professions? The presence of a medical book, experience in the specialty, special education, certification. And if an employee does not meet these requirements, he cannot be assigned to work.

As part of the combination, the employer may instruct the employee to:

  • performing work in the same position, but in a larger volume. For example, the local doctor fell ill. His site is assigned to another doctor. The volume of work has increased, but in the same specialty.
  • performance of work in another position (profession). The employer must first check the requirements for such a position. And the availability of them from the employee.

Additional work is performed only per employee. If we are talking about work outside of such hours, the employer accepts the employee for. The remuneration of labor and the term for performing additional duties are also established by agreement of the parties.

Important: the employee has the right to refuse to combine positions (professions).

The content of the order on combining positions (professions)

The text of the document is developed by the employer himself. But in order to protect yourself from various kinds of lawsuits or, use the following algorithm.

Before issuing an order to combine positions (professions), make sure that the written consent of the employee is available. And conclude an additional agreement to the employment contract, in which the employer will establish the period of additional work and the amount for it.

The order itself is prepared with the name of the organization. Legal justification - Article 60.2 and 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The compiler of the order must indicate what exactly is entrusted to the employee. This is either a specific position, or a description of the scope of work, functionality. Next, indicate the dates of additional work (beginning and end). And the amount of additional wages (a fixed amount or as a percentage of salary).

The employer has the right to cancel the order on combining positions (professions) ahead of schedule by notifying the employee 3 working days in advance.

When transferring additional duties to an employee, an order must be drawn up. Find out what must be included in the order and what conditions to reflect in it. In the article you will find a ready-made sample.

In the article:

Download the current document on the topic:

What features need to be considered when drawing up an order to combine posts: sample

Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is devoted to combining posts. The order to combine positions refers to a document that is issued after signing an additional agreement to an employment contract. It is also the basis for the employee to start performing additional duties. The order is issued after:

  • received the written consent of the employee to perform additional functionality;
  • drawn up an additional agreement to the employment contract.

The order must contain:

  • volume and characteristics of additional functionality;
  • specification of the relevant position for which the combination is assigned, the position is indicated in accordance with the staffing table;
  • the amount of compensation is set in a fixed amount of money or as a percentage of the salary.

how to arrange a combination of professions (positions). From the article you will learn about the restrictions on combining, the procedure for registration, additional payment and cancellation of the performance of additional duties assigned to the employee.

Order on combining positions in one organization: registration in free form

The order on the internal combination of positions refers to the key document that serves as the basis for the execution of work on the combination. The employer has the right to draw up an order in free form, indicating the relevant details, the timing of the combination, and other conditions on the basis of which the employee will begin duties.

When filling out a sample order for combining a vacant position, the document includes:

  • surname, name, patronymic, personnel number, position of the employee for whom the order is issued;
  • the time frame during which the additional work will be completed;
  • the name of the profession (position) of combination;
  • grounds for combining, here you need to refer to the details of the relevant document, namely, to an additional agreement or an employment contract, if the conditions for combining for a new employee are prescribed in the main TD (employment contract).

★ An expert from the Kadrovoe Delo magazine will talk about

How to fill out an order for combining positions: a sample of a unified form

There is no unified form of an order for combination, the personnel officer has the right to use the following options:

  1. Issue an order in free form, taking into account all requirements and circumstances.
  2. Finalize the unified form approved by the State Statistics Committee (most often they take form No. T-1 as a basis, include additional parameters in it, taking into account relevant circumstances).
  3. Take advantage of the legacy of the USSR (in the part that does not contradict existing laws). In addition to the main detailed instructions regarding the design of a combination of positions (which are still predominantly used now), in the USSR there was a KP-152 form on combining posts.

The expert of "System Kadra" will tell, how to reflect the condition of combining professions in the order for employment. From the article you will learn about the procedure for drawing up such an order, about what form of the order to use, what wording to include in it.

An example of a job combination order

Alpha Limited Liability Company appointed V.N. Zaitsev, with her consent, to combine the profession of chief accountant in connection with his dismissal until the appointment of a new chief accountant. The personnel officer drew up an order to combine, included in the content the conditions for fulfilling additional duties, terms, and the amount of the surcharge. The employee was acquainted with the order against receipt.

Order on combining professions (positions)

How to issue an order for additional payment for combining positions: sample

The procedure for remuneration when combining is prescribed in article 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. At the legislative level, it is clearly required to establish a surcharge in each of the above cases. It is illegal to leave an employee without additional pay, even when he, on his own initiative, applied for a combination.

The only allowable exception to the general rule is the presence in the employee's job description of the performance of additional functionality as a clearly defined duty. And in such a situation, the employee will perform his labor function

It is inappropriate to issue a separate order on additional payment for combining positions. Include the terms of the additional payment in the combination order, indicate the amount in a fixed amount or as a percentage of the payment established for the position.

★ The expert of "System Kadra" will tell you what documents to issue the establishment of additional payments for combining professions or performing the duties of a temporarily absent employee

The employer has the right to draw up an order in free form, indicating the relevant details, the timing of the combination, and other conditions on the basis of which the employee will begin duties. Or finalize the unified form, form No. T-1 approved by the State Statistics Committee. In addition, you can use the form KP-152 on the combination of positions.

The order on the combination of posts is a document fixing the performance by one employee of the functionality of another. Employers resort to such paper in a number of cases in order for one of the employees, in addition to their main activities, to perform the duties of a colleague.

Do not confuse combination and combination

Compatibility is a broader concept. It involves performing different tasks at different times. That is, the responsible employee works at one of the places and performs only one package of tasks. And then, when the working time is over, he proceeds to fulfill the duties of the next position. Moreover, when part-time, you can work in different organizations.

Another thing is the combination of positions. Here, one leader and one organization is a prerequisite. It is also possible to switch at the same time, if necessary, from the function of one employee to the function of another.

Judging from the side of the employee, the combination of positions is much more convenient than part-time. Another difference: the first is defined in the second paragraph of Art. 62, and the second - in Art. from 282 to 288 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In a word, when an order is issued to combine positions, in most cases there is no question of a significant increase in the time spent at the workplace. Rather, it means an increase in the area of ​​responsibility of a single employee. Of course, an increase in the volume of work should significantly affect the intensity of the performance of duties by an employee.

In what cases are positions combined

Most often, the employer resorts to such a measure temporarily. If, for example, he wants to “wait” for the main employee from vacation and therefore does not see the point in hiring a new one. Or there is no suitable candidate on the labor market, and an already hired employee wants to try himself in a new position.

Attention! Matching conditions vary. The only thing to make sure before signing the order is that the decision taken will not affect the overall efficiency of the company.

Who can match

An ordinary case is a combination of positions within the same category. But it happens that an employee with the same job descriptions and tasks wants to perform diametrically opposed ones. The law does not prohibit such a combination. The main thing is that the candidate meets the necessary requirements, including qualification, medical, possesses the necessary knowledge, skills or shows the potential for their development. Only extremely short-sighted leaders agree to issue an order to combine positions for an unprepared worker.

The main constituent elements of the order

There is no special unified form for this kind of documents, since each organization has its own specifics. It needs to be included in the content. However, there is data, without mentioning which the order does not have the proper legal force or can be challenged in court. These include:

  • Full name of the organization. It should always be located at the top, in the middle of the sheet.
  • Order number. It is then entered in the register of orders on personnel issues.
  • Date of acceptance (signing) of the document.
  • The city in which the document is signed.
  • Leader motivation. The formal style describes what prompted the management to resort to combining several positions with one employee. It is advisable to draw up a separate order for each such person combining positions.
  • Link to Article 151 of the Labor Code. It refers to such a right of the employer.

All this information relates to the main, but is not directly related to what is specifically received. The whole point is contained in a few paragraphs of the order on combining posts. They must inform the reader about:

  • Full name of the employee who assumes additional functions.
  • The start date of the combination of positions by the employee.
  • If available, end date. Not a date can be specified, but an event in connection with which such a combination ends. For example, “until the appointment of a new secretary” or “until Ivanova A.A. leaves maternity leave.”
  • The amount of the surcharge for combination. Usually it is 40-50% of the salary.
  • The one who is obliged to inform the employee that he combines someone else's duties.

At the very end of the order is the signature of the head and the employee who accepts the fact of combining his position with someone else's. Also, if there is a mention of the chief accountant, personnel officer or other specialists (if they are obliged to comply, take into account, inform, etc.), their signatures are also required.

Completely new duties of the employee are described in an addendum to the employment contract. But if there is any financial responsibility on the combined position, then the employee who takes the combination is obliged to sign an agreement on full liability. A link to it can also be present in the order.

By law, either party may terminate the combination by notifying the other in writing at least three business days in advance.

If the order refers to a newly hired employee for two positions at once, then the link below should not be to an additional agreement to the employment contract, but to the employment contract itself.

One person can combine any number of positions. Each organization decides on the distribution of duties independently.

The employer is obliged to pay extra for the combination. An exceptional situation is when the job description clearly states that the employee's duties include performing the duties of a colleague. The amount of the additional payment is specified in the order for combining positions separately, is taxed and depends on the amount of work performed, as well as on other factors taken into account by the employer.


Order on the combination of posts

The term is disclosed in Art. 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It involves the performance of various additional work functions during office hours:

  1. An increase in the volume of work in the same position (for example, when one employee is absent, another with the same specialty also performs his duties).
  2. Performing work for a colleague who is temporarily absent (for example, when an employee is on maternity leave).
  3. Combination of positions or professions (in essence, these are identical concepts, but the first is more often used in relation to management and specialists, and the second - for work or technical areas).

The appointment must be accompanied by an order. An order to combine positions in one organization is issued by the director on the basis of the written consent of the employee and an additional agreement to the employment contract.

The order contains the following information:

  1. Work description.
  2. The position that the employee will occupy (in accordance with the staffing table).
  3. Work period — start and end date (for a fixed-term contract).
  4. List of added duties (or a link to the regulations).
  5. Agreed amounts of compensation (fixed or as a percentage of salary).

The difference between combination and combination

These concepts differ according to the following criteria.

To publish a document, you must:

  1. Determine what type of work the employee will temporarily perform: regular or requiring additional qualifications. For example, a teacher needs a medical book, a welder needs a special work permit, etc. If there are such requirements, you need to check the employee for their compliance.
  2. Set deadlines. You can immediately designate a specific period (from what date to what date) or only describe the situation (during illness, etc.).
  3. Obtain the consent of the employee (mandatory requirement of the law, article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
  4. Determine the amount of the surcharge (Article 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) and the way it will be set: in a fixed amount of money or as a percentage of the salary.

A sample order for additional payment for combining positions and the rules for filling it out are given below.

You can arrange it in any form in writing. The paper should record the will of the employee, his consent to perform additional work, its duration, content and volume. Here you need to focus only on the rules of workflow adopted in a particular organization.

Examples of document formatting include the following:

  • unilateral application of an employee addressed to the director of the organization;
  • a bilateral agreement between the employee and the head of the enterprise on the performance of additional work;
  • the employee’s resolution “I agree”, the date and personal signature on the text of the employer’s proposal to perform certain duties.

When combining positions, this fact must be formalized by agreement. This paper acts as an addition to the agreement concluded between the employee and the director of the enterprise.

This document states:

  1. Duty period.
  2. Composition and scope of work.
  3. Payment.

If there is an instruction that defines the responsibilities for the work performed, the employee must study it.

For the performance of such work, the administration pays extra to the employee (Article 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The amount of the additional payment is established by agreement of the parties. When determining a specific amount, the content and scope of additional functions are taken into account.

An employee may not take on additional duties until an order to combine positions has been issued. The issued order gives the legal right to start performing additional labor functions. When compiling the document, fill in the following items:

  • full name of the employee;
  • document and company code;
  • name of company;
  • type of activity on an additional basis;
  • job title;
  • labor functions;
  • the amount of remuneration and the period of work;
  • special conditions (if necessary).

The employee must be familiar with this regulatory act against signature.

Sample order for combining positions, unified form

If an employee wants to stop working additionally, he must notify the organization no later than 3 working days in advance (Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The same rule applies to employers. Below you will find a sample order to remove the combination of positions.

If the employee himself refused an additional position, he needs to fill out an application that contains a request to cancel the corresponding additional agreement. It is drawn up in any form, the reasons do not play a role. The statement states:

  • the date of its compilation;
  • Full name, to whom the document is addressed (director, direct supervisor, etc.);
  • the very request to cancel the agreement (as concisely and concisely as possible);
  • applicant's signature.

If the head of the enterprise decides to terminate the procedure, he must notify the employee about this. It is also necessary to issue an appropriate order. The form of the document is not established by law, it can be drawn up arbitrarily.

Order on combining posts - sample for 2018

Order on the combination of posts - the sample of 2018 must contain 5 mandatory elements and is published subject to a number of conditions. These nuances of the order on combining positions of the 2018 sample are disclosed in this article.

Options for combining work and positions in the organization

Under the concept of "combination9raquo;, disclosed in Art. 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a fairly large number of additional work functions performed during office hours fall under:

  • an increase in the volume of work in the same position and specialization (for example, the performance of work in 2 similar positions in 1 division in the absence of a second employee);
  • performing work for a temporarily absent colleague (for example, for an employee on maternity leave);
  • combination of positions or professions (in fact, this is the same thing, but the term “profession9raquo; is more often used for working or technical areas, and “position9raquo;” for management and specialists).

Features of registration of combining positions (professions)

1. The possibility of combining must be documented.

For this, several conditions must be met:

  • a position with functionality for combining should be in the staff list;
  • this position should not be occupied by the staff member for whom it is the main one.

2. A written confirmation from the employee is required on the consent to the additional workload for combining.

2 scenarios are possible:

  • the employee himself writes a statement with a request to assign additional functionality to him, and the manager endorses him, expressing his consent;
  • the head of the unit draws up a document imposing additional duties on the employee, the employee signs that he agrees.

3. An additional agreement to the employment contract with the employee must be drawn up, which will become an integral part of this contract. It must include the following items:

  • about the type of additional workload (combining positions, increasing ordinary duties, etc.);
  • the terms for which the combination is established;
  • a list of additional functions (or a reference to the relevant job description);
  • if the employee wrote the application himself (according to the first scenario), information that the combination was appointed at the request of the employee;
  • about the amount of compensation for the additional load.

4. Special conditions are drawn up in cases where additional functionality requires professional qualifications, permits and certifications. In this case, you should:

  • ask the employee for additional documents confirming his right and ability to perform these types of work;
  • include special requirements and information about their compliance in personnel documents.

Order on the combination of posts

The combination order is the basis for the employee to start working on additional functionality.

It is published when available:

  1. a document with the written consent of the employee;
  2. employment contract agreements.

The order must contain the following information:

  1. description of the type of additional work;
  2. specifying the position for which the combination is assigned (according to the staffing table);
  3. dates of commencement and completion (if the contract is urgent) of work on combination;
  4. description (list) of additional functionality (or reference to a regulatory document);
  5. the agreed amount of compensation (can be set both in a fixed amount for the period, and as a percentage of the salary for the combined position).

Sample order for combining positions (according to the unified form KP-152)

The current regulations do not establish a unified form of the order to combine positions.

The recruiter has several options:

  • Draw up an order in free form, taking into account all the requirements and circumstances.
  • Finalize the form approved by the State Statistics Committee (usually they take the T-1 form and include additional parameters in it).
  • Take advantage of the legacy of the USSR (in those parts that do not contradict existing laws). In addition to detailed instructions on the design of the combination (which are mainly used even now), in the USSR there was a form of order for the personnel of KP-152 to combine positions (professions). If such a form is used, it must be approved for use by the organization. To do this, the head of the organization puts a stamp on approval in the upper right corner of the document.

The proposed sample of the combination order is drawn up in the form of KP-152.

Order to transfer an employee to another job

The procedure for generating an order for transfer to another job is similar to the procedure used when applying for a combination. The difference is that during the transfer, the previous duties are removed from the employee. Accordingly, payment for new duties is assigned to a new position. Since there is no combination of functions for 2 jobs, there is no additional compensation.

Unlike the combination order, for the transfer order there is a separate form T-5 “Order to transfer an employee to another job”, approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation of 01/05/2004 No. 1.

The current Labor Code of the Russian Federation contains only general provisions regarding the registration of a combination of posts. To detail them, you can use the regulatory documents of the former USSR that do not contradict the norms of the new laws:

  • Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR "On the procedure and conditions for combining professions (positions)" dated 04.12.1981 No. 1145;
  • instructions of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, the USSR Ministry of Finance, the USSR State Labor Committee “On the application of Decree No. 1145 of 04.12.1981” dated 05.14.1982 No. 53-VL.

If a company needs to attract a current employee to perform additional functionality, an internal combination of positions may be a good option. Depending on the specifics of the work of the company or the duties of the employee, internal combination may be more convenient than internal combination or filling in an additional staff unit. To do this, you need to understand what is its significant difference and what advantages this method has.

Internal combination and internal combination

With an internal combination, an employee is assigned additional functionality that he performs during his working time. So, for example, if an employee works according to a standard schedule from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., then during this time he performs both his main work under an employment contract and internal combination functions.

At the same time, the combination can only be carried out in a different position or profession (Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If it is the same profession or position, additional work may be assigned by expanding service areas or increasing the scope of work.

With internal part-time work, the conclusion of a second employment contract is mandatory, and work under such an agreement must be performed in time free from the main job (Article 60.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In other words, the employee works from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. under the main contract and from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on an internal part-time job.

A combination is not entered in the work book, but a part-time job is entered at the request of the part-time worker himself.

Internal alignment: how to arrange

First of all, it is necessary to obtain the written consent of the employee to increase his functionality. There is no official form for obtaining consent in the legislation, and the company can independently develop an appropriate form and approve it by order or provide for it in a local regulatory act.

In practice, three methods are used:

  • an agreement of the parties on the combination of positions is signed;
  • the employee is invited to put the resolution "I agree" on the written proposal of the employer;
  • the employee himself writes a free-form application containing consent to the combination of positions.

You can choose any of the three options indicated, the law does not prohibit this.

The next step is the execution of a written document fixing the term of the proposed combination, as well as the content, scope of work and the amount of compensation (surcharge). This is a requirement of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (part 3 of article 60.2, part 2 of article 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The legislation does not provide for the official form of such a document, nor does it oblige to conclude an additional agreement to the employment contract. As in the case of the form for obtaining the consent of the employee discussed above, the company has the right to develop an appropriate form and approve it by order or provide for in a local regulatory act. The only recommendation is that this document must be made in duplicate, so that one remains with the employee, and the other is stored in the company's personnel department.

Order for internal alignment. Sample

Finally, the final stage of registration of the combination of posts is the issuance of the corresponding order.

Like the other documents discussed above, the order is drawn up in free form; there is no unified form.

In the order, it is necessary to duplicate all the conditions for combining positions agreed by the parties: the type of work assigned and its content, the period for which the combination is expected, as well as the amount of the agreed payment for the performance of additional work.

The order is issued on the basis of a signed agreement between the parties on the performance of additional work.

The employee must be familiarized with the order against signature.

Internal combination of positions and work book

The current regulations, which provide for the procedure for filling out and maintaining work books, do not allow the possibility of making a combination entry in the work book. It is not necessary to make such an entry in the work book.

Registration of the termination of the combination of positions

The legislation does not regulate the issue of documenting the termination of the internal combination of posts. Regardless of this fact, in practice it is necessary to issue an order to stop performing additional work. Based on this document, the accounting department of the company will be able to stop paying the additional payment for the combination.

One of the methods of replacing an absent employee or filling a vacant position is an offer to perform additional assignments to another subordinate. The combination of positions or professions requires documentation. In addition to the written consent of the subordinate to perform work in excess of the established official duties, it is also necessary to issue an order to combine positions in one organization.

Combination of duties

If it becomes necessary to temporarily replace an absent employee, the employer may offer another employee to perform the duties of this position. possible with:

  • temporary absence of the main employee ( , );
  • dismissal of the main employee (before the selection of a new employee);
  • creating a new position in the company's staff (before hiring a permanent employee for this vacancy).

Combination is the performance by one employee of the duties of two existing positions in the staff list, and not an additional load at one employee's workplace.

For example, an assignment to a sales manager to develop a new region for the sale of products will be an additional burden within the framework of job responsibilities. But the conduct of contractual work in the region, which was supervised by the employee who went on vacation, will be a combination of positions.

In addition to the fact that the combination is offered by the employer, the employee himself can take the initiative and write an application asking for an additional load.

The combination of duties is always paid.

You can’t just write in the subordinate’s work instruction that he must fulfill his duties during the absence of a colleague. It is necessary to set a payment for this, in the form of:

  • fixed amount;
  • percentage of salary;
  • raises or bonuses.

If the company has a constant practice of replacing temporarily absent employees, then in the employment contract of employees, you can immediately prescribe the conditions for combining job responsibilities.

It is also necessary to distinguish between two similar concepts of combination and combination. Both situations are regulated by different provisions of labor legislation. Combination - Art. 60.2, part-time - Ch. 44 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In addition, the first situation implies an additional load during the main working hours of the employee, the second - at the end of the working day, the employee can perform other functions, both at the main employer and elsewhere.

The combination of job responsibilities requires a certain registration procedure.

The procedure for registration of combination

After the need arose to replace an absent or quit employee, there are two options.

First, the proposal comes from the head of the organization. In the form of a memo or newsletter, the manager notifies one or more subordinates about the situation that has arisen.

Secondly, the initiative can come from the employee. He may apply for additional responsibilities.

The consent of the employee, both in the first and in the second case, must be in writing.

When the employee himself takes the initiative, his consent to the combination is expressed in a written statement. If the offer comes from the employer, there must be an additional document drawn up by the employee himself. A simple inscription of consent on a document containing a proposal for a part-time job will not work.

After the consent of the employee is received or the manager approves the application for combination, an instruction is given to the personnel department to prepare the necessary documents.

Information on the combination of positions must be included in the employee's employment contract.

If this was not done when hiring, then there is no need to sign a new contract. Temporary replacement of another employee can be formalized by an additional agreement to this document. In the supplementary agreement it is necessary to establish:

The term of combination can be set up to a specific date or event.

For example, during a long business trip of the main employee, the date of his return to the workplace is known in advance, in which case a specific number can be entered in the additional agreement and order. When an employee in a position is fired or goes on sick leave, the following phrase can be added to the documents:

“until the main employee leaves”, or “until the conclusion of an employment contract with a new employee”.

Simultaneously with changes to the employment agreement, an order is also being prepared to assign additional duties.

After the combination order is signed and the employee gets acquainted with it, the combination of positions (professions) begins.

If the employee or the employer wants to terminate the combination ahead of schedule, the party initiating the termination shall notify the other party in writing no later than 3 working days in advance. In this case, it is necessary to issue an additional order to terminate the performance of additional duties.

Order on combining professions (positions)

The order structure is:

  • the name of the company where it is published;
  • the name of the document itself;
  • dates, numbers and places of publication;
  • combination orders, indicating the combined position and the employee who was assigned additional duties;
  • the amount of payment and the conditions of combination;
  • manager's signature;

employee familiarization information.

This document is stored together with the personal file of the employee combining duties, the period of archival storage is 75 years.

An example of writing a combination order

CJSC "Prioritetbank"

About the combination of positions


09/17/2018 No. 36/k/l

Due to the temporary absence of the manager for work with corporate clients Nikolai Stanislavovich Mrakogonov, guided by Art. 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, I ORDER:

Assign the combination of duties of N. S. Mrakogonov to Anastasia Makarovna Prilipaykina, category II corporate client manager, from September 25, 2018 until N. S. Mrakogonov returns to work.

Establish an additional payment to the official salary in the amount specified in the supplementary agreement No. 4 dated 09/17/2018 to the employment contract No. 175 dated 08/05/2017 by A. M. Prilipaykina, for the entire time of replacing Mrakogonov N. S.


Memorandum of the head of the corporate sector Selivontiev R. D. dated 09/13/2018.