How to lower intraocular pressure on your own. How to lower eye pressure at home What lowers intraocular pressure

Low eye pressure is a dangerous eye condition, and if left untreated, it can lead to complete loss of vision. In a normal state, a person's eye pressure is 18 mm Hg, indicators of 12-15 mm Hg are considered a sign of low eye pressure. Many factors can reduce eye pressure, such as prolonged work at the computer, reading in low light, stressful situations, etc. Therefore, it is important to visit an ophthalmologist at least once a year. You should consult a doctor if you notice the following symptoms:

  • dry eyes: this condition can be noticed when a person blinks;
  • there is a loss of luster;
  • pain in the eyes and headaches;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • eye fatigue;
  • redness of the white of the eyeball;
  • feeling of constriction in the eyes;
  • discomfort in the form of burning, pop-up points, temporary blurred vision;
  • darkening in the eyes;
  • trauma, etc.

If you notice these symptoms in time and seek ophthalmic medical help in a timely manner, you can not only normalize high or low eye pressure, but also save your vision, since these symptoms can portend other equally dangerous diseases.

Hypotension of the eye: symptoms and causes

Hypotension of the eye is a pathological condition in which there is a low intraocular pressure. The disease brings discomfort to a sick person, the result of a neglected disease can be glaucoma and even blindness. Therefore, it is important to know the symptoms of this disease.

Symptoms of hypotension include:

  • sluggish pupil reaction to bright light;
  • redness, eye irritation;
  • corneal edema;
  • reduction, atrophy of the eyeball;
  • aching pain in the eye;
  • low IOP (intraocular pressure);
  • turbidity of the glass body, observed in 95% of cases;
  • retinal deformity.

Reduced intraocular pressure may not appear for a long time, its only sign will be a sharp deterioration in vision.

If, after the examination, signs of deformation of the structure of the eyeball are revealed, then complete recovery is almost impossible.

Hypotension of the eye can develop for a number of reasons, such as:

  • inflammation of the vascular network of the eye membrane (uveitis);
  • transferred infectious diseases of the organs of vision;
  • trauma, foreign body in the eyeball;
  • retinal detachment;
  • complication after surgery on the eyes (for example, laser vision restoration);
  • low blood pressure;
  • severe dehydration of the body;
  • chronic dry eyes;
  • acute liver and kidney disease.

Along with these reasons, factors affecting the entire body from the environment, such as unhealthy diet, bad habits, stress, environmental pollution, lack of oxygen, physical overstrain, etc., can also lower eye pressure. In this regard, it is necessary to try to reduce their number in life.

Treatment for low eye pressure

What to do if signs of the disease are noticed? First of all, you should not put off a visit to an ophthalmologist, because timely, qualified assistance makes it possible to cure the disease. Hypotension of the eye is treated medically, and in some cases surgically. It is important to accurately describe the symptoms to the specialist, since the success of therapy also depends on this. Symptoms and treatment are interrelated, based on the symptoms, tests and other factors, the specialist makes a conclusion and establishes a diagnosis. And on the basis of this, a treatment plan is prescribed. Be sure to prescribe medications that help normalize IOP.

It is important to understand that only a specialist can prescribe medication, you should not self-medicate and take drugs that increase blood pressure. Such actions can disrupt the clinical picture of the disease, which will complicate the diagnosis and worsen the condition of the eyes.

Therapeutic measures are aimed at the cause of the disease. Hypotension of the eyeball is treated with the following drugs:

  • ATP - these medicines are aimed at treating atrophy, vasospasm;
  • antibacterial agents;
  • stimulants that increase intraocular pressure;
  • preparations for strengthening blood vessels;
  • vitamins.

It is worth noting that not all of the listed drugs are used in combination, it all depends on the diagnosis and the cause. So antibiotics are prescribed when hypotension of the eye develops against the background of an infectious tissue disease or when a foreign body enters, when infected with bacteria.

Drugs that stimulate the growth of IOP should have a mild effect, but in no case should sudden pressure surges be allowed. Soft drugs include aloe, atropine, cortisone (1% emulsion), etc.

When intraocular pressure is elevated, it is important to support the tissues of the visual organs and prevent their destruction.

It is for these purposes that ATP drugs are prescribed.

Also, in the process of rehabilitation, an important role is played by auxiliary means - B vitamins and vasoconstrictive drugs. The patient must understand that 50% of success depends on himself, it is important not to miss taking medications and follow the recommendations of the attending physician.

Prevention measures

The surest and cheapest way to normalize low eye pressure is prevention. The main rule in preventive measures is to exclude factors that lower eye pressure, if possible, and visit an ophthalmologist regularly. The doctor will examine you and answer any questions you may have. Also preventive measures include:

  • daily performance of special exercises for the eyes;
  • be sure to take regular breaks during prolonged work at the computer;
  • try to eat well, take vitamins;
  • Eliminate and reduce the consumption of alcohol and caffeinated drinks;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle - exercise in the fresh air, as this will help improve blood circulation and saturate the body with oxygen.

By following these simple preventive rules, you can maintain eye health, and after an illness, it is easier to reanimate and avoid relapse.

Thus, hypotension of the eye is a disease that has no less serious complications. The insidiousness of this disease lies in the fact that it can be hidden, asymptomatic and manifests itself when vision begins to fall. Therefore, regular visits to an ophthalmologist will help to detect the disease at an early stage, which will greatly facilitate the recovery process.

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The eyes are important organs of the human body. When there is a violation of the activity of the visual department, people feel uncomfortable, many pathologies even lead to blindness. In order for people's eyes to perform their functions, it is necessary that they are always moistened with natural lubricant. If this process is disturbed, then there are problems with pressure, it decreases or increases. Any pathology can worsen the activity of this sense organ, so you need to carefully monitor your condition. Treatment of eye pressure at home is possible, but after examining the patient and identifying the cause of the disease.

The eyeball has a spherical shape, and in order for its volume to remain correct, constant pressure inside the organ is necessary. If there are problems with the pressure of intraocular fluid on the cornea and sclera, their fibrous membrane, doctors make a diagnosis - "ophthalmohypertension" (or high pressure inside the eye). In order for the indicator to always remain normal, the correct inflow and outflow of fluid into the eyeball area is necessary. If there was a disorder of this process, then we can talk about pathology.

By pressing your fingers to the eyelid, you can feel the force with which the fluid inside the organ presses on its outer shell. For people of any age, this indicator is always the same, there are small deviations that are associated with a change in the time of day. In the evening and at night, a decrease in eye pressure is recorded, and in the afternoon or in the morning you can notice an increase in its level.

Measurement of indicators is carried out in mm Hg. Art. Normal doctors consider the numbers 13-25 mm Hg. Art. At this level, the processes of microcirculation and metabolism are not disturbed. If the disease in the organ of vision proceeds for a long time, then the person will immediately feel unpleasant symptoms. Before reducing eye pressure, you need to make sure that the cause was the pathological processes of the body, and not other predisposing factors. Indeed, sometimes such patients do not need to take pills, it is enough just to remove external stimuli leading to this violation.

How to treat an ailment - only an ophthalmologist knows, you can not drip drugs into your eyes that are not prescribed by a doctor, this can significantly worsen the situation. Ignoring the disease is also dangerous, as it often leads to another, more serious disease called glaucoma.

Measurement of eye pressure is carried out by the method of tonometry. With the help of a special device, the doctor fixes the force of pressing the intraocular fluid. The equipment measures the degree of elasticity of the eye shell. So that the patient does not experience discomfort, before the procedure, the doctor drops a drug into the patient's eyes, which reduces the sensitivity of the organ.

Causes and symptoms

Doctors divide high eye pressure into several varieties, on which the treatment of pathology at home or in a hospital depends.

Classification of IOP (intraocular pressure).

This disease can be caused by many pathological processes occurring in the body, especially arterial hypertension. It is impossible to exclude some provoking factors, they are able to reduce or increase these indicators. Treatment of eye pressure is also necessary when its level decreases. This disorder is also dangerous for humans and requires attention.

Non-pathological reasons for the increase:

  1. Abuse of drinks containing caffeine and alcohol.
  2. Coughing.
  3. Lifting heavy objects.
  4. Profuse and prolonged vomiting.

A strong overstrain of vision is fraught with the occurrence of such a disease. Sitting at a computer or TV for a long time causes eye fatigue. Often, together with ophthalmohypertension, the pressure inside the skull rises.

Pathological reasons for the increase:

  • change in the anatomical features of the structure of the eye;
  • lack or excessive production of fluid that washes the eyes;
  • the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • taking certain medications;
  • surgical interventions in the organ of vision;

  • genetic predisposition or farsightedness, inherited;
  • atherosclerotic lesions;
  • eye injury;
  • poor outflow or inflow of fluid inside the eyes;
  • eye diseases.

At the first stage of the development of the disease, many do not notice any special changes in well-being. Often the manifestation of the disease is attributed to fatigue or lack of sleep. If a person has a good rest and sleep, the symptoms of ophthalmohypertension will not disappear. It will not be effective to relieve pain and discomfort with the help of compresses and other methods of treatment at home, eye pressure will remain high.

Common signs of pathology:

  1. redness appears in the temporal zone and the whites of the eyes;
  2. severe deterioration of visual function;
  3. flashing flies or darkening in the eyes;
  4. intense pain in the head, more often in the temporal part or suprafrontal arches;
  5. weakness, increased fatigue;
  6. twilight vision is upset;
  7. feeling of tired eyes;
  8. discomfort while watching TV or reading;
  9. narrowing of the field of view.

Sensations in patients are very diverse, some experience severe discomfort, while others may only notice fatigue. It is necessary to treat eye pressure immediately, since with a long course of the pathological process, atrophy of the optic nerve occurs, and vision can completely disappear. If you suspect ophthalmohypertension, you should immediately go to the doctor. More often, pathology is recorded in older people, from 40-50 years.

How to reduce pressure at home?

Many people wonder how to lower eye pressure at home without resorting to medication. There are exercises to improve the situation and stabilize this indicator. Gymnastics can be performed in the form of prevention of ophthalmohypertension.


  1. Draw various figures in the air with your eyes, but with closed eyelids. Head movements are prohibited.
  2. Rotate your head in a circle while blinking slowly. Then, repeat such turns only with your eyes closed. All movements must be smooth. Open eyelids one by one.
  3. Concentrate attention on the picture that hangs on the wall or windows of a multi-storey building. After that, sharply shift your gaze to another object and again sharply return your gaze to the first picture, to a certain point.

All exercises are performed for 5-10 minutes, after which the pressure should stabilize. During a long stay at the computer monitor, the eyes often hurt, this indicates that the person blinks a little, thereby not moisturizing the eyes enough. This cause often leads to vision problems if it is constantly present in people's lives.

Traditional Therapy

Modern methods of examining patients with eye pressure make it possible to detect the development of the disease in time and prevent the occurrence of complications. Doctors advise going to medical facilities every year to measure such indicators. Ophthalmohypertension can be cured only after the elimination of the causes that caused the disease.

When the disease is provoked by severe eye fatigue, long sitting at the computer monitor, then preparations are required to moisturize the cornea. The patient uses them for a certain time and the pressure returns to normal. Such medications eliminate unpleasant symptoms, a person immediately feels noticeably better. Additionally, the doctor prescribes means to enhance the therapeutic effect.


  • Cholinomimetics. Drugs that constrict the pupil and also stimulate the drainage of fluid.
  • Beta blockers. Reduce the synthesis of fluid inside the eyes.

  • Combined funds. Thanks to the medicinal components, the onset of the therapeutic effect is accelerated.
  • Drops containing latanoproplast. Stimulate fluid excretion.
  • Eye vitamins. Improve vision and relieve discomfort.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids. They prevent the development of ophthalmohypertension, protect the retina from damage, and are used to prevent intraocular pressure.

If the disease has arisen against the background of diabetes mellitus or arterial hypertension, then you should carefully consider your health. Such ailments worsen the prognosis of the disease and can lead to complete loss of vision.

Folk methods of treatment

You can lower eye pressure at home with the help of plants and other natural remedies. In addition to the direct therapeutic effect, drugs can relieve discomfort caused by pathology.

Methods of therapy:

  1. Infusion of dill seeds. Grind the seeds of the plant, about 1 tablespoon. Pour boiling water over and leave to infuse for 1-2 hours. Express. Drink 15 minutes before meals, three times a day.
  2. Potato compresses. Boil 2-3 small potatoes and mash well. In the resulting puree, add 1 teaspoon of 6% vinegar, mix everything. Put a little gruel on the bandage and press it against the eyelids for 15-25 minutes.
  3. Aloe wash. Take 5 small leaves of the plant and boil in 1 glass of water for 5-7 minutes. Cool, strain and rinse eyes. The procedure can be repeated up to 10 times a day.
  4. Apply sorrel or cabbage leaves, as well as cucumber slices to the eyelids.

To bring down the pressure of the eyes, you must follow all the recommendations of the doctor during treatment. The doctor will prescribe a course of therapy that can be combined with home methods to eliminate the disease. The use of all folk remedies must be agreed with a specialist.

Doctor's advice:

  • Limit your time in front of a TV or computer screen.
  • During sleep, you need to put a dense and high pillow under your head.
  • Harmful drinks containing alcohol and caffeine should be completely removed from the diet.
  • Insulin in the blood must be reduced, for which a complete rejection of sweet flour products, various cereals, and sugar is recommended.
  • Emotional peace is also very important, then the treatment of the disease will be easy, and the effect of it will be maximum.

Ophthalmohypertension is a fairly common pathology, but few people pay attention to it in the early stages of development. When the symptoms become bright, the person goes to the doctors for help. If the disease is diagnosed at an early stage, then the treatment will take little time, and complications will not have time to arise.

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Inside our eyes, fluid is constantly moving - a certain amount of it enters the cornea, and the same amount flows out.

Violation of inflow or outflow leads to changes in intraocular pressure, to its decrease or increase.

Deviation from the norm is a rather dangerous phenomenon, which, If left untreated, it can lead to vision loss.

Anyone can experience such a pathology, so it is important to know the causes and symptoms of changes in intraocular pressure and how to bring the value back to normal. From what the eye pressure rises or falls, we will consider below.

Reasons for change

First of all, the risk group includes people who have a problematic cardiovascular system. Also, these violations are often detected in those suffering from farsightedness or atherosclerosis.

Particular attention should be paid to the condition of the eyes for people with a hereditary predisposition to the disease.

The main causes of increased eye pressure

What raises eye pressure:

  • Stressful situations, irritability, emotional outbursts
  • Constant long work at the computer or any other conditions that cause eyestrain
  • Increased blood pressure, hypertension
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Problems in the cardiovascular system
  • Thyroid diseases
  • Chemical poisoning

All these states cause changes for a while. A persistent increase is a sign of glaucoma and is more common in older people.

Causes of low pressure in the eyes

How to measure eye pressure

Measurement of eye pressure is carried out mainly in three ways: electrotonography, using a Maklakov tonometer, pneumotachography.

Accurate and correct measurement of eye pressure at home is impossible, as this must be done by a doctor!

What eye pressure values ​​are considered normal

Eye pressure is measured in mm. mercury column. Normal eye pressure: indicators range from 9 to 22 mm. rt. Art. When measuring pressure values, the time of day should be taken into account: morning and evening values ​​may differ by 2-2.5 mm.

It also matters what instrument the measurement was taken with.

Maklakov's tonometer gives normal values ​​from 17 to 26 mm. rt. Art. The pneumotonometer determines the norm as 10-21 mm.

Norm after 60 years

Normal blood pressure in adults depends on age. Age-related changes in the cornea and the eyeball lead to a change in intraocular pressure (it rises, and the apple stretches). The outflow of intraocular fluid is disturbed, which leads to an increase in ophthalmotonus.

After the age of 40, it is necessary to undergo an examination by an ophthalmologist every year. with the obligatory measurement of intraocular pressure, since the likelihood of glaucoma increases with age. Normal eye pressure at 60 years of age and older is 23 mm Hg. Art.

The norm of eye pressure in glaucoma

What eye pressure is considered normal depends on the form and severity of this pathology.

Now 4 forms of the disease are known:

  • Initial (< 27 мм рт. ст.);
  • Expressed (27-32 mm Hg. Art.);
  • Deeply entered (> 33 mm Hg. Art.);
  • Final (significantly> 33 mm Hg. Art.).

With the appearance of glaucoma, there is a smooth increase in ophthalmotonus as the outflow of moisture from the eye chambers worsens. The patient may not feel this and not seek medical help, which makes timely diagnosis difficult. Eye drops for glaucoma and eye pressure are prescribed by a doctor!

Symptoms of abnormal eye pressure

The complexity of determining violations lies in the almost complete absence of symptoms in the early stages of the development of pathologies. Changes at the beginning of the disease do not manifest themselves. Only an ophthalmologist can determine if there is a problem.

Sign of low eye pressure: the patient's vision begins to deteriorate gradually. In the absence of proper treatment, the eyeball begins to atrophy and change shape, sink.

If the decrease was due to an infectious disease and dehydration, from the symptoms of disorders in the eyes, rare blinking and lack of brilliance can be noted.

Increased eye pressure at the initial stage also occurs without obvious symptoms.. With further development, the patient begins to notice heaviness in the eyes, fatigue. Then there are pains in the temples, redness of the eyes may occur.

The symptoms of high blood pressure are as follows:

  • Migraine and severe eye pain
  • Active visual impairment
  • Blurred vision
  • Deterioration of picture quality at dusk
  • Decreased lateral vision, reduced field of view

What to do with eye pressure, consider below.

Treatment when a disease is detected

Treatment of low eye pressure is aimed at eliminating the cause that caused this condition. Treatment methods for high differ depending on the neglect of the eye condition.

In the early stages of the disease, conservative treatment is used.. How to reduce eye pressure at home:

  • Do ;
  • Use eye drops that improve the outflow of fluid;
  • Reduce the time of watching TV and working at the computer;
  • Wear special safety goggles.

You also need more time to walk in the air, exclude power and contact sports for the duration of treatment.

If an increase in intraocular pressure is an accompanying phenomenon in any other disease, it is necessary to begin complex treatment.

Treatment of eye pressure folk remedies, Three recipes are especially popular:

    The use of folk recipes should be discussed with a doctor

    Golden mustache tincture. Pour 500 ml of vodka on 20 antennae, put in a dark, cool place for 12 days. Drink one dessert spoon every morning before breakfast. Strain before use.

  • Meadow clover. 1 st. pour a spoonful of dry grass with boiling water 150 ml. Strain and take daily at bedtime. The course of admission is 1 month.
  • It is recommended to take kefir with a pinch of cinnamon.

If conservative methods have not brought any result and vision continues to deteriorate, doctors are forced to take more radical methods: laser treatment, and in the most advanced cases, microsurgical intervention.

Eye pressure drops

According to the mechanism of action, drops are divided into:

These drops contain:

  • B-blockers. Medicines of this subgroup reduce the production of aqueous humor, reduce its volume (thymol) or reduce production without affecting the volume ();
  • Cholinomimetics (). Narrow the pupil, improve the outflow of intraocular fluid;
  • Prostaglandin or latanoprost (,). Stimulate the excretion of intraocular fluid. Indicated for open-angle glaucoma. Due to the outflow of fluid between the lens and the cornea, the rate of progression of glaucoma decreases.

Each of these groups has its positive and negative properties. Drops are selected by an ophthalmologist, taking into account concomitant diseases. In addition, in addition to the above-mentioned, relatively inexpensive eye drops, there are combined ones (, xalac), which are an order of magnitude more expensive, but also more effective.

Eye pressure treatment at home

How to lower eye pressure at home, you can use the following tips:

Useful in such cases are dill, grapes, watermelon, birch sap, currants, mountain ash, pumpkin.

What is the danger of high and low eye pressure

Increased intraocular pressure causes glaucoma. If it is not treated with drops that normalize ophthalmotonus, then death of the optic nerve may occur, which leads to blindness.

Low eye pressure over time can cause it to wrinkle. Regulatory functions of the vitreous body are violated, which leads to a sharp visual impairment.

Regardless of the cause that caused the decrease in pressure, visual impairment occurs up to the development of total blindness.

You should regularly visit an ophthalmologist for preventive examinations. This will help to detect pathology in a timely manner and develop a set of measures necessary to preserve and restore vision.


Problems with intraocular pressure can lead to sad consequences, namely glaucoma and loss of vision. What preventive measures will help in maintaining the normal circulation of fluid in the eyes? It's not that hard:

Thus, the correct approach will help to avoid many problems associated with eye diseases. Do not miss the alarming symptoms and contact a specialist for advice!

Rumyantseva Anna Grigorievna

Reading time: 4 minutes


What is eye pressure?

A more correct name for such an ailment is intraocular pressure, since pressure is exerted on the inside of the eyeball.

Reference! The problem arises when there is a violation of the tone and the ratio between the amount of fluid entering the eye and flowing out.

Normally, this figure is about two cubic millimeters per minute, while a normal IOP is between 8 and 23 millimeters of mercury. At the same time, many different methods.

Alternative methods of treating eye pressure

There are many folk recipes that will help with violations of intraocular pressure, and despite the fact that most of them are gentle and harmless, it is better to additionally consult with your doctor, who will decide on the appropriateness of such treatment.

And even if the ophthalmologist approves the use of traditional medicine methods - treatment medications can't be interrupted.

On the whole together, traditional and traditional medicine will help faster bring IOP back to normal than individually.

Let's see how to reduce eye pressure with folk remedies?

Common proven folk methods the most effective are the following:

  1. Powdered dill seeds it is necessary to pour two glasses of boiling water and place the infusion in a thermos for three hours. It is necessary to take the remedy half an hour before meals for half a glass 3 times a day.
  2. Apply in the morning and evening raw potatoes cut into circles and lie down for 15 minutes.
  3. In a glass of water, 0.2 grams of mummy is diluted and drink such a remedy before each meal, as well as immediately before bedtime. The course of treatment lasts 20 days.
  4. A few medium leaves of aloe are dipped into a glass of boiling water., after which the product must be held on low heat for five minutes. After that, the product should cool down, the leaves can be removed, and the eyes are washed with liquid for two weeks in the morning. It is recommended that after the end of the course, take a break of the same duration, and then repeat the treatment cycle twice more.
  5. One tablespoon dried corn silk pour a glass of boiling water and brew for 40 minutes. Then the infusion is filtered and taken at a dosage of one quarter cup three times a day a quarter of an hour before meals.
  6. Kefir with cinnamon can be taken regularly to maintain IOP in good shape.
  7. Dried minced nettle leaves to the amount of one spoon pour boiling water and insist for about an hour. The drug is taken three times a day at regular intervals.
  8. If you are not allergic to honey, you can instill it in your eyes. diluted in equal proportions onion juice and honey.

Important! Herbal collection is considered one of the most effective means. Its composition includes white mistletoe, yarrow, periwinkle and field horsetail in equal amounts, and two parts of hawthorn berries are added to the finished mixture. You should get one tablespoon of the collection.

The product is poured with a glass of boiling water and within 15 minutes it should then be sweated in a water bath.

Gymnastics for the treatment of eye pressure

With increased IOP, it is useful to perform gymnastics, which improves blood circulation in the organs of vision.

This has a beneficial effect on the state of pressure, with this approach it is even easier to treat the disease.

To do this, you need to perform daily the following exercises:

  • ten times close your eyes and open your eyes;
  • within two minutes blink intensively;
  • move eyes as far as possible to the left, and then to the right, fixing the gaze in each position for 5-10 seconds, and then perform rotational movements several times;
  • at first intensively, and after a minute - at an average pace, you need to blink;
  • focusing on some nearby object, you need to look at it for several seconds, and then look outside the window at any distant object. For convenience, the subject can be placed on the windowsill and exercised every hour for several minutes, if you have to work at a computer with intraocular pressure.

General approach to lifestyle for the prevention of eye pressure

Many people do not have problems with IOP throughout their lives, and someone is predisposed to such an ailment, and pressure can change under the influence of various reasons.

It is possible to reduce the likelihood of developing such a disease when following simple preventive recommendations:

Attention! At the risk of increased intraocular pressure, ophthalmologists recommend leading a calm lifestyle and avoiding stress and unrest.

excessive emotions can lead to sudden changes in IOP. If the conditions of life or work do not allow you to remain calm, you can drink motherwort or lemon balm in the form of decoctions.

Useful video

The video tells in detail about the reduction and treatment of eye pressure with the help of exercises:

If you suspect an elevated IOP treatment needs to be holistic and with a mandatory consultation with an ophthalmologist, then the treatment will be effective, fast and painless.

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/ Questions and answers

How to reduce eye pressure in glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a constant struggle with intraocular pressure. Even if the patient has undergone surgery, implants or fluid drainage, effective measures to lower IOP are still needed to prevent relapse. How to reduce pressure in the eye?

  1. Drops are the simplest and most common method. There are several types of such drugs. What will be the reaction to each of them is not always clear, therefore, such drugs are prescribed exclusively by an ophthalmologist. Drops are divided into 4 groups, which is due to their way of influencing the organs of vision:
  • cholinomimetics that promote the outflow of fluid;
  • beta-blockers that reduce fluid formation;
  • carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, which also reduce the amount of fluid;
  • postaglandins that reduce fluid production.
  • Surgical intervention. They form new channels for the discharge of intraocular fluid, which allows you to reduce pressure and maintain it at a normal level.
  • Diet and lifestyle modifications. It is necessary to exclude from the use of products that contribute to a sharp increase in insulin levels, which affects pressure. Sugar, flour products, cereals, potatoes, etc. You will also have to give up bad habits: alcohol and smoking cause pressure surges in the eyes and lead to glaucoma attacks. The menu should have a lot of products with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (fish, seaweed and various seafood). The basis of the diet should be vegetables, greens, rich in lutein and zeaxanthin. Antioxidants are indispensable, removing harmful substances from the body in general and the eyes in particular. Regular exercise is essential to normalize metabolism and blood pressure.
  • Eye exercises. Especially necessary for people who work a lot at the computer. Gymnastics helps to reduce tension, strengthens muscles and ligaments. The flexibility of the eye muscles improves, which helps to optimize IOP.
  • Folk remedies. Decoctions and infusions of various herbs, which are used in the form of drops or lotions, also slightly reduce pressure, facilitating the outflow of fluid. However, such recipes are good only as an addition to the main treatment and only with the approval of the attending physician.
  • Sidorenko's glasses are an ophthalmic device that provides a gentle massage that improves microcirculation and stimulates metabolic processes.
  • As a rule, with glaucoma, there is no one way to reduce eye pressure in any one way. A complex effect and mandatory control of the attending physician is necessary. This will help to control the level of fluid in the eye and, if necessary, adjust the chosen tactics.