How to accept payments for electricity. Electricity in SNT

Registration of the change of chairman of the SNT. How to make changes to the LLC information contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities? Read the information in the article.

Question: Please tell me if I need to register in reg. chamber to change the chairman in the SNT.

Answer: No, the change of chairman is not registered in the registration chamber. The change of chairman must be notified only to the tax authority by submitting an application in the form No. P14001. The applicant will be the new chairman. The signature on the application must be notarized. The application must be submitted within 3 days of the election of a new chairman.

How to make changes to the LLC information contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

General procedure for amending the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

In order to make changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, it is necessary to submit an application to the registration authority in the form No. R14001, approved by order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 25, 2012 No. ММВ-7-6 / [email protected].

This rule is established in paragraph 2 of Article 17 of the Law of August 8, 2001 No. 129-FZ “On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs” (hereinafter referred to as the Law on State Registration), paragraph 22 of the Administrative Regulations approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia of September 30, 2016 No. 169n.

The signature of the applicant on the application must be certified by a notary. An exception is the situation when the application is sent to the inspection in the form of an electronic document (clause 1.2, article 9 of the Law on State Registration, clause 38 of the Administrative Regulations).

The procedure for submitting an application to the registering authority is the same when changes are made to the constituent documents and during the initial registration of an LLC.

When changing the general director, it is worth attaching to the application submitted for registration the decision of the sole participant of the LLC (minutes of the general meeting of participants in the LLC), which formalized the change of director. It is not necessary to submit this document for registration, but this will reduce the likelihood of refusal.

When making changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities without changing the charter, you do not need to pay a state duty.

Attention: documents must be submitted to the tax office within the specified time.

Within three working days from the moment of changing the information contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the company is obliged to report this to the registering authority (clause 5, article 5 of the Law on State Registration).

For failure to fulfill or untimely fulfillment of this obligation (as well as reporting false information), a fine of 5 thousand rubles may be imposed on the general director. (part 3 of article 14.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

An application to the tax office can be submitted in any of the following ways:

1) directly to the tax authority - personally by the applicant (general director or other person acting on behalf of the company without a power of attorney) or through a representative under a notarized power of attorney, who needs to attach such a power of attorney or its copy certified by a notary to the documents;

5) by sending electronic documents signed with an electronic signature through information and telecommunication networks (including the Internet):

Within five days from the date of receipt of the application, the inspection makes appropriate changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (clause 1, article 8, clause 3, article 18 of the Law on State Registration, clause 16 of the Administrative Regulations). Not later than one working day from the moment of such submission, the inspectorate issues to the company a document confirming the fact of registration - a sheet of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (, paragraph 2, clause 15, clause 86-90 of the Administrative Regulations). From March 11, 2014, together with these documents, an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is not issued (to the order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 26, 2013 No. 139n).

The procedure for issuing an entry sheet of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities differs depending on how the application was submitted.

1. The application is submitted directly to the inspection or sent by mail

The applicant receives the record sheet of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in the way that he indicated in the application (paragraph 3 of article 11 of the Law on State Registration). For example, if the item “send by mail” is marked in the application, the inspectorate, no later than one working day from the date of registration, must send the record sheet by mail to the applicant.

2. Application submitted to the multifunctional center

For the record sheet of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the applicant (his representative by proxy) must appear at the multifunctional center (

Light / Meters and electricity metering

Is it possible for a summer resident to get rid of the ruinous costs of electricity? Pay not according to the city, but to the rural tariff? And at the same time - not to pay for those members of the SNT who simply steal electricity? The Podmoskovye newspaper conducted its own investigation and found answers to some of these questions.

Electricity in SNT. How to achieve human tariffs?

Each meeting of gardeners of the dacha partnership "Solnyshko", like many of their comrades in misfortune, began with the groans of the chairman about how much we owe for electricity. Gardeners paid an electrician to maintain the transformer, for electricity losses in the input and output wires. And most importantly, for those who do not want to pay for electricity at all or "twist" the meters.

Therefore, electricity tariffs were very high, and the supplier company threatened to turn off all debtors on a quarterly basis. Those who paid honestly were tired of this situation for a long time, and one of the summer residents, pensioner Maria Mikhailovna Tikhonova, could not stand the requisitions.

At first, she tried to pay for electricity at state rates. And then, when she was ranked among the malicious non-payers and even cut off the light, she wrote a complaint about extortion to the district prosecutor's office, then to the district center. She proved that the tariffs adopted at the general meeting are illegal, since there was no quorum of summer residents.

Then she decided to make herself a separate personal account, but she was kicked off by the supplier company, which entered into an agreement with a garden partnership.

“I rummaged through all the laws on electricity and found the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2004 No. 861 “On Approval of the Rules for Non-Discriminatory Access to Electricity Transmission Services ...” (last version of the decree of October 15, 2012. - Note ed.), and after reading it, I realized: I can choose another electricity supplier, - says Maria Mikhailovna, - if from the nearest transmission point, that is, an electric pole, to my house is no more than 500 meters (as in the rules for rural areas). And the supplier has no right to refuse me. In principle, my site was closer than 300 meters to the post from the village of Studeny. That is, I "fit" into the rules for the city.

Electricity in SNT. Normative base

Here is an extract from the "Rules for the technological connection of power receiving devices ..." dated March 21, 2007 No. 168:
“The payment for the technological connection of power receivers with a maximum power not exceeding 15 kW inclusive (taking into account the power receivers previously connected at a given point) is set based on the cost of technological connection measures in the amount of no more than 550 rubles, provided that the distance from the boundaries of the applicant's site to the power grid facilities, the required voltage class of the grid organization to which the application is submitted is no more than 300 meters in cities and urban-type settlements and no more than 500 meters in rural areas. In 2013, this norm remained the same ...

Maria Mikhailovna sent an application to Tulenergo for 5 kW, and the rules apply up to 15 kW inclusive. They tried to kick her off “for technical reasons”, but the stubborn pensioner repeatedly brought the necessary schemes and documents to the production department, wrote complaints to the head of Tulenergo and the governor of the region, until she achieved the conclusion of an agreement. The supplier company was forced to install nineteen poles for her, she prepared the house for connecting electricity (the connection point was already in the house). All equipment was checked by an electrical engineer, gave permission. Electricity was brought to her, after which six acts necessary for this were signed.

Maria Mikhailovna's struggle with the system took six months and 550 rubles, which are due by law. According to her, in some holiday villages, residents asked a local electrician for a fee to draw all the schemes necessary for connecting to Tulenergo, and they got their personal accounts. This is an easier, albeit expensive, way. Another summer resident, who did not want to pay for the theft of neighbors' electricity, bought a transformer for her house for 100 thousand rubles, after which she was allowed to join the high-voltage line that passed over the site on an individual project.

SNT: how is the tariff for electricity formed?

As you know, in rural areas electricity is paid cheaper - 2 rubles 10 kopecks per kW, and not 2 rubles 85, as in the city, or 3.50, as in gardening non-profit partnerships. This opportunity alone makes summer residents - consumers of electricity - think about leaving "on a solo voyage." By the way, the market value of houses of independent singles increases significantly.
But who and how sets tariffs for the city and countryside?

Oleg Popov, adviser to the head of the Federal Service for Tariffs and Prices (FTS) of Russia, head of the press center, leading expert Oleg Popov, tells about this: “For the population living in rural areas, a reduction factor of 0.7 applies to the tariff for electricity consumption. It is applied by the regional regulator to the tariff approved by it within the limits set by the FTS.”

“On behalf of the members of the gardening partnership, which is a non-profit organization and for whose members tariffs are set, as for the population, an agreement is concluded with an energy supply organization,” Popov explains. The FTS of Russia has approved a list of categories of consumers that are equated to the population and to whom electricity is supplied at regulated prices. This group of consumers includes, in particular, horticultural, horticultural and dacha non-profit associations of citizens.

The power of the transformer is determined by the technical conditions - based on the application of the gardening partnership. The supply of electricity is carried out within the limits of this capacity on the basis of an agreement. At the same time, the members of the partnership pay the cost of electricity after the fact - based on the readings of individual metering devices.

For gardening partnerships, a reduction factor of 0.7 is applicable if the relevant territories are included in the prescribed manner within the boundaries of rural settlements. And at the same time, the conditions for living in the corresponding gardening partnership are observed. You can check the status of the settlement with the local administration.

The tariff does not take into account the natural losses of electricity through the power grids. They are calculated as the difference between the readings of the common metering device - at the entrance and the sum of the readings of individual metering devices. Electricity losses within the partnership can be paid both in proportion to the electricity consumed by each member of the partnership, and in equal shares. The decision must be taken at the general meeting of the members of the partnership.

Electricity in SNT: for each summer resident - on a separate account?

With the theft of electricity in dacha associations are struggling in different ways. Someone demands to put meters on electric poles, someone spends money on devices, the readings of which can be obtained at a distance literally online. However, many still dream of entering into an agreement directly with the electricity supplier and do not believe that the mess in the SNT will stop.

To what extent is this wish justified? Denis Milyutin, First Deputy Head of the Committee on Tariffs and Prices of the Moscow Region, answers: “If all members of the dacha association want to have their own personal accounts, they must contact the sales company, and it cannot refuse them.” But according to the Civil Code, the maintenance of the transformer and other SNT electrical equipment is paid by the owners. They must support the electrician, pay for losses, theft. Usually in gardening partnerships, some kind of surcharge is set for the tariff. It must be approved at a general meeting, and everyone pays. If this equipment is transferred to the balance of the sales company, the costs will be passed on to all other consumers. And will they want to pay for negligent summer residents?

According to Milyutin, first of all, it is necessary to put things in order in the partnership itself, so that everyone understands what they are paying for. The possibility of joining Mosenergosbyt exists by law, but it entails not only pluses, but also minuses. Transformers must be leased to the grid company - thus, its costs will increase. Is it necessary for a network company? It is quite possible that savings in electricity bills will be brought simply by switching to a day-night tariff and more intensive use of appliances at night. Or for a tariff differentiated by three zones of the day.

4.6/5 (25)

Electricity in SNT: recent changes in legislation

In 2017, a government decree came into force, which introduces significant changes to the legislation governing the supply of electricity.

The explanatory note of the Decree explains that it will help simplify the procedure for interaction between retail market entities and members of horticultural, dacha and horticultural non-profit partnerships.

Important! The more important innovations are:

  • the rule is abolished: the owner of land that is part of a horticultural non-profit partnership, who wants to individually connect to electricity, regardless of the partnership, must conclude a special agreement with SNT for the use of their electrical networks;
  • an organization supplying electricity can use the networks of the partnership to connect owners of land plots connected separately from the partnership, and the members of the horticultural partnership should not interfere with them or require additional payment;
  • changes have been made to the list of necessary documentation for the provision of an electrical network for processing an application for connecting the objects of a horticultural partnership.

Let's look at what documents you need to provide:

  • a list of plots that are part of the horticultural non-profit partnership with their number;
  • list of land owners;
  • land cadastral numbers;
  • the amount of electricity that is allocated to each site.

Continuation of the list of innovations:

  • if a land plot is connected to electricity, which is located on the territory of the partnership, but conducts individual economic activities, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of limiting or turning off the supply of electricity to this plot separately from members of the horticultural non-profit partnership;
  • when drawing up an agreement with a person who is or is not a member of a horticultural non-profit partnership, but owns a plot on the territory of this partnership, documents must be submitted that confirm membership of the partnership at the time of connection to electricity of the SNT as a whole. Please note that it is possible to provide other documentary evidence that the site actually consumes electricity;
  • payment for electricity losses in the partnership and the costs of the operation of the electrical system of the SNT, members of the partnership and persons who are not members of the partnership must pay in the same amount;
  • the partnership has the right to limit or disconnect from electricity the members of its partnership who are connected to the network. Previously, dacha, gardening and horticultural associations did not have such rights;
  • The horticultural non-profit partnership can use the right to cut off or limit electricity only if the persons who were individually connected to electricity do not fulfill their obligation to compensate for losses in the SNT network and the costs of maintaining the common network.

Attention! Our qualified lawyers will assist you free of charge and around the clock on any issues.

How to pay for electricity separately in SNT

The creation of a new horticultural non-profit partnership assumes that it already has all the infrastructure. This has its pluses and minuses: the minuses include the fact that the payment will be at the prices of the partnership tariff, but the plus is that you do not have to pay on your own. And in this case, nothing can be done.

Moreover, such companies are not very easy to agree to the service of persons who are connected individually to the power grid. It is more profitable for them to work with large partnerships and associations, and not with individual owners. This is justified by cash injections. Indeed, in this case, the organization supplying electricity bears less costs, and the profit is much higher.

If the SNT does not have the necessary equipment

Please note! When you purchase land from a gardening association that is over 20 years old and is connected to electricity but does not have the necessary equipment, there are two ways to get out of this situation:

  • accept and use the limited power supply. After all, the equipment of the partnership is very worn out, so more power cannot be achieved from this equipment. And even if we take into account the fact that more and more new users of electricity are constantly connected to it. After all, the owner himself will have to run the power line, partnerships "with experience" rarely provide assistance in this matter;
  • change equipment. If you do it on your own, you will spend a significant amount, because this is a very expensive procedure. You can simply put forward a proposal to change the transformer and all power supply equipment. When other members of the CNT make a positive decision, then all the costs of replacing equipment will be divided among all members. Remember that in order to maintain your initiative, you will have to prove that it is expedient and rational for the entire partnership. Many may refuse this venture just because it is a cash investment. Although it is worth remembering that the more owners in the partnership, the smaller the monetary contribution of each owner.

Watch the video. How much do gardeners pay for electricity?

Resource connection order

Attention! If the owner decided to individually connect to electricity, then we must remember that the following order must be observed:

  • initially, you need to write an application to the power supply organization, which is closest to the land plot that is part of the partnership;
  • complete the required package of documents:
  • application for connection of the site to the electrical network;
  • a diagram of the site on which the devices that receive electricity are located. But this item is not mandatory, it is necessary to clarify in the power grid;
  • photocopies of documentary evidence of ownership of the land;
  • in case of participation of a representative, it is necessary to provide a power of attorney for him, which indicates all his powers;
  • other documents cannot be requested by the energy supply organization;
  • after submitting the package, the energy supply company issues the technical conditions to the owner, which must be implemented on the land plot. The term of this document is 24 months;
  • during this period, the owner of the land plot must perform the necessary work to implement the technical conditions on his site. And all work to the land plot is performed by the energy supply organization;
  • when all conditions are completed, employees of the energy supply organization carry out verification activities and connect the land plot to electricity;
  • the price of connecting a plot in a gardening partnership to electricity is calculated in this way;
  • the distance from the site to electrical networks is up to 500 meters, the connection cost is 550 rubles, this is with an average power of 15 kW;
  • the distance from the site to the electrical networks exceeds 500 meters, the cost depends on the tariff set by the local authorities in the field of state regulation of tariffs (Regional Energy Commission or Regional Service);
  • the term for connecting the site to the electrical network depends on the distance from the land plot to the electrical networks. If the distance is up to 500 meters, then you have to wait six months. If the distance is more than 500 meters, then the work will take about a year;
  • the procedure for connecting a land plot ends with the execution of acts on the delimitation of balance sheet ownership, operational responsibility and technical connection. These acts are drawn up and issued to the owner free of charge, so if they ask for money for them, this is illegal.

In which case the power grid can refuse to connect

The main reason why power grids may refuse to conclude an individual connection agreement with an individual is the lack of necessary information in the application or the provision of not the entire package of documents.

An organization that performs connectivity services cannot refuse connectivity even if there is no connectivity

Now very often situations arise when power supply organizations refuse to conclude connection agreements, arguing that they cannot choose a method for passing the network to the client’s land and determine the measures for their construction, referring to the inaction of the municipality.

Such excuses are not acceptable at the legislative level and violate the law, as well as the rights of owners. Since July 2017, electric networks have been fined over six million rubles.

The nuances of individual payment for electricity in a garden partnership

They steal electricity in gardening partnerships a lot, and therefore they are fighting it. Someone displays meters on electricity poles, someone installs metering devices that transmit readings online at a distance.

Although many still want to conclude individual contracts with power grids, bypassing gardening partnerships because of what is happening in them.

This desire is justified only if all members of the partnership have personal accounts or want to have them, they need to contact the company that is engaged in electricity supply, and it will not be able to refuse them by law.

Note! In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the maintenance of the transformer and any equipment of a horticultural non-profit partnership falls on the shoulders of the site owners.

The members of the gardening partnership also bear the maintenance of the person who will serve the electrical networks, losses and theft. Most often, in the SNT, a surcharge is set for the tariff, which is approved at the general meeting of the members of the partnership, and its payment is mandatory.

If the equipment of gardening associations is installed on the balance sheet of an organization engaged in energy supply, the costs of its maintenance are shifted to other owners. Do they want to pay for irresponsible gardeners?

I agree, it's a total mess.

What is a violation of the law. All legal relations are also subject to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Protection of Consumer Rights” (as amended by the Law of the Russian Federation of 09.01.96).

How to punish the energy supply organization for arbitrariness.

First of all, it should be noted that there are civil law relations between the energy supply organization and the consumer, that is, they are regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
There is an energy supply agreement between power engineers and any subscriber. This agreement is considered to be concluded even despite the fact that a particular citizen did not seem to conclude with Mosenergo, did not sign a document entitled "energy supply agreement". The fact is that in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 540 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, such an agreement is considered concluded by an energy supply organization (WES) with a citizen subscriber from the moment of actual connection. Therefore, if your house (apartment) is connected to the networks of an energy supply organization, you consume electricity and paid for it in the prescribed manner, then an agreement has been concluded between you and the WPP. And this has certain consequences for the WES.
Firstly, all general norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation governing obligations apply to your legal relationship. Including the norms of Article 310 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation “Inadmissibility of unilateral refusal to fulfill an obligation, “according to which the WPP is not entitled, on its own initiative, to stop the energy supply to its subscriber, except as provided by law (about them a little later).
Secondly, your legal relationship is also subject to the general provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on the contract, including the rules providing that the WES can terminate the contract with you only in court and only in a strictly defined number of cases. In accordance with Article 541 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a citizen has the right to use electricity in any amount he needs. The power supply organization has no right to limit you in electricity under any pretext. This provision of the law is imperative (i.e. mandatory for all subjects of civil law relations) and cannot be changed even by an agreement between you and the WES (although clause 2 of Article 546 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation allows for a break in the supply, termination or restriction of the supply of electricity by agreement of the parties, i.e. your consent. In accordance with Article 71 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, this provision of the law cannot be canceled (changed) by any acts of all executive authorities at the level of regions and districts. Therefore, any restrictions on the energy supply of citizens ( "rolling blackouts" and similar measures) are absolutely illegal even if they are carried out with the sanction of authorities and administration.
In accordance with Art. 546 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a break in the supply, interruption or restriction of the supply of electricity is allowed only in cases where the unsatisfactory condition of the subscriber's power installations, certified by the Energy Supervision authorities, creates a threat of an accident to the safety of the population. In this case, a break in the supply, interruption or restriction of the supply of electricity is allowed only when there is a need to take urgent measures to prevent an accident. Thus, as we can see, the law provides for only one case when the energy supply organization
You can only terminate an energy supply contract (for example, if you have a debt in payment for electricity) through a court order.
Energy supply organizations carry out entrepreneurial activities, then in accordance with Article 401, clause 3 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, they bear responsibility for failure to fulfill their obligations, regardless of their guilt in violation if the breach of obligations was not caused by force majeure circumstances. Force majeure includes circumstances that the power supply company could not foresee (overcome), such as an earthquake, flood, other natural disasters and major catastrophes. If there is a power outage, the power supply organization must bear civil (i.e. material) liability for this. In accordance with Art. 15 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a person whose right has been violated has the right to demand from the one who committed such a violation compensation for the losses caused by the violation. In accordance with Article 1064 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, harm caused to the person or property of a citizen must be compensated for by the person who caused the harm.
.. Compensation for non-pecuniary damage is regulated by Articles 152, 1099-1101 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Link to the text of the bill prepared for the first reading:

No. 444626-4 “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Horticultural, Gardening and Dacha Non-Commercial Associations of Citizens”

To view the photos posted on the site in an enlarged size, you need to click on their reduced copies.

Oh, how many wonderful discoveries we have
Prepare enlightenment spirit
And experience, the son of difficult mistakes,
And genius, paradoxes friend,
And chance, god is the inventor.

A.S. Pushkin (1829)

Most gardeners in the Russian Federation live and will continue to live in the near future in multi-story urban birdhouses. Every month, bills for utility bills are thrown into their mailboxes, including a bill for payment for consumed electricity for the past billing month. No one, as a rule, thinks about where and how the numbers appear in the account, until one day an error occurs or the readings of your individual counter suddenly become too large. Then a person begins to delve into the essence, trying to understand the account, the operation of the counter, the tariff, etc.

Almost the same situation exists in SNT. While summer residents who come for the weekend pay small money compared to city payments, no one asks any questions. But today more and more citizens are moving out of their birdhouses to country houses located in SNT, in dacha communities, non-profit partnerships.

Then the following happens. People equip their homes, conduct electricity, connect all kinds of devices and bells and whistles, drill individual wells, install local treatment facilities, etc. In these cases, there is always an increase in electricity consumption, and in the winter months, for example, 3-4 times, or even more compared to a city hut.

"What's all this for," you ask yourself. And to the fact that the payment of electricity consumed by gardeners has a number of features and is not in favor of the consumer. In other words, if you pay in the city, for example, 2.80 rubles. for 1 kW / h, then in SNT you will have to pay 3.00 rubles. It’s good if all payments in your partnership are justified, calculated, understandable and transparent for everyone, and finally, they comply with the law. And if not, then you will pay not only for electricity, but also "carefully monitor" the timely filling of the pockets of persons involved in the electrical economy in SNT. The suspicion that you are skillfully skinned appears when payments for consumed electricity are very different from the city ones. It is here that the user of electricity has questions:

What is a tariff, how and by whom is it calculated and set, the role of SNT in this process?
What should you pay for in SNT electricity consumers?
How are all payments related to electricity reflected in the accounts of the SNT accountant?
What is the content of the power line?

Answers to these questions are on this page. This information will shock someone, because, after reading the material, and having figured out what and how for their SNT, gardeners will understand that they are simply brazenly and shamelessly robbed by those who hold power in their own partnership. Someone will finally understand the intricacies of payments and understand how to do it right so that there are no problems in the future. The second option is clear - it leads to a legal solution to problems with electricity. And the first leads to the question: "What to do?"

The first thing to do is to bring the "truth-womb" to the gardeners and raise people to rebellion (this is in the absence of a reaction from those involved in the electricity in an attempt to restore order). Rebellion is not in the sense of going with a pitchfork and beating your face, but in the sense of using legal methods and forms to put everything in order together power grid economy and related payments.

Let's proceed to the analysis of flights and "wonderful discoveries".

Correct definition (establishment, calculation)
tariffs for electricity in SNT

For an accurate answer to the questions posed, I had to turn over a mountain of legislative and by-laws, consult with the ESO ( power supply organization), lawyers, re-read many forums on the net. Surprisingly, there are no exact answers to the questions posed. However, the search carried out in general and the analysis of the situation in one particular SNT allow us to draw the most correct conclusions and still establish the rule of law in the matter of energy supply to gardeners. To determine "what" is "what", and what the gardener should be paid for, i.e. end user electricity, we will immediately divide the amount that we all contribute (somewhere in one SNT more, somewhere else less) into several parts. And having dealt with these parts, it will be clear to everyone: why, how much and how the accrual occurs payments for the use of electricity. We emphasize that the article does not talk about belonging power lines, i.e. about the issue of ownership. This was discussed on the page "Ways, methods of organizing gardeners for the "holy" cause of electrification of SNT".

    Components of payments for the use of electricity in SNT:
  1. Payment for consumed electricity according to the individual meter of the gardener (end consumer).
  2. Payment for technological losses of electricity during its transmission through a power line that does not belong to SNT, from the point of connection (it is also a balance demarcation line) to a common metering device (as a rule, there is still a transformer substation in this area - a transformer belonging to SNT).
  3. Payment for technological losses in the internal power grid SNT (The internal power grid is a power line from a common metering device along with all electrical installations: poles, electrical panels, insulators, wires, gardeners' meters, pumps, automatic barriers, a government building, etc. Internal network includes everything that is located from the general introductory SNT electricity meter to the individual meter (s) of the gardener (gardeners).
  4. Payment for the maintenance of public property, which is an internal SNT power line (You can call it whatever you like: membership fee, targeted fee, reimbursement fee, payment for the maintenance of IOP - public property - its essence will not change, except for the legal assessment of the correctness of the term you use to the payment itself.However, it should be called correctly like this: payment for the maintenance of power lines included, as an integral part, in the membership fee or reimbursement fee).

Now we will sequentially analyze each named element of the general payment for the use of electricity, we will place all the accents, and then you will not have any illusions regarding the choice of the correct calculation of the amount of all payments for the use of electricity for your SNT.

1. Payment for consumed electricity.

Each end consumer (gardener) pays for the consumed electricity according to the indications of his individual meter. There are also separate SNTs, where payment for consumed electricity occurs in an old-fashioned way. That is, end consumers do not have their own individual meters, so everything that burns on the common introductory SNT meter is divided equally among all consumers and everyone contributes their share. But there are fewer and fewer such SNTs due to the fact that someone uses electricity more and some less. Accordingly, the latter are unwilling to pay for what they did not use. There is only one way out in this situation - the installation of individual meters for each gardener.

We understand further. For example, in our SNT "Pishchevik" gardeners in 2011 paid the tariff, which in turn was lowered to us at the beginning of the year by the ESO "Yantarenergo". Rate is 2.72 rubles. for 1 kWh. Where did such an amount come from? The decision is based on the calculations submitted by the ESO "Yantarenergo" to the regional energy commission - the department of prices and tariffs at the end of the year. The commission, taking into account all the nuances, decides the issue of setting tariffs for all categories of electricity consumers in the region.

In accordance with the provisions of Art. 24 p. 3 FZ-35 " About the electric power industry"-" The executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of state regulation of tariffs set the prices (tariffs) specified in Art. 23.1 of this Federal Law, with the exception of prices (tariffs), the regulation of which is carried out by the Government of the Russian Federation or the federal executive body in the field of tariff regulation ". Information letter of the Federal Tariff Service dated August 12, 2005 No. DS-4928/14 (as amended from August 31, 2007) clarifications were given on tariffs for consumed electricity specifically for SNT. The validity of this letter was canceled by the letter of the FTS dated May 18, 2010 No. CH-4179/12, however, the text of the unquoted paragraph is left in the article, because confirmed by other regulations.

Clause 3. On payment for electricity by members of horticultural societies and the maintenance of their property.
Payment for consumed electricity by members of horticultural, horticultural and country non-profit associations of citizens is made by tariffs established by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of state regulation of tariffs, for the urban population.
On the basis of subparagraph 9 of paragraph 2 of Article 35 of the Federal Law of April 15, 1998 No. 66-FZ “On horticultural, horticultural and dacha non-profit associations of citizens” executive authorities of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation have the right to establish for gardeners, gardeners, summer residents and their gardening, gardening and summer non-profit associations the standards for payment for electricity, water, gas, telephone, certain for rural consumers.

Conclusion: In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the final decision on the establishment of tariffs is made by the executive authority of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of state regulation of tariffs. In the Kaliningrad region, this body is the Department of Tariffs and Prices, and the collegial body for electricity tariffs- regional energy commission. Neither the board, nor the chairman, nor the general meeting, in accordance with the law, has the right to make any other decisions. Everything! The end consumer (user) pays 2 rubles for each consumed kilowatt / hour of energy. 72 kop. at 2011 prices Anyone who, one way or another, set surcharges to the tariff can be held liable for violation of the law, including criminal liability.

Do not rush to the chairman and accountant to download rights, do not swear by bribe takers and embezzlers of public funds trying to cash in on the ignorance of gardeners. Let's move on to the second payment.

2. Payment for technological losses of electricity during its transmission through power lines owned by SNT, from the point of connection to a common meter.

This paragraph will focus on the payment of gardeners for the loss of electricity in the area from the point of connection to the power line of the power supply organization (the transformer, provided that SNT has it and belongs to SNT, is also in this circuit) to the SNT distribution (input) switchboard, where it is installed a common meter for the electricity consumed by a gardening association. From here, gentlemen-gardeners, the most interesting thing begins in the legal taking of money from the population power supply organizations.

We understand. Oddly enough, ESO "Yantarenergo", oddly enough, famously circumvents the law and issues us (SNT "Pishchevik") an invoice, which clearly states that the tariff for the partnership in terms of money is set at 2 rubles. 86 kop. per kilowatt/hour. Where did it come from? After all, it cannot be that the ESO, which is under the strict control of the state, independently overestimated the tariff? Quite right.

Tariff 2.72 works only up to the border of the balance sheet ownership of the power grids, i.e., to the point of connection of the SNT power transmission line to the city or other power transmission line of the power supply organization. The location of the general introductory meter for accounting for consumed electricity in this case plays a role. That is, since the meter is not at the border, then in accordance with paragraph 46 of the Guidelines for the calculation of regulated tariffs and prices for electrical (thermal) energy in the retail (consumer market)", approved by order of the Federal Tariff Service No. 20-e / 2 dated 06.08. technological losses of electricity on the section of the line from the border of the balance delimitation to the common metering device for SNT. The point of balance demarcation is essentially the main power transmission line of the ESO, passing along the city street Novinskaya, and SNT (in our case) does not belong.

Further, the energy follows through the electrical network, which does not belong to Yantarenergo. Yantarenergo takes into account all expenses for its networks in the tariff of 2.72, but the transmission of energy through the network of SNT ESO does not take into account in this tariff. However, since the contract for electricity supply is concluded between SNT and Yantarenergo, then the technological losses that are inevitably the result of the transfer of energy by wire, the ESO, by law, requires payment for the SNT, through the network of which this same energy was transferred from the point of connection of the SNT power line to the city power line and to the general meter .

Return occurs according to the following scheme. ESO (only she has a license for this type of activity, and not an SNT electrician) measures the length of the SNT power line (the section from the main city power line to the general meter), measures the resistance, enters the appropriate correction factors into the formula and determines the coefficient for this particular line technological losses. For our SNT, the coefficient was calculated for a line with a length of 1 km (this is the distance we have from the point of connection to the general meter for commercial metering of electricity consumed). And it is equal to 4.95% of every kilowatt / hour. Again, for our SNT, this coefficient is included in the appendix to the Electricity Supply Agreement No. 9034 of 05/29/97 (see link). At the exit for the end consumer, another payment pops up, namely, 2 rubles. 72 kop. + 14 kop. Total: 2.86 rubles. Because payment for the consumed electricity occurs in the partnership through the personal account of SNT, then the ESO, just in this way, reimburses itself for losses in the transmission of electricity through our internal network, or rather, along the section of the network, which is located between the point of connection and the common metering device. When detailing the invoice issued by SNT for payment, you can see two lines: the amount of payment for the consumed electricity at the rate of 2.72 rubles. and the sum of technological losses, which is calculated by adding 4.95% to the first sum.

In other words, the end consumer (gardener) pays SNT extra for the transmission of electricity through a section (1 km) of an internal power transmission line, and SNT, in turn, Yantarenergo, on completely legal grounds, a surcharge of 4.95% for each kilowatt / hour. This one technological loss of electricity on the network site, the gardener just extinguishes it. Otherwise, ESO would have to work at a loss, spending additional funds in excess of the established tariff of 2.72 to deliver energy to the gardener at its own expense, which, in principle, cannot be. One last thing: the established technological loss factor for the internal network of SNT does not change. Those. it is constant from year to year. The most zealous will ask: "Where is it written?". The answer is in chapter 6 of PP No. 861 of December 27, 2004 "The procedure for determining losses in electrical networks and paying for these losses", and in clause 6.4 of the Electricity Supply Agreement No. 9034 (SNT "Pishchevik" and ESO "Yantarenergo").

To put an end to this issue, it should be added that in those SNTs where the TP of gardeners is actually connected to the balance delimitation line, and the common meter is located here, then technological losses in the internal network included in the tariff of the power supply organization can be much lower. In this case, the tariff will include only the idling loss of the transformer and a section of power lines 20 meters long. And if a common meter is in front of the transformer, then SNT pays only one tariff - in accordance with the law, the tariff established for the urban population. In our case, 2.72. But do not flatter yourself and do not rush to transfer a common electricity meter. Let's deal with the 3rd point.

3. Payment for technological losses in the internal power grid of SNT from a common meter to a gardener

First, let's define the concept and, in general, the need to analyze this 3rd paragraph. The fact is that the installed general electricity consumption meter on the line counts all the electricity consumed from oneself and further throughout the SNT, including that which inevitably goes to technological losses, theft, non-payment, underpayment, including. They arise in connection with the physics of the transmission of alternating current electricity through a conductor - a line. The amount of losses will depend on the resistivity of the wire, the total length of the transmission line, the individual metering devices used, the material of the supports, the material of the insulators, the material of the conductor itself (aluminum, copper, open, insulated), finally, the characteristics of the transformer and other factors. They can also include periods of maximum and minimum load, season, weather, etc.

We will not consider theft, underpayment and other similar points, because. it depends more on the organization, ie. from SNT, gardeners, a competent electrician - in other words, a subjective factor. And we are interested in what does not depend on the will and desire of gardeners.

So let's decide, get used to the idea that there were, are and always will be inside the SNT in the power lines technological losses of electricity. Because the owner of the power line is SNT, as a legal entity, or directly gardeners, then according to Art. 210 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, they are obliged to keep their property in good working order, including paying for losses during the transmission of electricity through their network. We take the bull by the horns: questions immediately pop up on the agenda:

Let's answer the questions:

Question 1. How to determine the internal technological losses of electricity in SNT?

There are a lot of ways to determine technological losses in a power line. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. Let's take a look at two of them:

The first way is actual: At the end of the month (or at the beginning of the next) during the day (if possible, faster to reduce time errors), the SNT electrician takes readings of all individual meters of gardeners and the readings of the general introductory meter. The difference between the readings of the general meter and the sum of all the readings of the gardeners' individual meters will be the technological losses in the internal power transmission line. It should be noted that the difference in readings will not be constant. It will directly depend on the amount of total electricity consumed during the month and other factors that are described above. This difference will undoubtedly include the electricity that is used to power the common street lighting line of the horticultural partnership, the power consumption of the board building, water pumps and other common electrical equipment. In the end, through simple calculations, an electrician and an accountant come to a common denominator. Namely, in such and such a month, SNT's technological losses in the network, excluding all accounted for sources of energy consumption, amounted to, for example, 200 kWh of electricity. The following month, for example, taking control readings gave 300 kW / h, etc. The second method according to the formula: Electrician SNT, board, gardeners themselves, choose a formula for calculating losses in the power grid, measure the necessary data, insert into the formula and at the output receive technological losses in kWh and as a percentage. There are a great many such formulas on the Internet, you can choose any that your particular SNT likes best. The result obtained will be the basis for calculating additional payments for gardeners for technological losses in the network. However, there is a small nuance here.

In SNT "Pishchevik", the "Method for calculating technological losses of electricity in power lines", approved by order No. 21 of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation dated February 3, 2005, was taken as the basis for calculations. The technique is adapted to SNT and can be successfully used to calculate technological losses in power transmission lines. It does not require any special knowledge to use. It is enough to have in mind the basic school courses of mathematics and physics.

Important: Only a licensed organization has the right to calculate technological losses in a power line. CNT is not and never will be such an organization due to differences in the main activities.

It follows only that it is impossible to be guided by such calculations on legal grounds. What to do? The answer is next.

Question 2: Who is legally entitled to calculate the internal technological losses in the SNT network?
Question 3. How to legally approve and use the mechanism of repayment of technological losses of electricity in monetary terms in SNT?

In the case of the actual monthly calculation of technological losses in the network, you should not overdo it. The answer to the question: "Who can do it", i.e. determine the loss - is obvious. The partnership itself does this, relying on the taking of evidence. These indications, of course, include theft by individual gardeners, and other cases of leakage. The inconvenience is due to the fact that the SNT board, together with the accountant, is forced to change the amount of the surcharge for the losses of each gardener on a monthly basis in terms of consumed electricity. On the one hand, the method is very accurate, on the other hand, any person is forced to think that the government is doing something with incomprehensible mysterious goals. And besides, stolen energy inevitably falls into these changing losses, which all gardeners are forced to pay for together. It also quite naturally causes dissatisfaction among people. To prevent this from happening, the board must monthly approve the number of technological losses of electricity and the calculation of the additional payment by each consumer to cover the difference between the general readings and the sum of the readings of individual meters at the general meeting. As you, dear reader, understand, this is simply not realistic. It is impossible to do otherwise, because approval of types of contributions and payments to SNT in accordance with Federal Law-66, Art. 21 p. 10 "Competence of the general meeting of members of a horticultural, horticultural or dacha non-profit association (meeting of authorized persons)" is within the competence of the general meeting, and not the board. To do otherwise is to break the law and create a precedent for going to court.

If the general meeting entrusts all these calculations to the board, then this, for the reason indicated above, will be illegal. To get out of this situation, there is one way - to approve the average technological losses in the SNT network and the amount of additional payment calculated empirically for the year. And then annually at general meetings to clarify these values.

If you confirm in your SNT at a general meeting technological losses in your internal power lines according to the formula approved by the Ministry of Energy, you will get as a result quite reasonable technological losses close to reality. And these losses will not depend on commercial losses (theft and other sudden leaks). Too big a difference compared to the calculated ones will only be a signal for the board to roll up its sleeves and work on the reasons for the discrepancy between the readings of the expected losses in the SNT for the month and those actually received for the same month on the meter.

Note: Nowhere is the word " rate". The tariff can be set according to the legislation only by the regional energy commission. The surcharge in the form of technological losses to the tariff, which was discussed above in paragraph 2, is established by the ESO after calculations and is entered into the Energy Supply Agreement. Therefore, in order not to violate the legislation, SNT must in its documents , decisions of the meetings to call the surcharge to the tariff, which is actually a technological loss surcharge for technological losses(or something else to call it, it doesn’t matter), including this surcharge in utility bills, and not membership fees, additional fees, and not in targeted ones (targeted contributions are aimed at creating a new one, reconstruction, construction, but not at fighting losses) .

Unfortunately, this is not all the pitfalls. We have determined the losses, but how to pay the gardener? One of these stones is the fact of different amounts of electricity consumed by gardeners. Those who live in SNT permanently consume more. Accordingly, those who do not live consume less. Really, is it logical?

Suppose that for the current month your SNT has issued technological losses in the amount of 500 kW / h. (we apply tariff 2.72, taking into account the ESO surcharge of 4.95%). The question arises: how to pay for the amount of losses for each gardener? In one case, the board decides to take and divide 100 gardeners equally among all connected. It turns out: 500 kW / h x 2.86: 100 = 14.3 rubles. from one gardener. Fair?

Not really. The one who consumed less electricity is forced to pay for the losses of those gardeners who live in SNT and consume more.

Let's count differently. Suppose that in total, gardeners, by the sum of individual meters, consumed 1000 kW / h of electricity per month, the losses amounted to the same 500 kW / h. Hence: for each kWh consumed by a gardener, there are 0.5 kWh losses. If one has spent 10 kWh, then he must pay for 15 kWh, if he has spent 20 kWh, then such a gardener must pay for 30 kWh. Move on. If we take into account that a gardener connected to the network not far from the common meter consumed 10 kW / h, then the losses in the 50-meter line, for example, will obviously not be more than those losses that occurred as a result of another gardener consuming 20 kW / h, but located at the end, further from the common counter at a distance of 1 kilometer. It follows that this first grower will pay for part of the losses of the second "distant" grower. Also unfair. What to do?

The study of this question on the Internet does not give an answer in the direct formulation of this question. There are many discussions on this topic, but no solution. Still, this second method is, in my opinion, more preferable. There is still a way out, but more on that below.

In fact, everything is in the confusion of our current legislation:

  • From the point of view of Federal Law-35 "On the Electric Power Industry" and all by-laws, SNT is a group of electricity consumption - the population (citizens - consumers). Those. the organization "SNT" is equated to citizens - consumers. This is the interpretation of Order No. 20-e/2 of August 6, 2004 of the Federal Tariff Service of Russia "On Approval of Guidelines for the Calculation of Regulated Tariffs and Prices for Electricity (Heat) Energy in the Retail (Consumer) Market". It would seem in this connection that the tariff for us should be equal to the tariff paid by a city dweller without any extra charges.
  • The same FZ-35 divides us into urban residents and owners of power lines. And if so, then the losses in their network, gentlemen, comrade gardeners, must pay for themselves at their own expense. This is written in the same law and the same "Guidelines ...", as well as the "Rules for the functioning of retail electricity markets in the transitional period of reforming the electric power industry." In particular, they describe the rules for calculating electricity losses in house networks. And paragraph 92 says that such calculations are applicable to other categories of the population, to which SNT belongs.
  • Added more freeloaders on our shoulders. For some reason, the tax authorities suddenly believe that since the "Electric Supply Agreement" is concluded not with individuals, but with an organization, the organization must pay taxes on the money collected for the consumed electricity. They are not at all moved by the fact that SNT is equated with a group of people consuming electricity for domestic needs; that SNT is a non-profit organization, that electricity is not used for resale or the production of any goods or services. Accordingly, the one who sells electricity to us - ESO - pays taxes, but it is difficult to convince the tax authorities. And this must be done, and not follow their lead, like uncomplaining sheep, in fact illegally collecting additional money from people. The way out here is in the conclusion between SNT and electricity consumers (gardeners) of agency agreements in accordance with article
  • Some comrades suggest such a way out, and you turn SNT into a network organization; get from the regional commission on tariffs your tariff for the service for the transmission of electricity through your network from the ESO to the consumer and all the "hockey". Gardeners in this case will pay the tariff for urban residents, and SNT will receive money for this service from the ESO. But, this contradicts the status of SNT as a non-profit organization, and in addition, it requires SNT to form an authorized capital in accordance with accounting legislation. A change in the main statutory activity is also required: from a non-profit organization to a commercial one selling services. For commercial organizations, this status is suitable. An extra ruble in your pocket is not a hindrance, but for a non-profit - a violation. It is also necessary to add that this type of activity is possible only after obtaining the status of a grid organization according to the criteria determined by Government Decree No. 184 of February 28, 2015 "On classifying the owners of electric grid facilities as territorial grid organizations" (small resolution on one page). You can easily check for yourself that not a single SNT will pull such a status.
  • There will be no way out and an appeal to the regional service - the Department of Prices and Tariffs with a request to approve the calculated SNT or with the help of the ESO technological losses of electricity in the internal network in the form of a surcharge on the tariff 2.72 + 4.95% + 3% (the figure "3" is taken without reference to the real calculation). It will not work for the reason discussed above: SNT (gardeners) are the owners of power lines, and in this case, all losses must be paid for by themselves. In addition, by setting such a tariff, the board falls into a tough grip: on the one hand, a possible shortfall in collecting money for consumed electricity from gardeners and in accordance with the Agreement between SNT and ESO; on the other hand, the gardener, who claims that since the state has set the tariff, the rest is not his problem.

You can continue the analysis indefinitely. One thing is clear: gardeners, where boards raise the tariff, even if by dragging it through the general meeting or arbitrarily, file lawsuits in the courts and win them. It is only important to submit this very claim correctly. You can read about this on the pages dedicated to the general meeting of SNT. The failures of gardeners in these matters in the courts are explained only by inability, inexperience, and inexperience in proving their case to the court.

Summarizing all that has been said, the way out of the situation seems to be the following:

    The sequence of actions of SNT for approving the value of technological losses in the internal network of SNT
  1. Calculate empirically or according to formulas approved by the Ministry of Energy, technological losses in the internal power line.
  2. It is mandatory to transfer the calculation of technological losses for verification to the power supply organization that has the appropriate license for this type of activity or order the execution of paragraph 1.
  3. Approve the calculation and size of technological losses based on 1 kW / h of electricity at a general meeting of SNT members.
  4. For the purposes of social justice, tie the additional fee collected from gardeners for technological losses in the internal transmission line to 1 kWh of electricity consumed by consumers. Whoever consumes more pays more for losses. The binding is also approved by the decision of the general meeting of members of the SNT.

After the work done in any SNT, you can live in peace and not be afraid of any courts and talk about the discrepancy between the payment for electricity consumed and the real costs of the SNT. The implementation of the 2nd paragraph is precisely connected with the possible dissatisfaction of individual gardeners and filing lawsuits. The presentation of all calculations substantiated and verified by a licensed organization will help the board win the court and discourage other dissatisfied people from looking for the truth where it has never been and never will be due to the objectivity and correctness of the calculations made by the board.

There is only one way to get out of all this kitchen and surcharges with SNT overpayments. Namely: to transfer the power transmission line with all its bells and whistles and problems to the ownership of the power supply organization. All questions are immediately closed. But there are also a lot of pitfalls here. There was an SNT line, gardeners decided who to connect and what to connect. The transmission line became owned by the ESO, miracles begin to happen. Something very necessary for gardeners is turned off, someone else is connected. It was 220 volts in the network, suddenly it became 180 volts. There was a 100 kVA transformer, but ESO supplied its own 50 kVA one. The gardener decided, a group of gardeners will connect to the line - you have to run to collect documents, and then suddenly the answer follows - there are no capacities, wait for reconstruction. Who to quarrel with? The line is no longer SNT. And in the end, it's a pity for your money invested. After all, when transferring the ESO power lines, they will not return the money for it. There is information that now the ESO, when transferring power lines, must buy it out. At the same time, get another headache, and for your own money. Answer yourself: do they need it? The life of some SNT shows that this is very close to the truth. Therefore, "think for yourself, decide for yourself - to have or not to have." Will it not turn out after the transmission of the power line as follows: they wanted the best, but it turned out, as always.

Question 4. How to reduce technological losses in the internal transmission line SNT?

We will assume that all the work on the tariff, the determination of losses in the SNT has been completed. Everyone is happy, life goes on. Time passes, and gardeners begin to notice that the difference in the readings of the general introductory meter and the sum of the readings of individual meters reaches more and more impressive numbers. Losses increase not in favor of SNT. The shortage has to be paid from its own funds, so as not to be disconnected from the power supply. There is a panic in the ranks of gardeners: "Catch the thief, and impale him without trial or investigation!" Maybe there is no thief? Why is this happening? Answer below:

    The reasons for the increase in internal energy losses in the SNT power grid:
  • deterioration of the electrical equipment of the network (transformer, wires, electrical connections, electrical panels, etc. - electricity is stupidly spent on overcoming the ever-increasing resistance of equipment and on heating wires, which cannot transmit the growing needs of gardeners for energy through wires with a small cross section);
  • an increase in the length of the power line due to newly connected gardeners (the total resistance in the transmission of energy increases);
  • obsolescence of power line wires (as a rule, energy losses decrease: with the same cross section, copper and aluminum wires have less resistance than iron wires; insulated wires have less energy loss than open wires).

What to do? The answer is on the surface. SNT, owning a power transmission line, is itself able to take measures to reduce energy losses, i.e. reconstruct, overhaul the line. Before that, the SNT electrician (contractor company) needs to inspect the line and determine the scope of work. At the same time, gardeners should in no case save on possible purchases of used equipment. Used it is second-hand. You risk paying twice.

After the reconstruction of the line, invite ESO specialists who will re-measure the parameters of the power line, derive a new coefficient of technological losses, approve it at a general meeting of members of the SNT or owners of the power line. Everything! With a new coefficient, you see, and theft will disappear. Please note that new electrical wires (CIP type) in double insulation make life very difficult for thieves. So you can't just throw "fishing rods" at them. The same difficulties are brought to thieves by the decision taken at the general meeting to replace old (disk) meters with new electronic ones.

Conclusion: For an individual consumer (gardener) in SNT "Pishchevik", the payment will consist of a total electricity tariff, which is equal to 2.72 rubles, (external losses 2.72 + 4.95%) (calculated in 2011) + percentage of technological losses in the internal SNT transmission line.

    Total 3 values ​​for calculating the payment for consumed electricity:
  • Electricity tariff approved by the regional (regional) energy commission for the urban population (in Kaliningrad for 2011 - 2.72 RUB);
  • Tariff surcharge in the form of external losses, calculated by the ESO, which has a license for this type of activity, in the amount of 4.95% or 0.14 rub. for each kilowatt / hour consumed by the gardener, on the network section from the point of connection of the SNT power line to the general introductory electricity meter SNT;
  • Additional fee for technological losses in the internal transmission line of the gardening partnership from the general meter to the consumer, approved by the decision of the general meeting based on the calculations of the licensed company (ESO Yantarenergo) with reference to 1 kW / h. The additional fee can be expressed as a percentage for convenience in calculations. Its monetary value will be determined by: 2.86 (tariff and external losses) x percentage of internal technological losses (expressed in kWh).

Example: If the gardener, according to the testimony of an individual meter, consumed 200 kW / h per month, then according to the accounting documents, the payment posting from the gardener should be divided into 2 parts:
Payment for consumed electricity according to the tariff 2.72 RUB for 1 kWh + 4.95% for losses in the network from the connection point to the common meter, i.е. 200kw/h x 2.86 rub. = 572 rubles. is a utility bill.
Payment for losses in the internal network: 3% (for example). If the gardener consumed all the same 200 kW / h of electricity, then another 6 kW / h (3%) of the losses during the transmission of these 200 kW / h of energy must be added to the meter reading. It turns out 6 x 2.86 = 17.16 rubles. - this is an additional payment for technological losses in the network.

Total: total payment amount: 572 rubles. (according to the tariff) and 17.16 rubles. (losses) = 589.16 rubles. for 200 kW / h, in the receipt, cash receipt, accounting journal, paybook for electricity, the entries go in two lines with an explanation of what both payments were paid for.

Important: the percentage of technological losses in the SNT power grid is considered normal at values ​​of no more than 10% of the electricity supplied by the power supply organization.

If the percentage of losses in the internal electrical network of the SNT exceeds 10%, you must fire the electrician - he is a slacker or listen to what he proposes to do to correct the situation if you still have not listened. If urgent measures are not taken, the matter will inevitably lead to the collapse of power lines in the near future, followed by a sudden disconnection from the power supply until the situation is corrected. And running around and solving problems when the switch is already turned off is much more difficult and costly than taking preventive measures. On the site's forum in the topic there are messages from participants who post practical calculations, i.e. readings of the total SNT counter for the month and the difference between the payments received by gardeners for the same time. Losses reach colossal proportions: more than 30%. It doesn't go anywhere. Naturally, the gardeners in this partnership are mired in showdowns, but the respected board does not seem to be going to do anything. They are quite content with this state of affairs. It's a pity.

It should also be noted that according to the Electricity Supply Agreement, the electricity tariff can be changed once a year, as a rule, from January 1 of the next year, and for a new one from July 1. The value of technological losses does not change both before and after the total counter, until the SNT itself takes care of it. ESO still gets its money, because. she removes them from the general introductory counter. And what happens after the general counter is the concern of SNT, and not of Yantarenergo ESO. This means that with an increase in the difference between the readings of the general introductory meter and the sum of the readings of individual meters, it is necessary to look for and eliminate the causes within the SNT in order to reduce technological losses. You can put a point. Let's move on to the last, and, oddly enough, the most difficult issue in the entire power supply system in SNT.

4. Payment for the maintenance of the internal power line SNT

It should immediately be noted that this particular moment is not spelled out anywhere so that it is understandable and transparent for everyone. This is due to the fact that the first three points are so confused in gardening partnerships that no one just gets to the fourth. This means that numerous violations of the legislation on payment for electricity in SNT are connected by a single chain that combines all four completely different payments paid by gardeners to obtain uninterrupted power supply. In the name of this goal, the government, other persons consciously or unconsciously go to the crime. Only a separate, understandable to every gardener, approach to all four payments can put an end to this. Let's take a look at the newsletter:

Information letter of the Federal Tariff Service dated August 12, 2005 No. DS-4928/14 - not valid

Clause 3. On payment for electricity by members of horticultural societies and the maintenance of their property
Expenses for maintenance, current and major repairs, periodic testing of electrical installations and lines, training and certification of personnel, maintenance of personnel servicing electrical installations are paid at the expense of funds collected from members of horticultural societies, and are not included in the tariff of a network organization (ESO), so as according to Art. 210 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the owner bears the burden of financial expenses to maintain his property in proper condition.
Thus, the aforementioned horticultural associations of citizens, the maintenance and maintenance of their electrical networks and transformers, as well as payment for electricity losses in them, must be made at the expense of members of such a horticultural association. The procedure and terms of payment are determined by the parties in the contract.

Before we deal with this type of payment, I draw the reader's attention to the fact that in the letter, in this paragraph, there is not a word about the fact that technological losses in the internal power transmission line network owned by SNT (gardeners) must be paid based on the content 210 articles of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Moreover, the letter concludes in the second paragraph that maintenance of power lines, as well as losses paid from their own funds. Union "a" divides the cost of maintenance and the cost of paying for losses into two parts.

In contrast to this division, many horticultural associations confuse the concepts of "maintenance" and "waste". Even the courts are often led by illegal governments. It is from here that the tariff approved by the general meetings for all 4 payments follows, which, in principle, cannot be, because all payments are regulated by different legal acts. The only moment that can and should be paid according to this paragraph of the "Letter ..." is the coverage of losses of SNT due to stolen electricity. The remaining unaccounted for losses will be minimal in any case. And if from the money handed over for the maintenance of power lines, the gardener pays 50 rubles a year. for losses, it's not money. Agree! Above, you and I, dear, have analyzed why, how and how to pay for technological losses that accrue from the amount of electricity consumed by all gardeners in SNT. These 50 rubles will be exactly the payment that may be needed to pay off SNT's debt to the ESO if the monthly payment for technological losses is not enough.

Move on. It would seem that everything should be clear to everyone from life, the logic of normal functioning created in SNT power lines. But, this is where the dog is buried. The fact that power lines must be maintained by none of the gardeners is in doubt. The war is on the question: "How to pay for the maintenance of power lines?" It follows from the practice of our SNT that there can be two solutions. Let's consider them, each separately, and according to the logic of thinking of gardeners who offer these solutions.

Incorrect formation of payment for the maintenance of power lines, tied to kWh:

The first argument against: The main message for the formation of the payment is the fact that gardeners consume different amounts of electricity. Some gardeners have country houses and spend energy on the following purposes: lighting the house, a kettle, a low-power pump for watering the site, etc. In total, 100 kW / h of electricity per month runs at a stretch. Gardeners who constantly live in garden plots and have capital houses spend much more electricity. In winter, these costs for a resident reach 1000 kWh per month. From this it is concluded that whoever spends more should invest more in maintenance of common property. To the question: "How will we count?" - follows the answer: "Elementary, let's get attached to the consumed electricity."

The Board calculates possible expenses for the year and puts into the estimate the so-called internal power loss factor(You can see such a term in many SNTs on the Internet pages). At the last general meeting of our SNT in 2011, the board proposed an internal tariff equal to 3.50 rubles. If you return to the norms of the law, then you immediately understand that this is a violation of the law. The tariff is set only by the regional energy commission and no one else. Because some gardeners do not agree with such a tariff, another option was proposed. According to this option, the gardener pays 20% of the total amount of electricity consumed by him for the billing month for the maintenance of power lines. To the existing objections, the answer was that we, they say, do not touch the tariff. It remains 2.86 rubles. for 1 kWh. And this additional amount will go as a separate line in the accounting documents. Gentlemen, comrades, how not to twist, how not to write down, but all the same, all these proposals are explicitly or implicitly tied to a tariff that no one in SNT has the right to encroach on.

Let's consider another argument against accepting calculations for payments for the maintenance of power lines tied to the consumed electricity: Electricity consumption in SNT largely depends on the appetites of gardeners. Practice shows (SNT "Pishchevik" is taken as a basis, in other partnerships there may be completely different figures) that in the summer, in a crowd, consumers of electricity spend from 4,500 to 6,000 kW / h per month, and in winter this figure can rise to 9,000 - 10,000 kW /h If you spend on the maintenance of power lines, tied to consumption, then in summer it turns out to be empty, and in winter it is dense. If we add to this 5-6 people, from among those permanently residing in SNT, who left for summer vacations in overseas countries, then the cash desk will not count about 10,000 rubles. Now try to answer the question about paying salaries to an electrician and a person responsible for electrical facilities, for the current repair of power lines, etc. Fortunately, these two positions can be combined in SNT. And where in the summer to get money to pay for the additional work of the accountant and the board (the latter applies to the option of electrification by creating a temporary non-profit partnership within the SNT, i.e. instead of the treasurer, his duties are performed by the full-time accountant of the SNT)? How to create the necessary cash reserve for other expenses for the current maintenance of power lines? The answer is hard to find.

The third argument against: To begin with, let's turn to the norms of the law.

FZ-66 dated April 15, 1998 Art. 42 Property of a liquidated horticultural, horticultural or dacha non-profit association

1. A land plot and real estate owned by a horticultural, ... non-profit association and remaining after the satisfaction of creditors' claims may be sold with the consent of the former members of such an association in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, and the proceeds for the said land plot and real estate transferred to the members of such an association in equal shares.

This article emphasizes that in the event of the liquidation of SNT, the power line and everything connected with it will be sawn and divided among the members of the partnership in equal shares. True, we are talking only about the case of electrification of SNT with the help of a special fund (see). The question remains unclear, gentlemen, comrades, how, under the condition of making payments of various sizes for maintenance, modernization, reconstruction, etc. Power lines in the end everyone will receive equally? How unfair!?

The last argument against: Defenders of the distribution of payment according to the principle "on the amount of electricity consumed" claim that since someone consumes a lot of electricity, it means that they should pay more. Seems logical. But, after all, the more the gardener consumes, the more he pays, including for technological losses in the internal network. At the same time, any gardener retains the right to consume as much electricity as he needs for domestic needs. This is enshrined in the Federal Law-35 "On the electric power industry". There are restrictions in SNT only on the power of electrical installations connected to the internal power grid. Why does one gardener have to pay, for example, 100 rubles, and another 500 rubles, to replace the introductory electrical panel in SNT, which is used by everyone in the same way? Why for an accident on a branch (branch of a power line) of a gardener who pays 100 rubles, another one who pays 500 rubles should pay? Until this accident is eliminated, neither the first nor the second will have energy. Where is the logic and justice?

And, finally, from the point of view of FZ-66: In SNT, contributions can be membership or targeted, there may be other names. Both those and others in all sources without exception are defined as the same for all members of the SNT and non-members, i.e. individual gardeners. The target contribution may take into account the features, i.e., for example, the length of the power line section for gardeners opposite their sites. And it can be different. Hence, the contribution may not be the same, taking into account this difference. The general meeting can tie the fee to the size of the site itself (from a hundred). This is right and fair. Then the payment for the maintenance of power lines will be different, but it will be the same for everyone, based on 1 weave or 1 square meter of your or any other area.

Conclusion: When determining the amount of payment for the gardener for the maintenance of the common property of the SNT (collective property of the participants in a non-profit partnership), which is the power transmission line and the power grid, one cannot proceed from the amount of electricity consumed by the end user (gardener).
In any case, with an open or hidden increase in the tariff, the use of accounting tricks, it is easy to establish the illegality of a decision taken by anyone. And such actions may be followed by liability in accordance with the law, up to criminal.

Proper formation of payment for the maintenance of power transmission lines

When forming a payment for the maintenance of common property (the principle applies to all methods of electrification discussed on this page above), one should first of all proceed from the rule for compiling any estimate in the same way as an estimate is made in SNT, i.e. from the cost (expenditure) part.

First of all, the board or other body of management of the common joint property considers the costs that must be incurred in the next reporting year for the maintenance of the power line, which is in good condition. The amount of these expenses may vary from year to year, both upward and downward. It all depends on the planned costs and the decision of the general meeting. See an example:

    The cost of maintaining power lines in 2011 (figures are not tied to the exact prices prevailing in the market)
  • electrician salary - 60,000 rubles. (6000 rubles x 12 months);
  • expenses not taken into account by the tariff and the amount of technological internal losses in the network, incl. theft - 10,000 rubles.
  • replacement of a section of a power transmission line (250 m) - 40,000 rubles;
  • replacement of the input electrical panel - 15,000 rubles;
  • purchase of a set of manholes for concrete supports - 3000 rubles;
  • testing of the ESP line and determination of the technological loss factor - 4000 rubles;
  • unforeseen expenses in case of accidents - 30,000 rubles.

  • TOTAL: 162,000 rubles. for 2011.

Now that the amount of costs is known, the board proposes to the general meeting to accept the cost estimate, terms and options for the gardeners to pay these costs. If there are 100 electricity consumers, then as a result of simple calculations we get the amount of payment in the amount of 1620 rubles. in year. The due date is determined by the general meeting. Everything, gentlemen-comrades! None of the gardeners can reproach another for the fact that this other lives at his expense. Under the condition of calculating from the size of the plot, the amount of 162,000 is divided by the number of square meters of plots in use by each consumer. We get the amount of payment for 1 sq. meter and multiply by the size of the plot of each owner. The amounts contributed for the maintenance of power lines in this case will be different for gardeners, but fair. Such a dependence has already been proposed in the new edition of FZ-66, which is currently being considered in the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

It should be noted that the content of the last paragraph will comply with the law on one condition - such a decision was made at the general meeting of gardeners (owners of power lines). This decision means that the property of common use (property created for targeted, membership fees) is not divided among all gardeners in equal shares.

If the money for the construction of power lines was given by everyone the same, then the decision with reference to the sections is illegal. 100 gardeners, for example, handed over 50,000 rubles each, built power lines, i.e. created joint ownership. Every gardener has an equal share. This share of the gardener in accordance with Art. 249 of the Civil Code is obliged to contain. Electricity consumption, technological losses arising from the amount of electricity consumed have nothing to do with it. They cannot be mixed.

Conclusion: When determining the final amount of payment for the maintenance of common shared property (power lines), calculations based on upcoming expenses in the next year do not infringe on anyone's rights in SNT, meet the requirements of all legal norms involved in these payments. Their size depends on the share that the gardener has contributed to the creation of the property.

So, from this article, the gardener should remember the following:

    Rules for calculating payments for consumed electricity:
  1. The tariff for consumed electricity is set once a year. What tariff in your SNT can be found out by looking at any monthly invoice issued by SNT by an electricity supply organization with which SNT has signed an electricity supply agreement.
  2. The amount of the surcharge to the tariff for technological losses (loss factor) in the external network of SNT from the point of connection to the common metering device is established by the ESO on the basis of calculations. This loss factor is a constant value, measured as a percentage. What is the loss factor in your SNT can also be found by looking at any itemized monthly bill of the power supply organization. It must be listed there.
  3. The amount of technological losses in the power transmission line SNT is calculated by the licensed organization upon application, tied to 1 kW / h and approved by the decision of the general meeting of owners of the power transmission line (electric facilities).
  4. The amount of payment for the maintenance of power lines is determined based on the costs expected to be spent in the next year by the owners of power lines. It is approved by the general meeting of owners (members of the SNT, participants in non-profit partnerships, individual owners). The payment for the maintenance of power lines cannot be dependent on the amount of electricity consumed by the gardener and is the same for all owners or different depending on the shares in the common shared ownership.

All others, other than the described 4 types of electricity payments, established for gardeners, no matter how they are disguised, no matter how sweet and logical speeches are accompanied, are illegal and are subject to, at a minimum, being challenged in court, and, at a maximum, to attraction perpetrators to administrative or criminal liability. And you, dear, have no reason to pay illegal payments. And if you pay them, then you just stupidly give your hard-earned money to scammers. Please note that you are willing to give. And here it is difficult to bring scammers to justice.

In support of the above arguments for calculating the tariff for consumed electricity, you can familiarize yourself with the Cassation ruling of the Tula Regional Court No. 33-976 dated 04/15/2010, which overturned the decision of the general meeting of members of the SNT by clicking on the link.

And finally, the last one. If you still have doubts, you are invited to follow the link to the page: Content of the property (object) of common use in SNT, after reading which the traces of uncertainty in what you read above should disappear.

In the meantime, we will continue to analyze the issues of power supply in SNT. Not everything is covered yet. One of the important problems awaits you ahead: connecting freeloaders to the SNT network on, as if, legal grounds. We follow the page: Is it possible to legally connect to the SNT power line based on the norms of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. partnerships, gardeners - owners of power lines)?