How to become a good witch in real life. Real ancient witch spells

Every girl has magical potential from birth. Women are more sensitive by nature, they are endowed and better understand the natural course of things. People say that the most powerful are the sorceresses who received their power from their predecessor at the time of her death.

Witches who have been trained by experienced mentors are also considered strong. But not every girl is destined for such a magical gift of fate, so if she wants to become a witch, she will have to learn on her own. Any woman can get the strength she dreams of - success depends on desire and diligence.

How to become a witch yourself at home?

In any magic, there is one immutable law - this is intention.. To properly understand the meaning of this word, you need to feel the difference between a dream and a goal. You can dream about many things, but do nothing to fulfill your own dreams.

The goal is more specific. A person sets himself a certain task and every day takes a step towards it. Intention is a mental statement to the world about one's own with the firm confidence of its implementation. You must clearly tell the universe that you intend to become a witch and start doing what every sorceress does - cast spells.

When the decision to learn how to conjure is firmly made, the path must be chosen. You need to understand why you need magic at all. There can be several reasons, both individually and in combination:

  • Self-development- the desire to discover and use their full potential.
  • Craft– the services of a good magician are always in demand from time immemorial.
  • Cognition- the desire to comprehend the secrets of the universe.
  • Immortality– finding a way to live forever in this world or parallel realities.

First of all, you need to start by reading the teachings of famous adepts. You can get acquainted with specialized materials on this topic on the Internet, bibliographic sources or attending seminars. You can also use the power of intention to call on helper spirits before going to bed. If you are considered worthy, sooner or later someone will answer your call and begin to teach.

Training and spells

When you set foot on the path of knowledge and self-development, you need to choose your path - the kind that you want to master. A genuine witch is proficient in at least one type of magical craft. The most powerful sorceress is able to master several disciplines at once, but this will take years of study and training.

Magic is divided into many types. Below are the main categories:

  • shamanism- work with spirits.
  • elemental magic- subjugation of the elements of Water, Earth, Air and Fire.
  • mantica- the art of divining the future with the help of runes, tarot cards, palmistry - reading by hand, numerology - the magic of numbers, etc.
  • Ceremonial magic- calling demons to fulfill desires.
  • national magic- Russian, Ukrainian, Gypsy, Bulgarian, Egyptian, etc.
  • natural magic: Wicca, druidism, herbalism.
  • Dreaming, scout magic- the ability to go beyond the edge and travel to other worlds.
  • Artifact Magic- the creation of magical items, for example, amulets, talismans, amulets.

Of course, this is not a complete list of witchcraft sciences. Having embarked on the path of witchcraft, you will discover the relationship between the seasons and the elements, study the bestiary - a list of magical creatures, discover the wheel of the year - an ancient magical calendar. You also have to learn how to manage your own energy, develop and learn inner silence.

But a special art is spells. As you know, our world was created by the word. Words have amazing power to heal and crush. To become a witch right now, read the magic words of initiation into magicians. You can compose a spell formula yourself or use a ready-made text.

In a dark room, light 4 candles and place them in the form of a cross at an equal distance from each other. Draw a circle inside the cross with chalk. Place a mound of earth next to the northern candle, place a feather near the eastern one, place a bowl of water near the western one, and place a piece of amber near the southern one. Stand in a circle and address the Guardians of the Watchtowers:

Keepers of the North and the Earth, Dwarves, give me power from the roots of the world!

Keepers of the East and Air, Sylphs, send me lightness and inspiration!

Keepers of the South and Fire, Salamanders, kindle in me an unquenchable flame of power!

Guardians of the West and Water, Ondines, give me your profound wisdom!

I intend to become a witch!

Stay in the circle until you get a certain sign.

Adepts begin their journey in the field of magic with the simplest conspiracies, as well as those that contribute to changing the financial, energy or love sphere. Quite a lot of time passes before the sorceress, improving her skills daily, learns to increase her potential and be able to use the basic tools of practical magic.

the path of goodness

A good witch always chooses the path of Light: love, compassion and helping people. She will never do anything bad, because her power will be directed to healing, correcting evil, good undertakings. If you firmly decide to be on the side of good forces, you must tell them about it.

To do this, pray to the angels and ask them to accept you into the egregor of Light - the union of light forces. This is a very difficult path: a long road of enlightenment and various magical initiations await you - spiritual and physical tests. The leading role of this stage, which is the foundation of a practicing magician, is not to make irreparable mistakes, due to the fact that they can affect someone else's fate.

If you are firm, you will always receive support from above to help yourself and others in difficult times.

There is also another way - Wicca - a neo-pagan tradition. Its origins lie in the Celtic culture and are in the glorification of God and the Goddess, or one Goddess. You will ask the Great Mother for help and begin to master natural magic: the power of stones, trees, herbs.

This is an ancient interesting art, which is based on the comprehension of the fundamental foundations of being and the essence of each object. Living according to the lunar cycles, burning incense, combining various ingredients and compiling your own incantatory Book of Shadows - this is what awaits you along the way.

Black magic

But if good is not to your liking, then there are many other magical mysteries:

  • Demonology
  • Necromancy
  • Love spells and lapels
  • Damage and evil eye
  • Curses and underlays

To comprehend the black skill, many witches seek help from their closest associates - demons. The Witch of Evil will stop at nothing to achieve a clearly defined goal, she cannot be moved to pity or embarrassed. Did you recognize yourself in this? Then you can go through initiation into a black witch. To do this, you need to turn to Hekate - the main dark goddess.

The ceremony is held at night on the days of Hecate - special dates of the lunar calendar, for each month they are different. You should not disturb the dead, so stand on a secluded cross path, light a black candle in your hands and turn to the Dark Goddess with a request to take you under her protection. You must prepare the appeal in advance and on your own. When the words are spoken, wait for a special sign for you.

It can be a sharp gust or howl of the wind, a strange rustle, the cry of an owl. Do not extinguish the candle: put it in the place where you stood and leave without looking back. If Hekate likes the strength of your words and your courage, then you will be quickly accepted into the egregor of Darkness, and you will gain the desired power.

Whichever path you choose, remember that magic is a mystery. Keep your dreams and secret knowledge secret. People do not like those who dared to go beyond the usual boundaries, so you will not find understanding or sympathy with them. Try to surround yourself with loyal allies who share your worldview. Or accept your loneliness and look for your own individual way of developing and becoming a superbeing.

When deciding to become a witch, every girl must understand that magic is a life path. Before you can successfully conjure, you have to absorb a lot of knowledge, conduct many rituals and meditations. It will not do without mistakes, but a wise sorceress can always learn from them.

The main thing that a real witch should learn is the ability to hear her inner voice.. And then all roads will always be open before you, and all fortresses will fall.

Many people are interested in how to become a witch. By reading various spells and performing rituals, you will not achieve much success. And this is a fact! Remember how you started at school to learn. It all started with letters and numbers, that is, small. So it is in witchcraft: the origins must be taken in your subconscious.

This practice is easily given to those to whom the gift was passed on from relatives. But those who are ordinary people without any signs of supernatural abilities should cultivate them persistently.

How to become a witch: the origins of the practice

It is best to start with fortune telling. Firstly, the cards will help you connect with your subconscious and learn how to interpret signs, dreams and develop intuition (you can’t do without it, because the inner voice should warn against committing rash acts that will seem right to you). In general, all magic is based on feelings and sensations, and not on dry logic. If we return to the question of fortune-telling, then the second thing that the cards will give you is the ability to look into the future and, as far as possible, change it.

By the way, when making predictions with the help of Tarot to other people, be prepared for the fact that they will pester you with questions about the future and the present, but do not listen. Such is human nature. Even knowing where you can improve the situation, they will do it their own way, and then come back to you with the same problems. Therefore, when asking the question of how to become a witch, you must realize that you will have to start from the very beginning.

Step Two - Clairvoyance

In parallel with fortune-telling, you can interpret dreams, but you should not turn to numerous modern dream books. Your intuition and subconscious mind should also work here. At first, the answers may not come immediately, and it is likely that you will be wrong, and more than once. But education and training must be regular. By the way, prophetic dreams do not come on certain days, but when your subconscious is as open as possible. You yourself must understand that it is very difficult to become a witch without natural data.

Step three - light exercises

Further, you will already have two ways, how to become a witch and in which direction to move. You can become a light magician, which is quite difficult, since very few people can keep a good beginning in themselves and help people, and not themselves. As a rule, such witches are much stronger than the dark ones. The latter are subject to their negative self and the forces that guide it. Retribution from such witches comes, as a rule, at the end of the contract, and if one was not concluded, then they can pay for the rest of their lives (and even after death, too). In addition, they endanger all blood relatives, especially children. The light path is more difficult and thorny, but you will get more as a result. The dark path is much easier, but you won't like the fee. In any case, you will need to start doing light rituals, starting from who you decide to become. It is best to start with easy conspiracies that require a minimum of energy from you. Then continue on the rise. By the way, a piece of advice for the Light Ones: don't try to help others without their asking.

You will do more harm to both them and yourself. Yes, and it is worth taking care of the initial protection and cleaning of the surrounding space from negativity and evil. As for the dark ones, before cursing, you should protect yourself and your family from the "boomerang", because if the cursed person has strong protection, then everything will return to you in threefold equivalent. As they say, you decide to do evil, get ready for the fact that it will return to you. Therefore, on a simple "I want to become a witch" you will not go far.

What is worth knowing?

By the way, if you do not have generic abilities, then training should begin no earlier than sixteen years. Yes, and you need to weigh all the pros and cons. It should be understood that you always have to pay for magic, and the stronger your action, the greater the retribution. At the same time, the “account” may come after many years in the form of an incurable fatal disease, a ruined personal life or the life of your family, relatives, loved ones. And one more thing. Such knowledge is very difficult, and over time you will become more and more unhappy, bringing grief to everyone around you. The death of witches is never easy, do not think that retribution will bypass you. Therefore, weigh carefully all the pros and cons of such a decision. After all, having embarked on this path, it is no longer possible to turn back. Before you learn how to become a witch, be prepared for the fact that you will not be happy for a very long period of time, and most of your life you will have to think about what you have done. And the last advice for all witches: never regret the rituals you have done - this creates a gap in your defense, and the blow will come very powerful.

Hardly anyone in the modern world doubts that magic exists. Experts believe that magic is nothing more than the ability to use the forces of nature for certain purposes. All people are born with magical abilities, but not all of them continue to develop. Therefore, the question of how to become a witch is quite natural.

In most cases, natural magical abilities are inherited. Such people, improving and studying esotericism, always become strong magicians. But a completely ordinary woman can become a witch. To do this, you need to develop your own intuition and learn the basics of witchcraft.

Magic is divided into white and black. It depends on what goals it is aimed at. White magic is aimed at good. Her methods are absolutely harmless to humans. The rites of white magic allow a smart person to become strong and successful.

Black magic attracts evil and is always aimed at destroying something. It is very dangerous, as it allows you to attract the dark forces of nature that have not been sufficiently studied. That is why the rites of black magic can express unpredictable consequences and very often destroy a person's life.

How to become a real witch in real life

To become a witch in real life, you will need to make every effort and spend a lot of time. It is very important not to give up when something does not work out. Only experience and knowledge will allow you to become a real witch after a while. But at the same time, it should be remembered that all actions in the process of learning magic should be aimed at good. Otherwise, you can hurt yourself a lot. It is important to understand that the desire to become a witch should not be based on the desire to take revenge on someone.

1. Study all available information about magic

It should be remembered that in order to become a witch, you need to deeply study the maximum information about magic. Much attention should be paid to the study of medicine and herbalism. The knowledge gained will make it possible to realize the fact that witches are ordinary people with the necessary knowledge.

Magic should be approached as a science, only such an approach will allow you to become a successful witch. It should be remembered that you first need to study the theory, and only after that, with full confidence in your abilities, move on to practice. It is important to start with simple rituals. In the process of their implementation, you should control your internal state.

2. Family tree

In order to understand whether there were witches in the family, it is recommended to study your family tree up to the seventh generation. If there were witches, then you need to try to awaken the supernatural abilities inherent in nature, which are always inherited.

To do this, you need to learn how to meditate, this allows you to reveal your abilities with full concentration against the background of absolute relaxation. Meditation allows you to clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts. In addition, it is necessary in real life to constantly engage in the development of intuition.

3. Analyze your abilities

It is important to carefully analyze your abilities. Perhaps you just didn't pay attention to some of them. For example, you can easily interpret your own dreams, which helps you avoid trouble in real life. In addition, if there are the makings of a witch, then a woman is always irresistibly attracted by nature, and she easily finds a common language with representatives of the animal world.

4. White or black magic

When studying magic, you will need to decide whether your actions will be directed to good or evil. When choosing black magic, you need to realize a great responsibility. It is important to understand that by changing the fate of people with the help of black magic, you endanger yourself and your loved ones. Therefore, great attention should be paid to protection. White magic is harmless, it allows you to fill life with harmony and goodness.

5. Weigh the pros and cons

But, despite the choice between black and white magic, it should be understood that the occult still carries a danger. Even with the most careful conduct of a particular rite, the possibility of an accidental error or unforeseen influence of external factors cannot be ruled out. This can cause unpredictable consequences.

6. Make an irrevocable decision

It is important to understand that it is impossible to take magic lightly. The decision to become a witch must be made once and unconditionally. You will need to follow your chosen path. Otherwise, throwing can destroy the soul.

7. Seek a mentor or become self-taught

It is absolutely not necessary to seek a mentor when learning magic, although this can greatly simplify the learning process. It is only important that you have complete trust in your guru. If there is none, then it is better to study magic on your own.

I want to become a witch - spells for calling magical powers

In order to become a witch, you must go through an initiation ritual. There are different types of rituals. To carry out one of them, you must first prepare:

    4 wax candles; Incense; Salt.

A ritual is performed in the evening after taking a bath in a cleaned room, where all unnecessary things should be removed. Allows you to conduct the ceremony in nature in a secluded place. For the ceremony, you must take off all your clothes and let your hair down.

First you need to create a circle outline using salt. Next, you need to stand in the center and set the candles so that they point to the cardinal points. After that, incense is lit. After that, you need to stand in the center of the circle and raise your palms up. It is important that complete peace reigns in the soul at this moment.

“I (my own name) turn to the Great Mother, to the Strong Ruler of All That Is, to the Goddess-Giver, with a request for blessing. Grant me an initiation to magical powers, send down your grace on me, let me use magical knowledge for good deeds and deeds.

When pronouncing the words, it is necessary to imagine that a golden ball appears in your chest, which fills you with magical power. After that, you need to try to control the ball, overtaking it from one hand to the second.

When this succeeds, another spell is pronounced:

“O Great Mother, Ruler of All That Is, Goddess-Giver, fill me with strength on the witch’s path, grant deep knowledge of natural wisdom, help me to know myself and teach me how to use the secrets of magic for the benefit of all living.”

The ceremony should end with bows to each side of the world, while saying:

“I (proper name) swear to be a witch and keep all secrets from the moment of initiation until death. I will give them only to those who will be worthy to follow the path of goodness and love. May it be so!"

How to become a white witch at home

To become a white witch at home, you should devote a lot of time to your improvement.

1. Work on your aura and biofield

It is important to constantly work on your aura and biofield. It is necessary to carry out rituals that will help strengthen the protective natural shell. This is very important, because even white rites have a cooldown, which can worsen the condition and take time for its own recovery.

2. Read prayers, mantras

Believers can become white witches in the real world. Therefore, it is recommended that you pray as often as possible. You can do this anywhere. This will remove the negativity around you.

3. Become a good psychologist

In order to learn to better understand people, you should study the basics of psychology.

4. Learn to listen and hear

It is important to become a good listener. This will allow you to correctly determine the choice of rite.

5. Connect with animals and nature a lot

Spending a lot of time in nature and surrounded by representatives of the animal world, you can fill yourself with positive energy, which will allow you to fill your inner world with strength.

6. Learn Witchcraft

White magic makes extensive use of medicine and herbalism. Knowledge will make it possible to alleviate mental and physical suffering for people.

7. Work with cards

It is important to learn how to work with cards. They will help predict life events and decide on the choice of rite to achieve a specific goal.

8. Study the astral

By studying the astral, the witch gets the opportunity to understand a person more deeply on a subconscious level, which eliminates the possibility of error.

Initiation into black witches often takes place in a cemetery. But besides this, this requires a special mood and an appropriate warehouse of character. Admittedly, becoming a white witch at home is much easier.

1. Work on the flow of your thoughts and materialize them

It is very important to learn how to control your thoughts so that they materialize in the right direction, this will prevent unpredictable consequences from the rites of black magic.

2. Get an animal that causes fear or discomfort

A dangerous animal will enhance the message of negative energy.

3. Walks in the cemetery

Walking between the graves will allow you to develop the appropriate mood, which means that the rites will be more successful.

4. Do dirty tricks or any deeds for your own pleasure.

It is possible to become a real black witch only if there is a constant desire in the soul to do something bad. All sorts of small household dirty tricks allow you to develop automatism.

5. Read conspiracies and perform rituals

You need to constantly practice. Conspiracies to send negativity must be spoken every day.

6. Visit mystical places

Visiting mystical places associated with black witchcraft will allow you to tune in the right way.

7. Communicate with magicians, fortune tellers

It is important for black witches to keep in touch with other magicians at all times. This will allow sharing experience and, if necessary, organizing joint protection against kickbacks.

8. Find yourself a teacher who will pass on the gift to you. If you feel insufficient natural forces to become a black witch on your own, you should try to find yourself a teacher in the world of magic, who will later pass on his gift.

How to become a Witch

How to become a witch in real life? this is a question asked by those women who really and truly desire to master the true art of witchcraft, and are ready to make almost any sacrifice to become a witch in life.

According to established tradition and old legends, the word WITCH is associated with the old poisonous hag, but the modern witch is no longer the same old woman who flies out at night on a broomstick - she can be a very attractive and beautiful person who, using her charms, can decide the fate of people.

Most women who want to become a real witch imagine the charming image of the main character of any dreams, and think that being a witch is like fun and completely easy. Unfortunately, this is not entirely true.

Is there a witch in every woman? Undoubtedly. In order for a real witch to be born, a woman must be completely mastered by a mystical power invisible at first glance, she must learn the power of spells, thanks to which the witch can: charm, deceive, whirl, or even destroy life.

How to become a good witch? You need to fully and completely show your will, believe in your strength, accept the ritual of initiation and begin gradual training, improving the qualities of a witch and abilities that are the basis of witchcraft.

be a witch- this is definitely a risky art - it is addictive, and there is practically no way back from the realm of witchcraft, so if you really decide become a witch, such a step should be realized and not associated with a temporary hobby or a simple banal impulse.

Who can become a Witch

Witch can be any capable person who is intensely interested in everything mysterious and unknown. Usually, witches become natural when a person's abilities are in a more developed position - and one has only to pay attention to them. A person can also become a good witch or sorcerer if only girls or boys are born in his family in three generations in a row - in this case, learning witchcraft is many times faster and such people usually become strong witches or sorcerers.

Witches do exist(free) or (not free), the only difference is that free witches train themselves, and non-free witches receive witchcraft power as an "inheritance" from a dying person, often knowing about it - sometimes by force. To become an involuntary witch means to receive magical power as a gift, but there is a very important point here. The recipient must have been taught by their mentor beforehand, otherwise if the witch's power was transferred by (accidental) touch before the witch's death,
* without skill- man is doomed to torment.

How to Become a Witch - Spell

Witch initiation rite can take place anywhere, depending on which path the future witch chooses. But it is better to cast a spell in the bath. The dedication takes place at 12 o'clock at night exclusively on Monday.

An old tattered broom is taken as an attribute. At the appointed time, a conspiracy to summon the spirit is pronounced loudly. After pronunciation, it is poured over with water, the broom needs to be put into a burning stove and burned - then you can go to sleep and not talk to anyone that night.

summon spirit spell

I call here the witness of my teaching. I will wash myself with water from three different sources, I will break the seven seals of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and the seventh day of Sunday. I will take the wisdom of the Serpent, the lightness of the Fox, the speed of an arrow from lightning, the dew from the domes of churches, the knowledge of Solomon, King David. The sword in my hand will strike the enemy. I will dress myself with impenetrable shields. I will hide behind an invisible canopy. I will put on my armor on my way. Witness- are you here? I swear to be stronger than my enemies and more cunning than them! I burn this golik (broom) and with it a deviation from the teachings. I will open the book and break its seven seals and I will run from the lion of Judah, the root of David. I see Satan falling from the sky like lightning. Lightning is my teaching. AMEN..

How to become a graveyard witch

A witch who has taken initiation in a graveyard is considered a very powerful witch. The ritual is played the same way on Monday night. Come to the gates of the cemetery on your own or with a teacher, and read the ritual of initiation there. Then you return home without speaking.

When those who sleep in this place, resting eyes do not open I summon the Witness to me I'm not afraid to come, I'll leave, I won't look back The shrouds of the dead, but the teachings to me As steel is strong, so I will be strong in my teachings. AMEN..

How to become a crossroads witch

Another way initiations into sorcerers or how to become a witch- this is the pronunciation of the words of the call of the spirit at the crossroads. The time is midnight 12 noon, Monday.

Calling the Witness on the four roads- on foot and on foot - where the dust from the feet stands, where the dead were carried - where the children fled, where the old people went - where they carried damage and misfortune, where I now stand I urge you to confirm my decision - to know everything. And I won't back down until I know everything. And if I deceive, you will bring my ashes here as a WITNESS. AMEN..

Remember that many witches and sorcerers, as a rule, do not have a happy personal life, however, this indicator primarily depends on the dark deeds they were engaged in, and before their death they are obliged to transfer their acquired witchcraft powers to someone because, without this, they cannot they will be able to calmly go to another world of existence, and they themselves will suffer for a long time and disturb living people here - until they wait for a certain ritual in their honor.

Magic for beginners- The power of natural elements

The physical world is made up of four elements: Water, Earth, Fire and Air. Their combination gives the whole variety of things and objects that surround us. Each of these elements of nature has its own energy and strength necessary to change the physical and astral space.

Magic interaction- State - "Alpha"

How does a witch work? One of the initial practices for beginner witches is the practice of entering an altered state of consciousness "Alpha". If you want to become a real witch, then before you move on to incantations, rituals or other exercises, you must master this technique to perfection.

The name thought form comes from two words - THOUGHT, FORM, that is, a specific thought, a visible image that magic effectively uses.

Thinking about something, or passionately desiring something and taking actions for this, you somehow give birth to a thought form - you use the ability of matter to move from a solid state to a subtle ethereal, astral and mental state.


How to become a witch is the possession of secret knowledge, the control of the magical forces of the elements, this is the white magic of angels and the black magic of witches and demons, the witchcraft of success, power and money, the power of defense and attack, witch phenomena and charm. This is a completely new world for a novice witch, the future in which begins right here and now, which means that you yourself are able to control the forces of witchcraft, you just need to learn magic and learn the secrets of the witch. Thank you very much for the fact that when looking for a free magician, you nevertheless paid attention to our section magic free. We will always be happy to present you magical secrets and offer magic free, and clearly explain the process of the ritual itself.
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How to become a witch at home - learn the basics of warlock

Many ladies are curious: how to become a witch? The relevance of this issue is fully justified, many believe that, being a sorceress, you can strike at your opponents, protect yourself and get rid of troubles. Read below on how to become a sorceress and master the powers of the warlock.

How to become a witch at home?

Those who have not received the gift of warlock from nature have a chance to reincarnate as a witch. This will happen in 3 cases:

  • if the sorceress will die, and she will need to transfer her charms to someone (and she will choose you);
  • if you perform a ritual, as a result of which you will become blood sisters with a true witch, this option assumes that some part of her power will pass to you;
  • if you alone find a teacher for yourself who agrees to help you.

But if at first you did not have the necessary potential, then you have a long way to go before you can become a true witch. But know that self-taught people cannot always compete in strength with witches by blood. Therefore, in order to achieve a sacred dream, you will have to work hard and hard.

Becoming a good or evil witch is hard enough if you don't have it in the beginning. But everything can be achieved through hard work. " Witch"- means" knowing mother. That is why first replenish your own baggage of knowledge. If you dream of being a witch, then:

  • try to find out as much as you can about medicine and herbalism. A real sorceress should know a lot about herbs;
  • manage your energy. If you do not learn to concentrate energy (not fundamentally, positive or negative), then you cannot protect yourself from third-party influence or exert it on someone;
  • Develop your intuition in every possible way. This is very fundamental. A real witch always feels the smallest changes in the world of subtle matters and can foresee what the end of the rite will be;
  • learn to interpret dreams. If you want to know the future, then it is not much to acquire a pseudo-magic ball. It is necessary to be able to evoke prophetic dreams and interpret them correctly;
  • take time to meditate. She will teach you to concentrate, not to spray;
  • build on your experience. Even if you find a description of the rite somewhere, you don’t need to immediately take it as a theorem, evaluate it. Maybe there was a mistake in his description, do not trust everything you read;
  • practice all the time. Naturally, at first you will not learn to speak with animals, and things will not fly around the house, but the path to magical perfection consists of trial and error;
  • find contact with wild nature. It is a mistake to think that animals do not adore dark witches, and flowers wither from the negative energy of such a lady. The more in harmony you are with nature, the more energy you can take from them for your nourishment. This is especially important for beginner warlocks, who, without the help of others, cannot charge themselves with their own energy;
  • learn work with tarot cards. Specifically, “work”, and not guess. With their help, you can perform quite massive rituals;
  • get yourself a pet. The animal will warn you of possible magical attacks and will become a faithful companion;
  • try to find a good teacher. After all, it is better to learn from the mistakes of others and absorb the experience of a knowledgeable witcher than to step on the same rake without the help of others.

How to become a snow-white witch - spells for beginners

Warlocks have different attitudes towards initiation rituals, and thoughts about these rituals are spreading. Some people think that this is just a game, a performance that will have no effect if you do not work on yourself all the time. Others are convinced that thanks to the initiation ritual, one can be charged with a huge flow of energy, which will contribute to the development of opportunities. These rituals are Wiccan. This teaching is famous for its attachment to nature and the fact that such sorcerers can endlessly interact with it.

Transformation into a good sorcerer in real life

For the behavior of the rite, you will need:

  • four wax candles;
  • incense, the smell of which is pleasant to you;
  • salt.

You will turn to the Mother Goddess, who stood at the origins of the universe. Her image unites all the available images of goddesses from the pagan pantheons of the world. An appeal to any female deity, in fact, is an appeal to the Majestic Mother Goddess. There is a version that the Virgin Mary is one of her incarnations. Below you can find references to God the Father, and the situation is similar with him.

Perform the ritual 100% naked to show that you are pure by nature and ready to accept all the knowledge and wisdom that the Goddess has to offer you. Use salt to build a barrier, magical protection (draw a circle around you with it). Determine where the cardinal directions are, and light a candle on each of them.

It is better to do the ceremony in the evening, after you take a bath and completely cleanse yourself of the energy that you have been wearing all day. It doesn’t matter which clean room is suitable as a place - the higher powers can regard the mess as a manifestation of disrespect. You can perform the ritual in nature.

So, stand in the center of the circle, put your hands on your chest and ask Goddess permission to begin the ceremony. Then burn the incense. Create an atmosphere of peace around you. Clear all thoughts. For you, you should be focused only on the ritual being performed. When everything is ready, stretch your palms up and loudly click:

I (name), I appeal to the Majestic Mother, to the Lady of All Things, to the Goddess-giver, I ask you to bless this dedication, send your grace on me and give me the magical power to do good deeds and deeds.

While you are saying this, imagine that in the chest area you have a large warm ball of golden color. This is your strength. At the level of thoughts, drive this ball down first on one leg, later on the other, move it up the spine to the head, and now return the ball to the heart again. Then whisper the spell:

O Majestic Mother, Ruler of All That Is, Goddess-Giver, I beg you, strengthen me on the witch's path, help me learn natural wisdom, know myself and the hidden magic and teach me to use this for the benefit of all living.

After these words, bow low to all four sides and whisper:

I swear to be a sorceress and keep all the witch's secrets from this moment of initiation until my own death, and pass them on only to those who will be worthy, to go by the method of love and kindness. May it be so!

The last words are repeated three times, after that again bow to the Goddess and thank her for listening to you and giving the opportunity to join her own retinue.

Elemental Worship Ritual

There is another ritual that will allow you to become a good witch in the real world. To do this, you should find a place where all four elements would meet. It is best to find a place near the shore of a reservoir (water), where there is soil on the shore, and not sand (earth) and where there is a strong wind (air). Lit candles will symbolize the element of fire. It is best to use closed candelabra so that the wind does not extinguish the fire. The ceremony is performed only at night on a full moon. As in the previous rite, you need to draw a circle of salt around you. This will help out from a likely negative attack from outside. Standing naked in the center of the magic circle, pray to the Goddess for mercy and ask to listen to you. Candles are lit, starting from the east, the north is set on fire last. Light the first candle and say aloud:

I (name), ask the spirit of the East to open the gates of the energy of the Earth and let it into my circle so that it changes me, so that it fills every cell of my body with the magical power of the Earth. May it be so!

Light the next candle and say:

I (name), ask the spirit of the South to open the gates of Fire and let it into my circle, so that it changes me, so that it fills my heart with the magical power of Fire. May it be so!

On the candle representing the West, say:

I (name), ask the spirit of the West to open the gates of Water and let it into my circle so that it changes me, so that it fills my life with the magical power of Water. May it be so!

At the last candle, respectively, demand the wisdom of the spirits of the air:

I (name), ask the spirit of the North to open the gates of Air and let it into my circle, so that it changes me, so that it fills my soul with the magical power of Air. May it be so!

When all the candles are burning, and all directions of the world and all four elements are united in you, stretch out your hands to the heavenly body and whisper:

O Majestic Goddess, who controls everything under the Moon, bless me (name) and give me (name) initiation into witches, teach me to be aware of everything that is hidden behind the moon shadow, and give wisdom to use it for the benefit of people born at night! May it be so!

You should feel the energy practically pouring into you. When you feel half-filled, again throw up your hands to the sky, but already turn in the direction from where the sun should rise and say:

O Majestic God, who controls everything under the Sun, bless me (name) and support me (name) on the path of the sorceress, teach me to realize what is hiding under the sun's shadow and give wisdom to use it for the benefit of people born on the day! May it be so!

Keep imagining the energy flowing through your body. When you are filled to the top, spread your arms in different directions and whisper:

O spirits of the 4 elements, lords of Earth, Water, Fire and Air, I ask you: support me on the path of the sorceress, lead me along the path of goodness and light and help me to comprehend the knowledge of magic, teach me how to manage them and help me in every possible way, from this day and forever! Help me for the benefit of people born in the twilight! May it be so!

Imagine that four multi-colored ribbons stretch from all the surrounding elements to For you. They encircle you, entangle you one hundred percent and transform into an endless stream of energy, strength and wisdom. When the movement of energy flows ends and you remain surrounded by a dense cocoon, say:

I will become a witch! I become a witch! I became a witch! May it be so!

How can you become a dark witch?

To transform into a black witch. you can also do some powerful rituals. They are produced on the full moon, this time is the most suitable for conducting this kind of rituals.

Ritual with a broom

It is not enough for a dark sorceress to simply summon the spirits of various elements for help. She needs an assistant who will witness her becoming a witch before Satan and will help her in subsequent rituals. For the ceremony, take:

  • an old broom;
  • water (collected in 3 different sources).

At midnight, go outside and sweep a small path, clearing the way for the spirit that will come to you. With all this, repeat the text:

I call here an eyewitness of my teaching. I will wash myself with water from 3 different sources, I will break the seven seals of the week: Mon., Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and the seventh day of Sunday. I will take the wisdom of the Serpent, the lightness of the Fox, the speed of an arrow from lightning, the dew from the domes of churches, the knowledge of Solomon, King David. The blade in my hand will strike the enemy. I will dress myself with impenetrable shields. I will hide behind an invisible canopy. I will put on my armor on my way. Eyewitness - are you here. I swear to be stronger than my opponents and more cunning than them! I burn this golik (broom) and with it a deviation from the teachings. I will open the book and break its seven seals. I see Satan falling from the sky like lightning. That lightning is my teaching. Amen.

After the words are spoken, For you, you should pour liquid on your head and burn the broom here. The next morning you will see the result of the ritual.

Dedication to the cemetery

This place is understandable due to the fact that it has a huge supply of negative energy. That is why cemetery- a place of meetings of dark sorcerers and terrible rituals. They say that if a black witch went to the initiation ritual specifically at the cemetery, then her strength will increase a couple of times. It is not necessary for you to disturb the dead and work with the graves, it is quite easy to find yourself in the area of ​​the cemetery.

The ritual is performed on the full moon. Before that, you should fast for at least three days. Specifically, the day of the ritual should not include anything superfluous. Reschedule meetings with friends, if possible, take a day off from work. Devote time to reading esoteric literature, meditation, maybe mastering some magical practices.

With the advent of evening, set sail for the cemetery. Remember not to talk on the way back and forth. You can't turn around either. As you enter through the cemetery gates, say hello to the dead and the Mistress of the cemetery. This can be done at the level of thoughts. For the Mistress, you can throw an offering, usually vodka is donated to her.

Now move on to finding a rational place for initiation. Listen to your own intuition. You must decide for yourself which part of the cemetery is suitable for you. It is not worth entering the burial fences when searching, if you do not plan to contact a certain dead person. Behind the fence begins his personal territory.

So you've found the right place. Stand there, light a candle in front of you, spread your arms in different directions and say:

While those who are dozing in this place, resting, do not open their eyes, I call the Eyewitness to me. I came - I'm not afraid, I'll leave - I won't look back. A shroud for the dead, and teaching for me. As steel is strong, so I will be strong in my own teaching. Amen.

By this method, you will call on the spirit that will be an eyewitness to your initiation. It will be possible to turn to him during the most complex ceremonies. The spirit helper asks for a responsible appeal. You will have to learn how to talk to him in your sleep and during your meditations. Apart from this, your spirit needs offerings and sacrifices, without this it will weaken.

The magical power of the crossroads

The energy field that appears at the intersection of 2 roads has always scared people. Specifically, witches come here to call the devils and pay ransoms for your deeds. In order to take the dignity of a witch, this place is used. The ceremony is held on the night of Mon. for Tuesday. The time of the event is from midnight to 2 o'clock. Stop at the crossroads, light 5 candles around you and say:

I call the Eyewitness on 4 roads - on foot and on foot - where the dust from the feet stands, where the dead were carried - where the kids ran, where the old people walked - where damage and bad luck were attributed, where I am now standing I urge you to prove your own decision - find out everything. And I won't back down until I know everything. And if I deceive, you, Witness, bring my remains here. Amen.

It is impossible to break the vow given to the Dark Forces, because you still obey them, and for disobedience they can easily deal with you.

Becoming a sorceress is quite difficult, but it can be, if you really want it. Therefore, before conducting the ritual of initiation, arm yourself with all the necessary knowledge. Remember that the path to witchcraft is thorny, and if you decide to step on it once, then there will be no turning back.

you say you read a magic book at the age of 9, right? Where can I get these (or similar ones)?

I'm 12. My great-grandmother was a connoisseur in my mother's lane. (I don't know how to spell it). She will pass her hand over the unhealthy and the next day he will be better. It seems that I wanted to be like her, but she did not convey the power. But I will continue this business. All the same, at least one drop flows in me, but her blood. I will study herbalism, meditation, etc. And when I grow up, I'll get a black cat for myself and start helping people. It seems to me that all the same, I have more of my great-grandmother's genes than I think. From early youth I find a common language with nature. I have never been in the forest, but when I feel bad, I imagine a dark forest and I am alone there and I feel great.

Yanina, girl, do not rush, everything will come to you by the age of 24, but do meditation and either your own inner source, it will help you a lot.

And why to 24 years?
And if you just feel that you are eating something like that, but you don’t know anything about your own kind ... maybe it’s possible to become a sorceress?
And how to realize even by the age of 24 all this has come or not?

And yes, I am a dark forest and a black cat, don't you think that I want to be an evil witch, I want to be a snow-white witch

No. Only black witches serve the devil. But even a snow-white witch can, if she uses curses, Voodoo magic, etc., in short, black magic. But if you are afraid, then it’s better not to, such serious things must be done clearly, very it’s great to brainstorm and study a lot of information, these are not toys! Being a true sorceress is hard work, it’s very difficult!

So to speak, I was lucky to be acquainted with one of the wisest healers. Several times I touched upon the topic of snow-white magic and initiation into a snow-white sorceress, but at first she said that it was too early for me to be interested in this, only 14 more, but in some places half a year ago they talked about initiation. I personally like the dedication of a French witch, or 1 option from here. Maybe 2 option, but even if you find a suitable, secluded place, it’s not a fact that it’s purely a coincidence (so what, what’s the night, you’ll be there, at they may have their own prerequisites) no one will get through there. And you are standing there, naked. Imagine? Uncomfortable, right? healing characteristics of herbs, reading magical literature, developing intuition, etc., if I hold out, I will arrange an initiation ritual, it is necessary to think well about calling a familiar. It’s not easy, (especially for black witches, they serve the devil) you need to think 100 times, weigh the pros and cons, from what motives you want to become a witch, this should not be a spontaneous decision or your bzik, but a conscious decision.

Hello. Please send me.

hello. send me too. please

Hey, juvenile fools, listen to a real witch. It is unrealistic to self-consecrate. And most importantly, understand that there are NO Snow-White And Dark Or Grayish Or SILVER-RASPBERRY WITCHES, WELL IT DOES NOT HAPPEN. It doesn’t matter which witch, knowing the physics and structure of this world, works with both the Light Forces and the Dark Forces. The Witch is always a double-dealer and follows the middle, golden Method observing Harmony. Working only with the Dark or only with the Light gives a wild imbalance of energy, it is very uncomfortable. Those sorceresses who, when dedicating themselves, cut icons and take oaths to demons or Satan, this is an offshoot (sect, in fact a branch of Satanism) in witchcraft that ordinary sorceresses do not respect and do not want to contact, they only talk together. Don't go there! The sorceress works not only inside the Christian egregor, the sorceress works with any kind. Witchcraft is the Path of Knowledge and self-development, and not when you are flattened by your own power, that I will damage anyone who will offend. Until you feel the flows, you can’t do anything at all, otherwise, you can burden your karma very much and pay heavily for it. Strength is a responsibility, such a very big responsibility. Strength is gained over the years, contacts are established by constant work and practice. No one is happy for you and will not give anything just like that.


Where is the information from?)
tell me more)

it still won’t reach them, but you wrote everything correctly

Hi all. I have such a discrepancy, I saw the numbers backwards for 2 years and a transparent hand that informed me when my relatives would die, so I predicted three deaths of close relatives and the 4th neighbor. predicted with an accuracy of 2 days. and the death of my beloved grandmother, I felt how she covered me with a blanket, there was even a case when we went to the cemetery and my dad's friend, sitting on his grave, lost consciousness 10 minutes earlier, a hand stroked his shoulder. But after 2 years later I had a nervous breakdown and I finished creating dates and a hand. And I started to get sick very much, naturally and previously I was not particularly healthy, but after a nervous breakdown, illness after illness (
In my family there are a lot of those who guessed and one grandmother cured and another was

A relative who foreshadowed only death (
Here's what I'm talking about. I would like to know if I need a ritual?
Can I become a witch? I've tried simple complots for toothache, and so everything comes out in detail.
I wish to become a sorceress, because I am very sick and I wish to help others (I will not be cunning for myself, of course, at first).
Thank you in advance to everyone who will answer me))

The guys need help, advice, the fact is that I guessed on the cards several times and everything that I guessed came true, in fact, it always happens, as I say, it happens, for example, yesterday a friend told her story how she adored the 1st guy and their paths in life parted, I told her that they would meet again, she didn’t believe me, and now he himself came to her at night, plus it happened that, without knowing a person at all, I could tell almost everything about him, even give the names of his relatives and how they look, I begin to hesitate that this is all a very simple coincidence, but I can’t give an explanation for this, if you have experienced this in your life, tell me what it is? give advice, I beg you very much!

Use your special gift only for good!
I don’t have such a gift, I saw earlier the numbers that helped me find the death of relatives or the hand that predicted either a severe illness or an ambulance death.
At the moment, I don’t see the wrong one yet (it’s all the fault of a nervous breakdown. I can recommend helping a friend, but if she doesn’t listen, don’t waste your precious time on her (all you can do is warn).
Don't be afraid of what others don't have. For you, even better, you understand more than anyone else, or you will always feel like a scoundrel. I was used to the gift of foresight, but I could warn that it was necessary, for example, to go for an examination or be careful with health. and now I miss this, as it were, valuable but such terrible knowledge, because you understand when your loved ones die (

You can just become a sorceress, but it’s more difficult to continue to be a sorceress, you can realize your soul and become a sorceress, you can learn from a sorceress, but it’s not a fact that you will like this life. will be able to accept this, and usually sorceresses are like that, so you don’t need to become a sorceress, strength and power are not promised, but a broken life is the first payment for such a path. Don’t fall to that level and live quietly.

I also want to be a witch. I dream of conjuring for a long time. At the moment I am 13, but next month I will be 14. I often heard that witches die painfully, that it is a sin to conjure, and much more. Sometimes I hear enough about the fact that being a witch is so bad and I immediately think that I will not conjure. But some time passes and thoughts about witchcraft again come to my head. And at the beginning of the summer, I found a lot of all sorts of spells, rituals, meditations and the rest, and decided to do it all the same. I spit on all these ideas about witches. Not so long ago, my ancestors found a notebook with notes about witchcraft. And there it was written about how to impose damage. And I was brought up for a long time that it was impossible to conjure, and even more so to impose damage. Naturally, I understand that it is impossible to do damage, but I write them down in case someone offends me somehow and so that later I can take revenge. Well, even if someone offends me, I will look at what an insult, do damage, not do it and what to do. Still some write that they have had a connection with nature since their youth. I didn't have anything like that. In the near future, it only pulls into the forest, and when I go there, I feel very good there. I have long seen that for some reason I feel great in the cemetery. I don’t know if this is true or it seems so to me, but when I go there I immediately feel great, others get scared, and my mood and strength increase. Well, maybe this is how it seems to me during the day, but at night I would be horrified. I also performed some kind of ritual in the summer and I begin to notice that my little wishes are being realized, not all, but some are being realized, my words have also become more often realized. Maybe it all seems to me, but maybe not. So, I'll conjure and look out for me or not.