How to remove extra sheets. How to remove a blank page in Word and break sheets

Perhaps every user is familiar with the Word text editor. It is used to read, create and edit documents, while sometimes the simplest knowledge for full-fledged work with the program may not be enough. Today we’ll talk about how to delete a page in Word. Let's see if it is possible to remove an unnecessary sheet without harming the entire text.

Removing a blank page

When it was necessary to eliminate an extra blank sheet that does not contain any valuable information, you must use the following algorithm:

  • make a left mouse click anywhere on the extra page, so the cursor is set (a dash located vertically);
  • in the "Home" section (at the top), look for the display of all signs and click on it (the combination Shift + Ctrl + 8 helps);

  • tabs and spaces will appear on the monitor, which were not visible before. It is necessary to eliminate them from a blank page to automatically delete it. For this, the BackSpace button is used (if there is no such word on the keyboard, there will be a left arrow key, usually located above Enter ).

How to delete a page in Word located at the end of a document

Sometimes an empty sheet is found at the very end of the file, although there are two or three or more. Such an object affects the size of the final file, makes it larger, and is also sent to print. For the thesis, term paper, such a page is not needed at all.

Here you can use the first method: set the cursor to the bottom and click the BackSpace button so that it is at the end of the penultimate page.

In the event that the extra page is located at the very beginning (it is the first), then we act in the same way - we remove unnecessary characters, after which all the text will move up.

How to delete an unnecessary document

Such knowledge may be needed if you opened a new document, wrote the text, corrected it, copied it to another file, and this one became redundant.

You can delete it by simply clicking on the close - the cross in the upper right corner. A notification will pop up immediately asking if you want to save the changes, click "No".

When you plan to continue working with this file, and what you have written needs to be deleted, you should select everything using the keys Ctrl + A, and then press Del on the keyboard.

Removing the title page with header and footer completely

In the releases of the Word, from version 2013, it is easy to do this - change the old "title" to the new one. But in older editions of the program, you should first delete one page, and only then add a new one in its place:

  • find the "Insert" section (located near the "Home");
  • in the "Pages" subsection there is a necessary button, if you click on it, a special menu will open;
  • under the templates there will be a link to eliminate the extra sheet.

Getting rid of the page with text

If you often work with this editor, you probably had a situation where you needed to delete an area with pictures, text content, and other content. In such cases, two methods can be used.

Second sheet

For example, you have some kind of file, you need to erase the second page there (several after it). You will need:

  • place the cursor at the very beginning of the first line;
  • scroll to the end of the document page;
  • click on the keyboard layout Shift and hold it, making a left mouse click at the very end of the final line on an unnecessary sheet. This is how you select all the content (the background will change color).

This option is suitable for all versions of Word 2010, 2003, and 1997.

It remains only to click Del or BackSpace to delete unnecessary data.

Some sheet in a big file

When working with a large text document with hundreds of pages, scrolling takes a long time. So the above method should not be used. There is a better option. For this, the built-in Word search is useful. The combination Ctrl + H will help to open the window. You will immediately be taken to the "Replace" section, but we are interested in another one - "Go", then enter the desired number in the "Find" subsection.

Do not close an open window. After moving to a specific sheet, in the line "Enter number ..." write the command:

Click "Go" again to select the text.

After that, you can close the dialog by clicking on the cross on the right side. We remove the entire selected part in the middle of the document with the BackSpace or Del buttons.

How to delete a page in a Word document? It's actually easy to do this. For beginners, this article will be especially useful. You can watch the instructional video, so it will be even clearer.

In our totally computerized age, you will not surprise anyone with such a program as Word. The ranks of users are constantly increasing, replenishing with new members of the computer community.

If you are a novice user and are interested in taking one more step towards mastering higher work with this program, then this article is for you. She will tell you how to remove an extra page in a Word. This is far from an isolated question from those PC users who are just beginning to learn the beauty of modern computer technology.

When typing and editing it, it often becomes necessary to remove unnecessary fragments of typed text. I would like to introduce you to one feature: in addition to those characters that we always see perfectly on the screen, there are a number of invisible (non-printable) characters, including such as the end of a line, paragraph, page or section. These are service characters, they do not carry useful information in the document, but they are managed in the same way as any text characters. It is they who throw us empty, unnecessary pages into the document in the same way as empty lines. To get acquainted with them, you can go: Home tab - Paragraph group - Display. On the screen, this icon looks like this - "¶". The view mode for non-printable characters is disabled by pressing the “¶” icon again. Also, for these operations, you can use a combination, (in this case, "8" is pressed on the main keyboard).

To put things in order in the document, the well-known Delete and Backspace keys will come to our rescue.

To begin with, let's consider the Word, if it is empty. A blank page can occur in text in one of the following cases:

· empty lines or paragraphs are punched throughout the whole page;

· at the beginning of the page there is a sign "end of page or section".

But you can see this only in the "Display" mode. It was said above that non-printable ones are managed in the same way as any text ones. To delete them, put the cursor to the left of the “¶” symbol and press the Delete key. If you use the Backspace key, the last character of the previous line will be deleted. Using one of these two keys, you can delete all unnecessary lines one by one.

Is it more professional in Word? To begin with, you should visualize non-printable characters and, holding the left mouse button, select the entire page. After that, by lightly pressing any of the two Delete or Backspace keys, we can easily delete an empty fragment. This is the most versatile way to remove any unnecessary fragments in the text.

More important for the user may be the question of how to delete a page in a Word if it is filled with text information. It is necessary, having placed the cursor anywhere in the text to be deleted, simply execute the following algorithm: Home tab - Editing group - Find - Go tab - instead of the page number, enter page - Go - Close.

The part of your text that you want to delete will be completely highlighted. After that, delete it in the standard way (Delete or Backspace).

The last point that I would like to highlight in this article is how to delete a page in a Word that is at the end of a document. The answer will be short - in any of the three ways above: manually (line by line), selecting the entire fragment with the mouse, or selecting automatically in the Find-Go mode. It should simply be understood that the last blank page is nothing more than a few blank lines that accidentally fell into the end of the text.

To the question of how to delete a page in word, there is another, fundamentally different answer. The situation with the presence of blank pages in the text can be corrected by slightly changing the vertical size of the text field. To do this, move the border of the text field upwards or downwards on the vertical ruler.

Sometimes, when pages are broken in documents, extra sheets appear - there is no information on them, nothing at all. That is why they need to be removed - why force the printer to pass excess paper through itself when printing. Today I will tell you how to effortlessly delete a blank page in Microsoft Word. You will also learn how to delete a page with information without losing it. The main thing is to read everything to the end, and if something is not clear, read the article again.

Delete a blank page in MS Word

First, let's go to the "Home" tab, if you currently have another one open. There is one useful tool here - "Show all characters", thanks to which you will see all the characters that you typed - up to spaces.

Click on it and the text will change beyond recognition. Do you see how many dots and different signs have appeared that were not there before? The dots are spaces. If there are two or more dots in a row, then there are too many spaces and this needs to be corrected. The arrows are the Tab key presses. Separately displayed and blank pages in the form of inscriptions "Page break". It is this gap that we need to close.

Double-click on this line with the left mouse button, after which it will be highlighted in black. Then there are two options leading to the deletion of the empty page:

  1. Pressing the "Backspace" button on the keyboard
  2. Pressing the "Delete" button on the keyboard

As a result of these simple manipulations, the dummy page has been removed.

Delete a non-blank page in Microsoft Word

We have learned how to get rid of empty pages, but what about those where there is some information: text, picture or diagram? You can also delete non-blank pages, now we will do it.

We place the cursor in any part of the page that we want to delete. We return to the “Home” tab, find the arrow on the right side with the inscription “Select”, click on it and select “Select All” in the drop-down menu.

Forgive me the gurus of Word and its creators. If you have a more rational solution to the problem with the last section and the last page, please let me know in the comments.

The abundance of questions “how to delete the last page in Word” and “How to keep formatting in Word after deleting a page” (to be more precise, the question sounds more like this: why when I delete a page in Word, everything creeps in me), served as the reason for writing this note. I do not consider myself a WORD expert, so I do not exclude that there is a more correct (correct, convenient ...) solution.

Quite often, when editing WORD documents, you may encounter a situation where the last page is empty (the plate is over, and behind it is another sheet). What to do?

How to delete the last page in Word?

First of all, let's go to the last page and see what is there? If there are a lot of characters (paragraphs or spaces) - just put the cursor at the beginning of the page and press DEL (ete) until everything is deleted. If the only character of the paragraph remains and it does not want to be deleted - click BackSpace once - it is possible

Most likely, the reason is that the very last character in the document simply did not fit on the penultimate page. Most often, it helps to set the cursor to the last page and reduce the font size of the last paragraph (say, make it equal to 1 or 2 - you can not only select from the drop-down list, but also write with “pens”). You can also reduce the vertical indents of the same paragraph .. in general, make sure that the last paragraph “fits” into the remaining free space.

Often there is a formatting issue when deleting the last page. To be more precise, when the last section is deleted, its formatting is applied to the previous (penultimate) section. I didn’t find how to delete a section without formatting “failure” (if anyone knows, share in the comments), however, a little trick that allows you to delete the last sheet while maintaining Word formatting.

How to delete the last section in Word

First of all, go to the section with the desired formatting (the penultimate one), and go to the Page Setup window (double-click on the ruler or File-Page Setup menu). We write down all the values ​​\u200b\u200bfor the fields (you can simply erase the centimeters .. The fact is that they are already set .. but if you don’t touch them, then when you select “apply to the entire document”, all values ​​\u200b\u200bwill become empty), select the paper orientation, go to Paper Source tab and select Start On Current Page section.

It is possible (if the formatting of the last section to be deleted is different from the previous one) that additional changes will be required, but in my case (the last sheet had a “horizontal” plate that needed to be deleted), the described changes were enough.

After setting all the properties in the lower drop-down list, select “Apply to the entire document” and click “OK”. After that, boldly go to the penultimate page and transfer the section break to it - delete the characters before the break, but not the page break itself. To reduce the required space for the last paragraph, you can reduce the font and vertical indents (as in the first part of this article)

As a result of text editing, unnecessary blank pages appeared in your document, or you cannot delete an extra sheet at the end of the document? Let's see what needs to be done to delete a page in MS Word.

Let's start off with, how to remove a blank page in the middle of a word document. Most often, such pages in a document appear due to the large number of non-printable characters on them - you deleted all the text, but the hidden characters remained. This is a page break, and spaces, and a new line.

You can enable non-printable characters by clicking on the corresponding button on the Home tab.

To delete them, move the mouse to the left margin of the document and select all the characters. If you have several blank pages in the middle of the document, you can put the cursor at the beginning of the page you want to delete, hold down "Shift" and place the cursor at the end of another page. Now press "Delete" or "Backspace".

Blank pages in Word in the middle of a document can also appear due to page breaks. They usually separate the beginning of a new chapter from the previous text. Or maybe you just accidentally pressed the key combination "Ctrl + Enter".

To delete such a page, place the cursor on the last line (or at the end of the text) on the previous page, then click "Delete".

The blank page will be removed and the text will rise.

Now consider, How to delete a page in Word that is at the end of a document. By enabling non-printing characters, you will see that they are present on the page. It can even be several newline characters. Select them with the mouse and press the "Delete" or "Backspace" key. You can also place the cursor at the end of the text and hold down the "Delete" key until the blank sheet disappears.

That's all. Now you know how to delete a page in Word. Moreover, these recommendations are applicable in any MS Word: 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013.

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