How the zodiac signs leave the relationship stages. Horoscope of love failures: how zodiac signs survive parting


This fiery and rather self-centered people, passionately loving and no less passionately meeting the end of their love relationship.
If an Aries man or woman is “thrown” it is perceived by them as a painful blow, they can even make a scandal or a real tantrum in connection with this. They experience a breakup violently, but recover relatively quickly, and, being naturally overflowing with energy, they are soon ready to go again in search of their soulmate.
However, the lessons of love failures Aries learn poorly.

People of this sign are very measured, stable and constant. Therefore, failures and breaks on the love front are not often tolerated, because, having once met “their” person, they will do their best to maintain relations with him, even if they finally reach a dead end.
Well, if they are still left, they can regard this as a classic betrayal, hold a grudge for a long time and even demand the return of all the gifts that they themselves gave.
Taurus does not recover from parting soon, but, having recovered, they will most likely forgive and forget, having gained valuable experience for themselves, which they will definitely take into account in the following relationships.

The sign is light, and in interpersonal relationships even frivolous. Often, its representatives themselves are the initiators of the break, but even when they find themselves in the role of abandoned ones, they do not lose heart for long. For them, a new look, a new passion, a new sympathy are enough for all previous failures to be forgotten.
The experience of separation and parting is usually great for Gemini, but they are in no hurry to put it into practice, in an effort to live easily.

A very homely, family and caring horoscope sign. Having met love, they try to cherish it, potentially preparing themselves for family life, often seeing a future husband or wife in a person.
Being abandoned by a loved one, they will never make him quarrels and scandals with breaking dishes, but will quietly and painfully worry. The wound in their soul and the sadness in their eyes will remain for a long time, and the memories will last a lifetime.
Cancer will also not recover soon, but, having met a new love, it will be able to give no less tenderness, warmth and care, so characteristic of the representatives of this zodiac sign.
a lion

It often seems to these people that life is a stage on which they are actors in the lead role. Therefore, it is a big surprise for them if their loved ones leave them. And, most likely, the Lions will make every effort to skillfully replay the events, to expose everything as if they themselves were the initiators of the gap.
And if the role of the “left” goes not to them, but to their partner, the latter runs the risk of being for some time with contempt, crossed out from the list of the life of such a Lion or Lioness.
However, the representatives of this sign do not bear resentment for a long time, but, as a rule, they do not seek to maintain friendly relations either. They prefer to leave forever.

Critical of the outside world, these people will not be too embarrassed if their loved ones leave. Most likely, they will make a “correct” conclusion about the shortcomings of the man (woman) who left them, which prevented them from being together. And having sensibly analyzed the reasons for the gap, next time, they will look even more thoroughly at those who claim to be their gentleman or lady of the heart - respectively.

People born under this sign are marked by amazing inner harmony, the desire for beauty and love. Therefore, they will react quite calmly to the end of their love relationship, without scenes and excessive pathos.
They are inherent in the natural magnetic attraction of partners (“second halves”) and they do not remain alone for a long time. Realizing this peculiarity of theirs, Libra people do not despair too much about losses on the love fronts, although at first they can quite strongly experience the disruption of the normal course of things caused by the departure of a loved one.

Secretive, emotional and sexy. Often in love relationships, people of this zodiac sign are guided by the motto: “All or nothing!”. They are big owners and jealous. That is why parting with loved ones is painful, and those who leave them can seriously get on their nerves, and in the worst case, even ruin their lives.
Women and Scorpio men need to be "left" as delicately and slowly as possible, otherwise you risk becoming the object of their revenge. Unlike Taurus, they never forgive or forget those who hurt them.

Sagittarius is a completely different matter. Representatives of the "centaurs" live and love philosophically, they themselves often change partners and are mostly easy to part, and very rarely become depressed, unlike the previous sign.
Only having met the most true love, Sagittarius will do everything not to lose such a person, and in other cases he will not even make any special attempts, guided by the rule: there will be a new day - there will be new meetings.

It is not so easy to fall in love with the representatives of this sign. But parting with them is much easier and painless for their partners.
Capricorn will not interfere with the departure of a loved one, he may not even pretend that it hurts and hurts him. But after parting, a wound will open deep in his soul, which will cause severe depression, despondency, and without that not the most cheerful sign in the zodiac circle.
However, Capricorn will reliably hide the pain of loss from prying eyes and people, sometimes even close ones, will not guess what is happening inside him, paying only attention that their acquaintance Capricorn has become even more gloomy and serious from the usual.
For a long time after parting, people of this sign may not start a new serious relationship. And, sometimes, getting them out of this "sea shell" is oh, how not easy.

These are supporters of easy love, often preferring non-committal relationships.
As a result: partings are treated simply, trying not to waste time on sadness and bitter thoughts about the departed love. Their slight emotional coolness will serve them well when the love is gone. Therefore, there are usually no large heart wounds in Aquarius people. And with their former lovers, they try to maintain sincerely friendly relations.

This water sign sometimes makes its wards live in captivity and dreams of a prince on a white horse and do not take off their rose-colored glasses, even when the collapse that has come in their relationship with their loved ones becomes obvious.
Parting is experienced as emotionally and painfully as Cancers. But they do not hide their feelings, so their tears have to be wiped away for a long time by relatives and friends.
In parting, they tend to blame themselves, which can lead to the development of an inferiority complex, a sense of guilt, which is not recommended in the case of Pisces, due to their vulnerable and sensitive nature.
In general, Pisces, like Scorpions, should be left gently and slowly, without offense and harsh words. Only if in the case of Scorpios this must be done in order to maintain their own health, then in the case of Pisces this is necessary for their mental balance.

It is difficult to find a person who has never experienced a breakup. It is very difficult to answer the question why the signs of the zodiac break up. After all, it is not abstract beings that diverge, but living people.

This article is about how different zodiac signs break up. Do not take everything written here seriously. This is just an attempt to describe in general terms those belonging to different signs of the Zodiac, in such a stressful situation as Let's try to figure out why the signs of the Zodiac usually part, which pushes them to this step.

How do the signs of the Zodiac, belonging to the element of Fire, part?

Parting a representative of the fire element can turn into an enchanting show, participation in which can cost you your health. It's not always easy to understand why people break up. Signs of the Zodiac, belonging to the fiery element, easily flare up under the influence of fleeting passion and just as easily cool down.

Fasten seat belts

Deciding to leave Aries, get ready for a grand scandal. They just won't let you go. An Aries woman may well put a pot full of soup on your head, which she lovingly prepared for you a couple of hours ago. As for the Aries man, the news of the breakup can bring him to a heart attack.

True, in a couple of days you will not recognize your partner. The Aries woman will parade past you in full dress with a new suitor. As luck would have it, he will be a head taller and half a meter wider than you at the shoulders. As for the Aries man, very soon he will announce to you that he will marry Miss World, whom you are no match for.

If Aries himself decided to part with you, then most likely there will be no turning back. Representatives of this sign leave quickly and almost never return.

Take your toys

Throwing a Leo is like spitting in his soul. As befits a parting, he will experience royally. You never know how bad he is. A person of this zodiac sign licks his wounds in splendid isolation, having previously thrown out everything that would remind him of you from his house.

The Leo Woman will return all your gifts to you, no matter how expensive they are. She doesn't want anything more from you. She will definitely meet a person more worthy than you. As for the Leo man, he is ready to give you everything you ask. His only request will be that you never appear in his life again.

Breaking up with a Sagittarius is very easy. It is enough to announce that you are no longer willing to tolerate his dog in your bed. After such words, you will no longer see either the animal or Sagittarius himself. He will stop believing in your kindness and humanity and will decide that you are no longer on the path. You won't have any chance of holding it. After all, you have fallen from the pedestal, which he erected for you with such love!

Air Release

How do the signs of the Zodiac, belonging to the element of Air, part? After parting with the "air person" on his or your initiative, do not be surprised that after a while you will become best friends. An attempt to lock the representative of the air element in a cage is the main mistake made by his partner. Why do people break up? The signs of the Zodiac, belonging to the trine of Air, do not tolerate the slightest restriction of their freedom. As a matter of fact, love of freedom is the main reason why marriages of air signs so often collapse.

speak to me, speak

When Gemini is told they've been dumped, they become terribly selfish. They will endlessly think about why they were abandoned, how the partner came to such a decision, how he felt, and so on. At the same time, the feelings of those around them, forced to listen to all this, will absolutely not excite the Gemini.

The twin, who decided to leave on his own, also behaves not in the best way. He will constantly make excuses and at the same time try not to show himself to the one he left. True, oddly enough, very soon the Gemini calm down and become best friends with their exes.


“Leave or leave everything as it is?” ─ this question will torment Libra for a very long time. True, while they make a decision, you will have time to buy a house together, have a child or open a common business. In the end, Libra will decide that they can endure a little more, so they will prefer to stay without breaking away from their homes.

If you decide to part with Libra, then leave as soon as you announce your decision. For a while, your partner will be in complete prostration, but, coming to his senses, he will cling to you with a stranglehold. Libra is going through a gap very hard. Mentally, they constantly return to the past, where you were so good together, and they are completely sincerely perplexed, how could you prefer someone else to them?

You may not even notice the departure of Aquarius. It is difficult to understand why people usually break up. The signs of the zodiac, belonging to the air element, do not seem to be guided by logic at all. It's just that one day you find that your partner hasn't returned home, and his shirts are no longer hanging in the closet. Moreover, you will not wait for any intelligible explanations from him. Since you yourself should have guessed that Aquarius did not like something in your life together. And since you didn’t understand, now blame yourself.

earth element

How do the signs of the Zodiac, belonging to the elements of the Earth, part? Parting with them is always very difficult.

Taurus will endure your antics to the last. Representatives of this sign are ready to endure idle husbands, work hard at three jobs so that the children have a father. And a man is able to throw at the feet of his chosen one everything that he can earn.

However, you should not consider Taurus as a kind of resigned domestic animal. The people of this sign have great patience, however, when enraged, the bull may well lift you up on its horns. If you do not want to feel like a defeated bullfighter, then do not take Taurus to the extreme. Cheating is one of the reasons why people break up. The signs of the Zodiac, belonging to the elements of the Earth, experience the infidelity of a partner especially hard.

Love and hate

The abandoned Virgin is not nice to the whole wide world. She will sob with grief and calculate the options for possible revenge. At the same time, deep down, Virgo will be ready to forgive everything and start over. If you broke up completely and irrevocably, then be prepared for the fact that the skeleton, carefully hidden in the depths of your closet, will soon be put on public display. At the same time, if you accidentally run into a Virgo on the street, you will receive an air kiss and an innocent angelic smile.

Capricorn will calmly let you go, taking your choice for granted. However, then alone, he can commit suicide. Therefore, even after parting with Capricorn, at first take an interest in his well-being. And remember that the main thing for him is to maintain his dignity. And he can change his mind about taking his own life. Capricorn, who decides to leave on his own, will do it slowly. It will create such an atmosphere in your home that you yourself will run to look for someone softer and warmer.

Why do people usually break up? The signs of the Zodiac, belonging to the elements of the Earth, part because they are betrayed. However, this alignment is characteristic of all people, regardless of when they were born.

How do the signs of the Zodiac, belonging to the Water element, part?

Perhaps this is the most difficult case. So, as the signs of the Zodiac Cancer part, no one does.

Cancers endure separation extremely hard. If his feelings for you have not cooled down yet, then he will hope to the last that he can still be returned. The Cancer man will appear in front of you from time to time, taking an interest in your life. Suddenly you broke up with your fan and are ready to rush into his arms again!? Rest assured, he will gladly comfort you and take you back.

If Cancer himself decided to leave you, then his behavior will depend on your reaction. Seeing your suffering, he will try to help improve your personal life, along the way explaining that you will definitely never be happy with him.

Breaking up with a Scorpio is more like a horror movie. If you decide to leave a representative of this sign (it doesn’t matter if it’s a man or a woman), then get ready for the fact that your new clothes will be donated to a charity for the homeless, carefully grown chrysanthemums will be poured with some kind of poison, and your beloved hamster will be handed over to the laboratory for experiments. Moreover, he would send you there too, because you abandoned him, which means that you are not worthy of the slightest of his sympathy. If, as a result of his antics, you develop an ulcer, he will gladly give you a cookbook for preparing delicious and forbidden dishes for you. So before you throw a Scorpio, hide everything that is dear to you as far as possible.

And finally, Pisces

Do you want to know how the Pisces zodiac signs part with people belonging to other elements? Having decided to leave Pisces, get ready ... No, not for a scandal or at home. Streams of tears will fall on you and demonstrate inhuman mental anguish. Moreover, Pisces suffer not so much from the situation itself, but from the love of art. And as long as they do not worry enough, it is useless to reassure them.

Pisces that decide to leave you on their own will “sail” to visit you from time to time. For example, to sympathize and pity you, the unfortunate one. If you need real help, they will safely dissolve in the abyss of water, leaving you to solve your problems on your own.

HOW DIFFERENT ZODIAC SIGNS PARTIATE - The Whole Truth! Let's try to figure out how representatives of various zodiac signs experience love failures.


Aries breaks up professionally. Aries so often break up with someone that, by about twenty-five years old, they can defend a dissertation on the topic “behavioral characteristics of abandoned women.” But, as a rule, by the third or fourth wife, Aries gets tired of this running around, they sit down with a cigar by the fireplace and watch the young innocent lambs exclusively with paternal love. From now on, it is impossible to part with them at all. It's like throwing the hard-won Oscar in the trash.


Taurus break up reluctantly. Firstly, they have an amazing ability to faithfully love the same rubbish for decades. Secondly, they have amazing stubbornness and a complete lack of ability to lose, which means they can not give up for years.

Well, and, thirdly, Taurus is very tight-fisted. And they have a memory, like a computer. That is, Taurus remember how much effort and money were invested in these relationships. And they are very sorry. In general, breaking the connection with Taurus is another quest. Not for the weak in spirit.


The twins part ways by exploding their brains with a hydrogen bomb. Not only their brains, of course. And everyone they reach is the other side, parents, friends and fellow travelers on the train. Basically, everyone knows that Geminis are terribly talkative. But only the one who parted with Gemini fully understood what it means to fall under a real tsunami of letters, dashes and exclamation marks.

If Gemini is an abandoned side, then he will immediately try to negotiate and bargain - but what if I? And if suddenly? But if so? And so on. If Gemini is the throwing side, then he will still start chatting. Because it is very important for him not to feel like a beast. Until he asks for forgiveness, he will not leave. He will quit anyway, but he will walk around and demand to say that you are not offended by him.


Cancers part painfully. When Cancers conquer the Galaxy, no one will part with anyone at all. Cancer doesn't just let go. He will keep you in sight and clarify whether you have eaten. And do you need anything. And you yourself will not notice how you and Cancer went for the second run, and now he is snoring next to you again. Cancer can easily be found in the company of five former mistresses, and he will have friendly and very touching relations with everyone.

The author, oh, sorry, our editorial magic ball, knows one exception from such Cancers, but we will write it off as an error. And, in general, Cancers are such bunnies that parting with them is amazingly stupid.


Leo breaks up on a grand scale. Everyone who has unsuccessfully turned on the phone is immediately aware of who the scoundrel is. At the same time, it does not matter - Leo leaves or leaves Leo. In any case, the scoundrel will not be a Lion.

It will be either "the bastard who stuck a knife in the back and left when I for him /Lion's long list of good deeds done for this bastard, who did not appreciate and left /", or "the rubbish who did not appreciate /long list of good deeds Leo, made for this rubbish, which did not appreciate, and therefore Leo leaves her /. True, Leo quickly cools down and becomes ready for "let's be friends." A trusted person in a retinue will always come in handy.


The virgins part, trying to get the most out of the suffering of the already former second half. If Virgo is the initiator of the gap, then she will cut the tail piece by piece. In very small, tiny even parts, so that each time you run a dull razor over the nerves.

For years it can. If the initiator of the break is not Virgo, then this is a suicide bomber. Being abandoned by the side, almost all people dream at night how they run over their ex with an asphalt skating rink.

But only Virgo, almost with a guarantee, embodies her nightly dreams into harsh reality. She is pedantic, not without imagination, and a sadist by nature. So if you're going to dump Virgo, stay away from the asphalt rollers.


Libra part for years. They need to weigh everything, yes. And to calculate the ratio of the nafignuzhnosti gap is a responsible matter. Here any argument swings the scales back and forth. Come on, figure out what to do. Therefore, by the way, Libra is the leader of family existence in two families at the same time. Either one outweighs, then the second. And everything is so delicious.

But you can be completely calm if you throw Libra. Even if you leave them without money, without housing and with ten children in your arms. While Libra will calculate the coefficient of suicide, they will either meet a new love or die of old age.


The scorpions are parting... our magic ball doesn't know the words suitable for publishing, and we don't allow it to swear, we are a decent publication.

Max Fry in Echo Labyrinths had such a wonderful race - the Arvarochs. If something went wrong, they said: "it's easier to die," after which they went to a corner and died. So if you are going to part with Scorpio, then go to the corner. It's easier to die, honestly.

Regardless of who initiated the gap, Scorpio will smash everything around to hell so that only fragments and ashes remain. Scorpio is not Cancer and not Leo, Scorpio will burn all the bridges so that nothing grows on both banks for many more years. In general, do not offend Scorpio, he is not lazy, extremely poisonous and very vindictive.


Sagittarius breaks up lightly. He simply takes a knapsack with simple belongings and, affectionately hugging him goodbye, leaves for a new dawn. No reasonable arguments in trying to stop Sagittarius work. He will still smile affectionately, kiss his nose and say: “Well, don’t pout.” And he will leave.

If you try to take away the knapsack, Sagittarius will frown and start quoting some wise writers who allegorically described freedom of choice, the desire for novelty and the unworthiness of taking away knapsacks from Sagittarius striving into the distance. Most likely, there were no writers. It's just that Sagittarius is very persuasive when he really wants to leave.


Capricorns don't break up at all. Either they are lazy, or they are hidden maniacs, unable to finish off the victim with a control shovel in the head, and they need to torture the victim as much as possible. It doesn’t matter, the result is the same - Capricorn will not leave until the last and pretend that everything is fine.

Even if a blind person from a neighboring continent can see that nothing is normal, everything is bad and we will all die, Capricorn will gloomily eat dinner and sullenly go to bed. And to all questions, he will shrug his shoulders sullenly. As a result, he will leave when you are already old. It would be better, however, immediately left.


Aquarius breaks up cinematically. He must certainly say a monologue, like a negative hero of an action movie. The monologue lists in great detail: what was wrong, why, and what exactly you should have done, but did not. And other hardcore. The speech is so long that the victim, continuing the analogy with the militant, is quite capable of recovering from a vile blow and close up the answer.

“I’m pregnant,” for example, or “yes, I’ve been cheating on you for a long time, scarecrow.” But even if it doesn't come to its senses, it doesn't matter. Aquarius will still suffer terribly. Especially if he dumped her. "Oh, I'm a scoundrel" and that's it. Aquarians are kings in public self-flagellation.


These also part very cinematically. But if Aquarius had an action movie, then there is a solid Venezuelan Carmelita with a director from the old Bollywood. Everything will be in the parting of Pisces - cut veins, abandoned children, escapes into the night, standing on a bridge swaying from the wind and bloody snot in sugar syrup.

This is if they left Pisces. And if the Fish itself decided to dump, then everything will be exactly the opposite. Then the Fish will turn into a catfish, hide under a snag and eat to death when trying to pull it back into a joint life.

Someone leaves the former quietly and "in English", someone - with a loud scandal, and someone simply takes the relationship to a new track, masterfully making good friends out of ex-lovers. Details below.


Aries are good guys. We made a decision to break up, clearly dotted the i's, justified our unwillingness to continue the relationship and closed this door completely. No false hopes for you, no supposedly friendly communication, no supposedly random calls. Representatives of this sign part once and for all, let go and do not return themselves. What for? What didn't they see? The read book is no longer interesting, and there is so much unknown ahead that looking back is stupid and unproductive.


Taurus pull to the last, they are simply sorry for the time spent on relationships, so they hope for a long time that everything will work out, and they are too lazy to look for a partner again. The final conversation is hard for them, and they do not start it right away, but bring it to him gradually, step by step moving away from the one they intended to abandon. But the parting itself often turns out to be ugly, because as in a joke: “Give back the gifts I made! - Yes, please, take it! “Where are the boxes?”


The twins quickly and easily decide to break up: someone more attractive appeared on the horizon - and that's it, the end of the novel. But they leave loudly, with scandals and accusations, remembering all the sins of an already former partner and inventing non-existent ones. And the thing is that, despite the fact that they are throwing it, they don’t want to feel guilty, so they turn the situation around as if they simply can’t bear to be around such imperfection anymore.


Cancers part hard, apologize for a long time, explain the reasons, and then do not disappear from the life of the one who was abandoned, continuing to be interested in his fate and unobtrusively patronize. In general, one must try very hard so that the representative of this sign decides to break off relations. Usually, Cancers cling to those they are attached to with claws, and they can only be torn off with meat, and, as a rule, they are not the initiators of parting.

a lion

Lions can endure the tricks of partners for a long time, but one day everything burns out in them completely, and they give a powerful kick, accompanying it with such impartial statements that the abandoned creature collects itself in parts. But! With all this, representatives of this sign manage, as a result, to stay with former almost best friends, and as if nothing had happened to communicate with them, and even occasionally engage in "friendly" sex.


The virgins, before leaving, will eat the brain and take out the soul, and even then they won’t leave them alone, for some reason believing that the one they abandoned should suffer for them, unique, until the end of their days, and gladly accept their signs of attention . These are strange creatures! Instead of adhering to the golden rule “leaving - go away” and letting someone who has already worn out all the nerves live in peace, they come back and annoy, come back and annoy - in general, a kind of boomerang with exorbitant megalomania. Throw out the fig!


Libra doubts for a long time whether to leave or stay, hysteria, get friends, hoping that they will make such a difficult choice for them, and then, with tears (regardless of gender) and repentant speeches, put the partner before the fact. But they do not want to leave completely, dreaming of friendship after love and offering to communicate further, only in a new capacity. It is unbearable for representatives of this sign to think that someone will be offended by them, so they try to maintain at least a semblance of good relations.


Scorpions leave behind a scorched field. They skillfully ensure that their partners at the time of the break generally refuse to build any relationship in the future, and love is transformed into burning hatred. Representatives of this sign do not know how to leave quietly and painlessly, they definitely need to finally scoff, go through the mental and sexual abilities of the one they are leaving. But such shock therapy allows their ex not to regret the end of the novel.


Sagittarius do not part, but transfer the former to the "alternate airfield". They graciously allow them to consider themselves friends, invite them to visit, take part in their lives, and when the next romance ends, they bring them closer again, and so on ad infinitum. Representatives of this sign have some kind of mystical power over ex-lovers, so if they do not leave their habitat in time, safely arranging their personal lives, then they remain in standby mode for many years.


Capricorns are categorical, they can immediately end the affair if it suddenly seems to them that their partner went to the left, and then - make excuses, don’t make excuses - they definitely won’t be allowed back in the next couple of years. If the representative of this sign decided to end the relationship because, in his opinion, they had become obsolete, then he would be long, tedious, with all the details to argue his unwillingness to continue amorous communication and lead to the fact that after his departure he would want to roll not a tantrum, but a party about a successful release.


Aquarians leave without saying goodbye. If they decide that someone does not belong next to them, then they do not indulge in explanations, but simply disappear, and then do not answer phone calls, do not open doors, ignore letters and SMS. In general, if a representative of this sign does not want to communicate with his former soulmate, then you will get him, he is elusive, like a morning mist. And even when Aquarius's own feelings are still alive, he, as a rule, does not change his decision.


Fish are the first to leave extremely rarely, well, they don’t like to make fateful decisions, it’s easier for them to go with the flow. True, if they run out of feelings, then sooner or later even the most stupid people realize that there is nothing to catch here. How else? They don’t let you near the body at all or do it demonstratively reluctantly, they don’t show initiatives, they agree to meetings, as if they are doing a favor, conversations are only on general topics - and no romantic tenderness for you.

The young lady-Capricorn, in fact, is easier to kill than to leave. And not because she will cling to the agonizing relationship to the last, not at all. But because she wants to understand why everything ends. No, you explain! Explain clearly, I said!


Ashes and ashes. Hopelessness and apocalypse. The world has broken down, and there will be nothing more - this is what the Aquarius lady feels when the relationship ends. Therefore, she silently leaves, goes home and there quietly lies down in the gap behind the sofa. Die. The love of her life has ended, which means that there is no point in continuing a meaningless and miserable existence. True, in a couple of weeks she will think: “Oh, what am I?”, Resurrect and immediately fall in love again. Forever and ever!



If you want to make Rybka happy, leave her! No, really. Rybka's lover is just starting to think about relationships, and Rybka has already understood everything and decided that "Nikodim died - and to hell with him." But this is no reason to deprive yourself of pleasure! Therefore, the Fish will suffer. It is very beautiful to suffer, like in a movie: “Oh, cruel fate, why are you so unmerciful to me ?!” And - bang! - to faint. Spectators wash themselves with tears of sympathy and throw bouquets at Rybka's feet.


The young lady-Aries, who heard "I'm sorry, dear, it's over between us!", Turns into a natural disaster. In a terrible natural disaster! She destroys an apartment (her own), smashes a car (a vile traitor) with a baseball bat, and breaks a bar (in a nearby bar). And this calms down. Because she suddenly realizes that this mouflon was not worthy of her.


You need to throw the young lady-Taurus at a distance. Preferably from another continent. Because Taurus does not waste time on spiritual conversations, but immediately tries to bite off this villain's head. And most often succeeds in this good undertaking. But if the scoundrel survives, he can live in peace: Taurus will forgive everything. In 10 years. And, accidentally meeting the former on the street, he will say: “Oh, don’t shake, I won’t touch you! Let's go have a drink!"


Gemini react to parting in a very strange way. In any case, those who decided to leave the Gemini did not understand anything. Because you are preparing for a serious conversation, you feel pangs of conscience, you think how to explain yourself in such a softer way, and, finally, having gathered your courage, you say: “Forgive me, dear ...” And the twin lady replies: “Huh? What? Are you leaving me? Who are you anyway?!”


Cancers experience parting extremely painfully, but they try not to show it to anyone. And then they will begin to climb into the soul with unwashed hands, and there, in the soul, and so devastation. Therefore, the young lady-Cancer tries to hide headlong in the shell: in work and in invented "very important things." I mean, she'll cry at the quarterly report, at the pie dough, at the tomato patch, and at the cat. But without anyone seeing.

a lion

Lionesses have a truly feline instinct, so they know about the impending break before a man even thinks about it. And, of course, the Lioness simply cannot allow such a blatant fail: Lionesses are not abandoned! So she leaves him herself. In advance. This goat!


Dev's motto: "Analyze it!" In a sense, analyze everything, including matters of the heart. Virgo will not sob into the pillow, but will draw conclusions and write it down in a book. The main thing is not to arrange long tearful goodbyes and walks back and forth to the Virgin: do not offer to leave "for a while", because she will begin to analyze this too. And then oh. Then someone's head may burst by accident, because such cumbersome logical constructions will not fit into every head. No need to explain whose head it will be, right? Definitely not a Virgo.


Libras endure breakups very easily. Even with gratitude. This wonderful man just took it, and he made the decision himself - thank you, and God bless him! True, after the final conversation, the young lady Libra will still become discouraged. Because she will be besieged by a crowd of fans who have only been waiting for this moment. And it's a choice again! What is it, huh?!


We do not really understand why men decide to leave the Scorpio young lady. There are many other, much less intricate ways of committing suicide. After all, as soon as the Scorpio young lady hears the words “Sorry, we need to leave,” a toggle switch will click in her head, which cannot be turned back. Scorpio will begin to develop a plan for revenge. Cruel. Merciless. Humiliating. And inevitable, of course.


The Sagittarius young lady takes this blow of fate proudly. She doesn't ask for reasons, doesn't offer to try first, and doesn't say anything at all. She silently goes home and lies with her face in the pillow for a day. And he gets up, as if nothing had happened, and goes to have fun. It's very fun to have fun. The wedge is knocked out with a wedge, yeah.