How to destroy lice at home. How to quickly get rid of lice with minimal effort

You can get rid of lice and nits at home without visiting a doctor.

Treatment is carried out according to the algorithm:

  1. preparation of the room and necessary tools;
  2. applying the selected product to the hair;
  3. distribution of the substance along the entire length, holding a certain amount of time under a plastic cap and a towel;
  4. washing your hair with shampoo and rinsing your hair with vinegar solution;
  5. combing out lice.

Means can be divided into two groups - folk methods and medical preparations.

Medical cosmetic preparations are easy to use, good effect. Medicines are produced in different forms:

  • emulsions;
  • lotions;
  • sprays;
  • shampoos;
  • cream;
  • ointments;
  • tablets.


The most effective drugs are emulsions and lotions. They are sold in concentrated or finished form. After use, they require rinsing with a regular shampoo so that the active substances do not remain on the scalp. In addition, such drugs should be handled with care, as they are quite toxic and can cause allergies and chemical burns. The high content of active substances will allow you to get rid of insects after two procedures.

The most effective drugs can be called:


Spray preparations are easier to use than emulsions, and there are much fewer contraindications. Not all products contain insecticides. Most sprays are based on natural substances that suffocate insects with an airtight film. They can only kill adults, so sprays must be used repeatedly.

The spray treatment procedure does not require special preparation - dry hair is treated with preparations along the entire length.


The most common anti-lice and nits shampoos are:

  • "Paranit" - non-toxic shampoo based on natural clearol oil, acts gently, requires repeated processing;
    Paranit - a mild and effective remedy against lice
  • "Veda" and "Veda 2" are highly effective means in the fight against lice. Permethrin begins to act after 30 minutes of exposure to the hair, does not require a second session. At the same time, it has a beneficial effect on the skin - softens, does not cause itching;
  • "Khigia" is an effective remedy for the destruction of head and pubic lice. The composition contains substances that break down the glue in nits;
  • "Pedelin" is an effective and inexpensive remedy with malathion. Possesses a pungent smell, aged 10 minutes. May cause allergies and nervous disorders;
  • "Nit-Free" is one of the safe shampoos based on mint oil. It is used in the treatment of pediculosis in children from one year old and pregnant women. Can be used for prevention;
    Neat Free products are designed for both people and animals
  • "Parasidosis" - shampoo with phenothrin, applied for only 6 minutes. Use on the first and second day;
    The tool is used twice - with a break of one day
  • "Anti-Bit" - a remedy based on sumitrin. Apply 2 times - on the first and second day;
  • "NOK" - shampoo on sonova permethrin. After the procedure, it is necessary to ventilate the room.


Preparations in the form of cream and ointment are no less effective and are considered the most inexpensive among medical products. Oils are used to make creams, so preparations are more difficult to wash off after the procedure.

Quite often, treatment with cosmetic preparations does not give the desired result. In such cases, after a medical examination, the doctor prescribes drugs for oral administration.

Such treatment is effective and does not cause itching, burning and allergies. Under the action of active substances, the blood becomes unattractive and harmful to insects.

Most often, doctors prescribe pills:

But when using drugs inside, it is important to do this with no less caution. Pills have serious limitations, such as kidney and liver disease. Also, these drugs may have side effects in the form of intestinal and stomach upset, dizziness, weakness, dizziness.

Combs against pediculosis

After treating the hair with medicinal preparations, it is necessary to thoroughly comb each strand - this way you will remove dead and living insects and eggs.

Nit Free shampoo comes with a special comb

The procedure for mechanical treatment of pediculosis is safe, but has its own characteristics:

Combing should be done daily for 7-10 days. The process takes a lot of time and energy, but it certainly will not cause side effects. Therefore, for allergy sufferers, this is the best way to treat pediculosis.

Special AntiV comb - allows you to easily comb out nits

An important point is the choice of comb for combing. Ordinary combs will not bring the desired result. Usually, special combs come with shampoo, but they can be purchased separately at pharmacies:

Folk remedies

Many refuse to use medicinal preparations, preferring folk methods that have been used to treat pediculosis for decades.

Such treatment is affordable and inexpensive, since all the ingredients can be purchased at pharmacies or any store. The main disadvantage is the duration - most traditional medicine is left on the hair for about a night. These tools are ineffective in the destruction of nits, and therefore require re-treatment. In addition, not all traditional medicine is safer than specialized drugs - some methods are much more toxic and aggressive.

Treatment of hair with dichlorvos, although it gives results, can be very dangerous to health

No less popular is a solution of vinegar and table salt. They make it according to the old recipe - add 40-50 grams of salt to a glass of acetic solution, stir well and pour in a teaspoon of alcohol. This tool should be kept on the hair for 2 days, periodically updating the compress. It will not only kill insects, but also relieve irritation at the bite sites.

Folk remedies often turn to the use of ointments:

  • sulfuric ointment diluted with water in equal proportions;
  • boric ointment;
  • mercury and sermert ointment.

The ointment is applied to the hair 2-3 times a day for 10-15 days. The mask is applied for 30 minutes and washed off with a regular shampoo. These remedies are very effective, but toxic and harmful, especially the use of mercury and mercury ointment. Therefore, doctors do not recommend this treatment.

The most common uses of essential oils are:

  • tea tree;
  • lavender;
  • plantain;
  • mint;
  • geraniums;
  • calendula;
  • cypress;
  • rosemary;
  • sage;
  • anise;
  • carnations.

A few drops of essential oil are mixed with burdock or sunflower, applied to the hair and left for 40 minutes under the film. Essential oils repel insects with pungent odors, envelop them with an airtight layer, thereby killing them. One drawback is that it is difficult to rinse out of the hair.

Among the folk remedies there is the use of vegetable juices:

Birch tar, actively used to combat dandruff and hair loss, is also used to get rid of insects:

Tar shampoos are used for cosmetic purposes and get rid of lice
  • wash hair with soap or shampoo to degrease hair;
  • abundantly wash hair with tar shampoo and leave for 1 hour under a film and a towel;
  • wash off the foam and comb out insects.

Tar shampoo is not inferior to the use of hellebore water - the product has a detrimental effect on insects and eggs, while disinfecting bite sites. Hellebore water is left on the hair for 30 minutes, washed off and combed through the hair.

How to choose a remedy?

There are a lot of remedies for the treatment of pediculosis, and it is very difficult to choose which one is better.

When buying drugs, pay close attention to age restrictions. The most suitable drugs for children:

  • "Lavinal";
  • "Pediculen Ultra";
  • "Nyx"
  • "Lice Guard"

These drugs have moderate efficacy and low toxicity.

All funds are used externally, so they cannot harm the fetus during pregnancy. However, the female body becomes very sensitive, so you should avoid substances with strong odors, based on malathion, phenothrin and benzyl benzoate. Allowed during pregnancy are drugs such as NOC, Nittifor, Nyuda, Lavinal.

The best way out is to consult a doctor who will select the appropriate medicine based on the general condition of the pregnant woman and the possible risks.

It should also be borne in mind that the most effective drugs are very toxic and can cause an allergic reaction and discomfort. You need to decide for yourself what kind of treatment you need - fast or safe.

The use of the most toxic and harmful drugs will not entail terrible consequences if you follow the safety precautions and instructions.

Lice are insects that feed on human blood.

But how to quickly remove lice at home, if the disease has not yet gone far?

Get rid of lice at home - you can!




Finding insects is quite difficult, because they hide in the folds of things, in hair, on the folds of linen, and so on. Only two weeks after infection, they become noticeable.

Pediculosis is a very common disease, most often it affects children. They can easily become infected with head lice while in kindergarten, school, or other activities. After all, it is in these places that children come into contact with each other, and insects can easily crawl from a sick baby to a healthy one.

If they are not detected in time, the situation can become quite serious, and a real epidemic can begin in a school or kindergarten.

Of course, it's best to check with your doctor before you start taking them out. Many mothers begin to panic, do not know what to do. But, despite the fact that the disease is serious, it can still be cured using effective methods.

How to remove lice at home: pharmacy products

1. Antibit- This is a shampoo, it must be applied to wet hair and held for five minutes.

2. Nyuda- available in the form of a spray, it is necessary to apply to dry hair and walk with it for 45 minutes, then wash your hair thoroughly.

3. Spregal- spray, distribute through the hair and leave for 12 hours.

4. Hygia- shampoo, before applying, you need to wash your hair, apply it to wet hair and hold for 10 minutes.

In addition to drugs for treatment, you can also use special means as a preventive measure:

nit-free- spray, must be distributed on dry hair, suitable for use not only on hair, but also on clothes;

essential campfire oil- works without exposure, applied to dry hair, can also be used on clothes.

The main advantage of pharmacy products is that they act quickly enough, and most importantly, for sure.

Disadvantages - many drugs are toxic substances. If they enter the respiratory tract of a person, significant harm will be done. Many of these drugs are contraindicated in children under three years of age, as well as pregnant women. Funds require mandatory consultation with specialists. Also, pharmaceutical drugs alone may not always give the desired effect, so it is recommended to use them in conjunction with folk methods.

How to remove lice at home: folk remedies

Vinegar and salt.



You will need one handful of berries. Squeeze the juice out of them and mix with honey. After that, take the prepared remedy and rub it into the scalp. Berry juice allows you to quickly get rid of lice and nits.


Burdock will come to help from the unpleasant inhabitants on your head. Take a few leaves of the plant and pour boiling water over it. Let the product brew for 30 minutes, then strain and wash your head with it. If you don’t have burdock, then take elecampane root, you need to cook it in the same way.

Geranium oil.

This oil has several types, you need to take two drops of each of them and add to 10 grams of shampoo. It turns out a kind of lotion that you need to rub into the scalp and hold for one hour. After that, take a comb and comb your hair, wash it well. Then again take two drops of oils and dissolve them in one liter of water, add three tablespoons of vinegar there. Rinse your hair thoroughly with this solution, dry it without using a hair dryer and towels.

Black cumin.

Finely grind the cumin seeds and take one cup of this, then mix with apple cider vinegar (you need to take the same amount). You will get a solution that you need to strain and rub well into the hair roots and scalp. It is advisable to go out into the sun and spend 20 minutes there, then just wrap your head with something and walk like that for five hours. The course of treatment in this way is exactly one week.

Pomegranate juice and mint.

Take mint leaves, grind them thoroughly and separate two tablespoons. You will also need one glass of pomegranate juice. Mix both ingredients and boil everything for 10 minutes. After the remedy has cooled, rub it into the most affected areas from bites.

Mercury ointment.

This remedy is more suitable for getting rid of pubic lice. But unlike the previous methods, the first thing you will have to do is get rid of the hair completely. Then wash the bikini area thoroughly with laundry soap. Rub mercury ointment, 5% into the affected areas. This must be done twice a day, the total course of treatment is two weeks.


Take the roots of hellebore and angelica, chop well and mix in equal proportions. For one part of this mixture, you need to take four parts of pork fat. Rub the product into the affected areas.

How to remove lice at home: an integrated approach

You need to know not only how to remove lice at home, but also how to protect yourself and your child in the future from their recurrence. Treatment with folk remedies and medicines should be used in conjunction with preventive measures.

If you suddenly find yourself or your relative with lice, you need to get rid of them as soon as possible. There are three ways to deal with them: chemical, mechanical, physical.

1. If lice are found, it is necessary to wash the body with hot water using a washcloth and soap. Change underwear as often as possible.

2. With a small, or rather insignificant lesion, it is advisable to start treatment with combing them out. Also, keep your hair as short as possible.

Also try to avoid contact with those from whom you may have adopted the disease. Make sure that your hair is always clean and tidy.

In your family, each person should have individual underwear. Never use someone else's combs, clothes and hats. Even if you are sure that you have completely got rid of lice, still periodically check your head and body.


If lice were found in one of your family members in your house, this does not mean that only the patient should be treated. Since the presence of even one louse involves the processing of the entire room.

The first thing to do is heat treat:

Rewrite everything. Moreover, bed linen and clothes should be washed at the highest possible temperature;

If some things cannot be washed, it is recommended to dry-clean them and then dry them in the sun for a long time. This allows you to disinfect things;

Steam helps a lot;

Everything in the house must be washed with disinfectants and vacuumed. Dispose of all trash bags in the trash chute immediately.

In order to disinfect clothes, you can use a special preparation A-PAR. It is used in the event that the linen cannot be washed and steamed. After it, no stains or marks will remain on the clothes.

You also need to disinfect combs and combs, it is advisable to do this after each use.

Once again, it is worth saying that lice are not only unpleasant, but also quite dangerous. Watch your lifestyle and prevent them from appearing.

There are two ways to remove lice:

  1. contacting the collection point at the sanitary and epidemiological station;
  2. hair treatment with pediculicides at home.

Important! Reception workers will get rid of insects in a few hours: they will wash your hair with a pediculicide and comb it thoroughly. However, you should contact such points only as a last resort. The habitues of receivers are the inhabitants of basements or people living in unsanitary conditions. Therefore, there is a risk of contracting something worse than lice.

It is better to start removing lice and nits at home. A full course of insect extermination takes approximately 2-3 weeks. Adults are easy to breed: they die when exposed to high or low temperatures, and also do not tolerate insecticides and essential oils.

It is much more difficult to get rid of nits. They are reliably protected from harmful effects by a dense transparent shell and are attached to the hair with an adhesive.

It will not be possible to poison the nits and wash them off the hair. Therefore, the only way to get rid of lice eggs is to comb your hair regularly or reapply a pediculicidal shampoo after 5-7 days (when the larvae appear from the eggs).

How to cure pediculosis?

The note! These drugs often cause an allergic reaction.

There are three types of drugs:

The most safe are drugs with a suffocating effect.

Despite the high effectiveness of pharmaceutical products, it is desirable to combine such treatment with combing. Only in this case you will get a really fast and reliable result.


Pharmacies sell many pediculicide formulations. The following have worked well:

How to apply?

Pediculosis treatment is carried out as follows:

  1. The selected preparation is applied to the hair (cream or shampoo - on wet, spray and aerosol - on dry).
  2. The head is covered with a plastic bag. You can tie a scarf on top to enhance the effect.
  3. The medicine is aged on the head for the time indicated in the instructions (from 15 minutes to 1 hour).
  4. The product is washed off with water, shampoo, tar soap or vinegar solution (no more than 2%).
  5. Hair is combed out with a fine comb: this is how dead insects and loose nits are removed.
  6. If necessary, re-treatment is carried out after 5-7 days.

The procedure is carried out in a well-ventilated area; Hands must be covered with rubber gloves.


Combing is done as follows:

Advice! It is much easier to get rid of nits with a flat iron or curling iron. Lice eggs do not tolerate high temperatures and burst from contact with hot metal.

Folk methods

Folk remedies against lice and nits are cheaper than pharmacy ones, but they do not always give the desired effect and often negatively affect the patient's health. For example, popular remedies - kerosene and vinegar - can cause much more harm to health than insects.

How long does it take to get rid of insects?

The life span of lice is 1 month. Every day they lay several dozen eggs, from which small larvae hatch after 5–7 days. After another 20 days, they turn into adults and are ready to breed their own kind again.

Personal items - combs, hairpins, rubber bands - can be boiled in hot water. Furniture and pillows should be doused with hot steam or exposed to frost. At low temperatures, insects quickly die.

In addition, you need to strengthen personal hygiene: take a shower every day and wash your hair with shampoo.

Pediculosis is a disease that occurs as a result of the appearance of lice on a part of human skin covered with hair. Diagnosing this disease is perceived with condemnation in modern society, so most people resort to the treatment of pediculosis at home.

In our time, you can get sick with pediculosis and being very clean. One has only to touch the head of an infected person in the subway with your head or hair, use a towel or comb of the patient, or simply try on his hat.

Feeding on human blood, lice begin to multiply intensively, and this leads to the fact that the head often itches, lymph nodes increase, and red spots from bites appear.

It doesn’t matter at all whether you decide to purchase a special shampoo at a pharmacy or treat an ailment using folk remedies inherited by your grandmother, the result will be only if you follow the basic rules of behavior and treatment:

  • having decided on the method of treatment for pediculosis, check its safety and the absence of negative consequences specifically in your case;
  • use the drug strictly according to the instructions and be prepared to repeat the procedure during the first week after initial use;
  • given the fact that all dead insects and their larvae (nits) need to be combed out, find a comb with small and densely spaced teeth, be prepared for the fact that some eggs will need to be picked by hand.

It is important to wash off all medicines very well. Do not be too lazy to rinse the curls several times, if you wish, you can prepare a solution of vinegar to make your task easier.

Treatment of pediculosis with folk remedies at home

With pediculosis, you need to act very quickly, since these insects, harmless at first glance, can be carriers of serious diseases. It saves that in our time it is not so difficult to rid your body of their presence. In pharmacies you can find a huge variety of well-functioning insecticides that will quickly help you solve your problem. But they are not a panacea either. Recently, cases have become more frequent when people's choice falls on treatment with folk remedies, which are often much more affordable and not so harmful to the body. Our grandfathers and grandmothers used these funds, and the result of their influence does not cast doubt on the effectiveness of these methods.

Dust or tar soap

Who would have thought that this soap, so accessible to any person, can help to subside already adult lice without much effort in just one application. Yes, and there is nothing complicated in its use: you need to very carefully lather your hair along the entire length and leave it under a plastic cap for 30-60 minutes (the longer the hair, the longer you need to keep it on your hair). In the end, it is very important to wash your hair well with shampoo, preferably for dry and damaged hair, and you can even use sorrel decoction for rinsing. Do not forget that after the bath procedures, the hair must be thoroughly combed and the already dead insects removed.


The use of kerosene in the fight against lice is a very effective method, although not applicable to everyone. Children and pregnant women are strongly discouraged from using this method. Also, it should not be stopped if the skin is damaged.

For maximum safety, it is recommended to combine kerosene with vegetable oil. The optimal proportion is one to twelve. The resulting liquid should be lubricated with all the hair and go to bed with it. It is necessary to put on a plastic hat and warm your head with a towel or scarf. In the morning, we wash everything off and comb out the still wet hair.

Burdock or elecampane

For many years, a decoction of elecampane and young shoots of burdock has been considered one of the safest methods of salvation from pediculosis. This recipe is passed down from generation to generation, and both the root of elecampane and the leaves of this plant are always used in cooking. In order for the decoction to be ready for use, the herbs must be poured with centigrade boiling water and left for one and a half to two hours.

All future and current mothers can be calm and stop looking for a safer remedy. This "miraculous potion" can wash not only small children's heads, but also the hair of pregnant women, regardless of the trimester.

Useful properties of elecampane are in the substances found in its root and rhizome.

hellebore water

This tool is considered one of the best among the drugs that help in the fight against lice. Not only does it instantly neutralize adult insects, it also significantly softens nit capsules.

For the procedure, you will need to purchase hellebore and rubber gloves to protect your hands at the pharmacy. You will also need a plastic cap and a towel.

Apply the liquid evenly to the hair and put on a cap, leave for half an hour. The skin of the face must be protected from the ingress of the drug. To do this, twist the towel and wrap it around your head like a bandage. Don't forget to wear gloves. After the required time has elapsed, wash off the drug.


The acid present in cranberry juice has an adverse effect on nits. Freshly squeezed cranberry juice must be rubbed very well at the very root of the hair and then distributed over the entire length of the strands. You can also add some honey to the juice. It is advisable to leave oiled hair under a plastic cap for three to four hours, then wash your hair thoroughly. I think that it is no longer worth reminding that while still wet, the hair needs to be combed out very well with a comb. If desired, cranberry juice can be replaced with pomegranate juice. This fruit has a similar effect on harmful insects and their larvae.


Vinegar is great at killing lice. Often it is used mixed with other ingredients, although some people prefer to use it as a complete remedy and without impurities.


Vodka is a very affordable and easy to prepare and use way to deal with lice. However, it is important to understand that this method can lead to serious burns of the skin and often spoils the hair quite badly. That is why, it is not recommended to use it for the treatment of young children under five years of age.

As mentioned above, this method is very simple. It is necessary to moisten the hair abundantly from root to tip with either vodka or alcohol diluted to 40 degrees (alcohol is diluted with water). After holding the hair under a plastic cap for a quarter of an hour, you need to comb your hair and wash everything off.

Hydrogen peroxide

This is another very effective method from the list of folk remedies to combat pediculosis, but it is forbidden to use it to treat this problem in children. So that after applying peroxide you are not bothered by burns on the skin, you must definitely dilute it in half with water. Also, do not forget that after this procedure, your hair may become a little lighter.

Apply the liquid for 10 minutes completely on all hair, then thoroughly wash your hair using shampoo. Hydrogen peroxide is good because it completely corrodes both adult lice and their larvae, and also neutralizes the glue that holds hair and nits together.

Masks, ointments

Traditional medicine is also rich in all kinds of recipes for ointments and masks prepared at home.

  1. For this ointment, it is necessary to take the leaves of the wild rosemary, hellebore root and turn them into powder, then pour them with melted lard. To avoid consequences, you must adhere to the following proportion: one part of hellebore, one part of rosemary and three parts of lard. The resulting mixture is left in a warm oven for 12 hours. We apply the finished ointment on the head all night, put on a plastic cap, and wash it in the morning using shampoo.
  2. In the preparation of this remedy, we again need hellebore root. Add anise seeds in the same volume to it and grind until a powder is obtained. The next step is to mix the plant powder with the pork lard in a ratio of one to two. The method of application of this ointment is similar to the previous one.
  3. Garlic can also help a lot with head lice. Well-ground garlic cloves are applied to the scalp in a circular motion three times a day for four days in a row. At the end of the cycle of procedures, it is important to wash your hair very well using shampoo, and then in no case forget about combing dead lice from your head.


It's no secret that prevention is always better than cure. If you do not want to become the happy owner of "bad neighbors" on your head, try to adhere to the basic rules:

  1. Do not be lazy to constantly check the heads of your children and pay attention to your own condition.
  2. If the disease is confirmed, immediately proceed to medical manipulations.
  3. It will also be necessary to process the things of a person who is ill. Wash bedding very carefully (pay special attention to pillowcases), clothes, hats.
  4. If possible, get rid of the towels that were in your use.

Always give preference only to your personal items (combs, rubber bands, hairpins) and, if possible, collect loose hair on public transport.

Important to remember

Given the fact that folk remedies are famous for their availability and ease of preparation, you should always remember about the existing contraindications and possible complications. In no case should all pregnant women and children use drugs that contain alcohol and toxic substances. If an allergy occurs, you should immediately stop using the product and, if necessary, take antihistamines. Be very careful when using alcohol, peroxide and vinegar. Never forget that they can cause burns and are only harmful if you have obvious scalp damage. And always remember that the therapy prescribed by a specialist is always much safer and more effective than any self-treatment.

At home, you can get rid of lice both with the use of inexpensive and effective pharmaceutical preparations, and using traditional medicine that has been proven for centuries.

Pharmacy funds

Among the inexpensive pharmacy products, there are several pesticides that are on sale, but they must be used in strict accordance with the instructions. Incorrect use and non-compliance with the dosage usually leads to negative health consequences.

The most popular and affordable means are:

  • Medifox;
  • "Nyx";
  • "Para-plus";
  • "Nittifor";
  • "Anti-Bit";
  • "Nit Free".

In the series " Nit Free"includes a complex of preparations, which include only natural ingredients, and the absence of aggressive chemical compounds allows the use of such a tool even for the treatment of children.

Means " Anti-Bit"is available in different forms, the most common of which is shampoo in containers of 150 milliliters. This is a gentle remedy that can even be used to remove lice in young children. If the dosage is exceeded, such a drug can cause an allergic reaction in the form of skin redness, itching and burning.

It is necessary to use such sprays, shampoos and lotions only in accordance with the attached instructions, otherwise poisoning with the insecticidal preparations contained in the products is possible.

Folk methods

Unlike pharmaceutical products containing active chemicals, folk remedies are less dangerous. But most of these methods have not been clinically tested, and from a scientific point of view, they are not complete and correct ways to treat pediculosis. But in practice, the effectiveness of such drugs made it possible to recommend them from the best side. All folk remedies must be used until a complete cure for pediculosis (this may take a different amount of time depending on the structure of the hair).

hellebore tincture

One of such potent remedies that help to quickly get rid of pediculosis is hellebore tincture. Previously, it was prepared by hand, but today the concentrate of such a product can be purchased at a pharmacy. On the basis of such a preparation, the following remedy can be prepared:

  1. A few drops of the remedy are added to a glass of boiling water (if there is a dried hellebore, you can use a few pinches of this herb as an alternative to a pharmaceutical preparation).
  2. Thoroughly mixed in boiling water, the product should be infused for an hour.
  3. After the decoction has cooled to room temperature, it must be intensively rubbed into the scalp, while at the same time applying the product along the entire length of the hair.
  4. The agent is washed off an hour after application (it is advisable to put a rubber cap on your head during its action to enhance the effect).

Hellebore contains an increased amount of alkaloids, which can cause intoxication of the body, therefore, when using the pharmacy version, it is necessary to strictly observe the indicated dosage. Also, due to the high toxicity of the drug, hellebore is not recommended to be used more than once every seven to eight days.

Rinsing the head with vinegar

For this method, which is best used for thick long hair, a 9% vinegar solution is used, which must be diluted in water at a ratio of “1 tablespoon of vinegar per 100 ml. water". The total amount of the product depends on the length and volume of the hair. Further, hair processing takes place in several stages:

During the procedure, it is necessary to ensure that vinegar does not get on the mucous membrane of the eyes: this remedy, even in small quantities and in low concentrations, can cause a burn of the mucous membrane of the eye.

Vinegar is one of the effective remedies in the fight against pediculosis.

Use of kerosene and turpentine

  • a tablespoon is diluted with the same amount of olive or sunflower oil;
  • turpentine and sunflower oil are mixed in the same ratio;
  • kerosene, water and laundry soap grated on a coarse grater are mixed in a ratio of 1: 2: 1, after which the product is diluted with two tablespoons of any shampoo;
  • to kerosene and shampoo, mixed in a ratio of 1: 1, four parts of hot water and six parts of honey are added.

Any of these products is applied to dry hair for one hour, after which the hair is washed with shampoo and rinsed under running water. Sometimes, after applying such an emulsion on the head, slight tingling is possible, which indicates the effect of the product on the skin, but if itching, burning and pain begin, the product must be washed off to avoid a chemical burn. In this case, there is an individual intolerance to turpentine or kerosene, and as an alternative, one of the following methods of removing lice will have to be chosen. The method can be applied every two to three days until complete recovery.

Hydrogen peroxide for lice

Hydrogen peroxide is a gentle remedy that is even used to treat head lice in a child, which can be used daily. One part peroxide is diluted with three parts water, and the hair is treated with this solution. You can wash off the solution from the head in about half an hour, but if the method is used to treat children 5-10 years old, twenty minutes is enough. It is worth noting that peroxide bleaches hair and makes it dry, so this method may not be suitable for people with weak hair. Such a tool will have to be used for a long time: complete elimination of pediculosis is possible only two weeks after the start of the course.

The use of other folk remedies

There are more natural and safer ways to remove lice using natural ingredients. Such methods are suitable for young children and for people with sensitive skin.

Dust soap

Dust soap is a specific product designed specifically for insect control. You just need to lather their head, but do not rinse immediately, but after foaming leave it on your head, putting a plastic bag or rubber cap on it. Depending on the length of the hair, the time during which it is necessary to leave the soap on the head varies. So, for long hair, the optimal time will be 45-60 minutes, and with a short men's haircut, 20 minutes is enough.

The consequence of using such a tool is tangled coarse hair that is difficult to comb. To facilitate the process, you can use a comb dipped in olive oil, or apply a conditioner after the procedure. Dust soap is suitable for daily use.

Juices and tinctures from lice

For young children (3-5 years old), it is better to use natural tinctures based on berries and plants. The most popular recipes for such remedies for pediculosis are the following recipes:

  1. Tansy. Four tablespoons of tansy insist in one liter of boiling water for half an hour. The cooled product can be used to treat hair and scalp. The agent is applied along the entire length of the hair and rubbed into the head, after 20-30 minutes the agent is washed off with running water. Use daily until complete cure.
  2. Cumin seeds, apple cider vinegar. 100-200 grams of crushed cumin seeds are poured into 200 grams of apple cider vinegar, after 10-15 minutes the product is filtered. The product is rubbed into the scalp and washed off only after 4-5 hours, while during the action of the product it is better to be in the sun. Use daily until a positive result is achieved.
  3. Pomegranate juice. 200 grams of natural pomegranate juice are boiled over low heat for no more than five minutes, after which two tablespoons of dried mint are added to it. The resulting product is rubbed into the hair and washed off after 30 minutes with warm water. Recommended daily use until complete recovery.
  4. Cranberry juice, any kind of honey. A teaspoon of honey is added to freshly squeezed cranberry juice (about 500 ml) and stirred until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The resulting product is applied to the head for 40-60 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water. It is applied 1-2 times a day until complete recovery.

Video - How to treat lice with folk remedies at home