How to cure quick seed eruption folk remedy. Problems of the male intimate sphere: how to cure rapid ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is a constant or intermittent early ejaculation before the introduction of the penis into the vagina or less than 2 minutes after the onset of sexual intercourse, the inability to control ejaculation. Symptoms of early ejaculation cause anxiety in the patient and often lead to conflict situations between sexual partners. What sex duration is considered "normal"? According to the literature, the average duration of the frictional period should be from 2 to 10 minutes. In Germany, the duration of sexual intercourse is from 7 minutes. The longest duration of intercourse in the US is 13 minutes.

Women consider the normal duration of sexual intercourse before the onset of ejaculation an average of 11 minutes. In some cases, sexual intercourse can last less than 1 minute and this is not a symptom of early ejaculation, as it brings satisfaction to both partners. So, if sexual partners are satisfied with the duration of sexual intercourse, it is not customary to talk about premature ejaculation, which means that it is not necessary to treat it. There are several names for premature ejaculation: premature ejaculation, early ejaculation, early ejaculation, rapid ejaculation, rapid ejaculation, accelerated ejaculation, accelerated ejaculation. Wikipedia has a whole section dedicated to the symptoms of premature ejaculation.

What are the causes of premature ejaculation?

The causes of early ejaculation are divided into primary and secondary (acquired).

Primary is called premature ejaculation, which occurs from the beginning of sexual activity or from the first sexual experience. Secondary is considered premature ejaculation, which occurred against the background of an initially normal sexual life, which can sometimes be associated with the development of other diseases and be their manifestation. Secondary premature ejaculation can be true, developed as an independent disease, or it can be symptomatic or appear as one of the manifestations of another disease. There are early ejaculation: psychogenic, organic, combined.

  • Urological causes of early ejaculation: inflammatory diseases of the prostate, penis, enuresis, chronic urogenital pain, short frenulum, the presence of endothelial erectile dysfunction;
  • Common causes of early ejaculation are hormonal disorders: testosterone deficiency, thyroid dysfunction, hypercortisolemia, hyperinsulinemia, hyperleptinemia;
  • Among the causes of premature ejaculation, there are also neurobiological disorders: improper interaction of dopamine and serotonin receptors in the brain, inadequate endorphin supply to the brain, the presence of serotonergic hyperactivity and oxidative stress, genetic predisposition;
  • Neurological causes of premature ejaculation: increased sensitivity of the head, decreased efferent and afferent pathways, the presence of metabolic neuropathy;
  • Metabolic disorders are common causes of early ejaculation in modern society: obesity, diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome, oxidative stress, homocysteinemia, use of drugs with side effects on ejaculation;
  • With early ejaculation, there may be changes in the nutraceutical status: a decrease in the level of magnesium, vitamin B6, phthalates.
  • Very often, the organic causes of premature ejaculation are combined with psychological problems: fears, stress, depression, anxiety, decreased libido, poor sleep, a rare rhythm of sexual activity, unsolvable marital problems.

What is the diagnosis of premature ejaculation?

The amount of diagnostics to identify the causes of early ejaculation depends on the alleged causes of premature ejaculation. In any case, a course of treatment for premature ejaculation should be prescribed only after a thorough examination by a qualified specialist in the diagnosis and treatment of sexual dysfunctions in men. Below are some diagnostic techniques.

Determination of the functional state of the vascular endothelium (Angioscan). A modern method for diagnosing erectile dysfunction is to conduct an angio-scanning (scanning of blood vessels) and assess the state of blood vessels and the risks of cardiovascular diseases several years before the onset of pronounced clinical symptoms of the development of such diseases as atherosclerosis, hypertension, heart failure, diabetes, coronary disease, pre-stroke and pre-infarction condition. With the help of an optical sensor (LED), the indicators of the pulse wave of the blood volume at the fingertip are measured. Testing takes a few minutes and is completely harmless. The Angioscan device measures the following parameters: heart rate, vascular stiffness, pulse wave type, biological age of the vessels, stress level, saturation index (hemoglobin saturation with oxygen). The test results are displayed on the screen of the device, explained by drawings and a visual scale, and handed out.

Comprehensive health assessment (3D scanning). Scanning the body on the Estek device (EIS) is a method for determining the state of the body, the general screening of diseases, as a result of which you can get recommendations on lifestyle and nutrition. The diagnostic program covers all known risk factors and mechanisms of diseases in all body systems and is aimed primarily at early detection of diseases or predispositions to them. EIS is a diagnosis based on the removal and software interpretation of an electrosomatogram and is carried out by measuring the bioelectrical impedance of the human body. The test results are displayed on the screen and handed out in printed form.

How to cure premature ejaculation? How to treat pills for early ejaculation?

Treatment of premature ejaculation is a significant challenge. And it must be carried out with a sexual partner. Treatment of early ejaculation is divided into: conservative and surgical. Depending on the identified cause of early ejaculation, psychotherapeutic, medicinal, physiotherapeutic or microsurgical correction of ejaculation is carried out. In the treatment of the problem of early ejaculation in complex therapy, reflexology, acupuncture and various physiotherapeutic methods are highly effective.

  • Urological causes of early ejaculation are eliminated by anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of diseases of the prostate and penis;
  • If the cause of early ejaculation is hormonal disorders, testosterone or thyroid preparations are most often prescribed;
  • In the presence of endothelial erectile dysfunction, drugs to improve potency are highly effective;
  • With neurobiological disorders, pharmacotherapy includes treatment with drugs of various groups: antidepressants, anxiolytics, serotonin reuptake inhibitors, dietary supplements. 1st line therapy - daily or on-demand use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors as directed by a physician. Conservative treatment of hypersensitivity, carried out with the help of a condom and anesthetic ointments applied to the head of the penis in the area of ​​the frenulum, the ointment should be immediately before sexual contact for 10-15 minutes;
  • If the cause of early ejaculation is metabolic disorders, then drugs are used to treat obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, oxidative stress.

Often the pills are not effective and then surgical treatment is carried out - circumcision of the foreskin with plastic frenulum or microsurgical denervation of the head of the penis. There are various modifications of this operation. The meaning of the operation is to cross and reconnect the nerve trunks that conduct impulses from the receptors of the head to the ejaculation center of the central nervous system. This allows you to reduce the sensitivity of the head of the penis and significantly lengthen the time before the onset of ejaculation. During the period of full restoration of sensitivity (from six months to two years), a new, longer, reflex neural arch is formed, which avoids the recurrence of premature ejaculation. It should be borne in mind that the surgical treatment of premature ejaculation, in particular the intersection of the nerves that provide the sensitivity of the glans penis (the so-called selective neurotomy) can lead to a permanent loss of penile sensitivity, and as a result, a deterioration in the quality of erections and a weakening of orgasm.

What physiotherapeutic methods are used for premature ejaculation?

The task of the physiotherapist in case of premature ejaculation on the basis of the identified cause is to provide. Usually 10 procedures are carried out daily or every other day for 40-50 minutes.

Visual color impulse stimulation. Therapy using special artificial color emitters acting directly through the eyes is called the method of visual color stimulation. In this case, a complex effect of four factors is carried out: color, rhythm, modulation of light signals and the level of illumination of the light field. The human eye serves as a receiver for the correction of the regulatory structures of the brain (hypothalamus, pineal gland, pituitary gland), and through them - the neuroendocrine, immune and other systems.

Electrosleep therapy. It has a sedative effect due to the inhibition of the activity of the reticular formation and the activation of serotonergic neurons.

Medicinal electrophoresis with psychostimulants or vitamins transsorbently according to Bourguignon or endosal. To eliminate pathological dominant relationships in the CNS, it is necessary to create a new, stronger focus of excitation, i.e. new dominant.

To lengthen the time of ejaculation, SMT is used on the reflexogenic zones of the spinal centers of erection and ejaculation or novocaine electrophoresis of the lower thoracic spine (T8-L1).

Galvanization of the panty zone or electrophoresis with magnesium on this zone is used to improve the trophism of the spinal segments and restore disturbed neuroreflex connections.

ultrasound therapy. Ultrasound has a trophic, anti-inflammatory effect by stimulating regeneration, activating microcirculation in the affected area. They affect the sacral spinal segments.

With accelerated ejaculation, acupuncture or laser puncture is used, acting on various points.

What is an effective way to treat premature ejaculation discussed in the forums?

According to the reviews of patients and many doctors, a modern and unique method of conservative treatment is the introduction of hyaluronic acid injections into certain areas of the glans penis - augmentation of the glans penis. Hyaluronic acid creates a "cushion" between the skin and nerve endings, thereby reducing the sensitivity of the glans penis. Since the technique of administration is the main success factor for this procedure, the injection of this drug should only be carried out by a doctor who has undergone special training in the technique of injection into the urogenital zones. It is discussed on the forums that this method does not require placement in a hospital. The procedure is performed on the day of treatment, under local anesthesia with modern anesthetics and takes from 15 to 50 minutes. According to patients' reviews after penis augmentation, it is very convenient that the patient can immediately go home. With combined treatment, the effect develops in the shortest possible time (up to 10 days). After the operation, the patient can have sex in a week. On the forums, patients note that this procedure can replace the more dangerous dorsal neurotomy.

In various forums you will find a ton of advice on how to deal with premature seed eruption or early seed eruption. What only reviews and recommendations you will not see. The causes of premature seed eruption or early seed eruption are many, but there is no single solution. I'll try to summarize the problem.

It is necessary to understand the relativity of the concept of "early ejaculation." So, it is hardly possible to consider a man insolvent who did not satisfy his partner after a 5-10-minute intercourse, proceeding "by all the rules." Consequently, much depends on the woman, her physical and emotional state, health.

At home, to lengthen sexual intercourse, you must lead an active lifestyle. Do daily gymnastics and exercises to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor, go in for physical culture and sports. Adjust the regime of work and rest, eat right.

It is necessary to normalize the rhythm of ejaculation. Have a regular sex life. This is important for both partners: long-term abstinence accelerates the onset of ejaculation in a man, but prolongs the timing of an orgasm in a woman. Therefore, it is advisable, if a man is able to do this, to repeat the sexual intercourse. At the same time, its duration is lengthened in a man and accelerated in a woman, since she retains the excitement from the first intimacy. With age, this dissonance is observed less and less, as mutual adaptation occurs.

Sexual, psychological, behavioral therapy, self-regulation and a method of distraction, behavioral therapy is to form in a man a clear recognition of the sensations that precede the onset of orgasm and the ability to control this process using various techniques.

It is necessary to reduce the pathological readiness of the male body for ejaculation. At the first sign of an approaching early ejaculation, a woman can stop it by repeatedly pressing her finger on the head of the penis in the place where it fuses with the "bridle" (the flow of impulses from the genital area to the central nervous system, which increase excitation, is interrupted). Sexual-behavioral therapy - "stop-start" and "pause-compression", "compression method" - 3-4 seconds before ejaculation, tight compression of the frenulum area;

In some cases, you can use the method of distraction: during intercourse, a man switches his attention: he thinks about industrial or domestic problems, etc. Some are helped by arbitrary contraction of the anal sphincter.

Delaying the act is possible if a man, with a deep introduction of the penis, makes only short jolts. In this case, the head, which is the most sensitive, remains in the region of the pear-shaped expanded inner part of the vagina, where it receives little irritation, and the base touches the orgastic cuff, i.e., the most sensitive zone.

Sexual intercourse can be prolonged if friction is periodically stopped before ejaculation. At this time, it is necessary to continue the stimulation of the woman's erogenous zones (finger, tongue). If the erection weakens, the friction should be continued.

Control of premature ejaculation. Technique of sex with early ejaculation. How does a man learn at home the ability to regulate the level of sexual arousal?

  • Control of premature ejaculation. The principle is as follows: first - with independent masturbation training, then - with training with his wife, then - with coitus.
  • Masturbation with a dry hand for up to 15 minutes maintaining an erection without ejaculation for three consecutive attempts. Training necessarily ends with ejaculation.
  • Masturbation with lubricant (Vaseline) for up to 15 minutes maintaining an erection without ejaculation for three attempts in a row. The training ends with ejaculation.
  • Masturbation with the wife's dry hand for up to 15 minutes maintaining an erection without ejaculation for 3 attempts in a row. The training will definitely end with ejaculation.
  • Masturbation with lubrication or blowjob for up to 15 minutes, maintaining an erection without ejaculation for three consecutive attempts. The training ends with ejaculation.
  • Sexual intercourse in the position of a rider (the wife sits on top) without movement or with interruption of movement when ejaculation approaches, may be with the removal of the penis from the vagina. Duration 15 min. maintaining an erection without ejaculation in three attempts in a row. The training ends with ejaculation.

How is early ejaculation treated at home? How to treat folk remedies for premature ejaculation?

With early ejaculation at home, start eating right. Remember that you do not have enough foods containing magnesium, vitamins B6, amino acids. At home, with early ejaculation, use a variety of foods that contain these substances.

  • Source of amino acids: meat, fish, eggs, dairy products.
  • Source of magnesium: nuts, salads, lard, potatoes.
  • Source of vitamin B6: bread, cereals, legumes.

Treatment of premature ejaculation with drugs is often combined with the use of folk remedies for the treatment of early ejaculation. What herbal preparations can be used for rapid ejaculation? What folk methods of treatment of early ejaculation?

  • Rosehip cinnamon (fruits) - 3 parts, angelica officinalis (root) - 2 parts, common colza (grass) - 1 part, Lyubka two-leaved (root tubers) - 2 parts.
  • Motherwort five-lobed (herb) - 2 parts, common yarrow (herb) - 2 parts, peppermint (leaves) - 1 part, oregano (herb) - 1 part.
  • Root rosehip (fruits) 2 parts, three-leaf watch (leaves) - 1 part, medicinal calendula (flowers) - 1 part, five-lobed motherwort (grass) - 2 parts.

Choose any collection. 2 tbsp. spoons are pre-crushed (coffee grinder), pour 1 liter of boiling water, bring to a boil, simmer for 10 minutes in a sealed container, then pour it into a thermos with the grass, insist overnight. Take during the day 50 ml 30 minutes before meals. Course 3 - 4 months. Then they take a break and change the collection. Despite the improvement with the use of folk remedies, the course continues for at least 12 months. In the future, you can switch to receiving fees in spring and autumn for 2 months.

The material was prepared by a urologist-andrologist, physiotherapist Akimov Oleg Viktorovich.

Premature ejaculation can happen to any man. In adolescents, this may be due to the development of their reproductive system and lack of experience in controlling this process. In an adult male, early ejaculation may have psychological and physiological causes. If such a condition occurs infrequently and can be associated with physical or psycho-emotional fatigue, then you should not worry. Usually, after a good rest, the situation returns to normal. But, if this occurs regularly, then you should consult a doctor, as premature ejaculation can indicate serious health problems.

Very often, men with early ejaculation try to attribute it to fatigue or a stressful situation. But, there are cases to which special attention should be paid. You need to visit a doctor if:

  • The duration of intercourse is different every time.
  • When having sex with a condom, the duration of intercourse increases.

Urologist-andrologist Ruslan Yurievich Petrovich will talk about the causes and treatment of pathology in men:

  • The frictional period in a man in a state of alcoholic period increases.
  • The duration of sexual intercourse increases when using ointments with anesthetics (novocaine).

Men are at risk:

  1. After spinal injury.
  2. Suffering from prostatitis (read about complex treatment at home).
  3. Having a history of pathology of the genitourinary system.
  4. Suffering from osteochondrosis.
  5. Having irregular sex.

Types and symptoms of prostatitis in men

Doctors distinguish primary and secondary forms of pathology:

  • The primary disease is rarely diagnosed. Its causes are innate. In this case, rapid ejaculation is associated with disruption of some parts of the brain that control the work of the testes. The development of pathology may occur due to a violation of the intrauterine development of the fetus or an injury suffered during childbirth. A man can notice premature ejaculation from the first moments of sexual activity. It is impossible to cure the pathology on your own. The patient needs to visit a doctor.
  • A secondary disease is associated with the presence of various pathogenic factors (infections of the genitourinary system, psychological trauma, taking certain medications, etc.). Treatment of premature ejaculation will be easier in those patients who already have sufficient sexual experience.

The reasons

The causes of premature ejaculation can be very different, but only in 2% of cases they are pathological. To find out what is causing this condition, you need to contact a specialist. The main reasons for rapid ejaculation include:

  1. The age of the man. In adolescents and young men, the process of ejaculation during intercourse is uncontrollable. Doctors attribute this to the fact that they are not yet able to fully control this process. Gradually, everything will return to normal.
  2. Strong sexual arousal. This may be in the case of sex with a new partner and does not depend on the age of the man. In this case, special treatment is not required, since over time the excitement will not be so acute, and the sexual intercourse will be short.
  3. Prolonged abstinence. Everyone who has had long breaks in sex notes that in such cases the first few contacts can be very short.

  1. The practice of onanism. If a man masturbates frequently, then rapid ejaculation may occur. This is due to the fact that there is only physiological irritation, and when having sex with a partner, there is also a psychological factor.
  2. Psychological trauma. Any failure in sex, a quarrel or unflattering reviews of a partner about “male power” can cause earlier ejaculation. In such cases, the help of a psychologist may be required.
  3. Physical or emotional overstrain, stressful situation, etc.
  4. Abuse of alcohol or nicotine.

All of these factors are not associated with problems in the body of a man, so treatment in this case is not required. But there are reasons for rapid ejaculation, which are caused by various pathologies (with prostatitis and other diseases). In such cases, in addition to premature ejaculation, the man will experience other symptoms indicating the presence of the disease:

  • Enuresis, or other urological problems.
  • Increased sensitivity of the penis.
  • Hormonal changes in the body.

The allergist-immunologist Ermakov Georgy Aleksandrovich will talk about the causes of pain during urination:

  • Pain in the perineum.
  • neurological problems.
  • Rash, redness or discoloration of the skin in the genital area.

In such situations, a man must definitely consult a doctor and undergo an examination prescribed by him. Only then can a diagnosis be made and treatment can begin.


Having noticed premature ejaculation, a man needs to consult a doctor, otherwise he may develop serious psychological problems that can lead to. To determine what caused this condition, the doctor will prescribe an examination:

  1. Will conduct a survey to find out how long ago premature ejaculation was noticed, how often it occurs, whether the patient has concomitant diseases, etc.
  2. Perform ultrasound and ureteroscopy, which make it possible to assess the state of the genitourinary system and identify its diseases.

In the photo, ultrasound of the inguinal region

  1. Assess the results of a blood test.
  2. Run a series of tests:
  • With lidocaine. Thus, the degree of sensitivity of the glans penis is checked.
  • With antidepressants. The study allows you to determine whether the patient has psychological problems.

After the doctor determines the underlying cause, he can prescribe the necessary treatment.

How to treat rapid ejaculation?

Treatment for premature ejaculation will depend on the underlying cause:

  1. behavioral therapy. To do this, the doctor will develop a specific set of exercises for the couple that can help them during sex.
  2. Psychotherapy. If premature ejaculation is associated with psychological factors, then for treatment, the specialist will try to relieve the patient of existing fears, irritation or stressful situations that could cause problems with ejaculation. For nervous disorders, it is necessary to use antidepressants, for example, Fluoxetine.
  3. Medical treatment. If during the examination inflammatory processes or other health problems were detected, the doctor will prescribe the patient suitable remedies for rapid ejaculation.

Circumcision is one of the methods to reduce the sensitivity of the penis head and get rid of early ejaculation. The figure shows the circular process of removing the foreskin

  1. Surgery in some cases helps to cope with premature ejaculation. Sometimes weak potency may disappear after circumcision or denervation of the head of the penis.
  2. local treatment. In the pharmacy, you can find various topical preparations that help to cope with the problem (gels, lubricants, sprays for premature ejaculation).
  3. The introduction of hyaluronic acid into the glans penis. This procedure helps to reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings, as a result of which you can get rid of premature ejaculation.

Medical treatment

To delay ejaculation, the doctor may advise the use of drugs (drops or tablets for premature ejaculation):

  • "Dapoxetine".
  • "Vardenafil".
  • "Papaverine".

With premature ejaculation, taking

Treatment with folk remedies

Treatment at home can be carried out by traditional medicine, which recommends some herbs for early ejaculation. To slow down ejaculation, you can use:

  1. Alcohol tincture or decoction prepared from lovage root.
  2. A decoction of a mixture of calendula and oregano flowers.

Dear readers, we have prepared for you several recipes for the treatment of premature ejaculation with folk remedies:

  1. Decoction of galangal root.
  2. A decoction of a mixture of calendula, yarrow and wild rose.

Despite the fact that the composition of such products includes exclusively herbal ingredients, it is necessary to consult a doctor before using them, as contraindications are possible.

Treatment options for premature ejaculation depend on the cause. However, each patient who experiences early ejaculation is advised to adhere to certain rules that will help them prevent unpleasant situations:

  • Eat properly. Changing the diet, enriching it with protein foods and avoiding fatty foods, will help overcome rapid ejaculation.
  • Normalize the mode of work and rest in such a way that there is sufficient night sleep (at least 8 hours).
  • Avoid stressful situations. And in order to correct the psycho-emotional state, one should take decoctions of herbs that have a calming effect.

Yoga complex to improve potency. The best exercises for your libido we analyze in the article

  • Go in for sports, with the exception of those types that are associated with weight lifting. Yoga has a good effect.
  • Monitor your health and treat any diseases in a timely manner.
  • Have a regular sex life.
  • If rapid ejaculation is associated with high sensitivity of the penis, then a man is recommended to use a condom.
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle and minimize smoking and alcohol consumption.

Premature ejaculation is unpleasant. However, everyone should remember that it is possible to cope with such a situation. To do this, you should consult a doctor, undergo a comprehensive examination and begin treatment, which will be aimed at eliminating the main cause of early ejaculation.

Under ejaculation understand the process of ejaculation in men, accompanied by very pleasant sensations. There are a large number of violations of this process, and very often men can suffer from premature ejaculation. In this article, you will learn all about what ejaculation is, what are the causes of early ejaculation and how you can get rid of it.

Processes that occur during ejaculation

Many men do not know what ejaculation is and what physiological processes take place in the human body. Needless to say, it is a very complex process. Semen is released during coitus and other types of sexual activity.

Stages of ejaculation such.

  1. Isolation of germ cells from the epididymis.
  2. Spread of these cells towards the back of the vas deferens. At the same time, smooth muscle is reduced.
  3. Adding fluid from vesicles, prostate, bulbourethral glands to semen. This is how sperm is formed.
  4. Due to the rhythmic contraction of the muscles, the actual ejection of the seed occurs. This process is accompanied by very pleasant sensations in the head of the penis, the sexual organ itself and throughout the body. Sometimes there may be small convulsive shudders in it.

During ejaculation, the following changes occur in the male body:

  • jump in blood pressure;
  • a significant increase in the size of the penis, causing the head to turn purple;
  • moisturizing the urethral mucosa;
  • a significant increase in heart rate;
  • strong tension of the penis;
  • cessation of mental activity.

The onset of the outpouring of sperm at the beginning of muscle contraction is inevitable and involuntary, that is, a man cannot restrain this process and reverse it.

Why Do Men Develop Premature Ejaculation?

Premature ejaculation is understood as a condition in which sexual intercourse lasts less than three minutes, and both partners receive incomplete satisfaction from this process. Sometimes there are situations when the release of seminal fluid occurs even before the introduction of the penis into the vagina.

Any rapid ejaculation can be true and false. Causes of false ejaculation:

  • man's inexperience;
  • various kinds of phobias, for example, the fear of being accidentally discovered;
  • increased sensitivity of the glans penis;
  • excessive sexual arousal.

The causes of true rapid ejaculation are as follows:

Knowing the reasons why men ejaculate quickly will help control and delay ejaculation - the so-called "rate of fire"

The influence of certain pathologies on ejaculation

The presence in men of certain pathologies of the reproductive system can adversely affect the time of onset of ejaculation. In some cases, they may have hypersensitivity of the head of the penis. Pathology can be congenital or develop against the background of phimosis and other concomitant diseases. Sometimes ejaculation comes even from touching the head. Sometimes in men.

If it develops in men, then it very often leads to increased sensitivity and, as a result, to early ejaculation. In this case, it has the following features:

  • the time of coitus in this case is very small;
  • the duration of sexual contact increases significantly from the use of intimate lubricant (lubricant) with an anesthetic;
  • repeated sexual contacts are also very short, do not bring satisfaction;
  • ejaculation never occurs before coitus begins;
  • the use of a small amount of alcoholic beverages slightly prolongs coition, relieving the symptoms of overexcitation in men.

With increased sensitivity, the problem can be solved by circumcision. It cures 100 percent balanoposthitis caused by phimosis.

As a result of prostatitis, hypersensitivity develops in almost 100 percent of cases and the time of coitus is shortened. Against the background of inflammation of the prostate, men very often develop vesiculitis, or inflammation of the seminal vesicles. Inflamed vesicles contract very quickly, which contributes to the onset of male ejaculation. Sometimes only a few tens of seconds of stimulation of the head and penis are enough for this.

Note! With inflammation of the seminal vesicles, a man very often ejaculates before intercourse. For this, a slight excitement is enough, sometimes even the very thought of an upcoming contact. Orgasm with such an act is always very sluggish and never brings pleasure.

With the syndrome of paracentral lobules, the focus of excitation is constantly located in the brain. It develops as a result of birth trauma and after suffering. Sometimes the syndrome of paracentral lobules leads to constant pollution - nocturnal ejaculation and violations of the processes of urine excretion (dysuria).

Finally, early ejaculation in men can occur for the following reasons:

  • osteochondrosis (if the lumbar and sacral spine are affected);
  • herniated discs;
  • curvature of this organ;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • Bechterew's syndrome, or ankylosing spondylarthrosis;
  • Parkinson's syndrome;
  • the use of narcotic drugs;
  • chronic alcohol dependence;
  • severe kidney pathology.

Difficulty ejaculation is much less common. The physiological causes of this phenomenon are fatigue, exhaustion. Orgasm without ejaculation can also occur with retrograde ejaculation.

How to eliminate early ejaculation

Sometimes a man may experience neurotic situations that greatly complicate the conduct of a normal sexual intercourse. He discovers that he "does not get up", ejaculation is delayed. Often a man is unnecessarily concentrated on the very process of ejaculation, and not on the very receipt of sexual pleasure. Due to excessive tension, ejaculation occurs very quickly.

To eliminate excessively early ejaculation, you do not need to focus too much on this problem. Sometimes it resolves itself. The main assistants of a man in such an awkward problem are age and sexual experience. If the problem only grows, then you can not do without the help of an experienced specialist.

You can prolong sexual intercourse and slow down ejaculation with the help of these simple tips:

  • use condoms with an anesthetic;
  • during intercourse, try to think on neutral topics;
  • perform Kegel exercises that train the muscles of the perineum;
  • masturbate before coitus.

In some cases, the problem of early ejaculation can be solved by circumcision.

Note! Clamping the urethra to delay ejaculation is strictly prohibited. This can cause chronic prostatitis or vesiculitis.

And other pills may be undesirable for this problem and in some cases can aggravate it. The upcoming fast erection can lead to a rapid eruption of the seed. That is why funds for can only be prescribed by a doctor. Sometimes this problem can be solved by folk remedies. A quick orgasm can be eliminated with the help of sedatives.

How to diagnose pathology

With the appearance of early ejaculation syndrome, a man should contact a urologist, neurologist, andrologist. The doctor first of all collects and studies the anamnesis, is also interested in the sexual characteristics of a man's life. It is very important to answer all the questions of the doctor as honestly and truthfully as possible, without showing false modesty. The correct diagnosis and subsequent treatment depends on this. The doctor must take into account the experience of the man, his age and the presence of concomitant pathologies.

The patient can carry out such diagnostics independently at home. To do this, lubricate with a solution of lidocaine, put on a condom. If the time of sexual intercourse at the same time increases significantly, and the quality of sexual relations also improves significantly, then the problem is solved very simply. Usually a man is asked to be circumcised.

Remember that it is quite possible to cure this disease. Problems with ejaculation are very often psychological in nature, and the work of a psychologist, a sex therapist will help solve it.

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Rapid ejaculation is the premature release of seminal fluid. It occurs within a short time, which is not enough for the psychological satisfaction of both partners. As a rule, rapid ejaculation is characterized by ejaculation before or at the very beginning of sexual intercourse.

Short intercourse is a problem for many men

The concept of rapid ejaculation has changed over time. For example, a few decades ago, official medicine recognized the following: if a man is not able to have sexual intercourse lasting more than two minutes, then he has certain problems in the sexual sphere. Today, the approach to this concept is not so critical.

In modern medicine, there are two concepts:

  1. Short intercourse. If sexual intercourse has occurred, but has an insignificant time duration, then this is more likely to be attributed to the characteristics of the organism than to deviations.
  2. Rapid ejaculation in men. We are talking about those situations when the release of seminal fluid occurs even before the onset of sexual intercourse or in the first seconds of intercourse. In such cases, it is safe to say that a full-fledged sexual intercourse did not take place, and the reason for this was premature ejaculation.

In modern medicine, there are two types of this deviation:

  1. Primary. We are talking about a congenital feature, when the cause of early ejaculation is a violation in the functioning of the nerve centers of the brain. Such cases are quite rare. It is also possible premature ejaculation due to birth trauma or intrauterine development disorders. Deviations in this case appear already at the first sexual experience.
  2. Secondary. Rapid ejaculation occurs due to exposure to any pathogenic factors. These include infections, injuries, the effect of certain drugs. In this case, the patient most often already has experience of normal intimacy, and the disturbed ejaculatory reflex can be restored during therapy.

Reasons for rapid ejaculation

Why does rapid ejaculation occur? To get rid of this problem once and for all, the patient undergoes modern diagnostics, the purpose of which is to identify the causes that caused the development of the deviation. These factors fall into two groups:

  • physiological;
  • psychological.

To understand the mechanism of the development of the disease, it is necessary to consider them in more detail.

Overview of Physiological Causes

The physiological factors of rapid ejaculation include:

  1. High sensitivity of the glans penis. This is the most common cause of rapid ejaculation, and can be either congenital or acquired. In the latter case, increased sensitivity may be due to balanoposthitis or phimosis.
  2. Violation of the functioning of internal organs. It is for this reason that it is so important to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis before treating premature ejaculation. The work of the reproductive system may be affected by a violation in the cortical and subcortical structures. Rapid ejaculation is possible with damage to the lumbosacral spinal cord, bone injuries, urological inflammation, and damage to the pelvic organs.
  3. Chronic vesiculitis. The disease is characterized by inflammation of the seminal vesicles, in which spermatozoa and sperm components accumulate. Against the background of increased sensitivity of the walls of the bubbles, any sexual arousal can cause ejaculation. The development of this disease occurs in parallel with prostatitis, and therefore it should be treated comprehensively.
  4. Hormonal disorders. Such an imbalance can be caused not only by testosterone deficiency, but also by various endocrine disorders, due to which there is an excessive production of prolactin.
  5. Poisoning with harmful substances. Most often, malfunctions in the reproductive system occur against the background of chronic poisoning of the body with nicotine, alcohol and other toxins. Premature ejaculation is a side effect of some medications.

Psychological factors

Fear of intimacy can cause rapid ejaculation

In addition to physiological, there are also psychological factors. If during the diagnosis it turns out that the patient is completely healthy, then the doctor sends him to a psychologist, the purpose of which is to identify one of the following problems:

  1. Fears. Often the failures of the first sexual experience leave a negative imprint on the subsequent sexual life. For example, a person was afraid of being noticed by someone (parents, cohabitants of a student hostel, etc.). There may also be a fear of being unable to satisfy a partner and be rejected. Only a psychologist can help a person overcome such feelings.
  2. Lack of trust among partners. This is a fairly common cause of rapid ejaculation. If there is no understanding and trust between a man and a woman, there is dissatisfaction with personal life, then the development of rapid ejaculation is quite possible. Such violations are often manifested in those men who consider sex an end in itself.
  3. chronic stress. If a man is a workaholic, then his sleep often suffers from this, depression and chronic stress conditions occur. As a result, all this can cause rapid ejaculation.

Premature ejaculation can occur in people of all ages. But most often, such problems are detected in young people who are just starting to have sex. And as a rule, with the acquisition of a certain sexual experience, such shortcomings go away by themselves. But this is possible only with the proper support of the partner.

If rapid ejaculation is observed in adulthood, then it requires immediate treatment. In this case, the help of a specialist is simply necessary, since this condition does not go away on its own.

Problem Diagnosis

Before you get rid of rapid ejaculation, you need to establish its cause. Since there may be several reasons for such a condition, the diagnosis should be complex. First of all, a check is made of physiological factors that can cause rapid ejaculation. If the patient is healthy, then he receives a referral to a psychologist who will help him solve this problem.

Very often, it is possible to determine the specific cause of the disease already at the first visit of the patient to a specialist. An experienced doctor knows what to look for during the initial examination. If the patient has a permanent sexual partner, then his participation in the survey is mandatory. As a result, the treatment is selected depending on what was the cause of the disease.

Modern treatment for rapid ejaculation

Medicine involves several approaches to the treatment of this pathology:

  1. Medical therapy. If the problem arose for physiological reasons, then it should be eliminated with medicines.
  2. Physiotherapy treatment. It is a good addition to the main treatment, allowing you to make it more effective.
  3. Psychotherapy. If the disease is psychological in nature, then this is the only way to deal with it.
  4. microsurgical correction. It is used when none of the previous options helped.

Very fast ejaculation of the secondary type most often involves treatment with conservative methods. If we talk about secondary symptomatic early ejaculation, then its elimination occurs in the process of treating the true nature of the disease. For example, if the cause of the pathology is urethritis or prostatitis, then the correct treatment of these diseases can significantly increase the duration of sexual intercourse.

At the moment, rapid ejaculation is effectively treated using the following techniques:

  1. Performing sexual, behavioral and psychotherapy aimed at controlling the duration of ejaculation.
  2. The use of physiotherapy techniques, reflexology and acupuncture.
  3. conservative methods of treatment. To effectively combat hypersensitivity, you can use condoms with prolongators and special anesthetic ointments. They are applied topically 20 minutes before sexual intercourse.
  4. Treatment of rapid ejaculation often involves the fight against inflammation and infections of the urinary tract.
  5. If there are psychological causes of the disease, pharmacotherapeutic methods should be used in the treatment. To do this, you should use anxiolytics, antidepressants and other drugs that can increase the duration of sexual intercourse.
  6. Surgical methods of treatment in the simplest version involve circumcision of the foreskin. This approach allows you to increase the time of sexual intercourse by 2-3 times. Also, denervation of the glans penis can be performed using the latest techniques of microsurgery and frenuloplasty.
  7. Surgical treatment may also include the intersection of those nerves that provide sensation to the head. This operation should be performed by a qualified specialist, because if the procedure is carried out incorrectly, a complete loss of the sensitivity of the organ is possible.

Treatment of rapid ejaculation with drugs

The drug helps to prolong sexual intercourse

How to treat rapid ejaculation? Early ejaculation is often treated through the use of special drugs. The most popular of them are:

  1. Dapoxetine. It is a selective short-acting inhibitor and is able to prolong sexual intercourse by 3 or even 5 times. This effect is achieved due to the ability of the drug to block brain receptors by absorbing serotonin. Effective pills for rapid ejaculation in men.
  2. erectile The drug effectively fights erectile dysfunction and prevents rapid ejaculation in men.
  3. Konegra. The principle of operation and composition of this tool is similar to that described above.
  4. Sealex. Plant-based drug. This is a dietary supplement that includes ginseng root, which helps increase libido. Improves erection and prolongs sexual intercourse.
  5. Lidocaine. Reduces sensitivity when applied topically. Works as an anesthetic for 40-50 minutes.
  6. Viagra, Cialis and Levitra. Effective cures for rapid ejaculation. These drugs allow you to restore potency and prolong sexual intercourse.

These are the main drugs for rapid ejaculation, the effectiveness of which has been proven both in clinical trials and by the patients themselves.

Folk remedies

Various remedies for rapid ejaculation are widely known among the people. Consider the recipes of the most popular of them:

  1. A decoction of rose hips. An effective remedy for rapid ejaculation. It is necessary to mix 50 grams of dried rose hips, herbs of two-leafed love and colza, as well as the root of medicinal angelica. The resulting mixture is poured with a liter of boiling water and infused for half an hour. The remedy must be taken in a quarter cup twice a day.
  2. Mix 2 tablespoons of herb motherwort, oregano, yarrow and peppermint. Pour the resulting mixture with 500 ml of boiling water and leave for about half an hour. Take half a cup before meals.
  3. In equal proportions (2 tablespoons each), take motherwort herb, rose hips, dried calendula flowers and three-leaf watch leaves. Brew like tea in a liter of water. Drink a quarter cup twice a day.

Prevention of rapid ejaculation

A healthy lifestyle is an essential condition for prevention

Experts identify several rules, adhering to which, you can forget about this problem once and for all. For this you need:

  • eat right, eating foods rich in magnesium and zinc;
  • play sports (jogging, doing exercises, taking walks in the fresh air);
  • establish trust between partners;
  • avoid stress as much as possible.

Too fast ejaculation can have an extremely negative impact on a person's life. Therefore, this problem should be dealt with by contacting a specialist. Since there can be many reasons for such a condition, it is necessary to conduct a thorough diagnosis in order to establish the true cause of the disorder.

Premature ejaculation (ejaculation) is characterized by a short sexual intercourse (less than 3 minutes), as a result of which there is no complete sexual satisfaction with both sexual partners.

Occurs either before sexual intercourse, or shortly after its onset in the presence of a systematic sexual life.

Causes of premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation can develop at any age. Allocate:

  • true;
  • false.

False ejaculation develops mainly in young men who are inexperienced in sexual relations. This may be accompanied by such experiences as, for example, the fear of being taken by surprise. Also, the reasons may be:

  • overexcitation;
  • hypersensitivity of the glans penis.

Among the causes of true premature ejaculation are:

  • lack of magnesium in the body;
  • heredity;
  • inflammatory diseases of the male reproductive system;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • spinal injuries;
  • the actions of certain drugs;
  • genital trauma.

All reasons can be divided into:

  • physiological;
  • psychological.

The main problem in this case is the man's neurosis or anxiety about sexual intercourse. A man concentrates only on the process of ejaculation itself, and not on enjoying physical intimacy. This can lead to excessive tension and rapid ejaculation.

When such situations occur frequently, a man develops a fear of sexual contact. In fact, he avoids sexual intercourse for fear of not satisfying his partner. Such a neurosis can only increase erectile dysfunction.

The most common psychological cause of premature ejaculation may be overexcitation or infrequent sexual intercourse. At the same time, tension quickly builds up and leads to rapid ejaculation and orgasm.


The psychological problems of premature ejaculation often resolve themselves. Age and experience become the main assistants in the problem.

But sometimes problems are not solved, but only grow. In this case, the help of a specialist is needed: a psychologist, a sex therapist.

Going to a psychologist is not an easy step, but sometimes only he can solve the problem

A huge role in solving this problem is played by a trusting relationship with a partner. An understanding and sensitive woman will be able to solve this trouble better than qualified specialists.

Prolongation of sexual intercourse

With a short sexual intercourse that does not suit the partner, they recommend:

  • use condoms with anesthetic;
  • during sex, think about abstract topics;
  • perform special exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles;
  • engage in masturbation before sexual intercourse;


You can not pinch the urethra with your hands to delay ejaculation. This often leads to chronic prostatitis.

Physiological causes of premature ejaculation

Hypersensitivity of the head of the penis

Causes of premature ejaculation can be associated with a very sensitive glans penis. Such a pathology can be congenital or occur as a result of diseases of the genital organs.

With balanoposthitis, there is usually a strong irritation of the tissues of the genital organs and rapid ejaculation.

Problems in the intimate sphere often hit relationships

Such ejaculation may have its own characteristics:

  • the time of sexual intercourse with hypersensitivity is almost always the same;
  • special lubricants with anesthetic help;
  • repeated sexual intercourse does not differ much in time;
  • premature ejaculation practically does not occur before intercourse;
  • the use of alcoholic beverages slightly prolongs sexual intercourse.


  • circumcision operation - with phimosis and balanoposthitis caused by phimosis - this is one of the most effective ways;
  • use of special lubricants with anesthetics.

chronic inflammatory diseases

Against the background of prostatitis, chronic vesiculitis may occur, which affects the seminal vesicles. Sperm accumulate in the vesicles. During ejaculation, they contract and eject the contents into the urethra.

When the bubbles become inflamed, they contract much faster. This requires a slight sexual arousal.

With vesiculitis, premature ejaculation in men develops gradually. In contrast to the hypersensitivity of the glans penis, with vesiculitis, ejaculation can occur before intercourse. Ejaculation during orgasm can be painful and not satisfying.

Subsequent acts require much more time. Drinking alcohol in this case only worsens the situation.

Urethritis, prostate adenoma, inflammation of the seminal hillock can also be causes.

paracentral lobule syndrome

Most often, the cause of this disease can be a birth injury or pathology of the development of the fetus. Less often, this disease is acquired in childhood. With a history of concussion, the risk of developing SPD increases.

Perhaps the problem lies in the head

With this disease, a focus of overexcitation appears in the brain. More often, overexcitation is accompanied by dysfunction of urination and frequent wet dreams during regular sexual intercourse.

Dysregulation of ejaculation

The cause of premature ejaculation may be diseases that affect the regulation of ejaculation. Main diseases:

  • osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral region;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • scoliosis;
  • spinal injury;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • ankylosing spondylitis;
  • fractures of the spine and pelvis;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • alcoholism, drug addiction;
  • kidney failure.

Diagnosis of premature ejaculation

Before making a correct diagnosis, the doctor finds out the sexual and medical history, prescribes laboratory tests to rule out chronic infections and other problems.

As a result of the survey, the doctor takes into account the age of the man, his sexual experience, sexual activity.

You can independently conduct a test with lidocaine (in the absence of allergies!). To do this, before sexual intercourse, it is lubricated with lidocaine and a condom is put on.

If, as a result of this test, the time of sexual contact increases and the quality of sex improves, then the man is offered to be circumcised.
