What is the name of the girl Batman. Batman: Arkham Knight - Gotham's femme fatales

Real name: Selina Kyle

Nicknames: The Cat, Irena Dubrovna, Elva Barr, Sadie Kelowski, Madame Moderne, Marguerite Tone, Belinda.

Relatives: Father - Brian Kyle (Brian Kyle), Mother - Maria Kyle (Maria Kyle), Sister - Maggie Kyle (Maggie Kyle), Daughter - Helena Kyle (Helena Kyle), Ancestor - Lorna Kyle (Lorna Kyle)

Gender Female

Height: 175 cm.

Weight: 60 kg.

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Black

Position: Neutral

Universe: New Earth

Location: Gotham City

First Appearance: Batman #1, 1940

Publisher: DC Comics

Creators: Bill Finger, Bob Kane

Description of Catwoman

Catwoman is one of the most popular female characters in the DC Universe. A complex character, extraordinary abilities and sexy appearance make her one of the brightest representatives of superheroes and supervillains.

Catwoman made her debut in 1940 in the first issue of the Batman comic book as a negative character. Inspired by Batman, she leads a double life. In the first, she is Selina Kyle, an orphanage girl who lives with her friend Holly in a poor area of ​​Gotham and pretends to be a prostitute. In the second, she is a clever thief and a mercenary in a cat costume, cleaning the houses of rich people.

Catwoman's rich arsenal includes razor-sharp glove claws, a whip, bolas, spikes, and sleeping powder. Combined with ninja acrobatic skills and acting skills, Selina becomes a professional house thief, capable of taking on the police and playing cat and mouse with Batman. In the future, these games lead to the beginning of a romantic relationship between the characters and a change in the occupation of Catwoman.

Although originally introduced as an equal match for Batman, Catwoman's status is ambiguous. Catwoman has her own moral code, and from time to time teams up with the heroes to confront a common threat.

Over the years, the Cat becomes a positive character and eventually gets a separate comic book series at its disposal.

The character currently has 5 comic book series of his own, is ranked 11th in the Top 100 Comic Book Villains and 20th in the Top 100 Comic Book Heroes.

Biography of Catwoman

Young years

Selina Kyle (Catwoman) was born in one of the poor areas of Gotham. From childhood, her life was full of tragedies and trials. Her mother (Maria Kyle) preferred to spend time with her cats rather than pay attention to her and her sister Maggie. One day, when Selina was 6 years old, she returned from school and found her mother in the bathroom, in a pool of her own blood. Later it became known that Maria committed suicide by cutting her wrist with a razor. Their father was an alcoholic and often allowed himself to raise his hand to Selina. Ultimately, alcoholism led him to severe poisoning and death. The sisters were orphaned, Meggie ended up in an orphanage, and Selina decided to live on the street and ran away.

Once on the street, the Cat had to become a petty thief in order to survive. She stole food from stores until one day she was caught and sent to a shelter. Selina's great willfulness did not allow her to establish a good relationship with the director of the shelter, as a result of which she was subjected to periodic violence from her. One day, using her thieving skills, Selina snuck into the director's office and found out that she was stealing, embezzling the shelter's money for herself. The headmistress, having learned about this event, decided to get rid of the girl and threw her in a bag into the ocean. Fortunately, Selina was able to get out of the bag and swim out. Having made her way to the shelter, Selina decides to take revenge on the headmistress and steals documents confirming her crimes. Having given the documents to the police, Catwoman appropriates all the director's money and goes to live on the streets of Gotham.

Adulthood: the birth of Catwoman

As she grew older, Selina Kyle turned to prostitution and returned to stealing. Possessing good acrobatic skills, she robbed the homes of rich Gotham residents and museums. Once, while committing another crime, Selina was prevented by an unknown ninja. The wayward Cat decided to pursue the unexpected hindrance. After tracking him down, she discovered a secret martial arts academy and decided to stay there for training. The academy sensei was reluctant to accept her, but Selina showed off her acrobatic skills and was honored to be the first female ninja student.

Over time, Selina acquired many skills and became the best student in the class, which earned her the hatred and envy of other male students. Kai was one of those students. He made an attack on Selina, but underestimated his opponent and received several scars on his face. Kai called Selina "Catwoman", and took the nickname "Hellhound" (HellHound) for himself.

In parallel with these events, a fighter against evil under the name Batman appeared in the city. Selina did not expect to meet him, but one day, while walking in the park, she saw the Dark Knight running away from the police. Inspired by the Batman costume, Selina purchases a cat costume with all her savings and uses her new skills to thieves. From that moment on, the character Catwoman is born.

Catwoman's abilities

cat friendliness

Catwoman has an excellent relationship with the cat family. They tend to immediately recognize her as a friend, not an enemy. This allows Catwoman to calm lost pets, befriend them, and train them. In the future, this allows you to use the cats at your discretion and rely on their protection in case of danger.

martial arts expert

She trained in boxing and street fighting, as well as learning the art of ninja from an armless sensei. Catwoman is a dangerous, intelligent and resourceful fighter known for her reflexes, flexibility, speed and balance. Catwoman is also proficient in Kung Fu and Karate. Her skills are enough to successfully fend off Batman's attacks, and sometimes even defeat him.

Thief skills

Catwoman has excellent stealing skills. Unrivaled stealth allows Selina to go unnoticed in almost any situation. And knowledge of hacking allows her to carry the title of the best burglar in Gotham.


Catwoman often resorts to the art of disguise. Frequent dressing up and acting skills allow her to confuse any pursuer.

Equipment Catwoman

Catwoman costume

The cat wears a tight-fitting suit, with retractable razor-sharp claws. The suit completely fits the heroine, which allows her to move as silently as possible and maintain combat effectiveness. Following Batman's example, the costume includes a mask, which keeps Selina anonymous and accentuates her feline image. All materials used in the suit retain heat and protect against moisture.

Motorcycle Catwoman

Selina also has a motorcycle in her arsenal, allowing her to travel long distances. In general, the Cat prefers a crouching method of getting around the rooftops and streets of Gotham for short distances, using a motorcycle on rare occasions.

Weapon Catwoman

Catwoman's main weapons are gloves and boots with claws. Such weapons, coupled with the skills of a ninja, allow her to successfully withstand most opponents and move along vertical surfaces. The impact force of this weapon in the hands of Selina has great power and can break through the car door through. In addition to his claws, the Cat constantly uses a black braided leather whip, which is located on the belt. This weapon has become the hallmark of Catwoman along with claws. Also in Selina's arsenal is a gun that puts powder and bolas to sleep.

In contact with

Batman is the most popular and most filmed comic book. It enjoys tremendous popularity not only in America, but all over the world. Like James Bond stories, Batman films are made by different directors, and different actors play his role. And like James Bond, Batman has a new girlfriend in every movie that needs to be saved and made to fall in love with himself. In this post, I decided to collect all the charming girlfriends of Batman from all the film adaptations.

Lee Meriwether
She accompanied Batman in Leslie Martinson's first feature-length comic book adaptation in 1966.

Kim Basinger
Had a crush on Michael Keaton in Tim Burton's first Batman movie, filmed in 1989

Michelle Pfeiffer
The famous Catwoman, who was embodied in the same Burton film "Batman Returns" with the same Keaton in 1992.

Nicole Kidman
Was the girl who was saved by Val Kilmer in Joel Schumacher's 1995 film Batman Forever.

Alicia Silverstone
In the 1997 film "Batman & Robin", again directed by Joel Schumacher, Batman's assistant, played by George Clooney, was Alicia Silverstone.

Uma Thurman
But there was another girl in this film who just opposed Batman, but helped the bad Dr. Frost performed by Schwarzenegger. I can't get past her either.

Katie Holmes
This young star became Christian Bale's girlfriend in Christopher Nolan's Batman Begins in 2005.

Maggie Gyllenhaal
She played the Batman girl in the latest film adaptation of the same Nolan's "The Dark Knight", the film was released in 2008

Now Christopher Nolan has started filming the third Batman movie "The Dark Knight Rises" the film is due out in 2012. Nolan will be the first director to shoot more than 2 parts of Batman. Two beautiful girls will play in the new film at once
Anne Hathaway

Her weapons are a stinging whip and sharp claws. Cynicism and prudence strike even villains. The gait and purring voice fascinate superheroes. An insidious temptress, a talented thief and a skilled manipulator. Selina Kyle, better known as Catwoman, is the most controversial character in comics. And definitely the sexiest.

History of creation

The first appearance of the seductive catwoman took place in the spring of 1940. The character was a minor character in Batman #01. The sexy beauty was brought into the story to add spice and draw women's attention to the print edition. Bob Kane - the "father" of Batman and Catwoman - said that the inspiration for the image of Selina Kyle were Hollywood divas and Jean Harlow.

Since the character was not planned to be developed, the biography of the catwoman was not thought out. Initially, the nameless girl did not have her own story, but the interest of readers forced Bob Kane and Bill Finger to give the heroine a past. Selina became a flight attendant who survived a plane crash and lost her memory. But the negative reviews that the provocative image of the character caused served as an excuse to remove the thief from the plot. Readers found Catwoman's qualities too ambiguous and too vicious.

Selina Kyle returned to the superhero universe in 1987. Frank Miller and David Mazzucchelli, who decided to restart Batman, returned the character to the plot. After 3 years, the heroine received her own limited series of comics, where the authors told in detail the story of a sharp-tongued housekeeper.


Selina Brian Kyle was born in a poor area of ​​Gotham. The girl's parents were not worried about raising their daughter: the mother took care of her favorite cats, and the unemployed father was regularly applied to the bottle. Selina took care of herself and her own sister on her own. From the age of 6, the girl amazed others with her flexibility and endurance. Gutta-percha Selina easily climbed onto the roof through the drainpipe and penetrated through the windows.

Soon, the girls' mother commits suicide, and after another 6 years, the alcoholic father dies. Girls are separated into different shelters. Selina ends up in the Sprang Hall Juvenile Detention Center. A teenager lives among juvenile delinquents and quickly realizes that life in a cage is not for her.

Selina breaks into the director's office and, having found out the details of the machinations that the dishonest official was pulling, runs away from the center. For the first time, the girl uses blackmail. Selina forces the director to delete all information about herself from the databases, gives the inhabitants of the institution the opportunity to escape and goes to a free life.

To feed on the streets of Gotham, the future Catwoman is trained in the techniques of theft. The girl quickly learns to open locks and silently enter rich houses. Such a lifestyle is unsafe, so Selina masters the techniques of karate and boxing. In parallel, the girl develops gymnastic abilities, which are so useful in the thieves' business.

One day, a girl meets on the streets of the East End (the area where she lives) a young prostitute, Holly Robertson. Selina takes patronage over the girl and at the same time masters a new profession. Kyle understands that the work of a girl of easy virtue will open her doors to rich houses. In addition, the image of a dominatrix who trades in BDSM entertainment is close to her in character.

Full transformation into a catwoman occurs with Selina after meeting with the Dark Knight. Watching the action from cover, Kyle realizes he needs gear too. Having bought a carnival cat costume with the last money, Selina robs a jewelry store. The guard, who noticed the girl, gives the local authorities a description of the robber, in which the phrase "catwoman" sounds. So Selina acquires a new name and signature costume.

There are also dark spots in the story of the heroine. Despite the fact that the girl adheres to strict moral rules and does not harm people, Kyle is involved in the murder. By chance, the heroine learns about the actions of a villain named "Black Mask". A crime lord has taken over Gotham and attacked Selina's sister's family. The husband of Kyle's youngest family is killed, and Black Mask forced his sister to eat the victim's eyes. Selina could not leave such actions without punishment.

A special place in the life of a cat woman is occupied by a man-bat. If at first Selina is opposed to Batman, then over time, the attitude of the characters takes on a different character. Constant confrontation is replaced by sympathy. The Dark Knight awakens feelings for a caustic and independent thief. The influence of Bruce Wayne makes Catwoman go over to the side of good. But the idyll does not last long.

By chance, Selina learns that she served as a test subject for Zatanna. The woman used superpowers to influence the mind of the thief. Now Catwoman is not sure if she is so attracted to the light side and if she really needs Batman.

The discord in the relationship does not prevent the girl from helping her former (and sometimes again current) lover in the fight against evil. Selina rescues members of the Justice League and helps the heroes restore order in their native Gotham.

An unexpected event in the life of a girl is the birth of a daughter. The child's father is unknown even to the thief's close friends. Selina names the baby Elena and temporarily leaves her job as a superhero. A calm measured life does not last long. Catwoman's enemies find out about the baby, so Selina gives her daughter to an orphanage. The girl asks Zatanna to erase the memories of Elena from her memory in order to protect the baby.

Gradually, settling in the world of superheroes, the girl makes friends and enemies. Catwoman, and form the Gotham Sirens team. The heroines equip a common base and help each other in dangerous operations. However, like all bonds of a cat with other people, the alliance quickly falls apart. The independent beauty is once again walking the rooftops of Gotham on her own.

Screen adaptations

Catwoman's first film appearance was in 1966. In parallel, a television series and a full-length film about an attractive thief were released. In the movie "Catwoman" the role of the insidious seductress went to Lee Meriwether.

In the series with the same name - Julie Newmar.

Batman Returns was released in 1992. The role of a seductive thief was played by an actress. The director of the film is, so most of the scenes are overly gothic. For the image of a catwoman, the artist was awarded the title of "Most Desirable Woman".

In 2004, she tried on the role of a cheat. The film is dedicated to the transformation of an ordinary artist into a catwoman. The film of the same name received a lot of negative reviews and won several Golden Raspberries. The decoration of the film was the fight of the newly appeared heroine with the antagonist, whose role she played.

Neo-noir "The Dark Knight Rises", in addition to becoming the main character, affects the relationship of Bruce Wayne with Selina Kyle. The subject of Batman's love interest embodied. The actress admitted that the role of Catwoman is one of the most difficult in her career.

The series "Gotham" tells about the heroes living in the famous city. The audience unfolds the early years of Selina. The girl has not yet reached the pinnacle of skill and has not acquired an alter ego. She played a young heroine.

In 2019, the movie "Gotham Sirens" will be released. The film will tell about the alliance of Catwoman with other ambiguous comic book heroines - Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy.

  • Millionaire's wife Jocelyn Wildenstein was nicknamed "Catwoman". Wanting to save the marriage, the woman underwent many plastic surgeries. The result of the transformation is terrible. Jocelyn is a victim of plastic surgery, known to the world for her deformity.
  • In the first comics where the heroine is present, Catwoman is simply called "cat", that is, a cat.

  • Initially, Selina did not wear a mask, the girl's face was hidden by light makeup.
  • In the Marvel Universe, there is a character similar to Catwoman. The girl bears the name "Black Cat" and does not neglect latex costumes. In "" the beauty often helps the superhero.


"Honey, I'm home! Oh, I forgot ... I'm not married ... "
“Having understood yourself, you will gain freedom, and freedom is power!”
“My strength is in freedom, I am not afraid of anyone, and no one can tame me. My journey is just beginning."
“Once you give in to circumstances, and you can no longer do what you want.”
“I don't want to rely on anyone but myself. I'll go where I want and take what I want. And I will never look back...

It's time to think about the bright female characters surrounding the unflappable Dark Knight. After all, over the long years of the franchise's existence, Bruce Wayne not only fought crime under the guise of a bat, but also crossed paths with various residents of Gotham. With someone he developed a love relationship, with someone he was friendly, and with someone he did not succeed at all. Each of the heroines has its own history and its own complex connections with Batman, and we will now try to figure it all out.


Let's start with one of the most spectacular girls - Catwoman, in the world - Selina Kyle. She appeared on the pages of comics back in the 1940s. Unlike Batman saving the citizens of Gotham, Catwoman is an anti-heroine who only cares about herself. The girl has a passion for jewelry and is a successful thief. In this craft, she is helped by truly feline agility and hand-to-hand combat skills. Plus, she is strong and hardy, and with her tight black suit, and even with a whip to boot, she can drive anyone crazy.

Selina has managed to seduce Batman as well, and despite her criminal tendencies, he sees the potential for something good in her. Bruce shows a strong affection for the Cat in the comics and in almost every adaptation of the franchise: movies, animated series, and games. And in one of the alternative universes, Selina and Batman even had a daughter.

The first appearance of Catwoman in the games occurred in 1993 in Batman Returns based on the movie Batman Returns. Several versions of the game were released for different consoles, with Selina acting as the "boss" in each of them. Then there was an independent game about the Cat on the Game Boy Color, games of the line lego, but the most responsible approach to the development of the character was in.

Catwoman is able to remain calm even in the most hopeless situation.

In this game, whenever they meet, the Cat flirts with Batman. Her character noticeably distinguishes her from other Gotham girls: Selina is restrained and cold-blooded, but at the same time she does not lose her sense of humor even in a difficult situation and constantly demonstrates her irony and causticity.

The main purpose of Catwoman's adventures in Arkham City is theft. First she plans to loot Two-Face's safe, then she looks into Strange's vault. Already holding suitcases of loot, she sees that Batman needs help and abandons the loot to save him. This once again emphasizes that the Cat is still a positive character, despite her weakness for jewelry.

Talia al Ghul

Another ambiguous heroine with whom Batman has a lot to do is Thalia, the daughter of the supervillain Ra's al Ghul. Unlike the flirtatious and playful Selina, Thalia is more serious. At first glance, the Daughter of the Demon seems to be as cold and treacherous as her father: she trusts practically no one and relies only on herself. However, in relations with Bruce, the girl shows care and indifference, for his sake she is ready to take risks. Also, Talia is one of the few who knows who Batman really is.

Her father seeks to destroy all the evil in the world, and at the same time most of humanity, thereby creating a paradise on Earth, and considers Batman the most worthy husband for his daughter and his successor. In the latter, the Dark Knight, of course, is not interested, but he often demonstrates romantic feelings for Talia, who reciprocated him, and in the comic book Batman: Son of the Demon, they even had a son, Damian.

Talia has helped and saved Batman's life more than once, and most of her criminal acts were committed on the orders of her father, and not for personal gain (a hairpin in the direction of Selina). She was Bruce's enemy, ally, and lover, and Ra's never missed an opportunity to use that last fact to win Batman over to her side.

Pixel Thalia in Catwoman on the GBC.

The Demon's Daughter also appears in video games, but usually not as a "boss" or playable character, but in other roles. For example, in where her father is the main villain, Talia appears in the commercials and looks clearly in love with Batman. According to the story of the game Catwoman for the Game Boy Color, Talia hires Catwoman to steal an ancient crystal skull from a museum, which Ra's al Ghul plans to use to create a weapon capable of destroying all of Gotham.

Thalia also played an important role in where she offered Batman to take her father's place, and when she was refused, she continued to help him anyway. Interestingly, the canon Demon's Daughter has dark hair, but in this game she had light brown hair. The girl, without a drop of sarcasm and irony, calls Bruce "beloved", although even without this it is clear that she is not indifferent to him. And Ra's himself says about his daughter that she is the only one whom Batman loved.

In the end, Talia was killed by the Joker, but before her death she managed to give her lover an antidote that could save his life. Literally a few minutes later, by the time Batman's battle with Clayface begins, the girl's body has already disappeared, which may hint that she was transported to safety by her minions and will likely be revived in the Lazarus Pit, healing any wounds.


Man - a bat and Girl - a bat - here, it would seem, is an ideal couple, but not everything is so simple. The appearance of this character was primarily due to the desire of the authors to attract a female audience to comics. Then Catwoman was already popular, and the writers decided: why not come up with someone else?

In general, Batgirl is the pseudonym of several superheroines at once, but we will tell in more detail about only one of them - about Barbara Gordon. The girl's parents died in a car accident, and Gotham Police Lieutenant James Gordon, who soon adopted an orphan, took care of her.

Batgirl Barbara was one of the characters in the fighting game Injustice: Gods Among Us.

According to the plot of the comics, having matured, Miss Gordon became a fan of Batman and made herself a female analogue of his costume. After she had the opportunity to save Bruce, he invited Barbara to the team of defenders of the city. Between them there was no attraction and passion, Batgirl just became his good friend, and they worked together for some time. Barbara had a romantic relationship with Dick Grayson, Robin, who later retrained as Nightwing.

If Batman fought crime, feeling the need to avenge the death of his parents, then Batgirl's motivation was purely altruistic. In the first comics, Barbara was portrayed as the head of the Gotham Public Library, a smart and strong woman who also exterminated crime at night. In the 60s, when the women's rights movement was actively developing, this character came in handy.

Miss Gordon bravely fought various criminal elements until one day the Joker shot her in the spine. Chained to a wheelchair, she could no longer be a superhero, but she never stopped helping people. Calling herself the Oracle, Barbara devoted her entire time to developing one of the most complex and powerful computer systems in the world.

The Oracle has become an absolutely invaluable resource for Batman and other superheroes. After some time, Barbara still managed to recover from paralysis, and she again began to fight crime as Batgirl.

In the game series Batman: Arkham Barbara is featured as the Oracle. She seeks and analyzes information for Batman and coordinates it remotely. But already in the DLC for - Matter of Family- the girl will try on a Batgirl costume, and you can even play for her. And since the expansion is a prequel to the main story, they will probably tell us how Barbara became the Oracle.

Poison ivy

A peculiar connection was between Batman and Pamela Isley, also known as Poison Ivy. The first appearance of this girl obsessed with plants and environmental protection took place in the pages of comics back in 1966. Since then, she has constantly acted as a seductress who, in order to achieve her goals, is ready to kill Batman.

Poison Ivy on his makeshift throne in Batman: Arkham City.

There was always some tension between them (especially during their very first meetings), but it was created artificially, because Poison Ivy seduced men with the help of pheromones. Moreover, she seduced not because of her great love for them, but rather, on the contrary: the girl did not have a soul in plants and, in order to protect them, did not spare anyone. Ideally, Pamela generally wanted to eradicate the human race, as the main enemy of everything green and releasing oxygen.

However, this was not always the case. Once upon a time, Pamela was an ordinary student, but because of the experiments of her biology teacher Jason Woodrow, the girl became a mutant and acquired immunity to all natural toxins and diseases. Having come to hate people, Pamela becomes a dangerous criminal, finally leaves her native Seattle and moves to Gotham.

Poison Ivy has appeared in many Batman video games as a "boss", but in most of them she did not fight the protagonist on her own, but watched from the sidelines as Batman fought one of her green "pets".

If you look at the series Batman: Arkham, then there, too, could not do without Ivy. Released from her cell, Pamela filled the entire Arkham Island with her aggressive plants. Not without a fight with a girl who connected with a huge flower. In Pamela, she only appeared in the Catwoman storyline, with whom she has a rather tense relationship. But Ivy is friends with Harley Quinn, and this heroine seems to be the only person to whom the plant lover is supportive.

Harley Quinn

Well, where without Harley Quinn herself! This lady, of course, cannot be called a Batman girl - she gave her heart to the Joker, which automatically made the Dark Knight her enemy. Unlike the aforementioned heroines, Harley first appeared not in comics, but in the animated series, and relatively recently - in 1992. Her real name is Harleen Quinzel, and her pseudonym was formed by analogy with the word "harlequin", which in English is written as "harlequin".

In the games of the Arkham series, Harley has replaced a huge wooden hammer with a bat.

The actress who voiced her in the cartoon had a great influence on the image of Harley - Arlene Sorkin(Arleen Sorkin; even their names are similar), who also played in the TV series Days of Our Lives. In one of his episodes, the girl was dressed in a court jester costume, which was to the liking of the creators of the Batman animated series, and they decided to draw Harley in a similar outfit.

Before she took her place in Gotham's criminal hierarchy, Harleen wanted to become a famous psychologist and went to work at Arkham Psychiatric Asylum to gather material for her book. But, unable to resist the charm of the Joker who lived there, the girl fell in love and became his faithful assistant. The Joker often used Harley, for example, to get into places that were inaccessible to him due to a recognizable face.

However, the girl does not get hung up on the Joker alone - there was a time when she teamed up with Poison Ivy and Catwoman, as the Gotham City Sirens comic book series tells. But in the end, Harley still returned to her lover.

Gotham Sirens: Harleen, Pamela and Selina.

As you can see, the Batman universe boasts a variety of female characters. The fates of all these heroines are not only closely connected with Bruce Wayne, but also intertwined. Four girls will definitely meet in the future, and how their relationship with each other and with the Dark Knight will develop further, we will find out very soon.

Having a boyfriend like Batman is certainly cool, but also troublesome: he does not sit still for a minute, every now and then breaks down and rushes to save the world from the next villain. Therefore, the Man-Bat is formally alone (both in films and in comics), although there are enough females around him. At different times, different ladies went to Batman's girlfriends, both superheroines and ordinary townsfolk. In the Batman films, they were respectively portrayed by different actresses. Let's see which of the girlfriends of the hero in the mouse costume suits him the most

1. Sexy psychologist Meridian from Batman Forever (1995), played by Nicole Kidman. A very intelligent and sophisticated person. Knows how to keep secrets (knows who Batman really is, but does not tell anyone about it)

2. Seductive lady paparazzi (our man!) Vicki Vale from the movie "Batman" (1989). Vicki was then played by the very attractive Kim Basinger. Miss Vale charmed not only Batman, but also his main opponent in this film - the Joker.

3. Faithful and devoted Rachel Dawes, childhood friend of Batman from the movie "Batman Begins" - Katie Holmes. The man-bat would probably have married her long ago if not for a conspiracy of mutant bandits

In the sequel, which is called The Dark Knight, Rachel is played by Maggie Gylenhaal. She is tired of waiting for Bruce Wayne (Batman's alter ego) to propose to her and begins dating prosecutor Harvey Dent, aka Two-Face. Unfortunately the wedding didn't work out.

4. Crazy Selina Kyle, aka Catwoman from The Dark Knight Rises - Anne Hathaway. At first, she helps Bane bug Batman, but then - suddenly - she falls in love with him and it is her participation that decides the outcome of the final fight.

5. Chic Miranda Tate from the same picture (Marion Cotillard) is another contender for the heart of Batman. Works for Bruce Wayne's company and doesn't mind hooking up Gotham's richest fiancé

6. Old style Selina Kyle (Michelle Pfeiffer) from Batman Returns. Her costume is ridiculous, however, like the movie itself, but this does not prevent Batman from paying attention to her. It’s a pity that their paths (in this film) diverged ...

7. Eccentric Poison Ivy from the movie "Batman and Robin" performed by Uma Thurman. Although she was the formal opponent of the Man-Bat, she repeatedly expresses signs of attention to him. The vibes of Poison Ivy almost made Bruce Wayne lose his head, it's good that Robin looked after him

8. Supermodel Elle MacPherson also appeared in Batman & Robin as Batman's temporary girlfriend Julie. Her role was tiny in scope, which is why many do not know that El starred in this film.