What are heart surgeries? Open heart surgery Types of plastic surgery on the heart.

Heart surgery helps to cure many diseases of the cardiovascular system that are not amenable to standard therapeutic methods. Surgical treatment can be carried out in different ways, depending on the individual pathology and the general condition of the patient.

Indications for surgical treatment

Cardiac surgery is a field of medicine in which physicians specialize in studying, inventing methods and performing operations on the heart. The most complex and dangerous cardiac surgery is heart transplantation. Regardless of what type of surgery will be performed, there are general indications:

  • the rapid progress of the disease of the cardiovascular system;
  • ineffectiveness of conservative therapy;
  • untimely visit to the doctor.

Heart surgery makes it possible to improve the general condition of the patient and eliminate the symptoms that disturb him. Surgical treatment is carried out after a complete medical examination and the establishment of an accurate diagnosis.

Do operations for congenital heart defects or acquired. A congenital defect is detected in a newborn immediately after birth or before delivery on an ultrasound examination. Thanks to modern technologies and techniques, in many cases it is possible to detect and cure heart disease in newborns in time.

An indication for surgical intervention can also be coronary disease, which is sometimes accompanied by such a serious complication as myocardial infarction. Another reason for surgery may be a violation of the heart rhythm, since this disease tends to cause ventricular fibrillation (scattered contraction of fibers). The doctor should tell the patient how to properly prepare for heart surgery in order to avoid negative consequences and complications (such as a blood clot).

Advice: proper preparation for heart surgery is the key to a successful recovery of the patient and prevention of postoperative complications, such as a blood clot or occlusion of the vessel.

Operation types

Cardiac surgeries can be performed on an open heart as well as on a beating heart. Closed heart surgery is usually performed without affecting the organ itself and its cavity. Open heart surgery involves opening the chest and connecting the patient to a ventilator.

During open heart surgery, a temporary cardiac arrest is performed for several hours, which allows you to perform the necessary manipulations. This technique makes it possible to cure complex heart disease, but is considered more traumatic.

Surgery on a beating heart uses special equipment so that the heart continues to contract and pump blood during surgery. The advantages of this surgery include the absence of such complications as embolism, stroke, pulmonary edema, etc.

There are the following types of heart operations, which are considered the most common in cardiology practice:

  • radiofrequency ablation;
  • coronary artery bypass grafting;
  • valve prosthetics;
  • Operation Glenn and Operation Ross.

If surgery is performed with access through a vessel or vein, endovascular surgery (stenting, angioplasty) is used. Endovascular surgery is a branch of medicine that allows for surgical intervention under X-ray guidance and using miniature instruments.

Endovascular surgery makes it possible to cure the defect and avoid the complications that abdominal surgery gives, helps in the treatment of arrhythmias and rarely gives such a complication as a thrombus.

Advice: Surgical treatment of heart pathologies has its advantages and disadvantages, therefore, the most suitable type of operation is selected for each patient, which carries fewer complications for him.

Radiofrequency or catheter ablation (RFA) is a minimally invasive surgical intervention that has a high therapeutic effect and minimal side effects. Such treatment is shown for atrial fibrillation, tachycardia, heart failure and other cardiac pathologies.

By itself, arrhythmia is not a serious pathology requiring surgical intervention, but can lead to serious complications. Thanks to RFA, it is possible to restore a normal heart rhythm and eliminate the main cause of its violations.

RFA is performed using catheter technology and under x-ray control. Heart surgery takes place under local anesthesia and consists in bringing a catheter to the necessary part of the organ, which sets the wrong rhythm. Through an electrical impulse under the action of RFA, the normal rhythm of the heart is restored.

Attention! The information on the site is presented by specialists, but is for informational purposes only and cannot be used for self-treatment. Be sure to consult a doctor!

  • Heart valve replacement
    • Possible complications and recommendations for care

Heart surgery is performed only when necessary. The most common of these are heart valve replacement and coronary artery bypass grafting. The first is necessary if the patient is concerned about valvular stenosis. It should be noted that heart surgeries pose a serious risk to the life of the patient, they are carried out with maximum precision and caution. Heart surgery sometimes leads to numerous problems and complications, in order to avoid this, you can use an alternative technique - valvuloplasty.

The procedure can replace replacement surgery, help normalize the activity of the heart muscles. In the process, a special balloon is inserted into the opening of the aortic valve, at the end this balloon is inflated. It is worth considering: if a person is in old age, valvuloplasty does not give a lasting effect.

Heart valve replacement

To decide on such a procedure, it is necessary to establish a diagnosis.

The operation is carried out immediately or some time after the test.

In some situations, the results indicate that a person needs bypass surgery. Valve replacement is an open procedure that can be performed using minimally invasive surgery. It should be remembered that heart valve replacement is a very complicated procedure, despite this, it is carried out very often.

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Stages of the procedure and further rehabilitation

First you need to open the chest. Next, the doctor connects the patient to a special apparatus that provides artificial circulation. The device temporarily replaces the heart. The patient's circulatory system is connected to the device, after which the natural valve is removed and replaced. When this manipulation is completed, the device is turned off. In most cases, heart surgery goes well, but a scar forms on the organ.

After recovery from anesthesia, the breathing tube is removed from the lungs. If you want to remove excess fluid, such a tube should be left for a while. After a day, it is allowed to drink water and liquid, you can walk only after two days. After such an operation, pain in the chest area can be felt, and on the fifth day the patient is completely discharged. If there is a risk of complications, the hospital stay must be extended by 6 days.

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Can there be complications after valve replacement?

A person can face such problems at different stages of the disease. During the operation, there is a risk of heavy bleeding, in addition, difficulties with anesthesia may arise. Possible risk factors include internal bleeding, seizures, possible infections. A heart attack can also happen, but this happens very rarely. As for the greatest danger, it lies in the appearance of tamponade of the pericardial cavity. This phenomenon occurs when blood fills its heart sac. This causes serious malfunctions in the functioning of the heart. Operations on the heart cannot but affect the general condition of a person. During the rehabilitation period, strict medical supervision is required. The need to visit the surgeon arises after 3-4 weeks after the operation. It is important to maintain the general well-being of the patient. An optimal dose of physical activity should be prescribed, it is important to stick to a diet.

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What is coronary artery bypass grafting?

Coronary artery bypass grafting is a type of surgery that restores blood flow in the arteries. The procedure is necessary to eliminate coronary heart disease. The disease manifests itself when the lumen of the coronary vessels narrows, as a result of which an insufficient amount of oxygen enters the heart muscle. Coronary artery bypass surgery aims to prevent changes in the myocardium (heart muscle). After the operation, it should fully recover and contract better. It is necessary to restore the affected area of ​​the muscle, for this the following procedure is carried out: everyday shunts are applied between the aorta and the coronary vessel that is affected. Thus, the formation of new coronary arteries occurs. They are designed to replace the narrowed ones. After the shunt is applied, blood from the aorta flows through a healthy vessel, thanks to which the heart produces a normal blood flow.

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What is the operation for?

This procedure will be required if the left coronary artery of the vessel that provides flow to the heart is affected. It is also needed if all coronary vessels are damaged. The procedure can be double, triple, single - it all depends on how many shunts the doctor needs. With coronary heart disease, the patient may need one shunt, in some cases two or three. Bypass surgery is a procedure that is often used for atherosclerosis of the heart vessels. This happens when angioplasty is not possible. As a rule, a shunt can serve for a long time, its functional suitability is 12-14 years.

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Carrying out coronary artery bypass grafting

The duration of the operation is 3-4 hours. The procedure requires maximum concentration and attention. The doctor needs to gain access to the heart, for this it is necessary to dissect the soft tissues, then open the sternum and perform a stenotomy. During the operation, a procedure is carried out that is necessary for temporary, it is called cardioplegia. The heart must be cooled with very cold water, then a special solution should be injected into the arteries. To attach shunts, the aorta must be temporarily blocked. To do this, it is necessary to pinch it and connect the heart-lung machine for 90 minutes. Plastic tubes should be placed in the right atrium. Next, the doctor performs procedures that contribute to the flow of blood into the body.

What is routine vascular bypass surgery? This method involves the implantation of special implants into the coronary vessels outside the obstruction, the end of the shunt is sutured to the aorta. In order to be able to use the internal mammary arteries, it is necessary to carry out the procedure with the expenditure of more time. This is due to the need to separate the arteries from the chest wall. Upon completion of the operation, the doctor carefully fastens the chest, for this a special wire is used. With its help, a soft tissue incision is sutured, then drainage tubes are applied to remove residual blood.

Sometimes bleeding occurs after the operation, it continues throughout the day. The installed drainage tubes should be removed after 12-17 hours after the procedure. At the end of the operation, the breathing tube must be removed. On the second day, the patient can get out of bed and move around. Restoration of the heart rhythm takes place in 25% of patients. As a rule, it lasts for five days. As for arrhythmia, this disease can be eliminated within 30 days after surgery, for this conservative methods of therapy are used.

Cardiovascular diseases, unfortunately, occupy one of the first places in terms of mortality in our country. But cardiology does not stand still, but is constantly being improved. In this area, new methods of treatment are constantly emerging and the most modern technologies are being introduced. Naturally, people suffering from severe heart diseases are interested in all the innovations in cardiology, and therefore in various methods of surgical interventions.

When is Cardiac Surgery Used?

Absolutely not any violation in the work of cardiac activity entails surgical intervention. There are absolutely clear criteria on which the attending physician relies, recommending this or that cardiological operation. Such indications may be:

  • Significant and rapidly progressive deterioration of the patient's condition associated with chronic heart failure.
  • Acute conditions that threaten the life of the patient.
  • Extremely low efficiency of simple drug treatment with clear dynamics to the deterioration of the general condition.
  • The presence of advanced cardiac pathologies that developed against the background of a late visit to the doctor and the lack of adequate treatment.
  • both congenital and acquired.
  • Ischemic pathologies leading to the development of a heart attack.

Types of heart surgery

Today, there are many different surgical manipulations on the human heart. All these operations can be divided according to several basic principles.

  • Urgency.
  • Technique.

Operations differing in urgency

Any surgical intervention will fall into one of the following groups:

  1. emergency operations. The surgeon performs such heart operations if there is a real threat to the patient's life. It can be a sudden thrombosis, myocardial infarction, the onset of aortic dissection, heart injury. In all these situations, the patient is sent to the operating table immediately after the diagnosis is made, usually even without further tests and examinations.
  2. Urgent. In this situation, there is no such urgency, it is possible to conduct clarifying examinations, but it is also impossible to postpone the operation, as a critical situation may develop in the near future.
  3. Planned. After a long observation by the attending cardiologist, the patient receives a referral to the hospital. Here he undergoes all the necessary examinations and preparation procedures before surgery. The cardiac surgeon clearly sets the time of the operation. In case of problems, for example, a cold, it can be postponed to another day or even a month. There is no threat to life in such a situation.

Differences in technique

In this group, all operations can be divided into ongoing:

  1. Opening the chest. This is a classic method that is used in the most severe cases. The surgeon makes an incision from the neck to the navel and opens the chest completely. Thus, the doctor gets direct access to the heart. Such manipulation is carried out under general anesthesia and the patient is transferred to the cardiopulmonary bypass system. As a result of the fact that the surgeon works with a "dry" heart, he can eliminate even the most severe pathologies with a minimal risk of complications. This method is resorted to in the presence of problems with the coronary artery, aorta and other great vessels, with severe atrial fibrillation and other problems.
  2. Without opening the chest. This type of surgical intervention belongs to the so-called minimally invasive techniques. There is absolutely no need for open access to the heart. These techniques are much less traumatic for the patient, but they are not suitable in all cases.
  3. X-ray surgical technique. This method in medicine is relatively new, but it has already proven itself very well. The main advantage is that after these manipulations the patient recovers very quickly and complications are extremely rare. The essence of this technique lies in the fact that a device similar to a balloon is introduced to the patient using a catheter to expand the vessel and eliminate its defect. This whole procedure is carried out using a monitor and the progress of the probe can be clearly controlled.

The difference in the amount of assistance provided

All surgical manipulations in people with heart problems can be divided both in terms of the volume and direction of the problems to be eliminated.

  1. Correction is palliative. Such surgical intervention can be attributed to auxiliary techniques. All manipulations will be aimed at bringing blood flow back to normal. This may be the end goal or preparation of the vessel for further surgical procedures. These procedures are not aimed at eliminating the existing pathology, but only eliminate its consequences and prepare the patient for full treatment.
  2. radical intervention. With such manipulations, the surgeon sets himself the goal - if possible, the complete elimination of the developed pathology.

Most common heart surgeries

People with problems of the cardiovascular system are often interested in what types of heart surgeries are and how long they last. Let's look at some of them.

RF ablation

A fairly large number of people have problems with a violation in the direction of its increase - tachycardia. In difficult situations today, cardiac surgeons offer radiofrequency ablation, or "cautery of the heart." This is a minimally invasive procedure that does not require an open heart. It is performed using X-ray surgery. The pathological part of the heart is affected by radio frequency signals, which damage it, and therefore eliminate the additional path along which the impulses pass. Normal pathways are at the same time fully preserved, and the heart rate gradually returns to normal.

Coronary artery bypass grafting

With age or due to other circumstances, atherosclerotic plaques can form in the arteries, which narrow the lumen for blood flow. Thus, the flow of blood to the heart is greatly impaired, which inevitably leads to very deplorable results. In the event that the narrowing of the lumen reaches a critical state, surgery recommends that the patient undergo coronary artery bypass grafting.

This type of surgery involves creating a bypass from the aorta to the artery using a shunt. The shunt will allow blood to bypass the narrowed area and normalize blood flow to the heart. Sometimes it is required to install not one, but several shunts at once. The operation is quite traumatic, like any other, performed at the opening of the chest and lasts a long time, up to six hours. Coronary artery bypass grafting is usually performed on the open heart, but today alternative methods are gaining more and more popularity - coronary angioplasty (insertion of an expanding balloon through a vein) and stenting.

Like the previous method, it is used to increase the lumen of the arteries. It is referred to as a minimally invasive, endovascular technique.

The essence of the method consists in introducing an inflated balloon in a special metal frame into the artery into the pathology zone, using a special catheter. The balloon inflates and opens the stent - the vessel also expands to the desired size. Next, the surgeon removes the balloon, the metal structure remains, creating a strong skeleton of the artery. Throughout the procedure, the doctor monitors the progress of the stent on the screen of the X-ray monitor.

The operation is practically painless and does not require long and special rehabilitation.

Heart valve replacement

With congenital or acquired pathology of the heart valves, the patient is often shown their prosthetics. Regardless of what type of prosthesis will be installed, surgery most often takes place on the open heart. The patient is put to sleep under general anesthesia and transferred to the cardiopulmonary bypass system. Given this, the recovery process will be long and fraught with a number of complications.

An exception to the procedure for valvular replacement is aortic valve replacement. This procedure can be performed using a gentle endovascular technique. The surgeon inserts a biological prosthesis through the femoral vein and places it in the aorta.

Operations Ross and Glenn

Often, heart surgery is performed on children who are diagnosed with congenital heart defects. Most often, operations are performed according to the methods of Ross and Glenn.

The essence of the Ross system is to replace the aortic valve with the pulmonary valve of the patient. The biggest advantage of such a replacement can be considered that there will be no threat of rejection, like any other valve taken from a donor. In addition, the annulus will grow with the child's body and can last a lifetime. But, unfortunately, an implant must be placed in place of the removed pulmonary valve. It is important that the implant at the site of the pulmonary valve lasts much longer without replacement than the same one at the site of the aortic valve.

The Glenn technique was developed for the treatment of children with pathology of the circulatory system. This is a technology that allows you to create an anastomosis to connect the right pulmonary artery and the superior vena cava, which normalizes the movement of blood flow through the systemic and pulmonary circulation.

Despite the fact that surgical intervention significantly prolongs the life of the patient and improves its quality, it is still mostly an extreme case.

Any doctor will try to do everything possible so that the treatment is conservative, but, unfortunately, sometimes this is completely impossible. It is important to understand that any surgical intervention in the work of the heart is a very difficult procedure for the patient, and it will require high-quality rehabilitation, sometimes quite long.

Recovery time

Rehabilitation after heart surgery is a very important stage in the treatment of patients.

The success of the operation can only be judged after the end, which can last quite a long time. This is especially true for patients who underwent open heart surgery. Here it is extremely important to follow the recommendations of doctors as accurately as possible and have a positive attitude.

After surgery with an opening of the chest, the patient is discharged home in about a week or two. The doctor makes clear instructions for further treatment at home - it is especially important to follow them.

trip home

Already at this stage, it is important to take measures so that you do not have to go back to the hospital urgently. It is important to remember here that all movements should be as slow and smooth as possible. In the event that the road takes more than one hour, you need to periodically stop and get out of the car. This must be done to avoid stagnation of blood in the vessels.

Relations with relatives

Both relatives and the patient need to understand that people who have undergone major operations under general anesthesia are extremely prone to irritability and mood swings. These problems will pass with time, you just need to treat each other with maximum understanding.

Taking medications

This is one of the most important moments in life after heart surgery. It is important for the patient to always have all the necessary medicines with him. It is especially important not to show excessive initiative and not to take drugs that are not prescribed. In addition, you should not stop taking medication prescribed by your doctor.

seam care

The patient should calmly perceive a temporary sensation of discomfort in the suture area. In the beginning, it can be pain, a feeling of tightness and itching. Painkillers can be prescribed by a doctor to relieve pain; special ointments or gels can be used to relieve other symptoms, but only after consulting a surgeon.

The seam should be dry, without excessive redness or swelling. This needs to be watched closely. The place of the seam must be constantly treated with brilliant green, and the first water procedures are allowed to be taken after about two weeks. Such patients are allowed only a shower, and taking a bath and sudden changes in temperature are contraindicated. It is recommended to wash the seam only with ordinary soap and gently blot with a towel.

In a situation where the patient's temperature rises sharply to 38 degrees, there is severe swelling with redness at the site of the suture, fluid is released or severe pain is disturbing, it is urgent to consult a doctor.

It is important for a person who has undergone heart surgery to set a goal - maximum recovery. But the main thing here is not to rush, but to do everything gradually and very carefully.

In the first days after returning home, you need to try to do everything as smoothly and slowly as possible, gradually increasing the load. For example, in the early days, you can try to walk from one hundred to five hundred meters, but if fatigue appears, you should rest. Then the distance should be gradually increased. It is best to walk outdoors and on flat terrain. After a week of walking, you should try to climb the stairs for 1-2 flights. At the same time, you can try to do simple housework.

Approximately two months later, the cardiologist will perform a stitch healing test and give permission to increase physical activity. The patient may begin to swim or play tennis. He will be allowed to work lightly in the garden with the lifting of small weights. Another test the cardiologist should conduct in three or four months. By this time, it is desirable for the patient to restore all the basic motor activity.


This aspect of rehabilitation also needs to be paid close attention.

The first time after the operation, the patient often lacks appetite and at this time any restrictions are not very relevant. But over time, a person recovers and his desire to eat familiar foods is restored. Unfortunately, there are a number of strict restrictions that will now always have to be observed. In the diet, you will have to severely limit fatty, spicy, salty and sweet. Cardiologists advise what you can eat after heart surgery - vegetables, fruits, various cereals, fish and lean meat. It is extremely important for such people to monitor their weight, and hence the caloric content of food.

Bad habits

Patients who have undergone heart surgery, of course, are strictly prohibited from smoking and using drugs. Drinking alcohol during the rehabilitation period is also prohibited.

Life after surgery can become full and rich. After a period of rehabilitation, many patients return to life without pain, shortness of breath and, most importantly, fear.

How are operations performed?

An operation is an intervention in the human body with a violation of its integrity. Each disease requires an individual approach, which naturally affects the way the operation is performed.

How heart surgery is done: preparation for surgery

Heart surgery (cardiac surgery) is one of the most difficult to perform, dangerous and responsible type of surgical intervention.

Planned operations are usually carried out in the morning. Therefore, the patient is not allowed to eat or drink in the evening (for 8-10 hours), and immediately before the operation, a cleansing enema is made. This is necessary in order for the anesthesia to work as it should.

The place where operations are performed must be sterile. In medical institutions, special rooms are used for these purposes - operating rooms, which are regularly sterilized by quartz treatment and special antiseptics. In addition, all medical personnel who take part in the operation wash themselves before the procedure (you even have to rinse your mouth with an antiseptic solution), and also change into special sterile clothes, put on sterile gloves on your hands.

The patient is also put on shoe covers, a cap on his head, and the operation field is treated with an antiseptic. If necessary, before the operation, the patient's hair is shaved if the surgical field is covered with it. All these manipulations are necessary to avoid infection of the surgical wound with bacteria or other dangerous active microorganisms.

Narcosis or anesthesia

Anesthesia is a general anesthesia of the body with its immersion in drug-induced sleep. During surgical interventions on the heart, general anesthesia is used, and in some cases, during endovideosurgical operations, spinal anesthesia is used, in which a puncture is made into the spinal cord at the level of the lower back. Substances that cause pain relief can be administered in various ways - intravenously, through the respiratory tract (inhalation anesthesia), intramuscularly or in combination.

Course of open heart surgery

After the person goes into medical sleep and ceases to feel pain, the operation itself begins. The surgeon uses a scalpel to open the skin and soft tissues on the chest. Cardiac surgery may also require an “opening” of the chest. To do this, with the help of special surgical instruments, the ribs are sawn. Thus, doctors “get” to the operated organ and put special dilators on the wound, which provide better access to the heart. Junior medical staff, using suction, removes blood from the surgical field, and also cauterizes cut capillaries and blood vessels so that they do not bleed.

If necessary, the patient is connected to an artificial heart machine, which will temporarily pump blood through the body, while the operated organ is artificially suspended. Depending on what kind of heart surgery is performed (what kind of damage is eliminated), appropriate manipulations are carried out: this can be the replacement of blocked coronary arteries, the replacement of heart valves for defects, vein bypass surgery or the replacement of an entire organ.

Extreme care is required from the surgeon and all staff, as the life of the patient depends on it. It should also be added that during the operation, blood pressure and some other indicators are constantly monitored, which indicate the patient's condition.

Endovideosurgery: stenosis and angioplasty

Today, more and more often, heart surgery is performed not by an open method - with a chest incision, but with access through the femoral artery on the leg, under the control of an X-ray machine and a microscopic video camera. After preparing for operation, which is similar for all types of surgical interventions, and putting the patient into a medical sleep, access to the femoral artery is opened through an incision in the leg. A catheter and a probe with a video camera at the end are inserted into it, thanks to which access to the heart is provided.

In this way, angioplasty with stenosis of blood vessels is carried out in cardiac surgery, which is necessary for blockage of the coronary vessels that feed the heart itself with blood. Special stands are installed in the narrowed vessels - cylindrical implants that do not allow the arteries to clog anymore, which prevents the possibility of developing coronary disease.

After the main part of the operation is over and the heart is on its own again functions, stitching of damaged nerves, vessels and tissues is performed. The wound is again treated with an antiseptic, the surgical field is closed, soft tissues and skin are sutured with special threads. A medical bandage is applied to the external wound. After the end of all these procedures, the patient is taken out of anesthesia.

Other types of operations

In addition to the abdominal operations described above, there are also operations performed in a less traumatic way:

  • Laparoscopy - is performed using a laparoscope, which is inserted through 1-2 cm incisions in the skin. Most often used in gynecology, gastrectomy and other operations in the abdominal cavity. You can read more about this
  • Laser surgery - is carried out using a special laser beam. Usually, operations are performed in this way on the eyes, when removing skin formations, etc. You can read more about the method

May God grant everyone to live a long life so that the surgeon's scalpel never touches his heart. However, not always cardiac surgery can be replaced by therapy.

When is surgery necessary?

  1. When conservative therapy does not give the desired result.
  2. When, despite all the ongoing treatment, the patient's condition continues to deteriorate.
  3. When there are severe congenital heart defects, severe arrhythmia, cardiomyopathy.

In terms of urgency, cardiosurgical operations are emergency and planned.

  1. Emergencies are carried out when a person's life is in serious danger. This happens when a myocardial infarction occurs, a blood clot suddenly breaks off, or aortic dissection begins. They do not tolerate delay in surgery when the heart is injured. The consequences of delay are severe.
  2. Planned are carried out in accordance with the developed plan for the correction of the patient's health. The date of the operation may be postponed depending on the circumstances. For example: with a cold, to avoid additional stress on the heart, or when the pressure suddenly dropped.

Surgical intervention differs in the technique of execution. There are such types of heart operations:

  • with the opening of the chest;
  • without opening the chest.
open heart surgery

Chest opening operations

Such surgical intervention is used in especially severe cases, when full accessibility of the heart is required during the operation.

Opening of the chest is performed with such pathologies:

  • tetralogy of Fallot (the so-called congenital heart disease with four serious violations of the anatomical structure);
  • serious anomalies of intracardiac partitions, valves, aorta and coronary arteries;
  • heart tumors.

The patient arrives at the hospital one day before the operation. Passes inspection, gives written consent. Be sure to wash with antibacterial soap and shave your hair. Where do you shave your body hair? The hair will be shaved at the site of the proposed incision. If you are going to have a coronary bypass surgery, you will have to shave your legs and groin. In the case of a heart valve replacement, it is necessary to shave the hair in the lower abdomen and in the groin area.

The surgery is performed under general anesthesia. To gain access to the heart, the surgeon opens the chest of the person being operated on. The patient is connected to an artificial lung ventilation apparatus, the heart stops for a while and surgical manipulations are performed with the organ.

How long the operation takes depends on the severity of the pathology. On average, several hours.

Tetralogy of Fallot

Open heart surgery has two advantages.

  1. The surgeon has full access to the patient's heart.
  2. Such a surgical intervention is possible without state-of-the-art medical equipment.

However, there are also significant drawbacks.

  1. Surgical manipulations with the heart last several hours, which leads to fatigue of the operating team, during the operation there is a higher probability of making an erroneous action.
  2. Opening the chest is fraught with various injuries.
  3. There is a noticeable scar after heart surgery.
  4. Various complications are not excluded:
  • myocardial infarction,
  • thromboembolism,
  • bleeding,
  • infections;
  • coma after surgery.
  1. A long recovery is required with significant limitations in the patient's activities.

In most cases, when surgery is performed with an opening of the chest, disability is given after heart surgery, as after a heart attack.

What operations and under what pathologies are performed on the open heart?

Pathologies of the coronary arteries

Coronary artery bypass grafting is done in case of serious atherosclerotic lesions of the coronary arteries, which led to a severe form of coronary heart disease. The essence of shunting is to create a bypass for blood flow to the heart using a shunt, for which an artery or vein taken from the patient is used. For example: mammary coronary artery bypass grafting (MCB) is performed using the internal mammary (mammary) artery.

Operation Ross

Heart valve defects

These days, valves made from the patient's biological material are used to replace damaged valves.

  1. The Ross procedure involves using the patient's own valvular pulmonary artery to replace a diseased aortic valve. An implant is placed in place of the pulmonary valve. Eliminates complications associated with rejection of a valve made of foreign material. Made for both adults and children.
  2. The Ozaki operation involves the use of the patient's own tissue. Only in this case, the replacement of the aortic valve is performed with a valve made from the patient's pericardium. Complications with valve rejection are not observed for the same reason.