What are the search engines on the Internet except Yandex and Google: an informative section. Search engines without restrictions: three little-known search engines in comparison

The largest search engine on the planet, which has an 80% share of all processed search queries, was created in the mid-90s by the notorious Sergey Brin and Larry Page. The first search robot began to index pages in 1996, the PageRank algorithm developed showed good results, which bypassed other similar systems and had great potential. From this began the conquest of virtual space. The Google.com domain was registered on September 15, 1997, and in 1998 a company was formed with $100,000 in funding from Andy Bechtolshteim, one of the founders of Sun Microsystems.

Today, Google processes more than one billion queries daily in 145 languages. The mobile search segment is almost wholly owned by the company and is 90%. More than 50 services has a search engine in its arsenal. Among them, Google AdSense, which allows you to monetize high-traffic sites by placing an ad unit from a search engine, Blogger, a blogging service, Google Maps, the Google+ social network, and much more.

The Internet giant is not only a leading company in the virtual space, but also strengthens its influence in the real world. Recently it became known about Google's purchase of Boston Dynamics, a company developing robotic systems. Android OS has captured the minds of smartphone users in a short time and continues to gain momentum with 80% market share. It is not difficult to predict that the company will further expand its influence on the spheres of human life.


The second largest search engine from the USA, which holds 7% of all world traffic. It was founded before Google for several years and it happened in 1994. The founders were Jerry Yang and David Filo, graduate students at Stanford University. During the period of rapid growth along with such giants as MSN and Lucos in the late 90s, the search engine is acquiring new services - Yahoo! Mail, Yahoo! Games, Yahoo! Messenger, etc. The main emphasis in development is on marketing and advertising, and the direction of telecommunications is also actively developing.

The peak of activity came in 2005, when the net profit of the Internet company approached $ 2 billion, in 2007 the profit was 500 million. In early 2008, Yahoo receives an offer to buy from software giant Microsoft, which offered 45 billion US dollars she turned down the offer. In the same year, negotiations resumed, due to the unstable position of the search engine in the market, the companies agreed and Microsoft became the main helmsman of Yahoo. To date, the search engine uses the Bing search algorithm.

Thanks to this merger, the Internet search engine's revenue grew to $1.2 billion in 2010. The company consistently holds the second place and is not going to give up its positions. In 2013, the mail service was integrated with the Dropbox cloud service, which made it possible to significantly increase the size of files transferred between users, previously the limit was 25 MB.


The Chinese search engine, which occupies the third position, but is on a par with Yahoo. The creators are Robin Lee and Eric Xu, who launched the system in 2000. On the this moment it is the most popular search engine in China, used by 80% of the population. Robin Lee patented the Rankdex search algorithm in 1996 when Google first started developing PageRank. Unlike Google or Yandex, where the ranking of web pages is a difficult path, and getting into the top lines is not so easy, you need to have tremendous experience and go for various tricks. In Chinese Baidu, everything is much simpler, in order to get into the top, the advertiser just had to pay.

Such a solid market did not give Google rest and the Internet giant began to promote its resources in China, which the creators of Baidu really did not like and they launched a broad campaign against the American search engine, defending their positions. Also, the search engine works closely with the government of its country and is subjected to thorough censorship. To date, the search engine has several services - Baidu Encyclopedia, which bypassed the Chinese segment of Wikipedia 10 times in terms of the number of articles, Baidu Knows - a question-answer service, Baidu News - a news portal, Baidu Space - a Chinese social network, Baidu MP3 Search - a search service for music files, which brings almost 50% of all traffic. And for Google, this is a sore spot, as they respect copyright. There were attempts by copyright holders to press the service, but nothing came of them. Baidu also has a cloud service and a rather interesting Baidu Maps service, similar to Google's, but having a feature in the form of 3D models of all major cities with a fairly detailed drawing, which is possible using a colossal human resource, which China has no shortage of.


The fourth position is confidently held by the domestic search engine and has a 3% share of all search queries. The beginning of the path of founding begins back in 1989, when the programmer-entrepreneur Arkady Volozh founded CompTek, specializing in personal PCs and workflow automation. In the same year, Arcadia, a company developing information retrieval systems, was founded together with Arkady Borkovsky. And in 1993, Ilya Segalovich, a programmer by vocation, joined them, and the companies are merging. On September 23, 1997, a new Russian search engine Yandex was announced. At that time, the company had competitors Rambler, Aport and Altavista. The latter had more modern server hardware.

In the early 2000s, the company was just starting its turnover, and the annual advertising revenue was 10 million dollars, a decade later, in 2012, this figure rose to 1.7 billion. At the moment, Yandex has two main competitors - Google and Mail.Ru . More than 50 services, such as Yandex.Pictures, Yandex.Market, Yandex.Maps and much more, allow an Internet company to grow and successfully compete with its older counterparts. It is also planned to go beyond information technology and develop in other industries. In 2013, the Russian search engine overtook Microsoft in terms of the number of search queries and took fourth place in the ranking, thanks to the rapidly developing domestic segment of the Internet and the economy as a whole.

Good day to all, my dear friends and readers of my blog. Today I want to tell you about the most famous search engines on the Internet in Russian. Internet resources are used for everyday work and recreation of a huge number of people.

And in order to get what is needed or interesting, search engines are used, which are a hardware and software complex for quickly finding the information necessary for the user, stored on servers (special computers) of the Internet.

The frequency of use of a search engine is determined, firstly, by how up-to-date data it provides, and secondly, by how quickly it does it. The main selection criteria are:

  • completeness and accuracy of the results found;
  • data relevance;
  • finding speed;
  • visibility of the interface.

In Russia, search engines such as Yandex, Mail, Rambler and some others are most in demand. But I would like to give you a more detailed list of these systems so that you have a more complete understanding of all this.

Yandex.ru is the most popular within the Russian-speaking Internet. Search queries can be written in both English and Russian. The motto of the Yandex site is “There is everything!” and indeed, they are provided with high-quality and fast provision of information.

Personally, I have been using this search engine for more than 10 years by default and I really like it. And for any webmaster, it is simply of great importance, since any of them breaks into a cake in order to find his site in this particular system.

It has a huge index base, which means it can find almost everything. The output of the information found is rational. Yandex is constantly developing. It offers more and more popular services, such as news, maps, weather, email, Yandex. money. By the way, I wrote here, so if you are interested in this, then be sure to read it.

At the moment, the share of using Yandex in Russia is about 56 percent. That is, most of the country's population prefers to use this particular browser.


And here is the main competitor of the aforementioned Yasha. Yes, this system is certainly not Russian, but one of its founders is our compatriot Sergey Brin. True, he was taken to the states as a child, so he can hardly be called Russian. If you are interested, then you can read, which I have collected for you.

Be that as it may, Google is the most popular system in the world and is still the second most popular in Russia.

For today 38 percent of all search queries in Russia goes through Google

Mail.ru search

Mail.ru mail is very popular among Russian-speaking network users. But not many people use the search engine of the same name. By itself, it is ordinary and unremarkable, so it cannot yet withstand competitors such as the aforementioned Yandex and Google. Although I doubt that he will try to conquer the top of the search engines. It is quite enough for him that he has the most popular mail in Russia. But still their 5 percent of the total number of queries it has.

In addition, the site contains a huge number of applications, interesting games, and also has its own social network. Applications have been developed that allow you to search by voice.


Rambler is one of the earliest options and used to be one of the most popular search engines in Russian, along with Yandex. And for the first couple of years, I actively used it as a default search engine, until I switched to Yandex. Now it is not used very actively (I would even say not actively at all), although it has good quality and excellent speed.

It is also a popular Runet media portal, where you can use mail, find out the latest news about various areas of life. By the way, it has proven itself quite well as a media and news portal, and I know many people who specifically go to the rambler to read the latest news.

Despite its former popularity, Rambler today owns less 0.5 percent of the total number of requests on the Internet.


WebAlta is one of the new Russian search engines. It is developing well and already reflects more than 1 billion documents, which is a good result. It is easily customizable according to user preferences. The setting is visualized, and changing the query is immediately reflected in the results.

But how he annoyed me a couple of years ago when, after installing any application, webalt got up as the home page and default search engine. I actually thought it was some kind of virus. Therefore, I will say again: "".

Well, I won’t even talk about the share of search traffic, since it is negligible.


Nigma is a modern Russian intelligent metasearch engine. It uses a modern cluster approach, which improves the quality and completeness of the process. The site includes mathematical and chemical subsystems for solving a variety of problems and standard user services.

But so far this is probably the least popular service of all the above. Although you can try it in action. Maybe you'll like it.) Well, as far as you understand, the traffic here is also so low that it can not even be turned on.

Please tell me what search engines do you use? I'm not just asking. The fact is that recently I found out that one of my friends uses a rambler. And to be honest, I was surprised that some of my friends do not use Yandex or Google. I've just been hooked on Yandex since the middle of the 2000s, and it is he who is my favorite search engine.

Well, now, in principle, I think that you basically know all the main search engines in Russian, and draw conclusions which one is more interesting to you. But the truth is that it will be difficult for the rest to compete with the two giants.

Well, with that, I’ll probably end my today’s article. I hope you liked her. If so, be sure to visit me again. Good luck to you. Bye!

Sincerely, Dmitry Kostin.

Most of the time spent by the user on the Internet is spent searching for information of interest to him. At the same time, there are many ways to get this data - you can look into the online encyclopedia and try to find the answer there, you can subscribe to a newsletter on a topic of interest and carefully study the incoming correspondence, or you can consult competent people on the forum by asking them a question. But the most versatile way to find something on the Internet is to use one of the many search engines. Search services on millions and millions of websites are perhaps the fundamental link of the World Wide Web. Without Google, Yahoo, Yandex and many other search engines familiar today, a user's stay on the Web would rather resemble walking a blind man through the forest. The importance of search engines for working on the Internet can hardly be overestimated - many users have addresses of search engines as their start pages, and it is from them that an endless journey through various network resources begins for many. However, the effectiveness of Internet excavations is different for everyone - one person finds information instantly, another takes a very long time, and a third may not find anything useful at all. What is the reason? The answer is simple: searching the Internet is like fishing - you need to know where to fish and what to fish with, i.e. where to look and how to look. In today's article, we'll talk about the best way to search the Internet, and tell you what search engines exist for this, other than those that are "on everyone's lips."

However, we will start with those systems that you know. If the user knows the address of the search engine, this does not mean that he knows how to use it. Let's check how well you understand the technology of search queries. How accurate the results you get, first of all, depends on how skillfully you formed the search query. For example, if you are looking for information to write a term paper, you do not need to enter its topic verbatim, especially if the work has a narrow specialization. You will find much more valuable information if you try to pick up keywords, that is, those words that will definitely occur in your work. If you are looking for a lost manual for a car radio, then entering the model number, you will surely get a huge number of sites offering to purchase it. To weed out unnecessary links, you can use the search function in the found or exclude some words from the search. In almost every search engine you will find an advanced search feature. This is another good way to weed out unwanted results. Among these functions, it can be useful to search for pages that have been recently updated, search for pages only in a certain language, or on sites located in the domain zone you specify. The time spent on searching can be significantly saved if you know and use the syntax of the query language. Each search engine has its own characteristics here. For example, when you are looking for something on Yandex, it will not be superfluous to use the following tricks:

  • To search for words that should appear on the page in one sentence, put an & symbol between them
  • To exclude a specific word from search results, add it to your query by prefixing it with ~~
  • To find pages that contain at least one of the words in your search query, separate them with |
  • To search for a word in the specified form, precede it with an exclamation mark.
The Google search engine also has its own secrets. Here are just a few of them:
  • To search for information on a specific site (and only on it), enter its address in the query field, prefixed with the word site and a colon (for example, site:http://www.site)
  • To search for a phrase that should appear on the page in full, put it in quotation marks
  • To exclude pages that contain a specific word from search results, add it to your query by prefixing it with a minus sign
These are just a few touches that can help make your web search more efficient. If you want to achieve optimal results, we advise you to become more familiar with the syntax of the query language, which is described in detail in the help system of your favorite search engine. There is no doubt that Google and Yandex are indispensable tools for searching the web - search in these systems is convenient, flexible and very accurate. But, nevertheless, this does not mean that alternative search engines do not have the right to exist. Yes - they index fewer pages, yes - their resource selection methods are largely debatable. But such search engines have one indisputable advantage - they offer something new, different from the accepted standards. Since alternative search engines use a different approach to selecting resources that match the query, the search result will be completely different than in the case of conventional search engines. So, if a long search for well-known services did not lead to anything, this means one thing - you need to change tactics and try other methods of finding information using alternative search engines. Often, alternative search engines use one or more lists with resources that were found by Google, Yahoo and other large systems to collect results. These results are filtered, the best ones are selected and often visualized for better perception using a diagram, sitemap, tag cloud, etc. Developers of alternative search engines sometimes go so far in their search for a new universal interface that it is sometimes difficult to recognize a search engine in a web page. And yet, these are search engines. Unusual and strange at first sight...

FindSounds.com - looking for sounds

This resource is intended for those users who are in a creative search. The resource allows you to search for sound files of different formats - wav, mp3, aiff, au. The database of the resource contains a wide variety of sounds - the screams of animals, the rattle of cars, the ringing, knocking, sirens, the buzzing of insects, the roar of explosions and shooting, the splash of water, etc. Audio files can be searched according to various criteria, such as size, presence of two or one audio channels (stereo/mono), sampling frequency and audio bit depth. In the search results, the resource shows not only links to the found files, but also their main characteristics, and also shows a graph of the sound amplitude, which can be used to judge the nature of the sound of a given sample.

The FindSounds sound effects database can be used in a variety of areas - from the development of computer games and other applications, to the creation of presentations and all kinds of clips. The search engine can be useful, for example, for those who create interactive web graphics and want to add variety to the site by accompanying clicking the page navigation elements with various sounds.

Gnod.net - select music, books and movies to your liking

When a person has a desire to read a new book, listen to some new music or watch a movie, he usually seeks advice from his friend or acquaintance, who in his eyes has authority. However, finding someone who would agree to express their opinion on this issue is not so easy. Firstly, not everyone likes to give advice, because when recommending something to another, a person takes on a share of responsibility, and many are stopped by the question "What if the film that I recommend doesn't like it?" Secondly, the person who gives advice must understand what exactly the interlocutor will like, and what will be completely uninteresting. After all, the taste and color, as they say ... But there is an easier way to get good advice - use a special search engine that is made specifically for this purpose. So, you want to listen to a new band, but don't have the time or desire to look for good music. The gnod.net resource will ask you for several names of musical artists that you like, analyze the results and offer your own version of a singer or group that you should also like. The service has several databases - on musical performers, on films, books and people. Thus, the resource has absorbed four services: Gnod Music, Gnod Books, Gnod Movies and Flork. The latest service, Flork, is a social experiment to discover people who are interested in talking to each other. We were happy to test the music section of this service and introduced three artists - Gerry and the Pacemakers, The Beatles and Hollies. Our selection was not random - these three bands belong to the era of the sixties, to an interesting phenomenon that is called the British Invasion (British Invasion). All of these bands were playing a beat, and the search engine had to suggest a band or artist in the same style. And so it happened. The result offered to us is the group Archies, which in the late sixties was on the lips of all Americans with their cheerful song Sugar Sugar. After playing with the search engine for a while, we came to the conclusion that gnod.net often gives the right advice, and is wrong very often. For clarity, the search engine can provide the results of its "advice" in the form of an animated cloud with the names of groups, authors or films. The database can be replenished independently by conducting "conversations" with the search engine and answering his questions in the style of "I like this" or "I don't like this."

Alldll.net - find library files

We recommend that you immediately bookmark this search engine, as sooner or later it will definitely come in handy. Probably, everyone has at least once encountered the problem of the absence of some kind of dll library in the system. This usually results in programs or games refusing to start, and the message "Couldn" t find *****.dll "appears on the screen. There can be many reasons for this, for example, the missing file can be caused by incorrect removal of a previously installed application , accidental file corruption, etc. In addition, the developer could simply not include this library in the distribution of his product.

Correcting the situation is very simple - just find the missing file on the Internet, download it and copy it to the directory of the program that refuses to start, or to the folder..WINDOWSsystem32... You can easily and quickly find and download the missing file using this service. The www.alldll.net resource is a searchable database of the most popular dll libraries. The files are sorted alphabetically, there is a search function. You can search for the file you are looking for even if you only know the approximate name of the library. It is enough to start typing text in the request field, and at the bottom of the page a huge list of files will appear that begin with the letters that were typed.

Medpoisk.ru - search for medical information

Despite the fact that this search engine uses a search engine from Google, this in no way reduces its value. Medpoisk.ru is a universal search engine that is designed to search exclusively on medical sites. This site is an excellent tool for every physician and anyone who wants to get an answer to any question from the field of medicine. How to treat this or that disease, what contraindications this or that medicine has, which doctor to contact - all this and much more can be found out by "ask" the search engine. The search engine includes a labor exchange and can be used to search for jobs among medical professionals. The resource also contains a catalog of medical institutions sorted by region. Among these institutions are the addresses of clinics, medical centers of various directions, maternity hospitals, diagnostic centers, beauty salons, etc. We sincerely wish you to use this search service solely out of curiosity, and not out of necessity.

Taggalaxy.de - search for pictures and photos

You may have heard of the popular image sharing service Flickr.com? This is the same service that was blocked by the Chinese authorities in 2007 after photos of the sad events of 1989 on Tiananmen Square, located in the Chinese capital Beijing, appeared on its pages. Flickr.com is one of the first Web 2.0 services, and the number of images uploaded by its users is in the billions. The number of images uploaded to the servers of this service is so large that in order to find a particular image in this ocean of images and paintings, a separate search engine is needed. The service offers an image search service, but there is a more interesting way to search for images - using the unusual search engine taggalaxy.de. This search service is a tool for searching images on Flickr.com, with a preview. And what makes it unusual is the search interface, which is completely made three-dimensional. The process of searching for a keyword resembles some kind of computer game - different celestial bodies fly in outer space, between which you can move in the virtual world.

After a keyword query is completed, a system of the sun and planets that revolve around the star will appear on the screen. Each celestial body has its own purpose and is "signed" by a word. In the center of the galaxy is the sun, the key request, all other bodies are auxiliary words, clarifications. If you click on the sun, this object will approach, and from all sides the photos will flock to it and surround it, the content of which is determined by the search query. This 3D model with photographs can be rotated in virtual space, viewing in detail and searching for the image of interest. After that, it is enough to click on the picture so that it increases in size, and then it can be better viewed and read the description.

In the process of working with this search engine, you can use the scrolling function - it allows you to zoom in or out on three-dimensional planets. The rest of the planets that are visible in the search engine interface after the request are auxiliary words that allow you to refine the request. For example, if you enter "Sky" in the search field, then among the clarifying planetary words there will be the words "clouds", "sunset", "blue" and other similar tags that users indicated when using the Flickr.com service. The disadvantage of the search engine is that taggalaxy.de does not support the Russian language, so queries can only be entered in Latin.

Nigma.ru - filters the results of other search engines

Among all the search engines that can be found on the Internet, there is a special group of search engines. It differs from all the others in that they have a multi-search function, that is, simultaneous search in several search engines. One of such multisearch systems is the Russian service Nigma.ru.

Nigma contains its own database of resources, but in addition, it allows you to search immediately on all the most popular search engines, including Google, MSN, Yandex, Rambler, AltaVista, Yahoo and Aport. The mechanism for selecting results in this search engine is different from most accepted site discovery methods. The fact is that the engine of this service uses clustering of results. What does this mean? Imagine that you decide for yourself to find out what "rendering" is. Comparing the results in different search engines, the Nigma.ru engine selected the most probable results and, at the same time, in the left part of the window, next to the list of search results, displayed the so-called clusters - "visualization", "creation", "system", "rendering", "process", "studio max", "computer graphics" and other words and phrases. These clusters represent a thematic group of found documents. Thus, you can quickly narrow your search or refine your search query. In Nigma.ru, you can also use categories to limit the area from which results will be selected - for example, search only for music resources or display results only for images. Another possibility of this service may be of interest to schoolchildren and students. Nigma.ru offers Nigma-mathematics and Nigma-chemistry services. The first one is designed to quickly solve simple equations and various arithmetic operations, the second one allows you to work with chemical reaction formulas. The search service recognizes more than a thousand physical, mathematical constants and units of measurement, allowing you to quickly convert from one dimension to another.

Searchme.com - search engine with preview

Everyone knows that in order to find specific information on the web, you need to spend a lot of time. When browsing search results, the user basically opens resources at random, not knowing for sure whether he will find what he is interested in on a new page, or whether it will be a waste of time. The creators of the searchme.com search service thought about this problem and came up with an original solution. The essence of this decision was to create such a search engine in which the user could look at a rough thumbnail of the page before it loaded. This would allow to form an additional opinion about the seriousness of the resource and its content.

The implementation of this idea was just great - the created search engine has a beautiful animated three-dimensional interface and shows search results in the form of an animated thumbnail ribbon, thumbnail screenshots of web pages that include the search keyword. The result tape, like a film of old negatives, can be scrolled in the browser window using a special slider located under the image row. Sketches are instantly loaded, so there are no "brakes" with drawing the results. It is especially convenient to work with search results in full-screen mode - then it is quite possible to make out even the text of articles on the thumbnails of the results. To appreciate the convenience of this system, just try to view news resources. Photos for the main news on the front page of the web-edition will immediately make it clear which news on this resource is considered the most important.

Exit - a specialized torrent search engine. There are a lot of sites that are searched for by torrent resources on the network. However, torrent-finder.com has an undeniable advantage over other search engines - this service allows you to search for files on a huge number of trackers at the same time.

Whenever you browse the site, your IP and MAC address is recorded in order to track your activity. To protect yourself, you must browse the pages of various sites anonymously. In this regard, we provide a list of anonymous search engines that will not track your requests.


It is one of the best search engines and is well known to security experts. WolframAlpha provides a fundamentally new way to get knowledge and answers - through dynamic calculations based on a large amount of built-in data, algorithms and methods.


It is an HTTPS-based search engine that uses SSL encryption and does not record user requests.

3. DuckDuckGo

This is a well-known search engine that you may have already used. The anonymous search engine DuckDuckGo does not collect or share users' personal information. This is the privacy policy enforced by this service.

4 Yippy

It is one of the search engines with which you can easily filter the results and sort the list as you wish. Especially since this search engine works with the right user search to provide its users with the best results and never saves search history.


Gibiru does not link to any personal data and does not track cookies. The search engine provides a uncensored and depersonalized anonymous web so you can browse the internet safely.

6.Start page

It is a powerful search engine that displays Google results while protecting user queries and avoiding your steps being tracked. It provides browsing through a proxy server that prevents IP address or location tracking.

7. Hulbee

Hulbee.com is a smart alternative for those who value data integrity and privacy. Unlike conventional search engines, Hulbee.com users leave no trace. Hulbee.com doesn't even count the number of its visitors. Their requests, IP addresses and personal information are not saved.

8. Disconnect Search

This service uses Google, Bing and Yahoo to search for content. But it never tracks your requests or IP address. It even allows the user to select their location before starting the search.

9. Lukol

Lukol is one of the best search engines that protects users from online scammers and spammers. Uses Google to display search results. But it uses a proxy server to provide search results.

We reviewed the best anonymous search engines that do not track user queries. With them, you can easily perform anonymous searches without worrying about your security.

Translation of the article " Top 10 Private Search Engines That Don't Track You» was prepared by a friendly project team.

Good bad

Search engines are considered the most popular sites on the Internet. This is not surprising, because in order to find something on the network, you first have to use search services.

There are quite a lot of them, and even inexperienced Internet users know at least 2-3 search engines.

What are the search engines? Someone knows about one search engine, some know about 10 search services, but in fact there are many more.

Of course, their popularity is different, as well as the interface and the quality of the results. We will present you with a list from different search engines so you can compare them.

Popular search engines

Search services have been developed for various categories of people. The most well-known ones cover countries or even the whole world, while the less well-known ones are designed for regions or user interests.

Below are 10 search engines you need to know about:

  1. - everyone knows about this search engine, it is the most popular in Russia and provides wide functionality to its users (starting with electronic payments, ending with a panel for webmasters).
  2. is the leader among all sites in the world. It is used by people from all countries and is considered the highest quality search engine. Like Yandex, customers are offered many additional tools.
  3. - search and information system, taking into account Russian-speaking morphology. The site has several separate versions, for example, XRambler, through which you can search several services at once.
  4. - Abroad, this system has enormous popularity. It has been translated into Russian for a long time, but it has not received much fame in Runet. Various searches are available to users (by pictures, videos, etc.).
  5. - a well-known company in Runet, is engaged in development in several directions at once. In addition to their own search engine and the most popular mail service, they are the owners of such projects as Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte.
  6. - was created as a state resource in Russia, but did not receive mass distribution. Through it, you can conduct different search formats, as well as get useful information.
  7. - designed to search for information in the Chinese segment of the Internet. Who knows, maybe it will come in handy for you. You can receive news, search for pictures, music, get maps and much more.
  8. is a project of the well-known company Microsoft. In terms of traffic, this site ranks second in the world ranking of search engines. It has been operating since 1998 and during this time it has been modernized many times.
  9. - This service is used only by foreigners. The project is American and in addition to the search engine, the company has a lot of other sites and services. It is worth noting that they have the largest directory of links to world wide web sites.

If one of the search engines fails to find information, then why not look for it through another site? Now you have some quality resources and you are sure to find what you need.