What regulations govern the procurement plan. How to prepare a justification for the procurement plan and schedule

From January 1, 2016, all state and municipal customers are required to justify and plan their purchases in accordance with the requirements of Law No. 44-FZ and special resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation. Planning functions are assigned to contract managers and contract services of customers (part 4 of article 38 of Law No. 44-FZ). It is necessary to focus on this, since the responsibility for the preparation and updating of schedules lies with contract service employees or contract managers.

Please note that starting from this year, the schedule must contain the “Approve” column, which must be filled out. Accordingly, if your regional system does not have such a column in the electronic schedule, then you need to print out the plan form with this column.

What articles of Law 44-FZ regulate planning?

  1. Procurement plan and justification - art. 17 of Law No. 44-FZ.
  2. Schedule - Art. 21 of Law No. 44-FZ.
  3. Substantiation of procurement for the purposes of forming a procurement plan and schedule - art. 18 of Law No. 44-FZ.
  4. Rationing in the field of procurement - Art. 19 of Law No. 44-FZ.
  5. Procurement identification code - art. 23 of Law No. 44-FZ.

There are regulatory legal acts regulating the activities of customers at the federal and regional levels.

Regulatory legal acts for customers of the federal level:

  1. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 5, 2015 No. 552"On approval of the Rules for the formation, approval and maintenance of a plan for the procurement of goods, works, services to meet federal needs, as well as requirements for the form procurement plan goods, works, services to meet federal needs”;
  2. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 5, 2015 No. 553"On approval of the Rules for the formation, approval and maintenance procurement schedule goods, works, services to meet federal needs, as well as requirements for the form of a schedule for the procurement of goods, works, services to meet federal needs”;

Regulatory legal acts for customers at the level of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or the level of a municipality:

  1. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 21, 2013 No. 1043 purchasing plans, works, services to meet the needs of the subject of the Russian Federation and municipal needs, as well as the requirements for the form ... "
  2. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05.06.2015 N 554"On the requirements for the formation, approval and maintenance plan-schedule of purchases of goods, works, services to meet the needs of the subject of the Russian Federation and municipal needs, as well as on the requirements for the form of the schedule for the procurement of goods, works, services”

Customers should be aware of changes to these regulations. A number of such changes came into force on January 1, they will be discussed below.

Legislative acts must also be approved at the local level that regulate planning, procurement plans and scheduling in the region. At the same time, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities have the right to adjust the terms for the formation of plans, the grounds for making changes to the plans, and include additional information in the forms of plans.

For example,

In the Samara region, there are Government Decrees SO No. 761 and No. 750 dated November 23, 2015, which regulate the procedure and terms for placing and approving plans.

Information about such legal acts on the procedure for the formation, approval and maintenance of procurement plans and procurement schedules for customers of your constituent entity of the Russian Federation or municipality is available in the UIS in register of regulatory, methodological and reference information on the regulation of the contract system in the field of procurement at: http://zakupki.gov.ru/epz/legalacts/

What other regulatory legal acts does the customer need under 44-FZ when planning purchases?

Decree Government of the Russian Federation dated October 29, 2015 No. 1168 “On approval of the Rules for placement in the EIS in the field of procurement of plans for the procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs, schedules for the procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs ".

Decree Government of the Russian Federation dated June 5, 2015 No. 555 “On establishing the procedure for substantiating the procurement of goods, works and services to meet state and municipal needs and the forms of such substantiation”.

Order The Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated June 29, 2015 No. 422 "On Approval of the Procedure for Forming the Procurement Identification Code".

A number of amendments to these resolutions were made by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 25, 2017 No. 73, in accordance with which, from January 1, 2018, changes were made, including to the requirements for the form of procurement plans (PP RF 1043, RF PP 552):

The total amount of financial support provided for procurement in the current financial year, the planning period and in subsequent years (if purchases are planned to be made after the end of the planning period) should be detailed by the amount of financial support for each budget classification code and by the amount of financial support by each subsidy agreement.

Only individual customers are required to detail CSC funds. For example, budgetary and autonomous institutions created by constituent entities of the Russian Federation or municipalities do not detail the amount of financial support under agreements on the provision of subsidies from the respective budgets.

The second change, which already concerns all customers, is the requirements for schedules (changes in RF PP 553, RF PP 554):

The procurement schedule must contain annexes containing justifications for each object of procurement, including: justification of the NMTsK concluded with a single supplier, determined in accordance with Article 22 of the Federal Law, indicating the quantities and units of measurement of goods, works included in the object of procurement , services (if available).

This change entailed an increase in the amount of work for customers, especially since there are no exceptions for small purchases under paragraphs 4 and 5 here. Accordingly, when forming a schedule, the customer must generate the calculation of the NMCC for each item and apply it to the schedule.

The terms for which procurement plans are formed, remained the same and constitute a period corresponding to the period of validity of the law (decision) on the budget for the next financial year and planning period, that is, as a standard, we are talking about three-year planning. The plan is prepared well in advance.

Thus, the period for which it is necessary to form a procurement plan depends on how many years the budget is adopted, and, accordingly, on the level of the customer. For customers at the federal level, the acts determining the planning period are the law on the federal budget and the law on the budgets of state off-budget funds of the Russian Federation. For customers at the level of the subject - the law of the subject on the budget, the law of the subject on territorial extra-budgetary funds. For customers at the municipal level - a municipal legal act on the budget.

Please note that the plan is formed for the period of the approved budget, regardless of the period and amount for which the limits of budget obligations were brought to the customer.

Terms of formation draft plans purchases established earlier have been canceled, and now they comply with the regulations adopted at the regional level.

Deadlines for approval and placement of procurement plans

After the approval of the budget and, accordingly, bringing the limits / approval of the plan (program) of financial and economic activities / customers are required to:

  • approve the procurement plan within 10 working days;
  • place it in the EIS within 3 working days.

Important! In accordance with Article 191 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the course of a period determined by a period of time begins on the next day after the calendar date or the occurrence of the event that determined its beginning. The day of SG placement is not included in the calculation of 10 calendar days (the countdown starts from the next day).

If the term in the law is specified in calendar days and the end of the term falls on a weekend, then it is postponed to the first working day after the end of the term. If working days are specified, then, respectively, only working days are considered.

Example: if the financial and economic activity plan is approved by the founder on December 29, 2017, then the procurement plan must be approved before January 22, 2018 and posted in the EIS before January 25, 2018.

Separately, RF PP 73 establishes the deadlines for approving procurement plans for unitary and autonomous enterprises:

  • for SUEs and MUPs - 10 working days from the date of approval of the PFCD;
  • for autonomous institutions - 10 working days from the date of conclusion of agreements on the provision of subsidies for capital investments in capital construction objects of state (municipal) property or the acquisition of real estate objects in state (municipal) property.


On January 1, 2016, the provisions on the regulation of purchases came into force in accordance with Art. 19 of Law No. 44-FZ, and, therefore, procurement objects in draft procurement plans should be included taking into account standard costs.

Purchasing justification

From January 1, 2016, customers must carry out the justification of purchases when planning their purchases (Government of the Russian Federation dated 05.06.2015 No. 555). This applies to both the procurement plan and the schedule.

Algorithm for the formation and approval of the procurement plan for 2018 - 2020

Step one. Before forming a procurement plan, it is necessary to prepare its draft in the form established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 21, 2013 No. 1043, which contains clear requirements for filling out the procurement plan form.

Step two. Send the draft procurement plan to the bodies exercising the functions and powers of the founders, the main managers of budgetary funds, within the time period established by local acts

Government customers must provide procurement plans to the main managers of budgetary funds, and budgetary institutions - to the founders). This usually happens in the summer.

Step three. After sending the projects to higher institutions, they are corrected if necessary. After that, on the basis of approved plans for financial and economic activities or limits of budgetary obligations within ten business days the procurement plan is approved.

State customers must approve procurement plans within 10 working days from the date of bringing the limits of budgetary obligations, and budgetary institutions and unitary enterprises - after the approval of the FCD plan.

Step four. Approved plans are posted in the EIS within three working days from the date of approval. The procurement plan must contain the distribution of the full volume of planned purchases for the entire planning period.

The procurement plan does not contain each specific procurement, but includes information in an aggregated form - the amount of funding for specific purposes. The decoding of each specific purchase is made in the schedule, which is drawn up on the basis of the purchase plan.

Features of filling out the procurement plan form

In order to form a plan, you must fill out the prescribed form.

Firstly, when drawing up a procurement plan, it is necessary to justify the object of procurement and the compliance of this object with the purpose of the procurement and the established requirements for goods, works, services.

When forming the schedule for the financial year, the NMCC is justified, the method for determining the supplier and additional requirements for procurement participants (if any).

The procurement plan consists of fifteen columns:

  1. Identification code.
  2. Procurement purposes.
  3. Name of the procurement object.
  4. Volumes of financial security.
  5. Planned year of placement of the notice/contract.
  6. The amount of financial security.
  7. Terms (periodicity) of the planned purchases.
  8. Information about the COU and 2-stage competitions (yes / no).
  9. Information about the mandatory public discussion of the procurement (yes/no).
  10. Date, content and justification for changes.

Purchasing identification code (line 2)

Although the purchase identification code (IKZ) is generated automatically by the system, you need to understand how it is generated and what gets into it.

Year of placement

1-2 digits

The last two digits of the year of placement of the notice of procurement, or the sending of an invitation, or the conclusion of a contract with a single supplier are indicated. Even if the purchase was for 2018, but the notice of purchase was posted in 2017, then the number “17” should be entered, and this purchase will fall into the schedule of the previous year.

Customer Code

3-22 category

The customer identification code (form of ownership code + TIN + KPP) is taken from the registration data in the personal account in the UIS.

Procurement plan number

23-26 category

The procurement plan is drawn up for three years. Each year has its own numbering. The IPC indicates the number of the purchase included in the procurement plan generated (approved) by the customer for the next financial year and planned period (values ​​from 0001 to 9999 are assigned in ascending order within a year, where it is planned to place a notice of procurement, conclude a contract with the EP).

In ascending order within a year: 1,2,3. From the new year - a new numbering.

Number according to the schedule

27-29 digits

The number of the procurement included in the procurement schedule generated (approved) for the next financial year by the customer is indicated (values ​​from 001 to 999 are assigned in ascending order within the corresponding serial number of the procurement in the procurement plan).

At the stage of drawing up a procurement plan, zeros are put.

Object code from the catalog

30-33 ranks

Information about the code of the procurement object according to the GWS catalog, formed on the basis of OKPD2, with detailing to a group of goods (works, services):

30-31 digits - class;

32nd category - subclass;

33 category - group. Except for "large purchases" *

“... in case of purchasing several goods (works, services) belonging to different groups according to the OKPD2 code as part of one lot, the customer, when forming the IPC in 30-33 digits, indicates the value "0000."

Letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated April 24, 2017 N OG-D28-5071

Expense code

34-36 digits

Code of the type of expenses according to the budget classification of the Russian Federation

* “Enlarged” information for each CSC code (Contracts within one clause have one IPC)

Procurement information shall be indicated on one line for each of the following objects of procurement:

  • medicinal products purchased in accordance with Clause 7 of Part 2 of Article 83 of the Federal Law;
  • goods, works or services for an amount not exceeding 100 thousand rubles (if the customer concludes a contract in accordance with paragraph 4 of part 1 of Article 93 of the Federal Law);
  • goods, works or services for an amount not exceeding 400 thousand rubles (if the customer concludes a contract in accordance with clause 5 of part 1 of Article 93 of the Federal Law);
  • services related to sending an employee on a business trip (if the customer concludes a contract in accordance with paragraph 26 of part 1 of Article 93 of the Federal Law);
  • teaching services provided by individuals;
  • services of a guide (guide) provided by individuals.
  • services for the maintenance and repair of non-residential premises transferred for gratuitous use or operational management to the customer, services for water, heat, gas and energy supply, security services, services for the removal of household waste if these services are provided to another person or others persons using non-residential premises located in the building in which the premises transferred to the customer for gratuitous use or operational management are located (clause 23 of part 1 of article 93)
  • procurement of services from individuals for the purposes of Rosstat (paragraph 42 of part 1 of article 93)
  • services for granting the right to access information contained in documentary, documentographic, abstract, full-text foreign databases and specialized databases of international scientific citation indices (paragraph 44 of part 1 of Article 93).

Documents containing an indication of the IPC

The documents in which the IPC must be indicated are listed in Part 1 of Article 23 of Law No. 44-FZ. These include:

  • procurement plan
  • schedule
  • notification of the purchase, an invitation to participate in the selection of the supplier, carried out in a closed way
  • purchase documentation
  • contract (IKZ is indicated by the customer, including in contracts concluded in accordance with paragraphs 4, 5, 26 and 33 of part 1 of Article 93 of Law N 44-FZ. At the same time, in such an IPC, in categories 30 - 33, the value 0 is indicated. Letter from the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated 15.03.2017 N D28i-1118)
  • other documents provided by law

This list is open.

In fact, the IPC is also indicated in other documents: reports on the execution of the contract (IPC is affixed automatically), acceptance documents for the contract, acts of external examination, the contract registry entry (automatically), the register of unscrupulous suppliers (FAS Russia), the Register of bank guarantees (affixed by the bank) , agreements on joint (centralized) procurement, etc.

The IKZ also states:

  • when holding joint tenders and auctions (subclause 1.1 of clause 1 of part 1 of Article 25 of Law No. 44-FZ);
  • in the register of contracts concluded by customers (clause 12 of part 2 of article 103 of Law No. 44-FZ);
  • in the register of unscrupulous PIEs (paragraph 5 of part 3 of article 104 of Law No. 44-FZ);
  • in vendor identification protocols.

A responsibility

Failure to indicate the IPC in the documents provided for by Law N 44-FZ may entail liability established by applicable law. According to part 1.4 of article 7.30 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, administrative responsibility is provided for placing in the EIS documents to be placed, sent, in violation of the requirements provided for by law.


Make sure that the IPC is always correct. If the IPC is formed incorrectly, then it is impossible to change it without canceling the procurement procedure itself.

Procurement purposes (lines 3-4)

In the line "Purpose of the purchase" information about the purpose of the purchase is indicated. To do this, first fill in the "Target type" field by selecting one of the values ​​from the drop-down list:

  1. achievement of the goals of the state program (including the target federal program, departmental target program, other document of strategic and program-targeted planning)
  2. fulfillment of international obligations
  3. performance of functions and powers of state bodies

Most often, the value “achieving the goals of the state program” is chosen. Then you need to select the program itself from the program directory (more than 700 positions), and enter the result yourself using the keyboard.

For example: Prevention of infectious diseases, including immunoprophylaxis. The result is a reduction in the incidence of infectious diseases.

Lines 5 - 12

5. The name is indicated arbitrarily and can be formed: stationery, office furniture, medicines, wired communication services, etc.

6.Year of placement of the notice: The year when it is planned post a notice or conclude a contract (if the notice is not generated).

7 - 11. Amount of financial support: this is not the NMCC, but the amount of financial support for each year, for example, for medicines.

12. Terms, frequency of procurement: The frequency of procurement and receipt of GWS is indicated (Daily, as needed, monthly, once a year and more).

Lines 13-15

13. Additional information: Information on procurement, which, due to technical or technological complexity, innovative, high-tech or specialized nature, can only be supplied by suppliers (contractors, performers) with the required level of qualification, as well as scientific research, research, design work. Format: YES or NO.

14. Information about mandatory public comment. Format: YES or NO.

Grounds for making changes to the procurement plan on the example of Decree No. 552 for federal customers

­ Bringing plans in line with the change: ­
  • procurement purposes,
  • requirements for purchased products (including the marginal price) and (or) standard costs for ensuring the functions of customers;
  • Amendments to the law (decision) on the budget;
  • Implementation of laws (local legal acts), decisions (orders) of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, the highest executive authorities in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
  • Changing the adjusted limits;
  • As a result of mandatory public comment;
  • The use of savings;
  • Issuance of an order;
  • Changing the timing and (or) frequency of GWS acquisition;
  • The occurrence of circumstances that cannot be foreseen at the date of approval of the procurement plan.

Rollover Purchases

Often there are purchases, contracts for which are concluded in one year, and are executed in the next (for example, food, communication services, etc.). The question arises, in the procurement plan of which year such purchases should be included. Of course, they should be included in the 2017 procurement plan. But the amount is reflected in the payments of 2018 (planned payments).

Substantiation form for the procurement of goods, works and services to meet state and municipal needs in the formation and approval of the procurement plan

N p / p IKZ Name of the procurement object Name of the target program The name of the event of the state program, the functions of the state body, the management body of the state non-budgetary fund, the municipal body and (or) the name of the international treaty of the Russian Federation Justification of the compliance of the object and (or) objects of the procurement with the event of the state (municipal) program, functions, powers and (or) international treaty of the Russian Federation Full name, date of adoption and number of regulatory legal (legal) acts approved in accordance with Article 19, establishing standard costs for determination
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

The following data is entered in the justification form:

Column 2 Identification code.(The procedure for the formation of the IKZ was established by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development No. 422 of June 29, 2015).

Column 3 Name of the procurement object. It practically corresponds to what is called “the name of the subject of the contract” in existing schedules - for example, Personal computer

Column 4 Name of the state program, program of the subject of the Russian Federation, municipal program. Including a target or departmental target program, another document of strategic and program-targeted planning, if the purchase is planned within the framework of the specified program. At the moment, in accordance with the budget legislation, which provides for the widest application of the program-target method of management and budgeting, the activities of state and municipal institutions, as a rule, are carried out within the framework of state and municipal programs. Within the framework of these programs, budget expenditures for the activities of institutions are also formed (part 4, article 21, article 179 of the RF BC).

For example, in the Moscow region, the activities of regional state institutions of secondary vocational education are carried out within the framework of the regional State program of the Moscow region "Education of the Moscow Region" for 2014-2018 (subprogram "Professional education").

Column 5 The name of the event of the state program, the program of the subject of the Russian Federation, the municipal program. Including a target or departmental target program, another document of strategic and program-target planning), the name of the function, the powers of the state body, the management body of the state non-budgetary fund, the municipal body and (or) the name of the international treaty of the Russian Federation. As procurement goals, federal legislation provides not only for the implementation of state or municipal programs, but also for the fulfillment of international obligations of the Russian Federation, the functions and powers of state bodies of the Russian Federation, management bodies of state and territorial off-budget funds of the Russian Federation, state bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipal bodies, with the exception of those performed in within the framework of state and municipal programs.

Event name example

Improving the material and technical base of state institutions of vocational education

(if the purchase would be planned at the expense of budgetary funds transferred to the institution in the form of a subsidy for purposes not related to the implementation of the state task)


"implementation of educational activities under contracts for the provision of paid educational services in educational institutions of vocational education"

(if the purchase is at the expense of extra-budgetary funds of the institution received by it for the provision of paid educational services).

If the purchase is carried out in accordance with Law No. 233-FZ, then justification is not required.

Column 6. Justification of the compliance of the object and (or) objects of the procurement with the measure of the state (municipal) program, functions, powers and (or) international treaty of the Russian Federation. In this paragraph, it is necessary to indicate how the implementation of the procurement corresponds to the above measure of the state or municipal program.

Column 7. Full name, date of adoption and number of approved legal acts that establish the requirements for standardization or an indication of the absence of such an act for the relevant object of procurement. For example, if it is planned to purchase a car for the head or deputy head of a federal state body with personal assignment, then such a car may cost no more than 2.5 million rubles, if for the head (deputy head) of a structural unit of this body - no more than 1.5 million rub. If it is planned to purchase GWS, for which such rationing will be established, it is necessary to indicate in the column the details of the relevant regulatory legal act or write that the act is not approved.


Please study before filling out the rationale. Regulations in force in your area

An example of justification of the SHOZ for the EP according to clauses 4.5 in accordance with the Rules for justifying purchases (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05.06. 2015 No. 555)

Purchasing identification code Name of the object and (or) objects of procurement Name of the state program or program of the subject of the Russian Federation, municipal program (including the target program, Name of the event of the state program or program of the subject of the Russian Federation, municipal program (including the target program, departmental target program, other document of strategic and Justification of the compliance of the object and (or) objects of procurement with the event of the state (municipal) program, functions, powers and (or) international treaty of the Russian Federation Full name, date of adoption and number of normative documents approved in accordance with Article 19 of the Law
2 3 4 5 6 7
Procurement of goods, works, services for an amount not exceeding 100 (400) thousand rubles (in accordance with clause 4 (clause 5) part 1 article 93 of the Federal Law) Municipal program "Development of education" for 2016-2020. Expenses for ensuring the activities of municipal educational institutions "School and preschool nutrition", "Ensuring the safety of educational institutions ... of the municipal district", Subventions for providing students in elementary grades (1-4 inclusive) with free meals. Procurement is carried out in order to implement the relevant activity of the subprogram NPA not approved

How to correctly form a schedule for 2018, the timing of the preparation and adjustment of the plan

Speaking about the schedule, you should remember three postulates:

  1. The schedule is the basis for procurement.
  2. Procurement not provided for by the schedules cannot be carried out (part 11 of article 21).
  3. Formed by the customer in accordance with the procurement plan (part 2, article 21)

Terms of preparation of the schedule

State customers

Budget institutions

Unitary enterprises


AU and others

(part 4 and part 6 of article 15)


Draft schedule plan within the time limits set by:


after the introduction of the law on the budget for consideration by the State Duma


after the introduction of the law on the budget for consideration by the State Duma

after the introduction of the law on the budget for consideration by the State Duma


Draft plan

Clarifications and adjustments of limits

Clarifications and approvals of the FCD plan

clarification and conclusion of an agreement / bringing funds to the account

Approval time within 10 business days

From the day the limits were set

From the date of approval of PFCD

From the date of approval of PFCD

From the day the funds are credited to the account or the agreement is concluded

Structure of the schedule:

  • SSHOZ (for reference);
  • IKZ;
  • name and description of the object of procurement, its characteristics (Article 33)
  • NMTsK (thousand rubles)
  • Advance payment (%)
  • Payment stages (amounts of planned payments) for the entire period
  • Unit of measurement and OKEI code (if it can be measured)
  • Quantity for the whole period
  • Frequency (daily, once a month, etc. / number of execution stages (month, year)
  • The amount of the application and contract security
  • Planned period for posting a notice/concluding a contract (month, year)
  • Contract completion date (month, year)
  • Purchasing method
  • Advantages of Art.28 and Art.29
  • SMP and SONKO
  • Prohibitions, restrictions, admission conditions Art.14
  • Add. requirements and their justification
  • Mandatory Public Comment
  • Information about the banking support of the contract / treasury support of the contract *
  • Information about the authorized body/institution
  • Information about the organizer of the joint competition/auction
  • Date, content and justification for changes

Features of drawing up a schedule

The rules for describing the procurement object are set out in Article 33 of Law No. 44-FZ. When describing the procurement object in the procurement documentation, the customer must be guided by the following rules:

  • The description of the procurement object shall indicate the functional, technical and quality characteristics, operational characteristics of the procurement object (if necessary).
  • The description of the procurement object may include specifications, plans, drawings, sketches, photographs, results of work, testing, requirements.

Catalog of goods, works and services

Please note that on January 1, 2018, paras. d point 10 pp. b Clause 1 3 of the RF GD dated 08.02.2017 N 145 "On approval of the Rules for the formation and maintenance of the TRU catalog in the EIS." In accordance with the requirements of Article 33 of the law, the following information is included in the description of the TRU:

a) consumer properties and other characteristics of GWS, including functional, technical, quality characteristics, performance characteristics (if necessary).

Information will appear in the catalog:

  • codes corresponding to GRU, according to Russian and international systems of classification, cataloging;
  • information on model contracts to be applied.

The following obligation also arises: in the schedule, the name and description of the procurement object must correspond to the positions of the GWS catalog if this object exists in the directory.

If there are no corresponding positions in the catalog, the customer shall describe the goods, work, services in accordance with the requirements of Article 33 of Federal Law No. 44-FZ. As a catalog code of GWS for which there is no corresponding item in the catalog, the code of such GWS is indicated in accordance with OKPD2.

If there is a position in the GWS catalog, and the customer wishes to specify additional information on the position, additional consumer properties, including functional characteristics, then he is obliged to include in the description of the GWS a justification for the need to use such information.

It must be remembered that the procurement plan and the schedule are two interrelated documents. There can be one item in the procurement plan, and several in the schedule, but it cannot be the other way around: you cannot technically combine purchases from the purchase plan in the schedule.

Changing the schedule

Reasons for changing the schedule:

  • adjustment of the schedule;
  • change in volume and (or) cost, NMCC;
  • change in the date of commencement of the procurement, the timing and (or) the frequency of the acquisition of goods, the performance of work, the provision of services, the method of determining the supplier (contractor, performer), stages of payment and (or) the amount of the advance payment and the deadline for the execution of the contract;
  • cancellation by the customer of the purchase;
  • use of savings;
  • issuance of instructions by control bodies;
  • results of mandatory public comment;
  • the occurrence of other circumstances that could not be foreseen as of the date of approval of the procurement schedule.

It is important to remember that changes to the procurement object must be made no later than 10 days before the day the procurement notice is posted in the EIS. After making changes.

Termination, change of contract and schedule

The obligation of the customer to make changes to the procurement plan and schedule when the contract is changed or terminated is not regulated by law. However, when the contract price decreases, the payment planning column must be adjusted to free up funds. If the limits were withdrawn, then the contract must be terminated.

Features of filling out the procurement justification form

From January 1, 2018, an innovation (Government of the Russian Federation dated January 25, 2017 No. 73) came into force, according to which the justification of the NMCC must be applied, including the one concluded with a single supplier, which indicates the object of procurement, the quantity and units of measurement of goods, works and services .

The question arises: How to place in the EIS the justification of the NMTsK in the schedule, taking into account the new rules, if there are restrictions on the number of characters, and there are several positions in the specification and for each it is necessary to indicate the unit of measurement and quantity?

Justification Filling Example

Name of the procurement object Initial (maximum) contract price, price of a contract concluded with a single supplier (contractor, performer) Name of the method for determining and justifying the initial (maximum) price of the contract, the price of the contract concluded with a single supplier (contractor, performer) Justification of the impossibility of using the methods specified in Part 1 of Article 22 of the Federal Law “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs” (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law), as well as the rationale for the method definitions and justifications of the NMTsK, TsKEP, not provided for in Part 1 of Article 22 of the Federal Law Justification of the initial (maximum) contract price, the price of a contract concluded with a single supplier (contractor, performer) in the manner prescribed by Article 22 of the Federal Law Method for determining the supplier (contractor, performer) Justification of the chosen method of determining the supplier (contractor, performer)
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Grocery RUB 110,000.00 method of comparable market prices (market analysis). The method of comparable market prices (market analysis) is a priority for determining and justifying the initial (maximum) contract price for identical goods, in accordance with Part 2 of Article 22 of Law No. 44-FZ. - The initial (maximum) price of the contract is determined in accordance with the requirements of Article 22 of Law No. 44-FZ dated and taking into account the Guidelines for the application of methods for determining the initial (maximum) contract price, approved by Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated 02.10.2013 No. 567. The calculation is made in the Appendix No. 1 Request for quotations (Part 2, Article 72 of Law No. 44-FZ) NMTsK does not exceed the established limit of 500 thousand rubles. and the customer has a limit (no more than 10% of the GSS) for requesting quotations.

An example of a calculation indicating for each item of the specification (Justification for calculating the initial (maximum) price of a contract for the supply of food products)

Name of product

(works, services)

price for 1 unit rub.

Price monitoring

Average unit price, rub

Contract price, rub.,

NMTsK \u003d V * c

The coefficient of variation, %

Commercial offer

Organization 1

Commercial offer

Commercial offer i=3

1 Buckwheat kg 70 15,6 17,2 18 15,93 318,6 7,7
2 Semolina kg 15 21,50 25,00 27,00 19,50 292,5 14,3
3 Peas kg 10 15,00 20,00 22,00 19,00 190,6 18,1
4 Hercules kg 15 15,6 17,2 18 15,93 318,6 7,7
5 Lentils kg 10 15,00 20,00 22,00 19,00 190,6 18,1
6 ETC.

Procurement justification features

With regard to purchases made in accordance with clause 7 of part 2 of Article 83, the rationale for purchases is carried out in accordance with the decision of the medical commission.

With regard to purchases carried out in accordance with paragraphs 4, 5, 26 and 33 of part 1 of Article 93, the annual volume of these purchases is subject to justification.

The justification form for the formation and approval of the schedule plan is attached to the procurement schedule plan.

If changes are made to the procurement plan (schedule), changes are made to the relevant procurement justification forms

Administrative responsibility

The Code of Administrative Offenses provides for 36 grounds for bringing to administrative responsibility, the amount of which, for a number of reasons, depends on the size of the NMCC.

Answers on questions

Is it possible to enter a position in the PP for several OKPDs (for example, medicines), and in the PG to divide this position into separate purchases with different OKPDs2? Yes. You made a mistake with the OKPD2 code, can you change the purchase code in an already placed position of the procurement plan without canceling the purchase? Since this field is linked to the IPC, it is not corrected. In this case, it is required to cancel this position and enter it again with the correct OKPD2 code. Are we obliged to comply with any deadlines for updating the procurement plan if changes are made to the PFCD? The deadline for making changes to the PP in the event of a need to adjust it is not legally established. The main thing is to adjust the plan before making changes to the schedule and posting notices (signing contracts). There is no regulated period between making changes to the institution's PFC indicators and the procurement plan. There is also no direct administrative penalty for failure to make changes to the procurement plan or violation of the deadline for making such changes after changing the institution's PFC indicators. The first version of the PG may not contain all planned purchases? Is it possible to indicate in the first edition of the PG not all the funds provided for by the estimate (PFCD) (only for certain items)? Formally, there is no ban, but based on the principles for the formation of planning documents, the first edition should contain all purchases as much as possible (all funds should be “distributed”). Also, in the grounds for making changes to the procurement plan, only those that allow you to change already placed purchases are provided.

To add a new item to the Procurement Plan, click the button "Add Position" on the form for viewing the Procurement Plan (Fig. 13.141).

Rice. 13.141

A form for creating a new purchase will open. "New position of the procurement plan." The form consists of the tabs "General information", "Purpose and rationale for the purchase", the buttons "Back", "Save" and "Include in the procurement plan" (Fig. 13.142).

Rice. 13.142

"Procurement identification code" is formed on the side of the AIS GC for the possibility of previewing, the IPC is assigned by the EIS after the publication of the document.

In accordance with clause 5.1 of the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development No. 422 dated 06/29/2015, in the case of procurement of goods, works, services by budgetary, autonomous institutions and state, municipal unitary enterprises, the value 0 is indicated in 34-36 digits of the procurement identification code (CWR).

tab "General Information"

Block Purchasing information:

  • Register position number in the procurement plan - filled in automatically after publication;
  • The number of the purchase included in the purchase plan - filled in automatically;
  • The planned year for posting a notice, sending an invitation, concluding a contract with a single supplier (contractor, performer) - is filled in manually by selecting from the list;
  • Name of the object and (or) procurement objects - filled in manually;

    In the case of procurement planning for joint bidding, the name of the procurement object in the position of the Procurement Plan must be the same for all bidders.

  • The list of KTR/OKPD2 is a tabular form for adding the codes of the corresponding directories.

To add positions to the liver, you must save the previously entered values. When adding several positions to the list, in digits 30-33 of the IPC, the value 0000 will be entered in accordance with clause 5.1 of Order No. 422 dated 06/29/2015.

To fill in the codes in the list of KRU / OKPD2, press the button
In the window that opens, select the directory whose code you will fill in (Fig. 13.143).

Rice. 13.143

In the input field, indicate the first three characters of the code or the name of the code of the corresponding directory. You will be offered a list of entries from the directory that contain a combination of the values ​​you entered (Fig. 13.144).

Rice. 13.144

Select the desired value by clicking on it with the mouse button. Then press the button "Save" at the bottom of the form.

If you select to use the KKN directory, you will see a sign "Indicate the KTR code." This feature is temporarily not used, added due to the need for further development and use of KTR.

Subblock Terms (frequency) of the planned purchases:

  • The date of commencement of the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services - is filled in using the Calendar tool in the format DD.MM.YYYY;
  • End date for the delivery of goods, performance of work, provision of services - filled in using the Calendar tool in the format DD.MM.YYYY;
  • The frequency of the purchase - is filled in from the list. If option is selected "Other" fill in the additional field "Specify frequency";
  • Procurements that, due to technical and (or) technological complexity, innovative, high-tech or specialized nature, are able to supply, perform, provide only suppliers (contractors, performers) with the required level of qualification, and which are also intended for scientific research, experiments, surveys , design works (including architectural and construction design) - check-box. When setting the flag, fill in the field "Additional Information";
  • Mandatory public discussion is required in accordance with Article 20 of Federal Law No. 44-FZ - a check-box is entered manually if the purchase is subject to mandatory public discussion;
  • It is planned to conclude an energy service contract - a check-box is entered manually in case of an energy service contract.
  • Additional information about the position of the procurement plan, established by the subject or municipality of the Russian Federation: - filled in automatically with the code and the name of the position of the KKN directory if it is used when adding the position to the table "List of KTR / OKPD2".

Block Amount of financial support

To add information about the financial security of the purchase, click the button "Add KVR". In the opened table "Planned Payments" fill in the columns:

  • KVR - filled in from the list;
  • Total - filled in automatically;
  • Amount for 2018 - filled in manually;
  • Amount for 2019 - filled in manually;
  • Amount for 2020 - filled in manually;
  • The amount for subsequent years is filled in manually.

To add the next line, click the button "Add KVR". In case of filling in several CWRs for one position, the value 000 will be included in the IPC (in accordance with clause 5.1 of the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development No. 422 of 06/29/2015). To delete an extra entry, click the button "Remove CVR".

tab "Purpose and rationale for the purchase"(Fig. 13.145).

Rice. 13.145

tab "Purpose and rationale for the purchase" contains the following blocks and fields:

Block Procurement Purposes:

  • The name of the state program or program of the subject of the Russian Federation, municipal program (including the target program, departmental target program, other document of strategic and program-target planning) if the purchase is planned within the framework of the specified program - is filled in manually by selecting from the list;
  • There is no state program - check box, filled in manually. If yes, fill in the additional required field.
  • The name of the event of the state program of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (including the regional target program, another document of strategic and program-targeted planning of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation), the municipal program or the name of the function (power) of the state body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the management body of the territorial state non-budgetary fund, the municipal authority , or the name of the international treaty of the Russian Federation - filled in manually;
  • The expected result of the implementation of the event is filled in manually.

Block Information about the rationale for the purchase:

  • Substantiation of compliance of the object - filled in manually. This field indicates the rationale for the compliance of the object and (or) objects of the procurement with the measure of the state (municipal) program, functions, powers and (or) the international treaty of the Russian Federation in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05.06.2015 N 555;
  • Normative legal (legal) acts are absent – ​​check-box. It is established if there are no regulatory legal (legal) acts that establish requirements for certain types of goods, works and services (including marginal prices for goods, works and services) and (or) for the determination of standard costs in the field of procurement rationing.

To add information about regulatory legal acts, click the button "Add NPA", fill in the fields:

  • Full name of the normative legal (legal) act - filled in manually;
  • Date of acceptance - filled in manually using the Calendar tool in the format DD.MM.YYYY;
  • Number - filled in manually;
  • NPA points - filled in manually.

To save information about the purchase, click the button "Save". To add a purchase to the Procurement Plan, sent for approval to the GRBS and for placement in the EIS, click the button "Include in the procurement plan."

When you include a position in the Procurement Plan, you can see the following warning "Selected position OKPD2<код позиции>refers to the commodity part "Stationery and office supplies", you must specify the code according to the KKN directory. Continue including the item in the Procurement Plan? To return to editing the list of items, click the "Cancel" button, to include the item in the Procurement Plan, click the "OK" button.

After the position is saved, it becomes available for viewing. The view form displays the values ​​filled in by the user. To view the purchase on the form of the Procurement Plan, find the desired position and click in the column "Operations"(Fig. 13.146).

Rice. 13.146

The form that opens consists of two tabs (“General information” and “Purchase purpose and rationale”) and buttons “History of changes” and “Back” (Fig. 13.147).

Rice. 13.147

To open the history of changes, click the button at the bottom of the form. In the window that opens, users' actions with this purchase will be recorded in chronological order (Fig. 13.148).

Rice. 13.148

Click "Update" to update history, click "Back", to return to viewing the purchase, click "Exit" to return to the Procurement Plan.

Should the FBU, when filling out the procurement plan in accordance with Government Decree No. 555 of 06/05/2015, indicate regulatory legal acts in the 7th column of the procurement plan justification form that establish requirements for certain types of goods, works and services, etc., in accordance with Article 19 Federal Law No. 44?


Oksana Balandina, chief editor of the State Order System

From July 1, 2018 to January 1, 2019, customers have a transition period - it is allowed to carry out both electronic and paper procedures. From 2019, competitions, auctions, quotes and requests for proposals on paper will be prohibited, with eight exceptions.
Read what purchases to make on the ETP, how to choose a site and get an electronic signature, what are the rules for concluding contracts during the transition period and after.

State bodies, management bodies of state off-budget funds, municipal bodies, on the basis of the rationing rules established in accordance with part 4 of this article, approve the requirements for procured by them, their territorial bodies (subdivisions) and subordinate to these bodies state institutions, budgetary institutions and state, municipal unitary enterprises for certain types of goods, works, services (including marginal prices for goods, works, services) and (or) standard costs for ensuring the functions of these bodies and state institutions subordinate to them (part 5 of article 19 of Law No. 44-FZ) .

To get full access to the PRO-GOSZAKAZ.RU portal, please, register. It won't take more than a minute. Select a social network for quick authorization on the portal:

Column 7 of the procurement plan justification form indicates the acts adopted on the basis of Part 5 of Art. 19 of Law No. 44-FZ, or an indication of the absence of such an act for the relevant object and (or) the relevant procurement objects.

How do customers apply procurement rationing rules

In 2016, customers should not only plan purchases, but also standardize and justify. Higher authorities (the Government of the Russian Federation, the highest executive authorities of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, local administrations) establish general rules for rationing, and lower ones (the main managers of budgetary funds) clarify them in their rules and bring them to institutions. To take into account the rationing in the formation of the procurement plan and schedule, contract managers, contract service employees must be guided by two acts of the GRBS - a departmental list and standard costs for performing functions. These documents make it clear which products the customer is entitled to purchase, in what quantity and at what prices.

What is a departmental list and how to use it

In the departmental list, federal government agencies prescribe how many goods, works, services customers have the right to purchase, consumer properties and characteristics of procurement objects. Also in the list set marginal prices for products. Agencies should adhere to the departmental checklist when planning and justifying purchases. The rule applies to all customers under Law No. 44-FZ, without exception.

Attention: if the customer purchases a product, work or service from a departmental list, the NMCC should not exceed the price limit.

This is stated in paragraph 14 of the General Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 2, 2015 No. 926.

Example: About the application of the departmental list

The university plans to purchase mobile phones and services for their maintenance.

To calculate and justify the price, the customer took advantage of the order of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science of December 28, 2015 No. 1528. In the document, the ministry set marginal prices for mobile phones and the annual cost of maintenance. So, a phone for a manager should not be more than 10,000 rubles, and the annual maintenance of the device should not exceed 48,000 rubles. For a specialist, the maximum cost of a phone is 5,000 rubles, annual maintenance is 9,600 rubles.

When describing the object of procurement, also take into account departmental regulations.

Example: About the description of the procurement object

The Academy plans to purchase steel-framed chairs with fabric-covered wooden seats.

To describe the object of the purchase, the academy used the appendix to the order of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science dated December 28, 2015 No. 1528. In it, the ministry provided for the characteristics and maximum allowable price of such chairs. The customer described the chairs as follows: "Chair: frame material - metal, lining material - fabric, price - no more than 9,000 rubles."

Situation: the customer has calculated the NMTsK. It turned out to be higher than the limit price, which was approved by a higher authority in the departmental list. Is it legal to buy goods at a marginal price?

Yes, you can buy goods at a price from the list. Reduce the IMCP, which was obtained by market analysis, to the limit. Justify the decrease with a reference to the departmental list of the founder.

The unit price of the goods that the customer plans to purchase must not exceed the maximum price from the departmental list. This is stated in paragraph 14 of the General Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 2, 2015 No. 926.

What is the standard cost of performing functions and how to apply them

Standard costs for providing functions allow customers to calculate how much to purchase specific goods, works, services, such as office equipment, communications, furniture. Such limits are set only for state and municipal bodies, management bodies of extra-budgetary funds, state institutions. The listed customers are obliged to limit the volume of purchases.

Standard costs are calculated both with the help of formulas and without them. In the calculation, price and quantity standards are used. Procurement costs calculated by the customer on the basis of standard costs must not exceed the limits of budgetary obligations.

The order in which customers calculate standard costs is established by federal government agencies. To do this, issue an order. The standards are approved by an authorized official of the state body.

Example: About applying standard costs

The government institution plans to purchase tables for specialists in 2017.

There are 200 specialists on the staff of the institution, 185 tables on the balance sheet. The institution plans to write off 10 tables next year. To calculate how many tables to buy, the customer used the act of the federal government agency.

According to the act, each specialist has one table. Limit price - 8000 rubles. The need for tables for specialists (Q) is determined by the formula:

Q \u003d V - C + S, where:

V - the number of desktops that is necessary for specialists;

C - the balance of tables for specialists at the beginning of the year following the reporting one;

S - the number of tables that the customer will write off in the year following the reporting year.

Thus, in 2017 the customer has the right to purchase 25 tables (200 - 185 + 10). Moreover, the total cost of the purchase should not exceed 200,000 rubles. (25 pieces × 8000 rubles).

Situation: the budgetary institution of the subject works only according to Law No. 44-FZ. What regulation rules to apply

For a budgetary institution, the founders establish only requirements for goods, works, services, marginal prices. Standard costs for providing functions are not applied by such customers.

Situation: what to do if the founder has not issued regulation rules for a budgetary institution

Normative costs for providing functions for budgetary institutions are not issued. If the founder has not approved the requirements for goods, works, services, make purchases according to the rules that were applied before the entry into force of Article 19 of Law No. 44-FZ.

Situation: government agencies must establish two documents: both requirements and standard costs

Yes, government agencies also approve requirements for goods, works, services, marginal prices, and standard costs for providing functions. The exception is public institutions. For them, only claims are made.

Situation: should budgetary and state institutions approve standard costs, mandatory and departmental lists

No, they shouldn't. Standardization documents for budgetary and municipal institutions are approved by the municipal body - the founder (part 5 of article 19 of Law No. 44-FZ).

see also

  • How to approve standard costs for the federal, regional and municipal levels
  • How can a federal government agency form a departmental list

The planning stage for the customer is a complex and meticulous procedure. The organization must not only develop a public procurement plan and form a schedule based on it, but also justify each order entered into planning documents (Article 18 44-FZ). The current legislation provides for mandatory argumentation of procurement activities:

  • PP is regulated by Art. 17 44-FZ;
  • PG - Art. 21 44-FZ.

The type of document form and the procedure for preparing an explanatory form for the PZ and PG are fixed by Government Decree No. 555 of 06/05/2015.

If changes are made to the planning registers during the reporting period, they must also be formally justified. How - we will show by the example of justifying the procurement schedule and the plan.

The PO must be prepared within the timeframes established by the RF PP for customer organizations at the federal level, authorized executive authorities for institutions at the level of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and local administrations for municipal organizations.

How to justify a procurement plan

After the PP is formed, it is necessary to prepare a justification for the compliance of the object in the procurement plan. At the same time, it is necessary to justify each object (subject) of the order, which the contracting authority included in the planning register. As confirmation of the effectiveness and expediency of the procedure being performed, it is necessary to describe the purpose of the auction and indicate the name of the state program event, on the basis of which the order is made. In the form, it is necessary to indicate certain functions, powers, as well as details of the normative act (Article 19 44-FZ) governing a specific procedure.

The expediency of the order, the purpose of its implementation are described in accordance with Art. 13 44-FZ:

  • implementation of measures established by city and municipal programs;
  • fulfillment of international obligations, implementation of interstate level programs that are not included in state, municipal programs;
  • implementation of other functions and powers.

Procurement plan justification form

An example of justifying the procurement plan for 2019

An example of a justification for procurement when forming a procurement plan in the EIS: a step-by-step instruction

1. It is necessary to go to the LC in the tab "Register of PZ", select the plan to be generated and on the tab bar go to the dialog box "Goals and rationale for purchases".

2. In the window that opens, fill in all the lines in accordance with the available regulatory legal acts and the document prepared in advance. If there is no regulatory legal act in the institution, then this must be reflected in the required line. If there is regulatory documentation, then click on "Search in the EIS", a hyperlink will open and the "Search for normalization rules" dialog box will appear.

3. In the "Search for Rules" all the appropriate parameters are entered and a direct search is launched in the EIS. The desired normative act is selected by confirming the action. In the event that the normalization rules were not found, the corresponding mark is set in the cell "Not found in the EIS".

4. When manually entering the normalization rules, you must fill in all the required lines and click on the "Add" button.

5. As soon as all the required lines are formed, you must click the "Finish" hyperlink. The system will automatically transfer the user to the "PO Positions" tab. The newly created position will be displayed in the PO table.

6. It is necessary to create the required number of PP positions, click "Next" and fill in each line in the same way.

How to justify a schedule

When forming a schedule, the following are subject to justification (part 3 of article 18 44-FZ):

  • the chosen method for determining the supplier, contractor, performer (Chapter 3 of 44-FZ);
  • NMTsK - it is necessary to prepare a rationale for the method for determining the NMTsK in the schedule and a clear, correct calculation of the initial (maximum) contract price (Article 22 of 44-FZ);
  • additional requirements for participants in procurement procedures.

Having formed the PG, the customer organization is obliged to prepare a document in the prescribed form. The annex to the schedule includes the following information:

  • the name of the subject of the order and its consistent description;
  • the initial (maximum) price of a certain contract;
  • the method of determining and arguing the NMTsK;
  • confirmation of the impossibility of applying the methods from Part 1 of Art. 22 44-FZ;
  • additional requirements for participants;
  • way to determine the contract executor.

Document form for the schedule

All state orders under 44-FZ are carried out with budget money. To control the effectiveness of costs, customers are required to justify their need. Let's look at examples of what the justification for the compliance of the procurement object 2019 is, what to write in it and how to draw it up.

Normative base

According to Art. 18 of Law 44-FZ, the government establishes the procedure and form of justification. Interested parties can find the relevant regulations and forms in the resolution of the executive body dated 06/05/2015 N 555.

The legislation requires substantiating the order twice - when drawing up the plan and when approving the schedule. Since the object of the purchase is, according to 44-FZ, any goods, works and services purchased to meet municipal, regional or state needs, it is necessary to “confirm” the compliance of each purchase. If the plan and schedule change, the corresponding changes are made to the reports with justifications.

For violation of these rules, a fine is provided for officials of the customer in the amount of 10,000 rubles, in accordance with Part 2 Art. 7.29.3 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. In addition, regulatory authorities may recognize the contract as unreasonable and refuse to conclude it.

Purchasing rationale

When the plan is approved, the following form is attached to it:

In such a table, the customer fills in all the columns in order, indicating:

  • identification code and the subject of the procurement itself;
  • the name of the state or municipal program and the specific event from it, for the implementation of which it is necessary to conclude a contract;
  • compliance of the procurement with the objectives listed in Art. 13 of Law 44-FZ;
  • references to regulatory documents that establish special requirements for the purchased goods, works or services, or an indication of their absence.

The customer is not required to provide a complete description of the object of procurement under 44-FZ. An example is a plan posted in the EIS, in which the MDOU Kindergarten of the combined type "Lada" from the Moscow Region explains the need to purchase household goods.

The section "General position information" contains information about the identification code of the purchase and the name of the product.

The section "Purpose and Rationale" indicates why the administration of the kindergarten purchases household goods.

If this information is translated into tabular form in the form approved by the government, the following will be obtained:

You can formulate the compliance of the order with the goals in a free form. If there is an obvious connection between the product and the buyer, for example, a kindergarten orders furniture for preschoolers, then it is enough to indicate in column 6 of the report that the contract is necessary for the kindergarten to exercise its powers to care for children. When there is no such direct connection, for example, a kindergarten is going to purchase the services of a car mechanic, it is necessary to explain in writing in the appropriate column why such services are needed. For example, you can write that the services of a car mechanic are needed to repair buses used to transport children.

Explanations in the schedule

When approving the schedule, you will need to fill out a different form. It is also approved by government decree No. 555 and looks like this:

It has 10 columns, the first three of which are filled in by analogy with the previous form. In addition, the customer must specify:

  • the initial price of the contract and its justification;
  • method of determining and justifying the price;
  • how the provider is identified and the reasons for doing so;
  • grounds for putting forward additional requirements for participants.

As an example, consider one of the positions in the schedule of a metropolitan school that intends to purchase building materials.

If all the information from the EIS is translated into a tabular form, the customer's report will look like this:

If the justification of the initial price by one of the established methods takes up a lot of space, and there are many positions in the schedule, officials suggest describing the calculations in appendices, and in column 3 give only links to them.

In addition, if the customer enters into contracts with a single supplier in accordance with clauses 4, 5, 26, 33, part 1 of Art. 93 44-FZ, he is also obliged to justify the annual volume of such purchases, as well as indicate the existing restrictions on it.