What exercises will help with emphysema. Treatment of emphysema at home

Emphysema is a chronic disease characterized by an increase in the alveoli of the lungs, leads to a weakening of the alveolar septa, thereby reducing the elasticity of the lung tissue.

Past diseases such as pneumosclerosis, bronchitis lead to emphysema. Also prone to emphysema are people who are professionally involved in music and other professions where they use resistance when exhaling.

What are the consequences if emphysema is not treated?

The disease, emphysema, a very serious pathology, leads first to lung failure, and then to heart problems.

If emphysema is not treated, the consequences can be the most deplorable: deterioration in ventilation of the lung tissue - breathing problems - insufficiency of the cardiovascular system - pneumothorax.

It is very important to start treatment of emphysema from the moment the disease is detected, since only the right treatment and preventive measures will improve the patient's condition.

Goals and objectives of exercise therapy for emphysema:

  • improve the emotional state of the patient,
  • improve diaphragm flexibility
  • strengthening the intercostal muscles and muscles of the abdominal wall,
  • long breath training
  • increase lung ventilation
  • teaching proper breathing during any effort.

In (exercise therapy) therapeutic exercises for pulmonary emphysema are included, diaphragmatic breathing from a position, lying on your back, learning to breathe correctly when performing certain loads from a position, lying, sitting on a chair, training for a long exhalation.

Therapeutic exercises for emphysema

Let's do a few exercises while lying on our backs:

  1. Lay on your back, arms parallel to the body. Diaphragmatic breathing, while inhaling, we inflate the stomach as much as possible, while exhaling, we blow it off - 5-6 times.
  2. Now the exercise for flexion and extension of the feet and hands, one movement - inhale, 4-5 movements - exhale 6-8 times.
  3. We place our hands on our shoulders. We perform lifting and breeding to the sides of the elbows - inhale, then press your hands to the chest - and long exhale 4-6 times.
  4. For this exercise, breathing is arbitrary, Alternate flexion and extension of the legs in the knee and hip joints - 6-8 times.
  5. The palms of the hands are laid on the lower lateral parts of the chest. Short inhalation and long exhalation, accompanied by pressure with the palms of the chest. This exercise is performed rhythmically - 4-6 times.
  6. This exercise is also performed lying down, but the arms are laid parallel to the body. Calm and even breathing, thereby relaxing the chest muscles 6-7 times when exhaling.

The following exercises will be performed on a chair with a back:

  1. It is necessary to sit on a chair leaning on the back, arms lowered. The hands were placed on the belt - inhaled, then turned the torso to the right - exhaled, similarly we perform in the opposite direction - we repeat 5-6 times.
  2. Hands are also laid on the belt - we take a breath, tilt the torso to the side - exhale, then to the other side - we drink 4-6 times.
  3. Hands again on the belt - inhaled, now we tilt the body forward, but there is no need to lower the head, we grab the chest with our hands - a long exhale - rep 4-6 times.
  4. Exercise "Pose of the coachman", for this you need to sit on your knees and close your eyes. Exercise to relax all the muscles of the trunk and limbs, even, calm breathing - let's drink 1-2 minutes.
  5. Now they sat down on a chair again, hands lowered down. We begin the exercise by raising our arms to the sides, straightening the leg - inhale, bend the arms to the shoulders, and exhale the leg in both the hip and knee joints - repeat 6-8 times for each leg.
  6. Exercise also using a chair, we spread our arms to the sides. We tilt the torso to the leg, touch the toe - a long exhale - do 4-6 times.
  7. Exercise, standing, legs apart shoulder-width apart, hands on shoulders, breathing is arbitrary. We start alternating twisting of the torso to the right, then to the left - we turn it 6-8 times.
  8. The leg must be placed on a chair, hands on your knees. We tilt the torso to the knees - a long exhalation, then straightened up - inhaled - we do 4-6 times.
  9. We perform the exercise while standing, the torso should be at an angle of 40 °, legs apart shoulder-width apart, hands fixed on the belt. A calm breath - we stick out the abdominal wall and a long exhalation - while retracting the abdominal wall - exhale 6-8 times.
  10. We sit down on a chair, lean on the back, put our hands on the belt. Sufficiently calm and even breathing with a moderately long exhalation - trying to achieve relaxation of the chest muscles during inhalation - 8-10 times.
  11. Exercise, sitting on a chair, on the complete relaxation of the muscles of our entire body. At the expense of 1-2 - inhale, at 3-4-5-6-7-8 - exhale - perform with closed eyes 4-6 times. This exercise should not provoke muscle fatigue, the breath must be increased carefully.

It is very important to perform exercises regularly, as this will alleviate the course of emphysema, as well as in order to improve the patient's condition.

A common form of nonspecific disease of the lower respiratory tract is emphysema. The disease often develops after chronic obstructive bronchitis. The connective tissue lining the respiratory organs from the inside loses its elasticity, gradually changing into a fibrous one. The lungs stop fully shrinking, their size begins to increase, this condition leads to.

The chest is almost immobile, breathing becomes shallow. Particularly dangerous is the inadequate supply of blood with incoming oxygen, carbon dioxide is hardly excreted from the body. This pathology causes acute heart failure.

Important! Doctors recommend performing special breathing exercises for pulmonary emphysema, which help to increase the internal ventilation of the pulmonary alveoli, reduce the symptoms of shortness of breath, and form the muscles of the respiratory organs.

Respiratory gymnastics is a combination of gymnastic exercises, breathing techniques that help strengthen the muscles of the press, back, and intercostal region. Helps improve muscle coordination, conscious observation of one's own breathing, increases overall well-being.

Gymnastic exercises will also be useful for a healthy person, they will help improve vitality, and minimize the symptoms of oxygen starvation.

Why do you need breathing exercises?

Respiratory failure in emphysema develops due to insufficient intake of oxygen and removal of carbon dioxide. Gymnastic exercises are primarily aimed at preventing occurrence of this condition. With the correct execution of tasks, the muscles of the lungs begin to contract rhythmically. The patient is short of breath.

The main feature of the disease- after exhalation, residual air remains, leading to a deterioration in gas exchange. Gymnastics is aimed at achieving the following goals:

  • to teach how to properly inhale, focused exhale;
  • train a long exhalation;
  • improve the process of gas exchange in the lungs;
  • teach to breathe with a diaphragm, this contributes to effective gas exchange;
  • normalize the psycho-emotional state of the patient with emphysema;
  • strengthen the muscles involved in the breathing process;
  • teach to control breathing at home during physical work.

Fact! Gymnastic exercises help to compensate for the inconsistencies that have arisen, help a person learn to breathe measuredly in conditions of reduced lung functionality.

Medical workers recommend alternating exercises with rest breaks during breathing exercises. The body of a sick person hardly perceives physical activity, shortness of breath begins, gymnastic tasks are carried out in small dosages.

High-quality breathing exercises largely depend on the initial position taken by the patient with pulmonary emphysema. The effectiveness and success of the tasks carried out depend on this. Doctors have determined that the best results are achieved when patients do exercises using lying, standing positions. Then the activity of the respiratory organs is most favorable.

Proper breathing exercises lead to:

  • increase in lung volume;
  • teaching the patient how to breathe correctly;
  • treatment of various diseases;
  • improving the quality of life;
  • the formation of stable immunity;
  • activation of the protective functions of the body;
  • increase in vitality.

A set of special exercises

Static exercises:

  1. Pronunciation of consonants during exhalation (3-4 minutes). Sit comfortably in a chair with a back. This position automatically contributes to the lengthening of expiration, the sternum begins to vibrate, this leads to the appearance of a cough, the removal of sputum from the lungs. This exercise helps to train the time of inhalation, exhalation.
  2. Breathing with a long exhalation. Repeat up to 6 times. The task is performed in a sitting position. It is necessary to make a very strong exhalation, at the same time try to count as many numbers as possible. This task involves pressing on the sternum with your hands during exhalation.
  3. Pronunciation of solid vowel sounds "o", "a", "i", "y" at the moment of exhalation (3-4 minutes). The task is carried out using the standing position. Vowel sounds are pronounced very loudly, drawn out. At this stage, exhalation tends to lengthen.
  4. Diaphragmatic breathing. Repeat up to 7 times. Count "one, two, three" and take a deep breath. The chest expands, the stomach is squeezed deeper into itself. On “four”, exhale, the chest will drop, the stomach will bulge.

Each dynamic exercise listed below is recommended to be repeated 6 times:

  1. The position of "lying", bending the torso forward. Lie down on a hard surface, inhale the air, raise the upper body, bend forward as far as possible, bring the upper limbs back, exhale.
  2. Push-ups using the supine position. Bend the lower limbs at the knees, clasp them with your hands. Take a strong breath. Exhale using the diaphragm, simultaneously sticking out the stomach and straightening the lower limbs.
  3. Rotation using the "sitting on a stool" position. Try to spread your knees as wide as possible to the sides. Raise your arms to the level of the chest, elbows apart, place the hands at the level of the chin. Inhale, rotate to the left, exhale - return to the starting position. Then inhale, turn to the right, exhaling, return to the starting position.
  4. Stretching using a standing position. Stretch your arms up, trying at this moment to bring them back a little, take a breath. Turn your head, look at your hands. Lower the upper limbs simultaneously with exhalation, bend the right leg at the knee, clasp it with your hands and pull it as far as possible up to the chest.
  5. Walking. It takes at least 3 minutes. If the physical condition of the patient allows you to complete the task, then walking up the stairs contributes to a rapid improvement in overall well-being. After inhaling, the patient rises 2 steps up, exhaling - overcomes another 4 steps up.

Fact! Performing this task, you should carefully monitor the rhythm of breathing, its depth.

If it is not possible to climb the stairs, then the task is performed as follows: inhaling, go 4 steps, exhaling - 8 steps, i.e. twice as much. After a week of systematic performance of this task, it is supplemented by inhaling by raising the arms up, exhaling by lowering the arms down.

Attention! Gymnastic tasks, during which small, medium muscle groups are involved in the work, are repeated 3-6 times, with the involvement of large muscle groups - 1-3 times, special exercises - 3.4 times. In all cases, the pace should be slow.

  1. Walking, rhythmic breathing: inhale - 2 steps, exhale - 4 steps.
  2. Lie down on your stomach. Bend in the lumbar spine, simultaneously lifting up the lower limbs, head and inhaling. Exhaling, return to the starting position, relax all the muscles.
  3. Take a standing position, place the upper limbs on the lower part of the sternum. Take a breath and rise on your toes, exhaling - lower yourself on the entire foot, squeeze the sternum with your hands.
  4. Sit on a low bench, spread the upper limbs to the sides. Rotate the upper body alternately in opposite directions: one side implies a strong inhalation, the other - exhalation.
  5. Take a position "sitting on a chair", lean on your back, take a breath. Place your hands on your stomach. At the moment of deep exhalation, draw the stomach into yourself, press on it with your hands.
  6. Take the “sitting on a chair” position, lean on your back, fold your hands on your stomach. Inhaling, take your elbows as far back as possible, with a deep exhalation - bring your elbows together, press your fingertips on the walls of the abdomen.
  7. Adopt a supine position. Breathe with the diaphragm, gradually increasing the duration of the exhalation.
  8. Adopt a supine position. Exhaling, bend your knees, clasp them with your hands, press them to the chest as much as possible; inhaling - return to the original state.
  9. Adopt a supine position. Exhaling, sit down, bend forward as much as possible, reaching your toes with your fingertips; inhaling - return to the original state.

Breathing exercises: video

Video instruction of gymnastics:

Principles of therapeutic gymnastics

Gymnastic exercises for emphysema can be performed even when the attending physician recommends bed rest, semi-bed rest. In this case, the patient lies on the bed or takes a sitting position on the bed, chair, always leaning on his elbows. Ideally, if the exercises are performed while standing.

Fact! The gymnastic complex of breathing exercises is expiratory, i.e. the tasks performed form a full-fledged, high-quality breath of air in the patient, help strengthen the muscles of the peritoneum, torso, and allow the formation of chest mobility.

Medical workers advise during a special set of breathing exercises to adhere to the following principles:

  1. Tasks are performed daily, 4.5 times for 16-20 minutes. The room must be ventilated first.
  2. When performing tasks, pay attention to the rhythm of breathing, it should be constantly the same.
  3. Individual exercises are performed at least 3 times.
  4. The duration of the exhalation should be longer than the inhalation.
  5. Rushing through tasks can hurt, as can too much stress.
  6. When performing breathing tasks, the pace should be average.
  7. It is forbidden to hold your breath.
  8. For the best work of the diaphragm, you should inhale air through pursed lips, exhale through the nasal cavity.
  9. It is forbidden to take quick breaths, as the alveoli of the lungs in this case quickly stretch.
  10. The complex consists of 2 types of exercises: static, dynamic.
  11. With pulmonary emphysema, breathing exercises always begin with static tasks, which during execution always alternate with elements of dynamic exercises, pauses for rest.
  12. People with this diagnosis are advised to follow a healthy lifestyle: walk for a long time, swim, give up harmful foods, smoking, and alcoholic beverages.
  13. Mandatory annual stay in spring or autumn on the sea coast, for example, in the Crimea. In the summer, during the hot period, it is undesirable to relax on the sea.

Important! You should not allow skipping the execution of tasks, this can suspend the result.

Daily conduct of special breathing exercises helps the patient with emphysema to alleviate the severe course of the disease, improves overall well-being. The systematic execution of tasks helps to achieve a positive result in a minimum period of time, helps to fix the result for a long time.

Among the existing non-specific lung diseases, a fairly common type of ailment is emphysema. The disease occurs as a result of a strong stretching of the pulmonary alveoli and the loss of their ability to contract. As a result of the lack of necessary treatment, heart failure may develop.

The need for breathing exercises with emphysema

Since the lung tissue loses its elasticity in the course of breathing, problems arise with the quality of expiration: a significant volume of air remains in the stretched alveoli, to remove which the chest is artificially compressed and its mobility increases. The complex of respiratory gymnastics for pulmonary emphysema allows you to qualitatively enhance the expiratory phase. Also, one should not forget about the folk methods of treatment, which we wrote about.

The principles of therapeutic exercises for emphysema

In order to improve gas exchange, breathing with ordinary air alternates with the inhalation of air containing a relatively small amount of oxygen. The procedure lasts 5 minutes, the number of approaches in 1 session is no more than seven. The duration of such therapeutic exercises for emphysema is 3 weeks.

A set of exercises

To facilitate the patient's well-being, the following exercises are used:

  1. Breathing is performed lying down. The exhalation is maximally lengthened by pressing the hands on the chest and abdomen. The number of approaches - 8 - 10 times.
  2. You need to lie down, put your hands under your back. From the starting position, you need to sit down, lean forward with your hands. At the same time, the exhalation is actively deepened due to springy repeated inclinations.
  3. The exercise is done while sitting. Breathe deeply, alternating normal inhalation with the deepest possible exhalation. Repeat 6-7 times.
  4. The lesson is held standing, hands raised up. Exhaling deeply, you need to alternately pull your knees to your chest (each leg 5 times).
  5. On exhalation, the vowel sounds “o”, “a”, “i”, “u” are pronounced very loudly and drawlingly.
  6. In a standing position (hands on hips), springy tilts to the sides are carried out (5 times each). Movements are accompanied by deep exhalations.
  7. The lesson is performed while standing, legs apart. Breathing is calm, even. It is necessary to rise on toes, at the same time stretching up the arms bent at the elbows.
  8. Hands raised up, legs brought together. Performed standing. It is necessary to bend down and sit down, as if preparing to jump. Hands are pulled back as much as possible, exhalation is sharp and deep. It is performed 5 - 6 times.
  9. It is necessary to walk in a measured rhythm for 2 - 4 minutes. In this case, you should breathe evenly and deeply.
  10. The exercise is performed while sitting. You need to completely relax and breathe calmly, focusing on exhalation.

Other types of breathing exercises can be taken from and.

Regularly conducting such a complex of breathing exercises will help not only alleviate the course of emphysema, but also significantly improve the general health of a sick person.

Pulmonary emphysema is a chronic disease in which the alveoli of the lungs expand, accompanied by atrophy of the alveolar septa and a decrease in the elasticity of the lung tissue. Emphysema of the lungs is an irreversible process, leading first to pulmonary insufficiency, and then to cardiac insufficiency. With this disease, the chest expands, its excursion decreases, exhalation is difficult, the constant hard work of the respiratory muscles causes their fatigue, develops shallow breathing and the vital capacity of the lungs (VC) decreases; minute volume of breathing is provided only by the frequency of breathing, and not by depth.

Emphysema is most often the result of bronchitis, pneumosclerosis (growth of connective tissue in the lungs). It can also develop as a result of an occupational disease, if the work is associated with resistance to exhalation (in musicians, glassblowers).

The development of the pathological process in pulmonary emphysema can be divided into three stages: 1) the stage of compensation (bronchitis), 2) the stage with symptoms of pulmonary insufficiency, 3) the stage of cardiopulmonary insufficiency.

In the first stage, the main tasks of therapeutic physical culture are: 1) general strengthening and hardening of the body; 2) increased mobility of the chest; 3) teaching diaphragmatic breathing; 4) strengthening the respiratory muscles to improve exhalation through special breathing exercises; 5) strengthening the heart muscle. The following forms of therapeutic physical culture are used: therapeutic exercises, dosed rowing, swimming, skiing.

In the second stage of the disease, when pronounced phenomena of pulmonary emphysema and increasing pulmonary insufficiency are observed, the means of therapeutic physical culture are used taking into account violations of the functions of the respiratory apparatus and blood circulation.

The objectives of therapeutic physical culture are: 1) the fight against pulmonary insufficiency; 2) strengthening the respiratory muscles; 3) improvement of blood circulation; 4) strengthening of the myocardium; 5) increasing the functional adaptability of patients to moderate labor and household physical activity. To solve these problems, therapeutic exercises, dosed walking and walking are used.

The third stage of the disease is characterized by the phenomena of not only pulmonary, but also cardiovascular insufficiency. The main tasks of therapeutic physical culture: 1) raising the emotional tone; 2) improvement of the activity of the respiratory apparatus; 3) fight against pulmonary insufficiency; 4) elimination of venous congestion; 5) improvement of myocardial blood supply; 6) increasing the adaptability of the organism of patients to moderate physical exertion.

The following forms of therapeutic physical culture are used: therapeutic exercises, dosed walks at a slow pace. If significant shortness of breath occurs during a walk, it is necessary to stop and to regulate breathing and blood circulation, perform breathing exercises.

In therapeutic exercises, it is recommended to alternate gymnastic exercises with special breathing exercises and rest breaks. Considering the reduced functional adaptability of the patient's body to physical exertion, it is not recommended to carry out exercises in a large dosage. Exercises involving small and medium muscle groups should be repeated 4-6 times, involving large muscle groups - 2-4 times; special breathing exercises - 3-4 times. The pace of the exercises is slow.

This is a chronic disease, which leads to chronic obstructive bronchitis. The elastic connective tissue of the lungs is replaced by fibrous tissue, pneumosclerosis develops, the lungs expand, the residual volume of the lungs increases, shallow breathing, rigidity and inactivity of the chest develop.

Tasks of exercise therapy and massage

Strengthen local ventilation of the lungs, reduce hypoxemia and shortness of breath, increase metabolism in all tissues, especially in the heart muscle and nervous system, improve the function of the respiratory muscles.

Features of the exercise therapy technique

They use expiratory gymnastics, that is, exercises that promote full exhalation, strengthen the muscles of the trunk and abdominals, which are involved in breathing and maintain the mobility of the chest and spine - static and dynamic breathing exercises in combination with restorative ones. IP in bed and semi-bed rest - lying and sitting with support on the back of a chair, and in general mode - standing, so as not to impede the function of the diaphragm. Exhale slowly through pursed lips, and inhale through the nose. This contributes to better diaphragm mobility and deepening of breathing. Do not allow a quick and strong exhalation, as this stretches the alveoli even more. Perform exercises at a slow and medium pace (due to the presence of hypoxemia), 2-4 times. After exercise, pauses for rest are required. It is recommended to independently perform breathing exercises 2-3 times a day, dosed walking, swimming.

  1. walking in the rhythm of breathing for 2 counts, inhale, for 4-6 - exhale;
  2. standing, hands on the lower part of the chest. Rise on toes - inhale, lower on a full foot, squeezing the chest with your hands - exhale;
  3. standing facing the gymnastic wall, holding hands on the rail at chest level. Make a full squat - exhale; return to the starting position - inhale;
  4. sitting astride a gymnastic bench, arms to the sides. Turns of the body alternately in both directions independently or with the help;
  5. sitting, leaning on the back of a chair, hands on his stomach. Deep exhalation with retraction of the abdomen and pressure on it with hands;
  6. sitting, hands on stomach. Leading the elbows back - inhale; convergence of the elbows with finger pressure on the wall of the abdomen - deep exhalation;
  7. lying on your back. Deep diaphragmatic breathing with an increase in the duration of exhalation;
  8. IP is the same. Bend your legs, clasping them with your hands, press them to your chest - exhale; return to the starting position - inhale;
  9. IP is the same. Sit down, bend forward, trying to touch your toes with your hands - exhale; return to the starting position - inhale;
  10. lying on your stomach. Bend in the lower back while raising the legs and head up - inhale; return to the starting position, relaxing the muscles - exhale.

Features of the massage technique

Massage is similar to massage for bronchial asthma (see massage for bronchial asthma).

Bronchial asthma

Bronchial asthma- This is a disease of infectious-allergic etiology, which is manifested by attacks of expiratory (on exhalation) shortness of breath. At the heart of shortness of breath is a spasm of small and medium bronchi and swelling of their mucous membrane. The disease leads to an increase in the residual volume of the lungs, the development of emphysema, pneumosclerosis and pulmonary heart failure.

Tasks of exercise therapy and massage

Remove pathological cortico-visceral reflexes and restore normal regulation of breathing (relieve bronchospasm) by regulating nervous processes in the cerebral cortex. Strengthen the respiratory muscles, facilitate coughing

Features of the exercise therapy technique

Exercise therapy is carried out in the interictal period in the form of therapeutic exercises, hygienic gymnastics, dosed walking, games, sports exercises, running.

Special breathing exercises: with lengthening of exhalation and pronunciation of sounds (u, a, o, f, s, sh) on exhalation for 5-7 seconds to 15-20 seconds, exercises to slow down breathing, strengthening the respiratory muscles. Particular attention is paid to diaphragmatic breathing and strengthening the abdominal muscles to improve exhalation. Inhalation is carried out through the nose, and exhalation through the mouth (the nasopulmonary reflex reduces spasm of the bronchioles). Muscle relaxation exercises, chest massage at the beginning and end of the session are shown. The muscles are well relaxed by vibrating pressure with the hands from the back under the shoulder blades on the chest towards the sternum in the position of the patient reclining (masseur in front of the patient) 5-6 times.

The best PIs are sitting and standing. Significant muscular efforts are contraindicated. The pace is slow, and for small and medium muscles - medium or fast

Approximate set of exercises for bronchial asthma (ward mode)

  1. IP sitting, hands on knees. Static breathing with its arbitrary contraction. 30-40 seconds.
  2. IP is the same. Hands to the shoulders, squeezing the hands into a fist - inhale, IP - exhale. The pace is slow. 8-10 times.
  3. IP is the same. Bend one leg forward, clasping it with your hands and pulling it up to your stomach - exhale, IP - inhale. 5-6 times with each leg.
  4. IP is the same. Turn to the side with the abduction of the same hand with the palm up - inhale, IP - exhale. 3-4 times in each direction.
  5. Breathing exercises with lengthening the exhalation and pronunciation of the sounds "sh" and "g" on the exhale. 5-6 times.
  6. IP is the same. Tilt to the side, the hand of the same name slides down the chair leg - exhale, IP - inhale. 3-4 times in each direction.
  7. IP - standing, legs apart, hands on the lower ribs on the side. Take your elbows back, squeezing your chest with your hands - inhale, bring your elbows forward - exhale. 4-5 times.
  8. IP - standing, holding on to the back of a chair. Squat - exhale, IP - inhale. 4-5 times.
  9. IP - standing, legs apart, hands on the belt. Breathing exercises with lengthening the exhalation and pronunciation of the sounds "a" and "o" on the exhale, stretching the lips with a tube. 5-6 times.
  10. Slow walking combined with breathing: 2 steps - inhale, 3-4 steps - exhale. 1 minute.
  11. IP - standing, legs apart, hands on the belt. Tilt forward, reaching for the seat of the chair with your hands - exhale. IP - inhale. 4-5 times.
  12. IP - lying on your back. Raise your hand - inhale, relax the muscles of the hand and "drop" it on the bed - exhale. 3-4 times with each hand.
  13. IP is the same. Raise the leg - exhale, IP - inhale. 5-6 times with each leg.
  14. IP is the same. Diaphragmatic breathing with an arbitrary decrease in its frequency. 30-40 seconds.
  15. Slow walking with breathing: 2 steps - inhale, 3-4 steps - exhale. 1 minute.
  16. IP - sitting, hands on knees. Tilt forward, hands slide down the legs - exhale, IP - inhale. 6-7 times.
  17. IP - sitting, hands on knees. Flexion and extension of the legs in the ankle joints with simultaneous clenching and unclenching of the fingers into a fist. Breathing is arbitrary. 12-16 times.

Massage carried out before performing physical exertion with a raised foot of the couch. They massage the collar region, strongly the back (especially the paravertebral regions), the respiratory muscles (sternocleidomastoid muscles, intercostal muscles, abdominal muscles). The duration of the massage is 10-15 minutes. Course - 15-20 procedures.

Pulmonary tuberculosis

Pulmonary tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The lungs are most commonly affected. In the foci of inflammation, small tubercles or larger foci, which, under the influence of bacterial toxins, can undergo caseous necrosis and fusion. With good immunity, they resolve, and most often calcify with the formation of a dense capsule, or as a result of necrosis, a cavity is formed - a cavity. There is pulmonary insufficiency. Intoxication of the body leads to dystrophic changes in the heart muscle, excitation of the central nervous system at first, and then to the progression of inhibition, dysfunctional changes in the autonomic nervous system and hormonal apparatus.

Tasks of exercise therapy

General strengthening effect, improvement of the function of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, detoxification of the body.

Features of the exercise therapy technique

It is used for all forms of tuberculosis after the acute process subsides (subfebrile temperature and elevated ESR are not a contraindication). On bed rest prescribe general developmental and breathing exercises without significant muscle effort and deepening of breathing (do not increase intrathoracic pressure) 3-4 times a day for 5-8 minutes. In ward mode include exercises for the trunk with a small amplitude and walking (8-12 minutes repeatedly during the day). In free mode and in sanatoriums increase the load, include exercises with objects, games, running, skiing.

In all forms of tuberculosis, maximum loads, overheating, hypothermia, and hyperinsolation are excluded.