What is the normal level of cholesterol in the blood in women? Cholesterol in the blood: norms in women by age Indications of cholesterol in the blood for women.

For several years we have been hearing about the health risks of cholesterol. However, in fact, he is not only a “negative hero”, but also very useful (moreover, a VITAL element!) For our health. Only "everything needs a measure!", as the ancient doctors - thinkers said. Including the "measure" of cholesterol in all its fractions. That is why, (a little lower) we presented a table: “the norms of blood cholesterol in women (by age: after after 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70 years). Based on the results of which, one can easily understand: is everything in order (normal) with me!? There are - and small comments (by age), because. more detailed information is available in other articles (on our website).

But first, you must agree, it is worth understanding the general concepts (in the most accessible form)? And, first of all, what do the “strange” letters and numbers mean in (that is, to put it simply, in a special / biochemical “blood test for cholesterol)”?

LDL cholesterol (LDL-C)- this is conditionally "bad" / Low Density Lipoproteins versions), which in the process of hydrolysis is formed in the liver from VLDL (Very Low Density Lipoprotein). He deserved such a “bad” reputation - thanks to the peculiarity of being “deposited” right in the walls of blood vessels ( , duration: 42 seconds ). Thus, forming "fatty" cholesterol plaques, which significantly increases. In general, simply put, the less it is in the blood, the better for us! Although, he - and helps our body fight against especially / dangerous bacterial toxins.

HDL cholesterol (HDL)- "good" whey / H igh Density Lipoproteins.). Unlike the conditionally “evil” twin, on the contrary, the more of it in the blood, the better. However, within reason! If a couple of decades ago, foreign cardiologists dubbed the optimal indicators of ALPHA (HDL) cholesterol "LONGEVITY SYNDROME", then the results of the most recent studies - somewhat "cooled" everyone. But he is still a real hero, whose main merit is the transportation of "excessive" lipid fractions (including LDL, LDL) back to the liver (for processing or "utilization"). Which significantly REDUCES the RISKS of atherosclerosis (as well as dangerous cardiovascular diseases of atherogenic origin).

Table of norms of cholesterol in women - by age | HDL, LDL, total

Unit of measurement: mmol/l

To convert to mg/dL (i.e. milligrams per deciliter) or back to mmol/L (i.e. millimoles per liter), use the formulas:

  • CHS (mmol / l) \u003d CHS (mg / dl) x 0.0259;
  • Cholesterol (mg / dl) \u003d Cholesterol (mmol / L) × 38.665.

Or use (for conversion) laboratory calculators (also posted on our website):

2.90 – 5.18
5-10 2.26 – 5.30 1.76 – 3.63 0.93 – 1.89
10-15 3.21 – 5.20 1.76 – 3.52 0.96 – 1.81
15-20 3.08 – 5.18 1.53 – 3.55 0.91 – 1.91
20-25 3.16 – 5.59 1.48 – 4.12 0.85 – 2.04
25-30 3.32 – 5.75 1.84 – 4.25 0.96 – 2.15
30-35 3.37 – 5.96 1.81 – 4.04 0.93 – 1.99
35-40 3.63 – 6.27 1.94 – 4.45 0.88 – 2.12
40-45 3.81 – 6.53 1.92 – 4.51 0.88 – 2.28
45-50 3.94 – 6.86 2.05 – 4.82 0.88 – 2.25
50-55 4.20 – 7.38 2.28 – 5.21 0.96 – 2.38
55-60 4.45 – 7.77 2.31 – 5.44 0.96 – 2.35
60-65 4.45 – 7.69 2.59 – 5.80 0.98 – 2.38
65-70 4.43 – 7.85 2.38 – 5.72 0.91 – 2.48
> 70 years old4.48 – 7.25 2.49 – 5.34 0.85 – 2.38

Triglycerides in the blood - the norm in women by age | Table

TG level (mmol/l)

READ ON OUR SITE: what do blood triglycerides mean in women. And what in general?!

Atherogenic coefficient

In order to correctly assess the real threat of atherosclerosis, it is necessary to calculate. You can do this - and on your own, if you have the results of a blood test (from the cubital vein / on an empty stomach) for cholesterol levels in the blood serum.

Calculation formula: KA = (Total cholesterol - HDL) / HDL

(subtract the indicators of good cholesterol from total cholesterol in the blood, divide the result by the same indicator of good HDL cholesterol)

In the event that KA (Atherogenicity Coefficient) has a value more than 3(i.e. increased), special measures need to be taken urgently. One of the best solutions to this problem is to increase the level of HDL good cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein). For a more accurate assessment of the situation, you will also need to know the indicators of LDL (ldl) low-density lipoprotein cholesterol.

According to research results, even a 1% increase in HDL cholesterol levels reduces the risk of heart attack by 2%!!!

KA in the range of 2-3 is the norm! In order to learn how to normalize the atherogenic coefficient (for 12 weeks), we recommend that you read the article:

It should be noted that blood cholesterol levels are not static(i.e. unchanged). And this can be seen from the tables. They vary with age and other factors. For example, the level of cholesterol, which is considered quite normal for a girl at the age of 25, after 40 years old, may already be a serious warning about the disease.

That is why medical workers have developed a table of cholesterol norms (total and by fractions) by age categories (for both children and adults). Thus, doctors can detect / prevent the development of a wide range of dangerous diseases. Analyzes for the level of hdl / ldl cholesterol in the blood serum are taken from the cubital vein (on an empty stomach).

Cholesterol norms by age group:

In women after 30 - 35 (3.37 - 5.96)

If for young people many “pranks” (malnutrition, lack of sleep and many other “exploits”) are “conditionally” forgiven (thanks to the fairly fast metabolism of a young organism), then after thirty it’s time to start closely monitoring your own health! Since, it is during this period of life that a certain slowdown of metabolic processes occurs. Adds "oil to the fire" - and a midlife crisis (which entails - significant emotional stress, accompanied by some "lipid" problems). In addition, for women of this age group (after 30-35 years) it is recommended: in addition to monitoring the amount of cholesterol, start monitoring your sugar in blood.

In beauties after 40 - 45 years (3.81 - 6.53)

It is during these years that the decline in reproductive function begins. Plus, it's essential estrogen levels drop(by the way, it is precisely those hormones that protect a woman's body from significant "jumps" of cholesterol). Recommended: proper / balanced nutrition, mandatory physical activity (fitness club, swimming pool, treadmills, bicycle) and more joyful moments in life. That is, to live in a happy compartment of "today", completely fenced off from the memories of past years, and unpleasant experiences about the future life.

In women after 45 - 50 (4.20 - 7.38)

This period of life is accompanied by menopause(more precisely, its first stage is “perimenopause”, which is observed on average at the age of 47.5 years), which provokes a significant increase in “bad” cholesterol (low density lipoproteins) and a set of at least 6-8 “extra” kilograms ( to reset which is very problematic!). But if the analyzes showed a value not higher than 4.82 mmol / l, then we will live. No worries!

In ladies after 55 - 60 years (4.45 - 7.77)

After testing, women over the age of 60 often worry, because, compared to other age groups, their levels (HDL-C / LDL-C / triglycerides / total) are much higher (as can be seen in the table above). But if the lipid values ​​​​do not go beyond 2.38 / 5.80, then this is very good! Don't worry - everything is fine!

Cholesterol plaques - how do they form?

Up-to-date information in the articles:

Cholesterol, as it is also called, cholesterol, is a fatty alcohol. It is involved in many important body processes. The same work of hormones or the digestive system will not be stable at the slightest deviation of cholesterol from the norm.

According to doctors, in cases of problems with the norm of cholesterol in the body of women with age, there may be problems with the cardiovascular system due to stagnant plaques of blood in the arteries.

In fact, 70-75% of cholesterol is produced by the body itself (the liver takes the greatest part in the production), the remaining 20-30% of cholesterol comes from food intake.

Few monitor cholesterol levels, which leads, in advanced cases, to the development of diseases of internal organs.

Causes of high cholesterol:

  • Unhealthy lifestyle (drinking alcohol, fatty foods, smoking);
  • Sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activity, obesity;
  • Diabetes;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Stress, depression;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • Diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • Hypertension;
  • Climax.

It is also worth noting that cholesterol is different and this is an important aspect. Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) are low-quality cholesterol, it tends to settle in the vessels, which subsequently causes plaques of stagnant blood.

High-density lipoproteins (HDL) - high-quality, healthy cholesterol, does the opposite job, it clears the vessels of LDL, and then sends it to the liver for processing.

Excess weight

Fat deposits adversely affect the well-functioning process of cholesterol in the body. Cholesterol, as such, is not the cause of obesity, but rather the opposite. At high rates of weight, the level of cholesterol in the blood plasma rises markedly. Fat-like cholesterol literally envelops the internal organs.

Owners of magnificent forms with a waist of more than 80 cm should also be concerned. Doctors say that in women with a large body weight, to a greater extent, low-density cholesterol (LDL) predominates.

But doctors are in a hurry to please, it will be enough to lose weight, normalizing it, then the production of cholesterol will be balanced. However, it is better not to initially bring the situation to an extreme and not wait for the scale mark to go beyond three-digit indicators.

Improper nutrition

Nutrition is the foundation. A person who eats junk food every day will sooner or later experience problems not only with being overweight, but also with the cardiovascular system, since excess cholesterol is disposed of in the blood vessels, which causes blood clots.

The richest sources of mono fats:

  • Pork.
  • Beef.
  • Veal.
  • Sausage.
  • Butter and margarine.
  • Mayonnaise.
  • Bakery products.

It will be useful to get into the habit of reading food labels, or rather, reading the composition. The presence of trans fats, coconut and palm oil should make you remove this product from the grocery basket. It is also undesirable to use semi-finished products, GMOs and fast-digesting carbohydrates.

hereditary predisposition

The quality of transportation of cholesterol by the body is also affected by heredity. If there are people in the family who suffer from diseases of the liver or the cardiovascular system, there is a threat to inherit their gene responsible for the synthesis of cholesterol.

Such an anomaly is not so common, only 40% of those suffering from high blood cholesterol have inherited it from their parents. However, those who involuntarily found themselves in this risk group need to carefully monitor their diet and lead an active lifestyle.

Vigilant monitoring of cardiac health is required. If a child has inherited a mutated gene, problems caused by high blood cholesterol will be noticeable from childhood, such children suffer from shortness of breath, a tendency to be overweight and lethargy.

Studies show that one in five hundredth has an abnormal gene responsible for the synthesis of LDL. To date, there are more than 1 thousand mutations of the LDL gene known to science.

In the presence of such a gene, the liver, ignoring the already high level of cholesterol, continues to produce it.

Insufficient physical activity

A sedentary lifestyle affects health like obesity, high-quality cholesterol decreases, and bad cholesterol rises. There are problems with the heart, and the blood in the vessels passes with difficulty.

With a prolonged sedentary lifestyle, hypodynamia develops, a disease in which muscle tissue and the musculoskeletal system weaken. Due to the failure of cholesterol, there are problems with breathing and digestion.

To avoid these health threats, nothing supernatural needs to be done. You just need to increase physical activity. You can start small - prefer the stairs to the elevator, instead of watching TV in the evening, choose a walk in the park.

Over time, you can add short runs, find home fitness lessons on the Internet. All this will be useful, at least, to keep the body in good shape.

Malfunctioning thyroid gland

The thyroid gland is located in the neck and has the shape of a butterfly. There are such hormones as thyroid hormones, they are synthesized by the thyroid gland and consist of a certain iodine.

They are responsible for the process of fat splitting. A decrease in thyroid hormones, due to a poorly functioning thyroid gland, leads to an imbalance in lipids in the human body.

To determine the degree of importance of the thyroid gland in the human body, scientists from Venice conducted an experiment, the thyroid gland was removed from goats and sheep. As a result, an increase in cholesterol was noted in animals, and the progression of atherosclerosis began.

The animals were deliberately chosen to be herbivores so that there would be no tie to the fatty foods that are most often credited with producing low-density cholesterol.

According to medical research, every tenth person suffering from high cholesterol has problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Those suffering from high cholesterol against the background of poor-quality work of the thyroid gland are treated with a hormonal drug - Thyroxine. However, you need to be extremely careful with hormonal drugs, they should only be taken according to a prescription issued by a doctor.

Liver and kidney disorders

It has long been proven that cholesterol disorders in the body are associated with diseases of the kidneys and liver.

There are special vessels passing through the liver - sinusoids. They have a mesh structure that enables the liver to absorb cholesterol molecules contained in the blood. The liver removes cholesterol into the intestinal tract, and in it the cholesterol is already mixed with other fats. A diseased liver is unable to synthesize high-quality cholesterol.

Stones in the biliary tract can become an obstacle, they block the exit of both bile itself and cholesterol. Due to a sharp decline in bile production, metabolic processes cease to function stably, which leads to a reduction in the supply of cholesterol, which is very important for digestion.

Bile begins to be produced in smaller quantities, due to which cholesterol is not able to leave the liver and the blood begins to stagnate in the sinusoids, respectively, along with this, cholesterol is deposited and clogged in the walls of blood vessels.

When the body does not receive the required amount of cholesterol for a long time, the liver reflexively perceives this as a deficiency of essential trace elements, as a result of which it increases the activity of producing the same cholesterol, as a result - a high concentration of cholesterol and health problems. It is necessary to examine the liver and kidneys more often and measure the level of cholesterol.

Taking certain medications

While taking certain medications, the level of lipid fats in the blood, more often triglycerides, may increase. A peculiar side effect has, for example, an acne remedy - "Roaccutane", including a medicine intended for the treatment of the heart "Hypothiazid".

Before using drugs, it is always necessary to study the instructions with contraindications and side effects.

Causes of low blood cholesterol in women

A noticeable deviation from the norm of cholesterol in women can be caused due to age-related changes, including due to the onset of menopause.

Although low blood cholesterol is less common than high cholesterol, they suffer from this disease no less. Lack of cholesterol in the blood can cause the following health problems:

  • Diabetes;
  • Disorders of the alimentary tract;
  • Stroke;
  • Deficiency of sex hormones;
  • Liver cancer;
  • Mental disorders.

Thus, a lack of cholesterol adversely affects not only physical, but also psychological health, since tests have shown that people suffering from a lack of cholesterol in the body experience a depressive state 6 times more often than others.

Low rates indicate serious disease processes in the human body, and require immediate treatment.

The first signs of a sharp drop in cholesterol levels may be the following symptoms:

  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • Stress and depression;
  • Decreased libido;
  • Low stamina, fatigue;
  • Violation of metabolic processes.

Norms of cholesterol in the blood in women by age

Health benchmark is cholesterol. The norm for women varies by age. The younger the woman, the faster and better the process of cholesterol synthesis occurs. A young body is able to keep cholesterol levels normal, even with a not quite right lifestyle.

Over the years, the body loses such abilities, and at an older age, with a sedentary schedule of the day, diseases of the heart and blood vessels can begin to develop.

Up to 30 years old

For women under the age of 30, the cholesterol rate should range from 3.20–5.75 mmol / l, while high-quality cholesterol will be on average 0.98–2.10 mmol / l, and bad - 1.85–4.20 mmol / l.

30–40 years old

In women who have crossed the mark of 30 years, blood cholesterol begins to rise. You should start to closely monitor blood sugar and the condition of blood vessels. The following indicators will be the norm:

  • For women from 30 to 35 years old, from 3.40–5.95 mmol / l, of which high-density cholesterol is 0.92–1.95 mmol / l, and low-quality cholesterol is in the range of 1.85–4.05 mmol / l;
  • For women, from 35 to 40–3.65–6.26 mmol/l, of which high-quality cholesterol is 0.86–2.10 mmol/l, and low-density cholesterol is from 1.93 to 4.04 mmol/l

40–50 years old

In this age range, a decrease in the production of the hormone estrogen, which carries the function of protecting against sharp jumps in cholesterol, is characteristic. For ladies of this age, the following figures will be satisfactory indicators:

  • 3.80-6.53 mmol / l - for women under 45 years old, while low-density cholesterol will be about 1.91-4.52 mmol / l, and high-quality from 0.84 to 2.86 mmol / l;
  • 3.95-6.85 mmol / l - for women from 45 years old, low-density cholesterol will be from 2.26 to 4.82 mmol / l, and high-density cholesterol - 0.84-2.81

50–60 years old

Women of such a delicate age should monitor the norms of low-density cholesterol (LDL) indicators, since stepping over the age mark of 50 years, there is a high production of low-quality cholesterol.

For women under 55 years old, the optimal cholesterol level is 4.0–7.9 mmol/l, of which high-quality cholesterol is from 0.94 to 2.37 mmol/l, and low-density cholesterol is 2.26–5.22 mmol/l.

Women from 56 years of age should have indicators in the range of 4.44–7.78 mmol / l, of which about 0.95–2.5 mmol / l of high-quality cholesterol, and 2.33–5.45 mmol / l of bad cholesterol.

60–70 years old

After reaching the age of 60, it will be reasonable for a woman to monitor the norm of cholesterol. It will be useful to switch to a low cholesterol diet and get a glycemic table to monitor the level of sugar entering the body. Fatty and sweet foods are undesirable.

The average in women from 60 to 70 years old will be 4.44–7.70 mmol / l. Low-density cholesterol should be in the range of 5.4-5.9 mmol / l, while high-quality cholesterol is only 2.2-2.5 mmol / l.

After 70 years

In women over 70, there is a sharp decline in high-quality cholesterol. A mark of 4.49–7.26 mmol / l is considered a normal indicator, of which 0.83–2.36 mmol / l is of high quality, and 2.49–5.38 mmol / l is poor.

It should be remembered that the use of sugar-containing foods in large quantities causes hypercholesterolemia.

Table of norms of cholesterol by age

What limits should cholesterol be, the norm in women by age, the balance of LDL and HDL - everything is shown in the table.

Age total cholesterol LDL cholesterol HDL cholesterol
20-25 3.14 - 5.61mmol/l1.49 - 4.11mmol/l0.87 – 2.07mmol/l
25-30 3.33 - 5.73mmol/l1.83 - 4.24mmol/l0.93 – 2.16mmol/l
30-35 3.33 - 5.94mmol/l1.86 – 4.04mmol/l0.94 – 1.96mmol/l
35-40 3.64 - 6.25mmol/l1.95 – 4.46mmol/l0.86 – 2.13mmol/l
40-45 3.82 - 6.51mmol/l1.91 - 4.51mmol/l0.87 – 2.27mmol/l
45-50 3.95 – 6.86mmol/l2.07 - 4.83mmol/l0.87 – 2.26mmol/l
50-55 4.22 - 7.37mmol/l2.27 - 5.23mmol/l0.97 – 2.37mmol/l
55-60 4.42 - 7.73mmol/l2.32 – 5.44mmol/l0.95 – 2.34mmol/l
60-65 4.43 - 7.66mmol/l2.55 - 5.83mmol/l0.96 – 2.38mmol/l
65-70 4.44 - 7.86mmol/l2.37 - 5.72mmol/l0.91 – 2.47mmol/l
Over 704.47–7.27 mmol/l2.50–5.36 mmol/l0.84–2.37 mmol/l

Signs of high cholesterol in women

Elevated cholesterol in the body is difficult to determine by external factors. Of course, you can suspect this ailment in yourself if you previously had hypertension or had a stroke. Accurate data, of course, will give only a biochemical blood test.

However, the following symptoms should make you think:

  • Yellowish swelling on the surface of the skin, often located in the eyelids;
  • Sharp, cutting pains in the legs during exertion;
  • Attacks of myocardial infarction;
  • Passive work of the digestive system.

It is necessary to take a blood test at least once a year in order not to miss the moment when effective treatment of hypercholesterolemia can be started.

How to decipher the result of a blood test for cholesterol?

A biochemical blood test for cholesterol is a common procedure. However, a small number of people know how to independently understand all the numbers, terms and abbreviations, in addition, often the data is written in the Latin alphabet.

There is a generally accepted measure of measurement - millimoles per liter. Also, the following terms:

  • Chol - cholesterol;
  • TC (total cholesterol) - total cholesterol level;
  • HDL (high density lipoprotein) - high density cholesterol (HDL);
  • LDL (low density lipoprotein) - low-density cholesterol (LDL);
  • TG (Triglycerides) - triglycerides;
  • IA - index of norm indicators.

How to normalize the level of cholesterol in the blood?

A high total cholesterol level is not as dangerous as an above-normal low-density (LDL) cholesterol index in proportion to high-density cholesterol (HDL). In this case, you will have to reconsider your daily routine, normalize your diet and increase physical activity.

To normalize the level of cholesterol in the body will help:

  • Reception of Omega-3 - unsaturated fatty acids (fish oil, wild and red salmon, sardines);
  • Exclusion of trans fats from the diet (cream, margarine, butter, pastry cream, fried foods, fast food);
  • Magnesium intake (pumpkin seeds, salmon, whole grains);
  • Minimizing sugar intake. It is necessary to pay attention to the glycemic index of products;
  • Taking prebiotics and probiotics (oatmeal, soy, peas, flaxseed, brown rice, lentils, eggplant);
  • Adding blue and red products to the daily diet (cranberries, blueberries, pomegranates, grapes, eggplant, tomato);
  • Maintaining an active lifestyle (hiking, jogging, exercising in the gym, swimming, cycling, active leisure).

Diet: Cholesterol-lowering foods

Why not turn every meal not into the usual satisfaction of hunger, but into a way to deal with such an ailment as high cholesterol?

Foods that can normalize cholesterol levels:

  • Avocado;
  • Olive oil;
  • fresh carrots;
  • tomatoes;
  • Bulgarian pepper;
  • Citrus;
  • Fresh vegetables;
  • Garlic;
  • Ginger;
  • nuts;
  • Fish.

Taking half an avocado a day for 3 weeks helps lower cholesterol by 8% and helps balance the ratio of low-density and high-density cholesterol.

Olive oil has great fame and not without reason, because it can reduce bad cholesterol by 18%, provided that other oils (sunflower, butter) are replaced with olive oil.

Drinks can also lower your cholesterol. There are diets based on daily intake of drinks, often such a diet is used even for ordinary fasting days. Every day you need to drink 6-7 servings of vegetable juices. It is important to note that juices must be freshly squeezed. This diet is recommended to follow no more than 5 days.

For lovers of hearty and fatty foods, fish will be the salvation of a low-cholesterol diet. Fish contains fatty acids that lower cholesterol levels. Fish also prevents vascular diseases.

On the Internet, there are many recipes for cooking fish that can be alternated so that seafood does not become boring. You need to pay attention to the fact that a strong frying of fish deprives half of its useful properties, so you should not abuse the fry. The best option is steamed fish.

You can always pamper yourself by adding a small amount of chocolate, preferably black, to your diet. Chocolate contains phenol, which prevents the formation of blood clots in the vessels. With daily use of chocolate, it is not recommended to eat more than 35–40 g of the product.

Sport is a means to combat not only excess weight, but also high cholesterol levels.

Medicine officially states that physical activity has a direct effect on lipid balance. However, it is important not to overdo it with enthusiasm and not to overload an unaccustomed body with loads. Start with walking or cycling. This will serve as a learning experience for the body.

Next, you can add exercises that can be performed both in the park and at home. You need to select exercises that are simple, for beginners. After a few weeks of this lifestyle, the body will begin to get used to such loads, and then you can complicate the exercises a little.

A good choice would be the following types of physical activity:

  • Sports walking;
  • A ride on the bicycle;
  • Yoga;
  • Swimming;
  • Aerobics;
  • Tennis.

Today, sports are relevant, there are many equipped playgrounds, parks for sports, a large number of sports schools, dance studios are opening, there is always plenty to choose from. It is better to visit the gym 5 times than once in a hospital with serious health problems.


A group of statin drugs is prescribed by treating doctors as a drug that fights high cholesterol. The property of statins is to suspend the synthesis of cholesterol by the liver and acts as an inhibitor of an enzyme called HMG-CoA reductase.
Statin drugs include:

  • Simvastatin;
  • Lovastatin;
  • Pravastatin;
  • Atorvastatin;
  • Rosuvastatin;
  • fluvastatin;
  • Pitavastatin.

The effect of these drugs show in a week. Statins are safe for the body, however, in case of overdose, serious liver problems can occur. Statins are also prescribed for diabetes mellitus and stage 2-3 obesity. Auxiliary drugs are often prescribed when statins alone are not enough for a patient to cure.

Commonly used in combination with statins are:

  • Rosuvastatin;
  • Colestyramine;
  • Bezafibrate;
  • Guarem;
  • Probucol;
  • Benzaflavin;
  • Essentiale;
  • Lipostabil;
  • Ezetimib.

When LDL levels do not decrease, nicotinic acid may be prescribed in symbiosis with statins.

Folk remedies to normalize cholesterol levels

Natural remedies will always be safer and more affordable than pharmacy medicines. Especially women of age love to try something interesting, trying all sorts of folk methods to bring the balance of cholesterol back to normal. These are only adjuncts, not a replacement for drugs.

A few examples of simple but effective remedies for high cholesterol:

  • Dandelion root. The root is crushed and dried. Take 20 minutes before eating 1 tsp;
  • A mixture of lemon, horseradish root and garlic. Everything is crushed and mixed, then 200 ml of boiled water is poured. Day insists. This mixture should be consumed before meals 1 tbsp;
  • Ground linden flowers. Use 1 tsp, 3 times a day;
  • Dry blackberry leaves. Grind and pour 200 ml of boiling water and leave to brew. Take 100 ml before eating.

Healthy cholesterol levels play an important role in human life. The norm protects against heart disease and diseases associated with blood vessels, therefore, with age, it is important to always monitor blood cholesterol levels.

Video clips: cholesterol in women

Issue of the "Philosophy of Health" about the norm xolesterol in women by age:

Increase in cholesterol with age:

Cholesterol is an essential component of the body's life support processes. In the last 10 years, the problem with the imbalance of cholesterol compounds has taken a leading position. The main reasons: malnutrition, chronic stress, lack of physical activity. Consider the features of cholesterol indicators in the body of women and its norms in the blood, depending on age. The article provides detailed tables of normal values ​​and deviations with transcripts and expert comments. Data from leading medical laboratories (INVITRO, SYNEVO, HELIX) were used.

Cholesterol in women is a substance that is involved in a large number of processes. It takes a direct part in the production by the organs of the endocrine system of a number of biologically active substances - hormones. For example, on the basis of cholesterol, sex hormones estrogen in women and testosterone in men. Cortisol, known as the "stress hormone" is also produced from this lipid. Cholesterol is part of the cell framework - membranes. Do not forget about the immune function - due to the influence on the chain of transformations of vitamin D in the process of digestion of food, cholesterol takes part in the synthesis of bile acids.

It would seem, why fight with an increased level of this beneficial substance? But not everything is so simple, there is a reverse side of the coin. Total cholesterol is divided into two major factions- low density lipoproteins (LDL) and high density lipoproteins (HDL). Both the first and second fractions have their own allowable level of content and a certain ratio between them.

High-density cholesterol is considered good cholesterol and has the above benefits. In contrast, another variety - low-density cholesterol is just is the root of cholesterol pathologies. With a deviation from the normal level of cholesterol and an increase in the concentration of LDL, they begin to stick to the walls of blood vessels and to each other, thereby forming atheromatous plaques in the vascular walls. There is a blockage of blood vessels.

Increase in triglycerides also contributes to these processes. The vascular wall is damaged, impregnated with fats, overgrown with them from all sides, thinned, inflamed in the focus of this process and, as a result, actively sclerosed, thereby losing its elasticity and direct functional features.

In the future, this provokes a narrowing of the lumen - stenosis and a number of other serious complications - atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, strokes and heart attacks. The most common and common etiological reasons atherosclerosis are type 2 diabetes, liver disease (cirrhosis, hepatitis), nephroptosis, chronic renal failure (chronic renal failure), hypertension, diseases of the endocrine organs (in particular, the thyroid gland).

In addition to organic pathologies, the causes of problems with lipid metabolism include:

  • genetic disorders - up to 75% chance of inheriting abnormalities in lipid processing;
  • malnutrition, especially excess sugar;
  • overweight - almost 70% of overweight women have problems with lipid balance;
  • hypodynamia and excess weight;
  • chronic stress and depression;
  • bad habits;
  • uncontrolled self-medication in large quantities - the use of hormonal drugs or drugs of the beta-blocker group without adequate indications and specialist advice.

What is the norm cholesterol must be in the blood of women in order to avoid such complications.?

The norm of cholesterol in women by age

direct blood cholesterol levels depends on the hormonal background women. There are two well-known physiological periods of hormonal changes in the female body - pregnancy and menopause. In the first case, due to an increase in the secretion of the hormone prolactin, cholesterol levels can be two or even three times higher than the norm corresponding to age. During menopause, there is a deficiency of estrogen hormones in the body, which leads to disruption of the interaction of some endocrine glands with each other, and this leads to an increased release of lipids in the form of fat deposits and "bad" cholesterol, which has a destructive effect on the vascular wall.

Consider what kind of cholesterol is normal women by age in the pivot table.

Among women up to 30 years episodes of increased total cholesterol or its fractions are very rare, everything is within the normal range. This is due to the predominance of active metabolic processes and hormones of the female body.

Table of norms for this age:

Among women after 30 to 40 years tangible hormonal changes are observed. The activity and speed of metabolic processes in the body decreases. With background risk factors - a low-active way of life, excessive nutrition, frequent violation of the diet, there is a violation of the lipid profile parameters.

Fat deposits are no longer consumed and, on the contrary, the mechanism of gaining excess weight is launched. All this is an ideal soil for raising cholesterol and especially low density lipoproteins.

Doctors advise to regularly do a lipid profile - every 5 years (at the age of 30, 35 and 40 years). If at this age there are already pathologies of the thyroid gland, hepatobiliary system, kidneys or adrenal glands, then it is necessary to donate blood more often, once every three years.

The norm of cholesterol in the blood in women 30 to 40 years old:

The norm of indicators of cholesterol in the blood in women after 40 and before 50 years is doubled. This feature of this period is associated with the suppression of the synthesis of estrogen, progesterone and a smooth transition of the body into menopause (perimenopause). At this age, you need to scrupulously monitor lifestyle, nutrition, body condition.

Lipidogram should be taken every three years. With background diseases after 45 years, such as kidney, liver failure, diabetes mellitus, etc., once every two years. With pathologies of the cardiovascular system and at all, annually.

Normal values ​​in women after 40 years as follows:

Norms of cholesterol in the blood in women in the age category after 50 to 60 years are not so pronounced. However, it is during this period that the highest risk of progression of atherosclerotic vascular lesions, chronic pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Compared to other age groups, these risks, say, at age 55, are almost four times higher. This is due, first of all, to rapid and dangerous vascular changes - their walls lose the necessary tone, their permeability increases.

Norm of cholesterol and LDL / HDL for women after 50 years:

After 60–65 years doctors advise to devote more and more time to your health and be examined at least once every 3 years. The examination must include a biochemical blood test. You should continue to monitor diet and lifestyle, to prevent episodes of high blood pressure.

Norm of cholesterol for women after 60 years next:

After 70 years Normally, cholesterol levels should moderately decrease naturally. Its excess is dangerous enough for health. The reason for the increase in its permissible norm in the peripheral blood may be diabetes, hypertension, unhealthy lifestyle and eating habits.

The table of norms of total cholesterol, norms of LDL and HDL for this age looks like this:

Donate blood for a lipid profile should be annually. With background pathologies of the thyroid gland, with high blood sugars and diseases of the liver, brain, laboratory monitoring is recommended every six months.

Symptoms of deviations from the norm

What is the norm of cholesterol in the blood in different age periods, we examined. What do they indicate and how do they look abnormal symptoms individual indicators. If low-density lipoproteins are elevated, this may indicate a risk of atherosclerosis processes in the vessels.

Often in a person with chronically high cholesterol, it is noted a range of classic symptoms:

  • yellowish nodules on the skin of the eyelids (xanthomas);
  • signs of heart failure;
  • dizziness and severe cephalalgia;
  • light gray rim near the cornea;
  • weakness;
  • increased fatigue and even pain in the lower extremities after a slight physical exertion.

External signs and symptoms are not always present at the initial stages of the development of the disease, most often they make themselves felt when the disease is in full swing. Therefore, the verdict can be made only after laboratory tests and consultations of a number of specialists.

low cholesterol is also not normal. The lack of cholesterol says that the body has a deficiency of a very valuable substrate for the synthesis of hormonally active substances and for the formation of cell membranes. This condition can lead to a decrease in memory, cognitive functions, and depression. The reasons for lowering cholesterol include factors such as hyperthyroidism, malabsorption syndrome, starvation, sepsis and other severe infectious conditions.

Blood test for cholesterol

After we have examined the normal indicators of cholesterol in the blood in women, a few words about the procedure for passing and deciphering a blood test for cholesterol - lipidograms. To determine the parameters of the lipid spectrum, venous blood is taken from a vein, on an empty stomach. The results of the analysis reflect the following indicators of the fat lipid spectrum:

  1. Total cholesterol (Cholesterol).
  2. Alpha cholesterol (HDL).
  3. Beta-cholesterol (LDL).

In the results of the analysis, it is important to monitor the level of low-density lipoproteins, since this fraction is atherogenic and is a marker for the development of atherosclerosis. Alpha-cholesterol (high-density cholesterol), on the contrary, is an LDL antagonist and reduces the risk of atherosclerotic lesions. Triglycerides are the transport form of lipids. An increase in this figure is also an atherogenic sign.

Cholesterol norm in the blood of women is an indicator that often changes. And it depends on the hormonal state, age, lifestyle, etc.

By identifying the amount of cholesterol in the blood, you can warn yourself against many diseases and pathologies, including heart attack and stroke.

Let's find out how much is the norm of total cholesterol in the blood in women by age, what is "good" and "bad" cholesterol, what treatment is required to correct the level if it is above or below the norm in the analysis?

General information

Cholesterol (cholesterol) - natural fatty alcohol, a chemical compound having a waxy soft structure.

There is it in almost all parts of the body, including the skin, liver, heart, intestines, nervous system, muscle tissue.

Cholesterol is formed by the body itself and is produced as a result of a structural combination of steroids and fats (lipids).

20% of cholesterol comes from food, the remaining 80% is produced by the liver.

After eating, fatty alcohol is absorbed into the liver from the intestines. The main source of cholesterol is fish, dairy products, meat, poultry.

For the body to function properly, the presence of cholesterol in small quantities is necessary.

High rates, on the contrary, harm the normal functioning of all organs and systems, and can lead to blockage of the arteries. As a result, atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke.

Women before menopause have low cholesterol levels. During pregnancy and after 55 years, the risk of an increase in the level increases.

Elevated cholesterol levels are often noted in childhood. The source of pathology is improper and irrational nutrition, hereditary predisposition.

What are the main functions of fatty alcohol in the body? This element helps in the production of vitamin D, bile acids and hormones.

The program “Live healthy!” will tell about cholesterol:

Normal values

There is practically no pure cholesterol in the body. It is part of specific compounds called "lipoproteins".

Lipidogram (blood chemistry) provides information on the parameters characterized by fat metabolism.

These include:

  • LDL - low density lipoproteins;
  • HDL - high density lipoproteins;
  • total cholesterol.

The indicator of the latter is determined by summing the former. Total cholesterol is a relative value.

The norm for a woman at the age of 30 is significantly different from the norm at the age of 60. An increased rate is also detected in expectant mothers.

In the last stages of pregnancy, it increases almost 2 times.

Important in determining the qualitative characteristics of blood is not only total cholesterol, but also the correspondence between HDL and LDL - good and bad cholesterol.

The name "good" and "bad" does not mean that the first is beneficial, and the second is only harmful. Each of them has its own function.

So, what level of cholesterol in the blood is considered normal in women at different ages? On average, the norm should be equal to 5.2 mmol / l.

More accurate indicators of the norm of cholesterol in the blood in women by age (total, LDL and HDL) are shown in the table:

These values ​​are subject to change depending on the woman's health.

In case of hormonal failures, problems with the thyroid gland, during pregnancy, these indicators can be adjusted.

These rates may vary depending on the time of menopause.

The longer the activity of sex hormones persists, the better the indicators of blood cholesterol levels will look.

What does the low mean?

Not only an elevated cholesterol level can indicate problems in a woman's body.

A low level also indicates the development of pathologies.

Reasons for the low value:

  • sepsis;
  • hepatic diseases;
  • hyperthyroidism (an endocrine syndrome characterized by intense);
  • malignant anemia;
  • malabsorption (nutrients are not sufficiently absorbed from the stomach and intestines);
  • Tangier syndrome (lack of alpha lipoproteins);
  • malnutrition;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • malignant formations in the liver;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • lung diseases in the chronic stage;
  • hypoproteinemia (decrease in plasma total protein).

Why the scores are high

An increase in cholesterol levels may about various diseases

  • hypothyroidism (deficiency of thyroid hormones);
  • family-type hyperlipidemia (increase in the amount of lipids in the blood);
  • liver disease;
  • alcoholism;
  • diabetes;
  • high fat content in food;
  • malignant tumors in the pancreas;
  • nephrotic syndrome (kidney damage);
  • hypertension;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • somatotropic hormone deficiency;
  • glomerulonephritis (kidney disease of an immunoinflammatory nature).

Any disease in an exacerbated form can affect the value of cholesterol. Therefore, it is better to take the analysis when all the signs disappear.

When to consult a doctor

If a deviation from the norm is found in the test results, then you should immediately seek the advice of a doctor.

Timely lowering of cholesterol levels is the most important factor that prevents the development of atherosclerosis and stroke.

  • consume foods high in fiber;
  • limit fat to 30% (7% should be from saturated fat, 20% from monounsaturated, and the rest from polyunsaturated).

Daily it is necessary to consume no more than 300 mg of cholesterol for healthy people and 200 mg for those who have a predisposition to pathology.

Trans fats, palm oil, fats from animal products increase the amount of bad blood cholesterol in women and reduce the level of good cholesterol.

Therefore, margarine, cookies, creams, pastries, chips, french fries, fried foods, etc. should be avoided.

The drug has practically no side effects and contraindications.

Usually assigned:

  • "Fluvastatin";
  • "Rozuvastatin";
  • "Pravastatin";
  • "Lovastatin";
  • "Simvastatin";
  • "Atorvastatin".

Often the doctor prescribes naturally occurring statins:

  • vitamin B3;
  • vitamin C;
  • curcumin;
  • garlic;
  • fish fat;
  • cellulose;
  • policosanol;
  • flax seeds;
  • products consisting of fermented soybeans;
  • basil;
  • artichoke.

Do not reduce the interval between meals, there should be 3 in total.

Bowel movement is also important in this case. Excess cholesterol is excreted with feces.

What is cholesterol, how it can be dangerous, how to lower it, the program "Food without Harm" will tell:

  • prevent rupture of cholesterol plaques;
  • reduce the risk of peripheral arterial disease;
  • prevent narrowing of the carotid, coronary, cerebral arteries, as well as the femoral artery, which supplies blood to the legs.
  • Without cholesterol, the normal functioning of internal organs and systems is impossible.

    To keep the indicators of this element normal, you should eat right and rationally, play sports, visit a doctor in a timely manner and take blood tests.

    Cholesterol (cholesterol) plays an important role in building our body, forming cell membranes, is contained in every cell, representing a fat-like (lipid) organic compound.

    The role of cholesterol in the body:

      these are the building blocks of our body, cells play an important role in digestion and the formation of bile. cholesterol is a significant amount in the composition of mother's milk, playing an important role in the formation and development of the baby. synthesizes various hormones involved in the formation of our immunity, metabolism, sexual function, in particular, for example, testosterone, cortisone, the sun's rays are able to convert cholesterol into vitamin D under the means of synthesis. It is found exclusively in fats of animal origin.

    A diet based on plant foods, although it lowers blood cholesterol, does not eliminate it altogether. Our body synthesizes cholesterol by about 70-80% and only 30-20% of it is obtained from the food that we eat per day.

    By completely refusing fatty foods, we only bring harm to the body, at least if you have often eaten foods rich in fats before, and then decided to abruptly refuse it.

    In view of the fact that cholesterol does not dissolve in water, as well as in the blood, its transportation to cells is carried out using a special protein compound.

    These protein compounds divide cholesterol into two types: HDL and LDL. In short, conditionally “bad” cholesterol is carried through tissue cells, and “good” cholesterol removes its excess from the body.

    People who go on all sorts of anti-cholesterol diets should know that they do not reduce its amount in the body, but only provoke the growth of bad cholesterol, while clogging of blood vessels with cholesterol plaques is possible.

    The formation of vascular plaques is not due to high levels of cholesterol in the blood, but as a consequence of damage to blood vessels. Cholesterol is used as building blocks to repair damaged blood vessels. It is important to eliminate the cause of high cholesterol, not the consequence.

    Good cholesterol helps to remove bad cholesterol from the blood, preventing the development of arteriosclerosis of the vessels. The appearance of plaques is not a cause, but only a consequence.

    Cholesterol is good and bad, what's the difference?

    Many people who have read scientific articles and visited many forums on the problem of high cholesterol have usually already heard what is bad and good cholesterol. This definition has already become on everyone's lips.

    What is the difference between bad and good cholesterol? There is, in fact, no difference between them. However, as they say, the devil is in the details.

    The fact is that cholesterol in a free pure form is not present in the body, but only in combination with many substances. These are fats, proteins, and other elements that are collectively called lipoproteins. It is their composition that determines what is considered bad and what is good cholesterol.

    Compounds from low-density lipoproteins (LDL or LDL) are bad. It settles on the walls of blood vessels, clogging them, forming plaques. Triglycerides (fats), which are also included in lipoprotein compounds, also act.

    High-density cholesterol (HDL) is called good cholesterol. It transports the excess back to the liver, thereby regulating blood cholesterol. Its function is to prevent atherosclerosis of blood vessels, prevention of strokes and heart attacks.

    As mentioned above, most of the cholesterol is formed within the body itself, in particular in the liver. Not much more than 25% comes from the digestive system. Even in this form, he does not act immediately and not all. First, it is absorbed in the intestines, then synthesized by the liver in the form of bile, and then some of it goes back into the digestive tract.

    Diet only reduces cholesterol levels by 9-16%

    This, as you understand, does not fundamentally solve the problem, so medicine uses drugs that suppress the synthesis of cholesterol in the body by the liver. This effectively reduces its level, but does not solve the problem at the root.

    Daily intake of cholesterol should not exceed 300 mg. 100 g of animal fat includes 100-110 mg of cholesterol.

    Useful properties of cholesterol

    Many are mistaken in thinking that the whole cause of the disease and the development of atherosclerosis lies only in malnutrition, food rich in cholesterol.

    Healthy eating, diet is undoubtedly a plus, but that's not all.

    Depriving the body completely of animal fats and proteins, you expose your body to trials and decrease, first of all, immunity, sexual function, and a constant decline in strength. The human body cannot exist without the intake of cholesterol and proteins. Cholesterol is involved in the formation of vitamin D group, is responsible for the elasticity of cell membranes. It produces hormones that directly affect our body as a whole, the nervous system and the brain.

    Considering that our body cannot do without cholesterol, it is important to prevent its complete cessation of intake with food, when compiling your menu for diets. The diet must necessarily, limitedly include foods containing fats. It is not important that you eat meat, sweets, fats, but how much you eat.

    Deciphering the result of a blood test for cholesterol

    total cholesterol

    Total cholesterol (CHOL) in the blood consists of:

    • High density lipoproteins (HDL),
    • LDL cholesterol
    • other lipid components.

    Tot. blood cholesterol should be no more than 200 mg/dl.
    More than 240 mg/dl is a very high value.

    Patients who have a high level of total cholesterol in the blood must definitely be tested for HDL, LDL.

    Women with high cholesterol after 40 years of age strictly need to be tested for blood sugar (glucose), to find out if the sugar norm is exceeded by age.

    Deciphering the lipid profile

    It happens that a patient who is prescribed tests, and he sees an incomprehensible word lipidogram in his form. Find out what it is and who is prescribed a lipid profile analysis .

    Lipidogram is a lipid spectrum test.

    It is an additional diagnostic test designed to help the attending physician learn about the condition, primarily of the liver, as well as the kidneys, heart, and the functioning of your immune system.

    Lipid analysis consists of:

  • total cholesterol,
  • high density lipids,
  • low density
  • triglyceride level,
  • atherogenic index.
  • What is the coefficient of atherogenicity

    The atherogenic index reveals the difference between the level of LDL and HDL.

    This test is prescribed primarily for people who have a high risk of developing myocardial infarction, stroke.

    If the proportions of LDL and HDL are changed, there may be no symptoms of the disease, so this analysis is very important from a preventive point of view.

    A biochemical analysis for the lipid spectrum is also prescribed for the following patients:

  • Those on a fat-restricted diet
  • Taking medications that affect lipid metabolism
  • In newly born children, this level does not exceed 3.0 mmol/l. Then this figure increases depending on the age and gender of the patient.

    In women, the atherogenic index can reach a high level during menopause after the cessation of sex hormones, although before that we grow more slowly than in men.

    More than 6 mmol / l, an alarming indicator of the development of plaques on the vessels. Although the rate depends on many factors, it is generally accepted that it should not exceed more than 5 mmol / l.
    Pregnant young women do not have to worry about this, they are allowed some increase from the average level.

    It is important to pay attention to the norm of low density lipoproteins.

    There is no exact indicator of low-density fats, but the indicator should be no more than 2.5 mmol.

    If exceeded, then reconsider your diet and lifestyle.
    People at risk for cardiovascular diseases, strokes - this figure should not exceed 1.6 mmol.

    Formula for calculating the Atherogenic Index

    KA = (total cholesterol - HDL) / HDL

    Normal indicators of the atherogenic index:
    in young people, the allowable rate is about 2.8;
    other people over 30 - 3-3.5;
    Patients predisposed to the development of atherosclerosis and acute form, the coefficient varies from 4 to 7 units.

    Norm of triglycerides

    The level of glycerol and its derivatives depends on the age of the patient.

    Until recently, this figure was in the region of 1.7 to 2.26 mmol / l, for people at risk of cardiovascular disease, this was the norm. Now the probability of atherosclerosis and heart attack can be at 1.13 mmol / l

    • In men 25-30 years old - 0.52-2.81
    • Women 25-30 years old - 0.42-1.63

    Reasons for low triglyceride levels can be:

  • Liver disease
  • Lungs
  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Hepatitis
  • Cirrhosis of the liver
  • Elevated triglyceride levels with:

  • Ischemic heart disease.
  • The norm of cholesterol for women by age

    The rate of cholesterol in women by age in the blood changes during menopause, when there is an active restructuring of the body, before this process cholesterol level, as a rule, is stable throughout the life of women. During this period, there is an increased cholesterol in women.
    It is not uncommon for an inexperienced doctor to not accurately evaluate the result of the tests, which led to an incorrect diagnosis. The result of tests, cholesterol can be influenced not only by the patient's gender, age, but also by a number of other conditions and factors.

    Pregnancy is a very significant factor in high cholesterol. During this period, there is an active synthesis of fats. The norm of cholesterol in the blood of pregnant women is an increase of no more than 12 - 15%.

    Climax is another factor

    Up to 10% cholesterol may increase in the first half of the cycle, which is not a deviation. This is a physiological norm, later it can reach up to 6-8%, which is due to the restructuring of the sex hormonal system and the synthesis of fatty compounds.
    A decrease in the production of estrogen hormones in menopause in women can begin the rapid progression of atherosclerosis. However, after 60 years, the risk of atherosclerosis in both sexes is equalized.

    seasonal fluctuations

    The physiological norm allows a deviation of 2-4% during cold weather, autumn and winter. The level can go up and down.


    It is characterized by a significant decrease in the level of fatty alcohols. This is explained by the growth of a cancerous tumor intensified by consuming nutrients, as well as fatty alcohol.

    Various diseases

    Some diseases significantly reduce the concentration of cholesterol. These can be diseases: angina pectoris, acute arterial hypertension, acute respiratory infections. The result of their exposure lasts from a day to 30 days, but in some cases even more. The decrease is no more than 15-13%.


    Some medications may interfere with the synthesis of cholesterol (HDL). These include drugs such as: oral contraceptives, beta-blockers, steroid hormones, diuretics.

    Daily Value in Cholesterol

    Scientists have calculated that for the full functioning of organs and life support systems, the daily amount of cholesterol should be 1000 mg. Of these, 800 mg is produced by the liver. The rest of the amount comes with food, supplementing the body's reserves. However, if you “eat” more than the norm, then the synthesis of cholesterol and bile acids by the liver will decrease.

    The norm of cholesterol in women by age in the table.

    The norm of cholesterol age from 40 to 50 years.

    The norm of cholesterol in the blood in women after 40 years is 45 years:

  • The norm of total cholesterol in women 40 years old is 3.81-6.53 mmol / l,
  • LDL-cholesterol - 1.92-4.51 mmol / l,
  • HDL-cholesterol - 0.88-2.28.
  • Women 45-50 years old:
  • The norm of total cholesterol is 3.94-6.86 mmol / l,
  • LDL-cholesterol - 2.05-4.82 mmol / l,
  • HDL-cholesterol - 0.88-2.25.
  • Normal cholesterol for age 50-60

    The norm of cholesterol in the blood in women after 50 years:

  • The norm of total cholesterol in women aged 50 is 4.20 - 7.38 mmol / l,
  • Normal LDL cholesterol - 2.28 - 5.21 mmol / l,
  • HDL-cholesterol - 0.96 - 2.38 mmol / l.
  • The norm of total cholesterol is 4.45 - 7.77 mmol / l,
  • LDL-cholesterol - 2.31 - 5.44 mmol / l,
  • HDL-cholesterol - 0.96 - 2.35 mmol / l.
  • Normal cholesterol after 60 years

    The norm of cholesterol in women after 60 years - 65 years:

  • The norm of total cholesterol is 4.43 - 7.85 mmol / l,
  • LDL-cholesterol - 2.59 - 5.80 mmol / l,
  • HDL-cholesterol - 0.98 - 2.38 mmol / l.
  • Women after 65-70 years.

  • The norm of total cholesterol is 4.20 - 7.38 mmol / l,
  • LDL-cholesterol - 2.38 - 5.72 mmol / l,
  • HDL-cholesterol - 0.91 - 2.48 mmol / l.
  • Women after 70 years.

  • The norm of total cholesterol is 4.48 - 7.25 mmol / l,
  • LDL-cholesterol - 2.49 - 5.34 mmol / l,
  • HDL-cholesterol - 0.85 - 2.38 mmol / l.
  • What is cholesterol

    What causes high blood cholesterol in women

    Causes that increase cholesterol levels can be one of the diseases listed below. Having diagnosed a disease in oneself, one can undergo a course of treatment under the guidance of a doctor and eliminate the cause of the increase.
    What are these diseases?

  • First of all, it is necessary to note hereditary diseases:
  • combined hyperlipidemia
  • polygenic hypercholesterolemia
  • hereditary dysbetalipoproteinemia
  • Other metabolic disorders may occur against the background of:
  • cirrhosis of the liver,
  • pancreatic tumors,
  • pancreatitis in acute and chronic forms,
  • hepatitis of various origins
  • hypothyroidism,
  • diabetes
  • nephroptosis,
  • chronic kidney failure,
  • hypertension.
  • Relationship between cholesterol and blood glucose

    Please note that the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats is very interconnected. High levels of cholesterol are found in people with diabetes.

    Abuse of sweet, sugar leads to an increased increase in body fat mass, overweight. Excess body weight is a common cause of diabetes in women. As a result of metabolic disorders, first of all, vessels suffer, plaques form, and atherosclerosis develops.

    Medical research has revealed a pattern between sugar and cholesterol. All people with type 2 diabetes usually have a history of high blood pressure (BP) or high blood cholesterol. Pressure can also rise as a result of high cholesterol levels, there is a risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

    The norm of cholesterol and blood sugar in women depends on age. Check your blood glucose level!

    For patients with heart disease, it is very important to monitor LDL and triglyceride levels.

    Diabetes upsets the balance between good and bad cholesterol.
    Patients with diabetes are characterized by:

    1. In diabetics, blood vessels are very often damaged, for this reason they often have a high concentration of harmful LDL cholesterol.
    2. A high concentration of glucose in the blood leads to a persistent increase in LDL in the blood for a long time.
    3. Diabetics have low HDL and high blood triglycerides - which increases the risk of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease
    4. The blood supply to the extremities and for blockages of blood vessels is worsened, which provokes various diseases of the legs and arms.

    Such patients need to pay special attention to their lifestyle, in particular, go in for physical education, diet, balance their menu with varied, healthy food, and not just fast foods, burgers. Review your habits of eating at night, and stop smoking and abusing alcoholic beverages. Eat more fish, fatty fish and seafood significantly reduce LDL (bad cholesterol).

    Symptoms of deviations from the norm

    In short, doctors do not have any obvious symptoms by which it is possible to judge a violation of cholesterol synthesis in the body at the moment.

    However, there are a number of indirect signs by which one can judge this problem.

    Dense, slight yellowish nodules form on the skin of the eyelids. Can be formed and other places of the body. These are cholesterol deposits under the skin, they can be used as a self-diagnosis.

    Periodic pain in the heart.

    Local lesions of the heart vessels with cholesterol plaques. Deterioration of the blood supply to the heart muscle. risk of myocardial infarction.

    Problems with the vessels of the legs, frequent pain in the legs when walking, damage to the vessels of the legs.

    A gray rim on the edge of the cornea of ​​the eyes, an indirect sign of a violation of the norm of cholesterol in patients under 50 years of age.

    Hair pigmentation disorders, as a result of metabolic disorders, circulatory disorders of the hair follicles, early gray hair.

    These signs appear in the later stages of the disease or if the excess of cholesterol is very high.

    Women need regular medical check-ups, especially those over 50 years of age. In the early stages of the disease, there are practically no symptoms. By monitoring blood cholesterol levels, you can prevent the development of the disease and prescribe an effective treatment, without complications.

    Video: Cholesterol - can not be left to reduce

    Cholesterol is vital for the body, it is involved in the formation of cell membranes and sex hormones. However, excess cholesterol in the body leads to the development of atherosclerosis. During pregnancy, a woman should have a high level of cholesterol, since this substance is necessary for the formation of cells and hormones of both the woman herself and the unborn child.