Which doctor treats meniscus. Injuries of the meniscus of the knee joint: treatment without surgery at home, risk groups and types of injuries

The meniscus is a crescent-shaped elastic formation of fibrocartilaginous tissue, similar in properties to the tendon. There are two menisci in the knee joint: inner and outer. They are located in the joint space on the surface of the tibia, attached to its surface by ligaments. In the knee joint, they perform the functions of shock absorption, stabilization, weight distribution.

As a result of injury, the outer or inner meniscus can be damaged. Damage can affect both menisci, destroy it in isolation, or destroy part of the joint. The cause of the injury can be a blow to the knee, twisting, bending the leg, any abrupt unsuccessful movement, degenerative changes in cartilage tissue.

The latter often happens in old age, even for no apparent reason. With severe degenerative changes, it may be enough just to sit down unsuccessfully to get injured. The following meniscal injuries are possible:

  • complete detachment is the most severe and rare injury that requires surgical intervention;
  • pinching - occurs quite often, manifests itself in the blockade of the knee joint;
  • gap - the most common in practice.

If left untreated, the torn part of the meniscus gradually turns into a foreign body, disrupting the functioning of the joint. A piece of the meniscus moves freely in the articular bag and may end up at the place of articulation of the bones. Here, it destroys cartilage tissue, which causes acute pain and a number of changes in the appearance of the knee.

The structure of the patella

Symptoms of an injury to the meniscus of the patella

You can understand that a meniscus rupture has occurred by your own feelings. A sign of rupture is a characteristic crackling, cotton. In the first minutes, pain is not felt, a person may not even understand that he was injured. When moving, there is no pain, even with full support on the injured leg. And if the load does not weaken, for example, the athlete continues training, then the risk that a fragment will fall into the joint space increases.

Symptoms increase gradually and appear about 2 days after the injury. The patient in the initial phase has a significant limitation in the extension of the diseased limb. Edema is a characteristic sign of injury, then other signs of damage join it:

  • restriction of freedom of movement of the joint, stiffness, inability to straighten the leg;
  • sudden complete blockade of knee mobility;
  • instability of the knee joint;
  • increased edema;
  • increased sensitivity in the area of ​​injury;
  • pain.

By the nature of the pain, you can determine the localization of the injury. When the inner meniscus is torn, there is a shooting pain on the inside of the knee. In addition, there is a point discomfort over the place of its attachment. Pain also occurs when turning a bent knee, with excessive effort when bending the leg. There is a weakening of the thigh muscles on the anterior surface. With partial or complete destruction of the external meniscus, severe pain is felt in the outer part of the cup, when the knee is turned inward. In addition, there are special symptoms specific to such injuries.

  • When lifting a leg straightened at the knee, atrophy of the quadriceps femoris muscle on the inside and a strong tension of the sartorius muscle (otherwise, a sartorial symptom) become clearly visible.
  • Pressing on the leg bent at the knee at a right angle with its passive extension causes increased pain - this is how Baikov's symptom manifests itself.
  • Discomfort and increased pain is noted during the usual unhurried descent from the stairs. This phenomenon is called the "staircase symptom" (or otherwise - Pelman's symptom).
  • Even with normal walking at a calm pace, a “click” symptom may be observed, and an attempt to sit cross-legged causes discomfort and increased pain.
  • Rauber - is detected on x-rays 2-3 months after the injury and consists in the growth of styloid formations on the condyles of the knee joint.
  • Polyakova - pain in the patella region appears when trying to raise a healthy leg from a prone position, leaning on the heel of the diseased leg and back.

Changes also occur within the joint. Synovial fluid accumulates in the joint cavity, the articular cartilage is gradually destroyed, exposing the surface of the bones in the joint.


The symptoms of a torn meniscus are similar to those of other knee problems. X-ray helps to exclude diseases that have similar symptoms.

  • The diagnosis is confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging data - it makes it possible to obtain a good picture of the soft tissues of the knee;
  • ultrasound research.

In addition, pain and sound tests are carried out.

Treatment of the meniscus of the knee joint

The release of the meniscus, sandwiched between the cartilages of the knee joint, is trusted by a traumatologist, orthopedist or chiropractor. Usually, several procedures are enough to restore normal joint mobility. In an unfavorable case, the patient is prescribed joint traction.

After the damage can be repaired, therapeutic treatment is prescribed with injections of corticosteroids and anti-inflammatory drugs. To restore cartilage tissue, the patient is given intra-articular injections of hyaluronic acid, prescribe chondroprotectors, physical therapy exercises.
The rupture is complete or partial. The choice of method of treatment depends on the nature of the gap, the age of the patient, his state of health and the degree of deterioration of the joint. First aid for a patient with a torn meniscus consists of standard recommendations:

  • peace;
  • wearing compression underwear;
  • applying cold;
  • elevated position of the sore leg;
  • anti-inflammatory ointments and tablets - ibuprofen, aspirin.

The doctor prescribes the method of treatment based on the results of the examination and x-ray. As a rule, they try to avoid surgery, using methods of conservative therapy.

Non-surgical treatment

The patient is given a puncture of the knee joint, the accumulated blood is cleaned out. The joint is fixed, bed rest is prescribed, physical activity is completely excluded for 15 days. Assign massage, warming up, physiotherapy exercises. If the measures do not give a therapeutic effect, an operation is prescribed.

Folk methods of treatment

Folk methods of treatment are resorted to only for injuries without displacement. If the movement of the limb in the knee is partially or completely blocked, then you need to see a traumatologist. Compresses are applied to reduce pain and swelling.

  • Warm up medical bile, apply to the knee, wrap with a warm scarf for 2 hours. Repeat the procedure for 10 days. The course of treatment can be repeated.
  • Mix alcohol and honey melted in a water bath in equal proportions, apply on the injured knee for 2 hours.

Surgical intervention. The suture of the meniscus is performed in the outer zone, which is well supplied with blood and capable of regeneration. The operation is done with a fresh injury, no later than 10 days in case of a longitudinal rupture of the meniscus. After the intervention, a long recovery period is required. The patient is restricted in movement for six months, the use of crutches is prescribed for 8 months.
Arthroscopic resection (meniscectomy). The operation consists in the complete replacement of the damaged meniscus or the removal of damaged tissues. With the help of an arthroscope, surgical instruments and a mini video camera are introduced into the joint cavity through micro incisions, allowing the surgeon to examine the joint from the inside. Meniscus implantation is done at a young age, on a joint that does not show signs of destruction. This method gives good results, serves as a prevention of arthrosis.

After the operation to remove the meniscus, the patient will have to use crutches for 1-2 weeks. During the recovery period, the patient should wear a plaster cast and perform exercises aimed at increasing the amplitude and freedom of movement in the operated joint. Full recovery of knee function occurs in 30-40 days. After the meniscus surgery, you will have to walk on crutches for 45 days.

Knee meniscus: Treatment without surgery at home is possible if the meniscus injury is mild. Often, damage to the meniscus of the knee joint occurs in people who overload the lower limbs for a long time. The meniscus, even in ordinary people who are not involved in sports, can be infringed, receive a microtraumatic effect, and a rupture of the meniscus of the knee joint is possible.

What is it about

What is the meniscus of the knee joint? The meniscus of the knee performs a shock-absorbing function, provided by nature, without which the full operation of the knee joint is impossible. The meniscus is a formation located in the knee joint tissue, between the lower leg and femoral zone.

The menisci are considered linings between the joints, having a crescent appearance. They make the knee joint less mobile, perform depreciation, help prevent injury. They can also expand and contract.

There is an external and internal meniscus, or a medial meniscus and a lateral meniscus. Often the lining is affected, which has a cartilaginous structure, which is localized in the internal articular structures. Problems with the meniscus are observed in 56-74 persons in 12 months in a population of 100,000.

Manifestations of the disease of the meniscus of the knee joint type in the male population are three times more common than in women. The disease often affects young men who are 18-19 or 29-30 years old. After the age of forty, with the meniscus of the knee joints, destructive changes are manifested due to the process of degeneration of the tendon tissues. Often the menisci are not infringed, but torn.

In an acute injury to the patella, the articular structures are damaged so that the ligaments are also exposed to trauma.

About the reasons

The root causes that form the signs of the disease are manifested as follows:

  • The main circumstance of dysfunction of the menisci of the knees is considered to be an overload of the legs. Therefore, people involved in sports, ballroom dancing, as well as those who often lift heavy objects are more at risk.
  • Processes of degeneration and dystrophy appear due to the fact that the human body ages over time. After the age of 51 or 52, the articular tissues are less elastic, synovial cerebrospinal fluid is synthesized in a smaller volume.
  • Arthrosis also contributes to pathological processes in the menisci.

At the age of fourteen meniscus cartilage tissue is more elastic, the chance of its rupture is minimal. This type of injury is often seen in children.

How does a meniscus rupture?

The meniscal tissue is torn due to the processes of degeneration, trauma, and is also classified:

  • By location: the body is damaged, the anterior horn or the posterior horn.
  • The rupture is localized in shape: horizontally (due to the formed cyst), radially, longitudinally, obliquely (on the bordering area of ​​​​the middle, as well as the posterior third of the meniscus cartilage tissue), combined (back of the horn).

About symptoms

Initially, the symptomatology is manifested by acute soreness of the articular tissue, the patella.

If the meniscal cartilage tissue is torn, then a hematoma formation occurs in the area prone to injury.

Due to the fact that small gaps occur, motor activity is difficult, which is accompanied by pain and characteristic crunches of the joint, this will lead to dysfunction of the joint.

If there is a tear in the meniscus, then the articular tissue becomes blocked. When flexion of the injured knee is difficult, the posterior meniscus cartilage is damaged. If the patient cannot straighten the knee, then the anterior meniscus cartilage structure is damaged.

Rupture due to degeneration tends to occur chronically. Such an injury is observed after the age of forty due to a pronounced overload of the knee joint tissue, if a person stumbles or sits down unsuccessfully. Symptomatic manifestations do not depend on the type of injury, they are always individual.

With damaged meniscus structures, the symptoms are as follows:

  • Pain inside the knee joint.
  • Above the area where the meniscus is connected to the ligament, the person feels pain, this area is hypersensitive.
  • If a person strains the joint, then painful sensations of a shooting nature are expressed.
  • There is no mobility of the kneecap.
  • A person feels pain in the longitudinal tibial ligament when he flexes the lower limb.
  • The knee is swollen.
  • The anterior femoral area is weakened.

Symptoms of injury to the outer meniscus structure:

  • Painful sensations are manifested when a person strains the external lateral ligament of the knee.
  • Soreness radiating to the outside of the knee.
  • If you turn the lower leg inwards, then there will be a sharp pain.
  • A person feels weakened muscle tissue in front of the femoral zone.

To walk or not to walk

Often the patient is interested in: what will be bad if the damaged meniscus is not treated, is it possible to walk as usual, will there be complicated conditions, for example, arthrosis? If the therapeutic measures of the damaged meniscus are not carried out, then the process becomes chronic. The affected area will always remind you during physical work, physical education, lifting a load.

There are intervals of remission in which pain does not cause discomfort for several months. But this does not mean that the destructive changes have stopped. When treatment is ignored, a rupture of the meniscus tissue will lead to the destruction of cartilage, and in severe cases, bone structures.

This will lead to the formation of arthrosis: soreness will become frequent, intensify after physical work. It will be difficult for the patient to move, arthrosis will progress, the patient will become disabled.

About medical measures

How to treat the meniscus of the knee joint, is it possible to treat an injured meniscus in the knee without a major operation? With a damaged meniscus of the knee type of joint, different symptoms and individual treatment are interconnected. In some moments, conservative treatment is suitable, treatment at home, it is possible to restore the meniscus without surgery.

In severe conditions, when there is hemorrhage in the articular structure, fluid in the knee, meniscal tissue is torn off or crushed, then it is impossible to cure the knee joint without surgery. Such destructive changes are not common, and for a damaged meniscus of the knee joint, treatment is required only by surgical methods, otherwise severe complicated conditions will arise. The operation is performed using an endoscope, since it is effective, easily performed under local anesthetics, minimally uncomfortable with a minimum of complicated conditions.

How to cure a meniscus if it is pinched? A specialist in manual therapy or orthopedics and traumatology will help to cure the meniscus. The doctor will perform manual manipulation on the damaged joint, if there is inflammation, then he will prescribe conservative treatment.

Treatment measures at home

How to treat it if the meniscus is damaged? Treatment of the meniscus at home is to provide the patient with rest after the injury. The joint is fixed with a patella. A person needs to lie down on the bed, the affected limb is placed on a pillow above the chest level so that edematous changes do not appear.

Treatment of the knee joint at home consists in the application of a cold compress, which will relieve pain and improve the patient's well-being. Then you should contact the doctor, who will perform an examination, prescribe diagnostic measures:

  • Computed tomography of the meniscus.
  • Ultrasound diagnosis of the joint.
  • MRI, arthroscopic examination.

To normalize the work of the meniscus of the knee type joint and conduct individual treatment without a complex operation, a complex of physiotherapy exercises is shown. Together with exercise therapy for damage to the meniscus of the knee type of joint, the usual treatment without surgery at home is to carry out massage techniques.

Electrical stimulation will relax and strengthen the myofibers of the femoral area. Magnetotherapy and laser therapeutic effects will improve the processes of metabolism and blood circulation in muscles.

To restore the meniscus without surgery, it is necessary to engage in physiotherapy exercises:

  • Place a small ball under the knee joint tissue. When bending the knee, you should try to squeeze the ball, when the joint is straightened, it is advisable to hold the ball.
  • You should walk on the mat on your knees, resting on your hands, even if you have pain.

When the meniscus is injured, treatment is carried out with the help of warming compresses, which are applied to the damaged area several times a day. Still apply ointments, gels, cream, balm.

Therapeutic kinesio taping is also indicated. Taping the knee joint reduces pressure on the knee joint, preventing it from extending beyond the required level. Taping the knee joint will minimize exacerbations, the joint will recover in a short period.

Advantages of taping:

  • Accelerates joint recovery.
  • The application period is 3-7 days.
  • Tape and human dermis are similar, so such a product takes almost the entire load on itself.
  • The knee is not completely immobilized.
  • The skin under the tape breathes.
  • Affordable cost of the product.

About taping rules

  1. First, the skin is washed and cleansed, degreased, hair is removed in the area where the taping will be carried out. For prevention, the tape is attached neatly from the proximally localized area to the distally located area. For therapeutic measures, the opposite is fixed.
  2. The fastening parts on one side and the other should not stretch.
  3. The force with which the tape is stretched is determined by the doctor, it depends on the method of applying the tape.
  4. You should wipe the tape well with your hand, then it will be better fixed.
  5. You can stand in the shower or do physical education after 44-45 minutes. If everything is done correctly, then there should be no pain and discomfort.
  6. If the knee is strongly compressed or it is constrained, then the tape is removed, the tape is re-taped, taking into account all the mistakes made.
  7. It should be ensured that during fixation of the knee joint no folds appear, vessels and nerves are not pinched.
  8. If there is pain in the joint, discomfort, the painful area suffers, tingles, turns pale and turns blue, then the tension of the tape should be reduced or removed, and consultation with the attending doctor is also required.

About non-traditional methods

How to carry out treatment with folk remedies? Treatment of the meniscus of the knee joint with folk remedies consists in the use of wet dressings, which include therapeutic mud, the use of honey, wormwood, burdock leaves is also indicated. It is recommended to warm it up before using the compress so that the temperature is from 36 to 37ºС, then wrap it with a film of food and other woolen fabric, then tighten the joint with a bandage. Leave for a couple of hours or overnight.

Honey compress

Apply ethyl alcohol to the joint with bee honey, using equal proportions. Using a water bath, the ingredients are heated, then the ointment is thinly applied to the articular tissue with fixation for a couple of hours. Apply 2 times a day for about 30 days.

Onion compress

Take 3 onion heads, rub to a mushy state. Add 8 g of sugar and stir. It is worth remembering that the ingredients of the compress are not applied to the skin, as the skin will be irritated.

It is necessary to apply a worn onion to a gauze fabric wound in layers on the painful area. Leave on overnight, then wash off with warm water. Shown daily use of 30 days.

Application of burdock

In summer, to prepare a burdock compress, they take the leaves of the plant, in winter they use dried ones, but before use they are soaked in heated water. A burdock leaf is wrapped around the damaged joint, fixed with a bandage on top. Keep 3 or 4 hours.

When using dry burdock leaves, the compress on the joint is kept for 8 hours. Apply until the pain disappears.

About oils and tinctures

Garlic type of tincture is prepared from two parts of the ingredient, apple cider vinegar is also added. 240-250 ml of water is poured and infused for 7 days. Store in a shaded glass container. Shelf life 7-9 months.

Wormwood tincture is prepared as follows: you need to take 8-9 g of wormwood and pour 190-200 ml of water boiling over high heat. After 60 minutes, filter, moisten a gauze cloth in it and attach it to the joint for half an hour. 3 or 4 manipulations are carried out until the pain is relieved.

How herbs are used

Take 8-9 g of birch buds, violet and nettle leaves. Everything is crushed, mixed, poured with boiling water no more than half a liter. The mixture is infused for half an hour, then it is filtered through gauze. It is necessary to take a quarter cup 4 times a day.

The use of horseradish

The root of the plant is crushed so that the raw material is 8-9 g. Placed in a container, steamed with low heat. Horseradish must be crushed, gauze cloth is moistened in the resulting porridge and applied to the joint, tied with a handkerchief. Keep a couple of hours, then wash the area with water at room temperature.

The use of pork fat

They take internal fat about 190-200 g, warm it up with low heat. When the ingredient is heated, a garlic head and a couple of tablespoons of dried eucalyptus leaves are added. Bring to a boil, leave for a couple of hours, filter with gauze and place in a glass container. Rubbed 2 times a day.

You should always be careful when walking or running, use comfortable shoes. Before physical education, the muscles should be stretched and warmed up.

To prevent injury, it is necessary to strengthen the quadriceps femoral muscle: it is useful to slowly lower and raise the straight lower limb in a standing position.

The cartilaginous structures of the joint will be strengthened if a person eats in a balanced way. Athletes are especially vulnerable to injury. Therefore, they should remember that during training, fixing pads for the knees should be used, which will greatly reduce injuries to the meniscus of the knee joint.

The human knee is quite complex and extremely functional, without a single “extra detail”. One of its important components is a natural shock absorber in the joints. It reduces friction between the other components and does not allow movements with excessive amplitude, which are fraught with injuries. Damage to the meniscus most often occurs when resting on the foot of a bent leg with a sharp turn to the side. Therefore, the majority of patients who turn to a traumatologist with a torn or torn meniscus are athletes.

However, an ordinary person can get such an injury. For example, if he falls with his knee on a step. The main thing that the victim should know is that if the meniscus of the knee joint is damaged, treatment without surgery at home is possible only when it has not been displaced even by a fraction of a millimeter. And this can only be established by a professional traumatologist, and with the involvement of instrumental laboratory research.

medical statistics

The cause of damage to the meniscus can be not only trauma. It can lead to:

  • general intoxication of any origin;
  • age-related degenerative tissue changes.

Repeated injuries to the meniscus eventually lead to its rupture. The surfaces of the joints begin to slowly but steadily break down; if the process is not stopped by appropriate treatment, a severe one will develop, in most cases ending in disability.

Injuries to the meniscus are not such a rare medical case. According to statistics, for every 100,000 cases a year, up to 80 people get a rupture. Moreover, men are three times more likely than women. Most patients are between the ages of 18 and 30; in children and adolescents under 14 is rarely diagnosed. There are isolated cases of such an injury in the younger generation. This fact is explained by the high elasticity of the meniscal tissues of the younger age group.

Signs of a damaged meniscus

With a knee injury in the acute period, only pain and the resulting limitation of movements are observed. Such symptoms can also indicate a minor bruise of the limb. More obvious signs of damage to the meniscus appear only after 2 weeks. These include:

  • sharp , concentrated either , or ;
  • local rise in temperature in the area of ​​the affected joint (up to 40-41 degrees);
  • an increase in knee size - swelling or swelling;
  • weakening of the muscles of the front of the thigh;
  • lumbago when the muscles of the injured leg are strained.

However, these signs can also warn of others. Therefore, before starting meniscus treatment at home, the patient should consult a traumatologist and undergo an examination. If suspicions of a “shock absorber” injury are confirmed, the doctor must make sure that there is no displacement of the meniscus.

Primary care

The acute period with damage to the meniscus lasts about a week. If the pain does not approach unbearable in intensity, independent actions are permissible at this time, since it is easy to treat the meniscus of the knee joint at home at this stage. The victim is required to make certain efforts to eliminate pain and inflammation:

  • reduction of swelling and pain is facilitated by applying to the injured joint (heaters with ice). Before the procedure, the knee is wrapped in a dry natural linen or cotton cloth. It is carried out twice a day and lasts about half an hour;
  • to eliminate pain and stop the spread, the patient must take prescribed by the traumatologist during the initial examination. In case of severe pain, the doctor leaves the victim in the hospital for;
  • to speed up the stabilization of the condition and prevent even more injury, the leg in the knee joint is immobilized. The predominant position of the leg is elevated, but comfortable for the patient.

After the end of the acute period, the victim must undergo a second medical examination to determine the severity of the injuries and prescribe the main therapeutic course.

home therapy

When damage to the meniscus of the knee joint has occurred, home treatment is guided by the observance of the instructions of the attending physician. Folk methods can only play a supporting role and must be agreed with the traumatologist.

Treatment of the meniscus without surgery with folk remedies is aimed solely at relieving pain and eliminating inflammation as soon as possible. And "grandmother's" recipes cope with these tasks successfully, if they do not come into confrontation with the main course of treatment.


Most of them gently and persistently relieve pain. Many and inflammation clean up. On which of the options to stop, the patient will be prompted by the observing doctor:

  • fresh burdock. It is considered one of the simplest and most effective remedies for the treatment of meniscal injuries. Every day, the sore knee is wrapped with fresh leaves of the plant, the compress is fixed with a kneecap, scarf or bandage and lasts for 3-4 hours. In winter, you can use dried raw materials. The foliage is pre-soaked in hot water, and the compress is placed overnight;
  • if there is no burdock, you can take cabbage. Leaves are removed from the head, slightly kneaded with a rolling pin, smeared with a thin layer of honey and applied to the affected joint. Exposure time - from 4 to 8 hours;
  • one of the fastest ways is to treat the meniscus with folk remedies made from honey and medical alcohol. Both substances are taken in equal amounts and heated with stirring in a water bath. Do not bring to a boil and do not overheat, so as not to cause discomfort to the knee. In a warm state, the mixture is laid out on the joint, covered with glossy paper or film, fixed with a scarf, and on top of it with a tightening bandage. Keep the compress for 2-3 hours;
  • very good results observed when using onion compresses. For the base, two heads are crushed. For greater uniformity, it is better to either grate them or grind them in a meat grinder. The mass is flavored with a spoonful of sugar and kneaded. The sore knee is wrapped in a thin natural cloth, the warm onion is distributed on top (you can put the mass on the battery for a while; in the warm season, when the heating does not work, hold it for a couple of minutes in a water bath). The compress is sealed with a film and left until the morning. The course of treatment is a month;
  • a similar effect is produced by fresh horseradish root. For a compress, you need a spoonful of freshly grated raw materials, steamed over the lowest heat. The fabric is impregnated with gruel, applied to the knee and insulated. The exposure time is no more than two hours, while the burning sensation is still tolerable;
  • if a rupture of the meniscus of the knee joint is diagnosed, treatment with folk remedies is possible with the use of mud compresses - this is the most effective technique. Therapeutic mud can be bought at the pharmacy. A small amount of it is heated to body temperature, applied to the joint, insulated with polyethylene and insulated. The exposure time is 2 hours, the course of therapy is 10 days. After removing the compress, the dirt is washed off with warm running water;
  • for a bile compress in a pharmacy you need to buy vial of medical bile. Two tablespoons of the active substance are heated in a water bath; a sore spot is smeared, which then turns into a bandage and something warm. The duration of the procedure is two hours, the treatment course will take from a month to two;
  • with a rupture of the meniscus, for the speedy elimination of pain in the knee, it is also used wormwood application. For her, you will need an infusion of the herb of the same name. A tablespoon with a slide of fresh raw materials or a half dose of dried raw materials is immersed in a glass of boiling water, tightly closed, wrapped up and infused for about an hour. After cooling and filtering, gauze is dipped into the product, slightly squeezed out and placed on the joint for half an hour. During this time, the syndrome goes away; to prevent the return of pain, the applications are repeated for a week.

Be sure to check with your doctor if your condition allows you to use warm compresses. In acute inflammation, heat can only aggravate the course of the disease.


If the patient cannot use compresses yet, he can use rubbing. For meniscus injuries, the following compositions are most often used:

  • garlic tincture: 2 heads of spicy vegetable are peeled, chopped and poured with half a liter of apple cider vinegar with a strength of 6%. The remedy will be infused for a week, in warmth and darkness; dark glassware is recommended for its preparation. Rubbing is carried out until the pain is completely gone; tincture is stored without loss of medicinal properties up to six months. It is also suitable for;
  • essential oil scrub: equal volumes of menthol, clove, camphor, eucalyptus oils are supplemented with the same amount of winter love oil and freshly squeezed aloe juice. It is necessary to rub the diseased joint 2-3 times a day, warming it after the procedure for at least half an hour;
  • pork fat: lard is bought in a butcher shop, 200 grams of the base are melted over a very quiet fire, supplemented with chopped garlic head and eucalyptus leaves (2 tablespoons of dried raw materials). After boiling, the ointment is infused for 2 hours under the lid, filtered through gauze and poured into a glass container. For rubbing, it is used twice a day.


Pine needles are recognized as an effective and universal remedy for joint diseases and meniscus injuries. Baths with it quickly relieve pain, improve blood circulation in the affected joint, and have a general strengthening effect on the entire body.

To prepare the product, you need to collect a pound of needles, rinse it well and let the water drain. Then the raw material is crushed, poured into a saucepan placed in a water bath, poured with 2 liters of water and boiled for about half an hour. The broth is filtered and poured into a bath with a water temperature of 37 to 40 degrees. Half-hour procedures are carried out every other day; between the bath and going to bed should be at least an hour.

It is recommended to consult with your doctor about the admissibility of such treatment. Coniferous baths have contraindications: they should not be taken with oncological, cardiac and some other chronic diseases.

Firming and analgesic infusion

Nettle greens and violets plus birch leaves are taken in equal amounts. All components are dried. 2 large spoons of the mixture are poured into a thermos and poured with boiling water (2 cups). The time of infusion is half an hour. The tool is used warm, a quarter cup; the number of receptions - 4 times a day. It must be taken within 3 weeks.

Gymnastic exercises

In case of damage to the meniscus, the knee is not fully involved for at least a month, and in serious cases much longer. Therefore, one of the most important ways to treat a meniscus is the gradual development of the joint and the return of full functionality to it with the help. It is usually prescribed when the acute period is over, and the doctor is convinced that there is no tissue displacement. If the meniscus is torn, physical education classes will be postponed until the moment of its fusion - all these subtleties are clarified by a consultation of a traumatologist and a physiotherapist.

At first, all exercises are performed with a minimum load on the knees, without squats and excessive flexion in the joints. The purpose of this stage is to prevent the appearance of adhesions or adhesions inside the joint, to prevent muscle atrophy. Gradually, the load should increase, and the movements should become more diverse and deep.

For the treatment of meniscus at home, the following complex can be offered:

  • the patient sits on a high seat; feet should not reach the floor. The injured limb is placed on a healthy one. The sore knee gradually straightens; each movement should have a slightly larger amplitude compared to the previous one. When performing the exercise, a healthy leg insures the injured one;
  • the next exercise is walking with a roll. The movement starts at the toe and ends at the heel. The patient should try to straighten the leg at the knee to the maximum, but without bringing the straightening to the point of pain. You should walk in a smooth mode, from 5 to 7 minutes;
  • starting position - standing on a healthy leg, placing the affected limb on a low stool, up to 40 cm above the floor. The affected knee bends, the body leans forward. In this position, you need to linger for at least 5 seconds, then return to the starting position. At each session, repeat 5-10 times;
  • the patient lies on his back and raises straightened legs in turn, stopping them at a height of 15 cm. The delay is 3-4 seconds. Repeat 10-15 times on each leg;
  • without getting up from the mat, bend your knees. In this exercise, the legs are also straightened one by one, but without lifting. The heel should slide slowly across the floor. The number of repetitions, as in the previous exercise;
  • roll over on your side with your healthy leg down. The affected limb in a straightened position rises 40 cm from the floor. Hold it for 10 seconds; 10 repetitions too.

The complex is performed daily. If there has been a deterioration in well-being from gymnastics, you should not stop it, it is enough to slightly reduce the number of repetitions. An obligatory step in case of deterioration is an unscheduled visit to the doctor and clarification of a set of exercises with a specialist in physiotherapy exercises.

All of the listed folk recipes can be used only in cases where the doctor has made sure that the injury is not severe, and there is no displacement. With serious injuries, endoscopic surgery can be dispensed with in isolated cases. Refusing to intervene, relying on the omnipotence of traditional medicine means dooming yourself to lameness, constant pain, gradual destruction of the joint, and as a result, to a wheelchair. Fear of a surgical scalpel in the event of a torn meniscus is unjustified. The operation is highly effective, performed under local anesthesia, there are almost no complications after it, and the functionality of the joint in most cases returns to its original values.

Even if the operation is not needed, but the injury is recognized as severe, it is better to be treated in a hospital: under these conditions, the risk of complications is minimized, the pain effect is removed many times faster, the introduction into the joint is able to restore damaged cartilage tissues. And when receiving permission for home treatment, a prudent patient who does not want to become disabled later will go for follow-up examinations and will not thoughtlessly replace prescriptions from official medicine, even if effective, with analogues from folk medicine.

The meniscus is a stabilizing pad made up of cartilage fibers that absorb synovial fluid. It is a source of nutrients.

The meniscus in the knee reduces the load in the joint, serves as a barrier that excludes the possibility of contact between the bones.

There is a lateral meniscus (outer) and a medial (inner) meniscus. The medial meniscus of the knee joint has the shape of a semicircle, the lateral meniscus is similar to the letter "C". 60-70% of the meniscus consists of ordered collagen fibers arranged in a circle, about 16% is occupied by special proteins, another 0.6% is elastin.

The structure of both types of menisci is the same, including the anterior horn, posterior horn, and body. With the help of a horn, the meniscus is attached to the bone or to the articular fossa. The blood supply is only in the outer part of the meniscus.

If the meniscus is damaged in this area, then cartilage repair is possible without suturing. Over the years, the number of blood vessels decreases, so injuries take longer to heal. The medial meniscus of the knee joint works in conjunction with the lateral ligament of the knee joint. Therefore, damage to the medial meniscus of the knee joint and ligament usually occurs simultaneously.

Causes of meniscus problems

  • permanent loads;
  • mechanical impact, falling, jumping or a strong blow resulting in an injury to the meniscus of the knee joint;
  • complications after surgery;
  • violation of metabolism and blood supply;
  • oncological diseases, diseases of the joints;
  • age;
  • repeated injuries;
  • improper rotation of the joint.

Provocative factors for the development of meniscus disease:

  • constant sharp extensor movements;
  • overweight;
  • congenital or acquired weakness of the ligaments.


The menisci are very susceptible to injury. Symptoms appear depending on the type of damage, the main diseases and their signs include:

  • Inflammation of the meniscus. To determine the inflammation of the meniscus is quite simple:
    • swelling is noticeable to the naked eye (see photo below);
    • palpable pain, which may subside over time (with increased stress and circulatory disorders, the pain syndrome increases);
    • restriction of movements;
    • clicks in the knee.

Inflammation of the meniscus

Symptoms of inflammation of the meniscus are often similar to a rupture, so it is not recommended to draw conclusions and prescribe treatment on your own.

  • Meniscus tears. The main symptoms of a torn meniscus are:
    • inflammation of the meniscus;
    • incessant pain;
    • joint immobility;
    • crunching during movement;
    • bleeding in the joint is a clear sign that there has been a rupture of the medial meniscus of the knee joint.

Rupture of the meniscus of the knee joint

Symptoms of a meniscus tear do not differ depending on the location of the injury. Whether the lateral meniscus is damaged or the medial meniscus is torn, the sensations will be the same.

Classification of meniscal injuries

The American physician Stoller identified several stages of meniscus injury. His technique allows you to accurately determine the diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

  1. First degree The disease is characterized by damage to the posterior horn of the medial meniscus. Physiological reasons cause this violation. The focus of damage is located inside the meniscus, most often a person is unaware of a violation in the joint that has appeared. Usually, the initial degree of damage is detected by chance during a routine examination and is in the nature of inflammation of the meniscus.
  2. Meniscus injury grade 2 has a pronounced clinical picture. The overall structure of the bone tissue is not disturbed. The cartilage retains its original shape. In the second stage, damage to the internal meniscus occurs. The person feels discomfort in the knee joint. With the development of degenerative processes in the second stage, a rupture of the meniscus occurs.
  3. The most severe 3 degree damage is characterized by a complete rupture of the meniscus of the knee joint. The anatomical structure is disturbed, the cartilage is detached and displaced. The chronic form of the disease occurs precisely at this stage. It is characterized by the inability to perform extensor movements. At this stage, it is impossible to treat a torn meniscus of the knee joint without surgery.


Non-instrumental studies:

  • . The person lies on his stomach, the leg is bent at a right angle and pressed on the heel, while rotating the lower leg and foot. The test is considered positive in the presence of pain;
  • McMurry test:
    • the person lies on his back. The knee is in a bent state, as far as possible, and wrapped around the hand. The lower leg is rotated outward, the knee is extended to a right angle. If there is a meniscus tear, the patient will feel pain from the inside of the joint;
    • while in the same position, the person bends the leg at the knee and hip joint at a right angle. One hand grabs the knee, the second makes circular movements of the lower leg in and out. The meniscus tear test is considered positive if clicks are heard.

To confirm the symptoms of a rupture of the meniscus of the knee joint, instrumental studies are used. These include Ultrasound, MRI, x-ray and arthroscopy:

  • First of all, X-ray examination and ultrasound are prescribed. The meniscus is not visible on the x-ray, research is necessary to make sure there is no fracture. Ultrasound is prescribed as an addition to x-rays.
  • MRI allows you to examine the joint itself and the area around it. This method determines the presence of injury and the degree of damage. Due to the ability to visualize the meniscus in a comprehensive manner, the accuracy of MRI is 95%. Based on this method, the decision is usually made how to treat the meniscus;
  • Computed tomography is effective for detecting inflammatory processes. The tomograph creates a series of images that allow you to draw a conclusion about the state of the joint at different depths. This method is most effective in confirming the source of pain, the presence of a fracture, and visualizing bleeding. The meniscus itself cannot be seen using tomography, so the technique is complementary to MRI;
  • Diagnostic arthroscopy allows for an accurate diagnosis. The main advantage of the method is the ability to simultaneously diagnose and correct. The data obtained by the arthroscope is displayed on the monitor in real time, so the doctor can perform the necessary manipulations to eliminate some of the consequences of the injury - remove accumulated blood, sew the edges of the meniscus.

meniscus treatment

The treatment for the knee depends on the cause of the inflammation of the meniscus or its rupture. First of all, the patient needs to be calm. Further, depending on the degree and nature of the damage, specific methods of treating a tear of the meniscus of the knee joint are prescribed.

Medical treatment (drugs)

Conservative treatment or, in other words, treatment of the meniscus without surgery is carried out at the expense of drugs of various effects:

  • (Ibuprofen, Diclofenac).
  • rubbing with an ointment (Voltaren, Ketorol, Alezan).
  • cartilage restoration is carried out with the help of such as Chondroitin sulfate.
  • Ostenil is prescribed to increase mobility and relieve pain inside the joint capsule. After the first injection, clear signs of improvement are visible. Usually prescribed 5 injections.


Treatment of the meniscus without surgery is not often successful and only with minor injury or inflammation. Depending on the degree of damage to the meniscus of the knee joint, several options for operations are possible:

  • Meniscectomy- It is used when the meniscus is torn or in the presence of complications. A positive result is observed in 65% of operations, and arthritis of the knees is also among the consequences. Recovery takes a month and a half.
  • Recovery- a more gentle method, mainly used among patients not older than 45 years. An important condition for the operation is the stable condition of the cartilage tissue. This is due to the fact that in the presence of pathology, the menisci will be subject to further destruction. The rehabilitation period can last 4 months.
  • Arthroscopy- the most progressive type of operation. Only the medial meniscus of the knee joint with a torn posterior horn cannot be treated. The traumatism of this operation is minimal, and the scars after the operation are visible only upon closer examination. Arthroscopy is prescribed when it is impossible to accurately determine the nature of damage to the meniscus of the knee joint. 2 punctures are made for the arthroscope and surgical instruments. The arthroscope allows the surgeon to reach the most remote areas. The meniscus is sutured with non-absorbable threads made of silk, nylon or polypropylene. A positive result is observed in 90% of operations. Contraindications: open knee injury, inflammation of the skin at the puncture site, exacerbation of chronic infections, low joint mobility, low level of recovery of internal organs. Rehabilitation after surgery takes 4 weeks, on the first day the doctor prescribes exercises with minimal stress. From the second day, exercises are prescribed that help start the processes of restoration of damaged tissues and the function of the knee joint.
  • Internal fixation of the meniscus- the treatment of meniscus rupture in this way began to be used relatively recently. Minimal trauma and the absence of direct surgical intervention are the main advantages of this operation. Its essence lies in the use of fixators without an incision, due to which rehabilitation takes less time than usual.
  • Transplantation is the most expensive operation. The essence of this method is to completely remove the meniscus and replace it with a donor or artificial implant. This operation is recommended in case of complete destruction of the meniscus and the inability to stitch it, as well as when the patient's age does not exceed 40 years. Contraindications: diabetes mellitus, severe diseases of the heart and blood vessels, old age, polyarthritis and atherosclerosis. Both the lateral and medial menisci should be replaced. The peculiarity of the operation is that the implant has to wait a long time, as it must ideally fit the patient. But with a successful outcome of the operation, the risk of rejection is minimal. The duration of the operation is not more than 3 hours. The postoperative period lasts 6 weeks, after which you can enter the usual rhythm of life.

Complementary and alternative treatments without surgery at home.

To reduce discomfort in case of damage to the meniscus of the knee joint and reduce pain, you can use the treatment of folk remedies based on oils and herbs.

Tincture recipe:

  • birch buds, violet and nettle leaves, 1 tablespoon each;
  • 500 ml of boiling water.

Grind the ingredients, mix them and pour boiling water. Infuse for 30 minutes, then strain. Take 4 times a day, dosage - 1⁄4 cup.

Spasmolytic anti-inflammatory agent. Take in equal proportions clove oil, camphor, menthol, eucalyptus and winter love, as well as aloe juice.

  • mix all the ingredients and heat in a water bath.

Apply the resulting mixture to the knee and apply a tight bandage. Repeat 2-4 times a day.


Treatment of the meniscus without surgery at home is possible with the help of warm compresses. The following compresses give the maximum effect:

Compress based on honey.

First way:

  • mix 1 tablespoon of aloe leaf pulp and 2 tablespoons of honey;
  • lubricate the knee with the resulting mixture, wrap the affected area with cling film;
  • the duration of the procedure is 1 hour.

This compress removes swelling and stops inflammation.

Second way:

  • mix honey and alcohol in a ratio of 1: 1;
  • heat in a water bath and apply to the inflamed area;
  • leave for 2 hours;
  • repeat the procedure twice a day.

Burdock leaf compress.

Burdock leaves should be wrapped around the knee and pressed tightly. You can also use dried leaves. They need to be crushed and steamed in boiling water. Then apply the resulting product and bandage. Hold the compress for 3 hours.

A compress based on a decoction of herbs.

You need to take 1 teaspoon of St. John's wort, calendula, chamomile and sage, pour boiling water. Filter after 1 hour. Put a bandage or soft cloth moistened with herbal decoction on the knee for 30 minutes. Repeat 3 times a day.


It is strictly forbidden to use exercises as a treatment without surgery for rupture of the meniscus of the knee joint, since with this injury, first of all, the knee must be immobilized.

Exercises for the treatment of the meniscus are done only at the recovery stage, physiotherapy exercises have a positive effect:

  • the first two days perform leg extension. You also need to squeeze the object between the legs, bent at the knees;
  • from the third to the tenth, they make a straight leg lift, the starting position is lying on their side and back. Sitting on a chair, you need to straighten your knee. Within 2-3 seconds, hold the straightened leg in a tense state;
  • in the third week, it is recommended to walk 2-3 km, ride a bike. Exercise: circular and swing movements of the leg.


Physiotherapy after surgery is prescribed in order to enhance cell regeneration, improve blood circulation and metabolism. The main methods of physiotherapy:

  • electrical stimulation;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • massage.

In order to increase the efficiency of the patient, they are taught self-massage techniques, the rest of the procedures are carried out directly in the medical institution.


Injury to the meniscus of the knee joint does not imply preventive measures. It is impossible to additionally influence the menisci, strengthen them or make them thicker. The doctor can give general advice: walk more carefully, avoid wearing high heels often, use protective knee pads when playing sports.

The knee meniscus is an important component of a fulfilling healthy life. If there are the slightest symptoms of meniscal injury, there is no need to postpone the problem. You should immediately consult a doctor. Only timely diagnosis will reveal how injured the menisci are. Based on this study, the doctor will decide which method of treatment should be applied in a particular case.

Prognosis after treatment

Most often, the treatment of meniscus has a positive outcome. There are several factors that affect recovery:

  • patient's age. After 40 years, the rate of tissue repair decreases, which means that the rehabilitation period will take longer;
  • weak ligaments can become a factor in re-injury, as the cartilage is subject to displacement;
  • place of break. Ragged damage is much more difficult to stitch than damage in one plane, and healing processes take longer;
  • freshness of injury to the meniscus of the knee joint. Advanced cases, when the patient self-medicated for a long time, recover much longer.

Complications may occur - purulent inflammation, hemorrhage into the joint or eruption of sutures. No need to wait until the discomfort disappears, you should immediately contact a specialist. To avoid complications, it is necessary to completely exclude heavy physical exertion after surgery.

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Sooner or later, each person will wonder what the meniscus of the knee joint is. In fact, joint injuries are not so rare, and occur not only in the elderly, but also in the young, so it is very important to figure out how to prevent them, and, if necessary, treat them. In this article, we will look at what the meniscus of the knee joint is, as well as what types of damage it is and methods for diagnosing them.

What is a meniscus?

So, the meniscus is a layer of cartilage that is located inside the knee joint itself and has the shape of a crescent. In the human body, this part of the cartilage tissue is very important, as it performs a shock-absorbing function while walking. It is very important to understand what the meniscus of the knee joint is in order to protect yourself from knee injuries. Most often, meniscus diseases occur as a result of injury, excessive motor activity, degeneration, and also with ruptures. According to statistics, meniscus diseases most often affect the stronger sex between the ages of eighteen and forty.

In fact, the knee joints contain two menisci: internal and external. Their main purpose is cushioning during walking and other movements. Such layers, consisting of cartilage tissue, prevent friction in the joints themselves, while reducing the load on them during running, walking, jumping and other sports exercises. The inner meniscus is not very mobile, and therefore it is injured much more often than the outer one. Damage to the meniscus of the knee (treatment described below) is the most common knee injury. Very often, athletes involved in sports professionally face such a problem.

The main causes of damage

What is the meniscus of the knee joint, we have already considered. Now it is worthwhile to figure out for what reasons pathologies can occur. Very often, the meniscus is damaged as a result of a strong blow to the area of ​​​​the knee itself, or when injured, during which the knee sharply turned outward, or, conversely, inward. It can also occur as a result of excessive extension of the knee joint from a bent position. Very often, the first injury to the meniscus leads to a chronic condition, so after what happened, you need to treat your joints with extreme caution.

People with chronic diseases of the knee joints are at particular risk. For example, athletes who sustain permanent injuries in the knee area will be highly prone to meniscal injury. With each injury, the cartilage tissue will become thinner and thinner. It will begin to delaminate, erosion and cracks will appear on it, which will increase in size more and more every day. The meniscus itself begins to collapse, so cushioning during walking and movements will become impossible.

Very often, the meniscus is damaged in overweight people, as well as in those who are engaged in heavy physical labor or work in a standing position.

People involved in football, running, figure skating, hockey and other outdoor sports have a huge risk of injury to the meniscus. Damage to the meniscus can be the result of diseases already suffered by a person, such as gout and arthritis. If treatment is not started on time, this can lead to the fact that the knee joint simply loses its function.

How to understand that the knee meniscus is damaged?

Most often, only one knee is injured. Very rarely, damage to both joints is observed at once. The meniscus of the knee joint (symptoms and treatment are described in this article) during damage is either torn or pinched between the cartilage of the knee itself. At the moment of the injury itself, a person will notice a strong click in the knee, followed by severe pain. The pain is so sharp and strong that the affected person usually cannot move and simply stops. Such severe pain lasts for several minutes, after which the human body gets used to such severe pain. A person can already move a little, but still experiences discomfort and burning pain.

The meniscus of the knee joint is always very painfully damaged. Symptoms on the second day after the injury only intensify. It is almost impossible to make any movements with the leg, while the pains make themselves felt even at the slightest attempt to move. However, if you are at rest, then the pain will not be so strong. According to doctors, the younger the patient, the harder it will be for him to endure the injury. Elderly people no longer have such elastic joints, so their damage is usually not accompanied by such severe pain.

Usually already on the second or third day after the injury, the knee swells up badly. In fact, such a reaction of the body has a protective character. Joint fluid begins to be produced in an excessively large amount, intra-articular pressure rises, so the articular surfaces will try to release the strangulated meniscus. Unfortunately, most often the human body cannot cope with such a problem on its own. But still, in some cases, with minor damage, this is possible.

Usually the disease proceeds acutely for about two to three weeks. After that, the patient usually notices improvements. Pain is reduced and swelling subsides. Rupture of the meniscus of the knee joint, the treatment of which must be started immediately, is a very dangerous disease, and in some cases leads to a complete loss of joint mobility. Therefore, it is very important to consult a doctor for diagnosis and prescribing the correct course of treatment.

What are the types of meniscal injuries?

The meniscus of the knee joint (symptoms and treatment are detailed in this article) is not so difficult to damage. This can be done not only by athletes, but also by ordinary people at home. The most common types of damage to the cartilage of the knee region are:

  • complete detachment of the meniscus from the place of attachment;
  • rupture of intermeniscal ligaments, leading to excessive joint mobility;
  • chronic knee injury;
  • the presence of cysts;
  • a combination of several types of damage.

Each of the injuries mentioned above is very dangerous, and therefore requires immediate treatment. It is better to see a doctor on the same day.

What is the danger?

Rupture of the meniscus of the knee joint, the treatment of which must be prescribed in a timely manner, is very dangerous for human health. A rupture can lead to a blockage in the joint, so it will be impossible to make any movements with the leg. In addition, the joint itself will also be damaged, which, without reliable cushioning, simply deforms over time.

And damage to such an important cartilage layer as the meniscus can lead to problems in the future. People who frequently injure their knees are prone to developing osteoarthritis.

Diagnostic methods

The meniscus of the knee joint (symptoms are described in this article) it is very important to start treating it correctly and on time. To do this, you need to pass the diagnosis in a timely manner. An accurate diagnosis can only be made if you understand the reasons for the injury. The specialist will offer the patient to undergo a comprehensive diagnosis, which will help to accurately establish the diagnosis. First of all, he will undergo a simple and contrast arthrography, as well as an ultrasound scan. If necessary, the doctor will also do arthroscopy, MRI and thermopolarography.

Arthroscopy is a very effective method for examining damaged joints. Arthrography is also a very effective procedure. During its implementation, oxygen is introduced into the joint itself, which allows you to get good pictures in several projections. Thanks to such pictures, an experienced specialist will be able to determine the presence of an injury and choose the right treatment methods.

Meniscus of the knee joint: treatment with conservative methods

Treatment of meniscus injuries can be carried out by several methods, depending on the type and degree of injury. Usually conservative or surgical treatment is used.

The first method of treatment is used to reduce the load on the joint, relieve pain, and eliminate inflammatory processes in the body. During such treatment, doctors strongly recommend doing special exercises and strengthening the muscles of the legs.

If this method of treatment did not give the desired results, then you need to resort to surgical intervention.

Operation on the meniscus of the knee joint

Only a doctor can say for sure whether conservative methods of treatment can be dispensed with in case of damage to the meniscus, or whether it is worth having an operation. Most often, patients hope that after treatment with ointments and tablets, surgery may not be needed at all. However, in real life, things are far from being the case. According to experts, surgery on the knee joint in case of damage to the meniscus will be most effective if it is done immediately after the injury. So the joint will recover much faster, and there will be a much lower likelihood of complications.

Typically, surgery is indicated for patients in cases where meniscus tears become significant, or cartilage tissue is crushed or torn off.

To date, surgery can be carried out by two methods: open and closed. During the first of them, specialists will open the joint cavity. But the second method is safer and more gentle. In modern medicine, it is called arthroscopy. This technique has the following advantages:

  • the specialist will be able to accurately diagnose the type of damage;
  • while this method causes little injury to surrounding tissues;
  • during the operation, there is no need to make large incisions in the articular bag;
  • after surgery, the leg can not be fixed in one position, which is very comfortable for the patient. In addition, the length of stay in a hospital will be significantly reduced.

How is a meniscus repair performed?

Restoration of the meniscus is possible in the presence of fresh injuries of the knee joint. In this case, special sutures will be applied to the damaged area using the arthroscopic method. Typically, this procedure is performed for people under the age of forty in the presence of such indications as a slight tear of the meniscus or its vertical tear. Such a procedure can be carried out only if there are no degenerative processes in the cartilage tissue.

Very often, surgery on the meniscus of the knee joint is performed using various devices that dissolve over time. They allow you to fix the meniscus in the desired position.

Removal and transplant

Surgery on the knee joint in case of damage to the meniscus may also imply a complete or partial replacement of cartilage tissue. Such surgery is performed if the cartilage tissue is crushed, or complications appear after undergoing surgical or conservative treatment. Modern medicine is engaged in the partial removal of the meniscus, with the simultaneous alignment of damaged tissues. But complete removal is carried out very rarely and is done only in extreme cases, since there is a high risk of postoperative complications.

Damage to the meniscus of the knee joint is very important to treat correctly. If the injury was serious enough, then specialists use the transplantation method. For this purpose, both synthetic and donor tissues are used. The graft will be inserted into a small incision. It is very important to accurately determine its size so that there are no complications after the operation.

Recovery period after surgery

Damage to the meniscus of the knee joint is always a severe pathology, which is not so easy to deal with. If the patient was treated with an operative method, then it is very important to go through the rehabilitation period correctly. Usually it is divided into several stages, each of which must be completed. Immediately after the operation, outpatient treatment is carried out, which consists in the use of antibacterial and antithrombotic drugs. Also, experts recommend undergoing a special lymphatic drainage massage. If necessary, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs can be used. A very important rehabilitation stage is the implementation of special gymnastic exercises. At the same time, at the initial stage, all of them should be carried out under the strict supervision of a specialist.

The next stage of rehabilitation is late recovery. If the previous recovery phase lasted about two months, then this phase can take much longer. The tasks of late recovery include the adjustment of the joint, the restoration of its position and the reduction in tone of the muscle tissue of the lower extremities.

Also, good results can be achieved using physiotherapy methods. They allow you to accelerate the recovery processes in the cartilage tissue, as well as normalize blood circulation and regenerate the soft tissues surrounding the damaged joint. The most effective physiotherapeutic procedures are massage, electrophoresis, as well as laser and magnet therapy. Of course, all procedures should be carried out by an experienced clinic worker, but massage can also be done at home. The main thing is to do it correctly, without much pressure on the damaged joint.

The meniscus of the knee joint, the treatment of which is described in the article, is a very important cartilage tissue in the human body that performs a shock-absorbing function. Therefore, if there is any damage to the meniscus, it is very important to consult a doctor in time. The medial meniscus of the knee joint requires urgent treatment, and surgical intervention is not excluded, so it is better not to delay and contact the clinic in time. If the doctor reports the need for surgical intervention, you should not refuse, because very often conservative treatment does not give the desired results.

M26.3 is the ICD code for damage to the meniscus of the knee joint. According to this code, you can learn everything about the treatment of meniscus pathologies, taking into account the world's characteristics of treatment.


I would like to say that everything is good measure. Most often, athletes get knee injuries, so try to take your health more responsibly. The ICD-10 code “Injury to the meniscus of the knee joint” allows patients to get acquainted in detail with the features of the disease. Experts strongly recommend the use of vitamins and minerals that help maintain joints in good shape. Be healthy and take care of yourself!