Stationery 44 fl. How to buy office paper and other stationery

On March 1, 2018, the national standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 57641-2017 “Xerographic paper for office equipment. General technical conditions”, which was approved and put into effect by the order of Rosstandart dated September 7, 2017 N 1022-st.

This national Russian Federation affects each customer under 44-FZ and 223-FZ, as it applies to paper for office equipment intended for black-and-white and color printing on dot-matrix, inkjet, laser, fax machines and copying on duplicators, in including duplex mode. Also, the standard is mandatory for printing publishing products.

The standard establishes requirements for the technical characteristics of paper purchased by customers for office equipment.

In particular, the national standard of the Russian Federation establishes that paper for office equipment is produced in rolls and sheets.

In this case, the following indicators are normalized:

1. The following grades of paper for office equipment are installed depending on the purpose and quality indicators:

A - for single-sided and double-sided printing at any speed of copiers and printers;

B - for one-sided and two-sided printing at speeds up to 100 copies per minute;

C - for one-sided and two-sided printing at speeds up to 50 copies per minute.

Paper quality indicators are given in table 1 to this national standard of the Russian Federation.

2. Sheets of paper (if paper is made in sheets, for example, for printing on printers and for copying on duplicators) are made in sheets of A3 and A4 formats in accordance with GOST 9327-60 “Paper and paper products. Consumer Formats":

A3 - 297 x 420 mm,

A4 - 210x297 mm.

3. Roll diameter (if paper is produced in rolls, for example, for fax) should be 1000 (+0/-50) mm. By agreement with the consumer, it is allowed to manufacture rolls of paper of a different diameter.

4. Limit deviations in sheet format should not exceed:

Length and width ±0.5 mm;

On a 0.5 mm slant.

5. Paper is made with surface treatment, optical whitening agent, machine smoothness. Folds, wrinkles, warping, stains, glossiness are not allowed in paper. holeyness. petals. Different shades of paper are not allowed in one roll, in one pack, in one batch of rolls and packs.

6. Symbol paper should contain the following information:

Name of product;



The designation of this national standard of the Russian Federation.

In addition, GOST 57641-2017 establishes other requirements for paper for office equipment, including the requirements:

To the materials from which paper is made;

To the packaging of paper (including the number of sheets in a pack before packaging - 500 sheets) and its marking, as well as others.

In accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation - paragraph 2 of part 1 of article 33 of the Federal Law of 05.04.2013 No. 44-FZ "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs" and paragraph 1 of part 10 Article 4 of Federal Law No. 223-FZ of July 18, 2011 “On the Procurement of Goods, Works, and Services by Certain Types of Legal Entities” the use of the requirements of this national standard of the Russian Federation when purchasing paper for office equipment is MANDATORY both for customers under 44-FZ and for customers under 223-FZ.

If customers do not use the national standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 57641-2017 “Xerographic paper for office equipment. General Specifications”, then the procurement documentation must contain a written justification for the need to use other requirements related to determining the compliance of the supplied product with the needs of the customer.


Stationery is required by absolutely all customers. Therefore, such purchases are among the popular ones. In the article, we will consider the features of such procedures and analyze the terms of reference for the purchase of stationery.

Purchase of stationery under 44-FZ from a single supplier

If it is planned to purchase stationery under 44-FZ up to 100 thousand rubles, it can be carried out from a single supplier. It is this method that is used most often for such procedures. For a number of cultural, educational, sports and other institutions, the bar is higher - 400 thousand rubles.

Quote request

The customer can purchase stationery by requesting quotations if the contract price does not exceed 500 thousand rubles. At the same time, more than 10% of the total volume of procurement procedures cannot be carried out in this way per year. The amount of contracts concluded as a result of requests for quotations should not exceed 100 million rubles. in year.

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Electronic auction

Part of the stationery must be purchased through an electronic auction. The list from the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 21, 2016 No. 471-r includes only paper and paper products. In addition, any stationery can be purchased from SMP.

Sample terms of reference for the purchase of stationery

In the terms of reference for the purchase of stationery, the customer indicates the characteristics of the product, units of measurement, quantity. The TOR makes it clear to the participants what the state customer wants. Usually it is a table.


When describing the procurement object, use the catalog of goods, works and services. It is hosted in the EIS. For example, stationery paper supplies correspond to item code The date of commencement of mandatory application by customers is 07/01/2019. This position corresponds to the OKPD code "17.23.1 - Paper stationery supplies.

Determine the exact OKPD2 code of the stationery quickly and accurately. Product codes must be indicated in the procurement schedule, as well as in the procurement documentation. The data in the service correspond to the current All-Russian classifier of products by type of economic activity (OKPD2).

An example of justification for the purchase of stationery

The justification for the purchase of office supplies is given in the procurement plan. Use the form approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06/05/2015 No. 555. The justification includes:

  • procurement identification code;
  • purchase object;
  • the name of the state program under which the purchase takes place;
  • the event for which the purchase is being made;
  • the needs of the institution for which a product, work or service is purchased (you can also specify functions).

Consider an example of justifying the purchase of office paper. The procedure was carried out by the Ufa school for the training of dog handlers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, notice number 0301100010719000027:

  • the name of the state program under which the purchase was planned - the state program of the Russian Federation "Ensuring public order and combating crime";
  • the main event - "Provision of training for the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation";
  • the expected result of the implementation of the event is the purchase of stationery.

Advance payment for the purchase of stationery for 2019

In 2018, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 16, 2018 No. 21-r was issued. It contains a list of GWS, during the purchase of which customers do not issue advances to suppliers. As in 2017, it again included stationery.

Purchase of stationery under 223-FZ

Purchases of stationery under 223-FZ, customers are required to carry out in electronic form. They are included in the list established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 21, 2012 No. 616. The following goods are included there:

  • glass stationery accessories;
  • mechanical pencils;
  • fountain pens;
  • markers;
  • stylists and other pens;
  • sets of writing accessories;
  • simple and colored pencils with leads in a hard shell;
  • crayons for writing and drawing, crayons for tailors;
  • pencil leads.

Attached files

  • Terms of reference for the purchase of stationery.docx
  • Contract for the supply of office supplies.docx
  • The act of acceptance of office supplies.docx
  • On 08/23/2018
  • 44-FZ, Purchases from a single supplier, Request for quotations, Request for proposals, Tender, NMTsK, Purchasing objects, Electronic auction

One of the urgent needs of many customers is office supplies. They are used by everyone and always, so they are purchased often and in large quantities. Let's see how we can make such a purchase.

Single supplier contract

A favorite way to buy stationery is to spend small purchase. Contract value implied up to 100 thousand rubles concluded with a supplier at the customer's choice, that is, without a competitive procedure. Institutions of culture, education and some others can purchase stationery, as well as other objects, in a similar way at the cost of the contract up to 400 thousand rubles.

Procurement in this way can be carried out in paper or electronic form. The customer should send inquiries three or more suppliers stationery.

Electronic auction

If the amount for which it is planned to purchase office supplies exceeds 500 thousand rubles, it is advisable to hold an electronic auction. Many believe that this is the only way, since the stationery is on the auction list from Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 21, 2016 No. 471-r. This is only partly true. This list includes paper and paper products, but everything else does not.

It is also worth mentioning that when purchasing stationery can't make advance payments. Exists Decree of the Government of January 16, 2018 No. 21-r- it defines lists of goods, the purchase of which is carried out without advance payment. This year, as in the past, stationery was included in this list.

Customers have to buy stationery regularly, as these goods are used in daily work and are needed in large quantities. Let's look at how the purchase of stationery under 44-FZ goes, how to justify the feasibility of such a purchase and draw up a terms of reference for it.

Stationery is included in the list of goods, the purchase of which is made in electronic form. Legal procurement can be done in a number of ways. But most often, stationery is purchased without competition and from a single supplier. Such purchases are called non-competitive.

This simplified form can be used when:

1. The contract is cheaper than 100 thousand rubles, and the annual amount of funds does not go beyond 5 percent or does not exceed 2 million rubles;

2. We are talking about a contract with educational organizations with a price below 400 thousand rubles;

3. Previously, competitive bidding had already been held, and the procedure was declared invalid.

How is tech. task to buy stationery.

When the customer understands what and in what quantity he needs, an application for stationery is drawn up. It can also be called tech. task. In the "header" the customer prescribes why he needs these goods. For example, to provide a grant, for the management or economic needs of an enterprise. The department and official are indicated.

It is important for the customer to pay special attention to the preparation of the terms of reference, because tenderers often complain about the quality of these documents. There are two ways to draw up a technical task: list only technical parameters or indicate a specific brand marked “or equivalent”

Terms of reference for the purchase of stationery.

In the TOR, a table is usually entered with the name of the product, the required quantity and requirements. For example: “Notepad on a spring. Cover: plain hard cardboard. Block: white offset, density not less than 70g/sq.m (cell). Fastening: metal comb. Format - A4. The number of sheets - not less than 60. And so for each product.

Many stationery companies simplify the work of their permanent state. customers, and form tables with ready-made forms. The client only has to check the boxes next to the desired characteristics.

The customer also indicates the exact address of delivery of the goods. The bidder who submits the bid may be required to identify the trademark of the product being offered for delivery.

Customers often make a mistake: they set the requirement for the supply of goods of a specific brand in the documentation for the auction, but this requirement is not specified in the terms of reference or they ask to indicate only the manufacturer of the goods. This often leads to controversy.

Rationale for the expediency of purchasing stationery.

Justification occurs when procurement plans and schedules are formed and approved. It is necessary to explain why such a contract price and certain objects of procurement were chosen. There is a form of procurement justification when drawing up a plan. It must specify whether the goods that are planned to be purchased correspond to the activities of any state program or the functions and powers of a municipal or state body.

Consider an example:

1. We need stationery, for example, for the needs of the Department of Culture. We prescribe the functions of the institution.

2. Where it is necessary to indicate the name of the state program under which the purchase falls, in the absence of such, we write: “Non-program activities”.

3. In the column "justification for the functions and powers of the institution" we write: "Stationery is necessary to ensure the normal functioning of departments and departments of the Department of Culture."

Or: "To ensure the functioning of the institution within the framework of the statutory activities."

It may also be that the customer purchases stationery for a specific event. We will not deviate from the cultural sphere and take, for example, an event in the Regional Library. The wording of the justification for the purchase may be as follows: "To hold a cultural event" ___ ", contributing to the improvement of the image of the library, in accordance with the state task." There is also a form of justification when drawing up a schedule. It must justify the initial price of the contract, the method of determining the supplier and the establishment of additional requirements for procurement participants.

There is also a form of justification when drawing up a schedule. It must justify the initial price of the contract, the method of determining the supplier and the establishment of additional requirements for procurement participants.

OKVED and OKDP for stationery

One of the most common questions is what is the difference between OKVED and OKPD? The first classifier is a collection of codes for types of economic activity, the second - for lists of goods and services that organizations produce and provide. Simply put, by the OKVED code we find out what the company does, and by the OKPD code - what it produces. It is important to understand that they do not replace, but complement each other.

First, let's deal with OKVED for stationery.

  • OKVED code 17.23 - production of paper stationery (paper, notepads, forms);
  • OKVED code 22.29 - production of stationery from plastic;
  • OKVED code 23.13.4 - production of glass and crystal stationery;
  • OKVED code 25.99.22 - production of desktop equipment (boxes, trays);
  • OKVED code 25.99.23 - metal stationery (details for folders and folders);
  • OKVED code 46.18.2, OKVED code 46.49.33 - wholesale supply of stationery.
  • OKVED code 47.62.2 - retail trade in specialized stores.

Now let's talk about OKPD for stationery.

  • 7.12 - paper and cardboard (for example, - paper for gravure printing);
  • - plastic stationery;
  • 25.99.22 - metal stationery, trays for papers and pens;
  • - wholesale supply of OKPD stationery;
  • - retail sale of stationery in special stores.

Knowing from the inside the concept of drawing up a request for the supply of stationery by the customer, you can make a convenient and profitable offer that will distinguish your company from competitors and, possibly, attract new customers in the face of government agencies.