Drops from seasonal allergies in the eyes. List of allergy eye drops for children of different ages with instructions

Allergies in the eyes can manifest themselves in different ways. It is expressed by peeling of the skin around the eyes, inflammation of the cornea, inflammation of the blood vessels, in the most severe cases, loss of vision, nerve damage is possible. you can read in a separate article. The fastest way to relieve symptoms is to help drugs that have a local effect. What eye drops are mainly used for allergies, you will learn further from our article.

Types of drops

Drops against inflammation in the eye area ObaGlaza divides by action into three areas:

  • Antihistamines;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Vasoconstrictor.

They are allowed to be used singly and in combination.

The best drops for eye allergies

Eye drops well eliminate swelling with allergies. The components of the drug block the action of allergens, restore the work of eye cells. They have a minimum number of negative consequences, according to ObaGlazaRu, they are allowed for most patients. The following is a list of the most common topical medications.

Quickly eliminates the main symptoms of an allergic reaction. The effect occurs in a short time (after about 5-7 minutes), and lasts a long time. Contraindicated during pregnancy and children under six years of age. Cost - from 350 rubles.

Effective preventive drops. It is necessary to apply, according to obglazaRu, during the season of exacerbation of the disease (for example, during the flowering period). Removes redness, swelling, puffiness. Brings the cells of the eye into working condition. Contraindicated in children under four years of age. Cost - from 90 rubles.


These antihistamine eye drops help with itching and soreness. It must be used only under medical supervision. With prolonged use, dryness may occur. Cost - from 500 rubles.


The drug helps with any nature of conjunctivitis. These antihistamine drops are instilled into the eyes 2 times a day, at least 8 hours later. Use is recommended only when prescribed by an ophthalmologist. Cost - from 170 rubles.

A good anti-allergic agent. Relieves itching, burning, tearing, redness. The drug blocks the release of allergens, reanimates the membranes of eye cells. Virtually no side effects. Does not change pupil size. According to ophthalmologists and obglazaRu, these are the best antihistamine drops. Contraindicated in children under three years of age. Cost - from 400 rubles.

Anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis

Anti-inflammatory drops contain hormones. Due to this, the pathogen is blocked at the cell level. They are prescribed for severe allergies, after operations, it also helps with burns.

These drops have an anti-inflammatory effect. It should be used, notes Obaglaza, strictly according to the prescription of the ophthalmologist. They have a large number of contraindications, including pregnancy, lactation, stomach ulcers, osteoporosis, etc. The following side effects are possible: headache, increased intracranial, intraocular pressure, vomiting, arrhythmia. Cost - from 30 rubles.

Quickly eliminates allergic conjunctivitis. Easily relieves swelling and redness. With prolonged use, it contributes to the appearance of cataracts and. Contraindicated in children under 6 years of age, in the first trimester of pregnancy. Cost - from 150 rubles.

Used for non-purulent allergies. It should be used for a maximum of a week. Drip should be several times a day. Contraindicated in viral and fungal infections, with purulent blepharitis, intolerance to the components of the drug. Not recommended for children under 7 years of age, pregnant and lactating women. Cost - from 400 rubles.


They are prescribed for severe itching and swelling. Blocks, according to ObaGlazaRu, the appearance of re-infection. Cannot be taken for a long time. With habituation, turbidity may appear. Contraindicated in purulent inflammation, fungal infections, glaucoma, etc. Among the negative effects are an increase, the development of glaucoma, posterior subcapsular cataracts, etc. Cost - from 140 rubles.


A highly effective anti-allergy drug, considers obaglaza. Helps to increase local immunity. Allergy does not return for a long period. Released without a prescription. Contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation and intolerance to the components of the drug. Prolonged use may cause dry eyes. Cost - from 20 rubles.

List of vasoconstrictor drops for eye allergies

Drugs that constrict blood vessels are prescribed mainly for itching. Please note that such drops do not cure the disease, but temporarily relieve symptoms. At the end of the action, notes BothEyes, the symptoms reappear with the same intensity. They are addictive.

Popular drug. Quickly eliminates redness, constricts blood vessels. The effect occurs after 10 minutes and lasts up to 12 hours. Virtually no negative impact. It is approved for use by children and pregnant women. Does not help with severe manifestations of allergies. Cost - from 300 rubles.

Eliminates redness of the mucosa, swelling. When used, headache, nausea, insomnia may occur. Contraindicated in glaucoma, cataracts, children under 6 years of age. Cost - 30 rubles.


Has a natural composition, according to obaglaza. It is prescribed for complex eye therapy. Virtually harmless. Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components, children under 3 years old, with cataracts. Cost - from 230 rubles.

Quickly relieves swelling, redness of the eye, reduces itching, tearing and pain. After the drops are canceled, the problems quickly return. Contraindicated in dry eyes, glaucoma, asthma, cardiovascular disease, pregnancy, lactation, diabetes and children under 2 years of age. Use should only be prescribed by a doctor. Cost - from 170 rubles.

The main drugs for eye allergies in children

Eye drops suitable for children have the fewest side effects. However, any of them are prescribed to children from 2 years. Since the body of a young child may react with a reverse reaction to the use of local medicines, the symptoms will only increase. For infants, general medicines, such as tablets, are prescribed.


An effective antihistamine. Allowed for children from 2 years old. Relieves tearing, itching and redness. Cost - from 150 rubles.

The drug stops inflammation, reduces irritation. Stops the action of allergens, prevents the development of the disease. Allowed for children from 4 years old. Cost - from 85 rubles.

The action of the drug is described above. Allowed for children from 2 years.

The drug relieves discomfort, swelling. Stops the spread of an allergic reaction. The effect persists for a long time. Contraindications and negative effects are minimized. Not addictive. According to ophthalmologists, the site is suitable for both treating and preventing allergies that protrude in the eye area. The cost starts from 450 rubles.

Treatment of eye allergies in pregnant women

Drops against allergies for pregnant women are prescribed extremely rarely. The indication is only a strong exacerbation of symptoms. In no case should you buy such a drug on your own, be sure, ObaGlazaRu advises, consult a doctor. Strictly observe the doses prescribed by the ophthalmologist. Drugs approved for pregnant women that do not harm the baby include:

  • Oftolik;
  • Khilozar;
  • Vidisik.

Topical antimicrobials may be used. If, in addition to allergies, there are signs of a bacterial infection, the doctor prescribes an antibacterial drug.

How to choose effective drops?

Only an ophthalmologist can choose the right therapy. When choosing a drug, the presence or absence of an inflammatory process is taken into account. If there is no inflammation in the eyes, use anti-allergic drops. In the presence of a concomitant infection (conjunctivitis, etc.), doctors prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs. To quickly alleviate the condition, vasoconstrictor drops can be used. In addition, according to ObaGlaza, contraindications and the age of the patient should be taken into account.

Frequently Asked Questions from Allergy Patients

Question: when to start using anti-allergic drops?

Answer: at the first appearance of unpleasant symptoms, such as redness or itching, you should consult a specialist. The doctor will determine the cause of the inflammation. If it's an allergic reaction, an antihistamine will be prescribed.

Question: How to instill drops for allergies?

Answer: in order for the drops to quickly and effectively help to cope with the allergen, says ObaGlaza.Py, you need to learn how to properly instill them into the eyes. There is a certain order of actions due to which the medicine is better absorbed, starts to act faster. You need to do the procedure only with clean hands, it is necessary to drip the drug over the lower eyelid. After the procedure, sit with your eyes closed for a couple of minutes. You can read more about how to instill drugs in the eyes in a separate article on our website.


Allergy is an unpleasant disease that can occur in any person at any age. Especially unpleasant symptoms appear in the eye area. But the modern pharmaceutical industry, notes ObaGlaza, offers a large selection of drugs that quickly relieve discomfort. Allergy eye drops are an inexpensive and effective way to combat such an ailment. Remember that only an ophthalmologist can prescribe treatment, and self-treatment can lead to the opposite - a negative effect.

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Read the article about what conjunctivitis is and how to choose the best eye drops for eye allergies.

Why allergic conjunctivitis occurs and how to deal with it

Allergic conjunctivitis (ICD-10 code: H10) is an inflammation that occurs when allergens negatively affect the mucous membrane of the eyes.

Allergic conjunctivitis in a child

Allergic conjunctivitis affects about 15% of the population of Russia, and women and children living in large cities with unfavorable environmental conditions are most often affected by the disease.

The inflammatory process begins with the release of inflammatory mediators from mast cells, which are responsible for the characteristic manifestations of allergy in the eyes:

  • redness and swelling of the conjunctiva and eyelids
  • lacrimation
  • burning
  • foreign body sensation
  • purulent discharge
  • photophobia

There are two forms of allergic conjunctivitis:

  • seasonal, occurring with a high concentration of pollen in the air.
  • year-round, occurring regardless of the time of year with prolonged contact of a person with an allergen, for example, with excrement of house dust mites, mold spores, animal hair, etc.

In the event that a person has discomfort in the eye area, it is necessary to contact several specialists at once: an ophthalmologist and an allergist. They will carry out the necessary diagnostics and determine whether the inflammation is caused by a mucosal allergy or another factor, and based on the information received, they will prescribe a course of treatment.

It is also worth noting that conjunctivitis often occurs simultaneously with symptoms of allergic rhinitis. That is, a person who has discomfort in the eyes - "drips" from the nose. This happens due to the proximity of the ducts. Often this allergic reaction can be observed in the spring and summer, when a large number of plants bloom.

Effective therapy for this disease is the elimination of exposure to the allergen and the use of topical drugs such as antihistamines, vasoconstrictors and anti-inflammatory drugs, mast cell membrane stabilizers, or a combination of both.

Consider eye drops for allergies and their cost in more detail.

Eye drops for allergies - a list of drugs for adults and children

Antihistamine eye drops

They act as a blocker of H1-histamine receptors, that is, they act as an antiallergic agent, eliminating the symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis: itching, redness, swelling of the conjunctiva and eyelids, lacrimation.

These are the most effective drops prescribed for adult patients with seasonal allergies. They are used to get rid of allergens that settle before the eyes, for example, from flowering plants.

The active substance of the drugs are: azelastine, levocabastine, olopatadine, cromoglycic acid, diphenhydramine + naphazoline, etc.

Apply 1 drop 2 times a day. The course of treatment is not more than 14 days.

Today, the pharmaceutical market offers a wide variety of effective drugs with different prices. Both cheap drops and more expensive ones are available to choose from, depending on the active substance and the country of manufacture. You can find the necessary eye drops for allergies and their name in the list below.

Allergodil from 368 rubles.
Vizallergol from 398 rubles.
Vizin allergy from 333 rubles.
Kromoheksal from 95 rubles.
Lekrolin from 93 rubles.
Okumetil from 172 rubles.
Opatanol from 463 rubles.
Polinadim - the cheapest eye drops for allergies. Cost from 35 rubles.

Among the most common side effects are:

  • local irritation
  • burning in the eye or nose
  • blurred vision
  • less systemic side effects such as headaches or taste disturbances

Contraindications to the use of drops are:

  • hypersensitivity to the active substance
  • children's age up to 4 years
  • first trimester of pregnancy, lactation. These allergy drops during pregnancy can only be prescribed by a doctor if the intended benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.
  • For the period of treatment, wearing contact lenses is recommended to be canceled.

Vasoconstrictor drops for eye allergies

They are prescribed to eliminate redness, swelling and irritation of the conjunctiva, as well as to prevent tearing and relieve itching that occurs during seasonal exacerbations, as well as in other cases.

Apply 1 drop 2-3 times a day. It is not recommended to use these drugs for more than 5-10 days in order to avoid addiction and the manifestation of withdrawal syndrome, i.e. deterioration of the human condition and the resumption of unpleasant symptoms.

Effective active ingredients in drops are tetrizoline, phenylephrine, naphazoline, etc.

The price of eye drops varies between 135-400 rubles. Thanks to the wide selection provided by various manufacturers, you can find both good and inexpensive drops from Russian manufacturers, as well as foreign drugs.

Vizin classic from 376 rubles.
Visoptic from 150 rubles.
Montevizin from 135 rubles.
Octilia from 243 rubles.

Possible side effects:

  • burning, itching, conjunctival hyperemia
  • decreased visual acuity, eye pain
  • less often - headache, dizziness, increased blood pressure, etc.


  • hypersensitivity to active substances
  • pregnancy, lactation
  • children's age up to 2 years
  • corneal dystrophy, etc.

Anti-inflammatory drops

They are prescribed for various eye diseases: from blepharitis - inflammation of the eyelids, to scleritis - inflammation of the sclera. Therefore, you should not prescribe treatment yourself, it is better to consult a doctor with a detailed description of the symptoms in order to draw up a general picture of the disease and select the best and most suitable remedies.

Anti-inflammatory drugs are divided into two groups: non-steroidal and hormonal.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) blocking the action of cyclooxygenase and inhibiting the conversion of arachidonic acid into prostaglandins and thromboxanes. That is, eliminating pain in the eyes and reducing the intensity of inflammation.

NSAIDs have some efficacy in the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis, but are less effective than antihistamines and thus have limited utility in most cases.

Apply 1 drop 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is from 1 to 4 weeks.
The active ingredients are indomethacin and diclofenac.

Names and prices:

Diclofenac is the most inexpensive drug presented. Price from 24 rubles.
Diclo-f from 136 rubles.
Indocollier from 350 rubles.

Side effects:

  • burning, blurred vision
  • redness and itching in the eyes
  • local allergic reactions


  • blood clotting disorders
  • epithelial herpetic keratitis
  • pregnancy, lactation

Steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (glucocorticosteroids).

This type of drops is prescribed for more severe inflammation of the eyes in autoimmune diseases, only by an ophthalmologist or allergist, since they have many side effects and are addictive with uncontrolled use.

Active ingredient: dexamethasone. The course of treatment is determined by the doctor. Apply 1-2 drops every 3-6 hours.

List and prices:

Dexamethasone from 70 rubles.
Dex-gentamicin from 125 rubles.
Maxidex from 225 rubles.
Maxitrol from 464 rubles.
Oftan from 180 rubles.
Tobradex from 403 rubles.

Side effects:

  • allergic reaction
  • decreased visual acuity
  • increased intraocular pressure
  • development of a secondary infection
  • strengthening / masking the ongoing infectious process
  • development of a fungal infection


  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug
  • pregnancy, lactation
  • age up to 6 years
  • viral, fungal, purulent eye diseases
  • increased intraocular pressure, etc.

Moisturizing eye drops

With an allergic reaction caused by flowering plants, dust and other allergens, quite often people complain of dry eyes. In medicine, this phenomenon is called "Dry Eye Syndrome".

With this phenomenon, a person has a feeling of pain and a sensation of a foreign body in the eyes, irritation and redness of the mucous membrane. Dryness can also occur when taking antihistamines for allergies.

Only a doctor can determine the exact cause of discomfort in the eyes, however, before the intended visit to him, you can alleviate your condition by using eye drops "Pure" or "Natural" tear.

As a rule, these drops have a natural composition and are widely used to relieve allergy symptoms in young children and pregnant women, as they have practically no contraindications, while moisturizing well and removing allergens from the mucous membrane.

However, it is still not worth abusing these drugs, children's drops from eye allergies should be selected by a specialist, taking into account complaints and the individual characteristics of the child's body.

The drug is used as needed, 1-2 drops in each eye.

Names and prices:

Alcon "Natural tear" from 340 rubles.
Vizin "Pure tear" from 450 rubles.

Side effects:

  • allergic reactions to the components of the drug


  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug

Allergy eye drops for children

It is not recommended to use many eye drops for allergic conjunctivitis in childhood, so the list of approved drugs is rather short.

Treatment for children should be prescribed by a good ophthalmologist or allergist, even though many drugs can be purchased at the pharmacy without a prescription, since self-medication can harm the child and aggravate the course of the disease.

It is worth knowing that with the help of eye drops, allergies in the eyes of children are treated only when they reach 2 years of age. Infants and young children suffering from allergic manifestations are prescribed systemic drugs.

For the treatment of children's allergies in the eyes, it is possible to use drops:

  • Okumetil, Polinadim (Diphenhydramine + naphazoline) - an external antihistamine drug, allowed from 2 years old.
  • Cromohexal, Lecrolin (Cromoglycic acid) - children under 4 years of age should use them with caution.
  • Vizallergol, Opatanol (Olopatadin) - used from 3 years.
  • Allergodil (Azelastine) - antihistamine drops, are used only from 4 years.

Many people everywhere are faced with all sorts of allergic manifestations and reactions to the effects of many environmental factors. Allergy is a painful manifestation, a reaction of the human body, this is a disease that a person has to deal with more and more often, due to the characteristics of health.

The occurrence of allergies and the reaction of the body

Allergy is able to affect the body of the carrier and manifests itself as an effect on the internal organs, as well as damage to the skin, mucous membranes. This disease, due to the characteristics of the body and the individual characteristics of a person, can be accompanied by all sorts of symptoms from harmless to extremely unpleasant.

Allergy is often manifested by burning and itching of certain areas of the skin, obvious redness of exposed parts of the body, and in more complex symptoms - severe lesions of the mucous membranes and swelling. The most unpleasant moments in allergies are:

  • tearfulness of the eyes;
  • acute discomfort from pain;
  • burning.

Modern science, through complex research and experiments, has managed to develop several lines of medicines and medicines. Their action is aimed at effectively getting rid of the symptoms and consequences of allergic reactions, they are available in the form of drops, eye ointments, which are based on antihistamine properties.

The main methods of treating allergies

From allergic reactions, both acute and chronic, modern science has developed many medicines and medicines of the antihistamine group, which contribute to the rapid expansion of blood vessels and have unique properties. Eye drops are developed taking into account all aspects of the fight against eye allergies and are intended for external use:


This drug has a vasoconstrictive effect, thanks to its use it is possible to quickly reduce swelling and possible redness of the eyeball, effectively eliminates all the unpleasant moments associated with allergies: lacrimation, itching and painful-cutting sensations.

It should be remembered that the frequent use of this drug contributes to rapid addiction, and after the final cessation of administration, the symptomatic base often returns.

The positive effect of the use of such eye drops lies in the high absorption rate, the vascular network of the eyeballs passes the drug directly into the bloodstream, due to which there is a positive effect on the internal organs and body systems. According to consumer reviews, we can conclude that these eye drops are quite effective and help in most cases, in some cases they simply did not reproduce any effect without changing the state of the course of the disease.


The drug, which is considered an effective drug of the antihistamine group, is used for high-quality therapy and frequent preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of chronic diseases of the mucous membrane of the eyes. These eye drops are productively used to reduce dryness and irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, as the main symptoms of allergies, they qualitatively relieve the symptoms of fatigue, fatigue and overstrain of the eyeballs.

Active substances of the drug:

  • cromoglycic acid (novolat. Cromoglicic acid), contained in drops in the form of salts, 20 mg per gram;
  • benzalkonium chloride;
  • liquid sorbitol;
  • chloride;
  • monohydrophosphate;
  • sodium dihydrogen phosphate;
  • purified water.

The main action of cromoglycic acid is to prevent the development of individual allergic reactions, as well as reduce the effect of their manifestations, by releasing biologically active substances from the cells of the mucosa.

Such eye drops effectively relieve swelling and prevent their appearance, relieve the symptoms of irritated eye surfaces that occur when the mucous membranes are exposed to allergens and irritants in contact with them. Drops are used after significant visual fatigue, to get rid of redness and irritation in the eyes, resulting from harmful and constant stress on the organs of vision, in some cases they can provoke dry mucous membranes with overall effectiveness.


An anti-allergic medicinal product used to limit the effects of the main symptoms of allergic diseases based on the seasonality of exposure, eye drops have a long-term and strong effect. They can be well tolerated, with no harmful side effects, even after long-term use in the fight against lingering seasonal allergies. The main active element of this drug is azelastine (azelastine), 500 mcg of the active element used in the form of hydrochloride is used per 1 ml of eye drops. A schematic description of the effect of the drug directly correlates with the selective blocking of histamine receptors, it is able to reduce the rate of formation and reproduction of biologically active substances that can accompany phases that become part of general inflammation. The active ingredient of eye drops effectively reduces the symptoms of bronchospasm, reduces the number of secreted eosinophils and individual manifestations of adhesion, reduces the manifestations of hyperemia, mucosal edema around the eye sockets and apples. Thanks to the use of this tool, you can quickly and efficiently get rid of itching of the eyelids, associated discomfort, lacrimation, and according to consumer reviews, this is a fairly productive and fast-acting remedy that does not cause addiction.


The effective and rapid effect of these eye drops guarantees an effect on the removal of symptomatic signs 10 minutes after use, and the quality of the effect is maintained for 12 hours, thanks to the use of levocabastine as the main active element of this drug. A medicinal product without additional side effects, at an affordable cost, is recognized by consumers as one of the most effective and affordable medicines among those presented on the market by manufacturers.

A medicinal product with an effective antihistamine effect, effectively and quickly alleviate all kinds of allergic symptoms, including burning, itching, irritation and redness of the mucous membranes, tearing. Due to the exclusively local effect when it comes into contact with the mucous membrane, the drug does not change the shape of the pupil, effectively suppresses the release of biologically active substances, and reduces the provocation of inflammation. According to reputable ophthalmologists and most of their patients, this drug can be considered the most effective, affordable and able to help in a short time at a low price.

Video - How to properly drip into your eyes

Choosing effective eye drops for allergies

Properly selected ones are able to relieve redness and narrow the dilated vessels, relieve unpleasant itching, relieve swelling, partially or completely reduce the level of lacrimation. As the effect of the treatment increases, the indicator of photophobia and sensitivity to sunlight associated with allergic reactions decreases.

Medicine offers several types and categories of eye drops prescribed as medications in the fight against allergies:

  1. Antihistamines. They suppress an allergic reaction, relieve acute symptoms of the disease, prevent the spread of the disease and damage to internal organs.
  2. Anti-inflammatory drugs. They are used for diagnosed infectious and inflammatory processes due to a reaction to external stimuli, they can be hormonal or steroid.
  3. Vasoconstrictor drops. They cause a systemic reaction of the body, quickly relieve swelling and reduce the degree of itching, but can often be addictive, so they are used only as directed by a doctor.

The occurrence of allergic reactions is a fairly common disease, and before starting treatment it is better to consult a specialist. The doctor will be able to quickly and painlessly determine the cause of the disease, to prescribe treatment, and self-medication at home can aggravate the process.

There are a large number of eye allergies: from deterioration of the skin around the eyelids, complex toxic-allergic keratitis (various inflammations of the cornea), uveitis (inflammation of the vascular eye), to disruption of the retina, as well as the optic nerve.

But these severe forms of the disease are not very common, allergic dermatitis and many types of conjunctivitis are more common.

Types of drops from allergies

In order to remove the unpleasant symptoms of an eye allergy as soon as possible and with greater efficiency (itching of the skin around the eyes, conjunctival hyperemia, profuse lacrimation, swelling and photophobia), local therapy with drugs is required.

There are several different categories of eye drops that can be used in eye care:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antihistamines;
  • vasoconstrictor.

These drops are used as monotherapy or combined with each other in various forms.

Basic drops

Vasoconstrictive eye drops Okumetil reduce swelling and redness of the eyeballs, and also effectively remove allergy symptoms (lacrimation, itching, soreness in the mucosa). The constant use of such eye drops leads to rapid addiction: after the abolition of the drops, the symptoms of the disease most often reappear.

In addition, this drug is well absorbed through the vascular network of the eye and enters the bloodstream of the body, due to which it has a positive effect on all tissues and organs in the human body.


150-200 rubles and 80-100 hryvnias.

Patients' opinion:

According to reviews, these drops helped most people, but there are those who did not feel changes in the condition of the eye.

Cromohexal eye drops are considered an effective antihistamine for the treatment and reliable prevention of chronic eye diseases (keratoconjunctivitis). Also, the drug is used to reduce symptoms such as dryness and irritation of the eyes, as well as fatigue and eye strain.

The main influencing substance of the drops is cromoglycic acid, which is present there in the form of a salt. One milliliter of the drug contains 20 milligrams of sodium cromoglycate.

Also, the preparation contains benzalkonium chloride, liquid sorbitol, sodium chloride, sodium monohydrogen phosphate, sodium dihydrogen phosphate and purified water.


Cromoglycic acid affects the membranes of mast cells, preventing calcium ions from entering these cells and releasing bioactive substances that provoke the appearance of various allergic reactions in the eyes: bradykinins, histamine, leukotrienes and prostaglandins.

In a word, cromoglycic acid inhibits the appearance of some allergic reactions and prevents their development.

This drug has a local decongestant effect, eliminates the main symptoms of irritation of the ocular surface, which occur when various contact allergens affect the mucous membrane of the eyes.


Kromoheksal can be used for visual fatigue, dry eye syndrome, for the treatment of redness and irritation of the eyes caused by the harmful effects of intense stress on the eyes.

Drop price:

160-180 rubles. 90-110 hryvnia.

Patients' opinion:

Most of the people who bought the drops talk about their effectiveness, however, dry eyes were noticed in some patients.

Anti-allergic eye drops, which are used to relieve the main symptoms of allergic eye lesions (usually seasonal allergic eye diseases, etc.).

This drug has a long and powerful anti-allergic effect, is well tolerated and does not cause dangerous side effects even during long-term use.

The main healing substance of Allergodil eye drops is azelastine (in the form of azelastine hydrochloride). One ml of the solution contains 500 micrograms of azelastine hydrochloride.

Allergodil eye drops are available in polyethylene droppers.

Action on the body:

The scheme of action of drops is associated with selective blocking of H1 (histamine) receptors. This drug stabilizes the state of mast cell membranes and reduces the rate of formation and release of bioactive substances that accompany the late and early phases of inflammation (serotonin, leukotriene, platelet activating factor, histamine), prevents bronchospasm, reduces the number of eosinophils and molecular adhesion cells.

It removes such manifestations as hyperemia and swelling of the mucous membrane around the eyes, itching of the eyelids, discomfort, lacrimation and the sensation of a foreign body in the eyes.

Drop price:

450-600 rubles and 200-250 hryvnias.

Patients' opinion:

These drops can be called one of the most effective and fast-acting remedies, despite their high cost. Most of the reviews about the drug are positive. The drug is not addictive and can be instilled at least every day.

Ophthalmologist's opinion:

Allergodil is used as the main remedy for the prevention, as well as the effective treatment of chronic conjunctivitis, which appears under the harmful influence of various contact allergens, including house dust, animal dander, pollen from plants, various volatile compounds, etc.

Effective use of the drug should be for the prevention of various allergic seasonal diseases.

In addition to all of the above, Allergodil can be used to reduce dryness and irritation around the eyes, which are caused by overwork.

Another anti-allergenic eye drops that deserve special attention are Vizin drops.


Elimination of the symptoms of the disease occurs 10 minutes after instillation of drops. At the same time, the effect of using these eye drops remains at the same level for about 12 hours.


  • High security profile. The principle of operation of the drug makes it possible to obtain the maximum efficiency in eliminating the main symptoms of the disease and to minimize the risk of unwanted effects.
  • Good efficiency. The main substance that is part of Vizin's anti-allergic drops is levocabastin, recognized as a powerful H1 receptor blocker.
  • All this allows this tool to be considered one of the best to eliminate allergy symptoms among all modern antihistamines.

Drop price:

300-500 rubles. 250-200 hryvnia.

Patients' opinion:

According to patients, these drops can be called one of the best in terms of price / quality and the absence of harmful side effects.

Opatanol is an antihistamine (anti-allergic) drug that can relieve various allergy symptoms (burning, itching, redness and irritation of the eye mucosa, severe tearing, etc.)

The action of the drops is based on the excellent properties of olopatadine to suppress the release of bioactive substances that provoke inflammation and heal the membranes of mast cells.

Opatanol goes into the systemic circulation to a small extent, has a local effect and does not change the size of the pupil.

Drug cost:

400-500 rubles and 20-250 hryvnias.

Patient feedback:

These drops were recognized as one of the most effective.

What drops to choose?

The human eye is quite sensitive to external influences. Pollen, mold, dust, animal hair, volatile chemicals. substances - all this can provoke the appearance of an allergic reaction. Manifestations of eye allergies can vary from mild inflammation of the eyelids and watery eyes, to severe damage to the retina or optic nerve.

What eye drops against allergies does the pharmacological market offer?

All anti-allergic eye drops act locally. They don't fight allergies themselves. Their main purpose is to relieve itching, remove lacrimation, swelling, redness, photophobia and other manifestations of allergies.

Antihistamine eye drops

The active ingredients of these drops are able to quickly suppress an allergic reaction. The main working components of antihistamines function as follows:

  • stop the release of histamine.
  • reduce the activity of mast cells (since they form various allergic reactions).
  • improve the condition of cell membranes, thereby limiting the contact of cells with the allergen.

Antihistamine drops of systemic use have a similar effect.

The most effective antihistamine eye drops for allergies include:

  • Olopatadin.
  • Azelastine.


Drops that suppress inflammation. There are 2 types:

  • non-steroidal (Acular).
  • corticosteroid (Lotoprednol);

Such drops effectively relieve itching and allergic swelling. However, they should only be used under the close supervision of a physician. Remember that anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory drops are prescribed when allergic-infectious inflammation begins in the superficial eye layer.

Vasoconstrictor drugs

Reduce redness of the eyes, tearing, itching, pain. With long-term use, there is a possibility of addiction: if such drops are canceled, allergy symptoms may return.

In addition, vasoconstrictor drops are quickly absorbed into the body's bloodstream and have an effect on every organ.

The main vasoconstrictor eye drops that can be advised:

The optometrist can prescribe therapeutic drops from a particular group or from several at once.

Important: anti-allergic eye drops for pregnant women are selected taking into account the general condition of the woman, in terms of the likely benefits and harms.

Burial. Basic Rules:

  • taking any drops should be agreed with your doctor.
  • treatment cannot be canceled at will.
  • do not change the dosage on your own.
  • contact lenses for the eyes can be inserted 10 minutes after instillation.


Anti-allergic eye drops can effectively resist allergic reactions to irritation, but you should not expect miraculous effects. In most cases, the allergy will not go anywhere, but only the symptoms of the disease will be removed.

Among other things, eye drops against allergies can provoke many side effects and have contraindications, which means that only a qualified doctor should prescribe them, choose the dose and frequency of use.

Associate Professor of the Department of Eye Diseases. | Site Editor-in-Chief

He specializes in emergency, outpatient and elective ophthalmology. Carries out diagnostics and conservative treatment of farsightedness, allergic diseases of the eyelids, myopia. Performs probing, removal of foreign bodies, examination of the fundus with a three-mirror lens, washing of the nasolacrimal canals.

The human body is so unpredictable that it can even react to the most mundane things with an allergy. Sometimes this response manifests itself in the form of a rash, itching, swelling, coughing, and increased lacrimation. Each of these manifestations causes a lot of discomfort, but let's dwell on the last symptom and figure out which eye drops for allergies can cope with the problem.

How to choose drops for allergies?

Before you run to the pharmacy and buy medicines that are actively advertised today, you should understand that many of them can only relieve external symptoms, and not cope with the underlying disease. This also applies to allergy eye drops that eliminate redness, burning, itching and tearing. In addition, many of them have a fairly wide list of contraindications and side effects, so they can harm the health of the patient.

Today, the list of drugs presented in pharmacy kiosks is quite wide: the medicine "Zodak", "Lekrolin", "Allergodil", "Kromoheksal" and many others, very famous for advertising medicines. But relying only on popularity in matters relating to health cannot be. Therefore, before purchasing eye drops for allergies, you should consult with an ophthalmologist.

Do you need a doctor's consultation?

If someone has doubts that when choosing medicines for allergies, a specialist consultation is needed, it is worth saying that all eye drops used for this pathology are divided into four main varieties according to their action: antihistamines, hormonal, anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictor. And each of these groups, in addition to a large number of positive pharmacological actions, has a lot of contraindications.

In addition, if you need eye drops for allergies for children, it is simply impossible to do without consulting an ophthalmologist. After all, the body of the crumbs should be protected not only from diseases, but also from the harmful effects of medicines. And only a doctor will be able to choose a remedy for the baby that will be not only effective, but also safe for him. The same applies to the treatment of expectant mothers who want to get rid of the unpleasant manifestations of allergies.

Hormonal drugs

To date, the best eye drops for allergies are hormonal medications. And the most famous representative of this group is the drug "Dexamethasone". It quickly removes all external symptoms of an allergic reaction, and also has anti-exudative, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects.

Medicines of this group are used exclusively during the acute phase of the disease. After all, all these drugs can negatively affect not only the eyes, but also the internal organs of a person. Therefore, as soon as the patient enters the stage of recovery, the remedy is replaced with a more gentle medicine.

It is also worth noting that hormonal eye drops for allergies are used only for adults and children from 6 years of age. But during pregnancy, they are prescribed only in especially severe cases, when the benefit to the mother outweighs the expected risk to the baby.

Anti-inflammatory eye drops

At the first symptoms of an allergic reaction, doctors prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. However, they are usually used in combination with antihistamine tablets. If such therapy does not give the expected result, only then the specialist replaces anti-inflammatory eye drops for allergies with hormonal agents.

After the acute phase of the disease has passed, experts recommend switching back to nonsteroidal drugs that have an anti-inflammatory effect. One of these medicines are drops "Akyular HP".

Vasoconstrictor drugs

The third group of eye drops, which is used for allergies, are vasoconstrictors. They quickly remove the manifestations of an allergic reaction, but do not stop its development. This group includes such agents as Naphthyzin, Vizin, Okumetil, etc.

Most of them do not use these drugs to treat children, because they are addictive, which can aggravate the already problematic condition of the patient. Also, do not use these medications for pregnant women, as the vasoconstrictor effect may affect the condition of the placenta.

In general, patients respond positively to the drugs of this group. But there are also fierce opponents of the use of vasoconstrictor eye drops. In most cases, patients who did not listen to the doctor's recommendations and used medications on their own, violating the permissible dosage, speak negatively about the drugs.

Antihistamine eye drops

Despite the fact that the list of eye drops is quite wide, most often antihistamines are prescribed for allergies. In action, they are similar to systemic antiallergic drugs, but have much fewer side effects. That is why such eye drops are recommended for allergies during pregnancy and lactation. They are also prescribed to children from a very young age.

This group of drugs is most often used to treat allergic reactions, so it is advisable to consider the most famous drugs in more detail.

Means "Kromoheksal"

This antihistamine is widely used today in ophthalmology due to the fact that the main active ingredient effectively blocks the transport of calcium ions and the release of active biological substances from mast cells. In addition, cromoglycic acid is a major participant in the stabilization of mast cell membranes.

It is also worth noting that the drug reduces redness and swelling of the conjunctiva, which are caused by contact allergens of various origins.

The medicine "Lekrolin"

Eye drops for allergies "Lekrolin" prevent the release of bradykinin, histamine and other substances - provocateurs of allergic reactions. Due to this pharmacological action, the agent is often prescribed for prophylactic purposes during the flowering period of plants. In other words, the drug is used to prevent seasonal conjunctivitis.

What do patients think of the medicine?

It is worth noting that Lekrolin has earned positive feedback from consumers due not only to its pharmacological properties, but also to ease of use. After all, drops are produced in small dropper tubes, the amount of the drug in which is only enough for a single use.

Special attention deserves the fact that this medication has a very small number of contraindications and side effects, so it can be used to treat children and pregnant women.

Eye drops "Opatanol"

Like all of the above funds, the drug "Opatanol" is used for allergic conjunctivitis. The main active ingredient of the drug is the substance olopatodin, which inhibits the release of inflammatory mediators from mast cells.

What are the best drops?

Only a doctor can correctly determine which allergy eye drops are best in each individual case. The specialist makes his choice based not only on the severity of the symptoms and the results of laboratory tests, but also on the individual characteristics of each patient. Therefore, it is impossible to give a general answer to the question of which medication is the best and most effective.