Ceramic braces CLARITY ADVANCE. Clarity braces: how the introduction of technology affects the treatment process Clarity sl braces

The modern world does not stand still, new achievements in science are everywhere designed to improve human life.

It is no longer a cause for frustration, since an innovative approach allows you to correct even the most neglected forms.

Despite this, many are still in no hurry to seek help, because the prevailing stereotype about old models of braces scares a person. This is not only about volumetric structures that immediately catch your eye, but also about fears for tooth enamel, as well as about the lack of time for frequent visits to a specialist.

Clarity braces are designed to break these stereotypes. A fundamentally new approach to teeth alignment will forever erase all ridiculous speculation from memory.


The manufacturers have succeeded in creating almost impossible braces: the new aesthetic orthodontic design remains almost invisible on the teeth, while performing its function of correcting the malocclusion with high quality.

Clarity Ceramic Braces

Small size and high strength remain the main characteristics of the new generation of braces. Thanks to the use of high-quality materials, Clarity braces look absolutely natural on the teeth, exactly repeating the shade of tooth enamel, the design does not change color during operation.

It should be noted the main advantages of Clarity braces:

  1. polycrystalline material repeats the shade of the tooth, looks natural, while the possibility of staining under the influence of food dyes is completely excluded. Excluded and tarnishing throughout the entire period of use;
  2. ceramic parts completely absorb light and do not reflect glare and overflow;
  3. in the creation of the design, materials were used that are absolutely safe to use, numerous tests did not reveal allergic reactions;
  4. the diminutiveness of the design not only remains invisible to others, but is almost not noticeable when worn;
  5. speech articulation remains the same, braces of this brand do not have any effect on pronunciation;
  6. perfectly even and smooth surface of all construction details provides a comfortable feeling, eliminating any irritation of the oral cavity;
  7. the developed design is able to correct any pathology of bite;
  8. Clarity are designed to straighten teeth at any age;
  9. due to the design features, frequent visits to the clinic are not required;
  10. fast adaptation is an important advantage.


The latest technologies have made it possible to create the most comfortable design for the owner. When worn, braces are almost not felt in the oral cavity, do not affect diction, do not cause irritation. Combining traditional design with the latest advances, manufacturers have managed to create discreet designs that look natural on the teeth.

In order to understand what is the fundamental difference between this manufacturer and others, you should understand the design features:

  1. orthodontic appliances are made using new technology in the processing of ceramics. Special processing and a reinforced groove made it possible to achieve high strength of the developed brackets, which are not inferior in quality;
  2. braces are made of ceramic, which does not reflect, but, on the contrary, absorbs light. That is why there are no glare or overflows that attract the attention of others;
  3. Clarity bracket manufacturers have completely abandoned the ligature. Convenient completely took over all the functions of the ligature;
  4. careful processing of each detail allows you to achieve a perfectly smooth surface. Therefore, there is no risk of damage or irritation in the oral cavity;
  5. Removing ceramic braces is very easy. The use of special tools for removal is not provided by manufacturers.

Thanks to the presented features, Clarity braces remain high-quality products, they perfectly cope with the task, without bringing any discomfort to the owner. Throughout the course of correction of malocclusion, braces look great and cope with their main function.

Models and varieties

All products of the manufacturer 3M Unitek are very popular all over the world. Leading experts in the field of orthodontics recognized the advantages of this brand over other manufacturers. Clarity brackets, which are produced by the 3M Unitek brand, have proven their superiority. The excellent quality of products was appreciated by millions of customers.

Clarity ceramic braces for teenagers

Specialists in orthodontology prefer this manufacturer because of the ease of installation of the structure, the minimum required manipulations cannot leave indifferent.

Among the numerous models of the brand, the most popular should be highlighted:

  1. Clarity SL;
  2. Clarity Advanced;
  3. Clarity Incognito.


Clarity SL brackets are dual systems with no ligature. Thanks to this development, the patient visits the doctor much less often.

Braces Clarity SL

The secret lies in the fact that the adjustment of the tension force of the arc became available without the participation of a specialist, by twisting the self-adjusting clamps on their own, the patient postpones a visit to a specialist.

Thanks to the open metal groove in the transparent plate, this model can be distinguished from others. Stainless steel is a very durable and reliable material, especially in the manufacture of braces.

Using the SL model eliminates circulatory disorders, and also provides a number of advantages:

  • ceramic systems from another manufacturer offer a course of treatment that is 25% longer than the duration of treatment with the Clarity SL model;
  • due to slight friction, it is not necessary to resort to the procedure for removing teeth;
  • a separate package of each bracket is offered;
  • the ligature often interfered with the process of eliminating food debris from the oral cavity, so its complete absence only added a certain plus to the treasury of new products .;
  • brackets are fixed with a special adhesive, which will certainly change color after the installation of the structure, thereby allowing you to completely remove all adhesive residues on the teeth.


About Clarity Advanced braces, reviews are perhaps the highest. The Advanced model is made of a finely divided material that provides comfortable wearing for a long time. Even the interior locks are made from said material. That is why wearing this model ensures the complete absence of discomfort or inconvenience.

Repeating the color of tooth enamel, the design remains as invisible as possible, which is the main advantage.


The installation of the Clarity Incognito model takes place on the inside of the tooth, which is completely hidden from the eyes of others. The model is distinguished by the highest indicator of convenience, which all users noted for themselves.


The Clarity ceramic bracket system is usually much more expensive than its counterparts.

But the quality of the product and the result should be the goal of everyone who strives for a beautiful smile.

The complete absence of inconvenience and tightness, no irritation and allergic reactions put the Clarity product line an order of magnitude higher.

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Presentation about self-ligating ceramic braces Clarity SL.

Modern bracket systems can be safely attributed to the number of high-tech and advanced devices that provide high-quality and most effective treatment of bite defects with minimal damage to tooth enamel. Manufacturers of such systems are developing in the direction of reducing the duration of treatment, simplifying the installation and removal of structures, as well as improving the appearance. Among many other such systems, Clarity brackets stand out, which are an example of the introduction of new technologies in the field of dentistry.

Favorable differences

The times of undivided domination are a thing of the past, in recent years, the popularity, which, like Clarity braces, has excellent aesthetic properties, has been steadily growing. One example is the Clarity braces.

The manufacturer of this system is 3M Unitek. Structurally, braces are self-ligating external systems; they do not include various ligature components that are responsible for adjusting the position of the teeth. The locking of the arc occurs without fixation, due to which the teeth move in the right direction without experiencing excessive friction.

The main features of this system will be:

  • natural appearance and invisibility of braces to others;
  • hypoallergenic material;
  • safety for the mucous membrane;
  • miniature size;
  • no negative impact on diction;
  • high rates of reliability and effectiveness of treatment.

Varieties of Clarity braces

The variety of the model range of systems from 3M Unitek is quite large, which led to their distribution in many countries of the world, but Clarity SL and Clarity Advanced brackets are the most popular.

The first system is a dual design, which allows the patient to reduce the number of visits to the doctor for corrective actions, since the applied self-ligating fixators take on some of this work. A distinctive feature of Clarity SL brackets is the presence of an open stainless metal groove built into the transparent plate, due to which the sliding is easier and even pressure is applied to the teeth, in addition, there are other advantages, in particular:

  • less time is spent on treatment;
  • higher safety of teeth due to less friction;
  • ease of removal of excess glue after installation;
  • easier to take care of oral hygiene due to the absence of ligatures.

The Advance berket system is one of the latest developments from 3M Unitek. At the moment they are the smallest and strongest of all ceramic structures on the market. Their characteristic feature is the perfect color match with natural teeth and the absence of physical discomfort during wearing. In addition, they are also distinguished by their simplicity and ease of installation, which makes their choice justified and expedient from all points of view.

Flash Free Technology

This technology is an example of the innovations offered by the manufacturer, in particular, it makes it possible to make the procedure for gluing locks to the teeth easier, as well as safer for the enamel during the wearing of the structure.

The technology is based on the location of fine-crystalline material at the base of the fasteners, on which light-curing glue is applied, and after it touches the teeth, all microscopic cracks and gaps in the enamel, as well as between the bracket and the adhesive, are completely filled.

On a note: The strength of this technology is to reduce the risk of damage to the teeth and to minimize adhesive excess around the braces.

Advantages and disadvantages

The aesthetic appeal of Clarity ceramic braces is not their only advantage, in addition, they bring their owners the following benefits:

  • lack of allergies and oxidation;
  • minimal threat to break the structure;
  • treatment takes not much longer than with metal systems.

The main disadvantage will be the price that not everyone can afford, in addition, ceramic braces do not make sense to use for the treatment of complex defects, metal structures will cope with them both faster and more efficiently.

Indications and contraindications

Such systems are used in those situations when it comes to correcting such defects:

  • bite pathologies that have developed due to the growth of teeth in the wrong direction;
  • overlapping of incisors;
  • crowded teeth or too much interdental space;
  • curvature of the tooth root or its crown.

Installation of Clarity braces is not possible if the patient has chronic inflammation of the gums, mental disorders and immune problems.

Installation of Clarity braces

The installation procedure does not require the use of particularly sophisticated equipment and is carried out in several stages:

  1. Examination of the oral cavity and the choice in favor of one or another system of braces.
  2. The process of scanning the surface of each tooth.
  3. Removal of an impression in each jaw.
  4. Making a model in the laboratory.
  5. Treatment of all dental diseases, including caries, calculus or plaque.
  6. Enamel treatment with polishing paste.
  7. Attaching brackets to each tooth.
  8. Setting the arc.

The entire installation process will not take much time, in most cases about an hour and a half will be enough.

The process of addiction and treatment time

Installed Clarity braces require getting used to and some adaptation, in particular, patients at first feel pain in their teeth, itching and some disturbances in diction, but this passes quite quickly and does not cause any special problems for patients. Of course, you will have to visit the dentist, but the frequency of visits will be less than when choosing other orthodontic systems.

If we talk about the timing of treatment, then this factor will be influenced by several important parameters:

  • the extent of the pathology;
  • patient's age;
  • used model.

It takes about a year to correct not the most serious defects, it will take two years to treat malocclusion, but if it comes to surgical intervention and its consequences, then you should count on a three-year period of wearing the structure.


Resistance to various substances with dyes makes it possible to use Clarity braces without having to give up your favorite foods, such as coffee or berries. But ceramics are still inferior in strength to metal, so solid food should be consumed in crushed form. In addition, it is recommended to brush your teeth after each meal, as well as use brushes for additional cleaning and rinses.

Cost of treatment

This system, with all the desire, cannot be classified as a cheap one, its cost is quite high, but this is a payment for excellent quality and an excellent final result. Correction of defects in both jaws will cost the patient at least 150 thousand rubles, the exact figure will depend on many factors, ranging from the scale of the problem to the individual characteristics of the person.

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In dentistry, braces are the leading way to correct uneven teeth and malocclusion. They help to solve complex aesthetic problems of the dentition and jaw. exclusively for permanent teeth, require long-term wearing, with regular visits to the orthodontist.

The use of this type of problem solving is always individual and is selected for the patient.

The main classification of braces:

  • (external) and () - location on the teeth
  • e and non-ligature - type of connection
  • , plastic, - material of manufacture.

When choosing braces, a systematic approach is used, taking into account the wishes of the patient, the recommendations of the specialist and the complexity of the problem.

One of the most popular braces is Clarity braces. This is a modern braces system that offers a high-tech method that successfully corrects defects in the dentition and creates a beautiful smile.

Braces Clarity 3m

An American company is the manufacturer of this system. The principle of 3M Unitek is the constant introduction of various innovative technologies in dental products. Many innovations are patented by the company itself, which significantly improved the orthodontic functional qualities of the bracket systems themselves and increased the effectiveness of treatment.

The main achievement is the protection of the enamel for the entire period of treatment, due to the fact that during the installation of structures they completely abandoned the use of conventional glue-cement with adhesive. After all, it is its excess, frozen on tooth enamel, that leads to the creation of places for the accumulation of bacteria and the further formation of caries. At the same time, extra microspaces can provoke spontaneous.

The market for 3M Unitek products is huge. They are sold in many countries of the world, it is quite popular and known to many. Recognized by all world dentists as one of the best. She is trusted not only by doctors, but also by patients.

Bracket system Clarity

This is the vestibular ceramic system. It is made of special dental ceramics, adjusted in shade to the patient's tooth enamel. Self-adjusting elements promote the movement of teeth in the desired direction with the least pressure on the tooth, reducing the feeling of discomfort to zero. On the teeth, Clarity ceramic braces look like a strip of interconnected, barely visible locks attached to each tooth.

Clarity Ceramic Braces

The vast majority of specialists working with this Clarity bracket system do not find any serious technological shortcomings. The advantages over other systems are significant:

  • Durability and reliability in use. All elements of the apparatus are made of high quality materials using high-temperature firing. used special, for dental purposes. You can be completely sure that during the treatment process the structure will not deform or collapse, causing significant damage to the patient.
  • Minimal discomfort during treatment. The design of the connecting elements is designed in such a way that when pressure is applied to the tooth, discomfort is minimized. This is due to the fact that the ligatures have a soft glide and the friction force on the surface is quite small, but it affects the movement of the dental unit.
  • Reduced treatment time. During the displacement of the tooth, there is no friction between the arc and the groove. This shortens the process of setting the teeth in the correct position.
  • Aesthetically attractive. Miniature sizes, special ceramics, coloring of materials in shades that are natural and as close as possible to the patient's enamel. Small locks made of plastic or ceramics are practically invisible even at a close location. The transparency of materials is also actively used in manufacturing.
  • Ease of care. The location of the ligatures allows for a more thorough cleaning. It becomes much more convenient and faster to do this, which allows you to provide the patient with much more comfort during long-term treatment.

The Clarity bracket system has several modifications

Braces Clarity

The classic view of the system, consisting of a ligature type of fastening of arcs with steel or rubber rings. The clasps attached to the teeth are made of ceramic with a nitinol groove. Metal arcs passing through them move more easily, which contributes to the least friction. It takes from 1 to 3.5 years to wear this type of system, depending on the complexity of the correction. Clarity ligature braces include frequent adjustments and constant monitoring by the orthodontist. Suitable for the treatment of complex bite anomalies.

Braces Clarity SL

With nitinol clips and grooves that hold the archwires. This is a self-adjusting type of construction, in which the pressure of the archwire on the tooth independently changes during its displacement, which reduces or enhances the impact, depending on the need. Advantages of the Clarity SL system allows you to reduce visits to the orthodontist for tightening the ligature from monthly to 1 time per quarter.

In comparison with ligature, it is reduced by 20%. This can be very useful for remote treatment. The set-up, wear and take-off times are also reduced, due to the fact that the system uses a simple clip to attach the archwire instead of sliding locks. By simplifying the components, brackets are easier to clean. Thanks to the form, the complex of solving data problems is greatly increased. Self-ligating systems may not cope with complex defects, but with mild forms of violations easily.

Braces Clarity Advanced

They belong to the latest generation of braces manufactured by 3M Unitek. They are made entirely of dental ceramics, without. Designed for people with metal allergies.

Braces Clarity Advanced

Advanced braces are almost invisible on the teeth, due to their miniature size and complete match in shade with the teeth. In fact, the size is slightly smaller than in the usual design, but it is quite strong. In aesthetic terms, this modification is the most advanced. In terms of terms, the treatment takes the same time as that of the Clarity model.


The procedure for installing Clarity braces itself takes about two hours, since the specialist does not use special equipment. But before the installation, the patient goes through several stages:

  • Examination and consultation by specialists. Selection of orthodontic design, taking into account the wishes and possibilities of the patient.
  • Contact 3d scanning of the occlusal surface of the dentition.
  • upper and lower jaws.
  • Manufacturing of a system of braces, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.
  • Comprehensive sanitation of the mouth for health purposes, treatment and prevention of dental diseases.
  • Treatment of the protective layer of the teeth with a special polishing agent. Brace attachment for each dental unit.
  • Installation of a metal arc through special recesses (grooves). The duration of the procedure is several minutes.

Bracket system Clarity

Modern vestibular braces are high-tech devices that minimally affect the enamel, provide effective treatment, and are universal in correcting various malocclusion and tooth growth.

Scientific work to improve them is being carried out in the direction of reducing the duration of therapy, simplifying the procedures for installing, adjusting and removing, and improving the appearance. Among the corrective systems that are produced using the latest developments, Clarity braces stand out.


The supplier of Clarity vestibular apparatus to Russia is international holding 3M engaged in the production of dental equipment and materials since the 1960s. The company was founded in 1902 in the USA, and since the 1950s, its main principle has been the innovative focus of production activities.

The holding annually invests about $1.4 billion in research and development. Dental products are sold in 200 countries under the brand name 3M Unitek. In Russia, she has been known since 1994 and has won the full trust of orthodontists and patients.

Design features

Features of Clarity mounts that provide an advantage over other ceramic bracket systems:

  1. The material used does not reflect light, but transmits it, as it has a high level of translucency. Matte translucent ceramic merges with the color of the enamel and is almost invisible on the teeth.
  2. Clarity has the smallest size among low profile systems, which increases wearing comfort.
  3. The anatomical shape of the base increases the strength of adhesion to the tooth, and a special transverse recess on it - a stress concentrator - helps to break the bracket into two even parts when removed, without the risk of chipping.
  4. 3M uses a nickel-titanium alloy (nitinol) as the material for the clip that holds the wire in a non-ligature construction, which restores its shape after deformation.

    Thanks to this, the archwire is inserted and removed with a simple push, without additional locks that complicate both installation and subsequent maintenance.

  5. Ceramic braces do not absorb dyes and do not change their color under the influence of food during the entire period of therapy, do not darken from tea and coffee.
  6. The form of fasteners is universal, it allows you to install ligatures on individual teeth during treatment with a self-ligating system, combine different types of Clarity brackets.

Flash Free Technology

The company also came up with an improved installation method. The patented Flash-Free technology is designed to simplify the bonding of the lock to the tooth surface and reduce the risk of enamel damage during the wearing of the bracket system.

To do this, at the base of the fasteners there is a thin layer of granular fine-crystalline material with a microscopic border along the edge. Composite light-curing adhesive - the adhesive is distributed over this substrate and, when in contact with the tooth, evenly fills the gap between it and the bracket, all the irregularities and cracks in the enamel.

Any microvoids can lead to the development of caries, as they will not be available for cleansing for a long time. Flash-Free, which literally translates as "without a glimpse", eliminates this danger.

The second advantage of the technology is the presence of a substrate limiter, which minimizes the spread of glue around the bracket, reducing the need to remove excess. Adhesives from 3M have an increased viscosity, do not harden instantly, which allows you to adjust the location of the lock after attaching to the tooth.

Clarity braces are available with the APC abbreviation in the name with adhesive already applied to the base for ease of installation and saving time.

Advantages and disadvantages

Carity ceramic braces are made from high-strength fine ceramics which is obtained by sintering. In addition to aesthetics, this material provides the following benefits:

  • does not oxidize, does not cause allergic reactions;
  • minimal risk of breakage;
  • the term of treatment of violations of small and moderate severity is not much higher than with metal braces.

All design details are rounded and carefully polished, which eliminates trauma to the oral cavity, simplifies cleaning and makes it easier for the patient to get used to the braces. vestibular systems do not interfere with articulation.

The relative disadvantage of Clarity can be considered the price. Although many believe that it is justified by the high degree of psychological and physical comfort that this brand provides.

With complex complex anomalies, the use of ceramic braces is not recommended, since the treatment will not be effective and will continue for more than 3 years. In such cases, all-metal systems can provide the required pressure.

Indications and contraindications

Ceramic braces are used to correct a number of orthodontic problems:

  • malocclusion due to the growth of teeth in the wrong plane;
  • incisors crawl on each other;
  • abnormally large interdental distance or, conversely, crowding;
  • curvature of the crown or root.

Sometimes pathologically incorrectly grown teeth are removed, and those standing nearby are put in an even position with braces. You can align the entire row as a whole, as well as individual flaws.

Braces cannot be placed in the presence of chronic inflammation of the gums. Contraindications can also serve as mental disorders, serious problems with the immune system.

Installation is prohibited for AIDS and tuberculosis. The doctor should be informed about the existing endocrine diseases, pathologies of the circulatory system and allergies. If you are allergic to metals, the installation of locks with nickel-titanium inserts is contraindicated.


3M makes three types of ceramic braces:


Classic ligature type
, which provides for fixing the arc in the bracket using steel or rubber rings - ligatures. A nitinol groove is inserted into the main part of the ceramic lock.

This design has reduced patient discomfort. The metal arc moves more easily by reducing the friction force on the same groove material, it presses less on the tooth in the lateral plane.

The ceramic treatment procedure takes from 14 months to 3.5 years The exact timing depends on the diagnosis. Ligature braces Clarity imply frequent adjustments, constant monitoring by a doctor allows you to treat complex bite anomalies.

Clarity SL

Non-ligature braces
, equipped with nitinol clips for holding the arc and the same groove coating. This type provides for an independent change in the pressure of the arc on the tooth when it is displaced, a decrease or increase in the impact, depending on the need.

Benefits of the Clarity SL self-ligating construction:

  • in the absence of the need to tighten the ligatures, the frequency of visits to the doctor decreases from monthly to 1 time in 2-3 months;
  • the time of installation, removal and adjustment procedures is also reduced, including because instead of sliding locks, a simple clip is used to attach the arc;
  • these braces are easier to clean due to the simplification of the components.

The shape allows selective use of ligatures on SL brackets, which expands the possibilities of their use in complex treatment. Self-ligating systems cannot cope with severe anomalies, but in the case of Clarity SL therapy for mild disorders, the wearing period can be reduced by 20% compared to ligature ones.

Clarity Advanced

All-ceramic mounting plates, no nickel-titanium parts
. Suitable for people with metal allergies. The braces are tiny and not visible on the teeth at all. The size does not mean a reduction in strength.

However, the final design is only slightly smaller than with other types of locks, since the arc is secured with protruding ligatures.

In addition to the horizontal, the bracket has a vertical groove. There are also varieties of Clarity Advanced with a hook with a smooth ball end. These elements allow the use of accessories and double binding.

For example, elastic rings that tighten the arc in the vertical plane, in combination with the main ligatures that apply pressure in the horizontal. All known technologies are used in these braces to increase the versatility of use. Treatment times are the same as for the Clarity model.


After a dental examination, working with Clarity braces takes a minimum of time. They are available with an anatomical base, which implies the selection of fasteners for each type of teeth individually - for central and lateral incisors, canines, premolars and molars. All of them have their own label.

There are also different variations of torques - the inclination of the wings of the base. These moments allow you to perfectly select and position the bracket, facilitate and speed up the installation procedure.

Fasteners with glue already applied to the substrate can be installed by the doctor in half an hour. In the process of removing Clarity, they split in half, that is, they do not imply reuse.

The following video shows the installation process of the system:

Features of use

The smoothness of the parts of 3M Unitek brackets and their small dimensions ensure that adaptation time will be minimal.. But during the first week or two, the pressure on the teeth is felt strongly and the design interferes with the patient.

Depending on the form and stage of violations, as well as the personal level of perception, possible soreness, which is removed with painkillers. Then the person adapts and further use does not cause discomfort.

The versatility of this type of orthodontic treatment and its widespread use has led to the fact that bracket construction is perceived as an accessory, especially one as aesthetic as Clarity.

Only a ban on some superhard or sticky foods - nuts, crackers, candies, toffee, etc. can cause inconvenience.

When wearing Clarity braces, there are increased hygiene requirements and certain restrictions on the types of toothbrushes.

  • You can brush your teeth with soft or medium soft synthetic bristles. It is desirable to have a V-shape so that both locks and everything around are organically cleaned.
  • Additionally, special orthodontic brushes in the form of a cone-shaped brush or a thin bundle should be used for hygiene of areas under the arc.
  • It is recommended to use irrigators and rinses.

Estimated price

Comprehensive orthodontic treatment includes the following steps:

  1. Preparation for treatment: examination, dental examination, x-ray of the jaw, taking impressions and making a diagnostic model - from 12 to 20 thousand rubles.
  2. Selection of Clarity braces and other structural elements. Cost of materials from 17 to 35 thousand rubles. for one jaw.
  3. System installation, adjustments during wearing and removal. Prices for these all-inclusive services vary from 80 to 120 thousand rubles for simple cases, and up to 200 thousand for the treatment of complex anomalies.

Before installation, it is necessary to cure caries, periodontitis and other existing dental diseases in order to exclude further interruption of orthodontic therapy, and to carry out a comprehensive cleaning of the teeth.

With the exception of these particular points, the cost of the entire treatment starts on average from 150,000 rubles for both jaws.

The final price depends on the diagnosis, the number of control measures, the individual characteristics of the organism, as well as the chosen model.

32 Clarity braces (for both jaws) cost from 35,000 rubles, Clarity SL - from 50,000, Clarity Advanced - from 42,000, adhesive locks - from 57,000. Prices vary by region and individual clinics.

The Clarity Advanced bracket system is an aesthetic ceramic braces that work using passive self-ligation technology, the price of which is very reasonable. They have metal grooves that provide the arch with ease of sliding, which provides a comfortable, and most importantly, quick correction of the bite of the teeth.

Ceramic braces - price:

Benefits of Clarity Advanced Ceramic Braces

It is no secret that the treatment with braces requires the patient to be ready for certain self-restraints, and the highest professionalism from the attending physician. Nevertheless, today braces in many clinical cases are the most effective, and therefore the most popular tool for bite correction and alignment of the dentition. Fortunately, their manufacturers are doing everything possible to ensure that patients in orthodontic clinics do not have to suffer from the discomfort caused by the protruding elements of the apparatus, and be embarrassed by catching the eyes of strangers fixed on the locks of the braces.

North American corporation 3M Unitek, specializing in the production of extra-class orthodontic products, has found the perfect solution to make treatment a pleasure. The company's specialists have developed the Clarity 3M bracket system, using a special type of ceramic for its manufacture.

Features of 3M Branded Ceramics

  • The color of finely dispersed opaque ceramics completely coincides with the natural shade of tooth enamel.
  • It absorbs rather than reflects the rays of sunlight and artificial light.
  • Therefore, Clarity braces, attached to the surface of the teeth, do not shine and do not glare, but completely merge with them, without attracting increased attention from outsiders.
  • Many "bracket wearers" undergoing treatment with a unique device compare it with an exquisite status decoration and are absolutely not shy to smile, confidently demonstrating miniature locks.

Dentists, in turn, especially appreciate the unsurpassed strength of polycrystalline ceramics. In order to achieve such high strength characteristics in a sufficiently brittle material, the smallest particles are subjected to a high temperature effect, which causes them to sinter.

Clarity and Clarity advanced ceramic braces: what's the difference?

Both systems are vestibular, fixed on the outer side of the teeth, and belong to the category of classic ligature. Clarity was the first to be released to the market - with ceramic plates and an open metal groove through which the metal arc connecting the brackets passes. Ligatures are used to fasten the orthodontic archwire.

  • The only metal element of the Clarity advanced bracket system is the archwire. Thanks to innovative technology, the clasps are made from all-ceramic and do not contain a metal groove. It is important that its absence practically does not worsen the sliding mechanics of the orthodontic arch, that is, it does not affect the quality of the correction.
  • Through the use of transparent or white ligatures, the aesthetics of the design is truly flawless. With the timely replacement of ligatures, from the moment of the beginning of treatment until the moment of debonding (removal of bracket plates), it retains an ideal appearance, since polycrystalline ceramics are not stained with food dyes.

How is increased treatment comfort ensured?

  • The Clarity ceramic bracket system not only disguises itself as a shade of tooth enamel, but is also distinguished by its miniature size. The manufacturer initially gives the locks a rounded, smoothed shape, and then also carefully polishes them. Sharp corners and protruding elements that so annoy the owners of classic braces, injuring the mucous membranes of the cheeks, gums and lips, are absent here. Therefore, the process of getting used to the design is much faster.
  • Orthodontists themselves share only positive feedback about Clarity advanced braces. In the manufacturing process, the plates are given an anatomical shape corresponding to the curves of the tooth surface. It facilitates their positioning and provides a secure grip.

How does the Clarity ceramic bracket system protect tooth enamel?

During the treatment, carious defects appeared on the enamel? Bracket peeled off? Clarity owners are not familiar with these problems. In the production of locks, branded Flash Free technology is used, which makes it possible to refuse dental cement to fix them on the teeth.

When using conventional adhesive, a small amount usually protrudes from under the bracket and is removed by the orthodontist. In this case, miniature gaps may form between the edge of the castle and the enamel, into which food remains will penetrate during prolonged treatment. As a result, the risk of spontaneous detachment of the bracket and the occurrence of caries in this place increases significantly.

  • Technologists from 3M have developed a technology that makes it possible to evenly fill the volume between the edges of the fastener and the tooth enamel, eliminating the possibility of damage to the dental tissue by acid-forming bacteria and the risk of the bracket coming off.
  • A precisely calculated amount of adhesive is applied to the surface of the plate during the production cycle, guaranteeing its strong, hermetic adhesion to the tooth.
  • The brand adhesive protects the enamel not only under the lock, but also around it, so the traditional stains that inevitably appear after the removal of braces from other manufacturers do not form at the end of the treatment.

Remove braces? There is nothing easier!

The manufacturer of Clarity systems has simplified the process of removing plates as much as possible, using the so-called. voltage concentrator. Due to the concentrator located at the base of the bracket, with a light directional impact, the ceramics always split only into two parts, without damaging the enamel at all.

Note that in the process of debonding other brands, sometimes you even have to use a drill if the bracket or part of it is firmly fixed on the tooth surface.

Clarity advanced braces are more expensive, but patients who dream of an open, attractive smile are usually willing to pay for the comfort of correction, the absence of mucosal damage, and the preservation of diction provided by a miniature system.

Installation of ceramic braces in the Smile Studio orthodontist center: the cost of treatment

Our orthodontist center has been correcting occlusion for more than 10 years. We offer a wide range of ceramic bracket systems and have the most modern equipment for high-quality diagnostics and treatment.

"Smile Studio" is a team of professionals who love their work. Our main goal is to make your smile shine with beauty and health. To do this, we use the most advanced, efficient and effective methods and technologies. We offer installment plan treatment. It is very important to us that our patients leave us happy!

Clarity Advanced Ceramic Braces Reviews


Our advantages:

Smile Studio is the first and only orthodontic center in Moscow that specializes in
exclusively on the correction of bite. We do not provide other dental services!

Extensive clinical experience

Several hundred patients have been cured during practical activities.
We treat pathologies of any complexity. We work on all types of braces.


Low cost and installment program makes our offer one of the best in the orthodontic services market!

High quality equipment

We are the exclusive partner of 3M UNITEK, a leader in the production of high quality orthodontic products.

Convenient location

We are located in the historical center of Moscow, 500 meters from the Baumanskaya metro station and the Third Transport Ring.

Our specialists:

Sudzhaev Sergey Romanovich
- head doctor of the orthodontist center "Smile Studio"

He graduated with honors from residency at the Department of Orthodontics and Children's Prosthetics, Moscow State Medical University. Until 2013, he worked at the Department of Orthodontics and Children's Prosthetics of the Moscow State Medical University, and also received patients in private elite clinics in Moscow. Active member of the professional society of orthodontists in Russia, the European society of orthodontists. He is a regular participant of scientific congresses and seminars. In his practice he uses the most modern bracket systems from leading manufacturers, corrects malocclusion in children and adults.