When will lineage 3 be released. First Korean CBT (CBT) Lineage Eternal - all available content

The new part of Lineage will be a plot continuation of the first part - the events in it take place in the same world 200 years later. The Dark Emperor took over the country with the help of countless hordes of orcs, all surrendered to his might, except for a handful of heroes who bravely challenged the hordes of darkness. Epic and colorful combat are present in abundance, as in many Asian MMORPGs. What is nice, it will be possible to play it on both PC and Android from the same account.

lineage 3 role system

You have to play as a hero of one of the five classes, unfortunately, at the time of the closed beta test, only the heroes of the human race were shown. So, we have a choice of 5 classes - mage, elementalist, archer-summoner, assassin and knight. Each of them has 8 basic skills, each of which can be developed in three different branches. There are also 4 upgrade levels for each skill line and one additional hero upgrade at the current max level of 50. Further, the character's parameters are divided into: attack (responsible for all types of damage), survivability (responsible for all protective characteristics), resources (determine the amount of life, mana and the rate of their regeneration), immunity (resistance to various negative influences). Directly, the combat system is very similar to the analogue in another Asian MMORPG Blade and Soul.

Lineage 3 gear and loot

In the new Lineup, a hero can only equip the equipment that suits his class. At the time of CBT, there are 4 levels of item rarity (white, green, blue, and purple items). The latter have unique effects (for example, the purple Holy Sword sets fire to the enemy). As for armor and jewelry, it will be possible to dress and put on the hero in: a bib, boots, gloves, a helmet, 2 rings, 2 earrings and an amulet. Interestingly, all equipment will be tied to either PvP mode or PvE. Thus, you will have to have several sets of equipment for different occasions.

Line 3 co-op and raids

In the new part of the series, we are waiting for massive raids on bosses (some can only be demolished after the destruction of the stamina, and then the stock of lives themselves). The developers also promise beautiful and spectacular inter-clan battles with hundreds of participants at the same time. What about directly PvP (in other words, filling-muzzles-players), then it will be possible to fight in the arena in different modes - both in duel and 4 by 4. The world shown to us by the developers does not seem particularly large, but for convenience players will allow us to move not only on foot, but also with the help of teleports. This is logical, because the world is not seamless, but consists of separate zones, each of which can accommodate up to 500 players at once. Dungeons, that is, dungeons, are collected in them randomly, but according to certain algorithms - piece by piece.

Lineage Eternal release date in Russia

In April 2016, the third closed beta test of the game was planned, and later, in the same year, the OBT. The developers did not report any information about the exact release date of the novelty.

Any modern gamer who prefers to choose exciting and best online games in a modern MMORPG style should definitely be familiar with the modern Lineage game. In other words, fans of the best network game call its lineup. Since this popular legend game today involves many modern users in the whole original process. And it pleasantly surprises with a bewitching plot, well-chosen graphics, vivid illustrations and an excellent picture that is remembered for a long time. For a long time, one of the best online role-playing games has been the most popular and legendary in its own genre. Since the distant 1998, interest in it has surged from all over the world, and the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Belarus were no exception.

At the time of the release, which many of the second part of the game was waiting for, it gained immense popularity among many gamers in the CIS countries and beyond. For an impressive amount of time, fans sincerely believed in the best and expected the next part, and in 2011 the original video of Lineage 3 was released. Diligent developers have been working on a long-awaited new version for a long time, and have introduced unusual solutions into the process. Thus, they inspired gamers, and also made them look forward to the release of the legend. So let's take a closer look at whether Lineage 3 Eternal is worthy of attention and the release date in Russia, which has already been announced or not?

Lineage Eternal - review of the new Lineage 3

Many gamers know that in the new part of Lineage 3, the release date in Russia, which is already known to be a unique plot, it perfectly continues the previous parts. All events take place in the same world after 200 years have passed. Namely, the dark emperor captured the country due to the presence of non-mortal orcs. And all the locals had to bow, except for a certain number of heroes who bravely fight and challenge the order of the legendary darkness. Therefore, Lineage 3 release date in Russia, which is known so relevant among most gamers.

In the newest parts of Lineage 3 eternal, it will be possible to put on your own hero only equipment that is individually suited for his class and parameters. Due to which any of them have unique effects. Also in the game there are armor, amulets and other equipment, as in the previous parts. If you wish, you can purchase special reliable and strengthening equipment for all kinds of emergency situations in battle.

It became known that at the beginning of April 2016, a special third closed beta test was carried out. Therefore, the release date in the Russian Federation is already known to every interested person in a unique storyline and fascinating gameplay.

In November 2011, the Russian-speaking community quietly languished in anticipation of TERA, Blade & Soul and ArcheAge, playing Lineage 2 and Aion along the way. Surprisingly, all these games are somehow connected with the famous company NCSOFT (XLGAMES and Bluehole were founded by people from NCSOFT). No one expected that in this unremarkable November, the Korean giant will announce its next locomotive project based on IP Lineage. The presentation of Lineage Eternal: Twilight Resistance was unexpected and impressive, but the hype in the Russian-speaking segment quickly subsided, as the flow of information dried up immediately after the demonstration at the G*Star exhibition.

About the game

Initially positioned as a sequel to the original Lineage, Lineage Eternal has been reworked several times before the launch of the public testing stages. NCSOFT ventured to show its achievements in early December 2016, when the first Korean CBT took place. Shown received a mixed reaction from the community, which closely followed the course of the PTA. But let's talk about everything in order.

The events take place 70 years after the events of the first part (it was originally planned that the action would unfold 200 years later). The game is based on a proprietary 3D engine with a fixed isometric camera (Quarter View, 2.5D). Lineage Eternal uses developments from NVIDIA, including technologies from the Nvidia Gameworks suite.

Conceptually, Lineage Eternal is a traditional "theme park" MMORPG with a full set of standard entertainment and basic systems such as gathering, crafting and upgrading equipment. In the future, the developers promise to introduce fishing and home ownership. No sandbox elements were found during the first testing. The main activities in Lineage Eternal are typically "Lineage" farming mobs, quests and dungeons. The latter, by the way, are of various types: single, group and public with unlocked PvP. To increase the replay value in some dungeons, the DDS (Dynamic Dungeon System) system is used - dynamic generation, that is, the dungeon is randomly generated based on certain settings.

Characters and Hero System

An important innovation and difference from the classic representatives of the MMORPG genre, which became a big surprise and a bone of contention in the first beta, was the hero system. Yes, you heard right: heroes, not a hero. In fact, there is no main character in Lineage Eternal - instead, you have a team of several heroes (Eternals). Depending on the situation, you either control one character (for example, in normal activities), choosing what you want from the list of available ones on the fly (with a small cooldown), or lead a whole squad of four characters, when the player directly controls one character, and gives away to the other three AI commands (this mechanic can be used in solo dungeons and in dungeons where a group is required). The list of available heroes is large and will consist of several dozen by the time of release. Each of them has its own role, skills and attributes. Of course, there is also a pumping system, which includes both the unique development of each hero and the development of team features.


PvP has always played an important role in the Lineage series and Lineage Eternal is no exception. It is available in the open world, but the final PvP/PK rules have not yet been determined - they will be balanced during closed tests. The developers also showed the arena (Field Of Honor), where players can fight in various formats, including 4 by 4. In addition, the guild system (Blood Pledge) and sieges are announced, for which there is currently no reliable information.

Editor and customization

Character customization, or rather its absence in CBT (except for the choice of several faces and hairstyles), also caused a number of complaints from the players. Apparently, instead of a powerful editor, players will be able to buy and farm "appearances" that migrated here straight from the MOBA genre. However, after the first beta, the developers promised to work on the character editor and expand the number of options.


In conclusion, I would like to say a few words about the development team, the technical side of the project and the timing. A team of specialists is working on the game, which, according to the old tradition of NCSOFT, received a special name - Team Eternal (before that there were Team Bloodlust, Team Aion, etc.). At the end of 2014, the team had about 100 people, but over the past two years, its size has grown markedly (as hinted at by periodic announcements in the vacancies section of the NCSOFT website). This group is led by a person with vast experience - Development Director and Producer Jae Hyun Bae, who started working at NCSOFT during the creation of the first Lineage (was Producer and Development Director of Lineage - 1998-2001, Lineage 2 - 2001-2004, Blade & Soul - 2008-2011, Lineage Eternal - 2011-to this day).

release date

The game was canceled in May 2017. The developments on it were transferred to a new team working on Project TL (working title) - a new MMORPG of the Lineage series based on the Unreal Engine 4.

In November 2011, the Russian-speaking community quietly languished in anticipation of TERA, Blade & Soul and ArcheAge, playing Lineage 2 and Aion along the way. Surprisingly, all these games are somehow connected with the famous company NCSOFT (XLGAMES and Bluehole were founded by people from NCSOFT). No one expected that in this unremarkable November, the Korean giant will announce its next locomotive project based on IP Lineage. The presentation of Lineage Eternal: Twilight Resistance was unexpected and impressive, but the hype in the Russian-speaking segment quickly subsided, as the flow of information dried up immediately after the demonstration at the G*Star exhibition.

About the game

Initially positioned as a sequel to the original Lineage, Lineage Eternal has been reworked several times before the launch of the public testing stages. NCSOFT ventured to show its achievements in early December 2016, when the first Korean CBT took place. Shown received a mixed reaction from the community, which closely followed the course of the PTA. But let's talk about everything in order.

The events take place 70 years after the events of the first part (it was originally planned that the action would unfold 200 years later). The game is based on a proprietary 3D engine with a fixed isometric camera (Quarter View, 2.5D). Lineage Eternal uses developments from NVIDIA, including technologies from the Nvidia Gameworks suite.

Conceptually, Lineage Eternal is a traditional "theme park" MMORPG with a full set of standard entertainment and basic systems such as gathering, crafting and upgrading equipment. In the future, the developers promise to introduce fishing and home ownership. No sandbox elements were found during the first testing. The main activities in Lineage Eternal are typically "Lineage" farming mobs, quests and dungeons. The latter, by the way, are of various types: single, group and public with unlocked PvP. To increase the replay value in some dungeons, the DDS (Dynamic Dungeon System) system is used - dynamic generation, that is, the dungeon is randomly generated based on certain settings.

Characters and Hero System

An important innovation and difference from the classic representatives of the MMORPG genre, which became a big surprise and a bone of contention in the first beta, was the hero system. Yes, you heard right: heroes, not a hero. In fact, there is no main character in Lineage Eternal - instead, you have a team of several heroes (Eternals). Depending on the situation, you either control one character (for example, in normal activities), choosing what you want from the list of available ones on the fly (with a small cooldown), or lead a whole squad of four characters, when the player directly controls one character, and gives away to the other three AI commands (this mechanic can be used in solo dungeons and in dungeons where a group is required). The list of available heroes is large and will consist of several dozen by the time of release. Each of them has its own role, skills and attributes. Of course, there is also a pumping system, which includes both the unique development of each hero and the development of team features.


PvP has always played an important role in the Lineage series and Lineage Eternal is no exception. It is available in the open world, but the final PvP/PK rules have not yet been determined - they will be balanced during closed tests. The developers also showed the arena (Field Of Honor), where players can fight in various formats, including 4 by 4. In addition, the guild system (Blood Pledge) and sieges are announced, for which there is currently no reliable information.

Editor and customization

Character customization, or rather its absence in CBT (except for the choice of several faces and hairstyles), also caused a number of complaints from the players. Apparently, instead of a powerful editor, players will be able to buy and farm "appearances" that migrated here straight from the MOBA genre. However, after the first beta, the developers promised to work on the character editor and expand the number of options.


In conclusion, I would like to say a few words about the development team, the technical side of the project and the timing. A team of specialists is working on the game, which, according to the old tradition of NCSOFT, received a special name - Team Eternal (before that there were Team Bloodlust, Team Aion, etc.). At the end of 2014, the team had about 100 people, but over the past two years, its size has grown markedly (as hinted at by periodic announcements in the vacancies section of the NCSOFT website). This group is led by a person with vast experience - Development Director and Producer Jae Hyun Bae, who started working at NCSOFT during the creation of the first Lineage (was Producer and Development Director of Lineage - 1998-2001, Lineage 2 - 2001-2004, Blade & Soul - 2008-2011, Lineage Eternal - 2011-to this day).

release date

The game was canceled in May 2017. The developments on it were transferred to a new team working on Project TL (working title) - a new MMORPG of the Lineage series based on the Unreal Engine 4.

Before starting the gameplay, experts recommend that beginners familiarize themselves with the Lineage 2 knowledge base and find answers to questions of interest to any of the beginners. And if you are an avid Gamer and are interested in new products, as well as updates with servers, then this article will also be useful for you. Start your game with pleasure, and let your leisure time be always prosperous and comfortable.

lineage 2 revolution database

Today, most people who prefer to maximize their leisure time in gaming processes consider Lineage 2 to be one of the most perfectly matched projects made in this genre. It has long been no secret that most people are interested in this game, a legend that has won the hearts of most young people, teenagers, as well as wealthy people who are active in various fields. And they prefer to spend their leisure time as safely as possible.

Lineage Eternal release date in Russia

Lineage 3 eternal official website offers for any sincere connoisseur of a real legend to get acquainted with an impressive list of information related to the release of a new version of the game. Our official website features the Lineage 2 Revolution Knowledge Base, which will certainly surprise any person in the gameplay. Also you will find Lineage eternal release date in Russia and many other useful information related to this newest version.

New servers lineage 2 interlude

The new Lineage 2 Interlude servers are already presented to interested people. Therefore, if you wish, you can choose the ideal server with an impressive range of updates, additions and many other advantages among the existing ones that are less relevant at this stage. Also, if you wish, you can find the Lineage 2 Revolution forum, where you can discuss in detail your questions. And also find a lot of useful information or just chat with your friends, acquaintances or clan members. After all, the game allows you to maximize your horizons and plunge completely into the history of the ancient world, on which the plot of the popular game is based and much more.

lineage 2 revolutionary forum

Lineage 2 presented on the site is a revolutionary forum that will allow you to communicate with friends. And be always aware of various novelties related to the gameplay.