Who is easier to open a business for a woman or a man. New business ideas

In business, you can meet both men and women, but it is worth noting that representatives of different sexes approach entrepreneurship in their own way. All the stereotypes that men are more suitable for the "position" of a businessman are a myth, many women have succeeded.

Positive and negative qualities business are found in both, so the union of a man and a woman can be considered an ideal partnership for business relationships.

If we consider women individually, then you should immediately pay attention to the high level of motivation. Ability to motivate yourself, this is a positive quality for a businessman, and from this side, the beautiful half of humanity is “ahead”. According to psychologists, this is primarily due to the many goals and desires that women have.

They also plan their expenses for longer periods, for example, saving money for the education of their children when they are still in preschool age. Among the positive qualities of women, there are also such as the ability to smooth out conflicts, imaginative and creative thinking, as well as the popular "female intuition".

Considering the negative qualities of women in business, I would like to highlight not patience and not decisiveness. It is their impatience that prevents them from “putting” money into serious circulation, plus, not decisiveness also becomes a decisive moment.

There are areas of activity in which women simply cannot “plunge” - these are jewelry, cosmetics, clothing and costume jewelry. The rejection of these areas is explained by the fact that a huge number of different “I want” will cause permanent losses.

As for men, the main positive qualities that help in business are perseverance, determination, riskiness, self-confidence, leadership and logical thinking. Of course, women can also possess all these qualities, but we draw all conclusions from the statistics that were presented after analysis in Europe.

The main missing quality of an entrepreneur - men, is the lack of flexibility of thinking. In other words, it is much more difficult for them to see something new in ordinary objects, which limits their ideas.

Summing up, I would like to say that women and men should strive to develop the business equally. There are no individual strategies, despite many differences. Men and women in business can succeed, the most important thing is to strive for your goals.

It was also found that most of the successful entrepreneurs are men who are married to wise women, so it is necessary to join forces, listen to the opinions of women, and manage male power.

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Don't say: we started from scratch; Everything can end at zero.

Tadeusz Gitzger, Polish satirist

It is believed that women's business came to Europe from the East, where in ancient times women began to sew clothes, weave carpets, embroider and sell the products of their labor.

In Europe, women received the legal right to independently manage their property in marriage only in the second half of the 19th century, and later - to run their own business.

In Russia, in the early 1990s, under the conditions of the "sudden market economy" when the Soviet economic system suddenly collapsed, men and women were forced to go into business in a variety of fields.


According to experts, women's business in Russia is growing much more dynamically than men's and exceeds it in terms of growth by 1.7 times. Despite the fact that business women have lower starting conditions compared to men, they are more active, occupying highly competitive niches in business.

One of the first who began to study the gender problems of the business environment were American specialists Robert Hisrich and Michael Peters. In their work, they gave a comparative description of eight characteristics of male entrepreneurs and female entrepreneurs (Table 17) .

Comparative characteristics of male entrepreneurs and female entrepreneurs

Table 17



male entrepreneurs



In terms of work: the desire to do business.

On a personal level: gain independence; the connection between the position occupied in the official hierarchy and their own self-esteem is insignificant.

Job satisfaction comes from feeling in control

In terms of work: achievement of the set task.

On a personal level: gain independence.

Job satisfaction arises in contrast to previous bad experiences

starting point

The field that the new venture belongs to: related to the current job, to what was taught in college, etc. Dismissal or downsizing. Opportunity to buy your own business

Dissatisfaction with current job.

Interest in this field of activity and awareness of the possibility of doing something in it. Change in personal circumstances


Personal funds and savings. Bank loans.

Investor funds.

Loans from family and friends

Personal funds and savings. Means of relatives and close friends

Previous work experience

Having experience in this area.

Recognized specialist; a person who has achieved a lot in this field.

Familiar with various aspects of the business

Having experience in this field.

Experience at the middle management level.

Experience in the service industry


They have their own opinion about everything, they are demanding. Purposeful.

They think outside the box, tend to idealism.

Very self-confident.

Active, energetic.

Can't stand outside guidance

Show flexibility and tolerance. Purposeful. They think outside the box, they really look at things.

Moderately self-confident. Active, energetic. Able to establish good links with external social and economic structures


Age at the start of the business: 25-35 years.

Education: secondary specialized or higher (economic or technical).

The first child in the family

Age at the time of starting a business: 35-45 years.

Father's profession is an entrepreneur.

Education: secondary special or higher (usually humanitarian).

The first child in the family

The end of the table. 17

From Table. Figure 17 shows certain similarities and differences between men and women as entrepreneurs. In particular, men are more demanding, very self-confident and straightforward. Women look at things more realistically, are moderately self-confident and, most importantly, are able to establish and maintain good connections with external structures.

Do not exaggerate female emotionality and gullibility. Women are not so badly intellectually armed. Stereotypical judgments about the emotionality of women and the rationality of men do not have serious scientific grounds. If the female mind differs from the representatives of the stronger sex, it is mainly due to the fact that among women there are more people with average intelligence, and among men there are more geniuses and, excuse me, fools: this, by the way, matters for politics and business . Psychologists have found that political success is favored by an average level of intelligence, and intellectuals, as well as fools, often fail.

In business, it is the same: there is the concept of a mental threshold. For success, it is enough to have an intellect not lower than average and a strong achievement motivation - faith in success. In addition, women better understand the psychology of a particular person. Therefore, politics and business are areas of activity specially created for women.

Men prefer to think in schemes, formulas, numbers. Women have better developed conceptual and verbal thinking. They not only speak more, but, as a rule, express their thoughts more accurately than men. Women count better, make fewer mistakes, they have more developed fine motor coordination.

“Women have the whole heart, even the head,” said the German writer Jean Paul. Whatever a woman does, she will put her soul into her chosen business. Purposefulness, assertiveness, financial literacy, which are also possessed by male entrepreneurs, a business woman softens with natural intuition, female cunning and charm.

When conducting business negotiations with a woman, a man should know that she will be more influenced by:

  • concrete facts than abstract schemes;
  • numbers and sums and little today's benefit than formulas,

which predict unprecedented profits in the expected future.

A woman keeps a man from extremes, depressions, unreasonable risks and cruelty with competitors: by nature she is a conservative, humanist, optimist.

And although the mental activity of women to a greater extent than that of men depends on physical causes, business women tolerate stress and failure much better. And in our time, this may be the most important thing.

According to American specialists working in business training programs, Russian women are more inclined than men to start from scratch. They are not ashamed of their beginner status. They look for and immediately use every opportunity to move forward and up. Men don't do that, apparently they don't want to. It is more convenient for them to immediately take a key leadership position and not do the dirty work.

What are the typical behavioral mistakes women entrepreneurs make? A woman begins this activity by spending a lot of energy on quickly overcoming or at least masking her natural features. Feeling like on stage, a woman thinks: "I am a woman and must constantly prove my right to lead as well as men." She lives in constant fear of not being in line with her position, of being funny, sentimental, kind, condescending.

Do female charms help women in business? Men think so, especially if a woman has achieved more than they do. However, this does not always apply to large businesses. As the British say, there are no men and women in business - there are business partners.

Is there covert or overt discrimination against women? In a socio-psychological sense, yes. The main male personality traits are the motive of self-affirmation and achievement, rivalry with other men in the struggle for status, position in society. In this struggle for status, a man competes with other men, but does not take women into account. A woman who asserts herself in her career often experiences irony from men, especially if she succeeds better than them. A business woman, even one who has made her way to a high level of a business career, is usually not invited to select men's companies, where the most important information is disseminated to a narrow circle.

In modern society in Russia, there is a clear inequality in the status of men and women. One has only to look at the composition of the State Duma, the government of any rank, the leadership of any enterprise (both private and state) - and everything will become obvious: women are in the minority! This article is not devoted to the "women's issue" as it was understood in the past, the twentieth century. Together with readers (both men and women), I would like to think about the differences in communication styles between men and women. Unfortunately, this issue is more studied in the foreign press. Mimi Donaldson, management consultant, notes that due to the established traditions, women in society have long been brought up in a spirit of subordination and self-awareness as the weaker sex. Since childhood, a Russian woman has learned a reference point for such values ​​as diligence and obedience to the will of a man. A feature of the Russian mentality can be considered passivity and avoidance of conflict. In modern conditions of business negotiations, women also tend to avoid direct confrontation and, unlike men, show more restraint and tact.

It must be acknowledged that the world of business is created and run by men. This means that in a tough business world, a woman also needs more determination. Therefore, here we want to point out a few key points that women must take into account if they want to make men listen to their opinion and be considered as equal partners. If you regularly practice this line of behavior, you will quickly achieve real results and see that you are treated with more attention and respect. Your chances of taking your rightful place in the company are equal to those of your male colleagues.

Rule one: business style in clothes.

When a man first gets acquainted with a partner - a woman, he cannot but make his first impression of her appearance. It (impression) will work for you or against you for a long time - years! What it will be - it depends only on you.

Hardly yours:

chic earrings and
Seductive neckline
·mini skirt,
bare shoulders
provocative make-up
pink blouse! ………………………

(underline as appropriate) will cause your partner to associate with serious negotiations. Do you remember the notorious meeting of the famous singer and journalist? He openly told her: “And in general ... I don’t like your pink blouse!” A vivid example of how this piece of clothing can cause just rage!

The business style "unisex" of restrained tones is appropriate and orients the partner as much as possible in a business way. A tie in the mind and even the subconscious of a man is a phallic symbol. And if you are not ready to put on a men's tie, a neckerchief is its analogue, and in this case it is a "signal" (symbol) of your equality in the context of business negotiations.

Rule two: business style in demeanor.

In our country, a rare woman will extend her hand to a man for a handshake. This is more likely to be found in negotiations with representatives of large Western companies (including Russians). The reality is simpler - the woman shyly steps back, sits down at the table from the edge, neatly lays out the documents, trying to take up minimal space. A man acts exactly the opposite: he takes a step forward, sits down in the center, “swings” over the entire space of the table ... In order for the perception of you as a negotiating partner to be worthy, you should not huddle in the corner. Move boldly, confidently, energetically enough. Have you been given the opportunity to choose a seat at the negotiating table? Take advantage of this opportunity and take the most convenient and comfortable position: this will help you feel at ease. Arrange the documents in the space you need (this is the observance of the principle of territorialism, which is known even in the animal world - this is how the strong do it!).

Rule Three: Confident Tone and No Excuses

Unlike men, women often speak in an almost apologetic tone, hesitantly and shyly. The timbre of the voice is high, soft. The pace of speech is low with pauses. Even the most confident of them sometimes involuntarily use turns of speech that indicate indecision, thereby reducing the significance and strength of verbal arguments. This style of speech involuntarily reflects their desire to avoid confrontation, struggle, risk. However, someone who is looking for a quiet life will not be able to succeed in business negotiations. What should a woman avoid in business dealings with a man in order to be successful?

Unnecessary prefaces and afterwords These are completely unnecessary words with which a woman can begin or end her statement.

Foreword: The apologetic phrases with which you preface your statement weaken the meaning and meaning of your words. For example: \"I'm not quite sure, but it seems to me...\" The phrase: "I'm sure that ..." sounds quite different.

Afterword: Approximately the same, only sounds at the end of the phrase and softens the initial, it would seem, decisive statement. \"We should take action, what do you think?\" or \"...isn't it?\", \"...am I right?\" It sounds like a call for help. In a confident version, this statement sounds like this: "We must take action, this is obvious. \"

Interrogative tone: Even a slight interrogative intonation, which ends a perfectly normal affirmative sentence, casts doubt on the truth of the argument. The shade of the question at the end demonstrates your uncertainty. To the listener, it sounds something like this: \"Do you disagree with me?\" Or even worse: \"Please agree quickly, so that I can be sure that I said something worthwhile\". It is necessary to pronounce the phrase evenly and at the end the intonation should, if not contain an exclamation mark, then at least “put” a confident point. "This question has already been resolved."

Think for yourself, is it possible to inspire the trust of another person if you yourself doubt your words? Listen carefully to yourself, consult with close friends, and if you notice this bad habit in yourself: to speak in an interrogative tone, immediately get rid of it. The main thing is to realize your shortcomings, then it will be easier to deal with them.

1 column 2 column

\"Sometimes I feel like...\" Replace with: \"I'm sure...\"

·\"It may happen that….\" Replace with: \"High probability…\"

\"Indeed...\" Replace with: \"Definitely...\"

\"Looks like/like...\" Replace with: \"There are doubts that...\"

\"You should probably...\" Replace with: \"I recommend you...\"

Any clear and precise statement turns into a vague assumption in option 1 of the column, and you yourself look insecure. It is necessary to replace these expressions with similar ones, but bearing a positive, confident attitude (column 2).

Women usually try to hide their weaknesses or unpreparedness for discussion with smoothed phrases. These rather vague statements can make your partner feel that you are trying to avoid speaking your real position or that you are trying to avoid a confrontation. However, one should not show such hesitation and hesitation where it is necessary to speak out with all certainty. Sometimes these words are useful if, in a conflict, you consciously want to evade the dispute (there are such situations). The whole point is to find the right phrases and expressions in each case.

Rule Four: Brevity is a Woman's Friend

For women, conversation is communication; for men, it is a means of exchanging information. For men, friendly communication is an intellectual rivalry, a game of chance in which you need to show superiority in erudition. There is a cross-testing with questions \"Who won the last football championship?\" - one of them can ask. If his buddy knows, he turns out to be the winner. If he doesn't know, someone else will rise to the occasion. A kind of verbal duel, finding out who is stronger (more intelligent). Women use much more details and details in the presentation of facts compared to men. Therefore, if you intend to tell a man something, immediately get rid of all unnecessary details. Watch carefully for his reaction during the conversation. As soon as his gaze wanders, this serves as a signal to you that attention has been lost and it is necessary to reduce the number of words to a minimum. It is best to communicate clearly and briefly at the very beginning about what is important, and not to go beyond a few minutes. Men feel more responsible for spending their own time and energy and distribute them in strict accordance with a certain type of activity. If you need more details, you can add to the original information. You can piss them off if you "advance" too slowly to the main message.

Rule Five: Speak Directly - No Hints Needed

With men about any things you need to talk directly, without bluntness. Men, unlike women, require clarity as much as brevity. Hints and expectation that you will be understood "at a glance" - not for business communication. When communicating, clearly articulate your thoughts. Otherwise, you may or simply not be understood - and this will cause tension in the negotiation process; or misunderstood (misunderstood): a hint at the desirability of partnerships in negotiations can be understood as an invitation to close personal contacts.

Rule Six: Avoid Emotions

A stormy manifestation of emotions: nervousness, tears, stormy joy - are completely unacceptable in negotiations, just like, say, an ultra-short mini. Such behavior undermines the position of a business woman in business. Men are originally raised by society as warriors and hunters, and must show their emotions with restraint. Since women are socially different from men (focus on communication, emotionality), they behave differently. For example, they cry four times more often than men. This is confirmed by research at the University of Minnesota.

Your job is the first place where you must learn to control your emotions. A crying woman, of course, evokes sympathy, but only among those around her. Tears and sobs are also a sign that a person is not able to control himself and the situation. Men are reserved and usually expect the same from others. There was a misconception that if a woman is prone to tears, then she can be easily controlled. The chances of success in this case are extremely small.

Of course, in life there are times when emotions "cover" you with your head and nothing can be done. If you feel like you're about to burst into tears, apologize and walk out. In the women's room, clean yourself up, dry your tears, adjust your makeup, take a few deep breaths (maybe 10), moisten your temples and hands with cold water. If possible, go outside for fresh air. A cold drink will help rejuvenate. Return to negotiations when you feel that you have completely mastered yourself. If you are naturally prone to tears, we advise you to even wear eye drops to avoid redness.

However, the most important thing is to be able to prevent emotional breakdowns. Prevention of tension and the ability to manage conflict should be mastered in trainings in preparation for work.

These simple rules will help women in business and achieve success in any business.

And what should a man do so that a woman listens to him?

The leader - a woman becomes a difficult work condition for most men. Some characteristic features of male speech are so unacceptable to women that men lose the chance to be heard, despite the fact that they have something to say. This is not just a theoretical conclusion. Women in today's society are beginning to compete with men in work and leadership positions, and so men have to change their communication style to accommodate women. Each person, to a greater or lesser extent, perceives the existing differences between a man and a woman. There are fewer and fewer who do not recognize (or are not aware of) these differences, but they are still a reality, because you have to negotiate with both men and women, and they behave differently. The following points contain four very important points that men should consider when dealing with women.

Rule One: Respect Your Partner and Maintain Your Dignity

In business contacts, men should make a woman feel respect for her as a business partner. Doubting a woman's ability to conduct business at a high level can turn out to be deplorable for a man. The phrase: "I respect your ... negotiating style (opinion on the results ... etc.)" will certainly decorate business contacts at the highest level. At the same time, women sometimes like to talk \"about their own, about women\". If you happen to be in such a conversation, do not try to adapt to his tone, do not touch on feminine topics, do not overuse diminutives. Women can be forgiven. For a man to talk like that is completely unacceptable. Leave it for home and for family relationships.

Rule Two: Discuss When Making a Decision

Discussing aloud the course of one's thoughts is not typical for a man. For them, the traditional manner is\"silent reflection\". Before a man expresses his opinion on the subject, it must be completely formed in his head. However, it is important for a woman to create a joint judgment with her partner. It is not enough ready-made solution. The process of communication with a partner and confidence in the identity of the opinion are important. Otherwise, the judgment may simply be rejected by her. Silence will be regarded as indifference, inattention to her words and underestimation of her opinion. She may completely lose interest in the conversation due to lack of feedback or feel resentful.

Don't take this as a call for courtship or flirting. It's not about that at all. A woman appreciates informal relationships, even if she is sitting opposite, at the negotiating table. Share information about your family, home, simple human problems. Do not be afraid to appear in a slightly different light. Probably, some men will find this strange at first. Start by talking about how you spent your weekend. Recall the light conversation technique from the communication skills training. Even if the topic is not related to the subject of negotiations, you will establish more trusting contact with a woman partner.

Common Interests: “When I deal with women, I often tell them about how I raised my three daughters. Working moms really appreciate these stories. I often discuss with the women I deal with in negotiations the challenges and joys of raising teenagers. And we understand each other very well, because they have the same children.” This is the opinion of an American businessman from Washington. However, it should be noted that these non-business conversations are possible only at the right time for them, when the lady is ready to support these topics in conversation. It is not worth diverting attention to this when discussing professional issues.

Rule Four: Avoid Showing Emotion

The upbringing of boys takes place in an atmosphere that is tougher than that of girls. Incontinence and instability of emotional reactions is characteristic of adolescence. Increased tone, swearing and intemperance are destructive to any negotiations. Such behavior undermines respect for a man in business, because it can be regarded as infantilism (immaturity) or bad upbringing, ignorance of the rules of etiquette. By nature, men are quite restrained and of all emotions, anger is most pronounced in them. Yet many of them consider a raised tone acceptable even in business relationships. Indeed, recent research shows that men are more likely to use harsh language and profanity at work.

Your job is the first place where you must learn to control your emotions. A man who has given free rein to his nerves and tongue no longer evokes any sympathy or trust. Just like the crying woman, his behavior indicates that he has lost control of himself and the situation. In addition, his behavior causes protest and indignation among others. Everyone (and not only women) feels that a man who loses control over himself shows weakness and can be easily controlled.

If in a negotiation you feel like you're about to break loose, apologize and walk out. Calm down, take a few deep breaths (maybe 10), moisten your hands with cold water. If possible, go out into the fresh air, maybe a cigarette will help you find balance. A cold drink will help rejuvenate. Only when you feel that you can control yourself, return to the negotiations. A person who loses his temper quickly loses his image. It's no secret that in most cases, irritation and anger are a sure sign of fear, insecurity and weakness. No one will try to outshout you anyway. You will look very childish.

Men and women should learn from each other. You should respect the characteristics of each and change your style of behavior in order to come to a better understanding. You may consider yourself the best businessman in the world, but if you are not taken seriously, then your words do not matter.

No one is surprised by the presence of women in business today. The very fact, and directions, and scales and roles are not surprising ... Women quite successfully cope with any tasks set. And not at all because they want to oppose themselves to men or prove something to them (although this also happens). More often this is not a forced state, but quite organic. We will not go into details regarding the mission of the beautiful half of humanity - the majority, being highly organized, quite successfully combine family, children, and work.

Even with multiple examples confirming the success of women, men continue to believe that women have no place in business. Although it is high time to take a slightly different position on this issue: in business there is no division into men and women, in business there are only business partners.

It is clear that prejudice has very deep historical roots. Only men were supposed to deal with affairs, since this required the presence of completely unfeminine qualities: rigidity (and sometimes cruelty), acumen, determination and uncompromisingness. Today, ideas in society have changed somewhat and a woman is not associated exclusively with family, children and exclusively household chores. There is already more than enough research on the topic of the presence of women in business. And the point has not yet been made, research continues: all sorts of interdependencies, causal relationships and a lot of everything else that one way or another will make it possible to draw conclusions about the emergence and presence of women in business are being identified.
Men often simply hide ordinary jealousy behind a negative attitude, because they understand that women really manage to cope with things more successfully. And all because in men such qualities as patience and perseverance, adaptability and attentiveness, diplomacy are less developed. And in sociability, women are significantly superior to men. Warriors and leaders by nature, it is incredibly difficult for men to accept this and agree.

Features of the hike

Men, according to most psychologists and sociologists, treat business as a way to make money. Enthusiasm and passion are secondary issues. First of all - "prey". Business for a woman (again, according to researchers) is missionary in nature. Let's start with the fact that women choose a business that interests them, that they like. Therefore, for example, bringing beauty and harmony into the world. They open floristic studios, beauty salons, jewelry stores. Here everything is built on sensations, first of all - on harmony and true pleasure.
Woman + business in Russian reality
It all depends on the industry, geolocation, age and mood. If the business in which a woman realizes herself for a certain time is serious enough, then gender differences remain “behind the scenes”, since professionalism is important. This can go on for quite some time. The main difficulty can arise when, around the age of forty, having achieved some success in her career, a woman decides to start her own business. Here the problem arises in consciousness. Being in the role of a manager, you can only be puzzled by the issues of performing current work. Going into your own business, you need to understand that thinking should become different. Responsibility and stress are inevitable (loans and conditions for them, working capital, salaries to employees, and much more). And here, willy-nilly, masculine qualities are manifested. However, at the same time, from the point of view of psychology, the behavior of a woman in business is mainly tactical - aimed at solving short-term problems. But it is impossible to remain only in the role of a tactical manager for a long time, so it is necessary to move on to strategic planning. It's very difficult.

Perception of women in business
The question to ask is: Are women more favorably received in business than men?
Very often there is a substitution of concepts and a woman in business is perceived not as a creator, but as someone who rests on her laurels. Moreover, all the initial developments were made by someone before her. She got it all either by inheritance, or as a result of the division of property during a divorce, or donated by her lover. Regrettably, but it is these primitive variations that sound more often than others. Fortunately, in the past few years, the attitude towards the entrepreneur as a whole has changed in society. There are a lot more women entrepreneurs. Why is the attitude towards women entrepreneurs calmer? Yes, elementary - they, as a rule, do not own large businesses. These are mainly small and medium businesses.

Are there any chances for women to become the main entrepreneurs in Russia in the near future?
According to statistics, today every fifth woman would like to try herself in entrepreneurship. Moreover, she is ready for it. Men who want to prove themselves in business are less than a third. Thus, Russia is almost the only country in the world where there are so many women eager for entrepreneurial activity.
Women, striving to become modern, successful, literally gnawed out for themselves the right to work with a man on an equal footing and speak the same language with him in business. It is also important to understand that even in the absence of a pronounced negative attitude (which today is still rather bad manners), there is much less trust in women in business than in men. And not because women are unreliable, no. The fact is that many take into account natural factors and fear for projects dominated by a woman, since she can quite easily make a U-turn towards another business or immerse herself in a family. This unpredictability and guards men. Not all, of course.

Women are a priori quite conservative. Women are essentially "hoarders". We are talking about conservatism, which does not involve high-risk steps. She saves. The main strategy of women in business is alignment and verification. She must first conduct a "check" unlike men who are prone to "instant analytics."

An important nuance: when women really become "men in skirts", it does not always turn out beautifully and not particularly successfully. If the representative of the beautiful half of humanity has enough ingenuity to use in her work all the qualities that nature has endowed her with, success is guaranteed.

By and large, the trend is such that in business there is less and less talk about gender division. First of all, psychotypes and the circumstances in which they find themselves are important. Most likely, this trend will only grow stronger in the coming years, which will allow a woman to fully engage in business without worrying about harassment from men and the opinions of others.

This question has been asked by many psychologists around the world. And the argument about who is still better in leadership has been going on for quite a long time. It is worth noting that a couple of decades ago, "women and business" was an absolutely unthinkable concept, with very rare exceptions. Today, there are enough men and women in business.

In an attempt to answer this question, let's try to compare female entrepreneurs and male entrepreneurs.

The appearance of a woman in business is primarily associated with the spread and expansion of the field of network marketing. Today, a woman entrepreneur has already become quite commonplace, not causing any controversy in society.

There is a broad look at business, then, of course, there are good and bad leaders among both men and women. Consider a few examples of successful businesswomen.

The top twenty most successful business women in the world include Chinese entrepreneur Wu Yajun, who is also the richest woman in China and is in the first position in the world ranking of women who made their own fortune with their own hands ($ 5.7 billion in 2012). It is also noteworthy that Wu Yajun did her business in an exclusively “male” field of activity - real estate.

Move on. Rosalia Mera. This female philanthropist is the richest in Spain and is also on the list of the wealthiest of the weaker sex who made their wealth on their own work. Rosalia is one of the founders of the popular clothing chain Zara.

Also, speaking of successful businesswomen, one cannot but recall Ruth Handler. This woman created the world-famous and loved by many girls Barbie doll, and earned tens of millions of dollars from it.

We gave just three examples of successful and wealthy women who made their fortune through their work. But there are still many, many more such examples - this suggests that a woman can be an entrepreneur, leader and inventor no worse than males. And in some respects, even better. However, male and female entrepreneurs are fundamentally different from each other in business - in the organization of activities, in solving individual issues, in approaches to recruitment and much more. Next, we will consider these differences with specific examples.

The image of the leader

Any leader, regardless of gender, strives to become an exemplary role model for his wards and gain authority. It is much easier for a man to do this - since by nature the male sex is stronger and more determined. But a woman leader on the way to winning the favor of her employees is faced with an already stable stereotype that a woman is too weak a nature to run her own business. Every woman has to break this stereotype, and it should be noted that they are good at it.

Features of thinking

As mentioned earlier, the thinking of a man and a woman in solving various complex and simple tasks differs and has its own characteristics. Both men and women have some advantages over each other, and also have disadvantages. A man is more prone to risk, does not like to think for a very long time on the proposal received, makes decisions rather quickly. A woman in business is a more balanced and thoughtful nature.

Having received a business proposal, she will first consider its positive and negative sides, analyze the data, and if the result is ambiguous, she is unlikely to take risks. Given these qualities, a man can simply burn out because of his excessive haste, and a woman can lose many partners, thinking over proposals for a long time.

Communication styles

A male businessman primarily focuses on the result of work, rather than on building certain relationships with the team. Therefore, there are those who tend to overly control all the actions of employees and the entire work process, and those who give them complete freedom of action. But a female leader pays more attention directly to the lives of employees, showing an open interest in them not only in relation to their efficiency and diligence, but also in personal affairs.

Diplomatic tactics

Still, business is a tough game in which you need an indispensable return to achieve your goals. Therefore, a woman, in order to succeed in the business sphere, needs to have certain “male” qualities and a strong character. Therefore, it often happens that women retreat before aggressive policies or fierce competition. But the advantage of a woman is that she is able to show unexpected flexibility of thinking and balanced decisions in extreme situations, thanks to which they can achieve extraordinary success in already seemingly hopeless situations.

Barriers and obstacles for men and women in business

Men are often prevented from doing business, first of all, by such qualities:
1. Impulsive decision making.
2. Unwillingness to show their weakness - as a result, unjustified aggression.
3. Excessive pride, because of which men are in no hurry to consult with others in business matters; selfishness.
4. Pronounced riskiness.

Qualities that prevent women from succeeding:
1. Insufficient rigidity.
2. Sometimes insecurity in their actions.
3. Lack of a global approach to business affairs.
4. Excessive attention to life's little things, emotions, human relationships.

In conclusion, the following conclusion can be drawn.

The masculine leadership style is more in line with the generally accepted model of the “correct” business, in which decisiveness, perseverance, and severity are manifested. Therefore, men are more productive in achieving their goals. However, they do not have that important quality that women have - the balance of their decisions, the analysis of alternatives - which is also very important in business management. Men and women have a lot to learn from each other, and only by combining all our positive qualities, we will get the ideal leader.