Part-time contract manager in several organizations. Contract Manager

What is an electronic signature

It is an electronic signature of encrypted information that helps to identify a legal entity, an individual. It also provides the ability to check the integrity of the document, confidentiality. It is impossible to fake or copy the key, because outwardly it looks like a random sequence of characters that was formed under the action of encoding with the help of a cryptographic provider (a special encryption program).

Federal Law 63 describes 3 types of EDS. Each of them has its own distinctive properties, characteristic features. You can get one of the signatures:

  1. Reinforced unskilled.
  2. Simple.
  3. Enhanced electronic signature qualified.

For individuals

Each individual has the right to receive his own electronic signature key. To do this, you need to complete and submit an application with a certain set of documents, which will be described below. EDS can be used in the following cases:

  1. When receiving services via the Internet from the state. EDS will open full access to all services of the state portal. services.
  2. There is an opportunity to apply for admission to the university. You do not have to stand in line, go somewhere, because the documents certified by the ES are accepted by educational institutions.
  3. When applying for registration of IP, legal. persons, applications to the tax authority.
  4. If you work through the network, get work at home from the Internet, then the electronic signature allows you to formalize documents in this case.
  5. You will need an electronic signature for bidding if you want to participate in them.

For legal entities

Electronic signature for legal entities opens wide opportunities for document flow. At the moment, you can make such legal relations using it:

  1. Trade in the Internet services, goods.
  2. Internal and external document flow.
  3. Disposal of funds, payment of bills, execution of deposit agreements, obtaining loans.
  4. Registration of real estate transactions.
  5. You can participate in electronic trading of corporate, government orders.
  6. To issue a declaration at the customs of imported goods.
  7. It is allowed to generate reports to Rosstat, territorial bodies of the Federal Tax Service, and other controlling structures.
  8. Get access to departmental systems.


The electronic digital signature and its use are regulated on the basis of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law No. No. 1-FZ "On electronic digital signature". EDS was used long before the publication of this act, but a comprehensive legal framework was laid for the use of an electronic signature only in it. The task of the law is to facilitate the conduct of commercial activities, create conditions for the development of information technologies, and improve the interaction of citizens with municipal authorities.


Based on the basic principle of the EDS operation (signing documents), there are two types of keys: open (public) and closed (private). Here are the main differences between them:

private key

Issued to the signatory for application to documents, letters, etc. It is necessarily recorded on removable media and is confidential, should be available only to the owner. If the file falls into the hands of an unauthorized person, then the attacker will be able to sign any document and carry out a handwriting examination in this case is not possible. The owner is solely responsible for how he uses the key. If the EDS has been lost, then you must immediately contact the ACCC with a request for blocking.

public key

Used to decrypt the private key, available to anyone who wants to verify the authenticity of the sent document. In fact, it is a file of 1024 bits, which must be sent along with a letter with a closed EDS. A sample (duplicate) of such a key must be submitted to the Certification Authority in order to enter it into the appropriate database. The latter provide reliable storage, registration and protection of open EDS from distortion.

How to use

Before you make an electronic signature, you should figure out how it can be used. To do this, you do not need to have specific skills, but you need to have a private and public key. If there are none, then the use of EDS will not only be a lengthy process, but also illegal. To make an ES document, you need:

  1. Download and install on the PC the programs that will be issued in the Certification Authority. Be sure to install the entire kit, the certificate of the owner and the center.
  2. Install the Capicom and Cadescom libraries.
  3. To attach a key in Word 2007, you should click on the office button, then go to the "Prepare" item, then click "Add CPU", click on "Prescribe the purpose of signing the document." Next, click on "Select Signature" and click on the "Sign" button.
  4. When using the PDF format, you need to have special software modules. If you don't, then install the latest version of Adobe Acrobat or Reader. To make a signature on a PDF file, the "CryptoPro PDF" module is suitable.
  5. For an HTML form, attaching a key is easiest. A special “Sign and send” button immediately appears.

Where to do

For those who are looking for how to issue an electronic signature, you should know which authorities are competent to provide such services. Regular EDS is provided by government agencies. Production by private structures is not carried out, but is not prohibited by law. To obtain an electronic signature, you must first contact the ESIA online or in person. EDS production is performed by:

  1. ESIA customer service centers, if you need a regular digital signature.
  2. CAs (not accredited are allowed) can make an unqualified key type.
  3. Only accredited CAs can make a qualified version.

How to get a digital signature

The cost of providing the key depends on the scope of further use. For example, for bidding, the price starts from 6400 rubles. Order keys for the system of interdepartmental interaction will cost from 3650 rubles. To obtain it, you should contact the certification center, you need to do the following:

  1. Find a certification center in your region, this institution has the appropriate license to issue electronic keys.
  2. Submit the correct application. It will be processed within 1-5 days, after which an employee will contact you and tell you what to do next to verify the authenticity of the data. The list of required documents will be given below.
  3. Next, you need to get the private and public keys. The CA will issue you an electronic and paper certificate.
  4. To start using, you must install all the software that will be issued by the CA.

Documents to receive

For those who are looking for how to make an electronic signature for themselves, it should be borne in mind that the data package for legal entities and individuals is different. The speed of consideration of the application, the procedure for verifying the provided data depends on how correctly you prepare everything. If any information is missing, the review can be very delayed.

How to make an electronic signature for legal entities:

  1. Signed, completed registration card. You may need two copies of the appendix to the second section.
  2. Charter of a legal entity (original), notarization (copy).
  3. You need to take documents that confirm the authority of the applicant as a leader.
  4. Copies of the passport of the signatory, the applicant (1-4 pages), which are certified by hand-written signature, identification number.
  5. Taxpayer registration card (copy).

How to make an electronic signature for individuals

  1. Signed, completed registration card in two copies.
  2. It is necessary to make a copy of 1-4 pages of the passport with a handwritten signature, TIN.
  3. You must make a copy of the taxpayer's card.

Video: how to get a personal electronic signature

The procedure for making yourself an electronic signature is relatively simple, although it requires a lot of time. In the future, it can be used to sign personal mail between managers, to use public services, and electronic trading. Below are videos that will help you understand how the keys work, the process of installing a certificate on a PC.

For public services

How EDS works

Enhanced electronic signature

How to install a certificate on a computer

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How to quickly get an EDS? What documents are needed? How much does it cost? Let's talk about obtaining an electronic digital signature.


It must first be noted that this material is not advertising - no one ordered it for us, did not pay for it, and we do not work for the certification center indicated in the article. We share the path that we ourselves have traveled and offer it to others. The small fee we receive for certifying documents is used solely to cover expenses. If we learn about more convenient work with another certification authority, we will definitely inform you about it.

Do you need an electronic digital signature?

  • certification of documents - 300 rubles (one time)
  • annual certificate - 300 rubles (each year)

You may also need additionally:

  • program for working with EDS (for example, CRYPTOPRO V4 indefinitely) - 2700 rubles
  • token - 1700 rubles

Therefore, any costs must be justified and cost-effective. Is EDS so beneficial for you? Let's answer this question from personal experience.

EDS for a citizen

For a citizen, an EDS is needed only if he does not want to stand in lines at the MFC, Rosreestr and the Federal Tax Service. If there are constant problems with these organizations in your city, queues for more than an hour, getting to these organizations is long and inconvenient, then an electronic digital signature will simplify your life. If there are no queues, the MFC works without problems, and in Rosreestr or the Federal Tax Service the usual queue takes 15 minutes, then there is not much point in the EDS.

EDS for business

For an entry-level business, with one employee, without bidding and electronic reporting - it is needed as well as for a citizen, i.e. only in case of problems with time.

And if there are already several employees, or there are tenders and auctions, electronic reporting and you value your time, then you can’t do without an EDS. Yes, certificates for legal entities are more expensive, but all costs are paid off by profitable bidding and savings in working time.

If you, after weighing all the pros and cons, decide that you need to receive an EDS, then you can continue reading further.

Certification centers, or how EDS works

What is an ECP? This is a small file encrypted with a special cipher that contains certain information about the owner of the signature and documents associated with him, for example, Last Name, First Name and Patronymic, SNILS, etc. For an EDS to appear, someone must encrypt it and subsequently decrypt it for verification - these are certification centers.

If the document is signed with an EDS, then a small code is embedded in the document (the EDS signing can be in the form of an attachment to a separate file). The digital signature is encrypted with a certain code, and the key is stored on the server of the certification center. When checking the EDS, the code in the document is decrypted with a key from the server, the information is read and compared with the stored one. If everything goes without problems, then the signature is considered reliable. Any attempt to make changes to the code, without knowing the ciphers and algorithms of the center, is impossible and leads to the invalidity of the signature.

Certification centers are those who encrypt information in a special way, store it on their server and provide an opportunity to check the integrity and validity of the code, there are many of them in the Russian Federation. Centers can be both private and public, for example, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Federal Tax Service of Russia have their own certification centers.

Thus, in order to obtain an EDS, it is necessary to submit documents for encryption to any certification center, and after encryption, you will have a file with this information in your hands - an Electronic Digital Signature.

Obtaining an EDS using the example of a citizen's signature

There are many certification centers with which you can verify your identity, confirm the authenticity of documents and issue an EDS. However, when we personally faced the need to issue an EDS, it turned out that the convenience and many certification centers are only for large cities of Russia. After analyzing the possibilities in the Primorsky Territory, we settled on the center of CJSC "Server Center", and in order to simplify the process of obtaining an EDS for other citizens, we became a registrar, having issued the opportunity to check and certify the authenticity of documents. The choice of this center is due to a simple fact - there is no need to directly come to the certification center, because. the authenticity of documents can be certified by an external registrar.

How is the signature done? Everything happens in three simple steps:

Stage 1 Registration in the system

To obtain an EDS, you need to register a Personal Account on the website of the certification center. To do this, follow the link and go through a simple registration.

After registration is completed, you will have access to a personal account in which you can attach your documents.

Stage 1 is completely free. The result will be your personal account in which you can issue various digital signatures, download certificates, conduct secure correspondence, etc.

Stage 2 Certification of documents

After opening a personal account, you need to scan and upload documents such as a passport, TIN, etc. And also enter their data in a special form.

After that, you come to us, or look for any other registrar on the map in your personal account and present the original documents. The registrar checks the originals and confirms their authenticity in the system. After this procedure, you will no longer need to present the originals (unless changes are made to them).

Stage 2 is paid. We valued this work at 100 rubles per document. Is it a lot or a little - let's discuss :-). However, by paying once, your documents will be certified in the system forever and upon receipt of subsequent certificates (exchange or expiration), you will no longer have to certify documents.

Stage 3 Registration of EDS

After your documents are certified, you can proceed directly to the choice of the EDS you need and draw it up. To obtain an EDS of a citizen of the Russian Federation, we need:

1) replenish the account in your personal account for 300 rubles. The easiest way to pay with a bank card, for this, in the "Personal Account" select "Top up balance" and follow the instructions.

2) select a certificate. Click "Certificate", then "Order the issue of a certificate" and select "Signature of a citizen of the Russian Federation."

3) get a certificate.

In the process of obtaining a certificate, you will need to choose whether you will upload the digital signature or save it on your computer.


The difference between these options is that for unloading you will need a special storage medium - a secure flash drive. It is purchased separately, costs about 1500-2500 rubles, and it usually holds three signatures.

If you work with EDS from home or some kind of permanent computer, then the media is usually not required. If you are signing for a business, then the carrier will be required.

The completion of the issuance of an EDS will be your certificate uploaded to a computer or to a medium, which will be the very electronic digital signature with which you can already start working.

Recall that the certificate is issued once, so it will not be possible to copy or upload the EDS “again again later” - there is only one electronic digital signature, issued for a certain period, and it can only be replaced with a new one.

Hello dear colleague! In this article, we will talk in detail about how to obtain an electronic signature and what is required of you for this. This is most likely not an article, but a step-by-step algorithm in which I tried to answer all the most important questions on this topic. Now I will not tell you about what a digital signature is and why it is needed. I talked about this in sufficient detail in my . You can go and read it, and then return to the study of this article. So, let's get started...

Algorithm for obtaining an electronic signature

I decided to start my article with a description of the sequence of steps that you need to complete in order to obtain an EDS.

  1. Choose which electronic signature (ES) you need.
  2. Select a Certification Authority (CA).
  3. Fill out and send the application to the UC.
  4. Get an invoice and pay it.
  5. Submit all necessary documents (scans) to the CA.
  6. Arrive at the CA with the original documents to receive the ES.

Let's now take a closer look at each step.

Step 1. Selecting an ES

At this stage, you must determine for what purposes and tasks you need an ES. This may be the key to work with EPGU (Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services); key for reporting to Rosalkogolregulirovanie, Rosfinmonitoring, Pension Fund, tax authorities, etc.; or a key to work on electronic platforms and participate in electronic auctions.

Step 2. Selecting a Certification Authority

The current list of Certification Authorities for obtaining an EDS is always available on the official website of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation - .

To do this, you need to go to this site, and on the main page in the "Important" column, find the "Accreditation of certification centers" section.

This format is opened using Microsoft excel or another spreadsheet editor. As of May 26, 2015, 361 CAs were included in this list.

One of these CAs is the Certification Center of Internet Technologies and Communications LLC.

This is the certifying authority that I know personally and whose quality of services I can vouch for. A good team, excellent and high-quality service, the use of modern technologies, as well as the speed of service and reasonable prices.

Step 3. Filling out the application

After you have chosen a suitable CA, you must fill out and send an application for issuing an electronic signature. This can be done remotely - on the center's website, or directly at the office.

In this form, you need to specify your name, e-mail address (e-mail), contact phone number and comment: "I need an electronic signature", as well as enter the "captcha" - an alphabetic code located to the left of the input field. After that, click on the "Submit Application for EDS" button.

Within one hour from the moment of submitting the application, the manager of the center will contact you to clarify the details, and will advise you on all available questions.

Step 4. Paying the bill

I think this step will not cause you any difficulties. Pay the bill and send the supporting document to the CA.

Step 5. Submission of documents to the CA

When submitting an application for the production of an ES key certificate to a certification center, the applicant must provide the necessary package of documents.

Documents for obtaining an EDS

List of documents for individuals:

- an application for the issuance of an ES;

— insurance certificate of state pension insurance (SNILS).

List of documents for legal entities:

- an application for the issuance of an ES;

— certificate of state registration of a legal entity (OGRN);

- certificate of registration with the tax authority (TIN);

- extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, for a period of not more than six months from the date of its receipt (original or notarized copy);

Note: Requirements for the expiration date of an extract may differ for different CAs.

- passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation of the future owner of the electronic signature (copies of the page with a photo and a page with a registration);

- insurance certificate of state pension insurance (SNILS) of the owner of the electronic signature;

If the ES is made in the name of the head of the organization, then it is also necessary to provide a document on the appointment of the head with his signature and seal of the organization;

If the owner of the ES is not the first person, but an employee of the organization (its authorized representative), then it is necessary to provide as part of the documents a power of attorney to transfer powers to such an employee with the signature of the head and the seal of the organization;

If the documents are submitted or received by an electronic signature not by the owner of the electronic signature, but by an authorized representative of a legal entity, then it is necessary to provide a power of attorney to transfer functions to him with the signature of the head and the seal of the organization, as well as an identity card (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation) of such a representative.

List of documents for individual entrepreneurs (IP):

- an application for the issuance of an ES;

- certificate of state registration of IP;

- certificate of registration with the tax authority (TIN);

– extract from the USRIP, for a period of not more than six months from the date of its receipt (original or notarized copy);

Note: Requirements for the expiration date of an extract may differ for different CAs.

- passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (copies of the page with a photo and a page with a residence permit);

— insurance certificate of state pension insurance (SNILS);

If the documents are submitted or received by an electronic signature not by the owner of the ES, but by his authorized representative, then it is necessary to provide a power of attorney certified by a notary for this representative.

If the owner of the ES transfers all the functions of obtaining it to his authorized representative, then the list of required documentation also includes an identity card (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation) of this authorized representative.

Step 6. Obtaining an ES

You can get an electronic signature at any CA issuing point convenient for you, providing the originals of all necessary documents. The originals will only be needed to verify the information and will then be returned to you.

So we have considered the whole procedure for obtaining an EDS, as you can see, there is nothing complicated about it.

How much does an electronic signature cost?

It is rather difficult to answer this question precisely, since the cost of an EP depends on the following parameters:

- type and scope of EP;

— CA pricing policy;

- the region of issue of the EP.

It is also worth clearly understanding what this cost consists of:

— execution and issue of the ES key certificate;

— granting rights to work with specialized software;

– issuance of software tools necessary for working with ES;

— transfer of the security key of the electronic signature carrier;

- technical support.

The range of prices for issuing an electronic signature for participation in electronic auctions ranges from 5 to 7 thousand rubles.

Time limit for making an electronic signature

The production time of the EP is completely up to you, i.e. on how quickly the necessary package of documents is prepared and submitted to the CA and payment for this service is made. Someone can get an EDS in 1 hour, and for someone it can take from several days to one week. But the average time for issuing an EDS for most CAs is 2-3 business days. The term for making an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or EGRIP in the Federal Tax Service is 5 working days. Therefore, take care of receiving it in advance.

EDS validity period

Keep in mind that the EDS is valid for exactly 1 year. Those. EDS must be reissued every year. You can renew the EDS at the same CA where you received it, or apply for issuance at another CA.

What does an electronic signature look like?

Most of us are used to the fact that an electronic signature looks like a regular flash drive. This is the so-called key carrier (ruToken or eToken). Inside, this flash drive consists of a crypto program (CryptoPro CSP), a private key and a public key. You can read about this in more detail.

Electronic signature verification

Verifying the authenticity of an electronic signature is quite simple. To do this, you need to follow a simple sequence of actions, which is described in this video tutorial:

EDS pin code

Key carriers or USB keys (eToken, ruToken, ruToken EDS) are issued with standard passwords (pin codes) already installed:

- for eToken this password is 1234567890;

- for ruToken and ruToken EDS these are: user - 12345678; administrator - 87654321.

After receiving this key carrier and installing the drivers on your computer, you can change these pin codes.

This concludes my article. I hope I was able to answer all your questions. If not, then ask them below in the comments. Like and share information with your friends and colleagues.

P. S.: If you need an electronic signature at a great price from a trusted Certification Authority, then leave your request.

The public services portal provides users with ample opportunities for remote interaction with various structures. This is obtaining a permit for the transportation of heavy cargo, licensing pharmaceutical activities, interaction with Rospotrebnadzor and much more. But for this it is necessary to obtain an electronic signature for public services to a legal entity. You can order the issue of an EDS at the accredited Certification Center of the Kaluga Astral CA by leaving a request on the website or simply by calling.

Products by direction:

How to get an electronic signature for public services for a legal entity

To work with the portal, a simple and qualified electronic digital signature (EDS, ES, CPU) is used. A simple one is a one-time code that is generated to perform a certain action: registration, login to the site, confirmation of sending a message. The easiest way to understand what a simple signature is, if you remember online payment with a bank card, when you need to enter a code sent by SMS to your mobile phone to confirm the transaction.

Qualified is an equivalent analogue of the handwritten signature of the head and the seal of the organization. EDS-certified documents can be sent via the Internet to any authority. It confirms the identity of the sender and guarantees the invariance of the data after signing. A qualified electronic signature of public services for legal entities can be issued in a certification center (CA) accredited by the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation.

The method of obtaining EP directly depends on its type. A simple one is created at the stage of user registration on the portal. It requires entering certain data into the database remotely, it is formed within a few seconds. Assigned to all users of the public services website immediately after registration. Such an account has a restriction on the use of services. The truncated functionality of the portal can be extended by issuing a qualified electronic signature.

You can buy an EDS for public services for legal entities in our control center by providing the following package of documents for registration:

application for a signature

manager appointment document

OGRN and TIN of the organization

founding documents

passport, SNILS and TIN of the head

You can send the application and documents by e-mail. To obtain an EDS, you will have to appear in person at the office of the CA. After confirming the identity of the owner and checking the original documents, a certificate, physical media (usually a USB flash drive) and software for installation on a computer will be issued. On average, an electronic signature is produced 1-3 days after the customer pays the invoice.

If the head cannot personally come to the center, a third party can receive the ES. In this case, the following documents must be attached to the main package:

passport, TIN and SNILS of a trustee

power of attorney for the right to obtain an EDS, certified by the seal and signature of the head

In some situations, other documents may be required. An employee of the center will inform about this in advance. When issuing an EDS for a public service legal entity, the owner also chooses the tariff at which the EDS is created. The minimum tariff plan is suitable for working with the portal. Depending on the type of tariff, the subscriber (CA client) can receive technical support (personal and remote), setting up a workplace, installing and updating software, finding and fixing problems, and a reminder of the need to renew the certificate. Its validity period is limited to 12-15 months, then it must be renewed.

Remember! In accordance with Law No. 63-FZ, the digital signature is assigned to the head by default. Transferred to other employees of the organization by internal order. The number of EDS issued for one legal entity is unlimited.

In the modern world of computer and innovative technologies, electronic digital signature has taken an important place in the process of electronic document management. There are several ways to get an EDS for free.

Ways to get an EDS for free:

1. Do it yourself.

We all use mail programs such as Outlook Express, Microsoft Outlook, Lotus Notes, which have a built-in ability to supply the sent message with an electronic signature. To do this, you must first install a special certificate on your computer and send it (or better, transfer it in person) to the person with whom you are going to complete the workflow. If both parties have such a certificate, there can be no doubt about the authenticity of the signed documents.

To create a "self-signed" certificate, you will need the CryptoArm program. With its help, you can generate a certified key online, then download the finished digital signature to your computer; or install the program and work with it permanently. A self-created electronic signature based on such a certificate will not be associated with the Certification Authority, which is usually responsible for issuing them. It can be fully used throughout the year, and then "reissued". It is worth paying attention to the fact that an electronic digital signature created by oneself is only suitable for documentary circulation between a limited circle of persons. It cannot be used to interact with government agencies and work on trading floors.

2. Obtain a certified key from the Federal Treasury.

If you follow chapter 3.1. 1 of the Federal Law of July 21, 2005 No. 94-FZ “On placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state and municipal needs”, then in order to be able to conduct open-form auctions in electronic mode, the presence of an electronic digital signature should be mandatory. According to him, the federal treasury since October 15, 2009 is authorized to issue signatures only for civil servants. Such an electronic signature is issued free of charge along with a public key and a certificate to it, which is produced by the Certification Center by order of the Treasury. They are used to perform various types of transactions on trading floors in electronic mode in accordance with the 44th federal law. The Federal Treasury also establishes general rules for issuing appropriate certificates for customers. It properly guarantees the security of this process. A certificate is issued only at the place of residence of a civil servant, and he can receive it personally by appearing at a center controlled by the treasury, with documents that confirm his identity. In addition, the process of connecting to the system of electronic circulation of documents is also carried out at the expense of the federal treasury and implies several successive stages:

  • Formation of a request (it is necessary to fill in the data about the customer - full name, name of the organizational unit, name of the organization itself (full), city, region, country, e-mail address, purpose of the certificate (what it will be used for)).
  • Issuance of a certificate.
  • In case of non-compliance with the rules of the Treasury, the validity of the certificate may be suspended for a while or revoked.

3. With the help of a Certification Authority

If the first two methods do not suit you, then contact specialized, accredited institutions - Certification Centers.

These organizations, accredited by the authorized federal body of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia, are authorized to issue certificates to individuals and legal entities. The centers confirm that the certificate belongs to the person whose personal data is indicated in it. Thus, certification centers can be called a certain kind of "electronic notaries". Their services are paid, so your task will be to find a Certification Authority, the prices of which will be optimal for you. By contacting the accredited Verikey Certification Center, you can get any electronic digital signature at a bargain price and in the shortest possible time. Our qualified staff will advise you on all your questions free of charge.