Corvalol for the treatment of herpes: drops or tablets? Corvalol for herpes on the lips Herpes on the lips quick treatment with Corvalol.

Herpes is a viral disease, despite its harmlessness at first glance, it is extremely contagious. More than 90% of the population of the entire planet are carriers of the virus, but only a small part knows about it.

Unfortunately, the causative agent of the disease, having entered the body once, will never leave it again. The virus can remain latent for many years. There are many treatment methods; recently Corvalol has been used for herpes.

The main cause of the disease is sexual intercourse with a carrier of the infection. However, the virus does not make itself felt immediately after infection. After entering the body, the infection moves to the nervous system and settles there, constantly waiting for the appearance of provoking factors for an attack.

Thus, we can conclude that the cause of the development of herpes is not sexual intercourse itself, but factors that contribute to the activation of the infection.

These include:

  1. Weakening of the immune system. Genital herpes or herpes on the lips often occurs because the immune system weakens and the body loses its ability to resist infection. Just like simple HSV 1, this one can develop with colds. Clinical symptoms can only be seen after the infection has spread from the ganglia of the nervous system to the skin.
  2. Stressful situations. The opinion that herpes develops from nerves is actually not wrong. Stress really causes weakening of the immune system, and there is an impetus for the development of infection
  3. Pregnancy. Hormonal changes occurring in a woman’s body cause herpes to become more active. In this case, the immune system directs all its forces to protect the fetus. Herpes makes itself felt either in the early stages of pregnancy and causes miscarriage, or in the last trimester and the baby becomes infected.
  4. Development of infectious diseases. With HIV, almost all patients begin to develop herpes. If in a normal state self-healing can occur, then in the case of HIV this is simply impossible.

Depending on the severity of the clinical picture, numerous complications may appear, among which are:

  1. Development of infertility. In men, herpes develops for the same reasons as in women, but the clinical picture is different. The virus, after penetration into the urethra, leads to the development of inflammation. An adenoma may develop, as well as other diseases that affect the functioning of the reproductive organs.
  2. Effect on the nervous system. The virus can cause the development of such a terrible disease as encephalitis, the outcome in this case is almost always unfavorable, that is, fatal. The body temperature rises, consciousness becomes confused, and the head constantly hurts.

All these complications can be avoided; to do this, you need to start treatment in a timely manner and follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

Features of the disease

There are many opinions regarding how exactly to treat herpes. In most cases, therapy is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease.

It is impossible to recover completely, relapses may occur periodically, and the disease will take a more stable form. The difficulty is that the virus, after entering the body, may not make itself felt for a long time.

There are several known types of herpes: HSV 1, HSV 2. The second type leads to the development of diseases on the genital organs.

Initially, the virus is located in the interweaving of nerve fibers, but when favorable factors appear, it begins to move to the surface of the skin. At this stage, the virus begins to rapidly divide and multiply. For a sexual partner, the patient is especially dangerous at this moment.

Clinical symptoms may be as follows:

  1. The formation of bubbles is the main symptom that the disease is beginning to develop. Having reached a certain size, the bubbles burst, thereby causing the infection to penetrate the urethra.
  2. Herpes in the anal area is a sign that the disease is rapidly spreading further. In this case, the clinical picture may be supplemented by emerging ulcers that do not heal for a long time.
  3. Redness and burning initially appear on the lips. This is the first harbinger that bubbles will soon form; it is recommended to start treatment at this stage.

An advanced disease is especially dangerous for the fetus and can cause infection.

Interesting! Before planning a pregnancy, it is recommended that both women and men undergo a thorough examination.

Corvalol for herpes: composition and therapeutic effects

The drug is available in several forms: tablets and drops. However, Corvalol against herpes is used in the form of drops.

The composition contains the following components:

  • distilled water;
  • peppermint oil;
  • phenobarbital;
  • stabilizer;
  • diethyl ether.

The drug is used for the treatment of herpes on the lips for a reason. After application to problem areas, the medicine has several effects at once: healing, antiseptic.

Almost every first aid kit at home contains the drug, this allows you to immediately begin treatment after the first symptoms appear. As a result, the appearance of rashes can be prevented, and the healing process will be accelerated. Cauterization thus relieves itching, dries out rashes, and disinfects.

The video in this article explains in more detail what the drug is.

Indications for use

Curing herpes is not the main purpose of the drug. The instructions also contain other information about when else the medicine can be used.

Refers to the following situations:

  • rapid heartbeat, that is, tachycardia;
  • insomnia;
  • excessive irritability;
  • hypertension, as well as VSD;
  • stress and depression.

In case of intestinal spasms due to neurovegetative disorders, Corvalol can also be used.

Beneficial features

Despite the fact that Corvalol for herpes does not completely destroy the virus, it copes with the symptoms of its manifestation perfectly: it relieves inflammation, itching, burning, and redness.

In addition to all this, Corvalol prevents the disease from spreading to other parts of the body, the inflammatory process is relieved, and recovery occurs much faster. If you start cauterizing the rash immediately after the first symptoms appear, you can avoid the appearance of herpetic blisters.

The main advantage of using Corvalol in the treatment of this disease is hypoallergenicity, as well as the ability to combine with other medications. It should be noted the low cost of the drug.

Mode of application

The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease. Therapy should last exactly until there is not a single trace of the rash left.

In order to get rid of the disease, apply the drug as follows:

  • soak a cotton pad in the medicine;
  • wash your lips with water, pat dry with a towel, but do not rub;
  • Apply a moistened cotton pad to the problem area and leave for five minutes;
  • repeat the manipulations up to five times a day.

The drug "Corvalol" against herpes is used to eliminate associated symptoms. It is worth understanding that this medication does not affect the pathogen, which means that it cannot be used independently for the treatment of herpetic disease. If we limit ourselves only to the use of Corvalol, then a relapse of the disease will not take long to occur, which is why it is often prescribed in combination with medications, the main purpose of which is to treat herpes.

Composition and therapeutic effect

Corvalol is available in the form of drops and tablets. However, medication in the form of drops, which contains the following components, helps against “colds” in the lips:

  • diethyl ether;
  • peppermint oil;
  • phenobarbital;
  • stabilizer;
  • distilled water.

The drug accelerates the healing process of ulcers.

Corvalol has found wide use for herpes on the lips for a reason. When applied to the skin, the medicinal substances of the pharmaceutical product in question have an antiseptic and healing effect. Since it is found in almost every first aid kit, this allows you to start treating herpes with Corvalol at home at the first manifestations of the disease. As a result, it will be possible to prevent rashes and speed up the healing process. Cauterization with Corvalol will relieve severe itching and dry out watery blisters.


Cure of herpetic disease is not the main purpose of the pharmaceutical product Corvalol. The annotation indicates the following pathologies when it is most appropriate to use the described medication. These include:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • increased irritability;
  • neuroses;
  • intestinal spasms caused by neurovegetative disorders;
  • hypertension and VSD as part of complex therapy;
  • tachycardia.

How is it useful?

The drug is hypoallergenic.

Despite the fact that the pharmaceutical drug is not able to kill the herpes virus, it copes well with itchy blisters, burning and other discomfort that usually accompanies herpes disease. In addition, Corvalol prevents the spread of the virus to other parts of the body, relieves the inflammatory process and speeds up recovery. And if you start cauterizing herpes on your lips when the first signs of the disease appear, you can avoid herpetic blisters. A significant advantage of using Corvalol in the fight against herpes is its hypoallergenicity and the possibility of combination with other antiherpetic drugs. It is worth noting the low cost of this medicine, which differs significantly from antiviral drugs used in the treatment of herpes.

How to treat herpes with Corvalol?

The duration of treatment with a pharmaceutical drug depends on the severity of the disease, but it should last until there is no trace of herpes left. To get rid of herpesvirus infection on the lips, you need to use Corvalol as follows:

  1. Moisten a cotton pad with the medicine.
  2. Rinse lips with water and pat dry.
  3. Apply the compress to the rash and leave for 5 minutes.
  4. Repeat the procedure 5-6 times a day.

You should pay attention to the fact that the medicine in question can cause a burn on the skin, therefore it is strictly contraindicated to keep the compress for longer than the specified time.

Is it possible to use Corvalol for herpes? At first glance, this question may seem strange, because this medicine is known to everyone as a remedy for nervous disorders and heart problems. However, the Internet is replete with positive reviews about the use of this drug as a means of combating the external manifestations of the herpes virus.

Corvalol - composition and action

The composition of Corvalol is very simple. It contains:

  • ethanol;
  • phenobarbital;
  • peppermint;
  • ethyl bromoisovalerate.

None of the components are used to combat viral, bacterial and fungal infections. The exception is, perhaps, alcohol - it is a good disinfectant.

The main active component of Corvalol is ethyl bromizovalerianate. This substance relieves smooth muscle spasms, characteristic of most internal organs, creating a relaxing and calming effect.

Phenobarbital is classified as a hypnotic component that acts on certain parts of the brain, relieving excitement in the nerve centers. Due to this targeted effect, phenobarbital cannot be considered a sedative. This is really a substance that only helps you fall asleep.

To the greatest extent, after alcohol, treatment of herpes with Corvalol can be carried out using peppermint oil. It has both an irritating and cooling effect. If taken orally, it irritates the nerve endings in the mouth, causing a cold sensation. At the same time, peppermint helps relieve spasms, dilate blood vessels in the brain and coronary vessels that nourish the heart. This oil is an excellent antiseptic, which, in combination with alcohol, increases Corvalol’s ability to fight bacterial and fungal infections, which always appear on areas of the skin weakened by the action of the virus.

So the rumors that the “heart” drug Corvalol helps fight herpes are not without foundation.

The effect of Corvalol on the manifestations of herpes

Corvalol is most often used against herpes on the lips. To do this, a piece of cotton wool or gauze needs to be soaked in the medicine. The cotton wool is applied directly to the swollen blister. The purpose of this application is to cauterize the affected area. To do this, it is enough to hold the cotton wool with Corvalol on the wound for no more than 5 minutes. This brevity of the effect is compensated by the frequency of the procedure, because you need to cauterize as often as possible, at least 6-7 times a day.

Corvalol is used as an adjuvant in the complex therapy of herpes. It is designed to accelerate the rupture of the blister and the regeneration of skin tissue. It is usually used in the following cases:

However, it is not entirely correct to explain the effect of Corvalol on herpes only by the drying effect. Peppermint oil plays a big role here. Its local effect is to soften tissues tightened by viral transformation, relieve spastic phenomena in the skin, and ensure a rush of blood to the affected areas.

Precautions and contraindications

Despite the fact that Corvalol is sold in pharmacies without prescriptions, this drug is not entirely harmless. With frequent use, bromine accumulates in the human body in very high concentrations. This has a destructive effect on the brain and liver, creates a feeling of intoxication, inhibits behavioral response, causes dizziness, weakness and anxiety.

In small doses or with short-term use, bromine has time to be eliminated from the body without causing any harm to it. So, if you do not abuse this product orally, you can use it for skin treatment without fear for your health.

When treating herpes with Corvalol, the following troubles are possible:

  • the appearance of a burn or dry crusts on the skin when holding a cotton swab with Corvalol for a long time;
  • manifestation of an allergy to the components of the drug - the likelihood of an allergic reaction to mint oil is especially high;
  • a feeling of sedative and hypnotic effects when inhaling Corvalol vapor from a cotton wool located on the upper lip.

All these consequences appear infrequently, but it is still necessary to prepare for their occurrence. Skin treatment should be carried out taking into account individual sensitivity. You should not treat your upper lip during periods when you need to drive a car or do other work that requires concentration.

The course of treatment for herpes is designed to perform three main functions:

  • Localize foci of inflammation (on the lips, genitals, etc.).
  • Prevent the virus from spreading to other parts of the body.
  • Get rid of the symptoms of the disease as soon as possible.

Simply put, the main goal of treating herpes is to “put to sleep” the virus as deeply as possible, so that it subsequently does not manifest itself for as long as possible. For these purposes, a wide variety of medicines are used, made both on a chemical basis and from medicinal plants. Such drugs include:

  • Tablets to fight the virus.
  • Drops used internally.
  • Ointments for treating affected areas.

The cost of such drugs does not always correspond to their effectiveness and speed of action, which is why many people prefer folk remedies for the treatment of herpes. One of these recipes recommends cauterizing the first manifestations of herpes on the lips in the form of itching, pain or twitching with a tampon soaked in Corvalol. If ulcers and blisters form on the lips, it is also recommended to lubricate and cauterize them with the same preparation, including Corvalol. The procedure is repeated every two to three hours until the ulcers on the lips completely disappear.

If you start using Corvalol in a timely manner, even before foci of inflammation appear, you can stop the development of the virus, which as a result will take a latent form. If you burn the resulting blisters with Corvalol, you can eliminate them much faster than using most popular ointments:

  • the ointment heals rashes on the lips in about a week;
  • Corvalol - three to four days.

Corvalol for herpes

Treatment of herpes with Corvalol is an auxiliary therapy technique that allows you to speed up the healing of the skin and prevent further spread of the virus.

Does Corvalol help with herpes? How to use this composition to combat herpetic rashes?

What is the herpes virus on the lips?

Herpetic rashes on the lips are a fairly common disease that is easily transmitted by kissing, sharing utensils and hygiene products.

Note that the virus is contagious even if a person has no visible symptoms, which is several days before the blisters form.

In some cases, the disease occurs completely without symptoms; a person may not know about his illness and still infect others.

Treatment of herpes on the lips involves taking antiviral drugs, but to achieve maximum effect, local treatment with ointments and other agents that eliminate itching is also necessary.

Herpes and Corvalol

The effect of Corvalol and its composition

This medicine contains the main active ingredient - phenobarbital, as well as auxiliary components (mint, ethyl alcohol).

The main effect of the product is calming and vasodilating.

However, when applied topically, the solution has an antiseptic and healing effect, so it can be used against the herpes virus on the lips.

When can you use Corvalol for rashes?

Please note that this drug does not in any way affect the causative agent of the virus. That is why you should not use it as the only treatment.

However, in some cases it will still help:

  1. If you are afraid that an unpleasant bubble is about to appear on your lips, Corvalol can prevent its formation. It is enough to apply a cotton wool moistened with this solution to the itchy area and hold for about 20 minutes. In this case, an alcohol solution can replace traditional Acyclovir.
  2. If you already have herpetic blisters on your lips, but there are no antiviral drugs nearby, you can also use Corvalol, which is available in any first aid kit. It will dry out the rash and reduce unpleasant itching.
  3. Another method of treatment is auxiliary. These soothing drops can be used in combination with acyclovir and other ointments and medications against the herpes virus.

How to use Corvalol correctly?

Do not apply this product directly to the skin, otherwise you may touch healthy areas of the skin and get burned.

Simply apply a small amount of solution to a cotton swab and apply to the affected area.

The duration of action of Corvalol is five minutes, and this procedure can be repeated several times a day.

You should not attach cotton wool to your lips and walk like this all day. In this case, you will also get a burn or simply dry out your skin.

Taking these drops orally against herpes is also useless, because they have no effect on the causative agent of the virus.

Are there any contraindications?

If you have an individual intolerance to one or another component of the drug, it is better not to use it, otherwise an allergic reaction is possible.

In addition, this drug should not be abused during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

There are currently no reviews about the topical use of the medication during pregnancy and lactation, so it is better to use other means to dry out rashes during this period.

Thus, ordinary Corvalol in the form of an alcohol solution may be an effective remedy for getting rid of the herpes virus on the lips, since it can be used for topical use as an auxiliary treatment method.

With it, in just a few days you can get rid of unpleasant blisters, itching and crusts and get your appearance in order.

That is why, if you are prone to constant rashes on your lips, a bottle of this soothing medication should definitely be in your medicine cabinet.

Advantages and disadvantages of Corvalol for herpes

If we consider this drug as a remedy against herpes, then you should pay attention to its positive and negative characteristics. The advantages include the following positive qualities:

  1. Hypoallergenic product. When using it, you do not need to worry about what may cause allergic reactions.
  2. The product can be used to treat a rash that occurs in the oral cavity.
  3. "Corvalol" is produced both in drops and in tablets, so everyone can choose what suits them best during treatment.
  4. The product can be used in combination with other treatment methods.
  5. When fighting herpes, the medicine helps with cauterization.

The negative side is that it is not always possible to use Corvalol; for example, if herpes causes a rash on the eyes, then it is not recommended to use it to avoid burns.

Treatment of herpes zoster. Memo

How to use correctly

  1. If swelling and slight itching appear, apply a cotton swab moistened with the product to the inflamed area for 3 minutes. This way you can prevent the appearance of bubbles, the disease will go into a latent form.
  2. If the appearance of a rash cannot be avoided, it is necessary to lubricate it every 2-3 hours (up to 5 times a day). The disease will subside in 1-2 days. To carry out the procedure, it is convenient to use cotton swabs or disks, depending on the area of ​​damage.
  3. Corvalol can be alternated with antiviral ointments, for example, Acyclovir, Cycloferon, and combined with general therapy (analgesics, vitamins B1, B12, etc.).


You cannot drip the medicine directly onto the skin; you must soak the medical material with it. The effect of the drug on the lesion should last no more than 10 minutes, otherwise you can severely dry out the skin or burn it. Each time after treatment, the area should be lubricated with a rich nourishing cream or sea buckthorn oil.

For treatment, you can use Corvalol in the form of tablets or drops. The drying and disinfecting effect of drops is most pronounced when the bubbles burst and infectious liquid flows out of them. The product will help prevent it from getting on open wounds on the body.

The tablets are ground, then mixed with water and a thin layer of the paste is applied to the rash 2 times a day. For herpes in the oral cavity, the whole tablet must be placed in the mouth and held until completely dissolved. The procedure is carried out on an empty stomach. You should not drink 30 minutes before or after it.

When the wound becomes covered with a crust, it must be cauterized carefully so as not to damage it. It is important not to spread the infection to other areas of the face, especially to the eyes, since herpetic infections of the organs of vision are difficult to treat. The crust cannot be removed - when complete healing occurs, it will separate on its own.

You should consult a doctor in the following cases:

  • if herpes does not go away for more than 2 weeks;
  • if pus appears in the wounds;
  • if the rash is close to the eyes.

Rules for applying Corvalol

Herpes virus infection on the skin manifests itself as tissue swelling and burning.

When using the drug, you must follow simple rules:

  1. It should not be applied directly to the skin. You need to wet the cotton pad.
  2. You only need to apply cotton wool to the area where the rash appears, up to 5 times during the day.
  3. It is useless to take drops orally. It will not affect the herpes pathogen in the blood.
  4. The medication can be used to cauterize rashes inside the mouth.

If the medicine cabinet only contains medicine in tablet form, then that can also be used. You need to mix the pre-crushed tablet with water. Apply a thin layer of the paste onto herpetic rashes. Repeat the procedure until the rash completely disappears 2 times a day.

Pros and cons of the drug

To summarize, I would like to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of this medicine.


  • low price;
  • almost always available in home medicine cabinets;
  • sometimes stops the appearance of the rash;
  • safe;
  • has an antiseptic and calming effect.

When can Corvalol help?

The rashes are a source of infection, and the liquid contained in the blisters is the group I virus. The course and complexity of the disease depends on the state of the person’s immune system. If left untreated, it is difficult for the body to cope with the infection on its own. This process can take weeks or even months.

Corvalol for herpes on the lips quickly and effectively eliminates the symptoms of the disease, preventing the transmission of the virus to others. The medicine brings relief in such cases.

  • At the initial stage of the spread of the disease. During this period, there are still no characteristic rashes, but burning and itching occur. Timely implementation of preventive measures will reduce viral activity.
  • In acute herpes, when watery blisters appear, tissue swelling, redness, severe itching, and then ulcers. When the necessary antiviral drugs are not at hand, you can save yourself from the spread of the virus with Corvalol.
  • In complex combination with other drugs. In this case, heart drops will help speed up recovery.

Its effectiveness in the treatment of viral diseases

You must understand that this remedy is not an antiviral drug in its essence, therefore it does not have any effect on the herpes pathogen. The positive effect in the treatment of this disease is to promote the healing of blisters and ulcers at the site of the rash. Mint extract, which is part of Corvalol, helps relieve itching and swelling on the lips, and ethyl alcohol, which is a disinfectant, localizes the inflammatory process.

It is important to use the product at the very initial stage of relapse of herpes, which will allow you to achieve the maximum effect from its use and prevent the formation of ulcers and blisters. With all this, this drug cannot be an alternative to special antiviral agents. It is permissible to use it only in cases where obtaining specific treatment is not possible, or as an additional method of therapy, along with, say, Acyclovir, since its active ingredients practically do not produce negative effects during drug interactions with other drugs.

Corvalol is available in two forms - tablets and drops. To treat herpes, drops are used, which, in this case, are applied externally. Tablets are less convenient, but if the medicine is not available in liquid form, they should be ground to a powder, mixed with a small amount of water and used in the same way as drops.

Typically, a relapse of herpes from the very beginning manifests itself in the form of slight swelling, itching and swelling of the lips. During this period, the affected areas should be lubricated with a cotton swab soaked in the composition. This measure will help avoid the appearance of well-known blisters. If bubbles do appear on the lips, then they are cauterized in the same way. Along with the use of antiviral ointments, Corvalol helps to disinfect wounds, and also, thanks to its drying effect, promotes a speedy recovery. This procedure should be repeated every 3-4 hours until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear.

It is known that before applying any ointment used to treat herpes, the affected area must be disinfected, crusts removed, and hygienic treatment carried out. Corvalol is excellent for this purpose - in combination with the same Acyclovir, this method of treating the disease will bring a quick effect.

The undeniable advantage of this remedy in the treatment of herpes is that it can also be used for rinsing, since the disease affects not only visible areas on the lips, but also the oral mucosa. The use of ointments does not solve this problem.

The following conditions and diseases are contraindications to the external use of Corvalol:

  1. Individual intolerance to any component of the drug.
  2. Lactation period.
  3. Childhood.

When Corvalol is used externally, a side effect may occur in the form of dryness and irritation of the skin and mucous membranes. This is due to the presence of ethyl alcohol in the drug. Allergic reactions are possible, especially to phenobarbital, which is part of the drug.

Doctors do not usually prescribe this medicine to treat herpes. This is understandable, since the instructions for medical use do not say anything about the possibility of external use of the drug. However, the positive effect that occurs when using Corvalol to treat herpes is not denied by the medical community. Therefore, treatment of an illness with this remedy should be considered as an element of folk, alternative medicine. At the same time, there is no documented evidence that this drug, when used externally to treat skin rashes, caused any harm.

So, the main advantages of the drug are:

  1. Availability - it is sold in any pharmacy without a prescription and is almost always available in your home medicine cabinet.
  2. Low price.
  3. Safe when used correctly.
  4. Possibility of combination with other drugs.
  5. Antiseptic and soothing effect on affected areas.

Corvalol for herpes on the lips. A simple and effective home remedy. How to use?

Herpes on the lips is a real problem for our appearance and, of course, our overall health during the cold season. It can manifest itself in warmer seasons, but it is usually especially activated in cold weather. It can be treated with the help of various medications, but often folk remedies help to cope with it (sometimes, even very quickly). Several options for such funds are given at this address. As an addition to this treatment set, Corvalol should also be mentioned. Surely, many people have this drug in their refrigerator. It is not intended specifically for the treatment of herpes, its therapeutic functions are somewhat different, but it can also cope with this unpleasant rash quite quickly.

Treatment of herpes with Corvalol

It is not at all difficult to cauterize herpes with this medicine. Is it possible to do this? Yes, you can. If used correctly, you will not cause any harm to the skin of your lips. But, of course, there is no need to overexpose Corvalol on your lips. It is best to smear the site of herpes immediately after the first signs of it begin to appear. Usually, this is a slight burning sensation in a certain area on the lips. If you start to feel such a burning sensation, then take a cotton pad (you can simply tear off a small piece of cotton wool) and open the bottle with this medicine.

How to use and how long should you keep Corvalol?

After moistening the cotton pad with Corvalol, press the wet part well to the site where herpes is expected to appear. In this place, you need to hold the disk for about 5 minutes. What is so good about this drug, and how does it affect the virus? Its alcohol base, during this time, will be able to thoroughly disinfect the area on the lips, and the herbal composition will also help soothe general irritation in this area.

As a rule, 15 minutes pass and the burning sensation caused by the virus disappears. If it does not disappear, then you can, a little later, cauterize this area again. Such lotions should be carried out early, that is, when the virus is just about to appear on the lips.

If you were unable to immediately cauterize the incipient herpes, you can treat it in the same way later. Of course, in the first case, the result will be better, that is, herpes will not come out on the lips. But, if it has already appeared, then the use of Corvalol will help this area of ​​the skin recover faster, that is, the wound from herpes will heal in a much shorter period of time.

Do not forget about Corvalol if you experience a burning sensation on your lips, and herpes on them will never fully manifest itself. And a few more simple, home options for treating herpes will be offered to you in this video. Let's see.

Is it possible to cauterize if you have genital herpes?

The use of Corvalol for genital herpes is effective only in the early stages of the disease; in advanced forms, cauterization may not give any result. Treatment of genital herpes at home must be agreed with a doctor. In addition, for this type of disease it is better to use not only external remedies, but also special tablets.

In what cases to use the product

  • rashes inside the mouth;
  • herpes on the lips;
  • for herpes zoster (apply lotions to rashes in the chest, neck, face and along the sensory nerves of the limbs).

Like other alcohol-based products, the medication should be used with caution to eliminate manifestations of genital herpes, because it can burn the mucous membrane. In this case, you cannot use a tampon; it is better to do point cauterization with a cotton swab. With an advanced disease, it may be ineffective.

Corvalol should not be used against herpes of the eyeball, as this can cause a burn to the cornea and loss of vision.


Features of treatment

In pharmacies, the medicine can be purchased in two forms: in the form of drops or tablets. The latter can improve the general condition of a person; solutions are used for local treatment.

Corvalol for herpes on the lips

The product showed good effectiveness in eliminating signs of infection on the lips. It is recommended to use it immediately after itching in the lips or the appearance of the first blisters. To avoid the development of rashes, you need to moisten a cotton pad with Corvalol and apply it to the sore spot. The lotion is held for 15 minutes.

Corvalol is recommended to be used immediately after itching in the lips or the appearance of the first blisters.

The use of the solution should not be too frequent - it is enough to cauterize 4-5 times a day.

If the medicine in the form of drops is not available in your home medicine cabinet, you can also use tablets. To do this, the product is crushed into powder and diluted with water to a pasty state. Then apply the substance to a cotton pad and apply it to the affected areas of the skin and mucous membranes. In addition, you can apply a thin layer of medicine to the sore area using a cotton swab. The procedure is repeated until the symptoms of herpes completely disappear, 2 times a day - morning and evening.

If the disease has already entered the third stage, characterized by the transformation of blisters into ulcers, it is necessary to use complex drug therapy.

Corvalol for herpes on other parts of the body

The medication can be used to treat rashes in the oral cavity. To do this, the sore spots are cauterized with the solution several times a day. But the drug has the greatest effect when treating the skin of the body in open areas: lips, back, limbs, stomach, etc. The use of drops or a tablet-based solution helps eliminate rashes within 3-4 days.

latest generation herpes tablets
herpes type 6 in children
Read about the treatment of herpes on the lips here.

Method of treating herpes with Corvalol

Treatment of herpes with Corvalol allows you to quickly cope with the disease. The drug is effective compared to other traditional methods of treatment. His action is aimed at a positive result.

  • Localizes the source of inflammation.
  • Dries wounds.
  • The heart drug is an excellent antiseptic. It is recommended to cauterize herpes with Corvalol, as it disinfects the skin.
  • Prevents the appearance of new blisters on healthy areas of the skin.
  • Relieves itching.
  • Peppermint oil promotes blood flow to wounds and tissue regeneration.
  • Corvalol can be used to cauterize wounds in the oral cavity.
  • The medicine is well tolerated by the body and does not cause allergies.
  • The drug is combined with other medications necessary for the treatment of herpes infection.
  • The medicine is affordable and available.

Herpes and Corvalol: how to use?

Type 1 virus, which is characterized by rashes on the face, multiplies in skin cells and mucous membranes. It can cause diseases of many organs and systems. Despite the fact that the human body independently produces antibodies to the infection, it is necessary to be treated in a timely manner. Corvalol against herpes is easy to use. To do this you need:

  • Apply the liquid to a cotton swab;
  • apply to the sore spot every 3-4 hours;
  • time of exposure to the lesion - 5 minutes;
  • repeat the procedure until the bubbles disappear;
  • It is not advisable to use the medication for deep skin lesions, as there is a risk of burns;
  • since the product dries the skin, it is recommended to combine it with oil-based products, for example, ointments or sea buckthorn oil;
  • Drops are suitable for external use only, they cannot be taken orally;
  • The course of treatment ranges from 5 to 10 days.

To treat herpes, you can use Corvalol tablets. It crushes and dissolves in water. The resulting mixture is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin as an adjuvant.

How to cure herpes with Corvalol?

Therapy of the disease consists of a combination of taking antiviral drugs, for example, Acyclovir, Zovirax tablets, similar creams and ointments. The use of Corvalol is only possible as an emergency when a rash of blisters on the lips has just begun to form or has already appeared. At the same time, you must act urgently to save your own health and prevent further spread of skin lesions.

Treatment of herpes with Corvalol is performed externally. By treating skin lesions with a solution of the drug, the rash is disinfected and the wounds heal faster. The main role of the antiseptic is performed by alcohol and essential eucalyptus oils, which disinfect the skin, preventing secondary infection, quickly dry out vesicular formations and stop vesicular growth.

It is necessary to cauterize herpes with Corvalol in a certain sequence to achieve the greatest effect. The most important rule for the successful use of Corvalol against herpes is a quick response to the primary symptoms of the pathology: itchy, swollen areas near the red border of the lips, nose and on the mucous walls of the mouth.

The treatment regimen depends on the volume and degree of manifestation of herpes symptoms. When there are no rashes on the skin, but unbearable itching and pain are felt, it is necessary to moisten a cotton swab in Corvalol solution and apply to the lesion on the skin for 6 minutes, up to 7 times daily. Application of Corvalol for herpes on the lips during the formation of blisters and opened ulcers occurs every three hours until complete recovery.

You cannot cover a herpes rash with a bandage or plaster in order to improve its appearance. The worst option is to apply gauze with Corvalol all day, which will lead to side effects from using the drug and skin burns. When lubricating the vesicles with Corvalol, do not forget about dry lips; it is best to wipe them with sea buckthorn oil.

Rashes in the form of papules filled with liquid on the face and other parts of the body are signs of the herpes simplex virus, which can affect people of any gender and age. Medicine does not yet know methods that would help get rid of the pathogen completely, but there are drugs that can localize foci of infection and prevent their spread throughout the skin.

Corvalol for herpes is a fairly common remedy that is recommended for use at the very beginning of the disease. By treating the rash at home, it will be possible to stop the activity of the virus and introduce it into a latent state.

How does it affect the virus?

The effectiveness of Corvalol against the herpes simplex virus, which manifests itself on the lips, is explained by the presence of the following substances in the medication:

  • ethyl alcohol;
  • a-bromoisovaleric acid ester;
  • phenobarbital;
  • peppermint oil.

Corvalol against herpes can be used both topically (externally) and internally. Due to the combination of ingredients, the drug has an antispasmodic and sedative effect on the patient’s body. The nervous system is relieved and sleep is restored. The unpleasant symptoms of herpes – itching, burning and pain – disappear. Wounds treated with the medication dry out and protective crusts quickly form.

Since mint extracts and alcohol have a pronounced antiseptic and healing effect, the addition of a secondary infection that occurs when scratching or injuring herpes blisters is excluded.

When taken orally, the drug does not have a direct effect on the pathogen, but significantly alleviates the patient’s condition, stopping the negative manifestations of infection in areas of the body and mucous membranes, when used externally.

Features of treatment

In pharmacies, the medicine can be purchased in two forms: in the form of drops or tablets. The latter can improve the general condition of a person; solutions are used for local treatment.

Corvalol for herpes on the lips

The product showed good effectiveness in eliminating symptoms. It is recommended to use it immediately after itching in the lips or the appearance of the first blisters. To avoid the development of rashes, you need to moisten a cotton pad with Corvalol and apply it to the sore spot. The lotion is held for 15 minutes.

The use of the solution should not be too frequent - it is enough to cauterize 4-5 times a day.

If the medicine in the form of drops is not available in your home medicine cabinet, you can also use tablets. To do this, the product is crushed into powder and diluted with water to a pasty state. Then apply the substance to a cotton pad and apply it to the affected areas of the skin and mucous membranes. In addition, you can apply a thin layer of medicine to the sore area using a cotton swab. The procedure is repeated until the symptoms of herpes completely disappear, 2 times a day - morning and evening.

If the disease has already entered the third stage, characterized by the transformation of blisters into ulcers, it is necessary to use complex drug therapy.

Corvalol for herpes on other parts of the body

The medication can be used to treat rashes in the oral cavity. To do this, the sore spots are cauterized with the solution several times a day. But the drug has the greatest effect when treating the skin of the body in open areas: lips, limbs, abdomen, etc. The use of drops or a tablet-based solution helps eliminate rashes within 3-4 days.


Despite the prevalence of the drug among the population, it has a number of contraindications. Treatment of herpes by taking Corvalol drops orally should be avoided.