How to wipe eggs before painting. Coloring eggs for Easter: personal experience

Preparing for Easter, every housewife must paint eggs. Where did this tradition come from and why are eggs painted on Easter?

Legend has it that for the first time Mary Magdalene gave a painted egg to the emperor of Rome for Easter. But this egg was not simple, it was painted red, symbolizing the blood that Christ shed in the name of mankind. On the scarlet egg, only two symbols of H.V. were inscribed, which meant Christ is Risen! It was from that very egg that the custom of painting eggs for Easter began.

How to color eggs for Easter? Myths and reality.

The most common way to color eggs is with food coloring. Fast, convenient, but not always safe for health, especially if the dye is purchased from the hands. The safest method is dyeing eggs with natural dyes. There are many different methods described on the Internet, but not all of them are effective.

Below I will describe my experiments, how you can really color eggs and what methods are a waste of time.

How to dye eggs with onion skins

Even our grandmothers and great-grandmothers dyed eggs with onion peel, modern women also prefer this method.

Coloring eggs with onion skins:
- We collect onion peel in advance. The more onion skins we have, the better.
- Fill the husk with water and put on fire. Cook covered over low heat for at least half an hour. For color intensity, you can boil longer.
- Cool the broth, filter. You can prepare onion broth in advance.
- We take raw eggs, fill them with a decoction of onion peel so that they are completely covered with natural paint.
- Boil the eggs as usual for 7-10 minutes. Cooking longer is not advisable, because with prolonged heat treatment, eggs lose their beneficial nutritional properties.
- Boiled eggs of a beautiful orange color are laid out on a plate. When the eggs have cooled, rub them with vegetable oil to shine.

Benefits of dyeing eggs with onion skins: absolutely harmless to the body. In this way, eggs can be dyed from light yellow to intense red-brown. The saturation of the color depends on the concentration of the decoction. The decoction of onion peel itself is prepared very simply.

Flaws: not known.

Conclusion: The method works, it is cheap and reliable.

P.S. I like to experiment, to check everything on my own experience. So I decided to paint the eggs with blue onions, it is also called Crimean, it has a blue-violet husk. I expected the eggs to turn blue or purple, but as the experiment showed, the eggs turned brown with a slight purple tint. So, I think it’s better to paint eggs for Easter with an ordinary onion, although ... for a change, you can also use blue))))

How to dye eggs with coffee

To be honest, I doubted whether coffee eggs could be dyed. As it turned out, yes, you can, and it turns out very well. So, I'm telling you how to paint eggs in this way.

Coloring eggs with natural coffee:
- Pour natural ground coffee into a saucepan, fill with water. For a glass of water, I took 4 teaspoons of coffee with a slide. For a more intense color, you can take more.
- Bring the coffee to a boil, reduce the heat so that it does not boil away and cook for 10 minutes over low heat.
- Strain the coffee and let it cool down.
- Pour the cooled coffee over the eggs. The coffee should completely cover the eggs. We put on fire.
- Boil the eggs over low heat for 7-10 minutes.
- Carefully remove, put on a plate with a napkin. Thanks to the napkin, which quickly absorbs moisture, dark spots do not form on the bottom of the eggs.

Benefits of dyeing coffee eggs: natural, completely harmless dye. Eggs can be dyed from light coffee to dark coffee, depending on the saturation of the solution.

Flaws: much more expensive than onion skins.

Conclusion: the method works, the coffee extract lays down quite evenly. Experimented with instant coffee. It also works, but not such a beautiful and even color.

How to dye eggs with chokeberry juice

I read about the fact that Easter eggs can be painted with berry juice on the Internet, and I immediately wanted to check this method to see if it really works. And I started with chokeberry.

Coloring eggs with juice:
- We take out frozen chokeberry berries from the freezer. Defrost.
- Press the rowan with a fork to release the juice from the berries.
- Pour raw eggs with water, add crushed fruits of chokeberry. The liquid should completely cover the eggs.
- Hard boil eggs. At the same time, rowan berries color the water in a dark lilac color. Eggs take paint weakly.
- Put the boiled eggs on a plate. As you can see in the photo, the eggs are blue-lilac in color.

Advantages: natural way, completely harmless.

Flaws: weak and uneven coloration. If cracks appear during cooking, then the protein also turns blue, it turns out not very appetizing. It is better to prepare the most useful chokeberry tincture from berries.

Conclusion: You can dye eggs with chokeberry juice. True, blue-violet eggs with awesome streaks are more suitable for Halloweenthan Easter.

Despite the not very good result of painting eggs with chokeberry juice, I still did not lose heart and decided to experiment with blackberries. And, lo and behold, everything worked out!

Coloring eggs with blackberry juice:
- Since the summer we freeze blackberries. On the eve of Easter, we take out the blackberries from the freezer. Defrost.
- We press the blackberry with a fork, then fill it with water and cook for 15-20 minutes. For every 200 ml. water I took a hundred grams of blackberries.
- Strain the broth, cool.
- Degrease the eggs before painting. Boil eggs in blackberry juice.
- Carefully remove the cooked eggs. We make sure that there are no smudges on the eggs, because the blackberry juice continues to color the eggs even after cooking.
- To get stripes on the egg, pour some juice into the egg holder, carefully place the egg itself and leave it for a few minutes. Then reduce the liquid level and repeat the operation again.

Advantages: a natural way of dyeing eggs, completely harmless.

Flaws: quite difficult to achieve a uniform coating.

Conclusion: blackberries perfectly paint eggs, allows you to create interesting effects.

How to dye eggs with beet juice

From personal experience, everyone knows that beetroot colors meat, potatoes, and eggs in borscht. Therefore, it is quite logical to assume that beetroot juice is suitable for painting eggs for Easter. Is it so? Judge for yourself.

Coloring eggs with beetroot juice:
- Take one large beetroot or several small ones. Choose dark roots.
- Peel off the skin. We cut into plates or straws.
- Boil the beetroot in a small amount of water to get a rich beetroot broth.
- We filter the broth, cool.
- Wash raw eggs thoroughly, you can use dish soap.
- Boil the eggs in beetroot broth for 10 minutes, then put the eggs on a plate.

Advantages: relatively cheap. You can dye eggs in borscht)))

Flaws: the eggs are pale.

Conclusion: the result does not live up to expectations.

Can you dye eggs with cherry juice?

I heard about this method of painting eggs for Easter for a long time, I wanted to try everything, but there was no fresh cherry. This year, I froze cherries on purpose to conduct an experiment.

Dyeing eggs with cherry juice:
- We get frozen cherries from the freezer. Defrost. I took 12 cherries for each egg.
- We crush the defrosted cherries with a fork, remove the seeds.
- We take raw eggs, fill them with water, add juice and cherry pulp. We make sure that the liquid level is above the level of the eggs.
- Hard boil eggs. Despite the bright color of the compote, the eggs are painted very weakly.
- We remove the finished eggs from hot water, cool.

Advantages: natural ingredients.

Flaws: Eggs are practically not painted.

Conclusion: the result is unstable, depending on the variety and ripeness of the cherries. It is better to cook cherry jam or delicious compote from cherries, and paint the eggs with onion peel.

  • According to church traditions, Easter eggs are painted only on Maundy Thursday, this is the last Thursday before the great holiday.
  • To prevent the eggs from bursting during cooking, you must do the following. Take the eggs out of the fridge for an hour or more to bring them to room temperature. Add one tablespoon of salt to the water. We put the eggs in water at room temperature, and then put on fire.
  • To make the paint on the eggs lie more evenly, before painting, degrease the surface of the eggs with vodka or wash the eggs with soapy water. To make the eggs shine and the colors more intense, rub the eggs with sunflower oil the next day after painting.
  • How to make a pattern on eggs

    There is an opinion that if you wrap eggs with thick knitting threads, braid, or simply attach a flower or parsley leaf, then wrap the egg in cheesecloth and boil it in dye, you will get a beautiful painted egg.

    Honestly, not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. The paint quickly soaks the threads and fabric, coloring the egg. Leaves and flowers also depart, skipping paint. Perhaps the one hundred and twenty-fifth attempt will be successful, but usually there is no time for experiments before Easter. Therefore, to make a print on the egg, we use strong electrical tape that sticks well.

    How to make a print:
    - Degrease the surface of the eggs.
    - To get a picture, we sculpt pieces of electrical tape on the egg. Carefully press the tape so that the edges stick properly.
    - Boil eggs in dye. Onion skins or coffee give a good result.
    - Remove hard-boiled eggs from hot water and place on a plate.
    - When the eggs are cool, remove the stickers.

    Meanings of symbols on Easter eggs

    Pine symbolizes health
    Oak leaf or oak tree symbolizes strength
    Any berries symbolize fertility
    Plum symbolizes love
    Hop cones symbolize fertility
    Flowers - a symbol of girlhood
    The mesh on the Easter egg is a symbol of fate
    Yellow mesh - a symbol of the sun
    Dots - fertility. And the more points, the more fertility

    When painting eggs, you can come up with your own drawings and patterns, and it is important to do this with joy and an open mind, because Easter eggs are not just a tradition, they are a symbol that conveys our emotions, energy and wishes.

    Original Easter eggs

    Eggs can be painted by hand. When my son was still small, we painted eggs with honey watercolors. Yes, with this method, the drawing does not last long and loses its shape when wet, but how much joy the child has)))
    Also, for painting eggs, you can use school gouache, which has been tested for safety for children.

    Eggs can not only be dyed, they can be wrapped in colored foil or appliquéd using plain colored paper. Colored confetti are great for this.


    1. Before painting, the eggs must be degreased so that the paint lays evenly. To do this, soak them in tepid water for 5-10 minutes, then wash with a foam rubber washcloth with warm water and soap and rinse well.

    2. So that the eggs do not crack during cooking, “warm” them after the refrigerator - keep warm for 1 hour (at room temperature) or dip for 10-20 minutes in warm water, and when cooking, add 1 teaspoon of table salt to the water.

    3. To make the color more saturated, add a little vinegar to the water with the dye (acetic acid corrodes the shell, making the surface more rough and susceptible to dyes).

    4. If you wipe the finished dyed eggs after drying with a cloth soaked in sunflower oil, they will become shiny, as if varnished.

    . Some families keep the custom of dyeing eggs "speckled". To do this, wet eggs are rolled in dry rice, wrapped in gauze (the ends of the gauze must be tied tightly with thread so that the rice sticks to the egg) and then boiled in onion peel in the usual way.

    In the same way, various leaves and small flowers (fresh or dried) can be pressed against the egg before boiling, resulting in various patterns. . For a marbled effect, wrap the eggs in onion skins (you can take it from onions of different colors) and tightly tie some white cotton cloth, gauze or nylon stocking on top.

    . The recommendation to boil eggs wrapped in multi-colored threads or scraps of fabric in order to get interesting color stains is absolutely unacceptable, because. To dye threads and fabrics, toxic chemical dyes are used, which are obviously not food.

    Colored eggs dyed in a decoction of onion skins with pressing various leaves.

    Painted ostrich egg surrounded by chicken eggs.

    To boil a hard-boiled ostrich egg, it takes 1.5-2.5 hours to cook, depending on the size.

    . Eggs dyed on the inside. In order for the eggs to be colored from the inside, and not from the outside, you need to boil them for 3-4 minutes, then take them out and in some places pierce the shell with a needle according to a certain pattern or break the shell a little by beating it on the table, and then boil for another 8-10 minutes in a strong teapot tea leaves with the addition of spices - cloves, cinnamon, coriander, etc.

    . For serving on the Easter table, eggs can be dyed WITHOUT SHELL. Hard-boiled eggs (7-8 minutes of boiling) are peeled and immersed in a solution of vegetable food coloring (see below), where they are colored either by a sufficiently long exposure without heating (up to several hours), or in a hot solution, or for several minutes at a boil . Then applying some other food coloring to the egg with a brush, you can get various patterns and inscriptions (for example, XB).
    Easter appetizer of peeled and then colored eggs, sprinkled with chopped herbs and garnished with stuffed eggs, pickled mushrooms, black olives and green peas.

    . For coloring eggs, it is best to use onion peel, which is harvested in advance. Depending on the color of the husk, the color of the eggs is from light red to dark brown. If you want the color to be more saturated, you need to take more husks and boil it for about half an hour before lowering the eggs into the broth. Almost purple eggs are obtained from red onion husks. You can also dye with birch leaves or other vegetable food dyes - beetroot broth, spinach, etc. (see below).

    There are two staining methods:

    1) boil in a decoction of vegetable food coloring (onion peel, etc.);

    2) first boil the eggs, and then dip them into the dye. The coloring time is selected depending on the strength of the dye, from several minutes to hours. Now on sale there are a large number of different kits for painting eggs. Usually these kits use food coloring, which gives bright and rich colors, and in combination with various Easter stickers, you can make very interesting compositions. Still, for Easter eggs, it is better to use traditional vegetable dyes.


    Here are some colors that can be obtained using various vegetable-fruit paints: Traditional beige to red-brown - "ochre" 4 cups of yellow onion skins.

    Boil 10-60 min. The amount of husk and the duration of boiling affect the saturation of the color. "Red Ocher" 4 cups red onion husks.

    Boil eggs for 10-60 minutes. Depending on the cooking time, the eggs will turn from bright scarlet to dark red. "Gilding"

    Add to hot water 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of turmeric, boil to intensify the color. To obtain a yellow color, you can also use saffron infusion. Pink Soak boiled eggs in cranberry, strawberry or beetroot juice. Orange - carrot juice Grey-blue - mashed blueberries or blueberry juice Purple - beetroot decoction, beetroot juice Purple

    Add violet flowers to hot water and soak overnight. If you add a little lemon juice to water, you get a lavender color. Green Add 1 tsp of soda to the mixture to obtain purple with violets (see previous composition). Green Boil eggs with chopped spinach. Blue Two heads of finely chopped red cabbage, 500 ml of water and 6 tbsp. spoons of 9% table vinegar. Soak overnight for a deep blue color. Lavender Soak eggs in grape juice. Pastels For soft pinks and blues, rub the shell with a handful of blueberries or cranberries.

    Dark brown Boil eggs in 250 ml of coffee. You can also use strong tea leaves. You can also use dried nettles, which are sold in pharmacies. Eggs boiled with it will have a green tint. A few chamomile tea bags will help make eggs yellow and mallow tea pink.

    A few tips before painting eggs:

    1. Before painting the eggs, wash them thoroughly with soap and water so that the paint lays evenly.
    2. Before you boil the eggs, take them out of the refrigerator for about an hour. Eggs should be at room temperature.
    3. In order for the painted eggs to shine, grease them with vegetable oil.

    How to dye eggs with natural dyes.

    Onion peel.
    The most traditional and common way to color eggs is onion skins. By coloring eggs with onion skins, you will get shades from golden red to reddish brown, depending on the amount of skins used.
    Pour onion peel with water and boil, let it brew for about an hour. Then boil the eggs in this mixture for 15-20 minutes.

    Birch leaves.
    The eggs will turn yellow.
    Boil fresh or dry birch leaves for 10 minutes. Then boil the eggs in this broth.

    Walnut shell, chamomile flowers, saffron, St. John's wort.
    Yellow color.

    Oranges, lemon, carrots.
    Color - light yellow.
    Boil eggs in plain water and grate with juice

    Beets, bird cherry berries, blueberries.
    The resulting color is burgundy or purple.
    Grate hard-boiled eggs with the juice of beets, blueberries or bird cherry berries.

    Red cabbage.
    Color - blue.
    Finely chop the cabbage, add vinegar (5 tablespoons) and leave overnight. In the morning, boil the eggs in the cabbage mixture.

    Husks of raw sunflower seeds, red onion, poplar catkins, mallow flowers, elderberries.

    Color - blue, lavender. Pour in water, boil, leave for 30 minutes. Then boil the eggs in this broth.

    Color - cream, brown.
    Take 1 tbsp. water, add 4 tbsp. ground coffee, put eggs and boil. The intensity of the color depends on the cooking time.

    Leaves of spinach, nettle, lily of the valley, primrose, buckthorn bark, ash.
    Green color.
    Pour in water, boil, leave for 30 minutes. Then boil the eggs in this broth.

    How to make patterns on eggs. Old Ways.

    Speckled. Moisten the egg with water, roll in rice grains, put in a nylon stocking or gauze and boil in a dye solution.

    Foliar. Moisten a leaf of any plant, attach it tightly to the egg, fix it tightly with nylon, gauze and boil in a dye solution.

    stripes. Wrap the egg with thread; glue with tape or tape and weld in a dye solution.

    Dotted. Place circles of confetti on the wet shell of the egg, tightly cover with gauze or stocking, boil in a coloring solution.

    In line. Tie the eggs tightly with threads, boil them in a dye solution (if you tie them with multi-colored shedding threads, you will get interesting stains).

    Figured. Put figures cut out of thick paper or small leaves of trees on a wet shell of an egg, tightly cover with gauze, boil in a coloring broth.

    Marble. Wet eggs roll in onion or any other husk, tightly covered with gauze, boiled in a coloring broth.

    Easter Sunday is getting closer. On this day, people exchange colored eggs (dyed eggs). The egg symbolizes the resurrection of Christ. The traditional dye is red, but other colors are allowed. For painting eggs, you can use a purchased dye, but it is much more interesting to use natural paint. There are many options easter egg coloring pages .

    The most famous way is staining in onion skins. But I always wanted to try other methods, and before Easter I decided to experiment with different colors.

    On the Internet, I came across interesting information on the coloring of eggs and I started the experiment.

    In order for the paint to lie better, the eggs must be washed using soda before coloring.

    Coloring Easter eggs with thread

    You will need cotton threads of bright colors, preferably thick ones. You can also use floss, wool, fabric patches. The main condition of the thread must be old - Soviet times.

    1. We unwind the threads from the spools to make such a “web”.

    2. We wrap the egg in a cobweb.

    3. We wrap the egg with threads.

    4. I decided to wrap the second egg in a modern fabric, but what if it works out.

    5. And also tied it with a thread.

    6. Dip the eggs in cold water and cook for 15 minutes after boiling.

    7. Pour the eggs with cold water and leave to infuse for another 15-30 minutes.

    8. Then we cut the cocoons and see what happened.

    9. An egg wrapped in a modern napkin is stained quite a bit - there is only a slight outline of the pattern that you need to look at.

    10. On an egg wrapped in threads, red threads were best imprinted. The blue color is too light, green and pink are not visible at all.

    Coloring Easter eggs with vegetable dyes

    I decided to try turmeric (yellow), paprika (orange), nettle (green).

    1. In 3 different pots, I poured 0.5 liters of water each, added 2 bags of paprika (40 gr.) In one, 2 bags of turmeric (30 gr.), In the third - 4 tbsp. l. nettles.

    For turmeric, you need to take a saucepan, which is not a pity. After boiling turmeric, it is almost impossible to wash the pan.

    2. When the water boiled, I let it boil a little and then lowered the eggs into it.

    3. I cooked eggs for 20 minutes and that's what I got.

    Paprika almost did not color the shell - a light orange tint, on the one hand.

    Nettle gave a green-brown color, I think in May it will be possible to collect fresh nettles, then the color will turn out brighter. Even on the egg there are marble stains in those places where the grass leaned against the shell.

    Kari gave a golden brown color. It was necessary to take a white egg, then the color would be golden-orange. While boiling, the egg burst, but did not leak out. After cleaning, an orange strip remained in place of the crack, I think this is how the dye on the white shell will look like.

    Coloring eggs with red cabbage

    Red cabbage should turn the eggs blue. Let's see what happens.

    1. I finely chopped red cabbage.

    cabbage for dyeing eggs

    2. Put in a saucepan, poured water, add 2 tbsp. l. vinegar.

    3. Put the egg in cold water and put on fire.

    4. After boiling, I cooked for 20 minutes and cooled in the same water that I cooked.

    5. The egg turned out to be blue with marble stains. But a little lighter than I expected. While I was cutting cabbage, my board and hands turned purple. Maybe a dark-shelled egg would look better.

    My final experience egg coloring .

    Next time I will use only red threads. The green ones are too thin, the blue ones are too light. The interweaving of lines was imprinted on the testicle. I will definitely use again.

    2. About paint eggs with modern fabrics.

    The egg came out clean, I won't use it.

    3. Coloring eggs with vegetable dyes (paprika, nettle, turmeric, red cabbage).

    Paprika didn't like it, didn't work.

    Nettle- an interesting result, I want to try it from fresh grass, I think everything will work out.

    Turmeric- I liked it, by adjusting the color of the shell, the cooking time and the concentration of the solution, you can get golden, orange and brownish.

    red cabbage- as promised, the color is blue (closer to blue). A few pieces in the presence of cabbage can be made.

    After the Easter holidays, readers of the Razvivashka blog shared their recipes for coloring eggs and photos of eggs.

    Marble eggs from Anastasia Ivanets:

    I dye eggs with onion skins and greens.

    For coloring, I try to take white eggs. But this year there were no white ones, and on brown eggs the pattern turned out to be even richer.

    1. I cover the eggs with onion peel and bandage them with gauze.

    2. I put the eggs in a pot of water and put on fire.

    3. As the water with the eggs boils, I reduce the fire and after 5-10 minutes I pour in 1 vial of brilliant green.

    4. I boil the whole egg for 20 minutes, then leave the eggs to cool in the same solution.

    5. When the eggs have cooled, I free them from unnecessary husks.

    6. I wash the eggs under running water.

    7. To make the eggs shine, I grease them with vegetable oil. To do this, I pour vegetable oil into a plate, dip a cotton pad with oil and grease the eggs.

    It turns out these shiny marble eggs:

    Marble eggs from Anastasia Ivanets

    Marble eggs from Tatyana Ledovskikh:

    And I paint eggs like this:

    1. I chop the onion and garlic husks with scissors.

    2. My eggs and wet roll in the husk.

    3. I wrap the eggs in 2 layers of gauze and tie them with threads not very often.

    4. I add brilliant green or food coloring to a pot of water.

    This year I had very little greenery, so the green color is almost invisible on the eggs. But it still turned out beautiful.

    5. I put the eggs in the pan loosely - with gaps and cook for 20 minutes too.

    6. I leave the testicles to cool in the solution.

    7. Then I peel and rinse with water.

    Here are the marble testicles I got this year:

    I wonder what are the options egg coloring pages do you use?

    To be tasty and healthy!

    To be tasty and healthy! ">To be both tasty and healthy!" alt="12 natural dyes for Easter eggs To be tasty and healthy!!}">

    Before Easter, many bright-colored chemical dyes for eggs appear in stores, but the most beautiful, healthy and delicious will be eggs dyed with natural dyes, which were used by our great-grandmothers

    So, as natural dyes for eggs, you can use any vegetables, fruits, berries, and even herbs and seasonings that have a pigment that can color Easter eggs. The most popular are: red cabbage, beets, coffee, spinach and nettle leaves, turmeric, paprika, green tea, hibiscus, blueberries and cranberries.

    Two ways to dye eggs:

    1. To prepare the dye, vegetables and fruits need to be cut and boiled for 30 minutes (the proportions are arbitrary and depend on which shade you like best). Then boil the eggs in the coloring solution for 10 minutes (the water should completely cover the eggs). For a richer color, you can increase the cooking time.

    2. And you can dye already boiled eggs, then first you need to make a coloring solution (boil vegetables, fruits or spices with water), and then paint the egg in it (the minimum coloring time is 30 minutes, but you can keep it all night).

    Important! In order for the color of the coloring solution to be bright, it is necessary to add vinegar (1 tsp) to it.

    Natural dyes, of course, will not give such a bright shade as chemical ones, but they are absolutely harmless and are able to color eggs in very delicate and beautiful colors.

    Such multi-colored testicles will definitely please your family, especially children!

    Examples of coloring eggs:


    The yellow color of the eggs is obtained if they are boiled in water with the addition of onion peels, carrots, cumin seeds or chamomile. A more intense color is obtained on yellow or brown eggs. Chamomile gives a delicate yellow color, it can be boiled and strained or boiled eggs together with sachets of chamomile.

    Example 1: Boil turmeric for 15 minutes in water and submerge the eggs.

    Example 2: To prepare the dye, you need to take 1 liter of water, 3 tablespoons of turmeric powder and grated red carrots, cook for 30 minutes.

    Orange color

    Orange color of eggs - orange peel juice, tangerine peel juice, paprika, red carrot juice.

    Example 1: 4 tbsp. tablespoons of paprika should be boiled for 30 minutes in a saucepan with a glass of water, then placed in the egg broth.

    Example 2: Soak boiled hot eggs in carrot juice with the addition of turmeric (the proportions are arbitrary and depend on which shade you like best).

    Brown color

    Brown - Birch leaves, black tea, coffee. It is necessary to brew strong coffee or tea and boil eggs in it.

    Red-brick - Onion peel.

    Example: For 3 liters of water, you need to take 4 cups of onion peel and boil for an hour. The more onion peel, the richer the dye will turn out. We lay the eggs and boil in the resulting dye. To get a purple hue, you need to do the same with the skin of a red onion.

    Red color

    Red, reddish-crimson - decoction of cherry bark or cherry branches.

    Example: Boil the bark or sprigs of cherries, let it brew for several hours (it is better to boil and leave overnight), be sure to strain, boil eggs in this infusion. If the decoction of the cherry bark is made weak, the eggs will turn pink accordingly.

    Pink color

    Pink and lilac shades - blueberries, lingonberries, cranberries (frozen or in the form of juice), raspberries, currants, cherries, red cabbage. Boiled eggs can be soaked in juice.

    Green color

    Green - dried spinach, parsley, nettle, ivy, blueberry broth

    Example 1: For 2-3 eggs and 0.5 liters of water, take about a handful of dried coltsfoot, bracken, or carrot tops.

    Example 2: Boil eggs with an infusion of dried nettles (per liter of water 3 tbsp chopped nettles).

    Example 3: You can use fresh blueberries to get the green color of the eggs. For 1 liter of blueberry decoction - 2-3 full teaspoons of turmeric powder. Turmeric, in order to avoid the appearance of lumps, pre-grind with water in a small bowl and only then place in blueberry broth.

    Example 4: We chop the spinach finely (frozen is also good), pour it with water to cover. Cook for 30 minutes and let cool.

    Blue color

    Blue, purple - blueberries, lingonberries or blueberries (the berries must be frozen from last year), elderberries, red cabbage leaves - the broth will be red, but the eggs will turn blue.

    Example: For 0.5 liters of water, take 2 small heads of red cabbage and 6 tablespoons of 9% vinegar. Finely chop the cabbage, pour hot water, add vinegar. Dip the boiled eggs into this composition and leave for a couple of hours. For a deeper color, the eggs are best left overnight.

    A handy cheat sheet with step-by-step instructions for coloring eggs:

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